This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
Community over Code Conference will be in June 3-5 2024 in Bratislava, Slovakia, and September or October 2024 in Denver, Colorado.
A. Project States will be required in project reports A requirement for our projects to report their current state based on a finite set of states has been added to our reporting guidelines at https://www.apache.org/foundation/board/reporting (search for "project state"). The current states are New, Ongoing, Dormant, At Risk and "Considering moving to the Attic". The https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/ will need to be adapted to include this new information.
A. gstein finishes 55 laps around the Sun, on this day. A. gstein finishes 55 laps around the Sun, on this day. 🎉
Multiple communities within the ASF have all concurred to thank sebb, Apache Member, for his extensive and considerate ongoing volunteer activities across the foundation.
We note with great sorrow the passing of long-term volunteer and Apache Member Henk Penning. https://www.apache.org/memorials/henk_penning.html
Bertrand has decided to not run for the board next term. Ted has decided to not run for the board next term.
Thanks to the outgoing board, especially to the members who will not be returning: Jim Jagielski and Chris Mattmann.
Shane will be starting a consulting gig, which will is not expected to affect his commitment to Apache.
A number of Members plan to attend FOSDEM in Brussels in February. Discussion on dev@community.apache.org
Shane Curcuru has decided to leave IBM and is looking for another opportunity.
Jim Jagielski announced that he has left Red Hat and will be joining Capital One to help build open source inside the company.
We, the foundation and its members, were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Nóirín Plunkett on July 29th 2015. Nóirín was a friend to many of us, and Nóirín's passing will be a great loss. Not just for us but Nóirín's friends and family too. A memorial page has been created, in Nóirín's memory. Our condolences are with those who were close to Nóirín. Nóirín - we hope you are now at peace. Your ASF family.
Thank you, Ross, for your service on the board. You're not off the hook for President!
Jim: The corporate sponsor of Groovy have dropped support, so the Groovy project might be interested in moving to Apache.
Roy has decided not to accept the nomination for a board position this year. Special thanks for his service over the years.
On behalf of the Board, Doug thanked Adobe for hosting this meeting.
Shane made an "Apache Way" presentation to the CamelOne conference.
Jim was elected to be a director of OSI.
Props to Sam on whimsy tools.
Doug will be unable to attend January 2012 board meeting. Greg will conduct the meeting in Doug's absence.
A. Today (March 16) is Greg's birthday! He'll be calling in from his bday vacation in Portugal :-)
Welcome to our new Executive Assistant, Melissa Warnkin!
Jim announced that he has taken a position in Red Hat's CTO office.
Roy will be unable to attend next month's board meeting; he will have limited availability in general over the next five weeks
Noirin has been appointed to the Open Cloud Initiative www.opencloudinitiative.org Congratulations Noirin!
http://www.oscon.com/oscon2010/public/content/2010/07/20-os-awards: Greg received an award for his contributions to Python, ASF and Subversion.
William James Fielding was born at or shortly after the last ASF board meeting.
Jim was asked to join the BoD of the CodePlex Foundation and accepted the offer.
o Justin: For the curious, my dissertation materials are up at: http://www.erenkrantz.com/CREST/ Congrats to Justin on his PhD.
Jim indicated that VMWare is acquiring SpringSource. Might help out infra, as we are a user of VMWare. Greg mentioned that he is moving back to the US next week, and will land in Virginia in the middle of September.
Aaron will be moving and his wife is expecting. Congrats! Justin is on leave from Joost, and focusing on his Ph.D.
A. Greg changed time zones to Brussels, to live with his (new) fiancé Jim, Aaron, Greg, Henning, Justin, Bill with be at ApacheCon EU; Geir and Sam will not be there.
Bill appreciates the flowers sent All expressed appreciation to the Concom on an excellent conference.
Greg announced that he had broken his leg several days before the meeting.
Tabled due to time constraints.
Stefano announced that Ben Hyde has accepted a position with MIT.
No Announcements.
None (Dirk's ECN/CCN discussion omitted)
There was an announcement that 2 well-known Open Source projects have expressed an interest in joining the ASF.
Sam reported that he was chairing the Apache Track for OSCON. Sander reported that the "InfrastructureCon" was scheduled for March 19th.
No announcements.
A. Hormel was sent a letter that basically said "thanks for your letter." We'll stay in a holding pattern unless/until they do something else, or until the SpamArrest trademark case is resolved (which will define the resolution of our pending trademarks).
A. Subversion 1.0 will be released Monday, February 23rd. Infrastructure is going to start assisting PMCs with conversions from CVS.
No announcements.
No announcements.
There were no announcements.
The following new members were elected to the Jakarta PMC: Danny Angus Peter Carlson Morgan Delagrange Ted Husted Ceki Gülcü Dmitri Plotnikov James Strachan Rod Waldhoff Jason van Zyl Furthermore, the Jakarta PMC would like to request that Stephen Colebourne be removed from the PMC list by his own request.
Brian requested feedback on the colo proposal sent to the board.
The following new members were elected to the Jakarta PMC: Nicola Ken Barozzi Robert Burrel Donkin Stephen Colebourne Martin Cooper Henri Gomez John Keyes Larry Isaacs Otis Gospodnetic Thomas Mahler Remy Maucherat Glenn Nielsen Andrew C Oliver Rob Oxspring Martin Poeschl Scott Sanders David Sean Taylor Glen Stampoultzis Mladen Turk James Turner Henri Yandell
Brian noted that bandwidth costs are continually decreasing. He ask the board to consider whether having the ASF web infrastructure under Collab.Net still makes sense. Brian noted that he has been in discussion and preliminary negotiations with other bandwidth providers regarding a possible co-location move.
There were no announcements.
Ken reported that he was in the process of changing the scriptbase for the ApacheCon site to PHP 4.
Roy announced that he had taken a position as Chief Scientist at Day Software.
There were no Announcements.
Brian reported that he has assumed the role of V.P. of Engineering at CollabNet.
Ken announced that an RFP for a new conference company, to replace Camelot, has been created and sent out.
There were no announcements.
Ken announced that we had received the first request for a targeted donation. The donor wants the ASF to have 501(c)(3) status.
Brian reported that an Apache boating firm had requested the right to use the apache.net domain name. That name is currently owned by Gordon Irlam, and that his original intention was to reserve it against misuse by other companies. The board's consensus was that Brian should ask Gordon if he wants to transfer ownership of the domain to the ASF, and if so to complete the transfer and not allow the boating firm to use the domain. Otherwise, it is up to Gordon.