This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
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beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
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WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Click project due to inactivity NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Click project is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight over the software currently maintained by the Apache Click Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Click" is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Click PMC is hereby terminated. Special Order 7F, Terminate the Apache Click Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
Report expected next month.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
AI: Brett to pursue a report for Click
No report was submitted.
AI: Brett: look at project to see if it is still viable.
The development of the Apache Click project has effectively stalled as the two primary committers are unable to dedicate the time to maintain or progress the project. I recommend that the project is moved to the Attic.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. The project is facing issues of having a viable community. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ No headway has been made towards a version 2.4 release. Community ---------------- There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been higher over the last reporting period.
Report was not approved due to lack of detail.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. The project is facing issues of having a viable community. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ No headway has been made towards a version 2.3.1/2.4 release. Community ---------------- There have been no new commiter or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been higher over the last reporting period.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. The project is facing issues of having a viable community. While the Apache Click is currently used for many applications under current development, it has become superseded by more modern client side MVC frameworks such as AngularJS. The project needs to recruit new committers or faces the prospect of moving into the attic over the medium term. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ No headway has been made towards a version 2.3.1/2.4 release. Community ---------------- There have been no new commiter or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been very light for the period.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ Some headway has been made towards a version 2.3.1/2.4 release, but getting enough time to complete this release has been a challenge. Community ---------------- There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been very light for the period. The project needs to recruit new committers and community support remain active and healthy.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ Progress is being made towards a version 2.4 release due for release in Q3 2012. Community ---------------- There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been very light for the period. The project needs to recruit new committers and community support remain active and healthy.
No report was submitted.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ Development activity has focused on a 2.4/2.3.1 release scheduled this year. Community ---------------- There have been no new committers or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been light for the period.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. However the low community participation rate is becoming an issue the project will need to address, through recruiting new committers and more effort by the existing project committers. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ Development activity has focused on a 2.4/2.3.1 release scheduled this year.. Community ---------------- There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has picked up quite a bit for the period. There have been a number of requests about the project's road and the release schedule, with little response from the project team.
No report was submitted.
AI: Greg to pursue a report for Click
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ Development activity has focused on a 2.4/2.3.1 release scheduled for the end of year. Community ---------------- There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has picked up quite a bit for the period, with new users seeking help and advice.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- There are now infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ There have been no releases during this period. Community ---------------- There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been quite low for this period, I suppose people are on holidays.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- There are no infrastructure issues at this time. Development ------------------ Apache Click 2.3.0 final is now available was released on the 27th March 2011 ClickIDE released was released on the 5th April 2011 Community ---------------- There have been no new committer or PMC members added during this period. Mailing list traffic has been average than usual.
Roy notes that the list traffic is ambiguous. Shane concurs.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- The http://click.apache.org web site now complies with the Apache branding requirements Development ------------------ Apache Click 2.3.0 Release Candidate 1 was released on 30th January 2011. Community ---------------- Mailing list traffic has been heavier than usual.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- No issues Development ------------------ Currently working up a new Apache Click 2.3.0 release candidate. Community ---------------- Mailing list traffic has been lighter than usual. Some committers now returning from other commitments. Henning Schmiedehausen and Will Glass-Husain who helped with the project incubation are now going emeritus on the PMC.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- No issues Development ------------------ 22 May 2010 - Apache Click 2.2.0 was released on 22nd May 2010 Currently work is progressing on adding AJAX support to the framework, and discussions have begun around what a Apache Click 3.0 would look like. Community ---------------- Mailing list traffic has been lighter than usual. Recent interview on SDTimes below: http://www.sdtimes.com/blog/post/2010/07/21/Java-app-framework-just-a-Click-away.aspx
Approved by general consent.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. There are no board level issues at this time. Infrastructure ------------------- No issues Development ------------------ There has been a substantial development effort this quarter leading up to the release of Apache Click 2.2.0: 8 May 2010 - Apache Click 2.2.0-RC1 was released on 8th May 2010 Apache Click 2.2.0 final release is currently being voted on for release this month. Community ---------------- Mailing list traffic have been steady
Props to Gavin McDonald for assisting the svn team with their automated builds setup (buildbot & Hudson)
Joe Schaefer clarified that CQ5 was selected as it supports static exports as a core feature.
Apache Click is an easy-to-use page and component oriented Java web framework. Infrastructure All TLP infrastructure tasks have been resolved The website have been migrated to http://click.apache.org/ Development v2.1.0 was released on the 10 February 2010 v2.2.0-RC1 is scheduled for release on the 31 March 2010 Community Interest in Apache Click is growing. A new committer Finn Bock has joined the project. Mailing list traffic have been steady
No report received.
Justin sent a request for a report next month.
This is the inaugural Click board report. We have recently submitted https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-2425 to migrate Apache Click from the incubator to a TLP. Once the project has been migrated we will release Apache Click 2.1. There has been an up kick of activity of late with new community members, bug fixes and ideas. There has also been a book published "Getting Started with Apache Click" http://www.fdaoud.com/clickbook/. I think 2010 is going to be a very good year for Apache Click.
Shane ask the project to include description in report.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to a framework for creating page and component oriented web applications, for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Click Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Click Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to a framework for creating page and component oriented web applications; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Click" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Click Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Click Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Click Project: * Henning Schmiedehausen (henning@apache.org) * Will Glass-Husain (wglass@apache.org) * Malcolm Edgar (medgar@apache.org) * Bob Schellink (sabob@apache.org) * Naoki Takezoe (takezoe@apache.org) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Malcolm Edgar be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Click, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Click PMC be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the Apache Click Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Click Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Click podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator Click podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are hereafter discharged. Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Click Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Click is a stateless page and component oriented Java web framework. Click has been incubating since July 2008. Tasks completed since June: * New Committer: Adrian Antal * Released Click 2.1.0-RC1, our second Apache release * Released Click 1.5.3, a non-Apache maintenance release hosted at !SourceForge Top priorities: * Release Apache Click 2.1.0
Click is a stateless page and component oriented Java web framework. Click has been incubating since July 2008. Tasks completed since March: * Released Click 1.5.2, a non-Apache maintenance release hosted at !SourceForge * Graduation to TLP was postponed as the IPMC felt that more PPMC members are needed Top priorities: * Grow the current developer community * Release Apache Click 2.1.0
Click is a page and component oriented Java web framework. Click has been incubating since July 2008. Tasks completed since December: * Replaced all incompatible licensed libraries * Click 2.0.1 was released from the Apache Incubator * New JIRA was created and issues imported from old version Top priorities: * Review the current diversity in the developer community = Empire-db = This is an out of schedule board report, that the Incubator PMC asked us to provide due to the following incident: === The situation === A committer "C" of Empire-db had the idea to create and provide an example application that demonstrates how to use Apache Empire-db together with Apache CXF. Initially he intended to write the code himself, but then he found himself too busy and never really got around doing it. So he decided to ask a student S instead to write the code for him using his templates and ideas. S then wrote the code with a little aid of C and he got paid for it. The work contract S had with C said that all rights over the code would exclusively belong to C. When the coding was finished, C asked S to submit the code using his Apache SVN account. For that C temporarily logged S in from within Eclipse to SVN on one of C's computers (Please note: the login was performed by C the password itself was not given to S). C then also asked S subscribe and write to the Empire-db-dev mailing list to resolve problems he had with the Maven project layout. C believed that all actions taken were legitimate and in the best interest of the project and the ASF. === The issues === When a Mentor of the Empire-db project became aware of this transaction, he raised strong concerns regarding the following two issues: 1. Legal concerns that an ICLA from S would be required for the code that was contributed. 2. Security concerns, whether access to the SVN could have been abused by S or the password for the SVN account for C could have been revealed by S. Furthermore he pointed out, that sharing an account - even temporarily - is not approved by the community and hence must under no circumstances be repeated. These concerns were also forwarded to the Incubator private mailing list, where the actions taken by C also upset many people. There was a clear verdict, that the mentor's concerns and disapproval were shared by everyone else. C was surprised by the reaction of the Incubator PMC and defended himself with the following arguments: 1. Since C is the exclusive legal owner of all rights over the code that was submitted, only he could contribute it to the ASF anyway. Hence an ICLA for S is from a legal point of view not required, even though he might be the originator. 2. It is very unlikely and there is absolutely no reason to believe that the account has been abused or compromised by S in any way, since the login was only valid for the actual Eclipse session. For people of the same company, working in the same LAN, there might be technically easier ways of compromising an account. Even so he takes full responsibility for everything that is or was done under his account. C posted his statements on the Empire-db private mailing list and it is unclear whether all people interested in this subject had the opportunity to read these arguments. The respondents were not all convinced by these arguments and the legal issue still has not been fully resolved. However, still there is a strong common agreement on the disapproval of account sharing. === The resolve === C acknowledges and respects the opinion of the community. As far as the sharing of this account is concerned, he publicly assures not to repeat it with any of this Apache accounts. In order to resolve any remaining concerns the following actions were taken by C and S as requested from the Incubator board: 1. S has signed and submitted an ICLA to the ASF. 2. C has changed this SVN password
Click is a page and component oriented Java web framework. Click has been incubating since July 2008. Tasks completed since November: * SVN code base was succesfully migrated to ASF repository. * Click website was ported and is now hosted at the Incubator. Top priorities: * Replace incompatible third party software which includes the JavaScript libraries JSCalendar and TinyMCE. * Cut the first official Apache release. * Import issues from existing JIRA.
Click is a page and component oriented Java web framework. Click has been incubating since July 2008. We have released 1.5 final and are in the process of migrating SVN and JIRA. Tasks completed since October: * Public Wiki has been setup. * Source code have been exported and are currently being migrated to Apache. Top priorities: * Finish SVN migration. * Import issues from existing JIRA.
Click is a page and component oriented web application framework. Click entered the incubator in July 2008. * The initial committers submitted their ICLA's and accounts have been created. * Mailing lists were created and the community have successfully migrated to the new lists. * JIRA instance has been setup. There have been three external releases since incubation started namely 1.5M3, 1.5RC1 and 1.5RC2. We are busy fixing the last remaining issues before 1.5 final is released. With a stable 1.5 available we will start migrating the code to Apache repository. Top priorities: * Migrate Click website to Apache. * Import issues from existing JIRA. * Migrate SVN repository.