This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with high activity. Issues for the board: None. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-19 (12 years ago) There are currently 138 committers and 58 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. Community changes, past quarter: - Alexandre Mattioli was added to the PMC on 2024-12-02 - Suresh Anaparti was added to the PMC on 2024-09-17 - No new committers. Last addition was Kiran Chavala on 2024-04-09. ## Project Activity: Software development/management activity: - The current version of Apache CloudStack is; - The versions released in the past quarter are: - was released on 2024-12-02. - was released on 2024-11-12. - was released on 2024-11-12. - was released on 2024-10-16. - was released on 2024-10-16. - We released 4 security patches (,, and to solve 5 vulnerabilities. - The community is planning to release Apache CloudStack by the end of January 2025. - The latest CloudStack Terraform provider version (v0.5.0) was released on April 9, 2024. We started the discussion about a new version (v0.6.0). Meetups and Conferences: - We attended the Community Over Code NA 2024, and presented 6 talks related to CloudStack. - We organized and attended the CloudStack European User Group: https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog/cseug-2024/ - We organized and attended the CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024: https://www.cloudstackcollab.org/. - We start planning the CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2025. ## Community Health: - There are new PMC members, added since the previous report. However, we have not discussed new committers in the past quarter. - According to the reporter tool, the Community Health Score (Chi) is 7.96 (Healthy). The number decreased from the past quarters due to decrease on new committers invited. - Regarding the potential trademark issues mentioned in the past report, we took the recommendation of the VP, brand management, and took no action so far; however, we are monitoring the company and their media. - We discussed and approved the use of the CloudStack trademark on an appliance, guaranteing that it follows the trademarks rules. - We created an account on the BlueSky platform. - We already started developing new features for a new version. - We are working on updating our security response procedures and discussing our regular versioning procedures. - Mailing lists statistics: - dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 14% increase in traffic in the past quarter (505 emails compared to 441). - issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 152% increase in traffic in the past quarter (91 emails compared to 36). - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 31% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (23 emails compared to 33). - users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 8% increase in traffic in the past quarter (1226 emails compared to 1125) - Changes (PRs) on the cloudstack-www are reflected on the 'issues' mailing-list, therefore, explaining the increase in the traffic. - The fluctuation in the number of emails on the other mailing-lists is within the expected. - GitHub statistics: - 283 commits in the past quarter (-50% decrease) - 34 code contributors in the past quarter (-27% change) - 217 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-15% change) - 176 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-43% change) - 172 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-3% change) - 113 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-20% change) - We were on code freeze for the new version almost the whole past quarter, therefore, explaining the decrease in the number of new interations.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with high activity. Issues for the board: None. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded on 2013-03-20 (11 years ago) There are currently 138 committers and 56 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. Community changes, past quarter: No new PMC members. Last addition was Slavka Peleva on 2024-04-08. No new committers. Last addition was Kiran Chavala on 2024-04-09. ## Project Activity: Software development/management activity: - The current version of Apache CloudStack is; - The versions released in the past quarter are: - 2024-08-06 - 2024-08-06 - 2024-07-19 - 2024-07-19 - 2024-07-05 - 2024-07-05 - We released 5 security patches (,,,, and to solve 5 vulnerabilities. - The community is planning to release Apache CloudStack by the end of September. - The schedule changed from the last report because the community is working on some features that require more time to finish and test the changes. Meetups and Conferences: - The CloudStack community will attend the Community Over Code NA 2024, and there are 6 talks related to CloudStack confirmed to the track "CloudStack, cloud, and runtime". - CloudStack European User Group is scheduled for September 12, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany: https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog/cseug-2024/ - CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024 is planned for November 20-22, 2024, in Madrid, Spain: https://www.cloudstackcollab.org/ ## Community Health: - There were no new committers and PMC members added since the previous report; however, we are currently discussing the invitation of new committers and PMC members. - We are evaluating some potential trademark issues. For now, we will not take actions over them; however, we will keep monitoring the situation and act if necessary.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with high activity. Issues for the board: None. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded on 2013-03-20 (11 years ago) There are currently 138 committers and 56 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. Community changes, past quarter: - Slavka Peleva was added to the PMC on 2024-04-08 - Kiran Chavala was added as committer on 2024-04-09 - Rene Peinthor was added as committer on 2024-04-05 ## Project Activity: Software development/management activity: - The current version of Apache CloudStack is; - The community is planning to release Apache CloudStack in August. - The schedule changed from the last report because the community is also working towards releasing an update for 4.19 at the end of June, which affects the 4.20 schedule. - The version was released on April 25, 2024. - We released two security patches ( and to solvce 3 vulnerabilities. - A new version (v2.16.1) of the Go SDK for CloudStack was released on May 20, 2024. - The CloudStack Kubernetes provider does not have a new version since 2021. However, the community is planning to release version 1.1.0 later this month. - A new version (v0.5.0) of the Go SDK for CloudStack was released on April 9, 2024. - A new version (v6.4.0) of the CloudStack CLI was released on March 21, 2024. Meetups and Conferences: - Some PMC members, committers, and contributors attended and presented talks at CloudStack's track on the Community Over Code EU 2024. - Although we missed the call for tracks for Community Over Code NA 2024, which finished in December 2023, we engaged with the conference planners and joined the track "Cloud and runtime". Then, the track was renamed to "CloudStack, cloud, and runtime" due to the expressivity of the CloudStack community on the submitted talks. There are 7 talks related to CloudStack approved for the Community Over Code NA 2024. - CloudStack European User Group is scheduled for September 12, 2024, in Frankfurt, Germany: https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog/cseug-2024/ - CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024 is planned for November 20-22, 2024, in Madrid, Spain: https://www.cloudstackcollab.org/. Call for presentation is open: https://docs.google.com /forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzhEy-v68wyVQcBY3AnQT7OeDVs4xnfvlt3wIlLxV50dP11w/viewform ## Community Health: Statistics: - According to the reporter tool, the Community Health Score (Chi) is 10.00 (Super Healthy). Following are the past quarter's statistics: - dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 25% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (628 emails compared to 828) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 43% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (92 emails compared to 159) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 24% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (13 emails compared to 17) - users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 6% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (994 emails compared to 1057) - 419 commits in the past quarter (-44% change) - 40 code contributors in the past quarter (-9% change) - 315 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-6% change) - 234 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-20% change) - 165 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-24% change) - 183 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (28% increase) Although we see a general decrease in the interactions in the past quarter, there are no current concerns regarding that, as some quarters are busier than others. Also, we expect that some interactions decrease while the project matures. - There are new PMC members and committers added since the previous report. - The community is discussing improving its policies regarding cadence of releases, policies for introducing disruptive features, and removing deprecated methods, technologies, and designs. The discussion is being held on GitHub: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/discussions/8970 (the messages are also sent by email by GitHub Discussion).
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Rohit Yadav (rohit) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Rohit Yadav from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador (gutoveronezi) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Rohit Yadav is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7B, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Project Status: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-20 (11 years ago). There are currently 136 committers and 55 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. Community changes, past quarter: - Harikrishna Patnala was added to the PMC on 2024-01-15 - Alexandre Mattioli was added as committer on 2024-01-12 - João Jandre Paraquetti was added as committer on 2023-12-19 - Vishesh Jindal was added as committer on 2024-02-27 - Vladimir Petrov was added as committer on 2023-12-11 ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on 6th February 2024. https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog/cloudstack- - The previous LTS version received an updated release to on 12th September, 2023. - Apache CloudStack 4.20.0 is the next major release the community is working towards, with RC1 to be cut in June 2024. The maintenance release 4.19.1 is targeted for June, 4.18.2 is targeted for late March. João Jandre has volunteered to serve as release manager for 4.20 and 4.18.2 releases. Suresh Anaparti has volunteered to serve as release manager for 4.19.1. - Apache CloudStack Terraform Provider v0.5.0 is targeted for March led by Kiran Chavala as the release manager. The v0.6.0 release is also discussed for later in the year. - Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey CLI is also being discussed for its next release. - The PMC is actively discussing new PMC Candidates and new committers. There are new PMC members and committers added since the previous report. - The project has successfully migrated to a new website https://cloudstack.apache.org - Community participated in the CloudStack and Ceph Day Netherlands 2024 in Amsterdam on February 22, 2024. https://ceph.io/en/community/events/2024/cloudstack-and-ceph-day-netherlands/ - The community organised its CloudStack India User Group meetup in Hyderabad on 23rd February 2024. https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog/csiug-2024-hyd-roundup/ - The community is participating in the CloudFest 2024 from 18-21 March in Rust, Germany. https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog/cloudfest-2024/ - Other upcoming events this year include the following: - Apache CloudStack is participating with a track at Community over Code EU - CloudStack European User Group is scheduled for September 12th in Frankfurt, Germany - CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2024 is planned for Nov 20-22 in Madrid Spain - The CloudStack PMC Chair rotation was voted on in early March. A resolution to the Apache Board was submitted to confirm Daniel Salvador to the role. ## Community Health: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 10.00 (Super Healthy) - Commit activity: 720 commits in the past quarter (32% increase) 42 code contributors in the past quarter (17% decrease) - GitHub PR activity: 314 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (18% increase) 266 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (12% decrease) - GitHub issues: 195 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (20% increase) 131 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (55% increase) - Mailing lists Statistics: dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 81% increase in traffic in the past quarter (889 emails compared to 489) issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 1588% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (152 emails compared to 9) marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 13% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (14 emails compared to 16) users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 72% increase in traffic in the past quarter (1092 emails compared to 633) ## Releases: Recent releases: - was released on 2024-02-06. - was released on 2023-09-12. - was released on 2023-03-20. - was released on 2022-12-16.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Project Status: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: - There are currently 133 committers and 54 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. PMC changes: - Most recently added PMC member: Abhishek Kumar was added to the PMC on 2023-11-23 Committer base changes: - Most recently added committers: Bryan Lima Bryan Lima was added as committer on 2023-11-30 Vladimir Petrov was added as committer on 2023-12-11 ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on 20th March 2023. was released on 2023-09-12. - Apache CloudStack 4.19.0 is the next major release the community is working towards, with RC1 to be cut in Dec 2023. - Next releases, and, are being discussed in the community. - The PMC is actively discussing new PMC Candidates and new committers. There are one new PMC member and two new committers added since the previous report. - PMCs have voted to have download.cloudstack.org point to CDN77 sponsored CDN and caching services, making CloudStack repository downloads faster for users. - PMC and the community have voted to try and adopt Github Discussions as a users forum alongside the users mailing list. - The project is working to migrate to a new website that uses the same Docusauras static-site generator as the blog. This is work in progress and shared with the community for feedback and review of the proposed design. The staging site is accessible at https://cloudstack.staged.apache.org - The annual community organised CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2023 was successfully held during November 23-24th in Paris and online. https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog/ccc2023-roundup - Along with the Ceph community, the next CloudStack community event is announced to be the CloudStack and Ceph Day Netherlands 2024 in Amsterdam on Thursday, February 8, 2024. Registration and CFP is open for this event. https://ceph.io/en/community/events/2024/cloudstack-and-ceph-day-netherlands/ - We have an approved CloudStack Track for Community Over Code Europe, 2024 and we're actively seeking for talks submissions for the same. - The next CloudStack India User Group (CSIUG) meetup is being discussed to be organised in Feb-March 2024. ## Community Health: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 10.00 (Super Healthy) - Commit activity: 520 commits in the past quarter (63% increase) 53 code contributors in the past quarter (43% increase) - GitHub PR activity: 257 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (7% increase) 287 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (22% increase) - GitHub issues: 153 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (7% increase) 79 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-44% change) - Mailing lists Statistics: - dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 31% increase in traffic in the past quarter (602 emails compared to 459) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 54% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (7 emails compared to 15) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 41% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (16 emails compared to 27) - users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 25% increase in traffic in the past quarter (629 emails compared to 502) - Recent releases: - was released on 2023-09-12. - was released on 2023-03-20. - was released on 2022-12-16.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Project Status: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: - Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-20 (10 years ago) - There are currently 131 committers and 53 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. Community changes, past quarter: - Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador was added to the PMC on 2023-09-05 - John Bampton was added as committer on 2023-08-01 - Sina Kashipazha was added as committer on 2023-08-25 ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on 20th March 2023 and on 12th September 2023. - The previous LTS version received an updated release to on 16th December, 2022. - Apache CloudStack 4.19.0 is the next major release the community is working towards, with a tentative release timeline in Q4 of 2023. - The PMC is actively discussing new PMC Candidates and new Committers. There are two new committers added since the previous report. - The project is working to migrate to a new website that uses the same static-site generator as the blog. This is work in progress and shared with the community for feedback, review and testing. The staging site is accessible at https://cloudstack.staged.apache.org - Community organised one-day CloudStack India User-Group meetup in Bangalore on 18th August 2023. - The annual community organised CloudStack Collaboration conference has been announced with registration and CFP open. The two-day hybrid event will be taking place on November 23-24th in Paris and online. https://www.cloudstackcollab.org ## Community Health: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 10.00 (Super Healthy) - Commit activity: 315 commits in the past quarter (-10% decrease) 37 code contributors in the past quarter (15% increase) - GitHub PR activity: 230 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (14% increase) 230 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (21% increase) - GitHub issues: 132 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-19% change) 135 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (6% increase) - Mailing lists statistics: dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 26% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (432 emails compared to 580) issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 87% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (15 emails compared to 114) marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 26% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (26 emails compared to 35) users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 20% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (502 emails compared to 620): ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 12th September 2023 -- EOL 1st Oct 2024. - was released on 20th March 2023 -- EOL 1st Oct 2024. Reaching EOL: - was released on 16th December 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Project Status: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: - There are currently 129 committers and 52 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. PMC changes: - Most recently added PMC member: Ivet Petrova was added to the PMC on 2023-02-10. Committer base changes: - There are no new committers since the last report. - Most recently added committers: Ivet Petrova and Slavka Peleva, both added as committers on 18 December 2021. ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on 20th March 2023. - The previous LTS version received an updated release to on 16th December, 2022. - Apache Cloudstack 4.18.1 and 4.19.0 are the next releases the community is working towards, with a tentative release timeline discussed during Q3 and Q4 of 2023. - The PMC is actively discussing new PMC Candidates and new Committers. There are no new PMC members or committers added since the previous report. - The Apache CloudStack old Roller based blog has been successfully migrated to a static-site generator based system published at https://cloudstack.apache.org/blog. - The project is now working to migrate to a new website that uses the same static-site generator as the blog. This is work in progress and shared with the community for feedback, review and testing. The staging site is accessible at https://cloudstack.staged.apache.org - The annual community organised CloudStack Collaboration conference has been announced with registration and CFP open. The two-day hybrid event will be taking place on November 23-24th in Paris and online. https://www.cloudstackcollab.org ## Community Health: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 7.15 (Healthy) - Commit activity: 341 commits in the past quarter (7% increase) 31 code contributors in the past quarter (-24% change) - GitHub PR activity: 171 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-28% change) 160 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-33% change) - GitHub issues: 149 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-3% change) 116 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-9% change) - Mailing lists Statistics: -- dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 9% increase in traffic in the past quarter (609 emails compared to 554): -- issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 2800% increase in traffic in the past quarter (116 emails compared to 4): -- marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 33% increase in traffic in the past quarter (36 emails compared to 27): -- users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 0% increase in traffic in the past quarter (630 emails compared to 624): ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 20th March 2023 -- EOL 1st Oct 2024. Reaching EOL: - was released on 16th December 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 26th September 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 18th July 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 7th June 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Simon Weller (sweller) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Simon Weller from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Rohit Yadav (rohit) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Simon Weller is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Rohit Yadav be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7D, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-19 (10 years ago) There are currently 129 committers and 52 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:4. PMC changes: - Most recently added PMC member: Ivet Petrova was added to the PMC on 2023-02-10. Committer base changes: - There are no new committers since the last report. - Most recently added committers: Ivet Petrova and Slavka Peleva, both added as committers on 18 December 2021. ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on the 16th of December 2022. - The previous LTS version received an updated release to on July 18th, 2022. - Apache Cloudstack 4.18.0 is in Release Candidate (RC) status with numerous new features being tested by the community. - The PMC is actively discussing new PMC Candidates and new Committers. Thus far, 1 new PMC member has been added since the discussions commenced. We expect additional vote threads to be started in the coming days. - The PMC is currently discussing the possibility of moving to external hosting for the website and blog, with the ASF decommissioning the current Roller blog system. - The CloudStack PMC Chair rotation was voted on in early March. A resolution to the Apache Board was submitted to confirm Rohit Yadav to the role. ## Community Health: Apropos of the Project Activity report; the project is considered healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 7.15 (Healthy) ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 16th December 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 26th September 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 18th July 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 7th June 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. Reaching EOL: - was released on 18th July 2022 -- EOL 1st June 2023. - was released on 7th March 2022 -- EOL 1st June 2023. - was released on 15th November 2021 -- EOL 1st June 2023.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-19 (10 years ago) There are currently 130 committers and 52 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:2. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Nicolás Vázquez on 2021-08-01. - No new committers. Last addition was Ivet Petrova on 2021-12-17. ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on 16th December 2022. - The previous LTS version received an updated release to on July 18th, 2022. - Apache Cloudstack 4.18.0 is currently approaching Release Candidate status, with an expected RC release in January, 2023. - The community hosted a 3-day hybrid (online and in-person) Cloudstack Collaboration Conference in mid November in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event was a success with over 400 attendees total and over 70 in-person participants from all around the world. It was a fantastic event and an opportunity to reflect on 10 years of CloudStack under guidance from the Apache Foundation. - Over the next quarter, the CloudStack PMC will be actively looking at community activity to potentially vote on new committer and PCM members. ## Community Health: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. Here are some highlights based on the ASF Project Statistics for Apache CloudStack. Data gathered on December 15th at the ASF Project Statistics site https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?cloudstack. These statistics combined indicate that the project is healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 5.51 (Healthy) - Github Statistics: -- PR activity: 157 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-9% change) 129 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-23% change) -- Issues: 104 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-8% change) 54 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-56% change) -- Commits: 458 commits in the past quarter (-9% decrease) 35 code contributors in the past quarter (12% increase) - Mailing lists Statistics: -- dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 32% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (684 emails compared to 998). -- marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 38% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (33 emails compared to 53). -- users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 18% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (609 emails compared to 740). ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 16th December 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 26th September 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 18th July 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 7th June 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. Reaching EOL: - was released on 18th July 2022 -- EOL 1st June 2023. - was released on 7th March 2022 -- EOL 1st June 2023. - was released on 15th November 2021 -- EOL 1st June 2023.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-19 (9 years ago) There are currently 130 committers and 52 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:2. PMC changes: - No new PMC member was added since the last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Nicolás Vázquez was added to the PMC on 1 August 2021. Committer base changes: - There are no new committers since the last report. - Most recently added committers: Ivet Petrova and Slavka Peleva, both added as committers on 18 December 2021. ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version on July 18th, 2022. - The previous LTS version received an updated release to on July 18th, 2022. - LTS version is currently in the release candidate phase. - CloudStack has seen a considerable increase of traffic for our GitHub issues. As our community embraces this functionality, more discussions are occurring here than on the mailing lists. This could be one reason we've seen a continued decline in email list usage. - We participated in the GSOC again this year and have 3 projects in the final evaluation phase. Based on the ongoing assessment, we expect to see 2 of 3 completed - OAUTH 2.0 based SSO and safe shutdown/restart of CloudStack. - The community will be hosting a 3-day hybrid (online and in-person) Cloudstack Collaboration Conference on 14-16th November in Sofia, Bulgaria. A subset of the PMC will be selecting talks for the event in the coming weeks. 24 talking slots are available for the event and we've had extensive interest. Thus far, we have 74 community members who have signed up to attend, either in-person or virtually, with the expectation that it will grow considerably once the agenda has been published. The community has also managed to secure multiple sponsors for the event. ## Community Health: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. Here follows some highlights based on the ASF Project Statistics for Apache CloudStack. Data gathered on September 9th at the ASF Project Statistics site https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?cloudstack. These statistics combined indicate that the project is healthy. - According to the Apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 5.51 (Healthy) - Github Statistics: -- PR activity: 175 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-37% change) 158 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-44% change) -- Issues: 111 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (29% increase) 122 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (74% increase) -- Commits: 516 commits in the past quarter (13% increase) 29 code contributors in the past quarter (-27% change) - Mailing lists Statistics: -- dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 32% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (684 emails compared to 998) -- marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 38% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (33 emails compared to 53). -- users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 18% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (609 emails compared to 740). ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 18th July 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 7th June 2022 -- EOL 1st Jan 2024. - was released on 18th July 2022 -- EOL 1st June 2023. - was released on 7th March 2022 -- EOL 1st June 2023. - was released on 15th November 2021 -- EOL 1st June 2023. Reaching EOL: - was released on 20th September 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 5th July 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 22nd January 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: - There are currently 130 committers and 52 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:2. Community changes, past quarter: - There are no new PMC members since the last report. -- Most recently added PMC member: Nicolás Vázquez on 2021-08-01. - There are no new committers since the last report. -- Most recently added committer: Ivet Petrova on 2021-12-18. ## Project Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project released the current LTS version 4.16.1 on March 7th, 2022. - The community is working towards the next LTS release A release candidate is currently being voted on and it may pass prior to the board meeting. - The PMC voted on a new PMC chair that was subsequently approved by the board. - The CloudStack project is continuing work on the Google Summer of Code 2022. We have multiple community members engaged to mentor and are currently in the community bonding phase. We have 3 students working on 3 different mid-sized projects this year: -- Yashika Sarkar: Add the ability to Safely Shutdown / restart CloudStack -- Daman Arora: CloudStack Terraform Provider. Add datasources for the existing resources -- Pritam Neog: OAuth 2.0 based SSO integration in CloudStack - A well attended and successful CloudStack European User Group (CSEUG) meeting was held on April 7th. The CSEUG was a virtual get together for the European CloudStack Community, hosting 260+ attendees from 25 countries. The event hosted 10 sessions from leading CloudStack experts, users and skilful engineers from the open-source world, which included: technical talks, user stories, new features and integrations presentations and more. - The community will be hosting a 3-day hybrid (online and in person) Cloudstack Collaboration Conference on 14-16th November in Sofia, Bulgaria. ## Community Health: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. Here follows some highlights based on the ASF Project Statistics for Apache CloudStack. Data gathered on June 1st at the ASF Project Statistics https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?cloudstack. These statistics combined indicate that the project is healthy. - According to the Apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 7.96 (Healthy) - Github Statistics: -- PR activity: 292 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (30% increase) 299 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (17% increase) -- Issues: 90 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-15% change) 77 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-49% change) -- Commits: 460 commits in the past quarter (-5% decrease) 40 code contributors in the past quarter (14% increase) - Mailing lists Statistics: -- dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 32% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (684 emails compared to 998) -- issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 93% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (1 emails compared to 14), we are using GitHub "issues". -- marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 38% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (33 emails compared to 53). -- users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 18% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (609 emails compared to 740). ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 7th March 2022 -- EOL 1st May 2023. - was released on 15th November 2021 -- EOL 1st May 2023. - was released on 20th September 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 5th July 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 22nd January 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 4th of March 2021 -- EOL 1st January 2022. Reaching EOL: - 4.15 will reach EOL on 1st July 2022, it was released on 19th January 2021.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Gabriel Beims Bräscher (gabriel) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Gabriel Beims Bräscher from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Simon Weller (sweller) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Gabriel Beims Bräscher is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Simon Weller be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7B, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce that the LTS maintenance release has passed its release candidate vote phase. The release official announcement is on the way. - The community is working towards the next LTS release, with a volunteer Release Manager and proposed roadmap. - The PMC will be sending a resolution for the board to approve (or reject) by the next monthly meeting (March 2022) regarding proceeding with a rotation in the PMC Chair. - The CloudStack project is preparing for the Google Summer of Code 2022, arranging volunteers to mentor, students, and topics to be submitted. More details will be registered in the next report. - The CloudStack project is pleased to announce the release of Apache CloudStack Terraform Provider v0.4.0, enabling CloudStack to be integrated with Terraform. This is the first release after it has been brought under the Apache license. ## Health report: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. Here follows some highlights based on the ASF Project Statistics for Apache CloudStack. Data gathered on March 7th at the ASF Project Statistics https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?cloudstack. These statistics combined indicate that the project is healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 8.37 (Healthy) - Github Statistics: -- PR activity: 212 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-9% change) 246 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (6% change) -- Issues: 100 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-31% change) 145 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (38% increase) -- 477 commits in the past quarter (-7% decrease) -- 33 code contributors in the past quarter (-5% change) - Mailing lists Statistics: -- dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 32% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (684 emails compared to 998). -- issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 93% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (1 email compared to 14), we are using GitHub "issues". -- marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 38% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (33 emails compared to 53). -- users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 18% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (609 emails compared to 740). ## Project Composition: - There are currently 130 committers and 52 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2. PMC changes: - No new PMC member was added since the last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Nicolás Vázquez was added to the PMC on 2021-08-01. Committer base changes: - There are two new committers since the last report. - Most recently added committers: Ivet Petrova and Slavka Peleva, both added as committers on 18 December 2021. ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 15th November 2021 -- EOL 1st May 2023. - was released on 20th September 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 5th July 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 22nd January 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 4th of March 2021 -- EOL 1st January 2022. Reaching EOL: - 4.15 will reach EOL on 1st July 2022, it was released on 19th January 2021.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the LTS maintenance release of CloudStack - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the new LTS release, CloudStack - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce that the first-ever virtual CloudStack Collaboration Conference gathered a broad audience from users and contributors across the world. It happened on 9th - 12th November 2021. A few numbers regarding the event: 48 talks; 40 speakers; average unique views of 43 per talk; average views per talk of 74 (including replays). - The CloudStack PMC is evaluating a few names to be invited to join the committers. - The CloudStack project is pleased to announce that the participation at the Google Summer of Code 2021 resulted in four successful projects [1,2] by the four students: Apurv, Junxuan, Bikram, and Sangwoo. The mentors were: Pearl, David, Suresh, Bobby, Hari, and Nicolas. [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/GSoC+2021 [2] https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3Agsoc2021 ## Health report: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. Here follows some highlights based on the ASF Project Statistics for Apache CloudStack. Data was gathered on December 3rd at the ASF Project Statistics [3]. [3] https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?cloudstack. These statistics combined indicate that the project is healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 9.60 (Super Healthy) - More than 4 emails per day to all mailing lists combined in the past quarter. - New members added to the LDAP committee group within the last six months - New committer(s) invited within the last six months - New releases (4.16.0) in the past 6 months. - Github Statistics: -- PR activity: 227 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-12% change) 227 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-24% change) -- Issues: 144 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (26% increase) 107 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-17% change) -- 562 commits in the past quarter (1% increase) -- 39 code contributors in the past quarter (21% increase) - Mailing lists Statistics: -- dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 9% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (830 emails compared to 911). -- issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 43% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (8 emails compared to 14). The issues mailing list has been decreasing consistently over time, mostly due to the fact that we are using GitHub "issues" instead of JIRA. Additionally, users that would report issues to the community via the issues@cloudstack.a.o (or users@cloudstack.a.o) now are creating issues in GitHub, which helps developers and the Release Manager(s) to track milestones and bugs/features to be merged in major or maintenance releases; additionally, issues are linked to the Pull Requests and, consequently, the Commits that fixed them. -- marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 7% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (45 emails compared to 48). -- users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 2% increase in traffic in the past quarter (758 emails compared to 736). The users mailing list is stable, even with the decreasing of users reporting issues at this ML. ## Project Composition: - There are currently 128 committers and 52 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. PMC changes: - No new PMC member was added since the last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Nicolás Vázquez was added to the PMC on 2021-08-01. Committer base changes: - No new committers were added since the last report. - Most recently added committers: David Jumani, Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador, and Pearl Dsilva; added on 2021-07-06. ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 15th November 2021 -- EOL 1st May 2023. - was released on 20th September 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 5th July 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 22nd January 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 4th of March 2021 -- EOL 1st January 2022. Reaching EOL: - 4.14.X.0 will reach EOL on 1st January 2022, it was released on 26th May 2020.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the LTS maintenance release of CloudStack - has been discussed and agreed by the community to be worked upon (quick minor release). - Kubernetes Provider 1.0.0 has passed its release vote, published on docker hub, and soon it will be announced. - The Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 6.2.0 is in the release process. We will soon have it released. - The community is working towards the next LTS release (Q3-Q4 2021). - GSoC 2021: all 4 students had passed mentors mid-term evaluation and have submitted their pull requests, now the program is coming to completion with final evaluation by mentors during 23-30 Aug next week. - Terraform codebase has been imported, passed IP clearance, a release to be worked upon soon (Hari volunteered to be the RM). - The Apache CloudStack has been working to align with the Inclusive naming initiative (such as we see in diversity@apache). As an example, we already migrated the default branch from "master" to "main" and have been updating documentation and the codebase. - The project has been discussing alternatives to update the CloudStack website. The main goals with such a move would be to bring a newer look to the website as well as make it easier to edit; thus, being open to anyone to contribute with the project website, regardless of any development skills. However, so far none of the discussed approaches meet all the requirements to be published in the 'apache/cloudstack-www' repository and also be friendly to contributors with no development background. - The Apache CloudStack is pleased to announce the virtual CCC (CloudStack Collaboration Conference) that is scheduled for 9-12 November 2021. ## Health report: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. Here follows some highlights based on the ASF Project Statistics for Apache CloudStack. Data were obtained on September 1st, via [https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?cloudstack]. These statistics combined indicate that the project is healthy. - According to the apache statistics, the project achieved the Community Health Score (Chi): 10.00 (Super Healthy) - More than 4 emails per day to all mailing lists combined in the past quarter. - New members added to the LDAP committee group within the last six months - New committer(s) invited within the last three months - New releases (4.15.1) in the past 6 months. - Github Statistics: -- PR activity: 248 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-6% change) 278 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (1% increase) -- Issues: 112 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (12% increase) 120 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-10% change) -- Commits: 529 commits in the past quarter (-23% decrease) -- Code contributors: 34 in the past quarter (-12% change) - Mailing lists Statistics: -- dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 20% increase in traffic in the past quarter (901 emails compared to 749). -- issues@cloudstack.apache.org had an 80% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (14 emails compared to 69), we encourage the use of github "issues". -- marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 35% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (52 emails compared to 80). -- users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 10% increase in traffic in the past quarter (781 emails compared to 705). ## PMC changes: - Currently 52 - There is one new PMC member added since the last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Nicolás Vázquez was added to the PMC on 2021-08-01. ## Committer base changes: - Currently 128 - There are three new committers since the last report. - the last vote for committers was done on 2021-06-30. - Most recently added committers: David Jumani, Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador, and Pearl Dsilva were added as committers on 2021-07-06. ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 5th July 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 22nd January 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 4th of March 2021 -- EOL 1st January 2022. Reaching EOL: - reached EOL on 1st May 2021, it was released on 2nd May 2020.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage, and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the major release of CloudStack 4.15 with a modern new Primate UI and will deprecate the legacy UI in the upcoming release 4.16. - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the LTS maintenance releases of CloudStack 4.14.1. - The community is working on maintenance release (expected to Q2-Q3 2021) and new feature release (Q3-Q4 2021) are underway. - The Apache CloudStack is pleased to announce that we got an Autoscaler provider/plugin merged in the Kubernetes project [1,2]. - The Apache CloudStack is participating in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC2021) and four students have been accepted. The four students have started interacting with their mentors, the community, and understanding the project and the source code in May during their community bonding period, which will last till early June after which they'll start the coding work. - The Apache CloudStack is working in order to align with the Inclusive naming initiative (such as we see in diversity@apache, https://inclusivenaming.org/, GitHub initiatives, etc). As an example, we are moving the default branch from "master" to "main" as well as discussing future steps and terms to be updated. - Following the initiative of maintaining the Terraform provider for the Apache CloudStack, Hashicorp has suggested donating their codebase. The project and PMC voted and have accepted the proposal to accept the codebase to continue its further maintenance and releases and currently working on the process of code donation. - As normally done in the past years at the Apache CloudStack, the PMC Chair (VP) was changed in March, maintaining a cycle of new VPs each year ensuring a healthy rotation and diversity. [1]https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Cluster+Autoscaler+for+CloudStack+Kubernetes+Service [2]https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/tree/master/cluster-autoscaler/cloudprovider/cloudstack ## Health report: Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy. Here follows some highlights based on the ASF Project Statistics for Apache CloudStack [data obtained on June 3rd, via https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?cloudstack]. These statistics combined indicate that the project is healthy. - More than 4 emails per day to all mailing lists combined in the past quarter. - However, there were no new committers invited for more than six months. - Also, we had no new members were added to the PMC for more than a year. - New releases (4.14.1 & 4.15.0) in the past 6 months. - Github Statistics: -- PR activity: 257 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (18% increase) 267 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (67% increase) -- issues: 98 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (18% increase) 121 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (14% increase) -- commit activity: 682 commits in the past quarter (-63% decrease) 39 code contributors in the past quarter (-13% change) It is worthy of mentioning that recently the project marketing efforts have been growing. In the past quarter, there has been a substantial increase in e-mails and discussions towards enhancing the project’s marketing (e.g. improve activity over social media, review the website, be present in online events, participate in interviews, etc). As an example, the marketing@cloudstack.apache.org ML had an 855% increase in traffic in the past quarter (86 emails compared to 9). ## PMC changes: - Currently 51. - No new PMC members have been added since the last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Andrija Panic, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Bobby Stoyanov, Nathan Johnson, Sven Vogel on July 17st 2019. ## Committer base changes: - Currently 125 - the last vote for committers was done on Oct 27st 2020. - Most recently added committers: Abhishek Kumar, Rakesh Venkatesh, Suresh Anaparti, and Hoang Nguyen on Oct 27th 2020. ## Releases: Latest: - was released on 22nd January 2021 -- EOL 1st July 2022. - was released on 4th of March 2021 -- EOL 1st January 2022. Reaching EOL: - reached EOL on 1st May 2021, it was released on 2nd May 2020.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Sven Vogel (svogel) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Sven Vogel from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Gabriel Beims Bräscher (gabriel) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Sven Vogel is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Gabriel Beims Bräscher be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7C, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the major release of CloudStack 4.15 with a modern new Primate UI and will deprecate the legacy UI in the upcoming release 4.16 - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the LTS maintenance releases of CloudStack 4.14.1 - The community is work on maintenance release and new feature release 4.16 are underway - The CloudStack PMC is open to nominations for the next VP and there will be a vote from 12th of March ## Health report: - Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 51 - no new PMC members were added since last report. - Most recently added PMC members: Andrija Panic, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Bobby Stoyanov, Nathan Johnson, Sven Vogel on July 17st 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 125 - last vote for committers was done on Oct 27st 2020 - Most recently added committers: Abhishek Kumar, Rakesh Venkatesh, Suresh Anaparti and Hoang Nguyen on Oct 27st 2020 ## Releases: - 4.15 was released on 22nd January 2021 - 4.14.1 was released on 4th of March 2021
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the releases of CloudStack 4.14.0 and 4.13.1. Apache CloudStack 4.14.0 is the latest new LTS release while 4.13.1 is a maintenance release of the 4.13 LTS branch. - the community is currently working on the release of the Apache CloudStack 4.15 (RC1) and the first GA candidate of the new UI (Primate) ## Health report: - Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 51 - no new PMC members were added since last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Andrija Panic, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Bobby Stoyanov, Nathan Johnson, Sven Vogel on July 17st 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 125 - a new vote for committers was done on Oct 27st 2020 - Most recently added committers: Abhishek Kumar, Rakesh Venkatesh, Suresh Anaparti and Hoang Nguyen on Oct 27st 2020 ## Releases: - 4.14 was released on 26th May 2020
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the releases of CloudStack 4.14.0 and 4.13.1. Apache CloudStack 4.14.0 is the latest new LTS release while 4.13.1 is a maintenance release of the 4.13 LTS branch. - the community is actually working on the release of the Apache CloudStack 4.15 and the first GA candidate of the new UI (Primate) - The PMC as a whole decided stop maintaining a separate security list and move the CloudStack security related issues to the ASF Security Team and private lists for more visibility. explanation and justification to the Apache Board of Directors: The PMC had a security@ list which was by definition separate to the PMC private@ list. Because of this, the PMC was not directly aware of issues. we don't have a dedicated security team and the sizes/scope of our project does not really warrant one. the removing of the CloudStack security@ list and having security@apache.org raise any issues directly with the PMC was the next logical step. ## Health report: - Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 51 - no new PMC members were added since last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Andrija Panic, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Bobby Stoyanov, Nathan Johnson, Sven Vogel on July 17st 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 121 - no new committers members were added since last report. - Most recently added committers: Sven Vogel on March 18th 2019 and Dennis Konrad on March 21st 2019 ## Releases: - 4.14 was released on 26th May 2020
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - The PMC as a whole decided to stop maintaining a separate security list and move the CloudStack security related issues to the ASF Security Team and private lists for more visibility. ## Activity: - The community UI SIG bears fruit with the release the first technical preview of the new UI (Primate). - The Apache CloudStack project is pleased to announce the releases of CloudStack 4.14.0 and 4.13.1. - Apache CloudStack 4.14.0 is the latest new LTS release while 4.13.1 is a maintenance release of the 4.13 LTS branch. - has over 15 major new features, and over 200 enhancements and fixes since 4.13.0. 4.13.1 adds around 40 fixes since release of 4.13.0. ## Health report: - Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 51 - no new PMC members were added since last report. - Most recently added PMC member: Andrija Panic, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Bobby Stoyanov, Nathan Johnson, Sven Vogel on July 17st 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 121 - no new committers members were added since last report. - Most recently added committers: Sven Vogel on March 18th 2019 and Dennis Konrad on March 21st 2019 ## Releases: - 4.14 was released on 26th May 2020
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Paul Angus (paul_a) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Paul Angus from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Sven Vogel (svogel) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Paul Angus is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sven Vogel be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7A, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: The mission of CloudStack is the creation and maintenance of software related to Infrastructure as a Service solution ## Issues: No issues to report. ## Membership Data: Apache CloudStack was founded 2013-03-20 (7 years ago) There are currently 121 committers and 51 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Nathan Johnson on 2019-07-17. - No new committers. Last addition was Dennis Konrad on 2019-03-19. ## Project Activity: - A large cross-community project to create a new UI for CloudStack is nearing completion. - The next new release of CloudStack (4.14) should reach code freeze on 13th March. This has been delayed due to the number of major new features that will come with it. - The PMC has voted for their next Chair (Sven Vogel), a resolution to this effect has been put forward to the board for the next meeting. - Work has begun on updating the CloudStack Collaboration Conference website to reflect its presence at this year's ApacheCon NA in new orleans. ## Community Health: Community health is good (some new committers would be nice). There is a lot of development activity wrt new features as well as closing issues and PRs. Taking into account reduced user activity over the winter break, stats look good (to me). - dev@cloudstack.apache.org had a 68% increase in traffic in the past quarter (1177 emails compared to 699) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org had a 66% increase in traffic in the past quarter (10 emails compared to 6) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org had a 65% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (15 emails compared to 42) - users@cloudstack.apache.org had a 36% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (247 emails compared to 383) - users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org had a 30% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (7 emails compared to 10) - 2 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (no change) 163 commits in the past quarter (36% increase) - 32 code contributors in the past quarter (45% increase) - 134 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (8% increase) - 192 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (106% increase) - 70 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-13% decrease) - 80 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (321% increase)
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - The security ‘team’ is triaging a number of issues, progress is slow but steady. ## Activity: - the community has voted to accept two new sub-projects within CloudStack: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-primate (see below) https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-kubernetes-provider (the CloudStack provider was removed from Kubernetes core code by the Kubernetes community as part of a ‘streamlining of the core’ exercise – the provider will now be maintained separately by the CloudStack community) - The community has coalesced behind the development of an all-new UI (Primate). It is hoped that the use of modern tools and a modern interface will encourage a new wave of users and developers to get involved. The outgoing UI is somewhat antiquated. A special interest group (SIG) holds bi-weekly meetings and reports updates on dev@. Certainly, some ‘new faces’ have got involved in the UI’s development already. - A ‘winter’ LTS release would be expected in early Q1 next year, but no announcement has been made along those lines yet. ## Health report: - Apropos of the activity report; the project is considered healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 51 - no new PMC members were added since the last report. The following members were added in the previous quarter: Andrija Panic, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Bobby Stoyanov, Nathan Johnson, Sven Vogel ## Committer base changes (2 added since the last report): - Currently 121 committers - Most recently added committers: Sven Vogel on March 18th 2019 and Dennis Konrad on March 21st 2019 ## Releases: - 4.13 was released on 24th September 2019
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - Mark Thomas is progressing the renewal of the CloudStack trademark registration - We received notification from ‘Read The Docs’ that they would be adding ‘paid for’ advertising to all pages of rendered documentation. Upon consultation with the Board, we opted out of this advertising. nb: ASF will work to develop a reciprocal relationship with Read The Docs to honourably use Read The Docs for ‘free’ ## Activity: - The Apache CloudStack project received a Newsweek award for ‘Best Business Tools 2019’ in the category ‘Cloud’ - PMC has discussed a number of committers/contributors for ‘promotion’ to committership or PMC, which resulted in 5 new PMC members - Many of the project’s members have been working to prepare for the CloudStack Collaboration Conference within ApacheCon. We had 22 presentations covering new features in-development or recently completed as well as sessions on how to use specific features in CloudStack and features at a PoC stage. - The project has benefited from the very recent ‘announcement’ that Apple uses CloudStack to underpin many of its services. We hope that will bring a bump in interest in the project, which we will endeavour to convert into contributors - The community discussed dropping IRC as an ‘advertised’ communication channel as ‘no one’ hangs out there any more. - As the community has just released a major version and has just had a large conference, it is now ‘getting back to business’. ## Health report: - Apropos of the activity report; the project is healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 51 - PMC members added since the last report: - Andrija Panic - Gabriel Beims Bräscher - Bobby Stoyanov - Nathan Johnson - Sven Vogel ## Committer base changes (2 added since the last report): - Currently 121 committers - Most recently added committers: Sven Vogel on March 18th 2019 and Dennis Konrad on March 21st 2019 ## Releases: - Release 4.11.3 (LTS release) - Release (New LTS release should be fully released by the time of board meeting)
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - None ## Activity: - CloudStack Collab Conf for Brazil took place on Friday, April 26th (co-hosted with The Developers Conference ( http://www.thedevelopersconference.com.br)). - The community is currently working on 4.11.3 - Paul Angus was nominated by the PMC to become the next (now current) Chair/VP of the Apache CloudStack Project, which was ratified by the Apache Board on May 15th 2019 ## Health report: - The community is currently working on 4.13 (forthcoming LTS) and 4.11.3, (bug fixes to current LTS) - Planning is underway for a CloudStack Collab Conf in Las Vegas (September). CFP was over-subscribed, 24 presentations were accepted ## PMC changes: - Currently 46 PMC members - Most recently added PMC member was Syed Ahmed on Sun Oct 08 2017 ## Committer base changes (2 added since last report): - Currently 121 committers - Most recently added committers: Sven Vogel on March 18th 2019 and Dennis Konrad on March 21st 2019 ## Releases: - Release 4.12.0 on April 4th 2019 Kind regards Paul Angus
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Mike Tutkowski (mtutkowski) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Mike Tutkowski from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Paul Angus (paul_a) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mike Tutkowski is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Paul Angus be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7C, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: ## Activity: - The community is currently working on RC testing 4.12. We have also organized a CloudStack Collab Conf for Brazil on Friday, April 26th (co-hosted with The Developers Conference (http://www.thedevelopersconference.com.br)). ## Health report: - Version 4.12.0 is in the process of RC testing. - Planning is underway for a CloudStack Collaboration Conference co-located with ApacheCon in Las Vegas (September). ## PMC changes: - Currently 46 PMC members (one removed since last report per his request) - Most recently added PMC member was Syed Ahmed on Sun Oct 08 2017 ## Committer base changes (no change since last report): - Currently 119 committers - Most recently added committer was Boris Stoyanov on Wed Dec 12 2018 ## Releases: - Release on Nov 13 2018
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: ## Activity: - There has been one new release ( since the previous report. - We held a CloudStack Collaboration Conference within ApacheCon in September in Montreal. ## Health report: - Version 4.12.0 is in development. - Planning is underway for CloudStack Collaboration Conferences next year in Brazil and Las Vegas - Planning on holding virtual dev sync-ups on a regular interval (fist one expected in January 2019) ## PMC changes: - Currently 47 PMC members (same as of the previous report) - Most recently added PMC member was Syed Ahmed on Sun Oct 08 2017 ## Committer base changes (an increase of two people since the previous report): - Currently 119 committers - Most recently added committer was Boris Stoyanov on Wed Dec 12 2018 ## Releases (one release since the previous report): - Release on Nov 13 2018
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: ## Activity: - One new release ( since the previous report. ## Health report: - Version 4.12.0 is in development. - Version 4.11.2 is in development. - All seems healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 47 PMC members (same as of the last report) - Most recently added PMC member was Syed Ahmed on Sun Oct 08 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 117 committers (same as of the last report) - Most recently added committer was Dag Sonstebo on Mon Mar 19 2018 ## Releases (one release since the previous report): - Release on June 21 2018
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Activity: - One new release ( since the previous report. ## Health report: - Version 4.12.0 is in development. - Version 4.11.1 is in the RC process. - All seems healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 47 PMC members (same as of the last report) - Most recently added PMC member was Syed Ahmed on Sun Oct 08 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 117 committers (up by one since the last report) - Most recently added committer was Dag Sonstebo on Mon Mar 19 2018 ## Releases: - Release 4.11.0 on Mon Feb 12 2018 - Release 4.10.0 on Fri Sep 1 2017 - Release on Fri Mar 29 2018 - Release on Tue Sep 12 2017 member added. I think I was getting conflicting information from different sources.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Wido den Hollander (widodh) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Wido den Hollander from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Mike Tutkowski (mtutkowski) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Wido den Hollander is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mike Tutkowski be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7E, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: there are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: - Mike Tutkowski (mtutkowski) was elected as the new VP of the CloudStack project The resolution has been filed at the board ## Health report: - Version 4.11 was released recently and the project is now working towards the 4.12 release. All seems healthy ## PMC changes: - Currently 47 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Syed Ahmed on Mon Oct 09 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 116 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months ## Releases: - Release 4.11.0 on Mon Feb 12 2018 - Release 4.10.0 on Fri Sep 1 2017 - Release on Tue Sep 12 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1110 subscribers (up 8 in the last 3 months): - 700 emails sent to list (630 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 722 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 728 emails sent to list (483 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 524 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 236 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 5349 emails sent to list (2034 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 238 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months): - 9 emails sent to list (11 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 13 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 133 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 168 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ## Social Media At 12th March 2018: - The CloudStack Twitter (@cloudstack) account has 34,800 followers (+"00 since last report) - The Github mirror of CloudStack repository has 548 stars (+37) and 608 forks (+2)
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: There are a few outstanding trademark issues: [1] http://www.cloudstackservices.com/ [2] http://cloudstacksolutions.com [3] http://cloudstack.co.uk/ [1],[2] were rasied by Rafael Weingärtner in Sept 17 [3] was raised by Giles Sirett in March 2017 After the PMC took action it was escalated to trademarks@ but no follow-up was detected by the PMC. These infringements still exist ## Activity: No new release since the last report. The project is busy with gearing up for the 4.11 release which is scheduled for Q1 2018 ## Health report: The project has a Release Manager for the 4.11 release (Rohit Yadav) A user group meeting was held in Germany in November The project is also talking about a Conference again in 2018. Location is not known yet ## PMC changes: - Currently 47 PMC members. - Syed Ahmed was added to the PMC on Mon Oct 09 2017 ## Committer base changes: Rohit Yadav is a false positive as his username/Apache ID was renamed recently - Currently 116 committers. - New commmitters: - Frank Maximus was added as a committer on Thu Oct 12 2017 - Gabriel Beims Bräscher was added as a committer on Wed Nov 15 2017 - Marc-Aurèle Brothier was added as a committer on Fri Sep 22 2017 - Nathan Johnson was added as a committer on Fri Sep 22 2017 - Rohit Yadav was added as a committer on Wed Dec 06 2017 ## Releases: - Release 4.10.0 on Fri Sep 1 2017 - Release on Tue Sep 12 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1103 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months): - 644 emails sent to list (502 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 724 subscribers (down -14 in the last 3 months): - 514 emails sent to list (485 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 516 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 238 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 2246 emails sent to list (675 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 235 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 11 emails sent to list (17 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 13 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 112 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 44 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ## Social Media At 12th December 2017: - The CloudStack Twitter (@cloudstack) account has 34,500 followers (+400 since last report) - The Github mirror of CloudStack repository has 511 stars (+25) and 606 forks (+16)
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: there are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: With project has released version 4.9.3 (LTS) and 4.10 since the last report. At 12th September 2017: - The CloudStack Twitter (@cloudstack) account has 34,100 followers - The Github mirror of CloudStack repository has 486 stars and 590 forks ## Health report: Inside the project a discussion is going on if and how the project needs to attract additional committers. Is more diversity needed? Can you nominate or vote for a person working at the same company? These are questions we are trying to answer. ## PMC changes: - Currently 46 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Rene Moser on Mon Mar 27 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 112 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Nicolás Vázquez at Fri Nov 25 2016 ## Releases: - Release 4.10.0 on Fri Sep 1 2017 - Release on Tue Sep 12 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1109 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 555 emails sent to list (471 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 738 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 495 emails sent to list (2067 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 514 subscribers (up 14 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 239 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months): - 687 emails sent to list (1767 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 237 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 21 emails sent to list (10 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 14 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 117 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 55 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: there are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: - CloudStack is now using Apache Gitbox to host the Git repositories on Github. Committers seem very happy with easier merging of PRs and the ability to add milestones and labels to PRs ## Health report: - Release 4.10 is currently in RC5 which has one blocker. Project is working hard on releasing 4.10 since there are a lot of open PRs for 4.11 which are waiting to be merged. - Apache Con / CloudStack Conference took place in Miami in May and was a succes. Lot's of committers showed up and participated in discussions and presented talks ## PMC changes: - Currently 46 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Rene Moser was added to the PMC on Mon Mar 27 2017 - Wei Zhou was added to the PMC on Mon Mar 27 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 112 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Nicolás Vázquez at Fri Nov 25 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was on Thu Jan 05 2017 - Last release was 4.8.1 on Mon Aug 15 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - TODO Please explain what the following statistics mean for the project. If there is nothing significant in the figures, omit this section. - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1112 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 482 emails sent to list (523 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 740 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 2094 emails sent to list (4186 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 500 subscribers (up 10 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 234 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 1800 emails sent to list (4038 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 235 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 10 emails sent to list (51 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 13 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 125 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 102 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - Project is still waiting to participate in the 'Github as Master' Beta to provide the project access to Github features (CI, labels) without being an anomaly in what Apache is supporting. ## Activity: - Project is preparing for a good presence at ApacheCon USA in Miami - Working hard on getting stable releases out - Still figuring out how to further automate testing of CloudStack - In both the 4.8 and 4.9 series releases were made in the last few months and the first VOTE round for 4.10 failed, but RC2 will be voted on next week ## Health report: - Project is healthy. Lots of commits coming in and releases being prepared - Discussions inside the PMC about new potential committers - Main focus is still stability. Quality over quantity ## PMC changes: - Wido den Hollander (widodh) is the new VP for the project - Currently 44 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Paul Angus was added to the PMC on Fri Jan 13 2017 - Simon Weller was added to the PMC on Fri Jan 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 112 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Nicolás Vázquez at Fri Nov 25 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was on Thu Jan 05 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1115 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 554 emails sent to list (726 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 740 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 4696 emails sent to list (3985 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 487 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 234 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 4565 emails sent to list (3248 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 233 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 54 emails sent to list (38 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 13 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 168 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 342 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Will Stevens (swill) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Will Stevens from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Wido den Hollander (widodh) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Will Stevens is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Wido den Hollander be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7F, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - The outstanding JIRA issue [1] has been closed in favor of a different resolution. Instead of moving `apache/cloudstack` to `apachecloudstack/cloudstack`, we will likely be participating in the Beta of the new Github As Master initiative which Apache is working on. This will give us access to the Github features we are looking for without being an anomaly in what Apache is supporting. - We are working with the ASF Infra team to finally get access to the racked servers which were donated by Citrix to Apache CloudStack for testing. It has been a slow process, but Greg is working with us to finally make these resources available to us. ## Activity: - ACS is continuing its focus on testing and release tooling. Our release cadence has intentionally slowed in favor of improving test coverage and stability of the large number of different deployment scenarios. The developers at ShapeBlue have built and open sourced a tool called Trillian which allows us to automate and more accurately test the ACS features in many different deployment scenarios. We have been integrating this tool into our development workflow to better validate the impact of proposed pull requests and to verify the functionality. - We currently have 3 releases which are in the final RC process; 4.10.0, 4.9.1 and 4.8.2. Since we have slowed the release cycle a bit in order to improve the test coverage and deployment scenarios, these releases are quite large. - The intentional slowdown in the release cycle is not a reflection of inactivity, but instead, more focus on the quality of the releases for all the different deployment scenarios ACS is used in. You will notice that the activity on the dev@ list has actually more than doubled since the previous quarter. - We continue to rely heavily on the features of Github for managing and and merging changes into our source tree. The majority of our communication around the code is actually done inline in the proposed pull requests as well as in the comments of the pull requests. We look forward to being able to use additional Github features such as `Status` and `Labels`, once the new Github As Master program is available, to improve our workflow even more. ## Health report: The ACS project is very healthy. We have a lot of activity and recently we have been able to focus on some of the challenges facing a project of our complexity. The slowing of the release cycle so we could focus on improving the testability and test automation will produce a better experience for our users. ## PMC changes: - Currently 42 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Rafael Weingärtner on Sun Apr 24 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 112 committers. - New commmitters: - Nicolás Vázquez was added as a committer on Fri Nov 25 2016 - Sergey Levitskiy was added as a committer on Fri Nov 25 2016 - Syed Ahmed was added as a committer on Fri Oct 07 2016 ## Releases: - Last releases were 4.9.0 and 4.8.1 around Aug 15 2016 ## Mailing list activity: We have had a lot of activity on our mailing lists recently. You will notice that our dev@ list has doubled in activity from our previous quarter. That is partly because the previous quarter was down a bit because of an extended code freeze, but in general, the mailing lists have been very active. - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1115 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months): - 743 emails sent to list (639 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 740 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 4883 emails sent to list (2342 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 476 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months): - 2 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 232 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 4129 emails sent to list (1334 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 235 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 41 emails sent to list (84 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 15 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 176 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 40 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-12078
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - The PMC currently has a Jira ticket open [1] with Infra to have the Github mirror `apache/cloudstack` moved to `apachecloudstack/cloudstack`. This initiative was approved in May 2016 and all my attempts to move this activity forward have been unsuccessful. This is a priority issue for our project and we need it addressed ASAP with a clear path forward. ## Activity: - The 4.9.0 and 4.8.1 versions have been released after a bit of a slow spring. - The release schedule has had quite a bit of work and we have a proposal for the release schedule in the works right now [2]. We hope to have a more predictable release schedule going forward, so this is a good first step. - The community/users have been requesting a project feature roadmap, so we have started work on it [3]. ## Health report: The project is healthy. The mailing list has been active other than a small lull while the branches were frozen for stabilizing and releasing 4.9.0. In addition to the normal continued development of the project, we have been looking into better support the users of the project and increase adoption. Two items which users / potential users have brought up as deficiencies is the lack of an LTS release and the lack of a project feature roadmap. We are working to address both of these issues to better position the project to potential users. ## PMC changes: - Currently 42 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Rafael Weingärtner on Sun Apr 24 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 109 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Simon Weller at Tue Apr 26 2016 ## Releases: - 4.9.0 was released on Fri Aug 12 2016 - 4.8.1 was released on Mon Aug 15 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - We had a drop in mailing list participation due to the master branch being frozen for an extended period as we got the details of the massive 4.9.0 release stabilized and shipped. The mailing list activity picked up to its normal rate as soon as the branches were unfrozen. - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1122 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 693 emails sent to list (932 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 737 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months): - 2527 emails sent to list (6000 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 483 subscribers (down -36 in the last 3 months): - 1 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 230 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 1460 emails sent to list (3343 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 233 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months): - 85 emails sent to list (165 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 14 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 83 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 55 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-12078 [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/%5BPROPOSAL%5D+2016-2017+Release+Cycle+and+Calendar [3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Roadmap
There is concern that approving the Cloudstack PMC request for getting the 'apache/cloudstack' repository moved to 'apachecloudstack/cloudstack' will set a precedent that we don't necessarily want.
@Greg follow up to make sure infra understand exactly what will be done and whether we want to use this as an example of services that infra can support
## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. ## Issues: - The PMC currently has a Jira ticket open with Infra to have the Github mirror `apache/cloudstack` moved to `apachecloudstack/cloudstack`. - Once the move described by the above Jira ticket is done, the ACS project will be able to better manage the implementation of our CI initiative. ## Activity: - We had a slow down in releases in the first half of this year due to not having a Release Manager. We have resolved this and we are actively working to get back to a consistent release schedule. - A CloudStack Collaboration Conference was held in Montreal from June 1-3. The event went very well and the community was engaged and supportive. Videos from the event will be published soon so the broader community who where not able to attend are able to take advantage of the content. - A CloudStack Collaboration Conference is scheduled to be hosted in Brazil on Sept 29-30, we are not aware of any ASF conflicts at this time. - We are actively reviewing some community contributed artwork for "powered by apache cloudstack". The current "powered by apache" trademark templates do not represent our brand very well, so we are reviewing some alternatives. The artwork in question is currently available here: [http://poweredbycloudstack.bitcloud.cloud/](http://poweredbycloudstack.bitcloud.cloud/) - It still remains to be seen if the Accelerite purchase of CloudPlatform from Citrix will impact the ACS community in any way. We are hopeful that the change will enable the CloudPlatform developers to more actively collaborate with the ACS project. We will remain diligent to make sure there are no conflicts of interest for the ACS project. - The Schuberg Philis fork of Apache CloudStack does not seem to be negatively affecting the ACS project in a substantial way. Their developers were very active in our community and the development process, so we definitely miss their direct contribution. They have remained relatively active in the community and have been periodically backporting bug fixes for our project. - We continue to focus on improving the CI workflow and tools available for testing the ACS software. This activity is expected to continue getting a lot of focus over the remainder of the year. - We are working to make the release cycle less dependant on a single person as release manager and are working to add more structure around the release process. - We are in the early stages of introducing an LTS release of the ACS software every 6 months to better address the enterprise use case for our software. - We are in the early stages of working out how to best publish a roadmap for the project and who is working on what. The lack of a roadmap and inconsistency in our release schedule have been hightlighted as a potential barriers for adoption of our software, so we are actively working to address these areas. ## Health report: - Committee Health score: 10.00 (Super Healthy) from reporter.apache.org - The community, in general, seems to be in concensus on the different topics we need to be focusing on as a project. Primarily testability and CI workflows, and consistency in our release schedule. The move of our `apache/cloudstack` github repository to the `apachecloudstack` github org will help us better address these areas, so we are eager for that to take place. ## PMC changes: - Currently 42 PMC members. - Rafael Weingärtner was added to the PMC on Sun Apr 24 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 109 committers. - Simon Weller was added as a committer on Tue Apr 26 2016 ## Releases: - The 4.9 release is in final preparation for release - Security releases,,, on Fri Jun 10 2016 - Latest release was 4.8.0 on Tue Jan 26 2016 - Update release was 4.7.1 on Mon Jan 25 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - The mailing list activity is stable and reflects the healthy project status. ## JIRA activity: - 103 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 89 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Sebastien Goasguen (sebgoa) to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Sebastien Goasguen from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Will Stevens (swill) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Sebastien Goasguen is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Will Stevens be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7D, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Objective: The purpose of this report is to expedite the process of moving the GitHub mirror from `apache/cloudstack` to `apachecloudstack/cloudstack` as per the details outlined in this report. We would like to request that the ASF Board consider this report and approve the move. We would also request that the ASF Infra team engage with us and do the actual transfer. ## Description: Apache CloudStack (ACS) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud orchestration platform. ACS manages many types of hypervisors, storage and networking devices. Due to the infrastructure complexity, testing and validating ACS is a time consuming and costly endeavor. Our community is willing to share the labor and costs associated with building distributed and automated testing environments, but we are facing many challenges with the available automation integration points. ## Issue: Apache CloudStack has been making extensive use of GitHub pull requests and they have become integral in the development workflow in our community. The ACS GitHub repository is a mirror of the ASF repository, which is used as the source of truth for the project code and only committers can contribute to the ASF repository. Currently the ACS GitHub repository is under the `apache` GitHub organization. Unfortunately, due to the lack of permissions on specific repositories inside a GitHub organization, no changes can be made to a single repository without being applied to all repositories under that organization. This has become a problem for our project because we do not have access to features such as being able to Label pull requests or add post commit hooks in order to kick off Continuous Integration runs when a branch changes, to give a couple examples. The ACS PMC has proposed and voted on a resolution to move the ACS GitHub mirror out of the `apache` GitHub organization and into the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization. The commit workflow will not change and the ASF git repository will remain the source of truth for the project. Both the ASF Infra team and members of the ACS PMC will have ownership rights on the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization. There are many motivating factors for this change, a few of which are briefly outlined in the following list: - The Release Management of the ACS project has been a daunting task due to a highly manual process, with very few hooks for support from the greater community or through automation. The RM task is currently a full time job, making it difficult to find individuals willing to step up to the RM role. This has had a negative impact on our project because periods of time without a RM gives the impression that the project is stagnant. - The ability to use GitHub Labels will make a huge difference for our project by enabling the greater community to help manage the status of different pull requests and let the release manager focus more on the PRs that are ready. - Being able to use the GitHub Status features on pull requests will help us better integrate the results from distributed CI runs into the workflow. - Being able to setup GitHub Hooks such as the `post-commit-hook` will enable us to better automate the distributed hardware CI integrations provided by different community members, ensuring the code quality is maintained. - The ability to close PRs that are no longer relevant without having to track down the author to have them do it will help a lot in making sure the PRs that are open are valid. This is not an exhaustive list, but a few items which will make a huge impact on the sustainability of our project. In addition to the details outlined above, moving the GitHub `cloudstack` repository to the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization, enables us to consolidate all of the different cloudstack related projects into a single organization. This will enable the community to better organize itself and the maintain the other projects or documentation directly related to ACS. Here is an incomplete list of projects currently being maintained independently which we would like to move into the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization once we have moved the `cloudstack` repository: - cloudstack-cloudmonkey - cloudstack-www - cloudstack-docs - cloudstack-docs-install - cloudstack-docs-rn - cloudstack-docs-admin - cloudstack-ec2stack - cloudstack-gcsstack ## Progress: This initiative has been slowly moving forward over the past few months. Here is a breakdown of our current status: - All parties are in agreement with the decision to make the move [1][2][3]. - I have talked to GitHub support about getting the `mirror` setup after the move. They said that a user who has admin access to both organizations can email them after the transfer and they will setup the mirror for us. - I have setup the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization. - I have added Sam Ruby, Chris Mattmann and David Nalley (as well as some PMC members) as owners of the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization. ## Next Steps: We are now at the final steps to get this done. Here are the remaining tasks in order to move this forward. - Get a list of the ASF Infra members who should be added to the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization as owners. - Do the transfer of the `cloudstack` GitHub repository from the `apache` GitHub organization to the `apachecloudstack` GitHub organization. - Contact GitHub support to update the mirror so the repository at `apachecloudstack/cloudstack` is a mirror of the source of truth ASF git repository. Please feel free to reach out to us on the private@ mailing list if you have any questions or to work out any other final logistics. -Will Stevens [1] http://markmail.org/message/4an7nivshnndo25c?q=list:org%2Eapache%2Eincubator%2Ecloudstack-%2A+apache-cloudstack/cloudstack [2] http://markmail.org/message/53ct2mma4x4jm6s2?q=list:org%2Eapache%2Eincubator%2Ecloudstack-%2A+External+fork+of+Cloudstack [3] http://markmail.org/message/2phudhgcjjo236ay?q=list:org%2Eapache%2Eincubator%2Ecloudstack-%2A+External+fork+of+Cloudstack
Board approves pending VP Infra approval
A number of participants on the call provided additional insight on the ASF provenance requirements. Will expressed an interest in working with people on this.
## Description: Apache CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. ## Issues: - CloudStack community wants to experiment with a pure GitHub approach to our version control and CI. - We took control of https://github.com/cloudstack which we did not own before (Github transferred ownership to members of the PMC). - The PMC seeks guidance from the board on GitHub integration and would like to know what the plan and timeline is (if there is one) on operating an ASF project out of GitHub. - The Whimsy experiment on Github appears totally opaque to us and we don’t know what the status or plan is. ## Activity: - Large increase of releases with 4 since December due to a new commit workflow - CloudStack conference Brazil announced for Sept 29-30, no ASF conflicts as we know it. - Citrix CloudPlatform business was sold to Accelerite, this may impact CloudStack - Schuberg Philis as forked CloudStack (interim report sent to board on February 16th) (Annex A). - Increased focus on CI and investigation of solutions outside of ASF infra. ## Health report: - Committee Health score: 9.60 (Super Healthy) from reporter.apache.org - Slight increase of registered participants in all mailing lists - Slight decrease in number of emails sent on MLs. - Significant decrease in commits while we searched for a new RM - Increase in speed of releases as we adopted new workflow ## PMC changes: - Currently 41 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Erik Weber on Wed Nov 18 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 108 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Rafael Weingärtner at Wed Dec 09 2015 ## Releases: - 4.6.2 was released on Thu Dec 17 2015 - 4.7.0 was released on Thu Dec 17 2015 - 4.7.1 was released on Tue Jan 26 2016 - 4.8.0 was released on Tue Jan 26 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1145 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months): - 873 emails sent to list (848 in previous quarter) - significant decrease in the last week - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 763 subscribers (up 13 in the last 3 months): - 3996 emails sent to list (6360 in previous quarter) - downward trend ## JIRA activity: - 148 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 72 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months Annex A —————— This interim report was sent to the board on February 16th with no response: Dear Board, The CloudStack report is not due until next round of reports, but I wanted to report two partially related items: 1. Schuberg-Philis a company where a significant number of CloudStack committers happens to work has forked CloudStack. The fork has received media attention [3], hence this interim report to let the board know that we are indeed well aware of the situation. A detail account of the company’s reasoning is described in [1]. Their fork is available on Github at [2]. A fork by a company of an ASF software is a non-issue (there are other cloudstack forks) and our community is very thankful to Schuberg Philis for many years of strong support, either through community events (organizing and sponsoring) or through their indirect commitment via committers who happens to have a $dayjob at Schuberg. 2. Through private discussions with committers who happen to have a $dayjob at SBP, our lack of privileges/control on our github mirror has played *some* role in this fork and created frustration. ( It is not to say that better github control would have prevented the fork, but it might have allowed us to resolve short term issues giving us time to work on longer term ones). There is a risk that similar frustration grows within our community and that developers accustomed to working on github decide to work directly on the SBP fork or their own, thereby fragmenting our community. Actionable items for the board: We have not heard any reports on the status of Whimsy’s testing of github but we would welcome being allowed to join any testing phase or if the boards sides in favor of operating an ASF project directly on Github, we would quickly vote in our community to decide on such a move. Best, [1] https://www.cupfighter.net/2016/01/welcome-mission-critical-cloud [2] https://github.com/MissionCriticalCloud/cosmic [3] http://www.networkworld.com/article/3028065/hybrid-cloud/schuberg-philis-forks-cloudstack-what-happens-next.html
@Sam: Get more (actionable) information on github fork
## Description: Apache CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. ## Issues: - Looking closely at the results of the GitHub experiment as CloudStack is using github heavily for its contribution including from committers. - The github discussion is totally opaque to non ASF members - Still looking for Docker hub integration - The community will most likely start thinking about releasing official binaries - The community will soon face an issue that we will be able to cut releases faster than we can vote, hence a discussion on continuous release will be needed. - There are no other issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: - CloudStack conference was held in Dublin in October collocated with Linuxcon/Mesoscon. Event was a success and showed stable community 150 attendees, great content, solid sponsors. - CloudStack conference 2016 will be in Sao-Paulo organized by the University of Sao Paulo one of the leading users of CloudStack. The community is thriving there hence the fous on latin-america. - New commit workflow is showing its results. 4.6.0 was released in Nov 14 2015 , 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 (under vote) shortly thereafter. And 4.7.0 is out for VOTE with 4 new key features such as Nuage SDN enhancements and quota plugin. ## Health report: - - Committee Health score: 10.00 (Super Healthy) from reporter.apache.org - Participation on mailing lists is stable - Cycle of releases is increasing ## PMC changes: - Currently 40 PMC members. - Erik Weber was added to the PMC on Wed Nov 18 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 108 committers. - New commmitters: - Boris Schrijver was added as a committer on Fri Nov 06 2015 - Rafael Weingärtner was added as a committer on Wed Dec 09 2015 ## Releases: - 4.6.0 was released on Sat Nov 14 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1138 subscribers (down -15 in the last 3 months): - 904 emails sent to list (1086 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 747 subscribers (down -16 in the last 3 months): - 6844 emails sent to list (4798 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 471 subscribers (up 15 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 226 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months): - 6004 emails sent to list (3467 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 14 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 226 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 108 emails sent to list (62 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 311 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 159 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months -Sebastien
## Description: Apache CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. ## Activity: - The CloudStack project continues to release new software at a steady pace. - We have adopted a new commit workflow for our master branch. Trying to stabilize master and make it the releasable branch. All commits to master must now be reviewed and given two LGTM + green Travis tests before being merged. While this slows down development, our hope is that it increases stability and reduces time between releases. - EC2stack which went through IP clearance is now going through its first release VOTE - We have added Docker images for our main components (simulator, management server, marvin, ec2stack, cloudmonkey) - We have held two CloudStack day events collocated with Linuxcon, attendance has been poor. CloudStack conference Europe is scheduled for Oct 8-9 in Dublin, this is a multi-day event. It seems that the collocation with linuxcon is not providing the cross-pollination hoped for and despite the good number of registrations there is a significant number of no shows. ## Health report: - Committee Health score: 9.60 (Super Healthy) from reporter.apache.org - Participation on mailing lists is stable - Participation in CloudStack day events has been poor so far this year - Cycle of releases is healthy ## Issues: - A slight note that ASF infra should make sure to pay attention to Docker Hub integration and the use of it to house ASF software images. - The CloudStack “marketing alliance” effort which had been discussed at length has stalled with no further discussions. - There are no other issues requiring board attention at this time ## LDAP committee group/Committership changes: - Currently 106 committers and 39 LDAP committee group members. - New LDAP committee group members: - Nux was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Jun 15 2015 - Wilder Rodrigues was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Jul 02 2015 - Bruno Demion was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Jun 15 2015 - Remi Bergsma was added to the LDAP committee group on Tue Aug 11 2015 - Karen Vuong was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Jul 02 2015 - Last committer addition was Marco Sinhoreli at Wed May 13 2015 ## Releases: - 4.4.4 was released on Wed Jun 24 2015 - 4.5.2 was released on Tue Aug 25 2015 - CloudMonkey 5.3.2 was released on Thu Aug 27 2015 - EC2stack 0.8.0 was released on Mon Sep 9 2015 - Working on 4.6.0 release with new commit workflow ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1158 subscribers (up 13 in the last 3 months): - 1041 emails sent to list (1352 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 764 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months): - 4971 emails sent to list (4507 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 452 subscribers (up 20 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 231 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 3313 emails sent to list (2488 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 16 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 225 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months): - 68 emails sent to list (229 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 253 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 163 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Project health score as reported by reporter.apache.org: 10 (super healthy) ## Description: Apache CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. ## Activity: Aside from new releases and new committers/PMC members. The project voted and carried out IP clearance for two software: -Ec2stack -Gcestack They are Amazon AWS EC2 and Google GCE API interfaces to the CloudStack API. Following this addition, a large portion of code was removed from the current CloudStack codebase. A plan for 2015 is now available at: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/2015+Plan And a roadmap is being developed at: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Roadmap Two major events occurred this quarter: * CloudStack Day Austin. ~80 attendees * CloudStack Day Tokyo. ~100 attendees ## Issues: there are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## PMC/Committership changes: - Currently 106 committers and 34 PMC members in the project. - Rohit Yadav was added to the PMC on Fri Apr 03 2015 - New commmitters: - Pierre-Yves Ritschard was added as a committer on Tue Mar 31 2015 - Funs Kessen was added as a committer on Tue Apr 14 2015 - Rene Moser was added as a committer on Tue Mar 31 2015 - Marco Sinhoreli was added as a committer on Wed May 13 2015 - Gaurav Nandkumar Aradhye was added as a committer on Fri Apr 17 2015 - Karen Vuong was added as a committer on Tue Mar 10 2015 - Harikrishna Patnala was added as a committer on Mon Mar 09 2015 - Remi Bergsma was added as a committer on Thu Apr 30 2015 ## Releases: - 4.4.3 was released on Fri Mar 20 2015 - 4.5.1 was released on Sun May 10 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - users@cloudstack.apache.org: - 1147 subscribers (down -10 in the last 3 months): - 1286 emails sent to list (1611 in previous quarter) - dev@cloudstack.apache.org: - 753 subscribers (down -13 in the last 3 months): - 4454 emails sent to list (2846 in previous quarter) - marketing@cloudstack.apache.org: - 221 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): - 195 emails sent to list (252 in previous quarter) - announce@cloudstack.apache.org: - 433 subscribers (up 35 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter) - issues@cloudstack.apache.org: - 234 subscribers (up 11 in the last 3 months): - 2460 emails sent to list (1964 in previous quarter) - press@cloudstack.apache.org: - 16 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 236 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 364 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Hugo Trippaers to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Hugo Trippaers from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Sebastien Goasguen as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Hugo Trippaers is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sebastien Goasguen be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7G, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. ISSUES The board has a resolution on it's agenda for this meeting to change the Apache CloudStack PMC chair (special order G). CURRENT ACTIVITY * The community is still working on the next major release (4.5.0) of Apache CloudStack. The fourth release candidate was voted to become the release on march 5. A critical bug has been identified post release and the community is working on preparing the 4.5.1 release to address this bug. * Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.3.1 was released on Mar 4 2015. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey is a CLI tool for interacting with Apache CloudStack and is distributed separate from Apache CloudStack * The community making steps to structurally improved the development process with regards to quality insurance. The community has asked a small group to work on a way of working proposal. * Two maintenance releases have been done for both the 4.3 and the 4.4 branch. RELEASES Apache CloudStack 4.4.2 was released on Dec 10, 2014. Apache CloudStack 4.3.2 was released on Jan 9, 2015. Apache CloudStack 4.5.0 was released on Mar 5, 2015. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.3.1 was released on Mar 4, 2015 COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 100 (+4) committers and 33 (+1) PMC members. New Committers: Erik Weber (erikw) - Dec 11 Wilder Rodriques (ekho) - Feb 25 Harikrishna Patnala (harikrishna) - Mar 3 Karen Vuong (karenv) - Mar 7 New PMC Members: Will Stevens (swill) - Feb 17 The Apache CloudStack project is a decent volume community, activity on the mailing-list has been dropping steadily over the last few months. Current mailing-list numbers are less than 50% of similar months a year earlier. dev@ msgs = Dec: 1190, Jan: 796, Feb: 870 users@ msgs = Dec: 570, Jan: 436, Feb: 543 issues@ msgs = Dec: 1131, Jan: 380, Feb: 750 commits@ msgs = Dec: 659, Jan: 519, Feb: 566 marketing@ msgs = Dec: 21, Jan: 92, Feb: 102 users-cn@ msgs = Dec: 97, Jan: 155, Feb: 49
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. ISSUES CVE-2014-7807: Apache CloudStack unauthenticated LDAP binds, Dec 8 2014 CURRENT ACTIVITY * The community is working on the next major release (4.5.0) of Apache CloudStack. The first release candidate is available already. * Ongoing efforts in fixing bugs and findings from static code analysis resulted in a number of bug fixes to existing branches. * Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.3.0 was released on Nov 11 2014. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey is a CLI tool for interacting with Apache CloudStack and is distributed separate from Apache CloudStack * Apache CloudStack 4.4.1 was released Oct 23 2014. This maintenance release is followed by a second maintenance release numbered 4.4.2 at Dec 10 2014. Release 4.4.2 fixes the vulnerability reported in CVE-2014-7807 * The community enjoyed a very successful European CloudStack Collaboration Conference (CCCEU). CCCEU in Budapest. The new format including a full day single room track and poster sessions seemed to work out well. * The community is still struggling with way to improve quality and prevent master from breaking. Multiple efforts including improved automated testing and work flow enhancements are being executed and/or proposed. There is no clear consensus other than the generic agreement that the current situation leaves ample room for improvement. RELEASES Apache CloudStack 4.4.1 was released on Oct 23, 2014. Apache CloudStack 4.4.2 was released on Dec 10, 2014. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.3.0 was released on Nov 11, 2014 COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 96 committers and 32 (+3) PMC members. New Committers: - New PMC Members: Ian Duffy (duffy) - Sep 29 Pierre-Luc Dion (pdion891) - Sep 29 Rajani Kuruturi (rajani) - Oct 16 The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: dev@ msgs = Nov: 1322, Oct: 1054, Sep: 1421 users@ msgs = Nov: 670, Oct: 557, Sep: 481 issues@ msgs = Nov: 1933, Oct: 1011, Sep: 1671 commits@ msgs = Nov: 1039, Oct: 696, Sep: 826 marketing@ msgs = Nov: 70, Oct: 60, Sep:69 users-cn@ msgs = Nov: 120, Oct: 46, Sep: 61
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. ISSUES None CURRENT ACTIVITY * The community is working on maintenance releases for both the 4.3.0 and the 4.4.0 releases. * The agreed release schedule is not met at the moment as we regularly identify quality issues in pending releases. This is an ongoing process, but slowly we are improving our QA processes and introducing more testing capabilities. * Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.2.0 was released on Aug 28 2014. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey is a CLI tool for interacting with Apache CloudStack and is distributed separate from Apache CloudStack * Apache CloudStack 4.4.0 was released July 26 2014. Some issues were identified with this release after the release. The community decided not to market this release to a big audience and work on a maintenance release immediately. * The community is working with The Linux Foundation to prepare the second European CloudStack Collaboration Conference (CCCEU). CCCEU will planned following ApacheCon in Budapest from November 19 till 21. It will have a new format which will hopefully engage more users and developers. * The CloudStack PMC was approached with a request to approve an outside organization being formed in order for companies to pool resources together to help promote Apache CloudStack. This included a specific request to use the term CloudStack within the name of the organization. The PMC voted to approve that request, but also consulted trademarks@ to get advice on how to handle the situation. The response led us to the decision to not formally approve the use of our mark, but to point the requester to the ASF's domain name policy. As a followup action, the PMC was asked to communicate its general agreement to the concept of a trade organization being independently formed to help promote our project. The PMC did that via an email to the "parent" organization that is currently being considered by these companies as the home for the CloudStack Alliance. RELEASES Apache CloudStack 4.4.0 was released on July 26, 2014. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.2.0 was released on Aug 28, 2014 COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 96 (+5) committers and 29 (+1) PMC members. New Committers: Amogh Vasekar (amoghvk) - May 29 Pierre-Luc Dion (pdion891) - June 5 Will Stevens (swill) - June 16 Santhosh Edukulla (santhoshedukulla) - June 24 Rajani Karuturi (rajani) - July 17 New PMC Members: Mark R. Hinkle (mrhinkle) - July 3 The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: dev@ msgs = Jun: 1852, Jul: 1555, Aug: 1613 users@ msgs = Jun: 663, Jul: 710, Aug: 640 issues@ msgs = Jun: 1386, Jul: 1381, Aug: 1635 commits@ msgs = Jun: 700, Jul: 790, Aug: 808 marketing@ msgs = Jun: 251, Jul: 189, Aug:99 users-cn@ msgs = Jun: 54, Jul: 133, Aug: 73
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. ISSUES None CURRENT ACTIVITY * The community is working on the CloudStack 4.4.0 release. In the original planning the release should have been pushed out already. The delay is caused by testers identifying multiple blocking issues. * Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.1.0 was released on May 16 2014. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey is a CLI tool for interacting with Apache CloudStack and is distributed separate from Apache CloudStack * The community is working with The Linux Foundation to setup the second European CloudStack Collaboration Conference (CCCEU). CCCEU will planned following ApacheCon in Budapest from November 19 till 21. * The Japanese user group is sending activity reports to the mailing-list. This gives the non-Japanese part of the community an insight on what they are doing and promotes cooperation worldwide across language barriers. * Our change in documentation format seems to have significantly improved the workflow for contributions, and we are now seeing an increase in the overall diversity and amount of doc contributions. * The Apache CloudStack PMC has voted in favor of licensing our marks to an external organization dedicated to promoting the Apache CloudStack project and ecosystem. We have forwarded the request for legal support in the drafting of a licensing agreement to VP Brand Management. * The decision above is meant as a complement to foundation and project-level awareness efforts. Several members of the PMC had a call with Sally on Thursday, May 1st, to ensure that she had the necessary background to help with a marketing strategy for the project. We are looking forward to the next steps with Sally on this front. * During ApacheCon, the project had engaged with the Infra team regarding our infrastructure needs for a build environment independent from a single vendor. Since that time, several members of the PMC has been working to pull together a specific proposal to share with Infra. At this point in time, we are still collating quotes and designs into a meaningful proposal. RELEASES Apache CloudStack 4.3.0 was released on March 25, 2014. Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.1.0 was released on May 16, 2014 COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 91 (+5) committers and 28 (+2) PMC members. New Committers: Demetrius Tsitrelis (demetriust)- April 1 Lucian Paul (nux) - April 7 Paul Angus (paul_a) - April 12 Yoshikazu Nojima (ynojima) - April 19 Saksham Srivastava (saksham) - May 29 New PMC Members: Alena Prokharchyk (alena1108) - April 22 Go Chiba (gochiba) - April 22 The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: dev@ 761 729(+32) subs / msgs = Mar: 2262, Apr: 1772, May: 1734 users@ 1042(-59) subs / msgs = Mar: 668, Apr: 871, May: 597 issues@ 192(+15) subs / msgs = Mar: 894, Apr: 1312, May: 1692 commits@ 202(+8) subs / msgs = Mar: 1782, Apr: 809, May: 901 marketing@ 178(+15) subs / msgs = Mar: 31, Apr: 129, May: 109 users-cn@ 508(+40) subs / msgs = Mar: 415, Apr: 150, May: 137
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. CURRENT ACTIVITY As this is an out of cycle report, and we just reported last month, this report does not include all of the typical elements. The CloudStack community has just held its Collaboration Conference in Denver, and would like to report that the event was a success. The fact that it was co-located with ApacheCon for the first time was a significant improvement on past events. Primarily, this is because it offered an opportunity for the CloudStack community to better integrate into the larger ASF family (and for ASF community members to learn more about CloudStack). We would like to thank the board, the executive officers and specifically Rich for his support.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Chip Childers to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Chip Childers from the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache CloudStack project has chosen by vote to recommend Hugo Trippaers as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Chip Childers is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Hugo Trippaers be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7B, Change the Apache CloudStack Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. ISSUES The board has a resolution on it's agenda for this meeting to change the Apache CloudStack PMC chair (special order B). CURRENT ACTIVITY * The community is finalizing our Apache CloudStack 4.3.0 release. This release was delayed from the community's initial target for a release date, due to an issue with how we were treating a specific dependency during the default build of the software. This issue was identified by the PMC and has been resolved. We are actively testing our latest RC now. * The project was informed that the Citrix-hosted realhostip.com DNS resolver service will be going offline this summer. It is currently used by CloudStack installations as a default installation configuration option. Best practice for production installations include changing this to a local solution, however we are aware that many installations do not make this change. We will be informing our user community of this news during our 4.3.0 release announcement, and have already committed a patch that removes the need for this external service from 4.3.0 onward. * The project is about to go into feature freeze for Apache CloudStack 4.4.0. * The documentation has made the proposed transition from the publican docbook format to .rst format. It is too early to tell if this had the desired effect on lowering the barriers for user contributions. * The community is working with TLF to organize the upcoming CCC14NA conference in Denver, with the event obviously being co-located with ApacheCon NA. RELEASES Apache CloudStack 4.2.1 was released on January 10, 2014. COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 86 committers and 26 PMC members. New Committers: Sanjay Tripathi (sanjaytripathi) - Jan 9 Mark Hinkle (mrhinkle) - Jan 24 Chris Suich (csuich2) - Feb 6 New PMC Members: Giles Sirret (giles) - Jan 21 Mike Tutkowski (mtutkowski) - Feb 4 The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: dev@ 761 729(+32) subs / msgs = Dec: 1298, Jan: 1977, Feb: 1691 users@ 1042(-59) subs / msgs = Dec: 514, Jan: 516, Feb: 474 issues@ 192(+15) subs / msgs = Dec: 3028, Jan: 2607, Feb: 943 commits@ 202(+8) subs / msgs = Dec: 1023, Jan: 1311, Feb: 884 marketing@ 178(+15) subs / msgs = Dec: 63, Jan: 91, Feb: 18 users-cn@ 508(+40) subs / msgs = Dec: 83, Jan: 64, Feb: 38
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. ISSUES No issues for the board at this time. CURRENT ACTIVITY * The community is actively working on both Apache CloudStack 4.3.0 (feature release) and Apache CloudStack 4.2.1 (bug fix release). * The project accepted a donation of a plugin for CloudStack to orchestrate networks provided by the OpenContrail software from Juniper Networks. * A large number of new features, integrations and bug fixes continue to be committed to the repository, so we remain a healthy and growing project. * The community participated actively in the CloudStack Collaboration Conference EU in Amsterdam in early November. The event was quite successful, both in terms of drawing in new members to our community, as well as providing an opportunity for the Apache CloudStack community to work with a number of other projects (notably Apache Libcloud and Gluster). Close to 400 people attended the event. * We have broken out our CLI tool, CloudMonkey, from the main CloudStack git repository, and we have made our first release of that software in September. * We have broken the product documentation out from the main source code repository, with the specific intent of being able to have the documentation release / publishing process be faster and easier than the code itself. There is also a proposal being discussed to change from the publican docbook format to .rst format in the hope that this will lower the barriers for user contributions. RELEASES * Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.0.0 was released on September 24, 2013 * Apache CloudStack 4.2.0 was released on October 1, 2013. COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 83 committers and 24 PMC members. New Committers: * Nguyen Anh Tu (tuna) * Sowmya Krishnan (sowmya) * Sanjeev Neelarapu (sanjeev) * Srikanteswararao Talluri (talluri) * Girish Shilamkar (girish) * Giles Sirett (giles) New PMC Members: * Daan Hoogland (dahn) * Animesh Chaturvedi (animesh) Brett Porter had decided to leave the PMC during this quarter. The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: * dev@ 729(+55) subs / msgs = Sep: 2072, Oct: 2272, Nov: 1520 * users@ 1101(+163) subs / msgs = Sep: 742, Oct: 937, Nov: 750 * issues@ 177(+30) subs / msgs = Sep: 1419, Oct: 2423, Nov: 1987 * commits@ 194(+13) subs / msgs = Sep: 1314, Oct: 1873, Nov: 1510 * marketing@ 163(+30) subs / msgs = Sep: 141, Oct: 108, Nov: 201 * users-cn@ 468(+45) subs / msgs = Sep: 169, Oct: 122, Nov: 268
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. ISSUES CURRENT ACTIVITY * The community continues to work on new features, continued architectural improvements and bug fixes. Most focus has been on our 4.2.0 release. * Due to the high volume of emails on both dev@ and users@, Daan (dahn) has been providing the dev@ list with a responsiveness report listing questions that are unanswered (helping get them answered). * The community participated actively in the CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Santa Clara in June. A second collaboration conference is scheduled for Nov in Amsterdam (this has been shared with trademarks@), and the planning includes many PMC members, committers and community members. * Our community goal of having "time-based" feature releases continues to be challenging, due to the level of testing required to ensure that we are not introducing regressions into the software. Automated testing has continued to improve, but the community is also discussing how infrastructure changes could help manage the code quality with such a high rate of change. * We have broken out our CLI tool, CloudMonkey, from the main CloudStack git repository, and will be working toward independent releases of that software. * We are discussing breaking the product's documentation out into it's own repository, as well as potentially changing the format of the documentation source as a potential way to reduce the learning curve for new documentation contributors. RELEASES * 4.1.1 was released on August 6, 2013. * 4.2.0 has passed the vote, and will be announced shortly. COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 74 committers and 23 PMC members. New Committers: * Jayapal Reddy Uradi (jayapal) * Mike Tutkowski (mtutkowski) * Toshiaki Hatano (haeena) * Kirk Kosinski (kirk) * Venkata Siva Vijayendra Bhamidipati (vijayendrabvs) * Dave Cahill (dcahill) * Daan Hoogland (dahn) * Ian Duffy (duffy) New PMC Members: * Ilya Muyasev (ilya) The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: * dev@ 674(+58) subs / msgs = Jun: 2192, Jul: 2865, Aug: 2362 * users@ 938(+115) subs / msgs = Jun: 737, Jul: 1262, Aug: 1200 * issues@ 147(+26) subs / msgs = Jun: 3325, Jul: 7065, Aug: 7666 * commits@ 181(+14) subs / msgs = Jun: 2304, Jul: 2883, Aug: 2147 * marketing@ 133(+34) subs / msgs = Jun: 233, Jul: 140, Aug: 109 * users-cn@ 423(+123) subs / msgs = Jun: 232, Jul: 181, Aug: 259
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. RELEASES * 4.1.0 was released on June 4, 2013. * 4.1.1 and 4.2.0 are in progress. CURRENT ACTIVITY * The schedule for 4.2.0 was modified after a rather long debate about schedules that culminated in a committer VOTE thread. Features continued to be reviewed and merged into master in anticipation of a 4.2.0 branch being cut. * Following our 4.1.0 release, Ilya has stepped up to be the release manager for 4.1.x bug-fix releases. * The CloudStack security team has been formed, and our reporting instructions have been posted to http://cloudstack.apache.org/security.html (and linked from the ASF-wide security page, as requested after last month's board report). * The community is conducting a user survey, in an attempt to gather some statistics about our install base. * Very active discussions are happening around three different (but related) storage framework features, aiming at a consistent set of architectural changes between the features. * The community continues to prepare for our CloudStack Collaboration Conference, to be held June 23 through 25. * The GSOC students and mentors have begun to actively engage with each other (and the rest of the community). COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 67 committers and 22 PMC members. New Committers: * Sangeetha Hariharan (sangeethah) * Phong Nguyen (pnguyen) * Devdeep Singh (devdeep) * Sailaja Mada (sailajamada) * Venkata Swamy (swamy) * Wei Zhou (weizhou) New PMC Members: * John Burwell (jburwell) The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: * dev@ 616 subs / 2494 msgs in May * users@ 823 subs / 583 msgs in May * issues@ 121 subs / 3015 msgs in May * commits@ 166 subs / 4627 msgs in May * marketing@ 99 subs / 336 msg in May * users-cn@ ~300 subs / 219 msgs in May ISSUES No issues for the board at this time.
DESCRIPTION Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. RELEASES * 4.0.2 was released on April 24, 2013 ** CVE-2013-2756 and CVE-2013-2758 were addressed in the 4.0.2 release * The community is still finalizing our 4.1.0 release. CURRENT ACTIVITY * The 4.1.0 release has been slow in getting finalized, due to upgrade bugs from older (2.x) versions of the software. Issues with the upgrade path is actually helping to inspire some new contributors to engage with the project. * New features continuing to merge into master for an eventual 4.2.0 release, and a schedule has been set for that release. * There has been an increase in commits, merge requests and patch requests that include the test automation requested by the community. * The community is working on plans for the upcoming CloudStack Collaboration Conference (June). * Seven GSOC proposals have been seen on the dev@ list, and we are working to help the proposers in refining their understanding of the projects. * The project has created a security@ list for use in coordinating security vulnerabilities and is working to refine it's security report handling processes. COMMUNITY Including the following additions, CloudStack has 61 committers and 21 PMC members. New Committers added in April: * Bruno Demion * Go Chiba * Clayton Weise * Isaac Chiang * Phong Nguyen New PMC Members added in April: * Prasanna Santhanam The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: * dev@ 609 subs / ~2600 msgs in Apr * users@ 782 subs / ~800 msgs in Apr * issues@ 109 subs / ~2400 msgs in Apr * commits@ 166 subs / ~3300 msgs in Apr * marketing@ 85 subs / ~260 msg in Apr * users-cn@ ~300 subs / ~260 msgs in Apr ISSUES
AI: Rich to follow up on the security list
Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines, as a highly available, highly scalable Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. RELEASES * The last release of Apache CloudStack was 4.0.1-incubating (Feb 12, 2013) * The community is currently finalizing two new releases: 4.0.2 and 4.1.0 CURRENT ACTIVITY Our graduation checklist is mostly complete, pending some final resource transfers from Citrix to the ASF. We had positive press coverage of the graduation announcement (examples: [http://s.apache.org/csgradpress]). Special thanks to infra@ for their rapid response to our graduation related change requests and press@ for the release announcement support. * New features continuing to merge into master for our 4.2.0 release. * Post 4.1.0, the community plans to begin outreach to various Linux distros for official packaging. * Improved automated unit and integration test coverage is a major area of community focus. * Lots of marketing related activity is in progress this month (website redesign, CloudStack University initiative, community member talk submissions) COMMUNITY Five new committers were added to the project since graduating: * Hiroaki Kawai * Ahmad Emneina * Geoff Higginbottom * Animesh Chaturvedi * Ilya Musayev The Apache CloudStack project remains a high volume community: * dev@ 566 subs / ~2000-3000 msg/month * users@ 732 subs / ~800 msg/month * issues@ 93 subs / ~3400 msgs in Mar * commits@ 163 subs / >2500 msg/month * marketing@ 79 subs / ~460 msg in Mar * users-cn@ 279 subs / ~140 msgs in Mar ISSUES * The community is currently working to improve the way that individuals that happen to be managers of other community members interact with the community as a whole, ensuring that there is plenty of opportunity for managers to help support the project in an employer agnostic way. No board action is requested for this issue at this time.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the public, related to providing and supporting Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing platforms. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache CloudStack Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache CloudStack Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to providing and supporting Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing platforms. RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache CloudStack" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache CloudStack Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache CloudStack Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache CloudStack Project: * Joe Brockmeier <jzb@apache.org> * Will Chan <willchan@apache.org> * Chip Childers <chipchilders@apache.org> * Mohammad Nour El-Din <mnour@apache.org> * Sebastien Goasguen <sebgoa@apache.org> * Matt Richard Hogstrom <hogstrom@apache.org> * Wido den Hollander <widodh@apache.org> * Alex Huang <ahuang@apache.org> * Jim Jagielski <jim@apache.org> * Alex Karasulu <akarasulu@apache.org> * John Kinsella <jlk@apache.org> * Kevin Kluge <kluge@apache.org> * Olivier Lamy <olamy@apache.org> * David Nalley <ke4qqq@apache.org> * Brett Porter <brett@apache.org> * Noah Slater <nslater@apache.org> * Marcus Sorensen <mlsorensen@apache.org> * Edison Su <edison@apache.org> * Hugo Trippaers <hugo@apache.org> * Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Chip Childers be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache CloudStack, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache CloudStack PMC be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the Apache CloudStack Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache CloudStack Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator CloudStack podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator CloudStack podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are hereafter discharged. Special Order 7D, Establish the Apache CloudStack Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors voting. Bertrand did not vote.
CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastructure as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. CloudStack has been incubating since 2012-04-16. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation 1. Continuing to build the community and increase diversity, while effectively managing the overall scale of the project. 2. Ensuring all deliberation, decision-making, and development is happening openly and collaboratively. 3. Transfer trademark, etc. to Apache Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? No issues at this time How has the community developed since the last report? We have noticed a trend of features for CloudStack being developed outside of the Apache CloudStack community and "thrown over the wall." We are identifying features that may not have been developed appropriately and requiring contributors to either demonstrate that they have been discussed and developed in the open, or requiring IP clearance for those features. We have also opened discussion about this on the -dev mailing list and ensuring that committers understand the obligations to development in the open. The project has continuted to grow and has added several new PPMC members and committers since October: - Edison Su, Alex Huang, Hugo Trippaers, Chiradeep Vittal, and Joe Brockmeier have joined the PPMC since October. - Rohit Yadav, Marcus Sorensen, Gavin Lee, Sudha Ponnaganti, Kelcey Damage, Min Chen, and Sebastien Goasguen have become committers. Members of the CloudStack community have been active in promoting the project since the last report, with members giving talks about Apache CloudStack at USENIX LISA, CPOSC, ApacheCon EU, LinuxCon EU, and other events. The CloudStack Collaboration Conference (sponsored primarily by Citrix) was a fairly successful first conference. More than 300 people attended the event, held November 30 - December 2 in Las Vegas at The Venetian. How has the project developed since the last report? The first release, 4.0.0-incubating, was announced on November 6th. The CloudStack.org domain now points to Apache infrastructure. 4.0.1 and 4.1.0 are currently in development. The community has decided to work on a time-based release cycle for feature releases, with 4.1.0 expected at the beginning of April. Feature releases will follow a four-month cycle thereafter. Signed-off-by: Jim Jagielski: [ ](cloudstack) J. Daniel Kulp: [ ](cloudstack) Alex Karasulu: [ ](cloudstack) Olivier Lamy: [ ](cloudstack) Brett Porter: [ ](cloudstack) Matt Hogstrom: [ ](cloudstack) Mohammad Nour El-Din: [X](cloudstack) Shepherd notes: Looks great! Progress is still needed on the mentioned issues, but there seem to be no major, insurmountable obstacles on the way to graduation.
CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. CloudStack has been in incubation since 2012-04-16 A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation 1. Continuing to build the community and increase diversity 2. Shipping a release 3. Transfer trademark, etc. to Apache Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? No issues at this time How has the community developed since the last report? The project has continued to improve its diversity, adding Chip Childers, John Kinsella, and Wido den Hollander to the PPMC and 3 new committers since the month of August. (Mice Xia, Jason Bausewein, and Joe Brockmeier.) We have also taken on a new mentor, Noah Slater. Contributors and committers have been active in promoting CloudStack at events, such as LinuxCon, Ohio LinuxFest, PuppetConf, a get-together at Schuberg Philis, and a number of other events. The community is participation at LinuxCon EU and ApacheCon EU and a number of other events through the remainder of 2012. Citrix is acting as primary sponsor of a CloudStack Collaboration Conference for November 30 through December 2 in Las Vegas. The conference is open to the community, and programming for the event will be chosen by a committee that includes members of the CloudStack community outside Citrix. How has the project developed since the last report? The pending 4.0 release has been branched. The project has made a great deal of progress towards the 4.0 release, handling a number of technical issues (such as a move to Maven) and resolving almost all known legal issues that would pose an obstacle to a release. The sole remaining blocker is under discussion and should be resolved shortly. The Jira instance for CloudStack was stood up in early September. License checks have been automated to ensure that we remain compliant with Apache guidelines going forward. Signed-off-by: nslater, mfranklin
A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation 1. Licensing work 2. Finishing up the move of CloudStack infrastructure resources to the ASF. 3. Shipping a release. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? No issues at this time How has the community developed since the last report? CloudStack has added 6 new committers in the month of July. We had BOF and hackathon time at OSCON, which was a positive benefit for those committers who attended, particularly in being able to delve into issues around incubation, branding, and licensing. Additionally two committers presented tutorials at OSCON one focused on end users deploying CloudStack and the other focused on developers hacking on CloudStack, both had great attendance. We have also had some offers of contribution from people at Bitergia who are interested in contributing the work that they have done around metrics. which was a very encouraging start to growing the community. How has the project developed since the last report? Lots of modularization has been injected into CloudStack, which makes some of our licensing issues far less of a problem as we can merely turn the affected code off by default. The wiki has begun migration to an ASF hosted wiki instance. One of the CloudStack committers provided a dramatically easier way to be able to test and develop for CloudStack in the form a completely contained CloudStack environment that can be run as a VirtualBox VM. Much additional enhancement has been contributed to this making the process easier and easier to update. We also saw the movement of documentation from binary .docx files to DocBook XML; while this effort isn't complete it does permit folks to far more easily collaborate, as well as providing a far better interface for l10n. Signed-off-by: brett, jukka, jim
CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. CloudStack has been in incubation since 2012-04-16 The top 3 issues to address to move towards graduation: - CloudStack's source still contains works that are prohibited for release under ASF guidelines - Performing a release - Migration of infrastructure (bug tracker, CI, websites, etc) How has the community developed since the last report: As of the time of this report at least one new committer has been added. Additionally, a number of previously unknown developers have begun making substantial quantities of bug fixes and even working on new functionality. How has the project developed since the last report: The project itself continues to deal with process questions as well as learning how to operate in the new environment. A good deal of work has been happening on resolving the problems in the code base around licensing, though not currently close to finishing. Signed off by mentor: jim
CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. CloudStack has been in incubation since 2012-04-16 CloudStack has been in the incubator for approximately 1.5 months. Mailing lists have migrated, accounts for the initial committers have been set up, and the initial code drop/git repo has been setup. Many new names are now participating in conversations on the mailing lists, with several of them volunteering to help move things along. The number of submitted patches from 'new names' in the month of May is in the double digits, and range from trivial one line fixes to two major patches with over 1,000 changed lines each. The community is beginning to exercise some of its decision making power by deciding about release tempo, future version schemes and numbers, and a number of other internal plumbing issues. Much remains to be done in preparation for the initial release, and those tasks are being identified. We also have a number of external resources (bug tracker, wiki, CI) that are still awaiting migration. Top 3 Issues to address in move towards graduation - The project is using source and binaries with a number of non-ASF-approved licenses. This needs remediation. - Diversity of the contributor base still needs to be expanded. - While we are making progress, there still remains a number of large pieces (bug tracker, wiki, test infra) that still need to be migrated to ASF infrastructure. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? No issues that we are aware of at this point. How has the community developed since the last report? See the above narration, but generally speaking the community is beginning to exercise its decision making powers, largely around internal plumbing issues at the moment. We are also seeing a number of new developers submitting patches. How has the project developed since the last report? The project continues to have many issues to tackle for its first release and is identifying and moving forward on those issues. Work continues on solutions to remove the need to massive (or any) amount of additional hardware to test/develop with in an effort to lower the barrier to participate. Signed off by mentor:
CloudStack is an IaaS (“Infrastracture as a Service”) cloud orchestration platform. CloudStack has been in incubation since 2012-04-16 Overview: Cloudstack just entered the incubator a couple of weeks ago. Since then, the mailing list has been setup and discussions have started to migrate from the existing list to the ASF-hosted list, with several 'new names' participating including one of those 'new names' submitting a patch. Currently, the code repository and bulk of existing infrastructure is still hosted by Citrix, but the community is looking forward to getting that moved to Apache as soon as possible. A list of the most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. The base level of infrastructure migration has begun but still has far to be finished. At present the mailing lists exist, but wiki, project website, source repository, bug tracker, etc still need to be brought up and migrated. In many ways we are blocked on further progress by lack of account creation for initial committers. 2. Diversity of the contributor base still needs to be expanded - this was identified as an issue in the proposal, and remains one, though we are encouraged by a seeming uptick (we've been in incubation for less than a week, so trends are indeed difficult to identify at this point) in interest on the mailing lists from previously uninvolved individuals. 3. The project needs a working process definition. What is the review process for contributions, recommendations for engaging before writing large amounts of code, etc. 4. The project is using source and binaries with a number of non-ASF-approved licenses. This needs remediation. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? No issues that we are aware of at this point. How has the community developed since the last report? There has been no previous report - so nothing to report here. How has the project developed since the last report? There has been no previous report - so nothing to report here. Signed off by mentor: brett, dkulp, jim