This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - December 2024 ## Description A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Project Status **Current project status:** Our current work continues on staying updated with changes to iOS and Android, our most utilized platforms, alongside ensuring regular updates to plugins. Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remains mostly all green and our nightly builds are still extremely stable. **Issues for the board:** There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. **Community changes, past quarter:** - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. ## Project Activity Our project made releases this quarter for our core platforms to keep up with current requirements. **Releases:** - cordova-plugin-file@8.1.3 was released on 2024-11-20. - cordova-lib@12.0.2 was released on 2024-11-02. - cordova-plugin-camera@8.0.0 was released on 2024-11-02. - cordova-plugin-file@8.1.2 was released on 2024-10-30. - cordova-plugin-file@8.1.1 was released on 2024-10-24. - cordova-ios@8.0.0-beta.1 was released on 2024-10-21. ## Community Health Overall, the community health is strong. The ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.70 (Healthy) We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Several patches and major updates across our platforms, plugins, and tooling have been released. Some contributors focused on updating our file and camera plugins. The file plugin received a few patch releases to improve the handling of specific file paths in certain configured environments and to unify behavior between iOS and Android. Additionally, we prepared a major release for the camera plugin to comply with Android's new permission requirements. For our platforms, we published a beta release of cordova-ios to modernize the codebase, add new features, and resolve localization issues through an improved project structure. The goal of this beta release was to engage with the community in testing these upcoming major and potentially breaking changes. This engagement would also include plugin developers to ensure they are able to prepare for the next release. Feedback provided by the community and plugin developers was used to address any reported issues, further development, and improvements to our documentation to explain new behaviors or the rationale behind specific changes. Github discussions have become how our community supports each other. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity is forwarded to the 'issues' list. ## Mailing List Activity - dev@cordova.apache.org had a 161% increase in traffic in the past quarter (81 emails compared to 31) - issues@cordova.apache.org had a 21% increase in traffic in the past quarter (988 emails compared to 810)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - Sept 2024 ## Description A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Project Status **Current project status:** Our current work continues on staying updated with changes to iOS and Android, our most utilized platforms, alongside ensuring regular updates to plugins. Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remains mostly all green and our nightly builds are still extremely stable. Committers have made a patch release to update the cordova-ios platform to apply fixes around plugin management and scoping of code signing. A major release of cordova-plugin-file was published to remove support for a deprecated platform and to comply with Apple's new privacy requirements. **Issues for the board:** There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. **Community changes, past quarter:** - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. ## Project Activity Our project made releases this quarter for our core platforms to keep up with current requirements. **Releases:** - cordova-ios@7.1.1 was released on 2024-07-24. - cordova-plugin-device@3.0.0 was released on 2024-06-17. ## Community Health ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.70 (Healthy) We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Github discussions have become how our community supports each other. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity is forwarded to the 'issues' list. ## Mailing List Activity - dev@cordova.apache.org had a 80% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (15 emails compared to 72) - issues@cordova.apache.org had a 6% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (857 emails compared to 909) ## Github Activity **Issues:** Issue close rate of 141% - 63 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (23% increase) - 89 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (93% increase) **PRs:** PR close rate of 126% - 79 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-24% change) - 100 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-7% change) **Commits:** - 89 commits in the past quarter (-19% decrease) - 12 code contributors in the past quarter (20% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - June 2024 ## Description A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Project Status **Current project status:** Our current work continues on staying updated with changes to iOS and Android, our most utilized platforms, alongside ensuring regular updates to plugins. Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remains mostly all green and our nightly builds are still extremely stable. Committers made a major release to update the cordova-android platform to update dependencies. cordova-ios minor and cordova-plugin-file releases were published to comply with Apple's new privacy requirements. Niklas Merz, one of our PMC members gave a talk at Community Over Code EU 2024 (June 2024 Bratislava, Slovakia) about maintainer personas and our community survey. The talk discussed some ideas and results of the survey and hopefully inspires other projects to have a look at their community. **Issues for the board:** There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. **Community changes, past quarter:** - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. ## Project Activity Our project made releases this quarter for our core platforms to keep up with current requirements. **Releases:** - cordova-plugin-file@8.1.0 was released on 2024-06-05. - cordova-android@13.0.0 was released on 2024-05-23. - cordova-ios@7.1.0 was released on 2024-04-03. - cordova-eslint@5.1.0 was released on 2024-03-27. ## Community Health ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.70 (Healthy) We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Github discussions have become how our community supports each other. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity is forwarded to the 'issues' list. ## Mailing List Activity - dev@cordova.apache.org had a 211% increase in traffic in the past quarter (56 emails compared to 18) - issues@cordova.apache.org had a 67% increase in traffic in the past quarter (895 emails compared to 533) ## Github Activity **Issues:** Issue close rate of 94% - 54 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (8% increase) - 51 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (6% increase) **PRs:** PR close rate of 112% - 97 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (185% increase) - 109 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (172% increase) **Commits:** - 103 commits in the past quarter (145% increase) - 9 code contributors in the past quarter (12% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - March 2024 ## Description A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Project Status **Current project status:** Our current work continues on staying updated with changes to iOS and Android, our most utilized platforms, alongside ensuring regular updates to plugins. Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remains mostly all green and our nightly builds are still extremely stable. Committers made a major release to update the cordova-electron platform and are preparing for cordova-ios minor release to comply with Apple's new privacy requirements. **Issues for the board:** There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. **Community changes, past quarter:** - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-06. ## Project Activity **Releases:** - cordova-electron@4.0.0 was released on 2024-03-11. ## Community Health ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.70 (Healthy) We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Github discussions have become how our community supports each other. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity is forwarded to the 'issues' list. ## Mailing List Activity - dev@cordova.apache.org had a 80% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (19 emails compared to 94) - issues@cordova.apache.org had a 35% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (585 emails compared to 897) ## Github Activity **Issues:** Issue close rate of 98% - 48 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-53% change) - 47 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-44% change) **PRs:** PR close rate of 113% - 31 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-52% change) - 35 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-58% change) **Commits:** - 42 commits in the past quarter (-50% change) - 8 code contributors in the past quarter (-33% change)
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jesse MacFadyen (purplecabbage) to the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Jesse MacFadyen from the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Cordova project has chosen by vote to recommend Bryan Ellis (erisu) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jesse MacFadyen is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bryan Ellis be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Cordova Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - December 2023 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work continues to be keeping up with changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. Github discussions has become how our community supports each other. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remains mostly all green and our nightly builds are still extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.70 Healthy A small group of dedicated individuals continue to contribute and make incremental releases. The project remains stable and continues to see good traffic. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity is forwarded to the 'issues' list. ## Membership Data: - There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05. - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05. ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@6.0.0 was released on 2023-11-23. - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@3.0.0 was released on 2023-11-05. - cordova-plugin-file@8.0.1 was released on 2023-11-05. - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation@3.0.4 was released on 2023-11-05. - cordova-plugin-statusbar@4.0.0 was released on 2023-11-05. - cordova-plugin-geolocation@5.0.0 was released on 2023-09-21. ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 81% 89 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-21% change) 72 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-35% change) PR close rate of 127% 48 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-69% change) 61 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-60% change) Commits 65 commits in the past quarter (-61% decrease) 11 code contributors in the past quarter (-21% change)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - September 2023 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work continues to be keeping up with changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. Github discussions has become how our community supports each other. Committers made large releases this quarter with major version bumps to cordova-ios@7, cordova-plugin-file@8, cordova-plugin-media-capture@5, cordova-plugin-camera@7, cordova-plugin-file-transfer@2, cordova-plugin-media@7 ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remains mostly all green and our nightly builds are still extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.70 Healthy A small group of dedicated individuals continue to contribute and make incremental releases. The project remains stable and continues to see good traffic. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity is forwarded to the 'issues' list. ## Membership Data: - There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05. - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05. ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@2.0.0 was released on 2023-09-13. - cordova-plugin-media@7.0.0 was released on 2023-09-13. - cordova-plugin-camera@7.0.0 was released on 2023-09-12. - cordova-ios@7.0.1 was released on 2023-09-06. - cordova-android@12.0.1 was released on 2023-08-28. - cordova-plugin-media-capture@5.0.0 was released on 2023-08-18. - cordova-ios@7.0.0 was released on 2023-07-10. - cordova-plugin-file@8.0.0 was released on 2023-07-10. ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 99% 101 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-15% change) 100 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-55% change) PR close rate of 91% 141 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-4% change) 128 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-27% change) Commits 146 commits in the past quarter (-30% decrease) 14 code contributors in the past quarter (-41% change)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - June 2023 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work continues to be keeping up with changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. Github discussions has become how our community supports each other. Committers made some large releases this quarter with major version updates to cordova-android, the cli and cordova-lib. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds are still extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.7 Healthy We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity has been shifting there and away from our #slack community. ## Membership Data: - There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05. - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05. ## Releases: - cordova-android@12.0.0 was released on 2023-05-23. - cordova-cli@12.0.0 was released on 2023-05-23. - cordova-lib@12.0.1 was released on 2023-05-23. - cordova-browser@7.0.0 was released on 2023-05-16. - cordova-create@5.0.0 was released on 2023-05-16. - cordova-lib@12.0.0 was released on 2023-05-16. - cordova-ios@6.3.0 was released on 2023-04-17. - cordova-fetch@4.0.0 was released on 2023-04-13. ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 197% 112 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (8% increase) 221 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-8% change) PR close rate of 121% 145 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (10% increase) 175 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (25% increase) Commits 196 commits in the past quarter (33% increase) 22 code contributors in the past quarter (46% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - March 2023 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work continues to be keeping up with changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. Github discussions has become how our community supports each other. There was a question last report about whether it made sense to send our slack digest to our dev list. We are hoping that github discussions takes the place of slack entirely, which has already started to happen. Github discussion also carry a lot more context, as they are close to the code, can easily link to code, pull requests and issues. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds are still extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.7 Healthy We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Our discussion area is live at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions and activity has been shifting there and away from our #slack community. ## Membership Data: - There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 ## Releases: - cordova-common@5.0.0 was released on 2023-03-09. - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation@3.0.3 was released on 2023-02-24. - cordova-serve@4.0.1 was released on 2023-02-01. - cordova-eslint@5.0.0 was released on 2023-01-18. - cordova-cli@11.1.0 was released on 2023-01-16. - cordova-create@4.1.0 was released on 2023-01-10. - cordova-lib@11.1.0 was released on 2023-01-10. ## Dev mailing list: - _mailing list stats seem to be inaccurate, but traffic was still low this quarter_ ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 245% - 96 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-10% change) - 235 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (137% increase) PR close rate of 108% - 125 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (1% increase) - 135 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (33% increase) Commits - 141 commits in the past quarter (17% increase) - 15 code contributors in the past quarter (-11% change)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - December 2022 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work continues to be keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. - We have updated our community plugin search page to make it more manageable as it was depending on a 3rd party api which was shut down. - We now have github discussions enabled. *(Thanks INFRA!)* ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds are still extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.7 Healthy We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. We have begun transitioning conversations to github discussions. ## Questions from last report > cd: You say, the primary channel for helping is the cordova slack. > As there is no #cordova in the ASF slack, I assume it's an > external one. Is there any form of archive of old questions and > searchability? Or is this used entirely for support and not for > discussions about the project itself? We have our own slack community that is used exclusively to support developers and allow developers to help eachother. This is a hold-over from the days when Adobe/PhoneGap were active in the project, Adobe used to pay for #slack bill. We have since moved to the free-tier which is quite limiting. The PMC has a private channel but it is really only used for near realtime discussion and any decisions are taken to the mailing list before being finalized. Searchability is not great within #slack as is, and in the free tier we can only search back as far as 10k messages across all channels. In order to keep historical conversations we have a daily digest service (github action) to copy all public conversations to a github repo in markdown. The digest can be found here: https://github.com/apache/cordova/tree/master/slack-digest That said, the pmc does realize that the slack funnel is very limiting and we have enabled **github discussions** This seems to be a better forum for technical discussions as it happens closer to the code. Our discussion area is live in the same repo at https://github.com/apache/cordova/discussions ## Membership Data: - There are currently 99 committers and 96 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. - We had 3 inactive PMC member resignations this quarter. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - 3 PMC member resignations this quarter. - Dmitry Blotsky on 2022-12-04 - Raymond Camden on 2022-12-04 - Murat Sutunc on 2022-12-04 ## Releases: - cordova-fetch@3.1.0 was released on 2022-12-13. - cordova-common@4.1.0 was released on 2022-11-15. - cordova-plugin-media@6.1.0 was released on 2022-09-09. ## Dev mailing list: - _mailing list stats seem to be inaccurate, but traffic was still low this quarter_ - 41 emails by 11 authors, divided into 16 topics. ## Github activity: - _mailing list stats seem to be inaccurate, but traffic still low this quarter_ - 1266 emails Issue close rate of 92% - 105 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-1% change) - 97 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-8% change) PR close rate of 80% - 120 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-39% change) - 96 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-47% change) Commits - 116 commits in the past quarter (-38% change) - 17 code contributors in the past quarter (30% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - Sept 2022 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work continues to be keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds are still extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.7 Healthy We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. Things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. ## Membership Data: There are currently 102 committers and 99 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-media@6.1.0 was released on 2022-09-09. - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@6.0.2 was released on 2022-07-16. - cordova-android@11.0.0 was released on 2022-07-12. ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 93% - 107 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (9% increase) - 100 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-32% change) PR close rate of 93% - 193 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (17% increase) - 180 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (13% increase) Commits - 182 commits in the past quarter (3% increase) - 12 code contributors in the past quarter (-47% change)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - June 2022 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. We continue to work towards reducing technical debt, and 'running the business'. Website analytics has converted from Google Analytics to Matomo, and are visible at https://analytics.apache.org/ ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds are still extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.7 Healthy We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. That said, things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. ## Membership Data: There are currently 102 committers and 99 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - Tobias Bocanegra has resigned from the PMC and has been removed from committers ## Releases: - cordova-electron@3.1.0 was released on 2022-05-30. - cordova-plugin-media-capture@4.0.0 was released on 2022-05-30. - cordova-plugin-media@6.0.0 was released on 2022-05-30. - cordova-android@10.1.2 was released on 2022-04-15. - cordova-plugin-device@2.1.0 was released on 2022-04-11. - cordova-plugin-file@7.0.0 was released on 2022-04-11. - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@6.0.1 was released on 2022-04-06. - cordova-osx@7.0.0 was released on 2022-03-12. ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 43% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (52 emails compared to 90): ## Github activity: issues@cordova.apache.org had a 33% increase in traffic in the past quarter (1721 emails compared to 2550): Issue close rate of 164% - 91 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-13% change) - 149 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (161% increase) PR close rate of 97% - 155 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (252% increase) - 151 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (259% increase) Commits - 170 commits in the past quarter (169% increase) - 24 code contributors in the past quarter (100% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - March 2022 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. We continue to work towards reducing technical debt, and 'running the business'. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 6.33 Healthy We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. That said, things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. ## Membership Data: There are currently 103 committers and 100 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-media@5.0.4 was released on 2022-01-25. - cordova-cli@11.0.0 was released on 2021-12-21. - cordova-lib@11.0.0 was released on 2021-12-16. ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 43% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (52 emails compared to 90): ## Github activity: issues@cordova.apache.org had a 33% increase in traffic in the past quarter (1721 emails compared to 2550): Issue close rate of 55% - 99 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-29% change) - 54 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-52% change) PR close rate of 100% - 38 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (83% increase) - 38 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (86% increase) Commits - 58 commits in the past quarter (77% increase) - 11 code contributors in the past quarter (56% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - December 2021 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. We continue to work towards reducing technical debt, and 'running the business' We have archived translations of our documentation which was very out of date. Similarily we will be archiving outdated documentation for releases more than 3 years old. Several committers have received test devices purchased with donated funds, the remainder should be done shortly. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 6.3 ( Healthy ) We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. That said, things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. ## Membership Data: There are currently 103 committers and 100 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 ## Releases: - cordova-create@4.0.0 was released on 2021-12-07. - cordova-plugin-statusbar@6.0.0 was released on 2021-12-01. - cordova-app-hello-world@6.0.0 was released on 2021-10-31. - cordova-eslint@4.0.0 was released on 2021-10-31. - cordova-lib@10.1.0 was released on 2021-10-08. - cordova-android@10.1.1 was released on 2021-09-15. ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 17% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (60 emails compared to 72): ## Github activity: issues@cordova.apache.org had a 20% increase in traffic in the past quarter (2400 emails compared to 1985): Issue close rate of 83% - 132 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-15% change) - 110 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-14% change) PR close rate of 119% - 227 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (33% increase) - 271 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (60% increase) Commits - 255 commits in the past quarter (39% increase) - 26 code contributors in the past quarter (30% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - September 2021 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. We continue to work towards reducing technical debt, and 'running the business' We are in the process of archiving older documentation and translations which were very out of date. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 9.6 ( Super Healthy ) We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. That said, things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. ## Membership Data: There are currently 103 committers and 100 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 - No new committers. Last addition was Pieter Van Poyer on 2021-04-05 ## Releases: - cordova-electron@3.0.0 was released on 2021-09-06. - cordova-plugin-camera@6.0.0 was released on 2021-08-23. - cordova-android@10.1.0 was released on 2021-08-17. - cordova-plugin-camera@5.0.3 was released on 2021-08-09. - cordova-android@10.0.1 was released on 2021-07-30. - cordova-android@10.0.0 was released on 2021-07-20. - cordova-js@6.1.0 was released on 2021-07-14. - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.3.5 was released on 2021-06-30. ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 34% increase in traffic in the past quarter (70 emails compared to 52): ## Github activity: issues@cordova.apache.org had a 12% increase in traffic in the past quarter (1997 emails compared to 1781): Issue close rate of 84% 141 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-7% change) 119 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (8% increase) PR close rate of 99% - 166 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (66% increase) - 165 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (85% increase) Commits - 179 commits in the past quarter (105% increase) - 20 code contributors in the past quarter (-23% change)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - June 2021 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Current work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms, and updating plugins. We continue to work towards reducing technical debt, and 'running the business' ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io remain mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 10.00 (Super Healthy) 2 of the releases in the quarter were lead by our newest committer Pieter We continue to see contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. I believe the global pandemic has had an effect also as without any large corporate sponsored development it can be hard to find personal time. That said, things remain stable and the project continues to see good traffic. The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. We will be seeking to enable github discussions in one or more repos to see if this is a better way to engage with the community. I am hopeful that we can resume our video hangouts soon. ## Membership Data: There are currently 103 committers and 100 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. ### Community changes, past quarter: - Pieter Van Poyer was added to the PMC on 2021-04-05 - Pieter Van Poyer was added as committer on 2021-04-05 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-network-information@3.0.0 was released on 2021-06-06. - cordova-plugin-camera@5.0.2 was released on 2021-05-14. - cordova-android@9.1.0 was released on 2021-04-13. ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 32% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (51 emails compared to 74): ## Github activity: issues@cordova.apache.org had a 12% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (1767 emails compared to 1999): Issue close rate of 74% - 143 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (18% decrease) - 106 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (26% decrease) PR close rate of 89% - 98 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (24% increase) - 87 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (17% increase) Commits - 86 commits in the past quarter (13% increase) - 25 code contributors in the past quarter (56% increase)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - March 2021 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Recent work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms. We continue to work towards reducing technical debt, and 'running the business' We are finalizing a list of test devices to be used by active committers, and the possibility of either MacInTheCloud, or Amazon EC2 Mac Instances so we can support Apple's M1 hardware. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 4.7 (Healthy) We are still only seeing contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. This makes it harder to make large changes. All the large corporate sponsored development has ceased, but the project continues to see good traffic, and usage has been stable. The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. There has been some interest in also exploring github discussions. ## PMC changes: - Currently 99 PMC members. - No new PMC members. - Niklas Merz was added to the PMC on 2019-12-26 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 102 committers. - No new committers. - Niklas Merz was added to committers on 2019-12-26 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@5.0.0 was released on 2021-02-16 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.2.2 was released on 2021-02-06 - cordova-fetch@3.0.1 was released on 2021-02-05 - cordova-ios@6.2.0 was released on 2021-02-04 ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 31% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (74 emails compared to 106): ## Github activity: issues@cordova.apache.org had a 32% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (2080 emails compared to 3055) Issue close rate of 85% - 165 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-40% decrease) - 141 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-35% decrease) PR close rate of 93% - 77 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-59% decrease) - 72 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-54% decrease) Commits - 74 commits in the past quarter (-57% decrease) - 16 code contributors in the past quarter (-42% decrease)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - December 2020 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Recent work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms. We continue to work towards reducing technical debt, and 'running the business' ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 6.33 (Healthy) We are still only seeing contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals. This makes it harder to make large changes. All the large corporate sponsored development has ceased, but the project continues to see good traffic, and usage has been stable. The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and continues to be fairly active. There has been some interest in also exploring github discussions. Our online video hangouts are happening more regularly, which helps give a sense of team despite our varied distribution, and availability. All meetings are recorded and shared on YouTube, and we hope to get more and more interest from the community, as well as community participation. ## PMC changes: - Currently 99 PMC members. - No new PMC members. - Niklas Merz was added to the PMC on 2019-12-26 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 102 committers. - No new committers. - Niklas Merz was added to committers on 2019-12-26 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@4.1.0 was released on 2020-11-21. - cordova-plugin-geolocation@4.1.0 was released on 2020-11-20. - cordova-plugin-camera@5.0.1 was released on 2020-11-09. - cordova-electron@2.0.0 was released on 2020-10-02. - cordova-plugin-camera@5.0.0 was released on 2020-09-18. ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 61% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (109 emails compared to 275): ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 78%: - 262 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-20% decrease) - 205 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-29% decrease) PR close rate of 83%: - 184 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-34% decrease) - 153 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-49% decrease) Commits - 171 commits in the past quarter (-66% decrease) - 27 code contributors in the past quarter (-22% decrease)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - September 2020 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity Recent work has been around keeping up with recent changes to iOS and Android, our most used platforms. We are also working towards reducing some of our technical debt, we have discussed narrowing our platform support by removing some of the now outdated platforms we support so we can better serve our community. We still have not made a decision how best to use last year's generous donation. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. ASF Project Statistics gives the project a Community Health Score (Chi): 6.33 (Healthy) That said, we are only seeing contributions from a small group of dedicated individuals, and a lot of work has been focused on reducing some of the technical debt to keep the project managable with the limited time we have. All the large corporate sponsered development has ceased, but the project continues to see good traffic, and usage has been stable. The cordova-cli, the base tool used for creating/building/running gets 125k downloads a week on npm, and has been consistent for the last year. Various core plugins see usage in the 50-80k/wk range. Our primary channel for helping, and hearing from users is via our #slack community, which has ~4k users and is fairly active. The pmc has renewed interest in having online video hangouts, which we are aiming to have every 2-3 weeks or more if possible. Our time-zones are very distrubuted, so we will likely distribute the timing as well. All meetings will be recorded and shared on YouTube, and we hope to get more and more intrest from the community. ## PMC changes: - Currently 99 PMC members. - No new PMC members. - Niklas Merz was added to the PMC on 2019-12-26 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 102 committers. - No new committers. - Niklas Merz was added to committers on 2019-12-26 ## Releases: - cordova-ios@6.1.1 was released on 2020-08-31. - cordova-cli@10.0.0 was released on 2020-08-04. - cordova-lib@10.0.0 was released on 2020-07-27. - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@6.0.0 was released on 2020-07-20. - cordova-common@4.0.2 was released on 2020-07-03. - cordova-android@9.0.0 was released on 2020-06-29. - cordova-ios@6.1.0 was released on 2020-06-24. - cordova-osx@6.0.0 was released on 2020-06-24. - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@4.0.0 was released on 2020-06-13. ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last quarter (JIRA has been shut down) - 161 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last quarter ## Dev mailing list: dev@cordova.apache.org had a 17% increase in traffic in the past quarter (301 emails compared to 256): ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 92%: - 308 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter - 282 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter PR close rate of 105%: - 274 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter - 289 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter Commits - 491 commits in the past quarter (22% increase) - 36 code contributors in the past quarter (no change)
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - June 2020 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity - We have not made a decision how best to use last year's generous donation since our plan to contract a specialist for UX and technical writing to update our documentation and create getting started guides was denied. We will likely use the funds to purchase test devices for committers who need them, pending Apache approval, and acceptance by the donor. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. We are still (slowly) working to resolve existing issues in JIRA, while also maintaining all the new issues and pull requests in Github. ## PMC changes: - Currently 99 PMC members. - No new PMC members. - Niklas Merz was added to the PMC on 2019-12-26 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 102 committers. - No new committers. - Niklas Merz was added to committers on 2019-12-26 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@5.0.4 was released on 2020-06-06. - cordova-create@3.0.0 was released on 2020-06-01. - cordova-ios@6.0.0 was released on 2020-06-01. - cordova-common@4.0.1 was released on 2020-05-19. - cordova-node-xcode@3.0.1 was released on 2020-05-19. - cordova-app-hello-world@5.0.0 was released on 2020-04-13. - cordova-fetch@3.0.0 was released on 2020-04-13. - cordova-js@6.0.0 was released on 2020-04-13. - cordova-node-xcode@3.0.0 was released on 2020-04-13. - cordova-serve@4.0.0 was released on 2020-04-13. - cordova-common@4.0.0 was released on 2020-03-30. - cordova-eslint@3.0.0 was released on 2020-03-26. ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last quarter (JIRA has been shut down) - 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last quarter ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 104%: - 300 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter - 311 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter PR close rate of 100%: - 264 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter - 265 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - March 2020 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity - We are still working out the details for how to use last years donation to hire someone to update our documentation and author some getting started guides. We have started an issue thread: https://github.com/apache/cordova-docs/issues/1057 and welcome input/guidance from Apache. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. We are still working to resolve all existing issues in JIRA while also maintaining all the new issues and pull requests in Github. ## PMC changes: - Currently 99 PMC members. - Niklas Merz was added to the PMC on 2019-12-26 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 102 committers - Niklas Merz was added to committers on 2019-12-26 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@3.2.0 was released on 2020-01-08. - cordova-windows@7.0.1 was released on 2020-01-06. - cordova-node-xcode@2.1.0 was released on 2019-12-24. ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last quarter (JIRA has been shut down) - 11 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last quarter ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 57%: - 233 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter - 134 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter PR close rate of 95%: - 136 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter - 130 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter
@Daniel: continue tracking targeted donation
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - December 2019 ## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: cordova-eslint is a new repo which consolidates linting standards which will be applied across all our repos. The project received a generous anonymous donation, which took us a while to decide on an acceptable use of the funds. We will be using the donation to pay to have some documentation, information architecture and technical writing done to update our documentation and author some getting started guides. cordova-ios release includes prep work for removing the UIWebView implementation ( deprecated by Apple ) We will move forward this quarter with the migration from UIWebView to WKWebView for iOS. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds remain stable. We are still working to resolve all existing issues in JIRA while also maintaining all the new issues and pull requests in Github. ## PMC changes: - Currently 98 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Norman Breau was added to the PMC on 2019-09-29 - Gedas Gardauskas was added to the PMC on 2019-10-18 - Last PMC addition: 2019-10-18 (Gedas Gardauskas) ## Committer base changes: - Currently 101 committers. - New commmitters: - Norman Breau was added as committer on 2019-09-30 - Gedas Gardauskas was added as committer on 2019-10-18 - Last committer addition: 2019-10-18 (Gedas Gardauskas) ## Releases: ### Platforms - cordova-android@8.1.0 was released on 2019-09-17. - cordova-ios@5.1.1 was released on 2019-12-02. - cordova-ios@5.1.0 was released on 2019-11-25. ### Libraries - cordova-eslint@2.0.0 was released on 2019-11-14. - cordova-eslint@1.0.0 was released on 2019-11-09. - cordova-common@3.2.1 was released on 2019-11-05. ## Mailing list activity: - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 234 emails sent to list (176 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 98 emails sent to list (82 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (JIRA has been shut down) - 92 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 71%: - 334 Github Issues created in the last 3 months - 236 Github Issues closed in the last 3 months PR close rate of 87%: - 288 Github Pull Requests created in the last 3 months - 250 Github Pull Requests closed/merged in the last 3 months
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - September 2019 ## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: cordova-electron@1.1.1 was the only platform release in this quarter. cordova-android@8.1.0 is being voted on currently, and will be released shortly. We will also be making some large changes to iOS as Apple has made it clear that they may soon reject app submissions for apps using deprecated APIs. Discussions are happening currently so we can find the best solution that does not break existing applications/plugins and meets Apple's requirements. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds remain extremely stable. We are still working to resolve all existing issues in JIRA while also maintaining all the new issues and pull requests in Github. ## PMC changes: - Currently 96 PMC members. - New PMC members: - no new pmc members this quarter - Last PMC addition: Tue Apr 30 2019 (Dave Alden) ## Committer base changes: - Currently 99 committers. - New commmitters: - no new committers added this quarter - Last committer addition: Tue Apr 30 2019 (Dave Alden) ## Releases: ### Platforms - cordova-electron@1.1.1 was released on 2019-08-27. ### Plugins - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.2.1 was released on 2019-07-22. - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.2.0 was released on 2019-07-11. - cordova-plugin-camera@4.1.0 was released on 2019-07-11. - cordova-plugin-file@6.0.2 was released on 2019-07-11. - cordova-plugin-geolocation@4.0.2 was released on 2019-07-11. - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@3.1.0 was released on 2019-07-11. - cordova-plugin-media@5.0.3 was released on 2019-07-11. ## Mailing list activity: - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 189 emails sent to list (234 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 82 emails sent to list (139 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (JIRA has been shut down) - 53 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 63%: - 268 Github Issues created in the last 3 months - 170 Github Issues closed in the last 3 months PR close rate of 180%: - 78 Github Pull Requests created in the last 3 months - 141 Github Pull Requests closed/merged in the last 3 months
## Status report for the Apache Cordova project - June 2019 ## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - We made 2 platform patch releases (electron@1.0.2, ios@5.0.1) - We also made 6 tools/libraries releases. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. We are still working to resolve all existing issues in JIRA while also maintaining all the new issues and pull requests in Github. ## PMC changes: - Currently 96 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Dave Alden was added to the PMC on Tue Apr 30 2019 - Tim Brust was added to the PMC on Tue Apr 23 2019 - Last PMC addition: Tue Apr 30 2019 (Dave Alden) ## Committer base changes: - Currently 99 committers. - New commmitters: - Dave Alden was added as a committer on Tue Apr 30 2019 - Tim Brust was added as a committer on Tue Apr 23 2019 - Last committer addition: Tue Apr 30 2019 (Dave Alden) ## Releases: ### Platforms - cordova-electron@1.0.2 was released on Mon Mar 18 2019 - cordova-ios@5.0.1 was released on Mon Apr 22 2019 ### Libraries - cordova-cli@9.0.0 was released on Fri Mar 22 2019 - cordova-fetch@2.0.1 was released on Fri Mar 22 2019 - cordova-lib@9.0.0 was released on Mon Mar 18 2019 - cordova-lib@9.0.1 was released on Tue Apr 02 2019 - cordova-plugman@3.0.0 was released on Fri Mar 22 2019 - cordova-plugman@3.0.1 was released on Mon Apr 15 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 378 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months): - 245 emails sent to list (307 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 66 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 139 emails sent to list (93 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (JIRA has been shut down) - 114 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 48%: - 306 Github Issues created in the last 3 months - 146 Github Issues closed in the last 3 months PR close rate of 76%: - 340 Github Pull Requests created in the last 3 months - 258 Github Pull Requests closed/merged in the last 3 months
Status report for the Apache Cordova project - March 2019 Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activity: We made 6 platform releases (Android@8, Browser@6, Electron@1, iOS@5, OSX@5, Windows@7), and 1 patch release (Electron@1.0.1). Electron is a new platform, and the 2 releases were the first. We also made 8 tools/libraries releases. Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds remain extremely stable. We are still actively working to resolve all existing issues in JIRA while also maintaining all the new issues and pull requests in Github. PMC changes: - Currently 94 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Ellis on Wed Jul 25 2018 Committer base changes: - Currently 97 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Bryan Ellis at Thu Jul 26 2018 Releases: Platforms - cordova-android@8.0.0 was released on Fri Feb 15 2019 - cordova-browser@6.0.0 was released on Sun Feb 03 2019 - cordova-electron@1.0.0 was released on Wed Feb 27 2019 - cordova-electron@1.0.1 was released on Tue Mar 05 2019 - cordova-ios@5.0.0 was released on Fri Feb 08 2019 - cordova-osx@5.0.0 was released on Sun Feb 03 2019 - cordova-windows@7.0.0 was released on Thu Mar 07 2019 Libraries - cordova-app-hello-world@4.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 24 2018 - cordova-common@3.1.0 was released on Wed Jan 02 2019 - cordova-create@2.0.0 was released on Wed Jan 09 2019 - cordova-fetch@2.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 24 2018 - cordova-js@5.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 24 2018 - cordova-node-xcode@1.1.0 was released on Thu Dec 20 2018 - cordova-node-xcode@2.0.0 was released on Wed Jan 16 2019 - cordova-serve@3.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 24 2018 JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (JIRA has been shut down) - 10 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months Github activity: Issue close rate of 43%: - 423 Github Issues created in the last 3 months - 182 Github Issues closed in the last 3 months PR close rate of 96%: - 216 Github Pull Requests created in the last 3 months - 207 Github Pull Requests closed/merged in the last 3 months
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Shazron Abdullah (shazron) to the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Shazron Abdullah from the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Cordova project has chosen by vote to recommend Jesse MacFadyen (purplecabbage) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Shazron Abdullah is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jesse MacFadyen be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7H, Change the Apache Cordova Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had three platform patch releases of Android (fixes to gradle repositories and plugin compatibility) and one platform patch release for Windows (fixes bugs related to the last major version release). There was no iOS platform release nor any plugin releases. There were two tool releases of the CLI (minor and patch release) to resolve `npm audit` issues. This will be the last tool release before we move on to Node 6 for the next major version. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been extremely stable. We are actively trying to resolve all existing issues in JIRA while also maintaining all the new issues and pull requests in Github. ## PMC changes: - Currently 94 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Ellis on Wed Jul 25 2018 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 97 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Bryan Ellis at Thu Jul 26 2018 ## Releases: - cordova-android@7.1.2 was released on Wed Nov 07 2018 - cordova-android@7.1.3 was released on Wed Nov 21 2018 - cordova-android@7.1.4 was released on Fri Nov 23 2018 - cordova-common@3.0.0 was released on Mon Nov 05 2018 - cordova-fetch@1.3.1 was released on Thu Sep 20 2018 - cordova-lib@8.1.0 was released on Thu Sep 20 2018 - cordova-lib@8.1.1 was released on Fri Oct 05 2018 - cordova-windows@6.0.1 was released on Fri Oct 05 2018 - cordova@8.1.0 was released on Wed Sep 26 2018 - cordova@8.1.2 was released on Sun Oct 07 2018 ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months (JIRA has been shut down) - 276 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ## Github activity: Issue close rate of 37%: - 575 Github Issues created in the last 3 months - 212 Github Issues closed in the last 3 months PR close rate of 80%: - 318 Github Pull Requests created in the last 3 months - 253 Github Pull Requests closed/merged in the last 3 months
## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had four platform releases this quarter. The releases were mainly bug fixes and also fixes related to `npm audit` issues. `npm audit` checks the dependency tree for your code and provides a security vulnerability report. We had tool releases for cordova-common, cordova-js, and cordova-coho. The releases relate to bug fixes and fixes related to `npm audit` issues. We also upgraded support to `node-6` and greater, with our dropping of `node-4` support. We had our first committers meeting (over video call) of 2018 with all the new committers to discuss project direction. Our last meeting face to face was in Oct 2016 in Redmond, WA. We shut down creation of new issues in Apache JIRA, and enabled `Github Issues` in all 71 repositories that we have in Apache's Github org. We decided not to migrate any existing open issues in JIRA to Github -- we will investigate and triage those issues in JIRA and migrate issues on a case by case basis. We established an org-level Github Project Board for us to have a bird's eye view of all Cordova issues in all our numerous repos, for planning purposes. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green - failures are usually due to external service issues that do device testing. Our nightly builds have been stable with occasional packaging failures. We are actively trying to resolve all existing issues in JIRA while also maintaining all the new issues in Github. ## PMC changes: - Currently 94 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Bryan Ellis was added to the PMC on Wed Jul 25 2018 - Ken (knaito) was added to the PMC on Wed Jul 25 2018 - Gearóid M was added to the PMC on Wed Jul 25 2018 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 97 committers. - New commmitters: - Bryan Ellis was added as a committer on Thu Jul 26 2018 - Ken (knaito) was added as a committer on Thu Jul 26 2018 - Gearóid M was added as a committer on Mon Jul 23 2018 ## Releases: - cordova-android@7.1.1 was released on Mon Jul 16 2018 - cordova-browser@5.0.4 was released on Fri Aug 10 2018 - cordova-coho@1.0.1 was released on Wed Jun 20 2018 - cordova-common@2.2.4 was released on Tue Jun 19 2018 - cordova-common@2.2.5 was released on Mon Jul 02 2018 - cordova-ios@4.5.5 was released on Thu Jul 26 2018 - cordova-js@4.2.3 was released on Thu Jun 21 2018 - cordova-js@4.2.4 was released on Tue Jun 26 2018 - cordova-osx@4.0.2 was released on Tue Aug 14 2018 ## JIRA activity: - 140 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 288 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ## Github activity: - 165 Github Issues created in the last 3 months - 62 Github Issues closed in the last 3 months - 308 Github Pull Requests created in the last 3 months - 257 Github Pull Requests closed/merged in the last 3 months
## Description: - A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had no platform releases this quarter. Regarding tools releases - we had one for cordova-common and cordova-serve, mainly to fix small bugs and update dependencies. We had also one plugins release, where we released new versions for 10 plugins - which contained bug fixes. With the deprecation of Node.js 4 support by the Node Foundation (see our [blog post](https://cordova.apache.org/news/2016/10/01/0.x-4.x-deprecation-timeline.html)) we are proceeding with removing Node 4 support in all our tools and platforms, which will bump up all versions by a major version. This will bring ES6 and ES7 support into Cordova. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. We still have a backlog of GitHub Pull Request activity, again, same as last quarter. We have started migrating from JIRA to Github Issues (starting with cordova-docs) to perhaps take advantage of some automation available through Github apps. ## PMC changes: - Currently 91 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Gandhi Rajan was added to the PMC on Sat Apr 28 2018 - Raphael von der Grün was added to the PMC on Tue May 29 2018 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 94 committers. - New commmitters: - Gandhi Rajan was added as a committer on Thu Apr 26 2018 - Raphael von der Grün was added as a committer on Tue May 29 2018 ## Releases: - cordova-common@2.2.3 was released on Mon Jun 04 2018 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@2.0.2 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-camera@4.0.3 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@2.0.1 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@2.0.1 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-device@2.0.2 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.11.0 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.4.2 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-vibration@3.1.0 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@3.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@3.0.2 was released on Tue Apr 17 2018 - cordova-serve@2.0.1 was released on Fri Jun 08 2018 ## JIRA activity: - 156 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 188 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had four platform releases - two patch release for Browser (5.0.2, 5.0.3), one minor release for Android (7.1.0) and one major release for Windows (6.0.0) The Android and Browser releases were just small bug fixes. The Windows release now suppoorts the latest version of visual studio and does Windows 10 builds by default. We had many plugins gets released. Many of the releases needed second releases due to issues with installing from npm due to us forgetting to update some fields. Cordova-cli@8.0.0 was also released. This was accompanied by releases in other tools that the CLI is composed of. We took the release of this major version to drop deprecated code. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. We still have a huge backlog of GitHub Pull Request activity, again, same as last quarter. Will keep chipping away. ## PMC changes: - Currently 89 PMC members. - Chris Brody was added to the PMC on Tue Feb 13 2018 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 92 committers. - Chris Brody was added as a committer on Mon Feb 12 2018 ## Releases: - cordova-android@7.1.0 was released on Fri Feb 23 2018 - cordova-browser@5.0.2 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-browser@5.0.3 was released on Wed Dec 27 2017 - cordova-cli@8.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 18 2017 - cordova-common@2.2.1 was released on Mon Dec 18 2017 - cordova-create@1.1.2 was released on Mon Dec 18 2017 - cordova-fetch@1.3.0 was released on Mon Dec 18 2017 - cordova-lib@8.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 18 2017 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@2.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-camera@4.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-camera@4.0.2 was released on Sun Jan 28 2018 - cordova-plugin-contacts@3.0.1 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-device@2.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@2.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.7.1 was released on Sun Jan 28 2018 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@2.0.2 was released on Sun Jan 28 2018 - cordova-plugin-media@5.0.2 was released on Sun Jan 28 2018 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@5.0.2 was released on Sun Jan 28 2018 - cordova-plugin-file@6.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@4.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.9 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@2.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@3.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-media@5.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-network-information@2.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation@3.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@5.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.4.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugin-vibration@3.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 19 2017 - cordova-plugman@2.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 18 2017 - cordova-windows@6.0.0 was released on Thu Feb 22 2018 - cordova-plugin-vibration: 3.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation: 3.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen: 5.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-media: 5.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-media-capture: 3.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-network-information: 2.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-file: 6.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-geolocation: 4.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-device: 2.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-dialogs: 2.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-battery-status: 2.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-camera: 4.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser: 2.0.1 was released on Sat Dec 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-statusbar: 2.4.1 ## JIRA activity: - 303 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 246 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had eight platform releases - four patch release for iOS (4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 4.5.4), one patch release for Browser (5.0.1), two minor and one major release for Android (6.3.0, 6.4.0, 7.0.0). The iOS and Browser releases were just small bug fixes. The Android release now brings our Android project structure to based of the Android Studio project structure. We had many plugins gets released. Most notable is that we have deprecated `cordova-plugin-file-transfer`, `cordova-plugin-globalization`, `cordova-plugin-contacts` and `cordova-plugin-compat`. Due to `cordova-plugin-compat` being deprecated, we removed it as a dependency for a handful of plugins and gave them major version bumps. Cordova-cli@7.1.0 was also released. This was accompanied by releases in other tools that the CLI is composed of. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. We still have a huge backlog of GitHub Pull Request activity, again, same as last quarter -- but it has improved. Infra has now moved over all of our git repos to GitHub. This allows us to properly label pull requests. We also have the ability to merge in pull requests via the website. We are in the process of deprecating a few of our plugins which can be replaced by official W3C specs which have been implemented in the browsers of the platforms we support. We are also in the process of integrating a couple of plugins back into platforms and deprecating the plugins. This will help ease the maintenance load on the team. ## PMC changes: - Currently 88 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Jan Piotrowski was added to the PMC on Mon Oct 09 2017 - Vishal Mishra was added to the PMC on Mon Oct 09 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 91 committers. - New committers: - Jan Piotrowski was added as a committer on Mon Oct 09 2017 - Vishal Mishra was added as a committer on Mon Oct 09 2017 ## Releases: - cordova-android@6.3.0 was released on Tue Sep 26 2017 - cordova-android@6.4.0 was released on Wed Nov 08 2017 - cordova-android@7.0.0 was released on Sun Dec 03 2017 - cordova-browser@5.0.1 was released on Wed Oct 18 2017 - cordova-common@2.1.1 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017 - cordova-common@2.2.0 was released on Sun Nov 26 2017 - cordova-fetch@1.2.0 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017 - cordova-fetch@1.2.1 was released on Sun Oct 29 2017 - cordova-common@2.1.0 was released on Thu Aug 31 2017 - cordova-ios@4.5.1 was released on Sun Sep 24 2017 - cordova-ios@4.5.2 was released on Thu Oct 12 2017 - cordova-ios@4.5.3 was released on Mon Oct 30 2017 - cordova-ios@4.5.4 was released on Mon Nov 20 2017 - cordova-js@4.2.2 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017 - cordova-lib@7.1.0 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017 - cordova-node-xcode@1.0.0 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.2.5 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-camera@3.0.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-compat@1.2.0 was released on Thu Sep 21 2017 - cordova-plugin-console@1.1.0 was released on Thu Sep 21 2017 - cordova-plugin-contacts@3.0.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@2.0.0 was released on Thu Sep 21 2017 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@2.0.0 was released on Thu Sep 21 2017 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.7 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.3.4 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.7.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-file@5.0.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@3.0.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.8 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.7.2 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@2.0.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-media@4.0.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.3.4 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation@2.0.2 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@4.1.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.3.0 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.1.6 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.1.6 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.3.3 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.1.4 was released on Fri Nov 10 2017 - cordova-plugman@1.5.1 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017 - cordova@7.1.0 was released on Mon Oct 09 2017 ## JIRA activity: - 401 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 326 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
@Mark: follow up re: handling security issues
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had two platform releases - one minor release for iOS (4.5.0) and one major release for Browser (5.0.0). The iOS release integrated the console plugin and has updated some dependencies. The Browser release has implemented our standard platform API and now includes basic support for progressive web apps. We had a major release for our cordova serve tool (2.0.0) which now serves the web content and launches the default browser on the system. We have also had a minor release of our cordova-common library which adds the ability to include variables in the framework tag. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. We have finished moving our plugin testing to AppVeyor and Travis CI. This is the reason for all of the green badges on our status page! We still have a huge backlog of GitHub Pull Request activity, again, same as last quarter -- but it has improved. We now have direct access to GitHub for platform repos. We are waiting for Infra to move over the rest of our repos to GitBox. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14994. Once all of our repos are moved over, we plan on discussing the option of migrating our issues from Jira to GitHub and what that would look like. We are in the process of deprecating a few of our plugins which can be replaced by official W3C specs which have been implemented in the browsers of the platforms we support. We are also in the process of integrating a couple of plugins back into platforms and deprecating the plugins. This will help ease the maintenance load on the team. Again, our goal for plugins release is to have one per week as a cadence, and we have failed to do so again this quarter. We have done work on streamlining this so it will improve in the future. We have recently removed react from our plugins serach at https://plugins.cordova.io. We replaced it with preact. We aren't using react anywhere else. We have attempted to contact Cocoon.io folks multiple times about using the cordova trademark incorrectly. We haven't received a response yet. It appears their top executives have left the company. The company may have folded. ## PMC changes: - Currently 86 PMC members. - No new PMC members added ## Committer base changes: - Currently 89 committers. - No new committers added ## Releases: - cordova-browser@5.0.0 was released on Tue Aug 29 2017 - cordova-common@2.1.0 was released on Thu Aug 31 2017 - cordova-ios@4.5.0 was released on Thu Sep 07 2017 - cordova-serve@2.0.0 was released on Tue Aug 29 2017 ## JIRA activity: - 357 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 278 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: There was one overall plugin release this quarter. An overall plugin release usually consists of all, if not most, of our 23 plugins. This number was one less than last quarter. We had two platform releases - one minor plus three patch releases for Android (6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3) and one minor release for iOS (4.4.0). Android releases were to fix two consecutive major breaks in Android tools releases (deprecation of certain Android SDK tools). The minor iOS release was to support Carthage, breakage while using Xcode 8.3.2, and also dynamic frameworks. We had a major tools release of the CLI version 7.0.0 with support for custom platforms, increased package.json support, and dropping of support for older platform versions. We had a new plugin release - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation 2.0.0, as well as a new developer tool release, cordova-coho 1.0.0. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. Travis CI pull request times have been vastly improved versus last quarter due to INFRA enabling certain beta changes for Travis. Previously pull requests may have taken 24 hours but now it happens within 15 minutes. Our plugin device testing has been put on hold since a major contributor has decided to not support the server we have been testing on, resulting in a lot of "broken" build status badges on the status page. To resolve this, we are moving the testing to AppVeyor and Travis CI, and have filed an INFRA issue for help: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14273 We still have a huge backlog of Github Pull Request activity, again, same as last quarter -- but it has improved. We would have liked to have direct access to Github to manage these issues better and we have requested Gitbox access but there hasn't been a response so far: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14347 Again, our goal for plugins release is to have one per week as a cadence, and we have failed to do so again this quarter. We have done work on streamlining this so it will improve in the future. ## PMC changes: - Currently 86 PMC members. - Matrosov Nikita was added to the PMC on Wed Jun 14 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 89 committers. - Matrosov Nikita was added as a committer on Tue Jun 13 2017 ## Releases: - cordova-android@6.2.0 was released on Thu Mar 30 2017 - cordova-android@6.2.1 was released on Tue Apr 04 2017 - cordova-android@6.2.2 was released on Thu Apr 27 2017 - cordova-android@6.2.3 was released on Thu May 04 2017 - cordova-app-hello-world@3.12.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017 - cordova-coho@1.0.0 was released on Sat May 13 2017 - cordova-common@2.0.2 was released on Sun Apr 16 2017 - cordova-common@2.0.3 was released on Wed May 03 2017 - cordova-create@1.1.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017 - cordova-create@1.1.1 was released on Thu May 11 2017 - cordova-fetch@1.1.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017 - cordova-ios@4.4.0 was released on Fri Apr 21 2017 - cordova-lib@7.0.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017 - cordova-lib@7.0.1 was released on Thu May 11 2017 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.2.4 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.4.1 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.7 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-contacts@2.3.1 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.2.5 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.7 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.6 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.3.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.6.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-file@4.3.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.4.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.7 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.7.1 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.4.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-media@3.0.1 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.3.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation@2.0.0 was released on Mon Mar 20 2017 - cordova-plugin-screen-orientation@2.0.1 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@4.0.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.2.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.1.5 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.1.3 was released on Sun Apr 30 2017 - cordova-plugman@1.5.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017 - cordova@7.0.0 was released on Wed May 03 2017 - cordova@7.0.1 was released on Thu May 11 2017 ## JIRA activity: - 342 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 295 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time. ## Activity: There were two overall plugin releases this quarter. An overall plugin release usually consists of all, if not most, of our 22 plugins. This number was the same as last quarter. We had three platform releases - two patch releases for Android (6.1.1 and 6.1.2) and one major release for Windows (5.0.0). Android patch releases were to fix a CI issue, and a security issue, respectively. The major Windows release introduces a major change in resource-file behavior and adds WinMD + C++ based DLL combination support for plugins. There was no iOS platform release this quarter, with ongoing work to release version 4.4.0 in the coming weeks. We had a minor tools release of the CLI version 6.5.0 which updated Android platform pinning, as well as including minor fixes. We are planning a major release of the tools (version 7.0) in the coming months. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. The badges that are red are general flakiness and unreliability of the CI environments that we use, which we are trying to track down. We are running into roadblocks with using Apache's account on Travis CI, where pull requests usually don't start until more than 24 hours later: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-13634 which slows down evaluating contributions and iterative development. We still have a huge backlog of Github Pull Request activity, same as last quarter -- but it has improved. We would have liked to have direct access to Github to manage these issues better, instead of the workaround we have now. Our JIRA issue resolve rate has vastly improved as well. Our goal for plugins release is to have one per week as a cadence, and we have failed to do so again this quarter. We have done work on streamlining this so it will improve in the future. ## PMC changes: - Currently 85 PMC members. - Audrey So was added to the PMC on Sun Jan 22 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 88 committers. - Audrey So was added as a committer on Mon Jan 23 2017 ## Releases: - cordova-android@6.1.1 was released on Wed Jan 04 2017 - cordova-android@6.1.2 was released on Thu Jan 26 2017 - cordova-common@2.0.0 was released on Mon Jan 23 2017 - cordova-common@2.0.1 was released on Sun Mar 12 2017 - cordova-create@1.0.2 was released on Mon Jan 23 2017 - cordova-fetch@1.0.2 was released on Mon Jan 23 2017 - cordova-js@4.2.1 was released on Mon Jan 23 2017 - cordova-lib@6.5.0 was released on Mon Jan 23 2017 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.2.2 was released on Thu Dec 15 2016 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.2.3 was released on Mon Mar 06 2017 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.4.0 was released on Mon Mar 06 2017 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.6 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-contacts@2.3.0 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.2.4 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.6 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.5 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.3.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.6.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-file@4.3.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.4.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.6 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.6.1 was released on Thu Dec 15 2016 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.7.0 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.4.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-media@3.0.0 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.3.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@4.0.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.2.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.1.5 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.1.4 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.3.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.1.2 was released on Tue Mar 07 2017 - cordova-windows@5.0.0 was released on Thu Feb 09 2017 - cordova@6.5.0 was released on Mon Jan 23 2017 - plugman@1.4.1 was released on Mon Jan 23 2017 ## JIRA activity: - 320 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 321 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time. ## Activity: The iOS platform had one minor and one patch release, and the Android platform had a major and minor release, while the Windows platform only had one patch (bug fix) release. The Android platform major release (6.0.0) includes full support for Android 7.0 Nougat (API 24) while Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) support was deprecated. The iOS platform minor release (4.3.0) includes support for CocoaPods in plugins, and also support for Xcode 8. The Windows platform patch release (4.4.3) fixes some major issues with application activation, splashscreen and VS project generation. We also had one Tools (CLI 6.4.0 and supporting libraries) release that deprecates node.js 0.x support (we will only support node.js 4.x and above starting next year), and it also includes other new features to config.xml, plus bug fixes. There were two overall plugin releases this quarter. An overall plugin release usually consists of all, if not most, of our 22 plugins. ## Health report: Our status dashboard at http://status.cordova.io is mostly all green. The badges that are red are known issues of the CI environment that we are tracking in various JIRA issues. We are actively trying to improve our testing -- we are trying to automate more manual tests, and streamlining tests across the board since the number of active contributors has dropped off. The drop off (as discussed in the last report) is due to a large number of active contributors from a major vendor being moved off the Apache Cordova project. We still have a huge backlog of Github Pull Request activity. At last estimate we had less than 150 pull requests in total, across our 60+ git repos. We are actively trying to prune the PRs by closing out stale issues or issues that cannot merge cleanly. It is harder to do so since we do not have write access to Github to close or label PRs, due to Github's limited repo access granularity. We can only clean up PRs using specially constructed empty commit messages as suggested by INFRA, but there is no facility to label PRs for organization. Our goal for plugins release is to have one per week as a cadence, and we have failed to do so again this quarter. We are working on streamlining this so it will be easier for release managers to package releases. ## PMC changes: - Currently 84 PMC members. - Darryl Pogue was added to the PMC on Sun Sep 25 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 87 committers. - Darryl Pogue was added as a committer on Fri Sep 23 2016 ## Releases: - cordova-android@6.0.0 was released on Sun Oct 23 2016 - cordova-android@6.1.0 was released on Sun Nov 06 2016 - cordova-app-hello-world@3.11.0 was released on Sat Oct 01 2016 - cordova-common@1.5.0 was released on Sun Oct 09 2016 - cordova-common@1.5.1 was released on Sun Oct 16 2016 - cordova-create@1.0.1 was released on Sat Oct 01 2016 - cordova-ios@4.3.0 was released on Sun Oct 23 2016 - cordova-ios@4.3.1 was released on Thu Dec 01 2016 - cordova-js@4.2.0 was released on Tue Oct 25 2016 - cordova-lib@6.4.0 was released on Tue Oct 25 2016 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.2.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.2.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.3.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.3.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-compat@1.1.0 was released on Thu Nov 03 2016 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.4 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.5 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-contacts@2.2.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-contacts@2.2.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.2.2 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.2.3 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.4 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.5 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.3 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.4 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.3.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.3.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.6.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.6.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-file@4.3.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-file@4.3.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.3.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.4.0 was released on Thu Sep 29 2016 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.4.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.4 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.5 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.5.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist@1.1.2 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.4.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.4.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-media@2.4.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-media@2.4.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.3.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.3.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@4.0.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@4.0.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.2.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.2.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.1.3 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.1.4 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.1.2 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.1.3 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.3.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.3.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.1.0 was released on Tue Sep 13 2016 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.1.1 was released on Mon Dec 12 2016 - cordova-windows@4.4.3 was released on Tue Oct 25 2016 - cordova@6.4.0 was released on Tue Oct 25 2016 - plugman@1.4.0 was released on Tue Oct 25 2016 ## JIRA activity: - 399 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 336 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: The iOS and Android platforms had minor and patch releases while the Windows platform only had patch (bug fix) releases. Android released minor version 5.2.0 which removed auto-setting of the versionCode in projects that was causing problems with generating APKs for different versions of Android. iOS released minor version 4.2.0 which added support for node.js version 6.x. We didn't have a plugins release this quarter. ## Health report: The (northern hemisphere) summer vacation period has significantly impacted contributions, also a big block of active contributors (that are all employed from one vendor) have slowed down their active work on the project. We also added a status page to show all the continous integration (AppVeyor, Travis CI) statuses of all our repos in Github, providing a quick glance at project health. The status page is at http://cordova.github.io/cordova-status/ which shows the status of all our 60+ repos. We also have a CI server that does periodic builds of all the repos at http://cordova-ci.cloudapp.net:8080/view/Periodic%20builds/ We are also providing nightly builds of all the major platforms, and the CLI: https://builds.apache.org/job/cordova-nightly/ and documented here: http://cordova.apache.org/contribute/nightly_builds.html We are currently working on getting stats on Github Pull Request activity. The loss of active contributors is impacting this, and we have a huge backlog, and we have no active way of measuring this on a daily or weekly basis so we don't know how we are progressing on this currently. Some work has been done on this: https://github.com/cordova/cordova-pull-request-stats ## PMC changes: - Currently 83 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Alexandre Abreu was added to the PMC on Fri Jun 17 2016 - Caryn Tran was added to the PMC on Wed Aug 03 2016 - Holly Schinsky was added to the PMC on Sun Jun 26 2016 - Karen Tran was added to the PMC on Wed Aug 24 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 86 committers. - New commmitters: - Alexandre Abreu was added as a committer on Fri Jun 17 2016 - Caryn Tran was added as a committer on Wed Aug 03 2016 - Holly Schinsky was added as a committer on Tue Jun 28 2016 - Karen Tran was added as a committer on Tue Aug 23 2016 ## Releases: - cordova-android@5.2.0 was released on Fri Jul 01 2016 - cordova-android@5.2.1 was released on Tue Jul 12 2016 - cordova-android@5.2.2 was released on Mon Aug 22 2016 - cordova-common@1.4.0 was released on Wed Jul 20 2016 - cordova-common@1.4.1 was released on Tue Aug 16 2016 - cordova-create@1.0.0 was released on Fri Aug 26 2016 - cordova-fetch@1.0.1 was released on Wed Jul 20 2016 - cordova-ios@4.2.0 was released on Thu Jun 23 2016 - cordova-ios@4.2.1 was released on Mon Aug 22 2016 - cordova-lib@6.3.0 was released on Wed Jul 20 2016 - cordova-lib@6.3.1 was released on Sun Aug 14 2016 - cordova-windows@4.4.1 was released on Tue Jul 12 2016 - cordova-windows@4.4.2 was released on Wed Jul 27 2016 - cordova@6.3.0 was released on Wed Jul 20 2016 - cordova@6.3.1 was released on Sun Aug 14 2016 ## Mailing list activity: Significant activity decrease due to the (northern hemisphere) summer vacation period, plus loss of active contributors. - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 463 subscribers (down -15 in the last 3 months): - 2215 emails sent to list (3784 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 76 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months): - 4308 emails sent to list (6023 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 384 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 369 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Report from the Apache Cordova committee [Shazron Abdullah] ## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had three patch platform releases: iOS, Ubuntu and Windows. Windows had one minor platform release, version 4.4.0, which included significant improvements and features. There were also 27 plugin releases, and minor cordova-cli releases (6.1.0 and 6.2.0), which includes an improvement that allows for plugin developers to give a mapping of plugin releases to project requirements, greatly enhancing plugin compatibility for platform and cli versions. We also released an improved documentation search update on http://cordova.apache.org ## Health report: For this period, we managed two overall plugins releases (same as last quarter) when our goal was to have one plugins release per week, although we had individual plugin releases as well. We had a slight decrease (27 vs 34) of plugins that were released this quarter versus last quarter. ## PMC changes: - Currently 79 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Kerri Shotts was added to the PMC on Thu Jun 02 2016 - Sarangan Rajamanickam was added to the PMC on Sat May 28 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 82 committers. - New commmitters: - Kerri Shotts was added as a committer on Fri Jun 03 2016 - Sarangan Rajamanickam was added as a committer on Sun May 29 2016 ## Releases: - cordova-common@1.1.1 was released on Wed Mar 23 2016 - cordova-common@1.2.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-common@1.3.0 was released on Mon May 23 2016 - cordova-fetch@1.0.0 was released on Mon May 23 2016 - cordova-ios@4.1.1 was released on Wed Apr 06 2016 - cordova-js@4.1.4 was released on Wed Mar 23 2016 - cordova-lib@6.1.0 was released on Wed Mar 23 2016 - cordova-lib@6.1.1 was released on Mon Apr 04 2016 - cordova-lib@6.2.0 was released on Mon May 23 2016 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.1.2 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.1.1 was released on Fri Mar 11 2016 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.2.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.3 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.3 was released on Fri Mar 11 2016 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@3.2.1 was released on Fri Mar 11 2016 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.1.2 was released on Fri Mar 11 2016 - cordova-plugman@1.2.0 was released on Wed Mar 23 2016 - cordova-ubuntu@4.3.4 was released on Tue Jun 07 2016 - cordova-windows@4.3.2 was released on Wed Apr 06 2016 - cordova-windows@4.4.0 was released on Sun Jun 05 2016 - cordova@6.1.0 was released on Wed Mar 23 2016 - cordova@6.1.1 was released on Mon Apr 04 2016 - cordova@6.2.0 was released on Mon May 23 2016 - plugman@1.2.1 was released on Mon Apr 04 2016 - plugman@1.3.0 was released on Mon May 23 2016 - cordova-plugin-contacts@2.1.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.2 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.2.1 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.3 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.2.1 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-file@4.2.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.5.1 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.2.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.4.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-media@2.3.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.3.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.2.1 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@3.2.2 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.1.3 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.1.2 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.1.1 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.2.2 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.0.3 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 - cordova-plugin-compat@1.0.0 was released on Wed Apr 20 2016 ## JIRA activity: - 574 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 439 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We had one major platform release, cordova-osx, which has been revived after a 2.5 year absence and comes with Cordova Platform API support. The other releases have been minor patch releases for 5 other platforms. Of note, cordova-ubuntu had several patch releases after a year of absence, mainly updates to support newer releases of the ubuntu SDK. cordova-windows had several patch releases, the major one being support for the Cordova Platform API. cordova-android had a patch release where it has support for a new Plugin API. cordova-ios had several patch releases - the latest was to fix a serious app freezing situation, and also to support the new 167x167 icon needed for iPad support. cordova-browser had a patch release to replace the cordova-serve implementation with an updated version that uses `express` instead of our own implementation. There were also 18 plugin releases, and a major cordova-cli release to 6.0.0, which includes default plugin pinning, as well as a new template feature. We also released a significant documentation update that addresses major pain points in developing for Cordova based on feedback we got from a survey we put out (where we got 900 responses). ## Health report: The month of December was slower because of the holiday period but activity picked up around the middle of January. Consequently, we had a slight decrease in the number of releases from last quarter (34 vs 37). For this period, we managed two overall plugins releases (up from one, from last quarter) when our goal was to have one plugins release per week, although we had individual plugin releases as well. ## PMC changes: - Currently 77 PMC members. - New PMC members: - David Barth was added to the PMC on Mon Jan 04 2016 - Raghav Katyal was added to the PMC on Wed Feb 03 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 80 committers. - Raghav Katyal was added as a committer on Wed Feb 03 2016 ## Releases: - cordova-android@5.1.0 was released on Sun Jan 24 2016 - cordova-android@5.1.1 was released on Wed Mar 02 2016 - cordova-browser@4.1.0 was released on Tue Mar 08 2016 - cordova-cli@6.0.0 was released on Thu Jan 28 2016 - cordova-common@1.1.0 was released on Wed Feb 17 2016 - cordova-ios@4.0.1 was released on Tue Dec 15 2015 - cordova-ios@4.1.0 was released on Wed Mar 02 2016 - cordova-js@4.1.3 was released on Thu Jan 28 2016 - cordova-lib@6.0.0 was released on Thu Jan 28 2016 - cordova-osx@4.0.0 was released on Tue Feb 16 2016 - cordova-osx@4.0.1 was released on Tue Mar 08 2016 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.1.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-contacts@2.0.1 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.1 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.5.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-file@4.1.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.1.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.1.1 was released on Mon Dec 14 2015 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.2.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.2.1 was released on Thu Feb 04 2016 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.2.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-media@2.1.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.2.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@3.1.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.1.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.1.1 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.1.0 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.2.1 was released on Sat Jan 16 2016 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.0.1 was released on Mon Dec 14 2015 - cordova-plugman@1.1.0 was released on Thu Jan 28 2016 - cordova-ubuntu@4.3.2 was released on Tue Jan 05 2016 - cordova-ubuntu@4.3.3 was released on Mon Feb 08 2016 - cordova-windows@4.3.0 was released on Mon Jan 18 2016 - cordova-windows@4.3.1 was released on Wed Feb 03 2016 ## Mailing list activity: The number of subscribers to dev@ has been consistently decreasing (~3% loss every quarter) but nothing significant. However during this quarter we had a 50% increase of issue@ activity which could be attributed to increased testing during the holiday period when development at users' companies might have slowed down, so users could test better. - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 492 subscribers (down -15 in the last 3 months): - 4028 emails sent to list (3558 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 89 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 8299 emails sent to list (5557 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 653 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 640 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity: Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We had two major platform releases - cordova-ios-4.0.0 and cordova-android-5.0.0, including minor updates to cordova-windows@4.2.0 (back button handling) and cordova-ios@3.9.2 (iOS 9 support). cordova-ios@4.0.0 brings anticipated WKWebView support to the platform (as well as a pluggable webview architecture), while cordova-android@5.0.0 brought Android Marshmallow permission checking in plugins. Apache Cordova contributors also had a face to face meeting at the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, WA, USA from Oct 14-15, 2015 -- where we discussed and planned the future of the project. Proposals discussed there have been reported back to the dev@c.a.o mailing list and most of them have been acted upon. ## Health report: After the summer vacation period was over, activity has picked up, although we had a significantly lower number of releases from last quarter (37 vs 45). For this period, we again managed only one overall plugins release (of 22 plugins) when our goal was to have one plugins release per week, although we had individual plugin releases as well. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## PMC changes: - Currently 75 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Sergey Shakhnazarov was added to the PMC on Mon Sep 28 2015 - Edna Morales was added to the PMC on Sun Sep 20 2015 - Richard Knoll was added to the PMC on Wed Oct 28 2015 - Tobias Bocanegra was added to the PMC on Sun Oct 25 2015 - Alexander Sorokin was added to the PMC on Wed Oct 28 2015 - Tim Windsor was added to the PMC on Wed Sep 16 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 79 committers. - New commmitters: - Sergey Shakhnazarov was added as a committer on Tue Sep 29 2015 - David Barth was added as a committer on Tue Dec 01 2015 - Edna Morales was added as a committer on Mon Sep 21 2015 - Richard Benjamin Knoll was added as a committer on Tue Oct 27 2015 - Tobias Bocanegra was added as a committer on Sun Oct 25 2015 - Alexander Sorokin was added as a committer on Wed Oct 28 2015 - Tim Windsor was added as a committer on Tue Sep 15 2015 ## Releases: - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.2.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.1.1 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-cli@5.4.1 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-cli@5.4.0 was released on Fri Nov 06 2015 - cordova-plugin-file@4.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist@1.1.1 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@2.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.2 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-ios@3.9.2 was released on Sun Nov 01 2015 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.3.0 was released on Mon Sep 21 2015 - cordova-plugman@1.0.5 was released on Fri Nov 06 2015 - cordova-plugman@1.0.4 was released on Tue Sep 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.2 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-js@4.1.2 was released on Fri Nov 06 2015 - cordova-android@5.0.0 was released on Mon Nov 09 2015 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.1.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.1.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@3.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-camera@2.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-lib@5.3.3 was released on Tue Sep 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine@1.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 08 2015 - cordova-ios@4.0.0 was released on Tue Dec 08 2015 - cordova-windows@4.2.0 was released on Wed Nov 11 2015 - cordova-plugin-contacts@2.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-media@2.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-device@1.1.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-common@1.0.0 was released on Sun Nov 01 2015 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@2.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.1.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.2 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.2.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.4.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-vibration@2.0.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-cli@5.3.3 was released on Tue Sep 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.2.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-lib@5.4.0 was released on Fri Nov 06 2015 - cordova-lib@5.4.1 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.1.0 was released on Tue Nov 24 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 508 subscribers (down -16 in the last 3 months): - 3788 emails sent to list (2954 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 87 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 5913 emails sent to list (4141 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 536 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 629 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity: Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We missed the target of releasing the cordova-ios 4.0.0 platform this quarter (but released minor versions 3.9.0 and 3.9.1), and are actively working on updating our other platform versions for the upcoming quarter. We released a new platform, cordova-browser@4.0.0, and minor updates for cordova-android and cordova-windows. We have two platforms that have been revived after being inactive for some time -- cordova-webos@3.7.0 and cordova-blackberry10@3.8.0. We also renamed and moved all our core plugins to npm (node package manager - npmjs.org), and set the Cordova Plugins Registry (c.p.r) to read-only, with a shut-down date tentatively set for October 15th, 2015. Users that use the old plugin ids from the c.p.r are re-directed to npm automatically from our cordova-cli. ## Health report: Due to the summer vacation period, activity is slower than usual especially on release of plugins, although we had essentially the same number of releases from last quarter (45 vs 46). For this period, we managed only one overall plugins release (of 22 plugins) when our goal was to have one plugins release per week. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## LDAP committee group/Committership changes: - Currently 72 committers and 69 LDAP committee group members. - New LDAP committee group members: - Jason Robitaille was added to the LDAP committee group on Tue Aug 04 2015 - Rob Paveza was added to the LDAP committee group on Sat Jul 18 2015 - jcesarmobile was added to the LDAP committee group on Mon Aug 03 2015 - Suraj Pindoria was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Aug 13 2015 - Omar Mefire was added to the LDAP committee group on Thu Aug 13 2015 - Andrey Kurdyumov was added to the LDAP committee group on Sat Jul 25 2015 - New commmitters: - Jason Robitaille was added as a committer on Tue Aug 04 2015 - Suraj Pindoria was added as a committer on Wed Aug 12 2015 - Omar Mefire was added as a committer on Wed Aug 12 2015 - Rob Paveza was added as a committer on Fri Jul 17 2015 - Andrey Kurdyumov was added as a committer on Mon Jul 20 2015 - jcesarmobile was added as a committer on Mon Aug 03 2015 ## Releases: - cordova-js@4.1.1 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015 - cordova-js@4.0.0 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 - cordova-android@4.1.0 was released on Mon Jul 27 2015 - cordova-android@4.1.1 was released on Tue Aug 04 2015 - cordova-ios@3.9.0 was released on Mon Aug 03 2015 - cordova-cli@5.1.1 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 - cordova-browser@4.0.0 was released on Wed Aug 19 2015 - cordova-cli@5.3.1 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015 - cordova-lib@5.2.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015 - cordova-lib@5.3.1 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015 - cordova-ios@3.9.1 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.2.1 was released on Fri Jul 10 2015 - cordova-blackberry@3.8.0 was released on Sat Sep 05 2015 - cordova-js@4.1.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015 - cordova-serve@0.1.2 was released on Tue Jun 16 2015 - cordova-serve@0.1.3 was released on Wed Aug 26 2015 - cordova-plugin-file@3.0.0 was released on Thu Aug 20 2015 - cordova-cli@5.2.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015 - cordova-plugman@1.0.2 was released on Thu Sep 03 2015 - cordova-plugman@1.0.0 was released on Thu Aug 13 2015 - cordova-lib@5.1.1 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 - cordova-windows@4.1.0 was released on Wed Aug 26 2015 - cordova-webos@3.7.0 was released on Mon Aug 17 2015 - cordova-plugman@0.23.3 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-camera@1.2.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-contacts@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-device@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.1.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.1.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-file@2.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.2.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-media@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@2.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.0.1 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-vibration@1.2.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.1.0 was released on Mon Jun 22 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 526 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 2993 emails sent to list (3364 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 87 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 4193 emails sent to list (4806 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 478 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 455 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. ## Activity: Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We are currently on track for a cordova-ios 4.0.0 platform release next quarter, and are actively working on updating our other platform versions for the upcoming quarter. This quarter we released a major platform version, cordova-android 4.0.0, which includes the long awaited pluggable webview feature. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## PMC/Committership changes: - Currently 66 committers and 63 PMC members in the project. - New PMC members: - Tony Homer was added to the PMC on Mon Apr 20 2015 - Nikhil Khandelwal was added to the PMC on Tue Apr 28 2015 - Tim Barham was added to the PMC on Mon Apr 20 2015 - Dmitry Blotsky was added to the PMC on Thu Apr 23 2015 - Raymond Camden was added to the PMC on Fri May 08 2015 - Ryan J. Salva was added to the PMC on Mon Jun 01 2015 - Murat Sutunc was added to the PMC on Tue Apr 28 2015 - New commmitters: - Tony Homer was added as a committer on Mon Apr 20 2015 - Raymond Camden was added as a committer on Mon May 04 2015 - Nikhil Khandelwal was added as a committer on Tue Apr 28 2015 - Murat Sutunc was added as a committer on Tue Apr 28 2015 - Tim Barham was added as a committer on Mon Apr 20 2015 - Dmitry Blotsky was added as a committer on Thu Apr 23 2015 - Ryan J. Salva was added as a committer on Mon Jun 01 2015 ## Releases (46): - cordova-plugin-file@2.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-whitelist@1.0.0 was released on Wed Apr 01 2015 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-test-framework@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-android@4.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 14 2015 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist@1.0.0 was released on Wed Apr 01 2015 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-media@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova@5.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-device@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-globalization@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-app-hello-world@3.8.0 was released on Tue Mar 17 2015 - cordova-plugin-camera@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-windows@4.0.0 was released on Wed Jun 03 2015 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugman@0.23.1 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-firefoxos@3.7.0 was released on Wed Apr 01 2015 - cordova-js@3.9.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@2.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-windows@3.8.1 was released on Wed Apr 08 2015 - cordova-plugin-network-information@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-lib@5.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-vibration@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-console@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.6 was released on Fri Mar 13 2015 - cordova-app-hello-world@3.9.0 was released on Thu Mar 26 2015 - cordova-plugin-contacts@1.0.0 was released on Tue Apr 21 2015 - cordova-android@4.0.1 was released on Tue May 12 2015 - cordova-wp8@3.8.1 was released on Tue May 12 2015 - cordova-windows@3.8.2 was released on Tue May 12 2015 - cordova-plugin-camera@1.1.0 was released on Mon May 11 2015 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.1.0 was released on Mon May 11 2015 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@1.1.0 was released on Mon May 11 2015 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@1.1.0 was released on Mon May 11 2015 - cordova-plugin-vibration@1.1.0 was released on Mon May 11 2015 - cordova-lib@4.3.1 was released on Thu Jun 04 2015 - cordova-cli@4.3.1 was released on Thu Jun 04 2015 - cordova-js@4.0.0 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 - cordova-lib@5.1.1 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 - cordova-plugman@0.23.3 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 - cordova-cli@5.1.1 was released on Tue Jun 09 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@cordova.apache.org: - 527 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months): - 3370 emails sent to list (2951 in previous quarter) - issues@cordova.apache.org: - 86 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 4929 emails sent to list (3783 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 498 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 463 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. # Status Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We are actively working on platform versions for Cordova, with major platform versions for cordova-android and cordova-ios expected next quarter which brings about the major "pluggable webview" feature to Cordova. Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had: - over 1,500 commits in its 52 Git repositories - over 2,500 emails in its dev mailing list - over 3,500 issues/comments on issues in JIRA - 9 new contributors filed iCLAs specifically for contributing to Apache Cordova - over 424,324 downloads of cordova from https://www.npmjs.org/package/cordova Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had 51 different releases which are related to the overall CLI version of Apache Cordova 4.x, noted below. # Community Cordova welcomed the following new committers and PMC members: - Victor Sosa (victorsh) - Gorkem Ercan (gercan) # Board Issues There are no Board-level issues at this time. # Releases (51) - http://archive.apache.org/dist/cordova/ ## Platforms (3) Released Feb 5th, 2015 - cordova-android: 3.7.1 ...... http://s.apache.org/GjF Released Feb 25th, 2015 - cordova-windows: 3.8.0 ...... http://s.apache.org/L8T Released Feb 25th, 2015 - cordova-ios: 3.8.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/JRu ## Libs (0) ## Tools (8) Released March 2nd, 2015 - cordova-js: 3.8.0 ........... http://s.apache.org/46N - cordova-lib: 4.3.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/46N - cordova-plugman: 0.23.0 ..... http://s.apache.org/46N - cordova-cli: 4.3.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/46N Released Jan 6th, 2015 - cordova-js: 3.7.3 ........... http://s.apache.org/gDI - cordova-lib: 4.2.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/gDI - cordova-plugman: 0.22.17 ... http://s.apache.org/gDI - cordova-cli: 4.2.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/gDI ## Plugins (40) Released Feb 13th, 2015 - cordova-plugin-battery-status: 0.2.12 ....... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-camera: 0.3.5 ................ http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-console: 0.2.13 .............. http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-contacts: 0.2.16 ............. http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-device-motion: 0.2.11 ........ http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-device-orientation: 0.3.11 ... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-device: 0.3.0 ................ http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-dialogs: 0.3.0 ............... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-file-transfer: 0.5.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-file: 1.3.3 .................. http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-geolocation: 0.3.12 .......... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-globalization: 0.3.4 ......... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser: 0.6.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-media: 0.2.16 ................ http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-media-capture: 0.3.6 ......... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-network-information: 0.2.15 .. http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-splashscreen: 1.0.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-vibration: 0.3.13 ............ http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-statusbar: 0.1.10 ............ http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugins: file-system-roots-0.1.0 .... http://s.apache.org/zCJ - cordova-plugin-test-framework: 0.0.1 ........ http://s.apache.org/zCJ Released Dec 2nd, 2014 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@0.2.12 ........ http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.4 ................. http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-console@0.2.12 ............... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.15 .............. http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-device@0.2.13 ................ http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.11 ......... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.10 .... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-dialogs@0.2.11 ............... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-file@1.3.2 ................... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.4.8 .......... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-geolocation@0.3.11 ........... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-globalization@0.3.3 .......... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.5.4 ........... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-media@0.2.15 ................. http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.3.5 .......... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.14 ... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@0.3.5 ........... http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-statusbar@0.1.9 .............. http://s.apache.org/A9C - cordova-plugin-vibration@0.3.12 ............. http://s.apache.org/A9C
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. # Status Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We have released Cordova CLI 4.0 which is the beginning of the independence of platform versions from the cli version. For example, with the Cordova CLI 4.0 release, it includes the pinned platform versions at version 3.6.4 (except for cordova-browser, at 3.6.0). Each new platform release will correspond with a tools release to update the pinned versions. Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had: - over 2100 commits in its 52 Git repositories - over 2800 emails in its dev mailing list - over 4500 issues/comments on issues in JIRA - 8 new contributors filed iCLAs specifically for contributing to Apache Cordova - over 436,000 downloads of cordova from https://www.npmjs.org/package/cordova Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had 60 different releases. We also released a new platform, cordova-browser. # Community Cordova welcomed the following new committers and PMC members: - Maxim Ermilov (zaspire) - Staci Cooper (stacic) # Board Issues There are no Board-level issues at this time. # Releases (60) - http://archive.apache.org/dist/cordova/ ## Platforms (15) Released Nov 6th, 2014 - cordova-ios@3.7.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/hzL - cordova-windows@3.7.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/WBa - cordova-wp8@3.7.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/WBa Released Sep 15th, 2014 - cordova-amazon-fireos@3.6.0 ... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-android@3.6.3 ......... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-blackberry@3.6.3 ...... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-firefoxos@3.6.3 ....... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-ios@3.6.3 ............. http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-ubuntu@3.6.3 .......... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-windows@3.6.3 ......... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-wp8@3.6.3 ............. http://s.apache.org/RjF Released Oct 3rd, 2014 - cordova-android@3.6.4 ......... http://s.apache.org/L7i Released Oct 8th, 2014 - cordova-wp8@3.6.4 ............. http://s.apache.org/jqz - cordova-windows@3.6.4 ......... http://s.apache.org/SSo - cordova-browser@3.6.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/0KI ## Libs (2) Released Sep 15th, 2014 - cordova-app-hello-world@3.6.3 ...... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-mobile-spec@3.6.3 .......... http://s.apache.org/RjF ## Tools (15) Released Nov 13th, 2014 - cordova-js@3.7.2 ............. http://s.apache.org/V7c - cordova-cordova-lib@4.1.2 .... http://s.apache.org/V7c - cordova-cordova@4.1.2 ........ http://s.apache.org/V7c - cordova-plugman@0.22.16 ...... http://s.apache.org/V7c Released Sep 15th, 2014 - cordova-cordova-lib@0.21.11 ........ http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-cordova@3.6.3-0.2.11 ....... http://s.apache.org/RjF - cordova-plugman@0.22.8 ............. http://s.apache.org/RjF Released Sep 22nd, 2014 - cordova-js@3.6.4 .................... http://s.apache.org/vLq - cordova-cordova-lib@0.21.13 ......... http://s.apache.org/vLq - cordova-cordova@3.6.3-0.2.13 ........ http://s.apache.org/vLq - cordova-plugman@0.22.10 ............. http://s.apache.org/vLq Released Oct 15th, 2014 - cordova-js@3.7.1 .......... http://s.apache.org/esw - cordova-lib@4.0.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/esw - cordova-cli@4.0.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/esw - cordova-plugman@0.22.12 ... http://s.apache.org/esw ## Plugins (28) Released Sep 22nd, 2014 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@0.2.11 ........ http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.2 ................. http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-console@0.2.11 ............... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.13 .............. http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-device@0.2.12 ................ http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.10 ......... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.9 ..... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@0.2.10 ............... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-file@1.3.1 ................... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.4.6 .......... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@0.3.10 ........... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-globalization@0.3.1 .......... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.5.2 ........... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-media@0.2.13 ................. http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.3.3 .......... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.12 ... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@0.3.3 ........... http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@0.1.8 .............. http://s.apache.org/DK5 - cordova-plugin-vibration@0.3.11 ............. http://s.apache.org/DK5 Released Oct 15th, 2014 - cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.3 ................. http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.14 .............. http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.4.7 .......... http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-globalization@0.3.2 .......... http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.5.3 ........... http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-media@0.2.14 ................. http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.3.4 .......... http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.13 ... http://s.apache.org/hq - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@0.3.4 ........... http://s.apache.org/hq
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. # Status Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy. We are currently on track for 8 new platform releases for version 3.6.0, and are actively working on versions 3.7.0 and beyond for the upcoming quarter. Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had: - over 2500 commits in its 52 Git repositories - over 3700 emails in its dev mailing list - over 4400 issues/comments on issues in JIRA - 8 new contributors filed iCLAs specifically for contributing to Apache Cordova - over 329,000 downloads of cordova from https://www.npmjs.org/package/cordova Several security issues were resolved as well: - CVE-2014-3500: Cordova cross-application scripting via Android intent URLs (http://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2014/08/04/android-351.html) - CVE-2014-3501: Cordova whitelist bypass for non-HTTP URLs (http://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2014/08/04/android-351.html) - CVE-2014-3502: Cordova apps can potentially leak data to other apps via URL loading (http://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2014/08/04/android-351.html) Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had 44 different releases which are related to the overall version of Apache Cordova 3.5.x, noted below. # Community Cordova welcomed the following new committers and PMC members: - Parashuram Narasimhan (axemclion) - Vladimir Kotikov (an-selm) # Board Issues There are no Board-level issues at this time. # Releases (44) - http://archive.apache.org/dist/cordova/ ## Platforms (1) Released August 4th , 2014 - cordova-android@3.5.1 ......... http://s.apache.org/3Ds ## Tools (5) Released Aug 13th , 2014 - cordova-cordova-lib@0.21.7 ........ http://s.apache.org/ZXc - cordova-cordova@3.5.0-0.2.7........ http://s.apache.org/ZXc Released July 8th , 2014 - cordova-cordova-lib@0.21.6 ......... http://s.apache.org/tJ3 - cordova-cordova@3.5.0-0.2.6 ........ http://s.apache.org/tJ3 - cordova-plugman@0.22.4 ............. http://s.apache.org/tJ3 ## Plugins (38) Released Aug 11th, 2014 - cordova-plugin-battery-status@0.2.10 ........ http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.1 ................. http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-console@0.2.10 ................http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.12 .............. http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-device@0.2.11 ................ http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.9 .......... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.8 ..... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-dialogs@0.2.9 ................ http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-file@1.3.0 ................... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.4.5 .......... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-geolocation@0.3.9 ............ http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-globalization@0.3.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.5.1 ........... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-media@0.2.12 ................. http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.3.2 .......... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.11 ....http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@0.3.2 ........... http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-statusbar@0.1.7 .............. http://s.apache.org/8pF - cordova-plugin-vibration@0.3.10 ..............http://s.apache.org/8pF Released July 7th, 2014 - cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.11 .............. http://s.apache.org/C6S Released June 27th, 2014 - cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.10 ... http://s.apache.org/Ew6 Released June 12th, 2014 - cordova-plugin-camera@0.3.0 ................. http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-console@0.2.9 ................ http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.8 .......... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.7 ..... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-device@0.2.10 ................ http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-dialogs@0.2.8 ................ http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-file@1.2.0 ................... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.4.4 .......... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-geolocation@0.3.8 ............ http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-globalization@0.2.8 .......... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.5.0 ........... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.3.1 .......... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-media@0.2.11 ................. http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.9 .... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@0.3.1 ........... http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-statusbar@0.1.6 .............. http://s.apache.org/WME - cordova-plugin-vibration@0.3.9 .............. http://s.apache.org/WME
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. STATUS Current releases have been voted on according to the Apache vote policy, and all necessary updates needed in SVN and LDAP regarding the Project PMC have been rectified. We are currently on track for a new set of 19 plugin releases in the next week, and are actively working on versions 3.6.0 and beyond for the upcoming quarter. Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had: - over 2700 commits in its 51 Git repositories, and website - over 3000 emails in its dev mailing list - over 3900 issues/comments on issues in JIRA - 9 new contributors filed iCLAs specifically for contributing to Apache Cordova Since the last board report, Apache Cordova has had 31 different releases which are related to the overall version of Apache Cordova 3.5.0, noted below. COMMUNITY Cordova welcomed the following new committers and PMC members: - Piotr Zalewa (zalun) BOARD ISSUES There are no Board-level issues at this time. RELEASES (31) Releases at the root of the URL below are historical. New releases are in subdirectories by type, starting with the releases below. - http://archive.apache.org/dist/cordova/ The Platforms, Libs and Tools releases were released on 23rd May, 2014. The Plugins releases were released on 23rd April, 2014. PLATFORMS (8) - cordova-amazon-fireos@3.5.0 ... http://s.apache.org/QTb - cordova-android@3.5.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/hA3 - cordova-blackberry@3.5.0 ...... http://s.apache.org/360 - cordova-firefoxos@3.5.0 ....... http://s.apache.org/WtJ - cordova-ios@3.5.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/Jah - cordova-ubuntu@3.5.0 .......... http://s.apache.org/MA4 - cordova-windows@3.5.0.......... http://s.apache.org/978 - cordova-wp8@3.5.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/Qdj LIBS (2) - cordova-app-hello-world@3.5.0 ...... http://s.apache.org/tB - cordova-lib-cordova-lib@0.21.3 ..... http://s.apache.org/JTp TOOLS (2) - cordova-cordova@3.5.0-0.24 ........ http://s.apache.org/JTp - cordova-plugman@0.22.2 ............ http://s.apache.org/JTp PLUGINS (19) - cordova-plugin-battery-status@0.2.8 ....... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-camera@0.2.8 ............... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-console@0.2.8 .............. http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-contacts@0.2.10 ............ http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-device-motion@0.2.7 ........ http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-device-orientation@0.3.6 ... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-device@0.2.9 ............... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-dialogs@0.2.7 .............. http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-file@1.0.1 ................. http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-file-transfer@0.4.3 ........ http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-geolocation@0.3.7 .......... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-globalization@0.2.7 ........ http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@0.4.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-media-capture@0.2.8 ........ http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-media@0.2.10 ............... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-network-information@0.2.8 .. http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-splashscreen@0.3.0 ......... http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-statusbar@0.1.5 ............ http://s.apache.org/Ap4 - cordova-plugin-vibration@0.3.8 ............ http://s.apache.org/Ap4
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Brian LeRoux to the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Brian LeRoux from the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Cordova project has chosen by vote to recommend Shazron Abdullah as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Brian LeRoux is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Shazron Abdullah be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Cordova Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. STATUS Past releases have been voted (noted below). Future/current releases also following vote policy (also noted below). Positive discussion to enhance release tooling to restore the ability to release with speed. Community is loving the new Github integrations: high fives to infra. COMMUNITY Cordova welcomed the following new committers: * Archana Naik * James Long * Mark Koudritsky * Josh Soref RELEASES * cordova@2.8.1 ............. http://s.apache.org/hnP * cordova@2.9.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/cyo * cordova@3.0.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/Y82 * cordova@3.1.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/ICo * cordova@3.2.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/9Q9 * cordova@3.3.0 ............. http://s.apache.org/VvP * cordova@3.4.0-0.1.3 ....... http://s.apache.org/MgN * cordova-plugman@0.20.2 .... http://s.apache.org/MgN * cordova-plugman@0.21.0 .... http://s.apache.org/gwx * cordova-cli@3.4.1-0.1.0 ... http://s.apache.org/ixv * cordova-plugman@0.21.0 .... http://s.apache.org/ixv * cordova-ios@3.4.1 ......... http://s.apache.org/ixv
AI: Jim: follow up with issues regarding committers, PMC membership, and users mailing lists
No report was submitted.
AI: Bertrand to pursue a report for Cordova
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. STATUS It was recently brought to our attention that we had not being following Apache releases precisely as desired by policy. There has been lengthy discussion this report will attempt to summarize actions being taken by Cordova. * Archived release artifacts will get a Vote thread for everything here [1] * Current release artifacts Vote happening immediately for everything here [2] * We will follow the Vote policy for all MAJOR/MINOR/PATCH releases moving forward * We have begun investigation of automating releases w/ an eye to improving policy in the future Open discussion to understand how this process should work with package manager distribution. [3] [4] Related, but not directly nor an immediate concern, is App Store distribution. [5] [1] http://archive.apache.org/dist/cordova [2] http://apache.org/dist/cordova [3] https://npmjs.org/package/cordova [4] http://plugins.cordova.io [5] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-174
AI: Shane: follow up with PMC with regard to cordova.io domain name.
Build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. STATUS New platforms! Cordova now supports Amazon FireOS and Ubuntu Phone. COMMUNITY Healthy activity on the mailing list and issue tracker as usual. RELEASES 3.2.0 - Nov 22 3.3.0rc1 - Dec 6 Core plugins update release on Dec 4.
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. STATUS Work continues on plugin discovery, cli, medic testing infra, and post 3.0 release hardening. This is in addition to regular platform maintenance. Also worth noting we are growing active on Firefox OS and Ubuntu Phone! The community is as strong as ever. COMMUNITY - Mike Sierra voted as committer. - Carlos Santana voted as committer. - David Kemp voted as committer. RELEASES - 2.7 released 05/02/13 - 2.8 released 06/11/13 - 2.9 released 06/29/13 - 3.0 released 07/19/13 - 3.1 released 10/02/13
No report was submitted.
No report was received.
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Status Work continues on plugins tooling, and breakout of core APIs into discreet repos. Associated CLI tooling. Community * Benn Mapes voted as committer. * Bryan Higgins voted as committer. * Jeffery Heifetz voted as committer. Releases * 2.7 released 2/May/13 * 2.8 released 7/Jun/13
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. STATUS Work continues on plugin architecture, and tooling. COMMUNITY * Lorin Beer voted as committer. * Don Coleman voted as committer. * James Jong voted as committer. * Max Woghiren voted as committer. * Ian Clelland voted as committer. * Old incubator mirror repos on Github still need to be deleted by infra! https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-2417 RELEASES * 2.4.0 released 05/Feb/13 * 2.5.0 released 28/Feb/13 * 2.6 released 9/Apr/13
No report was submitted.
Report was received late and will be requested for next month.
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Status ---------- Migration to a plugin exclusive architecture well under way but we are waiting on infra for a number of new repos to facilitate this. Community ---------------- - No new committers. - Both DOAP files updated! - Cordova documentation is now hosted on Cordova project website! - Incubation retirement for http://incubator.apache.org/projects/callback.html remains. Releases ------------- 2.4.0 released Feb 7
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Status - Marcel Kinard voted as committer Community - Incubation retirement for http://incubator.apache.org/projects/callback.html remains - Cordova documentation is currently still not hosted on Cordova project website - DOAP file needs to be updated (we just learned of this on list a week ago). Releases 2.3.0
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Status * A happy cadence for the holiday season. Work remains to complete migration from incubator infra. Community * cordova.apache.org is live \o/ * mwbrooks owns the domain cordova.io and would love to donate * repos partially migrated from incubator namespace * no post recieve hooks https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-5422 * retirement for http://incubator.apache.org/projects/callback.html remains * Cordova documentation is currently *not* hosted on Cordova project website Releases * Expect 2.3.0 release by the end of the month.
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Status: Post graduation development cadence remains very strong. Work remains to complete migration from incubator infra. Community: - Our incubator infra to tlp infra migration ongoing. Only two steps left are moving the site off incubator and creating our new git repos. - There is concern that it has been difficult for our members to help infra. Cordova required git post-commit hooks to wire CI. Ended up writing our own server on a community members own hardware to poll our git repos to facilitate after multiple attempts working w/ infra to set this up. - Cordova documentation is currently *not* hosted on Cordova project website but rather a downstream distribution site. (Nor has project website been migrated from incubator domain so expect to fix this in one go.) - There has been some minor confusion with the CLAs and the account request mechanism. We will refine our project contribution guidelines to make this process more clear. Releases: Cordova has two official releases as an Apache project and expects a third this month.
AI: Bertrand: It would be good to clarify the "difficult for our members to help infra" bit.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the public, related to building cross platform mobile applications with HTML, Javascript and CSS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Cordova Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Cordova Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to building cross platform mobile applications with HTML, Javascript and CSS; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Cordova" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Cordova Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Cordova Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Cordova Project: * Abu Obeida Bakhach <abub@apache.org> * Andrew Grieve <agrieve@apache.org> * Anis Kardi <anis@apache.org> * Becky Gibson <becka11y@apache.org> * Braden Shepherdson <braden@apache.org> * Brett Rudd <goya@apache.org> * Brian LeRoux <brianleroux@apache.org> * Bryce Curtis <bcurtis@apache.org> * David Johnson <doc@apache.org> * Denis Kormalev <dkormalev@apache.org> * Drew Walters <deedubbu@apache.org> * Filip Maj <filmaj@apache.org> * Gord Tanner <gtanner@apache.org> * Herman Wong <hermwong@apache.org> * Jeff Tranter <tranter@apache.org> * Jesse MacFadyen <purplecabbage@apache.org> * Joe Bowser <bowserj@apache.org> * Jukka Zitting <jukka@apache.org> * Justin Tyberg <jtyberg@apache.org> * Longwei Su <longwei@apache.org> * Michael Brooks <mwbrooks@apache.org> * Michal Mocny <mmocny@apache.org> * Patrick Mueller <pmuellr@apache.org> * Ryan Willoughby <wildabeast@apache.org> * Sergey Grebnov <sgrebnov@apache.org> * Shazron Abdullah <shazron@apache.org> * Simon MacDonald <macdonst@apache.org> * Steven Gill <steven@apache.org> * Tim Kim <timkim@apache.org> * Wolfgang Koller <viras@apache.org> * Yohei Shimomae <yohei@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Brian LeRoux be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Cordova, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Cordova PMC be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the Apache Cordova Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Cordova Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Cordova podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator Cordova podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are hereafter discharged. Special Order 7H, Establish the Apache Cordova Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present, with one abstention: Roy Fielding
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova. Cordova is an active community with contributors and committers from many different backgrounds. The first Apache release is expected to be ready shortly, after which Cordova should be ready to graduate. - Tizen code contribution to CordovaJS - Tizen native code contribution to incubator-cordova-tizen The following ppl have been nominated for committer status: - Regis Merlino, Intel - Christophe Guiraud, Intel - Paul Plaquette, Intel - Markus Leutwyler, HP - Andrew Grieve, Google - Michal Mocny, Google - Braden Shepherdson, Google Graduation concerns: - source release issues still open for 2.1.0 (But should be closed today! Sept 5) - official apache release artifacts remain to be verified by a mentor Signed-off-by: rgardler, jukka, bmargulies
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova. - completed code migration to Cordova namespace - documentation updated for migration inc getting started guides - cordovajs migration for: ios, android, blackberry, wp7, bada - cordovajs migration remains for: webos and qt - Shaz crushed crazy iOS local storage bug; his solution getting a tonne of attention in iOS community - Tim Kim voted as committer - Intel contribution of initial Tizen src identified; they have submitted CCLA and we are waiting on ICLAs for their devs - RAT tool verified all platforms - Gord Tanner voted as committer - Mike spearheaded new Upgrading Guides, Domain Whitelisting - Downstream project shipped 1.7, and 1.8 Graduation concerns: official apache release artifacts remain to be verified by a mentor Signed off by mentor: jukka
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova. - continued code migration to Cordova namespace - documentation updated for migration inc getting started guides - cordovajs migration for: ios, android, blackberry complete; - cordovajs migration remains for: wp7, bada, webos and qt - Shaz crushed crazy iOS local storage bug; his solution getting a tonne of attention in iOS community - Tim Kim voted as committer - Intel contribution of initial Tizen src identified Graduation concerns: - official Apache release remains to be verified Signed off by mentor: jukka
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova. Our aim for Feb was to ship an official Apache release, but a few issues remain. We're confident 1.6 will mark our first release. - completed code migration to Cordova name - weinre nowing running on nodejs - cordova-js migration complete for android, underway for other platforms - aim to new code release cutting tool called `coho` - launched http://incubator.apache.org/cordova (nice work yohei) - excellent update to the wiki on contribution (fil, michael) - Denis Kormalev (dkormalev) voted as committer - Longwei Su (longwei) voted as committer - Jeff Tranter (tranter) voted as committer Graduation concerns: - updated all license headers to asl - official apache release Signed off by mentor: gianugo, jukka
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project entered incubation as Apache Callback in October, 2011, before changing its name to Cordova. January could be characterized as the month where we hit our stride on Apache infra. Tonnes of updates to the code. Huge activity on the mailing list. Two new committers voted in. Currently, we recognize the majority of commits are currently coming from Adobe and IBM actively pushing to our repositories on git-wip-us (6 and 4 active pushers respectively). We aim to add more contributors in coming releases as per The Apache Way. - shipped 1.4 (NOTE: we aim to make 1.5 our first official apache release) - continued code migration to Cordova name - new Apache Cordova logo! - project web site design iteration - new automated build system code named 'coho' - Yohei Shimomae voted as committer - Steve Gill voted as committer - made progress on the IP review Graduation concerns: - Complete the IP review (source headers, license metadata, etc.) - Continue to foster more community committers - Ship an official Apache release Signed off by mentor: gianugo, jukka, rgardler, asavory
December was a busy month. Lots of updates to the code base and our working toolchain. We would particularly like to thank infra for all the work getting us setup with git. We really appreciate the effort and valuable discussion surrounding it. It is this sort of attention to community that makes us grateful to be members of the Apache community. * shipped 1.3 with full windows phone support (NOTE: this was not an ASF release; this is next for us) * BlackBerry Playbook support * started migration to Cordova name * git migration complete * battery events api (http://docs.phonegap.com/en/1.3.0/phonegap_events_events.md.html#Events) * first version of the project web site up Graduation concerns: * Complete the migration to Apache infrastructure * Make an official Apache release * Grant committership to new contributors
Project Status -------------- Infrastructure migration still underway; the only major sticking point is that GIT is crucially important for our community and workflow. Additionally we have voted to rename the project to "Cordova". We are contributing to the CouchDB project documentation that describes use and, more importantly, the cutting of Apache releases from Git infrastructure. Our goal is to bring our project to that infrastructure, and we recognize it's our responsibility to ensure the goals of legal and community at Apache do not suffer for it. A request to participate in the Git alpha testing has been made to infrastructure. All mentors supported this request. The name "Callback" was suboptimal for findability, and worse, authored documentation relating to the JavaScript interfaces found in the project. Cordova was the street of the old Nitobi office wherein the PhoneGap project was conceived and has some community precedent in another related tooling project. Discussion was positive, and the vote nearly unanimous. We now need to address infra to engage the rename work (and probably send em a bottle in thanks for being a pain the ass). Community --------- * Community is growing with documentation traffic, and downloads, up. * The mailing list has been super active with new community members. * Jira embraced however we are still getting issues logged on Github. Committers are using Github as a funnel to capture issues, still, and manually moving them to Jira once vetted. * Renaming needs to be promoted. Community Objectives -------------------- * Migrate to the name Cordova and update the community appropriately. * Continue to assist in documentation effort for CouchDB use of Git. Releases -------- * 1.2.x, Oct 31 (Proposed) * 1.3.x, Dec 12 (this will not be an Apache release) * 1.4.x, Jan 30 * 1.5.x, Feb 27 * 1.6.x, Mar 26 * 1.7.x, Apr 30 * 1.8.x, May 28 * 1.9.x, Jun 25 * 2.0.x, Jul 30