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which have been approved by the Board.
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beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
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WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache C++ Standard Library project due to inactivity NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache C++ Standard Library project is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight over the software currently maintained by the Apache C++ Standard Library Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library" is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache C++ Standard Library PMC is hereby terminated. Special Order 7A, Terminate the Apache C++ Standard Library Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
No report was submitted.
There was talk of moving this project to the Attic, but this was premature and Jim was appointed PMC chair by the board. At end of May, Jim announced he would step down. Christopher Bergstrom was nominated to be the new PMC chair. Christopher Bergstrom was elected PMC and committer, but never got an Apache id. He has his own fork elsewhere. So it's strange to elect him PMC chair. It doesn't seem like the project is viable. AI: Jim prepare a resolution to move the project to the Attic.
No report was submitted.
C++ will report next month
The Apache C++ Standard Library Project aims to provide an ALv2-licensed system standard C++ library suite. Releases: None. Development: Since last report, activity has slowed down quite a bit. I expect partly this is due to simple timing (around the end-of-year holidays), and I plan to try to encourage a ramp-up of development with some emails. Community: No changes. We have no issues that require board attention.
DESCRIPTION Apache C++ Standard Library Project is a collection of functions designed to implement a standard C++ library. RELEASES * No releases yet. CURRENT ACTIVITY * Activity has really ramped up over the last several months. We are seeing renewed development and interest in the project and at the present time, I see no reason not to allow the project to continue. COMMUNITY * No new committers or PMC members ISSUES * There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
DESCRIPTION Apache STDCXX is a collection of algorithms, containers, iterators, and other fundamental components of every piece of software, implemented as C++ classes, templates, and functions essential for writing C++ programs. RELEASES * There has not been a release of stdcxx since 2008. Renewed work is being done on the 4.2.x and 4.3.x branches. CURRENT ACTIVITY * After a "gentle" nudge by the current chair, we've seen renewed activity on the mailing list. In particular, a specific BUGZ entry (STDCXX-1056) has seen a lot of discussion. * There was some licensing FUD discussed on the list, mostly to promote a "rationale" for moving the project elsewhere and/or releasing stdcxx under a different license. This has (hopefully) been clarified. * Branching and development policies are being discussed on the mailing list. * Moving to git, as a way to draw in more potential developers was suggested, but as of yet there is no decision on whether to follow through with it. COMMUNITY * Stefan Teleman (steleman@apache.org) was added to the PMC in July ISSUES * There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
There is minor work being done. The project does not have the energy that the board expected when the decision was taken to keep it in place. Recommend to keep the status quo, normal status reporting. But if nothing else changes, reconsider moving this project to the Attic.
Jim to provide verbal report at meeting.
Jim provided a verbal report: No activity on dev mailing list; nothing substantial on the private mailing list. Some folks expressed interest in continuing the project but are unwilling to submit ICLAs. The project is headed for the attic if nothing changes.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Martin Sebor to the office of Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is of the opinion that a new chair is required; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Martin Sebor is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jim Jagielski be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7I, Change the Apache C++ Standard Library Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
No report was submitted.
Martin seems to be unwilling to perform the duties of PMC chair. While the PMC is reforming, the chair needs to be responsive to the board.
Last month, stdcxx added three committers/PMC members. One sent in his CLA and and an account for him was created. The other two are in the process of getting their CLAs signed by their employers. Beyond that, we have nothing to report. All stdcxx committers are busy with our day jobs and have only limited time to spend on the project. Requiring reports on a monthly basis won't help increase the activity of the project. On the contrary, since it takes away from the little time we have to contribute it is likely to decrease it.
approved, and expect a report next month.
Notable changes since previous report (October 2011): A vote to move stdcxx to the Attic failed. The majority of stdcxx contributors voted in favor of continuing to maintain the project. Several inactive committers stepped up to help with the project. A new build and test infrastructure has been set up to verify the correctness and portability of code changes: * gcc/Ubuntu Linux: https://builds.apache.org/job/stdcxx-4.2.2-12d-ubuntu/ * Sun C++/Solaris: https://builds.apache.org/job/stdcxx-4.2.2-15s-solaris/ A stdcxx contributor submitted a large number of issues and patches addressing a number of known and new defects. The stdcxx PMC voted to grant three contributors commit permissions to the stdcxx code repository and add them to the PMC.
Bill Rowe reports that the PMC voted to close the project but that doesn't reflect the will of the community. There are still several people who want to continue the project. Bill volunteered to help reinvigorate the project.
No report was submitted. Attic resolution expected next month.
No report was submitted. The C++ Standard Library is destined for the Attic by general consensus of the PMC members who responded to an inquiry.
No report received.
Jim's Action Item to assist project's move into the attic was reinstated from the August meeting.
Notable changes since previous report (May 2011): There have been no changes to Apache stdcxx. An interested contributor seems to have opted to set up a fork of stdcxx at www.spi-inc.org (or is in the process of doing so).
It appears that this project is dormant and should move to the attic.
AI Jim: assist the project in the transition.
Notable changes since previous report (February 2011): No changes. Stdcxx continues to be dormant. There was a flurry of emails on the stdcxx-dev list suggesting continued interest from the same two parties (ARM and Sun) but no new work.
Notable changes since previous report (November 2010): Stdcxx continues to be dormant. All but one committer have moved on to other projects. The only remaining committer (the VP of the project) is too busy with his day job to make even small changes, or to put out the long-awaited patch release, stdcxx 4.2.2. A number of users and organizations have been using the project and expressed interest in contributing to it. Several submitted patches, others have offered help with the project build and test infrastructure. Unfortunately, since no committer is available to review patches and guide the contributors through the ASF process to enable them to gain commit privileges there seems to be little hope of reviving stdcxx. A possible solution that would allow contributions to resume is to grant commit privileges to the handful of contributors who have already submitted some patches or expressed serious interest in contributing going forward. Another alternative is to move stdcxx to a repository outside of ASF such as SPI (http://www.spi-inc.org/) where interested developers could start committing changes on their own right away, without going through the "training" process. This seems to the preferred solution among at least some of the interested users. Are there any other options? Future plans: Unless the issue with contributions can be resolved in the next quarter I suggest to retire the project.
The project looks like it's not able to manage itself as an Apache project. No releases, no patches being reviewed, no assistance to prospective committers in the community.
Action item: Doug follow up with the project.
Notable changes since previous report (September 2010): No project activity since the last report. Future plans: I'm considering stepping down as chair of stdcxx. I haven't had time to spend on the project or to help interested contributors become committers. Unless another committer steps up willing to take on the responsibility stdcxx might need to be retired.
This is a delayed report (by 1 month). Notable changes since previous report (May 2010): Very little project activity since the last report. No significant issues were reported, some some discussion took place on the dev list. An external contributor has submitted a patch of moderate size for review. No new committers or PMC members have been added. Sun C++ has started shipping last stable release of stdcxx, 4.2.1. Future plans: Release the stdcxx 4.2.2 bugfix update. Attempt to increase project activity and find and set up an alternate build and test infrastructure.
Report postponed to next meeting.
Notable changes since previous report (February 2010): There has been virtually no project activity since the last report. Only a handful issues were reported, some privately to the VP of the project. No existing issues have been resolved. No new committers or PMC members have been added. The Sun KDE project uses and ships (or plans to ship) the last stable release of stdcxx, 4.2.1, with KDE as the default implementation of the C++ Standard Library. There is interest in continuing to do so but no KDE volunteers have stepped up so far to help with stdcxx. Future plans: Release the stdcxx 4.2.2 bugfix update. Attempt to increase project activity and find and set up an alternate build and test infrastructure.
Doug reported back that Martin clarified some things in this report: while he encourages users to post publicly, he helps them even when they do not. He mentioned the private exchange so that the lack of traffic on the public list would not be misinterpreted as a lack of users. He also clarified that the original sponsor of the project had provided build servers and other resources for continuous testing. These services have since been discontinued, and they are looking for alternate ways to address this need.
Notable changes since previous report (November 2009): Stdcxx continues to be very quiet to the point of dormancy. No new committers or PMC members have been added. Rogue Wave has discontinued running nightly builds which has made portability testing exceedingly difficult. Since most 4.2.2 changes were tested before the shutdown, this maintenance update can be released without much further testing. Unless an alternate multi- platform build and infrastructure is set up future releases might need to focus on a much more limited set of platforms (such FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, and Windows). Future plans: Release the stdcxx 4.2.2 bugfix update. Attempt to increase project activity and find and set up an alternate build and test infrastructure.
Notable changes since previous report (August 2009): All stdcxx activity, including mailing list traffic and source code repository commits, continues to be very low. Future plans: Release the stdcxx 4.2.2 bugfix update. Attempt to increase project activity to get help with providing experimental support for C++ 0x in stdcxx 4.3.0, and complete support in 5.0. Migrate nightly build and test infrastructure away from Rogue Wave based resources. Community: 16 committers (N/C) 11 PMC members (N/C) Bug tracking database changes since the last report: Total issues: 1034 (+4) Outstanding: 342 (+1) Resolved: 166 (N/C) Closed: 526 (+3) Planned releases: 4.2.2 Winter 2009 (was Summer 2009) 4.3.0 Spring 2009 (was Winter 2009) 5.0.0 2010 - 2011 Release history: 4.2.1 May 1, 2008 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating) N/C = No Change.
Notable changes since previous report (May 2009): Stdcxx continues to be very quiet with only a handful of minor bug fixes having been committed in this period. Future plans: Put out the delayed stdcxx 4.2.2 release and resume work on adding experimental support for C++ 0x in stdcxx 4.3.0, with complete support expected in 5.0. Change nightly testing infrastructure to avoid relying on Rogue Wave resources. Community: 16 committers (N/C) 11 PMC members (N/C) Bug tracking database changes since the last report: Total issues: 1030 (+5) Outstanding: 341 (+4) Resolved: 166 (+1) Closed: 523 (N/C) Planned releases: 4.2.2 Summer 2009 (was Spring 2009) 4.3.0 Winter 2009 (was Fall 2009) 5.0.0 2010 (was end of 2009) Release history: 4.2.1 May 1, 2008 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating) N/C = No Change.
Notable changes since previous report (February 2009): Project activity is still very low. Only a handful of minor issues have been reported and resolved. Due to budgetary/resource constraints, Rogue Wave has abandoned all its support for the project and either laid off or reassigned stdcxx engineers. This will have implications for testing the code on non mainstream platforms. Nightly testing infrastructure will need to be reimplemented so as to avoid relying on Rogue Wave resources. Future plans: Continue to work toward the bug fix stdcxx 4.2.2 release and on adding experimental support for C++ 0x in stdcxx 4.3.0 and complete support in 5.0. Change nightly testing infrastructure to avoid relying on Rogue Wave resources. Community: 16 committers (N/C) 11 PMC members (N/C) Bug tracking database changes since the last report: Total issues: 1025 (+3) Outstanding: 337 (-3) Resolved: 165 (+1) Closed: 523 (+4) Planned releases: 4.2.2 Spring 2009 (was Winter 2008) 4.3.0 Fall 2009 (was Summer 2009) 5.0.0 2010 (was end of 2009) Release history: 4.2.1 May 1, 2008 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating) N/C = No Change.
Looks like the infrastructure-hosted build schema may arrive just in time
Notable changes since the last report (November 2008): Project activity continues to be very low. A handful of minor issues have been reported by users and resolved by the team. Future plans: Continue to work toward the release of stdcxx 4.2.2 and on implementing C++ 0x. The plan is to enable experimental support for a subset of C++ 0x in 4.3.0, and full support in 5.0,0. Community: The stdcxx community is unchanged since the last report. 16 committers (N/C) 11 PMC members (N/C) Mailing list activity changes since the last report: commits: 21 (N/C) subscribers, 4.06 (N/C) posts/day dev: 55 (N/C) subscribers, 5.24 (N/C) posts/day issues: 13 (N/C) subscribers, 8.24 (N/C) posts/day user: 51 (N/C) subscribers, 0.11 (N/C) posts/day Bug tracking database changes since the last report: Total issues: 1022 (+ 6) Outstanding: 340 ( N/C) Resolved: 164 (+ 1) Closed: 519 (+ 6) Planned releases: 4.2.2 Spring 2009 (was Winter 2008) 4.3.0 Summer 2009 5.0.0 end of 2009 Release history: 4.2.1 May 1, 2008 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating) N/C = No Change.
Notable changes since the last report (August 2008): Project activity has been low over the last three months due to several committers having been busy with other work. The team has mostly been fixing bugs; little progress has been made on new C++ 0x features. In September, the C++ committee voted to publish the C++ 0x draft standard for international ballot. The final C++ Standard can be expected to be published withing a year to two of the completion of the ballot, with only bug fixes but no other significant changes. BIS Export Control Classification: Apache C++ Standard Library contains no encryption source code nor does it make use of any third party encryption software. Future plans: Continue to work toward the release of stdcxx 4.2.2 and on implementing C++ 0x. The plan is to enable experimental support for a subset of C++ 0x in 4.3.0, and full support in 5.0,0. Community: The stdcxx community is unchanged since the last report. 16 committers (unchanged) 11 PMC members (unchanged) Mailing list activity changes since the last report: commits: 21 (+2) subscribers, 4.06 (-0.84) posts/day dev: 55 (-2) subscribers, 5.24 (-2.02) posts/day issues: 13 (+0) subscribers, 8.24 (-3.19) posts/day user: 51 (+3) subscribers, 0.11 (+0.00) posts/day Bug tracking database changes since the last report: Total issues: 1016 (+ 19) Outstanding: 340 (+ 4) Resolved: 163 (+ 3) Closed: 513 (+ 12) Planned releases: 4.2.2 Winter 2008 (was Fall 2008) 4.3.0 Winter 2008 - 2009 5.0.0 first half of 2009 Release history: 4.2.1 May 1, 2008 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
Notable changes since the last report (May 2008): The release schedule for the next C++ standard, informally known as C++ 0x, has changed. The new standard is now expected to be ratified sometime in 2011 rather than by the end of this decade as originally planned. The team's progress on the implementation of the new C++ standard features has been slow in part due to ongoing changes to the specification and in part due to the limited availability of the new core C++ features in existing compilers, or their instability. BIS Export Control Classification: Apache C++ Standard Library contains no encryption source code nor does it make use of any third party encryption software. Future plans: Continue to work on implementing C++ 0x. Community: The stdcxx community is unchanged since the last report. 16 committers (unchanged), 6 active 11 PMC members (unchanged), 6 active Mailing List Activity Changes Since February 2008: commits: 19 (+1) subscribers, 5.10 (+0.72) posts/day dev: 57 (+2) subscribers, 7.27 (+0.79) posts/day issues: 13 (+1) subscribers, 11.43 (-0.48) posts/day user: 48 (+2) subscribers, 0.11 (-0.08) posts/day Bug Tracking Changes Since January 2008: Total issues: 997 (+ 59) Outstanding: 336 (+ 8) Resolved: 160 (+ 26) Closed: 501 (+ 25) Planned releases: 4.2.2 Fall 2008 (was July 2008) 4.3.0 Winter 2008 - 2009 5.0.0 first half of 2009 Release history: 4.2.1 May 1, 2008 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
Notable changes since the last report (February 2008): The major accomplishment since the last report was the succeessful, albeit delayed, release of stdcxx 4.2.1 on May 1 which adds a total of 23 small enhancements and fixes 110 bugs. In March, we attended the interesting Microsoft Open Source Software Labs meeting in Redmond. BIS Export Control Classification: Apache C++ Standard Library contains no encryption source code nor does it make use of any third party encryption software. Future plans: We are making progress on the implementation of the next C++ standard expected to be ratified by the end 2009. A partial implementation is expected to be released in stdcxx 4.3.0 tentatively scheduled for Winter 2008. Our goal is to complete the implementation in the first half of 2009 and make it available in stdcxx 5.0. Community: The stdcxx community is unchanged since the last report. 16 committers (unchanged), 6 active 11 PMC members (unchanged), 6 active Mailing List Activity Changes Since February 2008: commits: 18 subscribers, 4.38 (+1.05) posts/day dev: 55 (-1) subscribers, 6.48 (+0.98) posts/day issues: 12 (+2) subscribers, 12.95 (+3.40) posts/day user: 46 subscribers, 0.19 (+0.09) posts/day Bug Tracking Changes Since January 2008: Total issues: 938 (+209) Outstanding: 328 (+ 55) Resolved: 134 (+ 39) Closed: 476 (+115) Planned releases: 4.2.2 July 2008 4.3.0 Winter 2008 5.0.0 first half of 2009 Release history: 4.2.1 May 1, 2008 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
This is the third stdcxx Board report since graduating on 11/15. Starting with next report we will be reporting on a quarterly schedule. Notable changes since the last report (2008/1): The project activity has picked up quite a bit since the January report, both in terms of the number of commits as well as on the mailing lists. Migration out of Incubator and into TLP (INFRA-1421) has been completed. Some progress has been made on redesigning and reimplementing the project site using Apache Forrest (STDCXX-686). BIS Export Control Classification: Apache C++ Standard Library contains no encryption source code nor does it make use of any third party encryption software. Future plans: We are making progress, albeit slowly, toward the 4.2.1 release. The expected timeframe for this maintenance release is February to March 2008. Next week we look forward to attending the Microsoft Open Source Software Labs meeting in Redmond. Community: The active community remains small and dominated by contributors from Rogue Wave, despite efforts to reach out to other developers. 16 committers (unchanged) 11 PMC members (unchanged) Mailing List Activity Changes Since December 2007: commits: 18 (+4) subscribers, 4.38 (+1.80) posts/day dev: 56 (+4) subscribers, 6.48 (-0.93) posts/day issues: 10 subscribers, 12.95 posts/day user: 46 (+6) subscribers, 0.10 (-0.18) posts/day Bug Tracking Changes Since January 2008: Total issues: 729 (+ 36) Outstanding: 273 (+ 10) Resolved: 95 (+ 5) Closed: 361 (+ 18) Planned releases: 4.2.1 February/March 2008 4.3.0 Summer/Fall 2008 5.0 Winter 2008 Release history: 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
Approved by General Consent.
This is the second stdcxx Board report since graduating on 11/15. Notable changes since the last report (2007/12): Owing to the holidays the project activity has been on the low side since the last report. Development list activity was down by about 37% in comparison to November, Subversion commits by 43%. While little progress has been made so far on INFRA-1421 to move stdcxx out of the incubator and to its TLP destination a move of the Subversion repository is being planned for Saturday 1/12 (see INFRA-1423). The remaining subtasks are still waiting to be picked up by volunteers with sufficient permissions. Future plans: Continuing to work toward a maintenance release for 4.2.0 expected in the February to March 2008 timeframe. A discussion has begun on reimplementing the stdcxx web site to use Apache Forrest or some similar authoring tool (STDCXX-686). Community: 16 committers (unchanged) 11 PMC members (unchanged) Mailing List Activity for December 2007: stdcxx-commits: 56 (- 42) posts stdcxx-dev: 273 (-155) posts stdcxx-user: 0 (unchanged) Ken Coar's Apache Software Foundation Mailing Lists page (http://people.apache.org/~coar/mlists.html) normally used to gather list subscription data for this report is incomplete and no data for stdcxx is available at this time. Bug Tracking: Total issues: 693 (+ 14) Outstanding: 263 (- 3) Resolved: 87 (+ 5) Closed: 343 (+ 12) Planned releases: 4.2.1 February/March 2008 4.3.0 Summer/Fall 2008 5.0 Winter 2008 Release history: 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
Approved by General Consent.
This is the first stdcxx Board report since graduating on 11/15. Notable changes since exiting the Incubator: 11/29 voted in new committer, Travis Vitek 11/30 requested INFRA to migrate stdcxx to TLP: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-1421 Future plans: Currently working toward a maintenance release for 4.2.0 expected in the February to March 2008 timeframe. This will be the first release to formally follow the new release process and version policy, a document that's currently being finalized on stdcxx-dev. Development of a large number of new features specified by the upcoming C++ 0x standard (expected to be ratified by the end of the decade) is being planned for 4.3 (compatible enhancements) and 5.0 (breaking changes), and is expected to commence shortly. Community: 16 committers 11 PMC members Mailing List Activity: stdcxx-commits: 14 (-1) subscribers, 2.58 (+0.02) posts/day stdcxx-dev: 52 (-3) subscribers, 7.41 (+0.23) posts/day stdcxx-user: 40 (+1) subscribers, 0.28 (-0.01) posts/day Bug Tracking: Total issues: 679 (+ 34) Outstanding: 266 (- 6) Resolved: 82 (+ 1) Closed: 331 (+ 39) Planned releases: 5.0 Winter 2008 4.3.0 Summer/Fall 2008 4.2.1 February/March 2008 Release history: 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
Approved by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project, to be known as "Apache C++ Standard Library", also known by the abbreviation Apache stdcxx, a portable implementation of the C++ Standard library as specified in ISO/IEC 14882, International Standard for Programming Languages -- C++, for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the Apache C++ Standard Library Project Management Committee, and also known by the abbreviation Apache stdcxx, is hereby established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache C++ Standard Library PMC be and hereby is charged with the creation and maintenance of "Apache C++ Standard Library"; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache C++ Standard Library PMC, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache C++ Standard Library PMC; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache C++ Standard Library PMC: * Andrew Black <ablack@apache.org> * Anton Pevtsov <apevtsov@apache.org> * Amit Jindal <ajindal@apache.org> * Eric Lemings <elemings@apache.org> * Heidi Buelow <hbuelow@apache.org> * Farid Zaripov <faridz@apache.org> * Justin Erenkrantz <jerenkrantz@apache.org> * Liviu Nicoara <lnicoara@apache.org> * Mark Brown <mbrown@apache.org> * Martin Sebor <sebor@apache.org> * Tim Triemstra <ttriemstra@apache.org> * William A. Rowe, Jr. <wrowe@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Martin Sebor be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache C++ Standard Library, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache C++ Standard Library Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator C++ Standard Library podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache C++ Standard Library podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter discharged. Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache C++ Standard Library Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote.
Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in August 2007. Project Summary: Stdcxx is a portable implementation of the C++ Standard Library conforming to the ISO/IEC 14882 international standard for C++. In incubation: since 5/19/2005. Issues to resolve before graduation: None. Community: The project has 11 committers (excluding mentors). Not counting mentors, the stdcxx PPMC consists of 9 committers. Mailing List Activity: stdcxx-commits: 14 (-1) subscribers, 2.16 (+0.22) posts/day stdcxx-dev: 51 (+3) subscribers, 5.88 (+1.01) posts/day stdcxx-user: 37 (+6) subscribers, 0.31 (-0.04) posts/day Bug Tracking: Total issues: 536 (+129) Outstanding: 264 (+66) Resolved: 60 (-15) Closed: 212 (+97) Current Projects: Since the last report three months ago the team has been busy working toward the next release, version 4.2, planned to be releaded at the end of the summaer or early fall at the latest. The stdcxx community is about to close a vote to accept two new committers, Eric (Brad) Lemmings, and Mark Brown. Pending the approval of the Incubator PMC, the committers are expected to join the team shortly. The stdcxx community also recently voted to propose graduation as a Top Level Project to the Incubator PMC. We plan to submit the proposal once the new committers have been approved. Code: The most recent release of stdcxx, version 4.1.3, was published in January 2006. The next version 4.2, is scheduled to be released in late summer/early fall 2007. All code is licensed under the Apache license version 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''iPMC Reviewers: jukka, jim'' Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in May 2007. __Project Summary__: Stdcxx is a highly portable implementation of the C++ Standard Library conforming to the ISO/IEC 14882 international standard for C++. __In incubation__: since 5/19/2005. __Issues to resolve before graduation__: Increase committer base and diversity. __Community__: The project has [http://incubator.apache.org/stdcxx/#committers 11 committers] (excluding mentors). Not counting mentors, the [http://incubator.apache.org/stdcxx/#ppmc stdcxx IPMC] consists of 9 committers. __Mailing List Activity__: * [http://people.apache.org/~coar/mlists.html#stdcxx-commits_at_incubator.apac he.org stdcxx-commits]: 15 subscribers, 1.94 posts/day * [http://people.apache.org/~coar/mlists.html#stdcxx-dev_at_incubator.apache.o rg stdcxx-dev]: 48 subscribers, 4.87 posts/day * [http://people.apache.org/~coar/mlists.html#stdcxx-dev_at_incubator.apache.o rg stdcxx-user]: 31 subscribers, 0.35 posts/day __Bug Tracking__: * Total issues: [http://tinyurl.com/2mt8vx 407] ([http://tinyurl.com/2qz2sg added 65 since last report]) * Open: [http://tinyurl.com/2l2zyg 198] * Resolved: [http://tinyurl.com/39odjo 75] * Closed: [http://tinyurl.com/3xyrys 115] __Current Projects__: Over the last three months the team has been working on porting the project to a number of new operating systems and compilers. A documentation project focused on updating and imrpoving the look and feel of both the [http://incubator.apache.org/stdcxx/doc/stdlibref Class Reference] and [http://incubator.apache.org/stdcxx/doc/stdlibug User's Guide] is currently under way. Site visitation activitiy is being tracked with Google Analytics. The immediate number one goal is to release the next version of the library in the summer of 2007. __Code__: The most recent release of stdcxx, version 4.1.3, was published in January 2006. The next release, tentatively numbered 4.2, is expected to be published in summer of 2007. All code is licensed under the Apache license version 2. ''iPMC Comments:'' * jukka: I'm qurious about http://incubator.apache.org/stdcxx/#committers. Why some people are following CTR and others RTC? Also, the comment "committers in italics do not have a signed Contributor License Agreement on file" doesn't make sense. You can't be a committer without a CLA on file.
iPMC Reviewers: brett, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in February 2007. __Project Summary__: Stdcxx is a highly portable implementation of the C++ Standard Library conforming to the ISO/IEC 14882 international standard for C++. In incubation since 5/19/2005. __Issues to resolve before graduation__: * Increase committer base and diversity. * Invite all committers to join the PPMC. __Community__: The project has 11 committers (excluding mentors). Of these 6 have been (or were at some point) active. The diversity of the committer community is 54%. The stdcxx PPMC consists of 4 committers (excluding mentors). (These numbers are the same as at the time of the last report.) Recently, the stdcxx PPMC has voted to invite the committers Andrew Black and Farid Zaripov to join the PPMC. With the approval of the Incubator PMC they will be invited to join in the next few days. __Activity__: The stdcxx-dev list has 50 subscribers (down from 52 last report) and averages 4.47 post per day since inception (down from 4.79). The stdcxx-user list has 31 subscribers (down from 33) with a mean of 0.34 posts per day since inception (unchanged since last report). The stdcxx-commits list has 15 subscribers (unchanged), and 1.94 posts per day (down from 2.09). There are 338 issues in the stdcxx bug tracking database (up from 301). Of these 137 are closed or resolved (up from 120). Since the last report the team has been busy fixing bugs, enhancing the test suite, and work has begun on the implementation of the type traits facility. An infrastructure to publish nightly build and test results has been put in place: http://people.apache.org/~sebor/stdcxx/results/ __Code__: The most recent release of stdcxx, version 4.1.3, was published in January 2006. The next release, tentatively numbered 4.2, is expected to be published in summer of 2007. All code is licensed under the Apache license version 2. iPMC questions / comments: * Brett: what is the target for committer base & diversity? ----
Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 11/2006. Project Summary: Stdcxx is a portable implementation of the C++ Standard Library conforming to the ISO/IEC 14882 international standard for C++. In incubation since: 5/19/2005. Issues to resolve before graduation: Increase committer base and diversity. Community: The project has 11 committers (excluding mentors). Of these 6 have been (or were at some point) active. The diversity of the committer community is 54%. During the last three months the stdcxx community has added one new committer, Andrew Black. Activity: The stdcxx-dev list has 52 subscribers and averages 4.79 post per day since inception. The stdcxx-user list has 33 subscribers with a mean of 0.34 posts per day since inception. The stdcxx-commits list has 15 subscribers and 2.09 posts per day. There are 301 issues in the stdcxx bug tracking database. Of these 120 are closed or resolved. Code The most recent release of stdcxx, version 4.1.3, was published in January 2006. The next release, tentatively numbered 4.2, is expected to be published in the March 2007 timeframe. All code is licensed under the Apache license version 2.
Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 8/2006: This is the fourth quarterly report for stdcxx. The stdcxx community is currently in the process of voting in a new committer, Farid Zaripov. Farid has contributed several important pieces of the test driver and recently has has been enhancing the test suite in the area of containers with focus on exception safety. In addition we are hoping to put Farid's extensive Windows experience to good use when enhancing our Windows build infrastructure. The team continues to make progress migrating the Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library test harness and test suite to the Apache stdcxx test driver: a total of 117 of the 329 tests have been migrated so far. The plan for the next three months is to continue migrating the test suite, extend our support to include additional platforms such as IBM z/OS, Cray UNICOS, and others, and to enhance our implementation with the C++ Standard Library extensions described in the Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions. Recently we have also been in discussions with Tuscany developers about their adoption of stdcxx. We look forward to working with the team to make this as smooth as possible. Finally, we plan to continue increase the visibility of the project and attract more developers to the project and to further increase the diversity of the community.
Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 12/2005: This is the second quarterly report for stdcxx. The stdcxx community has spent the last three months working toward version 4.1.3 of the project. The major accomplishments thus far include the completion of the test suite driver (STDCXX-4), the migration of a large number (but not all) of stdcxx tests from the Rogue C++ Standard Library test suite to this driver and to the ASF Subversion repository (STDCXX-4), and the creation of a Windows configuration and build infrastructure (STDCXX-5, STDCXX-13). The successful completion of these objectives marks an important milestone for the stdcxx project. To facilitate the migration of existing users of the Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library to stdcxx, the stdcxx community is currently in the process of releasing version 4.1.3 of the project. This release has been scheduled to coincide with the release of the Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library 4.1.3 on which stdcxx is based. A vote to release stdcxx 4.1.3 is under way on stdcxx-dev. In other news, the stdcxx PPMC recently voted to extend an offer of committership to Anton Pevtsov. Anton is the author of the Windows build infrastructure and his help with porting the test suite over the last few months has been essential. In addition, in preparation for graduation and the forming of a PMC, the stdcxx PPMC has started to discuss expanding its membership from the current 5 (including 3 mentors) to involve other active committers. Going forward, the most important goals of the growing stdcxx community continue to be to increase the visibility of the project and further increase the number as well as diversity of its users, contributors, and committers, finish porting the stdcxx test suite, and implement a complete test harness for the project to facilitate automated nightly testing. Other goals include expanding the set of platforms to Apple Darwin and other BSD-based operating systems, enhancing support for the C++ Standard Library extensions described in the (Draft) Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions. Martin Sebor
Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 9/2005: This is the first quarterly report for stdcxx. Since the inception of the stdcxx podling the stdcxx community has substantially completed the migration of the project from the Rogue Wave infrastructure to the Apache infrastructure. Notably, the source code of the library, the accompanying utility programs, a comprehensive set of example programs, as well as the complete project documentation in HTML have been transferred to Subversion. All source files have been modified to reflect the Apache license. A bug tracking database has been created in Jira and is being actively and extensively used to track issues and tasks. The appropriate mailing lists have been created. All new stdcxx committers have submitted their Contributor License Agreements. In September the stdcxx development community with the approval of the Incubator PMC published the first and final snapshot of the initially contributed sources, labeled version 4.1.2. At this time the stdcxx community is working toward version 4.1.3 of the project. The goals of this effort are to migrate the project test suite from the Rogue Wave test harness to the new stdcxx test driver, to complete the transfer of the tests from the Rogue Wave source code repository to Subversion, and to complete the implementation of the configuration and build infrastructure for Microsoft Windows. The estimated time-frame for reaching these goals is the first half of 2006. The objective of the stdcxx community for the next quarter is to work on further increasing the visibility of the project, attracting additional contributors, and growing the active community of developers around it.
stdcxx: Mailing lists have been created, initial accounts have been created for the stdcxx committers (where CLAs have been received), and Subversion directories have been created. Roy has just sent the 'welcome' email to stdcxx-dev@. In other words, real progress can be made now. There was an issue regarding a RogueWave press release regarding STDCXX that had an unapproved ASF quote in it. The PRC is following up on this and is educating folks to ensure that it does not happen again.