This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 21:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (22 years ago) There are currently 48 committers and 46 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2024-07-03. - No new committers. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2023-04-14. ## Project Activity: Recent releases: Torque 6.0 was released on 2024-05-22. Derby- was released on 2023-11-14. Derby- was released on 2022-06-15. This fall, all the Apache DB communities continued their normal development work. The Torque community incorporated some fixes in code (e.g TORQUE-368) and an ongoing discussion for a new illustrative use case (TORQUE-369). In the JDO community, work continued on adapting the release process to incorporate the SBOM files for improved security transparency. The community also continue to work on moving to JDK 11 as the lowest supported version. The Derby community is working on verifying compatibility with Open JDK 24 in DERBY-7171. This release of Java removes several long-deprecated features from the Java platform. There was some discussion about the challenges of updating older releases to incorporate security fixes. ## Community Health: Community health across all three Apache DB communities was low, but was typical for these stable, mature projects.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (22 years ago) There are currently 48 committers and 46 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2024-07-03. - No new committers. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2023-04-14. ## Project Activity: Recent releases: Torque 6.0 was released on 2024-05-22. Derby- was released on 2023-11-14. ## Community Health: As is common for the DB community, the summer quarter was quiet. In the JDO community, regular weekly developer meetings continue to happen, and the community continue to work to optimize the TCK. In the Torque community, some smaller code changes did happen and the discussion about Java 17 in the dev mailing list is now almost closed with consistently positive support. Preparation for this is under way. Alongside this discussion, proposals were made like moving to GIT, modernize template code, add/use a gradle build plugin with kotlin, which are in the state of further consideration. In the Derby community, several questions were asked and answered on the mailing lists and some new bugs were filed.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (22 years ago) There are currently 48 committers and 46 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Max Philipp Wriedt was added to the PMC on 2024-07-03 - No new committers. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2023-04-14. ## Project Activity: Torque 6.0 was released on 2024-05-22. It contained a number of performance improvements and bug fixes. Optimizing and extending the TCK remains the focus of the JDO community. This spring the JDO community refreshed their page on the Apache DOAP registry. The JDO team are also continuing to work with the DataNucleus community to resolve issues. The Derby community added support for timestamp types introduced by Java 8, thanks to a recent code contribution. The Derby community continues their work to keep Derby up to date with new Java releases, including JDK 22 and 23 this spring. ## Community Health: DB project health was good this spring: a Torque committer was added to the DB PMC and a new Torque release was made.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (22 years ago) There are currently 48 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2023-08-27. - No new committers. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2023-04-14. ## Project Activity: Several security issues were brought to the DB project's attention this quarter, and were addressed by various community members: - JDO community addressed an XSS vulnerability in the project's old archived Javadocs by removing the no-longer-required Javadocs from the project website. - DB community addressed an XSS vulnerability in the (retired) ddlutils Javadocs by removing the no-longer-required Javadocs from the project website. - Derby community examined an arbitrary file write vulnerability in the Derby client libraries and determined that it was best addressed via a combination of - documentation of the requirement for users to use this particular log-tracing feature with care, - and notice to known clients. Apache security team assisted with the resolution of these security issues and we are grateful as always for their prompt and thorough help! Torque team are readying a new release and discussing whether it should be classified as a minor release or a major release based on its changes. It would probably become either release 5.2 or 6.0, depending on the outcome of the discussions. Derby team have been verifying Derby compatibility with JDKs 21 and 22. No new problems have been revealed. JDO team have been investigating several issues uncovered by runs of the TCK. ## Community Health: DB project health was good over the winter. All the project teams were actively discussing development issues and working on fixes and enhancements.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (21 years ago) There are currently 48 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2023-08-27. - No new committers. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2023-04-14. ## Project Activity: The JDO project have a number of code improvements currently active. We are investigating use of automated release artifact signing to streamline release preparation. We have updated our automatic CI build to test with JDK 21 while maintaining compatibility with JDK 8 target (still seems to be the most popular deployment). JDO is also working on improving performance of TCK tests by taking advantage of new features in JUnit 5 that allow for parallel execution of test cases where no changes to the datastore are made. This includes most query tests. JDO also continues to work on code quality issues reported by SonarCloud. In the Torque community there was some code activity to fix time duration handling (resolving JIRA issue TORQUE-362) and to remedy build failures (in Jenkins job). The Derby community achieved two milestones in this quarter: - The Derby 10.17.1 release. Derby has been built and tested on the Java SE 21 platform, and will run only on Java SE 21 and newer Java platforms. Derby cannot be used with older Java platforms. - Derby fixes a flaw in Derby's LDAP authentication logic (CVE-2022-46337). DB team thanks Arnout and the security@ team for all their help with the resolution of CVE-2022-46337. ## Community Health: DB project health was good in this quarter. All the project communities were active and working toward achieving development milestones for their communities. A new release was made. It was all nice to see!
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (21 years ago) There are currently 48 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Tobias Bouschen was added to the PMC on 2023-08-27 - No new committers. Last addition was Max Philipp Wriedt on 2023-04-14. ## Project Activity: DB Project welcomes Tobias Bouschen as the latest member of the DB PMC! JDO project are incorporating various Java upgrades. JDO currently supports JDK 8, 11, and 17. We have tested JDK 20 and it looks good. Now that JDK 21 is GA, we will start CI testing using JDK 21 and look at testing with target JDK 11, 17, and 21 instead of target JDK 8. JDO project also look to upgrade from JUnit 3 and are now looking to improve the TCK configuration specifications. Derby project are also moving to the latest version of Java. Derby developers are discussing the preparation of a 10.17 release this fall to include the JDK 21 support. ## Community Health: The DB project user communities were fairly quiet this summer, with occasional questions being asked and answered, and occasional suggestions being made and recorded in JIRA. The low user community activity is not unusual in the summer.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with moderate activity. Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (21 years ago) There are currently 48 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - Max Philipp Wriedt was added as committer on 2023-04-14 ## Project Activity: Recent releases: Derby- was released on 2022-06-15. JDO 3.2.1 was released on 2022-05-25. JDO 3.2 was released on 2022-02-01. Torque team are happy that we have a new committer, Max Philip Wriedt! Find the announcement here in torque-dev mailing list: https://lists.apache.org/thread/n3mdmpb4jmj67l9rh6d1gd029f5zohl3 Status of JDO is ongoing, low activity. No new releases since the last report. The JDO project is continuing to work on improving support for current and future JDKs. Currently supporting JDK 7, 11, and 17. Looking to JDK 21 for the next supported release. We are also upgrading the JUnit dependency from JUnit 3 to JUnit 5 so we can more easily take advantage of potential performance improvements. Derby was very quiet this quarter, though the team did fix an error in the Derby DOAP release paperwork. ## Community Health: JDO and Torque teams saw a continuation of the increased community activity from last winter, which is great! Mailing list and development activity in the Torque and JDO communities has been quite healthy. Derby project activity has been very low throughout 2023. Although Derby development activity continues at its normal (low) pace, Derby user community activity has dropped to nearly nothing, probably indicating that external usage of Derby is dropping as well.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (21 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: Recent releases: Derby- was released on 2022-06-15. JDO 3.2.1 was released on 2022-05-25. JDO 3.2 was released on 2022-02-01. - The Derby community successfully completed their verification of Derby support for JDK 20. - JDO project is working on sonar cloud reports that will improve the quality of the code. We have already fixed reports under the category of Reliability and Security. Still working on Maintainability. - The Torque community are continuing development work on the version 5.2 code. There has been some new interest in the Torque user community with some new contributions from the community. ## Community Health: It was a quiet winter for the DB subprojects, with reduced activity in some areas but a few welcome increases in activity, such as the new user community interest on the Torque subproject and the appearance of a possible new Torque committer. Torque community have called a vote for the new committer; the results are expected in the next reporting period.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (20 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: Recent releases: - Derby- was released on 2022-06-15. - JDO 3.2.1 was released on 2022-05-25. - JDO 3.2 was released on 2022-02-01. - Torque 5.1 was released on 2022-01-31. - The Derby community received a security vulnerability report and have addressed it; it is tracked as CVE-2022-46337. The fix in already in the source tree and will be delivered with Derby's next release, which is not yet scheduled. - The Derby community have also been testing with new builds of the upcoming JDK 20; Derby's testing processes may have found a bug in one of the JDK 20 features as a result which is good. - The JDO community evaluated the Derby vulnerability report to see if it applied to JDO's use of Derby; no JDO vulnerability was found as a result. - The JDO community are working on moving from JDK 8 to JDK 11, which will be a significant change and require a new 3.3 release, which is not yet scheduled. - The JDO community are working on improving code quality via feedback solicited from a code analysis tool called SonarCloud. SonarCloud itself is not open source but is free to analyze open source projects. A number of issues reported by the tool have been merged to the main branch and several others are currently being worked. - The Torque community have completed source modifications to move from JDK 8 to JDK 11. The changes are anticipated to be delivered as a new release 5.2, which is not yet scheduled. ## Community Health: Community health seems good across the project. All the mailing lists were at typical levels, and source contributions and fixes have been proceeding at a normal pace. All the project repositories are in a development stage trying to work toward future releases.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (20 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: Recent releases: - Derby- was released on 2022-06-15. - JDO 3.2.1 was released on 2022-05-25. - JDO 3.2 was released on 2022-02-01. - Torque 5.1 was released on 2022-01-31. ## Community Health: This was a very quiet quarter for the DB subprojects, but all the communities had fairly typical activity: questions were asked and answered on the community mailing lists, issues were raised and fixes were discussed and committed.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (20 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: Recent releases: - Derby was released on 2022-06-15 - JDO 3.2.1 was released on 2022-05-25. - JDO 3.2 was released on 2022-02-01. - Torque 5.1 was released on 2022-01-31. This was a fairly quiet quarter for the DB project, yet still two new releases were made: - The Derby community completed and released Derby, which provides support for Java 17+. - The JDO community completed and released JDO 3.2.1, which moved metadata file references from the obsolete sun/oracle location to the JDO web site, and provided a workaround for the Java security manager issue. ## Community Health: DB mailing lists were quiet this quarter, but not alarmingly so. Project release activities and release votes are proceeding normally.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (20 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: Recent releases: - JDO 3.2 was released on 2022-02-01. - Torque 5.1 was released on 2022-01-31. - Torque 5.0 was released on 2020-09-22. All of the DB subprojects were actively working on new releases during this quarter, with both the JDO and Torque subprojects completing their new releases. Additionally, members from the entire DB community collaborated this quarter to migrate the various project websites to the new hosting system, and we thank the Infrastructure team for their assistance with several requests during the migration. Notable projects that got underway this quarter include: - the JDO community are migrating the xml name space away from jcp.org which is no longer maintained - the JDO community are working on maintaining compatibility with JDK 8 and 9 while accommodating JDK 18 and JDK 19 - the Derby community are working on an upcoming 10.16 release to address compatibility with JDK 17+. ## Community Health: DB mailing lists show typical levels of activity and appear healthy. Project release activities and release votes are proceeding normally.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (19 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: - Torque 5.0 was released on 2020-09-22. - Derby- was released on 2020-02-18. - JDO 3.1 was released on 2015-03-19 The Torque community are preparing their 5.1 release, which contains multiple new features as well as security fixes. An initial release candidate was voted on, then withdrawn, due to ongoing work to address the Log4J security fixes. A subsequent release candidate has been prepared and will be voted upon by the community. JDO has prepared release 3.2 and the DB PMC has voted to approve it. The vote was prior to the log4j2 disclosure and jdo had a dependency on an affected release of log4j2. This dependency was only for running the TCK so it is not a critical issue. However, the dependency has been updated for the official release. The JCP has completed the Maintenance Draft Review 5 and has scheduled the Maintenance Review Ballot for January 11 through January 17. We are expecting a positive result. Once the Ballot is approved we will do a final update of JDO 3.2 and have a final vote by the DB PMC. The Derby community have had some discussions as to whether a new major release of Derby will be needed to support JDK 18. Certain Derby features may be removed due to underlying changes in the JDK and the Derby community will need to communicate this to the users of the software. The DB project has discussed the upcoming shutdown of the CMS and the move of the ci.apache.org support to the new ci2.apache.org that will occur at the end of January, and the sub projects will make the necessary changes. ## Community Health: DB mailing lists show typical levels of activity and appear healthy. Project release activities and release votes are proceeding normally.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (19 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: The DB project received a report of a CWE-502 vulnerability in the retired DdlUtils source code. Although the DdlUtils subproject is retired and no longer actively developed, the DB project decided to address the vulnerability, which is now tracked as CVE-2021-41616, and removed the insecure source code from the source repository. The DB project also removed the DdlUtils-1.0 release from distribution via the Apache mirrors, and updated the DdlUtils web site to make it more clear that DdlUtils is retired and no longer actively developed. The JDO team have been making changes suggested by the Apache Diversity Conscious Language Checker, including changing the name of the git branch from master to main, and resolving all issues in the source code and web site. https://clc.diversity.apache.org/analysis.html?project=db-jdo.git https://clc.diversity.apache.org/analysis.html?project=db-jdo-site.git The JDO project is ready to ask the Java Community Process (JCP) to approve the latest release, JDO 3.2. We have asked for specific guidance to submit the release to be voted by the JCP. Once the JCP approves the Maintenance Release, we will formally make the Apache release via the usual DB PMC process. The Derby team have validated Derby behavior with Java 17. This involved significant work to address changes due to JEP411. ## Community Health: DB community health seemed robust this quarter. Questions were asked and answered on the mailing lists, and project teams collaborated on releases and other efforts.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (19 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - No new committers. Last addition was Tobias Bouschen on 2021-01-19. ## Project Activity: JDO project is getting ready to finalize 3.2. All issues scheduled for 3.2 have been resolved. Working to finalize the specification. Derby project has been continuing to test with Java 17 early access releases. ## Community Health: This has been a very quiet quarter for Apache DB. Yet steady activity continues in all the DB projects: users ask questions and discuss the software; problems are addressed by contributors and commits are made; contributions and suggestions continue to arrive from the community. The project overall seems quiet but stable.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (19 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - Tobias Bouschen was added as committer on 2021-01-19 ## Project Activity: The JDO project is still working on the 3.2 release. The new team web site db.apache.org/jdo is up and running. The Derby community continues to work closely with the broader Java community to ensure Derby compatibility with newer Java releases. During this period, Derby was tested with Java 16 and Java 17. ## Community Health: Activity in the DB community mailing lists, issue trackers, and source repositories was healthy and stable during this quarter. All the teams had good activity on both the developer and user mailing lists.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (19 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Georg Kallidis on 2020-08-26. - Tobias Bouschen was added as committer on 2021-01-19 ## Project Activity: Torque team have addressed two recently reported security warnings in module dependencies (CVE-2020-8908 and CVE-2020-9488) by upgrading to the fixed version of the relevant packages. Note that these were not security problems in the Torque code itself, rather they were out of date versions of log4j2 and guava that were being used by Torque. The JDO project are continuing to evolve the web presence. We successfully migrated the site to a combination of GitHub Actions and ASF processing to automatically publish "source" changes to the web site. We are working toward a JDO 3.2 release, with a few items still left to complete. ## Community Health: All of the DB project teams experienced normal or higher activity levels during this quarter. Community members were busy answering user questions, fixing bugs, improving documentation, readying releases, etc. In the previous quarter we thought activity levels were a bit lower, but they seem to have resumed their normal pace this quarter.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of the Apache DB project is to create and maintain commercial-quality, open-source, database solutions based on software licensed to the Foundation, for distribution at no charge to the public. The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (18 years ago) There are currently 46 committers and 45 PMC members in this project. Community changes, past quarter: - Georg Kallidis was added to the PMC on 2020-08-26 - Jeffery Painter was added to the PMC on 2020-08-26 - Long time Torque committer and PMC member Thomas Fox has retired from the project. ## Project Activity: - Torque 5.0 was released on 2020-09-22. The Torque community is grateful to Infra for help in resolving a website publishing issue (INFRA-20929) - JDO completed the migration of the code repository from svn to git and the web presence to a new repository in git - The Derby community has not yet made the transition from Jenkins to CloudBees. We are not blocked by anything; we just haven't yet found the time. ## Community Health: It was a quiet quarter, possibly due to worldwide COVID concerns. But overall the DB community continues to be healthy, with two new PMC members added and a new release (Torque 5.0) published.
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (18 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Tilmann Zäschke on 2019-02-27. - No new committers. Last addition was Laura Stewart on 2019-03-08. ## Project Activity: Derby- was released on 2020-02-18. The JDO community continue to work on preparing the 3.2 release. The Derby community has voted to sunset support for Java 9 and 10. ## Community Health: The DB project communities have been fairly quiet. I think that the overall reduction in activity is probably to a major extent due to the international health challenges around COVID-19. But traffic on the email lists and issue trackers continues at a mostly typical pace.
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (18 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Tilmann Zäschke on 2019-02-27. - No new committers. Last addition was Laura Stewart on 2019-03-08. Camilla Haase has notified the DB PMC of her decision to resign her PMC membership; I will update the board records in April. ## Project Activity: Derby- was released on 2020-02-18. The JDO community continue to work on preparing the 3.2 release. Torque tests are now running with Docker Testcontainer for Mysql and Postgresql, ## Community Health: The DB project communities seem healthy and stable this quarter. There was a small increase in traffic on the Derby mailing lists due to the release.
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Membership Data: Apache DB was founded 2002-07-16 (17 years ago) There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Tilmann Zäschke on 2019-02-27. - No new committers. Last addition was Laura Stewart on 2019-03-08. ## Project Activity: There are no imminent releases. The JDO developers are working on updating the JDO web site to use asciidoctor markup and making updates to the typed query functionality. The Derby developers are discussing a possible 10.15.2 release for late winter and are addressing the complications of supporting Java 8, Java 9, and Java 11. ## Community Health: It was a quiet quarter for the Apache DB projects. There is a steady flow of questions and discussions on the mailing lists, but not a lot of new development activity, which is not surprising for these mature projects.
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: - The Derby project corrected a website mistake which was directing users with trademark questions to an outdated Apache resource. We thank the VP, Brand Management for help in clearing this up. - The JDO community are currently finalizing the contents of JDO 3.2 and working through the associated JIRAs. ## Health report: Regular project activity levels continue, with activity primarily in the areas of bug-fixing and documentation improvements this summer. ## PMC changes: - There are currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members in this project. - No new PMC members. Last addition was Tilmann Zäschke on 2019-02-27. ## Committer base changes: - Currently 47 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Sun Mar 10 2019
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: - The Derby project has completed migration of the community wiki to the new Confluence location, using the Infra-provided tools. - The JDO community is working toward a 3.2 release, but has not published the new release yet. ## Health report: Regular project activity levels continue. The recent Derby release has resulted in a small uptick in community activity as Derby users gain experience with the Java 8 to Java 9 transition. ## PMC changes: - Currently 44 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Tilmann Zäschke on Wed Feb 27 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 47 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Sun Mar 10 2019
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: - Derby community released Derby- - PMC members are migrating the various Moin wikis - The JDO project is planning on creating a new web site and then migrating the JDO wiki to the web site. We're planning on using markdown instead of xdoc so it might take a while. - The Derby project is working with Infra to resolve some issues with the Moin-to-Confluence tool, then plans to use that tool. ## Health report: The Apache DB subprojects were typically quiet this quarter. Regular project activity levels continue. ## PMC changes: - Tilmann Zäschke was added to the PMC on Thu Feb 28 2019 - Last PMC addition: Thu Feb 28 2019 (Tilmann Zäschke) - Currently 47 committers and 44 PMC members. ## Committer base changes: Please note that, on March 8, 2019, longtime DB committer and PMC member Laura Stewart was added to the members list, which causes reporter.apache.com to report the following, although Laura has actually been a DB project committer since 2007. Many thanks to Sebastian for helping us understand this behavior. - Laura Stewart was added as a committer on Fri Mar 08 2019 - Last committer addition: Fri Mar 08 2019 (Laura Stewart) ## Releases: - Derby- was released on Sun Mar 10 2019 ## JIRA activity: - 22 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: The Derby subproject has finished development of its new Java 9 Modules support. Discussion and planning is underway to produce a 10.15.1 release of Derby in early 2019. ## Health report: The Apache DB subprojects are mature and generally quiet. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 46 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Georg Kallidis at Sat May 05 2018 ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Wed May 02 2018 ## JIRA activity: - 19 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 11 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: This was a very quiet summer for the DB project, but activity continues. The JDO subproject is small but active. We are making progress toward a 3.2 release with several JIRAs resolved and a few JIRAs still being worked on, including enhanced query capabilities. The Derby subproject is now testing its new Java 9 Modules support using the Apache Jenkins infrastructure. We are planning to release this new functionality once the community feels it is stable. ## Health report: The Apache DB subprojects are mature and generally quiet. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 46 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Georg Kallidis at Sat May 05 2018 ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Wed May 02 2018
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: Derby- was released on Wed May 02 2018. This Derby release included several fixes to address CVE-2018-1313, which was reported to security@ by an external party on Feb 08, 2018. New DB project committers Georg Kallidis and Jeffery Painter were welcomed by community votes in May, 2018. ## Health report: All 3 of the DB sub-projects showed healthy activity this quarter. To quote from a JDO community member: "The JDO sub-project is small but there are four active developers on JIRA and mail lists." ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 46 committers. - Georg Kallidis was added as a committer on Sat May 05 2018 - Jeffery Painter was added as a committer on Sat May 05 2018 ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Wed May 02 2018
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: ## Activity: Derby was released on Oct 13, 2017. Work on Derby is underway and the release is anticipated in the next quarter. ## Health report: In general, the software in the DB project is mature and reliable, and isn't undergoing much change. Activity continues to be low, but stable. Periodic releases occur, primarily containing bug fixes, and are successfully voted on. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 44 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Brett Bergquist at Tue Aug 30 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Fri Oct 13 2017
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Derby was released on Oct 13, 2017. During the fall, an audit revealed that some paperwork was missing from an old Derby security vulnerability (CVE-2010-2232) in the MITRE CVE database. The missing paperwork has now been supplied and the database is accurate. Following a successful vote, the Derby community has decided to sunset Java 8. Derby 10.14 was the last release to support Java 8; the community is actively working on an upcoming release which will require Java 9. ## Health report: In general, the software in the DB project is mature and reliable, and isn't undergoing much change. Activity continues to be low, but stable. Periodic releases occur, primarily containing bug fixes, and are successfully voted on. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 44 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Brett Bergquist at Tue Aug 30 2016 ## Releases: - Derby was released on Oct 13, 2017.
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: The Derby community is working on a new release, Derby 10.14, which is anticipated to be released this fall. The Derby community had one student participate in the Google Summer of Code; the project completed successfully. ## Health report: In general, the software in the DB project is mature and reliable, and isn't undergoing much change. Activity continues to be low, but stable. Periodic releases occur, primarily containing bug fixes, and are successfully voted on. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 44 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Brett Bergquist at Tue Aug 30 2016 ## Releases: - Derby- was released on Mon Oct 24 2016
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: The JDO community is busy working on release 3.2. There are a number of JIRA issues with bug fixes and new features included. The JDO specification is led by Oracle with Craig Russell acting as Oracle's representative. With Craig's retirement from Oracle, the JDO project will need to find a new specification lead. There are a few alternatives, including finding another specification lead from the active JDO contributors and Craig continuing to serve as specification lead as an individual. Craig is working with Oracle to resolve this. The Derby community has begun work on a new release, scheduled for the fall, and has proposed that this will be the last Derby release that will support Java 8. The Derby community is mentoring a student in the Google Summer of Code; he has passed his mid-term project evaluation successfully. ## Health report: In general, the software in the DB project is mature and reliable, and isn't undergoing much change, so periods of low activity occur. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 44 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Brett Bergquist at Tue Aug 30 2016 ## Releases: - Derby- was released on Mon Oct 24 2016
Report from the Apache DB Project [Bryan Pendleton] ## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Activity in the DB project was at typical levels this quarter. The JDO project is busy finalizing the content of JDO 3.2. No ship date yet, but we have a number of features and bug fixes being actively worked. The Derby community is hoping to mentor a student in the Google Summer of Code, and have had several students express interest. The Derby community continues its long-running effort to ensure that Derby is compatible with the upcoming Java 9 release; members of the Derby community are engaged with the Java 9 community to test Derby using early access builds of Java 9. ## Health report: In general, the software in the DB project is mature and reliable, and isn't undergoing much change, so periods of low activity occur. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 44 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Brett Bergquist at Tue Aug 30 2016 ## Releases: - Derby- was released on Mon Oct 24 2016
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Activity in the DB project was quite low this quarter, although we did complete the Derby 10.13 release that was begun in the previous quarter. ## Health report: In general, the software in the DB project is mature and sophisticated, and isn't undergoing much change, so periods of low activity occur. In the Derby community, the largest project underway involves an effort to ensure that Derby is compatible with the upcoming Java 9 release; members of the Derby community are engaged with the Java 9 community to test Derby using early access builds of Java 9. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 44 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Brett Bergquist at Tue Aug 30 2016 ## Releases: - Derby- was released on Mon Oct 24 2016
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: 1) After our July, 2016 report, we received feedback from the board: mt: Thanks for the thoughtful response to the merging lists idea. Does the PMC have any ideas/plans for the DdlUtils sub-project? Since that time, the DB community have reached consensus that DdlUtils is retired. A public vote on the DdlUtils list confirmed that consensus, and the PMC are working to implement a subset of the Apache Attic process to reflect that decision and to make the status be clearly communicated to future visitors of the Db project site. 2) The Derby student who participated in the 2016 Google Summer of Code completed her project successfully 3) Apache DB welcomed two new committers this quarter: - Tilmann Zäschke was added as a committer on Fri Jul 15 2016 - Brett Bergquist was added as a committer on Tue Aug 30 2016 ## Health report: Activity in the Apache DB community this quarter was low, but steady. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 44 committers (up 2 this quarter). ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Sun Oct 11 2015 - A Derby 10.13 release is underway, and will probably complete next quarter.
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: 1) One Google Summer of Code student is actively working on Derby development this summer, and has successfully passed the Google mid-term evaluation. 2) A change to the Jenkins Content Security Policy (see INFRA-11746) briefly caused some website issues for Derby; it was successfully resolved with the help of the Infra team (thanks!). 3) After our April, 2016 report, we received feedback from the board: mt: Has the community considered merging some of the lower activity mailing lists? It might help foster cross-component interest / involvement. The DB PMC discussed this feedback (see private@db archives for June, 2016). Since the DB project is an "umbrella" project comprised of several related, but mostly independent, sub-projects, the consensus was that trying to share mailing lists across the different sub-projects would be undesirable. Consolidating lists within the Derby sub-project was also discussed on the derby-user mailing list, and again the consensus was that the Derby user community would prefer to keep the current mailing list structure. Some of the DB sub-projects are much more active than others. For example, the Derby, JDO, and Torque projects remain quite active, while the DDLUtils sub-project is not active at all. It seems that the bottom line, for now, is that there is not much cross-component interest/involvement, but it is not clear that structural changes such as merging the mailing lists would succeed in stimulating such activity, because the sub-projects are, fundamentally, independent. Further suggestions from the board are certainly welcome, of course! ## Health report: Activity in the Apache DB community this quarter was low, but steady. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 42 committers. - No new changes to the committer base since last report. BUT, an election is underway at this time for a new committer. ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Sun Oct 11 2015
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Two students have submitted applications for the Google Summer of Code 2016 opening in the Derby project. Nominated and seconded by Apache DB community members, I am now a Member of the Apache Software Foundation. Thanks! ## Health report: Activity in the Apache DB community remains low, but steady. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams on Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 42 committers. - No new changes to the committer base since last report. ## Releases: - Last release was Derby- on Sun Oct 11 2015
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Activity: - Derby- was released on Sun Oct 11 2015 ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Health report: Activity in the Apache DB community remains low, but steady. Questions are asked and answered, issues are raised and addressed, enhancements are suggested, considered, and discussed. In addition to activity on the Apache-provided infrastructure (mailing lists, issue trackers, etc.), there is steady interest in Apache DB projects on other fora (e.g., StackOverflow). ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams at Sun Jan 19 2014 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 42 committers. - No new changes to the committer base since last report. ## Releases: - Derby- was released on Sun Oct 11 2015
## Description: The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. ## Activity: Activities over the last quarter o Google Summer of Code project in Derby came to a successful conclusion o Derby 10.12 release is underway: release candidates are being tested, and the release is anticipated in October. o The Derby community successfully held several votes, including a vote on sunsetting support for Java 7. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## PMC changes: - Currently 43 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Matthew Adams at Sun Jan 19 2014 ## LDAP changes: - Currently 42 committers and 43 committee group members. - No new changes to the committee group or committership since last report. ## Releases: - Last release was JDO 3.1 on Thu Mar 19 2015
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : a relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) New project chair (Bryan Pendleton) effective May 20, 2015 b) Google Summer of Code student in Derby has passed mid-term successfully c) A security vulnerability in Derby XML processing was reported on April 29 and acknowledged by the community. A fix is under review and will be included in the next Derby release. It is registered as CVE-2015-1832 === Community === No PMC changes since October 2014. No new committers since August 2010.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Myrna van Lunteren to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Myrna van Lunteren from the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache DB project has chosen by vote to recommend Bryan Pendleton as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Myrna van Lunteren is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bryan Pendleton be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7E, Change the Apache DB Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils: a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby: an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO: focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque: an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == Issues requiring attention from the board: At this time, I'd like to gently alert the board to the fact that I have sent a message to private@db to indicate my intention to resign the chair position because of time constraints and to ask for a volunteer to replace me. This was on March 23. No one has stepped up yet. It is now clear that the Derby project, which was the most active of our subprojects until October 2014, is suffering because key companies have pulled back their support of the project. Although some people are still monitoring the lists, the effects are very obvious. The last several PMC chairs (including myself) all have been from the Derby project, and this well has now dried up. It seems possible that taking on the responsibilities for all subprojects is a hurdle in finding a replacement for the chair position. I will follow up on this when I have more time to look into things. Activities over the last quarter a) The JDO community released JDO version 3.1. in March. b) The Derby community has embarked on a Google Summer of Code project, with a mentor and student. c) The Derby community is still answering questions. However, new development outside of GSoC has stopped. === Community === No PMC changes since January 2014. No new committers since August 2010.
@Shane: Need to review activity on sub-projects
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) The Derby community is adding features and fixes and working towards a 10.12 release b) Rick Hillegas of the Derby community created a 'Powered by Apache' Logo for Derby. The other sub-projects have not created such logos. c) Activity review; the overall DB project is healthy and alive. Various projects do seem to show a slowing down compared to a few years ago: - an attempt a few years ago to move DdlUtils to the attic was called off by its user community, but not much further activity has ensued. - Derby user-list activity is still lively, but activity on the developer list has recently appeared slower (e.g. 175 posts in Nov, vs. 524 posts in Nov last year). - Overall JDO postings have gone down, but development activity is ongoing. - Torque list postings are down from a few years ago, but still show regular activity. === Community === No PMC changes since January 2014. No new committers since August 2010.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) The Derby Community released, a feature release b) The DDLUtils Community has seen activity over the last few months after being almost relegated to the attic. c) The community continues to log and fix bugs, and ask and answer questions. === Community === No PMC changes since January 2014. No new committers since August 2010.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) The Derby Community released 10.10.2, a bug fix release b) The Derby Community is finalizing development/documentation for the 10.11 feature release, currently aimed for release in August. c) The community continues to log and fix bugs, and ask and answer questions in the Derby, JDO and Torque subprojects. === Community === No PMC changes since January 2014. No new committers since August 2010.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) Matthew Adams joined the PMC in January. b) The Derby Community is testing and voting on a 10.10.2 bug fix release c) The Derby Community is adding features and fixes for a 10.11 feature release d) The DB community has voted to use svnpubsub to publish project release artifacts e) The community continues to log and fix bugs, and ask and answer questions in the Derby, JDO and Torque subprojects. === Community === No PMC changes since January 2014. No new committers since August 2010.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) The PMC elected Matthew Adams to join the PMC. b) JDO released JDO 3.1-rc1. c) We have adjusted the copyright notices in the Apache DB and Apache Derby part of the web pages to better reflect Apache branding. d) The community continues to log and fix bugs in the Derby, JDO and Torque subprojects. === Community === No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: * DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. * Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. * JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. * Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter * Derby decided to postpone the 10.10.2 release until there are officially released binaries for Java 8. * Derby's GSoC student's project finished successfully to mutual benefit of the student and Derby. * JDO voted to release JDO 3.1-rc1. * The DB PMC has received interest in reviving DDLUtils community, and so the move to the Attic was postponed. === Community === No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010.
AI: Chris follow up on bringing on new committers and PMC members
he Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == DdlUtils is on its way to the Attic. Activities over the last quarter a) - Derby is preparing for a 10.10.2 maintenance/bug fix release in September/October, and working towards a next release 10.11 thereafter. b) Derby has 1 GSoc student working on increasing test code coverage. c) The Derby team updated the javadoc on our web site after Oracle's report of a vulnerability. d) Derby took advantage of the svngit2jira service. e) Torque tightened their wiki because of increased spam-attacks. f) JDO is working on a 3.1 Release. === Community === No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. === Releases === - Derby 10.10.1. was released on April 15, 2013.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: * DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. * Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. * JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. * Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. -- Status -- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. -- Activities over the last quarter -- * Torque has released version 4.0. * Derby is testing version 10.10.1. * Branding: the Derby web pages were checked for the first step of the Branding requirements - links were put in to point to the Apache pages. This was already in place for the top level (DB) project page. * The Derby wiki pages have become a target of spammers. The community has decided to lock the wiki down and only allow changes by approved editors. * The PMC has not take any further action regarding moving DdlUtils to the Attic - it was discussed before the October report. -- Community -- No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. -- Releases -- - Torque version 4.0 was released - releases testing/voting in progress for Derby 10.10.1.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) The effort to migrate the DB site to the CMS is complete. b) The PMC has not take any further action regarding moving DdlUtils to the Attic - it was discussed before the October report. c) Torque has been working on version 4.0; a vote was called but the release is not yet official. d) The JDO project is finalizing the 3.1 release; the logistical component related to the Java Community Process (of which JDO is part), is underway. e) Derby voted and approved a the 10.8.3 maintenance release, the final publishing/announcement steps are in progress. f) Derby is working on a 10.9 maintenance release, but it was decided to hold until the site migration had been completed. g) Derby is working towards a 10.10 release. === Community === No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. === Releases === - releases voting/publishing/announcing in progress: Torque 4.0, JDO 3.1, Derby 10.8.3.
AI: Jim: no new committers or PMC changes in a while. Is there a problem?
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Kristian Waagan to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Kristian Waagan from the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Kristian Waagan is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Myrna van Lunteren be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7A, Change the Apache DB Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. o JDO : focused on building the API and the TCK for compatibility testing of Java Data Object implementations providing data persistence. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter a) A new PMC chair was elected - congratulations to Myrna van Lunteren :) (resolution proposed for the October board meeting) b) An effort is ongoing to migrate the DB site to the CMS. c) The two GSoC students working in the Derby community passed. d) The PMC discussed moving DdlUtils to the Attic - no action taken yet. e) Torque released version 4.0beta1. f) Derby is working on a 10.8 maintenance release. g) Derby is working on a 10.9 maintenance release. h) An informal Derby-lunch was held in San Francisco, allowing those interested and being able to to meet up over their lunch-boxes :) === Community === No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. The above facts caused the board to inquiry about the situation. A reply [1] was compiled after gathering feedback from the PMC. The PMC is aware of the situation, but doesn't consider it as a reason for major concern. This quarter was somewhat more lively for some of the subprojects, with a moderate increase on the user and/or dev lists. === Releases === Torque: beta feature release 4.0beta1 (September 24, 2012) [1] The board was CC'ed, see thread "[REPORT] Apache DB July 2012".
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java o JDO : focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter, which has been very quiet for the PMC: 1) Two students were selected for their GSoC 2012 proposals for Derby. 2) Derby posted Maven artifacts for the latest release on repository.apache.org (people.a.o phased out). 3) Issue regarding distribution of a file without redistribution rights in Derby has been addressed. Outstanding work: a) Wrap up branding requirements compliance check. b) Address the svnpubsub migration for the web sites. == Community == No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. Traffic on the user lists is pretty low. User questions are generally being answered. A few unanswered questions on one (very low-volume) list, will follow up. == Releases == Derby: feature release (June 25, 2012)
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java o JDO : focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter, which has been a quiet one for the PMC: 1) Apache DB is still not fully compliant with the branding requirements. No progress this quarter (same as last quarter). 2) Discussed an issue regarding distribution of a file without redistribution rights in Derby. Changes are being implemented. 3) Discussed an incoming new project proposal (proposed once before) and answered the inquiry. 4) Three PMC members have flagged their interest to be mentors in Google Summer of Code. == Community == No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. Traffic on the user lists is pretty low. User questions are being answered. == Releases == No releases this quarter. Derby is working on the 10.9 feature release. JDO is working on the 3.1 maintenance release. Torque is working on the 4.0 feature release
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java o JDO : focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter: 1) Apache DB is still not fully compliant with the branding requirements. No progress this quarter (same as last quarter). 2) Ongoing efforts in the subprojects: o DdlUtils: low activity maintenance o Derby: focus on bugfixing, some feature work o JDO: continued work on 3.1 maintenance release o Torque: continued work on Torque 4 == Community == No PMC changes since August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. List subscriber counts stable (see July 2011 report for numbers). == Releases == Derby: maintenance release (October 24, 2011) JDO: maintenance release 3.0.1 (November 13, 2011)
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java o JDO : focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter: 1) Apache DB is still not fully compliant with the branding requirements. No progress this quarter. 2) Ongoing efforts in the subprojects: o DdlUtils: low activity maintenance o Derby: continued work on 10.8.2 maintenance release, postponed due to technical issues (progress is made, RC3 being tested) o JDO: work on 3.1 maintenance release, and a 3.0.1 release (OSGi usability integration). o Torque: continued work on Torque 4 3) A few potential Derby security issues were discussed by the PMC. 4) The two GSoC students both passed. 5) Derby decided to drop support for J2SE 1.4 in the next feature release (most likely 10.9). == Community == Tiago Espinha joined the DB PMC in August 2011. No new committers since August 2010. List subscriber counts stable (see July report for numbers). == Releases == No new releases this quarter.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils : a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby : an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java o JDO : focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. o Torque : an object-relational mapper for Java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter: 1) Apache DB is still not fully compliant with the branding requirements. Little progress this quarter. 2) Ongoing efforts in the subprojects: o DdlUtils: low activity maintenance o Derby: work on 10.8.2 maintenance release o JDO: work on 3.1 maintenance release o Torque: continued work on Torque 4 3) Two GSoC students are being mentored in the Derby project. 4) OJB (ObJectRelationalBridge) has been retired and moved to the Attic. == Community == No PMC changes since December 2010. No new committers since August 2010. List subscribers (user/dev): o DdlUtils: 119/ 63 o Derby: 510/203 o JDO: 74/ 53 o Torque: 167/ 70 == Releases == Derby: feature release, April 29 2011
AI: Larry to work with DB to resolve branding requirements.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils - a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby - an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java o JDO - focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. o Torque - an object-relational mapper for java. == Status == There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Activities over the last quarter: 1) The PMC discussed concerns regarding licensing for Apache Derby and JDBC 4.1. Legal was consulted, see LEGAL-86. The conclusion reached is that Derby doesn't violate any licensing terms by releasing 10.8.1 with JDBC 4.1 support. 2) Some trademarks work done, more work remains. DB is not yet compliant. 3) Moving OJB to the Attic is still in progress, see issue ATTIC-113 for details. 4) Removed old releases from dist. 5) The Derby community is about to push 10.8.1 out the door. == Community == No PMC changes since December 2010. No new committers since August 2010. == Releases == No new releases, see previous board report for details.
The Apache DB TLP consists of the following subprojects: o DdlUtils - a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. o Derby - an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java o JDO - focused on building the JDO API and the TCK for compatibility testing of JDO implementations. o ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) - an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases. o Torque - an object-relational mapper for java. Activities over the last quarter: 1) Asked trademarks@ for clarification on how to use a trademark (adjective vs noun/verb). Feedback received, work on implementing the guidelines not started. 2) The PMC voted to retire the OJB subproject and move it to the Attic. Process in progress. 3) Project name reservations on apache-extras.org . Community ========== Lily Wei and Greg Monroe were added to the PMC. No new committers since August 2010. Traffic on the lists for Derby and JDO is steady, both have most activity on the dev lists. Torque has some traffic, whereas DdlUtils has very little (the PMC discussed this issue earlier and still considers the project to be useful). OJB will be retired. Releases ======= DdlUtils: no new releases (1.0, June 2007) Derby: feature release, December 14 2010 JDO: no new releases (3.0, April 2010) Torque: no new releases (3.3, February 2008)
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Rick Hillegas to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Rick Hillegas from the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Rick Hillegas is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Kristian Waagan be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Approved by unanimous roll call vote.
Development in the DB project continued over the last quarter: 1) The PMC elected Kristian Waagan as its next chair, pending board approval. 2) Derby approved a maintenance release, Planning has started for a 10.7 feature release later this year. 3) Derby's 3 summer-of-code projects completed successfully. 4) Tiago Espinha was elected as a Derby committer. 5) JDO published a maintenance release, 3.0.
Development in the DB project continued over the last quarter: 1) Derby published a feature release, Derby developers are now working on a 10.6.2 distribution for release later this year. Developers are also working on the next feature vehicle, 10.7.1. 2) Derby committers are mentoring three summer-of-code projects. 3) Lily Wei was elected as a Derby committer. 4) JDO is vetting release 3.0. 5) Work by Torque's one active committer continues steadily. 6) Users continue to log Ddlutils issues although mailing list traffic is light and six months have passed since the last commit. The DB PMC believes that Ddlutils is still a living albeit quiet project. 7) The DB PMC broached the topic of moving ObjectRelationalBridge to the Attic. However, no action was taken. 8) The topic of DB's umbrella nature came up again. There was consensus that we adequately oversee two active projects, Derby and JDO. No one had a better idea of how to oversee less active projects like Torque and Ddlutils.
Shane to inquire as to whether the torque committer is a PMC member and ask for a more specific Attic plan by next report.
*** Private note on. *** The DB PMC approved a plan for handling a security flaw in one of the DB projects. A fix for the flaw will be released soon. The flaw is tracked by this Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures id: CVE-2009-4269. *** Private note off. *** Development in the DB project continued over the last quarter: 1) Derby is wrapping up work for the next feature release, 10.6. See http://wiki.apache.org/db-derby/DerbyTenSixOneRelease 2) Summer-of-code students are discussing potential projects with Derby committers. 3) Thomas Fischer contributed a major rewrite of Torque's generator module, making it more flexible and easier to maintain. 4) No status updates were received from DdlUtils, JDO, or ObjectRelationalBridge.
Suggest OJB and DDLUtils go to the attic.
Development in the DB project continued over the last quarter: 1) Derby is working on a new feature release, 10.6. Derby's summer-of-code mentees continue to contribute. 2) JDO is preparing for a maintenance release, JDO 2.3. 3) Torque is relatively quiet, some ideas are being discussed for a major 4.0 release. 4) DdlUtils and ObjectRelationalBridge did not report any status updates this quarter. 5) For the first time in my memory, a security issue came to the DB PMC. We are following the Apache security process ( http://www.apache.org/security/committers.html ) and have mapped out a solution which satisfies the person who raised this security issue. Given the small number of vulnerabilities which come to us, we are not inclined to create a special mailing list for DB security discussions; the full PMC list seems adequate.
Over the past quarter, development in the DB project continued: 1) Derby produced a bug-fix release, This was deprecated soon afterwards. 2) Derby produced a replacement release, including more bug-fixes: 3) Derby mentored four summer-of-code students, all of whom made valuable contributions and received passing grades. 4) Derby posted plans for an upcoming feature release, 10.6.1.
The board notes that other subprojects were not mentioned.
Over the past quarter, development in the DB projects continued steadily: 1) Derby produced a major feature release, 10.5.1. The community then proceeded to work on a follow-on maintenance release, 10.5.2, slated for delivery in August. 2) Java Data Objects produced an early access release, 2.3. 3) Ole Solberg was elected as a Derby committer. 4) Derby mentored four summer-of-code students.
During the last quarter, January - March 2009: 1) Derby began vetting release 10.5.1. 2) Summer of Code proposals were posted and mentors volunteered. 3) JDO 2.2 fixes were applied to multiply-mirrored maven metadata. 4) JDO 2.3 work continued with contributions from four of the committers and feedback from the community and members of the JDO expert group. 5) Google announced that their first Java App Engine offering would include JDO as an application interface to BigTable, using the JDO 2 API and the JDO RI (DataNucleus) as the implementation. 6) Torque-4 development fixes were applied. 7) Reorganization of the Torque source tree continued.
During the last quarter, October-December 2008: 1) Jean Anderson resigned as DB chair and the PMC elected Rick Hillegas to succeed her. 2) The DB PMC inducted Kim Haase. 3) The DB PMC released JDO 2.2.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jean Anderson to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Jean Anderson from the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jean Anderson is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Richard Hillegas be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7A, Change the Apache DB Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
During July-September 2008 two Apache DB subprojects produced releases and we also made changes to the PMC. Apache DB was otherwise pretty quiet. Details are below. Releases: - JDO 2.1.1 - Derby PMC Changes: - Andy Jefferson was added as a PMC member. - Jean Anderson announced her intention to step down as PMC chair when a new chair has been selected.
It was another busy quarter in Apache DB. There were changes to the PMC, we added two new committers, and two releases went out the door. Three students are participating in the Google Summer of Code program, and there are prospects for a potential Incubator project. Details are below. PMC changes ------------------ - Added Oystein Grovlen - Added Dyre Tjeldvoll - Retired Henning Schmiedehausen New Committers ---------------------- - Jorgen Loland (Derby) - V. Narayanan (Derby) Releases ----------- - Derby - Derby Google Summer of Code -------------------------------- Three students are working on the Google Summer of Code "Derby Test and Fix" project. Incubator ------------ - Cees de Groot posted to general@db.apache.org in June regarding interest in making JDBM an Apache DB subproject.
It was a busy quarter for Apache DB. Two releases were produced and progress made towards a third. Three new committers were added, and subprojects were reviewed for compliance with the export notification policy. Details are below. Releases: - Torque 3.3-RC3 released as 3.3 - JDO 2.1 - Derby is working on version 10.4 New committers: - Camilla Haase (Derby) - John Embretsen (Derby) - Thomas Nielsen (Derby) Export notification policy: - TSU notifications are in place for DdlUtils, Derby, OJB, and Torque. - No notice is needed for JDO.
During the last quarter in Apache DB, we added one new PMC member and worked on two software releases. Many attended ApacheCon US in Atlanta, and there were two presentations. There are no gnarly issues that require board attention. Details are below. New PMC Member: - Laura Stewart Releases: - Derby (released on December 10, 2007) - Torque 3.3-RC3 (released on January 11, 2008) ApacheCon: There were two Derby sessions at ApacheCon US in Atlanta in November: - Rick Hillegas presented on "Saucer Separation". - Jeanfrancois Arcand and Francois Orsini presented on "Real-Time RIA's with Apache Derby and Grizzly Comet".
Approved by General Consent.
Apache DB October 2007 ====================== Summary ------- This was a busy quarter for Apache DB. There was one software release, 3 new committers, 6 new pmc members, and progress on processing the software grant for the contribution of the Village code to Torque. More details are below. Releases -------- Derby was released on August 10. New Committers -------------- - Andy Jefferson (JDO) - Dyre Tjeldvoll (Derby) - Øystein Grøvlen (Derby) New DB PMC Members ------------------ - Army Brown - Myrna van Lunteren - Mamta Satoor - Suresh Thalamati - Kristian Waagan - Dag Wanvik Followups --------- The July 2007 report noted that the author of Village offered the code to Torque and faxed in the software grant. There was something of a mixup in the recording of the grant, but that has been sorted out now and we're proceeding with the Incubator's "short form" IP clearance process. New Issues ---------- There was a discussion on whether Derby should propose that it move out of DB and into its own top level project. Most feedback so far indicates Derby would like to stay put for now, but there is acknowledgement that it might move at some point in the future.
Approved by General Consent.
Apache DB quarterly report - July 2007 Committers / PMC Members: No new committers or PMC members were added. DdlUtils released 1.0 in June -- its first! Congratulations! Derby is working energetically on its 10.3 release. JDO is busy implementing the JSR-243 API and TCK in the open, corresponding to the changes to the JCP-approved JDO 2.1 specification, also being done in the open. No release date is planned yet. Torque uses Village, a Java API that uses JDBC to simplify SQL access to databases. The author of Village announced his intent to stop hosting the CVS/SVN tree and offered the code to Torque. He faxed in the software grant and Torque is waiting for it to be recorded. Issues: Regarding the contribution of Village code to Torque, some feel that the bureaucracy associated with code contributions is unnecessarily weighty. In particular, some feel that a software grant should not have been necessary in this case because the Village author is himself an ASF member.
The board discussed the issue of code provenance. This is a matter of policy, and deals with how much we want to be able to document in an auditable way that we hae a license to be able to distribute the code in question.
Approved by General Consent.
During January-March 2007 Apache DB added one committer, released one product, processed two software grants, and started discussions with the XML PMC regarding a potential move of Xindice to DB. New committers: * Dag Wanvik (Derby) Releases: * Torque released 3.3-RC2 * Derby started discussing its next release. Legal: * Two IBM software grants were processed for contributions to Derby. Note: these were done according to the Incubator's "short form" IP clearance process for expediency. Projects: * Initial discussions occurred with the XML PMC regarding Xindice, and whether the developers would like to move to the DB PMC. Next step is for the XML PMC to start discussions on the Xindice dev list.
Approved by General Consent.
It was a busy quarter for the DB Project. We added seven committers, released two products, and one of the projects we sponsored in the Incubator graduated. By now most DB subprojects have updated source code headers to comply with the new policy at www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html, and Derby complied with the cryptographic requirements outlined at www.apache.org/dev/crypto.html. New committers: * Army Brown (Derby) * Greg Monroe (Torque) * Fernanda Pizzorno (Derby) * Mamta Satoor (Derby) * Laura Stewart (Derby) * Myrna van Lunteren (Derby) * Kristian Waagan (Derby) Releases: * Derby * Torque 3.3-RC1 Incubator: * Cayenne graduated into a top level project These projects have completed source code header updates: * DdlUtils * Derby * JDO * Torque Follow up from October Board report: Brian McCallister's 10/17/2006 DB report to the Board mentioned the "chicken and egg problem" with the Derby release. In short, code implementing JDBC 4 features could not be released in binary form until after Java SE 6 was released, so included only source with instructions on how to build it. Java SE 6 was released in December and Derby subsequently released, which includes the compiled JDBC 4 apis along with some bug fixes.
Approved by General Consent.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Brian McCallister to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Brian McCallister from the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Brian McCallister is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jean Anderson be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 6C, Changing the Apache DB Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote.
Releases: Derby released version in early October. Derby and JDBC 4.0: Some interesting thing have happened with regard to Sun's decision to include Derby as part of the Java Development Kit version 1.6 (or 6.0, depends on where you look). There was a bit of a chicken and egg problem where the we wanted this to happen so tried to work towards getting a JDBC 4.0 (the JDBC version for JDK 1.6) release out in the right time frame, but not being able to make a release against the new APIs until after JDK 1.6 was released. At one point some code was checked in which made Derby unreleasable under the licensing terms of the JDBC 4 specification. The short summary is that until jdk 1.6 is released, there is some code implementing its features in the repository, which is legally alright, but which cannot be included in a binary distribution. The release includes this code in source format, with instructions on how to make use of it. After jdk 1.6 is released it is expected that Derby will cut another release on the 10.2 branch which includes compiled JDBC 4 apis. Geir Magnusson, Jr., has done extraordinary work navigating JCP licensing and arranging for this to happen. Not everyone on the DB PMC is satisfied with the current situation, and an ongoing effort is underway to make sure things like this are handled better in the future. Geir has stated his intention to more fully explore the situation in the JCP Committee report, so I will leave the deeper licensing details to Geir. ApacheCon US: There were a number of excellent talks on DB subprojects at ApacheCon US this month! I (Brian McCallister) have announced my intention to step down as PMC chair when a new chair has been selected.
[ approved: bayard jim rubys jerenkrantz gstein striker comments: JE: Can future JSPA revs make this sort of gymanstics not necessary when things are under a JCP spec? Approved by General Consent
It has been an exciting quarter for the DB project. We added nine folks to the PMC, have two exciting projects which we are sponsoring in the Incubator, and PMC Additions: Thomas Vandahl Andrew McIntyre Rick Hillegas Knut Anders Hatlen Kathey Marsden Mike Matrigali Satheesh Bandaram Bernt Johnsen Bryan Pendleton New Committers: Halley Pacheco de Oliveira (derby) Suresh Thalamati (derby) Andreas Kornelliussen (derby) Releases: Derby released 10.1.3 JDO Released the JSR-243 API and TCK under the Apache License Incubator Action: Cayenne Made final non-Apache release, seem to be doing well. Has a quite happy and productive community going. OpenJPA Initial codebase import has been made! Various Notes: Craig Russell: "[JDO] continues to make progress toward a maintenance release of the API and TCK, using the wiki and email as communication vehicles." Geir Magnusson, Jr.: "Apache JDO rocks! :)" Thomas Fischer: "Torque is making progress to the 3.2.1 release." Derby is scheduled to be included as part of Sun's Java 6 development kit.
Approved by General Consent
New PMC Members: * Michelle Caisse * Michael Bouschen New Committers: * Bryan Pendleton (Derby) * Rick Hillegas (Derby) * Knut Anders Hatlen (Derby) Releases: * JDO 2 API Released Incubator Activity: * Cayenne entered incubation sponsored by the DB project. Bill Dudney, Jim Jagielski, Jean Anderson, and Brian McCallister are serving as mentors. * OpenJPA entered incubation under sponsorship of the Incubator PMC. This is not a DB project but is closely related to the DB project and hopefully we will all be able to help each other out more. * Support for Axion's incubation has been officially withdrawn by the DB project. Noteworthy Events: * JDO 2 JSR passes in the Java Community Process. API's, TCK, and RI are all open source.
Approved by General Consent.
PMC: * Added Craig Russell * Added David Van Couvering Derby: * Released version * Decided on a logo Torque: * Released version 3.2 * Added Thomas Vandahl as a committer OJB: * Released version 1.0.4 * Finished moving to subversion JDO: * Graduated incubator DdlUtils: * Added Martin van den Memt as a committer * Presently preparing for a 1.0 release Notes: * In process of officially withdrawing support for Axion and asking incubator to remove resources * Some concern has been expressed about DB becoming an umbrella prokect
Approved by General Consent.
With Derby's graduation from the incubator the DB project has three products on which to report. Derby added 3 new PMC members immediately: Jean T. Anderson, Daniel John Debrunner, and Tomohito Nakayama. Recently a fourth was nominated and David Van Couvering is awaiting acknowledgement by a board member. Three new Derby committers were added in July: David Van Couvering, Bernt Johnsen and Oyvind Bakksjo. Derby graduated out of the Apache Incubator at the end of July to join the DB Project, and it made its first official release,, available on August 3. The developer and user communities are both thriving with 242 and 356 subscribers, respectively. There has been a increase in proposal collaboration since the creation of the Derby wiki in September. OJB has added a committer, Vadim Gritsenko, and is preparing for a release in the near future. They are delaying conversion to svn until the 1.0.4 release can be made. The Torque project is busily working towards its 3.2 release. It has put out two RCs and a final release is expected near the end of October. The code repository has been moved from CVS to Subversion. The project is currently encouraging longtime contributors to become committers; Thomas Vandahl has been voted in as a committer. The users list shows an active and growing community around Torque. There has been some restructuring of documentation, though that is still seen as an area needing improvement. Finally, at my request that someone else be given the helm, the DB PMC voted that Brian McCallister be appointed Chair and I submitted a draft proposal to that effect in August.
Approved by General Consent.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed John McNally to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of John McNally from the office of Vice President, Apache DB; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that John McNally is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Brian McCallister be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. The above resolution, to Change the Chair of the Apache DB Project to Brian McCallister was approved by unanimous vote.
Development ----------- Torque produced a release candidate, torque-3.2-rc1. OJB did not have a release this quarter, though the project is healthy and work continues on a 1.1 release. Infrastructure -------------- Torque is in the process of converting to svn, likely complete by the date of board meeting. Management ---------- Thomas Fischer is added to the PMC. Derby is in the process of graduating from the incubator. At my request for volunteers for PMC chair, Brian McCallister raised his hand. The PMC has not discussed this further or voted on this yet, but it is likely to come as a request in the next board meeting.
Torque did not have any releases this quarter but bug fixes, unit tests, and refactoring continue. User questions get asked and answered. OJB released 1.0.2 followed quickly by 1.0.3 to solve some bugs. OJB also switched to JIRA during the quarter. The Jakarta and DB PMCs agreed to move the Jakarta commons sandbox project "sql" to DB as "ddlutils" subproject. As it is used primarily by OJB and has its roots with Torque, it was felt it would be a good place to have some collaboration between the groups. This transition is still in process.
Apache DB Project report approved as submitted by general consent.
The DB project continues with its primary task of oversight of the OJB and Torque subprojects. There was conversation between DB and Jakarta on movement of commons-sql from Jakarta to DB as a common base component of OJB and Torque. The vote was favorable all around, so it is now a matter of determining the mechanics. The mailing lists for Torque and OJB projects remain active and with no conflict to note. OJB planned to wrap up a 1.0.2 maintenance release but that slipped into the next quarter; work also continues work towards a 1.1 release. Torque tagged a 3.1.1 maintenance release. Henning P. Schmiedehausen was added to the DB PMC. Torque added Thomas Fischer as a new committer. It was noted that overall, Derby appears to be making good progress in the incubator. DB also voted to support a JDO project for incubation.
Apache DB Project report approve as submitted by general consent.
The DB project continues with its primary task of oversight of the OJB and Torque subprojects. The mailing lists for both projects remain active and with no conflict to note. OJB released a 1.0.1 maintenance release and continues work towards a 1.0.2 release as well as a 1.1 release. Torque has tagged a couple release candidates this quarter, but the 3.1.1 release will likely fall into the first week of next quarter. The PMC recently voted for the nomination of Henning P. Schmiedehausen to serve on the PMC and is awaiting acceptance prior to official notification. The PMC also voted to update its bylaws. The changes were primarily to clarify the status quo. I'll finish the report with the resulting text: Project Management Committee Bylaws The Project Management Committee (PMC) was formed by the Apache Board on 17 July 2002. The bylaws were last amended on 7 October 2004. There is no preset number of seats on the PMC. The PMC will strive to add every committer within DB that, in the opinion of the PMC as determined by a vote, displays the capability and desire to help guide the DB project. The PMC will present the board with a recommendation of a chairperson from amongst their ranks. The list of current members can be found in our <a href="./whoweare.html"> Project Credits</a>. Roles The PMC is responsible for the strategic direction and success of the DB Project. This governing body is expected to ensure the project's welfare and guide its overall direction. The PMC may not necessarily participate in the day-to-day coding but is involved in the overall development plans, the alleviation of any bottlenecks, the resolution of conflicts, and the overall technical success of the project. The PMC is responsible for any and all official releases by any part of the DB project. Implicit approval by the PMC for a release can be assumed if at least three committers voting for the release also serve on the PMC and there are no negative votes. Explicit approval by vote on the PMC mailing list is required prior to the release, if the preceeding conditions are not met. The PMC must be notified of all releases. The PMC is answerable to the Apache Board with its Chairman serving as primary liaison. Meetings The PMC discusses issues and determines strategic direction via mail list. Discussions and votes specific to a particular codebase associated with a subproject generally occur on subproject dev lists. All binding votes happen on the PMC list except release votes can occur on the subproject dev list with a summary of results posted to the PMC list. Voting The call for a vote on issues not detailed here may specify requirements for passage. The minimum and default requirement for a passing vote is simple majority of PMC members casting ballots. The default voting period is 10 days and the minimum is 7 days unless the success or failure is arithmetically known. Membership PMC members may resign at any time. A committer will remain on the DB PMC until removed by desire of the committer, action of the board, or vote by the PMC. The Chairman may resign as Chairman at any time without resigning membership to the PMC. The chairperson will serve until voluntary resignation, action of the board, or vote by the PMC. The Chairman or any member may be removed from the PMC by a 3/4 vote of the PMC. In order to be elected to the PMC, a person must have served as a <a href="roles.html">Committer</a> and be nominated by a PMC Member. The nominee must receive 3/4 positive vote with a minimum of 3 positive votes. Abstaining or non-participating PMC voters do not affect the result. Creation of Subprojects PMC members may propose the creation of new subprojects. Creation of a new subproject requires approval by 3/4 positve vote with a minimum of 3 positive votes of the PMC. Abstaining PMC voters do not affect the result. New code enters the DB project in accordance with ASF policy. (End of bylaws text)
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
Torque has not had much new development though bug fixes have been committed. The user list remains active. OJB has the big news this quarter, achieving 1.0 release. New members of the PMC include: Matthew Baird, Thomas Dudziak, and Brian McCallister. And two new committers: Martin Kalen and Robert Sfeir. DB is currently sponsoring the Axion project within incubator which has stagnated, but showed signs of progress again last week with a request for creation of cvs module and mailing lists. That's it. No controversy to report.
Approved by General Consent.
Torque has not had much new development though bug fixes have been committed. The user list remains active. OJB has the big news this quarter, achieving 1.0 release. New members of the PMC include: Matthew Baird, Thomas Dudziak, and Brian McCallister. And two new committers: Martin Kalen and Robert Sfeir. DB is currently sponsoring the Axion project within incubator which has stagnated, but showed signs of progress again last week with a request for creation of cvs module and mailing lists. That's it. No controversy to report.
* PMC Changes - 4 new additions to the PMC: Scott Eade, Brian McCallister, Daniel Rall, Armin Weibel. * OJB - OJB was close to release for much of this quarter. The license change and request by the Chair that they increase their PMC participation were among the hold ups. Both of these have been resolved and release of 1.0 is imminent. * Torque - Development continues in maintenance mode. * Problems - No conflicts. Mailing list traffic remains civil. * Goals for next quarter - I'd like to see Axion's incubation progress to completion, or at least be very close.
Approved via General Consent.
The report, as noted in Attachment A, was approved by General Consent.
[ no attachment ]
No report.
WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache DB Project Management Committee (PMC) have recommended John McNally to serve as chairman of the Apache DB PMC; and WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache DB PMC, Jason van Zyl, has stepped down from his position as Vice President, Apache DB, in favor of John McNally's appointment to that position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that John McNally be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. By unanimous consent, Resolution R1 was passed.
[ received from John McNally ] Releases Torque did an alpha release of 3.1 in April and a couple bug fix releases (3.0.1 and 3.0.2) in June. OJB put up a 1.0rc3 release in May. Problems No problems to speak of. Mail list activity on both subprojects indicates forward progress and no flame wars. News A presentation on OJB was given at javaone TS-3368 Applying Open Source Web Technologies Together: Struts and OJB
. Attachment A was approved by general consent and accepted into the record.
As yet there is no site or charter for db.apache.org but I wanted to assure the board that the desire to bring db.apache.org to fruition hasn't waned. I know that all the the PMC members have been busy with their projects and I would like some things to happen before the site is launched. I would like the site to be generated as changes are made to the individual projects in as much an automated fashion as possible. I want to be notified of exceptions: I don't want anyone to have to manage this manually. I do not want to foist yet another disparate, incoherent website on an unsuspecting crowd. I would like db.apache.org to be an example of what an OSS website can be. I also don't want this process to consume my life, or anyone else's. To this end, over the last while I've been working on Maven, Plexus, Continuum and have hired Bob McWhirter to improve Drools and create Werkflow: the only OSSPetrinet-based workflow engine that I'm aware of. I'm using all these tools as part of my daytime work but slight adjustments have been made here and there to accomodate things I would like for db.apache.org. I would like the site and infrastructure to be manageable from day one. If there were projects that were planned to be released for the first time on db.apache.org then I would certainly be guilty of not pushing hard enough to get the site, charter and infrastructure in order. But none of the projects that are initially taking part are being dealt any life threatening blows due to the non-existence of the db.apache.org site. I would like the PMC to have the time to get the project together as we see fit. I realize that the DB PMC has not made much progress on the infrastructure side but none of us have been idle. I am trying to make some tools I think will be valuable and genuinely help. Axion, Torque, and OJB are also getting in a lot better shape to the point where real releases could be made available when the site launches which I think is a good thing. I myself can't commit to a date for the launch (someone else may want to) as this is purely volunteer and my day job takes precendence but I think it holds true that each of the PMC members want to see this happen. If it is the case that we must have something by a date to satisfy the board then I will not personally commit and will let someone else commit and take over the chair position. I feel I would rather wait and make something worthfile then procure something to satisfy an artificial requirement. As I noted before, I don't think any harm is being done by not launching. As an aside I'm curious as to the history surrounding the nascent Jakarta and XML projects? Were there in fact deadlines or was the time taken to get things in order properly? If we need things like the charter then we could probably borrow one from an existing project and ratify it in short order, but I would still like to wait on the launch of the site. --- [1] Maven: http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/maven [2] Plexus: A application container based on Avalon. Maven will eventually be a Plexus application. [3] Continuum: A continuous integration tool using Plexus, Drools, and Werkflow [4] Drools: OO-Rete based rules engine. [5] Werkflow: Petrinet-based workflow engine using Drools.
. By general consent, this report was recorded as entered and approved.
Things are pretty much in a state of hibernation at the moment. Between Maven and the Day Job(tm) I've got zero time currently. All of the other PMC members seem to be in the same boat. Geir takes on more responsibility daily, John McNally is more than busy with Scarab, Thomas with OJB and Rodney with the day job. None of the projects are suffering because db.apache.org isn't up and I don't really see it as a problem though I saw that you and Sam don't like it much. I would rather wait until myself or someone else has the time to do it right. I figure I'll let one of the other projects get off the ground, like Avalon, then I'll steal their charter and guidelines :-) My priority is work and Maven and I won't even attempt db.apache.org until Maven is 1.0. So if this is unacceptable for some reason then I will follow whatever course of action you suggest.
There was some discussion over the relative activity and "health" of the DB project. It was suggested that a detailed status report on the DB project be requested.