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which have been approved by the Board.
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WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Deltacloud project due to inactivity NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Deltacloud project is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight over the software developed by the Apache Deltacloud Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Deltacloud" is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Deltacloud PMC is hereby terminated Special Order 7F, Terminate the Apache Deltacloud Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Chris: No response from the pmc on list. Attic is the next step.
No report was submitted.
Looks like Deltacloud has little adoption. May be time for retirement to the Attic.
No report was submitted.
@Chris: pursue a report for Deltacloud
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- Thanks very much to Chris Mattmann and Brett Porter for reaching out on behalf of the board. So the reality of the situation is that none of the current PMCs or committers have cycles to dedicate to Deltacloud. Given this I believe the best course of action is to move Apache Deltacloud to the attic. I have started a voting thread to this effect on the deltacloud private list which closes on Wednesday 11 March 2015 @ 1200 CET. [1] -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. Dies Koper was voted into the Deltacloud PMC in July 2013. [1] Hey folks: so I think it is pretty obvious that none of us have the cycles to look this way any more. The board is asking about the progress of the project since (unsurprisingly) the last few board reports have reported no progress. At this point I am heavy-heartedly proposing that we retire the project to the Apache Attic [1] and simultaneously dissolve this PMC. Vote: Move Apache Deltacloud to the Apache Attic [1] (where 'move' means putting into motion the process @ [2]) *and* Dissolve the Apache Deltacloud PMC, Vote closes Wednesday 11th March 2015 @ 1200 CET. Thanks everyone for your guidance, efforts and contributions to Deltacloud. all the best, marios [1] https://attic.apache.org/ [2] https://attic.apache.org/process.html
@Rich: could the PMC use some help from comdev to attract new blood?
No report was submitted.
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- There has been relatively little activity this quarter. The mailing list continues to see some activity but it would appear the bulk of the PMC no longer has the resources to dedicate the required attention (e.g. there are still contributions pending approval - the latest in November 2014). -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. Dies Koper was voted into the Deltacloud PMC in July 2013.
@Brett: Request a better report for next month
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- There has been relatively little activity this quarter. The mailing list has been somewhat active but it would appear the bulk of the PMC no longer has the resources to dedicate the required attention (e.g. there are still contributions pending approval). -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. Dies Koper was voted into the Deltacloud PMC in July 2013.
@Greg: the report states a problem but no plan to address it
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- There has been relatively little activity this quarter. The mailing list has been somewhat active but it would appear the bulk of the PMC no longer has the resources to dedicate the required attention (e.g. there are still contributions pending approval). -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. Dies Koper was voted into the Deltacloud PMC in July 2013. all the best, marios
@Chris: The report identifies a problem with no resolution...
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- There has been relatively little activity this quarter though there are three major contributions on the mailing list - a new PACI driver [1], a new implementation of the OpenStack driver and a new vCloud driver [2]. I will reach out for reviews from folk. -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. Dies Koper was voted into the Deltacloud PMC in July 2013. all the best, marios [1] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/deltacloud-dev/201403.mbox/%3C532CB8D7.4030700%40gmail.com%3E [2] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/deltacloud-dev/201404.mbox/%3Cab47e6a1fd594105880e8965646af0d0%40mmambx3.global.ad%3E
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- JIRA: 2 JIRA tickets filed in this quarter by 2 individuals Commits: 3 individual commits [1] by 2 committers [2] in this quarter. The main dev activity this quarter was the addition of a new driver for the Profitbricks cloud provider. -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. Dies Koper was voted into the Deltacloud PMC in July 2013. all the best, marios [1] git log --oneline --no-merges --after={2013-10-01} | wc -l [2] git shortlog --oneline --after={2013-10-01} --no-merges -sne
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- JIRA: 3 JIRA tickets filed in this quarter by 2 individuals Commits: 33 individual commits [2] by 4 committers [3] in this quarter. One community call (google hangout) was held in this quarter [4]. Mostly work on bug fixes and improvements. A new driver has been contributed for the ProfitBricks cloud provider. -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. Dies Koper was voted into the Deltacloud PMC in July. all the best, marios [1] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/deltacloud-dev/201305.mbox/%3C518D0F79.4000901%40redhat.com%3E [2] git log --oneline --after={2013-07-01} --no-merges | wc -l [3] git shortlog --oneline --after={2013-07-01} --no-merges -sne [4] http://deltacloud.apache.org/contact.html
Apache Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. -- Issues for the board's consideration -- The Apache Deltacloud project has until recently been heavily sponsored by Red Hat, in the form of full time engineers including travel budget and a streamlined monthly testing and release cycle. Red Hat announced that this support is being drastically reduced [1] so this is an interesting period for the project. Furthermore, the project has recently elected a new PMC chair as David Lutterkort was unable to continue in this position due to other commitments. It has been encouraging to see the continued interest with a daily trickle of activity on the mailing list, irc channel and JIRA since the Red Hat announcement. The biggest and most immediate impact is the change to the release cycle - the monthly release cycle is currently unsustainable. The next release date has not yet been determined though as PMC chair it is my aim to encourage a release towards the end of the summer or early in Q4 2013. -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.4 - in progress 1.1.3 - 2013-04-22 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 -- Overall activity in the past quarter -- JIRA: 30 JIRA tickets filed in this quarter by 10 individuals - 8 closed/resolved and work ongoing on some others (needs tidy up). Commits: 103 individual commits [2] by 10 committers [3] in this quarter Much work on bug fixes and improving the DMTF CIMI frontend exposed by a Deltacloud server. Some interest in the OpenStack driver (work ongoing to change the library used to talk to OpenStack services). Next week (8-12 July) will see a revival of the Deltacloud community call [4][5]. -- Last committers and PMC members elected -- Change of PMC chair 29 May 2013 (Marios S. Andreou takes over from David Lutterkort) Tomas Sedovic (August 2012) and Dies Koper (December 2012) voted in as committers. [1] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/deltacloud-dev/201305.mbox/%3C518D0F79.4000901%40redhat.com%3E [2] git log --oneline --after={2013-04-17} --no-merges | wc -l [3] git shortlog --oneline --after={2013-04-17} --no-merges -sne [4] http://deltacloud.apache.org/contact.html [5] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/deltacloud-dev/201307.mbox/%3C51D2C2E0.5040700%40redhat.com%3E
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed David Lutterkort to the office of Vice President, Apache Deltacloud, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of David Lutterkort from the office of Vice President, Apache Deltacloud, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Deltacloud project has chosen by vote to recommend Marios S. Andreou as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that David Lutterkort is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Deltacloud, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Marios S. Andreou be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Deltacloud, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7B, Change the Apache Deltacloud Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. There are no issues for board consideration -- Releases/Development -- 1.1.3 - in progress 1.1.2 - 2013-03-13 1.1.1 - 2013-02-13 1.1.0 - 2013-01-15 Work on 'classic' Deltacloud API, DMTF CIMI frontend, and related tools continues to progress. Started a Deltacloud-independent test suite; will participate in another interop event around CIMI at the end of April. Added a driver for DigitalOcean. Will present Deltacloud at Openstack design summit next week, and try to get more collaboration between the two projects started.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. There are no issues for board consideration ==== Community ==== Voted in Dies Koper <diesk@fast.au.fujitsu.com> as committer, setup in progress. ==== Releases/Development ==== Switched to a model with the goal to make one release every month. 1.1.0 - in the next few days 1.0.5 - 2012-11-15 1.0.4 - 2012-10-08 Work on DMTF CIMI front-end continues to progress. Started a Deltacloud-independent test suite; participated in an interop event around CIMI. We have an intern, Martha Chumo, working on the CIMI client webapp through the GNOME Outreach Program for Women[1] from 1/2 to 4/2. [1] https://live.gnome.org/OutreachProgramForWomen
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. It also provides an implementation of DMTF CIMI, and tools around that API to help make it more easily consumable. There are no issues for board consideration. Community --------- Voted Tomas Sedovic <tsedovic@redhat.com> as committer (mostly for maintaining the Python client). Still need to get him fully set up as committer. Releases/Development -------------------- Switched to a model with the goal to make one release every month. 1.0.4 - any day now 1.0.3 - 2012-09-07 1.0.2 - 2012-08-20 Work on DMTF CIMI front-end continues to progress. Updates/improvements to various drivers (OpenStack, OpenNebula). New driver for aruba.it. Lots of bug fixes and smaller improvements.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Their are no issues for board consideration Community --------- No new committers Releases/Development -------------------- Release Deltacloud 1.0.0 on 2012-06-15 Added EC2 front-end in addition to DMTF CIMI and 'classic' Deltacloud front-end. Work on DMTF CIMI frontend continues to progress. Addition of one new driver (Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform); updates/improvements to various drivers (OpenStack, OpenNebula) Major revamp of website to make it more accessible. Lots of bug fixes and smaller improvements.
AI Greg: download page still refers to incubator.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Their are no issues for board consideration Community --------- No new committers Releases/Development -------------------- Released Deltacloud 0.5.0 on 2012-02-02 Work on DMTF CIMI front-end continues to progress. Updates/improvements to various drivers (OpenStack, OpenNebula) Lots of bug fixes and smaller improvements.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Their are no issues for board consideration Community --------- No new committers Two Deltacloud talks planned for FOSDEM Working on ASF press release announcing graduation to TLP Releases/Development -------------------- Posted release candidate for 0.5.0; need to post another rc because of a couple minor issues that were found. Work on DMTF CIMI frontend continues to progress. Project setup ------------- Migration to TLP is complete. There is one minor issue in that the old incubator mailing list archives haven't been moved to the TLP yet.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Their are no issues for board consideration Community * We've voted to add Tong Li as a committer. Releases/Development * Lots of work on the DMTF CIMI frontend; * added a CIMI client application for demonstrating/experimenting with the CIMI frontend Project setup * The migration out of the incubator is complete. Website, mailing lists, svn etc. are all up and running. Also cleaned up our incubator space. * Deltacloud was selected to participate in the git experiment.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Their are no issues for board consideration Community: A slight uptick of user questions on the mailing list. No new committers; a couple of talks given by Michal Fojtik and by me at small events (meetups etc.) Releases/Development: Lots of work on the DMTF CIMI frontend; added support for OpenStack; usual slate of bugfixes Plan on making 0.5.0 release in December Project setup: As Deltacloud graduated to TLP at the end of October, still working on migrating out of incubator. Infrastructure ticket[1] filed for the various migration tasks. [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-4112
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software implementing web service API's for interacting with cloud providers, and corresponding client libraries, for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Deltacloud Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Deltacloud Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to web service API's for interacting with cloud providers, and corresponding client libraries; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Deltacloud" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Deltacloud Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Deltacloud Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Deltacloud Project: * Marios Andreou (marios@apache.org) * Michal Fojtik (mfojtik@apache.org) * Jim Jagielski (jim@apache.org) * Chris Lalancette (clalance@apache.org) * David Lutterkort (lutter@apache.org) * Sang-Min Park (spark@apache.org) * Carl Trieloff (cctrieloff@apache.org) * Eric Woods (woodser@apache.org) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David Lutterkort be appointed to the office of Vice President, Deltacloud, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Deltacloud Project be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the Deltacloud Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Deltacloud Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Deltacloud podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache Incubator Deltacloud podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter discharged. Resolution 7C was approved by unanimous roll call vote.
(Incubating since July 2010) Deltacloud is a cross cloud abstraction API that allows management of resources (compute and storage) across different IaaS cloud computing providers using a single, open API. At present Deltacloud supports management of Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Gogrid, Rimuhosting, Terremark, RHEV-M, vSphere, IBM SBC, Eucalyptus, Opennebula compute resources, as well as Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Eucalyptus and Rackspace Cloudfiles storage resources. The last three months have been characterized by ceaseless work towards our 0.4.0 release, which has now been posted as a release candidate. We also voted three new committers in during that time. We are in the process of preparing for graduation to a TLP under the Board; hopefully, a resolution will be posted before the August Board meeting. Improvements/Fixes/Additions included in upcoming 0.4.0 release (and since the last report) include: Server: * deltacloudd: new option --drivers to list all drivers * deltacloudd: new options --ssl, --ssl-key and --ssl-cert to enable HTTPS support * API entrypoint reports features in JSON * unify response behavior: any operation returning a 201 Created also sets the Location header to point to the new resource; ensure the status for an operation is the same regardless of output format * Add type to public addresses; type can be one of 'ipv4', 'mac', 'vnc', and 'hostname' * Complete overhaul of the HTML UI, now uses jquery-mobile * Response status for attach/detach storage is now 202 (instead of 302) * Response status for get/set blob metadata is 204 No Content * Response status for (un)register with load balancer is 204 No Content * The user_name feature now reports the permissible length of the name as the 'max_length' constraint * Add Date header to responses as per RFC 2616 * New collection 'firewalls' for managing sets of firewalling rules * split server/config/drivers.yaml into individual files so each driver can be packaged separately; gives deployers better choice of what drivers they want enabled * Numerous bug fixes and improvements to the test suite * Drivers + Condor - new driver to run a simple cloud based on the Condor grid scheduler + EC2 - Fix bug in reboot instance so that the details returned are those of the stopped instance, not some random instance - Support getting and updating blob metadata - support destroying images - support firewalls (security groups) - do not support user_name anymore; instance tagging is too fragile in EC2 to be used reliably for this - do not support registering an instance with a load balancer upon creation anymore - stream blob PUT to backend (requires thin) - support attaching EBS snapshot to instance upon creation (feature 'attach_snapshot') - support elastic IP's + Eucalyptus - support firewalls (security groups) - support elastic IP's + Gogrid - when retrieving single realm, make sure we return the right one - correctly capture load_balancer params - report a listener if load_balancer has no instances + Mock - support destroying images + Rackspace - support destroying images - stream blob PUT to backend (requires thin) + RHEV-M - support creating and destroying images - report VNC address of instances - can use Audrey's confserver to fetch IP of an instance + vSphere - turns a VMWare vSphere installation into a cloud - driver stateless, state is stored in vSphere's data store in 'deltacloud' folder - images are template VM's - single HWP, whose max_cpu and max_memory are based on available cpus and memory across all vSphere hosts - support data injection via user_data and user_iso (upload entire ISO image) For both, instance gets virtual CD-ROM with injected data Client: * make authentication info for instances available * retrieve type and address for public addresses of an instance * deltacloudc: allow specifying bucket location when creating a bucket Site: * Major rewrite of REST API docs, covers the entire API now * Add libdeltacloud API docs
Did not report. Is active, and simply failed to report.
(Incubating since July 2010) Deltacloud is a cross cloud abstraction API that allows management of resources (compute and storage) across different IaaS cloud computing providers using a single, open API. At present Deltacloud supports management of Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Gogrid, Rimuhosting, Terremark, RHEV-M, Opennebula compute resources, as well as Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure and Rackspace Cloudfiles storage resources. Recent Activity: Release 0.2.0 is imminent and includes: * Dynamically select driver through the X-Deltacloud-Driver HTTP header; allow passing in driver-specific endpoint with the X-Deltacloud-Provider header * New 'load_balancers' collection, supported for EC2 and GoGrid * Allow creation/deletion of blobs (S3, CloudFiles, Azure) * Return HTTP status 405 when trying to perform an action on a instance that is not available * Drivers + EC2 - security_group and public_ip features for instance creation - switched to aws gem + GoGrid: now have two hardware profiles + RHEV-M: completely rewritten; now uses RHEV-M REST API, not Powershell + Mock: - support 'keys' collection - switch to storage-only driver by setting provider to 'storage' Next Steps: Aiming for a mid March release of 0.3.0 - main issues addressed will be creation of images from uploaded bits (in cloud storage), firewalling and improved support for blob streaming.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Infrastructure: * Hudson configured to trigger build after commit (https://hudson.apache.org/hudson/job/apache-deltacloud-core/) Latest activity: * Deltacloud API was proclaimed as stable and version 0.1.0 was released * A new EC2 driver for Deltacloud API (in review process) * Client improved to be more stable * Deltacloud API is now Ruby 1.9 compatible Current issues: * Support for buckets (streaming)
Deltacloud is a cross-cloud RESTful abstraction API. The are currently no issues requiring board attention. Recent activity: * Grant of initial code finalized: code relicensed under ASL2.0, iCLA's of all contributor's on file, cCLA from Red Hat for initial submission also on file, code imported to subversion * First draft of an API specification sent to developer's list * Initial content for project website in svn; need to clear up some technical hurdles to make it live * Added support for executing commands and copying files into cloud instances * Work on adding blob storage to API under way * Work on publishing reports from a private Hudson instance to a public site (since it seems we can't get access to Apache's Hudson) * Numerous bug fixes and smaller enhancements Next steps: * Continue work on API additions * Finalize initial API (including the spec) * Prepare for an initial release with a stable API Top 2/3 Issues before graduation: * Make an Apache release * Make a diverse community of active committers * Improve our website with tutorials and "getting started" content.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Deltacloud entered the incubator in 2010-05-17. - Project basically setup (info for 3 people still being worked to get ICLA correctly listed) - Code has been imported. - Working to get Code Grant on file - Project active, commits and mail list discussions have started. - The website has not been setup yet. = Empire-db = Empire-db is a relational data persistence component that aims to overcome the difficulties, pitfalls and restrictions inherent in traditional Object Relational Management (ORM) approaches. Empire-db is on the Apache Incubator since July 2008. Issues to address in the move towards graduation: We are still aware of the fact that we need to do more advertising of Empire-db on major development forums like e.g. http://TheServerSide.com in order to raise attention for the project. Community development since the last report The community has remained stable and several users questions have been answered on the user list. We still receive positive feedback from users but had no contributions from new users in the past quarter. Project development since the last report After having received approval from the incubator PMC we have published our 2.0.6 release and updated our website accordingly. There are plans for improvements and open issues on our list but all committers were too busy to make significant contributions in the past quarter. We hope that we can deliver improvements to the projects in the upcoming quarter.
Deltacloud defines a web service API for interacting with cloud service providers and resources in those clouds in a unified manner. In addition, it consists of a number of implementations of this API for the most popular clouds. Deltacloud entered the incubator in 2010-05-17. Currently gathering initial contributors CLAs and working on setting up project infrastructure.