This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
[Note: Derby is about to leave the Incubator, and enter the DB PMC] Here is what Derby has been up to in Q2 (April-June). Derby added Tomohito Nakayama as a new committer. [Early Q3 note: two more committers were added and derby-dev is voting on another.] Plans were completed for a 10.1 incubator release and candidate jars were made available for testing and review. [Early Q3 note: the vote passed for the candidate and Andrew McIntyre requested permission from general@incubator.apache.org to make it available as an incubator release.] The Derby community is thriving. Today http://people.apache.org/~coar/mlists.html#db.apache.org shows that the derby-dev list is up to 225 subscribers and derby-user up to 322 (both figures include digest subscribers). There is heavy development activity on both the code front and the doc front. Many code challenges are being worked on via the derby-dev list and the number of Derby developers working on Jira issues has increased to 36 (the number in the derby-developers Jira group). One doc challenge is how to make a DITA stylesheet, which is under the CPL license, available on incubator.apache.org/derby to improve the format of the html documentation. A Derby mentor advised asking the author if he would be willing to license that particular file to the ASF under the Apache License. It turns out the DITA Toolkit team is interested in releasing the Toolkit itself under the Apache license, and hopefully all details will get worked out in Q3.
- Recently, IBM posted a contribution of a JDBC network client driver. The community voted to accept the submission, but there was some question as to whether or not such a significant contribution is covered by the original Derby CCLA or whether it will require a new one. This was resolved by IBM submitting an amendment to the original CCLA/software grant listing the files in the new contribution. The amendment has been faxed to Noel and is being snailed to the ASF secretary. [Update: On 27-April-2005, the ASF received an addendum to the Derby CCLA and Software Grant via the Incubator PMC Chair] - The Derby logo vote was temporarily shelved due to voting irregularities. - Derby has satisifed all requirements necessary to graduate from incubation except for diversity of committership. Recent discussions on general@incubator seem to point to this being the only barrier to graduation that needs to be overcome. Jeremy Boynes was added as a committer earlier this year, but he remains the only non-IBM committer. New developers are getting up to speed, however, as evidenced by the acceptance of recent contributions by non-IBM developers Tomohito Nakayama and Shreyas Kraushik. - mailing list activity continues to grow steadily, both in number of subscribers and in overall activity. Recent stats show about 1000 posts to derby-dev in the last 3 months, around 2700 total in the nine months since inception, and about 500 posts to derby-user since inception.