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Easyant is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. EasyAnt has been incubating since 2011-01-31. Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. doing a release: it will show that the EasyAnt committers are dedicated to maintain it and keep it going 2. shortly after that, ask the Ant PMC again to accept EasyAnt as a subproject 3. if accepted, EasyAnt could then leave the Incubator. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? None How has the community developed since the last report? No progress. There was only one thread on the mailing list. That thread from few days ago was about releasing. How has the project developed since the last report? Since the last report, there was some activities on svn. A release is scheduled just after the Apache Ivy one (EasyAnt has a dependency on it), Ivy release which is under way. Signed-off-by: Anthony Elder: [X](easyant) Antoine Lévy-Lambert: [X](easyant) Stefan Bodewig: [X](easyant) Shepherd notes: good report. Need other mentors to sign off.
EasyAnt is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating since 2011-01-31. Since the last report, there were discussion about the graduation process of EasyAnt. There was confusion about what would be its final place - either a TLP or a subproject of the Ant TLP - and the implication about the 'graduation' process. Things have been cleared with a vote: the EasyAnt project members are willing to join the Ant TLP. So there is no actual need for a full classical graduation process. Then a vote happened in the Ant project about accepting EasyAnt as a subproject. It failed, there were some concerns about the activity of the project. There were actually no veto, but an insufficient number of binding +1. So it has been decided to try again in a few month after showing some nice activity on the EasyAnt project. A little bit later, some Ant PMC members wrote that they were 'unplugged' when the vote happened and were sorry to have missed it. A good sign for a retry of the vote. About the activity of the project since the last report: one committer did some great job making the code base ready to be released. One other committer was active on the dev mailing list. We have also seen some non committers asking questions about the use of the project. The next step for the project: - doing a release: it will show that the EasyAnt committers are dedicated to maintain it and keep it going - shortly after that, ask the Ant PMC again to accept EasyAnt as a subproject - if accepted, EasyAnt could then leave the Incubator. Signed-off-by: ant, bodewig, jukka
EasyAnt is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating since 2011-01-31. Towards graduation, we need to: - Create a release - Build a community Since the last report: There was very low activity on the project. There was actually no commit on the project. Some work has been done though a bug was found on a dependency, Apache Ant, and a bug was reported, and a patch committed since one of the EasyAnt committer happens to have commit rights there. After acknowledging this, a mail was sent on the dev mailing to re-motivate people to focus on doing a release. A positive response and some commits were following. Signed off by mentor: bodewig Shepherd: Dave Fisher
EasyAnt is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating since 2011-01-31. Towards graduation, we need to: - Create a release - Build a community Since the last report: In the last report we described that the activity of the podling was quite low. Some discussion with developers and mentors raised about this concern. Developers acknowledged that the current code refactoring make it's build break too much to keep people interested in contributing. Developers are still motivated even if most lack of time. The conclusion is that the focus should be on doing a release ASAP to keep things going on and bring back stability. Some discussion started about the last points to tackle before preparing a release. Signed off by mentor: bodewig
Easyant is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating since 2011-01-31. Towards graduation, we need to: * Create a release * Build a community Since the last report: * no particular progress on the diversity of the community * very little activity on the developer mailing list
Easyant is a build system based on Apache Ant and Apache Ivy. Incubating since 2011-01-31. Towards graduation, we need to: * Creating a release * Building a community Since the last report: * an initial committer of Easyant didn't provided its iCLA. Hence an iterative cleanup of the code has been done together with developers and mentors. This cleanup is finished, the IP clearance is considered done, acknowledge by mentors. * no particular progress on the diversity of the community * discussion has started to how setup the build which will fit the ASF release guidelines
Work has started to clean up the work done by one of the initial committer of Easyant as he doesn't have provided its ICLA: - some work has been identified as containing no IP and will be kept. - some other work will be just removed, as it doesn't impact the functionality of Easyant - and some piece seems to have some IP issue and EasyAnt will probably not work without it. The developers have started a discussion about how to deal with a such delete, how could it be rewrote for instance. This work is reviewed by the mentors. The www.easyant.org site is now redirecting to incubator.apache.org/easyant The developer community is not super active, but it is there and responsive to discussion like the management of the continuous integration, discussion about some design of some plugins, or discussion about debugging tools for Ant (discussion which has migrated on ant-dev).
EasyAnt is a tool built on top of Ant and Ivy providing a standard approach to building java projects without locking the users in. Incubating since January 31st 2011 There is still one ICLA of one of the original contributors missing and the team has started to look into replacing or removing the code contributed, we expect to have a plan and report on it in August.
EasyAnt is a tool built on top of Ant and Ivy providing a standard approach to building java projects without locking the users in. Incubating since January 31st 2011 issues/agenda: - 1 ICLA missing. The person does not answer since Feb 4th 2011, when he indicated he was working on getting the ICLA. The svn logs have been gathered and shared between the PPMC members in preparation for a possible cleanup of the svn tree of that person's contribution. activity since last report: - the web site http://incubator.apache.org/easyant/ is published via svnpubsub - while reviewing the licenses of the software included in the svn tree of Easyant, some dependency on external LGPL library was found. There are somehow optional to EasyAnt core, but not for the "plugin" dedicated to the integration of that third library. A consensus was found by the developer community to not release such software under the ASF.
EasyAnt is a tool built on top of Ant and Ivy providing a standard approach to building java projects without locking the users in. Incubating since January 31st 2011 issues/agenda - 1 ICLA missing. The person does not answer since Feb 4th 2011, when he indicated he was working on getting the ICLA. - the code base has been migrated in SVN - the issues are in JIRA with component EASYANT
EasyAnt is a tool built on top of Ant and Ivy providing a standard approach to building java projects without locking the users in. Incubating since January 31st 2011 issues/agenda - have the committers of EasyAnt submit the appropriate license agreements to become Apache contributors - migrate the code base and the issue tracker - start working in the Apache environment