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## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity. Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (11 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3. Community changes, past quarter: - Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21 - Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21 ## Project Activity: Activity this quarter has been mostly around reviewing and working on the switch to Jakarta 10. Initially on a contributor's fork, the migrated code is now living on the jakarta branch of the main git repo. The main stopper in that branch is that we have to decide what to do with some xmlrpc code, which has no upgrade path. Current options are 1) rewrite it using the metaweblog API (sort of xmlrpc successor), 2) remove it all together or 3) replace it with a proper REST API. Or perhaps 2) and then later on 3). We've received a couple of vulnerability reports that are still under study, but they will probably require to release 2.12.3 before switching to 3.0.0. ## Community Health: Work on latest master shows commits from 1 commiter, which contains 1 pull request from one contributor and some dependency upgrades. Also, the jakarta branch landed on december. No questions unanswered on MLs, although they continue to have little traffic.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity. Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (11 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3. Community changes, past quarter: - Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21 - Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21 ## Project Activity: Activity this quarter has been mostly around reviewing and merging contributors' PRs. We also pushed some updates related to the the logic of inlining / downloading attachments, as a result of discussing our last vulnerability report. This report was rejected, but we decided that having this additional functionality would make JSPWiki more securitly-friendlier. There's a fork from a contributor with the switch to Jakarta 10, bringing that to master would be the first step towards JSPWiki 3. ## Community Health: Work on latest master shows commits from 1 commiter, which contains 3 pull requests from two different contributors. No questions unanswered on MLs, although they continue to have little traffic. Answering a Board comment on previous report: ``` cdutz: I do see a large number of emails from the security team on the private list and all activity seems to be merging dependabot version updates. Is the project activly working on addressing the known issues? ``` Every time we get a vulnerability report we started a separate thread at private@j.a.o to discuss the issue. We get a weekly "your dependabot alerts for this week" which highlight that we're using an old version of commons-http, which has some associated CVEs, althought none of them are explotaible on JSPWiki. We try to address every security issue and push the appropiate releases as fast as we can, although JSPWiki being developed on free time(tm), sometimes is not as fast as we would like. Other than that, we have a slow development pace, so every push usually comes with a commit upgrading dependencies, some adviced by dependabot, some not.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity. Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (11 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3. Community changes, past quarter: - Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21 - Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21 ## Project Activity: 2.12.2 was finally released on 2024/06/17 and the pending CVE fixed by this version was also published. Activity this quarter has been focused on preparing the code for the release, fixing some small issues and requests for the release. Also, we merged a contributor's PR right after that. The refactor, referenced on previouse reports, to benefit from virtual threads under JDK-21, is not complete yet and was parked to focus on the release. There've been some discussion to switch to JDK-17 / Jakarta 10, so next release most probably will be 3.0.0 to reflect this change. ## Community Health: Work on latest master shows commits from 2 commiters, which contains among other things the aforementioned PR from a contributor. No questions unanswered on MLs, although they continue to have little traffic.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity. Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (10 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3. Community changes, past quarter: - Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21 - Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21 ## Project Activity: Except from the last weeks, it has been a quiet quarter, with almost no activity: * There's being some work on the refactor, referenced on last report, to benefit from virtual threads under JDK-21, but it is not complete yet. * A small bug detected while our public wiki being attacked was fixed. * We've began to publish SBOMs alongside our main artifacts. * Some dependencies and plugins have been upgraded. We still have to release 2.12.2, and then publish a CVE already fixed on master, which should be done this quarter. ## Community Health: Work on latest master shows commits from 1 commiter, done on the same git push. As noted above, on Easter Week we were target of an automated attack, which tried to exploit vulnerabilities inside JSPWiki, through every single form available. Thankfully, all the attack vectors were covered on previous vulnerability reports, so nothing serious did happen, other than wiki defacement which was manually fixed. As a result of this, we've documented on our SVN private area the setup of the VM that hosts our public wiki, so any PMC can know how to operate it; we're also temporarily not allowing new accounts on our public wiki, until we put manual approval of accounts, and we've asked for volunteers to help mantaining our public wiki content, having received one request off-list to it. One new user appeared on our user ML, has opened several JIRA issues and has provided a PR for one of them, which should be reviewed and hopefully merged sooner than later. No questions unanswered on MLs, although they've had very little traffic.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity. Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (10 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3. Community changes, past quarter: - Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21 - Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21 ## Project Activity: We received two vulnerability reports this quarter, of which one of them resulted in an actual vulnerability, already fixed in master. As a result from a thread on the user ML, we also have introduced support of custom wiki event listeners on our public API, and squashed a bug regarding the content of some wiki events. We still have to release 2.12.2, but we'd like to introduce in it a big internal refactor so that JSPWiki can benefit from virtual threads support when running under JDK-21. This work is tracked at [#1]. ## Community Health: Work on latest master shows commits from 2 different commiters. Other than that, we got the usual amount of emails (that is, not too much). No unanswered questions, and there is enough people appearing on the ML and providing project oversight. [#1]: https://github.com/apache/jspwiki/pull/307
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity. Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (10 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3. Community changes, past quarter: - Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21 - Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21 ## Project Activity: 2.12.1 release happened this quarter, which fixed the workflow approval area, which wasn't working as expected since a lot of releases, upgraded bundled dependencies and defaulted jspwiki working directory to $javax.servlet.context.tempdir if it existed. We are having talks about incoming 2.12.2, trying to catch on with our stated release train. ## Community Health: Work on latest master shows commits from 3 different commiters. Other than that, we got the usual amount of emails (that is, not too much). No unanswered questions, and there is enough people appearing on the ML and providing project oversight.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity. Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (10 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 9 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:3. Community changes, past quarter: - Arturo Bernal was added to the PMC on 2023-06-21 - Arturo Bernal was added as committer on 2023-06-21 ## Project Activity: 2.12.0 release happened this quarter, which fixed some XSS vulnerabilities and also uplifted the JDK requirement up to JDK-11. We also got a couple of vulnerability reports, which were discarded and, after a query on the dev ML, we realized that the workflow approval area wasn't working as expected since a lot of releases, so we fixed it and we're preparing a 2.12.1 release. ## Community Health: Most important thing happening in this area, we finally added a PMC/committer to our roster! After being engaged on the MLs for some time and sending some PRs, Arturo Bernal joined JSPWiki PMC on June. He'll also be acting as RM for 2.12.1, so that's another positive thing. Other than that, we got the usual amount of emails (that is, not too much). No unanswered questions, and there is enough people appearing on the ML and providing project oversight. Traffic on dev list reflects mostly PRs movement.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (10 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: Quiet period, with small developments pushed into master. Aiming for the 2.12.0 release, the associated vote should start somewhere this week. This release contains a fix for some XSS vulnerabilities that has been sitting on master for a while now. We would like to thank Arnout Engelen from the Security team for kindly following through this reports and ensuring they are fixed and released on a reasonable time span. This quarter we've also reviewed almost all of our pending PRs, and discarded a bunch of dependabot false positives. Last release was 2.11.3 on 2022-08-02. ## Community Health: Traffic on both MLs has decreased compared with last quarter, mostly reflecting PRs movement. There is enough people appearing on the ML and providing project oversight.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (9 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: Again, quiet period, as noted on the previous report, we have switched to 2.12.0, which requires JDK-11, upgraded some libraries, and we have fixed several XSS vulnerabilities present on some JSPWiki plugins, which will warrant a CVE. We got another vulnerability report, which was rejected. Last release was 2.11.3 on 2022-08-02. ## Community Health: Traffic on both MLs had an increase compared with last quarter, most due to last quarter being an almost no activity quarter. There is enough people to provide project oversight.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (9 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: Quiet two-month quarter, with no code merged into master. It was discussed the need of upgrading JDK, so next release will be 2.12.0, which will require JDK-11. This change should get into master by the time of the Board meeting. We got one vulnerability report, done directly through github, which was rejected. Still pending to reach the issuer so next reports do get submitted through the appropiate channels. Last release was 2.11.3 on 2022-08-02. ## Community Health: Traffic on both MLs had a decrease compared with last quarter, most probably due to being a quiet-code quarter. Community wise, we got one plugin submitted through dev@j.a.o, which should at least get uploaded to jspwiki-wiki.a.o. Also, an emeritus PMC member is working on a new ReferenceManager implementation, based on JGraphT. We have a handful of PRs awaiting to be merged. There is enough people to provide project oversight.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (8 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: JSPWiki 2.11.3 was released on Aug, 2nd, featuring complete wiki syntax pluggability, allowing full Markdown support (except for some pending quirks) and Engine Extensions, which allow easier integration of 3rd party libraries. Also, 2.11.3 contained fixes For 5 CVEs. Work on 2.11.3 has had a slow pace of development, but nothing unexpected. Finally, we got looked into another vulnerability report, which was rejected. ## Community Health: Traffic on both MLs had an increase compared with last quarter, most probable due to 2.11.3 release, and an emeritus pmc member coming back to dev@j.a.o We merged a handful of PRs from a contributor which contained code improvements. 2.11.3 release vote showed a couple of community votes, which is rather unusual, so we'll keep an eye for future committer/PMC members. There is enough people to provide project oversight.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (8 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: JSPWiki 2.11.2 was released on Feb, 24th, featuring some Markdown support improvements and a couple of fixed CVEs. Work on 2.11.3 is under way, although this quarter has seen a slower development pace. 2.11.3 contains further Markdown support improvements, being usable right now. We still have two finish it, but as of this release, the wiki syntax will be completely pluggable. Another new feature that is being released with 2.11.3 is the Engine Lifecycle Extensions, another JSPWiki extension point, that allows custom components to be aware of Engine's initialization and shutdown, without having to deep dive on Engine's internals. This allows, among other things, to have smoother custom components installations. Finally, 4 reported vulnerabilities will be fixed in 2.11.3. Aside from that, we got another vulnerability report that was looked into and rejected. ## Community Health: Traffic on both MLs had an increase compared with last quarter, although development has been slower. We merged a PR from a contributor which fixed some italian texts. There is enough people to provide project oversight.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (8 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: After almost a year since last release, this quarter we managed to finally release 2.11.0. A few days after that, we had to release 2.11.1, to address recent log4j2 rce vulnerability. Aside from the releases, dev activity has been focused on providing support for markdown inside JSPWiki. Currently we have a parser and a renderer, and we need to add support for both plain and WYSIWYG editors. For the latter, there's a refactor ongoing, which should be completed soon. 2 vulnerability disclosures were published and fixed in 2.11.0, we have a couple more, one being worked on, the other one still needing investigation. Finally there was a discuss thread on moving from jira to github issues, but got nowhere, so we'll stick with jira for now. ## Community Health: Traffic on both MLs had an increase compared with last quarter, due to both releases and the increased number of commits that were pushed this quarter. There is enough people to provide project oversight.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (8 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: We got to publish Apache JSPWiki images on Docker Hub, the SpamFilter gained the ability to ignore certain groups (admins, editors, etc.), some dependency updates. Finally, several PRs with minor code improvements from one contributor were merged into master. ## Community Health: A few questions (answered) on MLs, and enough people to provide project oversight. Project activity is low, but hopefully will spin up after 2.11.0 release.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (8 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: Quiet quarter, the only activity was regarding switching JSPWiki logging framework from Log4J to Log4J2 (JSPWIKI-795), and a few dependency updates. The work being done at JSPWIKI-795 was the last step towards 2.11.0, which should be released next quarter if all goes well. ## Community Health: Mostly silence as well, with a few questions (answered) on MLs. Most of the mail activity belongs to dependabot requesting updates for aws-kendra, a library that releases semver-patches almost daily. This updates have been silenced on dependabot so MLs shouldn't be take over by it anymore...
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (8 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 8 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:4. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - Craig Russel (Mar 2, 2021) and David Vittor (Mar 4, 2021) requested to step down as PMC members. ## Project Activity: This quarter hasn't seen too much activity, which has been mainly driven by 3 PR from 2 different contributors. Most notably, we got a new Search Provider, based on AWS Kendra [#1]. We still have another couple of PRs from contributors pending review, and a lot of PRs from dependabot featuring dependencies' upgrades. 2.11.0 still planned as next release, should not be too far away. ## Community Health: There's enough project oversight, although project activity is low. We are looking for some continuity on previously noted contributors, as they may end up becoming potential PMC members / committers. [#1] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=KendraSearchProvider
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (7 years ago) There are currently 14 committers and 10 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 7:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. Murray Altheim requested (Jan 5, 2021) to step down as PMC member due to being inactive for a long time. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. Murray Altheim requested (Jan 5, 2021) to step down as committer due to being inactive for a long time. ## Project Activity: 2.11.0.M8 was released on 2020-12-13, which featured fixes for problems on Searches and Workflows' persistence on disk, introduced on 2.11.0.M7. This release also contained features provided by community members: completed translations for french and german, and another patch reworking a previous fix in one of the plugins bundled with JSPWiki. After 2.11.0.M8, activity has been focused on attending several PRs created by the dependabot (dependabot configuration was provided by another contributor). We also got a contribution regarding the official documentation, where the Docker page got a big rework. 2.11.0 should be the next planned release. ## Community Health: There's enough project oversight, although project activity is low. We are looking for some continuity on previously noted contributors, as they may end up becoming potential PMC members / committers.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (7 years ago) There are currently 15 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: Almost no activity this quarter - we missed our release train stop because there wasn't any new code since last release at that date. - there has been a little bit of development after the release train stop date, regarding JSPWIKI-1114, JSPWIKI-1131 and dependency updates. - we received a security vulnerability report, but was dismissed due to issue having been already reported. - Infra asked us to migrate jspwiki-wiki.a.o to a newer vm image; progress can be tracked at INFRA-20807. ## Community Health: Although there is little activity, there's enough project oversight; questions get followed up on ML/Jira, and there's enough people to cut down a release.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (7 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. Glen Mazza requested to step down as a committer, due to inactivity last past years ## Project Activity: 2.11.0.M7 was released on 2020-05-28, featuring a public API while mantaining backwards compatibility with current 3rd party extensions, and workflows' state saved between restarts. After that we've had a very quiet quarter, with almost no questions on MLs, and no further commits. ## Community Health: There is enough oversight, with questions getting answered on MLs and enough people to vote on releases. Decline on MLs activity probably related to the absence of development post 2.11.0.M7, but it is not unusual for the project to have these kind of periods once in a while.
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (7 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: This quarter's project activity has revolved mostly around the following items * The refactor of WikiEngine, one of the core classes of JSPWiki (JSPWIKI-120) * The development of a public API for JSPWiki's custom extensions (JSPWIKI-303) * Other bugfixes and improvements Because of two first, we missed our release train stop this quarter, as in the moment of releasing the master branch, it wasn't backwards compatible with current 3rd party extensions. We should be able to release next quarter, though. The development of the public API also allowed us to add the possibility of including custom managers on the Wiki Engine (JSPWIKI-806) and the ability of swapping core JSPWiki classes (WikiContext, WikiEngine, WikiPage, etc.) with custom ones through an SPI, bringing up JSPWiki pluggability another step up. ## Community Health: There is enough oversight, with questions getting answered on MLs. The public API sparkled a conversation on how / when to break backwards compatibility, which ended up on specifying /clarifying our versioning proposal [#1]. We received one security report this quarter, but ended up rejecting it. One pull request merged into master, with 3 people committing into master. In order to foster / attract contributors, we also had an overhaul of documentation related to different ways of extending / customizing JSPWiki: - How to write plugins [#2] - How to write filters [#3] - How to write page providers [#4] - Starting point for developing custom extensions [#5] - JSPWiki's public API [#6] - Adding / improving translations [#7], [#8] [#1] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=VersioningProposal [#2] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToWriteAPlugin [#3] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToWriteAFilter [#4] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToWriteAPageProvider [#5] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page= StartingPointForCustomExtensions [#6] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=JSPWikiPublicAPI [#7] https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToI18n [#8] https://jspwiki.apache.org/development/i18n.html
## Description: The mission of JSPWiki is the creation and maintenance of software related to Leading open source WikiWiki engine, feature-rich and built around standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (6 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: This quarter we released 2.11.0.M6, which was mostly dev-oriented. It also contained one pull request from a contributor. Current development right now is also focused in a big refactor of one of the core JSPWiki classes (JSPWIKI-120). Current pace of development continues to be slow, as JSPWiki keeps being worked on free time. ## Community Health: This quarter has been a very quiet one, which shows up in the traffic decrease on both mailing lists. This could be in part explained because development itself has seen less movement this month, but having quarters with less traffic is not that unsual. Questions on MLs get answers and we have enough people to cut releases, so projects remains with enough oversight.
## Description: A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache JSPWiki was founded 2013-07-17 (6 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. - No new committers. Last addition was Dave Koelmeyer on 2016-04-06. ## Project Activity: 2.11.0.M5 was released on 2019-09-18, followeb by five vulnerability disclosures, fixed on that release. This release included JSPWIKI-1114, an external contribution noted on previous report. This quarter we've also had another vulnerability report which has been rejected. ## Community Health: Uptick of e-mails at dev@jspwiki.apache.org most probably related to 2.11.0.M5 release. Uptick of e-mails at user@jspwiki.apache.org due to more than usual amount of questions and follow ups on July. No questions unanswered on MLs, project remains with enough oversight, with usual slow pace of development.
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - As opposed to last quarter, this one has been quieter. 2.11.0.M4 was released, fixing a few XSS vulnerabilities, and there's been a some work towards 2.11.0.M5 which should be out on August. ## Health report: - We've seen some spike of activity at users@j.a.o, no questions unanswered on both mailing lists. We also received a couple of vulnerability reports, which are fixed on master and there was a third vulnerability caught by a committer, which is also fixed in master. Last but not least, we have an external contribution waiting to be reviewed at JSPWIKI-1114; it should get merged before 2.11.0.M5. On the other hand, development has been mostly carried out by a single committer, although that's not totally uncommon on the history of the project. TL-DR: project remains with enough oversight, usual slow pace of development ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - 2.11.0.M4 was released on Sat May 18 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - Little spike of activity on user@j.a.o at the end of the quarter, otoh dev saw less emails due to slower pace on development itself . - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 80 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 70 emails sent to list (132 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 165 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 37 emails sent to list (22 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 7 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard Java EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - This quarter we saw 5 vulnerability reports; 2 of them were declined. We ended up having the 2018/Q4 (2.11.0.M1) release on January, 2.11.0.M2 to address one of the vulnerability reports and not too much later 2.11.0.M3 to address the other two vulnerabilities. TL-DR: quite busy quarter for our regular pace. ## Health report: - We continue to have a slight decline of people subscribed to MLs. OTOH, we've had 5 vulnerability reports which somehow translates in people interested enough on Apache JSPWiki, and we were able to pull the releases, so I'd say there's enough oversight. Questions do get answered on MLs too. - Regarding contributions, we've received this quarter a couple of small PRs which made into master, and a TikaSearchProvider to index a whole lot more types of attachments (JSPWIKI-469), which should also get into master within a short time. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - 2.11.0.M1 was released on Tue Jan 29 2019 - 2.11.0.M2 was released on Fri Mar 08 2019 - 2.11.0.M3 was released on Mon Mar 25 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - As said above, we continue to have a slight decline of people subscribed. There's been an increase on mails sent due to the activity we've had this quarter. - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 80 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 132 emails sent to list (57 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 167 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 22 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 22 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 25 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Development focused on switching the baseline to 2.11, with a vote for the first release on it, 2.11.0.M1, happening on December. The vote did not succeed due to a number of issues found on the RC, and a new RC is expected on January. ## Health report: - No questions unanswered on MLs, with at least 3 people from PMC showing up there. No potential candidates for PMC/committership yet. - Slow pace of development, but nothing unusual. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.5 on Tue Sep 04 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - Normal quarter regarding ML activity, although we've been having a slow decline on subscribers on both lists, consistently for some months now. Not worrying, but worth noting (also, we are not sure on what to do other than keep working and answering on MLs...). - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 81 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 57 emails sent to list (51 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 169 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months): - 3 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - 2.10.5 was released on September, featuring page restore functionality to recover unsaved page edits on Haddock editor, improved usability for mobile and touch devices, a bug fix and a few minor things - We decided to switch to 2.11, meaning we'll probably broke some backwards compatibility. We'll also update to Java 8 and Servlet 3.1/ JSP 2.3 and finally switch to Haddock as the default template - Given that our current pace is slow, we'll probably release some milestones on the following quarters. This just means we'll haven't finished transitioning to 2.11, but the releases should be as usable as always. ## Health report: - No questions unanswered on MLs, with at least 3 people from PMC showing up there. No potential candidates for PMC/committership yet. - Slow pace of development, but nothing unusual. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - 2.10.5 was released on Tue Sep 04 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - Normal quarter regarding ML activity, as shown by the statistics. - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 82 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 53 emails sent to list (78 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 173 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 8 emails sent to list (26 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - 2.10.4 was released on May with better support for mobile devices on Haddock, some important fixes regarding caches / ACLs and a few more features and bugfixes. - 2.10.5 expected for August. - We received our first PR on Github. It didn't make it to master because of that same fix being included as a part of a subsequent commit, but our first interaction merits a mention. - New code has been mostly about fine-tuning Haddock template for mobile devices; also a fix for the default template and smoothing the build/release process. ## Health report: - No questions unanswered on MLs, with at least 3 people from PMC showing up there. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - 2.10.4 was released on Wed May 23 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - Normal quarter regarding ML activity, as shown by the statistics. - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 83 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 80 emails sent to list (83 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 174 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 26 emails sent to list (19 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 5 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Finally, we released 2.10.3 last February. It's been almost 2 years since 2.10.2, so a lot of features/bugfixes/improvements came through. - 2.10.4 is to be expected on May with a few bugfixes. ## Health report: - No questions unanswered on MLs, with at least 3 people from PMC showing up there. - Current PMC Chair asked for replacement, not for anything in particular, but because it has been a long time with the same PMC Chair. Nobody has stepped up yet to take the role. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - 2.10.3 was released on Tue Feb 13 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - Normal quarter regarding ML activity, as shown by the statistics. - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 83 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 85 emails sent to list (38 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 175 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 19 emails sent to list (59 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 4 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 5 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard Java EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Compared to last report, there has been an up-tick this quarter, where activity has been focused on these areas: * Initial support for Markdown: there is a new custom parser + renderer for Markdown, although not complete yet (see https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=Markdown%20Support for details) * Fixed a bug regarding the renderer cache (JSPWIKI-1064) * Tests were migrated from JUnit 3 to JUnit 4 * Generation of a test-jar, with several utilities to ease testing of JSPWiki custom components. - No questions unanswered on MLs, with at least 3 people from PMC showing up there. ## Health report: - Last report highlighted some ideas to increase contributions: * move to Github as primary repo: done; we're also encouraging the use of jspwiki as a topic on GitHub to increase contributions' visibility. * adopting something similar to a release train: we should release 2.10.3 next February. * lower committership barrier by granting commits rights to a) any ASF committer. b) any other people who simply asks for it. Other than discussing the idea, we haven't done anything, as nobody new has showed up yet.. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.2 on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 83 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 40 emails sent to list (39 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 176 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 52 emails sent to list (10 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - It's been another quiet quarter, with only a couple of commits needed to complete markup's parsing and rendering decoupling, so that other alternatives to JSPWiki markup parser / renderer can be used. - As something stripped from @dayjob, Markdown support will hopefully arrive next weeks (see "Markdown support" thread at dev@jspwiki.a.o for details [1]), at least for discussion and study. Scope and things remaining to be done still ongoing at dev@jspwiki.a.o ## Health report: - Another quiet quarter, but enough people from PMC show up to provide oversight. - Several ideas being discussed at user@jspwiki.a.o to increase contributions [2], namely: * move to Github as primary repo * lower committership barrier by granting commits rights to a) any ASF committer b) any other people who simply asks for it * adopting something similar to a release train, and release master every four months or so ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.2 on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 85 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 31 emails sent to list (39 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 178 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 23 emails sent to list (13 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1]: https://s.apache.org/KXQO [2]: https://s.apache.org/prGg
No report was submitted.
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Finally, our new website was released, based on JSPWiki's Haddock template. Most of the site is also managed by JSPWiki now. Apart from this, there have been three code pushes, regarding UI, fixing a bug and some work to ease the development of external parsers ## Health report: - Quiet quarter, with commits from three people on the different project git repos. - There's enough oversight of the project ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.2 on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - As noted before, this has been a quiet quarter, and this also reflects on a general decrease on both user and dev MLs: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 85 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 41 emails sent to list (111 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 178 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 16 emails sent to list (42 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard Java EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - This quarter, dev has mostly gone on UI bug fixing and refinements; also there has been some more general bug-fixing. - Work has finally started to move away from ASF CMS to a gitpubsub based one. New site is already developed at jspwiki-site git repo, with a Jenkins job to push any changes to the site, and awaiting at INFRA-13716 for the switch from the ASF CMS based site to this new one. - Once we have moved to the new Git-based site we plan to request that http://jspwiki.apache.org/docs should serve our wiki instead of the site, with the following objetives in mind: * as we can make main index.html perform a redirect, our wiki effectively turns into our main site, allowing us to further showcase JSPWiki (JSPWIKI-1030 related). * In the case of VM failure, wiki screwed or whatever failure that renders the wiki unusable, we still are in control and can switch to a static backup site easily and fast. * javadocs are still served through the git site, so they will still be browseable online. ## Health report: - There were commits from three people on the different project git repos. - No questions left unanswered on MLs ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.2 on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 86 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 105 emails sent to list (47 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 177 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 25 emails sent to list (36 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 12 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 15 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - This quarter has been a silent one, with all the activity mostly happening on holidays (roughly, second half of December, first half of January) ## Health report: - Apache JSPWiki remains as a 100% volunteer effort, so quiet periods like this one are not uncommon. There were commits from 2 individuals on this period. - This quarter should have seen some movement regarding the transition of jspwiki.a.o from ASF's CMS to JSPWiki. I voluntereed for this task, but have been totally away for almost all the quarter, so no progress here... - All questions on ML where answered, and there are enough people to provide project oversight. Finally, there weren't new blog posts on this quarter. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.2 on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - As outlined on the Activity section, this has been a quiet quarter, which reflects on ML statistics: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 87 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 47 emails sent to list (84 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 178 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 28 emails sent to list (30 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 7 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 6 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. There's enough people to provide oversight. ## Activity: - Source code was migrated from SVN to Git (+ its integrations) in order to ease contributions. - We've also talked about moving jspwiki.a.o from ASF's CMS to JSPWiki (https://s.apache.org/PFXI) as a) historically it's always been that way, and b) we could use it as showcase, having a separate wiki doesn't seem to be enough (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JSPWIKI-1030). I volunteered for the task (moving content, copyright compliance, asking infra) but haven't had time this quarter. Hopefully this will change on the upcoming quarter. - 5 new blog posts at https://blogs.apache.org/jspwiki/ ## Health report: - All questions asked on MLs where answered, with a few JIRA issues solved and some other fixes that went into trunk/master. - 3 JIRA issues fixes came from an external contributor. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.2 on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## JIRA activity: - 6 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. There isn't much activity, but enough people to provide oversight. ## Activity: - Almost no activity on this period, a few questions were raised and answered on MLs and a couple of bugs fixed in SVN at the beginning of the quarter. - A new blog was setup at https://blogs.apache.org/jspwiki/ followed with a couple of posts. ## Health report: - Project is stable / mature with a slow pace of development, although there's enough people to oversee the project (vote on releases, answer questions, etc.). ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months. - Last PMC addition was Dave Koelmeyer on Wed Apr 06 2016. ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months. - Last committer addition was Dave Koelmeyer at Wed Apr 06 2016. ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.2 on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - It's been a quiet quarter, although dev@jspwiki.a.o shows an increase in activity, it was caused by a generalised spam attack on ASF's JIRA. - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 88 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 170 emails sent to list (129 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 181 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 9 emails sent to list (67 in previous quarter)
## Description: A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - user@j.a.o held a thread named "Open Discussion - How to increasing JSPWiki publicity". As a result of that we know have one more PMC & committer, who is taking care of both project's Facebook and Twitter accounts. - A faculty member from Massachusetts approached dev@j.a.o asking for some tasks to be done, which could be used on a computer science senior seminar course. - 2.10.2 was finally released, which resulted into an increase of activity - Development after 2.10.2 has been focused mostly on improving JSPWiki's default template. - There were commits by three different people on this period. - We had one security vulnerability report, but it was dismissed. ## Health report: - Overall, the project is healthy, but with a slow pace of development. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - Dave Koelmeyer was added to the PMC on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - Dave Koelmeyer was added as a committer on Wed Apr 06 2016 ## Releases: - 2.10.2 was released on Sat Feb 20 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - Increase of traffic on both lists, on user due to the aforamentioned thread plus FB and Twitter accounts, and on dev because of 2.10.2 + JIRA activity. - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 88 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 131 emails sent to list (38 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 180 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months): - 74 emails sent to list (20 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 12 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard JEE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - Although almost no dev activity on this quarter (see below), we think there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Almost no SVN activity this quarter. - Release 2.10.2 blocked due to developers' lack of time on the project, (due to being developed on a free-time basis) holidays, etc., but should be doable on this quarter. - No questions unattended/unanswered on MLs. ## Health report: - Although there hasn't been almost any development activity this quarter, we don't think there's reason to concern: Project is stable / mature with a slow pace of development, plus there's enough people to oversee the project (vote on releases, answer questions, etc.). - Activity is expected to be picked up once we release 2.10.2. ## PMC changes: - Currently 10 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was David Vittor on Fri Jan 23 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 15 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was David Vittor at Fri Jan 02 2015 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.1 on Thu May 29 2014 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 86 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 40 emails sent to list (132 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 177 subscribers (up 5 in the last 3 months): - 29 emails sent to list (27 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 4 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Quiet quarter regarding ML activity, although conversations on releasing 2.10.2 spun quite a burst of activity to include new functionality for this release. - We have to retake conversation on releasing 2.10.2. There shouldn't be too much trouble with it. ## Health report: - As said before, it has been a quiet quarter, but this happens from time to time; all JSPWiki developers work on it on their free time, plus this quarter we've had few questions on MLs, hence little activity. - There is still plenty enough people to answer questions / vote on new releases, etc., though. ## PMC changes: - Currently 10 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was David Vittor at Fri Jan 23 2015 ## LDAP changes: - Currently 15 committers and 10 committee group members. - No new committee group members added in the last 3 months - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was David Vittor at Fri Jan 02 2015 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.1 on Thu May 29 2014 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 84 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 107 emails sent to list (159 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 172 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 20 emails sent to list (105 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 21 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 17 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Activity: - Started conversations about releasing 2.10.2, which should happen soon. - Last month saw a burst of activity at user's ML. - New SVN branch created to introduce PicoContainer to handle dependency injection. - Ongoing work on Haddock template, a new template/ui for Apache JSPWiki. ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## LDAP committee/Committership changes: - Currently 15 committers and 10 LDAP committee members. - No new LDAP committee members added in the last 3 months - Last LDAP committee addition was David Vittor at Thu Jan 22 2015 - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was David Vittor at Fri Jan 02 2015 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.1 on Thu May 29 2014 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 85 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 151 emails sent to list (124 in previous quarter) - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 175 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 93 emails sent to list (29 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 17 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 13 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: A feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). ## Activity: - Again, slow pace of development, including (but not limited to) some interesting functionalities committed into trunk: * Portable builds of JSPWiki. * Complete rewrite of AJAX functionality. * JSPWiki configurable via environment variables, which allows easy dockerization. - Few questions at user@j.a.o, with their follow-ups, with dev@j.a.o mostly containing JIRA notifications. ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## PMC/Committership changes: - Currently 15 committers and 10 PMC members in the project. - David Vittor was added to the PMC on Thu Jan 22 2015. - Last committer addition was David Vittor at Fri Jan 02 2015. - Glen Mazza resigned from PMC on 31/03/2015, we all thank him for his service. ## Releases: - Last release was 2.10.1 on Thu May 29 2014. ## Mailing list activity: - dev@jspwiki.apache.org: - 86 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 127 emails sent to list (60 in previous quarter). - user@jspwiki.apache.org: - 173 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 29 emails sent to list (14 in previous quarter). ## JIRA activity: - 5 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months. - 16 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months.
JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine == Anything the board should be aware of? There are no Board-level issues at this time. == Releases / Development Last release, 2.10.1, on 29th May, 2014 Regarding development, this period involved 7 JIRAs solved, most notable of them Wiki On a Stick functionality being merged into trunk. == Community Last Committer: David Vittor (dvittor), on 23rd Dec, 2014 Last PMC: David Vittor (dvittor), on 23rd Dec, 2014 This quarter we had another decrease on activity on MLs, with ~20 messages per month at dev@j.a.o, when compared to previous period (~50), and user@j.a.o also going back to ~4 messages per month (average of 10 on last period). Questions are being answered, though. 88 (-1) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 172 (-5) people subscribed at user@j.a.o
JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine == Anything the board should be aware of? There are no Board-level issues at this time. == Releases / Development Last release, 2.10.1, on 29th May, 2014 A quiet period regarding development, involving 3 JIRAs, fixes for 2 of them provided by community. == Community Last Committer: Siegfried Goeschl (sgoeschl), on 21st Aug, 2014 Last PMC: Siegfried Goeschl (sgoeschl), on 21st Aug, 2014 This quarter we had a decrease on activity on MLs, with ~50 messages per month at dev@j.a.o, when compared to previous period (~70), and user@j.a.o also going back to ~10 messages per month (16-17 on last period). 89 (+1) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 177 (=) people subscribed at user@j.a.o
JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine == Anything the board should be aware of? There are no Board-level issues at this time. == Releases / Development Last release, 2.10.1, on 29th May, 2014 Aside from efforts put into the release, it's been a quieter period than usual, although a contribution was incorporated into trunk and questions are being answered on MLs. == Community Last Committer: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Last PMC: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Back to normal levels of activity on ML, meaning a rough 30% decrease of activity at dev@j.a.o on this period, when compared to previous period, with an average of almost 70 messages per month, with user@j.a.o also going back to normal levels (16-17 messages per month, on average). 88 (-1) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 177 (+2) people subscribed at user@j.a.o
== Project Description JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine == Anything the board should be aware of? There are no Board-level issues at this time. == Releases / Development Last release on 1st Feb, 2014 As an effect of releasing 2.10.0, we've had several JIRAs raised, accompanied by their corresponding patches, 5 of them already on trunk. A 2.10.1 release is being discussed at dev@jspwiki.apache.org, which should fix a couple of issues found after 2.10.0; this release will also add the ability of loading plugins from an outside directory. Aside from this, there is work in progress on a new template / UI for JSPWiki and on having portable binaries. == Community Last Committer: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Last PMC: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 We asked one individual to join as PMC and committer, but the invitation was declined. One JSPWiki talk at ApacheCon, given by Siegfried Göeschl 2.10.0 release brought a rough 30% increase on activity at dev@j.a.o this period, with ~120 messages per month, with user@j.a.o also having a big spike this quarter. 89 (-3) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 175 (+0) people subscribed at user@j.a.o
JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine === Anything the board should be aware of? There are no Board-level issues at this time. === Releases / Development Last release on 15th May, 2013 Activity has increased this period, part because of public wiki published, part because 2.10.0 release is being pursued. A release vote for 2.10.0 was held, but didn't pass due to a couple of issues which surfaced during the vote. Those have been fixed, but we have taken the opportunity to include one contribution and fix other minor issues. 2.10.0 should be released this January. Development has also been associated to the migration of wiki pages from www.ecyrd.com/JSPWiki (former www.jspwiki.org) to our new wiki. === Community Last Committer: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Last PMC: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Activity has returned to it's normal levels at dev@j.a.o, whereas user@j.a.o continues with more or less the same amount of (little) activity. We have received a couple of contributions, the Clean Blue template, to be included on the upcoming 2.10.0 release and the EntityManager, which should be looked at after 2.10.0. We also received a couple of patches in this period, which have been incorporated into trunk. 92 (+0) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 175 (-1) people subscribed at user@j.a.o
JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine Anything the board should be aware of? --------------------------------------- There are no Board-level issues at this time. Releases / Development ---------------------- Last release on 15th May, 2013 Little activity regarding development this month. Development has been mainly focused on setting up our public wikis, which are near complete, pending for some redirections to be performed at infra, cleaning up the website now that we're able to edit the site, and fixing an issue regarding oscache to ehcache transition. Community --------- Last Committer: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Last PMC: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Almost silent month at dev@j.a.o, whereas user@j.a.o continues with more or less the same amount of (little) activity 92 (+1) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 176 (+1) people subscribed at user@j.a.o
JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine Anything the board should be aware of? --------------------------------------- Still having one issue noted on the past report, regarding the transfer of Incubator resources to TLP: we're currently unable to edit the website, unless we do it directly on production/ URL. Following up this issue with Infra at INFRA-6611. Releases / Development ---------------------- Last release on 15th May, 2013 Little activity regarding development this month. Development has been mainly focused on three points: replacing oscache with ehcache, simplifying JSPWiki configuration via a custom properties file and fixing the integration tests. The VM for the live JSPWikis has just been created, so work on setting up the wikis should begin shortly. Community --------- Last Committer: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Last PMC: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 dev@j.a.o had roughly a 35% less traffic than the previous month, whereas user@j.a.o had ~4 times more posts. These posts however, have been focused on 2 single questions. 91 (+0) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 175 (-10) people subscribed at user@j.a.o
JSPWiki is a Java-based wiki engine Anything the board should be aware of? --------------------------------------- Still having some issues transferring the resources from Incubator to TLP; currently unable to edit the website, except but doing directly on production/ URL. Following up this issue with Infra: INFRA-6577, INFRA-6611, INFRA-6492 and JSPWIKI-787. We're also looking forward to having a VM to host live (JSP)wikis with documentation, a sandbox and a general entry point to newcomers. Historically, these wikis have been were JSPWiki's community has built up. A couple of JIRAs filed to follow up this issue with Infra: INFRA-6580, INFRA-5588 and JSPWIKI-739. Hopefully by the time of the board meeting, these infra issues will have been resolved. Releases / Development ---------------------- Last release on 15th May, 2013 Some development has occurred regarding 3rd party libraries being upgraded, incubator references being removed, and some activity regarding issues pointed out by analysis.a.o. Community --------- Last Committer: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Last PMC: Glen Mazza (gmazza), on 04th Jan, 2013 Both dev@j.a.o and user@j.a.o seem to have a little more activity than when being at Incubator. 91 people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 185 people subscribed at user@j.a.o
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to JSPWiki, a feature-rich and extensible Wiki engine built around the standard Java EE components Java, Servlets, and Java Server Pages, for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache JSPWiki Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache JSPWiki Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to JSPWiki, a feature-rich and extensible Wiki engine built around the standard Java EE components Java, Servlets, and Java Server Pages; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache JSPWiki" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache JSPWiki Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache JSPWiki Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache JSPWiki Project: * Murray Altheim <altheim@apache.org> * Dirk Frederickx <brushed@apache.org> * Florian Holeczek <florianh@apache.org> * Andrew Jaquith <ajaquith@apache.org> * Glen Mazza <gmazza@apache.org> * Harry Metske <metskem@apache.org> * Craig L Russell <clr@apache.org> * Juan Pablo Santos <juanpablo@apache.org> * Christoph Sauer <csauer@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Juan Pablo Santos be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache JSPWiki, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache JSPWiki Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator JSPWiki podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator JSPWiki podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are hereafter discharged. Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache JSPWiki Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Java-based wiki engine JSPWiki has been incubating since 2007-09-17. Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. IPMC vote (?, currently running) 2. 3. Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? * We currently have open some JIRAs with Infra. Specifically, having INFRA-5588 (Ubuntu VM for JSPWiki) solved would be a great +1 in terms of community building, and would be a really nice way of entering TLP. How has the community developed since the last report? * Community graduation vote passed with 16 +1 (http://s.apache.org/uM) * There was a call for completing i18n files, which has been fastly addresed by community: Chinese, Portuguese, French, Italian, Brazilian and Russian language files have been completed completed by community * Mail activity has tripled previous quarter at jspwiki-dev, 2.9.1-incubating release and graduation being responsible of part of the increase of this activity. jspwiki-user traffic has decreased a bit, though. How has the project developed since the last report? * Apache JSPWiki 2.9.1-incubating released on May, 15th * 8 JIRAs resolved in this period * Switch to Maven as build tool almost complete * Upgraded some libraries Date of last release: 15/05/2013 Signed-off-by: [ ](jspwiki) Dave Johnson [ ](jspwiki) Craig Russell [ ](jspwiki) Henning Schmiedehausen [ ](jspwiki) Sam Ruby Shepherd notes: wave: JSPWiki is having a graduation vote which just moved to general@. I am +1. Well done! No report as of 7/7.
Java-based wiki engine JSPWiki has been incubating since 2007-09-17. Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. resolution acceptance 2. community vote 3. IPMC graduation vote Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? If the release vote of 2.9.1 is successful, we're thinking on discussing leaving the Incubator + graduate as TLP How has the community developed since the last report? Compared to the last period, the traffic on jspwiki-dev has been halved, whereas the traffic at jspwiki-user has increased slightly. 1 patch has been incorporated into trunk How has the project developed since the last report? 15 JIRAs resolved, ongoing vote to release Apache JSPWiki (incubating) 2.9.1 Please check this [ ] when you have filled in the report for JSPWiki. Signed-off-by: Dave Johnson: [ ](jspwiki) Craig Russell: [ ](jspwiki) Henning Schmiedehausen: [ ](jspwiki) Sam Ruby: [ ](jspwiki) Siegfried Goeschl: [X](jspwiki) Shepherd notes:
JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. JSPWiki has been incubating since 2007-09-17. Most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. community and IPMC graduation vote 2. resolution acceptance However, we feel that in this period we've strongly advanced towards graduation (cfr. below). Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? No such issues How has the community developed since the last report? - 4 patches incorporated into trunk - new mentor - Siegfried Goeschl - vote to ask Glen Mazza (gmazza@apache.org) as PPMC & committer passed, with Glen agreeing to join in. - The traffic on jspwiki-dev has kept growing these months, whereas the traffic at jspwiki-user has remained more or less the same. How has the project developed since the last report? Apache JSPWiki (incubating) 2.9.0 was released in December. 13 JIRA issues were also fixed in this period. Lastly, work on an API to expose JSPWiki internals has started. Signed-off-by: Dave Johnson: [ ](jspwiki) Craig Russell: [!](jspwiki) Henning Schmiedehausen: [ ](jspwiki) Sam Ruby: [ ](jspwiki) Shepherd notes:
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. Still following the objective of making the first Apache release: A few JIRA issues were raised in this period due to incorrect handling of external dependencies. They have been fixed, so there aren't any other technical issues blocking a release. A new RC and a release vote has been cast in jspwiki-dev, with 10 +1 (6 from PPMC members). However, we don't have any IPMC vote yet, so the release thread was forwarded to general on Friday 26th. It's likely that we will have our first Apache release during the first weeks of October. The main issues blocking graduation keep being the same as in the last report: resolution acceptance, community and IPMC graduation vote, the latter requiring at least one ASF release. The developer list currently has 91 subscribers; and the user list has 186 subscribers. Signed-off-by: jukka IPMC comments: See paragraph on JSPWiki in the report summary. -------------------- Kafka (introduced to Apache incubator on Jul 4, 2011) Kafka provides an extremely high throughput distributed publish/subscribe messaging system. Additionally, it supports relatively long term persistence of messages to support a wide variety of consumers, partitioning of the message stream across servers and consumers, and functionality for loading data into Apache Hadoop for offline, batch processing. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: None. We started a graduation discussion on our mailing list. This was slightly delayed due to focus on the development of the intra-cluster replication feature. Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware of: None. How has the community developed since the last report The mailing list continues been very active with bug reports, patch submissions, feature requests and use case discussions. [(Jul,Aug,Sep): kafka-users (155, 164, 126); kafka-dev (445, 532, 589)]. Received and reviewed several major patches especially in the 0.8 branch. How has the project developed since the last report. Intra-cluster replication (KAFKA-50): Development has been very steady on this feature. (Hence the double volume of emails on kafka-dev since the last report.) We set up a development dashboard at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+replication+development that gives an overview of the remaining work for that release. The vote for Kafka 0.7.2 is currently underway. This will be the third Kafka release after its introduction to Apache incubator. Signed-off-by: cdouglas, bmargulies
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. Still following the objective of making the first Apache release: 4 JIRA issues were fixed since last period, the project website has been revamped, and few other niceties & fixes have got into trunk (for example lucene library was upgraded to 3.6.0). 2 Release candidates have been made, but they didn't succeed because of technical issues. Hopefully the third RC will become the first ASF release. The main issues blocking graduation keep being the same as in the last report: resolution acceptance, community and IPMC graduation vote. Signed off by mentor: Shepherd: Jukka Zitting
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. As a result of discussing in the dev-list, the objectives for graduation have changed: the first Apache release will be based on 2.8 (package-renamed), which is battle-tested, being the plan to evolve from there. 4 JIRA issues were fixed since last period, and tests are now part of the main build. The main issues blocking graduation now are resolution acceptance, and community and IPMC graduation vote. Signed off by mentor:
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. There were 6 bugs fixed. And also some progress in the incubation process, the last open issue (JSPWIKI-636 Clean unit test builds) was also fixed. But still no activity to make an official Apache release. Very few developers seem to have time to dedicate for JSPWiki. There appears to be a lack of interest in the new releases, though there is still activity on the users list, which shows that people are using JSPWiki. The developer list currently has 93 subscribers; and the user list has 192 subscribers. Signed off by mentor:
2011 January JSPWiki Incubator status report JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. A few minor bugs were fixed. No progress in the incubation process. The project still needs to make an official Apache release. There have been discussions about the future of JSPWiki, considering the long "periods of silence" and the lack of progress in the incubation process.. Different opinions were ventilated, both positive and less positive ones with no clear outcome. The developer list currently has 90 subscribers; and the user list has 190 subscribers.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. Only a few minor bugs were fixed. No progress in the incubation process. The project still needs to make an official Apache release. Things have slowed down the last few months for an unknown reason. Also the mailing lists are very quiet. There is still considerable interest in the project. The developer list currently has 90 subscribers, no change; and the user list has 195 subscribers, no change.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. Quite a few bugs were fixed in the JSP tier. Slimbox was upgraded, various media formats are now supported so you can view youtube or facebook videos, other wikipages, or even external web-pages. Also support was added for multi-file uploads. We also added an experimental wysiwyg editor based on mootools. ReferenceManager was rewritten to use JCR UUIDs to keep references between pages. A couple of bugs were fixed and, and the unit test compliance has climbed from 96.8 to 99.3 %. Of the 28 items (1 was recently added) on the graduation checklist, 19 are complete, so in that area there has been not much progress, with the exception of fixing junit tests.. All open items are documentation and ASF process and infrastructure related. There still is no 3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release. It looks like things have slowed down the last few weeks for an unknown reason. The developer list currently has 88 members, an increase from 82; and the user list has 193 members, an increase from 191. = Lucene Connectors Framework = Lucene Connectors Framework is an incremental crawler framework and set of connectors designed to pull documents from various kinds of repositories into search engine indexes or other targets. The current bevy of connectors includes Documentum (EMC), FileNet (IBM), LiveLink (OpenText), Patriarch (Memex), Meridio (Autonomy), SharePoint (Microsoft), RSS feeds, and web content. Lucene Connectors Framework also provides components for individual document security within a target search engine, so that repository security access conventions can be enforced in the search results. Lucene Connectors Framework has been in incubation since January, 2010. A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation: 1. End-user documentation needs to be converted into a usable form; this is probably the biggest obstacle to developing a broader community at this point 2. Javadoc and nightly builds need to be set up 3. The first official release needs to be planned and executed Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware of? We'd like to know whether there is any official Apache position on inclusion of NTLM implementations in ASF projects, since we've gotten mixed signals on this from other developers. This represents a crucial piece of functionality needed to support LiveLink, Meridio, SharePoint, RSS, and Web connectors properly. [Ed: There have been discussions of NTLM IP issues on Apache Legal during 2008 and 2010. That is where the issue needs to be brought to a resolution.] How has the community developed since the last report? We've received several queries and comments from non-Apache developers recently. This is a good sign. There is also a Eurocon conference in Prague which will include LCF, where we will have an opportunity to introduce the project to a broader Lucene community. How has the project developed since the last report? The LCF site has been fleshed out, and much more extensive developer documentation has been written and linked into the LCF site. Preparations have also been made to pull appropriate build and execution dependencies in using Ivy or Maven. Javadoc is now available to people willing to build the project themselves. The project remains buildable and usable.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. Significant progress was made in Stripesifying the jsp's. We also introduced a new content-inspection package and integrated CAPTCHA. We upgraded to the priha 0.7.0-alpha release which passes all tests from the JSR-170 test suite, and offers better performance. A number of bugs were fixed and 27 new unit tests were added, the current unit test compliance has dropped a bit to 96.8 %. Of the 27 items on the graduation checklist, still only 18 are complete, so in that area there has been no progress. All open items are documentation and ASF process and infrastructure related. There still is no 3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release. The developer list currently has 82 members, a minor decrease from 86; and the user list has 191 members, an increase from 187.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. Development on the trunk has picked up again after the summer, with focus on three areas: improving the quality of the JCR back-end, completing the migration of the MVC presentation layer, and stabilizing the trunk now that the JCR back-end is in place. Progress on all fronts continues. Over the last quarter, for example, unit test compliance has risen from the low 80s to nearly 99.5%. Of the 27 items on the graduation checklist, 18 are complete. Two of the remaining items are documentation related: writing the charter and IP process documents. The most significant remaining task is to release a 3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release. With the increasing stability of the trunk, an alpha release in the near term looks increasingly likely. All other remaining checklist items are purely ASF process and infrastructure related. The developer list currently has 86 members, a minor increase from 83; and the user list has 187 members, an increase of nine people.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months, the JSPWiki community has not increased significantly. The developer list now has 83 names, one more than the last time, and the user list is now 178 people strong, eleven more than three months ago. We are completing the checklist on the graduation, but things have slowed down due to developers taking time on personal issues - some get married, some get children, some just enjoy holidays. JSPWiki is still fully a volunteer project, which shows. The checklist is kept in JIRA, at http://is.gd/1qkV8 Most of the checklist items are of practical nature rather than real showstoppers; there is some uncertainty as to when things can be called "done". The development of the 3.0 still continues in the SVN, albeit at a reduced speed due to the aforementioned issues.
2009 April JSPWiki Incubator status report JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months, the JSPWiki community has still continued to increase. The developer list now has 82 names, a modest increase from 72 the last time, and the user list is now 167 people strong, ten more than three months ago. The big push now is for our graduation. The biggest hurdles have been overcome: The packages are now called "org.apache.wiki" (please see Tomcat bug https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=46462 to see why we couldn't use org.apache.jspwiki); JSPWiki has switched to the Stripes framework; and we have switched to use the JCR backend (e.g. Apache Jackrabbit). As a result of a vote, the support for webdav has been dropped. The fairly old jsonrpc has been replaced by jabsorb. However, the trunk is in a fairly immature state. For example, it is not deployable at all, which means that nobody can yet use the trunk for its intended purpose. Our main concern is to stabilize the code to some state where it would be actually usable before making a release. The biggest slowdown is simply the fact that JSPWiki is (still) a completely volunteer- developed project, with nobody actually receiving any money for its development. While this is great in the sense that development is relatively easy to join, and communities are not overrun by corporate requirements, it also means that the committer's priorities often conflict with the object of speedy graduation. We are planning to have an "alpha" grade release as our first official Apache release, after which we should be fairly ready for graduation.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months, the JSPWiki community has increased somewhat, but the growth seems to level off. The developer list now has 72 names, a modest increase from 66 the last time, and the user list is now 157 people strong, five more than three months ago. JSPWiki 2.8 (an Apache-licensed version of 2.6) was made successfully, and even a couple of bugfix releases have been done. This means that work on the 3.0 - the first Apache-branded release - is currently strongly underway. A minor problem was encountered when a widespread bug in Jasper means that we cannot use our initial choice of "org.apache.jspwiki" as the package name without sacrificing compatibility with the majority of servlet containers. The community is still debating a couple of options. Graduation depends on: * Renaming org.jspwiki to conform with the org.apache naming scheme * Making a successful 3.0 release, which is currently being tracked at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JSPWIKI-461 * Making sure all the legal bits and pieces are in order (i.e. the status file)
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months, the JSPWiki community seems to still enjoy a steady increase. The developer list now has 66 names, an increase of 12%. The user list is now 152 people strong, a growth of 7% since the last report. The first beta of JSPWiki 2.8 (which is the Apache-licensed version of 2.6) has been released, and it is missing only a few key patches to be a full release. This, however, won't be an Apache release (as it is meant to be backwards compatible with 2.x series, which means keeping the old package structure). Despite of this, we're practicing the Apache processes of voting and approving releases. Graduation depends chiefly of three things: * Stable release of 2.8, so we can concentrate on 3.0 process * Making a successful 3.0 release, including * Renaming of all packages to org.apache.* * Taking the new API into use * Making sure all the legal bits and pieces are in order (i.e. the status file)
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months, the JSPWiki community seems to still enjoy a steady increase. The developer list now has 59 names, an increase of 15%. The user list is now 142 people strong, a growth of 18%. In addition, the JSPWiki PPMC and the Incubator PMC voted to add a new committer, Harry Metske, to the team. All LGPL dependencies have now been cleaned away from the code base, and all the code is now accounted for, either under individual CLAs, corporate CCLAs or SGAs. The cleanup did unfortunately mean that some bits of the codebase needed to be re-implemented under the Apache license, delaying the work. JSPWiki 2.8.0 has entered the testing cycle with an JSPWiki 2.8.0 alpha build available to users and developers. This is not an incubator release as such, but is released through the old mechanism so that we can postpone the switch to the org.apache.jspwiki package structure until 3.0. The API development for 3.0 has also been started in the SVN and wiki. Graduation is not on the horizon yet. The code base is not yet migrated to use the org.apache package naming and there has not been an official incubator release yet.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. During the past three months since our last report, the JSPWiki community has grown nicely. Currently over 120 people are monitoring the user mailing list, and over 50 on the dev list. Apache JIRA has been integrated to our workflows, and the influx of patches seems to be growing steadily. The JSPWiki development has been moved to the Apache SVN, and almost all code has been relicensed under the Apache 2.0 license. A few files still remain under LGPL, mostly pending CLAs which have not yet found their way to ASF. During the past three months, the 2.6 LGPL branch has seen two bug fix releases using our old release mechanism, and the development for the 2.8 release is currently ongoing in the SVN trunk.
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. The final JSPWiki LGPL release has been postponed due to a large number of security vulnerabilities that were disclosed to us right before the release, so unfortunately that has also delayed the move of the codebase under ASF's infrastructure. The JSPWiki user community is in the process of transition from outside Apache. There are close to 100 subscribers to the user list. The developer list has meanwhile continued growing, and new people have come forward with patches and expressions of interest on working on the code.
JSPWiki infrastructure has been moved over to Apache: the issue trackers and the mailing lists are now fully operational. We've also started the process of getting ICLAs and Software Grants from all the previous contributors who still hold copyright over the code. All committers identified in the original proposal plus the mentors have commit access and are on the private mailing list. The dev alias has attracted a couple dozen outside members. The final LGPL-licensed JSPWiki release is almost ready, after which we will start moving code into the Apache SVN. This is to minimize having to maintain two separate branches, one LGPL and one Apache -licensed. The questions on how jspwiki.org domain and the jspwiki.org websites should be transferred to Apache have not yet been discussed.
The project has kicked off with some basic infrastructure now in place. Mailing lists have been set up and subscriptions from the previous mailing lists are being transferred. The svn repository is ready for code. The JIRA project is set up. The initial committers have sent ICLA's and accounts have been requested.