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This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


21 Dec 2011

Termination of the Jakarta PMC

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
 interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Jakarta project
 due to inactivity
 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Jakarta
 project is hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
 oversight over the software developed by the Apache Jakarta
 Project; and be it further
 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Jakarta" is
 hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Jakarta PMC is hereby terminated.

 Special Order 7A, Termination of the Jakarta PMC, was approved
 by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

26 Oct 2011 [Rahul Akolkar / Jim]

Jakarta status report, October 2011. We have included a TLP resolution
for Apache JMeter for the board's consideration at this board meeting.

* General

This quarter, we reached consensus on the remaining three sub-projects
at Jakarta. BSF was moved to Apache Commons, Cactus was moved to Apache
Attic and we have a TLP resolution for Apache JMeter for the board's
consideration at this meeting. If the board approves the resolution, we
will then begin the steps to move JMeter to a TLP and subsequently, the
steps to shut down Apache Jakarta.

* Community

New committer: Philippe Mouawad (JMeter)

* Releases

 - JMeter 2.5.1 - Oct 3rd 2011
 - JMeter 2.5 - Aug 17th 2011

* Subproject news


Moved to Apache Commons last quarter, move has been completed.


Moved to Apache Commons this quarter, move has been completed.

* Cactus

Moved to Apache Attic this quarter, move has been completed.


Moved to Apache Commons last quarter, move has been completed.

* JMeter

Active user list and Bugzilla component. Many bug fixes and improvements
this quarter. One new committer this quarter. We have voted to propose
JMeter as a TLP this quarter. Released JMeter 2.5.1 on Oct 3rd 2011,
2.5 was released on Aug 17th 2011.

20 Jul 2011 [Rahul Akolkar / Doug]

Jakarta status report, July 2011. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

* General
We voted to move BCEL and JCS to Apache Commons, who've voted to accept
these as Commons components. We have begun the tasks associated with the

Most of the tasks associated with moving Regexp to the Apache Attic have now
been completed.

* Releases
 - None

* Subproject news

One bug fix, some code style changes and couple of user list posts. BCEL is
being moved to Apache Commons.

No changes or notable activity this quarter.

* Cactus
No changes or notable activity this quarter.

No notable activity this quarter. JCS is being moved to Apache Commons.

* JMeter
Active user list and Bugzilla component. Couple of bug fixes this quarter.

* Regexp
Moved to the Attic. Regexp will therefore not be included in subsequent

20 Apr 2011 [Rahul Akolkar / Noirin]

Jakarta status report, April 2011. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

 * General
We voted to move Jakarta Regexp to the Apache Attic. The Attic PMC has been
informed and we are in the process of completing the move.

 * Releases
   - None

 * Subproject news

A few bug fixes were committed and some Bugzilla items raised.

 * BSF
No changes or notable activity this quarter.

 * Cactus
Couple of posts to the user list, otherwise quiet quarter.

 * JCS
No notable activity this quarter.

 * JMeter
Generally active user list. Quite a few fixes and enhancements have been
added to the code.

 * Regexp
Jakarta Regexp is being moved to the Apache Attic.

19 Jan 2011 [Rahul Akolkar / Doug]

Jakarta status report, January 2011. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

* General

We completed the moves of two subprojects to the Apache Attic: Jakarta ECS
and Jakarta ORO.

Few improvements were made to the website, including the Jakarta news feed,
by sebb.

We added one new PMC member, Milamber. Martin Cooper withdrew from the PMC.

* Releases
 - None

* Subproject news

One new issue reported, no other activity.

No notable activity this quarter.

* Cactus
Small number of posts to the user list and a thread about the Gump build on
the dev list.

Some user list and tracker activity, one new issue reported.

* JMeter
Healthy activity on the user list as well as in development and bug fixes.
Sizeable number of new issues opened in the tracker (25+), including a few
with patches from users.

* Regexp
No notable activity this quarter.

20 Oct 2010 [Rahul Akolkar / Roy]

Jakarta status report, October 2010. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

* General

After a couple of rounds of discussion, we decided to move two subprojects
which were in maintenance mode i.e. no new development was planned, to the
Apache Attic: Jakarta ECS and Jakarta ORO. We have asked the Attic PMC to
take over and as a result, we will no longer include a status on these
subprojects in future board reports. Most of the tasks associated with these
Attic moves have been completed.

We elected one new committer this quarter, Milamber, based on his
contributions to the Jakarta JMeter subproject.

* Releases
 - None

* Subproject news

Couple of mailing list posts. Some code cleanup done by Mark Thomas this

No notable activity this quarter.

* Cactus
Few posts to the mailing lists. Stefan Bodewig made some build changes to
allow building via Gump.

Moved to the Apache Attic in this quarter.

Some user list posts but no development activity this quarter.

* JMeter
Mailing list activity continues as usual. Improvements and minor bug fixes
to the code continue.

Moved to the Apache Attic in this quarter.

* Regexp
No activity - maintenance mode.

21 Jul 2010 [Rahul Akolkar / Sam]

Jakarta status report, July 2010. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

* General
The consolidation of the Jakarta subproject development mailing lists into
a single development list is now complete, thanks to the infrastructure
team. With this consolidation and the moving of Jakarta Slide and Jakarta
Taglibs subprojects to the Attic, we have reduced the number of public
mailing lists by 50% (from 24 to 12).

We continue to discuss potential new homes, with the Apache Attic being one
of the potential homes, for three more Jakarta subprojects: ECS, ORO and
Regexp. These have number of active users but no new major development

* Releases
 - BSF 3.1 was released on June 24th, 2010
 - JMeter 2.4 was released on July 14th, 2010

* Subproject news

Couple of posts to the user list and couple of new issues reported in
Bugzilla. The topic of a new release came up, and sebb made a number of
minor improvements to the code.

BSF 3.1 was released on June 24th. Other than the release activity, it has
been a quiet quarter on the mailing lists.

* Cactus
One new JIRA issue raised. No development activity this quarter.

No activity - maintenance mode.

Small number of posts on the user list. A handful of new issues (7) were
reported in JIRA.

* JMeter
User mailing list is still very active. There are quite a few regulars who
help out with answering questions. Continued progress on fixing some bugs
(e.g in JMS) and adding new functionality (SMTP) by sebb. JMeter 2.4 was
released on July 14th.

No activity - maintenance mode.

* Regexp
No activity - maintenance mode.

21 Apr 2010 [Rahul Akolkar / Doug]

Jakarta status report, April 2010. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

* General
We have voted to move two subprojects to the Apache Attic. Jakarta Slide
and Jakarta Taglibs showed very little activity over the past year or so.
After a discussion to gauge committer interest, we deemed it appropriate to
move those to the Apache Attic. We have asked the Apache Attic PMC to take
over. As a result, we will no longer include a status on these subprojects
in future board reports. Henri Yandell has volunteered to help move Jakarta
Taglibs to the Apache Attic. We are looking for a volunteer to help with
the move for Jakarta Slide.

We are discussing three other Jakarta subprojects: ECS, ORO and Regexp.
These have number of active users but no new major development planned. We
expect to present the outcome of this discussion in our next report.

As mentioned in the last report, we voted to consolidate all the Jakarta
subproject development mailing lists into one list. The progress is being
tracked in JIRA and infra intends to look at it soon.

* Releases
 - None this quarter

* Subproject news

Couple of posts to the user list and couple of new issues reported in
Bugzilla. No development activity this quarter.

A couple of JIRA issues have been fixed in the code for BSF3. The Maven
build has been updated to work better with automated build systems such as
Gump and Hudson, and the tests now work better on Java 1.6. No activity on
the BSF2.x code line.

* Cactus
Small number of posts on the user list. Couple of new JIRA issues created.
No development activity this quarter.

No activity - maintenance mode.

Small number of posts on the user list. Aaron Smuts continues to answer
most queries. Couple of new JIRA issues. There has been a discussion about
the next release. Thomas Vandahl has volunteered to do the release and a
move to using Maven2.

* JMeter
User mailing list is active as usual. More progress has been made towards
updating JMeter for Java 1.5, but no release as yet.

No activity - maintenance mode.

* Regexp
No activity - maintenance mode.

* Slide
Voted to move to Apache Attic this quarter.

* Taglibs
Voted to move to Apache Attic this quarter.

20 Jan 2010 [Rahul Akolkar / Jim]

Jakarta status report, January 2010. There are no issues requiring board
attention at this time.

* General
A majority vote to consolidate all the Jakarta subproject development
mailing lists into one list has passed. Accordingly, we have requested
Infra to help us merge the lists.

* Releases
 - None this quarter

* Subproject news

BCEL saw a recent surge in development activity during which a number
of bugs (10+) were fixed by Torsten Curdt. There has been a discussion
about a v5.3 release and a call for testers on the developers list.

2 JIRA issues relating to the website were fixed; otherwise no activity.

* Cactus
Quiet quarter, one new issue reported in JIRA.

No activity - maintenance mode.

Couple of issues fixed by Aaron Smuts. User mailing list sees a couple
of posts a week, most answered by Aaron.

* JMeter
User mailing list is active as usual. More progress has been made
towards updating JMeter for Java 1.5, but no release as yet.

No activity - maintenance mode.

* Regexp
1 issue has been reported & fixed.

* Retired Subprojects
 - Slide
 - Taglibs

Brief discussion between Justin and Rahul over the applicability of the Attic to retired subprojects.

21 Oct 2009 [Rahul Akolkar / Justin]

Jakarta status report for August - October 2009. There are no issues
requiring board attention at this time.

* PMC membership updates

Over the last three months, the Jakarta PMC has gone from being the largest
PMC in the foundation records to the second largest, from having 120 members
on the PMC to currently 87. A number of PMC members who no longer have a lot
of interest or time to devote towards Jakarta anymore have stepped down. At
the same time, we also checked with 28 PMC members who were no longer
subscribed to the private list, 2 of whom decided to stay on and subscribe.

* Releases

 - BSF 3.0 (October 9th)

* Subproject news

Occasional post to the user list, in maintenance mode. Dave Brosius has made
a number of code improvements in the last week.

There have been discussions about a 3.0 release. There has also been
interest from Rony Flatscher in continuing the 2.x line of development for a
2.5 bugfix release.

There have been a number of improvements, an SVN reorganization and work
was completed towards a 3.0 release, mostly by sebb.

BSF 3.0 was released on October 9th.

* Cactus
A couple of user list posts, no development activity since last report.

No activity - maintenance mode.

The user list has been active, and a couple of bug fixes have recently gone
in. Aaron Smuts has been responding to user queries and making the code

* JMeter
JMeter has been the busiest part of Jakarta in the last three months.

Sebb continues to make many improvements. The code in trunk is being
upgraded to JDK 1.5 which has offered the opportunity for related
improvements. There have been a number of new Bugzilla reports, including
a few patches being proposed.

Some activity in bugzilla in September - maintenance mode.

* Regexp
No activity - maintenance mode.

* Taglibs
This is the last board report that will list Taglibs updates.

As reported in July, the Tomcat project will host three of the taglibs
(RDC, Standard, Extended) going forward and the rest of the taglibs have
been retired. Henri Yandell did most of the work to make this happen.

The SVN move for the three taglibs is complete. The websites have been
migrated to the site. Bugzilla and Gump have been
redirected. The taglibs-user list has been maintained and moved over to the domain name, while the main Tomcat development list will
now be used for contributor discussions. The taglibs-dev Jakarta list has
been closed.

Taglibs updates will henceforth be part of the Tomcat board reports.

* Retired Projects
 - Slide
 - Taglibs (partial)

15 Jul 2009

Change the Apache Jakarta Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Martin van
 den Bemt to the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Martin van den Bemt from the office of Vice President, Apache
 Jakarta, and

 WHEREAS, the members of the Apache Jakarta Project Management
 Committee have chosen by vote to recommend Rahul Akolkar as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Martin van den Bemt is
 relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
 office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Rahul Akolkar be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta, to serve in
 accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
 and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
 removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Jakarta Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

15 Jul 2009 [Martin van den Bemt / Doug]

Jakarta status report for June to July 2009.

Jakarta submitted a follow-up report to the Board last month. Therefore,
this report covers the last month of activity in Jakarta.

- New Chair -

The Jakarta PMC has voted in a new Chair, Rahul Akolkar. The corresponding
resolution has been submitted to the Board for consideration at the July

- Releases -

* JMeter 2.3.4 - June 21, 2009

- BCEL -

Occasional post to the user list last month - otherwise quiet, in
maintenance mode.

- BSF -

No activity to report since release reported last month (3.0 beta3).

- Cactus -

Few user list posts, one new JIRA issue. No dev activity last month.

- ECS -

No activity - maintenance mode.

- JCS -

Handful posts to the mailing lists, no development activity last month.

- JMeter -

JMeter user list is quite busy.

Sebb continues to make many improvements. There have been a few new Bugzilla
reports, most notable being a potential contribution in #47474.

JMeter 2.3.4 was released on June 21st.

- ORO -

No activity - maintenance mode.

- Regexp -

No activity - maintenance mode.

- Taglibs -

Henri Yandell continues to make many improvements to the Taglibs build and
the Standard and String Taglibs in particular.

Potentially, the active parts in Taglibs may move to be part of Tomcat in
the near future. Pasting part of Henri's recent email to the taglibs-dev

The general idea is:
* Move Standard, JSTL implementation, over to Tomcat. 1.0 would be
* Move RDC over to Tomcat.
* Start a new taglib (my new favourite name is Extended; ie: Apache
 Extended Taglib to complement the Apache Standard Taglib) that is built
 from the undeprecated parts of Taglibs that find favour. Some might be
 refactored from Taglibs to EL functions. Think the Commons Lang of
* Other taglibs to be retired within Jakarta and make their way over to
 the Apache Attic.

Accordingly, the Extended Taglib has been created in the Taglibs sandbox.

- Retired Projects -

* Slide

17 Jun 2009 [Martin van den Bemt / Geir]


Note: The board determined that the Jakarta report provided in May was
lacking in detail. This report seeks to address this criticism.

_From outgoing Chair, Martin van den Bemt_

It has been a while since I reported the last time. In june 2008 I
announced that I wanted to be replaced because of time constraints, with no
one volunteering. After that however I got caught up with what was
happening in my personal life and also was shutdown for over 3 months,
which ended up in a long period of silence. Now all major personal events
(positive I might add, so please don't worry) have passed, I however still
find myself fighting to find time (and energy) to spend at Apache.

In the light of this, I hand in my resignation as VP Apache Jakarta. To my
relief a discussion about the (in reality already effective) vacancy
started and some people stood up to volunteer to take over the position.

I myself regret the long absence and silence and I hope it didn't cause to
much worry and problems.
-- EOM --

_New chair?_

We are in the process of electing a new chair (voting is in progress).

Apart from the need to elect a new chair the Jakarta has no board level
issues at this time.


 * Cactus-1.8.1 - January 26, 2009
 * BSF-3.0-b3 - April 5, 2009
 * JMeter 2.3.3 - May 24, 2009

Subproject news


No activity - maintenance mode.


Did a 3.0 beta3 release to fix a bug for a user. Otherwise very quiet.
-- sebb, antelder


Cactus version 1.8.1 was released in January. This version fixes a number of
bugs, provides a maven2 plugin to cactify WAR and EAR files and a sample
application showing how to test EJB3 projects.
-- ptahchiev


No activity - maintenance mode.


There were a bunch of new features added at the end of last year. I'm in the
process of fixing a few bugs and plan to cut a tag for a new release in the
next month or so.
-- asmuts


Lots of fixes and incremental improvements have been made to the JMeter code.

JMeter user list is quite busy. There are a good few experienced JMeter users
who help out with user questions.

JMeter 2.3.3 was released on May 24.
-- sebb


No activity - maintenance mode.


No activity - maintenance mode.


Standard Taglib (implementation of JSTL) migrated to Maven2. All
non-deprecated Taglibs have migrated to Maven2.

Discussing possibility of Taglibs moving to Tomcat with the Tomcat PMC.

Random, Datetime and I18N taglibs deprecated (aka retired).

An RDC 1.1 release is planned next month.
-- bayard, rahul

_Retired Projects_

  * Slide

[Report edited and submitted by Scott Eade with contributions by many.]

A PMC chair resolution is expected for the next board meeting.

20 May 2009 [Martin van den Bemt / Bill]

=== Status ===

It has been a while since I reported the last time. In june 2008 I announced
that I wanted to be replaced because of time constraints, with no one
volunteering. After that however I got caught up with what was happening in my
personal life and also was shutdown for over 3 months, which ended up in a
long period of silence.
Now all major personal events (positive I might add, so please don't worry)
have passed, I however still find myself fighting to find time (and energy) to
spend at Apache.

In the light of this, I hand in my resignation as VP Apache Jakarta.
To my relief a discussion about the (in reality already effective) vacancy
started and some people stood up to volunteer to take over the position.

I myself regret the long absence and silence and I hope it didn't cause to
much worry and problems.

=== Releases ===

Not to my knowledge

=== Subproject news ===

==== BCEL ====

==== BSF ====

Did a 3.0 beta3 release to fix a bug for a user. Otherwise very quiet.

==== Cactus ====

==== ECS ====

==== JCS ====

==== JMeter ====

Lots of fixes and incremental improvements have been made to the JMeter code

JMeter 2.3.3 RC1 just has been submitted for community approval.

==== ORO ====

==== Regexp ====

==== Taglibs ====

Standard Taglib (implementation of JSTL) migrated to Maven2.

==== Retired Projects ====

The status report is inadequate for approval. Glad to hear that the PMC moves forward on finding their new Chair. Thanks to MvdB for his service to the community.

15 Apr 2009 [Martin van den Bemt / Geir]

Sander takes the action item to call Martin, and to ask about the reporting, with the intent to get next months report on time.

21 Jan 2009 [Martin van den Bemt / Sam]

As expected things have been quiet across Jakarta. As with the rest of
the foundation the shock of Dion's loss was felt in September. Dion
was a major figure in Jakarta since the beginning of 2002 and was
still committing (to Commons) as recently as August.

The notice that board reports were missed led to a discussion of who
was still active in Jakarta, with at least a dozen PMC members
raising their hands. The following are subproject reports on
activity in the last 6 months:

 David Brosius and Torsten Curdt continue to work sporadically on
 BCEL. Bugfixes are applied, but no release since mid-2006.

 Sebastian Bazley made one commit. He and Rahul Akolkar had put in
 some work earlier in the year, but it tapered off for the second
 half of the year. The last release was in November 2007. Intent
 is to continue work on BSF.

* Cactus
 A large amount of work was done earlier in the year by Petar Tahchiev
 towards a release (version 1.8.0). He continued to work on the
 project through the latter half of the year towards a 1.8.1 bugfix

 Robert Burrell Donkin committed a bugfix and an enhancement supplied
 by a user. Along with a similar patch in mid 2007, these are the only
 changes since May 2003.

 Aaron Smuts has resumed activity on JCS and put in a lot of work in
 in the last 6 months towards a 1.3.2 release.

* JMeter
 Sebastian Bazley continues to put in huge amounts of work on JMeter.
 JMeter 2.3 was released in September 2007, with 2.3.1 following in
 December and 2.3.2 in June 2008. A 2.3.3 release is hoped for this

 ORO was last committed to in April 2006, with the last release being
 in December 2003. No activity in the last 6 months.

* Regexp
 Regexp was last committed to in March 2007 when the 1.5 version was
 released. Since then there has been no activity, however this is due
 to a very low level of reported bugs (4). If bugs are reported Vadim
 expects to react.

* Taglibs
 Some continued slow work on JSTL 1.1.3 by Henri Yandell in November
 had a leap forward with the donation from Robert Goff at IBM of a
 patch to bring the codebase up to the JSTL 2.0 specification in
 December. This needs to be tested against the TCK and released.
 In addition 2009 has seen Rahul Akolkar and Henri working on a
 migration of the majority of the undeprecated taglibs to Maven2
 along with the related site overhauls.

Sam to encourage Jakarta to rotate the chair assignment at this time.

17 Dec 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / Justin]

Justin sent an email to the PMC, and notes that this is not the first month a report has been missing.

If there is no report next month, we are going to suggest that the PMC find a chair who has adequate time to produce a report.

19 Nov 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / Greg]

Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta.

15 Oct 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / Greg]

Greg to pursue a report for Jakarta

16 Jul 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / Geir]


Since I have been very busy lately and will probably stay that way until the
end of the year, my reporting, oversight and onvolvement hasn't been at the
level of what is expected from a chair. I opted on the PMC list that it is
probably time to replace the chair after 2 years. Currently no candidates
are available to replace me. Although I don't have a problem staying on as
the chair, I feel uneasy about not completely being able to fulfill all my
duties on time. I do expect improvement in the next year, when most of my
big time consuming projects are over.


Sebastian cleaned up and updated the Jakarta website


06-14-2008 JMeter 2.3.2

Subproject news


There is interest from some Harmony people to get involved in getting active
on the project, since they are depending on it.


A user requested to get a patch applied and Robert volunteered to review and
when ok commit it.


Had one release in June, version 2.3.2.


There was a question from a user to the PRC about the fact that the 1.0.3
release of jstl doesn't contain a license file. The question of the user was
if she could assume that the 1.1 was active for that release. We replied that
the 1.0.3 indeed doesn't contain a license file and was intended to be
released under the Apache Software License 1.1. We suggested moving to the
1.0.6 version, which contains the correct license information.

Nothing to report :


25 Jun 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / Henning]

Henning to pursue a report for Jakarta.

16 Apr 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / Jim]


I like to thank Sebastian Bazley, Stefan Bodewig and Niall Pemberton (sorry
if I forgot to mention others) for helping out when I was not available.
For some of the lists there was only
one moderator (myself) and that single point of failure has now been solved
by 2 volunteers (thanks). I have been offline a lot lately (and having a
hard time catching up on the mail after that offline period) and will improve
communication about that, so people know that I am not available.


Jakarta Cactus 1.8 was released on 12-4-2008

Community changes

Petar Tachiev was added to the Jakarta PMC.
Roland Weber resigned from the Jakarta PMC.


Some development takes place and user questions are answered.


(Rony Flatscher)
As BSF 2.4 and 3.0 has matured, there is actually not much one needs to do, so
a "calm BSF" list is a good sign. There are a few little open issues, which
will be addressed.


Cactus had a new release in a long time, so it is very good to see that code
that is unmaintained can be brought back to life by enthouisiastic souls.
Release notes :
This version contains several changes in the
ant-integration module. More specifically we merged Cactus with the
Cargo project so that we can manipulate the containers with the Cargo
framework. We also migrated our build system to Maven, which brings a
new module separation internally in the project.


Patches are applied and user questions are answered.


Sebestian will update the ECCN page for JMeter and I will send over the TSU
A lot of activity and development as always

Nothing to report :


Retired Projects


The slide webdav client has been forked to sourceforge
( by a user.

19 Mar 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / Sam]

Sam to follow up on the missing report

16 Jan 2008 [Martin van den Bemt / J. Aaron]

== December 2007 Board Report ==

=== Status ===

The downsizing of Jakarta continued this quarter.
HttpComponents became TLP and has finished moving all the resources
to their own TLP. We wish them all the best with their new identity!
Slide was retired (see Slide section for more details), with a notice
on the Slide page (see

The main focus this quarter will be (re)starting discussions about the
future of the mature components/libraries like ORO, Regexp, BCEL (maintained)
and ECS (not maintained)

=== Releases ===

 * 29 September 2007 - JMeter 2.3 final
 * 9 October 2007 - !HttpComponents !HttpCore 4.0 alpha 6
 * 7 November 2007 - !HttpComponents !HttpClient 4.0 alpha 2
 * 30 November 2007 - JMeter 2.3.1 final

=== Community changes ===

No changes in the community

=== Subproject news ===

==== BCEL ====

Has no active development, but is maintained. A release to support
jdk 1.5 is pending, depending if there is going to be feedback.

==== BSF ====

There is an outstanding request for the TCK for scripting.
Geir expressed the concern that this TCK could be part of the JDK 1.6
TCK and not independ. We are still waiting for the definitive answer
on this.

==== Cactus ====

Development has picked up after Apachecon Atlanta and Petar is
working towards a release.

==== ECS ====

No activity and not maintained. As with BCEL it is probably best to
retire the project or see if it can find a home at Apache Commons.

==== HttpComponents ====

HttpComponents released one alpha each for HttpCore and HttpClient
as a Jakarta sub-project. A TLP proposal was submitted for the
November board meeting and accepted. Starting December 2007,
HttpComponents submits separate board reports as a TLP.

By end of December 2007, HttpComponents is no longer using Jakarta
resources. Mailing lists, SVN, website, dist, and archive have been
moved. The HttpComponents Wiki still has Jakarta in it's name, but it
is a separate Wiki.

==== JCS ====

No developer activity going on at this moment, though there is user
activity on the dev and user lists.

==== JMeter ====

JMeter released 2.3 and 2.3.1 final.

==== ORO ====

Since the mature nature hardly any activity (it is maintained). There
are still a lot of users and bug reports are actively monitored and
acted upon. Since the library nature of the subproject it is
definitely worth investigating if Apache Commons can be the new home
for this library.

==== Regexp ====

See ORO.

==== Slide ====

Due to the lack of a developer community, Slide has been retired on
It is thus no longer actively maintained or supported by the ASF.
Subversion, Bugzilla, and one of the mailing lists will remain open
for a transition period.
Slide users will be pointed to Apache Jackrabbit as a replacement.

Every few weeks, somebody inquires about a separate WebDAV client
project on a mailing list of Slide, Jackrabbit, Commons, or
HttpComponents. There are some people, some of which are Apache
committers, who expressed some interest to put in some time, if
others are with them. But nobody seems to want to take the lead
and request a sandbox or lab project in which to start. The presence
of two separate codebases (Jackrabbit, Slide) from which one could
start doesn't help. Jackrabbit is alive, Slide is used in the wild.

==== Taglibs ====

Development is still taking place, although not at a high priority.
Bug fixing took place on the Standard Taglib and there is the
intention to make a final release after all bugfixing is done.

Geir owes them an answer re their TCK

Approved by General Consent.

19 Dec 2007 [Martin van den Bemt / Geir]

Approved by General Consent.

19 Sep 2007 [Martin van den Bemt / Sam]

=== Status ===

A discussion was started to merge HttpClient & Slide codebase (at least the
client part of it), but no further action was taken on a TLP proposal.
I like to thank everyone who helped out during my absence.

Oleg made a correction about the TLP proposal, that no action was taken  :

This is not quite correct. I put together a TLP proposal [1] but given
the fact only one Slide developer expressed _any_ interest in a joint
TLP we are currently considering reverting back to the original plan of
going TLP alone. Roland Weber withdrew his support for the proposal
given virtually non-existent interest on the part of Slide community


=== Releases ===

 * 7 July 2007 - !HttpComponents !HttpCore 4.0 alpha 5
 * 11 July 2007 - JMeter 2.3RC3
 * 20 July 2007 - !HttpComponents !HttpClient 4.0 alpha 1
 * 22 August 2007 - !HttpClient 3.1 final
 * 05 September 2007 - JMeter 2.3RC4

=== Community changes ===

Alf Hoegemark joined as a committer working on the JMeter project.

=== Subproject news ===

==== BCEL ====

Is not maintained. The user list is very low traffic, but people get their
questions aswered.

==== BSF ====

There was a discussion on the next steps after the BSF release. Userlist is
very low traffic.

==== Cactus ====

No development has taken place.

==== Commons ====

Commons has gone TLP and is currently not dependening on jakarta resources
anymore. At the time the commons TLP resources weren't setup completely,
commons still made use of Jakarta resources :
The Commons TLP release of CLI 1.1 was done using the Jakarta resources and a
couple of other votes were held on the jakarta private list, awaiting the
creation of the commons TLP lists.

==== ECS ====

A patch was applied by Henri Yandell to accomodate a user.

==== HttpComponents ====

HttpCore 4.0 alpha 5 has been released. Alpha 6 is scheduled for end of
September or early October and will introduce the last set of significant API
changes. We expect to release the first beta later this year.
The first alpha of HttpClient 4.0 was released and we're gearing up for the

HttpClient 3.1 final was released. It is expected to mark the end of the old
codebase. A little confusion about the HttpClient 3.x web site arose during
the Commons TLP move. For historical reasons, the web site was located under
/commons in Jakarta and got moved to the new TLP. The problems are resolved
now and the web site is back at Jakarta under /httpcomponents.

Discussions about HttpComponents going TLP continue on a low flame.

==== JCS ====

Not much activity since the 1.3 release. User list is active, but not high

==== JMeter ====

JMeter 2.3RC3 was released

Alf Hoegemark joined as a committer.

==== ORO ====

No activity needed.

==== Regexp ====

No activity needed.

==== Slide ====

Is not maintained anymore. The users seem to help out each other.

==== Taglibs ====

Henri Yandell has taken action to determine which taglibs should still be
supported and moved a couple of taglibs into deprecated state. Also a couple
of bug fixes were applied.

Approved by General Consent.

20 Jun 2007 [Martin van den Bemt / Aaron]

== June 2007 Jakarta Board Report ==

=== Status ===

Another 2 projects have left Jakarta to live on their own : POI and Turbine
and both of almost (or completely) finished the move. I like to wish the
projects the best and a very good and long lasting future. In a seperate
mail there is a TLP proposal for commons, which on acceptance will mean
that the biggest part of the Jakarta community have no direct ties anymore
with Jakarta. The focus after commons will be on the projects left at
Jakarta and see if there is possibility for them to go TLP or when
that is not viable or possible, find a suitable solution for those projects.
My explicit wish is that there will be no deadline for projects to move so
there will be enough time to find the best solution, instead of the quickest
solution. We owe that to all the people in those projects who invest a lot
of time and energy in those projects.
One of the big discussions that took place was about the future of Jakarta
and the thing we in majority agreed on (at least the people who spoke up)
is that it is worth to "save" the Jakarta brand. Since I prefer to spend
the energy and time I have in the projects that are left at Jakarta, I
decided not to invest time on what will happen to the Jakarta brand at this
time, simply because they deserve my time and energy and out of respect for
the projects that still currently have their existance at Jakarta.
If the board decides to not esablish the commons TLP, we need to go back
to the drawing table.

All in all : a lot is happening and a lot is going to happen in the months
to come. If there is reason to do so, I will provide extra board reports
besides the quarterly schedule.

Reports prefixed with MvdB are written by me.

=== Releases ===

  * 30 March 2007 - !HttpComponents !HttpCore 4.0 alpha 4 released
  * 4 April 2007 - Commons DBCP 1.2.2
  * 8 April 2007 - Commons Configuration 1.4
  * 18 May 2007 - POI 3.0 Final released
  * 6 June 2007 - JCS 1.3 released

=== Community changes ===

New committers, pmc persons, asf members and departures.

  * New Committers
    * Ben Speakmon was voted in as a Commons Committer
    * Alf Hogemark was voted in as a JMeter Committer
    * Asankha C. Perera was voted in as a !HttpComponents Committer
    * M. Johnson (although not new, his account was created just now,
      because of CLA problems). (POI)

  * PMC Members
    * Thomas Vandahl was voted on to the PMC
    * Danny Angus was persuaded to come back on the PMC.
    * Ant Elder was voted on the PMC.

Fixed the bookkeeping on the addition of Nick Burch to the Jakarta PMC (that
was reported in the December 2006 report.

=== Infrastructure news ===

The only things currently happening is the move of infrastructure for the
Turbine and POI TLP projects.

=== General project news ===

The Jakarta PMC has started to review all Jakarta projects whether they
contain or rely on cryptographic software and if they must be marked as
described on This is an ongoing process and
we expect some corner cases where we will need legal advice.

=== Subproject news ===

==== BCEL ====

No activity.

==== BSF ====

MvdB : A talk for Apachecon US was accepted (Rony Flatcher), which will
hopefully increase the user base (observation : since the user list is also
pretty quiet it can mean that BSF is bug free or it needs more users)
Community : The release of beta 1 of BSF 3.0 fell was done on 2007-04-16.
This is the version that brings JSR-223 (a.k.a. "Java 6 scripting framework")
to the Apache table: it allows de/employing the Java scripting framework
starting with Java 1.4 (the Sun implementation is only available starting with
Java 1.6/6, foregoing the entire pre-Java-6 installed base). ant has been
trying to get word on receiving the appropriate Sun TCK from Geir, but so far
no news can be reported here....

==== Cactus ====

The ip clearance finally passed, so Petar is now able to (re)integrate
his code into the cactus codebase.

==== Commons ====

A commons TLP resolution was sent to the Board at the same time of this board

31 March 2007 - vote passed to promote the JCI (Java Compiler Interface) to a
proper component (from the Sandbox).

  * Ready for a 1.2 bugfix release.

  * Gearing up for a 1.1 release.

  * 8 April 2007 - Configuration 1.4 released

  * 1 April 2007 DBCP 1.2.2 released

  * Gearing up for a 1.3.2 bugfix release.

  * Gearing up for a first 1.0 release.

  * Gearing up for a 1.3 release.

  * Needs someone to do a 1.1.1 bugfix release.

  * Gearing up for a 1.2 release.

 * Working towards a 0.7 release.

==== ECS ====

Nothing happened on the ECS front.

==== HttpComponents ====

Work on the first alpha of !HttpClient 4.0 has made good progress. We expect
release client-alpha1 and the matching core-alpha5 shortly.

There is currently no release manager for a potential !HttpClient 3.1 final
release. Since the RC1 was released only in March, this is not an immediate
problem. Bug reports are still dripping in, and bugs keep getting fixed. But
we'll need to find a volunteer eventually.

Various options to spin off !HttpComponents from Jakarta are being discussed.
This could improve the focus of the active members of the !HttpComponents

==== JCS ====
JCS 1.3 has been released. Thomas Vandahl acted as the release manager.

==== JMeter ====

Very active (as always) and gained a new committer recently.

==== ORO ====

Mature and therefor no activity needed.

==== POI ====
Released 3.0 Final.

Following a vote and board approved, became a TLP. Please see the POI board
report for more information on the move.

==== Regexp ====

Mature and therefor no activity needed.

==== Slide ====
MvdB (since I am considering myself Slide committer, this report is done
from that "position")
Codebase wise not much happening at this stage. Searching for future options
for Slide outside of Jakarta and one of the options is to merge the Slide
and HttpComponents communities. Setting up a proposal for the community to
discuss and vote on will soon follow. Goal is to not split up the Slide
server and client codebase and have the client build on top of the new
HttpComponents version. We suffer from lack of cycles to spare (meaning the

==== Taglibs ====
The possibility of consolidating all of the existing taglibs such that we
end up with three active taglib release units (Standard, RDC, "unstandard"
-- name TBD) was discussed, and there seems agreement (amongst the 5
developers who expressed any opinion) that this is a reasonable way to

==== Turbine ====
Turbine is in the process of going Top-Level. Site and mailing lists are
already in place. SVN and other stuff still needs to be moved. For the latest
update on Turbine I refer to the Turbine board report.

Approved by General Consent.

28 Mar 2007 [Martin van den Bemt / Cliff]


Activity seems to pick in projects that haven't been so active, so that's
really good news. Besides the releases and the code donation (see Cactus)
and the releases, there is nothing in particular that needs board attention
at this moment.
On a side note : I really hope we can go back to the 3 month schedule again.
If there is something out of the ordinary however, I will add an extra report.


* 13 February 2007 - Commons Fileupload 1.2 Released
* 17 March 2007 - Commons HttpClient 3.1-rc1 Released
* 18 March 2007 - Commons Transaction 1.2 Released
* 18 March 2007 - Jakarta Regexp 1.5 released

Community changes

Ant Elder - Voted as a committer for the BSF.
Stephen Kestle - Voted as a committer for Commons

Ant Elder - Voted as a committer for the BSF.


Currently in the process of voting on a new committer (Petar Tahchiev).
After this vote a vote will be started to finish the code donation
by Petar, for more details of the code grant, please see

Commons FileUpload

The release 1.2 of Commons Fileupload 1.2 introduces a new streaming API,
which allows to use the library with arbitrarily large files and an extremely
low memory profile.


Gearing up for a release of 3.0, which hopefully will be in a month or so's


Released 1.5 version of Regexp which brings number of known issues down to 3.
Dev and user lists are quiet.

Cliff will inform Jakarta that they can now switch back to quarterly reports.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Feb 2007 [Martin van den Bemt / Dirk]


This board report was mainly constructed by other people than me,
which is a big improvement (thanks everyone). I also moved the board
report to a fixed location on the wiki
(, so it's
easier to locate for people. The code grant for the not yet commons
SSL (formerly named commons-ssl), has been completed, so we can
progress to having a vote where SSL should end up on general and
based on that result take the correct incubator path (legal /
full incubation).

What is not completely clear for me at this point, is the board
report schedule. An extra report was requested (lack of commons
projects in the report). Reporting next month again will be a lot of
work, since my goal is to report on every subproject (even if there
is no or hardly any activity).

Inactive projects

Disclaimer : we have lot's of active projects !

Definition list :

Inactive project = a project that has no *developer* community.

The Apache Way :

To become committer on a project you have to earn that right, you
have to stand out, submit patches, show you care, learn the apache
way and have to get noticed by the current committers who can
nominate such a person.

Problem :

If that didn't happen enough in the past, it can happen that at a
certain point no developer community is active anymore.

Which causes :

A catch22 situation. Since there is no developer community, no one
is able to determine if people deserve to become a committer. Even if
you are monitoring such a list (such as I do for all Jakarta lists),
it is hard to determine if people deserve committership.

Solution :

The only thing we know for sure : inactive projects needs someone to
mentor the project to become active again. This goes for all possible
scenario's :

1. Actively support forks and when they show they are capable to work
  on the project, get the code back (needs mentoring, grants, etc)
2. More liberal in getting committers on board
3. Actively following the user / dev lists and issue trackers to see
  if there is someone ready for committer ship. (is the normal way,
  although the focus here is not if patches etc are technically

I like to prevent Jakarta becoming some kind of collection with
inactive project, so the first goal is preventing that this scenario
occurs on our current subprojects where possible. So I would like to
ask the current active developers to invest a little bit more time in
looking what others are doing.

I think this discussion is also useful to have on the incubator list.

   * 13 February 2007 Commons Lang 2.3
   * 13 February 2007 Commons IO 1.3.1
   * 30 January 2007 Commons IO 1.3
   * 30 December 2006 Commons Betwixt 0.8
   * 30 December 2006 Commons VFS 1.0
   * 19 December 2006 Commons SCXML 0.6

Community changes

New committers, pmc persons, asf members and departures.

PMC Members

   * Yoav Shapira resigned from the PMC

The following new commiters were voted in:

   * Yegor Kozlov (POI)
   * Luc Maisonobe (Commons Math)
   * Matt Benson (Commons JXPath)

Infrastructure news

Started to investigate the moderators we have and contacting all the
moderators asking if they are still active. If there are gaps, I will
try to fill the void by finding volunteers. This way we prevent that
lists aren't moderated.

Subproject news

Sections with a prefix of MvdB are notes added by the chair


MvdB :

Some user questions, further no action taken on the future of BCEL
(on the list is contacting the 2 currently exising forks out there,
to see if there is interenst in moving development back to Jakarta.
Afaik Findbugs and AspectJ have forks.


MvdB :

They are currently planning for a 3.0 release and for jsr223 they
are investigating to get the TCK. Geir is in the process of
arranging things.


MvdB :

Cactus development was stalled and recently Petar Tahchiev sent a
mail to the list, saying he had continued development of cactus on I
(=Martin van den Bemt) am currently in the process of informing
Petar on what actions to take (eg Code Grants/CLA/CCLA) to move
development back to the cactus project. When the paperwork is there,
we will run the code base through the incubator (at a minimum legal).


Switching from Maven-1 to Maven-2 gets closer - we can now build the
website from Maven-2. Next we need to look at how we would do a
release under Maven-2 and whether it passes our requirements.


* Inactive - No activity, no one watching it. Candidate for dormancy.
* Maintenance - No activity, someone watching it.

There are thirty-two components in the Commons 'Proper', that is the
released components.


Inactive - however the last release had an issue so a new release
ideally needs to be done.


Maintenance. A 1.8.0 release is slowly being worked on. Struts were a
major user, however they've moved on to using OGNL in their new version,
so the drive for a BeanUtils release is much lower than it has been


Just had a 0.8 release and currently actively maintained.


Maintenance. Used by a few projects (including Shale) and libraries,
but not widespread. Limited in scope due to awkard support for
conditional processing, so not likely to be aggressively enhanced.


Inactive. A 2.x version was close to release many years ago but then
the interested committers stopped committing. The 1.x version had
reached the end of its shelf-life, and though there are users of the
2.x version no one has shown interest in releasing it.


Maintenance. A few enhancements in JIRA, but nothing major to work


Maintenance. Some work started on a JDK 1.5 version in the sandbox
a few months back.






Active. A 1.2.2 release is coming soon.


Maintenance. A 1.1 release was made, and there really aren't that
many interesting issues to work on for a 1.2 release.


Maintenance. There are no bugs in JIRA, and no significant
enhancement requests; everyone seems content with the current


Inactive. A 0.4 release was made, and nothing new is planned.


Inactive. Its main use was in Tomcat, and it's not used in their
latest Tomcat 6.


Activity has restarted here and there may be a 1.1 release if it


Active. A 1.2 release is in the works now that IO 1.3 is released.


Active. A 1.3 release has been made. Mostly this was a case of adding
new functionality (some from the Sandbox Finder component) and fixing
some bugs. There was a screwup (method wasn't static as desired) so a
1.3.1 has also been released. There's no activity on a 1.4 yet, but
I'm sure there will be.


Not much activity - still in widespread use due to Maven-1, but this
is fading. Another notable user is JIRA who use it as their scripting


Jexl gets a little bit of development here and there and has been
reasonably stable recently. We keep threatening to start Jexl 2.


Version 1.2 has been the "current" release of this library for over
two years, which is testament to the overall stability of the code.
There have been a number of issues closed since 1.2 was released,
however, so a 1.3 release seems to be in the near future. After this
it will probably be appropriate to categorize JXPath as being in
maintenance mode: a new committer (Matt Benson) has stepped up to act as
its curator.


Lang 2.3 has been released this month. Active development is expected
to continue.


Inactive (2 years since a notable commit). A user did recently ask if
he could help, but it's likely this is destined for dormancy.


The Maven 2.x files for the 1.1 release were incorrect and a few bugs
have been fixed so a 1.1.1 release needs to be made. No one has
volunteered to be the release manager yet though.




Maintenance. Dims organized a release back in July, since then one
issue has been fixed.


Actively working on a 2.0 release.


Following a bugfix release, a rethink things a bit 2.0 release is in
the medium term planning.




On 19th of December version 0.6 of Commons SCXML was released. This
version included notable improvements towards processing of XML
namespaces in SCXML documents, custom Commons SCXML actions for
defining domain-specific vocabularies and Java serializability of the
model and executor instances. Commons SCXML is now also used to drive
an implementation of Shale dialogs (starting version 1.0.4 of the
Shale framework).


Some activity - slowly preparing for a 1.2 release.




VFS had its first release (version 1.0) at the end of 2006!


There are thirty-eight unreleased components in here. Nothing has
threatened to leave this status.


There are twelve components in here that are valid for dormancy
(finder + i18n spring to mind). Nothing in the sandbox currently
looks like it's close to moving to proper.


There was an email in 2006 (one thread all year) offering to start up
ECS2, but nothing after that. Inactive and ready for dormancy.


   * including Commons HttpClient

HttpClient 3.1 RC1 is being prepared. HttpCore-NIO 4.0 alpha has
been selected as the new transport layer for Synapse. Work on
HttpClient 4.0 alpha continues, but has been delayed as the focus is
 now on HttpCore-NIO.


MvdB :

JIRA notifications are send to the list now. Not much development
happening currently.


MvdB :

Active as always. The concern about the lack of committers for JMeter
in my last report is lifted by the fact that other people are still
involved, although don't currently have any cycles to spare.


Apart from the occasional regexp question, the ORO is inactive and
ready for dormancy.


MvdB :

Added Mark Thomas to the POI Committer list. Actively working on a
release, which is planned for the beginning of March. After that
release next steps will be taken in a move to TLP. All headers,
notices are up-to-date and the build process have been updated to
accomodate a correct release.


Apart from the occasional bug report, the Regexp is in deep


MvdB :

Activity is picking up and a potential other committer candidate was
introduced, which means more patches and more activity. I am also
currently investigating if I can use Slide for my self, so who
knows I will actually do some programming for Apache in the future :)


A 1.1.3 release of the Jakarta Standard Taglib is being worked on.
The RDC taglig has activity - however apart from that all of the
taglibs should be considered Inactive and available for dormancy.


The development in the trunk is slowly being revived. Active work
is done in some of the Fulcrum components (security).

Justin asked if a report would be due in two months following the quarterly schedule. Martin responded that the normal schedule would have been one in March.

Justin wondered if anything could be added by the board to the issue of so many "inactive" projects. Sam noted that a good rule would be that inactive projects need someone to mentor the project to become active again. Sander and the rest of the board agreed.

Approved by General Consent.

17 Jan 2007 [Martin van den Bemt / Dirk]

[ no report received ]

[ no report received ]

Martin to submit a report in February.

20 Dec 2006 [Martin van den Bemt / Justin]

First of all I like to mention that I haven't be able to spent the
time I wanted to spend, which is something I will try to improve.
I like to request special attention is given to the POI subproject
section in the report.
Another improvement should be that the majority of the report should
come from the community, which I am totally failing to delegate atm.
I will start actively persuing additions to the board report by our
Jakarta committers when events occur. I don't see this as a community
problem, the failure is completely mine.


Austin was my first visit to apachecon and it was a great experience
to meet the people I haven't met in person yet. One of the things I
had planned was the Jakarta BOF, where I had the idea to give a
presentation and get feedback on other peoples thoughts about
It gave me some more insight in projects I didn't have too
much knowledge about and the nature of the BOF turned out to be more
of free discussion and thought outlet.
On my todo list is to extract the points that were identified as
needing attention and send them to the general list for discussion.
Most important on that list is the identity of Jakarta, easy access
information of the state the projects are in and Jakarta being more
proactive of getting people aboard on the less active or non active
projects. Another idea the recently popped up is having experienced
mentors "assigned" to projects. With a 100+ projects this seems
like a good idea (see JCS for an example of this)


New pmc members:

Nick Burch
Roland Weber

Change :
Dany Angus requested to be removed from the PMC. Not acted upon this
yet, since he is an ASF member, a change in the committee-info.txt
probably is sufficient.

New committers :

Jurgen Hoffmann was voted on to be able to commit to Jakarta.
He earned this because of his devotion on Turbine.
Antoine Levy-Lambert, so he can work on Slide (on his own request and
voted on by the PMC).

Releases :

- HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha3
- Commons Digester 1.8
- Commons Discovery 0.4
- Commons DbUtils 1.1
- Commons Validator 1.3.1
- Commons HttpClient 3.1-beta1
- BSF 2.4.0
- Commons Lang 2.2
- Commons Configuration 1.3

Not yet project commons-ssl:

There were announcements on the httpcomponents list (and on the
tomcat list) about a release of commons-ssl, which in real life isn't
 a commons project at all, but an external project, with the
intention of joining Jakarta. An CLA is on file and currently an
envelope is on the way to Jim, since his employer wants to have a
signed copy back. I asked Julius Davies if he could start a proposal
on the Jakarta to discuss if we could sponsor the donation. The
thread kind of died and I will restart the thread when the paperwork
is handled.
place. Julies fixed the naming of commons-ssl by calling it
Not-Yet-Commons-ssl, with giving an explenation.
Link can be found here :

Projects (currently 15 main projects)


Bcel hardly has any activity and during the BOF I learned that
Torsten Curdt adopted BCEL. With the Google summer of code Torsten
mentored 1 person working on BCEL and BCEL supports 1.5 now.
It could be worth investigating if the 2 forks of BCEL that are out
there (Findbugs and AspectJ) can be merged back to BCEL itself,
however Torsten said that both forks probably don't want to invest
there time in a merge, since the current situation works for them.
Currently BCEL is considered legacy and since projects are using it,
it is still maintained. If there are signals of people wanting to
become active, we will definitely take that opportunity.


After about 4 years of no releases, BSF finally got their release,
which was in the Apachecon press release. Since the release things
have become a bit more quiet and the user list still points to fact
that not a lot of users have picked up on the release yet, since
there were problems with the downloadscript. It will probably also
take time to get the users back that were lost in the past by not
having any releases.
Personal note : I would like to thank the BSF committers for doing
a great job.


Cactus is currently unmaintained. There are still users, but most
questions don't get an answer. A lot of people also are wondering
if maven2 will be supported and with what j2ee versions cactus will
work. There is definitely work to do here (Cargo integration comes to


Commons has 33 proper, 11 sandbox and 16 dormant subprojects.

Currently there is a huge release boom going on at commons. After
past problems with votes not getting any attention I think things
have picked up for the better and most votes get attention. The
situation is still not perfect and still needs focus.


ECS is mature / dormant. The dev list had it's last noise in August.
The user list didn't have any traffic since April, which kind of
looks like there isn't a user base. Will make this an agenda item.


Currently has 3 subprojects : httpasync, httpclient and httpcore.
There is lots of activity from developers and from users. Also there
are regular releases.


As mentioned in previous board reports there was a vote about a
release, but no release has happened just yet.
Henning Schmiedenhausen offered to mentor the currently active
release manager Aaron Smuts. Besides that there isn't much
development activity in JCS. There is some user traffic and questions
get answered.


Lot's of developer activity and user activity at JMeter. The only
thing that is a bit worrying is that Sebastian Bazley is the only
committer. I've added this to my todo list to see if there are other
candidates to help him out.


Very little activity and no developer activity.
ORO is very mature. Added to the agenda to see where to go from here.


There is lot's of activity in POI on developer and user side.
Most of the work is done by Nick Burch. Recently a release
vote was held, without any visible result. By accident I stumbled on
the release announcement made on the POI user list.
There was no vote result posted, no checking of the release itself
and the PMC wasn't notified of that result.
There are currently several issues at POI :

- The Jakarta PMC Members that supposed to represent POI and thus
 (at least) giving oversight to what happens in POI, don't provide
 that oversight.
- It feels like they are acting as a separate entity in Jakarta and
 even the ASF itself.
- There seems to be some legal thing in place where people who want
 to become a committer need to "swear" that they are not under an
 NDA from Micrsoft about the office document format. At Apachecon
 I talked to Jim about this and he isn't aware of anything in place
 from the board pov (I can confirm that even from the PMC pov we
 don't have any records of those statements). Besides that we have
 an ICLA/CCLA to cover this situation.
- svn karma is separate from the rest of Jakarta, because of above
 legal reasons (in March there was voted to open up Jakart svn
 karma, POI objected to this, so there karma is handled separately.

With the release going bad, I decided to start a vote on the general
list to open up svn karma for POI.
The initial goal I have with this vote, is to make sure that they
finally completely join Jakarta, without any exceptions. As a side
effect it will remove the psychological barrier that exists when
it concerns POI. We trust them to with svn karma for Jakarta
and they don't trust us with svn karma. There shouldn't be a need
for distrust or this separation.
The thing I was warned for with this vote, is that the legal issue
would surface and indeed it did. The highest legal priority currently
is, at least in my view, the releases that don't conform to ASF
standards. If we solve that my next step was (based on the feedback),
starting with clearing up and fixing the legal situation for
contributing and committing to POI (if that is needed at all).
People in the threads refer to the Harmony case, where they require
something similar. The big difference is that the PMC handles this
and in the POI case no one handles this (at least to my knowledge).

The vote is still up untill next friday / saturday.

If there are any questions, let me know. Henri is monitoring and
participating in the thread and Jim was informed about the thread.


Very little activity and no developer activity.
Regexp is very mature. Added to the agenda to see where to go from


Antoine Levy-Lambert requested karma for Jakarta to be able to work
on Slide. Slide still has a user base, but is lacking developers, so
we welcomed his request. Antoine said he needed time to get into the
code base, so it might take time to get really productive.
User questions are mainly answered by other users and some questions
stay unanswered


Has 20 proper, 5 sandbox and 8 deprecated tag libraries.
Currently there is a discussion going about going beyond the spec
with the standards taglib. Some patching is taking place in the
standard taglib and in the RDC taglib. There are regular questions
on the user list and all questions are answered.


Turbine exists of 3 subprojects : core, fulcrum and stratum.
There is activity from multiple people (svn and wiki), but
Jurgen Hoffmann is the one with most cycled to spare for
Turbine development. User list seems healthy, where most
questions get answers.


The board approved the establishement of the TLP Velocity project.
Since you already 2 board reports about Velocity, I don't think
it's useful to add a status update. I am aware of the reports and
I have no items to add on the todo's of the move.

Sam (via pre-meeting communication) indicated his "kudos" on the POI move. Greg noted that any PMC change requires a board acknowledgement, even a removal. The "trimming" of the size of Jakarta was discussed, with Henri providing some information that things are still progressing well.

Approved by General Consent.

20 Sep 2006 [Martin van den Bemt / Justin]


First of all, and I think I can speak here for the whole Jakarta community,
I would like to thank Henri Yandell for his dedication and great job he has
done as our PMC Chair. I hope I can fulfill the job as good as Henri did.
Since Jakarta is quite big and therefor hard to track all activity, I
scheduled a BOF Session for the Jakarta Community. This BOF has a couple
of goals :
- Create an overview of Jakarta projects / community.
- Activity on components
- Possible future directions for Jakarta.
- Collect current issues, problems and worries about Jakarta

--- Releases ---

 * 11 September 2006 - Commons JEXL 1.1 Released
 * 4 August 2006 - Commons Attributes 2.2 Released
 * 1 August 2006 - Commons SCXML 0.5 Released
 * 31 July 2006 - Commons Modeler 2.0 Released
 * 27 June 2006 - Commons HttpClient 3.1 Alpha 1 Released

--- Community changes ---

New chair: Martin van den Bemt
New PMC Members :
  10 September 2006 - Rory Winston
  21 August 2006    - Joerg Schaible
  13 August 2006    - Dennis Lundberg
New committers:
   9 August 2006 - Kris Nuttycombe (commons)
   9 August 2006 - Andrew Shirley (commons)
   4 July 2006   - Thomas Vandahl (turbine)

--- Projects ---


We had a formal vote to retire Agila from the incbutor. The main reason for
the inactivity in Agila is that the development takes place in Ode. Still
need to do the official request to the incubator.


BCEL was part of the GSoC program. The student went half way through and now
BCEL trunk has support for JDK 1.5. Unfortunately the student did not pass
the finals.


BSF is heading towards a release. Currently they have prepared 2.4.0-rc2 and
expect to go final in about a week.


Commons Attributes

Leo Sutic, the main active coder for Attributes, decided to call it a day
and so a stable release (2.3) of the current code was made so as not to
leave lots of people sitting on a nightly build. Newer versions of Java make
Attributes obsolete and the component is now considered to be in maintenance

Commons JEXL

JEXL 1.1 was released with a couple of new features and bug fixes.

Commons JCI

Jakarta Commons JCI was part of the GSoC program. Maven integration and
support for more compilers was on the cards. Unfortunately the student did
not pass the finals.

Commons Modeler

Modeler 2.0 was released, especially to accomodate the Geronimo Team. It
contains a number of fixes and new functionality.

Commons SCXML

SCXML had is first official release, version 0.5.


Still need to finalize the move. Especially the website and the wiki are on
the list to be moved.


In early June we released Alpha2 of HttpCore.

HttpNIO has been made a sub-component of HttpCore as they will share the
same release cycle. The overall design of !HttpNIO is finished and currently
undergoing review. Parts of the HttpCore API are also subject to intensive
review as a result of the NIO activities.

HttpCookie has been redesigned in a first step.


Release 1.3.0 was voted on and approved. Expecting a release soon.


There was a discussion triggered by Oliver Zeigermann on the general list on
the future of the slide project. There is a lack of maintainers and because of
the complexity of the project, it's hard to attract new developers.


The Velocity project is making plans to become a TLP. See for the initial draft of the
proposal. Currently a vote is taking place on general & velocity mailinglist
for community approval of the TLP Velocity move. Proposed chair is Henning
Schmiedehausen.  On September 14th, we released beta1 of Velocity 1.5. We
hope to release RC1 after a mini-Velocity hackathon October 9 and 10.

Greg ask how and where the BOF mentioned in the report was being run? He will follow up with the PMC. Cliff noted that BOFs often do not end up on mailing lists but that it would be nice if this one did. Ken noted that the Jakarta report also mentions the delay in getting HiveMind "moved" to TLP.

Approved by General Consent

19 Jul 2006

Change of Jakarta PMC Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Henri
 Yandell to the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta
 Project, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
 resignation of Henri Yandell from the office of Vice
 President, Apache Jakarta Project;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Henri Yandell is relieved
 and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
 office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta Project, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Martin van den Bemt be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Jakarta
 Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
 direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
 Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
 disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 6B, Change of Jakarta PMC Chair, was approved by
 Unanimous Vote.

19 Jul 2006 [Henri Yandell]


This quarter saw HiveMind becoming a TLP - it is waiting on its infra
requests to complete its move. The proposal for JMeter and Cactus to
form a TLP was tabled by the board until the
following month (the meeting this report is for).

There was a lot of activity on the Jakarta General mailing list -
first passing a vote to merge SVN karma and then rejecting a vote to
move the Commons Sandbox up to the Jakarta level. The concept of
Jakarta containing a set of "Xxx Components" groupings has some
momentum, and there were various threads of discussion concerning the
chair's pushing of Jakarta to thinking of itself as a single community
and not a set of communities.

Struts suggested Tiles as a first component within a Web Components
grouping - but nothing has happened as yet. Geronimo are hoping for a
Commons Modeler release soon to help with their 1.1 release. There was
discussion as to how best to handle copyright dates - Cliff is aware
of this but we haven't brought it up on legal-discuss yet.


 * 15 June 2006 - Commons Chain 1.1 Released
 * 13 June 2006 - JMeter 2.2 Released
 *  8 June 2006 - Commons FileUpload 1.1.1 Released
 * 06 June 2006 - BCEL 5.2 Released
 * 14 May 2006 - Commons Collections 3.2 Released
 * 14 May 2006 - Commons Logging 1.1 Released
 * 08 May 2006 - Commons HttpClient 3.0.1 Released
 * 25 April 2006 - Commons SCXML promoted out of Commons Sandbox
 * 23 April 2006 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha1 Released
 * 13 April 2006 - Tapestry 4.0.2 Released
 * 03 April 2006 - Commons Pool 1.3 Released
 * 01 April 2006 - Tapestry 3.0.4 Released
 * 01 April 2006 - Tapestry 4.0.1 Released
 * 26 March 2006 - Cactus 1.7.2 Released
 * 24 March 2006 - Commons Validator 1.3.0 Released

---Community changes---

New committers
 * 26 March 2006 - Roland Weber (rolandw)

 * 27 March 2006 - Emmanuel Bourg (ebourg)
 * 14 June 2006 - Aaron Smuts (asmuts)

---Infrastructure news---

Subversion karma within Jakarta has changed this quarter so that any
member of Jakarta has access to any part of Jakarta with the exception
of Jakarta POI which has concerns over NDAs concerning its subject

Jakarta Commons and Jakarta HttpComponents both moved from Bugzilla to

---Subproject news---


The main contributors have left the project over the years.  Obviously
still quite a few users though. With a few people we managed so apply
the outstanding patches and close many bugs.  After 3 years we just
released BCEL 5.2 as a bugfix release.  Due to the lack of recent
activity at least 2 communites (findbugs and aspectj) are known to
have forked BCEL and maintain their own version. They have implemented
features (JDK1.5 support, speed and memory handling improvements) that
we would like try to port back.  A GSoC student is currently trying to
implement JDK1.5 and -if time permits- JDK1.6 support in
BCEL. Contribution happens through jira without a special branch. We
are in contact with the other communities. No one is excited yet - we
got positive feedback. They are interested in JDK 1.6 support as
well. We might have a chance to drag them back to BCEL. This could be
a good chance to increase the number of active committers
again. Hopefully we will see another relase after the GSoC.

Unfortunately only few PMC members (at least two) are on the
development list at the moment.

BCEL moved to maven2 as build system.


Cactus had a submission (regarding build Cactus with Maven 2 and
providing a Maven 2 Cactus plugin) for the Google's Summer of Code
initiative, but unfortunately it did not get ranked high enough to be
accepted. On the brigher side, the student (Petar) said he would still
want to contribute to the project, so we might get some activities in
that direction in the upcoming quarter.

We also had a nice patch regarding a new feature provided by a user,
but it has not been incorporated to the source code yet.

Finally, the Cargo integration has not been completed yet.

---Commons Chain---

Commons Chain released version 1.1. This contained a number of
enhancements and bug fixes, most of which had sitting in the
repository a while (initial/last release was December 2004).

---Commons Collections---

Commons Collections released version 3.2. This contained lots of bug
fixes and a few new classes. Collections is a widely used project
which doesn't have nearly enough releases (one every 18 months or
so). Hopefully we can look at creating a generics version of the
project before too long.

---Commons DBCP---

After several months of inactivity at the end of last year, bug fixes
have now resumed and a release plan for a patch level release has been

---Commons FileUpload---

Commons FileUpload released version 1.1.1. This was a minor
maintenance release to fix two bugs found since version 1.1 was
released in December 2005.

---Commons Jelly---

Jelly has had some active discussion and bug fixing development, as
well as upgrading the dependencies to a later version of dom4j and
jaxen. There are calls, but as yet no definitive plan for a release of
some of the taglibs and core.

---Commons Logging---

The long awaited JCL 1.1 was at last released. JCL has a tiny codebase
but is difficult to work on. It is used by a huge number of projects
both open source and commercial as well as being shipped with most
J2EE containers but the 1.0.x series of releases have some pretty
fundamental issues with (in particular) many implementations of the
later J2EE specifications. It is also unfortunate that JCL is forced
to work around deficiencies in these specifications. Though there were
only a small number of code changes, these were backed by much larger
quantities of analysis.

---Commons Math---

Commons math development continues with bug fixes and enhancements.  A
library including numerical linear algebra and analysis routines on
the commons math roadmap (as well as some other things) is being
considered for inclusion. The incubator IP clearance process will be
followed if the community agrees to accept the code.

---Commons Pool---

Commons Pool floundered last year. Too few active committers meant
that patches from developers were not being review. Pool is widely
used and its flaws unfortunately effected negatively many downstream
users. Thanks to the efforts of Sandy MacArthur, this situation has
been addressed and a 1.3 release cut. After some effort, the legal
hurdles were passed for the import of his composite pool
implementation (developed outside the ASF).

---Commons SCXML---

The Commons SCXML (State Chart XML) project has been promoted from
Commons Sandbox to Commons Proper. Commons SCXML provides a generic
state-machine based execution environment. It borrows most semantics
from its namesake Working Draft at the W3C. Anything that can be
represented as a UML state chart -- business process flows, view
navigation bits, interaction or dialog management, and many more --
can leverage the Commons SCXML library.

Commons SCXML was the most active component in the Commons Sandbox
repository and the Commons user mailing list for the last three
months. A first release plan has been drafted. At least one project
(in Jakarta Taglibs) will be immediately using Commons SCXML after its
first release.

---Commons Validator---

Commons Validator released version 1.3.0. This contained a number of
bug fixes for Validator 1.2.0 (released Nov. 2005) and a whole new
package of date/time/number validators.


The most important thing first: [WWW] HttpComponents has a shiny new
logo, mostly red with vertical violet lines adding some contrast and
matching nicely with the feather in the Jakarta logo.

Bug tracking has moved from bugzilla to JIRA for both HttpClient and
HttpComponents. A new Client HTTP Programming Primer in the wiki
simplifies the life of new users.

The release of HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha1 in April is to be
followed by an alpha2 in June. That is a prerequisite for Axis2
switching from a fork of HttpClient test code to HttpCore, making them
our first official user! Work on HttpClient 4.0 is making progress on
the coding front. For the time being, this component will also include
the cookie, authentication and connection management code to reduce
the overhead for release management.  HttpAsync has seen some design
documentation being added and will pick up on coding in the next

For HttpClient 3, there was a minor bugfix release 3.0.1. Work on the
3.1 release that will include the Cookie2 support from last year's
GSoC is in progress. Our apologies for the delay, but there is really
a lot of tedious work to be done to get HttpComponents up to speed, so
HttpClient 3 development had to be cut back to life support for a
while. Cookie2 support is expected to be the last major addition to
the old code base.


The JCS project added a new auxiliary--the JDBC disk cache. It's
highly scalable and is being used in production environments, backed
my MySQL. There were also a few small bug fixes. We also reduced the
number of dependencies to just two: util-concurrent and

We added a getting started guide and substantially improved the
documentation. We are working on improving the FAQ and the Remote
Cache Server documentation.

We held a vote for a release. Everyone was in favor, and we should be
taking the next steps soon.


Release 2.2 includes a lot of bug fixes and new functionality. We
decided to abandon Java 1.3 support with this release (performance on
1.3 was not good and some features did not work). There's still plenty
to do, as always.

Jim noted the forthcoming resolution for chair change. Henri reported that the testing.apache proposal is slumbering currently and that Dims is currently moving on with a Modeler release, the first result of having a single svn karma list.

Approved by General Consent

27 Jun 2006 [Henri Yandell]


This quarter saw HiveMind becoming a TLP - it is waiting on its infra
requests to complete its move. The proposal for JMeter and Cactus to
form a TLP was tabled by the board until the
following month (the meeting this report is for).

There was a lot of activity on the Jakarta General mailing list -
first passing a vote to merge SVN karma and then rejecting a vote to
move the Commons Sandbox up to the Jakarta level. The concept of
Jakarta containing a set of "Xxx Components" groupings has some
momentum, and there were various threads of discussion concerning the
chair's pushing of Jakarta to thinking of itself as a single community
and not a set of communities.

Struts suggested Tiles as a first component within a Web Components
grouping - but nothing has happened as yet. Geronimo are hoping for a
Commons Modeler release soon to help with their 1.1 release. There was
discussion as to how best to handle copyright dates - Cliff is aware
of this but we haven't brought it up on legal-discuss yet.


 * 15 June 2006 - Commons Chain 1.1 Released
 * 13 June 2006 - JMeter 2.2 Released
 *  8 June 2006 - Commons FileUpload 1.1.1 Released
 * 06 June 2006 - BCEL 5.2 Released
 * 14 May 2006 - Commons Collections 3.2 Released
 * 14 May 2006 - Commons Logging 1.1 Released
 * 08 May 2006 - Commons HttpClient 3.0.1 Released
 * 25 April 2006 - Commons SCXML promoted out of Commons Sandbox
 * 23 April 2006 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha1 Released
 * 13 April 2006 - Tapestry 4.0.2 Released
 * 03 April 2006 - Commons Pool 1.3 Released
 * 01 April 2006 - Tapestry 3.0.4 Released
 * 01 April 2006 - Tapestry 4.0.1 Released
 * 26 March 2006 - Cactus 1.7.2 Released
 * 24 March 2006 - Commons Validator 1.3.0 Released

---Community changes---

New committers
 * 26 March 2006 - Roland Weber (rolandw)

 * 27 March 2006 - Emmanuel Bourg (ebourg)
 * 14 June 2006 - Aaron Smuts (asmuts)

---Infrastructure news---

Subversion karma within Jakarta has changed this quarter so that any
member of Jakarta has access to any part of Jakarta with the exception
of Jakarta POI which has concerns over NDAs concerning its subject

Jakarta Commons and Jakarta HttpComponents both moved from Bugzilla to

---Subproject news---


The main contributors have left the project over the years.  Obviously
still quite a few users though. With a few people we managed so apply
the outstanding patches and close many bugs.  After 3 years we just
released BCEL 5.2 as a bugfix release.  Due to the lack of recent
activity at least 2 communites (findbugs and aspectj) are known to
have forked BCEL and maintain their own version. They have implemented
features (JDK1.5 support, speed and memory handling improvements) that
we would like try to port back.  A GSoC student is currently trying to
implement JDK1.5 and -if time permits- JDK1.6 support in
BCEL. Contribution happens through jira without a special branch. We
are in contact with the other communities. No one is excited yet - we
got positive feedback. They are interested in JDK 1.6 support as
well. We might have a chance to drag them back to BCEL. This could be
a good chance to increase the number of active committers
again. Hopefully we will see another relase after the GSoC.

Unfortunately only few PMC members (at least two) are on the
development list at the moment.

BCEL moved to maven2 as build system.


Cactus had a submission (regarding build Cactus with Maven 2 and
providing a Maven 2 Cactus plugin) for the Google's Summer of Code
initiative, but unfortunately it did not get ranked high enough to be
accepted. On the brigher side, the student (Petar) said he would still
want to contribute to the project, so we might get some activities in
that direction in the upcoming quarter.

We also had a nice patch regarding a new feature provided by a user,
but it has not been incorporated to the source code yet.

Finally, the Cargo integration has not been completed yet.

---Commons Chain---

Commons Chain released version 1.1. This contained a number of
enhancements and bug fixes, most of which had sitting in the
repository a while (initial/last release was December 2004).

---Commons Collections---

Commons Collections released version 3.2. This contained lots of bug
fixes and a few new classes. Collections is a widely used project
which doesn't have nearly enough releases (one every 18 months or
so). Hopefully we can look at creating a generics version of the
project before too long.

---Commons DBCP---

After several months of inactivity at the end of last year, bug fixes
have now resumed and a release plan for a patch level release has been

---Commons FileUpload---

Commons FileUpload released version 1.1.1. This was a minor
maintenance release to fix two bugs found since version 1.1 was
released in December 2005.

---Commons Jelly---

Jelly has had some active discussion and bug fixing development, as
well as upgrading the dependencies to a later version of dom4j and
jaxen. There are calls, but as yet no definitive plan for a release of
some of the taglibs and core.

---Commons Logging---

The long awaited JCL 1.1 was at last released. JCL has a tiny codebase
but is difficult to work on. It is used by a huge number of projects
both open source and commercial as well as being shipped with most
J2EE containers but the 1.0.x series of releases have some pretty
fundamental issues with (in particular) many implementations of the
later J2EE specifications. It is also unfortunate that JCL is forced
to work around deficiencies in these specifications. Though there were
only a small number of code changes, these were backed by much larger
quantities of analysis.

---Commons Math---

Commons math development continues with bug fixes and enhancements.  A
library including numerical linear algebra and analysis routines on
the commons math roadmap (as well as some other things) is being
considered for inclusion. The incubator IP clearance process will be
followed if the community agrees to accept the code.

---Commons Pool---

Commons Pool floundered last year. Too few active committers meant
that patches from developers were not being review. Pool is widely
used and its flaws unfortunately effected negatively many downstream
users. Thanks to the efforts of Sandy MacArthur, this situation has
been addressed and a 1.3 release cut. After some effort, the legal
hurdles were passed for the import of his composite pool
implementation (developed outside the ASF).

---Commons SCXML---

The Commons SCXML (State Chart XML) project has been promoted from
Commons Sandbox to Commons Proper. Commons SCXML provides a generic
state-machine based execution environment. It borrows most semantics
from its namesake Working Draft at the W3C. Anything that can be
represented as a UML state chart -- business process flows, view
navigation bits, interaction or dialog management, and many more --
can leverage the Commons SCXML library.

Commons SCXML was the most active component in the Commons Sandbox
repository and the Commons user mailing list for the last three
months. A first release plan has been drafted. At least one project
(in Jakarta Taglibs) will be immediately using Commons SCXML after its
first release.

---Commons Validator---

Commons Validator released version 1.3.0. This contained a number of
bug fixes for Validator 1.2.0 (released Nov. 2005) and a whole new
package of date/time/number validators.


The most important thing first: [WWW] HttpComponents has a shiny new
logo, mostly red with vertical violet lines adding some contrast and
matching nicely with the feather in the Jakarta logo.

Bug tracking has moved from bugzilla to JIRA for both HttpClient and
HttpComponents. A new Client HTTP Programming Primer in the wiki
simplifies the life of new users.

The release of HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha1 in April is to be
followed by an alpha2 in June. That is a prerequisite for Axis2
switching from a fork of HttpClient test code to HttpCore, making them
our first official user! Work on HttpClient 4.0 is making progress on
the coding front. For the time being, this component will also include
the cookie, authentication and connection management code to reduce
the overhead for release management.  HttpAsync has seen some design
documentation being added and will pick up on coding in the next

For HttpClient 3, there was a minor bugfix release 3.0.1. Work on the
3.1 release that will include the Cookie2 support from last year's
GSoC is in progress. Our apologies for the delay, but there is really
a lot of tedious work to be done to get HttpComponents up to speed, so
HttpClient 3 development had to be cut back to life support for a
while. Cookie2 support is expected to be the last major addition to
the old code base.


The JCS project added a new auxiliary--the JDBC disk cache. It's
highly scalable and is being used in production environments, backed
my MySQL. There were also a few small bug fixes. We also reduced the
number of dependencies to just two: util-concurrent and

We added a getting started guide and substantially improved the
documentation. We are working on improving the FAQ and the Remote
Cache Server documentation.

We held a vote for a release. Everyone was in favor, and we should be
taking the next steps soon.


Release 2.2 includes a lot of bug fixes and new functionality. We
decided to abandon Java 1.3 support with this release (performance on
1.3 was not good and some features did not work). There's still plenty
to do, as always.

Tabled due to time constraints.

15 Mar 2006 [Henri Yandell / Jim]

=== Status ===

This quarter has been quiet on the release front - nothing for a month and
a half - however there is a lot lining up for the next quarter.
Reorganization discussions are underway on general@ and commons-dev@
mailing lists and Tapestry is now a TLP (with this becoming
visible/enacted in the next quarter).

Other subprojects are worthy of mention on the TLP subject.

 * Slide is in favour of moving to TLP, but lacks the activity to get there.
 * Cactus/JMeter are in favour of proposing a TLP to the
   board - though again low on activity.
 * Turbine and Velocity are both against moving to TLP. One of those reasons
   is a lack of activity.

In the next quarter I intend to make some time available to help get Slide
and Cactus/JMeter to the point of a proposal.

==== Follow up on last months issues ====

 * The Silk name has been dropped and will instead be called Jakarta Web
   Components. I could never get a solid answer on trademark handling.
 * Inactivity. We continue to move forward in recognizing and labelling
   areas of inactivity.

=== Releases ===
 * 29 January 2006 - HiveMind 1.1.1 Released
 * 07 January 2006 - Tapestry 4.0 (final) Released
 * 28 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-3 Released
 * 23 December 2005 - Commons FileUpload 1.1 Released
 * 20 December 2005 - Commons Math 1.1 Released
 * 20 December 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 Released

=== Community changes ===

==== New Committers ====

 * Dennis Lundberg
 * Sandy McArthur
 * Max Pfingsthorn
 * Jorg Schaible

==== New PMC ====

 * Mario Ivankovits
 * Rahul Akolkar
 * Oliver Heger
 * Siegfried Goeschl

=== Infrastructure news ===

Alexandria mailing list shut down.

=== Subproject news ===

==== Commons Configuration ====
Commons Configuration 1.2 was released in December 2005. This release mainly
addressed some bugs related to file-based configurations and reloading
strategies. There were only a few new features, e. g. a new configuration
type or validation support in XMLConfiguration. At the moment work is in
progress on some often requested features, especially support for XPATH
syntax. So the next release will certainly be a feature release.

==== Commons FileUpload ====

After a protracted period of inactivity, FileUpload 1.1 was released just
before Christmas 2005. Future work on FileUpload is targetted at a 2.0
release, with associated necessary API changes.

==== Commons Net ====
Version 1.4.1 released in December 2005 to restore JDK 1.3 compatibility,
enabling VFS to be released as JDK 1.3 compatible.

==== Commons Math ====
Version 1.1 was released in December 2005.  This release included
numerous bug fixes and enhancements in the random data generation,
numerics and matrix packages.

==== Commons Validator ====
Validator 1.2.0 was released in November 2005. The main new piece of
functionality in this version had been in place for some time, however it
had been held up by the number of outstanding bugs. A concerted effort on
bugs (non-enhancement) in the second half of 2005 made the 1.2.0 release
possible and currently bugs are being tackled in a timely manner with a
validator 1.2.1 maintenace release planned shortly.

==== HiveMind ====

HiveMind has released version 1.1.1, which was a bug fix release.
Conceptual work for version 1.2 has started.

==== HttpComponents ====

With the stable release of HttpClient 3.0 a major milestone has been
reached. At the same time development of the HttpClient 2.x branch is
discontinued. 2.x users are encouraged to migrate.

Roland Weber joined the team of committers. He is working hard on
http-async. A lot of effort is going into the design of http-core and
http-async currently.

The content and design of new project website is shaping up.

==== Tapestry ====

- no report -

[chair] - Tapestry released the 4.0 release they've been building up to
for 9 months or so; agreed on the move to TLP and are hard at work on 4.1.
There's an interesting thread going on about whether to backport 4.1 fixes
to 3.x.

It was noted that since Tapestry is now a TLP, a request will be made to them to submit a report for next month's board meeting.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Dec 2005 [Henri Yandell / Justin]

=== Status ===

==== Follow up on last months issues ====

 * Commons BeanUtils. A better understanding of the issue now exists.
   6 methods (3 fixed by Niall by refactoring to use other code, 3 as
   yet unchanged) were introduced from a patch by Craig many eons ago.
   Geir's going to talk to Sun to ask what they would like us to do.
 * Commons HttpClient is to move to Jakarta Http Components.
 * The Silk naming issue for the desired Jakarta Web Components project
   is still unresolved.
 * Commons Sandbox. More sandbox'd components moved to dormancy.
 * Inactivity. Commons is actively discussing methods to improve the
   development process so it can grow its community again. Subprojects
   with a greater inactivity are not being resolved yet.
 * BSF PMC oversight is now resolved (there are 3 committers on the
   PMC now)

==== New issues ====

 * There were legal issues regarding the JCS codebase.  GPL (jisp),
   Sleepycat (berkeley db) and LGPL (jgroups) codebases were
   found. The former two have been deleted, the LGPL dependency (an
   optional feature) has not currently been deleted. Waiting for
   Cliff's official LGPL statement.
 * There was a legal-come-personal issue to do with the POI mailing
   list. At least some of the board should be aware of this and the
   PMC is waiting on a draft question to be written for
 * I am actively pushing subprojects to move to TLP, with the intent
   of making Jakarta more Commons-like so that Commons and the rest
   of Jakarta may fold into a single community.

=== Releases ===
 * 18 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-2 Released
 * 17 December 2005 - Commons Configuration 1.2 Released
 * 07 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-1 Released
 * 03 December 2005 - Commons Net 1.4.1 Released
 * 15 November  2005 - Commons Validator 1.2.0 Released
 * 14 November  2005 - Velocity Tools 1.2 Released
 * 13 November  2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-13 Released
 * 01 November  2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-12 Released
 * 26 October   2005 - HiveMind 1.1 Released
 * 17 October   2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-11 Released
 * 11 October   2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc4 Released
 * 10 October   2005 - Commons IO 1.1 Released
 * 09 October   2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-10 Released
 * 04 October   2005 - JMeter 2.1.1 released
 * 03 October   2005 - Turbine M.E.T.A. 1.3 Released
 * 03 October   2005 - Turbine 2.3.2 Released
 * 25 September 2005 - Tapestry 1.1-beta-8 Released
 * 24 September 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-rc-1 Released
 * 19 September 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-7 released

=== Community changes ===

 * 14th December 2005 - Jacob Lund (Slide)
 * 21st November 2005 - Andy Oliver (POI)
 * 26th September 2005 - Will Glass-Husain (Velocity)
 * 26th September 2005 - Nathan Bubna (Velocity)
 * 26th September 2005 - Felipe Lame (Taglibs)
 * 28th September 2005 - Rony Flatscher (BSF)
 * 28th September 2005 - Dave Brosius (BCEL)
 * 28th September 2005 - Knut Wannheden (Hivemind)
 * 28th September 2005 - Sanjiva Weerawarana (BSF)

==== New committers ====

 * 29th July 2005 - Kenney Westerhof (Cactus)
 * 6th October 2005 - Brian Stansberry (Commons)
 * 4th December 2005 - Jesse Kuhnert (Tapestry)
 * 11th December 2005 - Joerg Schaible (Commons)

=== Infrastructure news ===

 * Howard Lewis Ship updated the jakarta-site2 build scripts and
   stylesheets to generate a site RSS feed and to make it easier to
   add news items.
 * POI, JMeter migrated to SVN. All of Jakarta is now in SVN.

=== Subproject news ===

==== Commons Sandbox ====

Commons-CSV was recently added to the sandbox, based on a code grant from
Netcetera in Switzerland.

==== Commons Configuration ====

See next quarter. Only just released.

==== Commons HttpClient ====

 * 3.0rc4 was released in October as a number of small bugs continued
   to roll in since rc3.
 * A vote on 3.0 final has been held and a release should follow by
   the end of December.
 * Work on Jakarta HttpComponents has continued and should pick up
   following the release of HttpClient 3.0. Presently Jakarta
   HttpComponents committers are working toward the first ALPHA
   release of the HttpCore components, which will form the foundation
   of Jakarta HttpClient 4.0. The HttpCore components are currently
   undergoing a peer code review and are being optimized for
   performance and memory footprint

==== Commons IO ====

Commons-IO released version 1.1. This had a number of new features
including accessing the free space on a hard disk without using a
native call, and reading and writing line-based files.

==== Commons Net ====

No report. Will ensure it has one next quarter.

==== Commons Validator ====

No report. Will ensure it has one next quarter.

==== HiveMind ====

HiveMind has released a 1.1 final release.

==== Tapestry ====

Tapestry has attempted the unusual feat of regular, weekly beta
releases. Two new committers, Jesse Kuhnert and Kent Tong (pending
CLA), have been voted onto the project. A first release candidate for
4.0 has been created, and final 4.0 release is expected shortly.

==== Turbine ====

After two release candidates, the Turbine team released v 2.3.2 of the
Turbine framework. This is a bug fix release for the 2.3 branch of the
framework. Also an updated version of the Maven Environment for
Turbine Applications (M.E.T.A.) to support this version was released.

==== Velocity Tools ====

VelocityTools 1.2 was released to more publicity than its predecessor
thanks to an interview article on Yahoo's InfoWorld.  It incorporates
a wide variety of new tools, bug fixes, and miscellaneous improvements
and is fully compatible with the Struts 1.2.x series.  The release of
1.2 also frees the developers to begin experimenting more seriously
with some significant architectural changes.  At this point it seems
likely that the next version will need to be 2.0, though there is
still a possibility of a 1.3 release if Velocity 1.5 comes out soon.

The subproject continues to gain new users and would like to add
another committer or two if only some of our handful of erstwhile
contributors would step up their effort.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Sep 2005 [Henri Yandell / Ben]

=== Status ===

Various issues of note occurred this month:

 * POI legal issue (in bugzilla) - A POI contributor had submitted a
   Bugzilla entry that was based on documentation on a website that
   should not have legally been there. The attached files were
   removed by the admin and a suitable comment inserted. This legally
   issue is effectively closed as it's a big grey legal tightrope and
   all that's left to see is if the pain has put the contributor off
   of contributing again.

 * BeanUtils legal issue (in code) - Sam Ruby raised a concern over
   code in Commons BeanUtils described in the code as "Package
   private support methods (copied from java.beans.Introspector)",
   ie) were we legally covered.
   Based on the bug entry, Niall Pemberton rewrote the code in
   question (he was not party to the conversation on pmc@ though),
   which may or may not be enough, but was probably desirable from a
   technical point of view anyway. The issue is still open and being
   dealt with on the members@ and pmc@jakarta lists.

 * HttpClient renaming query - Commons HttpClient is seeking to move
   from Commons to a full Jakarta subproject. They're had their own
   mailing lists for a long time and this is something we should have
   done a long time ago. The name 'Jakarta Http' was raised and
   disapproval quickly voiced by other projects with whom it would
   cause confusion. Expect more on this in the next report.

 * Silk subproject - 'Apache Jakarta Silk' was chosen as the name for
   a new subproject to contain Web components. Various parts of
   Commons and Taglibs will form the initial codebase. The name was
   passed to the PRC who raised questions on potential clashes with
   other products/companies. This issue is still open.

 * Commons Sandbox - It's become increasingly obvious that the
   Commons Sandbox governance needs some attention. Discussions at
   the ApacheCon EU brought forth the idea of a 'commons/dormant'
   status, and many of the sandbox components have been moved to
   that. Various legal issues are becoming more well known, such as
   the need to sign software grants, and the recently added
   commons-proxy is in the process of that, and a new commons-csv
   component will be doing the same thing.

==== Inactivity ====

Managing inactivity is becoming a critical issue. The promotion of the
larger, more noticeably vibrant subcommunities from the Jakarta
umbrella has made it a lot more obvious where there are gaping holes
of inactivity. The community is reacting to deal with that, sometimes
naturally, sometimes with a nudge and on some occasions it looks like
we'll probably just need a state of dormancy for codebases. Here's a
quick list that affects 50% of the subprojects:

 * Taglibs. This is teetering dangerously close to inactivity. Three
   active committers, but they're largely focused on one or two of
   the components. The solution is going to be to move the active
   concerns to the Silk subproject and archive all of the inactive
   components. This community's coma is largely induced by the
   release of JSTL a few years back, a new standard that replicated
   much of the work that was there.

 * BCEL activity increased a lot, commits are largely from one person
   though there are other Apache committers replying on the lists.

 * Failure to improve BSF PMC oversight this quarter (chair's fault),
   a critical issue for the next quarter.

 * ORO, Regexp, ECS are all completely inactive. Watchdog and
   Alexandria are finished.

=== Releases ===

 * 08 September 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-6 released
 * 02 September 2005 - Turbine Stratum 1.0 Released
 * 29 August 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-5 Released
 * 24 August 2005 - JMeter 2.1 released
 * 23 August 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-3 Released
 * 17 August 2005 - Cactus 1.7.1 Released
 * 11 August 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-4 Released
 * 04 August 2005 - Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib graduated
     from Sandbox to Proper
 * 01 August 2005 - Right Commons-Cli 1.0 Jar Now In Java Repository
 * 26 July 2005 - Commons Betwixt 0.7 Released
 * 26 July 2005 - Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib 1.0 Released
 * 25 July 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-3 Released
 * 24 July 2005 - Apache Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.10-alpha Released
 * 10 July 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-2 Released
 * 28 June 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-2 Released
 * 26 June 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc3 Released
 * 25 June 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-1 Released

=== Community changes ===

==== PMC additions ====

 * Jul 17 - Brett Porter
 * Aug 21 - Peter Lin
 * Aug 21 - Sebastian Bazley
 * Aug 21 - Torsten Curdt
 * Sep 12 - Niall Pemberton

==== New committers ====

 * Jul 14 - Achim Huegen (Hivemind)
 * Jul 14 - Rahul Akolkar (Taglibs)

=== Infrastructure news ===

SVN Migrations:

    * Slide, Turbine, Tapestry, Cactus, Taglibs, JCS all done
    * POI, JMeter left to migrate

=== Subproject news ===

==== Agila (under incubation) ====

Slowly growing. 4 committers, August has seen 9 threads or so (with
patches) from a new user, so a nice sign there. Another project,
Twister, merged in relatively quietly in April/May.

==== Cactus ====

Cactus 1.7.1 Release: this was a minor release with some bug fixes and
minor improvements, specially in the Maven plugin.

The upcoming Cactus 1.8 will introduce major changes, like full
integration with Cargo and (hopefully) being built by Maven (or Maven 2).

==== Commons Betwixt ====

Commons Betwixt 0.7 Release: this was a feature release consolidating
a lot of new functionality added in the months since 0.6.

The ratio of users to active committers remains too low. More
developers but since patchers are interested in adding the bit of
functionality they need for their project, it's hard to convert
developers into committers.

Some interesting new directions coming from db and webservices at
Apache. Some interesting talks with members of the wider
start-from-java community but these may lead in novel directions.

==== Commons CLI ====

(* summarized from

The 1.0 jar file published on ibiblio at was overwritten at some
point by a snapshot of later code; therefore any project that uses
Maven to build code which declares a dependency on commons-cli 1.0 may
have downloaded and cached the incorrect file. The snapshot contained
a number of API differences.

The old 1.0 jar was renamed to commons-cli-20040117.000000.jar and a
correct commons-cli-1.0.jar put in place.

==== Commons Email ====

With a few remaining issues resolved, CfV for Version 1.0 is again
under way. The commons-email team expects a release in September.

==== Commons HttpClient ====

Apparently many users have started switching to 3.0 release
candidates, as bug reports have seen an increase recently. The team is
tackling the real issues and is looking forward to a stable release

During the development of the 4.0 code questions about a new project
scope arose and will eventually lead to a new name of the project. A
new [
project charter] is underway.

GSOC: The student Samit Jain has contributed substantial code to
support RFC-2965 (Cookie2). Development of this feature is still
ongoing on a separate SVN branch and will not be included before
release 3.1.

==== Commons Math (GSOC summary) ====

Xiaogang Zhang successfully completed his Summer of Code project,
contributing significant additions and enhancements to the
commons-math numerical analysis package and the beginnings of a
transform package.  Most of these improvements have been committed to
svn trunk and will be included in version 1.2.  Some of his
contributions are still in review / revision.  He also contributed
enhancements and bug fixes outside of the scope of his SOC project,
which will be included in the 1.1 release in preparation.

==== Commons Sandbox ====

 * Commons Exec started, seeded with code from Ant's Exec task.
 * Commons Proxy started (more info needed?)
 * Commons SCXML started, seeded with code from the Reusable Dialog
   Components (RDC) Taglib. Commons SCXML is a reference
   implementation of the
   [ W3C State Chart XML
   Working Draft].
 * Inactive projects have been moved to a dormant repository

==== Hivemind ====

(* No report from Hivemind, so notes from the chair. Hivemind will
  have a report in the next quarterly report)

Nothing obvious to worry about with respect to Hivemind. It's ticking
along with Howard, James, Achim and Knut all creating tasks/closing
bugs. It's releasing a steady stream of alpha and beta's to reach a
goal of a stable 1.1 release prior to Tapestry's next release. Looking
at the last quarter's report from Hivemind, the major item to report
is that Achim successfully became a committer.

==== JMeter ====

24 August 2005 - JMeter 2.1 released.
Release 2.1 includes an additional script format - smaller, more
 compact, more readable - based on Xstream.
There are updates to the JMS, JDBC, WSDL and XML processing.
Also a new config item, CSV DataSet for easier test parameterisation.
Still need to move code to SVN. The test migration showed up a few
 minor issues with the tool.

Sebastian Bazley and Peter Lin elected to the Jakarta PMC.

==== Taglibs (RDC) ====

Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib 1.0 was released on 26th July
2005. The RDC Taglib showed growing community interest over the months
preceding the 1.0 release, with multiple contributions from users and
it became evident that an initial 1.0 release would give users
something to work with. Accordingly, Jakarta now offers a framework
that allows speech, cross-channel and potentially, multi-modal
applications to be developed using existing web application authoring

The RDC release resulted in the RDC Taglib being deemed to have
graduated Taglibs Sandbox, and is now part of Taglibs Proper.

The activity around the RDC Taglib has also been instrumental in the
birth of a new Commons Sandbox component, Commons SCXML. We envision
the next minor RDC release to incorporate State Chart XML for the
dialog controller over a group of RDCs.

==== Tapestry ====

(* No report from Tapestry, so notes from the chair, Tapestry will
  have a report in the next quarterly report)

Tapestry 4.0 is the obvious target with 6 beta releases this
quarter. Howard brought up the desire to do weekly beta releases to
the PMC, which has raised some discussion that is not yet closed.

==== Tomcat ====

This is probably the final time Tomcat will be mentioned in a Jakarta
board report.  But just for the record, the Tomcat team plans to
complete its TLP move during this month.  That move includes both the
CVS repositories, which have already been partially migrated to SVN
outside the Jakarta SVN tree, and the web site materials.  We will be
putting up with dedicated download, mailing list,
and other pages.  We plan to replace the Jakarta pages that are
specific to Tomcat with a redirect to the pages, in
whatever the infrastructure team thinks is the most appropriate

This, of course, is no subtitute for a proper Tomcat PMC report to the
board.  One will be created and submitted as appropriate.

I personally and the Tomcat PMC team in general would like to thank
the Jakarta PMC for its help and support during the past years, and
for its assistance with the migration to TLP.

==== Turbine ====

2. September 2005 - Turbine Stratum 1.0 released

The Turbine team has decided to do some actual software paleontology and
prepared a release of the long standing Turbine 2.3.x component layer called
"Stratum". This release is intended as a closure to replace all the
alpha and beta versions floating around. There is no further development
beyond the 1.0 version planned.

Building an official release of this component will allow all users of the
Turbine 2.3 framework to build on a non-beta version and also give access to
official release documentation from the Turbine project web site.

11. September 2005 - Turbine 2.3.2 RC 1 available

12. September 2005 - M.E.T.A. (Maven Environment for Turbine
     Applications) 1.3 RC1 available

CfV for these two releases is currently scheduled for Mon, Sep. 19th.

Approved by General Consent.

22 Jun 2005 [Henri Yandell]

= Jakarta Report =

== June 2005 ==

=== Status ===

The major change for Jakarta this quarter is the promotion of Jakarta
Tomcat to Apache Tomcat, the next quarter should see this being
reflected on the website, mailing lists etc.

Last quarter saw a kickstart of the dormant BCEL subproject, which has
seen some minor improvements. Oversight is improved, bugs are being
fixed and some planning of the BCEL future has occurred.

The dormant BSF subproject has recently kickstarted itself, as may be
seen from the new committers listed below.  Discussion is increased,
though PMC oversight will need to be confirmed/improved in the next

Subversion migrations continue to move onwards, the ratio for
subprojects is 10 in SVN to 7 in CVS.

There is a proposal to create a new subproject to contain 'webapp
components'; small plugin features for servlet containers (such as
Tomcat). Various proposals for Commons components and the Taglibs
subproject are the impetus.

==== Goals for Q3 2005 ====

 * JCS and HttpClient still need to reflect their move to subproject level.
 * Taglibs, JCS, Cactus SVN migrations.
 * Tomcat to reflect their move to TLP.

=== Releases ===

==== June ====

 * 16 June 2005 - Commons-Jelly 1.0 Released
 * 13 June 2005 - Commons-Lang 2.1 Released
 * 12 June 2005 - Commons-Digester 1.7 Released
 * 03 June 2005 - Commons-Transaction 1.1 Released

==== May ====

 * 25 May 2005 - Commons-VFS graduated from Sandbox to Commons-Proper
 * 19 May 2005 - Commons-Daemon 1.0.1 Released
 * 17 May 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-alpha-3 Released
 * 07 May 2005 - Commons-Net 1.4.0 Released
 * 06 May 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-alpha-2 Released

==== April ====

 * 29 April 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-1 Released
 * 11 April 2005 - Tomcat 5.5.9 stable Released
 * 10 April 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc2 Released
 * 2 April 2005 - Commons Configuration 1.1 Released

==== March ====

 * 29 March 2005 - Tapestry 3.0.3 Released
 * 27 March 2005 - Tomcat 5.5.9-alpha Released
 * 25 March 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-alpha-3 Released

=== Community changes ===

==== New ASF Members ====

 * 26 May 2005 - Robert Burrell Donkin
 * 26 May 2005 - Vincent Massol
 * 26 May 2005 - Henri Yandell

==== New Committers ====

 * 23 April 2005 - Magnus Grimsell - Cactus
 * 4 May 2005 - Rony G. Flatscher - BSF
 * 27 May 2005 - Nandika Jayawardana - BSF
 * 27 May 2005 - Sanka Samaranayake - BSF
 * 9 June 2005 - Nick Burch - POI
 * 17 June 2005 - Amol Deshmukh - POI

=== Infrastructure news ===

SVN Migrations:

 * ECS complete.
 * BSF complete.
 * Hivemind complete.
 * Slide in process.
 * Velocity repo re-organized into a hierarchical fashion.

=== Subproject news ===

(based on projects that have had a notable event, ie) release, change of
location within Jakarta)

==== Commons-Configuration ====

The 1.1 release of Configuration contains a couple of bug fixes and
introduces some new features like web configurations, optional
configurations, or basic reloading support. In the future we plan to
further enhance these features and to perform some refactoring.

==== Commons-Daemon ====

Daemon had release 1.0.1, after more than a year after 1.0.0. Stop and
wait (until started) features have been added; Known bugs have been

==== Commons-Digester ====

Digester had release 1.7, about 9 months after 1.6. The changes are
pretty small; Digester is now a very stable library.

==== Commons-HttpClient ====

3.0 RC2 fixed a number of bugs and we will be having one more RC release
shortly as a few more have popped up.  Jakarta HttpClient is starting to
come together in SVN.  This work has been lead by Oleg Kalinchevski and
it's looking really good.  HttpClient 4.0 should prove to be a really
flexible, reusable, and powerful release.

==== Commons-Jelly ====

The previous release of Jelly had proven to be stable for several
months, and after the memory leak was corrected and underwent sufficient
testing, it was decided to release version 1.0 as a stable base on June
16. This is the first stable release of Jelly.

==== Commons-Lang ====

Lang 2.1 was released. It contains several bug fixes, a package name
change for compatiblity with JDK 1.5, a new mutables package, and
several new utility classes and methods.

==== Commons-Logging ====

No release yet, but work continues on commons-logging. Hopefully a new
release will be out within the next few months to address the long-term
user complaints about classloader issues when using commons-logging in

==== Commons-Net ====

Commons-Net 1.4.0 was released which contains a brand new date handling
mechanism. It also now contains an FTP parser for MVS, and the variety
of date formats which the FTP client can handle has been extended.

==== Commons-Transaction ====

Transaction had a final 1.1 which includes new features like deadlock
detection, more locking types and fixing of some oddities from 1.0.

==== Commons-VFS ====

This is the first Board Report with VFS out of sandbox. The decision to
cut a release now has been delayed as a bug report uncovered a problem
with filename encoding which needs to be solved.

==== HiveMind ====

HiveMind 1.1 has reached its first beta release; in addition, we've
switched over to Subversion for source code control.  We're in the
process of voting in a new commiter, Achim Hugen.

==== Tapestry ====

The upcoming release has been renumbered from 3.1 to 4.0.  We have
released additional alpha releases of 4.0 and are very close to a first
beta release, which will include portlet support and JDK 1.5 annotation
support. Meanwhile, the 3.0.3 bug fix release closed an annoying
security gap.

==== Tomcat ====

This has been an active quarter for Tomcat.  Work has been focused on
the 5.5 branch, which had several releases targeted at increased
reliability, performance, documentation, and bug fixing.  The 5.5.9
release was voted stable in mid-April, and has been gathering good
reviews from users since then: in fact, no significant issues have been
found with it.

In May, the Apache Software Foundation's Board of Directors also
approved the Tomcat team' request to be moved out of Jakarta into its
own top-level project.  Accordingly, this is the last Jakarta board
report which will include Tomcat: watch for the Tomcat PMC to address
its own reports to the board as required by foundation bylaws.  The
Tomcat team would like to thank the Jakarta community for its
outstanding support over the years: we plan to continue working together
tightly on issues and projects of mutual interest.

==== Velocity ====

Migration from Bugzilla to Jira approved.  OSGi packaging contributed
for Velocity core.

Approved by General Consent.

30 Mar 2005 [Henri Yandell]

1.1. January - March 2005

1.1.1. Status

The last quarter is most notable for the Lucene promotion to TLP and the
promotion of JCS from within the Turbine subproject to its own subproject
status. Lucene is cleanly separated now while the only infrastructure tie
left between Turbine and JCS will be handled when JCS migrates to Subversion.

On the promotion subject, HttpClient is still pending promotion to
subproject status and Slide is still planning on applying to be a TLP.

The Jakarta site saw a lot of cleaning and revamping. It now mimics the 3 column style and has had much in the way of superfluous
content removed. The download/mirror pages have been redesigned to increase
usability for both subprojects and users. This includes these board reports
being available online at

Release-wise, continued Tomcat and Commons releases were joined by new alpha
releases from the Tapestry and Hivemind communities.

Various legal-discussions have been spawned by Jakarta this quarter.
Apache's lack of oversight over unofficial translation sites, questions over
how to handle the ASF licence with javadoc pages and usage of government
public domain software. All are still not fully resolved at this stage. Very
recently there have been more branding issues with JBoss and Tomcat due to
an SD Magazine press release.

Lastly, JetBrains have agreed to provide licences to their IDE, "Intellij
IDEA", on an Apache-wide committer basis and not per subproject/codebase. Possible plans for the next quarter

 * HttpClient to subproject level.
 * Taglibs, ECS, BSF, JCS, Cactus SVN migrations.
 * Improved Jakarta level javadoc indexing.

1.1.2. Releases March

 * 9  March    2005 - JCS moves to Jakarta Subproject
 * 6  March    2005 - Commons Logging 1.0.5 Alpha1 Released February

 * 24 February 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-alpha-2 Released
 * 22 February 2005 - Tapestry 3.1-alpha-1 Released
 * 20 February 2005 - Tomcat 5.5.8-alpha Released
 * 15 February 2005 - Tapestry 3.0.2 Released
 * 14 February 2005 - Lucene moves to TLP
 * 06 February 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 RC1 Released January

 * 30 January  2005 - Tomcat 5.5.7 Voted Stable
 * 28 January  2005 - Cactus 1.7 Released
 * 20 January  2005 - Tomcat 5.5.7-alpha Released
 * 19 January  2005 - HiveMind 1.1-alpha-1 Released December

 * 15 December 2004 - Commons Transaction 1.0 Released
 * 15 December 2004 - Commons-Net 1.3.0 Released
 * 12 December 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.6-alpha Released

1.1.3. Community changes New Committers

 * 3  December 2004 - Warwick Burrows (wburrows) - Slide
 * 5  December 2004 - Siegfried Goeschl (sgoeschl) - Turbine
 * 18 December 2004 - Thomas Draier (draier) - Slide
 * 3  January  2005 - William Glass-Husain (wglass) - Velocity
 * 3  January  2005 - Kazuhito Suguri (suguri) - Cactus
 * 20 January  2005 - Carlos Villegas (cvillegas) - Slide
 * 9  February 2005 - David Brosius (dbrosius) - BCEL
 * 10 March    2005 - Dhiru Pandey (dhirup) - Taglibs
 * 10 March    2005 - Martijn Blankestijn (mblankestijn) - JMeter
 * 14 March    2005 - Jim Jagielski and William Rowe Jr both joining
 * 15 March    2005 - Magnus Grimsell has been voted in and is currently
 submitting his CLA - Cactus

1.1.4. Infrastructure news

Jakarta has replaced most of the nagoya references. While there are still a
few (250 to 300) it's a good improvement on the 1300 or so there were at
first and many of the references remaining are in the less active areas
(both committer and user).

BCEL, Commons, Regexp and the Jakarta website have all migrated from CVS to
SVN, joining ORO and Velocity. This represents about a third of Jakarta.
Another third are slowly on their way, while the last third would rather
stay with CVS such a time as announcements are made to curtail CVS usage.

1.1.5. Subproject news

(based on projects that have had a notable event, ie) release, change of
location within Jakarta) Commons HttpClient

Commons HttpClient has had its first 3.0 release candidate and a final
release should happen shortly.

Much work has also been put into planning for Jakarta HttpClient (HttpClient
4.0), and initial development has begun. The focus of Jakarta HttpClient
will be on making HttpClient more compact, modular, and reusable. We are
currently putting together use cases to help guide the 4.0 development. Commons Logging

Alpha release containing improved memory recycling during hot deployment in
containers without explicit support for JCL. Pushing towards a full 1.0.5
release. Commons Net

Commons Net 1.3.0 was released in late December. This release contained a
large number of enhancements and bug fixes, but the most important change
was the addition of NTP/SNTP support. Since 1.3.0, there have been more
enhancements to the FTP parser (currently in CVS), with the ultimate aim of
making the FTP client configuration much more flexible and consequently
being able to support different locales seamlessly. This, plus other bug
fixes currently in the works, will form the basis of the 1.4 release. Commons Transaction

1.0 final has been released in December. 1.1 already is feature complete and
in beta status. It mainly adds deadlock detection and a partially revised
interface layout. Slide 2.2 and OJB 1.1 are likely to use it. Cactus

Cactus 1.7 has been released preparing the way for a big refactoring. We are
indeed going to refactor Cactus to leverage Cargo
( Nicolas Chalumeau (contributor) and Vincent
Massol have been working on this. That should lighten Cactus and allow
supporting many more containers and features (like hot deploy, etc) which
our users have been asking for a while. Two new committers have been voted
in recently (Kazuhito and Magnus). EJB Cactification has been added recently
by Magnus and he's busy adding new improvements to it. Felipe is continuing
with improvements to the Maven plugin for Cactus. JCS

JCS has been adjusting to to its recent move to a site level project and is
working on its first formal release. There are no known open issues. HiveMind

Many new features have been recently added to HiveMind, driven by the needs
of Tapestry primarily; this includes the ability to switch the locale on the
fly (on a per-thread basis). This is used when accessing per-module message
catalogs. In addition, HiveMind may now make ordinary POJOs into services
(without a specific interface). The XML descriptors have been simplified, as
a package for the module may now be specified, allowing the many class names
in a descriptor to be abbreviated.

Discussions are in place now about limiting the scope of 1.1 so that we can
progress to a beta and final release. Tapestry

An early alpha release of Tapestry 3.1 has been released. Tapestry 3.0.2 may
not be the final bug fix release for 3.0; there are discussions about fixing
a few more bugs and integrating Paul Ferraro's "friendly URLs" patch into
the code base for 3.0.3.

Refactorings continue in the 3.1 code base, in pursuit of JSR-168 Portlet
support. Tomcat

This has been a quiet period for Tomcat, partially because I've been
extremely busy at school ;) We released versions 5.5.7 (stable) and 5.5.8
(alpha for now), each of which was a maintenance release addressing a good
number of bugs and user requests. Version 5.5.9 should be out within the
next couple of weeks, also addressing a number of recently reported issued
(none serious).

Two noteworthy items: first, adoption of Tomcat 5.5 has really accelerated
following the first couple of stable releases. Many users are reporting
satisfaction with the increased performance and stability. And second, we
have kept in touch with the Geronimo project, especially with Jacek
Laskowski (sp probably), working towards seamless Geronimo/Tomcat

It was noted that there was some discussion in the tomcat-dev list on requesting Tomcat be moved to a TLP.

Apache Jakarta Project report approved as submitted by general consent.

15 Dec 2004 [Henri Yandell]

== October-December 2004 ==

=== Status ===

The last three months have seen the first migrations from CVS to SVN in
the Jakarta project with the ORO and Velocity projects moving over. More
projects are expected to move over in the next quarter, with ECS and
Commons being the first two targetted.

The board suggested that the previous report needed more sub-project news,
and so for this reoprt any sub-project that has a release, or a change in
status, needs to supply a short piece of text on the current situation for
that part of Jakarta. The community has responded very well and the chair
has not had to write any of the subproject section this time around.

Being able to use LGPL has been brought up a few times in the last
quarter. It has come up with a desire to use Hibernate in various
codebases and Dumbster for unit tests in Commons-Email. Dumbster
relicenced under ASL 2.0 wihle Hibernate use is still unsolved. Linked to
this was a similar issue with JGraph, which dual-licenced with MPL in
order to allow us to use it, though the move for this did not come from
within the Jakarta community afaik. I'll be aiming to report back to the
community on the status of this issue in the week after the next board

On the licence side, a Commons component (VFS) wishes to have a component
which depends on a Novell licence. We're currently treating this as
similar to Sun's licensing for JavaMail. Imports allowed, but no jars in
CVS or iBiblio.

Additionally, we have a Clover license for use by Jakarta (and the rest of
the ASF). This should make it easier for us to show the high level of our
unit tests.

In terms of releases, the major points of this quarter's releases are a
set of 1.0's from the Commons sub-project (Math, Configuration, Jelly-RC1,
Chain) which shows that the Commons community continues to grow, and the
stable Tomcat 5.5 release, our most popular product.

=== Possible plans for the next quarter ===

 * Lucene and Slide both considering TLP.
 * Commons HttpClient to Jakarta sub-project.
 * Turbine JCS to Jakarta sub-project.
 * More Subversion migrations - ECS and Commons in the planning.
 * Turbine migration to SVN under consideration -- desire JCS resolution.
 * Improvement of the download page.
 * Automate creation of Maven bundles and automate bundle uploading to
Maven repository, even for projects which use Ant (not Maven) for

=== Releases ===

==== December ====
 * 9 December 2004 - Commons Chain 1.0
 * 9 December 2004 - Commons Math 1.0
 * 7 December 2004 - Lucene 1.4.3
 * 3 December 2004 - Commons Validator 1.1.4
 * 2 December 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.5-beta

==== November ====
 * 25 November 2004 - Tomcat 5.0.30-beta
 * 23 November 2004 - Commons Jelly 1.0-RC1
 * 21 November 2004 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 beta1
 * 19 November 2004 - JMeter 2.0.2
 * 10 November 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.4 (first stable release of Tomcat 5.5)

==== October ====
 * 30 October 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.4-alpha
 * 28 October 2004 - Turbine 2.3.1
 * 17 October 2004 - Tapestry 3.0.1
 * 11 October 2004 - Tomcat 4.1.31-stable
 * 11 October 2004 - Commons HttpClient 2.0.2
 * 11 October 2004 - Commons Configuration 1.0
 * 06 October 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.3-alpha
 * 06 October 2004 - Tomcat 5.0.29-beta
 * 04 October 2004 - Commons Betwixt 0.6

=== Community changes ===

===== New ASF members =====
 * 19 November 2004 - Yoav Shapira (yoavs) - Tomcat, Commons

===== New PMC members =====

 * 11 October 2004 - James Mason (masonjm) - Slide
 * 19 October 2004 - Robert Burell Donkin (rdonkin) - Commons

===== New Committers =====
 * 4 December 2004 - Warwick Burrows (wburrows) - Slide
 * 12 November 2004 - Oliver Heger (oheger) - Commons
 * 7 November 2004 - Hans Gilde (hgilde) - Commons
 * 6 November 2004 - Bernhard Messer (bmesser) - Lucene
 * 25 September 2004 - David Spencer (dspencer) - Lucene

=== Infrastructure news ===

=== Subproject news ===

 (based on projects that have had a notable event, ie) release, change of
location within Jakarta)

 * Commons
   * Betwixt
     Betwixt is a bean <-> xml binder. Jakarta Commons Betwixt 0.6
featured a refactored codebase including rewriting bean reading code but
preserved backwards compatibility with the earlier releases. A 0.6.1
release (with more functionality and some bug fixes) is expected soon.
Betwixt is small component closely related to several other commons
components. The Betwixt community is very happy in the commons.

   * Chain
     Commons Chain 1.0 was finally released, the component having been
promoted from the sandbox to Commons Proper in July. We expect to see
Chain put into use almost immediately by projects such as Apache Struts.

   * Configuration
     Commons Configuration is an API to deal easily with various
configuration formats (properties files, xml files, JNDI...) We have
finally stabilized and released the first official release after a slow
maturation of 3 years across various Jakarta projects. Many new ideas are
floating around and a new release (1.1) is expected in late December or
early January.

   * Daemon
     Commons Daemon, although quiet on the mailing list and in Bugzilla,
has seen a few bug fixes and improvements.
     Efforts have been made to improve stability on various operating
systems.  A Commons-Daemon 1.1 release is forthcoming, most likely in early 2005.

   * Email
     A few very enthusiastic volunteers have helped re-energize Commons
Email.  Extensive unit tests were submitted via Bugzilla, a few lingering
bugs were cleared up and documentation was extended.  This activity led to
a successful vote for promotion from the Sandbox.

     In preparation for the promotion, it was realized that there was an
issue with the [ Dumbster] library, which
is used for unit tests and which was only available under the LGPL
license.  When this was brought up with the developer of Dumbster, he
agreed to change his license to ASF 2.0.

     A vote on a 1.0 release is likely to be called soon after the
promotion is completed.

     Commons Email and Commons Chain have recently run into issues using
Maven as a build tool with their dependencies on libraries which are only
distributed under the Sun Binary Code License.  One of Maven's strengths
is the automatic retrieval of dependencies, but the SBCL prevents hosting
of these libraries on a public Maven repository.  Individual developers
must retrieve these libraries independently.  This issue also is also
complicating automated build processes.  An enhancement request has been
filed for the Maven Ant plugin which may help some, but our understanding
is that the terms of this license will continue to require more manual
intervention for these projects than for other Commons projects.

   * HttpClient
      HttpClient has entered the 3.0 beta stage.  The API is now frozen
unless major problems are discovered.  We hope to have a final 3.0 release
by the end of 2004 or early 2005.

      Now that 3.0 is nearing completion we anticipate beginning
HttpClient 4.0 soon.  This release will feature a number of major changes
with the main focus on making HttpClient more compact and reusable.  The
core HTTP library will be refactored into into smaller separable pieces
with the HTTP methods separated into request/response pairs.  We also plan
to start working on a number of application level components such as a
simple HTTP proxy, web crawler, etc. that build upon HttpClient.  The core
library and components will be released at the Jakarta level.

   * Jelly
     We are finally nearing a 1.0 release. We've put out a release
candidate, have some minor bugs to address and are looking to
     better our documentation of Jelly's taglibs.

   * Math
     We have finally released 1.0 after a laborious 18 months of steady
commitment by the whole team.

   * Resources
     Resources has been promoted out of the Sandbox and into Commons
Proper. This component has been around, and has been stable, for some time
now. A 1.0 release is anticipated in the near future.

   * Transaction
     Transaction has been promoted out of the Sandbox and into Commons
Proper and a 1.0 release candidate has been released. Transaction provides
utility classes commonly used in transactional Java programming.

   * Validator
      Validator 1.1.4 has been released.  This is a minor maintenance
release to the 1.1.x branch adding a couple of missing properties to the

 * Slide
     The Slide community is working towards the 2.1 release. It introduces
lots of new features and fixes most important bugs of Slide 2.0.

     As Slide has become huge with lots of different components grouped
around WebDAV releasing single components all by themselves now is an

 * Tapestry
     The current stable release is 3.0.1. Work is well under way by Howard
Lewis Ship and others for 3.1, which will have major changes, including
friendly URLs, HiveMind for services, simplified component parameters, and
simplified page parameters. The community of users has been growing

 * Tomcat
     Tomcat reached a significant milestone with the first stable release
of the 5.5 branch, v5.5.4. The release has been well-received, with only a
small number of bug reports, especially given the magnitude of the changes
from Tomcat 5.0.x.

     Work continues on the 5.0.x branch in maintenance mode, fixing
significant bugs as well as any security, Spec-compliance, and showstopper
issues as always.  The 5.0.30 release was cut near the end of November,
addressing the vast majority of open 5.0.x issues.

     Older branches of Tomcat (3.x, 4.x), are practically at end-of-life
support.  There are no planned releases for them at this time, although
individual Tomcat committers may continue working on the code base.

     The Tomcat connectors have also been active, led by Mladen Turk's
efforts.  Mod_jk2 is officially at end-of-life as well: while a worthy
experiment, its design proved too fragile, resulting in numerous
significant bugs.  Maintenance and improvements continue on the original
mod_jk, as well as joint work with httpd developers on a new mod_proxy
extension slated for inclusion in the 2.1 versions of Apache httpd.

     There has been significant effort by the Tomcat developers and
members of the community to shore up documentation, both in the
Tomcat-proper (i.e. part of our CVS), and in our FAQ, Wiki, and external
resources.  We've seen a demonstrated reduction in the
documentation-related complaints and questions over the past couple of
months, and intend to continue working in this area.

 * Turbine
   Turbine is working towards a new major release, 2.4 which will be based
on a componentized architecture. A second milestone is expected in
December. The first components from the Fulcrum repostitory have been
voted and released.

Apache Jakarta Project report approved as submitted by general consent.

22 Sep 2004 [Henri Yandell]

=== Status ===

This is a 2 month report due to the month-late report at the July board

The PMC bylaws have been updated to match the current practice. Most
notably, we removed the 7-member limitation and monthly meetings, making
the Jakarta PMC (on paper) less of a board and more of a group of active

Turbine-JCS is planning to request promotion to a full Jakarta subproject.
JCS is a Java cache.

HttpClient's promotion from Commons to Jakarta subproject is still planned
once a 3.0 final release has been made.

The PMC discussed whether action on protection of the Jakarta trademark
was needed, though no action has been taken. It was agreed (through lack
of argument) that projects should be referred to as Apache Xxxx and not
Apache Jakarta Xxxx or some other combination. A side-effect of the
conversation saw the sites mentioning Tomcat change to refer to it
as "Apache Tomcat".

=== Possible plans for the next quarter ===

Robert Burrel Donkin has volunteered to migrate ECS over to SVN as a trial

I (Henri Yandell) plan to organize improvements to the Jakarta download
page, which is in dire need of improvements.

=== Releases ===

==== September ====
 * 19 September 2004 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 alpha2 Released
 * 16 September 2004 - DataGrid, Mailer and RDC Taglibs Released in
                       the sandbox
 * 15 September 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.2-alpha Released
 * 12 September 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-rc-2 Released
 * 9 September 2004 - Jelly 1.0-beta-4 Released
 * 9 September 2004 - Digester 1.6 Released
 * 7 September 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.1 Released
 * 7 September 2004 - Commons JEXL 1.0 Released

==== August ====
 * 31 August 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.0 Released
 * 28 August 2004 - Tomcat 5.0.28 Released
 * 26 August 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-rc-1 Released
 * 25 August 2004 - Commons Validator 1.1.3 Released
 * 22 August 2004 - Commons Launcher 1.1 Released
 * 15 August 2004 - Commons Attributes 2.1 Released
 * 02 August 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-beta-2
 * 02 August 2004 - Commons BeanUtils 1.7
 * 01 August 2004 - Commons JXPath 1.2
 * 01 August 2004 - Commons HttpClient 2.0.1

==== July ====
 * 26 July 2004 - JK 1.2.6 Released
 * 21 July 2004 - Standard Taglibs 1.1.1 and 1.0.6 Released
 * 10 July 2004 - Commons Codec 1.3

=== Community changes ===

===== New PMC members =====

 * 14 August 2004 - Ingo Brunberg
 * 14 August 2004 - Unico Hommes
 * 14 August 2004 - Simon Kitching
 * 14 August 2004 - Stefan Lutzkendorf

===== New Committers =====

 * 13 September 2004 - James Carman (jcarman)
 * 13 September 2004 - Peter Courcoux (pcourcoux) - Turbine
 * 07 September 2004 - Peter Rossbach (pero) - Tomcat
 * 03 September 2004 - Shinsuke Sugaya (shinsuke) - Jetspeed (still
                       in Jakarta CVS)
 * 03 September 2004 - Paul Ferraro (pferraro)
 * 09 August    2004 - Davide Savazzi (dsavazzi) - Slide
 * 09 August    2004 - Ryan Rhodes (rrhodes) - Slide
 * 31 July      2004 - Daniel Naber (dnaber) - Lucene

=== Infrastructure news ===

Henning Schmiedehausen is moderating the Turbine JCS list.

=== Subproject news ===

(** implies report based on the mailing lists by the chair)

==== **Commons ====

Both Jelly and Math are close to a 1.0 release. Grant is going to leave
the sandbox to fold back into Maven.

==== **Taglibs ====

After a lot of domination by the JSTL implementation, the Taglibs project
has some new activity with the announcement of three new taglibs in the
sandbox. Mailer2, a complete rewrite of a previous Mailer taglib;
DataGrid, a taglib for tabular representation; and RDC, Reusable Dialog
Components, a taglib for voice applications.

==== Tomcat ====

Tomcat 5.5 is the next branch in the Tomcat 5.x major release. While it
supports the same Servlet and JSP Specification versions as Tomcat 5.0.x,
there are significant changes in many areas under the hood.  To indicate
the magnitude of these changes, which include backwards-incompatible
changes such as removal of some internal APIs and the default dependency
on J2SE 5.0, we chose 5.5 as the branch number as opposed to 5.1.  We hope
to improve the stability of the 5.5 releases this month, although a
"stable" release cannot be announced until J2SE 5.0 Final Customer
Shipment is available.  However, please note that multiple users (as well
as Tomcat developers) have been using Tomcat 5.0 and 5.5 on J2SE 5.0 for
months, without any serious issues.

==== Watchdog ====

It was announced to the general Jakarta community that starting with
Tomcat 5.5, Tomcat no longer uses Watchdog.  Tomcat was the only known
user of the Watchdog product, so now the Watchdog project is completely

It was agreed that more reports, from the various subprojects, need to be provided. There are quite a few large subprojects which warrant much more in-depth reporting.

Approved by General Consent.

18 Aug 2004 [Henri Yandell]

=== Status ===

Prior to his departure, Geir started some discussion (PMC list) concerning
Jakarta charter revisions and the various documents describing the
governance of Jakarta. The current documents are quite out of date in
places - "The number of PMC seats is set at seven". Expect more on this.

The PMC resolved a lack of oversight issue concerning the tomcat-security
list, and two committers have stepped up to moderate it. Equally, the
General list turned out to be lacking many moderators, so one of the
themes for the next month may be to double-check our moderation coverage.

Discussions on improved download pages to make it easier for user's to
download distributions and more obvious on how to handle PGP/MD5
signatures have occured on the general list.

Dion Gillard has volunteered to be a Junior Apmail Apprentice to try and
take some of common workload off of infrastructure.

=== Releases ===

==== April ====
 * Commons Net 1.2.0
 * Jetspeed 1.5
 * Tapestry 3.0
 * Velocity 1.4

==== May ====

 * Cactus 1.6, 1.6.1
 * Commons IO 1.0
 * Commons Net 1.2.1
 * Tomcat 5.0.24
 * Slide 2.0
 * Velocity Tools 1.1

==== June ====

 * Commons Collections 2.1.1, 3.1
 * Commons DBCP 1.2, 1.2.1
 * Commons Logging 1.0.4
 * Commons Net 1.2.2
 * Commons Pool 1.2
 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Beta

==== July ====

 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Stable
 * Commons Betwixt 0.5
 * HiveMind 1.0-beta-1

=== Community changes ===

==== May ====

The following were all added to the Jakarta PMC:

 * Jeff Dever
 * Mark Diggory
 * James Taylor
 * Mark Thomas
 * Michael Becke
 * Oleg Kalnichevski
 * Steve Cohen
 * Adrian Sutton
 * Ortwin Gluck
 * Daniel Florey
 * Martin Holz

==== June ====

 * Emmanuel Bourg joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Matthew Inger joins as a Jakarta committer.
 * Knut Wannheden joins as a committer to HiveMind.
 * Roy Winston joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Geir Magnusson Jr resigning as PMC Chair, Henri Yandell taking over.

==== July ====

 * Travis Savo joins as a committer.
 * James M. Mason joins as a committer to Slide.

Four new PMC members have been voted on to the PMC and will be passed onto
the board when they have all replied.

=== Subproject news ===

(** implies report based on the mailing lists by the chair)

==== Alexandria ** ====

(dormant project)

==== BCEL ** ====

User list is active, Dev list is less so.

==== BSF ** ====

Again, User list is active, Dev list is less so.

==== Cactus ** ====

User list very active, dev list very quiet, mainly automated emails. I
believe a Cactus-2 is in the planning.

==== Commons ** ====

Commons has, as always, been very active. Outside of the components
themselves, work over the last quarter has gone into the build and site
generation system using Maven.

 * Chain was promoted from the Sandbox to Commons Proper.

==== Commons HttpClient ====

 * 2.0.1 and 3.0 alpha 2 releases are planned for the near future.
 * HttpClient plans to move to the Jakarta level after version 3.0

==== ECS ** ====

The developer list has been quiet for the last quarter. Occasional
questions are asked on the user list.

==== HiveMind ====

HiveMind is moving steadily towards an initial beta release.

==== JMeter ** ====

Very active user and dev lists. The JMeter sub-community appears to be
busily working on bugfixing.

==== Lucene ====

Lucene 1.4 Final has been released.

==== ORO ====

Pattern matching engine factories were added in response to needs
expressed by Commons, including a wrapper for J2SE 1.4 java.util.regex.
Also, subpackages were separated out into separate jars for users who need
only one pattern matching engine and are sensitive to jar file size.  A
combined jar with everything is still provided as users fall into two
camps on this issues.  More discussion of ORO has occurred on commons-dev
than on oro-dev recently.  There's no ETA for the next release, which will
probably be version 2.1.

==== POI ====

Work on the next release of POI has been ongoing, but no release date has
been set.

==== Regexp ====

Nothing happened this month. No release date for the next release, 1.4,
has been set.

==== Slide ====

Slide 2.1 release is under preparation including lots of nice new
features. A first beta is to be expected in August. CVS will branch with
the release of this beta.

==== Taglibs ** ====

The sub-community is largely dealing with user queries concerning JSTL and
the Standard tag-library, Apache's implementation of JSTL. A new version
of the String taglib was released in May. A new sandbox taglib, datagrid,
was also added in May.

==== Tapestry ====

Work on the next release of Tapestry, Tapestry 3.1, based on a new
infrastructure provided by HiveMind, has begun.  In addition, some
annoyances in the final Tapestry 3.0 release may result in a 3.0.1 bugfix

==== Tomcat ====

The Tomcat CVS has branched, creating a TOMCAT_5_0 branch for continuing
maintenance on Tomcat 5.0.x releases, and allowing work on Tomcat 5.1 to
begin.  For some discussion about Tomcat 5.1 features and changes, search
the tomcat-dev mailing list archives for threads whose subject contains

==== Turbine ====

To make the creation of Web applications using Turbine easier, a plugin
for Maven has been designed and is currently tested in the 2.3 branch of
the Turbine framework. Some work towards the 2.4 release is going on, but
no release date has been set.

==== Velocity  ====

Both user and dev lists are active, but project is stable and widely used.

Upcoming plan is to release a new core 1.4.1 because of a non-backwards
compatible change made to in the 1.4 release that prevents people from
using a 'word' token in a directive other than in #macro() call or a
#foreach().  This bit users of the Webwork framework (and probably others)
and will revert back with a log notice that the feature is deprecated.

After that is planned the core 1.5 release of current features in CVS, and
then a large pile of new features in patch form including floating-point
support as core 1.6.

The Tools part of the project is at version 1.1.

==== Watchdog ====

The PMC discussed the status of Watchdog.  It is a dormant project with no
active committers.  However, it is still used by Tomcat as part of
Tomcat's release testing.  In addition, the PMC would like to retain the
option of future work on Watchdog, so the web site and accompanying
materials will not be removed.  A dormancy notice has been placed on the
Watchdog web page and the mailing list subscription links replaced with a
note to use general@jakarta.

Tabled until next meeting.

21 Jul 2004 [Henri Yandell]

=== Status ===

Prior to his departure, Geir started some discussion (PMC list) concerning
Jakarta charter revisions and the various documents describing the
governance of Jakarta. The current documents are quite out of date in
places - "The number of PMC seats is set at seven". Expect more on this.

The PMC resolved a lack of oversight issue concerning the tomcat-security
list, and two committers have stepped up to moderate it. Equally, the
General list turned out to be lacking many moderators, so one of the
themes for the next month may be to double-check our moderation coverage.

Discussions on improved download pages to make it easier for user's to
download distributions and more obvious on how to handle PGP/MD5
signatures have occured on the general list.

Dion Gillard has volunteered to be a Junior Apmail Apprentice to try and
take some of common workload off of infrastructure.

=== Releases ===

==== April ====
 * Commons Net 1.2.0
 * Jetspeed 1.5
 * Tapestry 3.0
 * Velocity 1.4

==== May ====

 * Cactus 1.6, 1.6.1
 * Commons IO 1.0
 * Commons Net 1.2.1
 * Tomcat 5.0.24
 * Slide 2.0
 * Velocity Tools 1.1

==== June ====

 * Commons Collections 2.1.1, 3.1
 * Commons DBCP 1.2, 1.2.1
 * Commons Logging 1.0.4
 * Commons Net 1.2.2
 * Commons Pool 1.2
 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Beta

==== July ====

 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Stable
 * Commons Betwixt 0.5
 * HiveMind 1.0-beta-1

=== Community changes ===

==== May ====

The following were all added to the Jakarta PMC:

 * Jeff Dever
 * Mark Diggory
 * James Taylor
 * Mark Thomas
 * Michael Becke
 * Oleg Kalnichevski
 * Steve Cohen
 * Adrian Sutton
 * Ortwin Gluck
 * Daniel Florey
 * Martin Holz

==== June ====

 * Emmanuel Bourg joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Matthew Inger joins as a Jakarta committer.
 * Knut Wannheden joins as a committer to HiveMind.
 * Roy Winston joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Geir Magnusson Jr resigning as PMC Chair, Henri Yandell taking over.

==== July ====

 * Travis Savo joins as a committer.
 * James M. Mason joins as a committer to Slide.

Four new PMC members have been voted on to the PMC and will be passed onto
the board when they have all replied.

=== Subproject news ===

(** implies report based on the mailing lists by the chair)

==== Alexandria ** ====

(dormant project)

==== BCEL ** ====

User list is active, Dev list is less so.

==== BSF ** ====

Again, User list is active, Dev list is less so.

==== Cactus ** ====

User list very active, dev list very quiet, mainly automated emails. I
believe a Cactus-2 is in the planning.

==== Commons ** ====

Commons has, as always, been very active. Outside of the components
themselves, work over the last quarter has gone into the build and site
generation system using Maven.

 * Chain was promoted from the Sandbox to Commons Proper.

==== Commons HttpClient ====

 * 2.0.1 and 3.0 alpha 2 releases are planned for the near future.
 * HttpClient plans to move to the Jakarta level after version 3.0

==== ECS ** ====

The developer list has been quiet for the last quarter. Occasional
questions are asked on the user list.

==== HiveMind ====

HiveMind is moving steadily towards an initial beta release.

==== JMeter ** ====

Very active user and dev lists. The JMeter sub-community appears to be
busily working on bugfixing.

==== Lucene ====

Lucene 1.4 Final has been released.

==== ORO ====

Pattern matching engine factories were added in response to needs
expressed by Commons, including a wrapper for J2SE 1.4 java.util.regex.
Also, subpackages were separated out into separate jars for users who need
only one pattern matching engine and are sensitive to jar file size.  A
combined jar with everything is still provided as users fall into two
camps on this issues.  More discussion of ORO has occurred on commons-dev
than on oro-dev recently.  There's no ETA for the next release, which will
probably be version 2.1.

==== POI ====

Work on the next release of POI has been ongoing, but no release date has
been set.

==== Regexp ====

Nothing happened this month. No release date for the next release, 1.4,
has been set.

==== Slide ====

Slide 2.1 release is under preparation including lots of nice new
features. A first beta is to be expected in August. CVS will branch with
the release of this beta.

==== Taglibs ** ====

The sub-community is largely dealing with user queries concerning JSTL and
the Standard tag-library, Apache's implementation of JSTL. A new version
of the String taglib was released in May. A new sandbox taglib, datagrid,
was also added in May.

==== Tapestry ====

Work on the next release of Tapestry, Tapestry 3.1, based on a new
infrastructure provided by HiveMind, has begun.  In addition, some
annoyances in the final Tapestry 3.0 release may result in a 3.0.1 bugfix

==== Tomcat ====

The Tomcat CVS has branched, creating a TOMCAT_5_0 branch for continuing
maintenance on Tomcat 5.0.x releases, and allowing work on Tomcat 5.1 to
begin.  For some discussion about Tomcat 5.1 features and changes, search
the tomcat-dev mailing list archives for threads whose subject contains

==== Turbine ====

To make the creation of Web applications using Turbine easier, a plugin
for Maven has been designed and is currently tested in the 2.3 branch of
the Turbine framework. Some work towards the 2.4 release is going on, but
no release date has been set.

==== Velocity  ====

Both user and dev lists are active, but project is stable and widely used.

Upcoming plan is to release a new core 1.4.1 because of a non-backwards
compatible change made to in the 1.4 release that prevents people from
using a 'word' token in a directive other than in #macro() call or a
#foreach().  This bit users of the Webwork framework (and probably others)
and will revert back with a log notice that the feature is deprecated.

After that is planned the core 1.5 release of current features in CVS, and
then a large pile of new features in patch form including floating-point
support as core 1.6.

The Tools part of the project is at version 1.1.

==== Watchdog ====

The PMC discussed the status of Watchdog.  It is a dormant project with no
active committers.  However, it is still used by Tomcat as part of
Tomcat's release testing.  In addition, the PMC would like to retain the
option of future work on Watchdog, so the web site and accompanying
materials will not be removed.  A dormancy notice has been placed on the
Watchdog web page and the mailing list subscription links replaced with a
note to use general@jakarta.

23 Jun 2004

Change of Jakarta PMC Chair

   As Geir Magnusson Jr is resigning because of accepting Geronimo
   PMC Chair, the Jakarta PMC has voted to propose Henri Yandell
   as the new Jakarta PMC Chair.  We offer the following
   resolution for board approval :

   WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Jakarta Project
   Management Committee (PMC) have recommended Henri Yandell to
   serve as chairman of the Apache Jakarta PMC; and

   WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache
   Jakarta PMC, Geir Magnusson Jr, has stepped down from his
   position as Vice President, Apache Jakarta, in favor of Henri
   Yandell's appointment to that position.

   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Henri Yandell be and
   hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
   Jakarta, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
   direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
   Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
   disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 By unanimous vote, the Change of Jakarta PMC chair was approved.

23 Jun 2004 [Geir Magnusson Jr.]

No report submitted. Board will accept a report next month instead. Board also requested that more detail provided at the sub-project level.

17 Mar 2004 [Geir Magnussen Jr]

The Jakarta community would like to mention an official thanks and warm
and heartfelt appreciation to our outgoing chair, Sam Ruby.  We
recognize that he was instrumental in guiding it through a sometimes
difficult period of high growth, and we all value his considerate and
thoughtful contributions.

Jakarta Project Report - March 2004

* As the board is obviously aware, the Jakarta PMC has changed chairs,
with the retirement :) of Sam Ruby and the appointment of Geir
Magnusson Jr.

* We officially added 37 committers to the Jakarta PMC.  These
additions were from the previous two months, and we are starting the
process of identifying new candidates and voting again.

* We feel we had a successful transition to the new Apache Software
License v2.0  The entire Jakarta Commons and commons sandbox has been
converted, and the community is very aware of the need to ensure that
both the spirit and letter of the boards instructions regarding the
license are followed.  Thanks to all at the ASF for help in clearing up
our questions regarding the process.

* The HiveMind codebase currently located in Jakarta Commons has
completed it's software grant from WebCT, the employer of the primary
author, and the Jakarta PMC has approved a proposal to make HiveMind a
new Jakarta sub-project.  Along with the PMC's support, the community
response to the proposal was very positive.  We have checked with the
Incubator PMC, and there have been no other issues raised preventing
this from happening.

* The Jakarta Struts sub-project has voted to apply for ASF top-level
project status.  The Jakarta PMC supports this and urges the board to
accept their proposal ASAP.

* The HttpClient component of Jakarta Commons has voted to apply for
Jakarta sub-project status.  We are waiting the formal proposal, and
don't foresee any problems.

* We recognize that our charter is woefully inadequate, and intend to
produce a revision to submit for board approval in the near future.

* The Jakarta PMC had a long and sometimes heated discussion about the
board's recommendation that author tags be removed from code.  I think
that we collectively understand the motivation and how a community has
to be careful that author tags don't lead to territorial ownership of
what is community-owned code.  However, I urge that the board do not
mandate their removal, allowing the individual communities to police
themselves on this issue.  Many of us, myself included, value the
author tags because we recognize that it's human nature to be proud of
one's work, and the author tag is [one] way in which new community
members can initially find value in contribution.  Finally, we would
appreciate some clarification on how removal of the tags changes the
legal exposure of the committers or the ASF.  I, for one, don't grok
the legal argument.

Approved by General Consent.

18 Feb 2004

Appoint a new Jakarta PMC Chair

  WHEREAS, the membership of the Jakarta Project Management
  Committee (PMC) have recommended Geir Magnusson Jr. to serve as
  chairman of the Jakarta PMC; and

  WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Jakarta PMC,
  Sam Ruby, has stepped down from his position as Vice President,
  Jakarta, in favor of Geir Magnusson Jr.'s appointment to that

  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Geir Magnusson Jr. be and
  hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Jakarta,
  to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
  Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
  death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
  until a successor is appointed.

 This was approved via Unanimous Vote.

21 Jan 2004

Appoint a new Jakarta PMC Chair

This was postponed until the February BoD meeting.

17 Dec 2003

Appoint a new Jakarta PMC Chair

This was tabled.

17 Sep 2003 [Sam Ruby]

 Releases continue to be made and news continues to be posted to with archives back to 2000.

 Overall, progress within subprojects is proceeding merrily along with
 releases being made on a regular basis.  As compared to previous times,
 there is an amazing lack of flamage.

 There has been some discussion at the PMC level about how to handle
 stable subprojects, of which there are two kinds: useful and otherwise.
 In general, garbage collection has not been a strong point of the ASF.

 The code base for Pluto is available for consideration as a Jakarta
 subproject.  This was first mentioned as a candidate for incubation in
 January.  This project has strong support from JetSpeed and near unamimous
 consent within Jakarta - the sole dissenter apparently wants to eliminate
 NDAs from within the JCP as a prerequisite for accepting this code base.

 Beyond this, the near cancerous rate of growth of Jakarta seems to have
 been brought to a complete standstill.

 A number of nominations for new PMC members are being considered.
 I expect this round to be complete within a few days.

. In addition to the written report, Sam noted that Jakarta is attempting to "clean things up" and discussion regarding a "graveyard" for garbage collection of old code/subprojects/efforts is commencing.

Approved by General Consent.

25 Jun 2003

No report was received, and the Jakarta Chair was unprepared to
provide a verbal report.

19 Mar 2003 [Sam Ruby]

It has been a relatively quiet three months.  The ranks of the PMC have
grown exponentially, but this is beginning to taper off.  Code is written,
newsletters are sent out (both are available from the jakarta website).
Compared to previous times, mailing lists are relatively flame free.

The rate of subprojects 'graduating' has slowed down too.  In the past
month ony one did so, and there are three subprojects awaiting
incubation.  I have no concerns about their rate of incubation.

I fully expect to name my successor to this post some time this year.
There was a call for elections this month, but no candidates emerged.
I plan to continue this process until successful.  ;-)

. By general consent, this report was recorded as entered and approved.

18 Dec 2002 [Sam Ruby]

The status report for Jakarta project is available at and  These summaries are
community developed, monitored, and maintained.  Feedback on their contents
should be directed to

I tried unsuccessfully to summarize the summaries without looking like I
was trying to prove a point about it not being a good idea.  Of course,
this begs the question about what happens when Jakarta is split up and all
this data feeds directly into the board, but I digress.

Overall, the imperialistic expansion phase of Jakarta has been put on
pause.  No new code bases have been accepted.  Two colonies, Ant and
Avalon, have split off successfully.  The only issue in this area is
Tapestry which unfortunately has been left in limbo in the process, neither
accepted by Jakarta nor by the Incubator.

The biggest unresolved issues in Jakarta deal with codebases on either end
of the maturity spectrum.  There are code bases which seem to be
perennially in alpha, and therefore feel the right to change interfaces on
a whim and without regard to the community impact of such changes.
Unfortunately, the existence of a sandbox seems to have institutionalized
this policy.  Unquestionably, code bases in alpha should be allowed to
experiment, but the establishment of a playground where this takes place
indefinitely is not in the best interest of the ASF.

On the other end of the spectrum are codebases which have matured to the
point where there aren't enough itches to scratch to maintain a development
community.  Such codebases (for example, regexp) are heavily depended upon
and so interwoven into the fabric of many Jakarta subprojects that it is
hard to imagine removing them from the ASF despite the somewhat different
community dynamic one sees there.  There isn't even a quorum to hold a
proper release vote or people actively monitoring the bug reports and
commits.  This is a problem.

18 Nov 2002 [Sam]

Sam reported that Jakarta is a "holding pattern" due to the "wait and see"
on what the reorg will look like.

6. Other Reports

18 Sep 2002

A report was expected, but not received

27 Feb 2002

Jakarta election of new PMC

 In accordance with the results of the recent vote of the Jakarta
 committers, the following resolution was proposed:

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
       of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
       and maintenance of commercial-quality, open-source, server-side
       software solutions for the Java Platform, for distribution at no
       charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Project Management
       Committee known as the "Jakarta Project Management Committee",
       be and hereby is reestablished pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Jakarta Project Management Committee be and
       hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
       commercial-quality, open-source, server-side solutions for the Java
       Platform based on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the person holding the office of "Vice President,
       Jakarta" shall continue to serve at the direction of the Board of
       Directors as the chairman of the Jakarta Project Management
       Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Jakarta Project
       Management Committee; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
       are appointed to serve as members of the Jakarta Project Management

           Stefan Bodewig
           Craig McClanahan
           Diane Holt
           Conor MacNeill
           Geir Magnusson Jr.
           Costin Monolache
           Sam Ruby

    The resolution was proposed and seconded, and was voted upon.  The
    resolution was approved by unanimous vote of all directors present.