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This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 22:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).

Logging Services

19 Feb 2025 [Piotr Karwasz / Justin]

Report was filed, but display is awaiting the approval of the Board minutes.

20 Nov 2024 [Piotr Karwasz / Willem]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with high activity
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-17 (21 years ago)
There are currently 45 committers (17 active)
and 23 PMC (15 active) members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1 (1:1 for active members).

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Fred am Nil on 2024-08-07.
- No new committers. Last addition was Fred am Nil on 2024-02-09.

## Project Activity:
At the time of the last report (2024-08-21), Apache Logging Services
had 4 main active projects (Flume, Log4cxx, Log4j, Log4net). Their current
status is:

The project has been voted dormant on 2024-10-10[1].
During the past trimester it didn't receive any bug or security reports.


The project is active, with a moderate activity.
Recently it was integrated with Google OSS Fuzz[2] for additional security
and gained a "Release Review Guide"[3] to help PMC members without C++
experience in the voting procedure.
There are roughly two releases a year. In the reporting period:

 log4cxx-1.3.0 was released on 2024-10-18.


The project is active, with a high activity.
Recently it was integrated with Google OSS Fuzz[3][4] for additional security.
It currently has a roughly monthly release schedule:

 LOG4J-2.24.0 was released on 2024-09-06.
 LOG4J-2.24.1 was released on 2024-09-29.
 LOG4J-3.0.0-BETA3 was released on 2024-11-12.


Log4j Audit:
The project is _de facto_ dormant, although marked as active.
A single contributor is currently committed to it.

Log4j Transform:
The project is active, with a low activity.
Its current release schedule is roughly once a year:

 LOG4J-TRANSFORM-0.2.0 was released on 2024-10-31.

The project is active, with a high activity.
Recently it published a set of release review instructions[6] for PMC members
without .NET experience.
The project released its newest 3.x version and makes roughly one release
a month:

 log4net-3.0.0 was released on 2024-09-15.
 log4net-3.0.1 was released on 2024-09-27.
 log4net-3.0.2 was released on 2024-10-21.
 log4net-3.0.3 was released on 2024-11-07.


## Community Health:

As far as we can tell, there is no community behind Flume.

Log4cxx and Log4net:
After the recent Log4cxx and Log4net releases, we noticed a spike of
feature requests and bug reports, which confirms the presence of an active
community that follows the recent project enhancements.

Since Log4j and its sub-projects use multiple repositories, the automatic
GitHub statistics don't give the real picture about the community.
After the summer break, the main Log4j repo has received and solved roughly
one issue report per working day and around 3 PRs per working day were
Its community seems healthy and we have observed new recurring contributors.

Log4j Audit:
As far as we know, there is no community behind this sub-project.

21 Aug 2024 [Piotr Karwasz / Shane]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Project Status:
- Chainsaw is officially "dormant".

- Flume project is de facto "dormant". There has not been any activity
 in the last several years.

- Log4cxx is "ongoing" with high activity.

- Log4j is "ongoing" with high activity.

- Log4j Audit project is de facto "dormant". There has not been any
 activity in the last several years.

- Log4Net is "ongoing" with high activity.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-17 (21 years ago)
There are currently 45 committers and 23 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Fred am Nil was added to the PMC on 2024-08-07
- No new committers. Last addition was Fred am Nil on 2024-02-09.

## Project Activity:
- Chainsaw was moved to the dormant status by the PMC[0].

- Flume has been inactive for years and needs help: out of 4 PMC members
committed to it, 3 have not been active in at least 2 years[1].
Issue reports[2] are not being addressed for lack of expertise from the rest
of the PMC.

- Log4cxx continues its efficiency improvements, mostly focused on asynchronous

- Log4j has finished a big documentation rewrite project[3].
The project aims at revealing undocumented features, improving the navigability
of the website and providing users with guidance on how to properly and
securely use many features.

- Log4j Audit has been inactive for years and has only one PMC member[1]
committed to it. Nevertheless, due to its low user base (less than 500
downloads/month), it does not constitute a security risk.

- Log4Net is working on version `3.0.0` preview releases, with the final
release planned for September. The release plans to drop support for older
runtimes[2]. The development pace increased considerably since Fred am Nil
joined the team.

- Log4j Kotlin API has released version 1.5.0 on 2024-08-06


## Community Health:
- Flume has no activity, except one recent issue report[5] in the last several

- Log4j is currently the most active project across GitHub and mailing
lists. The user base is active both reporting issues on GitHub and popular
websites like StackOverflow[6].

- Log4j Audit has no activity by any means.

- Log4cxx and Log4net haven't seen much community activity.


@Willem: follow up with Attic about terminology/processes for archiving subprojects

19 Jun 2024

Change the Apache Logging Services Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Volkan Yazici (vy)
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
 Volkan Yazici from the office of Vice President, Apache Logging
 Services, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Logging
 Services project has chosen by vote to recommend Piotr Karwasz
 (pkarwasz) as the successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Volkan Yazici is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
 President, Apache Logging Services, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Piotr Karwasz be and hereby is appointed
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, to serve in
 accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
 and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
 removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7B, Change the Apache Logging Services Project
 Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

15 May 2024 [Volkan Yazici / Christofer]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Project Status:
- Log4cxx is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4j is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4net is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4j Audit project is "at risk". There has not been any
 activity in the last several years.
- Flume project is "at risk". There has not been any activity
 in the last several years besides 7 commits in total, of which
 6 were `pom.xml` version updates and mailing list address changes.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded on 2003-12-17. There are
currently 45 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Stephen Webb on 2023-11-24.
- Fred am Nil was added as committer on 2024-02-09

PMC wants to "retire" several committers who haven't been active
for a very long time[1]. The retirement need is partly due to security
concerns, and partly due to inaccurate PR. Though since there is no
such official process to revoke rights of committers, PMC is sort
of stuck at this point. Some guidance/help from the board will be


## Project Activity:
- Log4cxx has been seeing regular activity, mostly focused on
 efficiency improvements. Compared to the 1.2 release in January,
 benchmarks show upto 60% reduction in Log4cxx internals overhead.
- Log4Net build process requires some substantial setup in the host
 machine. This was making it difficult for PMC members to
 participate during the release voting process. This issue is
 swiftly tackled by providing a Docker container to build the
- Log4Net is working on version `3.0.0` preview releases[3].
- Log4Net is working on removing old .NET runtimes[4].
- Log4j implemented the necessary changes to remove the "Log4j 3 API"
 and embrace the "Log4j 2 API" as "the Log4j API"[5].
- Log4j migrated all its websites (9 in total!) to Antora along with
 the associated CI glue[6].
- Log4j is working on `ScopedContext` – a Java 8 compatible MDC
 alternative (inspired by Java's new `ScopedValue`) enabling safe
 use of `Object` values[7].
- Log4j Audit has no activity by any means.
- Flume has no activity in the last several years besides 7 commits
 in total, of which 6 were `pom.xml` version updates and mailing
 list address changes.

[3] See the `Feature/140-3.0.0-preview.1` branch
[4] See the `111-Dropping-support-for-older-runtimes` branch

## Community Health:
- Log4j is currently the most active project across GitHub and mailing lists.
- Log4cxx and Log4net haven't seen much community activity.
- Log4j Audit has no activity by any means.
- Flume has no activity, except one recent question[7] in the last several


20 Mar 2024 [Volkan Yazici / Jeff]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Project Status:
- Log4j project, and its children Log4j Kotlin and Log4j Scala, are
 "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4cxx is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4net is, as was in the last report, "at risk", since
 it hardly gets updated and is maintained by 1 PMC member
 (davydm) and a new committer (freeandnil).
- Log4j Audit project is "at risk". There has not been any
 activity in the last several years.
- Flume project is "at risk". There has not been any activity
 in the last several years, even after merging PMCs.
- The September 2023 attempt[1] to move Chainsaw to dormant status
 had failed. A recent second attempt turned out to be a success[2].


## Membership Data:
There are currently 45 committers and 22 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 2:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- [Flume] Balázs Donát Bessenyei was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Juhani Connolly was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Mike Percy was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Log4cxx] Stephen Webb was added to the PMC on 2023-11-24
- [Flume] Tristan Stevens was added to the PMC on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Balázs Donát Bessenyei was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Juhani Connolly was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Mike Percy was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Flume] Tristan Stevens was added as committer on 2023-11-17
- [Log4net] Fred am Nil was added as committer on 2024-02-09

Except Stephen Webb and Fred am Nil, the rest of the added PMC
members were due to the merge of Flume with Logging Services.

## Project Activity:
- Stephen Webb has been a long time log4cxx committer. Upon PMCs
 ask, he agreed to join the PMC. Since then, he has been raining
 commits on log4cxx! Recently released log4cxx `1.2.0` is a vivid
 demonstration of the strong development efforts.
- After being explicitly asked[1], Fred am Nil, a long time Log4net
 contributor, volunteered to join Log4net as a committer.
- Released Log4j `2.22.0`[2] marks the first version with a
 CycloneDX-based SBOM and VDR support. This work is supervised
 by Hervé Boutemy (from Maven PMC) and Steve Springett (Chair
 of CycloneDX SBOM Standard). This collaboration resulted in
 Logging Services PMC contributing several improvements to
 `cyclonedx-maven-plugin`. (Log4j `2.23.0` and `3.0.0-beta2`
 were released since then.)
- Log4j crew is trying hard to give birth to Log4j 3.
 Intensive labor is going on to get the associated branch (i.e.,
 `main`) ready for a major release. `main` was forked from
 `2.x` ~6 years ago. In the meantime, `main` was subject to
 several major experiments: new DI system, new property system,
 etc. Next to that, if not all, several `2.x` changes were never
 ported to `main`. There is a big "porting stuff from `2.x` to
 `main`" plumbing going on.
- Log4j team has agreed to not release a new Log4j 3 API, but
 embrace the Log4j 2 API as "the Log4j API"[3]. That is, Log4j 3
 version will target the Log4j 2 API. This happy news for users
 translates to more work for Log4j 3 release preparations.
- Log4j Audit and Flume have no activity by any means.


## Community Health:
- Log4j is currently the most active project across GitHub and mailing lists.
- Log4cxx and Log4net haven't seen much community activity.
- Log4j Audit and Flume have no activity by any means.

21 Feb 2024 [Volkan Yazici / Sander]

No report was submitted.

15 Nov 2023 [Volkan Yazici / Sander]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Project Status:
- Log4j project is "ongoing" with high activity.
- Log4cxx is "ongoing" with moderate activity by 1 PMC member (rmiddleton)
 and 1 committer (swebb2066).
- Log4net is "at risk", since it hardly gets updated and is maintained
 by 1 PMC member (davydm).
- PMC is having conflicts regarding deprecation of certain
 components[1][2][3][4][5]. Trying to establish an objective baseline for
 what/how to keep has failed too[6].
- Except one objection from `vy`[7], Logging Services and Flume PMCs have
 decided to decommission the latter and merge its members and projects
 into the former[8][9].


## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-17 (20 years ago)
There are currently 40 committers and 17 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-07-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-03-03.

## Project Activity:
- The CI infrastructure based on GitHub Actions that was earlier experimented
 using Log4j Tools is moved to `logging-parent` and employed for *all*
 Java-based projects. It allowed the PMC to streamline various standards.
 As a result, all "active" projects' code base, website, dependencies, etc.
 are revamped and new releases are published.
- Log4j is warming up to deliver its first release with complete SBOM and
 VDR/VEX support. Involved PMC members are in contact with Sonatype, OWASP,
 CycloneDX, and Tidelift to determine the best course of action.
- Due to lack of consensus on several deprecation proposals, certain PMC
 members put up a "project activity monitor"[10] to increase the transparency
 towards users on unmaintained projects.
- Log4cxx incorporated various minor improvements.
- Log4net hasn't seen any activity.


## Community Health:
- Log4j is currently the most active project across GitHub and mailing lists.
 The project has enabled GitHub Discussions and so far it has been a great
 success. This helped users reaching out to GitHub Issues for questions,
 even though Log4j support policy explicitly asks to not use issue tracking
 system for questions[11].
- Log4cxx and Log4net haven't seen any community activity.


16 Aug 2023 [Volkan Yazici / Sander]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior and related software

## Project Status:
Both Log4j and Log4cxx projects are "ongoing".
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded on 2003-12-17, 20 years ago. According to
the ASF records, there are currently 40 committers and 17 PMC members in this
project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-07-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-03-03.

## Project Activity:
- Log4j code base was pretty active with dependency upgrades and various small
 fixes and improvements.
- Log4j `2.x` branch is trying migrate its *compiler* from Java 8 to, first 11,
 and then 17. Note that the target still remains the same, Java 8.
- Log4j team has been working on version 3 since late 2017 and on 2023-06-22,
 we succeeded in releasing `3.0.0-alpha1`. Log4j 3 is expected to be backward
 compatible with Log4j 2 at the [API] binary- and configuration-level. In a
 nutshell, 3 will target Java 11, provide better JPMS support, contain more
 fine-grained modules which can be toggled via configuration properties.
- Log4j Tools version `0.4.0` is released. This marks the first release where
 the project uses itself to generate the release notes.
- Log4j Tools, pioneering in the release automation through GitHub Actions,
 has become the first to automate the upload of release artifacts to the
 `` Subversion repository. Note that CI only uploads release
 *candidate* artifacts for review; RM is still expected to copy the final
 artifacts after voting consensus. CI does only have rights to access the
 `` folder. See INFRA-24803
 for details.
- Log4cxx incorporated various performance and some other minor improvements.

## Community Health:
- Log4cxx and Log4j are currently the most active sub-projects across GitHub
 and mailing lists.
- Log4cxx has been experiencing a peek in activity in the form of community
 contributed PRs and issue tickets. Though the project is still in need of
 new committers.

@Christofer: direct discussion over lazy consensus releases to appropriate venue with Roman

17 May 2023 [Volkan Yazici / Sharan]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior and related software

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded on 2003-12-17, 19 years ago. According to
the  ASF records, there are currently 40 committers and 17 PMC members in this
project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-07-19.
- No new committers. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-03-03.

## Project Activity:
- Log4j 2.20.0 was released on 2023-02-17 with a complete overhaul to its
 website generation. A process that was taking close to an hour is reduced to
 30 seconds. This is partially enabled by replacing `maven-changes-plugin`
 with our `log4j-changelog-maven-plugin` we released earlier with
 Log4j Tools. This was necessary to support multiple issue trackers, in
 particular, GitHub Issues next to JIRA.
- Log4j Tools 0.3.0 was released on 2023-03-17 with minor changes and feature
- Log4cxx 1.1.0 was released on 2023-05-04 and mainly addresses an SQL injection
 vulnerability disclosed in CVE-2023-31038.
- Log4j Transformation, tooling for binary post-processing of software using
 Log4j, 0.1.0 was released on 2023-05-05. This constitutes the first release
 of the project. It ships tooling to perform source location capture, which
 is an expensive operation, at build time. It also incorporates
 `maven-shaded-log4j-transformer`[2] donated to the ASF.

## Community Health:
- Log4cxx and Log4j are currently the most active sub-projects across GitHub
 and mailing lists.
- Starting with the recent Log4j 2.20.0 release, Log4j has migrated its issue
 tracking system from JIRA to GitHub Issues. We have made this change clear
 in our support page[1] and we deny new JIRA user account requests unless
 the issuer wants to comment on existing JIRA tickets.


15 Feb 2023

Change the Apache Logging Services Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ron Grabowski
 (rgrabowski) to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services,

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Ron
 Grabowski from the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services,

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Logging
 Services project has chosen by vote to recommend Volkan Yazici (vy) as
 the successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ron Grabowski is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
 President, Apache Logging Services, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Volkan Yazici be and hereby is appointed
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, to serve in
 accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
 and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
 removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Logging Services Project
 Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

15 Feb 2023 [Ron Grabowski / Rich]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (19 years ago). There are
currently 40 committers (16 active) and 17 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-07-18.
- No new committers. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-03-03.

## Project Activity:
- New logging-log4j-tools component released to help manage internal project
 infrastructure tasks such as change logs generation from GitHub Issues and
- LOG4J-TOOLS-0.2.0 was released on 2023-02-03.
- LOG4J-TOOLS-0.1.0 was released on 2023-01-13.
- 2 users requested access to Jira after Infra ended public signups in
 November 2022.
- More users are submitting GitHub Issues in lieu of Jira tickets.
- Log4j website updated to reflect some maintainers receive funding from
 Tidelift for their maintenance efforts.

## Community Health:
- log4cxx and log4j are currently the most active sub-projects across GitHub and
 mailing lists.
- PMC voting to rotate VP/Chair as part of standard 2 year rotation.

16 Nov 2022 [Ron Grabowski / Roy]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (18 years ago). There are
currently 40 committers (16 active) and 17 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-07-18.
- No new committers. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-03-03.

## Project Activity:
- LOG4J-2.19.0 was released on 2022-09-17
- Discussions on dev list to explore moving Log4j issue tracking
 from Jira to GitHub Issues due to 2022-10-21 email
 "[ANNOUNCE] Changes to Jira Account Creation (issues.a.o/jira)"
- PMC met with Tidelift to discuss logistics of sponsoring individuals.
 No PMC voting has occurred on if/how to move forward.
- PMC is exploring what would be the best way to introduce a
 review-then-commit practice without hindering the current development.

## Community Health:
log4cxx and log4j are currently the most active sub-projects across GitHub and
mailing lists.

17 Aug 2022 [Ron Grabowski / Bertrand]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
of software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (18 years ago). There are
currently 40 committers (16 active) and 17 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Piotr Karwasz was added to the PMC on 2022-07-18
- No new committers. Last addition was Piotr Karwasz on 2022-03-03.

## Project Activity:
- LOG4J-2.18.0 was released on 2022-07-01
- LOG4J-Kotlin-1.2.0 was released on 2022-06-30
- log4net-2.0.15 was released on 2022-07-29

## Community Health:
- Normal quarter of mailing list activity and code commits for Log4j, log4cxx,
 and Log4net projects

18 May 2022 [Ron Grabowski / Willem]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior and related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (18 years ago) There are
currently 40 committers and 16 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Davyd McColl was added to the PMC on 2021-11-09
- Piotr P. Karwasz added a committer on 2022-03-03

## Project Activity:
- LOG4J-2.17.2 was released on 2022-02-23
- log4cxx-0.13.0 was released on 2022-04-15

## Community Health:
- log4cxx and Log4j have had the most active communities the past quarter
- Work is progressing on Log4j 3.x
- Log4j project continues to work on optimizing Maven build process,
 GitHub integrations, and is exploring website redesign

16 Feb 2022 [Ron Grabowski / Sam]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
software for managing the logging of application behavior and related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (18 years ago) There are
currently 39 committers and 16 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Davyd McColl was added to the PMC on 2021-11-09
- No new committers. Last addition was Stephen Webb on 2020-08-08.
- Log4j 2 project working on identifying new contributors based on Pull
 Request activity.

## Project Activity:
- Late November through mid December 2021 the following CVEs were created:
 - CVE-2021-44228: Apache Log4j2 JNDI features do not protect against
   attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints.
 - CVE-2021-44832: Apache Log4j2 vulnerable to RCE via JDBC Appender when
   attacker controls configuration.
 - CVE-2021-45046: Apache Log4j2 Thread Context Lookup Pattern vulnerable to
   remote code execution in certain non-default configurations
 - CVE-2021-45105: Apache Log4j2 does not always protect from infinite
   recursion in lookup evaluation
- Team followed instructions on and expedited fixes were
 made available for Java 6, 7, 8+.
- received frequent
- Nearly all members of Logging PMC were involved with triaging and supporting
 the CVE efforts.
- ASF Security and ASF Press teams were very supportive offering guidance,
 perspective, coordination.
 - ASF Security/Press were consulted on how to handle inquiries from media
   outlets and government agencies.
- After the CVEs were resolved Logging Services created a new security@ email
 list to shift security discussions out of private@
- Logging Services team confirmed 2015 End of Life for Log4j 1:
- The following CVEs for EOL Log4j 1 were created to further encourage users
 to upgrade:
 - CVE-2022-23307: CVE-2020-9493 identified a deserialization issue that was
   present in Apache Chainsaw. Prior to Chainsaw V2.0 Chainsaw was a
   component of Apache Log4j 1.2.x where the same issue exists.
 - CVE-2022-23305: By design, the JDBCAppender in Log4j 1.2.x accepts an SQL
   statement as a configuration parameter where the values to be inserted are
   converters from PatternLayout. The message converter, %m, is likely to
   always be included. This allows attackers to manipulate the SQL by
   entering crafted strings into input fields or headers of an application
   that are logged allowing unintended SQL queries to be executed.
 - CVE-2022-23302: JMSSink in all versions of Log4j 1.x is vulnerable to
   deserialization of untrusted data when the attacker has write access to
   the Log4j configuration or if the configuration references an LDAP service
   the attacker has access to.

## Releases:
- log4net-2.0.14 was released on 2021-12-31
- LOG4J-2.12.4 was released on 2021-12-29
- LOG4J-2.3.2 was released on 2021-12-29
- LOG4J-2.17.1 was released on 2021-12-28

## Community Health:
- Mailing lists were active with CVE support questions, discussions around
 Log4j 1 EOL, voting, and other development topics.
- had a 381% increase in traffic in the past quarter
 (828 emails compared to 172)
- had a 403% increase in traffic in the past
 quarter (156 emails compared to 31)
- 1398 commits in the past quarter (366% increase)

17 Nov 2021 [Ron Grabowski / Sander]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (18 years ago)
There are currently 39 committers and 16 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Davyd McColl (log4net) was added to the PMC on 2021-11-09.
- No new committers. Last addition was Stephen Webb on 2020-08-08.

## Project Activity:
- log4cxx working on ABI (Application Binary Interface) compatibility and
 removal of log4j serialization in favor of more traditional JSON/XML formats.
- log4j made improvements to time formatters after Logback project published
 updated performance benchmarks. Team is deciding how to best update their
 2016 benchmarks so they can be consistently reproduced on modern hardware.
- log4j had XML DTD security concern raised on a mailing list in September.
 Team triaged the issue and decided it was related to LOG4J2-1959 which was
 resolved in 2017. No further action necessary.
- Chainsaw had security issue reported against two point releases of log4j-1.2
 before Chainsaw was broken out to its own product. log4j-1.2 was EOL'ed in
 2015. Most-recent release of Chainsaw removed support for accepting
 serialized LoggingEvents from log4j-1.2, so no vulnerability exists in

## Community Health:
- Mailing lists are back to normal levels of activity after summer breaks.
- October: Log4cxx 0.12.1 Released
- September: Release of Apache Log4j Kotlin API 1.1.0

18 Aug 2021

Change the Apache Logging Services Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Matt Sicker
 (mattsicker) to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services,

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
 Matt Sicker from the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services,

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Logging
 Services project has chosen by vote to recommend Ron Grabowski
 (rgrabowski) as the successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Matt Sicker is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
 President, Apache Logging Services, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ron Grabowski be and hereby is appointed
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, to serve in
 accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
 and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
 removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Logging Services Project
 Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

18 Aug 2021 [Matt Sicker / Sharan]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (18 years ago) There are
currently 39 committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Ron Grabowski expressed interest in rotating in as the new VP of Logging
 Services mid-July and received 9 +1 votes late-July. Matt Sicker is helping
 with the transition. August will be Ron's first board report.

## Project Activity:
- Log4j 2.15 likely to be released late August or early September with several
 fixes for 2.14.x's JsonTemplateLayout including support for GCP's structured
- Limited to no activity for other sub-projects (log4net, log4cxx, etc)

## Community Health:
- Mailing list traffic and code activity has declined due to summer holidays.
- PMC had a positive reaction to VP rotation.

19 May 2021 [Matt Sicker / Sharan]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
of software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (17 years ago) There are
currently 39 committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Robert Middleton was added to the PMC on 2021-03-21
- No new committers. Last addition was Stephen Webb on 2020-08-08.

## Project Activity:
- In March, we released Log4j 2.14.1 which is primarily composed of bugfixes,
 dependency updates, and a few small feature updates.
- In March, we decided to EOL support for Java 6 and Java 7. While the old
 releases of Log4j (2.3 and 2.12.1) are still available in the archives and
 Maven Central, we will no longer be linking to them on the website or in
 future release announcements.
- In March, we welcomed Robert Middleton to the PMC.
- In Log4j, we added improved Java module support for our upcoming 3.x branch.
 This allowed us to simplify our build requirements to use Java 11 without
 additional compiler versions.
- In Log4j, we collaborated with the Spring project to work on improvements to
 allow them to migrate to Log4j as their default logging backend.
- In log4cxx, we started efforts toward ABI compatibility automation.
- In April, we began release preparations for log4cxx 0.12.0, to occur in the
 next quarter (i.e., next month).
- In Chainsaw, we bumped the minimum Java version to 9 to repair and improve
 the macOS UI integration.

## Community Health:
- Mailing list traffic and code activity increased back to more normal levels
 after the holidays.

17 Feb 2021 [Matt Sicker / Niclas]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
of software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (17 years ago) There are
currently 39 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Volkan Yazici was added to the PMC on 2020-11-16
- No new committers. Last addition was Stephen Webb on 2020-08-08.

## Project Activity:
- In November, we released Log4j 2.14.0, the first release integrating the
 JsonTemplateLayout, a highly flexible JSON output logging driver. This
 release features added support for MongoDB 4 and drops support for MongoDB
- We had some discussions around the minimum Java requirements for Log4j 3.0
 and are still determining the feasibility of adopting Java Platform Module
 System while continuing to support Java 8.
- In December, we had some preliminary discussions about potentially
 maintaining a Log4Go subproject in the future.
- In December, we moved the Log4PHP subproject to dormant status.
- In December, discussions of a new log4cxx release began relating to its
 website and documentation to make upcoming and future releases more
- Toward the end of December, seven members of the PMC--Carter Kozak, Gary
 Gregory, Matt Sicker, Ralph Goers, Remko Popma, Ron Grabowski, and Volkan
 Yazici--all participated in an online videochat hosted by Volkan. In lieu of
 a physical meetup, this online meetup was a great opportunity for everyone
 to get to know each other better, discuss high level project details, and go
 over some history and context of things. Notes from the meeting are
 published on the Logging Services wiki at
- In January, some long-standing security issues with certain log receivers in
 Chainsaw were patched along with other build updates. No release has been
 published yet, but plans to work on one are under way.
- Initial discussions around releasing Log4j 2.14.1, but it was not initiated
 in this quarter.
- Quiet quarter for log4net.
- In log4cxx, we have improved the build automation and CI setup for testing
 cross platform builds.
- Future versions of log4cxx are planning to be updated to make better use of
 updated C++ standards such as C++11.

## Community Health:
- Mailing list traffic and general traffic has decreased a bit the prior
 quarter likely due to holidays, personal affairs, and nothing out of the

18 Nov 2020 [Matt Sicker / Sam]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (17 years ago)
There are currently 39 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carter Kozak on 2018-07-29.
- Davyd McColl was added as committer on 2020-08-04
- Robert Middleton was added as committer on 2020-08-04
- Stephen Webb was added as committer on 2020-08-08

## Project Activity:
- Note: August project activity detailed in previous board report.
- In September, we released version 2.0.10 of log4net which fixes
 CVE-2018-1285, adds support for netstandard2.0, and major build automation
- In September, we began migrating our Log4j tests from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5
 which has also provided a great opportunity for discovering ways to speed up
 the test execution time as well as identify gaps in APIs that may be
 addressed by adopting a more formal event-driven architecture in some areas.
- In September, we tried out Dependabot in Log4j which has turned out to be
 less helpful as we'd expected due to lack of integration with Jira as well
 as making it difficult to express or test backward compatibility with older
 dependency versions.
- In September, we started a release for log4net 2.0.11 which raised some
 process questions around signing and where to upload release candidates as a
 committer. We've been using the GitHub Releases functionality of the repo
 for copies of release candidates and releases marked as such while
 continuing to commit official releases in our usual distribution svn repo as
 well as uploading nupkg binaries to NuGet.
- In October, Matt and Ralph met with Davyd over video chat to do a GPG key
 exchange so that future releases of log4net can be signed by Davyd directly
 along with adding his key to our project KEYS file.
- In October, we released version 2.0.12 of log4net which includes some
 bugfixes for non-Windows platforms.
- The topic of Log4j 2.14.0, our next release, came up a few times during this
 quarter. We worked towards making Log4j release-ready, though the first
 release candidate was not published until the following quarter in November;
 stay tuned!

## Community Health:
- Mailing list traffic has increased on the dev list, partly from increased
 activity in log4net and log4cxx, partly from Log4j release preparations and
- PR activity has increased in log4net which has been greatly aided by having
 more active committers working on that component.

16 Sep 2020 [Matt Sicker / Justin]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain
of software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (17 years ago)
There are currently 39 committers and 13 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:1.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carter Kozak on 2018-07-29.
- Volkan Yazici was added as a committer on 2020-05-17
- Davyd McColl was added as committer on 2020-08-04
- Robert Middleton was added as committer on 2020-08-04
- Stephen Webb was added as committer on 2020-08-08

## Project Activity:
- In May, we released version 12.0 of Log4j Scala which introduced support for
 Scala 2.13 as well as migrating its build system to SBT.
- In May, we released version 2.13.3 of Log4j to fix a regression introduced in
 the previous 2.13.2 release.
- In June, we merged Volkan Yazici's JSON template layout along with Volkan
 himself into the project.
- In July, we migrated from using Travis CI to GitHub Actions to increase the
 reliability of our PR checks.
- In July, we migrated our Jenkins pipelines from to which eventually allowed us to enable PR checks from
 this system as well.
- In July, we announced CVE-2018-1285 which affects log4net releases up to and
 including 2.0.8 and the recently released 2.0.9. This XXE vulnerability only
 affects applications that allow arbitrary user input in their log4net
 configuration file, and it is planned to be fixed in a future 2.0.10 release.
- In August, we released version 2.0.9 of log4net with the help of our new
 committer, Davyd McColl. This release primarily involves bringing the project
 back from dormancy and making its build and release process functional again.
- In August, we released version 0.11.0 of log4cxx with the help of our two new
 committers, Robert Middleton and Stephen Webb. Being the first release of
 log4cxx in about 12 years, this includes numerous changes, features, and bugs
 fixed. Much of the recent activity around this project involved migrating to
 CMake and making a release with the renewed community interest.
- In August, we signed and tagged all our historical Log4j git tags under the
 immutable rel/X.Y.Z tagging scheme.
- In August, we migrated our base website from the old CMS
 to the asf-site git branch method of publishing the site. We also migrated
 from svnpubsub to the pypubsub in publishing the rest of our website.

## Community Health:
- This quarter has been one of the busiest in our community in some time!
- Both log4net and log4cxx have seen renewed community interest including new
 committers working on them and new releases published.
- The publication of CVE-2018-1285 did raise several inquiries about the state
 of the project, though this hasn't led to any new contributors.
- Mailing list traffic, commits, and PRs are all up from previous quarters;
 much of this is attributable to increased activity in log4net and log4cxx in
 addition to the typical Log4j activity.
- We updated our Project Team page on our website to list our active and
 inactive team members. Active team members are defined as committers who have
 participated in the project in the past two years. Inactive team members are
 either committers/PMC members who requested emeritus status or have not
 participated in the community in the last few years; they are always welcome
 to continue participating at any time. Today, we have 8 active PMC members
 and 6 active committers (14 together), along with 11 inactive or emeritus
 PMC members and 4 inactive committers.

19 Aug 2020 [Matt Sicker / Patricia]

No report was submitted.

20 May 2020 [Matt Sicker / Craig]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (16 years ago)
There are currently 35 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carter Kozak on 2018-07-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andrei Ivanov on 2019-04-18.

## Project Activity:
- In February, we released Log4j 2.13.1 which was primarily a maintenance
 release with numerous bugfixes.
- In February, we began the release candidate process for Log4j Scala API 12.0,
 our first release of the Scala library that supports Scala 2.13 as well as
 using sbt instead of maven for builds which simplified that codebase a bit.
 This RC process took the entire quarter with some speedbumps, and we've
 released the new version in early May (technically the next quarter).
- Much work has been done with the maintainer of log4j2-logstash-layout to
 integrate the code from that library into Log4j itself. While this hasn't
 been released yet, we hope to have it integrated in time for Log4j 2.14.0.
- In March, we voted to move log4net to a dormant state due to the lack of any
 PMC members to maintain the subproject. The following month, this inspired
 some external contributors to step up and start working on reviving the
 subproject. The first major goal is to get a working CI environment for the
 build, and we have been examining AppVeyor as a potential solution already
 supported by Infra.
- In March and April, we migrated all our Jenkins jobs to use Jenkins pipelines
 which are typically better supported upstream by Jenkins than the previous
 job types.
- In April, we released Log4j 2.13.2 which primarily contained bugfixes as
 well as a security fix for CVE-2020-9488 which affected the SMTP appender.
- Throughout the quarter, we've received several contributions to log4cxx to
 help simplify its build system which should help release managers in the
- In May (next quarter), we announced CVE-2018-1285 for a fairly contrived
 security issue in log4net for which we have no released fix due to the
 dormant status of log4net.

## Community Health:
- We've seen an increase in log4j-user mailing list traffic, especially since
 we announced an old CVE for log4j 1.x which has led some confused users into
 panic upgrades.
- The vote to mark log4net as dormant has helped revitalize some discussion
 around how to revive that subproject, thus increasing dev@ traffic.
- Some increased development activity now that the holiday quarter is over. It
 seems like the pandemic hasn't directly affected development at this point.

19 Feb 2020 [Matt Sicker / Daniel]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (16 years ago)
There are currently 35 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carter Kozak on 2018-07-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andrei Ivanov on 2019-04-18.

## Project Activity:
- In November, we received increased interest and contributions to log4php and
- In November, we continued discussions around the plugin dependency injection
 overhaul and learned some lessons from various CDI implementations.
- In December, we released Log4j 2.13.0 which is the first Log4j 2 release
 that requires Java 8. Other notable features in this release include
 backward compatibility with Log4j 1 properties and XML configuration files,
 new configuration integrations with Kubernetes and Spring Boot, a new logger
 builder API, additional message sub-layout configuration for GELF layouts,
 and numerous bug fixes and pull requests.
- In December, we announced CVE-2019-17571 for Log4j 1.x as a deserialization
 of untrusted data vulnerability in the log socket server. This is announced
 without a fix as the 1.x release line was EOLed in August 2015. A similar
 vulnerability was announced a couple years ago in Log4j 2.x in
- In December, we turned back to discussing what else is necessary for Log4j
 3.0. Some main changes considered include improved compatibility with the
 Java module system in Java 9+ along with trimming down the size of the core
 jar due to finer grained modules, an overhauled plugin system making plugin
 development more comparable to common dependency injection frameworks,
 backward-compatible API housekeeping, and a consideration around what level
 of backward compatibility is expected for this release line which concluded
 with a desire to continue backward compatibility with the 2.x API.
- In January, we received contributions from a couple new people for log4cxx
 including a build system simplification toward using CMake.
- In January, we began conversations with a contributor who is working on
 merging their highly customizable Logstash/JSON layout project into Log4j.
- In January, we received a contribution fixing our Travis build. This has led
 to discussions around the possibility of trying out GitHub Actions as a PR
 tester replacement in the future.

## Community Health:
- Renewed interest in log4php in improving its website and other rough edges.
- Doubling of dev@ mailing list traffic thanks to increased interest in all of
 Log4j, log4cxx, and log4php.
- Large increases in email, commit, and PR traffic this quarter (all at least
 doubled from last quarter). This was partially to be expected due to a
 decrease in traffic last quarter.

@Daniel: follow up about log4net security fix

20 Nov 2019 [Matt Sicker / Craig]

## Description:
The mission of the Apache Logging Services project is to create and maintain of
software for managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
software components.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (16 years ago)
There are currently 35 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carter Kozak on 2018-07-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andrei Ivanov on 2019-04-18.

## Project Activity:
- No new releases since the last report (Log4j 2.12.1 in August).
- Ongoing discussions and experiments on plugin system overhauls
 continues with inspiration from projects like OpenWebBeans and
- Work done to update our CI configurations is ongoing, though we
 seem to have stabilized our Jenkins builds for now. Travis builds
 are still questionable due to our use of multiple versions of the
 JDK during build time.
- A new feature in JDK 14 involving NVMe storage looks promising to
 improve our memory-mapped log file appenders to allow for maximum
 performance in persisting log data.

## Community Health:
We had a bit of a traffic decrease since last quarter.
However, there has been some new interest in the log4php, log4net, and
log4cxx components which is promising.

21 Aug 2019 [Matt Sicker / Joan]

## Description:
The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
software related to the logging of application behavior and released
at no charge to the public.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Logging Services was founded 2003-12-16 (16 years ago)
There are currently 35 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 5:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Carter Kozak on 2018-07-29.
- No new committers. Last addition was Andrei Ivanov on 2019-04-18.

## Project Activity:
- In June, we released Log4j 2.12.0 which added support for runtime
 reconfiguration via HTTP/HTTPS, Docker, and Spring Cloud Configuration,
 along with numerous bug fixes and dependency updates.
- In August, we just released Log4j 2.12.1 which contains more bugfixes,
 a performance improvement to logger callsite location calculation,
 as well as an improvement to the Log4j 1.2 compatibility layer to not
 require log4j-core as a dependency.
- Discussions over IDE setup complications regarding multiple JDKs in a
 single Maven project raised an interesting point about a current barrier
 to entry in the project. No ideal solution has been identified yet beyond
 requesting IDEs to support Maven toolchains properly.
- A new discussion about the health of Log4net was started back in June
 by a contributor.
- Experiments with a fluent logging API inspired by the current FLogger
 and SLF4J fluent logger APIs discovered interesting performance
 improvements for logger callsite location calculation. After making some
 microbenchmarks, an improvement to the internals of log4j-core was made
 to significantly reduce the number of stack frames that need to be traversed
 to calculate callsite location info.
- In July, we began discussions around potentially adopting a formal
 code of conduct for the project to make the project more welcoming
 to contributors and community members. The general consensus seems to
 be to adopt the ASF's CoC, though there has been no formal action taken
 at this time.
- Discussions began on dropping Java 7 support in Log4j 2.x. This was
 originally deferred to Log4j 3.x, though we want to decouple the Java
- Early discussions on making new releases of Log4j Audit and Log4j Scala API.

## Community Health:
- Development and mail activity have increased over 100% since last quarter.
 This is explained in more detail in the project activity.
- Discussions around adopting a code of conduct were positive.
- Health of the Log4net subproject was brought up on the mailing lists.

15 May 2019 [Matt Sicker / Craig]

## Description:
 - The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
   software related to the logging of application behavior and released at no
   charge to the public.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 - Andrei Ivanov was added as a committer with a particular interest on Log4j
 - Log4j 2.11.2 was released with new database appender improvements, many
   bugfixes, a new internal build system for detecting API changes between
   releases, and some performance improvements.
 - Early discussions on a new Groovy configuration DSL have begun.
 - Small activity around log4cxx on mailing lists.
 - Early discussions on releasing log4net. Due to the lack of contributors and
   expertise in .NET in the Logging PMC, forming a release has been
   challenging. However, we are planning to work on some knowledge transfers
   during this next release to help keep this project component viable.

## Health report:
 - The project overall remains active and healthy. Overall activity was less
   this quarter than previous.
 - The log4net component has been struggling lately due to lack of
   contributors. Based on mailing list and jira interest, the project itself
   continues to have many users, though attracting new committers hasn't
 - Similarly, log4cxx has very little activity, and log4php has almost none.
   These concerns appear to date back several years at this point.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 14 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Carter Kozak on Sun Jul 29 2018

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 35 committers.
 - Andrei Ivanov was added as a committer on Thu Apr 18 2019

## Releases:

 - LOG4J-2.11.2 was released on Tue Feb 05 2019

20 Feb 2019 [Matt Sicker / Brett]

## Description:

Apache Logging Services creates and maintains open source software related to
application logging.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

 - Log4j: we completed our 2.11.2 release and have continuted work, albeit
   slowly,  toward modularizing Log4j Core (and other plugins) along with an
   updated 3.0 API to better support Java 9 modules and a stable plugin API.
 - Log4j Audit: Version 1.0.1 was released for audit logging in JVM

## Health report:

Logging Services remains an active project. The community is healthy,
friendly, and helpful.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 14 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Carter Kozak on July 30, 2018

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 34 committers.
 - Raman Gupta was added as a committer on Mon Dec 17 2018

## Releases:

 - LOG4J-2.10.0 was released on Wed Nov 22 2017
 - CHAINSAW-2.0 was released on Thu Jan 25 2018

## /dist/ errors: 6

Expired artifacts were resigned. And SHA-256 and SHA-512 checksums were added
to all the artifacts.

## GitHub PRs and issues:

17 PRs created, 13 of which have been closed 17 PRs closed 30 Open PRs total

## Mailing list activity:

Mailing list activity has not changed all that much in the past quarter. Most
of the lists are fairly quiet.

    - 325 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months):
    - 197 emails sent to list (177 in previous quarter)

    - 101 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
    - 3 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)

    - 209 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
    - 5 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)

    - 595 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 48 emails sent to list (105 in previous quarter)

    - 289 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
    - 0 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter)

    - 79 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 0 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)

    - 11 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
    - 952 emails sent to list (1335 in previous quarter)

21 Nov 2018 [Matt Sicker / Phil]

## Description:
 - The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
   software related to the logging of application behavior and released at no
   charge to the public.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 - Log4j Audit has gained interest in the community, attracting some new
 - There is an ongoing release candidate for Log4j Kotlin API 1.0.0.
 - Log4j 3 has started being discussed in more detail on the dev list, while
   general bugfixing has been going on.
 - Log4cxx has been gaining activity lately with outside contributions.
 - Small activity in Log4net.
 - /dist/ cleanups to update expired signatures and add stronger checksums.

## Health report:
 - The Log4j-related components remain active and healthy. Mailing list
   activity remains about the same as last quarter. However, log4net, log4cxx,
   and log4php are all seeing rather limited activity nowadays. We'll be
   continuing to discuss the future of these components.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 14 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Carter Kozak on Sun Jul 29 2018

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 33 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Carter Kozak at Wed Mar 28 2018

## Releases:

 - Last release was LOGJ-2.11.1 on Sun Jul 22 2018

15 Aug 2018 [Matt Sicker / Roman]

## Description:
 - The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
   software related to the logging of application behavior and released at no
   charge to the public.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 - We cut our very first release of a new logging component called Log4j
   Audit. This provides an audit logging framework on top of Log4j2 which can
   be used as broadly as for auditing purposes or even as specialized as for
   distributed trace logging. Log4j Audit contains a catalog editor as well to
   help predefine audit events shared by all your applications.
 - We made a new bugfix release of Log4j 2 while we continue to brainstorm on
   where we'd like to see Log4j 3 go in the future.
 - We invited Carter Kozak to join the PMC who has accepted and joined. Thanks
   for all your hard work, Carter!
 - We have a new Log4j API for Scala release in the works that migrates its
   build system from Maven to SBT along with a large reduction in duplicate
   code between different versions of Scala thanks to SBT's cross compilation
 - We have a new Log4j API for Kotlin component almost ready to release.
   Thanks to Raman Gupta for developing the initial version of this component!

## Health report:
 - The project remains active and healthy. Mailing list activity remains about
   the same as last quarter.
 - Over the past 90 days, there were about 75 issues reported and 42 closed
   across all the Apache Logging Services projects. The bulk of this activity
   is from Log4j2.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 14 PMC members.
 - Carter Kozak was added to the PMC on Sun Jul 29 2018

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 33 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Carter Kozak at Wed Mar 28 2018

## Releases:

 - LOG4J-Audit-1.0.0 was released on Sat Jun 16 2018
 - LOGJ-2.11.1 was released on Sun Jul 22 2018

16 May 2018 [Matt Sicker / Phil]

## Description:
 - Apache Logging Services creates and maintains open source software related
   to application logging.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 - New component Log4j Kotlin API is under development and preparing for its
   initial release.
 - New component Log4j Audit is nearly ready for an initial release.
 - Log4j Scala API migrated to SBT and contributed a new RAT plugin for it.
 - Log4j 3.0 development has begun with modularization of the core and Java 8
   improvements as a unifying theme.
 - We are migrating our git repositories to gitbox to ease the maintenance
   burden on Infra as well as take advantage of better GitHub integration.

## Health report:
 - The project remains active, and the community continues to provide a
   friendly, helpful experience.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 13 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Mikael Ståldal on Mon Jun 20 2016

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 33 committers.
 - Carter Kozak was added as a committer on Wed Mar 28 2018

## Releases:

 - LOG4J-2.11.0 was released on Thu Mar 15 2018

## /dist/ errors: 6
 - We are looking into updating expired signatures for old releases.

## Mailing list activity:

 - Mailing list activity is lower than the previous quarter but is
   still rather active.

21 Feb 2018 [Matt Sicker / Phil]

## Description:

Apache Logging Services creates and maintains open source software related to
application logging.

## Issues:

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

 - Log4j: we completed our 2.10.0 release and have started work toward
   modularizing Log4j Core (and other plugins) along with an updated
   3.0 API to better support Java 9 modules and a stable plugin API. This has
   also been inspired by a strong desire to improve our release process as we
   accumulate several strongly orthogonal components which in our experience
   has made release management more and more tedious.
 - Chainsaw: we released version 2.0.
 - Log4j Audit: we are preparing for a preview release of this new component
   for audit logging in JVM applications.

## Health report:

Logging Services remains an active project. The community is healthy,
friendly, and helpful.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 13 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Mikael Ståldal on Mon Jun 20 2016

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 32 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Thorsten Schöning at Mon Mar 06 2017

## Releases:

 - LOG4J-2.10.0 was released on Wed Nov 22 2017
 - CHAINSAW-2.0 was released on Thu Jan 25 2018

## /dist/ errors: 6

Four of these errors are related to Log4j Extras 1.2.17 which is no longer
maintained (same as Log4j 1.2.x in general). The other two errors are from an
old Log4cxx 0.10.0 release whose key has expired.

## Mailing list activity:

Mailing list activity has not changed all that much, though the activity on
dev@ has decreased now that notifications@ has been set up for the past

15 Nov 2017 [Matt Sicker / Ted]

## Description:

Apache Logging Services creates and maintains open source software
related to application logging.

## Issues:

 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Activity:

 - Log4j: during this quarter, some of our main work has revolved
 around Java 9 support, improved support for generating and parsing
 safer formats such as JSON in order to discourage native Java
 serialization and the vulnerabilities associated with that, removal
 of default configurations that would use the old Java serialization
 layout, better defaults for XML parsing to avoid potential security
 issues with configuration files, a new HTTP appender, and automatic
 JMS reconnection support for JMS clients that don't support that

 - Log4net: no new releases this quarter, but the Jenkins pipeline
 builds have been stabilized. Some bug fixes and enhancements to
 the AdoNetAppender.

 - Log4j Scala: no new releases this quarter. Some talk about testing
 for Scala 2.13 beta releases. The website was partially integrated
 back into the Log4j site.

 - Log4cxx: no new releases this quarter. Some bugfixes committed.

 - Log4php: no new releases this quarter. No new commits.

 - Chainsaw: no new releases this quarter. Discussion has started
 regarding revitalizing the project for a 3.0 version with the
 general idea being to migrate to JavaFX for its GUI instead of
 Swing, and to write it in either Scala 2.12 or Java 8. Work was
 done to prepare the project for a release, and discussion is taking
 place to start a release candidate process for it. Talk about how
 to package appropriate binaries for various operating systems was
 also considered. There is general interest in overhauling the
 project after a new release of the existing 2.x codebase.

 - Log4j Audit: some initial work has been done towards creating
 an audit logging framework and catalog.

## Health report:

Logging Services remains an active project. The overall community
is healthy and friendly. We recently voted to rotate the PMC Chair
to Matt Sicker which was approved by the Board on 18 October 2017.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 13 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Mikael Ståldal on Mon Jun 20 2016
 - Ralph Goers resigned from PMC Chair on Oct 18 2017
 - Matt Sicker was added as PMC Chair on Oct 18 2017

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 32 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Thorsten Schöning at Mon Mar 06 2017

## Releases:

 - LOG4J-2.9.0 was released on Sat Aug 26 2017
 - LOG4J-2.9.1 was released on Wed Sep 20 2017

## Mailing list activity:

We recently added a notifications@ mailing list to redirect a lot
of duplicate messages that are generated by tools such as GitHub,
JIRA, and other integrations. This will decrease the absolute traffic
numbers in the dev@ list and has already had an effect by decreasing
the traffic to dev@ by almost 300 emails.

The dev@ mailing list had less traffic than last quarter. The
log4j-user@ list had more activity than last quarter. The other
user lists had about the same amount of traffic as last quarter.

18 Oct 2017

Change the Apache Logging Services Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ralph Goers
 (rgoers) to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services,

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
 Ralph Goers from the office of Vice President, Apache Logging
 Services, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Logging
 Services project has chosen by vote to recommend Matt Sicker
 (mattsicker) as the successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ralph Goers is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
 President, Apache Logging Services, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Matt Sicker be and hereby is appointed to
 the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, to serve in
 accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors
 and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
 removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Logging Services Project
 Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

16 Aug 2017 [Ralph Goers / Chris]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Logging Services remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.

After combining the dev mailing lists the number of subscribers has
continued to decline, however the amount of email traffic appears to
have increased although it is hard to tell how much since GitHub and
Jira generate a lot of noise.

In general, all subprojects are still healthy.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements. As noted
below, work has begun to address these issues.

- Last three community changes

 * Curt Arnold resigned from the PMC and as a committer on May 4, 2017
 * Thorsten Schöning was added as a committer on Mar 6, 2017
 * Jonathon Davies was added as a committer on Jan 8, 2017

- Releases
 * Log4j-Scala 11.0 (Jul 23, 2017)
 * Log4j 2.8.2 (Apr 4, 2017)
 * Log4net 2.0.8 (Mar 10, 2017)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Work to support Java 9 has continued. A new release
should be available prior to Java 9 being released. A few individuals
have recently started contributing and the PMC continues to monitor
their progress towards becoming committers.

Log4J-Scala: The Scala support was moved out of Log4j into its own
sub-project so that its needs could be better supported. While a release
has been created the web site for the project still needs to be integrated
into the Log4j and/or Logging sites.

Log4net: Moderately active with 1 recent release. Effort is being put into
automating the build process aiming for a pipeline to automate as much as

Log4cxx: Log4cxx still has not had a new release but discussion continue
on the dev list.

Log4php: No activity this quarter.

Chainsaw: The PMC has begun to address the branding issues. A new version
of the site was generated that addresses the missing copyrights. However,
the latest artifacts (from 2006) are embedded in the web site and must
be moved to the proper distribution location. A new release will be
created to address that. Discussions have also taken place with regard to
providing better integration with Log4j 2.

17 May 2017 [Ralph Goers / Chris]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.

"CVE-2017-5645 - Apache Log4j socket receiver
deserialization vulnerability" was fixed. The same vulnerability
was reported against Logstash. After the fix was announced a
developer from a Logstash contacted us that he was not happy
with the fix we made. The vulnerability is due to the design of
how Java handles deserialization of Java serialized oobjects. We
modified our Socket Server example to implement white listing to
prevent deserializating untrusted objects. The Logstash developer
wanted Log4j to solve the problem on the sending side. We pointed
out that this would not cure the security vulnerabilty in
Logstash as they accept Java serialized events from other sources.
We then directed him to an alternate format they could recommend
to their users instead of using Java serialized objects. We are
also planning on removing the SerializedLayout as the default for
the SocketAppender.

Log4cxx has graduated back to the Logging project.More details are in
the subproject section below.

The development mailing lists were combined this quarter so that the
PMC could stop having discussions on the private list. This has resulted
in a net loss of about 9% of the subscribers from the individual various
lists. It would seem most of those unsubscribing did not like the sudden
increase in email they were now getting since most of the dev mailing
lists were very quiet. OTOH, there has been a noticeable increase in
cross-project discussions.

In general, all subprojects are still healthy although none has grown
since the last report.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements. The PMC
needs to discuss what to do about this as it appears no release will be

- Last three community changes

 * Curt Arnold resigned from the PMC and as a committer on May 4, 2017
 * Thorsten Schöning was added as a committer on Mar 6, 2017
 * Jonathon Davies was added as a committer on Jan 8, 2017

- Releases
 * Log4j 2.8.1 (Feb 28, 2017)
 * Log4j 2.8.2 (Apr 4, 2017)
 * Log4net 2.0.8 (Mar 10, 2017)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Several new git repos have been created for additional
components related to Log4j. Initial work to support Java 9 has begun.

Log4net: Active with 1 release within the last quarter. The project
moved from subversion to git and modified the web site to reflect the
look and feel of the other Logging project sites.

Log4cxx: Log4cxx was graduated from the incubator back to the Logging
Services project. The most active committer in the podling, Thorsten
Schöning, was added as a Logging Services committer. Another individual
has been active on the mailing list and will contribute enough to also
become a committer.

Log4php: No activity this quarter.

Chainsaw: There has been some activity with questions this quarter. However,
there is great concern that that the primary individual maintaining
Chainsaw is pointing people to his private unreleased snapshot instead
of performing a release. Otherwise, Chainsaw continues to have no activity,
and continues to not conform to the ASF branding requirements.

27 Feb 2017 [Ralph Goers / Isabel]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active in the Incubator. They have been sporadic
discussions regarding performing a release but little real progress
has been made.

In general, all subprojects are still healthy although none has grown
since the last report.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Jonathon Davies has accepted an invite to be a committer on Jan 8, 2017
 * Mikael Ståldal joined as a PMC Member on June 20 2016
 * Ralph Goers was voted to be the next Chair on Nov 01 2015

- Releases
 * Log4j 2.8 (Jan 24, 2017)
 * Logging Parent 1.0 (Jan 25, 2017)
 * Log4net 2.0.7 (Jan 4, 2017)
 * Log4net 2.0.6 (Dec 24, 2016)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Several new git repos have been created for additional
components related to Log4j.

The number of emails on the developer mailing list has increased by about
30% in the last 3 months although the number of subscribers has decreased
slightly. The increase may be due to github now sending emails to the dev

Log4net: Active with 2 releases within the last quarter and a significant
uptick in activity on the dev and user lists.

Log4cxx: Prgoress seems to have stalled in the incubator. They have made
no progress towards a release. Only minor mailing list activity.

Log4php: No activity this quarter.

Chainsaw: No activity this quarter.

16 Nov 2016 [Ralph Goers / Shane]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active in the Incubator. They have been sporadic
discussions regarding performing a release but little real progress
has been made.

In general, all subprojects are still healthy although none has grown
since the last report.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Mikael Ståldal joined as a PMC Member on June 20 2016
 * Ralph Goers was voted to be the next Chair on Nov 01 2015
 * Mikael Ståldal joined as a Committer on Sep 17 2015

- Releases
 * Log4j 2.7 (Oct 1, 2016)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Significant work has been done to reduce or eliminate
the number of objects Log4j creates and in documenting how to use
Log4j in a "garbage free" manner. Quite a few bug fixes in the last 2

Discussions have been held on the developer list regarding how large the
Log4j 2 project has gotten, the need to have some of the builds target
newer Java versions, and some new components. In support of that new
git repositories have been created for log4j-audit, log4j-plugins,
log4j-scala, and log4j-tools.

The number of emails on the developer mailing list has increased by about
25% in the last 3 months.

Log4net: Active with 2 releases within the last year and a significant
uptick in activity on the dev and user lists

Log4cxx: Prgoress seems to have stalled in the incubator. They have made
no progress towards a release. However, the email lists still show some

Log4php: No activity this quarter.

Chainsaw: No activity this quarter.

17 Aug 2016 [Ralph Goers / Marvin]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active in the Incubator. They have been sporadic
discussions regarding performing a release but little real progress
has been made.

In general, all subprojects are still healthy although none has grown
since the last report.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Mikael Ståldal joined as a PMC Member on June 20 2016
 * Ralph Goers was voted to be the next Chair on Nov 01 2015
 * Mikael Ståldal joined as a Committer on Sep 17 2015

- Releases
 * Log4j 2.6.2 (Jul 5, 2016)
 * Log4j 2.6.1 (Jun 8, 2016)
 * Log4j 2.6 (May 28, 2016)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Significant work has been done to reduce or eliminate
the number of objects Log4j creates and in documenting how to use
Log4j in a "garbage free" manner. Quite a few bug fixes in the last 2

The number of emails on the developer mailing list has increased again
in the last 3 months.

Log4net: Active with 2 recent releases.

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Discussions on how to perform a release
are still in progress.

Log4php: Almost no activity this quarter.

Chainsaw: No activity this quarter.

18 May 2016 [Ralph Goers / Brett]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active in the Incubator. They have been sporadic
discussions regarding performing a release but little real progress
has been made.

In general, all subprojects are still healthy although none has grown
since the last report.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Ralph Goers was voted to be the next Chair on Nov 01 2015
 * Mikael Staldal joined as a Committer on Sep 17 2015
 * Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.5 (Dec 9, 2015)
 * log4net 1.2.15 (Dec 8 2015)
 * Log4net 1.2.14 (Nov 10 2015)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Significant work has been done to reduce or eliminate
the number of objects Log4j creates and in documenting how to use
Log4j in a "garbage free" manner. Significant work has been done in
documenting the performance of Log4j in various scenarios as well as
comparing the performance of Log4j against other logging frameworks.

The number of emails on the developer mailing list has doubled in the
last 3 months although the number of subscribers has decreased by 5.

A release is expected within the next month.

Log4net: Active with 2 recent releases

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Discussions on how to perform a release
are still in progress.

Log4php: Almost no activity this quarter.

Chainsaw: No activity this quarter.

17 Feb 2016 [Ralph Goers / Brett]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall community is healthy
and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active in the Incubator. A thread was started on
the incubator mailing list asking for help in getting new mentors.
This resulted in 2 people offering to help. It also digressed into
a discussion about closing down the podling. The podling is actively
discussing how to create a release that doesn't use Java build tools.

In general, all subprojects are still healthy although none has grown
much since the last report.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Ralph Goers was voted to be the next Chair on Nov 01 2015
 * Mikael Staldal joined as a Committer on Sep 17 2015
 * Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.5 (Dec 9, 2015)
 * log4net 1.2.15 (Dec 8 2015)
 * Log4net 1.2.14 (Nov 10 2015)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Releases every 2-3 months.

Log4j 1: EOL announced. Bugzilla closed for new issues.

Log4net: Active with 2 recent releases

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Discussions on how to perform a release
are in progress.

Log4php: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Chainsaw: Ready for a new release.

18 Nov 2015

Change the Apache Logging Services Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Christian
 Grobmeier (grobmeier) to the office of Vice President,
 Apache Logging Services, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Christian Grobmeier from the office of Vice President, Apache
 Logging Services, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Logging
 Services project has chosen by vote to recommend Ralph Goers (rgoers)
 as the successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Christian Grobmeier is
 relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities
 of the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ralph Goers be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging
 Services, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
 of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
 until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Logging Services Project
 Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

18 Nov 2015 [Christian Grobmeier / Sam]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the boards attention.

- Community

Christian Grobmeier asked to resign from his role as a chair. The community
voted for Ralph Goers to be the next chair:

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly.

Log4j 1.x has reached its "End Of Life". Press release was drafted with
Sally from ASF Press.

Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator.

In general, all subprojects are healthy despite the community didn't grow
much in the past months.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Ralph Goers was voted to be the next Chair on Nov 01 2015
 * Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014
 * Bruce Brouwer joined as a Committer on May 16 2014

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.4.1 (Oct 10, 2015)
 * Log4j 2.4.0 (Sep 29, 2015)
 * Log4j 2.3.0 (May 15, 2015)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active.

Log4j 1: EOL announced.

Log4net: Preparing a new release.

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Release is considered.

Log4php: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Chainsaw: Ready for a new release.

19 Aug 2015 [Christian Grobmeier / Brett]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board's attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly.

Log4j 1.x has reached its "End Of Life". Following the vote, we will
prepare all necessary steps together with press@apache (Sally).

Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator.

In general, all subprojects are healthy despite the community didn't grow
much in the past months.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014
 * Bruce Brouwer joined as a Committer on May 16 2014
 * Matt Sicker joined as a Committer on Mar 01 2014

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.3.0 (May 15, 2015)
 * Log4j 2.2.0 (Feb 26, 2015)
 * Log4j 2.1.0 (Oct 28, 2014)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. R2.4.0 will be out soon.

Log4j 1: Will be announced as EOL product soon.

Log4net: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Release is considered.

Log4php: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Chainsaw: Ready for a new release.

20 May 2015 [Christian Grobmeier / Bertrand]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues which require the board’s attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator.

In general, all subprojects are healthy.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014
 * Bruce Brouwer joined as a Committer on May 16 2014
 * Matt Sicker joined as a Committer on Mar 01 2014

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.2.0 (Feb 26, 2015)
 * Log4j 2.1.0 (Oct 28, 2014)
 * Log4j 2.0.2 (Aug 22, 2014)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active.

Log4j 1: No activity. We need to discuss the future of v1.x.

Log4net: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Release is considered.

Log4php: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Chainsaw: Ready for a new release.

18 Feb 2015 [Christian Grobmeier / Brett]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues, which require the board’s attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator.

In general, all subprojects are healthy.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014
 * Bruce Brouwer joined as a Committer on May 16 2014
 * Matt Sicker joined as a Committer on Mar 01 2014

(no changes since last report)

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.1.0 (Oct 28, 2014)
 * Log4j 2.0.2 (Aug 22, 2014)
 * Log4j 2.0.1 (Aug 05, 2014)

(no changes since last report)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active.

Log4j 1: No activity. Needs to be considered for EOL.

Log4net: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Release is considered.

Log4php: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Chainsaw: Ready for a new release.

@Brett: Any action on log4j?

19 Nov 2014 [Christian Grobmeier / Sam]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to application logging.

Currently there are no issues, which require the board’s attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains an active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly.

Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator. A first release
is in discussion.

After three years the Infra ticket:


was eventually closed (Thanks, Infra!) which unblocks
a new Chainsaw release.

In general, all subprojects are healthy.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components except Chainsaw meet the branding requirements.
We will fix the Chainsaw branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Matt Sicker joined as PMC Member on Aug 10 2014
 * Bruce Brouwer joined as a Committer on May 16 2014
 * Matt Sicker joined as a Committer on Mar 01 2014

We have asked long time inactive members if they want to go emeritus.
The following committers/PMC members have chosen to do so in August:

 * Curt Arnold
 * Nicko Cadell
 * Ceki Gülcü
 * Jacob Kjome
 * Paul Smith

The board was notified and the according records were deleted after
72 hours period.

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.1.0 (Oct 28, 2014)
 * Log4j 2.0.2 (Aug 22, 2014)
 * Log4j 2.0.1 (Aug 05, 2014)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active. Moved to Git recently.

Log4j 1: No activity. Needs to be considered for EOL.

Log4net: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Log4cxx: Active in the Incubator. Release is considered.

Log4php: Less activity.

Chainsaw: Ready for a new release.

20 Aug 2014 [Christian Grobmeier / Jim]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

Currently there are no issues, which require the board’s attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains a very active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly. Log4j 2.0 has finally been
released. Sally was so kind to support us with crafting a
press release statement.

Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator.

A new Chainsaw release is currently blocked by this Infra-Ticket
(open since Oct 2011):


In general, all subprojects are healthy.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw.
We will fix the branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Bruce Brouwer joined as a Committer on May 16 2014
 * Matt Sicker joined as a Committer on Mar 01 2014.
 * Nick Williams joined the PMC on Feb 19 2014.

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.0.1 (Aug 05, 2014)
 * Log4j 2.0 GA (Jul 17, 2014)
 * Log4j 2.0 RC2 (Jun 25, 2014)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Very active.

Log4j 1: No activity. A CVE was opened but hasn't been fixed yet.

Log4net: Almost no activity, but questions on the mailing lists are answered.

Log4cxx: Very active in the Incubator.

Log4php: Less activity.

Chainsaw: The ticket INFRA-3991 is blocking a new release:

@Jim: why is a certificate needed for release?

21 May 2014 [Christian Grobmeier / Jim]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

Currently there are no issues, which require the board’s attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains a very active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly. We expect to add a new committer soon.

Log4cxx is still active at the Incubator.

A new Chainsaw release is currently blocked by this Infra-Ticket
(open since Oct 2011):


The Logging project reconsiders the Chair role on a yearly
basis. The Community decided to stick with its current Chair.

In general, all subprojects are healthy.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw.
We will fix the branding with the next release.

- Last three community changes

 * Matt Sicker joined as a Committer on Mar 01 2014.
 * Nick Williams joined the PMC on Feb 19 2014.
 * Remko Popma joined the PMC on Sep 28 2013.

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.0 RC1 (Feb 17, 2014)
 * Log4j Extras 1.2.17 (Oct 20, 2013)
 * Log4j 2.0-beta9 (Sep 21, 2013)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Very active. A new RC is discussed.

Log4j 1: Almost no activity. A CVE was opened but hasn't been fixed yet.

Log4net: Less active, but healthy and maintained.

Log4cxx: Very active in the Incubator.

Log4php: Less activity.

Chainsaw: The ticket INFRA-3991 is blocking a new release:

19 Feb 2014 [Christian Grobmeier / Bertrand]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

Currently there are no issues, which require the board’s attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains a very active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly. We expect to add new committers in the
coming weeks.

Log4j2 talks were submitted to the ApacheCon US CFP.

Log4cxx returned to the incubator and was active for a few weeks.

A Chainsaw release is currently blocked because we don't have
access to a code signing certificate. We consider this very
important for Chainsaw. Our Infra request showed that
other projects need access to that certificate as well, like:
OpenOffice, jUDDI, Tomcat.

The ticket is unresolved since 05/Oct/2011:

In general, the project is healthy and growing.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw.
We are still planning for a new Chainsaw release.

- Last three community changes

 * Remko Popma joined the PMC on Sep 28 2013.
 * Dominik Psenner joined the PMC on Jun 03 2013.
 * Nick Williams joined as a Committer on May 11 2013.

- Releases

 * Log4j Extras 1.2.17 (Oct 20, 2013)
 * Log4j 2.0-beta9 (Sep 21, 2013)
 * Log4net 1.2.12 (Sep 13, 2013)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Very active. We are discussing a new beta or release
candidate and the GA release.

Log4j 1: Almost no activity.

Log4net: Less active, but healthy and maintained.

Log4cxx: Returned to the incubator, very active since then.

Log4php: Less activity.

Chainsaw: The ticket INFRA-3991 is blocking a new release:

20 Nov 2013 [Christian Grobmeier / Doug]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

Currently there are no issues, which require Boards attention.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains a very active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly. The reception of Log4j 2
in the wider community is very good.

Christian Grobmeier gave a few more talks on Log4j 2.
The latest mention of Log4j 2 was at W-Jax in Germany (Nov 7).

The activity around log4cxx has stalled again. Mailinglists are read.

Log4net activity has increased and a release has been cut.

In general, the project is healthy and growing.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw.
We are still planning for a new Chainsaw release.

- Last three community changes

 * Remko Popma joined the PMC on Sep 28 2013.
 * Dominik Psenner joined the PMC on Jun 03 2013.
 * Nick Williams joined as a Committer on May 11 2013.

- Releases

 * Log4j Extras 1.2.17 (Oct 20, 2013)
 * Log4j 2.0-beta9 (Sep 21, 2013)
 * Log4net 1.2.12 (Sep 13, 2013)

- Subproject summaries

Log4j 2: Active

Log4j 1, Extras was released. An issue with the build was raised,
a bugfix release is currently worked on. No further releases are anticipated.

Log4net: More activity.

A new release has been cut and work on restructuring the codebase for
log4net 1.3.x which drops support for .NET 1.x has been started.

Help has been provided on the user list and the newly incoming JIRA
tickets have all been addressed.

Some confusion arose around the log4net Nuget package which isn't
provided by the Apache community but an external developers.  The
website and JIRA description have been clarified that the package is
not under control of the project.

Log4cxx: Less activity, Attic needs to be discussed again.

Log4php: Less activity.

Chainsaw: a new release is on the horizon as the previously blocking
Log4j 1 Extras release was done.

21 Aug 2013 [Christian Grobmeier / Bertrand]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

- Issues, which require Boards attention

Both mentioned issues were reported with the last board report.

Issue 1:

We have discussed the attribution request with Ceki Gülcü and refused
to give attribution that all of our work is based on logback.
Instead we proposed to give credits to logback as the framework
served as inspiration.

We haven't heard back of Ceki until now and consider the issue

Ceki Gülcü remains PMC member of Apache Logging, but has
unsubscribed from the private mailing list to give us room
to discuss. He has not subscribed to the list again.

Issue 2:

We have discussed the similarity of the logback logo and
prepared an email for QOS. In this email we would also
mention that our trademark must be prefixed with "Apache".
So far the Logging PMC has not sent the email.

The situation from issue 1 has cooled down and it might be
better to co-exist in freedom. In addition, the log4j
project has started a logo contest and the confusing
similarity would only exist for an outdated framework.

Issue 3:

This issue has been resolved.

- Community

Log4j 2 remains a very active project. The overall
community is healthy and friendly. The newly elected
committers are still active and already discussed
to become PMC members soon.

The mailing lists face lot more user questions and feedback.
A few Apache projects already discussed the inclusion
of Log4j 2 as their main logging framework (Onami,
Syncope, Struts).

Christian spoke on a german conference about Log4j 2
and received good feedback on the framework. Also recent
blog posts on Log4j 2 received a lot of good feedback.
Surprisingly the rise of Log4j 2 reactivated some discussions
inside the JCP to standardize a logging facade.

log4cxx got a lot more activity on the mailing list, which is
surprising. There is still no decision what should happen next.
At least Christian oversees the mailing lists.

In general, the project is healthy and growing.

Community changes:

JUN 03, 2013: Dominik Psenner joined the PMC
MAY 11, 2013: Nick Williams joined as a new committer
APR 23, 2013: Remko Popma joined as a new committer

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw.
We are still planning for a new Chainsaw release.

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.0-beta8 (Jul 14, 2013)
 * Log4j 2.0-beta7 (Jun 07, 2013)
 * Log4j 2.0-beta6 (May 10, 2013)

- Subproject details

log4j 1, Extras: two attempts to release the code were made,
but failed. The Extras component was previously named "Companions".

log4net: less activity, a few code modifications. Help
has been provided on the user list.

log4cxx: A couple of user questions were answered by other users.
A few patches has been submitted (but not applied). No development.

log4php: less activity due to summer breaks.

Chainsaw: still blocked by a Extras release.

15 May 2013 [Christian Grobmeier / Roy]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

- Community

Remko Popma joined as a committer.
We have received significant contributions from Nick Williams to log4j 2
and will most likely invite him as committer too.

There is more community participation around log4j 2
in general.

A discussion on the log4cxx lists took place on moving the
component to the attic. A couple of users were -1 to it.
According to them log4cxx is stable and valuable and should
be kept. The idea of forking it to GitHub was not accepted.
The idea of forming a new dev team from the community
and restarting it at the incubator found some interest.
A couple of people mentioned they would be willing to submit
a "few patches". However, it seems nobody is willing to take
ownership for long-term tasks like cutting releases.

In 2012, the Logging project decided on a yearly chair
election. The PMC re-confirmed the current chair to serve
for another year.

In general, the project is healthy and growing again.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw.
We are still planning for a new Chainsaw release.

- Releases

 * Log4j 2.0-beta5 (Apr 25, 2013)

- Subproject details

log4j 1, Companions: less activity, several bugs were

log4net: less activity, a few code modifications. Help
has been provided on the user list.

log4cxx: no activity (see community section).

log4php: less activity than last quarter.

Chainsaw: still blocked by a Companions release.

Companions (for log4j 1.x): a new release still planned.

20 Feb 2013 [Christian Grobmeier / Doug]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-
source software related to the logging of application behavior.

- Community

No changes.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw. We
are hoping to release Chainsaw soon, but not much time has been
spent on this.

- Development


No outstanding issues.

log4j 1.2: A few bugreports/patches came in, but no real work has
been done this quarter.

log4j 2.0: Good activity with further increasing interest from the
community which includes patches for new functionality. log4j 2.0-
beta3 was released on Nov 15, 2012. log4j 2.0-beta4 was released
on Feb 2, 2013. We are aiming at the first stable release.

The Apache Onami (incubating) project, which is creating Google
Guice extensions, created a new component which wraps log4j 2.

log4cxx: a few patches were applied from a contributor earlier
this quarter but then this component became inactive again. We have
started discussion on moving it to the Attic as it is becoming more
and more unlikely that it will revive.

log4net: patches have been reviewed and committed.

log4php: Constant activity. log4php moved to GIT, which motivated
several contributors to send patches. A new release is in the making,
along with plans for moving the web site to CMS.

Chainsaw: A new chainsaw release is blocked by the companions
release. The log4j 2.0.0 interest has increased interest in a new
Chainsaw release.

Companions (for log4j 1.x): No work has been done here, but it is
still on the plan to make a release and unblock Chainsaw.

21 Nov 2012 [Christian Grobmeier / Ross]

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
software related to the logging of application behavior.

- Community

Gary Gregory has joined the Apache Logging PMC.

- Project Branding Requirements

All components meet the branding requirements, except Chainsaw. We expect a
new Chainsaw release soon which will close the gap.

- Development


No outstanding issues.
A talk has been held about Apache Logging on ApacheCon EU.

log4j 1.2:

Some work has been done for a new release, but has stalled due to the high
activity of log4j 2.0.

log4j 2.0:

The team is currently voting on the 5th release of log4j 2. There are two
committers actively maintaining the code and we face an increased interest
from the wider community. For example, 802 messages has been sent to the dev@
mailing list (September 418, August 215).


Low activity. A patch has been sent to the mailing list, but there are no
committers maintaining this component.


No activity.


Constant activity, 1 release has been published. Preparations for log4php
3.0.0 have started. We get more issue reports/patches from users, but have
not identified a new potential committer yet. The project agreed to migrate
from SVN to GIT and is currently working with Infra on this.


A new chainsaw release is blocked by the companions release. The log4j 2.0.0
interest increases interest in a new Chainsaw release.

Companions (for log4j 1.x):

We are heading towards a new companions release. Some work has been done and
the release might happen close after ApacheCon EU.

AI: Ross: log4cxx is unmaintained, with a patch in the queue. Will the patch be applied, will the contributor be given commit access, should the project be retired, or some other action?

15 Aug 2012 [Christian Grobmeier / Sam]

Logging Services PMC Chair: Christian Grobmeier (

Project description

The Apache Logging Services Project creates and maintains open-source
software related to the logging of application behavior.


Dominik Psenner has joined the log4net team as a new committer.

Christian Grobmeier has been elected as the new PMC Chair. We all are very
thankful to Curt Arnold for his work on Apache Logging.

Project Branding Requirements

Already meeting the requirements:
 - log4net
 - log4php
 - log4j 1.x
 - log4jcxx
 - log4j 2.0 (to be deployed with the new release)

 - chainsaw (soon to be done)



The project has migrated to the Apache CMS, with many help from the Infra
and Maven team. With that we fulfill the requirements of svnpubsub which
will become mandatory by the end of the year.

The JavaMagazin published an article on Apache log4j 2.0 in their August

log4j 1.2:

The 1.2.17 has been released on 28.05.2012. We are working to restructure
the complex build of log4j 1. Besides, the product will see some
maintenance, but no new features.

log4j 2.0:

Constant activity and regular commits. The project faces an increased
level of interest. We are currently voting on RC for the first release.


No activity.


Less activity, some patches coming in.


Constant activity, still a small team. Changes are mainly driven from one


A new chainsaw release is blocked by the companions release.


We are heading towards a new companions release.

20 Jun 2012

Change the Apache Logging Services Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Curt Arnold
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Curt Arnold from the office of Vice President, Apache Logging
 Services, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Logging Services
 project has chosen to recommend Christian Grobmeier the successor
 to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Curt Arnold is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
 of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Christian Grobmeier and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
 Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
 until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Logging Services Project
 Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors

16 May 2012 [Curt Arnold / Sam]

- Community

Gary Gregory has joined the log4j team as a new committer.

The overall project has become more active in the past weeks. This is most
likely due to the constant activity on log4php, but also of the log4j 2.0

Curt Arnold has tendered a resignation of the PMC Chair office pending selection
of a replacement. It has been a pleasure to serve in this role and I have good
intentions to continue to contribute to the project though time constraints are
likely to continue to be severe. It is encouraging to see the recent growth in
the community and project activity. I would expect that the PMC will submit a
resolution for board consideration in time for the next board meeting.

- Project Branding Requirements

With the release of log4j 1.2.17, the log4j 1.x website should conform to the
branding requirements.

Already meeting the requirements:
 - log4net
 - log4php
 - log4j (pending 1.2.17 release)

 - log4jcxx
 - chainsaw
 - log4j 2.0

The log4j 2.0 site has not been deployed yet.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

The 1.2.17 release is currently being voted on. Latest with the board meeting a
new version should be available. The project has dropped jdk 1.3 support.
With 1.2.17 the website will reference to the upcoming log4j 2.0 efforts.

log4j 2.0:

Constant activity and regular commits. The project faces an increased level of
interest.  The german JavaMagazin has confirmed to publish an article on log4j
2.0 in one of the summer issues.


Less activity.


This quarter has seen no activity in svn at all.  User questions are
being asked and answered by the community, but there is no real

JIRA issues get discussed and some major pain points have been
identified.  The current set of committers is pretty small and not
very active and we still haven't manage to attract new people who'd
want to contribute consistently.


Constant activity, still a small team. Changes are mainly driven from one


A new chainsaw release is blocked by the companions release.

21 Mar 2012 [Curt Arnold / Brett]

This is an off-cycle report due to a missed report last

- Community

Florian Semm has been added as a log4php member.

- Project Branding Requirements

No activity this quarter.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

Christian Grobmeier is intending to manage the release of
log4j 1.2.17 and push the release forward in the middle of
March to address a nasty memory leak. Ralph Goers has
volunteered to assist with Windows specific tests.

Two unreleased log4j companions (component and receivers) which
which primarily support Chainsaw are planned to be rolled into
the "extras" companion to minimize the number of products
supported by the project.

log4j 2.0:

Log4j 2 was moved out of the experimental branch and now has its own trunk
under log4j where further development can continue. The Logging team posted
a blog entry announcing this in February. It has remained a struggle to gain
new participants in this effort. Work is continuing towards an initial


log4cxx has had an extended period of no activity. In recent thread
"Is log4cxx still alive", there was a legitimate frustration at the
lack of a review or action on a bug report and a newcomer
announced that he was forking the project on github, unfortunately
with the name log4cpp which is yet another logging framework for C++.
Ideally, those frustrated with the lack of activity could be converted
to contributors as had happened to varying degrees with log4php and log4net.
However, that requires at least one committer to serve as mentor.


Unfortunately the 1.2.11 release of log4net hasn't attracted new
contributors so far.  Development activity is very low, there are a few
questions on the user list that get answered timely and we see almost no
JIRA activity.

We have conducted a user survey last quarter and only very few users
requested support for .NET 1.x, so we may be able to clean up the code
base for upcoming releases.


The log4php team has released version 2.2.1.
Florian Semm has joined then ranks of the log4php committers.
The log4php project is still small, but it seems it gets more and more
attraction. Since the last report we have found a few positive reviews
of log4php in the blogosphere.


Progress on release still blocked by lack of activity to push log4j companions
on which it depends to release.

15 Feb 2012 [Curt Arnold / Brett]

No report was submitted.

16 Nov 2011 [Curt Arnold / Doug]

- Community

Stefan Bodewig was added to the Logging PMC effective August 22nd.

- Project Branding Requirements

 - log4net site now conforms to the requirements.
 - component and receivers log4j companions will be rolled into log4j-extras
 - log4j and log4j-extras conform to the requirements.
 - log4php completed the branding requirements in July (with latest release).
 - log4cxx has had no activity.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

Inconsequential development this quarter. log4j 1.2.17 release overdue.

log4j 2.0:

Development of Log4j 2.0 has continued in an experimental branch but is nearing
the point where an alpha release should be done to encourage testing and
wider participation. Informal discussions were held at ApacheCon with attendees
with several expressing interest in it. One individual who has never before
participated in the ASF expressed a strong interest in getting involved.


No development this period.


Development of log4net has picked up again and the first release since
more than five years has been done with log4net 1.2.11 early October.

There still is a backlog of lots of open issues raised against log4net
and the community of developers still is very small.

One contributor - Roy Chastain - was kind enough to set up a survey
for log4net users where we poll for the .NET framework version our
users really need log4net to support.


Development of log4php has been progressing steadily mostly by a single
committer. There have been several bug reports, feature requests as well as
patches contributed by the community. The scope of the next release (2.2)
has mostly been decided and the release is planned for December.

An active contributor of log4php, Florian Semm, has volunteered to help with
the release. He will be assisting in testing for any regressions in the newly
developed code.


Chainsaw is ready for release push but has been waiting for the component
and receivers companions which it depends on to be released. To simplify
things, it is planned to abandon those as distinct products and roll them
into the existing log4j-extras companion, push an log4j-extras release
and then a Chainsaw release.

17 Aug 2011 [Curt Arnold / Bertrand]

- Community

Ivan Habunek was added to the Logging PMC effective July 18th.
Ivan has been an active participant and release manager for log4php.

Stefan Bodewig will be added barring board objection to the Logging PMC
and will assist mentoring new contributors in a log4net release push.

- Project Branding Requirements

 - log4j and log4j-extras conform to the requirements.
 - log4php completed the branding requirements in July (with latest release).
 - log4net should be brought into conformance with
       newly started release push.
 - other log4j companions will be brought into conformance in
       long promised release pushes.
 - log4cxx has had no activity.

 There was some discussion relative to the log4j companions whether
 a release could be done without addressing the branding requirements.
 There does not appear to be an explicit statement that lack of conformance
 to the branding requirements should block a release even if it had
 sufficient votes. At the moment, the question is academic as no
 such release candidate has been prepared.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

No development this period. Release pushes for several log4j companions to
support a Chainsaw release push are long overdue. Christian Grobmeier who
has build log4php releases has expressed willingness to assist in the
release pushs.

log4j 2.0:

Development of Log4j 2.0 has been progressing with a steady stream of commits
from a single developer on a private branch. A few discussions have taken
place on the developer's list and related discussions have taken place on
the Maven and Commons developers list in an effort to raise awareness and
generate involvement. However, as yet no one else has asked to participate
in the development.

The log4j 2.0 discussion has led to a discussion on commons-logging.


No development this period.


Several new contributors have expressed interest in assisting to prepare
a log4net release. Stefan Bodewig has volunteered to provide mentoring
and commit submitted patches. This effort has just started in the last
week or so and hopefully it will result in a new release and additional


log4php has released version 2.1 in July carried out mainly by two committers.
There were several contributions from users to log4php. Currently there are
discussions on the content of the next release.


No development this period. Expect release push after log4j companions on which
Chainsaw depends are released.

Sam will clarify they can release w/o branding finalized

19 May 2011 [Curt Arnold / Doug]

- Community

Development activity has been minimal.  Mailing lists
generally responsive to queries.

My personal involvement this quarter has been limited due to
a recently completed move.  I had hoped to be able to
at least show some progress in time for the board report.

No progress on developing an agenda and resolutions
for an project "annual meeting" to resolve recurring
issues, future project directions and explicitly
considering (and hopefully rejecting) moving to the Attic.

- Project Branding Requirements

No progress this quarter.  As previously reported,
the project and log4j logos on the project web site have been updated.
Documentation for the extras companion has been updated to conform
and the site will be updated once the release is accepted.
Other products will be updated during release pushes until
deadline is imminent.

The log4j logo uses uppercase letters while all other mentions
of log4j are lowercase.  The original vector art was not committed
at the same time as the image and altering or redrawing to use
lowercase letters would appear to be difficult.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

No commits this quarter.  A release push had been
anticipated and the first Duke Nukem reference has
been recorded.

There was a flurry of user discussion in mid-April
related to the known shortcomings of concurrency in log4j 1.2.
Unfortunately, there was no committer involvement and the
thread died out before this interest could be converted
into new code, new contributors or both.  Restarting this

log4j 2.0:

Three commits by one developer this quarter.
No significant discussion or community has yet developed.


No commits this quarter.  As previously reported,
a log4cxx release that is compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and
that addresses a persistent problem with crashes on shutdown
(particularly with 64-bit systems) is long overdue.


No commits this quarter.


Multiple commits this quarter by one developer.


No commits this quarter.  After the development over the last year
or so, Chainsaw is due for a formal release which is dependent
on formal releases of a couple of log4j companions.

16 Feb 2011 [Curt Arnold / Jim]

- Community

Development activity has been minimal at best.  Mailing lists
generally responsive to queries.

No progress on developing an agenda and resolutions for an
project "annual meeting" to resolve recurring issues
and future project directions.

- Project Branding Requirements

No progress this quarter.  As previously reported,
the project and log4j logos on the project web site have been updated.
Documentation for the extras companion has been updated to conform
and the site will be updated once the release is accepted.
Other products will be updated during release pushes until
deadline is imminent.

The log4j logo uses uppercase letters while all other mentions
of log4j are lowercase.  The original vector art was not committed
at the same time as the image and altering or redrawing to use
lowercase letters would appear to be difficult.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

Only one commit of a typo fix this quarter.  A release push had been

log4j 2.0:

Three commits by one developer this quarter.  No significant discussion
or community has yet developed.


No commits this quarter.  As previously reported,
a log4cxx release that is compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and
that addresses a persistent problem with crashes on shutdown
(particularly with 64-bit systems) is long overdue.


No commits this quarter.


15 commits this quarter by one developer.


No commits this quarter.  After the development over the last year
or so, Chainsaw is due for a formal release which is dependent
on formal releases of a couple of log4j companions.

17 Nov 2010 [Curt Arnold / Greg]

- Community

No new committers this period.  Ralph Goers attended ApacheCON.
There is still consensus to have a project virtual "annual meeting"
to address recurring issues and the PMC chair in a focused manner,
however no agenda or set of proposals was prepared during this period.

- Project Branding Requirements

The project and log4j logos on the project web site have been updated
with TM marks.  The generic logging services content
and log4j-extras content should be updated within the week.
Other content will be updated during their next release
cycle or as implementation period closes.

The log4j logo uses uppercase letters while all other mentions
of log4j are lowercase.  The original vector art was not committed
at the same time as the image and altering or redrawing to use
lowercase letters would appear to be difficult.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

A few bug fixes and enhancements.  To support the pending
Chainsaw release, several log4j "companions" need to have
new or initial releases and log4j 1.2.17 should be released.
apache-log4j-extras 1.1 has had  one release vote and another
release candidate is imminent.  Release votes for the other
companions and log4j 1.2.17 are expected to follow.

log4j 2.0:

Ralph Goers has continued work during this period.


A log4cxx release that is compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and
that addresses a persistent problem with crashes on shutdown
(particularly with 64-bit systems) is (still) long overdue.


Two commits, typical mailing list activity, no progress on NET 4.0


Five commits, typical mailing list activity.


Chainsaw has been by far the most active development area
again this quarter.  A formal Chainsaw release is hopefully in
sight, but first several log4j "companions" need to be
pushed to their first formal release.

18 Aug 2010 [Curt Arnold / Noirin]

- Community

Ralph Goers was added as a PMC member and Ivan Habunek was
added as a committer to log4php by PMC votes in early June.

Just prior to the filing of last quarter's board report,
a large body of code for consideration was unexpectedly committed
as a development base for log4j 2.0.  As was noted in last
quarter's report, the scope of the contribution suggested that
IP clearance through the incubator should have been performed.
The issue was raised to the board for guidance and the code
was accepted as committed without additional action.

private@logging was active in mid-May and early June with
discussions on the lack of vitality, progress or new contributors
to the project.  A PMC Chair election was suggested,
though a formal call was delayed to allow a PMC member on vacation
to reengage in the discussion (which did not occur) and then
got lost in the summer doldrums.

A Logging Services blog was created (

- Development

log4j 1.2:

The OSGi metadata in log4j 1.2.16 (released in April)
contained a duplication that prevented the bundle from
properly loading in an OSGi container.  The problem was
fixed in the SVN in June but the expected log4j 1.2.17
release did not occur.

log4j 2.0:

The month of May saw substantial activity after several years
of dormancy.  Ralph Goers contributed a logging framework
for consideration for log4j 2.0 in mid May.  Javadoc
tags were used to mark questions and concerns and there was
healthy discussion on the log4j mailing list.  I restarted my
earlier log4j 2.0 work that had been suspended due to lack of
active reviewers.  There are substantial differences in the
approaches, though both primary developers expect
that they can be eventually complementary.  Unfortunately,
active development did not continue into the summer.


A log4cxx release that is compatible with Visual Studio 2010 and
that addresses a persistent problem with crashes on shutdown
(particularly with 64-bit systems) is long overdue.


Mailing list is active.  One bug fix this quarter but no
other development activity.


Ivan Habunek was added as a committer during this quarter,
the mailing list and SVN was active.  A post incubator
log4php release is still on the horizon.


Chainsaw has been by far the most active development area
this quarter.  A formal Chainsaw release is hopefully in
sight, but first several log4j "companions" need to be
pushed to their first formal release.

Will a chair election occur? Why did the release not occur? Noirin was given the action item to follow up with the PMC.

Approved by general consent.

19 May 2010 [Curt Arnold / Doug]

- Community

No changes to PMC membership or committers in this period.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

log4j 1.2.16 was released on April 6 after several years of
good intentions.  A few loose ends with OSGi and Maven
metadata may warrant a 1.2.17 in the near future.
Releases for several of the log4j "companions" are
expected this quarter.

log4j 2.0:

Ralph Goers contributed a substantial body of code on
May 13th in the log4j 2.0 development sandbox.
We are in the initial stages of digesting the contribution.
As the code was developed off-list, it appears
that it will require IP clearance through the incubator.


No development activity this period.  Mailing lists
are reasonably active.  log4cxx has been reported not to compile
with Visual Studio 2010 and will likely warrant a
release in the next quarter.


No development activity this quarter.  There have been
some questions regarding compatibility with the recent
.NET Framework 4 release that have not been resolved.


log4php has graduated the incubator, has active development
and a healthy community.


Substantial development this period.  A release push is
expected this quarter.

General agreement that off-list development is not an IP issue, at most it is a community issue.

17 Feb 2010 [Curt Arnold / Brian]

- Community

Christian Grobmeier was added to the Logging PMC in December after a year of
contribution to the incubating log4php project.  Christian also has an
interest in contribution to the dormant log4j 2.0 effort and has been
granted commit rights to that branch.

Ceki Gulcu, log4j founder, former PMC chair and project lead of
logback, has raised issues on log4j-dev with my tenure as
PMC Chair.  Relevant links are:

Similar issues were previously raised in:

- Development

log4j 1.2:

log4j 1.2.16 is a long overdue push away from a release
to package up two and a half years of bug fixes.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 is still just talk.  Christian Grobmeier was granted
SVN commit rights and has initiated threads on log4j-dev
regarding log4j 2.0 development.


No development in this period.


Mailing lists are fairly active, several messages a week.  Only one
commit during the report period.


log4php 2.0.0-incubating was released on December 14th, 2009.
Mailing list and development activity are healthy.  An push
to exit the incubator is likely to be undertaken shortly.
Christian Grobmeier has been added to the Logging PMC.


No development in this period.

The board reaffirms that there is no mandatory rotation of chairs.

Brett to join the list and actively monitor

18 Nov 2009 [Curt Arnold / Doug]

- Summary

No changes to PMC or committers.  Users lists active.  Development glacial
except for log4php and a release push for log4j that didn't quite
make it.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

log4j 1.2.16 now over a year overdue.  Lot of good bug fixes that
are long overdue to get into a formal release.  There was an
release push that didn't quite make it to the finish line
in October.

Most user and bug traffic has involved the rolling file
appenders which are trouble-prone.  There has been some
discussion about restarting an effort to provide an
more robust alternative based on java.nio.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 (the proposed rearchitecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has had no activity for over
a year.

In this quarter, there was a little more traffic from potential
contributors who are starting to feel the age of log4j 1.2 to the
point of contributing in building the next generation.


No development in this period.


User list traffic is higher.  New contributors have been answering
questions.  Several bug fixes committed.


log4php is under incubation and is its status is officially
reported through the Incubator PMC.  A first release candidate
has been prepared for review and a vote is in progress on


Several bug fixes committed.

Note: This report was not written in time to allow for Logging PMC
review before the reporting deadline.  All statements are my personal
observation or opinion.

A discussion as to whether or not it was necessary for PMCs as a whole to review a report before it is submitted to the board. Doug to ensure that the PMC is kept in the loop.

19 Aug 2009 [Curt Arnold / Brian]

- Summary

No changes to PMC or committers.  Users lists active.  Development glacial.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

log4j 1.2.16 now over a year overdue.  Lot of good bug fixes that
are long overdue to get into a formal release.

Most user and bug traffic has involved the rolling file
appenders which are trouble-prone.  There has been some
discussion about restarting an effort to provide an
more robust alternative based on java.nio.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 (the proposed re-architecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has had no activity for over
a year.


No development in this period.  A minor bug fix release to address
compilation issues and a segfault in some usage patterns would be


User list traffic is higher.  New contributors have been answering
questions.  Several bug fixes committed.


log4php is reporting through the Incubator PMC.  Development appears
to be progressing and the community appears to be healthy.


Several bug fixes committed.

Note: This report was not written in time to allow for Logging PMC
review before the reporting deadline.  All statements are my personal
observation or opinion.

20 May 2009 [Curt Arnold / Sam]

- Community

The log4php project was rebooted in late April.  Gavin McDonald
and Niclas Hedhman are new mentors and Gavin and Christian
Grobmeier were added as committers.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

Minimal development activity, usage question most every day on the
mailing list.  log4j 1.2.16 even longer overdue.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 (the proposed rearchitecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has not seen any development
in a year or so.


Minimal development activity, infrequent usage questions on
mailing list.


Limited development activity, usage question every week or so.
Some discussion about preparing a new release.


Rebooted last month.  There had been previous discussions on
general@incubator and in board reports, but was unable to find
a call for a vote or any other process leading to the reboot.


A few patches this period.

18 Feb 2009 [Curt Arnold / Henning]

This report covers the previous month as this project has been
reporting monthly at board request since December.  Unless
otherwise requested, the project will resume quarterly reporting.

- Community

No new PMC members, no new committers in this period.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

One bug fixed addressed in this period.  No other progress toward
a  1.2.16 release.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 (the proposed rearchitecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has not seen any development
for many months.


No commits this month.  No fixes for compilation failures on recent
Fedora release now 3 months or so after initial reporting.


No commits this period.


log4php has not had any active development for a prolonged
period of time and is not current on its Incubator reporting.


No commits this period.

- Releases

log4j 1.2.16 is overdue.  It was originally hoped to be released last fall,
but Hurricane Ike disrupted that release push.  A release candidate before
the next board report would be highly desirable.

Several log4j companions, log4cxx, log4net and Chainsaw are seriously
overdue for releases.

21 Jan 2009 [Curt Arnold / Greg]

This is a off-sequence report at the request of the board.  The project
missed its previously scheduled report in November, filed a delayed report
in December and is scheduled to report again in February.

- Community

The community has been relatively quiet over the holidays.  After the previous
board report was filed, there was a complaint raised to the board that the
Logging PMC was not involved in the development of the report and not
cc'd on the filing of the report.  There was proposal and subsequent
discussion on on a process for
developing the board report that would give other PMC members
opportunity to contribute to, comment on or dissent from the report
before submission to the board.  Unfortunately, I should have written
the draft a few days earlier to follow the timeline in that process.

- Development

log4j 1.2:

Some bugs from the bug list have been addressed in this period in
preparation for closing out log4j 1.2.16.

log4j 2.0:

log4j 2.0 (the proposed rearchitecting of log4j targeting Java 5
and using current best practices) has not seen any development
for many months.


Several well researched bug reports have been filed, but not
been incorporated due to resource issues.  Hopefully, one
or more of these filers may be potential developers.


No commits during this period.


log4php has not had any active development for a prolonged
period of time and is not current on its Incubator reporting.


No commits during this time.

- Releases

log4j 1.2.16 is overdue.  It was originally hoped to be released last fall,
but Hurricane Ike disrupted that release push.  A release candidate before
the next board report would be highly desirable.

Several log4j companions, log4cxx, log4net and Chainsaw are
seriously overdue for releases.

Greg to verify that the social turmoil is past

17 Dec 2008 [Curt Arnold / Greg]

This is an out of sequence report covering a four month period.

The board should be aware of a thread proposing direct
implementation of SLF4J in log4j raised by Ceki Gulcu
on log4j-dev [1].  The tone of discussion has been fairly
combative.  The first post on 2008-12-06 [2] raises issues with
my execution of the office of PMC Chair.

SLF4J is an abstract logging API created and maintained
by which appears to be solely under Ceki's control. currently provides a facade implementation that
delegates to log4j.  The proposal is to invert this model and
have log4j classes implement SLF4J interfaces adding a
dependency on SLF4J.

When SLF4J was launched several years ago there was not a way
found to have log4j to directly implement SLF4J
interfaces without breaking source and binary compatibility.
It is uncertain if that has changed.

Only slight progress since the last report.  Commit activity from
carnold (log4j, log4cxx), psmith (log4j, chainsaw), rgrabowski (log4net),
afester (log4cxx), sdeboy (log4j, chainsaw).

log4j 1.2.16 RC1 was said to be imminent at last board report.
Unfortunately, Hurricane Ike and recovery severely reduced
my (carnold) availability early in the period and planning
my upcoming wedding (12/27) has reduced it late in the period.
Who would have guessed that planning a wedding was stress-producing
and time-consuming?

log4cxx has had several compilation issues reported with recent
gcc releases that have not been addressed in a timely manner.
Due to the previously mentioned resource constraints.

log4net has not made significant progress toward a release.

log4php (restarted incubation) has had minimal activity
and no community development.  Reports to the Incubator PMC
are likely long overdue.


Greg to request another report for next month with an update on the "combative" messages

19 Nov 2008 [Curt Arnold / Bertrand]

Report was submitted late, will be taken up next month.

20 Aug 2008 [Curt Arnold / Jim]

A log4j 1.2.16 RC1 is imminent (hopefully by
the time of the board meeting).

A release push for Chainsaw is still long overdue
which would also involve a maintenace release
of log4j-extras and initial releases of log4j-receivers,
log4j-component and log4j-zeroconf.

There was more preliminary activity on log4j 2.0:
Ralph Goers (ASF member, several PMCs) was added
as a committer for log4j 2.0, many wish list and
design issues were added to the log4j 2.0 JIRA,
and some earlier experiments were moved from
the log4j sandbox to the log4j 2.0 branch.
However there is nothing close to usable at the moment
and no new code.

log4cxx 0.11.0 is close to an RC1 but has stalled
due to activity on log4j.

log4net 1.2.11 is still overdue.  There has been a little activity
and a list of blocking bugs have been identified.

log4php continues to have no development or mailing list activity
and appears to have drifted back off into dormancy
after restarting incubation last summer.

21 May 2008 [Curt Arnold / Jim]

Apache log4cxx 0.10.0 was released on April 3rd.  This is the first release
after incubation and came almost 4 years after the release of log4cxx 0.9.7
which is now thankfully relegated to the archives.  The release of 0.10.0
has increased activity on the mailing lists and issue tracking.  An 0.10.1
release with minor fixes is anticipated in the next reporting cycle
though one potential issue might warrant jumping to an 0.11.0.

log4j is overdue on an 1.2.16 maintenance release which will likely
occur in conjunction with a push for a release for Chainsaw.

log4j 2.0 development is still just a good intention.  A JIRA
project was started to collect feature requests.

log4net has had relatively quiet and is overdue for a release.

log4php continues to have no development or mailing list activity
and appears to have drifted back off into dormancy
after restarting incubation last summer.

Curt Arnold and Ron Grabowski both attended the Microsoft compatibility
lab in February.

Curt Arnold, Ron Grabowski, Paul Smith and Scott Deboy committed changes
to the SVN in the quarter.  Andreas Fester and Jacob Kjome participated
in the log4cxx 0.10.0 vote.  There was little or no activity from other PMC
members or committers in the period, many who have been dormant for
a long while.

* Export Notifications

The following is reiterated from the previous board report:

The log4cxx, log4j and log4net code bases were reviewed
and did not appear to require a notice.  Chainsaw
and log4php were not reviewed, but are considered
unlikely to contain issues.

log4cxx depends on APR-Util which requires a notice
due to the SSL abstraction, however log4cxx does
not use that feature in APR-Util.

log4net when compiled for the .NET Compact Framework 1.0
calls Win32's CryptGenRandom for random numbers, but no
other methods from the platform's encryption API.

log4j had no identified issues.

20 Feb 2008 [Curt Arnold / Henri]

log4cxx is very close to having a viable 0.10.0 release candidate
after years of Real Soon Now.  I was hoping to beat the
reporting deadline, but came up a little short.

log4j has a couple of issues that warrant a 1.2.16 maintenance
release however the log4cxx push has taken priority.  log4j 2.0
development is still just a good intention.

log4net has had steady flow of fixes to long standing bugs
and is likely due for a new release.

log4php has had no development or mailing list activity
and appears to have drifted back off into dormancy
after restarting incubation last summer.

chainsaw needs a concentrated push to release.

Mailing lists have been active, but development outside
of the log4cxx push and log4net maintenance has
been minimal.  Several committers and PMC
members have had no activity this quarter
and there are no obvious candidates for additional
PMC members or committers.

Curt Arnold and Ron Grabowski are both expecting
to attend the Microsoft compatibility lab
the week of February 25th.

* Export Notifications

The log4cxx, log4j and log4net code bases were reviewed
and did not appear to require a notice.  Chainsaw
and log4php were not reviewed, but are considered
unlikely to contain issues.

log4cxx depends on APR-Util which requires a notice
due to the SSL abstraction, however log4cxx does
not use that feature in APR-Util.

log4net when compiled for the .NET Compact Framework 1.0
calls Win32's CryptGenRandom for random numbers, but no
other methods from the platform's encryption API.

log4j had no identified issues.

Approved by General Consent.

14 Nov 2007 [Curt Arnold / Jim]

Logging Services Report - November 2007

All mailing lists are active and healthy with the exception of log4php
that has been very quiet.  Michael Schmitz was added as a log4php
committer in September.


log4j 1.2.15 and log4j-extras 1.0 were released on August 29th.  A
log4j 1.2.16 and log4j-extras 1.1 maintenance releases plus the
initial release of additional log4j companions are expected to occur
with the initial Chainsaw 2.0 release.  No progress on log4j 2.0
development in this period.


No progress this quarter on Chainsaw 2.0 release.  Chainsaw 2.0
release candidate should be expected in the next reporting period
after the log4cxx release.


Lots of bug fixes on new and long standing items.  Expect to finally
have a log4cxx 0.10 release candidate in the next reporting period.


log4net web site and documentation where migrated to Maven 2.  No
other development in the quarter.


No development this quarter.

Approved by General Consent.

29 Aug 2007 [Curt Arnold / J. Aaron]

A release vote for log4j 1.2.15 and log4j-extras 1.0 is now underway.  In
addition to a large number of bug fixes, log4j 1.2.15 is the first log4j
release built using Maven 2.  log4j-extras contains many log4j 1.3
features and some new ones that will work with with log4j 1.2.9 and later
and possibly some earlier versions.  Additional log4j "companions" are
expected to be released during the next reporting period.  With the
release of log4j 1.2.15 and log4j-extras, there are very few missing
features that would entice people to use the abandoned log4j 1.3 line.
There has been no progress on log4j 2.0 development in this period.

Chainsaw 2:
Chainsaw 2 has broken its ties with log4j 1.3 and a Chainsaw release
build using log4j 1.2.15 is expected in the next reporting period.  A
Chainsaw 2 alpha has been available from the LS web site
( since March 2006
using Java WebStart signed with the personal email certificate of one of
the Chainsaw developers.  A forthcoming Chainsaw 2 release would have a
traditional tarball/zip distribution using the mirrored distribution
servers.  However, there is a desire to keep a WebStart option, but it is
hard to figure out how to do that the Apache way.  There was a recent
thread on general@incubator about digital signing of jars for WebStart,
but there was no conclusion.

log4cxx migrated to Maven 2 for generation of the log4cxx web content and
release documentation.  However, log4j consumed most of the development
resources that could have moved log4cxx toward its first official Apache

log4net mailing lists have been active but there has been no development
activity in the reporting period other than migrating the log4net
documentation to Maven 2.

In June, Knut Urdalen posted a request on log4php-dev asking to become
maintainer of log4php.  The following discussion collected a group of
developers who prepared a incubation proposal for restart log4php.  The
Logging Services PMC supported this proposal and the Incubator PMC
accepted the proposal in July.  2 new committers were added and a
substantial part of a PHP 5 migration was committed shortly thereafter,
but there has been little activity since then likely due to vacation and

Approved by General Consent.

16 May 2007 [Curt Arnold / Henri]

PMC membership:

Ron Grabowski was elected to PMC after several years of contributions
to the log4net project.

PMC actions:

A vote on a log4j 1.2.15 release candidate failed to reach quorum in
late February and early March with only one PMC member voting.  The
lack of response from PMC members was disappointing.  However with
the recent addition of Ron and the increased activity related to
log4j 1.3 and Chainsaw should allow a second attempt to muster enough
votes to reach quorum.


There has been substantial increase in activity in log4j in April.
The lack of process towards a log4j 1.3 release was discussed in   log4j 1.3
development has now effectively abandoned in favor of back-porting
log4j 1.3 features for use by log4j 1.2 users and development of
log4j 2.0 designed for JDK 1.5 and later.  A substantial part of the
new features in log4j 1.3 has been packaged in a series of companion
products for log4j 1.2.  Several of the companions will work with
established log4j 1.2.x releases, while a few will only work with
log4j 1.2.15 and later.  log4j 2.0 design experimental was started by
refactoring the pattern-layout component.  All the new companions are
built using Maven 2 and work on converting log4j to use Maven 2 for
documentation and release packaging is underway.  The intent is to
have a mass vote on log4j 1.2.15, the associated companions and a
reworked Logging Services site when all the pieces are complete.


Chainsaw has been able to break its dependency on log4j 1.3 with a
combination of the prospective log4j 1.2.15 and several of the log4j
companions.  A vote on a Chainsaw release is expected in conjunction
with the log4j 1.2.15 release.


Little development activity on log4cxx during this period.  A log4cxx
release is expected to follow the push toward the log4j 1.2.15 release.


log4net graduated from the incubator at the start of the quarter.
Little development activity during the period.  A log4net release is
anticipated in the near future.


log4php was retired from incubation.  The SVN repository was moved to


Rony Flatscher ( inquired about bringing into Logging
Services an log4j-like framework for Open Object Rexx that he has
been developing.  Since he is already an Apache committer, Apache
Labs might be the appropriate venue for further development with a
potential trip through the incubator if the project gains momentum.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Feb 2007 [Curt Arnold / Cliff]

PMC membership:

Yoav Shapira resigned from the Logging Services PMC for personal

Two active committers were nominated for PMC membership, however the
minimum required votes had not been cast after 5 days open.  Repeated
requests for any vote (-1, 0, +1) from the silent PMC members did not
produce additional votes.

Niall Daley and Christophe DeVienne should be removed from the list
of PMC members in committee-info.txt.  They had been added to the
list in committee-info.txt based on their presence in the logging-pmc
group in asf-authorization, but there was no record of their election
in the private or general archives, they were not subscribed to and Niall was unaware that he was
considered a PMC member.  There has not been any communication with
Christophe since 2005-05-16 despite requests for a response.

Michael Catanzarati and Marco Vassura have not communicated with the
project since 2004-11-04 and 2006-01-25 respectively and have not
responded to recent requests to update their status.  Per the Logging
Services bylaws (, they
would be considered "emeritus" PMC members and may request
reinstatement to the PMC.  Would appreciate the guidance of the board
on the appropriateness of the "emeritus" PMC status and how that
should be reflected in committee-info.txt.

Mark Womack has not communicated with the project since 2006-06-18,
though there was some private communication between Mark and I to fix
file permissions on on 2006-09-13.  No response to
recent requests for a status update.

Given the failure to reach the minimum number of votes on the new PMC
member nominations and the log4php termination vote (see below) and
the relatively few number of PMC members actively contributing to the
project, the PMC in its current form may be ineffective in managing
the development efforts of the project.  Board oversight or
appointment of additional PMC members may be necessary.

PMC actions:

The PMC voted to accept log4net into the Logging Service project
pending graduation from the incubator (vote concluded on
general@logging, 2007-02-13).  A vote is currently in progress on

A vote was called to recommend termination of the log4php incubation
but the vote did not achieve quorum and concluded with 2 +1's and no
comments (vote concluded on general@logging, 2007-02-14).  As an
Incubator PMC member but not representing the Logging Services PMC, I
called a vote on general@incubator to terminate log4php which is
currently in progress.

The PMC voted to accept Elias Ross ( as a committer
for the log4j subproject (vote concluded on general@logging, 2006-11-25)

There was an attempt to start discussions to simplify the project
bylaws on general@logging, however there did not appear to be
sufficient interest to continue at this time.  I proposed a Uniform
Project Policies effort to the Incubator PMC and if that succeeds,
then the Logging Services PMC could vote whether to replace the
current bylaws with that.


log4j project voted to accept Elias Ross ( as a
committer (vote concluded on log4j-dev@logging, 2006-11-20).

Between 2007-01-25 and 2007-01-29, Elias Ross went on a bug fixing
spree committing patches against 20 or so bugs against log4j trunk
(aka log4j 1.3).  While the intent seems to be good, there was no
discussion in advance of the spree and no discussion on any of the
changes.  The changes caused the unit tests to fail, broke the build
on JDK 1.3, and introduced incompatibilities with log4j 1.2.  Since
Elias had not subscribed to the log4j-dev mailing list with his email address, the SVN commit messages were blocked from
reaching the mailing list.  After realizing that things were going
wrong, I called for a voluntary lockdown on new commits and made
repeated requests for Elias to post the SVN commits to the mailing
list and to discuss his changes.  After getting no response, I spent
a day or so generating replacement commit messages to the log4j-dev
mailing list and reverted only the changes that broke the unit tests
and JDK 1.3 build and commenting on the other changes.  At the time
of this writing, there has been no communication from Elias and no
other apparent activity.  The Logging Service bylaws require a
unanimous vote of all active PMC members to revoke commit
privileges.  A vote to suspend commit privileges until communication
is reestablished is in progress but is unlikely to carry and would
fall fall short of the unanimous vote required for a permanent

log4j development has been glacial and the barrier to entry for new
developers is high.  There have not been any commits from developers
other than Curt Arnold and Elias Ross (see above) since August 2006.
log4j 1.2 is mature and widely deployed, however extreme care must be
taken to maintain compatibility while address minor bugs and some
recurring issues (particularly involving concurrency) cannot be
addressed while maintaining compatibility.  There is no reasonable
expectation that log4j 1.3 will ever be sufficiently compatible with
log4j 1.2 to be released and but it is similar enough to log4j 1.2 to
share the same weaknesses.  The idea of a log4j 2.0 that would be
designed for JDK 1.5 and higher, follow current best code and
concurrency practices, would support most legacy log4j clients and
JDK 1.4 logging clients has been discussed, but no code has been
developed.   log4j 1.3 (in my opinion) is a development dead-end as
there is little motivation for development and competition from
LOGback from in the mostly-compatible with log4j 1.2
niche.  The log4j 2.0 concept does appear to meet a legitimate need,
but development can not proceed in earnest until an skeletal
framework has been established and there is no guarantee that
additional developers will be drawn to the project once the barriers
to entry are lowered.

The user list is still active and most questions get a timely response.


A log4cxx 0.10 is still pending.  The log4j bug spree repair took
quite a bit of time that I had intended to work on release
preparation.  Curt Arnold and Andreas Fester committed code during
the quarter.  Source code was modified to conform to the Source
Header and Copyright policy. User list is active and most questions
get a timely response.


log4net voted to be considered for graduation from the incubator.
Nicko Cadell, Ron Grabowski and Curt Arnold committed during the
quarter.  Source code was modified to conform to the Source Header
and Copyright Policy.  Development and user lists are active.  Things
seem to be going smoothly.


No commits since 2006-01-25.  Minimal activity on the log4php-dev and
log4php-user list.  No communication with sole committer.  Requests
for status update on log4php-dev list did not prompt any response.
PMC vote to terminate incubation was cross-posted in log4php-user and
log4php-dev and did not prompt any response.  Logging Services PMC
vote to recommend termination did not achieve quorum.  Incubator PMC
vote to terminate incubation is in progress.

Justin noted that the lack of quorum on votes worried him and that it is worth keeping a watch on.

Jim noted that it was nice to see that they have a defined set of bylaws.

Henri commented that the report seems to touch on a disagreement between Greg and Roy on the scope of a chair's powers. His understanding of Greg's view is that the chair should not be bound by the bylaws - if it's causing problems for the community then Curt can revoke Elias' commit rights regardless of bylaws. Henri did note that it sounds like Curt is doing a lot of good cleanup in Logging and that it's good to see some of the other log4x projects having activity regardless of log4j slowdown.

Greg noted that he is comfortable with the Chair simply removing non-responsive members in an effort to reestablish a PMC that can reach quorum. He also noted that the board/ASF does not recognize "emeritus" PMC members. if a PMC wants to record that, it is up to them.

Approved by General Consent.

15 Nov 2006 [Curt Arnold / Jim]


* No activity.  Changes to project bylaws to reorganize as a
 single project with multiple products should be considered in next
 quarter.  Curt Arnold (PMC Chair) and Ron Grabowski (log4net committer)
 attended ApacheCON US.

log4cxx Report

* log4cxx status is essentially unchanged since last report.
 An initial ASF release of log4cxx is long overdue.  There only some
 minor bug fixes this quarter and there still needs to be a coordinated
 sprint to address the few remaining issues that have been blocking a
 release.  The user community remains healthy, but development has been
 resource starved.

log4j Report

* log4j 1.2.14 was released on 18 September 2006.  This release added
 concurrency issues and addressed many minor bugs that had built up
 since development had shifted to log4j 1.3 branch several years ago.

* A log4j 1.3 alpha was expected in this period, but no release
 candidate was produced.

* Community discussion around a new appender that would address use cases
 such as distinct log files per thread.  A sandbox effort was started
 for potential inclusion in log4j, but has not progressed to a usuable

* There is an unclear migration path from log4j 1.2.  log4j 1.2 is widely
 deployed more users are encountering concurrency issues and limitations
 which have been in the code for a long time, some of which can not be
 resolved without breaking compatibility.  The log4j 1.3 development
 effort did not address these issues but broke compatibility in other
 areas in a manner inconsistent with a minor release designation.
 Most development effort in the last 18 months have been to eliminate
 unnecessary compatibility breakages in log4j 1.3.  There has been
 discussion, but little more, about starting a log4j 2.0 development
 effort to target the concurrency defects and target current JDK's.
 In addition, Ceki Gulcu has been promoting migration to LOGBack
 (, a LGPL licensed logging framework.
 However given the terms of the LGPL license, it is risky for log4j
 developers to review the LOGBack code due to possibly contaminating
 log4j which makes it difficult to respond to LOGBack advocacy on the
 mailing lists.

log4net Report

* The log4net project is still in incubation, but likely time to make an
 exit which will hopefully be accomplished by the next report.

* No scheduled work apart from bug fixing and evaluating contributed patches
 at the moment.

* We have an open ended discussion on the use and storage of strong name
 assembly signing keys. This may need further discussion at wider level,
 and probably requires some sort of consensus amongst all the
 .NET projects.

log4php Report

* No report available from log4php committers in time for this report.
 The mailing list have been very quiet with only 4 messages on the
 user list and no messages on the development list.  Likely time to
 consider ending incubation and finding a permanent resting place.

Henri asked whether the Logging PMC was correct in avoiding to look at LOGBack, to avoid "contamination" of codebase IP. Cliff will follow up with them about this; this might be overly sensitive. Greg suggested that they simply should just ask permission from Ceki if he considers their review of LOGBack a possible contamination.

Cliff also noted that the terms "very quiet mailing list" and "ending incubation" seem to imply "closing down" the project (some sort of hibernation).

Greg noted that Incubator projects should almost never have separate user/dev mailing lists, unless they're mature code bases arriving with a large community.

Approved by General Consent.

16 Aug 2006 [Curt Arnold / Jim]


* The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under
 incubation: log4net, log4php.

* Mark Womack resigned as PMC chair and Curt Arnold was appointed by
 the Board after nomination by the PMC to assume the office.

* There has been some recent discussion on a recurring topic of
 logging for Javascript.  There are several log4j-like Javascript
 implementations in the wild and the authors of at least one of them
 has expressed an interest in contributing to an ASF effort in that
 space.  The next step would be to attempt to gather a Javascript
 logging interest group to decide what, if anything, that would be
 beneficial for Logging Services to do in that space.

* Logging Services is currently structured as a "umbrella" project.
 There was some discussion long time ago about modifying the bylaws
 of the project so that it is a single project with multiple products
 and I expect to reraise the issue shortly.

log4cxx Report

* An initial ASF release of log4cxx is long overdue.  There ponly some
 minor bug fixes this quarter and there still needs to be a
 coordinated sprint to address the few remaining issues that have
 been blocking a release.  The user community remains healthy, but
 development has been resource starved.

log4j Report

* A log4j 1.2.14 release candidate is expected shortly.  The consensus
 had been to end the log4j 1.2 version with log4j 1.2.13, however
 there have been several significant concurrency issues repeated
 encountered by the user community and fixed in the SVN that should
 justify reconsidering that decision.

* A log4j 1.3 alpha 9 release is also expected shortly.  Several
 binary compatibility issues with log4j 1.2 have been resolved since
 the last release.  A contributed alternative set of appenders that
 address some reentrancy and concurrency issues were moved from the
 sandbox to the trunk for wider distribution and feedback.

log4net Report

* The log4net project is still in incubation.

* Work continues on the next point release containing minor bug
 fixes. We are evaluating several enhancements that take advantage of
 the new features in .NET 2.0. This raises backwards compatibility

* We have an open ended discussion on the use and storage of strong
 name assembly signing keys. This may need further discussion at
 wider level, and probably requires some sort of consensus amongst
 all the .NET projects.

log4php Report

* No report available from log4php committers in time for this report.
 The mailing list have been very quiet with only 7 messages on the
 user list and no messages on the development list.

Approved by General Consent

24 May 2006

Change chair of the Apache Logging Services Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Mark
 Womack to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services
 Project, and

 WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Logging Services Project
 Management Committee (PMC) have nominated Curt Arnold to
 serve as chairman of the Apache Logging Services PMC; and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
 resignation of Mark Womack from the office of Vice
 President, Apache Logging Services Project, in favor of Curt
 Arnold's nomination;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mark Womack is relieved
 and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
 office of Vice President, Apache Logging Services Project, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Curt Arnold be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging
 Services Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to
 the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
 Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
 disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 By Unanimous Vote, Special Order 6B, a Resolution to change the
 chair of the Apache Logging Services Project, was Approved.

24 May 2006 [Mark Womack / Dirk]

PMC Report

* The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under incubation:
 log4net, log4php.

* The LS PMC voted to nominate Curt Arnold to the ASF Board for the position
 of LS PMC Chair.  A resolution was submitted to the ASF Board for
 consideration at the May board meeting.

log4cxx Report

* Several issues blocking a 0.10.0 (formerly 0.9.8) release have been resolved.
 Need to have a sprint to get a release out the door.

log4j Report

* Work continues on version 1.3; Version 1.3a8 released back in February.  Many
 issues around compatibility with v1.2.X were addressed.

log4net Report

* The log4net project is still in incubation.

* The log4net team has recently release 1.2.10. This release includes many
 minor fixes which dramaticaly improve the quality of the release. One of
 these is a fix for a security issue that was raised through We would like to thank Mark Cox from the security
 team for his help managing this issue.

log4php Report

* The log4php project is still in incubation.

Approved by General Consent.

15 Feb 2006 [Mark Womack / Jim]

[ Provided in January ]

A review of what was submitted in January was provided. No additional information was provided nor required. Approved by General Consent.

18 Jan 2006 [Mark Womack / Greg]

PMC Report

* The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under
 incubation: log4net, log4php.

* All Logging Services projects and respositories have been converted
 to subversion as planned.  Much thanks and gratitude to Henri
 Yandell for helping us sort it out and doing the actual conversion.

* The Logging Services ApacheCon BoF session was lightly attended.
 Members of the various subprojects were able to meet and exchange

* New committers have been added for log4cxx (Andreas Fester) and
 log4net (Rob Grabowski).  These communities continue to grow.

log4cxx Report

* Andreas Fester was added as a committer and has been improving the
 automake build.

* Progress toward a 0.10 release (formerly 0.9.8) has been slow due to
 the recent log4j compatibility effort.

log4j Report

* Version 1.2.12 and 1.2.13 were released since the last board report.
 Various features and bug fixes were included.  No more releases on
 the 1.2 branch are planned at this time.

* Work on version 1.3 is ongoing and has increased in recent weeks
 with a focus on restoring binary and source compatibility with
 version 1.2.  Monthly builds are planned and will be used to get
 feedback from the user community before achieving the beta
 milestone.  Current plan is to release version 1.3 by mid-year 2006.

log4net Report

* The log4net project is still in incubation, but it is active.  The
 Logging Services PMC has elected Rob Grabowski
 ( as a new committer. This would brings the
 number of active committers to 4, helping meet incubator exit

* The log4net committers are working on compatibility with the .NET
 2.0 releases from Microsoft and Mono.

log4php Report

* The log4php project is still in incubation, with low activity.  Some
 minor bug fixes commited.

Approved by General Consent.

16 Nov 2005 [Mark Womack / Stefano]

No report received or submitted. Stefano to contact Mark regarding status.

21 Sep 2005 [Mark Womack / Sam]

Projects listed in alphabetical order.

PMC Report

* The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under incubation:
 log4net, log4php.

* The PMC is hoping to move all Logging Services projects to the SVN
 repository by the end of September.  A migration plan is currently
 under discussion.

* A BoF session on Logging Services was submitted to the conference
 committee for ApacheCon US 2005.

* In general, the PMC is pleased to report a high level of livelihood,
 with increased development, testing, and planning levels.  There has
 been consistent involvement and good communication with both
 committers and outside contributors in various aspects.

log4cxx Report

* Progress continues towards a 0.9.8 release, as tracked by JIRA
 issue LOGCXX-62.  Most major issues have been resolved.  The reamining
 work involves restoring functionality that was temporarily disabled
 while pervasive changes were made.

* The log4cxx team continues to seek additional committers among current
 contributors, and hopes to add one committer over the next month or so.

log4j Report

* On June 23rd, log4j v1.2.11 was released.  This was primarily a
 maintenance release focused on ensuring the build process included
 some previously missing components.

* The log4j team is planning to release v1.2.12 in early September.  There
 have already been several release candidates for this version, and good
 feedback from testers.  This release contains one major new feature, a
 built-in TRACE logging level, which has long been requested by users, and
 which should allow for easier compatability with java.util.logging and
 Jakarta Commons-Logging.  The other focus of this release, which will
 hopefully be the final log4j 1.2 version, is to ensure compile- and
 run-time compatability with old JDKs.

* As soon as v1.2.12 is released and the SVN migration is complete,
 the log4j team plans to accelerate work  on v1.3, a major new release.
 Significant work remains on log4j 1.3, but the goal of a 2005 release
 is still in sight.

log4net Report

* The log4net project is still in incubation, but it is active.  The
 Logging Services PMC is currently voting on a new committer,
 Rob Grabowski (, and the vote seems likely to pass.
 This would bring the number of active committers to 4, helping meet
 incubator exit criteria.

* The log4net committers are working towards the next maintenance release
 with a focus on code quality and improving the available end user

log4php Report

* No report submitted, will follow up with subproject.

Approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

17 Aug 2005 [Mark Womack / Stefano]

No Report Submitted

28 Jul 2005 [Ben Laurie]

A report was expected, but not received

22 Jun 2005 [Mark Womack]

Logging Services report 2005-05

Projects listed in alphabetical order.

PMC Report

* Ceki Gülcü decided to step down as Chair of the Logging Services PMC and
Mark Womack was nominated and recommended to the ASF Board as the
replacement.  The ASF Board appointed Mark through resolution at the May
board meeting.  The PMC thanks Ceki for all of his efforts to get the Logging
Services project off the ground as the PMC Chair!

* Issues with the log4cxx project were raised by Ceki Gülcü to the ASF
board and LS PMC as part of his chair handoff.  At issue was the
perceived problem that log4cxx currently has three committers, only two of
which are currently active (the third of which is currently on a leave of
absence).  This issue was orignally raised when the log4cxx project was
graduated from incubation, but it was felt that the situation was healthy
enough and new committers would be added to the log4cxx project in the near
future.  However, no new committers have been added to date.  The Logging
Services PMC is still monitoring the situation.  There are several
contributors to the log4cxx project that are showing some real potential to
becoming full committers, given some more time.  The PMC will continue to
update the board and incubator as to the progress.

* Discussions around interoperability between the various Logging Services
subprojects implementations have been started.  Many people within the
Logging Services project see  this as an important aspect of providing unified
logging support across different development languages.  What exactly it means
and how the subprojects can conform to it needs to be determined, but the LS
project is in a unique position to forge a solution in this area.

log4cxx Report

* A release is still long overdue, however most major issues have been
resolved and remaining tasks primarily involve restoring functionality
that had been disabled during recent pervasive changes.  Jira issue
LOGCXX-62 is tracking the progress toward an 0.9.8 release.

* Two developers were submitted to the PMC for committer access at the PMC
Chairman's request.  The PMC consensus was that the candidates needed a
longer history before committer access was granted.

log4j Report

* In April, the log4j committers voted to recall version 1.2.10 of log4j.
The primary concern being that it was not released under the bylaws of the
Logging Services project in regards to releases by subprojects.

* The log4j committers have agreed upon a release overview and timeline
for future releases. Versions 1.2.11 and 1.2.12 are going to have important
bug fixes and (hopefully) the long awaited addition of the TRACE level.
Work on 1.3 will progress with the finalization, consolidation, and testing of
features.  Timeframe for the 1.3 release is targeted for October of this

* The current log4j cvs has a dependency on code from a related outside
project, slf4j (Simple Logging Facade For Java).  The basis of this code is
originally from the log4j project (the UGLI api set), but was moved outside to
have it under a different, compatible license (X11/MIT type license).  There is
planned support for slf4j for the v1.3 release and discussions about official
support in the v1.2 branch.  The slf4j project is currently providing a fork of
the log4j 1.2 version, called nlog4j, that provides an slf4j implementation.

log4net Report

* Log4net is currently incubating. The incubator approved the release of
log4net 1.2.9 beta which is the first release of log4net under Apache.
The upcoming release goals are to ensure consistent code quality and
improve the available end user documentation.

* The project's ongoing goal is to increase the number of active
committers and to graduate from incubation.

log4php Report

[No report submitted by committers, LS PMC following up as to project status]

Approved by General Consent.

18 May 2005

Change of Logging Services PMC Chair

   As Ceki Gülcü < resigned from the Logging Services PMC Chair,
   the Logging Services PMC has voted to propose Mark Womack as
   the new Logging Services PMC Chair.  We offer the following
   resolution for board approval:

   WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Logging Services Project
   Management Committee (PMC) have recommended Mark Womack to
   serve as chairman of the Apache Logging Services PMC; and

   WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache
   Logging Services PMC, Ceki Gülcü <, has resigned his position
   as Vice President, Apache Logging Services, in favor of Mark
   Womack's appointment to that position.

   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mark Womack be and hereby
   is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Logging
   Services, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
   direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
   Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
   disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 By unanimous vote, Special Order C, a Resolution to
 Change of Logging Services PMC Chair, was approved.

18 May 2005 [Ceki Gülcü <]

There was no report provided or submitted.

23 Feb 2005 [Ceki Gülcü]


No submitted report.

14 Nov 2004 [Ceki Gülcü]

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

-- Releases --

The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd

Nothing much happening on that track.  No new mod_perl 1.x releases
since the last report.


The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become
mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x.

Recent releases:

 1.99_15 - Aug 20, 2004
 1.99_16 - Aug 22, 2004
 1.99_17 - Oct 22, 2004


Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server.  It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications.

Recent releases:

 1.13 - Aug 20, 2004
 1.14 - Oct 12, 2004
 1.15 - Oct 22, 2004

-- Development --

Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy
pace. Now working on polishing the API so we can get ready for the 2.0
release hopefully somewhere in summer.

-- Users --

The mod_perl users list is thriving.

Usage stats continue to decline, with 1.5M or 4.7M sites depending on
which survey you look at.

The advocacy list, revived back August, is back to the dormant state

No report was submitted.

18 Aug 2004 [Ceki Gülcü]

Projects listed in alphabethical order.

- report for the PMC

The Logging Services PMC has focused its efforts on verifying the
legal and proper status of all projects and committers under the PMC's
jurisdiction.  We have been working with the Foundation to ensure all
committers and code are properly covered as far as licensing and
intellectual property rights are concerned.

While the incubation process is ongoing, we have made some progress
towards agreeing on common interfaces and schemas for logging services
in the different programming languages.

- report for log4cxx

Two new committers, namely, Curt Arnold and Christophe de Vienne, have
joined the log4cxx project.

log4cxx version 1.0 should be released within the next quarter. This
version should have the same feature as log4j 1.2.8 but will not
include log4j 1.3 additions.

For the moment, the supported OS/platforms are Linux/Mandrake10,
Windows/MSVC6, Windows/MSVC7.1, Windows/Cygwin, and FreeBSD. We need
testers in order to support Mac OS X, HPUX, and SunOS.

- report for log4j

The Log4j team continued progress towards the next major release,
log4j version 1.3.  We anticipate the first alpha build of this
version within the next quarter.

We have made specific progress in the area of splitting the log4j
distribution into smaller components: a core, GUI viewers like
Chainsaw, and other additions from the sandbox like filters and
configuration tools.

- report for log4net

No report has been submitted.

- report for log4php

Marco Vassura has contacted the various contributors in order to
obtain their formal approval.

Contributor             Licence change approval received by the
 Logging Services PMC on:

Abel Gonzales          1 Jul 2004 01:25:47 +0200
Ilker Kiris            ?
Domenico Lordi         ?
Sergio Strampelli      30 Jun 2004 13:54:16 +0200
Blake Watters          ?
Simon Wiest            30 Jun 2004 14:55:37 +0200

Approved by General Consent.

23 Jun 2004

* The log4j team is working feverishly towards an alpha release for
version 1.3 which will incorporate a large set of new features. We are
also working with projects dependent on log4j, such as
commons-logging, to ensure backward compatibility.

* Log4j's Chainsaw tool is now accessible via Java Web Start.  The
Logging Services PMC is committed to exploring and evaluating new
ideas for enhancing functionality and productivity of System
Administrators / Monitors.

* The log4cxx prokect updated its licence to Apache 2.0. It released
version 0.9.7, it's first version under the Apache Logging Services

* Log4net now supports building under the Mono Beta 1 runtime.

26 May 2004 [Ceki Gülcü]

* The log4j team is working feverishly towards an alpha release for
version 1.3 which will incorporate a large set of new features. We are
also working with projects dependent on log4j, such as
commons-logging, to ensure backward compatibility.

* Log4j's Chainsaw tool is now accessible via Java Web Start.  The
Logging Services PMC is committed to exploring and evaluating new
ideas for enhancing functionality and productivity of System
Administrators / Monitors.

* The log4cxx prokect updated its licence to Apache 2.0. It released
version 0.9.7, it's first version under the Apache Logging Services

* Log4net now supports building under the Mono Beta 1 runtime.

Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

18 Feb 2004 [Ceki Gülcü]

No report

21 Jan 2004 [Ceki Gülcü]

* The amd lists have
 been created.

* The Logging Services web-site has been created. The Logging Services
 site is CVS managed, module name logging-site. Log4j web-pages have
 been moved to the site. Jakarta site has been updated to reflect the

* New CVS modules logging-log4j and logging-log4j-sandbox have been
 created. They replace jakarta-log4j and jakarta-log4j-sandbox

* New log4j mailing lists and have been created. These respectively
 replace the and mailing lists.

* Various mail archives have been notified to change or add references
 to the new mailing lists.

* The Logging Services PMC has voted to grant committer access to
 Log4net developers, pending the completion of paperwork (CLA +
 Software grant.)

* We are still struggling to understand the minimal requirements of
 the Incubator project for the admission for the log4net project as
 well as the other incoming projects into Logging Services.

The report, as noted in Attachment H, was approved by General Consent.

17 Dec 2003

Establishment of the Apache Logging Services Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
 interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
 Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
 Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
 open-source software related to the logging of application
 behavior, for distribution at no charge to the public.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
 Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Logging Services
 PMC", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
 Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Logging Services PMC be and hereby is
 responsible for the creation and maintenance of software for
 managing the logging of application behavior, and for related
 software components, based on software licensed to the
 Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Logging
 Services" be and hereby is created, the person holding such
 office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as
 the chair of the Apache Logging Services PMC, and to have
 primary responsibility for management of the projects within
 the scope of responsibility of the Apache Logging Services PMC;
 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
 hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
 Apache Logging Services PMC:

   Scott Deboy
   Ceki Gülcü
   Jacob Kjome
   Yoav Shapira
   Paul Smith
   Mark Womack

 and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
 Logging Services, to serve in accordance with and subject to
 the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
 Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
 disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Logging Services PMC be and
 hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended
 to encourage open development and increased participation in
 the Apache Logging Services Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial Logging Services PMC be and hereby
 is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the log4j
 Apache Jakarta subproject; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial Logging Services PMC be and hereby
 is tasked with the migration and integration of the sister
 projects, namely but not exclusively, Log4Perl, Log4Net,
 Log4Cxx (c++), Log4CPlus, Log4PHP and Log4plsql, subject to the
 will and approval of the respective project owners and

 This was passed by Unanimous Vote.