This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: None ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (12 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: Apache Lucene.Net delivered the latest 4.8.0-beta00017 release on 2024-10-29, the first release in over two years. Activity has picked up notably in the past quarter. We are going to need one more beta release (4.8.0-beta00018) to finish introducing necessary breaking changes, before focusing on finishing up a 4.8.0 final release. 4.8.0-beta00018 is 46% complete by issue count at the time of this writing, not including necessary changes to our dependencies J2N and ICU4N, some of which are significant. Our goal is to deliver this beta in the first quarter of 2025. The longer-term goal, post-4.8, is to catch up to a more recent version of Lucene, which should be much easier with our current foundation. Our project has also been working on supporting the latest .NET versions, improving performance through benchmarks, improving the documentation and unit tests, automating various processes including API comparison, and continuing to investigate and resolve issues submitted by the community. ## Community Health: Activity has increased significantly on the project since the last board report. Commits have increased to about 10.5 commits per week at time of writing since the last board report, up from about 3.5 per week for the same time period before that. Community interaction via GitHub issues continues to be an effective means of communication. Discussions on Slack remain focused on what is remaining to finish the 4.8 release and we have been putting all efforts towards this goal. - builds@lucenenet.apache.org had a 394% increase in traffic in the past quarter (94 emails compared to 19) - dev@lucenenet.apache.org had a 500% increase in traffic in the past quarter (522 emails compared to 87) - 79 commits since last board update (up from 8 in quarter prior to last board report) - 7 code contributors since last board update (same) - Last release: 2024-10-29 (4.8.0-beta00017) - over 90k downloads on nuget.org already
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: None ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (12 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: The activity on the project has increased recently, with a focused push to get the 4.8 release finished by the end of 2024. Some committers have also been working to contribute to the J2N and ICU4N dependencies to shore them up for a production 4.8 release. Improvements to the documentation site and various bugfixes from community feedback have been implemented. ## Community Health: GitHub discussions have seen an increase in traffic, and we continue to receive new feature requests and bug reports from the community via GitHub issues. Discussions on Slack remain focused on what is remaining to finish the 4.8 release and we have been putting all efforts towards this goal. Statistics: - builds@lucenenet.apache.org had a big increase in traffic in the past quarter (59 emails compared to 0) - dev@lucenenet.apache.org had a 37% increase in traffic in the past quarter (122 emails compared to 89) - 8 commits in the past quarter (NOTE: Apache statistics shows zero) - 7 code contributors in the past quarter (NOTE: Apache statistics shows zero) - Last release: 2022-02-17 (4.8.0-beta00016)
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: None ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (12 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: Mostly the same as last report. No new releases have been made since the previous release. We have been focusing on remaining work to get the 4.8 release finished, including test review, OpenNLP support, .NET 8 testing, and various other code correctness and cleanup issues. ## Community Health: Mostly the same as last report. As mentioned in the prior status report, most community discussions have been moving to GitHub rather than the mailing list. There have been some new issues opened with good discussion around them. PRs have mostly been among PMC members with a few from the community since the last report.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of a search engine library and related software for .NET runtime users. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: None ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (11 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. Two PMC members were invited to join as ASF members since the last report: Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) and Paul Irwin (paulirwin). ## Project Activity: No new releases have been made since the previous release. We have been focusing on remaining work to get the 4.8 release finished, including test review, OpenNLP support, .NET 8 testing, and various other code correctness and cleanup issues. ## Community Health: As mentioned in the prior status report, most community discussions have been moving to GitHub rather than the mailing list. There have been some new issues opened with good discussion around them. PRs have mostly been among PMC members with a few from the community since the last report.
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: None ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (11 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: No new releases have been made since the previous release. There is a large influx of work waiting to be published but there hasn't been enough time for a full review. There have been several community led discussions on issues or PRs on GitHub for current bugs and enhancements. ## Community Health: There have been several new contributors to the GitHub repo, both in terms of PRs submitted or issues raised. Mailing lists aren't used very much, GitHub is really the main place where discussions happen.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: There was a flurry of activity over the previous quarter but over the summer it has been quieter. (The reports in reporter.apache.org don't show commit or PR or issue activity correctly it seems) ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (11 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: There was a big push last quarter to get another beta 4.8.0 beta00017 shipped, but that hasn't been completed quite yet. The community is definitely onboard to try to get an RTM release shipped but another beta is first required due to some breaking API changes. ## Community Health: Quite a few PRs opened up by new community members which is great to see and lots of conversations going on in GitHub tickets.
No report was submitted.
@Justin: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
## Description: Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no Board-level issues at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-15 (11 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-03. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-03. ## Project Activity: Although there have been no recent releases, work has been progressing on getting the ICU4N project (our biggest dependency) stabilized. We managed to get it repackaged and the resource data is distributed as a separate NuGet transitive dependency that is enabled by default but can be disabled so smaller resource distributions can be made by end users. Although the work had been done some time ago, we finally got a release out with the changes. Lucene.Net had a flurry of activity around October and a new contributor helped setup SonarCloud to scan the code base for issues. Although this created a lot of noise, it has also helped us to spot some important problems. For example, it helped us find all of the virtual members called in constructors across the whole project and a couple of PMC members have managed to fix nearly all of them, which was an issue we realized we had for a while but had no real way to find them. We also set up a Slack channel so PMC members can collaborate on the work that is happening. There has been over 200 (squashed) commits since the last release and we are now in the process of preparing for a new release. However, we expect it might take a while to get the new release out. We are trying to close as many open PRs and issues as possible and we have several performance optimizations and API refactorings in the works that we are hoping to include, as well as some updated dependencies (ICU4N, IKVM, and OpenNLP). Some of those updates are: 1. .NET Core support on OpenNLP 2. A new ValuePriorityQueue ref struct that allows us to reduce heap allocations on several hot paths 3. Multiple solutions for the virtual member calls in constructors that was previously mentioned 4. Refactored CharArraySet and CharArrayMap that conform to .NET conventions 5. Refactoring to the OfflineSorter to make it more reliable and perform better 6. Optimization of array copy operations 7. Migration of some areas (mostly in Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common) to use Span<T> and stack allocations 8. A new PersianStemmer class that was contributed by a Lucene.Net user (which we pushed back to the Lucene project) Recent releases: Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00016 was released on 2022-02-17. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00015 was released on 2021-10-29. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00014 was released on 2021-03-28. ## Community Health: We have had several people contribute to our commit log and we occasionally get a PR here and there. There have also been several issues opened, but these have mostly been user questions rather than bugs. While we still get most of our commits from one or 2 users, there has been an improvement in participation than in previous reports. The dev mailing list has nearly all been re-posted issues and PRs from GitHub. dev@lucenenet.apache.org had a 56% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (217 emails compared to 488) 43 commits in the past quarter (-64% change) 5 code contributors in the past quarter (-54% change) 42 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-33% change) 45 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-21% change) 8 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-65% change) 2 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-91% change) (previous quarter stats available directly via https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?lucenenet)
No report was submitted.
@Sharan: pursue a roll call for Lucene.Net
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (10 years ago) There are currently 17 committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: There has been limited project activity over the summer period. This is most likely due to summer holidays and vacations being taken. Recent releases: Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00016 was released on 2022-02-17. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00015 was released on 2021-10-29. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00014 was released on 2021-03-28. ## Community Health: There has been limited project activity over the summer period. This is most likely due to summer holidays and vacations being taken.
## Description: The mission of Lucene.Net is the creation and maintenance of software related to Search engine library targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (10 years ago) There are currently 17 committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2022-03-02. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: Not a lot of project activity for the past quarter probably due to it being summer time and folks taking vacations, etc... ## Community Health: There has been a decline in code contributions which is probably due to it being summer time and folks taking vacations, etc... That said, the latest version released 6 months ago has almost 150,000 downloads on Nuget https://www.nuget.org/packages/Lucene.Net so it is a very actively used project.
No report was submitted.
@Sander: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
No report was submitted.
## Description: Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no Board-level issues at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-15 (10 years ago) There are currently 17 committers and 15 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - Ron Clabo was added to the PMC on 2022-03-03 - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-03. ## Project Activity: We released 4.8.0-beta00016 this quarter, which was our biggest update since 4.8.0-beta00008. The release includes some key bug fixes and we have closed some issues that have been on our radar for quite some time. Thanks to the recent completion of the repeatable random test feature, we have tracked down the cause of nearly all of the test failures, and are down to a handful of tests where we have a fair understanding of the problem. J2N, RandomizedTesting.Generators, and Morfologik.Stemming have all had a first stable release, and Spatial4n has been consolidated back into a single package. The only unstable dependency we have left is ICU4N. These dependencies, as well as Lucene.NET have also added Source Link to allow consumers to be able to step into our code directly. We have also solved an issue with ConditionalWeakTable that fixes a long-standing memory leak issue on .NET Framework with the WeakDictionary workaround that was carried over from Lucene 3.0.3. WeakDictionary is no longer part of the codebase. The focus has now shifted to ICU4N to solve some of the embedded resource package size distribution problems by switching to satellite assemblies and to add a better getting started section to the website. Recent releases: Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00016 was released on 2022-02-17. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00015 was released on 2021-10-29. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00014 was released on 2021-03-28. ## Community Health: We continue to have a small number of contributors doing the bulk of the work, yet a few that are generous enough to submit small fixes (mostly with the API docs) and occasional questions/bug reports. Ron Clabo was also promoted to PMC this quarter. - dev@lucenenet.apache.org had a 169% increase in traffic in the past quarter (272 emails compared to 101) - user@lucenenet.apache.org had a 100% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (0 emails compared to 6) - 131 commits in the past quarter (-9% change) - 5 code contributors in the past quarter (25% increase) - 48 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (6% increase) - 50 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (11% increase) - 12 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (9% increase) - 9 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-62% change) (previous quarter stats available directly via https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?lucenenet)
## Description: Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no Board-level issues at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-15 (9 years ago) There are currently 17 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Laimonas Simutis on 2020-09-08. - No new committers. Last addition was Ron Clabo on 2021-06-03. ## Project Activity: We are continuing to track down bugs and/or mistranslations from Java, and are uncovering new issues every month. We fixed the randomized seed functionality in the test framework so we can now repeat failures. Although the feature is still experimental, this has resulted in a much quicker resolution time for bugs. The primary development focus has been on migrating to the new J2N APIs that were introduced earlier this year and to track down issues related to test failures and hangs/crashes in the test environment. Recent releases: Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00015 was released on 2021-10-29. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00014 was released on 2021-03-28. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00013 was released on 2020-11-16. ## Community Health: We have a large increase in commit and PR activity this quarter, primarily in preparation for our 4.8.0-beta00015 release. We have seen a drop in bug reports for 4.8.0, many of the issues that are being opened by the community are inquiries and not actual bug reports. We have also completed work on some old issues that were first reported as early as 2017. 4 code contributors in the past quarter (no change) GitHub PR activity: 42 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (82% increase) 44 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (109% increase) GitHub issues: 10 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (42% increase) 20 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (566% increase) (previous quarter stats available directly via https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?lucenenet#githubissues)
## Description: Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no Board-level issues at this time. We are still trying to work with INFRA to resolve a CI/CD issue we are having with GitHub action https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-21453 which is an ongoing task to allow us to automate the building and deployment of both the Lucene.Net website but also it's documentation site. ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.Net was founded 2012-08-14 (9 years ago) There are currently 17 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No community committer or PMC changes in the last quarter. - Ron Clabo was added as committer on 2021-06-02. ## Project Activity: We are continuing to track down bugs and/or mistranslations from Java, and are uncovering new issues every month. There has been an overall effort to normalize exception handling, fix system timing issues, and to fix many inefficiencies due to Java APIs that were missing in .NET, that have recently been added to J2N. J2N has been the primary focus of the Lucene.NET project this quarter. Recent releases: Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00014 was released on 2021-03-28. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00013 was released on 2020-11-16. Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00012 was released on 2020-09-19. If all goes to plan there will be further beta releases shipped in the next quarter and then hopefully an RC and final release of 4.8. ## Community Health: Last quarter we welcomed our newest committer, Ron Clabo on 2021-06-02. He has been helping a lot to close GitHub issues, answer incoming questions, and promote Lucene.NET. We have seen a slow down of incoming bug reports and have closed some issues that have been open for a long time, which is hopefully a good sign that we are nearing stability. Since 2021-03-17 there has been 53 PRs created to the project of which 50 have been closed or merged. Since 2021-03-17 there has been 21 bugs reported to the project of which 10 have been fixed or closed. (previous quarter stats available directly via https://reporter.apache.org/wizard/statistics?lucenenet#githubissues)
No report was submitted.
@Sander: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
## Description: Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no Board-level issues at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.NET was founded 2012-08-15 (9 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Laimonas Simutis on 2020-09-08. - No new committers. Last addition was Jens Melgaard on 2020-10-20. ## Project Activity: Progress: - Several user-reported bug fixes - 25 PRs were submitted - We are continuing to expand testing, adding build hang detection, and Xamarin.Android tests to J2N - Work has begun on tracking down concurrency contention problems - Work has begun on reviewing tests for incomplete/partially implemented tests, API usability problems, and performance issues - We are making preparations for the release of Lucene.NET 4.8.0-beta00014 We have also been steadily improving performance, refactoring APIs to be more .NET-like than Java-like, and expanding testing. Recent releases: - Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00013 was released on 2020-11-16. - Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00012 was released on 2020-09-19. - Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00011 was released on 2020-07-24. Average Daily Downloads of Lucene.NET from NuGet.org (all versions): 2,680 ## Community Health: Since our move to GitHub Issues, we are now getting bug reports that have been long underreported. This new collaboration channel with end users is helping us zero in on bugs, and is also helping to drive some PR activity from contributors. This quarter has seen a decrease in activity on Lucene.NET due to focus on the Xamarin.Android tests, which were added to the smaller J2N dependency project first before we scale up the approach for use in ICU4N and Lucnene.NET. dev@lucenenet.apache.org had a 30% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (287 emails compared to 405) user@lucenenet.apache.org had a 75% increase in traffic in the past quarter (7 emails compared to 4) 77 commits in the past quarter (-63% decrease) 5 code contributors in the past quarter (-37% decrease) 25 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-35% decrease) 25 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-32% decrease) 18 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (-14% decrease) 15 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-6% decrease)
## Description: Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. ## Issues: There are no Board-level issues at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Lucene.NET was founded 2012-08-15 (8 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7. PMC Chair rotated 2018-06-20 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Laimonas Simutis on 2020-09-08. - Jens Melgaard was added as committer on 2020-10-20 ## Project Activity: Progress: - Several user-reported bug fixes - 44 PRs were submitted including some new website features and performance improvements to Lucene.NET - We set up a nightly build - We are continuing to expand testing adding x86 and .NET 5.0 targets - We set up GitHub Actions to automatically run tests when PRs are submitted We have also been steadily improving performance, refactoring APIs to be more .NET-like than Java-like, and expanding testing. Recent releases: - Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00013 was released on 2020-11-16. - Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00012 was released on 2020-09-19. - Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00011 was released on 2020-07-24. ## Community Health: Since our move to GitHub Issues, we are now getting bug reports that have been long underreported. This new collaboration channel with end users is helping us zero in on bugs, and is also helping to drive some PR activity from contributors. There was some additional PR activity through our participation in Hacktoberfest this quarter. However, we are seeing less activity on the mailing lists due to the fact collaborators generally contact us directly through GitHub Issues. - dev@lucenenet.apache.org had a 86% increase in traffic in the past quarter (411 emails compared to 220) - user@lucenenet.apache.org had a 64% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (4 emails compared to 11) - 258 commits in the past quarter (-18% decrease) - 8 code contributors in the past quarter (60% increase) - 44 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (83% increase) - 45 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (104% increase) - 21 issues opened on GitHub, past quarter (23% increase) - 18 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (20% increase)
Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == Lucene.NET has had a pretty active quarter: • Several bug fixes • Some missing features were added to the project • The test framework has had some major bottlenecks removed • We had 3 beta releases (00009, 00010, 00011) • We also had releases of our 2 main dependencies, J2N and ICU4N • We set up performance benchmarks to see how different releases compare Since our move to GitHub Issues, we are now getting bug reports that have been long underreported. This new collaboration channel with end users is helping us zero in on bugs, and is also helping to drive some PR activity from contributors. We have also been steadily improving performance and refactoring APIs to be more .NET-like than Java-like. In addition, 2 new PMC members were added this quarter. == Board-Level Issues == There are no Board-level issues at this time. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta00011, released 2020-07-24 == People == * Last PMC Member added Sept 2020, Laimonas Simutis (laimis) * Last committer added April 2020, Michael Condillac (xmichaelc78x) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == This quarter has seen some progress with moving both the project and the community forward: * We held a vote to move from JIRA to GitHub issues, which passed unanimously * We have migrated all of the open issues from JIRA to GitHub and set up new milestones * Lucene.NET 4.8.0 is now "feature complete" * The release procedure has been fully documented, and Shannon Deminick released 4.8.0-beta00008 as proof of concept * The API documentation has now been set up so each release has its own documentation version * We added a new PMC member and a new committer, who are both actively engaged in the project * The CI process has been streamlined a bit so a build/test cycle is about 5 minutes faster * The Lucene.Net NuGet package is now being downloaded more than 2000 times daily (across all versions) Lucene.NET 4.8.0-beta00008 was released this quarter. Since we have directed our GitHub Issues to the mailing list, it has been more active than usual. A few bug reports and user issues have also been reported, and several pull requests have been submitted. == Remaining Work on 4.8.0 == We updated the itemized list of remaining issues for both Lucene.NET and ICU4N and have arrived at the following estimates to production release: Lucene.NET 4.8.0 * Hours Completed: ~4200 * Hours Remaining: ~400 ICU4N 60.x * Hours Completed: ~550 * Hours Remaining: ~250 (assuming we don't port any more of it) * Hours Remaining: ~715 (ported to feature completion) Lucene.NET 8.x Upgrade * Hours Completed: 0 * Hours Remaining: ~1700 The primary items left to complete for the 4.8.0 release are identifying and addressing performance issues, reviews of tests and usage of IDisposable, the API docs, and ICU4N. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta0008, released 2020-05-05 == People == * Last PMC Member added 12 April 2020, Shannon Deminick (shazwazza) * Last committer added 27 April 2020, Michael Condillac (xmichaelc78x) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == This quarter has seen some progress, mostly with addressing performance issues: * NIOFSDirectory was modified to move buffered data in batches, rather than one byte at a time. * FSDirectory.FSIndexOutput was modified so it doesn't utilize the buffer in BufferedIndexOutput, since FileStream already has its own buffer. * TokenStream had Reflection code that ran at runtime, which has been replaced with a dotnet Code Analyzer and Fix which runs at design time. * Replaced Lucene's WeakIdentityMap with .NET's ConditionalWeakTable. * The scaffolding known as the Lucene.Net.Support namespace has been either moved to the J2N library or marked internal. Several types were optimized and consolidated in the process. * The caches in ICU4N were replaced with the cache from Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory. * The API documentation has been cleaned up a lot and work is being done to set it up so each release has its own version. Lucene.NET 4.8.0-beta00007 was released this quarter. A few bugs were reported on JIRA, but the mailing lists have been mostly inactive. == Remaining Work on 4.8.0 == We updated the itemized list of remaining issues for both Lucene.NET and ICU4N and have arrived at the following estimates to production release: Lucene.NET 4.8.0 * Hours Completed: ~4000 * Hours Remaining: ~450 ICU4N 60.x * Hours Completed: ~540 * Hours Remaining: ~260 (assuming we don't port any more of it) * Hours Remaining: ~725 (ported to feature completion) Lucene.NET 8.x Upgrade * Hours Completed: 0 * Hours Remaining: ~1700 The primary items left to complete for the 4.8.0 release are identifying and addressing performance issues, reviews of tests and usage of IDisposable, the API docs, and ICU4N. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta0007, released 2019-12-29 == People == * Last PMC Member added May 2017, Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) * Last committer added Oct 2019, Shannon Deminick (shazwazza) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == There has been some progress in the last couple of months: The broken NativeFSLock has been fixed for non-Windows platforms. The remaining Lucene 4.8.0 modules, Lucene.Net.Analysis.OpenNLP (the Lucene 8.3 replacement for Lucene.Net.Analysis.UIMA) and Lucene.Net.Analysis.Mofologik and its dependencies have been ported. ICU4N has had some API refactoring to be more .NET-like and the API documentation comments have been (mostly) completed. ICU4N has also had 2 releases on NuGet. A new project named J2N was started to host the JDK-like types that were haphazardly lumped into the “Support” namespace in both Lucene.NET and ICU4N. Full API documentation and tests are being added, bugs fixed, as well as optimizations and finished implementations. J2N has had 2 alpha releases to date. Now that the porting work is complete, the focus has shifted to improving performance. Some bottlenecks and potential bottlenecks have been identified, a few of which have already been addressed. The API doc website (and the automation to generate it) is continuing to be improved (thanks @Shannon Deminick and @Steve Temple). It has been determined that NUnit has adequate repeatability for end users to be able to debug random tests without having to port the RandomizedTesting runner (which was previously our biggest remaining task). Additionally, Aaron Powell blogged about Lucene.NET recently (https://dev.to/dotnet/implementing-search-in-blazor-webassembly-with-lucene-net-4mpi) and it was re-tweeted by Jon Galloway from Microsoft this week. Thanks Aaron and Jon! The mailing lists have been pretty quiet, and no new issues have been opened recently. However, we are working on getting another beta release out soon. == Remaining Work on 4.8.0 == We updated the itemized list of remaining issues for both Lucene.NET and ICU4N and have arrived at the following estimates to production release: Lucene.NET 4.8.0 Hours Completed: ~3850 Hours Remaining: ~600 ICU4N 60.x Hours Completed: ~500 Hours Remaining: ~300 (assuming we don’t port any more of it) Hours Remaining: ~750 (ported to feature completion) Lucene.NET 8.x Upgrade Hours Completed: 0 Hours Remaining: ~1700 The primary items left to complete for the 4.8.0 release are migrating the remaining types from Support to J2N (with improved implementations, tests, and benchmarks), the API docs, and ICU4N. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta0006, released 2019-08-13 == People == * Last PMC Member added May 2017, Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) * Last committer added Oct 2019, Shannon Deminick (shazwazza) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) == Statistics == As of 2019.12.13 Metric are as follows (followed by metric from 2019.10.10 for comparison): Release 3.0.3 * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 3,095,953 (up from 2,737,979) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 671,201 (up from 601,751) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 37,415 (up from 34,273) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 7,177 (up from 6,986) Beta 4.8.0-beta00005 (Published 10/24/2017) * Lucene.Net: 206,059 (up from 177,945 ) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 189,268 (up from 164,168 ) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 5,911 (up from 5,070 ) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 3,104 (up from 2,506) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 614 (up from 583) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 1,221 (up from 1,141) * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 530 (up from 523) * Lucene.Net.Classification: 1,090 (up from 1,065) * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 3,381 (up from 3,125) * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 6,441 (up from 6,065) * Lucene.Net.Facet: 10,065 (up from 8,794) * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 11,905 (up from 10,059) * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 6,012 (up from 5,251) * Lucene.Net.ICU: 974 (up from 923) * Lucene.Net.Join: 10,328 (up from 9,055) * Lucene.Net.Memory: 11,180 (up from 9,171) * Lucene.Net.Misc: 7,342 (up from 6,507) * Lucene.Net.Queries: 167,030 (up from 144,937) * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 159,701 (up from 138,434) * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 567 (up from 560) * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 165,227 (up from 144,268) * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 6,363 (up from 5,553) * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 6,316 (up from 5,604) Beta 4.8.0-beta00006 (Published 08/13/2019) * Lucene.Net: 21,486 (up from 4,989) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 19,556 (up from 4,351) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 147 (up from 93) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 129 (up from 72) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 268 (up from 138) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 128 (up from 62) * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 57 (up from 47) * Lucene.Net.Classification: 157 (up from 91) * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 145 (up from 93) * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 121 (up from 65) * Lucene.Net.Facet: 687 (up from 125) * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 750 (up from 141) * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 812 (up from 240) * Lucene.Net.ICU: 269 (up from 125) * Lucene.Net.Join: 732 (up from 140) * Lucene.Net.Memory: 1,252 (up from 259) * Lucene.Net.Misc: 585 (up from 139) * Lucene.Net.Queries: 17,847 (up from 4,024) * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 17,674 (up from 3,989) * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 62 (up from 53) * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 17,657 (up from 3,992) * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 174 (up from 98) * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 438 (up from 130) * lucene-cli: 115 (up from 74)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == While the project had stalled in the first half of 2019, there has been some progress in the last quarter: * A new YAML CI configuration was setup on Azure DevOps, which was designed so anyone can build and test on their own Azure DevOps account * The test framework APIs were cleaned up and several bugs addressed * Progress is being made on ICU4N, our biggest dependent project * The API doc website is coming along We also added Shannon Deminick as a new committer on October 9, 2019, which is our first since September 2016. There has been very little activity on the user and dev lists in the past couple of months, and there hasn't been any new bug reports in some time. We have itemized the remaining issues for both Lucene.NET and ICU4N and have arrived at the following estimates to production release: Lucene.NET 4.8.0 Hours Completed: ~3700 Hours Remaining: ~750 ICU4N 60.x Hours Completed: ~350 Hours Remaining: ~450 (assuming we don't port any more of it) Hours Remaining: ~900 (ported to feature completion) Lucene.NET 8.x Upgrade Hours Completed: 0 Hours Remaining: ~1700 The primary items left to complete for the 4.8.0 release are the RandomizedTesting package that the test framework depends on, the API docs, and ICU4N. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta0006, released 2019-08-13 == People == * Last PMC Member added May 2017, Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) * Last committer added Oct 2019, Shannon Deminick (shazwazza) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) == Statistics == As of 2019.10.10 Metric are as follows (followed by metric from 2019.08.19 for comparison): Release 3.0.3 * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 2,737,979 (up from 2,507,308) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 601,751 (up from 554,455) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 34,273 (up from 32,467) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 6,986 (up from 6,829) Beta 4.8.0-beta00005 (Published 10/24/2017) * Lucene.Net: 177,945 (up from 155,313) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 164,168 (up from 142,723) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 5,070 (up from 4,484) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 2,506 (up from 1,962) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 583 (up from 541) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 1,141 (up from 1,090) * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 523 (up from 507) * Lucene.Net.Classification: 1,065 (up from 1,030) * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 3,125 (up from 2,835) * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 6,065 (up from 5,577) * Lucene.Net.Facet: 8,794 (up from 7,369) * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 10,059 (up from 8,311) * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 5,251 (up from 4,695) * Lucene.Net.ICU: 923 (up from 868) * Lucene.Net.Join: 9,055 (up from 7,624) * Lucene.Net.Memory: 9,171 (up from 8,121) * Lucene.Net.Misc: 6,507 (up from 6,035) * Lucene.Net.Queries: 144,937 (up from 125,839) * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 138,434 (up from 119,881) * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 560 (up from 549) * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 144,268 (up from 125,906) * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 5,553 (up from 4,615) * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 5,604 (up from 5,185) Beta 4.8.0-beta00006 (Published 08/13/2019) * Lucene.Net: 4,989 (up from 133) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 4,351 (up from 98) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 93 (up from 50) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 72 (up from 42) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 138 (up from 42) * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 62 (up from 44) * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 47 (up from 36) * Lucene.Net.Classification: 91 (up from 41) * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 93 (up from 43) * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 65 (up from 41) * Lucene.Net.Facet: 125 (up from 44) * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 141 (up from 45) * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 240 (up from 51) * Lucene.Net.ICU: 125 (up from 41) * Lucene.Net.Join: 140 (up from 46) * Lucene.Net.Memory: 259 (up from 57) * Lucene.Net.Misc: 139 (up from 49) * Lucene.Net.Queries: 4,024 (up from 90) * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 3,989 (up from 90) * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 53 (up from 40) * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 3,992 (up from 118) * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 98 (up from 42) * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 130 (up from 44) * lucene-cli: 74 (up from 49)
No report was submitted.
@Rich: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == We have been stalled in the first half of 2019 with limited progress: * New Website went live: http://lucenenet.apache.org/ * The team was looking at our CI options, the consensus was to try to get on Azure DevOps However, over the past few months the community has submitted pull requests to patch some important stability and thread safety bugs. We also got enough of ICU4J ported to support Lucene.Net, which has been an issue that has been blocking progress for some time. The previous dependency (icu-dotnet) was both extremely large and unstable, and was causing lots of issues with getting the tests to run reliably. We have set up CI on Azure DevOps, which has also addressed another long-standing issue: the amount of time it takes to increment and test. Parallel testing was setup to reduce the testing time from around 1 hour and 15 minutes to around 45 minutes. The new setup also allows us to test on Linux and macOS for the first time. We released 4.8.0-beta00006 this month with the patches the community provided as well as some bugs that were newly discovered with the new CI process. The Lucene.Net.ICU module is now feature-complete. There was a command line tool named lucene-cli included in the binary distribution of beta00005 but this time around it has been packaged up as a dotnet tool on NuGet so it can be installed directly from the command line. We are currently working on finishing up the test framework module. It was previously ported, but the fact that it was meant to be an end-user module was overlooked, so there are several issues to address to ready it for wide use. We are also working on more automation for generating API documentation to keep it in sync with releases. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta0006, released 2019-08-13 == People == * Last PMC Member added May 2017, Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) == Statistics == As of 2019.08.19 Metric are as follows: Release 3.0.3 * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 2,507,308 * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 554,455 * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 32,467 * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 6,829 Beta 4.8.0-beta00005 (Published 10/24/2017) * Lucene.Net: 155,313 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 142,723 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 4,484 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 1,962 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 541 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 1,090 * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 507 * Lucene.Net.Classification: 1,030 * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 2,835 * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 5,577 * Lucene.Net.Facet: 7,369 * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 8,311 * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 4,695 * Lucene.Net.ICU: 868 * Lucene.Net.Join: 7,624 * Lucene.Net.Memory: 8,121 * Lucene.Net.Misc: 6,035 * Lucene.Net.Queries: 125,839 * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 119,881 * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 549 * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 125,906 * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 4,615 * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 5,185 Beta 4.8.0-beta00006 (Published 08/13/2019) * Lucene.Net: 133 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 98 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 50 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 42 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 42 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 44 * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 36 * Lucene.Net.Classification: 41 * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 43 * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 41 * Lucene.Net.Facet: 44 * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 45 * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 51 * Lucene.Net.ICU: 41 * Lucene.Net.Join: 46 * Lucene.Net.Memory: 57 * Lucene.Net.Misc: 49 * Lucene.Net.Queries: 90 * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 90 * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 40 * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 118 * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 42 * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 44 * lucene-cli: 49
No report was submitted.
@Shane: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == We had stalled in the second half of 2018, with several board members attempting to reach out to figure out status, and several board reports missing, there were several calls and questions regarding moving to the attic. In January 2019 an email to the dev mailing list generated activity, after the private pmc mailing list seemed to have gone radio silent. There has been vocal support (reported last month), and we have continued to make some progress: * New Website went live: http://lucenenet.apache.org/ * The team is re-looking at our CI options (previously TeamCity, may continue with that) * We're looking at stabiling the current 4.8.0-beta0005 and cutting it as a release, and then moving on. Issues: * PMC Still seems a little stalled as there isn't much activity at that level * As previously mentioned we needed a PMC roll call, that was not yet done. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta0005, which has been out for some time == People == * Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) == Statistics == As of 2019.02.01 Metric are as follows: Release 3.0.3 * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 1,894,662 (Feb 2019: 1,757,023) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 403,432 (Feb 2019: 370229) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 27,623 (Feb 2019: 26483) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 5,836 (Feb 2019: 5697) Beta 4.8.0-beta00005 (Published 10/24/2017) * Lucene.Net: 83132 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 74917 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 2939 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 757 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 268 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 561 * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 201 * Lucene.Net.Classification: 490 * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 1502 * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 3338 * Lucene.Net.Facet: 3768 * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 4388 * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 2545 * Lucene.Net.ICU: 373 * Lucene.Net.Join: 3980 * Lucene.Net.Memory: 3865 * Lucene.Net.Misc: 3281 * Lucene.Net.Queries: 64592 * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 60334 * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 212 * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 66705 * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 1620 * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 2654
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == We had stalled in the second half of 2018, with several board members attempting to reach out to figure out status, and several board reports missing, there were several calls and questions regarding moving to the attic. It seems in early January an email to the dev mailing list generated activity, after the private pmc mailing list seemed to have gone radio silent. There has been vocal support on the dev@ mailing list and a flurry of activity. * Several members have stepped up to work on cleaning up JIRA - 1 JIRA ticket fixed - 1 PR opened to improve merge stability * We have a new website design/repo in the works - https://lucenenetsite.azurewebsites.net/ - https://github.com/apache/lucenenet/pull/206 * We're working on bringing our TeamCity CI Servers back online and reporting * We've a community member at MSFT voice their support for the general stability of 4.8.0-beta0005 in their projects, and is investingating their ability to contribute We need to run a roll call at the PMC to see who is still around and possibly add new members and new committers. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 * Working toward 4.8.0 - Currently beta0005, which has been out for some time == Board Questions == "Missing Reports" (I'm not sure anyone explicitly asked this). As mentioned above, my time has been extremely limited, and we are looking to rotate our VP, but as of yet have had no takers. Stefan Bodewig suggests we might need to look towards the attic - which I believe would be unfortunate, but may be the reality. == People == * Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) * PMC Chair rotated 20 June 2018 to Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) == Statistics == As of 2019.02.01 Metric are as follows: Release 3.0.3 * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 1,757,023 (Jan 2018 - 880,370) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 370229 (Jan 2018 - 202,988) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 26483 (Jan 2018 - 17,182) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 5697 (Jan 2018 - 2,6909) Beta 4.8.0-beta00005 (Published 10/24/2017) * Lucene.Net: 72395 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common: 64981 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji: 2240 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic: 561 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn: 238 * Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel: 469 * Lucene.Net.Benchmark: 181 * Lucene.Net.Classification: 361 * Lucene.Net.Codecs: 1205 * Lucene.Net.Expressions: 2770 * Lucene.Net.Facet: 3078 * Lucene.Net.Grouping: 3644 * Lucene.Net.Highlighter: 2156 * Lucene.Net.ICU: 332 * Lucene.Net.Join: 3286 * Lucene.Net.Memory: 3213 * Lucene.Net.Misc: 2580 * Lucene.Net.Queries: 56362 * Lucene.Net.QueryParser: 52534 * Lucene.Net.Replicator: 183 * Lucene.Net.Sandbox: 58878 * Lucene.Net.Spatial: 1080 * Lucene.Net.Suggest: 2067
No report was submitted.
@Rich: is this project headed for the attic?
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Rich: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Prescott Nasser (pnasser) to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Prescott Nasser from the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lucene.Net project has chosen by vote to recommend Shad Storhaug (nightowl888) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Prescott Nasser is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Shad Storhaug be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Lucene.Net Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
We've engaged the Lucene.Net community of the dev and user mailing lists in discussions about the future of the project and people are showing interest in helping out. With this board meeting we are asking the board to make Shad the new chairman of the Lucene.Net PMC and want to thank Prescott for his duty.
Lucene.NET's development has come to a complete stand-still since about six months by now. Not a single commit to the ASF repository has happened. While there are a few PMC members around who send an occasional emails, nobody seems to find the time to carry on development. When we asked on the dev list whether people were willing to contribute only a few people indicated interest but said they wouldn't find the time to contribute anyway. Financial support has been offered to the project and directed to the appropriate ASF channels https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENENET-601. There are different opinions between PMC members whether Lucene.NET is on its way into the Attic. The Attic has already been mentioned by one PMC member on the dev list but we haven't openly discussed dissolving the PMC and going to the Attic. We'll be kicking of a public discussion about the future of the project in the coming week. If we decide to go to the Attic then this will have already been the first step according to http://attic.apache.org/process.html
@Ted: remind them to please be sure to report next month
No report was submitted.
@Shane: pursue a report again for Lucene.Net
No report was submitted.
@Shane: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == While we are *very* slowly working towards a 4.8 release, we are really starting to stumble. Several of the PMC and committers are still around and semi-response to the mailing lists, but their other commitments leave little time to help get 4.8.0 over the line to a full release. We've started a thread to try and learn from the mailing list members what the barriers to contribute are. The mailing lists still see's a modest amount of traffic, questions and answers, but it's primarily support for packages out there and less about the work we need to do to get over the line. Additionally, we are looking to rotate VP's of the project, but as of yet haven't had any takers. My own obligations have unfortunately left me with little time to actively be involved. A few of the PMC members are still around to run the test suite and vote, and I believe we have the 3 votes required to pass releases, but we are limping. == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 ==Board Questions== "Missing Reports" (I'm not sure anyone explicitly asked this). As mentioned above, my time has been extremely limited, and we are looking to rotate our VP, but as of yet have had no takers. Stefan Bodewig suggests we might need to look towards the attic - which I believe would be unfortunate, but may be the reality. == Statistics == * Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug We've adjusted our package structure with version 4.8 Beta, to be more modular and we probably need to find a new way to report these metrics. For the older packages: * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 880,370 (up from 357,422) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 202,988 (up from 95,087) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 17,182 (up from 10,574) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 2,690 (up from 1,999) Package Downloads (Beta 1-5) Version Lucene.Net 18171 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Analysis.Kuromoji 50 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Analysis.Phonetic 80 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Analysis.SmartCn 52 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Analysis.Stempel 232 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Benchmark 52 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Classification 337 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Codecs 318 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Expressions 234 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Facet 793 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Grouping 892 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Highlighter 1117 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.ICU 246 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Join 819 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Memory 1507 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Misc 878 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Queries 15920 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.QueryParser 17078 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Replicator 49 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Sandbox 15321 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Spatial 361 4.8.0-beta00005 Lucene.Net.Suggest 487 4.8.0-beta00005
Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. The PMC chairman has indicated he'd like to step down but the PMC hasn't come up with a successor so far. Please allow us to get our act together and report in January. Lucene.Net is actively developed with one committer (Shad Storhaug) carrying almost all of the load. We released 4.8.0 beta 5 on October 23, 2017 which has been downloaded more than 1000 times from nuget. We see an average of more than 800 downloads a day for all versions combined. So the library is used a lot but unfortunately we haven't been able to attract new contributors. The last committer we added was Shad Storhaug who is also the latest PMC member elected in May 2017.
@Phil: pursue a more substantial report for next month
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == * As of last board report we had finally shipped beta 1 of Lucene 4.8.0. We are currently at 4.8.0-beta00004 * Strong community involvement to get this over the line, and lots of people are jumping in to give feedback on the release. == Releases == * Release 4.8.0 Beta4 - May 21st, 2017 * Release 4.8.0 Beta1 - May 9th, 2017 * Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 == Statistics == * Last PMC Member added May 2017, Shad Storhaug * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug Nuget package downloads: As we will have 17 packages for 4.8.0 release, I'll work on a new way to present these metrics. Currently we have just over 900 downloads of the core beta package and 50 for the various libraries that add additional features
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == * Finally released a beta version of 4.8.0 to the community. (Vote: https://s.apache.org/e5mT, passed ) * We're quickly following that up with a second beta to fix some critical multi threading issues (Vote currently inprogress) * Strong community involvement to get this over the line, and lots of people are jumping in to give feedback on the release. * Previously we've been asked about "strong involvement". In efforts to quantify that a bit, mailing list message count on dev starting in Jan: 28, 14, 58, 167, 123 (10 days into may). Additionally, we've had several community members look at performance enhancements and submit PR's (which for us is not common). == Releases == * Release 4.8.0 Beta1 - May, 2017 * Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 == Statistics == * Last PMC Member added May 2017, Shad Storhaug * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug Nuget package downloads: * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 550,874 (up from 417,307) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 141,606 (up from 109,915) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 12,883 (up from 11,269) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 2,347 (up from 2,079) As we will have 17 packages for 4.8.0 release, I'll work on a new way to present these metrics. Currently we have about 18 downloads of the core beta package and 9 for the various libraries that add additional features
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Jim: pursue a report for Lucene.Net
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == * Currently have 4.8 in pre-release (http://myget.org/gallery/lucene-net, downloads: 25398) * Strong community involvement to get this over the line == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 == Statistics == * Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug Nuget package downloads: * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 417,307 (up from 357,422) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 109,915 (up from 95,087) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 11,269 (up from 10,574) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 2,079 (up from 1,999)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == * Currently looking at releasing nuget packages for 4.8.0 Beta * Voted to add a new committer Shad Storhaug (who joined early September) * Officially we have had Lucene.Net 4.8 out in beta for a while, we're getting close to a final release == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == * Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 * Last committer added Sept 2016, Shad Storhaug ==Board Question== "mt: An explanation for the long gap between releases would be helpful." As mentioned in many previous board reports the Lucene.Net community has struggled to consistently maintain strong community involvement. We had several quarters of good progress followed by zero progress. As of this moment, we are making great progress and our community appears to be much more vibrate than in the past when we had on going progress. Nuget package downloads: * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 357,422 (up from 308,623) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 95,087 (up from 83,361) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 10,574 (up from 9,734) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 1,999 (up from 1,841)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == * Currently looking at releasing nuget packages for 4.8.0 Beta * We continue to see strong community support - looking at adding new committers soon * Efforts are under way to make Lucene.Net into a Portal Common Library (PCL), to work across all devices that support .NET == Releases == * Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == * Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 * Two committers added Jan '15 -Laimonas, Feb '15 - Wyatt Nuget package downloads: * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 308,623 (up from 278,843) * Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 83,361 (up from 75,128) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 9,734 (up from 9,221) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 1,841 (up from 1,749)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == We continue to yo-yo in community involvement. In our December report we saw an uptick in community involvement, followed by a lull, followed by some very active community engagement end of march to present. We are looking at updating Lucene.Net 4.8.0 (which is nearly complete) to work on .NET Core (to work across various OS's). == Releases == Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 Two committers added Jan '15 -Laimonas, Feb '15 - Wyatt Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 278,843 (up from 217,779) Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 75,128 (up from 59,022) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 9,221 (up from 8,060) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 1,749 (up from 1,523)
No report was submitted.
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == We continue to yo-yo in community involvement. Our report dated 10/17/15, we were in a lull, but as of the last week or so we have started to uptick towards a release of 4.8.0 We have verbal commitments from several open source projects to provide assistance once we show some of our own momentum. We are still working to have all tests passing across the various devs who run them. We are struggling to pull it over the line. We had a number of core committers check who said they should be freeing up to help this quarter == Releases == Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 Two committers added Jan '15 -Laimonas, Feb '15 - Wyatt Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 217,779 (up from 195111) Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 59,022 (up from 52823) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 8,060 (up from 7349) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 1,523 (up from 1426)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == We continue to yo-yo in community involvement. Our report dated 6/10, we saw a significant up tick, but that faded as we got very close to a 4.8.0 release. Some of us have all the tests passing and some don't so we are close in the Lucene.Net.Core project. The status of the associated libraries are very behind - next up is the Analysis code. No progress was made on a website refresh (that we wanted to launch with 4.8.0) We are struggling to pull it over the line. We had a number of core committers check who said they should be freeing up to help this quarter (now only 2 months elft Pushing on 4.8.0. - Approximately 7 commits in the last quarter to move our port along (resolving tests) - Currently we have ~5 failed failing tests to fix (down from ~80 last report. Also depends on environment still, we are trying to tighten that up) - Some additional libraries that help users make the most of Lucene.Net (Analysis, Suggest, Highlighters, QueryParser, Codecs and a few others) == Releases == Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 Two committers added Jan '15 - Laimonas, Feb '15 - Wyatt Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 195111 (up from 160246) Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 52823 (up from 41550) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 7349 (up from 6123) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 1426 (up from 1239)
No report was submitted.
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == As last reported, we were concerned with the stagnant nature of our PMC. That concern is fading as we've seen a large uptick in community involvement from both the current committers/PMC members as well as the greater community. - Our website refresh has stalled, I will look to revive this over the next quarter. We'd like to have a refresh with the 4.8.0 release Pushing on 4.8.0. - Approximately 30 commits in the last quarter to move our port along - Currently we have ~80 failed failing tests to fix (down from ~120 last report) as well as some additional libraries that help users make the most of Lucene.Net (Suggest, Analysis, Highlighters, QueryParser, Codecs and a few others) == Crowdfunding == Previously we mentioned that one of our PMC members was looking to crowdfund some of his development time. However, took up a new full time job while we were sorting out some of the specifics. We currently have no knowledge of any plans for this at this time == Releases == Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 Two committers added Jan '15 - Laimonas Simutis, Feb '15 - Wyatt Barnett Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 160246 (up from 133926) Lucene.Net.Contrib 3.0.3: 41550 (up from 34701) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 6123 (up from 4892) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 1239 (up from 1120)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == As last reported, we were concerned with the stagnant nature of our PMC. That concern is fading as we've seen a large uptick in community invovlement from both the current commiters/PMC members as well as the greater community. - Continous Integration is now fully configured - We're still looking at website refresh Pushing hard on 4.8.0. - Approxmiately 200 commits in the last quarter to move our port along - 4 community members submitted patches to the port (who are not commiters or PMC members) - Currently we have ~120 failing tests to fix, as well as some additional libraries that help users make the most of Lucene.Net (Suggest, Analysis, Highligthers, QueryParser, Codecs and afew others) - Mailing list messages are also on the up tick. == Crowdfunding == One of our PMC members (Itamar Syn-Hershko), is working on launching a crowd funding campaign to allow him to finalize the work he has been tirelessly putting into the 4.8.0 release. The PMC is supportive of his efforts. == Releases == Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 Two committers added Jan '15 - Laimonas Simutis, Feb '15 - Wyatt Barnett Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 133926 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 34701 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 4892 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 1120
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == The PMC has recognized we have become stagnant and have not had a release in two years. We are actively working towards rebuilding and re-invigorating the community. Cleaning up our PMC processes: - We realized several PMC members were not on the private mailing list - There was a typo in the moderation account for the mailing list that wasn't realized - We had a roll call and all PMC members are now present and accounted for - Last PMC Member Added, Paul Irwin, October 2013 Working on our community / tooling: - We're actively brainstorming how to create better documentation around getting started with Lucene.Net as a developer, and getting invovled as a committer - With the help of our community members and some free licensing, we are in the process of setting up a CI system for our tests - We're looking at possibly pulling in questions from stackoverflow to the mailing list to expand visibility of those questions to the mailing list and hopefully spur conversation (SO questions look like 1 per 1-2 days or so at most) - Looking at a website refresh to go along with the documentation Pushing hard on 4.8.0. - We were provided a contribution from MSFT over the summer of a significant code port of the 4.8.0 Java code. We have been working to clean that up. Currently we have 300 failing tests to fix, as well as some additional libraries that help users make the most of Lucene.Net (encoding codecs and contrib extensions) We could use any advice or assistance on the above to help us build / rebuild our community. == Releases == Last Release 3.0.3 - Oct 2012 Working toward 4.8.0 == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 106720 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 29343 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 3987 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 980
@Ross: Discuss with comdev how to get projects to engage with them more
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == In the last month we have had a significant contribution from some interns at Microsoft. After working through CLA/ICLA issues we were able to get their code for a port of Java Lucene 4.8 into our official Lucene.Net repo. We are actively working on getting tests to pass (with approx. 3/4ths passing). As well as porting additional contrib packages for additional functionality. We had some issues with the ICLA, and it was determined, with legal, secretary and some board input, that we are not going to question CLA's and their responses where they say they do not require employer CCLA's. == Releases == Working toward 4.8. Additionally we have a 4.3 port targeting portable common library in the works. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 85731 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 25325 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 3480 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 842 == Additional Information == - We've gotten some support from Microsoft developers, it looks like there is a group in MSFT that is taking an active interest in this project (just an observation) - We've had some questions about the health of the project on our mailing list, as well as a number of people asking how they could get involved (from website maintenance to porting code) - A few of our committers are very active working to finalize the v4 port of Lucene.Net - There have been ~50 new questions tagged as Lucene.Net since July (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/lucene.net?page=1&sort=newest&pagesize=50) - Overall, I feel we are doing ok, but as a team we need to get a new release out (last release was end of 2012) Our last PMC Member and Committer was added late 2013
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == Activity has picked up for the port of 4.3.0, the team is finishing up testing and some contrib packages for additional functionality. It looks like we should be approaching a release soon (closer than last report which had similar language) == Releases == Working toward 4.3.0 == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 69765 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 20767 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 2639 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 732 == Additional Information == The overall health of the community is difficult to quantify - * We have some new names popping up in our developers mailing list, helping us with bug fixes and tweaks, as well as questions regarding our progress * A few of our committers are very active working to finalize the v4 port of Lucene.Net * There have been ~50 new questions tagged as Lucene.Net since March (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/lucene.net?page=1&sort=newest&pages ize=50) Areas needing improvement - * As a group we need to update our documentation / wiki to allow others to easily jump in and contribute - it's difficult to understand the current progress and see what needs to be done as an outsider * A better, more up to date roadmap and better communication with the community Our last PMC Member and Committer was added late 2013
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == Activity has picked up for the port of 4.3.0, the team is finishing up testing and some contrib packages for additional functionality. It looks like we should be approaching a release soon. == Releases == Working toward 4.3.0, hopefully shortly == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 53626 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 16349 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 2205 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 611
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == Activity has really picked up on our .NET port of Lucene 4.3. We've officially brought in our apache repo work that started the 4.3 port from our community. Work is still underway to finalize the port, some clean up work, some additional features, and testing are all underway. It's not clear when we will be releasing 4.3, but I think our hope is January. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 39549 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 12674 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 1715 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 521
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == Over the past two months we have tried to re-invigorate our efforts on the Lucene.Net project. Interest, progress and discussion had waned. One of our community members has stepped up and has a running version of Lucene.Net 4.0.3 core. We have voted to invite him into the Lucene.Net PMC. We've begun coordination of including his code into our official repo (waiting on a signed ICLA). We hope to continue this progress. == Releases == Last release was 3.0.3. We're attempting with the help of a group of our community members to get 4.0.3 bootstrapped. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 26993 (+4374 over last month) Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 8773 (+1079 over last month) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 1035 (+90 over last month) Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 378 (+54 over last month)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == The board should be aware that while our mailing list is somewhat active - we still answer and help the community, our development has stalled. Recently, we have tried to reinvigorate the discussion. One of our community members has stepped up and has a running version of Lucene.Net 4.0.3 core. We're attempting to coordinate to get that into our official repo and rounding out some of the additional contributed packages. == Releases == Last release was 3.0.3. We're attempting with the help of a group of our community members to get 4.0.3 bootstrapped. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 22619 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 7695 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 945 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 324
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == The board should be aware that while our mailing list is somewhat active - we still answer and help the community, our development has stalled. Recently, we have tried to reinvigorate the discussion, it's too early to tell how much momentum we can gain and maintain. Since last months (late report), not much progress has been made. == Releases == None recently. One of the members of our community has started a 4.3 port, and we're hoping to take that up and get that moving. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 20032 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 6839 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 905 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 296
AI: Chris: late report; ask PMC to report next month
No report was submitted.
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == No Board level issues. We adopted GIT source control in February == Releases == Progress has been a bit slow but the next planned release is 3.6 which mirrors the 3.6 code for Java Lucene. No timeline is currently available. Planning and discussion are underway. We're also discussing 4.0 release to get up to parity with Java Lucene. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 8482 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 2772 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 463 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 188
DESCRIPTION Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. SUMMARY No Board level issues. RELEASES The next planned release is 3.6 which mirrors the 3.6 code for Java Lucene. No timeline is currently available. Planning and discussion are underway. STATISTICS Nuget package downloads (totals): * Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 2279 (up from 850 last month) * Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 612 (up from 229) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 132 (up from 38) * Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 115 (up from 34)
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Summary == No Board level issues. == Releases == Lucene.Net 3.0.3 was released in the last month. The next planned release is 3.6 which mirrors the 3.6 code for Java Lucene. No timeline is currently available. Planning and discussion are underway. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net 3.0.3: 850 Lucene.Net Contrib 3.0.3: 229 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial: 38 Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS: 34 Note: all these packages are new in the last month, so these represent <1 month of downloads
== Description == Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. == Releases == We just passed a vote (Oct 9th, 2012) to release Apache Lucene.Net 3.0.3 with the accompanying contrib packages. With version 2.9.4 we lost .Net 3.5 compatibility, with 3.0.3 we have brought that back. In the contrib release we also have a completely new spatial package. == Current Activity == The next planned release is 3.6 which mirrors the 3.6 code for Java Lucene. No timeline is currently available. == Statistics == Nuget package downloads: Lucene.Net RC1 & RC2: 431 Lucene.Net Contrib RC1 & RC2: 125
Apache Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net just graduated from the Incubator August 15th and we are currently moving our resources and website out of the incubator. A new DNS https://lucenenet.apache.org has been setup and our new mailing lists have been created. Still to do is moving our SVN repositories and moving over our website. We are nearing a new release, 3.0.3, which should be put to a vote within a day or two.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to the public, related to maintaining a .NET platform version of the Lucene Indexing Engine. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Lucene.Net Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Lucene.Net Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to maintaining a .NET platform version of the Lucene Indexing Engine and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Lucene.Net Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Lucene.Net Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Lucene.Net Project: Prescott Nasser <pnasser@apache.org> Christopher Currens <ccurrens@apache.org> Stefan Bodewig <bodewig@apache.org> DIGY <digydigy@gmail.com> Michael Herndon <mherndon@apache.org> Troy Howard <thoward@apache.org> Simon Svensson <sisve@apache.org> Itamar Syn-Hershko <synhershko@apache.org> Scott Lombard <slombard@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Prescott Nasser be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene.Net, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Lucene.Net PMC be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the Apache Lucene.Net Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Lucene.Net Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Lucene.Net podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator Lucene.Net podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are hereafter discharged. Special Order 7B, Establish the Apache Lucene.Net Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals: - Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java Lucene release schedule. - High-performance C# search engine library. - Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime. Recent Activity: - Voted to graduation (vote passed - we will now be sending our resolution to the board) Current Activities: Lucene 3.0.3 has taken longer to get out the door than expected - originally planned for June. We are still nearly ready to release, but we have added a lot of functionality - compatibility with .NET 3.5 (which we removed for the 2.9.4 release). CLS compliance for usage with other .NET languages (like VB.NET). We have also done a lot of cleanup work on the code base. Working through the graduation process and all the entails. Long term goals: Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. (This has been a goal, but we are discussing if this is truly the best idea of the project). MAY UPDATE: We have done some more investigative work on this, but not much progress was made. AUGUST UPDATE: still unfortunately little progress has been made Parity with Java Lucene (4.0). Planning for an interim 3.6 release before the 4.0. Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms. Much progress was made on this (using properties vs GetXX/SetXX). Graduation thought: We are submitting our resolution to the board, the vote has passed in our Lucene.Net community as well as by the IPMC and incubator community. Signed-off-by: jukka
Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals: - Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java Lucene release schedule. - High-performance C# search engine library. - Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime. Recent Activity: - Released 2.9.4g (generics version of 2.9.4) at the end of january Current Activities: - Lucene 3.0.3 porting is nearly complete. We have some bugs to work out, and need to clean up our contrib projects a bit, but we hope to release that within a month or two. Long term goals: - Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. (This has been a goal, but we are discussing if this is truely the best idea of the project). UPDATE: We have done some more investigative work on this, but not much progress was made. - Parity with Java Lucene (4.0) - Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms Graduation thought: One of the mentors (Stefan Bodewig) has indicated he wants to start pushing for graduation. UPDATE: Unfortunately, we have not made any progress on this - hopefully we can have a more conclusive update next check in. Our development/committers group is small, and work sometimes happens in bursts and then stalls - something we need to work on a bit. The team has started to be more vocal about the project, for example a blog has been added, and hopes to attract more contributors. Signed off by mentor: bodewig
Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals: - Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java Lucene release schedule. - High-performance C# search engine library. - Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime. Recent Activity: - Lucene.Net 2.9.4g passed a vote for release Jan 29th. We are preparing to move the files to dist, creating NuGet packages and updating the website - Significant Activity for Lucene.Net 3.0.3 Current Activities: - Porting Java Lucene 3.0.3 - Porting Java Lucene 4.0 - Hashing out style guidelines (FxCop / ReSharper) Long term goals: - Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. (This has been a goal, but we are discussing if this is truely the best idea of the project) - Release Lucene.Net 3.0.3 (port of Java Lucene 3.0.3) - Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms Graduation thought: - One of the mentors (Stefan Bodewig) has indicated he wants to start pushing for graduation. We will be making plans to do this in the next couple of months Signed off by mentor: bodewig
Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals: * Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java Lucene release schedule. * High-performance C# search engine library. * Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime. Recent Activity: * Lucene.Net 2.9.4 & 2.9.4g are being worked on and tested. The 'g' stands for generics. The 2.9.4g version now uses .NET 4.0 * Prototyped build scripts with ncover, fxcop, style cop, nunit/mbunit, and sandcastle have been made. Current Activities: * New site design per new Lucene.Net logo. StackOverflow was gracious enough to put together a logo contest including footing the bill. The incubation site now shows the logo that was picked from the contest. http://incubator.apache.org/lucene.net/ * Working towards getting CI installed. * The shingle filter was ported * A simple faceted search contrib project was created. * Develop a process to automatically (as much as possible) convert the Java Lucene code to C# (to maintain our line by line port) Goals for graduation: * Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. * Release Lucene.Net 3.0.3 (port of Java Lucene 3.0.3) * Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms
Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals: * Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java Lucene release schedule. * High-performance C# search engine library. * Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime. Recent Activity: * Lucene.Net 2.9.4 is in the trunk and currently being tested * Continuous Integration, Unit Testing, and Code Coverage has been fully vetted Current Activities: * Release Lucene.Net 2.9.4 * Refactoring of project files for the main trunk, allowing us to fully implement CI, Unit Testing, and Code Coverage * Develop a process to automatically (as much as possible) convert the Java Lucene code to C# (to maintain our line by line port) Goals for graduation: * Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. * Release Lucene.Net 3.0.3 (port of Java Lucene 3.0.3) * Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms
Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Recent Activity: * New website has been launched * All Java Lucene changes for 2.9.4 have been ported and pre-release testing has begun. Current Activities: * Complete testing of 2.9.4 version for release * Implement a process for continuous integration, unit testing, and code coverage * Develop a process to automatically (as much as possible) convert the Java Lucene code to C# (to maintain our line by line port) Goals for graduation: * Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. * Release Lucene.Net 3.0.3 (port of Java Lucene 3.0.3) * Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms
Lucene.Net was accepted into the Apache Incubator in February 2011. Originally it was a sub project of the Lucene Project. Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users. Lucene.Net has three primary goals: * Maintain the existing line-by-line port from Java to C#, fully automating and commoditizing the process such that the project can easily synchronize with the Java Lucene release schedule. * High-performance C# search engine library. * Maximize usability and power when used within the .NET runtime. To that end, it will present a highly idiomatic, carefully tailored API that takes advantage of many of the special features of the .NET runtime. Recent Activity: * Our new website is currently in the staging area utilizing the new ASF CMS system * We have officially released Lucene.Net 2.9.2. Current Activities: * Fully launch website * Quickly iterate our release from 2.9.2 to 2.9.4 * Develop a process for continuous integration, unit testing, and code coverage * Develop a process to automatically (as much as possible) convert the Java Lucene code to C# (to maintain our line by line port) Goals for graduation: * Have a nearly fully automated process to convert Java Lucene to C#. * Release Lucene.Net 3.0.3 (port of Java Lucene 3.0.3) * Have a new .NET version of Lucene utilizing .NET constructs and idioms
Lucene.Net has been in incubation since April 2006 Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Not much changed from the last report: * Announced Lucene.Net 2.3.1 as "final" (via SVN). * Port of 2.3.2 is completed; the code is being reviewed and should be announced soon. * Work is simultaneously underway on the Lucene.Net 2.4.0 port. * We are in the process of looking into graduation
Lucene.Net has been in incubation since April 2006 Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Lucene.Net has seen positive activities over the past 3 (or even 6 months), the key highlights are: * Accepted Isik Yigit (aka: "DIGY") and Doug Sale as new committers, on November 2008. * Announced Lucene.Net 2.3.1 as beta (via SVN). * Work is underway on the Lucene.Net 2.3.2 port. * Work is simultaneously underway on the Lucene.Net 2.4.0 port.
No changes.... still a limping along community with the potential for new committers on the horizon for quite some time now but no action towards bringing them on. There is some vitality to the mailing list, but being a mostly auto-generated port of Java Lucene does not an excitingly innovative project make.
IPMC reviews: jukka Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Lucene Indexes created with Java / C# Lucene are cross compatible. Lucene.Net has been incubating since April 2006. Development on Lucene.Net is back with renewed interest and commitment from a number of new folks. Currently, work is underway to port Java Lucene 2.3.1 to the .NET platform. In addition, we are looking to add new committers to the project based on their contribution.
Lucene.Net has been struggling with the absence of the only committer (George Aroush). A handful of the top contributors are in the process of rallying and proposing themselves as future committers and rejuvenating the project. There is interest here, but it has been a tough time for this project. Perhaps we could liason with Microsoft (Bill Rowe might take point) on publicizing and promoting ASF .NET/C# projects.
Project name - Apache Lucene.Net Description - Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmtic port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Date of entry - April, 2006 Progress since last report - We have seen good activities in the past three months on the mailing list (both the dev and user). Unlike in the past, where I was taking care of all fixes in the code in preparation to a release, I have seen considerable patches submitted by the community to resolve open issues in Lucene.Net 2.1 work. This is very encouraging and I would like to suggest to the community to vote on adding one of the active patch submitter as a committer. Code aspects - Code is very stable with current "beta" version of 2.1 which we expect to release in the next few weeks. Community aspects - We have good followers and the past three months have shown good commitments for submitting patches. Top three items to resolve - 1. Growth of community - while this has been improving, we still need more active members, specially those who submit patches. 2. Release Apache Lucene.Net 2.1 and start working on 2.2 / 2.3. 3. Vote in a new committer.
Description - Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Date of entry - April, 2006 Top item(s) to resolve - Increase the development community and participation. Since the incubation of Lucene.Net, there has been only one active committer, George Aroush, who has done 99% of the port work. This has slowed the port effort such that we are now over 3 months behind with out 2.1 release. Currently, I have tried to re-energies this effort and emphasized that without developers, Lucene.Net will suffer and never graduate. I have gotten several mails offering to help, I will work on those and try to build the development community. Community aspects - There is a good followers, with good user base. A lot of questions get asked and answered on the user list. Code aspects - Released version 2.0 "final" on April 2007. Released version 2.1 "alpha" on May 2007
iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka Lucene.Net has had a rough time learning the ropes of the Apache Incubator, struggling with making releases that dot all the i's. There are several hurdles, with a single committer (George Aroush) using a language/platform that is not commonly used at the ASF and which has a culture that has historically not been about open source (C# .NET). Goerge has put forth additional effort recently to address the concerns that the Incubator PMC mentioned, and is on its way to a new release. iPMC questions / comments: * jukka: Incubating since 2006-03-15
Lucene.Net is a port of the Java Lucene to C#. The API, algorithm and index are cross compatible. Incubation * Lucene.Net has been under incubation since April 2006 Community * An active, but a small community exists. The challenge has been to bring in folks who are willing to contribute to the code beside myself. Code and documentation * The code base continues to develop and new releases are being made. Recently Lucene.Net 2.0 "final" was release as well as Highlighter.Net 2.0 and Snowball.Net 2.0. In addition, for each of those components, there corresponding MSDN style documentation is also release. ----
Lucene.Net continues to progress. Recently Lucene.Net 1.9 RC1 Final was released. In addition, Lucene.Net 1.9.1 Beta is released. Work is underway to release Lucene.Net 2.0 Beta by end of July. Folks are beginning to discover Lucene.Net and activities on the project from posting questions and code fixes are beginning to show some signs of life. However, things are still slow in terms of participation. Lucene.Net can use some publicity and exposure which I intend to start doing by asking to create a link to Lucene.Net on the main Jakarta Lucene web page as well as by creating a Wiki page for Lucene.Net.