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This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


20 Apr 2016

Terminate the Apache MRUnit Project

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache MRUnit
 project has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the
 Attic; and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
 interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache MRUnit project
 due to inactivity;

 project is hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
 oversight over the software developed by the Apache MRUnit
 Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache MRUnit" is
 hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache MRUnit PMC is hereby terminated.

 Special Order 7A, Terminate the Apache MRUnit Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

20 Apr 2016 [Brock Noland / Jim]

No report was submitted.

16 Mar 2016 [Brock Noland / Shane]

No report was submitted.

20 Jan 2016 [Brock Noland / Shane]

## Description:
   Apache MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache
   Hadoop map reduce jobs.

## Issues:
 - The PMC Chair is looking for other PMC members to take the role

## Activity:
 - Nearly zero due to few people changes in the MR API

## Health report:
 - MRUnit still has many users but the API we build on is not changing
   it might be time to move to the attic.

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 12 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was James Robert Kinley on Tue Sep 18 2012

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 15 committers.
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Mac Noland at Tue Feb 10 2015

## Releases:

 - Last release was 0.9.0 on Tue May 01 2012

## Mailing list activity:

    - 40 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
    - 8 emails sent to list (8 in previous quarter)

    - 79 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months):
    - 4 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter)

16 Dec 2015 [Brock Noland / Shane]

No report was submitted.

@Shane: pursue a report for MRUnit

16 Sep 2015 [Brock Noland / Sam]

## Description:
   Apache MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache
   Hadoop map reduce jobs.

## Activity:
 - Three JIRA issues have been opened with several comments from community

## Health report:
 - The project is slow as the API MRUnit is built for is mature. The community
   has expressed interest in updating the project should the API change in

## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:

 - Currently 15 committers and 12 LDAP committee group members.
 - No new LDAP committee group members added in the last 3 months
 - No new committers added in the last 3 months
 - Last committer addition was Mac Noland at Tue Feb 10 2015

## Releases:

 - Last release was 0.9.0 on Tue May 01 2012

## Mailing list activity:

    - 38 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
    - 9 emails sent to list (11 in previous quarter)

    - 78 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months):
    - 1 emails sent to list (4 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 3 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

17 Jun 2015 [Brock Noland / Shane]


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.


The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.1.0, released on
June 8, 2014. This was MRUnit's second release since graduation in May 2012.


0 JIRA's was resolved since the last report.
Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list.
Messages since April 1st: dev 4, user 3 (all in April)


The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
the last report.
Currently there are:

Total of 40 subscribers to the developer list.
Total of 79 subscribers to the user list.
Total of 13 committers
Total of 13 PMC members


There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

22 Apr 2015 [Brock Noland / Greg]

## Description:
   Apache MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache
   Hadoop map reduce jobs.

## Activity:
 - The project is quite stable and the API which the project is built
for is is not changing. As such activity other than downloads has came
to a crawl.
- The community needs to have a discussion about the direction of the project.

## Issues:
 - The current Chair (the author of this report) has been MIA. We'll
discuss internally if someone else would like to take up the role.

## PMC/Committership changes:

 - Currently 15 committers and 12 PMC members in the project.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - New commmitters:
    - Mac Noland was added as a committer on Tue Feb 10 2015
    - Jason E Tedor was added as a committer on Tue Jan 27 2015

## Releases:

 - Last release was 0.9.0 on Tue May 01 2012
 - As mentioned above, the API this is built for has become quite stable.

## Mailing list activity:

    - 39 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months):
    - 10 emails sent to list (41 in previous quarter)

    - 79 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months):
    - 2 emails sent to list (8 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
 - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months

18 Mar 2015 [Brock Noland / Sam]

No report was submitted.

@Sam: pursue a report for MRUnit

18 Feb 2015 [Brock Noland / Jim]

No report was submitted.

21 Jan 2015 [Brock Noland / Doug]

No report was submitted.

17 Dec 2014 [Brock Noland / Greg]

No report was submitted.

@Greg: pursue a report for MRUnit

15 Oct 2014 [Brock Noland / Rich]

MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.1.0, released on
* June 8, 2014. This was MRUnit's second release since graduation in May 2012.

* 0 JIRA's was resolved since the last report.
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since July 1st: dev 20,
 user 4
* There is one on-going vote for a new committer

* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since the
 last report.
* Currently there are:
** Total of 40 subscribers to the developer list.
** Total of 79 subscribers to the user list.
** Total of 13 committers
** Total of 13 PMC members

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

17 Sep 2014 [Brock Noland / Greg]

No report was submitted.

16 Jul 2014 [Brock Noland / Rich]

MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.1.0, released on
June 8, 2014. This was MRUnit's second release since graduation in May 2012.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 12 JIRA's was resolved since the last report.
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since Apr 1st: dev 142,
 user 5

* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 Total of 41 subscribers to the developer list.
 Total of 80 subscribers to the user list.
 Total of 13 committers
 Total of 13 PMC members

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

18 Jun 2014 [Brock Noland / Rich]

I apologize for not having the report ready in time. I will build a report for
next months meeting.

19 Mar 2014 [Brock Noland / Sam]

MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

 * The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.0.0, released on
 * May 21, 2013. This was MRUnit's first release since graduation in May 2012.

 * Voting on release 1.1.0rc0 is now open
 * Development activity continues as can be seen from the following
 * 4 JIRA's was resolved since the last report.
 * Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since Jan 1st:
dev 20, user 14

 The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.

Currently there are:
 * Total of 38 subscribers to the developer list.
 * Total of 80 subscribers to the user list.
 * Total of 10 committers
 * Total of 10 PMC members

 There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

18 Dec 2013 [Brock Noland / Sam]

MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.0.0, released on
 May 21, 2013. This was MRUnit's first release since graduation in May 2012.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 2 JIRA's was resolved since the last report.
* Work continues on a major feature in MRUNIT-13.
* A release will likely occur after MRUNIT-13 is committed.
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since Oct 1st: dev 37, user 13


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 36 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 73 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 10 committers
 - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

18 Sep 2013 [Brock Noland / Bertrand]


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.0.0, released on
 May 21, 2013. This was MRUnit's first release since graduation in May 2012.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 1 JIRA was resolved since the last report.
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since July 1st: dev 20, user 20
* As you can see there is little development in progress and email activity is dropping off.
I sent an email to the dev and user list to understand what our community would like to see.


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 34 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 59 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 10 committers
 - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

19 Jun 2013 [Brock Noland / Bertrand]


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 1.0.0, released on
 May 21, 2013. This was MRUnit's first release since graduation in May 2012.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 8 JIRAs were resolved since the last report.
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since March 1st: dev 184,
 user 7


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 34 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 59 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 10 committers
 - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

20 Mar 2013 [Brock Noland / Rich]


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 0.9.0-incubating, released on
 May 12, 2012 while in Incubation.
* MRUnit is currently working on a 1.0.0 release. All blockers are closed and
 the RM is working on building RC.

* Development activity has slowed while the project discussed how to support
 both Hadoop1/Hadoop2:
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 10 JIRAs were resolved since the last report.
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since Dec 1st: dev 62,
 user 5


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 34 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 52 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 10 committers
 - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

19 Dec 2012 [Brock Noland / Greg]


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 0.9.0-incubating, released on
 May 12, 2012 while in Incubation.
* MRUnit is currently working on a 1.0.0 release.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 20 JIRAs were resolved since September 1st
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. Messages since Sept 1st: dev 299,
 user 85
* Dave Beech has stepped up as the 1.0.0 release manager.
* Work continues on MRUNIT-69 which is a new/easier to use API


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 30 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 48 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 10 committers
 - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

19 Sep 2012 [Brock Noland / Brett]


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 0.9.0-incubating, released on
 May 12, 2012 while in Incubation.
* No new releases are planned currently for the project.

* Board report is due because I missed last month
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* Development has slowed down due to a pending change from SVN to Git
* 1 JIRAs were resolved in the last month, 13 JIRAs the prior month


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 26 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 36 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 12 committers/PMC members (+1 voted in but pending an ICLA)


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

15 Aug 2012 [Brock Noland / Rich]


MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 0.9.0-incubating, released on
 May 12, 2012 while in Incubation.
* No new releases are planned currently for the project.

* Board report was submitted late. My apologies.
* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* 13 JIRAs were resolved in the last month
* Mail traffic is largely on the DEV list. August messages on dev: 123,
 messages on user 6
* Two new committers have been voted in
* Work continues on MRUNIT-69 which is a new/easier to use API


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 25 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 34 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 10 committers
 - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

25 Jul 2012 [Brock Noland / Greg]

MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 0.9.0-incubating, released on
May 12, 2012 while in Incubation.
* No new releases are planned currently for the project.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* Work continues on MRUNIT-69 which is a new/easier to use API


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
the last report.
* Currently there are:
- Total of 13 subscribers to the developer list.
- Total of 12 subscribers to the user list.
- Total of 10 committers
- Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.


20 Jun 2012 [Brock Noland / Doug]

MRUnit is a Java library that helps developers unit test Apache Hadoop
MapReduce jobs. Unit testing is a technique for improving project quality
and reducing overall costs by writing a small amount of code that can
automatically verify the software you write performs as intended. This is
considered a best practice in software development since it helps identify
defects early, before they're deployed to a production system.

* The last release of Apache MRUnit was version 0.9.0-incubating, released on
 May 12, 2012 while in Incubation.
* No new releases are planned currently for the project.

* Development activity continues as can be seen from the following report:
* Work continues on MRUNIT-69 which is a new/easier to use API


* The composition of the committers and PMC members has not changed since
 the last report.
* Currently there are:
 - Total of 13 subscribers to the developer list.
 - Total of 12 subscribers to the user list.
 - Total of 10 committers
 - Total of 10 PMC members


* There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

16 May 2012

Establish the Apache MRUnit Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
 interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
 purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
 the creation and maintenance of open-source software, for
 distribution at no charge to the public, related to unit testing
 Apache Hadoop map reduce jobs.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
 Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache MRUnit Project",
 be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
 Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache MRUnit Project be and hereby is
 responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
 related to unit testing Apache Hadoop map reduce jobs;
 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache MRUnit" be
 and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
 serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
 of the Apache MRUnit Project, and to have primary responsibility
 for management of the projects within the scope of
 responsibility of the Apache MRUnit Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
 hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
 Apache MRUnit Project:

    * Brock Noland                <>
    * Patrick Hunt                <>
    * Nigel Daley                 <>
    * Eric Sammer                 <>
    * Aaron Kimball               <>
    * Konstantin Boudnik          <>
    * Garrett Wu                  <>
    * Jim Donofrio                <>
    * Jarek Jarcec Cecho          <>
    * Dave Beech                  <>

 be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache MRUnit, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
 Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
 or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache MRUnit PMC be and hereby is
 tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
 encourage open development and increased participation in the
 Apache MRUnit Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache MRUnit Project be and hereby
 is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
 Incubator MRUnit podling; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
 Incubator MRUnit podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
 Project are hereafter discharged.

 Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache MRUnit Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

21 Mar 2012

MRUnit is a unit testing framework specifically designed to make it easy
to test and evaluate Map Reduce algorithms and applications that run on
top of Hadoop.

MRUnit entered the Incubator on Mar 8, 2011.


 - Added a new committer, Jim Donofrio.
 - Release 0.8.0-incubating has been announced.
 - Release 0.8.1-incubating will be announced shortly.

Issues before graduation

 - Grow the community size and diversity
 - Make another incubating release
 - Construct an MRUnit website to replace the existing stub

Licensing and other issues

 - none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop

Signed off by mentor: mattmann, phunt

21 Dec 2011

MRUnit - a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs.

MRUnit entered incubation on March 8th, 2011.

* Still looking to develop a broader community.
* Contribution document rough draft completed.
* Release document draft created and used.
* Release 0.5.0-incubating has been announced.

Issues before graduation
* Grow the community size and diversity
* Make another incubating release

Licensing and other issues
* none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop

26 Oct 2011

a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs.
MRUnit entered incubation on March 8th, 2011.

* Still looking to develop a broader community.
* Release and contribution docs under development.
* Eric Sammer doing a great job pushing development forward.
* Discussions about producing first MRUNIT release candidate.

Issues before graduation
* Make an incubating release
* Grow the community size and diversity

Licensing and other issues
* none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop

21 Sep 2011

a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs.
MRUnit entered incubation on March 8th, 2011.

* Still looking to develop a broader community.
* Release and contribution docs under development.
* Eric Sammer doing a great job pushing development forward.
* Discussions about producing first MRUNIT release candidate.

Issues before graduation
* Make an incubating release
* Grow the community size and diversity

Licensing and other issues
* none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop

15 Jun 2011

a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs.
MRUnit entered incubation on March 8th, 2011.

* MRUnit has started receiving contributions from users (2 significant
contributions thus far).
* Still looking to develop a broader community.
* Release and contribution docs under development.
* Eric Sammer doing a great job pushing development forward.
* Discussions about producing first MRUNIT release candidate.

Issues before graduation
* Create the MRUnit web site
* Make an incubating release
* Grow the community size and diversity

Licensing and other issues
* none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop

19 May 2011

MRUnit - a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs.

MRUnit entered incubation on March 8th, 2011.

* Eric Sammer has been leading discussions for a 0.5 release and a release
roadmap beyond that.

Issues before graduation
* Create the MRUnit web site
* Make an incubating release
* Grow the community size and diversity

Licensing and other issues
* none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop

20 Apr 2011

MRUnit - a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs.

MRUnit entered incubation on March 8th, 2011.

* Mailing lists have been created
* New committer accounts have been setup
* SVN and git mirror have been created, karma granted for initial committers
* Initial codebase established - clone of current Hadoop mrunit contrib
* JIRA has been initialized for MRUNIT
* Wiki space created on cwiki
* A discussion on when we should cut a first release in ongoing.

Issues before graduation
* Create the MRUnit web site
* Make an incubating release
* Grow the community size and diversity

Licensing and other issues
* none - MRUnit was originally a subproject of Hadoop