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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


18 Oct 2023

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Introduce policies for correct corporate involvement (see
 2. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and
 applications for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of
 users and contributors to the project.
 3. Improve automated quality pipelines, improve existing releases and
 demonstrate improved compliance with the Apache Way.
 4. Correct the use of branding on our own website, updating the technical
 documentation to match.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 No issues are known as of now.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 Several employees were laid off by their sponsoring employer and and are
 now contributing as individuals, increasing the community diversity.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 - CVE-2023-33241 affected the experimental MPC code, thanks to
 responsible disclosure a fix was committed and released about a month
 before public disclosure.
 - The path to graduation map has been updated [in a GitHub
 project]( This map
 keeps being
 our north start to lead us to graduation.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 December 2022

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?


### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
 No third party are using the brand's name incorrectly

### Signed-off-by:

 - [ ] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [ ] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

19 Jul 2023

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Introduce policies for correct corporate involvement (see
 2. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and
 applications for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of
 users and contributors to the project.
 3. Improve automated quality pipelines, improve existing releases and
 demonstrate improved compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 No issues are known as of now.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 A new contributor started to submit patches. No big changes otherwise.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 - The path to graduation map has been updated [in a GitHub
 project]( This map is
 our north start to lead us to graduation.
 - New issues have been opened on the AMCL repo to open the roadmap
 - Project committees are working to implement CG21
 - No major bugs have been reported in the MPC release hopefully
 indicating good code quality

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 December 2022

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?


### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
 No third party are using the brand's name incorrectly

### Signed-off-by:

 - [ ] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

19 Apr 2023

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Introduce policies for correct corporate involvement (see
 2. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and
 applications for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of
 users and contributors to the project.
 3. Improve automated quality pipelines, improve existing releases and
 demonstrate improved compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 No issues are known as of now.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 - There was activity by several new contributors on new issues
 - The roadmap for the most important component (MPC) has been updated

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 - The path to graduation map has been updated [in a GitHub

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 December 2022

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?


### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
 No third party are using the brand's name incorrectly

### Signed-off-by:

 - [ ] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

18 Jan 2023

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Introduce policies for correct corporate involvement (see
 2. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and
 applications for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of
 users and contributors to the project.
 3. Improve automated quality pipelines, improve existing releases and
 demonstrate improved compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Last month issues were resolved. No issues are known as of now.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 - Riccardo Iaconelli has been chosen by the community as new committer
 and PPMC member.
 - The efforts of the community are concentrated on project graduation

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 - The first release of a new component (libmpc 0.1) happened successfully
 - The project has a new, modern website! The website is deployed directly
 from git using a Continuous Delivery pipeline
 - The path to graduation has been mapped [in a GitHub

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 December 2022

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?


### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
 No third party are using the brand's name incorrectly

### Signed-off-by:

 - [ ] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

16 Nov 2022

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
 accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
 the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
 compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Mentors missed signing off last month's podling report but have
 committed to signing of this report.  A roll call of the PPMC was
 requested by Justin McLean to judge ongoing interest in the project
 following recent inactivity with 5 out of 9 responding and expressing
 interest in reviving the project.  A vote is being preared to add a new
 PPMC member to help with outstanding administrative tasks, defining the
 project's roadmap and building the community.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 Second round voting for the MPC release is underway with currently
 3 binding +1 votes from IPMC members.  Result to be announced presently.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 Missing podling report sign offs as mentioned above, but both have
 responded recently.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required
 by the Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

21 Sep 2022

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Administrative tasks are still outstanding due to members' other
 commitments and the pandemic. These include in particular, a PPMC
 meeting to discuss the project roadmap needs to be arranged,
 confirmation that the project's Whimsy, Clutch, SVN, Confluence
 & Committers pages are all current, and the code signing keys
 needs countersigning. Investigations into a redirect on Milagro's
 home page is still outstanding.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 Swagger site on the Milagro homepage has been updated to solve
 an XSS issue.  MPC repo's readme has been updated to simplify
 build and test instructions in preparation for its first
 Apache Release.  Investigation into a Travis issue is ongoing.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 No issues except previous report sign off was missed.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required
 by the Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [ ] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

18 May 2022

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy)
 in accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
 the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
 compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Administrative tasks are still outstanding due to members' other
 commitments and the pandemic. These include in particular, a PPMC
 meeting to discuss the project roadmap needs to be arranged,
 confirmation that the project's Whimsy, Clutch, SVN, Confluence
 & Committers pages are all current, and the code signing keys needs
 countersigning. Investigations into a redirect on Milagro's home
 page and an XSS vulnerability on the Decentralized Trust Authority's
 Swagger page are ongoing.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 Qredo, one of the main contributors to the projects have just hired an
 Open Source Manager one of whose roles will be to reinvigorate and
 support the Milagro project and in particular to assist with the first
 Apache release of a Multi-Party Computation library.
 Discussions around how to incorporate them into the PPMC to follow shortly.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 No issues.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the
 Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments:  Qredo hiring a new Open Source Manager may very well be
    good for the
               project, but could risk blurring lines between apache and
    the company.
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

19 Jan 2022

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
 accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
 the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
 compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Administrative tasks are still outstanding due to members' other
 commitments and the pandemic. These include in particular,
 a PPMC meeting to discuss the project roadmap needs to be arranged,
 old releases need to be deleted, confirmation that the project's
 Whimsy, Clutch, SVN, Confluence & Committers pages are all current,
 and the code signing keys needs countersigning. Investigations into
 a redirect on Milagro's home page and an XSS vulnerability on the
 Decentralized Trust Authority's Swagger page are ongoing.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [X] Working towards first release
 - [ ] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 No issues.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the
 Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

17 Nov 2021

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2.Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
 accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
 the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
 compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Administrative tasks are still outstanding due to members' other
 and the pandemic.  These include In particular, a PPMC meeting to discuss
 the project roadmap needs to be arranged, old releases need to be
 confirmation that the project's Whimsy, Clutch, SVN, Confluence &
 pages are all current, and the code signing keys needs countersigning.
 Investigations into a redirect on Milagro's home page and an XSS
 vulnerability on the Decentralized Trust Authority's Swagger page are

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 Works is still progressing preparing the MPC library for its first
 Apache release.  Some issue regarding static code analysis were
 but these have now been resolved.  A request to release the Rust version
 the core crypto library has been received from within the Milagro

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 Previous podling report sign-off was missed.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the
 Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

15 Sep 2021

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
 accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
 the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
 compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Administrative tasks are still outstanding due to members' other
 and the pandemic.  These include In particular, a PPMC meeting to discuss
 the project roadmap needs to be arranged, old releases need to be
 confirmation that the project's Whimsy, Clutch, SVN, Confluence &
 pages are all current, and the code signing keys needs countersigning.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 Works is still progressing preparing the MPC library for its first
 Apache release.  Some issue regarding static code analysis were
 but these have now been resolved.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 Although progress on the project has faltered, there have been no issues
 with the mentors.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the
 Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

19 May 2021

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for decentralized
networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
 accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend the
 capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved compliance with
 the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
 No significant issues, however some administrative tasks around the project
 are still outstanding largely due to the pandemic but are now being
 addressed. In particular, a PPMC meeting to discuss the project roadmap
 needs to be arranged, old releases need to be deleted, confirmation that the
 project's Whimsy, Clutch, SVN, Confluence & Committers pages are all
 current, and the code signing keys needs countersigning.

### How has the community developed since the last report?
 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
 Works is progressing preparing the MPC library for its first official Apache

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
 No issues

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the Milagro

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (Milagro) Nick Kew Comments:  There appears to be a cut and paste
    error.  Will raise the subject on list.
 - [X] (Milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere Comments:

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
 Justin Mclean: Can you please remove your old releases from the list release

20 Jan 2021

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
 accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
 the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
 compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 No significant issues, however some administrative tasks around the
 project are still outstanding but are being addressed.  In particular,
 a PPMC meeting has been proposed for 3rd February to discuss
 outstanding issue with a follow on meeting for the entire Milagro
 community to discuss the project's roadmap.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 Work continues on the C and Rust versions of the core cryptographic
 and on preparing the Multi Party Computation library for its first
 Apache release.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 No issues.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the
 Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
 Justin Mclean: What administrative tasks are still outstanding?

18 Nov 2020

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In particular to
 update the Milagro website and other project sites (e.g. Whimsy) in
 accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project, extend
 the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate improved
 compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?
 No significant issues, however some administrative tasks around the
 project are still outstanding. These will be addressed before the next
 podling report. To help address these issue, a PPMC meeting has been
 proposed. This meeting will be extended to all members of the milagro
 project to allow an open discussion on the project's roadmap.

### How has the community developed since the last report?
 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?
 Work continues on the C and Rust versions of the core cryptographic
 library and on preparing the Multi Party Computation library for its
 first official Apache release.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [*] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?
 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?
 No issues.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?
 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the
 Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

15 Jul 2020

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries and
 applications for decentralized networks in order to grow the
 ecosystem of users and contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way. In
 particular to update the Milagro website and other project
 sites (e.g. Whimsy) in accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro
 project, extend the capability of existing releases
 and to demonstrate improved compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 No significant issues, however, similar to the last report, several
 administrative aspects of the project still have not been dealt with
 (updating Whimsy, countersigning code signing keys, checking download
 links, confirming brand/trademark compliance etc.).  In addition to
 this, the private mailing list subscriber list needs clearing of any
 non-PPMC members and Kirk Baird still needs to be officially added
 to the list of committers.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No change.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 Development has progressed on the Multi Party Computation (MPC) library
 working towards an official release.  The library has been successfully
 reviewed by the NCC Group and renowned cryptographer Dr. Michael Scott.
 Their recommendations have been implemented and their reports will be
 added to the library prior to release.  There are plans to improve upon
 the library post release - in particular to extend the capability from
 a 2 of 2 threshold to an arbitrary m of n threshold.

 Development has also progressed on the version of the core cryptographic
 library written in Rust.  More work is required for this to be in a
 release ready state.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
 Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 No issues.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by
 the Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:
 Justin Mclean: What's the hold up with administrative aspects of the
 project? Is the PPMC active?

15 Apr 2020

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries
 and applications for decentralized networks in order to grow
 the ecosystem of users and contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way.
 In particular to update the Milagro website and other project sites
 (e.g. Whimsy) in accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project,
 extend the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate
 improved compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 No significant issues, however, due to recent time constraints, several
 administrative aspects
 of the project have not been dealt with (updating Whimsy, countersigning
 code signing keys, checking download
 links, confirming brand/trademark compliance etc.)

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 Kirk Baird accepted as a new committer and he's now contributing to the
 Rust version of the Milagro Crypto Library

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 A second official Apache release of the Crypto-C library (2.0.1) was
 released in February

 A new "Multi Party Computation" (MPC) library has been accepted from
 Qredo Ltd into the Apache Milagro project.
 The new repository is:
 The code is being optimised, bug fixed, documented and tested (including
 a proposed external code review by
 the NCC Group) in preparation for its first official Apache release.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 February 2020

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 No issues.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation is still required by the
 Milagro community.


 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

19 Feb 2020

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libraries
 and applications for decentralized networks in order to grow
 the ecosystem of users and contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way.
 In particular to update the Milagro website and other project sites
 (e.g. Whimsy) in accordance with Apache policies.
 3. Further releases to increase the scope of the Milagro project,
 extend the capability of existing releases and to demonstrate
 improved compliance with the Apache Way.

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

 A vote by the Milagro community to accept Kirk Baird as a new
 committer is in progress.  Once complete, the formal process
 to add him will be undertaken.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 The first release (0.1.0) of the Decentralized Trust Authority (D-TA)
 server was successful and the Milagro website updated with
 D-TA documentation and official download links.

 A second release of the Crypto-C library (2.0.1) has just been voted on
 successfully by the IPMC.  The Apache Way for this release is still to be
 completed (update website, formal [ANNOUNCE] email etc.)

 A proposal for Qredo do submit a new "Multi Party Computation" library to
 the Milagro project has been accepted by the Milagro community. A
 software grant has been submitted to Apache and the formal process to add
 the repo to Apache's GitHub is underway.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [X] Initial setup
 - [X] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 June 2019

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 The community received helpful feedback from our mentors on our releases
 and the feedback is being actioned.

### Is the PPMC managing the podling's brand / trademarks?

 No known issues, but further investigation required by the
 Milagro community.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments: Too late to amend, but I just noticed the last release
              date is nonsense.  I (and likely the report) at first
              confused it with the current release, announced Feb.10.
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

16 Oct 2019

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libs and applications
 for decentralized networks in order to grow the ecosystem of users and
 contributors to the project.
 2. Continue to improve compliance with the Apache Way
 3. Further releases to both extend the capability of the crypto libraries
 and D-TA, and to demonstrate improved compliance with the Apache Way

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 Please see the comment re: mentors below.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 No new members.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 Milagro’s first ASF release, the crypto-c and crypto-js libraries, was
 These are modern cryptographic libraries that focus on Elliptic Curve
 The libraries include support for pairing-based cryptography such as BLS
 for short signatures and MPIN for multi-factor authentication.

 Issue tracking for individual repos has now been implemented in GitHub
 (Jira may still to be used for high-level planning)
 and redundant GitHub repos have been archived.

 Decentralized Trust Authority (D-TA) server code has been donated by a
 team lead by Howard Kitto at Qredo  & IP clearance forms completed.
 Milagro’s vision is for the D-TA to be a general-purpose key generation,
 distribution and storage server with an initial focus on a) generating
 type-3 pairing/identity-based secrets for MPIN zero-knowledge & multi-factor
 authentication clients and servers, and, b) safeguard shares of secrets
 such as Bitcoin private keys.

 An attempt to release early alpha version of the D-TA failed the Apache
 Way but efforts to correct this are underway and we hope to have a
 successful ASF release shortly followed in quick succession by enhanced
 versions ultimately leading to a production-ready version early next year.

 Website ( updated with crypto-c,
 crypto-js and D-TA documentation

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 - [X] Initial setup
 - [X] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 June 2019

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 Our mentors haven’t been able to commit as much time to the project as
 they or us would like, but progress is still being made.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [ ] (milagro) Nick Kew
 - [X] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

21 Aug 2019

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralised networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libs
    and applications for decentralised networks in order
    to grow the ecosystem of users and contributors to the project.
 2. Get all functions of the project in line with the Apache Way
    so we stay in compliance and can get a release under our belts.
 3. Get a release under our belts!

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

 We continue to garner a lot of interest in the project from the
 crypto community.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 We're going to move to have the IPMC vote to approve a release
 of the crypto-c and crypto-js libraries next week.

 We will be scheduling releases of the Decentralized Trust Authority, along
 with an upgrade of the website and documentation site this month.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [X] Initial setup
 - [X] Working towards first release
 - [ ] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 Last month.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?


### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments: OK, I need to post to dev list about detail in the report!
 - [ ] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere
 - [ ] (milagro) Drew Farris

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

17 Jul 2019

Milagro is core security infrastructure and crypto libraries for
decentralized networks and distributed systems.

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Continue to build relevant and useful crypto libs
    and applications for decentralized networks in order
    to grow the ecosystem of users and contributors to the project.
 2. Get all functions of the project in line with the Apache Way
    so we stay in compliance and can get a relase under our belts.
 3. Get a relase under our belts!

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?


### How has the community developed since the last report?

 We're growing the list of potential new contributors and
 collaborators. We have added two new additional
 contributors and expect more soon as we get
 milagro-crypto-c in line for release.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 The main contributors continue to get their feet wet with Apache
 processes and methodologies. Big shout out to the infra team
 who have been helpful in dealing with the paculiarities of our project.
 As an example, we have managed to migrate issue tracking to GitHub,
 but are still using JIRA for release management task tracking.
 Most importantly, we have now moved the website to the asf-site
 branch model and are ready to update the site with documentation.
 Qredo Ltd in London has signed a software contributor agreement
 that has been registered with legal office. Qredo is contributing its
 server code to become the Decentralized Trust Authority, the first
 "product" release after the crypto library release.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [X] Initial setup
 - [X] Working towards first release
 - [ ] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 Last week.

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 Jean-Frederic Clere has been great, helpful and hopefully Nick will
 stay involved.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [x] (milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments: This project has sprung to life!
              I'll post a note about specificity vs "Last week"!
 - [ ] (milagro) Jean-Frederic Clere

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

 - Drew Farris (shepherd): Added a new mentor this month. Both mentors
 active on the mailing lists. Increased activity throughout the month of

19 Jun 2019

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Growing the community of contributors and getting additional/new
 2. Getting the first release out and establishing a frequent release
 3. Work with other Apache projects where Milagro could provide
    extra functionality

### Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 Milagro needs additional mentors.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 We have brought on 3 new contributors in the last month.

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 1. Updates and bug fixes to the core Milagro crypto library.
 2. 3 new committers - Giorgio Zoppi, Chris Morris, and Alessandro
 Budroni and 2 contributors - John McCane Whitney and Howard Kitto
 who we hope will become contributors.
 There is an active development stream now occurring.
 3. 1 new PPMC - Giorgio Zoppi
 4. Setup a Milagro Confluence site where all contributors and PPMC
 members can create content at will.
 5. JIRA is now setup for committers and PPMC members so that we can
 collaborate at will and efficiently. Also setup the Kanban
 board and cleaned out the dead/redundant/duplicate issues.

 To Do:

 1. File Podling report for June, due in a few days (done).
 2. Move existing website on SVN to new githubpubsub ‘asf-site’
 branch publishing system. Will file JIRA request with Infra.
 3. Travis - CI for milagro-crypto-c and milagro-javascript repos. Will
 file JIRA request with Infra.

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 - [X] Initial setup
 - [X] Working towards first release
 - [ ] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

 Milagro is immature but now has some momentum. It is critical
 the momentum is continued to get the first release out.

### Date of last release:


### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?


### Have your mentors been helpful?

 Requests for help in establishing new committer accounts or just
 general advice for how to get things done could be delivered in a
 more timely matter (or if at all). Big thank you to Justin and Craig
 for the guidance this month.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [X] (milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments: This podling has long been moribund, but a sudden flurry
              of activity suggests potential revival.  I am just now
              (hopefully) catching up with the renewed activity.

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

 Justin Mclean: Please ask on the incubator genral@ list for new

16 Jan 2019

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Rebuild the team
 2. Edit the code for the first release
 3. Expand the community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to beaware

 We need continuous support to restart the project management and to make
 the code released.

 This project have been stalled for several month because initial
 committers from Miracl unfortunately stopped activities from external
 It seems we should assume they will take more time to settle their
 We already have a set of codes that will work as the initial product, and
 it will need some editorial (and possibly legal?) efforts to release.
 The idea of retirement was put to the vote and was rejected, and we are
 working for restarting.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 Some people are joining the community to the restart the project.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 We worked for the first release of the crypt library part, and have been
 stalled because of the lack of knowledge about the release process.
 It seems we need clarification on the release process mainly from the
 legal aspects.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [X] Initial setup (total restart)
 [X] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?


Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling through
the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues that need to be

 Mentors are helpful in starting the restart.
 The remaining members still lack very basic information about the
 management in ASF, so we need continuous help.

 The project's open issues are:
 (1) Recover the team’s communication
 (2) Give access to the official repository for committers who already
 signed ICLA,
 (3) List all the repositories that contain codes for this project,
 (4) Analyze status of each repository, possibly including legal status
 (5) Edit and merge the code and push to the official repository.
 (6) Release

 We need help and guide by mentors to address the issues from the
 following aspects:
 (A) Input on Apache's process, source of information, or use of the
 (B) Helpful facilitation for communication with PMCs and the community,
 (C) Guide how the output code/document should be.

 Mentors or a person who will lead the communication are requested to
 submit a ping message on the mailing list regularly that asks any


 [x](milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments: Great summary. Sadly the author appears to be the only
    community member still to have a really active interest.

IPMC/Shepherd notes:
 Justin Mclean:Rather than asking the mentors to ping you I suggest you ask
 any question you have on the mailing list. If they are not answered or you
 need further help please ask on the general@ incubator list.
 I'm also concerned about the lack of discussion on the mailing list as a
 number of things mentioned above don't seem to have occurred on the list.

17 Oct 2018

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Rebuild the team
 2. Edit the code for the first release
 3. Expand the community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 We need support to restart the project management and to make the code

 This project have been stalled for several month because initial
 committers from Miracl unfortunately stopped activities from external
 We already have a set of codes that will work as the initial product, and
 it will need some editorial (and possibly legal?) efforts to release.
 The idea of retirement was put to the vote and was rejected, and we are
 working for restarting.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 No new committers.
 Some people are joining the conversation at the dev mailing list to help
 the restart.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 We are worked for the first release of the crypt library part, and the
 code seems technically stable enough to release.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [X] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?


Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling through
the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues that need to be

 Mentors are helpful in starting the restart.
 Sometimes the members lack very basic information about the management in
 ASF, so we will be work better if more input is given.
 It may lack the continuous help and responsive support in getting the
 things done.

 The project's open issues are:
 (1) List committer candidates with ICLA status,
 (2) Give access to the official repository for committers who already
 signed ICLA,
 (3) List all the repositories that contain codes for this project,
 (4) Analyze status of each repository, possibly including legal status
 (5) Edit and merge the code and push to the official repository.
 (6) Release

 We need help and guide by mentors to address the issues from the
 following aspects:
 (A) Input on Apache's process, source of information, or use of the
 (B) Helpful facilitation for communication with PMCs and the community,
 (C) Guide how the output code/document should be.

 Mentors are requested to submit a ping message on the mailing list
 regularly that asks any blockers to encourage the communication among
 mentors, PMCs and the community.


 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [X](milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments:  This podling needs attention if it is to progress.
               My own efforts have been insufficient.  I intend to
               open a discussion on the subject, but am procrastinating.

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

18 Apr 2018

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Sort out infrastructure issues
 2. Enable NTT to handle operational tasks and project management
 3. Build the community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

There is an ongoing vote for retirement of the Project, votes so far are 6
against and 1 neutral. There is an expressed concern that the development of
the project is happening away from the Apache. This was addressed by the main
contributors (MIRACL and NTT), they pointed out the reason for that were
infrastrucure and procedural issues. They will update the Apache repos and
keep the development there once those issues are resolved.

How has the community developed since the last report?

There were no new commiters added to the project since the last report.

How has the project developed since the last report?

There is an ongoing discussion around dealing with infrastructure issues
obstructing the project development. NTT suggested that they take responsibity
for operational tasks and management of the project.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [x] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes

 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen

 [X](milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments: Retirement vote got a crop of NOs, though
  some of those may have misunderstood its purpose.  I'm proposing those who
  support continuation make concrete progress in time to report (on time) in
  May.  Failing that, I will support retirement.

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

 johndament: In order to survive, the podling needs to move development
 activities to Apache.  Continuing to develop under Miracl's repositories
 means it is not an Apache project.

15 Nov 2017

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Improve project communication
 2. Discuss a possible project roadmap
 3. Building the community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

How has the community developed since the last report?

 No new committers were added since the last report.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 After some expressed concerns, it was decided that the crypto code will be moved back to the Apache repository.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [x] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes

 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen

 [X](milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments sent to project list.  Project activity needs to be visible @apache!

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

 johndament: The podling is not in good shape.  We need to follow up to understand current
 state.  May request an additional report next month to clarify.

18 Oct 2017

The below report was submitted by Milagro, however not signed off.  The content and feedback is worth including.

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Improve project communication
 2. Define clear commit guidelines
 3. Building the Milagro community – engaging developers and cryptographers,
    raising awareness and helping to secure future of internet.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

How has the community developed since the last report?

 We moved all of the crypto code to a new organisation on GitHub called milagro-crypto ( ).
It is hoped this will enable further engagement with the community and specifically their involvement in developing the crypto code in other languages.
 Since the last report, two new committers were added.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 The development was focused on Milagro Crypto C and Milagro Crypto JavaScript. Milgaro can now support multiple curves and security levels in a single binary.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [x] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [ ](milagro) Nick Kew

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

 johndament: Dave Fisher raised an issue, as noted in the report, that much of Milagro's work seems to have moved to a private GitHub organization.  The podling has not responded to questions in this area.

19 Jul 2017

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Improve project communication
 2. Define clear commit guidelines
 3. Building the Milagro community – engaging developers and cryptographers,
    raising awareness and helping to secure future of internet.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

How has the community developed since the last report?

 The community hasn't developed since the last report, due to lack of
 activity. Communication has picked up again so it's expected that the
 project will gather more interest soon.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 In past few months, the Milagro community was focused on developing Milagro
 Crypto C Library.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [x] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [*](milagro) Nick Kew
    Comments: Activity at Apache has not been progressing.  A discussion has
              been opened, and team members appear keen to improve
              communication and deal with a backlog of activity.

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

 jda: a discussion is active on the future of the project.  will continue to

19 Apr 2017

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Develop MILAGRO toolbox
 2. Creating full working MILAGRO ecosystem, based on MILAGRO crypto library
    – further research and development (IoT, blockchain, fractions etc.)
 3. Building the MILAGRO community – engaging developers and cryptographers,
    raising awareness and helping to secure future of internet.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 We are having issues with Apache repos, and syncing two-way with Github,
 which becomes annoying, as developers reports. We’re facing issues in
 logging in to Apache Wiki page (
 <> )
 <> - error messages are poping
 here and there, so it’s impossible to work directly on Apache tools (while
 users names and passwords, are 100% correct), we still can not access
 those, and we are having issues with accessing SVN.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 MILAGRO community, sadly isn’t currently growing, most likely cause of
 technical issues, few interested folks were unable to login, so they are
 working directly on Github repo, while we still can not have two-way
 syncing with Apache account.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 In past few months, MILAGRO community was focused on developing MILAGRO
 Crypto C Library, the most important parts were:

 - enabling the solution to use different curves at the same time
 - adding Golang wrappers for RSA and ECDSA
 - adding tests and working examples for the Golang wrappers
 - adding benchmarks
 - finally splitting the library into proper logical components

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [ ] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [*](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
      I do see some ongoing development, like new repositories being
      created, but there's not a lot of discussion happening on the MLs and
      as such I do not have a clear picture where the project currently
      stands, what problems they have, and how we can improve on that.
 [*](milagro) Nick Kew
      Nothing seems to have happened since last time.  This report describes
      technical difficulties: loss of certain github functionality in moving
      to apache, and others I find harder to grasp.  I will again post a
      followup to this to the project's dev list.

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

 Drew Farris (shepherd): I see very little evidence of project activity looking
      at the mailing lists and repos alone. There must be more effort to move
      Milagro development and communication to Apache infrastructure.
      Despite involvement of one mentor, I am unable to observe effort
      from the project members to resolve the problems referenced in the
      board report. The lack of progress over more than a year of incubation
      leads me to question whether the current Milagro community is genuinely
      interested in running an Apache project.

27 Feb 2017

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Develop MILAGRO toolbox
 2. Creating full working MILAGRO ecosystem, based on MILAGRO crypto
    library – further research and development (IoT, blockchain, fractions
 3. Building the MILAGRO community – engaging developers and
    cryptographers, raising awareness and helping to secure future of

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 After ApacheCon in Spain – MILAGRO was in the scope of interest, and we
 can see the increasing community interest in MILAGRO ecosystem.  In
 December 2016 MILAGRO ecosystem draft was published on MILAGRO mailing
 list and now we are looking to begin development of new structure.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 In last few months the MILAGRO ecosystem proposal was developed and
 published in order to organize, and prioritize the MILAGRO workflow. In
 order to develop new structure, we are discussing new architecture of
 MILAGRO repositories.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?



 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [*](milagro) Nick Kew

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

 Nick Kew:

   I find it frustrating that after a year in incubation, dev activity and
   decisions still appear to be happening away from the dev list.
   Consequently there is little community activity beyond sporadic
   questions and answers which, while good, could equally be served by
   github alone.  I have discussed this with some of the team and
   understand there are good intentions for a push, and intend to post a
   critique of this report to try and 'nudge' the project.

19 Oct 2016

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Make a first release
 2. Continue to migrate to full Open Development.
 3. Building the MILAGRO community – engaging developers and cryptographers
   beyond the core companies, raising awareness and helping to secure future
   of internet.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware


How has the community developed since the last report?

We have elected two new committers. User questions are dealt with well on the
mailinglist, although the volume remains low.

How has the project developed since the last report?

Commit activity has finally migrated from Github.  The project is very keen to
adopt full two-way mirroring with github as soon as possible. Mailinglist
activity remains low.

Main development focus over last couple of months was on crypto library
(MILAGRO crypto lib), which was re-factored and improved, in order to improve
the code quality, readability, and test coverage.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

Alessandro Budroni and Nicola Asuni were elected in July 2016.


 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [x](milagro) Nick Kew

20 Jul 2016

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1.  Bring regular day-to-day activity to Apache resources.
 2.  Make a first Apache release.
 3.  Attract community.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 The project has resources outside Apache, including a prospective main
 documentation website  This is not branded as Apache, but is
 considered to be owned by Milagro.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 Conference presentations from key team members, including at
 ApacheCon/Vancouver and forthcoming in Tokyo, seek to build awareness
 among Apache and open source communities.

 There appears also to be recent new community interest around the
 pre-Apache project at Github.  This should probably be redirected to
 Apache, but we need to check.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 Several existing repos formerly developed by Miracl at Github have been
 imported to Apache, and are mirrored to Github.  These were packaged to be
 near release-ready prior to import, and we are looking to review readiness
 for a release.

 The majority of work that has taken place at Apache has been the
 development of a Milagro web site, and project documentation at  Code development appears to have continued at github,
 apparently due to confusion.  This was discovered just today, so we plan
 to follow up tomorrow.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 No new members elected during the period.  NTT colleagues named in the
 proposal have joined.


 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [x](milagro) Nick Kew

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

 Nick Kew:

   I am currently investigating whether recent community activity in the
   pre-Apache github resources relates to code that has been contributed to
   Milagro.  If I find it is, I shall attempt to encourage that activity to
   move to Apache.

20 Apr 2016

Distributed Cryptography;
M-Pin and other pairing protocols for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Import the software: The source code is already prepared and placed in
    repositories on GitHub – soon to be imported to Apache repositories.
    This includes a full Milagro MFA implementation.
 2. Awareness among developers: Milagro announcement – during ApacheCon
    North America – May 2016
 3. General Awareness

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 No substantial developments to report.  The project is targeting community
 development following Apachecon presentations.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 Project members are preparing to present the project at ApacheCon with a
 view to connecting with the wider Apache community and finding synergies
 with other projects.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 February, as reported.


 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [x](milagro) Nick Kew

16 Mar 2016

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Import main project repos
 2. Work towards our first release
 3. Broaden the community

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 The Initial Committer list is being revised (see below).

How has the community developed since the last report?

 We have identified shortcomings in the Initial Committer list, and adopted
 a fast-track process to add new members, valid for the project's first
 three months (until March 20th).  We have welcomed our first genuinely new
 committer and are inviting another.  Initial committers are familiarising
 with Apache.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 Both companies MIRACL and NTT are now readying their initial contributions
 into the Milagro repositories.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 We have no distinction between committers and PMC.

 The following have accepted invitations during the period:

   Peter Scanlon
   Tomasz Matecki
   Anthony Shaw
   Vladislav Mitov
   Nikolai Stoilov

 All except Anthony Shaw are Miracl employees, and should have been on the
 Initial Committer list.  We anticipate improving diversity soon.


 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [x](milagro) Nick Kew

17 Feb 2016

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1.  Import the Software
 2.  Develop the community
 3.  Establish the project's identity

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 The community has voted to invite four further developers to join as
 committers and PPMC members.  Two of these were omissions from the Initial
 Committers list; the others are new.  We are in the process of inviting

How has the project developed since the last report?

 Milagro is still in the very early stages of incubation, and performing
 the mechanical tasks of code movement and infrastructure setup is our
 first priority.

 We have started developing the community on the Apache mailinglists, but
 have yet to move other activities to Apache.

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 n/a (but see above - we are inviting new developers on board).


 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [*](milagro) Nick Kew

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

20 Jan 2016

Distributed Cryptography; M-Pin protocol for Identity and Trust

Milagro has been incubating since 2015-12-21.
In view of the holiday season, it has only really started this week
(Jan 4th) and is currently bootstrapping.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Import the software.
 2. Sign up the developers.
 3. Audit the Intellectual Property.

 All fairly meaningless until the Community is live at Apache.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?


 Initial committers have been asked to sign up to the lists and submit

How has the project developed since the last report?


Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 Initial Committers only.


 [ ](milagro) Sterling Hughes
 [ ](milagro) Jan Willem Janssen
 [+](milagro) Nick Kew

Shepherd/Mentor notes: