This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 21:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
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The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to JPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: We right now have some implementation discussions in a few tickets and on the list. Apart from that the last quarter war rather silent. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (18 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Recent releases: 4.0.1 was released on 2024-09-27. 4.0.0 was released on 2024-02-14. 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to JPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: We made a 4.0.1 release with bug fixes and also worked on our site. There also have been some discussions about whether and how to address security concerns for ports which should actually be hidden by the network security on higher layers. Also: should we still patch possible deserialisation glitches or should we point to the generic solution provided by JEP290? This is btw not only an issue with OpenJPA but potentially many Java based ASF projects. ## Community Health: I'm happily surprised that the community is really active again. To be honest we cannot guarantee that this stays at this level, but given the age of OpenJPA this is still great imo. If there is something to do quite a few people still show up with helping hands. This is also reflected in the mailing list statistics: "dev@openjpa.apache.org had a 1081% increase in traffic in the past quarter". I also started a call who else might be interested to take over the PMC chair position. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Recent releases: 4.0.1 was released on 2024-09-27. 4.0.0 was released on 2024-02-14. 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to JPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: We've worked on a security improvement. Maxim also improved the generated bytecode and a few other things. ## Community Health: Activity dropped a bit after our first JakartaEE release. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. Recent releases: 4.0.0 was released on 2024-02-14. 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Sander: pursue a roll call for OpenJPA
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to JPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: We did finish our work towards JakartaEE 9 and released a first version. This still does not pass the TCK, so we do not claim compatibility though. ## Community Health: Activity was fine, we did test our first JakartaEE release. Thus mainly stabilisation and feedback did happen. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. Recent releases: 4.0.0 was released on 2024-02-14. 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to JPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: We finished our JakartaEE9 migration and also implemented a big task by moving away from the unmaintained sourceforge Serp library to native ObjectWeb ASM. This also increased portability with the latest Java versions. Right now we are preparing a milestone release for OpenJPA-4.0.x ## Community Health: Small but active community. We've had 5 active committers in the last quarter and regular replies on the mailing list. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. Recent releases: 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. 4.0.x in preparation
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to JPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: We are actively working on a native Jakarta-3.1 (and later 4.0) release. Right now we are getting rid of Serp, which is an ancient byte code library which only supports up to Java-1.5. We are replacing it with native ASM code to leverage Java22 and beyond. All the packages have been migrated to the jakarta namespace. ## Community Health: Small but active community. Good feedback cycles. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. Recent releases: 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. 4.0.x release expected in the next 3 Months.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: We are now rather confiden to start OpenJPA-4.0 which would target the jakarta namespace natively. Right now we only provide support for jakarta via shading, which is quite tricky to consume. ## Community Health: Small community but I hope that the Jakarta push will revive activity. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. Recent releases: 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Project Activity: The project is not very active. We are addressing urgent issues and provide pom changes and lib updates. There is a discussion about starting with OpenJPA-4.0 which would target the jakarta namespace natively. Right now we only provide support for jakarta via shading, which is quite tricky to consume. ## Community Health: There are not much changes from previous month. Mailing list questions are answered. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. ## Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. Recent releases: 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Project Activity: The project is not very active. We are addressing urgent issues and provide pom changes and lib updates. Recent releases: 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. ## Community Health: There are no much changes from previous month. Mailing list questions are answered.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Project Activity: The project is not very active. We do bug fix releases only Recent releases: - 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. - 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. - 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. ## Community Health: There is not much activity at git and mailing lists :( I believe we need "fresh blood" :)
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Project Activity: The project is not very active. We are addressing urgent issues. Recent releases: 3.2.2 was released on 2022-03-16. 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. ## Community Health: There are no much changes from previous month. Mailing list questions are answered. Hopefully we will have more news next quarter
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (15 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 18 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Project Activity: The project is active. Emails are answered,issues are addressed. Recent releases: 3.2.1 was released on 2022-02-06. 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. 3.1.2 was released on 2020-07-14. ## Community Health: The project is a bit silent, but we do our best to keep it alive The situation will hopefully be improved
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.2. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: It was a rather silent quarter for OpenJPA. But that's imo fine after all the effort we did put into making 3.2.0 happen. ## Health Enough people around if needed, but all busy with tons of other projects. ## PMC changes: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Releases: - 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. - 3.1.2 was released on 2020-07-14. - 3.1.1 was released on 2020-02-14. ## Activity stats: - 34 emails - 5 tickets opened, no ticket closed - no commit this quarter
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.2. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: We did a lot of work towards our 3.2.0 release. This includes work to run on Java16 and a lot of type resolving and DbDictionary fixes. It was a really busy quarter! ## Health report: Rather fine, quite a bunch of active people were helping. ## PMC changes: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Releases: - 3.2.0 was released on 2021-05-14. - 3.1.2 was released on 2020-07-14. - 3.1.1 was released on 2020-02-14. ## Activity stats: - 216 emails on dev (71% increase) - 11 tickets opened, 11 closed - 46 committs, 4 active contributors
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.2. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: The last quarter was very active. We got support for HerdDB as contribution plus many other parts. In addition to that we worked on resolving a lot of old tickets and did run our full test suite to most of the databases we do support - subsequently leading to a lot of bug fixes on that side. We are now ramping up for a new release which is expected in the next few weeks ## Health report: People are still around, code is very functional and stable. We try to review old tickets and either resolve or close them. ## PMC changes: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Releases: - 3.1.2 was released on 2020-07-14. - 3.1.1 was released on 2020-02-14. - 3.1.0 was released on 2019-04-14. ## Activity stats: - 153 emails on dev - 15 tickets opened, 27 closed - 60 committs
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.2. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: The last quarter has been rather silent. We are preparing to release a version which works with the upcoming Java16 and fixed a few bugs. ## Health report: People are still around if needed, code is very functional and stable. ## PMC changes: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Releases: - 3.1.2 was released on 2020-07-14. - 3.1.1 was released on 2020-02-14. - 3.1.0 was released on 2019-04-14. ## Activity stats: - 110 emails on dev - 13 tickets opened, 8 closed
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.2. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: The 3.1.2 release sparked quite some activity. We did saw 9 different contributors. We also did a major rework of our page content. We still need to switch over from CMS though. But at least we got rid of very old (now wrong) content mostly. ## Health report: Decently given the heritage. ## PMC changes: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Releases: - 3.1.2 was released on 2020-07-14. - 3.1.1 was released on 2020-02-14. - 3.1.0 was released on 2019-04-14. ## Activity stats: - 384 emails on dev - 14 tickets opened, 14 closed
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. We are currently working on implementing the JPA-2.2 specification ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: We are still in maintenance mode. The 3.1.2 release with Java module support is currently under vote. ## Health report: Quite ok-ish for such an old project. We got quite a few PRs this quarter. ## PMC changes: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Releases: - 3.1.1 was released on 2020-02-14. - 3.1.0 was released on 2019-04-14. - 2.4.3 was released on 2018-06-12. ## Activity stats: - 85 emails on dev - 5 mails on users - 6 tickets opened, 8 closed
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. We are currently working on implementing the JPA-2.2 specification ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: We are slowly but steadily working on smallish bug reports and features. Activity is ok. We are working towards a 3.1.2 release with Java module support. ## Health report: Number of active devs is about 5. We've been through worse. ## PMC changes: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Releases: - 3.1.1 was released on 2020-02-14. - 3.1.0 was released on 2019-04-14. - 2.4.3 was released on 2018-06-12. ## Activity stats: - 121 emails on dev - 6 mails on users - 10 tickets opened, 6 closed
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (13 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 19 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Project Activity: Project activity increased slightly, but still on a low level. We are doing fine still though. ## Community Health: I can only iterate what I explained 2 months ago. Codebase is complex and we keep our eyes open for any new contributors which might pop up. But that's not an easy task.
## Description: The mission of OpenJPA is the creation and maintenance of software related to OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache OpenJPA was founded 2007-05-16 (13 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 19 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Maxim Solodovnik on 2019-04-13. - No new committers. Last addition was Matt Pavlovich on 2019-05-22. ## Project Activity: Project activity was really low the last month. I hope we'll get this up again and continue working on improving JPA-2.2 compatibility. Otoh there are enough people still active to not worry about activity IF something very urgent pops up. ## Community Health: Yes, we should somehow attract more people. But the codebase is old and stable. And due to the JavaEE/JakartaEE pause right now there is not much action in sight which might attract new developers.
No report was submitted.
@Roman: pursue a report for next month
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. We are currently working on implementing the JPA-2.2 specification and just released our first version. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: Activity declined a bit after shipping our first JPA-2.2 release. We have been working on a few fixes and hope to ship the next bugfix release in the upcoming quarter. ## Health report: Contributions are still ok-ish for such an old project. ## PMC changes: - Currently 19 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Sat Apr 13 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 35 committers. - Matt Pavlovich was added as a committer on Wed May 22 2019 ## Releases: - Last release was 3.1.0 on Sun Apr 14 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 222 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 4 emails sent to list (22 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 118 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 122 emails sent to list (195 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 6 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. We are currently working on implementing the JPA-2.2 specification and just released our first version. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: We have been quite active in the last quarter. We worked towards more JPA-2.2 features and have just shipped a 3.1.0 release. There also has been quite some interaction with contributors who reported bugs. The JPA TCK is now theoretically available via the JakartaEE project but we did not yet have a chance to test against it. This is on our list for the next few months. While doing this we will also figure the rest of the missing JPA-2.2 functionality. ## Health report: Contributions are fine and the community activity is also quite ok. Ofc could be way better, but we are fine given how old the project is! ## PMC changes: - Currently 19 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Romain Manni-Bucau was added to the PMC on Fri Apr 12 2019 - Maxim Solodovnik was added to the PMC on Sat Apr 13 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 34 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Mon Sep 24 2018 ## Releases: - 3.1.0 was released on Sun Apr 14 2019 ## Mailing list activity: Mailing list activity is still fine. We are trying to improve our response time for user requests. - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 225 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 22 emails sent to list (26 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 120 subscribers (down -6 in the last 3 months): - 203 emails sent to list (258 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 17 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 20 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. We are currently working on implementing the JPA-2.2 specification ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: Moving to GIT got us some more traffic. We also started adding Maven profiles to start up various databases via Docker. This heavily simplifies contributing to different database dictionaries. We also had a discussion about what our 3.0.x line currently supports. We are right now a little bit in a limbo between JPA-2.0 and 2.2 due to not having had access to the JPA TCK. We hope this will soon become better as the JPA TCK is now freely available via JakartaEE. It is a lot work to adopt though, so we expect this to take up some months. ## Health report: Community is ok. I hope we get some bigger changes done due to the move to GIT. We've re-added Craig as PMC member as he got lost somehow in Whimsy. We are also discussing about 2 new PMC members. ## PMC changes: - Currently 17 PMC members. - Craig L Russell was added to the PMC on Sat Jan 05 2019 (note: this is a false positive, see above) ## Committer base changes: - Currently 34 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Mon Sep 24 2018 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.3 on Tue Jun 12 2018 ## Mailing list activity: We still have decent activity on the mailing lists. - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 228 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 26 emails sent to list (11 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 127 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 276 emails sent to list (125 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 17 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: We recently moved our main repo to GIT. Now it's time to start cleaning up the codebase and getting rid of ancient stuff in feature branches. ## Health report: Community is ok. I hope we get some bigger changes done due to the move to GIT. ## PMC changes: - Currently 16 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Jody Grassel on Tue Aug 15 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 34 committers. - Maxim Solodovnik was added as a committer on Mon Sep 24 2018 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.3 on Tue Jun 12 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 227 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 12 emails sent to list (16 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 129 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 127 emails sent to list (142 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 8 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: We incorporated necessary changes to get Java10 support done and also had a few bugs fixed. We also got 2 releases done. So while dev activity is mediocre we still have plenty of community. ## Health report: Community is doing fine. We finally shipped our first 3.0.0 release (target=JPA-2.2). We did not yet implement all features but it's really good to use already. ## PMC changes: - Currently 16 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Jody Grassel on Tue Aug 15 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 33 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Will Dazey at Thu Aug 17 2017 ## Releases: - 2.4.3 was released on Tue Jun 12 2018 - 3.0.0 was released on Tue Jun 12 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 230 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 16 emails sent to list (20 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 131 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 144 emails sent to list (57 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 8 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: Could be more. Much more. Otoh we got a few patches recently. Mainly smallish patches, but also some bigger ASM contribution and Java9/10/11 stuff. We are preparing to ship OpenJPA-2.4.3. And after that I hope to finally finish OpenJPA-3.0.0. ## Health report: Maintenance going on. And patches get applied. Attention could be higher of course. ## PMC changes: - Currently 16 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Jody Grassel on Tue Aug 15 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 33 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Will Dazey at Thu Aug 17 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.2 on Tue Jan 03 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 233 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 20 emails sent to list (10 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 133 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months): - 62 emails sent to list (31 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Still low activity. Maintenance is going on at a low level. ## Health report: Still have to ship OpenJPA-3.0.0. Currently we lack people who push this forward. ## PMC changes: - Currently 16 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Jody Grassel on Tue Aug 15 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 33 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Will Dazey at Thu Aug 17 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.2 on Tue Jan 03 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 235 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months): - 11 emails sent to list (35 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 137 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 37 emails sent to list (101 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 7 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Low activity. Maintenance is going on steadily but at a low level. ## Health report: We should finally ship OpenJPA-3.0.0. Currently we lack on people who push this forward. Or rather those people are busy with other stuff. ## PMC changes: - Currently 16 PMC members. - Jody Grassel was added to the PMC on Tue Aug 15 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 33 committers. - Will Dazey was added as a committer on Thu Aug 17 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.2 on Tue Jan 03 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 239 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 28 emails sent to list (17 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 137 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 58 emails sent to list (100 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
No report was submitted.
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Still low activity for now as most committers are busy with other ASF project. I hope we gain a bit speed as the other parts are now mostly finished. ## Health report: Maintenance going on. Since JavaEE 8 did some minor changes to JPA in JPA-2.2 we might even skip 2.1 and directly move to 2.2 in trunk. ## PMC changes: - Currently 15 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Francesco Chicchiriccò on Thu Sep 15 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 32 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Christian Schneider at Tue Dec 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.2 on Tue Jan 03 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 246 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 9 emails sent to list (13 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 138 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 72 emails sent to list (50 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 10 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone Java SE as well as containers e.g Java EE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We had a phase of low activity due to people being involved in other ASF projects. Lately discussions about a 2.4.3 release started. ## Health report: Maintenance mood. I hope we will pick up the work on JPA-2.1 again soon. ## PMC changes: - Currently 15 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Francesco Chicchiriccò on Thu Sep 15 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 32 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Christian Schneider at Tue Dec 06 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.2 on Tue Jan 03 2017 ## Mailing list activity: We need to more actively target the JIRA tickets. Otoh, while the activity is low we are still responsive if questions pop up on the lists. - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 247 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 13 emails sent to list (34 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 137 subscribers (up 3 in the last 3 months): - 53 emails sent to list (137 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone JSE as well as containers e.g JavaEE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Development of JPA-2.1 slowed down a bit. We improved the OSGi support and released OpenJPA-2.4.2 which still targets the JPA-2.0 specification. ## Health report: Maintenance as usual, new features get addressed whenever there is time as most committers are also heavily involved in other ASF projects. ## PMC changes: - Currently 15 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Francesco Chicchiriccò on Thu Sep 15 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 32 committers. - Christian Schneider was added as a committer on Tue Dec 06 2016 ## Releases: - 2.4.2 was released on Tue Jan 03 2017 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 250 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 32 emails sent to list (39 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 134 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 114 emails sent to list (266 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 12 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 8 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone JSE as well as containers e.g JavaEE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: We started with the implementation of the JPA-2.1 spec and moved trunk to be 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. We don't have any TCK for it but that doesn't stop us. We got a few new contributors which we observe as committer candidates. We discussed the option to release 3.0.0 milestones starting with the end of this month. ## Health report: We have a few people involved in maintaining the older 2.2.x branches and a few who help us with the JPA-2.1 tasks. There is not a huge flood of new commits but we are moving steadily. ## PMC changes: - Currently 15 PMC members. - Francesco Chicchiriccò was added to the PMC on Thu Sep 15 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Francesco Chicchiriccò at Tue Apr 26 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.1 on Sun Feb 21 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 251 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 41 emails sent to list (37 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 133 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 249 emails sent to list (118 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 24 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 20 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone JSE as well as containers e.g JavaEE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Still no news on the EE7 TCK issue which prevents us from verifying compatibility with JPA-2.1. ## Activity: Activity did grow a bit. We discussed how to proceed with JPA-2.1 but did not yet find time to polish the work done in the jpa-2.1 feature branch. After we cleaned up the trunk docs some community members do a great job bringing back the docs for the older OpenJPA versions (went broken somehow). ## Health report: We managed to get Francesco as a new committer. New bugs are handled in waves as we mostly focus on bringing our docs and infrastructure back to a good quality right now. ## PMC changes: - Currently 14 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Heath Thomann on Tue Jun 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - Francesco Chicchiriccò was added as a committer on Tue Apr 26 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.1 on Sun Feb 21 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - TODO Please explain what the following statistics mean for the project. If there is nothing significant in the figures, omit this section. - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 252 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 33 emails sent to list (58 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 133 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 115 emails sent to list (124 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 10 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Pinaki Poddar (ppoddar) to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Pinaki Poddar from the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache OpenJPA project has chosen by vote to recommend Mark Struberg (struberg) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Pinaki Poddar is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mark Struberg be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7G, Change the Apache OpenJPA Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone JSE as well as containers e.g JavaEE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Sadly no news on the EE7 TCK issue which prevents us from verifying compatility with JPA-2.1. ## Activity: Moderate activity. Some community feedback on the users list and a few internal discussions. We also reworked our page build bots and added documentation. Mark Struberg got appointed as new PMC chair and we like to thank Pinaki Poddar for his service over the last few years! ## Health report: OpenJPA is a 'mature' codebase and many parts are stable and needs lots of knowledge if you touch them. Thus it's rather hard to get up and running. We are openly looking for fresh blood which is open enough to take up the challenge while being sensible enough to not trash existing functionality. ## PMC changes: - Currently 14 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Heath Thomann on Tue Jun 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 30 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Romain Manni-Bucau at Tue Jun 02 2015 ## Releases: - 2.4.1 was released on Sun Feb 21 2016 ## Mailing list activity: Traffic on the mailing lists is low but steady. We might need to focus on working on fresh bugs which come in. There are currently more new bugs than we resolve, which is not a good thing. - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 258 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): - 63 emails sent to list (26 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 132 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 133 emails sent to list (86 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 16 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 9 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational. For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to the Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone JSE as well as containers e.g JavaEE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Besides the always swelling EE7 TCK issue which prevents us from verifying comatility with JPA-2.1. ## Activity: There is quite some maintenance activity on the 2.x branch which is targetting the JPA-2.0 specification. JPA-2.1 work is still not taking off as we are still hoping to finally get the TCK for EE7. We could go on implementing JPA-2.1 features and ignore all those bloody JCP hassles. We already have quite a few of those features in place in a branch. ## Health report: OpenJPA is a 'mature' codebase and many parts are stable and needs lots of knowledge if you touch them. Thus it's rather hard to get up and running. We tried to modernise the structure a bit (moving from Junit3 to 4) but that's really just the tip of the iceberg. ## PMC changes: - Currently 14 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Heath Thomann on Tue Jun 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 30 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Romain Manni-Bucau at Tue Jun 02 2015 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.0 on 2015-04-19 - We are currently voting on 2.4.1 ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 255 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): - 42 emails sent to list (38 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 131 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 113 emails sent to list (86 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 18 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
No report was submitted.
Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for databases, relational as well as non-relational . For relational databases, OpenJPA is compliant to industry-standard Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0 version. OpenJPA runs in stand-alone JSE as well as containers e.g JEE, Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. == Community == OpenJPA developers had developed a general-purpose, robust software for Object-Relational Mapping. They also ensured its stability and backward compatibility across many released versions. OpenJPA has a significant user base and many users have migrated their persistence provider to OpenJPA. Current OpenJPA developers actively maintain the code base as well as support the user community via the mailing list and the code service streams. However, developer resource is shrinking as many senior developers are not active and new volunteers are hard to come by as new development opportunities are rare and hard to incorporate for a matured code base. We hope that the Board members may be able to share their experience on how to re-energize a matured project in its maintenance phase. == Recent Work == At this phase, the software defects are few but reported defects have been resolved [1] in timely fashion. [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?projectOrFilterId=project-12310351&periodName=daily&daysprevious=90&cumulative=true&versionLabels=none&selectedProjectId=12310351&reportKey=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.reports%3Acreatedvsresolved-report&Next=Next
No report was submitted.
@Rich: follow up with PMC; this is the second report in a row that the PMC missed.
No report was submitted.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. Project codebase is progressing to support Java8 at compile and runtime. Compile time support for Java8 is available. * Community The developer community had maintained stability of the codebase, supported previous releases. Mailing lists continue to be active for a stable project such as OpenJPA. * Governance We aim to build partnership with database vendors especially in non-relational realm.
@Rich please provide more details in the next scheduled report
No report was submitted.
@Brett please report next month
## Description: Apache OpenJPA is a Java Persistence API 2.0 Implementation ## Activity: * Maintenance is going on for JPA-2.0 parts. * We had a few people asking for JPA-2.1 support but did not start yet. * Discussions about cleaning up the PCEnhancer and moving to ASM only (currently we use 4 different bytecode libs in OpenJPA in parallel) * We still get regular bug reports and even patches. ## Issues: * The Project needs some healthy blood refresh. * We are probably blocked with moving to JPA-2.1 by the outstanding TCK for EE7 issue. ## PMC/Committership changes: - Currently 29 committers and 12 PMC members in the project. - Last new PMC member: Mark Struberg on 2015-05-18 ## Releases: - Last release was 2.4.0 on 2015-04-22. We still need to update the docs and upload the javadoc though. ## Mailing list activity: - users@openjpa.apache.org: - 247 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): - 73 emails sent to list (47 in previous quarter) - dev@openjpa.apache.org: - 133 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 182 emails sent to list (227 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 18 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 18 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months There are many 100 open tickets still. Many of them are not relevant anymore. We need to do a cleanup of those.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
== Summary == Apache OpenJPA is a persistent object management kernel for relational and non-relational databases. For relational database, OpenJPA provides persistence for Plain Old Java Object (POJO). OpenJPA is compliant to industry-standard Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) version 2.0 version and runs in stand-alone JSE as well as JEE containers and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, TomEE, Spring or OSGi. == Community == OpenJPA developers had, over past several years, not only developed a general-purpose, stable software for complex Object-Relational Mapping but also ensured its stability across many released versions. OpenJPA has a solid user base and many have migrated their persistence provider to OpenJPA from more well-known provider in the past. Current OpenJPA developer/committers actively maintain the code base as well as support via the mailing list users and the code service streams. However, developer resource is shrinking as many senior committers are not active and new volunteers are hard to come by as new development opportunities are rare and hard to incorporate. Also lack of strong corporate interest/sponsorship is affecting future growth/expansion of the community. PMC members are exploring how to invigorate the project. We hope that the Board members may be able to share their experience on how to re-energize a matured project in its maintenance phase of life. == Recent Work == OpenJPA development team member Jody Grassel has upgraded Serp bytecode library to version 1.15 for Java 8 language features (e.g. lambda expression) and integrated OpenJPA with the upgrade. As OpenJPA natively uses bytecode enhancement, supporting Java 8 has more than usual impact on OpenJPA. Many requests have been received for upgrade to JPA 2.1 compliance. Prototype work for supporting JPA 2.1 features such as Store Procedure support has started. == Issues == One of the nightly builds (2.3.1) artifact is missing [1] in the repository. The issue is likely to be an infrastructure issue and is being tracked by [2] [1] https://repository.apache.org/snapshots/org/apache/openjpa/apache-openjpa/2.3.1-SNAPSHOT/ [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENJPA-2537
No report was submitted.
@Brett: pursue a report for OpenJPA
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, TomEE, Spring or OSGi. * Community Support for Java 8 is in progress. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. Few fresh blood will energize the project. * Releases OpenJPA 2.3.0 has been released. This release enhances correctness (resolution of 100 reported issues) and improves 55 existing features.
@Chris: need more detail in the report; seems like a cut/paste from previous reports.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, TomEE, Spring or OSGi. * Community Support for Java 8 is in progress. Mailing lists continue to be active. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases OpenJPA 2.3.0 has been released. This release enhances correctness (resolution of 100 reported issues) and improves 55 existing features.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, TomEE, Spring or OSGi. * Community Work has started on implementation of new features for JPA 2.1. Support for Java 8 is in progress. Mailing lists continue to be active. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, TomEE, Spring or OSGi. * Community Work has started on implementation of new features for JPA 2.1. Support for Java 7 has been incorporated. Mailing lists continue to be active and many applications are migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases
No report was submitted.
AI: Chris to pursue a report for OpenJPA
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, TomEE, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be active and many applications are migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. Interest in the community to start development of new release of OpenJPA in support of JPA 2.1. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases OpenJPA 2.3 is being discussed in the user forum. But nothing has been finalized yet.
No report was submitted.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, TomEE, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be active and many applications are migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. CVE-2013-1768 published and communicated to community. New service releases were developed to include the necessary fix. Fixes were provided for all service branches. Coached a couple of new contributors with patches to the OpenJPA code base. Interest in the community to start development of new release of OpenJPA in support of JPA 2.1. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases Service releases: OpenJPA 1.2.3, 2.2.2
No report was submitted.
Sam pinged the project before the meeting, and got no response. Suggests that they be asked to report again next month.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be active and many applications are migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. New features (security, range query optimization in DB2 family databases, bulk update on shards) are implemented by the community of developers. The documentation infrastructure has been upgraded to use Apache BuildBot services. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases No new releases since last report.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be active and many applications are migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. New features (auditing, access pattern tracker) are implemented by the community of developers. Helen Xu of IBM has joined the project as a committer. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases No new releases since last report.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be active and many applications are migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA. The developer community had maintained the codebase stable, supported for previous releases and backported resolved defects. New features (auditing, access pattern tracker) are implemented by the community of developers. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases No new releases since last report.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be very active and many instances of developers migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA can be cited. The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution and support for previous releases. New features (auditing, access pattern tracker) are regularly proposed and implemented by the community of developers. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases No new releases since last report.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be very active and many instances of developers migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA can be cited. The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution and support for previous releases. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases OpenJPA 2.2.0 version has been released on February 12, 2012. Albert Lee was the Release Manager.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be very active and many instances of developers migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA can be cited. The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution and support for previous releases. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases OpenJPA 2.2.0 version has been released on February 12, 2012. Albert Lee was the Release Manager.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be very active and many instances of developers migrating from other vendors to OpenJPA can be cited. The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution and support for previous releases. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases Discussion started for OpenJPA 2.2.0 release.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. * Highlights Apache OpenJPA provides POJO persistence for stand-alone JSE, JEE container and many other lightweight frameworks, such as Tomcat, Spring or OSGi. * Community Mailing lists continue to be very active. The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution and support for previous releases. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and PMC members. * Releases OpenJPA 2.1.1 was released in July 27, 2011.
* Highlights There are no items requiring board attention at this time. OpenJPA 2.1.1 was due for release in July 2011. * Community Mark Struberg has joined the project as a new committer. Mailing lists continue to be very active. ------------------------------------------------ No of posts User Dev Commit ------------------------------------------------ 3 months 445 385 194 last month 134 153 112 ------------------------------------------------ The developer community had maintained steady rate of defect resolution and support for previous releases. * Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers for PMC members. * Releases OpenJPA 2.1.1 was due for release in July 2011. Rick Curtis has volunteered for Release Management.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Craig L Russell to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Craig L Russell from the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache OpenJPA project has chosen by vote to recommend Pinaki Poddar as the Successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Craig L Russell is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Pinaki Poddar be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Resolution 7D was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. Highlights OpenJPA 2.1.0 was released in February 2011. Trademark and branding policy Thanks to Ravi Palacherla who volunteered to migrate our web presence from Confluence to Apache CMS. The migration is underway. The conversion to .mdtext and then to .html worked well for most of the pages. But there are few confluence macros that are not converted to mdtext. These are being converted manually. The trademarks will be updated as part of the conversion process. Community No new committers nor new PMC members were added this quarter. Mailing lists continue to be very active, with close to 230 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 150 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA email subscriptions are stable at approximately 140 subscribers to dev and 230 to users. We accepted a code donation from a project that started at codehaus for openjpa-maven-plugin. We are working with a Google Summer of Code proposer on a project to improve the xml metadata handling of overrides of annotations. Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers for PMC members. Releases OpenJPA 2.1.0 was released in February 2011.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. Highlights The OpenJPA web presence was evaluated with regard to the trademark and branding requirements. Most of the requirements are already met, with the exception of direct "sponsor", "thanks", and "security" links. There are links to the Apache sponsor, thanks, and security pages but these are linked by the OpenJPA sponsor, thanks, and security pages. The trickiest issue is that OpenJPA is introduced as "a Java persistence project" which is a noun, not an adjective. This will need to be changed to "The Apache OpenJPA project is a Java persistence project". We have identified a volunteer to migrate the existing Confluence-based web tool to the Apache CMS, and the changes with regard to trademark and branding will be done concurrent with the migration. Community A new JSR for JPA was just posted to the JCP web site. http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=338 The terms of the sample TCK appear to be similar to the previous versions which are acceptable for use by Apache projects. New committers were voted into the project: Jody Grassel and Heath Thomann. Mailing lists continue to be very active, with close to 230 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 110 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA email subscriptions are stable at approximately 150 subscribers to dev and 240 to users. Governance We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers for PMC members. Releases A branch 2.1.x has been created in preparation for a maintenance release 2.1 early in 2011.
Question: How can we be sure that the proposed TCK license is ok? AI Sam: discuss on legal-discuss
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. Highlights OpenJPA made two maintenance releases: 1.0.4 and 2.0.1. OpenJPA has decided to stop support of JRE 1.5 starting with 2.1.0, so the last release that supports 1.5 would be the 2.0.x series. Community We're implementing a plan to give more users write access to the wiki to encourage contributions. The hope is that contributors to the wiki will become committers over time. Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 250 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 150 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are about 150 subscribers to dev and over 240 to users. Governance There have been no changes to the committer or PMC rosters; a vote is underway for a new committer. We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers for PMC members. Releases The project released OpenJPA 1.0.4 which implements JSR 220, and OpenJPA 2.0.1, which implements JSR 317.
There are no items requiring board attention at this time. Highlights OpenJPA has published its implementation of the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in final release status. As reported earlier, the release occurred just after the April board meeting. We finally got around to defining OpenJPA's DOAP file. The results: http://projects.apache.org/projects/openjpa.html Community Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 250 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 200 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are about 150 subscribers to dev and over 230 to users. Governance There have been no changes to the committer or PMC rosters. We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers for PMC members. Releases Final OpenJPA 2.0.0 has been released.
Highlights OpenJPA is preparing to publish its implementation of the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in final release status. The OpenJPA release is 2.0.0. There were some last minute changes that will require another spin of the release. So the release will probably occur the week of the board meeting. Community Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 350 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 200 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 230 to users. OpenJPA voted in two new committers, Dianne Richards and Ravi Palacherla. Governance The OpenJPA PMC voted in a new member, Rick Curtis. We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers for PMC members. Releases Several milestones of OpenJPA 2.0.0 have been released.
Highlights OpenJPA is wrapping up implementation of the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in final release status. A maintenance revision, OpenJPA 1.2.2 has been released. Community Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 220 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 220 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 230 to users. Governance No changes in the PMC list for the quarter. We continue to monitor contributors for possible committers and committers for PMC members. Releases A maintenance revision, OpenJPA 1.2.2 has been released.
Highlights OpenJPA continues to implement the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in Proposed Final Draft 2 status. The latest draft was issued 08-October-2009 and is very close to what will be voted upon as the final release. The Field Of Use restriction in the draft specification was resolved with Geir's help, and an interim release of the problematic API was published. A release of OpenJPA 2.0.0 Milestone 3 has been posted for download. This release is based on the Proposed Final Draft 2 of JSR-317. Community Rick Curtis and Tim McConnell were offered, and they accepted, committer status on the project. Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 400 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 250 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 230 to users. The community voted to adopt a logo for OpenJPA. You can see it in action at openjpa.apache.org. Governance Donald Woods, Milosz Tylenda, and David Ezzio were offered, and they accepted, membership in the OpenJPA PMC. Releases OpenJPA 2.0.0 Milestone 3 has been posted for download.
Highlights OpenJPA continues to implement the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in Proposed Final Draft status. The latest draft was issued 13-March-2009 and contains several very large changes that will keep the project busy for another few months. Additionally, the spec has continued to evolve after the publication of the PFD. OpenJPA still has a Field Of Use problem with the draft JPA 2.0 specification license. The license contains language restricting distribution of the early implementation of JSR-317. The way we read this is that OpenJPA will be unable to offer an early release of OpenJPA that supports JPA 2.0 until and unless 2.(iii) is amended to remove the clause "is made available for testing and evaluation purposes only". This issue was raised with Geir Magnusson, Apache VP, JCP on February 3, 2009, and is still unresolved. Community Donald Woods was offered, and he accepted, committer status on the project. Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of close to 500 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 250 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 225 to users. A vote is underway for a logo for OpenJPA, with 15 entries. Information here: http://cwiki.apache.org/openjpa/logo-contest.html A vote to change the maximum line length for source files resulted in allowing 120 character lines. We do bike sheds too. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases none this quarter
Greg: Geir: can you address the license issue in your JCP report?
Jim, Shane: +1 for Geir to have something "on the record"
Roy: that is probably just the PFD license (it is always limited)
Geir: that is the draft license, but we've fixed it in the past (w/ JSF for example.) In this case, I did one more cage rattling and Sun has apologized and promised a fax of what I wanted signed by someone of sufficient paygrade to change the draft license in this case in a binding way. What could go wrong with a signed document?
Highlights OpenJPA is (still) busy implementing the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in Proposed Final Draft status. The latest draft was issued 13-March-2009 and contains several very large changes that will keep the project busy for another few months. OpenJPA has a Field Of Use problem with the draft JPA 2.0 specification license. The license contains language restricting distribution of the early implementation of JSR-317. The way we read this is that OpenJPA will be unable to offer an early release of OpenJPA that supports JPA 2.0 until and unless 2.(iii) is amended to remove the clause "is made available for testing and evaluation purposes only". This issue was raised with Geir Magnusson, Apache VP, JCP on February 3, 2009, and is still unresolved. <jsr-317 draft> 2. Distribute implementations of the Specification to third parties for their testing and evaluation use, provided that any such implementation: (i) does not modify, subset, superset or otherwise extend the Licensor Name Space, or include any public or protected packages, classes, Java interfaces, fields or methods within the Licensor Name Space other than those required/authorized by the Specification or Specifications being implemented; (ii)is clearly and prominently marked with the word "UNTESTED" or "EARLY ACCESS" or "INCOMPATIBLE" or "UNSTABLE" or "BETA" in any list of available builds and in proximity to every link initiating its download, where the list or link is under Licensee's control; and (iii)includes the following notice: "This is an implementation of an early-draft specification developed under the Java Community Process (JCP) and is made available for testing and evaluation purposes only. The code is not compatible with any specification of the JCP." </jsr-317 draft> Community OpenJPA voted to offer Milosz Tylenda to committer status, and he accepted. Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 400 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 250 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience a modest increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 150 subscribers to dev and over 225 to users. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases Release 1.2.1 is a bug-fix release for the JPA 1.0 code line.
Geir takes the action item to resolve the FOU item.
Highlights OpenJPA is busy implementing the latest JPA 2.0 JSR-317, which is in Public Review Draft status. The implementation is being done in trunk in "iterations" after discussion with the community. The first iteration has been completed (not released) and can be evaluated via nightly build. Slice has been added to OpenJPA as a separate module. Slice is a plug-in extension for OpenJPA to interact with distributed databases within the same transaction. Community Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 300 messages per month on the dev alias and approximately 400 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are 150 subscribers to dev and nearly 200 to users. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance The PMC has elected Jeremy Bauer to the PMC, and Jeremy has accepted. The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases No releases since 1.2, but a 1.3.x branch was created, anticipating a release based on JPA 1.0 specification if it becomes necessary.
Highlights OpenJPA has shipped a minor feature release, OpenJPA 1.2.0. Please see http://openjpa.apache.org/builds/1.2.0/apache-openjpa-1.2.0/RELEASE-NOTES.html for details. Two new committers have been voted in: Jeremy Bauer and Fay Wang. Community Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 300 messages per month on the dev alias and nearly 300 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 140 subscribers to dev and 160 to users. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases OpenJPA 1.2.0 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.3.x currently is tracking bugs fixed in the trunk. Discussion is underway regarding the next major release that will correspond to the release of Java Persistence 2.1. The consensus is that we will branch the trunk to continue the 1.3.x code line and transform trunk into the 2.x line corresponding with the to-be-released Java Persistence specification.
Highlights OpenJPA has shipped a minor feature release, OpenJPA 1.1.0. Please see http://openjpa.apache.org/2008/06/25/openjpa-110-now-available.html for details. Two PMC members have been voted in. Community Mailing lists continue to be very active, with an average of almost 300 messages per month on the dev alias and nearly 200 messages per month on the users alias. OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 140 subscribers to dev and 160 to users. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance Pinaki Poddar and Albert Lee have been voted onto the OpenJPA PMC. Both are active committers and have demonstrated continued commitment to the project. The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. A couple contributors are on track to be voted into committership this summer. Releases OpenJPA 1.1.0 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.1.x currently is tracking bugs fixed in the trunk. A new maintenance release 1.0.3 and minor feature release 1.2.0 are being planned. It was brought to the attention of the PMC that the 1.1.0 release was not properly signed before being distributed. Changes will be made to the release process and better tested prior to the next release. Discussion is underway regarding the next major release that will correspond to the release of Java Persistence 2.1.
Highlights OpenJPA has shipped another maintenance release, OpenJPA 1.0.2, and is planning a minor feature release, OpenJPA 1.1.0. The crypto web page was reviewed and OpenJPA does not fall into the category ECCN 5D002, and therefore needs no special export classification. Community EasyBeans has integrated OpenJPA to provide JPA services. EasyBeans is an open source, lightweight and modular EJB3 container hosted by the OW2 consortium. http://www.ow2.org. EasyBeans is the EJB container of the JOnAS application server. http://jonas.objectweb.org. OpenJPA is the default persistence provider in some JOnAS packages. OpenJPA continues to experience an increase in email subscriptions and activity. There are over 140 subscribers to both dev and users. The dev list currently logs approximately 300 messages per month; the users list around 250. Several new contributors have uploaded patches to JIRA issues. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance There has been little traffic on the openjpa-private alias, reflecting the relative calm of the project. Marc Prud'hommeaux has resigned from the OpenJPA PMC. He was a strong community member and will be welcomed back when/if he returns. The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases OpenJPA 1.0.2 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.0.x currently is tracking bugs fixed in the trunk and currently has a few patches. The need for a new release based on the trunk has been identified, and a volunteer will be recruited to release the update while work goes on in the trunk. It was brought to the attention of the PMC that the 1.0.2 release was not properly signed before being distributed. Releases will be subject to a bit more oversight in future.
Highlights OpenJPA has shipped a maintenance release, OpenJPA 1.0.1. There are no board issues at the moment. Community EasyBeans has integrated OpenJPA to provide JPA services. EasyBeans is an open source, lightweight and modular EJB3 container hosted by the OW2 consortium. http://www.ow2.org. EasyBeans is the EJB container of the JOnAS application server. http://jonas.objectweb.org. OpenJPA is the default persistence provider in some JOnAS packages. OpenJPA is experiencing a slowdown in email activity as the year end approaches. Happy New Year. The assumption is that this is a seasonal variance. An analysis will be made in one year's time. Several new contributors have uploded patches to JIRA issues. The community is working well together. Questions from the community are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed. Governance There has been little traffic on the openjpa-private alias, reflecting the relative calm of the project. The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases OpenJPA 1.0.1 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.0.x currently is tracking bugs fixed in the trunk and currently has a few patches. Once a need for another release is identified, a volunteer will be recruited to release the update while work goes on in the trunk.
Approved by General Consent.
Highlights OpenJPA has shipped its first release as a TLP, called OpenJPA 1.0.0. There are no board issues at the moment. Community OpenJPA email continues its strong activity on both the dev and user aliases. OpenJPA will be presenting a Fast Feather talk at ApacheCon US 2007. Governance The PMC has voted to grant commit privileges to Albert Lee (allee8285@a.o). The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers, and committers PMC members. Releases OpenJPA 1.0.0 has shipped. A maintenance branch 1.0.x (yes, really) currently is tracking bugs fixed in the trunk and currently has a few dozen patches. Once a need for a release is identified, a volunteer will be recruited to release the update while work goes on in the trunk.
Approved by General Consent.
Highlights: OpenJPA continues to work toward its first release as a TLP, to be called OpenJPA 1.0.0. A few release candidates have been built and the release is imminent. There are no board issues at the moment. Community: A public face-to-face meeting was held August 6 and 7, hosted by BEA in San Jose. The meeting was advertised on the Apache party alias in addition to the openjpa dev alias. The gathering was well- attended, with 12 OpenJPA folks physically together, another 4 dialing in via conference call, and one invited outside speaker. The results of the meeting were posted to the OpenJPA wiki at http://openjpa.apache.org/openjpa-up-close-and-personal.html Many discussion topics resulted in action items to be taken to the dev and user aliases for community consensus. Governance: The PMC has voted to grant commit privileges to Catalina Wei (fancy@a.o). The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers. Releases: OpenJPA 1.0.0 is being prepared for release.
Approved by General Consent.
Highlights OpenJPA continues to work toward its first release as a TLP, to be called OpenJPA 1.0.0. There are currently 46 open issues that have been identified as "close before 1.0.0". Community The users@openjpa.apache.org mailing list was started upon graduation and already has over 100 posts, from 16 unique non-committer posters. A public face-to-face meeting is being discussed for sometime this summer in the bay area. We're hoping that the planning date is far enough out that many interested folks can join. We've invited Bill Pugh (FindBugs) to give us a presentation. Governance Release naming policy for the first release has been resolved. David Ezzio was voted as a new committer (and new to Apache). The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them committers.
Concerns were expressed about the openness of the F2F. Geir will continue to watch, and he noted that he feels that the PMC and chair have things well in hand.
Typo was noted in report. "bull pugh" should be "bill pugh".
Approved by General Consent.
Highlights In its first month following graduation from the incubator, OpenJPA has begun work on its first official release, 1.0.0. Community Email traffic on the lists continues to grow as more people discover that the Java EE 5 specification really does allow pluggable persistence implementations. Governance The TLP migration of the svn repository, mail lists, unix aliases, and openjpa web site have been completed. The incubator web site has been updated to indicate that openjpa is no longer in incubation. Release naming policy is being discussed and resolution is expected prior to the first release as a TLP. Michael Dick was added to the OpenJPA PMC.
Approved by General Consent.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee related to the implementation of object persistence, including, but not limited to, Java Persistence API, for distribution at no charge to the public; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache OpenJPA Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache OpenJPA Project be and hereby is charged with the creation and maintenance of Apache OpenJPA; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache OpenJPA" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache OpenJPA Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache OpenJPA Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache OpenJPA Project: Geir Magnusson Jr. <geirm@apache.org> Patrick Linskey <pcl@apache.org> Craig Russell <clr@apache.org> Kevin Sutter <kwsutter@apache.org> Abe White <awhite@apache.org> Marc Prud'hommeaux <mprudhom@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Craig Russell be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache OpenJPA, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache OpenJPA Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator OpenJPA podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator OpenJPA podling and encumbered upon the Apache Incubator Project are hereafter discharged. Special Order 6D, Establish Apache OpenJPA Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote.
PMC review: noel OpenJPA made good progress this quarter in all areas. The project has many active committers all driving toward improving functionality, stability, performance, and usability. OpenJPA has met all of the technical requirements for graduation from incubation, and is now waiting for the community to feel ready. It is not clear whether the destination should be a TLP or a sub-project of another. This discussion has not been started yet. Well, I guess it just has. Development Development continues on the 0.9.7 release, which will contain many bug fixes and performance improvements. Kevin Sutter has been volunteered to cut the release once we decide there is enough done on the list. The JSR 220 TCK was passed. JIRA now contains numerous proposed bug fixes and feature enhancements, tentatively assigned to release buckets. Infrastructure The project is running smoothly with all systems green. Community One new committer was added (Michael Dick). Three new PPMC members were added (Kevin Sutter, Marc Prud'hommeaux, and Abe White). ----
OpenJPA made good progress this quarter. The community completed its first release (0.9.6) under guidance from the Incubator PMC and the Mentors. This took a couple of attempts and was a good learning experience for all involved. Two new committers were added (Bryan Noll and Srinivasa Segu). The project has completed requisite IP clearance steps and updated its status / website. Now, the focus is on growing and diversifying the community.
The code arrived this quarter, and that helped the community as there's now something to discuss. :) The initial code drop emerged from BEA and is now actively being worked on. There have been community discussions on new features, documentation, and release numbering. The community decided to use cwiki and adding documentation for the project. The community added two new committers (Kevin Sutter and David Wisneski) who are actively committing code to the tree. We are currently working with the Spring community to address integration issues and to ensure that OpenJPA plugs into a Spring persistence container environment appropriately. Work is also ongoing to build user-focused release downloads and to integrate with the Apache continuous-integration facilities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenEJB We've just heard from Matt who's a release manager for Apache Geronimo 1.1.1 that the last reason to keep OpenEJB at Codehaus had been cleared and we're ready to move JIRA and repos to ASF. Three new people have showed their interest in the code and started to contribute - Mohammed Nour, Rick McGuire and Jay D. McHugh. SVN as successfully been moved from Codehaus to Apache. Jira migration is being coordinated. This will be a migration to a new instance in ASF similar to Cayenne. However, we'd really like to run in the main instance. To facilitate this, work on a Jira migration tool is also underway. We hope that this will be useful to other projects migrating or whom have migrated. --- October Report In the recent period, there was a lot of sound and fury related to committer lists, specifically related to CFX, and how a project is bootstrapped in general. On the former, I've spoken at length with many of the parties involved, and feel that it was a combination of misunderstandings, overreactions and aggressive attitudes, but lacking in mal-intent on any party. On the general case, we have discussed revised processes to make bootstrapping more defined and clarified, and should formally adopt them this month. We're also in the process of voting on Harmony's request to graduate from the Incubator. Some controversy around that due to two issues. First, is a pro-forma "release" really necessary and useful in all cases or sometimes just theater, as is claimed for this case? Second, the vote is being held on harmony-dev@, and some people feel that all such votes must be held only on general@. Projects have included their start date and one line description at the Board's request. Please note that this has always been available at http://incubator.apache.org/projects/. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agila Entered incubation in February 2005. Workflow engine Nothing new on Agila for quite a while. All activity has been transfered to Ode. The Jakarta PMC has voted to retire the project. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AltRMI Entered the Incubator in Feb, 2003 Remote Procedure Call support No activity, and the Incubator PMC should vote to render it dormant. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CXF Project name - CXF Description - SOA enabling framework, web services toolkit (Celtix and XFire merge) Date of entry - August, 2006 Top three items to resolve - 1) Diversity - Active commiters are 90% IONA people 2) Growth of community - related to diversity, we have not yet had the opportunity to add additional commiters. The traffic on the dev list is "steady." 3) Demonstrations of apache processes - working on a milestone 1 release, etc... Community aspects: Jason van Zyl resigned as Mentor. We have three other mentors, but may be bringing a forth on board. Setup two "spaces" on confluence to hold developer docs (and the project home page) and user docs. We'd like to encourage more people to help out there. Voted to start deploying periodic SNAPSHOTS to the maven2 snapshot repository to help other projects like yoko, geronimo, servicemix, etc... take dependencies on and integrate CXF Voted to officially name the project CXF instead of CeltiXfire PPMC setup and functioning, process started to get other non-active commiters more involved. Have reached out to Geronimo folks to help "pick their brains" about the required features for better JCA support. Started working with the Yoko project to get them to update from using Celtix to CXF. Code aspects: Getting close to finalizing the code for milestone 1. Most required features are now working. Some performance testing was done. Some performance problems were identified and fixed. Working on defining what the final kits will look like. (what is included, what the user is expected to already have, etc...) Started discussing some architectural changes, especially in regard to the tooling, for after milestone 1. Licensing: Had some discussion at ApacheCon about the rhino/js jars that are NPL and what to do with them. Still somewhat unresolved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felix July 2005 OSGi implementation Community Proper wiki/web page created by Marcel Offermans and Ronald Spierenburg. Manuel Santillan, Jose L. Ruiz, and Juan C. Duenas added as committers for their work with JMX and OSGi (i.e., JMood). Didier Donsez added as a committer for his long-time work around OSGi and Felix. Software Contribution of the JMood project for another approach to JMX/OSGi integration from Manuel Santillan, Jose L. Ruiz, and Juan C. Duenas. Contribution of extensive set of example code from Didier Donsez. Contribution of log service implementation from Dale Peakall. Major framework enhancements to the Felix framework around security from Karl Pauls. Specification compliance improvements for the framework around native library loading by Arnaud Quiblier and Richard Hall. Work on implementing the framework resolver algorithm using a generic capability/requirement model was committed into Richard Hall's sandbox; work continues on try to modify this new resolver to support require-bundle. Continued enhancements to iPOJO from Clement Escoffier. Work on a Maven-based testing harness for Felix by Alex Karasulu. Licensing and other issues Attempt for gradution was post-poned to concentrate on creating a release that addresses any and all outstanding obstacles for release. Removed javax.microedition.io dependency for the time being until a proper licensed version is available from the OSGi Alliance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpServer March 2003 FTP server Lack of community is the major problem. Development on FtpServer is slowly progressing. Currently the focus is mostly on filling the gaps when it comes to automatic testing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graffito Graffito is a framework for content-based applications, especially in portlet environments. Graffito entered incubation on September 20, 2004. Top three items to resolve before graduation: Upgrade to the latest license header and copyright notice policy Create an incubating Graffito release Move the JCR mapping component to the Jackrabbit project Graffito activity has increased noticeably since the last report, especially due to interest from within the Jackrabbit community. New bug reports and patches are also being contributed. Jukka Zitting was voted in as a new mentor for the project. He will accompany Raphael Luta in that role. Given positive feedback from both communities, we are evaluating options for moving the JCR mapping component from Graffito into the Jackrabbit project. This would expose the component to a wider JCR developer community and a larger audience of potential users. There has been renewed discussion on producing incubating releases of the Graffito components Edgar Poce has been working on a related JCR-based wysiwyg portlet prototype, using the Graffito mailing list for design discussions, but the implementation approach differs from the Graffito portlet model, so at least for now the tool is not being integrated into Graffito