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which have been approved by the Board.
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WHEREAS, the Board of Directors considers the Apache PHP Project to have built a successful community for the development, maintenance, and support of and for the PHP software and environment; and WHEREAS, the Apache Software Foundation would need to make changes within the PHP codebases, licensing, and community to bring it into alignment with the other Foundation projects and to bring it within the legal umbrella of the Foundation; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors considers this would be harmful to the Apache PHP Project and its community and providing few benefits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache PHP Project PMC is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Foundation will work with the PHP Group to grant all rights and responsibilities of the Foundation pertaining to the PHP codebases to the PHP Group. Via Unanimous Vote, the above resolution to seperate PHP from the ASF, was approved.
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No report received.
PHP usage keeps growing both in absolute numbers and in terms of the percentage of servers with it installed. Graph: http://www.php.net/usage.php Roughly 31% of all domains have PHP installed and detectable by Netcraft. SecuritySpace reports 51% of all Apache servers have PHP enabled. The current version is 4.3.2 with 4.3.3 scheduled soon. PHP 5.0 is also approaching beta with the major change being more advanced OO capabilities. Due to MySQL AB changing the license of the mysqlclient library from LGPL to GPL for 4.x versions we will no longer bundle the library and have to be careful to write our MySQL extension such that it can be linked against the older non-GPL version of the client libraries. There will most likely be an exception for OSI-approved licensed projects that will alleviate this problem a bit, but we will still unbundle the library. This does put some pressure on us to use an OSI-approved license and as you know the new ASL is not OSI-approved (yet). There has also been discussion around whether we should make an effort to try to drink more of the ASF Koolaid or not. We still don't have a clear picture of what the impact on the project would be. We don't know if we have to go back and get CLA's from the 450 people who have contributed something to the project over the past 10 years and what the changes to our day to day way of doing things would be. Statements from Greg and others that include "for now" or "initially" really haven't helped this in any way. We understand that copyright needs to be assigned to the ASF and that the ASF then would put it under the new ASL license. We understand that we would need to separate our CVS into two repositories most likely. One that contains only ASF licensed code and one that has everything else. How much stuff we can leave in the "everything else" repository is still unclear. We bundle a number of things that PHP simply wouldn't work without including Zend and PCRE and less critically GD, sqlite, libxml and a few others. And we understand that there would be some oversight in some form of the ASF repository. We are looking for a statement from the board which does not contain the phrases "for now" nor "initially" and clearly lays out the board position for what will be required for the ASF to have proper oversight over the PHP project. Especially if there are things beyond the above issues such as specifying how many feathers our web site should have, how we should run our PMC, how we handle granting new CVS accounts and what sort of oversight would be required on the 6 dedicated servers that run the php.net infrastructure.
The PHP project is still going strong. Since the Sept02 report approximately 1.5 million new PHP domains appeared which comprises just under 30% of all the domains Netcraft queries every month. That is up from 26% in Sept02. According to SecuritySpace.com PHP is enabled on 51.24% of all Apache servers. There is also a healthy interest in contributing to the project. In Sept02 we had 651 people with CVS accounts. Today we just passed 800. Well over half of these work exclusively on the docmentation. Since the Sept. report we have released version 4.3.0 and followed that up with a small security fix in 4.3.1. We are currently have the first release candidate of 4.3.2 out and the QA process is making slow and steady progress on it. I expect to see 4.3.2 before the end of the month. The big change with respect to Apache is that we dumped the rather unstable apache2filter sapi module replacing it with an apache2handler one mostly written by Ian Holsman and Justin Erenkrantz. We'll see if this proves to be more useful. If you want to have a look at the current code for this new handler, see: http://cvs.php.net/cvs.php/php4/sapi/apache2handler Another big push since the last report has been the pear/pecl sub-project. Here we are trying to create a useful repository of PHP code and applications easily installable via an apt-like command-line tool. Some notables from that project is the apd profiler and the new apc2 opcode cache. Having free open source profilers and opcode caches is important to the project. More info can be found at pear.php.net. The smarty sub-project is also rolling along gaining popularity. See smarty.php.net for more info. A lot of work is currently going into version 5.0 with most of the changes being to the object model. Looking for a release sometime towards the end of the year, perhaps sooner. The number of PHP-specific conferences have been increasing steadily. Here is the upcoming schedule of PHP-related conferences: Mar 20-21 Montreal - PHP Quebec 2003 Mar 29 Budapest - First Hungarian PHP Conference Apr 10-12 San Jose - MySQL Conf and Expo (not PHP, but large presence) Apr 23-25 New York - PHPCon East 2003 May 8-9 Amsterdam - 2003 International PHP conference Jul 10-13 Karlsruhe - Linuxtag 2003 (not PHP, but large PHP presence) On the user group front we have a number of extremely active groups. A shortened list of some of the more active ones: South-Eastern Michigan User Group, Stuttgart, Chicago, Frankfurt, Twin Cities, San Diego, Koeln/Bonn, Hannover, New York, Phoenix, Seattle, Vancouver, Hamburg, Kansas City, Munich, Calgary, and Long Island. All in all there are about 220 groups in 56 countries that we know about, but it is hard to keep track of which ones are active.
. By general consent, this report was recorded as entered and approved.
PHP The [1]PHP project is alive and well. As with any large and popular project there is plenty drama on a day-to-day basis, but in the end we are building a useful tool used by a lot of people. Roughly 9 million or 26% (up from 24% in May) of all public web domains found by [2]Netcraft last month have PHP installed on them. This of course includes many domains that may not use PHP, but it doesn't include any non-Apache module PHP installations, of which there are plenty. According to [3]SecuritySpace.com about 38% (down from 45% in May) of all Apache servers have the PHP module activated. The PHP PMC, better known as the PHP Group consists of: Thies C. Arntzen, Stig Bakken, Shane Caraveo, Andi Gutmans, Rasmus Lerdorf, Sam Ruby, Sascha Schumann, Zeev Suraski, Jim Winstead, and Andrei Zmievski. Releases The current stable released version is 4.2.3 with hopefully the next release being 4.3 in the next 6-8 weeks and a PHP 5.0 sometime in mid 2003. Since the previous report in May versions 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 were released on July 22 and September 6 respectively. Sub-Projects Within the PHP project there are a number of sub-projects. * PHP * PHP Documentation * PHP Quality Assurance * PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository * Smarty - Templating system * PHP-GTK Committers There are 651 People with CVS accounts on [4]cvs.php.net. Because of the large number we do not give out real system accounts but instead rely on pserver and CVS access control. Rough CVS Access Breakdown 10 users have access to everything. 97 have access to all PHP source and Documentation. 372 people only have access to the Documentation. 90 people have access to PEAR and the PEAR Documentation. 35 people have access to the PHP website files. 3 people have access to PHP-GTK sub-project source+docs. 12 people have access to PHP-GTK sub-project docs. 2 people have access to the Smarty sub-project code+docs. 4 people have access to the Smarty sub-project docs. Mailing Lists PHP has quite a few mailing lists, both run by us at php.net and many others elsewhere. These are available via both http and nntp from news.php.net and we have found more and more people use these alternative means to participate due to the ever-growing traffic. The subscriber breakdown is: php-announce 4832 php-general 1701 php-dev 622 phpdoc 248 php-qa 150 pear-general 513 pear-dev 303 smarty-general 440 smarty-dev 94 php-gtk-general 276 php-gtk-dev 97 Infrastructure The main PHP web site gets hit pretty hard. 2-3 million hits per day from between 70 and 80 thousand unique visitors. This translates to somewhere between 6 to 8 Mbps sustained bandwidth usage. We have had to move the main site lately and it is now on a machine hosted and donated by RackShack. We are trying to entice more people into using some of the 94 mirrors we have around the world. The machines that make up the main php.net infrastructure are: * rs1.php.net hosted by RackShack (p3/1GHz, 1GB RAM 40GB HD, redhat 7.2) handles main www.php.net site * va1.php.net hosted by VA Software (dual p3/650, 1 GB RAM, 130GB HD, debian-stable) handles rsync.php.net and snaps.php.net * rack1.php.net hosted by Rackspace (dual p3/650, 1GB RAM, 33GB HD, redhat 7.3) handles mx duties, master.php.net, bugs.php.net, gtk.php.net and smarty.php.net * pair1.php.net hosted by Pair Networks (dual p3/1000 xeon, 512MB RAM, 27GB HD, freebsd 4.6) handles mailing lists, cvs, nntp and pear.php.net * pair2.php.net hosted by Pair Networks (p3/566, 128MB RAM, 27GB HD, freebsd 4.6) is a luke-warm-swap backup for pair1 Conferences There are 2 major PHP events coming up. First, [5]PHPCON2002 in Millbrae (Near San Jose) on Oct. 24,25 and then [6]The International PHP Conference Nov. 3-6 in Frankfurt. PHP will also have a small presence at Apachecon in Las Vegas in November. Apache 2.0 Support/Issues (hasn't really changed from the May report) Aaron Bannert and Justin Erenkrantz have worked hard in the past on improving Apache 2.0 support. It sort of works in 4.2.x but should be better in 4.3. We still have a huge problem with thread safety issues in 3rd-party libraries. PHP itself is threadsafe and re-entrant, but a number of 3rd party libraries that are commonly linked into PHP are not and many more we simply don't know how well they will work in a threaded environment. This will slow the adoption of Apache 2.0 combined with PHP significantly. There is also a certain lack of motivation when it comes to Apache 2.0 because the perception is that the improvements vs. headaches ratio is not very good. If the perchild mpm ever became useful, you would see a big push from the PHP community towards Apache 2, but right now there is a bit of a ho-hum attitude. Trademark Issues Like the Apache project, we occasionally have some issues with commercial entities using "PHP" in their name and other than asking them nicely to not do that, we aren't sure how to handle it. For some reason, hundreds of non-commercial projects use "PHP" in their project name as well which we have been trying hard to discourage. To that end we have tried to clarify this somewhat in the [7]PHP license. Not sure what the status of the new project-agnostic Apache license is, but we would likely move to that if it fits us and addresses this point in a clear manner. References 1. http://www.php.net/ 2. http://www.netcraft.com/ 3. http://www.securityspace.com/ 4. http://cvs.php.net/ 5. http://www.php-con.com/ 6. http://www.php-conference.de/2002/index_en.php 7. http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt
There was some discussion regarding the nature of the relationship and licensing issues between the ASF and the PHP Association, but it was generally felt that we should recognize the people who we believe should be responsible for defining that relationship. The following resolution was approved by vote of the directors present, with six yea votes (Brian, Ken, Roy, Rasmus, Doug, Dirk), no nay votes, and one abstention (Ben). Ben wished it to be recorded that the reason for his abstention is that he didn't feel the question of licensing had bottomed out. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the PHP software product for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee, to be known as the "Apache PHP Committee", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache PHP Committee be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to the PHP software product based on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache PHP" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chairman of the Apache PHP Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache PHP Committee; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache PHP Committee. Thies C. Arntzen Stig Bakken Shane Caraveo Andi Gutmans Rasmus Lerdorf Sam Ruby Sascha Schumann Zeev Suraski Jim Winstead Andrei Zmievski NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Rasmus Lerdorf be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache PHP, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache PHP Committee be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the PHP Project.