This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 22:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
Report was filed, but display is awaiting the approval of the Board minutes.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (25 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.13 on 2023-10-21. Future releases will be made as necessary. People are still interested in binary builds of mod_perl for Windows which I will look into soon. The removal of home.apache.org has knocked out the online archives of old builds; I need to find them a new home. Of course, this doesn't affect the source code release tarballs. ## Community Health: Mailing list traffic is low as usual, which is normal for a stable project like mod_perl. There will be some activity when a new Windows binary build is made, and more again whenever a new release is made.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (24 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.13 on 2023-10-21. Future releases will be made as necessary. I have received messages from people interested in new builds of mod_perl against perl-5.38, but nothing that requires a new release of mod_perl as yet. ## Community Health: Mailing list traffic is low as usual, though with an interesting thread looking at reasons for a perceived decline in mod_perl usage and reasons why it is still relevant.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (24 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.13 on 2023-10-21. Future releases will be made as necessary, but nothing has come to light in the last quarter requiring this. ## Community Health: Mailing list traffic is low but not unusually so, and mostly involves users asking questions on how to build and/or use the software, to which feedback is usually provided.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (24 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.13 on 2023-10-21. As predicted, activity has quietened down following the new release. Further releases will be made in due course, either when the trickle of commits amounts to a worthwhile new release, or if/when any critical changes are made. ## Community Health: Mailing list traffic is low compared to the previous quarter because of the release that was made in that quarter, but is otherwise at a normal level. There are some test issues still to be looked at: Some from the release, plus a new issue raised since then.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (24 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.13 on 2023-10-21. As expected, a new release was made in this last quarter with support for the recent Perl 5.38. Activity is likely to quieten down again for a while now, though there may be some follow-up activity to some test suite issues found when producing this new release. ## Community Health: Traffic on the mailing lists increased around the release time as people tried out the new release candidate and reported back on issues found. A couple of testers reported problems with mod_proxy and Apache::Test which will hopefully get looked at before the next release.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with low activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (23 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.12 on 2022-01-30. New versions of Apache-Reload and Apache-SizeLimit have just been released and pulled into mod_perl, for which there is an RC1 now available for an impending release to support the new major version of Perl (5.38). In response to the board feedback on the last report: Yes, you understand it correctly. Perl is indeed not part of this project, and yes we are providing support for the new version of it now that it's been released. I do not see anything odd about this. ## Community Health: Mailing list activity has picked up a little in response to the release activity. This is normal for a stable project like mod_perl. I do not think a lack of activity in-between releases is a problem; it would only become a problem if no activity around release time prevented new releases from happening. That has not happened to date, and I don't expect it to happen in the near future either.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (23 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.12 on 2022-01-30. Hopefully a new release will be made soon, perhaps to coincide with the next major version of Perl (5.38) in the next month or two. ## Community Health: The mailing lists were quiet in this quarter, but will hopefully pick up a bit when a release is made.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (23 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.12 on 2022-01-30. There has been some increased activity around mod_perl recently and it must be time for a new release soon. ## Community Health: Recently increased community activity makes it a good time to make a new release, which in turn will hopefully feed back and generate further activity.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (23 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.12 on 2022-01-30. Some loose ends still need tidying up from that release, which will hopefully happen before its first birthday. ## Community Health: Mailing lists have had some more activity than usual lately, thanks to a new version of sealed.pm on CPAN and a new release of libapreq2. The latter had a regression bug reported via CPAN. Mostly things are fairly quiet in a stable project like mod_perl, but it's good to know that there are people still using it and reporting problems whenever they arise.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (22 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.12 on 2022-01-30. A few items from the process of making the last release still need to be tidied up, which I hope to get round to soon. ## Community Health: Mailing lists have been mostly quiet, though the occasional question from users does pop up, usually answered by other community members. When the loose ends from the last release are cleared up there should be a new release later in the year, which should provoke some more activity.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (22 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.12 on 2022-01-30. A few items raised during the last release process still need to be tidied up, which I should have time for soon if nobody else gets there first. ## Community Health: Mailing lists have been quiet, which seems to be normal in this project in the period shortly after a release. Hopefully a new release later in the year will cause another flurry of activity.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (22 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.12 on 2022-01-30. Hopefully we can now revisit a few minor items from the release candidate phase of this and the earlier Apache-Test release which were postponed in order to not delay the releases. ## Community Health: Various responses to requests for testing have left a few loose ends which can now be tidied up, including improvements to the INSTALL document. Some other improvements suggested by community members were incorporated into the release, such as a CONTRIBUTING.md file which causes a page of helpful links to be shown here: https://metacpan.org/dist/mod_perl/contribute, which should encourage more contributions from users in the future.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (22 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.11 on 2019-10-05. Apache-Test-1.43 has just been released and included into mod_perl, and a release candidate for mod_perl-2.0.12 has just been released. ## Community Health: A couple of long-term PMC members responded to the request for testing Apache-Test-1.43, and will hopefully also report their findings on the mod_perl-2.0.12 release candidate. Some issues with Apache-Test were reported by the community, but were passed over for now (in the interests of getting a release out without further delay) because they were existing problems. We will revisit those issues shortly.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (21 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.11 on 2019-10-05. It's been a quiet quarter for mod_perl, partly because I haven't got round to making the mod_perl-2.0.12 release yet. Filling in this report now is a useful reminder to me to do that. The release is needed because it contains an as-yet unreleased fix for building with the latest major release of perl (5.34.0). The fact that nobody has been complaining about this suggests to me that most users get their mod_perl builds from vendors who have already taken the fix from our repo. ## Community Health: A separate build problem for AIX has been resolved by a community member, which requires a minor change to our INSTALL document. I will incorporate that into the upcoming release as well. Otherwise it was quiet on the mailing lists. Hopefully the new release will drum up some activity soon.
## Description: The mission of Perl is the creation and maintenance of software related to Dynamic websites using Perl ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Perl was founded 2000-03-10 (21 years ago) There are currently 21 committers and 11 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Steve Hay on 2012-03-01. - No new committers were added. Last addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013. ## Project Activity: The last release was mod_perl-2.0.11 on 2019-10-05. There was some activity surrounding a build breakage in the upcoming perl-5.34.0, for which we now have a fix, to be released in mod_perl-2.0.12 soon. There was further activity discussing the future of mod_perl, following a PMC roll call with a low response. ## Community Health: The mod_perl users list also joined the discussion on the future of mod_perl, with questions about mod_perl alternatives. It is clear that whilst there are many more modern alternatives available, none quite match the power and flexibility of mod_perl. Several users stepped up to express a willingness to serve on the PMC if necessary to keep the project alive, but none are yet committers. It is good to hear from people who are enthusiastic about the project and its survival, and we hope to encourage more code contributions in order to identify possible future committers and ultimately PMC members. Only 4 of the 11 PMC members responded positively to the roll call in March [1] (myself, Adam Prime, Fred Moyer and Philippe Chiasson). In an earlier roll in February [2], Philip M. Gollucci and Perrin Harkins both responded to say that they can no longer provide oversight. [1] https://s.apache.org/ua3cg [2] https://s.apache.org/v76rf However, given that https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html#membersleave says, "It is not a problem to retain members of the PMC who have become inactive, and it can make it easier for them to stay in touch with the project if they choose to become active again," I do not feel that it is necessary or useful to remove those that didn't respond from the PMC roster.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Philippe Chiasson (gozer) to the office of Vice President, Apache Perl, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Philippe Chiasson from the office of Vice President, Apache Perl, and WHEREAS, Steve Hay (stevehay) has volunteered as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Philippe Chiasson is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Perl, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Steve Hay be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Perl, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7G, Change the Apache Perl Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Sander: pursue a report for Perl
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- mod_perl 2.0.11 was released on October 5th 2019 -- Activity -- Nothing significant hapenning on the mailing-lists, as can be expected at this tine. Without significant bugs found or reported, it's not unusual to see this level of quietness. There has been a few lenghty conversations about the relevancy of Perl/mod_perl for web development in today's world. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- mod_perl 2.0.11 was released on October 5th 2019 As is usually the case after a release, things have quieted down with no major bug or issues known. -- Activity -- Nothing significant hapenning on the mailing-lists, as can be expected at this tine. Without significant bugs found or reported, it's not unusual to see this level of quietness. As been shown before, even though the project is quite stable and generally quiet, when needed, the PMC members and commiters can mobilise and get things done. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- mod_perl 2.0.11 was released on October 5th 2019 Since that successfull release, activity has quieted down a bit, as is usually the case. CVE-2011-2767 can be put to rest thanks to that release. -- Activity -- The activity levels went down a little, after a noticeable uptick leading up to the final release. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- mod_perl 2.0.11 was released on October 5th 2019 This release contains multiple bugfixes and one notable security fix for CVE-2011-2767 Many thanks to Steve Hay for pushing this release through. -- Activity -- The activity levels went up a little, seeing many of the PMC members contribute feedback and test results on the 2.0.11 RCs Distros were quick at picking it up, as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- Apache-Test 1.41 was released on July 11th 2019 -- Activity -- Since the last report was late, there is very little activity to report to the board this time around. There was a flurry of activity surrounding the successfull testing and release of Apache-Test 1.41. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10, with a new release planned for the near future. -- Activity -- Steve Hay is putting the finishing touches on Apache-Test 1.41, with the release candidate accumulating +1s Following that release, Steve Hay is also planning on taking on the release hat for releasing a new mod_perl @ 2.0.11 These releases contain mostly bugfixes and a few necessary changes to continue supporting the newer versions of httpd and Perl. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- Following last cycle's board feedback regarding the dormancy of this project, I performed a rollcall with the PMC and multiple hands were raised, beside my own. Like I pointed out before, I'd call the project stable and somewhat dormant at this time, but not devoid of interested and responsible PMC members. For the time being, I am not sure what concrete steps can be taken. Certainly open to suggestions, but I suspect for the time being, there is little that can be done. The project is still being used by numerous projects and organisations, it just doesn't see a lof of changes at the moment. There could be better support for httpd-2.4 onwards API parity, but that hasn't even really been raised by end-user much as an apparent concern. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Roman: pursue a PMC roll call @Daniel: also pursue the PMC roll call
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- This report doesn't have much more to offer than last time around. I am not sure how to describe the health of this project, it's not unhealthy in my opinion. Just dormant, missing developers willing to spend time on it. The project isn't done by any stretch of the imagination, there are still a lot of things to be implemented, especially since httpd-2.4. I am aware it's not an ideal situation for an ASF project, but for the time being, I am not sure what could be concretely be done to address this. As for specific comments from the board: The concert about sufficient PMC members available to step in, for instance in the case of a security issue, I can't be 100% certain here, but I can say that myself, for one, would make the necessary time and I do read the mailing-lists daily. The suggestion to possible join the httpd project, I am not sure what that would achieve. I think the most difficult issue with finding development resources is that not only it requires a very good understanding of httpd's internals *and* Perl's internals. I wouldn't necessarily be against it, but I am just not convinced it would achieve much. As for the overall issue of oversight, I've reached directly to the PMC to see if folks want to speak for themselves and I'll include their responses either in this report or the next. Most certainly open to all and any suggestions. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. There was some growing interest in seeing some form of support for the event mpm, but that would be very tricky to implement robustly. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- Another report similar to the last few, and late as well. I'd like to provide a great explanation as to the reason for this, but I have a somewhat difficult time to find one. It's honestly somewhat difficult for me to keep up with a project that is quiet like we've been for a while now. I believe the board has rasons to be concerned about the health of this project, but I am not sure what a good plan going forward could be. It's not that the project is dead, in my opinion, more like dormant. It works, it's being used by a large number of users, and is extremely stable. The current development resources towards new features is pretty low, however, that's for certain. I, for one, don't really do much more than keep an eye on the mailing-lists for troubling bug reports, but otherwise, that's about it. Regarding the active PMC members, I don't want to talk for anybody, but I suspect the situation is similar all around. The product/project just works and there are opportunities for new feature development, but there doesn't seem to much push for that either. I am not sure what could be done at the moment to change that state of affairs, really, short of having a sudden infusion of interest and development cycles. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
@Jim: perhaps the httpd project would be willing to adopt mod_perl as a sub-project?
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Rich: pursue a report for Perl and possibly change the chair or "escalate" to dev@
No report was submitted.
@Rich: ask for a new chair, due to chronic missed or late reports
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
@Chris: pursue a report for Perl
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. A quiet quarter all around, with a few bugfixes going into 2.0.11-dev because of changes in httpd 2.4.25 -- Activity -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, as usual. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. Last Commiter addition was Jan Kaluza in April 2013 -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl -- No new mod_perl 2.x releases since 2016-10. -- Activity -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The genral activity is low, but the recent release of mod_perl 2.0.10 has caused some renewed movement on the development side, even if somwaht minor. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, with a bump in activity following the 2.0.10 RCs and the final release. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
--- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. mod_perl 2.0.10 was released on Wed Oct 26 2016 Most notable change included in this release is support for Perl 5.22.x --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites that can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.40 was released on Sep 06, 2016 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, with a bump in activity following the 2.0.10 RCs and the final release. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- Commiters -- Currently 22 committers. No new changes to the committer base since last report. -- PMC -- Currently 11 PMC members. No new PMC members added in the last 3 months Last PMC addition was Steve Hay on Wed Feb 29 2012
No report was submitted.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since 2014-12. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. mod_perl 2.0.9 was released on June 18, 2015. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites that can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.39 was released on Apr 21, 2015 No new Apache-Test releases since 2015-11. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since 2015-11. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since 2015-11. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.13 was released on May 09, 2015 No new Apache-Reloase releases since 2015-11. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since 2015-11. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The 2.0.9 release has caused some more healthy activity, and development is continuing. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, with a bump in activity following the 2.0.9 RCs and the final release. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report. The PMC has currently 11 members
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. There have been no new mod_perl 1.x releases since our last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. The most recent release on this branch was mod_perl 2.0.9 on June 18, 2015. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites that can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.39 was last released on Apr 21, 2015 --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.13 was released on May 09, 2015 -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- Support for users through the mailing list is ongoing. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report. The PMC has currently 11 members
No report was submitted.
@Marvin: pursue a report for Perl
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since 2014-12. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Following Steve Hay's release of mod_perl 2.0.9, there has been an increase in interest and activity. Major Linux distros were quick at picking it up as well, so it should be making its way to a lot of users. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites that can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.39 was released on Apr 21, 2015 No new Apache-Test releases since 2015-11. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since 2015-11. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since 2015-11. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.13 was released on May 09, 2015 No new Apache-Reloase releases since 2015-11. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since 2015-11. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The 2.0.9 release has caused some more healthy activity, and development is continuing. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, with a bump in activity following the 2.0.9 RCs and the final release. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report. The PMC has currently 11 members
No report was submitted.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since 2014-12. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Steve Hay has taken the role of release manager and has released mod_perl 2.0.9. This release is the first new release in quite a while, and it has been long awaited. It mostly includes bugfixes and necessary changes to keep up with newer Perls and httpds. Perl 5.22.x isn't supported yet, but work on that front has been started. Steve Hay still deserves special credit for his great work driving this forward. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites that can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. As planned, prior to the release of mod_perl-2.0.9, a new release of Apache-Test was made. Apache-Test 1.39 was released on Apr 21, 2015 --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since 2014-12. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since 2014-12. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.13 was released on May 09, 2015 -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since 2014-12. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The 2.0.9 release has created healthy activity, and adresses many of the bugs reported. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, except for the ocasional obscure bug report, or general user questions. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report. The PMC has currently 11 members
## Description: The Perl interface to the Apache API ## Activity: mod_perl 2.0.9 was released on Wed Jun 17 2015, many thanks to Steve Hay who drove this release forward. ## Health report: mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## LDAP committee group/Committership changes: - Currently 22 committers and 11 LDAP committee group members. - No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since last report. ## Releases: - 2.0.9 was released on Wed Jun 17 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@perl.apache.org: - 152 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 34 emails sent to list (157 in previous quarter) - test-commits@perl.apache.org: - 20 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (22 in previous quarter) - advocacy@perl.apache.org: - 120 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - asp@perl.apache.org: - 113 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 4 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - test-dev@perl.apache.org: - 35 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter) - docs-dev@perl.apache.org: - 45 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 380 emails sent to list (377 in previous quarter) - docs-cvs@perl.apache.org: - 24 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 4 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter) - modperl-cvs@perl.apache.org: - 47 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 23 emails sent to list (98 in previous quarter) - embperl@perl.apache.org: - 150 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 12 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter) - modperl@perl.apache.org: - 908 subscribers (down -10 in the last 3 months): - 102 emails sent to list (196 in previous quarter) - embperl-cvs@perl.apache.org: - 6 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 4 emails sent to list (12 in previous quarter) - announce@perl.apache.org: - 310 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - conference@perl.apache.org: - 9 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months)
No report was submitted.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since 2014-12. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Steve Hay has taken the role of release manager for mod_perl-2.0.9 and produced 3 RCs so far. The current RC3 was made on June 10th and is looking pretty good, with only some known Windows issues. I expect to see mod_perl-2.0.9 to be released shortly. Steve Hay deserves special credit for his great work driving this forward. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites that can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. As planned, prior to the release of mod_perl-2.0.9, a new release of Apache-Test was made. Apache-Test 1.39 was released on Apr 21, 2015 --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since 2014-12. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since 2014-12. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.13 was released on May 09, 2015 -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since 2014-12. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. Work on the httpd-2.4 branch has come to a standstill, as all work on that branch completed and was merged into the trunk. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, except for the ocasional obscure bug report, or general user questions. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
No report was submitted.
@Chris: pursue a report for Perl
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since 2014-12. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. The work to support the 2.4 branch has finally been fully merged back on trunk, with the remaining few little issues mostly ironed out. Two PMC members have already volunteered to be release managers for the next release but work on rolling out an RC1 has been delayed pending investigation into a couple of issues raised on the development mailing list, triggered by a renewed interest in the svn trunk upon hearing of news of the impending release. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites that can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. A new release should appear shortly before the new release of mod_perl 2.X in order that third-party Apache::* and Apache2::* Perl module authors can adapt in time to the forthcoming mod_perl 2.X release by making use of the recently added -D APACHE24 option. No new Apache-Test releases since 2014-12. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since 2014-12. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since 2014-12. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 No new Apache-Reload releases since 2014-12. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since 2014-12. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and fixes are applied with due consideration for our production userbase. Work on the httpd-2.4 branch has come to a standstill, as all work on that branch completed and was merged into the trunk. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, except for the ocasional obscure bug report, or general user questions. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
No report was submitted.
@Sam: Is anyone on the PMC looking at the reminders?
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since 2014-07 --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. The work to support the 2.4 branch has finally been fully merged back on trunk, with the remaining few little issues mostly ironed out. 2 PMC members have already volunteered to be release managers for the next release. With the holiday period coming fast, I expect to see the first RCs coming out in early January. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since 2014-07. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since 2014-07. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since 2014-07. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 No new Apache-Reload releases since 2014-07. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12th, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since 2014-07. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. Work on the httpd-2.4 branch has come to a standstill, as all work on that branch completed and was merged into the trunk. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing little activity, except for the occasional obscure bug report, or general user questions. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
No report was submitted.
@Jim: pursue a report for Perl
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since 2014-02 --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since 2014-02. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on Apr 02, 2012 No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since 2014-02. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on Jul 13, 2009 No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since 2014-02. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 No new Apache-Reload releases since 2014-02. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since 2014-02. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. Work on the http-2.4 branch is ongoing and we are getting closer to being able to merge it to trunk and make an official release supporting httpd 2.4 Support for windows used to be difficult, having lost our main Windows developer. However, recently, there as been more external contributions to our Windows support, so it's looking better. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing steady activity, with a growing interest in seeing the httpd-2.4 work complete. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
No report was submitted.
No report was submitted.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012 No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. Work on the http-2.4 branch is ongoing and we are getting closer to being able to merge it to trunk and make an official release supporting httpd 2.4 -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing steady activity, with a growing interest in seeing the httpd-2.4 work complete. Patches and bug reports are few, but keep on coming. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012 No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The httpd-2.4 branch has generated more activity recently, with more users reporting a desire to have mod_perl for it. mod_perl 2.0.8 was released on April 17th 2013 -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. More patches for httpd-2.4 are making their way into trunk.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012 No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.12 was released on June 12nd, 2013 No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The httpd-2.4 branch has generated more activity recently, with more users reporting a desire to have mod_perl for it. mod_perl 2.0.8 was released on April 17th 2013 -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. More patches for httpd-2.4 are making their way into trunk. Also, more patches to keep supporting newer Perls have landed. -- PMC -- This report was late being submitted, apologies to the board for the tardiness..
No report was submitted.
No report was received.
No report was submitted.
AI: Shane to pursue a report for Perl
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012 No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The httpd-2.4 branch has generated more activity recently, with more users reporting a desire to have mod_perl for it. mod_perl 2.0.8 was released on April 17th 2013 -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. More patches for httpd-2.4 are making their way into trunk. Also, more patches to keep supporting newer Perls have landed. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
No report was submitted.
AI: Doug to pursue a report for Perl
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012 No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. The httpd-2.4 branch has generated more activity recently, with more users reporting a desire to have mod_perl for it. A mod_perl 2.0.8 release is starting to get planned. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. More patches for httpd-2.4 are making their way into trunk. Also, more patches to keep supporting newer Perls have landed. -- PMC -- Jan Kaluza was granted committer access. He is an active Fedora contributor and has submitted many patches for httpd-2.4 support.
No report was submitted.
AI: Jim follow up with Perl PMC to see if this project is still viable.
No report was submitted.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012 No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. Patches from the httpd-2.4 branch have started being applied to trunk. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.38 was released on August 6th, 2012 No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on April 2nd, 2012 --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production user base. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. Discussion on full support for httpd-2.4 is underway. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
No report was submitted.
will report next month
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. mod_perl 2.0.6 was released on April 24, 2012. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.97 was released on April 2nd, 2012 --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.12 was released on March 31st, 2012 -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. Discussion on full support for httpd-2.4 is underway. -- PMC -- Steve Hay was invited to join the mod_perl PMC. A vote was taken in late February and 4 +1 votes were recorded. The VP omitted to send the Board notice of this at the time. The notice has now been sent and we are currently awaiting approval from the Board to finalize this.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. A mod_perl 2.0.6 release candidate has been rolled, with the final 2.0.6 release expected soon. Work to fully support httpd-2.4 is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.37 was released: 29 Jan 2012 --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.96 was released: 21 Dec 2011 --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is seeing an increase in activity, with a few bug reports and user questions. Nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. work to fully support httpd-2.4 has been started and is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.11 was released: 7 Oct 2011 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is quiet, with a few bug reports and user questions. Nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. trunk is now compatible with the new Perl 5.14 --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. trunk is now compatible with the new Perl 5.14 work to fully support httpd-2.4 has been started and is moving along. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is quiet, with a few bug reports and user questions. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- The PMC has discussed the release process and would like to modify the release process. This, however, would be against existing release rules at the ASF. We have discussed a possible motion for the board to create an exception for some of the perl subprojects. Currently, a mod_perl-2.x release is made up of mod_perl itself, Apache-Test, Apache-Reload, Apache-SizeLimit and Apache-DBI. The PMC stil feels that these sub-modules need to be bundled as part of the mod_perl release, to provide users with a useful, self-contained package. However, since each of these sub-modules is a project in itself, releasing each of them requires a vote. So, for a typical release, the release manager has to create distributions for 4 modules, and get these voted on _before_ the mod_perl release itself can even start. In the past, this was not a big issue with a lot of active developers, but nowadays, these votes are much slower in coming around. Instead, what we are suggesting is to allow us to keep each sub-module separate in source-control, but treat a +1 vote on the assembled mod_perl release (including all modules) to effectively imply a +1 vote on release each of the sub-modules as well. The current proposed text of such an exception is: 'The mod_perl PMC petitions the ASF board to exempt the Apache::Sizelimit, Apache::Reload, Apache::DBI, and Apache::Reload modules to skip over the normal release rules governing ASF project releases and be released directly to CPAN. With the large number of sub-projects the mod_perl project has spawned, the number of votes to do a major mod_perl release can reach 12, which is 4x as much as some other ASF projects. Apache::Test continues to have participation from httpd core members, and as such is consistently able to get enough votes for releases, and does not need this exemption.' The PMC would like the board's opinion on this issue and help getting this issue resolved.
The exception to the approved voting process doesn't appear to be needed. A single vote covering the release of multiple related perl modules should suffice. If there are any questions, please discuss on board@.
AI Greg: follow up with the Perl PMC.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. Discussions have started on an end-of-life for the 1.0 branch. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the last report -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened since the last report
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. mod_perl 2.0.5 was released: 7 Feb 2011 This was the first release in a while, and was long overdue. The next release should happen much sooner, even if it includes a smaller number of changes. This release was managed expertly by Fred Moyer, his first turn as release manager for this project. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.36 was released : 2 Feb 2011 Apache-Test 1.35 was released : 22 Jan 2011 Apache-Test 1.34 was released : 18 Dec 2010 --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.95 was released : 19 Jan 2011 --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.10 was released : 2 Feb 2011 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- The PMC succesfully dedicated the 2.0.5 release to the memory of Randy Kobes.
Noirin: Three cheers for Fred!
Since httpd 1.3.x has been officially retired it's probably time to do the same with mod_perl 1.x.
Action item Philip: follow up on dev@
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report; however, work is progressing towards a 2.0.5 release in Q4 2010 after all dual-lifed modules have been released. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.31 was released : 14 Sep 2010 --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.93 was released : 02 Oct 2010 --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.11 was released : 21 Aug 2010 -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.09 was released : 11 Nov 2010 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened during this quarter.
Concerns about the name of the project on the web site.
AI: Noirin discuss trademark guidelines with the project.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report; however, work is progressing towards a 2.0.5 release in Q4 2010 after all dual lifed modules have been released. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Apache-SizeLimit 0.92 is pending release, RCs are being tested at the moment. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Apache-Reload 0.11 is pending release, RCs are being tested at the moment. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. No new Apache-DBI releases since the latest report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened during this quarter.
The apparent lack of activity and lack of change of committers and PMC members raised as a concern. The consensus is that there are several items that each PMC should report on to the board. Action item to work on a standard template for board reports was taken by Shane.
Approved by general consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.32 was released 15 Apr 2010 --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.08 was released 03 Feb 2010. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- The PMC voted for the inclusion of Torsten Foertsch in the Perl PMC. He gracefully accepted the invitation on April 8th, 2010.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.31 is pending release, RCs are being tested at the moment. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Apache-DBI -- Apache-DBI is a popular component in many mod_perl deployments. It is used to provide transparent database connection pooling to clients using DBI. Apache-DBI 1.08 was released 03 Feb 2010. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened during this quarter.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Geoffrey Young to the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Geoffrey Young from the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Perl-Apache project has chosen by vote to recommend Philippe Chiasson as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Geoffrey Young is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Philippe Chiasson be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7I, Change the Perl-Apache Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the eight directors present.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. No new Apache-Bootstrap releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- Geoffrey Young officially decided to step down as PMC chair. On November 6, 2009 a resolution was sent to the Board to certify Philippe M. Chiasson as the new chair. Geoffrey Young has been PMC chair since January 19, 2005. The PMC has recognized his great work and extends him many thanks for a job very well done.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.07 was released on July 13, 2009. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No noteworthy PMC events happened during this quarter.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. mod_perl 1.31 was released 12 May 2009. This release addresses several minor platform-specific issues, as well as CVE-2009-0796. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. It encapsulates code developed over the years by mod_perl developers to make maintaining Apache::* and Apache2::* modules in the same distribution easy. Apache-Bootstrap 0.06 was released on March 30, 2009. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- The honourable Adam Prime was added to the PMC on April 4, 2009. Additionally, there was a brief flurry of activity surrounding CVE-2009-0796. No other noteworthy events happened during this quarter.
--- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Bootstrap -- Apache-Bootstrap is a framework to make it easier to build perl module distributions for different mod_perl versions. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- Adam Prime was given commit karma to the documentation repository. No other noteworthy events happened during this quarter.
Greg inquired when were the last releases of each (sub)project? How much activity is occurring here? No action taken.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in years past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- No news of interest to report.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. No new Apache-Reload releases since the last report. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be a healthy development community, though as a mature and stable product development moves at a naturally slower pace than in year past. Bugs are found and discussed and applied with due consideration for our production userbase. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- Torsten Foertsch was granted commit karma this past quarter and has begun to inject additional life into mod_perl development.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. 2.0.4 - April 16, 2008 --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. This quarter marks the first release of Apache-Reload since we imported the codebase. 0.10 - February 25, 2008 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- We're in the process of a formal vote on granting commit karma to a new developer. Expect an update next quarter.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. We are currently working through a release candidate which addresses changes in perl 5.10 that cause some bit of trouble with the most recent mod_perl 2.0 release. We expect a release soon. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Apache-Test 1.30 was released 26 Nov 2007. 1.30 contained a small number of new features and bug fixes. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. We have not yet released Apache-Reload. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- there was a brief discussion over whether mod_perl properly marked the proper incoming data fields (it probably does not) and whether this behavior warrants a CVE report. the conclusion was that while mod_perl may have a bug, it's not mod_perl proper that contains a security vulnerability - the offending code (if there were any) would be written by a user. our BIS notice was sent Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:27:10 -0400 (see the perl 200511 board report). the source to page http://www.apache.org/licenses/exports/ was modified to add the binary files our project is exporting.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. We have not yet released Apache-Reload. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- as a recent email required, we have added links to asf foundation, sponsorship, and thanks to our main page at http://perl.apache.org/
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report. --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. We have not yet released Apache-Reload. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- the PMC tossed around the idea of adding a new committer to the project, but decided to wait just a bit longer and work with him so he understands a bit more about how the project moves and what committership means. there has also been some conversation with Allison Randal about the upcoming mod_perl 2.0 book to be published by Onyx Neon. she had questions regarding licensing the mod_perl 2.0 documentation and giving back editorial changes to the online documentation. Cliff Schmidt was included in the conversation but remained silent, but as far as I can tell everything Allison is doing seems to be in line with the ASF license (and she's more aware of what the license means than I am) so, short of official ASF legal counsel guidance, I think she's fine to, in essence, put in hard-copy the documentation anyone can find online.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. It was an exciting quarter for mod_perl 1.x, as the first and only official security vulnerability for mod_perl was reported. http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-1349 The mod_perl 1.x svn repository was patched within hours of the initial report, with a full release available in under a week. All in all, things were handled very well, and the initial impressions of the severity of the vulnerability turned out to be far beyond the actual severity once things were properly analyzed. Recent releases: 1.30 - March 29, 2007 --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. No new Apache-Test releases since the last report. --- Apache-SizeLimit -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes based on various environmental triggers. Recent releases: 0.91 - March 29, 2007 --- Apache-Reload -- Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter without completely restarting httpd. Matt Sergeant completed the Inucbator software grant process as best we could all understand it, and Apache-Reload was imported into ASF repositories on April 23, 2007. We have not yet released Apache-Reload. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- the PMC invited long-time developer Steve Hay to join the project as a full committer. Steve accepted and was granted full karma to all mod_perl repositories at the ASF.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Recent releases: 2.0.3 - November 28, 2006 --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Recent releases: 1.29 - November 28, 2006 --- Apache-SizeLimt -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. no new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. we are in the process of absorbing the popular Apache::Reload module into our project - Matt Sergeant (the current owner) would like us to take over maintenance of the module, and the PMC has agreed. we will be working through the Incubator process soon and expect to have the issue resolved before our next quarterly report. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- the PMC invited long-time developer Steven Hay to join the project as a full committer. quite oddly, he seemed to drop off the internet after our invitation, with neither an accept or decline response.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. no new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. no new Apache-Test releases since the last report --- Apache-SizeLimt -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. no new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. as of this report, we are in the middle of a release cycle, so all subprojects should have new releases by the next report. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- Fred Moyer joined the ranks as full committer to all the mod_perl source repositories. as always, it's nice to grow our community with good, talented people.
Justin asked if Fred was added to the PMC or just granted commit. He will follow up.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. no new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. no new Apache-Test releases since the last report --- Apache-SizeLimt -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. historically, the project maintained separate versions for mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0, each of which was distributed as part of the bundle of mod_perl core software. this quarter saw Apache-SizeLimit spun off into its own repository and marked its first release as an independent distribution. o Apache-SizeLimt 0.90 - July 17, 2006 our hope is that development of Apache-SizeLimit will continue beyond the initial flurry of activity surrounding this release, eventually merging the separate 1.0 and 2.0 codebases into a single distribution. -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- the pmc invited three new committers to join various areas of the project this quarter o Frank Wiles (docs) o Fred Moyer (docs) o Dave Rolsky (Apache-SizeLimit)
Approved by General Consent
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. no new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Recent releases: 1.28 - February 22, 2006 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- no interesting pmc activities this quarter, though it seems talk surrounding our crypto export status is popping up again. I really wish we had more legal direction here.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. no new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. no new Apache-Test releases since the last report -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- on the PMC front we added a new committer this past quarter, Joe Orton, who is no stranger to the mod_perl or httpd projects and who fits in nicely with our little corner of the ASF. also of note was that Philip Gollucci, a mod_perl and apreq committer, was nominated (and accepted) into the membership of the ASF. in turn, Philip was also added to the perl PMC. Perrin Harkins was able to provide a brief overview of the mod_perl 2.0 release for inclusion in the January 12, 2006 ASF press release. well done, everyone. finally, on a sad note, committer Slava Bizyayev passed away in January. Slava had commit access only to the documentation portion of the mod_perl project, but we deeply regret his passing.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Recent releases: 2.0.2 - October 20, 2005 --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Recent releases: 1.27 - October 20, 2005 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- it was brought to our attention that the perl pmc had been distributing binary packages that included mod_ssl. apparently this was an issue due to cryptography export concerns, primarily because we had not filed the appropriate notification to the appropriate US agencies. as a result of working with cliff schmidt, bill rowe, and others, the following notification was sent From - Sat Nov 12 14:03:24 2005 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 Message-ID: <4362434E.1030303@modperlcookbook.org> Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:27:10 -0400 From: Geoffrey Young <geoff@modperlcookbook.org> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040927 X-Accept-Language: en-us, en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: crypt@bis.doc.gov, enc@nsa.gov, web_site@bis.doc.gov CC: pmc@perl.apache.org, legal-internal@apache.org Subject: TSU NOTIFICATION - Encryption X-Enigmail-Version: X-Enigmail-Supports: pgp-inline, pgp-mime Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit SUBMISSION TYPE: TSU SUBMITTED BY: Geoffrey Young SUBMITTED FOR: Apache Software Foundation POINT OF CONTACT: Geoffrey Young PHONE and/or FAX: 610.876.3338 MANUFACTURER: OpenSSL Project PRODUCT NAME/MODEL #: Perl-5.8-win32-bin-0.10.exe ECCN: 5D002 NOTIFICATION: http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.7g.tar.gz the binaries are now, once again, available for download through several different download urls originating from apache.org, including http://perl.apache.org/dist/win32-bin/ since we believe our obligations have been met.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. mod_perl 1.0 was migrated to subversion on May 23, 2005 thanks to the efforts of Philippe Chiasson and the Infrastructure team. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- May 20, 2005 marked the official release of mod_perl 2.0. Recent releases: 2.0.1 - June 17, 2005 2.0.0 - May 20, 2005 mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Recent releases: 1.25 - June 17, 2005 1.24 - May 20, 2005 -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community. We added a new committer this quarter - Philip Gollucci - who has shown strong dedication to mod_perl, and other related projects such as httpd-apreq, as well as the ability to integrate seamlessly with our development process. Other than that, bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. The release of 2.0.0 was greatly anticipated but seems to have affected our userbase only minimally - most httpd 2.0 users had migrated their codebase using pre-releases and worked out the kinks beforehand. In general, users continue to associate mod_perl with quality, robust code, and are simply pleased to have a 2.0.0 release to show to their employers. On an interesting note, the ASF's incoming mail service is being handled by mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Qpsmtpd. Prior to switching to mod_perl 2.0 the services were handled usign qpsmtpd-forkserver and were running continuous load averages > 70, with processes hanging and segfaulting, resulting in service delays and outages. Using mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Qpsmptd the load averages are closer to 0.7, the mail service is no longer lagging, and everyone seems happy with the change. All of us over in mod_perl land are just happy to be doing our part to support the ASF. -- PMC -- Philip Gollucci was added as a committer on July 14, 2005, further expanding the number of active developers committed to mod_perl's future.
It was noted that Infrastructure is using Apache::Qpsmtpd which has been very successful. Jim mentioned that the "lessons learned" were being folded into the Google SoC SMTP protocol module effort.
Approved by General Consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. mod_perl 1.0 is currently on CVS. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x and 2.1.x Recent releases: 1.999_22 - April 14, 2005 (RC5) 1.999_23 - May 4, 2005 (RC6) --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications. Recent releases: 1.21 - March 23, 2005 1.22 - April 14, 2005 1.23 - May 4, 2005 -- Development -- Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache-Test is moving at a healthy pace. Two mod_perl 2.0 release candidates (RC5 and RC6) were released during this quarter, bringing us ever closer to an official 2.0 designation. RC5 was an especially important milestone, as it included the implementation of namespace issues that were the subject of heated discussions last quarter. Due to outstanding development, documentation, and mailing list efforts the migration to the new namespace went off with very little user-land confusion or complaints - far less than I think any of the active developers anticipated. Development is, once again, moving forward, proving that mod_perl is an extremely healthy and uncommonly resilient community within the ASF. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. As mentioned in the Development section, the major issue facing our userbase this quarter seems to have been met with little confusion or complaints. Most users who have adopted the namespace-changing release (RC5) have reported minimal development efforts required to upgrade, and have been very helpful to the rest of the user community. -- PMC -- no new pmc activity of note.
Apache Perl Project report approved as submitted by general consent.
-- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. mod_perl 1.0 is currently on CVS. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x and 2.1.x Recent releases: 1.99_18 - December 12, 2004 (RC1) 1.99_19 - December 23, 2004 (RC2) 1.999_20 - January 5, 2005 (RC3) several mod_perl repositories, including modperl-2.0 and modperl-docs were converted from CVS to SVN during and immediately following ApacheCon. --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications. Recent releases: 1.16 - November 9, 2004 1.17 - December 11, 2004 1.18 - December 23, 2004 1.19 - January 5, 2005 httpd-test, the parent repository for Apache-Test, was also was converted from CVS to SVN this quarter. The httpd and perl pmcs jointly decided to move control of the Apache-Test codebase back under control of the perl pmc, leaving the other parts of httpd-test (flood, specweb, and the perl-framework) remain with the httpd pmc. Apache-Test was migrated to its new home, https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/perl/Apache-Test on February 8, 2005. additionally, two new mailing lists were created - test-dev@perl.apache.org and test-commits@perl.apache.org - and a request was made to marc.theaimsgroup.com to begin archiving these lists. -- Development -- Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache-Test is moving at a healthy pace. Official mod_perl 2.0 release candidates (RC1, RC2, and RC3) were released during late December and early January. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. Both the user (modperl@perl.apache.org) and development (dev@perl.apache.org) mailing lists got a little heated in late December and early January over a specific behavioral aspect of mod_perl 2.0. in an attempt to settle the community down, the mod_perl PMC prepared a written statement explaining our commitment to mod_perl users and promising a well vetted resolution. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-modperl&m=110494451222003&w=2 -- PMC -- Doug MacEachern officially decided to step down as PMC chair. On December 17, 2004 a resoltion was sent to the Board to certify Geoffrey Young as the new chair, which was approved on January 19, 2005. it is impossible to fully recognize the value of the contributions Doug made to mod_perl over the years - thanks Doug! Additionally, Joe Schaefer was voted in as a new PMC member on January 3, 2005, and Stas Bekman resigned from the PMC on January 11, 2005.
Apache Perl Project report approved as submitted by general consent.
WHEREAS, the membership of the Perl-Apache Project Management Committee (PMC) have appointed Geoffrey Young to serve as chairman of the Perl-Apache PMC; and WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Perl-Apache PMC, Doug MacEachern, has stepped down from his position as Vice President, Perl-Apache, in favor of Geoffrey Young's appointment to that position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Geoffrey Young be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order B, a Resolution to Change the Chair of the Apache Perl Project, was passed by Unanimous Vote.
-- Releases -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x. Recent releases: 1.99_14 - May 21, 2004 --- Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications. Recent releases: 1.12 - June 28, 2004 1.11 - May 21, 2004 -- Development -- Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy pace. Now working on polishing the API so we can get ready for the 2.0 release hopefully somewhere in summer. -- Users -- As always the mod_perl users list is thriving. Though usage is declining a bit recently, with 1.5M or 4.8M sites depending on which survey you look at. the advocacy list was revived and a few folks are putting together a mod_perl advocacy efforts plan.
Approved by General Consent.
-- Releases -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x. Recent releases: 1.99_13 - Mar 08, 2004 --- Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications. Recent releases: 1.10 - April 18, 2004 1.09 - March 8, 2004 1.08 - February 24, 2004 -- Development -- Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy pace. Now working on polishing the API so we can get ready for the 2.0 release hopefully somewhere in summer. -- Users -- As always the mod_perl users list is thriving. Though usage is declining a bit recently, with 1.5M or 4.8M sites depending on which survey you look at.
-- Releases -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x. Recent releases: 1.99_13 - Mar 08, 2004 --- Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications. Recent releases: 1.10 - April 18, 2004 1.09 - March 8, 2004 1.08 - February 24, 2004 -- Development -- Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy pace. Now working on polishing the API so we can get ready for the 2.0 release hopefully somewhere in summer. -- Users -- As always the mod_perl users list is thriving. Though usage is declining a bit recently, with 1.5M or 4.8M sites depending on which survey you look at.
Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.
-- Releases -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x. mod_perl-1.99_11 was released on Nov 10, 2003 and mod_perl-1.99_12 on Dec 22, 2003 --- Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications. Apache::Test 1.06 was released on Nov 10, 2003, and 1.07 was released on Dec 22, 2003. -- Development -- Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy pace. The collaboration with Perl developers, much needed since mod_perl is quite tied to Perl's internals, has been excellent. -- Users -- As always the mod_perl user list is thriving. Usage is growing steadily, with 1.5M or 4.7M sites depending on which survey you look at.
Approved via General Consent.
WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Perl Project Management Committee (PMC) have recommended Eric Cholet to serve as chairman of the Apache Perl PMC; and WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache Perl PMC, Doug MacEachern, has stepped down from his position as Vice President, Apache Perl, in favor of Eric Cholet's appointment to that position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Eric Cholet be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Perl, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Discussion: has Eric Cholet been asked if he would accept this appointment? Motion to table until Eric is consulted, approved.
RESOLVED, that the Perl-Apache project shall hereafter be referred to as the Apache Perl project, in order to be consistent with other Apache projects, and the Apache Perl PMC shall initially be composed of the current composition of the Perl-Apache PMC. Motion to defer until clarity around item C is achieved, approved.
From: Stas Bekman <stas@stason.org> Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 16:25:09 -0800 * Releases mod_perl 1.29 was released on October 13. It is a security release that patches around a security issue introduced by the recently released Perl 5.8.1. The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. mod_perl-1.99_10 was released on September 29 with a great deal of new features and bug fixes. The committers believe that this release is one of the last milestones before the long awaited 2.0 release. The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x. Apache::Test 1.04 was released on September 29, and 1.05 was released on October 24. Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications. * Development Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy pace. The collaboration with Perl developers, much needed since mod_perl is quite tied to Perl's internals, has been excellent. mod_perl developers have expressed the wish that their relationship with httpd-dev evolve in the same direction. * Users As always the mod_perl user list is thriving. Usage is growing steadily, with 1.6M or 4.7M sites depending on which survey you look at. * PMC Philippe Chiasson was unanimously voted in as a new PMC member on October 14.
There was some discussion on whether the board should revisit the PMC chair change. The general agreement was that we should wait to hear from Eric first.
Reported accepted by general consent.
No report was received. This sparked discussion regarding the current status of the Apache Perl Project. Greg was to contact Doug regarding the project's status and Doug's present involvement with the project.
* mod_perl-1.99_09 has been released * Apache::Test, the library portion of the httpd-test perl-framework has been released to CPAN. * New committers: - Philippe M. Chiasson - Randy Kobes * the number of support questions related to the 2.0 version continue to grow at a steady rate along with reports of using it in production. Some reports suggest a much better performance thatn mod_perl 1.0. * The mod_perl-1.0 generation (mod_perl-1.27) just works. No problems reported.
No report.
perl status report: all good. for details, see previous report, not much has changed since.
Roy presented a resolution to incorporate the mod_perl project as a formal ASF project. The following resolution was approved by unanimous consent. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Corporation and consistent with the Corporation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the Perl computer language for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee, to be known as the "Perl-Apache Project Management Committee", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Corporation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Perl-Apache Project Management Committee be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of Perl software based on software licensed to the Corporation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Perl-Apache" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chairman of the Perl-Apache Project Management Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Perl-Apache Project Management Committee; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Perl-Apache Project Management Committee. Doug MacEachern Stas Bekman Eric Cholet Ask Bjoern Hansen NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Doug MacEachern be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Perl-Apache, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Corporation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Perl-Apache Project Management Committee be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the Perl-Apache Project.