This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache River project has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the Attic; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache River project due to inactivity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache River project is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight over the software developed by the Apache River Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache River" is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache River PMC is hereby terminated. Special Order 7C, Terminate the Apache River Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: Apache River creates and maintains software related to the Jini service-oriented architecture. ## Issues: The PMC has voted unanimously to move Apache River to the Attic. A resolution for terminating the project is in item 7C. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2010-12-31 (11 years ago) There are currently 12 committers and 4 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dennis Reedy on 2021-04-30. - No new committers. Last additions were Jeremy R. Easton-Marks, Michael Sobolewski, and Norman Kabir (all added in May 2021). ## Project Activity: Past releases: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## Community Health: The project has decided to move to the Attic due to no activity for the past nine months and expected changes to the Java platform that would require extensive rewrites for any future release.
## Description: Apache River creates and maintains software related to the Jini service-oriented architecture. ## Issues: There are no new issues requiring board attention. Roy will continue as chair pro tem until the PMC nominates a new chair. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2010-12-31 (11 years ago) There are currently 12 committers and 4 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dennis Reedy on 2021-04-30. - No new committers. Last additions were Jeremy R. Easton-Marks, Michael Sobolewski, and Norman Kabir (all added in May 2021). ## Project Activity: Past releases: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## Community Health: There has been no activity whatsoever this quarter. I think, at this point, we have to accept that River is unable to sustain further development at Apache, and would be better off in Attic. I will restart that discussion again this month.
## Description: Apache River creates and maintains software related to the Jini service-oriented architecture. ## Issues: There are no new issues requiring board attention. Roy will continue as chair pro tem until the PMC nominates a new chair. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2010-12-31 (11 years ago) There are currently 12 committers and 4 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 3:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dennis Reedy on 2021-04-30. - Jeremy R. Easton-Marks was added as committer on 2021-05-13 - Michael Sobolewski was added as committer on 2021-05-17 - Norman Kabir was added as committer on 2021-05-17 ## Project Activity: Past releases: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## Community Health: There has been no significant activity this month, but there are enough people present to make a release if there is any demand.
## Description: Apache River creates and maintains software related to the Jini service-oriented architecture. ## Issues: There are no new issues requiring board attention. Roy will continue as chair pro tem until the PMC nominates a new chair. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2011-01-18 (10 years ago) There are currently 11 committers and 4 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Dennis Reedy was added to the PMC on 2021-04-30 - Roy T. Fielding was added to the PMC on 2021-04-30 - Roy T. Fielding was added as committer on 2021-05-01 - Jeremy R. Easton-Marks was added as committer on 2021-05-13 - Michael Sobolewski was added as committer on 2021-05-17 - Norman Kabir was added as committer on 2021-05-17 - Phillip Rhodes was added as committer on 2021-05-10 - Patricia Shanahan (PMC and former chair) passed away on July 6th https://www.apache.org/memorials/patricia_shanahan.html ## Project Activity: Past releases: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## Community Health: We are still in the awkward start-of-the-dance phase with an empty dance floor. It's starting to feel like middle-school during the summer. There has been no activity this month, and we should not expect much for the current month while the project mourns one of its own.
## Description: Apache River creates and maintains software related to the Jini service-oriented architecture. ## Issues: There are no new issues requiring board attention. Roy will continue as chair pro tem until the PMC nominates a new chair. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2011-01-18 (10 years ago). There are currently 12 committers and 5 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 2:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Dennis Reedy was added to the PMC on 2021-04-30 - Roy T. Fielding was added to the PMC on 2021-04-30 - Roy T. Fielding was added as committer on 2021-05-01 - Jeremy R. Easton-Marks was added as committer on 2021-05-13 - Michael Sobolewski was added as committer on 2021-05-17 - Norman Kabir was added as committer on 2021-05-17 - Phillip Rhodes was added as committer on 2021-05-10 ## Project Activity: The project reboot is complete but there has been very little activity other than migration of the website to Pelican (thanks to Dave Fisher). ## Community Health: We are still in the awkward start-of-the-dance phase with an empty dance floor. But at least we have people inside the hall.
## Description: Apache River creates and maintains software related to the Jini service-oriented architecture. ## Issues: There are no new issues requiring board attention. Roy will continue as chair pro tem until the PMC nominates a new chair. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2011-01-18 (10 years ago). There are currently 9 committers and 5 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 9:5. Community changes, past quarter: - The old PMC, consisting mostly of pre-Apache contributors and mentors from the incubator podling, has been replaced with the active committers willing to continue oversight. - Patricia Shanahan, Bryan Thompson, and Dan Rollo continue as PMC members. - Roy T. Fielding was added to the PMC during the April board meeting. - Dennis Reedy was added to the PMC on 2021-04-30 - Phillip Rhodes, Jeremy R. Easton-Marks, Norman Kabir, and Michael Sobolewski were added as committers on 2021-05-10 ## Project Activity: Activity is waiting upon the project reboot being complete, which should be within the next week (before the board meeting). - River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. - river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. - river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## Community Health: Nothing to report on this month, but it should be the highlight of next month's report.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Peter Firmstone (peter_firmstone) to the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Peter Firmstone from the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache River project is currently being reformed, for which a temporary chair is necessary until the PMC can vote on its own, and WHEREAS, Roy T. Fielding (fielding) has volunteered to be chair pro-tem; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Peter Firmstone is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache River, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Roy T. Fielding be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache River, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7I, Change the Apache River Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
No report was submitted.
Peter Firmstone has resigned as chair and PMC member. Roy has initiated a formal roll call of the PMC and explained the process on the dev list. The roll call revealed only 2 active PMC members. A call for volunteers has begun on the dev list [1] and there appears to be a sufficient number of volunteers to revive the PMC. [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rea5d032849f3953f5113e59df57d79433d0473d050e9366f0e366735%40%3Cdev.river.apache.org%3E Now we just need to follow-up on the list and prepare a resolution for next month.
No report was submitted.
The River project typically operates in maintenance mode, however there is an ongoing long term undertaking to make River's monolithic codebase modular. The project has voted to move from SVN to Git. The modules branch will become the trunk branch after the next release. This modular build has been a significant undertaking, hence the long time since the project's last release. ## Description: The mission of River is the creation and maintenance of software related to Jini service oriented architecture ## Issues: No issues warranting attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2011-01-19 (10 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 12 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-12-01. - No new committers. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-11-02. - Recently we have received new contributions and we are likely to see new additions in the near future. ## Project Activity: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## Community Health: dev@river.apache.org had a 75% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (24 emails compared to 96) Busiest email threads: dev@river.apache.org[VOTE]: make trunk an unstable development branch.(8 emails) dev@river.apache.orgExample Gradle Buuild(4 emails) dev@river.apache.orgAugust Board Report [DRAFT](3 emails) dev@river.apache.orgYour project website(2 emails) dev@river.apache.orgWhyjtreg(2 emails) dev@river.apache.orgGit repository(2 emails) dev@river.apache.orgSerialization and serial form(1 emails) dev@river.apache.orgJava Deserialization CVE's(1 emails) dev@river.apache.orgProblems starting Infra services with new build(1 emails)
As per the boards request we discussed the Attic and there was strong support for continuing the River project, despite activity being relatively quiet, it does appear that the board was not aware of our commit history due to the project's use of svn and a stable trunk branch. Development is currently performed in the modules branch, which doesn't appear on github or show up in commit statistics. Since the boards request to consider the attic, the project team has voted to change from svn to git, however due to the number of branches and separate components, we are still trying to figure out how to execute the change. Additionally the project has also voted to change the modular build from Maven to Gradle. The River project typically operates in maintenance mode, however there is an ongoing long term undertaking to make River's monolithic codebase modular. The modules branch will become the stable trunk branch after the next release, this modular build has been a significant undertaking, hence the long time since the project's last release. ##Commit statistics (from commits@river.apache.org): July 2020 64 commits May 2020 12 commits Sept 2019 1 commit Aug 2019 32 commits June 2019 8 commits May 2019 71 commits Dec 2018 3 commits Nov 2018 2 commits May 2018 3 commits Apr 2018 2 commits Mar 2018 8 commits Feb 2018 48 commits ## Description: The mission of River is the creation and maintenance of software related to Jini service oriented architecture ## Issues: No issues warranting attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache River was founded 2011-01-19 (10 years ago) There are currently 16 committers and 12 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-12-01. - No new committers. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-11-02. - Recently we have received new contributions and we are likely to see new additions in the near future. ## Project Activity: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## Community Health: dev@river.apache.org had a 1516% increase in traffic in the past quarter (97 emails compared to 6): 2 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (200% increase) ## Busiest email threads: * dev@river.apache.org/Board feedback - Request discuss attic for River/(17 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Maven build/(14 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Example Gradle Buuild/(11 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Vote: Change from subversion to git/(7 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Workaround for JDK 14.0.1 and TLS: -Djdk.tls.server.enableSessionTicketExtension=false/(6 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Gradle Build [PREVIOUSLY] Re: Board feedback - Request discuss attic for River/(5 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Further update regarding firewall and NAT issues in River/(4 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/svn commit: r1879695 - in /river/jtsk/modules/modularize/apache-river: ./ browser/ dist/ extra/ phoenix-activation/phoenix-common/ phoenix-activation/phoenix-dl/ phoenix-activation/phoenix-group/ phoenix-activation/phoenix/ phoenix-activation/phoenix/s.../(4 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Proxy identity behaves unexpectedly for secure services./(3 emails) * dev@river.apache.org/Draft Report River - May 2020/(3 emails) ## Busiest JIRA tickets: * RIVER-471 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RIVER-471>/Untangle circular links between modules/(0 comments) * RIVER-472 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RIVER-472>/Gradle build/(0 comments)
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work on the modular build structure has commenced. The current monolithic build is complex, with it's own build tool classdepandjar, it adds complexity for new developers. In recent months I have had work commitments that have limited my ability to integrate the modular build. The other committers are waiting for the modular build and I have done a lot of work on this locally, this work has been a significant undertaking integrating the works of Dennis Reedy, Dan Rollo and myself. This is also a mature codebase, having been in development since the late 1990's. - The monolithic code has been svn moved into modules into an initial maven build structure, next step is to move junit tests to each module. - Until the monolithic build has been broken up into maven modules, we are likely to have difficulty attracting new contributors due to the appearance of complexity. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of today's internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current distinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cypher's. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## Project Composition: There are currently 16 committers and 12 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3. ## Community changes, past quarter: No new PMC members. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-12-01. No new committers. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-11-02. ## Project Release Activity: - Recent releases: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10.
@Niclas: follow up with River on reports
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work on the modular build structure has commenced. The current monolithic build is complex, with it's own build tool classdepandjar, it adds complexity for new developers. In recent months I have had work committments that have limited my ability to integrate the modular build. The other committers are waiting for the modular build and I have done a lot of work on this locally, this work has been a significant undertaking integrating the works of Dennis Reedy, Dan Rollo and myself. This is also a mature codebase, having been in development since the late 1990's. - The monolithic code has been svn moved into modules into an initial maven build structure, next step is to move junit tests to each module. - Until the monolithic build has been broken up into maven modules, we are likely to have difficulty attracting new contributors due to the appearance of complexity. Release roadmap: - River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) - River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling & safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service. - River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of todays internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current destinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## Project Composition: There are currently 16 committers and 12 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3. ## Community changes, past quarter: No new PMC members. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-12-01. No new committers. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-11-02. ## Project Release Activity: - Recent releases: * River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. * River-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. * River-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10.
No report was submitted.
@Ted: pursue a report for River
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work on the modular build structure has commenced. The current monolithic build is complex, with it's own build tool classdepandjar, it adds complexity for new developers. In recent months I have had work committments that have limited my ability to integrate the modular build. The other committers are waiting for the modular build and I have done a lot of work on this locally, this work has been a significant undertaking integrating the works of Dennis Reedy, Dan Rollo and myself. This is also a mature codebase, having been in development since the late 1990's. - The monolithic code has been svn moved into modules into an initial maven build structure, next step is to move junit tests to each module. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of todays internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current destinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## Project Composition: There are currently 16 committers and 12 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 4:3. ## Community changes, past quarter: No new PMC members. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-12-01. No new committers. Last addition was Dan Rollo on 2017-11-02. ## Project Release Activity: - Recent releases: River-3.0.0 was released on 2016-10-06. river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on 2016-02-21. river-examples-1.0 was released on 2015-08-10. ## JIRA activity: 1 issue opened in JIRA, past quarter (no change) 0 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-100% decrease)
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work on the modular build structure has commenced. The current monolithic build is complex, with it's own build tool classdepandjar, it adds complexity for new developers. In recent months I have had work committments that have limited my ability to integrate the modular build. The other committers are waiting for the modular build and I have done a lot of work on this locally, this work has been a significant undertaking integrating the works of Dennis Reedy, Dan Rollo and myself. This is also a mature codebase, having been in development since the late 1990's. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of todays internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current destinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri Dec 01 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dan Rollo at Thu Nov 02 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was River-3.0.0 on Thu Oct 06 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@river.apache.org: - 90 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 4 emails sent to list (4 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 90 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 1 emails sent to list (1 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
No report was submitted.
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - No significant issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work on the modular build structure has commenced. The current monolithic build is complex, with it's own build tool classdepandjar, it adds complexity for new developers. In recent months I have had work committments that have limited my ability to integrate the modular build. The other committers are waiting for the modular build and I have done a lot of work on this locally, this work has been a significant undertaking integrating the works of Dennis Reedy, Dan Rollo and myself. This is also a mature codebase, having been in development since the late 1990's. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation for Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of todays internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current destinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri Dec 01 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dan Rollo at Thu Nov 02 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was River-3.0.0 on Thu Oct 06 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@river.apache.org: - 90 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 4 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 90 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 1 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
@Roman: purse a roll call for River
No report was submitted.
@Shane: pursue a report for River
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - Answers to board questions: idf: It's been a year since the last committer addition. Are there a new prospects? - Not at present, due to low activity and the complexity of the unique monolithic build system. We are working to resolve this with a Maven modular build structure. rs: given 12 vs 16 members of PMC and committership roster, is there anything preventing the remaining 4 committers to consider joining the PMC? - There are no blockers, I will ask them to join the PMC. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work on the modular build structure has commenced. The current monolithic build is complex, with it's own build tool classdepandjar, it adds complexity for new developers. In recent months I have had work committments that have limited my ability to integrate the modular build. The other committers are waiting for the modular build and I have done a lot of work on this locally, this work has been a significant undertaking integrating the works of Dennis Reedy, Dan Rollo and myself. This is also a mature codebase, having been in development since the late 1990's. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of todays internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current destinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri Dec 01 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dan Rollo at Thu Nov 02 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was River-3.0.0 on Thu Oct 06 2016 ## /dist/ errors: 4 - TODO - Developer certificates expired, investigate solution. I created new certificates, prior to the expiry of my old certificates, should I resign the release artifacts with the new certificates? ## Mailing list activity: - Relatively quiet - dev@river.apache.org: - 89 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 5 emails sent to list (9 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 92 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 1 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
No report was submitted.
@Phil: pursue a report for River
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - No significant issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work modular build structure has commenced, awaiting to be populated with River 3.0 code. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of todays internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current destinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri Dec 01 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dan Rollo at Thu Nov 02 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was River-3.0.0 on Thu Oct 06 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - Relatively quiet. - dev@river.apache.org: - 91 subscribers (down -3 in the last 3 months): - 7 emails sent to list (6 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 92 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 1 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: - No significant issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Minimal activity at present, initial work modular build structure has commenced, awaiting to be populated with River 3.0 code. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service.River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - River is a mature codebase with existing deployments, it was primarily designed for dynamic discovery of services on private networks. IPv4 NAT limitations historically prevented the use of River on public networks, however the use of IPv6 on public networks removes these limitations. Web services evolved with the publish subscribe model of todays internet, River has the potential to dynamically discover services on IPv6 networks, peer to peer, blurring current destinctions between client and server, it has the potential to address many of the security issues currently experienced with IoT and avoid any dependency on the proprietary cloud for "things". - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Secure TLS SocketFactory's for RMI Registry, uses the currently logged in Subject for authentication. The RMI Registry still plays a minor role in service activation, this allows those who still use the Registry to secure it. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri Dec 01 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dan Rollo at Thu Nov 02 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was River-3.0.0 on Thu Oct 06 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - Relatively quiet. - dev@river.apache.org: - 94 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 10 emails sent to list (39 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 92 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 3 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: No significant issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Interest in making Jini specifications programming language agnostic. Release roadmap: River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service. River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - Minimal activity at present on dev. - Some recent commit activity, around modular build. - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only supports IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri 1st December 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. ## Releases: - River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - Relatively quiet . ## JIRA activity: - Activity around making Jini specifications programming language agnostic. - 15 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based (presently at least), to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: No significant issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Interest in making Jini specifications programming language agnostic. Release roadmap: > > River 3.0.1 - thread leak fix > River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) > River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service. > River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - Minimal activity at present on dev. - No recent commit activity, but there are plans for more work in near future. - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only support IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. * Updating the Jini specifications. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - One new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri 1st December 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. ## Releases: - River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - Relatively quiet in comparison to recent months, however this appears as a result of reaching concensus after a period of discussion. ## JIRA activity: - Activity around making Jini specifications programming language agnostic.
## Description: - Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based, to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: No significant issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: Minimal activity at present. - Planned relase map: Release roadmap: > > River 3.0.1 - thread leak fix > River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) > River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling& safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service. > River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - Minimal activity at present on dev. - No recent commit activity, but there are plans for more work in near future. - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only support IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. ## PMC changes: - Currently 12 PMC members. - One new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Dan Rollo on Fri 1st December 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 16 committers. ## Releases: - River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - Relatively quiet in comparison to recent months, however this appears as a result of reaching concensus after a period of discussion. ## JIRA activity: - Nil Activity this period.
No report was submitted.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Patricia Shanahan to the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Patricia Shanahan from the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache River project has chosen by vote to recommend Peter Firmstone as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Patricia Shanahan is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache River, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Peter Firmstone be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache River, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7H, Change the Apache River Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: - Apache River software provides a standards-compliant JINI service. ## Issues: The River PMC seeks advice and guidance from the board on the following issue: River has had difficulty transitioning from a solid platform inherited from Jini into a more modular and active development. Parallel development has occurred outside the project in JGDMS, while trying to find a resolution. At this point, there is an opportunity to bring in that code from parallel development and, hopefully, move forward with a modular build architecture that supports broader participation and better velocity. 1. JGDMS is a fork of River on github. 2. JGDMS has security features, improved IPv6 support and a Maven modular build. 3. There are a couple of developers actively working on JGDMS, one is also an active River PMC member, the second has participated for a long time in River, but isn't a PMC Member or committer at this time, and recently received enough votes to be invited to the PMC. 4. It was a goal of JGDMS to influence River's roadmap and donate the work to River. 5. No code from JGDMS is included in River at this time. 6. The JGDMS fork has features that are aligned with River's roadmap. ## Activity: - We are in the process of voting on a possible PMC member - The main activity has been discussion of the JGDMS issue. - We currently have a River 3.0.1 release candidate under review. ## Health report: - It is difficult to make progress without resolving the JGDMS import issue. - The PMC chair intends to resign effective the September board meeting. This is a routine change - I have been chair for over 3 years, and strongly believe the role should circulate among the PMC members. There is a volunteer for successor. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 15 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Bharath Kumar at Mon Mar 13 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was River-3.0.0 on Wed Oct 05 2016
## Description: Apache River provides a platform for dynamic discovery and lookup search of network services. Services may be implemented in a number of languages, while clients are required to be jvm based, to allow proxy jvm byte code to be provisioned dynamically. ## Issues: No significant issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Significant drop in activity since February (205 emails on dev), down to 6 in March and 8 in April. - Proposed Release roadmap received positive responses: Proposed Release roadmap: > > River 3.0.1 - thread leak fix > River 3.1 - Modular build restructure (& binary release) > River 3.2 - Input validation 4 Serialization, delayed unmarshalling & safe ServiceRegistrar lookup service. > River 3.3 - OSGi support ## Health report: - Minimal activity at present on dev. - Plan to update website with more recent success stories of River deployment, in one large scale deployment example maintenance costs are low to non existance while reliability is reportedly very solid in the face of external system failures. There seem to be at least four recent examples that need to be added to our success stories. - No recent commit activity, but there are plans for more work in near future. - Future Direction: * Target IOT space with support for OSGi and IPv6 (security fixes required prior to announcement) * Input validation for java deserialization - prevents DOS and Gadget attacks. * IPv6 Multicast Service Discovery (River currently only support IPv4 multicast discovery). * Delayed unmarshalling for Service Lookup and Discovery (includes SafeServiceRegistrar mentioned in release roadmap), so authentication can occur prior to downloading service proxy's, this addresses a long standing security issue with service lookup while significantly improving performance under some use cases. * Security fixes for SSL endpoints, updated to TLS v1.2 with removal of support for insecure cyphers. * Maven build to replace existing ant built that uses classdepandjar, a bytecode dependency analysis build tool. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 15 committers. - Zsolt Kúti was added as a committer on Wed Dec 07 2016 - Bharath Kumar was added as a committer on the 23th March 2017 ## Releases: - River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - Relatively quiet in comparison to recent months, however this appears as a result of reaching concensus after a period of discussion. ## JIRA activity: - Nil Activity this period. ## Addendum: Response / clarification for publication of security info. River's existing deployments are on private networks due to some limitations with NAT and ipv4 preventing deployment on public networks, ipv6 will allow public network deployment (end to end connectivity is required by River), the security fixes are required before we incorporate ipv6 support. In practice, most readers of dev@river.a.o understand the issue.
## Description: - Apache River software provides a standards-compliant JINI service. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Continued discussion of River's future direction, this quarter mainly on OSGi and serialization. - Zsolt Kúti reworked the River web site. ## Health report: - The future directions discussion continues. - Attracting new developers will remain difficult until the future direction is firmed up and made visible. We did add one committer this quarter. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 14 committers. - Zsolt Kúti was added as a committer on Wed Dec 07 2016 ## Releases: - River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - There has been a recent increase in dev@ activity due to a lively technical discussion of OSGi and serialization in the context of River. That discussion is on-going. - dev@river.apache.org: - 95 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 201 emails sent to list (114 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 96 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 2 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 2 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ======================================= The above report received +1 votes from PMC members Peter Firmstone, Patricia Shanahan, and Bryan Thompson.
## Description: - Apache River software provides a standards-compliant JINI service. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - Wrapped up River-3.0.0, released this quarter. - Continued discussion of River's future direction. ## Health report: - The ongoing future directions discussion has progressed from high level strategy to discussion of specific features and use-cases. - Two PMC members resigned during the quarter, a concern because at this point there is no stream of incoming developers to provide new committers and PMC members. Attracting new developers will be difficult until the future direction is firmed up and made visible. ## PMC changes: - Currently 11 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015 - Two PMC members resigned (went emeritus) during the quarter, Simon IJskes (2016-10-23), and Tom Hobbs (2016-08-19) ## Committer base changes: - Currently 15 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Dan Creswell at Mon Jun 20 2016 ## Releases: - River-3.0.0 was released on Wed Oct 05 2016 ## Mailing list activity: - The increased activity level in the dev@ mailing list is due to the combination of completing a release and the future direction discussion. - dev@river.apache.org: - 94 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 128 emails sent to list (74 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 95 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 3 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 0 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ============================================================================== = The above report received +1 votes from PMC members Patricia Shanahan, Peter Firmstone, and Bryan Thompson
## Description: - Apache River software provides a standards-compliant JINI service. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Although the troubles discussed last quarter persist, there is on-going discussion of possible future directions. ## Activity: - There has been little activity. ## Health report: - The technical and people problems discussed last quarter have not yet been solved, but neither have they killed the project. In the last two months there have been threads on dev@river.apache.org, involving a total of 6 people, discussing how to support languages other than Java and how to take River in an IoT direction. ## PMC changes: - Currently 13 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 15 committers. - Dan Creswell was added as a committer on Mon Jun 20 2016 ## Releases: - Last release was river-jtsk-2.2.3 on Sat Feb 20 2016 The above report received +1 votes from PMC members Simon IJskes, Peter Firmstone, Bryan Thompson, Tom Hobbs, and Patricia Shanahan
## Description: - Apache River software provides a standards-compliant JINI service. ## Issues: - As discussed under "Health report", the project does have issues to deal with, but it also has a functioning PMC to deal with them. ## Activity: - The main activity is preparing for the next release, currently renamed 2.3.0 ## Health report: - One of the active PMC members has resigned (moved to emeritus list). Given the small size of the active core, this is a significant blow, triggering discussion of the state and future of the project. - The project has technical issues, including age of code, lack of support for use in languages other than Java, lack of support for Android, and dependence on Java serialization. - Possibly as a result of the technical issues, there may be a tapering off of interest in the project, making it hard to attract new committers and PMC members. - Future paths that will be considered by the PMC include carrying on as-is, making radical changes possibly in the direction of IoT, or going to the attic. We intend to complete at least one more release first. ## PMC changes: - Currently 13 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Greg Trasuk resigned - Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 13 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Bryan Thompson at Mon Aug 31 2015 ## Releases: - river-jtsk-2.2.3 was released on Sat Feb 20 2016 =============================================================== This report received +1 votes from PMC members Patricia Shanahan, Tom Hobbs, Peter Firmstone, and Bryan Thompson.
## Description: Apache River software provides a standards-compliant JINI service. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Activity: - The main activity is preparing for release 3.0 ## Health report: - Activity continues at a level limited by the developers' other commitments. There is forwards progress towards the 3.0 release. - Different PMC members have different visions for River's post 3.0 direction. There is general agreement to set those issues aside in favor of getting the release done. We plan to discuss future directions after the 3.0 release. ## PMC changes: - Currently 14 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Bryan Thompson on Sun Aug 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 14 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Bryan Thompson at Mon Aug 31 2015 ## Releases: - Last release was river-examples-1.0 on Sun Aug 09 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@river.apache.org: - 96 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 234 emails sent to list (214 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 97 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 15 emails sent to list (2 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 1 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 40 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months ============================================= This report received +1 votes from 5 PMC members in addition to the chair.
Apache River software provides a standards-compliant JINI service. ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Activity: - We have added a new PMC Member and Committer, Bryan Thompson. - A new, more usable, set of examples was released in August. - Several release-related issues were resolved early in the quarter. - There has been a quiet period for the last couple of months. ## Health report: - The project continues to make progress whenever committers have time to work on it, but that is not all the time. ## PMC changes: - Currently 14 PMC members. - Bryan Thompson was added to the PMC on Sun Aug 30 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 14 committers. - Bryan Thompson was added as a committer on Mon Aug 31 2015 ## Releases: - river-examples-1.0 was released on Sun Aug 09 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - dev@river.apache.org: - 94 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months): - 220 emails sent to list (93 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 100 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 2 emails sent to list (3 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 0 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months PMC Vote: The above report received +1 votes from Patricia Shanahan, Tom Hobbs, Greg Trasuk, and Peter Firmstone
## Description: - Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit. ## Activity: - The main objectives are release 3.0 and an improved new user experience. The release 3.0 source code provides a deep refactoring that addresses performance, concurrency and scaling issues. It replaces sun.com.jini and com.artima package names with new org.apache.river package names. Patricia Shanahan will drive preparing a release with support and information from Greg Trasuk. The improved new user experience objective is supported by a release candidate for new set of easy-to-run River examples. It is the subject of an on-going release vote. ## Health report: - The project continues to make only slow progress, mainly due to lack of time on the part of the committers. ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## LDAP committee group/Committership changes: - Currently 13 committers and 13 LDAP committee group members. - No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since last report. The last change in the PMC was in June 2014, when Patricia Shanahan returned from emeritus to active status as a committer and PMC member. ## Releases: - Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 - Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. ## Mailing list activity: - dev@river.apache.org: - 96 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 80 emails sent to list (175 in previous quarter) - user@river.apache.org: - 100 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 3 emails sent to list (15 in previous quarter)
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. COMMUNITY The last change in the PMC was in June 2014, when Patricia Shanahan returned from emeritus to active status as a committer and PMC member. There is a concern about slow progress because many of the committers and PMC members have limited time. Recruiting new committers is hindered by the need for a better initial experience. ACTIVITY There is on-going development in the following areas: * Improved examples - important for community building by providing a good initial experience for new users and developers. * Update code for Java 8. * Usability * Security issues associated with Java Serialization. Our major push at this time is to get these developments out to our users by preparing an Apache River 3.0 release. We have agreed to replace sun.com.jini and com.artima package names with org.apache.river names in this release. We have also agreed on the base branch for the new release.
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. COMMUNITY The last change in the PMC was in June 2014, when Patricia Shanahan returned from emeritus to active status as a committer and PMC member. ACTIVITY There is on-going development in the following areas: * Improved examples - important for community building by providing a good initial experience for new users and developers. * Update code for Java 8. * Usability * Security issues associated with Java Serialization.
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. COMMUNITY The last change in the PMC was in June 2014, when Patricia Shanahan returned from emeritus to active status as a committer and PMC member. A new user has brought to the attention of the PMC some issues in the "Getting Started" web pages that may be a barrier to attracting new users and to community involvement. Patricia Shanahan plans to follow up on this, and will report further next quarter. ACTIVITY There has been limited activity this quarter due to work and personal commitments. Some timing-dependent bugs have been fixed. Another test failure may be due to inappropriate test conditions.
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. COMMUNITY In June, Patricia Shanahan returned from emeritus to active status as a committer and PMC member. She was appointed as the River PMC Chair at the June board meeting. A new user has brought to the attention of the PMC some issues in the "Getting Started" web pages that may be a barrier to attracting new users and to community involvement. ACTIVITY Mailing lists and development have been reasonably active in the past few months. There were 28 messages on user@ during May through July 2014, and 60 messages on dev@. Four issues have been reported on Jira and two of those have been resolved.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Greg Trasuk to the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Greg Trasuk from the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache River project has chosen by vote to recommend Patricia Shanahan as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Greg Trasuk is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache River, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Patricia Shanahan be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache River, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7B, Change the Apache River Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. COMMUNITY No new committers have been added since Nov of 2011. There has been some discussion of the project’s health on the dev@ and users@ mailing lists, which has led to an effort to update the project’s build architecture, in hopes of removing at least one barrier to participation. The PMC is curious if there are any Apache resources to aid in community building. Greg Trasuk has requested that the community nominate a new PMC Chair. Discussions on a replacement Chair are under way. The board should expect a resolution to change the Chair at the next board meeting. ACTIVITY Mailing lists and development have been reasonably active in the past few months. 4 messages on users@ from Mar-Apr, and over 150 messages on dev@. Six issues have been reported on Jira and four of those have been resolved.
AI Shane: Get them connected with comdev to recruit new blood
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013 Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. COMMUNITY No new committers have been added since Nov of 2011. We hope that with releases coming on a more regular basis, user interest will pick up, and with it we will attract more potential new committers. ACTIVITY Mailing lists and development have been reasonably active months. 11 messages on users@ from Dec-Feb, and over 345 messages on dev@. Four issues have been reported on Jira and eight old issues have been resolved.
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. As of Nov 13, 2013, a release vote is in progress for Apache River 2.2.2 and is expected to pass. COMMUNITY No new committers have been added since Nov of 2011. We hope that with releases coming on a more regular basis, user interest will pick up, and with it we will attract more potential new committers. ACTIVITY Mailing lists and development have been fairly quiet over the last few months. 7 messages on users@ from Sept-Nov, and over 32 messages on dev@. Activity is on the upswing in November Two issues have been reported on Jira and resolved.
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. The community is working towards a maintenance release of the 2.2 branch to be completed in September, and then a release of the 2.3 branch at some later date. COMMUNITY No new committers have been added since Nov of 2011. We hope that with releases coming on a more regular basis, user interest will pick up, and with it we will attract more potential new committers. ACTIVITY Mailing lists and development have been fairly quiet over the summer months. 19 messages on users@ from May-Aug, and over 200 messages on dev@. Two issues have been reported on Jira and resolved.
Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture, implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit originally donated by Sun Microsystems. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD There are no board-level issues at this time RELEASES Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013. At time of writing the release has been approved by the PMC but not announced yet (just waiting for the distribution mirrors). We also expect to release artifacts for version 2.2.1 to the Maven repository in the near future (these will be subject to another release vote as we understand it). The last previous release was 2.2.0 in July 0f 2011. COMMUNITY No new committers have been added since Nov of 2011, although a couple of emeritus committers have showed up on the mailing list in recent months. We hope that with releases coming on a more regular basis, user interest will pick up, and with it we will attract more potential new committers. ACTIVITY There has been significant activity around the release. The 2.2.1 release was a maintenance release of the 2.2 branch. In the time since the 2.2 branch there have been a large number of changes to the trunk code and the QA test code, particularly in regards to concurrency issues, leading to some debate around the confidence level in the trunk code. Basically, we feel that we waited far too long between releases. With the 2.2.1 maintenance release out of the way, the community is discussing how to proceed with release of the trunk code (which will likely become the 2.3 stream). Also, we are discussing a switch to Review-then-Commit procedure on the trunk code (previously we had specified RTC only on API changes, but Commit-then-Review on the implementation code). The discussions have been at times spirited, but generally cordial. There have been some suggestions that we should consider switching to Git for version control. We're watching other project's experiences with interest.
Apache River is a service oriented architecture platform, based on the JSK Starter Kit source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: No new releases since last report, but a release is expected in early March. Board: No board level issues to report Progress: We've had a flurry of activity recently surrounding a problem exposed by Oracle's JDK 7 transition. This activity will lead to a release in early March. Work also continues on improved user experience and refactoring of the QA suite.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Tom Hobbs to the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Tom Hobbs from the office of Vice President, Apache River, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache River project has chosen by vote to recommend Greg Trasuk as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Tom Hobbs is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache River, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Greg Trasuk be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache River, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7E, Change the Apache River Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: No new releases since last report. Some failing unit tests are the only blocker to release right now and they are being investigated. Progress: Some more interesting discussions are taking place about some directions River might take and what it's going to do next. There have been some commits and we're looking again at getting ready for another release. There has been some frank and open discussion which the PMC dealt with well and we feel that we're acquitting ourselves well. Community: The PMC chair has requested that the PMC/community elect a new chair, citing external commitments preventing him from being able to devote sufficient to River. The board should expect this change to happen soon. Issues: No board issues at this time
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: No new releases since last report. Work on fixing some issues for the next release is ongoing. Branding: No issues to report. Progress: The pace of commit activity remains steady, with several large pieces of work reaching some significant milestones. Community: No issues to report. Issues: No issues to report.
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: No new releases since last report, several submissions have been made for inclusion into our next release and are currently being reviewed prior to merging them onto the trunk. Branding: The River website had one branding issue (missing DOAP file) for which a Jira was raised (thanks Shane) and has been resolved. Progress: There are a trickle of SVN commits being made. We are a small community and so this is expected. There was a discussion on building a reference implementation to showcase River since there is little public knowledge of River/Jini installations, similar to the Java Pet Store. We hope this will help to get people involved in contributing to that application, but also make it easier for end users to understand the offering of this tech. Community: One PMC member has resigned citing the difficulty of working with the code and understanding how best to measure the changes she was trying to make. This is a valid point given the lack of hard data and particular performance issues encountered by end users. The PMC recently discussed the the health of our community. Whilst we all agreed that things were pretty quiet, many of the contributors reaffirmed their commitment to the project. Since we are such a small community we can hardly expect the same levels of noise and activity as those projects with many more members or who have greater numbers of end users. As such, we have no particular concerns that the project is slipping into dormancy. Issues: No board issues at this time
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: No new releases since last report, although a new release is starting to be discussed. Progress: Things are ticking along as before, some members continue to remain very active whilst others are quiet. There has been a slight increase in activity recently, enough that a vote on some project direction has been taken and we're starting to consider another release. Community: Apache River has welcomed a returning emeritus member. Issues: No board issues at this time
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: No new releases since last report Progress: Some members are still very active and have contributed a lot of things to think on regarding River's direction. I get the impression that there's lots of ASF/personal/professional life juggling go on this year and so things have been a bit quiet of late. Community: Apache River has welcomed one new committer and PMC member to our ranks. Issues: No board issues at this time
Below is the August board report for River Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: Our first TLP release (2.2.0) was finally made available on 28th July. Progress: As usual, the community is there but activity on dev@ is pretty slow. There's usually a flurry of activity when one of our number manages to find sme time and get something done. We believe this proves that, although small, the community exists and is still functioning well. Community: We made one invitation to committer/PMC status this period but it was implicitly turned down (no response to offer email). On the other hand, the arguments which plagued the early days of River aren't happening. We're also getting involvement from Jini old hands. Issues: No board issues at this time. Website/Trademark Checklist: - Project Website Basics : homepage is project.apache.org (COMPLETE) - Project Naming And Descriptions : use proper Apache forms, describe product, etc. (COMPLETE) - Website Navigation Links : navbar links included, link to www.apache.org included (COMPLETE) - Trademark Attributions : attribution for all ASF marks included in footers, etc. (INCOMPLETE, NOT CHECKED) - Logos and Graphics : include TM, use consistent product logo on your site (INCOMPLETE, NOT CHECKED) - Project Metadata : DOAP file checkedin and up to date (INCOMPLETE, NOT CHECKED) The board also asked to make sure that all PMC members had read the PMC trademark/branding responsibilities. [1] 4 out of 11 PMC members confirmed that they'd read it, although I suspect that some of the others had already read it given their involvement with other Apache projects. There was a very brief discussion that it wasn't immediately obvious/clear when signing up for PMC duties that "trademark enforcer" (quote from discussion, not referenced text) was part of the role. It seemed a fair comment but I hope that by outlining the support provided by ASF we don't have to be legal experts in this field to be able to keep an eye on how other entities use the Apache River marks. [1] http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/responsibility.html
Below is the May board report for River Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: First TLP release still hasn't been cut. This was originally due to a user-raised issue which never really got closed. We're also still waiting on some other work to be finished. Progress: Whilst dev@ is still quieter than a few months ago, discussions are still happening. We're also seeing some increased comments from users asking questions and posting bug reports/raising JIRAs. All questions on user@ are being answered promptly. Community: In spite of the drop in message numbers on dev@, the community is still strong. Most recently some PMC members personally bid for (and won!) the jini.net domain name which is currently in the process of being transferred to ASF. We've also started the proceedings to invite someone to become a River committer and PMC member Issues: No board issues at this time.
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: First TLP release still hasn't been cut. This is due to a user raising concerns about a newly discovered (or introduced?) bug with a specific JDK on a specific OS. Progress: There has been some discussion on dev@. Some progress has been made researching one or two areas of specific interest regarding new River features. This will be the last of our monthly reports, we expect to change to quarterly reports from now on. Community: No board issues at this time. Issues: No board issues at this time.
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. Releases: The final push of the work to complete our first TLP release is still ongoing. We expect to be able to cut a release early next month. Progress: The mailing lists continue to produce useful and interesting discussions, given the comparatively small community this does not always translate directly to many commits and releases. This does not worry us at this time because we are confident that the issues we are tackling are of significant complexity that 'doing it right' is a more appropriate approach than 'doing it quickly'. Community: Our new committer has had his account setup. The rest of the community continues to engage in productive discussions and we have seen a number of new pieces of functionality be suggested. Issues: No board issues at this time.
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. [While generally referred to as a Service Architecture, it might be more easily explained to those familiar with Dependency Injection as a Protocol Independent, Distributed Dependency Injection Architecture, suited to both hardware and software. Instead of depending on Protocols directly for communication, everything is abstracted behind a Java interface, allowing protocols and implementations to be swapped freely, programming languages other than Java can also participate.] (to be removed in subsequent reports.) Moving to TLP: River graduated from the Incubator in January 2011. A JIRA task [1] has be raised for the infrastructure changes, and the migration is in progress. [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-3418 Releases: Our previous release was 2.1.2 and happened in March 2010. We were expecting to make a final release before graduation (in December 2010) but this was missed and so we are preparing that release (2.2.0) to be our first as a TLP. Progress: Much work has been completed in getting the QA and test environments working. The additional running tests have highlighted a handful of bugs, all of which have been fixed. The community is currently tackling several of our post-graduation roadmap items, specifically identifying which JDK we will continue to support and how our build can best be enhanced/made modular. Community: We have voted on adding a new committer and there is some discussion whether or not he should also become a member of the PMC, since explicit inclusion was not specified in the original vote. We are resolving that for this individual and will then decide what's best for the community in the future. Issues: No board issues at this time.
Geir: I'm really happy to see River continuing to move forward. It's been a long road.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software providing an implementing the Jini and Java Spaces specifications, and other software that is commonly associated with distributed Jini architectures, for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache River Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache River Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of software providing and implementing the Jini and Java Spaces specifications, and other software that is commonly associated with distributed Jini architectures, for distribution at no charge to the public. RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, River" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache River Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache River Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache River Project: * Jonathan Costers (jcosters@apache.org) * Peter Firmstone (peter_firmstone@apache.org) * Tom Hobbs (thobbs@apache.org) * Jim Hurley (jhurley@apache.org) * Sim IJskes (sijskes@apache.org) * Brian Murphy (btmurphy@apache.org) * Robert Resendes (resendes@apache.org) * Patricia Shanahan (pats@apache.org) * Greg Trasuk (gtrasuk@apache.org) * Jim Waldo (waldo@apache.org) * Jukka Zitting (jukka@apache.org) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tom Hobbs be appointed to the office of Vice President, River, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache River Project be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the River Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache River Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator River podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache Incubator River podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter discharged. This resolution was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. While generally referred to as a Service Architecture, it might be more easily explained to those familiar with Dependency Injection as a Protocol Independent, Distributed Dependency Injection Architecture, suited to both hardware and software. Instead of depending on Protocols directly for communication, everything is abstracted behind a Java interface, allowing protocols and implementations to be swapped freely, programming languages other than Java can also participate. River has been incubating since December 2006. The activity on the River project continues to grow and is seeing renewed interest from people who had previously fallen silent. The current development team feels that we are ready to start the Graduation process to a TLP The next release 2.2.0 is scheduled for January, this is likely to be a bug-fix release and will hopefully be our last release before graduation. New functionality and enhancements has currently been suspended in favour of bug-fixes and the work towards graduation. The following rough road map has been provisionally agreed * Graduation as top level project river.apache.org * Rename com.sun namespace to org.apache.river * Modular build & JDK policy After this has been completed then the previous work on new functionality and enhancements will be picked up again. These will include; * Dynamic Grants at Runtime, based on CodeSource, Code Signer Certificate chains , ProtectionDomain or ClassLoader * Dynamic Revoke of Grant's at Runtime * Securing proxy downloads and unmarshalling Additionally work is continuing on the build and test environments. The project has recently been able to run all the categories of the QA tests which is a significant accomplishment, but it does make for a rather long test sequence. They have highlighted several bugs which have been fixed. More of the JTREG tests are also passing after fixes to the environment and the tests themselves The website has been moved to the new Apache CMS environment and has seen further increases in the level of documentation available, particular articles which are useful to people starting to use and develop River 3 most important issues: * List future River PMC members and select the initial PMC chair * Prepare the TLP graduation resolution * Vote on graduation
Apache River is a distributed computing architecture, based on the JSK Starter Kit Source code donated by Sun Microsystems, for the Jini Specification. While generally referred to as a Service Architecture, it might be more easily explained to those familiar with Dependency Injection as a Protocol Independent, Distributed Dependency Injection Architecture, suited to both hardware and software. Instead of depending on Protocols directly for communication, everything is abstracted behind a Java interface, allowing protocols and implementations to be swapped freely, programming languages other than Java can also participate. River has been appointed an additional mentor and has seen much increased activity on the mailing list in recent weeks and months. The next release 2.2.0 is scheduled for December, although some discussion on whether this is a major release or not continues. The Incubator PMC and Apache River PPMC have approved one new committer for the project, the votes passed in August. Current development efforts are still focused on a java.security.Policy Provider with the following features: * Dynamic Grants at Runtime, based on CodeSource, Code Signer Certificate chains , ProtectionDomain or ClassLoader. * Dynamic Revoke of Grant's at Runtime Reviewing newly donated code updates and patches, including: * New CodebaseAccessClassLoader and associated changes * New StreamServiceRegistrar Interface and other additions * New ConcurrentDyamicPolicyProvider Additionally: * Work is being performed on TaskManager by our newest committer * Increasing the test coverage, build process and Ant vs Maven work is ongoing * Entry-level documentation is starting to appear We are experiencing increasing interest on our developer mailing list. 3 most important issues: 1. Code review and acceptance of newly submitted patches. 1. Streamline the build and test process. 1. Get our new committer svn accounts set up and grow our developer pool.
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. River has been incubating since December 2006. Interest and participation has increased and we are hoping to pick up some new committers as a result. A new release candidate has been submitted and is available for review at: http://people.apache.org/~peter_firmstone/ The source is also available from svn at: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/river/jtsk/branches/2.1.2 We are currently in a voting period for Apache River Incubator Release 2.1.2. Recent activities have focused on easing development and streamlining the build process and a significant number of bugfixes. Issues before graduation: * Migrate packages to org.apache.river * Increasing participation, further growth of the developer community.
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. River has been incubating since December 2006. Work on the test suite and other parts of River has continued and there is continued talk about doing the AR2 release. The active development community is still rather small. Next steps before graduation (no changes since last report): * AR2 Release * Change com.sun.jini.* namespace to org.apache.river.* * Reduce barriers to entry for new developers. * Increased committer participation.
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. River has been incubating since December 2006. Recent efforts included replacing make build scripts with ant and integrating the qa test suite with the main build. The jtreg test suite has some remaining issues to solve, namely setup and configure a Kerberos KDC test server, a zone has been set up for this purpose at river.zones.apache.org , in a addition a proxy server is also required to replace the functionality of the sun jiniproxy server. Most jtreg tests are passing, it would be desirable to have all pass prior to releasing AR2. Minor modifications need to be made to the ant build scripts to build the ClassDep.jar manifest correctly to include required libraries following recent ClassDep reimplementation changes to eliminate dependency upon internal implementation of Sun's JDK. Once resolved we are clear to release AR2. There has been some some recent interest in implementing compression and caching of bytecode. Other interests include class versioning and codebase services. After AR2, focus will be on support for Java 5 features, such as annotations and reducing the barriers to entry for new contributor developers. Required before graduation: * AR2 Release * Change com.sun.jini.* namespace to org.apache.river.* * Reduce barriers to entry for new developers. * Increased committer participation.
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. River has been incubating since December 2006. * Recently there has been increased activity in River's development process with the arrival of three new committers: Jonathan Costers, Peter Firmstone and Tom Hobbs. * AR2 is almost ready for release, and the committers are learning how to use the testing framework from Sun, and gradually move things to JUnit or more commonly understood testing systems. * For testing reasons, additional server resources might be requested for the jtreg and integration tests; An HTTP proxy (River-306) and KDC server (River-307) are necessary. * The decision was made to allow developers to use Java 5 new language features and change the com.sun.jini.* and com.artima.* namespaces to org.apache.river.* (River-261) after the release of AR2. * Efforts are being made for preservation of existing documentation, mail lists and River dependent projects that currently exist outside of River. Sun is closing Jini and RMI mailing lists, including the archives, which contains a wealth of information. * Consolidation of external Jini projects was discussed as optional add-ons, this discussion is still open, pending River incubation graduation. Mentor's (Niclas) additional reporting; It is good to see new fresh blood getting active in the community and a more positive atmosphere is starting to emerge, and I think the worries in the previous report is decreasing.
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. River has been incubating since December 2006. The River project is not doing well. Practically all original committers are inactive and while there are interested users and even some pretty active discussions about the future of River, that interest isn't showing up as patches or other more constructive contributions. We've seen some effort towards making the QA test suite more accessible, and there is interest in doing another release. However, nobody is actively working on new features or bigger improvements. It has been suggested that River needs a major new vision, but it's debatable whether that would do better as a fresh new project. In any case nobody is actively pushing for anything like that. There is still hope for River, but at this rate the project is heading for termination. Issues before graduation: * Re-activate the development community * Migrate packages to org.apache.river * Another Apache release
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. In November, Niclas Hedhman stepped up as a new Mentor for the project. He thinks River/Jini is too important to be ignored. This resulted in an extended discussion of what should actually happen with River. Quite a few voices have been heard, BUT most committers are quiet, which is worrying. The things that the vocal people can agree on are probably: * River needs new goals. The community is unable to define a single goal or agree on a couple of them. * People should not talk the talk, if they can't walk the walk. The infamous 'itch' is obviously not strong enough in any particular area, not enough low-hanging fruit so to speak. Niclas presented a simple solution; branch trunk and let those who are active to make the structural changes needed for a sustained future. Hopefully, those more experienced will also get excited and help out when they can. * Consolidation of external Jini projects. There are many external Jini projects. Some of those provide same or similar solutions. Many in the community think that these should merge, possibly under the River umbrella. But there are many things where there are more opinions than there are people. Right now, we feel that is being a good thing, since it indicates a strong interest in the technology, and the challenge is to funnel this energy into something constructive, with or without the initial committers. All in all, River project is slow, but we think we have a lot of willingness in the user community, and just need the lever to exploit this. The goal for now, up until the next report, is to get us going on Apache River "New Generation", where we indeed shake off the Sun heritage and start moving forward. Incubating since December 2006
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. This reporting period showed almost no activity, which is quite disappointing. Based on the question by one of our mentors "What's up with River" it became clear some active committers were forced to downsize their participation due to being drowned by other activities, in case of many of the Sun committers this is due to a change of jobs. There are however signs that others, well known in the Jini community, want to lend their hand and help with getting out our next release. Things that needs to be done before graduation: * the API in the {{{com.sun}}} namespace must be changed to {{{org.apache}}}, probably has to await the incorporation of patches lingering around and after our automated test framework is in place * overall participation of non Sun committers must increase and we should grow our community by getting more people involved Incubating since: December 2006
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. A substantial amount of issues have been resolved (34 in total) with a small number (18 in total) left for our second release. The overall participation of committers has been improved and we have seen more discussion around issues, although participation of non Sun committers is still not what it ought to be. The need for an automated test environment is felt and the workflow for JIRA should be adapted to facilitate our review then commit policy which committers seem to do in practice. Things that needs to be done before graduation: the API in the com.sun namespace must be changed to org.apache, probably has to await the incorporation of patches lingering around and after our automated test framework is in place overall participation of non Sun committers must increase and we should grow our community by getting more people involved Incubating since: December 2006
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. Positive news is that work on the first release has completed and was approved for release by Incubator, we decided on a branching policy and work on the next release has been scheduled and has started. As a concern though overall participation by the initial set of committers is low, the same applies to people outside the group of committers. Incubating since: December 2006
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. The crypto issue mentioned in last report seems to be resolved without doing anything special as it seems to be not necessary based on the (limited) feedback in the legal mailing list. The River community decided to start with a CTR policy although we urge people to consult others before actually committing for all but the trivial cases. We decided we want to use Hudson as our continuous integration engine, but we have to wait a while for a server becomes available to deploy it on, hopefully somewhere in December/January. Work on the first release moved steady as a glacier (global warming seems to have no effect here :-) ) and didn't require much participation of committers due to the set goals. Currently there is no outstanding work for that first release. We are picking and scheduling fixes and features for the next release and are discussing a branching strategy for SVN before we can finally release the trunk to a stampede of hungry people that will crash into the codebase to make it better. Incubating since: December 2006
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. River entered incubation on Dec 26, 2006. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. The last artifact, the QA framework, has been voted in and landed in SVN. An automated build environment has been put in place and finally all outstanding issues from the Sun issue tracking system have been manually migrated in a large group effort to JIRA. The River community agreed to do a first release to show the larger Jini community it is serious in its efforts. It ain't a very ambitious release and will be almost an equivalent of the last release done by Sun but includes the ServiceUI code. This release also allows the River community to get acquainted and find out about many of the ASF procedures. No transformation of the com.sun.jini namespace to org.apache.river will take place, but the River community is aware it has to do that and will find an opportune moment for that during incubation. Perhaps as a side effect of the ambitions for the first release discussions on new functionality don't seem to take off very well, but that time is used to discuss the process the River project believes it needs to establish. Although most committers have expressed their desire to have code-review before code is committed, due to complexity of the codebase and the difficulty to test many aspects properly, it seemed hard to decide to what extent to enforce that. A proposal for the initial process guidelines is up for a vote now that combines RTC for public API and CTR for implementation details. US export regulations apply to the River codebase and although discussed in the very early days we were living under the (wrong) impression that complying with them only applied when we were about to release. We are aware now that we should have taken care of it even before the code landed in SVN and we are going to comply as soon as possible.
River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. River entered incubation on Dec 26, 2006, but has really only *just* gotten going. The River community is starting some real work. The initial code submission for the Jini Technology Starter Kit (JTSK) and the ServiceUI API have been filed at the ASF secretary, voted in and landed in SVN, the committers account are in place and the PPMC is set up. No more excuses, now it's time for coding & community! The discussion is now moving to technical issues and code evolution, which is a very good sign. There has been a discussion about package naming, as the code in SVN is under a non org.apache.* namespace: given the sheer amount of issues with backward compatibility and supporting existing users, there has been a general consensus on getting our feet wet with the current code base, integrate a few patches that have been held off while the code was to be migrated to the ASF infrastructure, and devise a roadmap ( possibly with assistance from general/pmc@IAO) for migration to the ASF namespace: this is high priority and the community realizes how it might be important to have a decision as soon as possible, even more if River is to publish incubating releases.
iPMC Reviewers: jukka, yoavs, jim, noel River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. * Apache River incubator project proposal approved on Dec 26, 2006 * Basic project structures created (mailing lists, web pages, jira, wiki, etc) * Much and varied discussions on direction and particulars on the river-dev list * ServiceUI contribution submitted and waiting PPMC formation and vote. * Next steps include: * complete requirements and setup of initial committer list and PPMC * hold PPMC vote to accept ServiceUI contribution * Sun to submit Starter Kit contribution * hold PPMC vote to accept contribution * finalize jira categories and migrate pre-existing Sun bug reports * come to agreement on initial set of work leading to first Apache River release iPMC questions / comments: * jukka: It's taking some time for the initial codebases to be submitted. Any blockers in the process? ----