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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 22:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


19 Feb 2025 [Jason Gerlowski / Craig]

Report was filed, but display is awaiting the approval of the Board minutes.

20 Nov 2024 [Jason Gerlowski / Kanchana]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (4 years ago) after 15 years within the
Lucene project There are currently 97 committers and 61 PMC members in this
project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:4.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- Christos Malliaridis was added as committer on 2024-10-18 Congratulations
 and welcome to Christos!

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* Solr 8.11.4 was released on 2024-09-24
* Solr's 8.x release line was designated "End of Life" on 2024-10-25, making
 8.11.4 the final release in this line.
* 9.7.0 was released on 2024-09-09

Areas of development & interest:
* Reorganization and simplification of SolrJ code and artifacts
* Vector search: interating with embedding services to convert text to vector
* Cross-DC Support and Integration
* UX: Improvements to Solr scripts, configuration, and Admin UI
* ... there are always more ...

## Community Health:
Commit activity is a bit down, when compared either to the previous quarter
and to this same quarter last year.  But discussion on our 'dev@' and 'users@'
mailing lists remains stable.

Qualitatively the community still feels vibrant, with developers bringing fresh
new ideas (e.g. a new Kotlin based UI) and our user base evangelizing the
project at conferences and on our small "blog".

21 Aug 2024 [Jason Gerlowski / Jeff]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics.

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (3 years ago), after 15 years as a Lucene
There are currently 96 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- Sanjay Dutt was added as committer on 2024-05-20.  Congratulations and welcome
 to Sanjay!

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* 9.6.1 was released on 2024-05-29

Areas of development & interest:
* Multi-threaded Search and other performance improvements
* Guardrails and user protections around expensive operations
* UX: Improvements to Solr scripts, configuration, and Admin UI
* Migration to Java 21
* Decrease ZK-reliance in SolrJ's "CloudSolrClient"

While this quarter only saw one release, work is already underway on Solr

## Community Health:
Anecdotally, commit activity seems a bit slower through these summer months, but
community discussions remain frequent and lively.  We've continued holding
monthly "Virtual Meetups" as a forum for discussing new ideas, and our 'dev@'
and 'users@' mailing lists remains active.

We also opened a small blog to our project website at,
and have already seen a handful of posts and tutorials published!

15 May 2024 [Jason Gerlowski / Christofer]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (3 years ago)
There are currently 95 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Alex Deparvu on 2023-08-02.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* solr-operator-v0.8.1 was released on 2024-04-12
* 9.6.0 was released on 2024-04-27

Security: A number of CVEs were announced with recommendations to upgrade to
operator-0.8.1 and Solr 9.6.0.

Areas of development & interest:
* Resolving security matters
* Strengthening guardrails for user queries
* Cleanup and improved modularity in 'SolrJ' and scripts that ship with Solr
* ... there are always more ...

## Community Health:
* Virtual meetups: We continue to have monthly online meetups open to the
public, which have been a key element of Solr's health.
* Our 'dev' list has seen a lot of discussion this past quarter, up 78% from
our last report.  Commits and PR data don't seem to follow the same correlation
though.  Anecdotally, development seems to have slowed a bit as we approach the
summer, but the community discussion remains strong.

17 Apr 2024

Change the Apache Solr Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed David Smiley
 (dsmiley) to the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
 David Smiley from the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Solr project
 has chosen by vote to recommend Jason Gerlowski (gerlowskija) as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that David Smiley is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
 President, Apache Solr, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jason Gerlowski be and hereby is appointed
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, to serve in accordance
 with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
 Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
 or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Solr Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

21 Feb 2024 [David Smiley / Bertrand]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (3 years ago) after 15 years as a Lucene
sub project.
There are currently 95 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
Many are inherited from the Lucene project split.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Alex Deparvu on 2023-08-02.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* 9.5.0 was released on 2024-02-12
* 8.11.3 was released on 2024-02-08
* 9.4.1 was released on 2024-01-18
* solr-operator-v0.8.0 was released on 2023-10-20

Security: A number of CVEs were announced with recommendations to upgrade to
8.11.3 or 9.4.1.

Areas of development & interest:
* SIP-20: Project "Zero": indexes in an object-store like S3. Initial feedback
* The Solr Operator can now auto-scale a cluster up/down with HPA
* Debating switching from JIRA to GitHub Issues
* SIP-21: Standardizing sys-prop / env access and naming
* CLI: Migration of all CLI needs into one bin/solr
* GitHub: auto-labeling PRs for "abandoned" and also Solr module
* API: Continued progress on our revamped "V2" API with JAX-RS & OpenAPI
* Resolving security matters
* Multi-threaded search; getting very close now
* Our OpenAPI spec is now a release artifact
* ... there are always more ...

## Community Health:
* Virtual meetups: We continue to have monthly online meetups open to the
public, which have been a key element of Solr's health.
* Newsletter: This is a key initiative but it has stalled at the moment.

We’re aiming for a larger presence at C/C NA this year with a hackathon.

Community health metrics are all pointing down.  Some KPIs:
* Issues list (JIRA + PRs): 36% down.
* Unique contributors: 44: -8% fewer contributors to the main repo

20 Dec 2023 [David Smiley / Shane]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (3 years ago) after 15 years as a Lucene
sub project.
There are currently 95 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
Many are inherited from the Lucene project split.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Alex Deparvu on 2023-08-02.

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* solr-operator-v0.8.0 was released on 2023-10-20.
* 9.4.0 was released on 2023-10-15.

Areas of development & interest:
* Builds:  Embracing Gradle Enterprise.  Improving Crave builds.
* API: Continued progress on our revamped "V2" API with JAX-RS & OpenAPI
* Upcoming releases: 9.4.1 mostly to address a JSON Query bug,
 and 8.11.3 just for CVEs
* Tracing improvements, like the switch to OTel.
* CircuitBreaker improvements
* The k8s Solr Operator
* Cross-DC in the sandbox
* ... there are always more ...

 We are finally addressing a backlog of security vulnerability threads;
most of which are being granted CVEs (5) and are actively being pursued.  I'd
like to thank Houston Putman in particular, and the support from the ASF by
Arnout Engels.  We still want to develop/refine a Solr "security model"
to clarify expectations of users around securing Solr, and assumptions that
might invalidate proposed vulnerabilities.

Project branding & social media:
 There is a Twitter/ account "ApacheSolr" that was the subject of internal
debate.  The PMC now considers it as its own, not the PMC member who created it.
I set up "Delegate" access to other PMC members for shared use.  Also debated
improper use / favoritism of promoting a single vendor.  We would like to
diversify this but have yet to solicit / notify other vendors.

## Community Health:
* Virtual meetups: We continue to have monthly online meetups open to the
public, which have been a key element of Solr's health.
* Newsletter: This is a key initiative but it has stalled at the moment.
* Conference: Community over Code participation.  About a dozen Solr community
members gathered; several presentations featured Solr.  Included a useful
all-day Hackathon for free-form gathering & discussion.
* Forum software:  Considering switching the users mailing list to Discourse
or GitHub Discussions; TBD.

Some numbers:
* lists: dev & users lists have major increases; to be expected because the
summer is always low
* issues opened / PRs, & commits — down maybe 10% ish.  I’m a bit surprised.
* unique contributors: 17% increase

15 Nov 2023 [David Smiley / Sander]

No report was submitted.

16 Aug 2023 [David Smiley / Sharan]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Project Status:
Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity.
Issues for the board: none.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (2 years ago) after 15 years as a Lucene
sub project.
There are currently 95 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
Many are inherited from the Lucene project split.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- Alex Deparvu was added as committer on 2023-08-02

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:
* 9.3.0 was released on 2023-07-21.
* solr-operator-v0.7.1 was released on 2023-07-21.

Conference: Berlin Buzzwords in June.  A number of Solr sessions!
Continued monthly virtual meetups.

Notable topics:
* Maybe an 8.11.3 release
* for fast builds
* New CBOR format; possibly favored over javabin
* Continued SolrCloud replica balancing efforts
* Continued renovation of CLI internals
* Continued renovation of "V2" APIs using JAX-RS,
 esp. adding Java client code generation
* Resumed renovation of tests using JUnit "Rule" style

Note: No activity/news on the security topic since the last report.

## Community Health:
Overall a definite decrease in activity all-around, ~30% or so from last
quarter.  Somewhat expected in the summer.

The addition of a new committer is welcome.

We are conducting monthly community meetings online (video); going well!

There has been no Solr centric conference since a couple years or so due to a
long-time project sponsor gradually shifting its focus.  Nonetheless Solr is
featured at conferences like the ASF's Community Over Code, Berlin Buzzwords,
and Haystack, albeit less frequently.

17 May 2023 [David Smiley / Christofer]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Issues:
There has been heated debate as to what is CVE worthy; what a vulnerability is.
We're forming a working group to try to define a "Security Model" /
 "Threat Model" to be communicated widely.
We welcome expertise from security experts at Apache to help us!

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (2 years ago) after 15 years as a Lucene
sub project.
There are currently 94 committers and 62 PMC members in this project.
 * many are inherited from the Lucene project split
 * in the past quarter, 19 committers made commits to the main branch,
   the same as previous.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2022-12-20.
- Andy Webb was added as committer on 2023-03-03
- Colvin Cowie was added as committer on 2023-02-13
- Justin Sweeney was added as committer on 2023-02-10
- Marcus Eagan was added as committer on 2023-04-01

## Project Activity:
* Solr 9.2.0 was released with a patch 9.2.1 release recently.
* (k8s) Solr Operator 0.7.0 was released.

Notable topics:
* Security: what is considered a vulnerability (see "Issues" section).
* SIP-7: Admin UI: effort to rewrite / modernize
* "Separation of compute from storage" contribution feedback solicitation
* SIP-18: A Solr Kubernetes Module for native integration
* SIP-17: Solr Node Autoscaling on Kubernetes
* Using for build speed
* Created a Renovate bot for automated dependency updates
* DataImportHandler 9.0 is released (a popular plugin)
* Adhering to Google Java Format style guide
* Contribution of an encryption module for solr-sandbox
* Provide a slim Solr binary release and Docker image; SOLR-16742

## Community Health:
The addition of 4 new committers is very positive!
43 commit authors in the past quarter (vs 42 previous).
Commit activity shows a gradual incline since last quarter (viewed from GitHub
"dev" email list shows a 137% increase (609/256) as seen via the ASF project
stats wizard.
There are other lists and other communication channels too, by the way.
The users list shows a 2% decline yet Slack is an increasingly popular
communication channel.

We are conducting monthly community meetings online (video); going well!

There has been no Solr centric conference since a couple years or so due to a
long-time project sponsor gradually shifting its focus.  Nonetheless Solr is
featured at conferences like the ASF's Community Over Code, Berlin Buzzwords,
and Haystack, albeit less frequently.

22 Mar 2023

Change the Apache Solr Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Houston Putman
 (houston) to the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
 Houston Putman from the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Solr project
 has chosen by vote to recommend David Smiley (dsmiley) as the successor
 to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Houston Putman is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
 President, Apache Solr, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David Smiley be and hereby is appointed to
 the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, to serve in accordance with
 and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws
 of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
 disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7E, Change the Apache Solr Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

15 Feb 2023 [Houston Putman / Christofer]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (2 years ago)
There are currently 90 committers and 62 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Michael Gibney was added to the PMC on 2022-12-20
- No new committers. Last addition was Markus Jelsma on 2022-06-21.
  Two new committers are currently in the process of being invited.

The community has been working towards welcoming new contributors,
and there are a number of new committers that will likely join the ranks soon.
The data shows this quite clearly. While overall commits are down 40% this
quarter, the number of unique commit authors is up 34%.

## Project Activity:

Recent releases:
  - 9.1.1 was released on 2023-01-25.

Larger Projects:
  - There has been a lot of activity for the last 1-2 quarters around improved
    API design and tooling support. There has been significant work completed in
    this area as admin APIs have been have been refactored to use JAX-RS, which
    works with OpenAPI to allow for automatic client-generation
    and documentation.

 Solr Operator:
  - The Solr Operator has recently added full E2E testing support with KiND
    Kubernetes Clusters, giving users even more confidence when upgrading to
    newer versions.

## Community Health:
Solr, along with many other projects I imagine, slows down in the winter as
contributors and users enjoy holidays. However, there have been some increases
in community involvement that should be highlighted. The rest of the metrics are
down, but are all likely due to seasonality.

Improvements (despite holiday season):
- had a 87% increase in traffic in the past quarter
  (582 emails compared to 310)
- 55 code contributors in the past quarter (34% increase)

The committers have also started to open their committer meetings up to the
community, for broader and more frequent "office hours". The first meeting,
which occurred on Feb 6, was a success and we saw 13 participants. This
included both community members and committers/PMC members.

With these meetings we hope to:
- Spotlight cool new projects in the community, to grow community involvement
  with them.
- Give face-time for committers and contributors to talk. This helps give
  contributors much needed confidence, encouragement and help.

16 Nov 2022 [Houston Putman / Willem]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (2 years ago)
There are currently 90 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ilan Ginzburg on 2021-09-20.
- No new committers. Last addition was Markus Jelsma on 2022-06-21.

There are a few contributors that we are actively encouraging and guiding
so that they hopefully can become committers soon.

## Project Activity:

Recent releases:
- solr-operator-v0.6.0 was released on 2022-08-14.
- 8.11.2 was released on 2022-06-17.
- 9.0.0 was released on 2022-05-12.

Larger Projects:
- There has been a concerted effort to reduce the number of failing tests in
 Solr, and our build pipelines are now almost entirely healthy.
- We have begun splitting the Solr client package (SolrJ) into sub-packages,
 so that users can choose the dependencies they want to include. Solr now has
 3 SolrJ packages and will likely have another soon.
- The community is discussing migrating from JIRA to Github Issues.
- A sandbox project, the Solr Cross Data Center Replication, is making good
 progress and could see graduation from the sandbox soon.
- Solr has undertaken a complete re-write of the V2 APIs, to make them
 REST compliant and compatible with openAPI. The plan includes a path forward
 to remove support for v1 APIs.

## Community Health:

- Members of the community met at ApacheCon in October.
 - There were 3 Solr talks scheduled for the Search track at ApacheCon 2022,
   but one speaker could not attend due to visa reasons.
 - 12 committers and many more community members attended.
 - The search track (Solr and Lucene) was very well received.
 - Solr Birds of a Feather was also very well attended by the search community,
   not limited to folks associated with Solr.
- PMC members have started providing "Solr Contributor Workshops" over the last
 month in order to help mentor and encourage people that want to start
 working and contributing back to Solr. They have done 4-5 sessions and have
 had good attendance at each!
- Solr has an Outreachy mentor and intern working on testing infra.

- had a 87% increase in traffic in the past quarter
 (582 emails compared to 310)
 The community has seen more discussion lately, both in PRs/Issues and on
 the developer list. This includes small issues as well as large, year-long
- 189 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (32% increase)
- 165 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (83% increase)
 A lot of work has been closed on this quarter, as we are working
 on and finishing long term projects, and also trying to wrap up
 Solr 9.1 (A large minor release).
- 559 commits in the past quarter (110% increase)
- 40 code contributors in the past quarter (29% increase)

Solr Operator:
- The Solr Operator has passed 400,000 downloads, less than 1.5 years
 after its release.
- 16 users have created issues in the Solr Operator repository, 100% more
 than in the previous quarter.

17 Aug 2022 [Houston Putman / Willem]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-16 (a year ago) There are currently 90
committers and 61 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is
roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ilan Ginzburg on 2021-09-20.
- Markus Jelsma was added as committer on 2022-06-21

## Project Activity:
Recent releases:

- 8.11.2 was released on 2022-06-17.
- 9.0.0 was released on 2022-05-12. This was the first major version release
 of Solr as a TLP.
 - This release added Dense Vector “Neural” Search to Solr
 - Improved stability, scalability, and security of Solr
- solr-operator-v0.6.0 RC vote has passed and will be released soon.

## Community Health:
- The community is healthy and seeing active participation on all channels
 including the mailing lists and GitHub.
- Apache Solr is part of the Search track at ApacheCon NA 2022.
- Members of the community met at Berlin Buzzwords 2022 in June.

18 May 2022 [Houston Putman / Bertrand]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-17 (a year ago)
There are currently 89 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ilan Ginzburg on 2021-09-21.
- No new committers. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2021-10-07.

## Project Activity:
Software development activity:

 - The Solr Operator v0.5.1 was released on 2022-03-21.
 - Apache Solr 9.0 was released on 2022-05-12.
 - There has been a strong effort to make the tests more stable over the last
   quarter, and we have seen notable improvements.

Apache Solr 9.0:

 - This is Solr's first solo-release as a TLP.
 - This release vastly increases the modularization of the system to enable
   new features for users that want to enable them.
 - The build system has been completely overhauled to use Gradle instead of
 - The Official Docker image is now managed within the project and tested as a
   part of the release.
 - The new minimum Java version is Java 11.
 - Many new and exciting features, including neural search are available in
   this new release.


 - We had the latest iteration of our Committer Meeting series on 2022-05-10.
   During this meeting, we discussed:
   - The migration to Apache Curator
   - Further modularization of our codebase
   - How we can continue to build our community and enable new contributors
 - Many members of the community will meet in June 2022, during Berlin
   Buzzwords, a popular conference that encompasses search as well as other
   big data topics.

## Community Health:
We have seen a flurry of activity over the last quarter, anticipating and
contributing to the release of Solr 9.0. However, development on new features
has taken a back seat to the large amount of work to bring the build and
release up to where it needs to be for 9.0. With 9.0 released, we
expect more feature work to begin.

The development mailing list saw a large increase, 87%, in traffic over the
last quarter. The user list has stayed consistent, with a mere 4% decrease.
Pony Factor is holding steady at 6.

16 Mar 2022

Change the Apache Solr Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Jan Høydahl
 (janhoy) to the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Jan
 Høydahl from the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Solr project
 has chosen by vote to recommend Houston Putman (houston) as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jan Høydahl is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice
 President, Apache Solr, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Houston Putman be and hereby is appointed
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, to serve in accordance
 with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
 Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
 or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7C, Change the Apache Solr Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

16 Feb 2022 [Jan Høydahl / Bertrand]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-17 (a year ago), after 15 years as a Lucene
sub project.
There are currently 89 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Ilan Ginzburg on 2021-09-21.
- No new committers. Last addition was Michael Gibney on 2021-10-06.

## Project Activity:
We did two 8.x releases (joint with Lucene)
* 8.11.0 was released on 2021-11-16.
* 8.11.1 was released on 2021-12-16.
The 8.11.1 release was mainly to upgrade Log4j.

The solr-operator-v0.5.0 was released on 2021-11-16.

The major 9.0 release is being prepared as we speak, which will be the first
release as a separate TLP, using Lucene 9.0 as a dependency. The committers are
extremely active, both in landing some major re-structurings and fixing the last
blockers. The release will feature a new exciting Neural Search feature, and
increased modularization, hoping to slim down the core of Solr in future
releases. Several features have also been removed from Solr 9, including Data
Import Handler and Velocity Response Writer.

We aim to have the first RC for Solr 9.0.0 out for voting in February.

## Community Health:
Lists, JIRA and GitHub activity has seen dramatic increase since December when
the 9.0 release planning started.

We had a committer's video meeting on January 20th, and have agreed on
scheduling these quarterly, since we see great value from face-to-face meetings.
At the end of the meeting we give time for individuals to encourage another
committer for something they achieved or simply for being a good community

17 Nov 2021 [Jan Høydahl / Sharan]

## Description:
The mission of Apache Solr is the creation and maintenance of software related
to highly scalable distributed document search and analytics

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr was founded 2021-02-17 (9 months ago)
There are currently 89 committers and 63 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Alessandro Benedetti was added to the PMC on 2021-09-06
- Ilan Ginzburg was added to the PMC on 2021-09-21
- Andras Salamon was added as committer on 2021-09-02
- Michael Gibney was added as committer on 2021-10-06
- Two PMC members have recently requested emeritus status

## Project Activity:
Recent releases
- 8.10.1 was released on 2021-10-18. (released by Lucene project)
- 8.10.0 was released on 2021-09-27. (released by Lucene project)
- solr-operator-v0.4.0 was released on 2021-09-13.

The Solr/Lucene 8.11.0 release is up and coming.
Lucene v9.0 release is expected in a few weeks, which unblocks Solr 9.

Solr has started planning for v9 by removing blockers. No timeline yet.
There is an increased focus on cleanup of APIs, increased ease-of-use,
better security, k8s readiness and deprecating old APIs and features.
Solr now has cloud-native backup/restore feature for AWS, GCP, Azure.

We expect to be able to borrow much of the gradle + scripts tooling improvements
from Lucene to prepare for our first Gradle-only release.

## Community Health:
The new TLP is now well established, and workflows in place. The dev list has
seen a big increase in traffic since last quarter, much due to the 9.0 release
closing in, as well as a general uptake after summer.

All in all there seems to be enough energy in this mature project to pull off
the huge effort that 9.0 release will be. It seems that transitioning the
Solr-Operator (k8s) and "docker-solr" projects from external ownership to ASF
have ignited a spark for making Solr more cloud native.

18 Aug 2021 [Jan Høydahl / Sharan]

## Description:
Solr is a highly scalable search server based on Apache Lucene.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr TLP was founded 2021-02-17 (6 months ago).
There are currently 87 committers and 61 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was David Eric Pugh on 2021-04-15.
- No new committers. Last addition was Alessandro Benedetti on 2021-02-28.

## Project Activity:
- Solr 8.9.0 was released (by Lucene PMC) on 2021-06-16

There will likely be a 8.10 release before 9.0.
Release planning for solr-operator v0.4.0 has begun.
The Reference Guide is getting a major facelift and re-organization.

## Community Health:
The community is about as active / healthy as last quarter, with a small
expected dip in the summer season.

19 May 2021 [Jan Høydahl / Craig]

## Description:
Solr is a highly scalable search server based on Apache Lucene.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr TLP was founded 2021-02-17. However Solr has existed since
2006-01-17 as a Lucene subproject.

There are currently 87 committers and 61 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past month:
- (no changes)

## Project Activity:
Work is ongoing on the solr build system to consume Lucene as a library in a
better way than relying on nightly SNAPSHOT. Also other blockers that must be
done before a 9.0 release is being discussed and worked on.

The Solr and Lucene projects plan to do a joint v8.9 release before 9.0.

Releases (since April report):
- solr-operator-0.3.0 was released on 2021-04-29

## Community Health:
It's still hard to compare various community metrics to the joint history with
Lucene. Mail traffic on dev@solr is around 40-50 per week, a slight increase
since April. Mails from JIRA and GitHub PRs are around 250 per week, same as
last month. The users list is steady going at around 60 per week.

While we in our April report had 75 GitHub PRs registered for solr, there are
now 120, an increase of 45 last month. Note that PR and commit activity
related to 8.x backports still ends up in Lucene lists and statistics.

21 Apr 2021 [Jan Høydahl / Bertrand]

## Description:
Solr is a highly scalable search server based on Apache Lucene.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr TLP was founded 2021-02-17. However Solr has existed since
2006-01-17 as a Lucene subproject.

There are currently 87 committers and 61 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5.

Community changes, past month:
- No new committers added
- Eric Pugh (epugh) joined the PMC 2021-04-15

## Project Activity:
The separation of Lucene and Solr is almost complete. Jenkins jobs were added
last month.

The final adaption of build and release process is expected to be finalized
during the work with the 9.0 releases. Work has started on the solr-operator
v0.3.0 release which will be its first release under Apache ownership.

Releases (since March report):
- 8.8.2 was released on 2021-04-12 (closing 3 CVEs)

## Community Health:
Lots of activity in the new git repo and on the new mailing lists.
Contributors are porting their old PRs/patches from the lucene-solr.git repo
to the new solr.git repo, and we already have 75 PRs in the new repo.

It's hard to compare email traffic due to the split and that the various lists
had different cutover dates, but traffic is ramping up on all lists. The new
dev@solr list has about 25 mails/week.

17 Mar 2021 [Jan Høydahl / Bertrand]

## Description:
Solr is a highly scalable search server based on Apache Lucene.

## Issues:
We have a question: "Can the Lucene PMC release a Solr bugfix release for the
previous 8.x version in the lucene/solr release repo, by vote in Lucene PMC?

Here's the background for the question: Lucene + Solr are intertwined and
currently have common git repo, build, release process and release repository.
The latest joint release is 8.8.1, built from a release branch using Ant
(master is quite different, using gradle). We do not currently plan to perform
 a code and build split on the 8.x ant branch, and we have no current plans
 for another 8.x feature release.

However, there will likely be a need for bugfix- and security releases on the
v8.x (ant) branch. How to plan for this?

If Lucene PMC cannot formally release a Solr release, we imagine that the
Lucene Release Manager can build both the lucene and solr artifacts, and then
hold the VOTE, requiring 3 "+1" from both the Lucene and Solr PMCs (which are
right now 100% identical). Then in the final step of the release, move the
Solr artifacts to the Solr release repo, and each PMC announce their own
releases separately?

Let us know what you think.

## Membership Data:
Apache Solr TLP was founded 2021-02-17. However Solr has existed since
2006-01-17 as a Lucene subproject.

There are currently 87 committers and 60 PMC members in this project. The
Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 8:5. The project was bootstrapped with the
same set of committers and PMC members as its mothership, Lucene.

Community changes, past quarter (Since February 17th):
- Bruno Roustant was added to the PMC on 2021-03-01

One PMC member nomination in-flight.

## Project Activity:
Our main focus has been to migrate Solr from the Lucene project, and we have
completed the website and mailing list migrations.

We're currently working on splitting the Lucene/Solr code base into separate
git repos and untangle builds. Cutover this week.

Expecting to spend a couple more weeks to finalize build, Jenkins, release
processes etc. We are working closely with Lucene PMC to complete remaining

Upcoming releases:

We're preparing for the first-ever Apache release of the solr-operator, which
is a Kubernetes Operator for Solr which was donated by Bloomberg last year. We
are establishing it as a sub project. The operator is written in Golang.

Next up will be Solr 9.0, which will happen after Lucene releases lucene 9.0,
as Lucene is now a binary dependency for Solr.

## Community Health:
Many community members are active in the migration process.

As we are fresh as TLP, please see the Lucene report for relevant community
health last quarter.

17 Feb 2021

Establish the Apache Solr Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of
 the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
 establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and
 maintenance of open-source software, for distribution at no charge to
 the public, related to highly scalable distributed document search and

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
 (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Solr Project", be and hereby is
 established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Solr be and hereby is responsible for the
 creation and maintenance of software related to highly scalable
 distributed document search and analytics; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Solr" be and
 hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
 direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Solr
 Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
 projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Solr Project;
 and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
 appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Solr Project:

 * Joel Bernstein <>
 * Andrzej Bialecki <>
 * Michael Busch <>
 * Ishan Chattopadhyaya <>
 * Cao Mạnh Đạt <>
 * Mike Drob <>
 * James Dyer <>
 * Shai Erera <>
 * Erick Erickson <>
 * Ryan Ernst <>
 * Jim Ferenczi <>
 * Scott Ganyo <>
 * Jason Gerlowski <>
 * Otis Gospodnetic <>
 * Dennis Gove <>
 * Adrien Grand <>
 * Martijn van Groningen <>
 * Anshum Gupta <>
 * Mark Harwood <>
 * Erik Hatcher <>
 * Gus Heck <>
 * Shawn Heisey <>
 * Jan Høydahl <>
 * Grant Ingersoll <>
 * Mikhail Khludnev <>
 * Namgyu Kim <>
 * Nick Knize <>
 * Tomas Eduardo Fernandez Lobbe <>
 * Shalin Shekhar Mangar <>
 * Stefan Matheis <>
 * Michael McCandless <>
 * Ryan McKinley <>
 * Mark Robert Miller <>
 * Christian Moen <>
 * Robert Muir <>
 * Munendra S N <>
 * Nhat Nguyen <>
 * Noble Paul <>
 * Christine Poerschke <>
 * Timothy Potter <>
 * Houston Putman <>
 * Kevin Risden <>
 * Steven Rowe <>
 * Uwe Schindler <>
 * Yonik Seeley <>
 * Koji Sekiguchi <>
 * Atri Sharma <>
 * Sami Siren <>
 * David Smiley <>
 * Michael Sokolov <>
 * Cassandra Targett <>
 * Tommaso Teofili <>
 * Varun Thacker <>
 * Ignacio Vera <>
 * Dawid Weiss <>
 * Simon Willnauer <>
 * Alan Woodward <>
 * Karl Wright <>
 * Areek Zillur <>

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jan Høydahl be appointed
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Solr, to serve in accordance
 with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
 Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal
 or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Solr Project be and hereby
 is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
 Lucene Solr sub-project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
 Lucene Solr sub-project encumbered upon the
 Apache Lucene Project are hereafter discharged.

 Special Order 7C, Establish the Apache Solr Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

15 Nov 2006

Solr is a Lucene based search server supporting XML/HTTP APIs, faceted
search, highlighting, caching and replication.  Solr entered
incubation in January 2006.

Top items to resolve before graduation:
 * Go through the process of making a release
 * Continue building a diverse community

 * Solr continues to see increased adoption and very positive feedback
   and contributions from a growing community: 195 solr-user
   subscribers and 95 solr-dev.
 * Patches from 10 different non-CNET contributors have been committed.
 * ApacheCon US 2006: "Faceted Searching with Apache Solr" session,
   Solr incubator talk, Lucene BOF
 * Other Presentations like "Subversion and Solr - Your Next Content
   Repository?" and "Solr and Faceted Search"
 * Integration packages (such as acts_as_solr maintained by others at

 * New built-in simple faceted search capabilities without the need
   for custom code.
 * Output XML via XSL transformer, compressed fields, improved
   parameter handling, more querying options and performance optimizations.

16 Aug 2006

The Incubation [ STATUS]
file is up-to-date, with all items in the project setup category long
since completed.

Technical: Solr is both maturing and gaining new capabilities, such as
highlighted context snippets, and JSON output support.  See

Community: Solr is seeing good growth in the number of users and
contributors, and we are in the process of voting in a new committer.
Other community building efforts include Yonik Seeley's talk at
ApacheCon EU, Chris Hostetter's scheduled talk at ApacheCon US, and
articles written by other Solr contributors such as
ml on