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Did not report. The community is currently discussing retirement of the project.
Apache Stonehenge Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service-Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability Stonehenge developer community is looking at how to proceed with this project in the light of transition of WS-I work into OASIS and finalization of various testing profiles (Basic Profile 1.2, 2.0, and Reliable Secure Profile 1.0). Gianugo Rabellino has joined the project as a mentor and will help us make some decisions around transition or continuation of this work
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge includes a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using currently defined W3C and OASIS standard protocols. Since the last Stonehenge report in May, the Stonehenge community has concluded very extensive testing of the M2 milestone. M2 was released on July 10th with a rich feature set: - Added a StockTrader implementation based on the Sun/Oracle Metro stack fully exercising the WS-* features in Metro - Introduced support for WS-Trust, WS-Federation and WS-Security specs in all of the supported implementations of StockTrader. - Added claims based access using active and passive STS for .NET, Axis2 and Metro - A slick configuration UI that allows for dynamic configuration of backend services, selecting any service from each tack The community also has welcomed the addition of two new committers based on their hard work in M2, Pablo Cibraro and Nicholas Hauenstein. The community is currently reviewing strategic options for the project moving forward.
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols. Since the last report in February 2010, the Stonehenge project has intensified its efforts around interop testing between the M2 implementation of the claims-based security model extension to the Stock Trader implementations. Testing between .NET, Axis2/Java and Metro/Glassfish implementations have uncovered various bugs and were subsequently corrected in the web services library and the application code. Milestone 2 (M2) M2 constituted of expanding the Stocktrader application to use claims-based authentication using an active and a passive STS for each implementation. We also upgraded the usage of the WS-* specs from the submitted versions to the ratified one. Extensive documentation work was done in parallel to describe the new feature set and simplify the installation and configuration process. In our last report we were preparing to vote for M2, unfortunately the testing efforts are still underway and we continue to find issues that we hope to resolve in the near future. We are currently investigating which if any products or implementations are holding us up from releasing and addressing them in an effort to release a stable version to our users. Milestone 3 (M3) A proposal has been submitted for creating "micro samples" for many common WS-* scenarios, with the goal being around creating implementations with low barriers to entry. The proposal can be found at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STONEHENGE-121. The community is anxiously awaiting the release of M2 so that we can get started on this project with hopes that releases can be made on a more frequent basis. Graduation Map: * Grow community around new claims based stocktrader implementations just added * More thorough documentation that empowers developers to replicate interoperability scenarios demonstrated * Demonstrate full interoperability between existing components, and release
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge is a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols. Since the last report in December 2009, the Stonehenge project has intensified its efforts around interop testing between the M2 implementation of the claims-based security model extension to the Stock Trader implementations. Testing between .NET, Axis2/Java and Metro/Glassfish implementations have uncovered various bugs and were subsequently corrected in the web services library and the application code. An example of which is an OpenSSO problem in the Metro/Glassfish implementation that was corrected in the original code base. M2 With testing winding down, the community is preparing to vote and release its M2. M2 constituted expanding the Stocktrader application to use claims-based authentication using an active and a passive STS for each implementation. We also upgraded the usage of the WS-* specs from the submitted versions to the ratified one. Extensive documentation work was done in parallel to describe the new feature set and simplify the installation and configuration process. M3 The focus remains on creating "micro samples" for many common WS-* scenarios, with the goal being around creating implementations with low barriers to entry. Discussions are in progress about testing frameworks and scenarios of interest. A proposed spec should be presented soon to the community to seed the discussion around defining M3 Graduation Map * Grow community around new claims based stocktrader implementations just added * More thorough documentation that empowers developers to replicate interoperability scenarios demonstrated * Demonstrate full interoperability between existing components, and release
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols. Since the last report in August, the Stonehenge project has been making progress towards, and clarifying the scope of an M2 release with improvements to the first sample application centered on both a unified configuration system, and a claims-based security model. As part of the efforts towards an M2 release, a Sun Metro based implementation of the StockTrader sample was added to the trunk. Community Since the last report, about 2 new developers have joined and actively contributed code in the form bug fixes and new functionality, as well as documentation. Apache Stonehenge was demonstrated at http://www.nycdotnetdev.com/EventDetail.aspx?f=list&event=7/16/2009, the NYC Connected Systems User Group, ApacheCon, and http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/jccim/Apache-Stonehenge-demoed-at-PDC09/. M2 Progress has been steady towards an M2 release. There is on-going work on a claims-based security system that adds a passive and active STS in select implementations of the StockTrader sample application. Interoperability testing is currently underway on this new functionality. As documentation is a key part to this project we've completely revamped out http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/STONEHENGE/Index to accommodate future samples. Currently there are 19 open JIRA issues marked as M2. M3 As mentioned in the August 2009 Report M3 would consist of either adding more interoperability features to StockTrader or implementing new sample applications. The latter is currently the focus, and the community is focusing on creating "micro samples" for many common WS-* scenarios, with the goal being around creating implementations with low barriers to entry. Discussions are in progress about testing frameworks and scenarios of interest. Graduation Map * Grow community around new claims based stocktrader implementations just added * More thorough documentation that empowers developers to replicate interoperability scenarios demonstrated * Demonstrate full interoperability between existing components, and release
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols. Since the last report in April, the Stonehenge project has gained tremendous sustained momentum over releasing Milestone 1 (M1) and starting Milestone 2 (M2). The community has gone through many discussions defining and refining features for the .NET StockTrader, Axis2/Java StockTrader, WSF/PHP StockTrader, and the new Glassfish/Metro based StockTrader from SUN. Two of them were demonstrated in the Microsoft Keynote at JavaOne. A detailed update: Admin: The community has gone through a release iteration, learning the various Apache guidelines for managing a release. After 3 iterations of review by the incubator-general list, M1 released on June 4th. Community: About 8 new developers have joined, three of them have been nominated to and granted committer status based on a community vote. Their contributions have been instrumental in advancing M1 and M2. In the last couple of weeks various graduate students from University of Pennsylvania joined the community and are exploring ways to contribute to the Java stacks. M1: The community has identified and resolved 34 JIRA issues towards the first release. The M1 release was accompanied by detailed documentation allowing any external developer to download and configure the various implementations of the StockTrader application, and demonstrate interoperability between the various platforms. The Stonehenge project was well received at JavaOne and had positive mentions in the press. The Glassfish/Metro based Stocktrader was contributed towards the end of M1. It is currently being moved to trunk in M2. M2: An extensive discussion ensued about the various security feature and scenarios to implement as an extension for the StockTrader applications. The community identified which features of the various security web services specs implemented by each platform can be used in M2. An overall spec was approved on the list by the respective members of each platform. Currently there are 17 JIRA issues marked as M2. Graduation map: 1- M1 release: done 2- M2: IN the April report, M2 was described as "Another iteration of improvements for StockTrader would constitute the second release (M2)". M2 now is clearly defined as extending security features in StockTrader, development is well on track for a release in Sept. 3- M3: In the April report, M3 was described as "A third release would be either adding more interop functionality to StockTrader, or implementing a new sample application". M3 is not discussed yet, however with the momentum we have we might prefer to execute it after graduation. Given the M1 and M2 momentum, we believe we are very close to graduation requirements. The only issues left before graduation is completing M2, along with the needed documentation to demonstrate interoperability between the stacks. [1] http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/August2009 = Traffic Server = TrafficServer has been incubating since July 13, 2009. The software is an extensible and scalable HTTP proxy and cache, actively used internally at Yahoo!. TS is also well conformed to the HTTP/1.1 specifications, and works very well with the Apache HTTPD server. The immediate goals for TS are: * Release the source to the Apache SVN server. The Y! developers are actively working on code cleanup, which is the last hurdle before we can push the code out to Incubator. * Build a community. * Make a v1.0 release with the help of the community. This includes fixing whatever breakage the code cleanup has done, improving build system, and packaging. Recent activities include: * Initial Committers have been given SVN and people.apache.org access. * Mailing lists have been setup, and the champion, mentors and committers are all added to the PPMC list. * The Incubator status page was created (http://incubator.apache.org/projects/trafficserver.html) * A Jira project has been created for Traffic Server (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TS).
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols. In the month of April, the growing Stonehenge community has been very active delivering on fixes for the PHP, Java and .NET implementations of a sample app called stocktrader. Stocktrader is meant to be the first sample app that demonstrates interoperability in Stonehenge. Admin: The community is still learning the ropes of apache processes. A PPMC is currently being setup to allow the nomination of several active developers. Legal headers and logos have been updated in all code bases to reflect Apache's brand. All code bases now pass the RAT tool. Community: Two new developers have joined. The current community has intensified its effort around enabling a smooth installation experience of the sample apps. Documentation has been authored and iterated upon. Code: The community has identified and resolved many fixes towards the first release. The first release, which is being voted on right now, is aimed towards producing code and docs that enable a smooth interop experience between the .NET, PHP and Java implementations of the StockTrader application. Graduation map: * M1 should be released any day now. * Another iteration of improvements for stocktraded would constitute the second release (M2) * A third release would be either adding more interop functionality to stocktrader, or implementing a new sample application - M3 Neither M2 or M3 are discussed yet. As soon as M1 is complete the community will discuss options for releases.
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Stonehenge a set of example applications for Service Oriented Architecture that spans languages and platforms and demonstrates best practices and interoperability by using currently defined W3C OASIS standard protocols. In the month of March, the growing Stonehenge community has ramped its activity on several fronts, and has made solid plans for near future:: Admin: The donated code from Microsoft and WS02 was moved from contrib to trunk. In the process various installation and configuration issues were identified, and the community has worked very closely on the DL and offline to advance these issues. Community: 3 SUN developers have joined and have been working through the various installation and configuration issues, and understanding the code architecture. They plan to contribute a Metro based java implementation in the medium term. Synergy has been developing between the WS02 and Microsoft developers towards identifying and resolving common issues. Code: The community has had discussions about a first release (M1) in the immediate short term. The release is defined to be executable code from the .NET and PHP implementations of the StockTrader application, along with complete documentation allowing a new Stonehenge member to demonstrate interoperability by mixing and matching components from the two StockTrader applications. The two applications are also undergoing necessary code changes to quality for passing the RAT tool (such as adding the legal headers) Wider Community: Some members and sponsors of Stonehenge have attended ApacheCon EU and connected with the wider community about Stonehenge.
Stonehenge was accepted in December 2008 Stonehenge continues to make progress. There is now code committed for Ruby, PHP, Axis2/Java and .NET. We are working on the wiki documentation on how to get started and run the samples. Sun are working on an implementation for Metro and we hope to get some contribution from Apache CXF too. Discussion and mailing lists are slowly getting into place and the SVN and JIRA are all in place and being used. Main Activities: * .NET Stock Trader code contributed * Java and PHP Stock Trader code contributed * New tree structure for all contributions created * All existing code moved from contrib to trunk * new committers from SUN Microsystems identified and came online * Goals and exit criteria of Milestone 1 release being defined.
Stonehenge was accepted into the Incubator in December 2008 Since the last board report, there has been further contributions and updates to the Stonehenge codebase and we are working towards our first release. The incubator website is now updated with Stonehenge listing and status page.
Stonehenge has been incubating since December 2008. Since the last report there has been a contribution of code from Microsoft. All nominated committers have submitted CLAs and are now authorized. Apart from that activity has been slow over the holiday period. Our next steps are to start working towards a first milestone release.
Stonehenge was just recently accepted into the Incubator. So far we have: * Set up the SVN, JIRA and Mailing lists * Added all the committers who have a CLA on file * Built a very basic website * Had a code donation from WSO2 * We are awaiting more code donation * We still need to create our incubator status page and add to the list of incubator projects