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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 21:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


15 Jan 2025 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Normal operations continue, including working with Fundraising and
 Infra to set up a couple of new targeted donation sponsorships.

18 Dec 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Things continue to progress normally, with the addition of assisting
 in transitions in several roles that imply responsibility changes on
 financial matters.

 With regards to Ramp cards in particular, I have not completed an
 entire review, but there are a few situations where individual
 (authorized) users have multiple responsibilities, without necessarily
 using separate cards (and thus each separate expense category) to
 match those responsibilities.  I will follow up as needed in those

 Financial reports for November 2024 have been posted to board@ ... let
 me know if you have any questions about these.

20 Nov 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 In addition to regular activities, working with Fundraising on setting
 up additional targeted donations for several projects, and dealing
 with transition of the Infra Administrator position.

 Separately, the financial report for October 2024 has been mailed to

16 Oct 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 At the end of September, we did have a significant event occur -- our
 Cloud Accountant at IgniteSpot (Sara Brutus) is leaving, and being
 replaced by Melissa McHugh.

 This is the fourth such change that has occurred during my tenure in
 Treasury.  The first two were not very effective for us.  The third
 was so good that she was promoted internally.  I wish Sara the best in
 her next endeavors, and welcome Melissa to the team.

18 Sep 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Normal operations continue.  Nothing special to report.

21 Aug 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Things are proceeding as usual, with a couple exceptions.

 * Roberto Galoppini has resigned from his position as Assistant
   Treasurer.  Please join me in thanking him for his work to assist in
   dealing with all the things Treasury deals with.

 * We are working with one of our contribution providers to make sure
   that funds contributed to the ASF get flowed in to us appropriately.

17 Jul 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 More of the same quiet progress in most respects.

 In this year's Community over Code conferences, we have been trying
 something a little different this year:

 * Offered joint sponsorship opportunities for the EU and NA
   conferences, with several takers.

 * Had the EU conference managed by a vendor.

 There have been a few process wrinkles on these, but nothing
 impossible to deal with.

19 Jun 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 More typical work, things operating normally.  We also coordinated
 with sponsors for the CoC EU and CoC NA conferences as needed.

15 May 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Things continue to progress as usual.  To assist people in creating
 budgets for the new fiscal year, I've provided detailed transaction
 lists for the last fiscal year to people with budget responsibility --
 if I missed you, please let me knoew.

 Separately, I will be on an airplane so will not be attending the May
 Board Meeting.

17 Apr 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Things continue to operate smoothly, with nothing significant to
 report about past activities.

 As we approach the budgeting cycle for the next fiscal year (which
 starts on May 1, 2024), I have developed some reporting in QuickBooks
 that can document all of the current fiscal year transactions for
 particular areas.  If you have budget responsibility for a particular
 area, and would like a copy of the report for that area, let me know.

20 Mar 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 As with previous months, things continue to run smoothly.

 One task of note that was recently completed was filing our Form 990,
 the non-profit version of an income tax report, for the 2022-2023
 fiscal year.  The firm that had previously been preparing this report
 for us declined to do so this year, so IgniteSpot (which also does our
 day-to-day accounting) offered to do so, and I accepted the offer.

21 Feb 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Things continue to operate normally, with a couple things worthy of

 * Community over Code conferences in the US and EU have a joint
   sponsorship opportunity.  We've set up a process for the appropriate
   revenue sharing with the company operating the EU conference.

 * Some questions have been raised around how physical checks to our
   Wilmington mail address get handled.  I am investigating alternative
   approaches, but have not found one worthy of being transitioned to

17 Jan 2024 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 As with prior months, things continue to operate fairly smoothly.

 One process note - Roberto Galoppini (Assistant Treasurer) will be
 taking on the task of forwarding relevant physical mail that gets
 received by our service provider (Wilmington Mail), which Myrle was
 faithfully dealing with even after she switched roles.

20 Dec 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 As with previous months, things are running smoothly.

 We (Treasury) are making plans to update the "Treasurer Internal"
 section of the ASFP wiki in the coming months.

15 Nov 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 As was the case last month, things continue to run fairly smoothly.

 I will be in transit during the November Board meeting, so will be
 unable to participate in the Zoom call.  Let me know if you have any
 questions that I can address.

18 Oct 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 As was the case last month, things continue to run fairly smoothly.

 It is too early to get a complete read on how the Community over Code
 conference did financially, but preliminary figures on the income side
 include $46k in registrations and $118k in sponsorships. Expenses will
 become clear later in October when the payments via Bill.Com and Ramp
 cards show up.

20 Sep 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Normal operations continue, nothing special to report.

16 Aug 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 We are onboarding with yet another Cloud Accountant (our primary
 contact at IgniteSpot), so that is taking a little more time than in
 the past.

 In addition, Myrle's resignation as Assistant Treasurer (THANK YOU for
 everything you've done to make Treasury able to work smoothly) is
 giving us a reason to review access to all of our online services,
 including both those that we use and the vendor portals for many of
 our sponsors) to ensure that only the authorized people have access to
 those services.  No discrepancies found, which is a good thing.

19 Jul 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 A fairly quiet month, nothing of significance to report.

21 Jun 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 I sent to the mailing list the financial results for
 both the entire 2022-2023 fiscal year, and the results for May 2023.
 To ensure they are recorded in the board meeting minutes, here are the
 comments I included with that email:

 * Financially, we operate on an accrual basis.  The impact of this is
   most notable in the "Sponsorship Program" income, where we receive
   the entire amount of each sponsorship ahead of time, but allocate
   the revenue across the relevant months in 12 equal portions.
 * In accordance with the Board-approved resolution, we transferred
   funds not needed for current operations ($2 million) to an Operating
   Reserve fund.  That investment earned us just over $48,000 in
   interest, which is being reinvested.
 * Overall for the year, revenues exceeded expenses by just over
 * As I mentioned in my previous Board Report, we have successfully
   collected the funds formerly deposited with Citizen's Bank, and
   transferred them to our TD Bank account.  This happened over the
   fiscal year-end boundary, so it shows on the Balance Sheet as an
   entry in account 1060 (Temporary Clearing) along with zeroing the
   balance of 1010 (Citizen's Checking).
 * Account 1072 (Unrealized Gains/Losses) on the balance sheet reflects
   the fact that, if we had to sell all of our investments today, we
   would lose money - which won't happen.  The cause for this is the
   long string of Federal Reserve interest rate increases, which drives
   down the list price for bonds.  As those bonds mature, we will
   receive the original par value for them, as well as the interest we
   earn in the meantime.
 * We continue to record the $500,000 "Conditional Gift" in account
   2210.  This cash remains in our Checking Account, until the Board
   decides what we want to do with it.

 * Expenses related to the Board Face-to-Face meeting happening in
   Berlin are accumulating in account 6010 (Chairmans Discretionary).
   There will be additional expenses related to this trip in June.

17 May 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 We have basically concluded the process of dealing with vendor payable
 portals that were still using the Citizens bank account.  We went back
 through all of the ones that had sent a deposit to that account in the
 last two years, and either adjusted the bank details there, or updated
 them to point at the correct (TD Bank) account.  I *think* we got them
 all, but will deal with any exceptions that come up later.

 On that topic, the legal pressure that we applied actually worked –
 Citizen’s sent us a check for the account balance
 that was successfully deposited in our TD account.

 The only wrinkle in this was the timing:
 * Citizens wrote the check at the end of April, so the account
   balance (on our books) was zero’d as of April 30.
 * The deposit to TD didn’t actually occur until early May.
   Thus, our end-of-April financial reports (and, because of our
   fiscal year, end-of-year reports) will look a little odd.
 * The amount of that check will show, in the Balance Sheet, as
   “Undeposited Funds”.  I will include notes to this effect
   when the books are finally closed and we can report final
   results for the year.

 The final results are not quite in yet, but we had a pretty successful
 year from an accounting perspective (these are still estimates until
 final closing numbers are confirmed):
 * Cash on hand (including the Citizens->TD transfer): ~$2.6 million.
   That includes the $500k “conditional gift” that has not yet been
   designated by the Board for a particular purpose.
 * Operating Reserve balance of about $1.95 million. That reflects
   “unrealized losses” if we actually had to sell any of our
   (corporate bond) assets today, instead of waiting for them to
   mature – that’s what happens with a continuous stream of interest
   rate increases.  We have no need to suffer that consequence.

 Overall, for the fiscal year:
 * Revenue from regular sources (conferences, public donations,
   sponsorships): $2.2 million. Sponsorship revenue – the largest
   portion of that – is accrued monthly based on the terms of each
   sponsorship agreement, so there’s a significant amount of the
   actual money we’ve received (reflected in our cash balance,
   above) that will show up as income in the next fiscal year.
 * Regular expenses were just over $2 million, so we had a net
   profit from actual operations of just over $250k.
 * Our operating reserve generated over $48k in interest income.
   Future projections indicate that we can expect this sort of
   return in the future as well. (Per current policy, this is
   getting reinvested in asset purchases, so it won’t show up
   in our cash balance.)

 We (ASF) need the Board to authorize a budget for the fiscal year that
 we just started.  That doesn’t stop paying any bills or anything - but
 it’s not appropriate to ignore this need.

19 Apr 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 As with previous months, we continued the process of dealing with
 vendor payable portals.  We are now down to two or three sponsors
 whose payments were made into the Citizens Bank account during this
 fiscal year, in spite of explicit payment instructions on the invoices
 in question.  In basically all of these cases, the payables systems at
 these sponsors have stored the previous (Citizens Bank) account
 details, and are not paying attention to new invoices with banking
 details.  Dealing with them gently is an important part of our
 cooperation with Fundraising to correct the internal information
 systems in each case.

 Our previous accountant at IgniteSpot has received an internal
 promotion there, and we have begun working with a new accountant there
 as our primary account representative.  Initial interactions have been
 very positive.

 For quite a while, we have been requesting Citizens Bank to close our
 account there, and transfer those funds (via a check that we can
 deposit) to our TD Bank account.  Citizens Bank has not been
 cooperative, and we are increasing the pressure on them.

22 Mar 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Continued the process of dealing with vendor payable portals.  This is
 becoming more important as we are trying to wind down usage of our
 Citizens Bank account, and several donor payments over the last year
 have been sent to that account – in spite of payment instructions on
 nearly every one of those invoices to send payments to TD Bank

 Although this was a continued focus in February, an event in March was
 also important to understand the impacts of – the failure of Silicon
 Valley Bank (followed by problems with Signature Bank and First
 Republic, as well as internationally at Credit Suisse).  A brief
 summary from our perspective:

 DIRECT IMPACTS: None.  We had no funds in any of the affected banks.

 INDIRECT IMPACTS (VENDORS):  We have significant relationships with
 several vendors, including ADP (Payroll), Bill.Com (outbound
 payments), Ramp (virtual and physical credit cards), as well as other
 options for receiving donations (such as Stripe).  Of these vendors,
 Bill.Com was the most seriously impacted (having money on deposit at
 SVB), but say that things are back on track.

 INDIRECT IMPACTS (SPONSORS):  We don’t have knowledge of which banks
 sponsors that might have had funds at risk.  However, one sponsor did
 send an interesting note – suggesting that if any of *their* vendors
 had money at SVB, they should update bank details to send payments
 somewhere else, to avoid delays in receiving payments.

 direct knowledge of such impacts, but it will benefit everyone to be
 cognizant that there might be issues.

15 Feb 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Even more continued follow-up on dealing with requirements on vendor
 payable portals for our donors.  Requirements continue to be changing,
 but our objectives remain the same:
 * At least two Treasury folks have *individual* access to vendor
   portals. As needed, our accounting firm (IgniteSpot) has
  *individual* access to each vendor portal to submit
   invoices, but not to change corporate details such as our bank

 One of the challenges, especially in cases where a vendor portal does
 not support individual accounts, is that only one person’s phone can
 be configured for the usual two-factor authentication check.  We will
 shortly be exploring technology that lets us acquire a phone number
 through which we can receive these SMS messages, and then transform
 them into either a Slack message or an email, with the destination
 being the appropriate group of individuals (either within Treasury or
 within our accounting firm).  This should avoid the kind of problems
 that occur when individuals leave their current roles.

18 Jan 2023 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Unfortunately I suffered much of the month with a nasty flu bug, so
 was not able to accomplish a lot.  Fortunately, our assistant
 treasurers were able to pick up some of the pieces, so we continued
 making progress on the tasks previously described.

21 Dec 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Continued follow-up on dealing with requirements on vendor payable
 portals for our donors.  Requirements continue to be changing, but our
 objectives remain the same:
 *  At least two Treasury folks have *individual* access to vendor
 *  As needed, our accounting firm (IgniteSpot) has *individual* access
    to each vendor portal to submit invoices, but not to change
    corporate details such as our bank account.

 These requirements are a recognition that individual accountability is
 important (especially as transitions to new individuals eventually
 happens), plus that things like two-factor authentication are
 inevitably tied to individuals.  (Does anyone here know who a TFA text
 to an account ending in “1234” actually goes to?).

 Many vendor portals make it possible to do this kind of thing.
 Unfortunately, not all of them.  Dealing with each individual case is
 an ongoing challenge.

16 Nov 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 Wrapped up most of the loose ends around ApacheCon.  In addition,
 efforts continue to establish reliable connections to the payables
 system of our various sponsors, such that personnel turnover on our
 end will not cause disruptions.

 @Roman: follow up with Craig about 2FA stuff

19 Oct 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 A large amount of effort this month was supporting the run up to
 ApacheCon, including some lessons learned about approaches to paying
 for things.  This information will be used to fine tune our approaches
 for future conferences.  In addition, efforts continue to get a handle
 on various sponsors that have had changing requirements to operate
 within their Accounts Payable systems.

21 Sep 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 This month continued focus on several tasks from the month before,
 including access to Accounts Payable systems for various sponsors and
 donors.  As more of our donors adopt requirements to participate in
 their donor-specific Accounts Payable environments, the amount of
 effort this requires has been increasing.  Some of this effort has
 been because we consolidated our bank accounts into one, but donor
 systems maintained information from previous contributions that is now
 out of date.  This should taper down as more of them are updated, but
 is still a focus of effort in the short term.

 We have also been working with the various Apache folks coordinating
 and organizing the upcoming ApacheCon conference in New Orleans.

17 Aug 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 This month continued focus on several tasks from the month before,
 including access to Accounts Payable systems for various sponsors and
 donors, as well as working with planning for spending and payment
 processing for the upcoming ApacheCon conference.

 In addition, this was the first month working with our new cloud
 accountant at IgniteSpot.  That experience has been very positive so

 Also, work has begun on preparing input data for the Form 990 report
 that we must submit to the IRS annually.

20 Jul 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 This month has been focused on several things.

 Regaining access to registrations that were done, on behalf of Apache,
 in the Accounts Payable systems of several of our sponsors and other
 donors.  A tentative policy formalizing how we set up secure access to
 these systems is under discussion with fundraising, but is complicated
 by the fact that each vendor system has its own unique requirements
 that must be met.

 Working with various groups supporting the upcoming ApacheCon
 conference in New Orleans, to set up the mechanisms for accepting
 registration payments, as well as reimbursements to staff members and
 TAC participants, primarily through Ramp cards.

 At the end of the month, we found that our recently appointed cloud
 accountant at IgniteSpot has again been replaced.  I will be meeting
 with our new representative shortly, to restart an onboarding process.

15 Jun 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 This month was calmer than most recently … until the end of the month,
 when we were notified that our primary accounting person, at
 IgniteSpot, has decided to take a job elsewhere, meaning another
 transition after five months with the current person.  We will be
 meeting with and onboarding our new person in June, and will
 definitely have a learning process to deal with.  Fortunately, the
 IgniteSpot person who does lots of our actual detailed entry work (I
 love her title:  “Data Expert”), remains on the team, which will
 lessen the effort required.

 One immediate term focus has been the need that we (Treasury),
 Fundraising, and IgniteSpot need to work together on defining and
 implementing policies that provide the right secure access, from the
 right parties, to login credentials to various vendors that we rely
 on.  For example, we show up as an Accounts Payable vendor in the
 environments of most or all of our sponsors.  This will be a focus
 over the next few months.

 In addition, our newest Assistant Treasurer and I (Treasurer) have
 been meeting 1:1 pretty much weekly, both for onboarding him but also
 with the goal of writing down the various procedures needed to perform
 in this role, so that – the next time a transition happens – it will
 be easier to provide the needed knowledge.

18 May 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 As we have completed our 2021-2022 fiscal year (ending on April 30,
 2022), we primarily focused on cleaning up some outstanding issues on
 the way Targeted Donations have been handled - in some cases the funds
 were not actually separated from unrestricting giving, and in some
 cases expenditures were not being charged against the Targeted
 Donations for each particular project.  Several of these have been
 resolved, but a few remain to be addressed - including some targeted
 donations that have been on the books for a long time.  We will be
 working with Fundraising to resolve the current status of each of
 these donations, as well as implement a standard strategy (worked out
 with Fundraising) on how to deal with future targeted donations.

 On the Statement of Financial Position (formerly called the Balance
 Sheet, but this term is more accurate when it relates to non-profits
 like us), you will see two numbers listed under the Operating Reserve

 Operating Reserve-Basis:  This balance is made up of (1) Our
 initial contribution to the reserve ($100 test transaction to confirm
 that the wire transfer process works correctly, $2,000,000 for the
 initial contribution; (2) Increased by interest payments we receive
 monthly; (3) Decreased by management fees with TD Wealth on a
 quarterly basis.

 Unrealized Gains/Losses:  What we would make or lose
 if we sold the entire portfolio, at end-of-month market prices.  Why
 is it negative right now?  We are invested in a broad list of high
 quality corporate bonds - and when interest rates are rising (as they
 are at the moment), the sales price of bonds goes down in order to
 maintain competitive yields.  Should we be concerned?  No - unlike
 with purchasing stocks, we are guaranteed the original bond amount
 when it matures, unless (a) a bond seller defaults on paying the bonds
 off – extremely unlikely with the investments recommended by our
 advisor, or (b) we have to sell prior to maturity – which is also
 extremely unlikely unless our fundraising falls off a cliff.

 Because this was the end of our fiscal year, a YTD
 this-year-versus-last-year report was provided, so we can review the
 entire year’s activity in addition to just the current month.

20 Apr 2022 [Craig R. McClanahan]

 The initial investment into our Operating Reserve account at TD Wealth
 has been completed.  In line with the Board-approved investment
 policy, we have gone with the recommendations of our Financial Advisor
 (at TD Wealth), and invested the initial transfer in an array of
  approximately 40 corporate bonds (at around $50,000 each), with
  maturities in tiers ranging from one to five years.  I have
  instructed our advisor to reinvest interest (and any dividends) we
  receive, rather than returning cash to the general bank account – we
  do not need it for any foreseeable future requirements, and it will
  do us more good continuing to earn income.

 Notes on how this will be represented in the financial reports
 (starting with March 2022):
 * The amount we have transferred in to the Operating Reserve ($100 in
   a test transaction, $2,000,000 for the big deposit), plus any
   interest/dividends earned, and minus any withdrawals (none are
   anticipated) and investment advisor fees will show in the Balance
   Sheet in the “Cash and Equivalents” section, with the heading
   Operating Reserve.
 * The amount of interest/dividends earned in any given month will show
   in the Profit & Loss as Other Income (at the bottom).
 * Investment Advisor fees (none in March, but they will show up
   quarterly) will show up as an Other Expense (at the bottom).
 * Monthly reports from our Operating Reserve investment account look a
   lot like reports from investment accounts for our individual IRAs
   and other investments – and the summary includes *unrealized* (until
   we actually sell assets) gains and losses due to fluctuations in the
   current market prices of the bonds we have purchased.  I’ll be happy
   to separately include the summary on a regular basis if the Board
   desires – you probably don’t want to see the 45 detail pages
   describing all our initial investments – but the Balance Sheet and
   Profit & Loss statements should reflect only real things, not the
   constantly changing purchase prices for things we have no intent to

 On the topic of Operating Reserve income:
 * For March 2022 (about half a month of investment), we earned almost
   $1500 in interest.
 * As a comparison, for the entire fiscal year to date (May 2021 -
   February 2022), we earned just over $150 in interest on our previous
   CDARS program and interest on our bank accounts.
 * The estimated interest income for the next twelve months, based on
   what we have invested so far, is just under $50,000.
 * Regarding budgeting, my recommendation is that we either (a) do not
   explicitly budget for this, because these funds are not available
   for general use unless we withdraw them, or (b) budget for it, but
   in a completely separate section.  I recommend option (a), but it’s
   up to the Board which way we want to deal with it.

 After the budget for the next fiscal year is approved, I will be
 reviewing whether we should transfer more funds to the Operating
 Reserve, based on the new budget’s income and expense projections.
 According to the approved policy, it is acceptable to keep 50%-75% of
 the projected annual requirements in readily available cash. In case
 of need, we can (of course) withdraw money from the Operating Reserve
 at any time.  However, since this will most likely involve sale of
 some of the purchased assets, incurring settlement time frames
 measured in days, this is not an instantaneous process.

 Other items of note:
 * Roberto Gallopini has been onboarding as a second Assistant
   Treasurer (in addition to Myrle Krantz’s continued participation),
   with much success.  He is picking up understanding of our processes,
   and has contributed to solving ongoing issues.
 * Our accounts at Boston Private have been closed, and all funds
   transferred to our TD Bank account. Our efforts to transfer the
   remaining balance from our Citizen’s Bank account are still ongoing.
   This has been complicated by the fact that a few of our donors are
   still sending their payments to that account (we are working to
   update the information in our donor A-P systems as this occurs).
   Myrle is leading the charge in getting this situation finalized.
 * We have assisted Fundraising in preparing their budget proposal for
   the next fiscal year, dealing with some complications due to the
   switch (current fiscal year) from cash basis to accrual basis
 * As part of this assistance, we (Fundraising and Treasury) are
   working to formalize how we handle donations that are targeted to
   individual Apache projects or purposes.  Part of this formalization
   will include some cleanup in the detailed accounting for recent and
   ongoing targeted donations.  The amounts are not material to the
   overall financial situation, but the goal is to ensure that our
   final reports for April 2022 (the end of this fiscal year) will
   accurately show the size of restricted but unspent funds for each
   project, and support ongoing tracking for each individual project in
   the future.

16 Mar 2022 [Craig McClanahan]

 We have continued to make progress getting our Operating Reserve
 account set up at TD Wealth.  You will see this show up in the March
 financial reports, starting with a $2 million transfer from our TD
 Bank account to the Operating Reserve.  This is quite a bit less than
 half of our end-of-February cash balance, and (even not counting the
 $500,000 restricted donation), falls in line with the policies
 outlined in the Investment Policy Statement that the Board approved in
 December 2021.

 In February, Myrle and I reached out on members@ looking for potential
 volunteers for a second Assistant Treasurer position.  This would
 allow for spreading the required workload across more volunteers, and
 provide better backstops if the Treasurer or current Assistant
 Treasurer became unavailable - especially for transactions that
 require dual approvals.

 We got a reply expressing interest from Roberto Galoppini
 (, a fairly long time member, who followed up on
 the suggestion to review Myrle’s video presentation about the progress
 that Treasury has made, and we also had a video interview with him
 recently.  We were both favorably impressed, and would like to
 nominate him as a second Assistant Treasurer.

16 Feb 2022 [Craig McClanahan]

 January marks a transition at the Treasurer position, from Myrle
 Krantz to Craig McClanahan.  Myrle remains as Assistant Treasurer, for
 which I am very grateful.  I'm standing on the shoulders of giants
 after all that she has accomplished.

 We also experienced a transition of our primary accounting contact at
 IgniteSpot (our accounting firm).  Our former primary contact chose to
 leave them, and we have engaged with our new primary contact there,
 and things are going well.

 Regarding general financial activities, we are moving forward with
 several tasks that are not yet complete:

 * Closing our accounts at Boston Private (as soon as our final CDARS
   investments mature in February).  Funds will be transferred to our
   TD Bank account.

 * Closing our account at Citizen's Bank.  Funds will be transferred to
   our TD Bank account.

 * Funding of the Operating Reserve investment account, per the
   Investment Policy Statement approved by the Board.

 As a terminology note, our investment advisor for the Operating
 Reserve account will be referred to as TD Wealth, to distinguish it
 from TD Bank that is our bank account.

19 Jan 2022 [Myrle]

 The budgeting process in operations is beginning and the Treasurer’s
 office is supporting by providing budget and expenditure numbers from
 the current and previous fiscal year.

 We have hit a minor, temporary obstacle in this process, caused by
 personnel transitions: We have a new accountant at IgniteSpot Our
 Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer are swapping positions This will
 slow us down a bit, but only a few days.

 Over the holiday period, we had several unexpected last minute
 sponsorships and donations, related to the end of the year.  Because
 some of the needs to support these sponsorships came up after our
 accountant was already off for Christmas, our volunteers supported
 those efforts by issuing estimates and providing adjustments to
 existing invoices on Christmas Eve.  Fortunately, because we have
 access to our own data in Quickbooks Online, we were able to provide
 this support.

15 Dec 2021 [Myrle]

 We have completed a draft of the Investment Policy Statement and
 submitted it to the board for comment.  We hope it will be passed, so
 that the Treasury can make progress on two open issues:
 * CDARS replacement.
 * Endowment fund establishment with the $500k restricted donation that
   we've been carrying on our books since 2018.

 Similar to the Arrow donation managed by Myrle Krantz, and then later
 the Cordova donation managed by Craig Russell, Craig McClanahan is
 currently making Ramp Cards available to the Spark community to help
 them use a restricted donation targeted at helping the Spark

 We've also received a restricted donation targeted to the Apache D&I
 community efforts.

 In the context of the increased volume of restricted donations
 targeted at specific Apache projects we are currently examining our
 accounting practices and our technology choices to see if we can
 improve the processes involved.

17 Nov 2021 [Myrle]

 We have begun the work of drafting an Investment Policy Statement, and
 have presented a very early draft to the board for discussion.

 Craig Russell has been supporting the Apache Cordova PMC in spending
 project restricted funds, by providing Ramp virtual cards.  Volunteers
 are able to buy test hardware to help them develop Cordova without
 paying for that hardware out of their own pocket and then requesting
 reimbursement.  This is the culmination of several positive advances
 in fundraising and in the treasury, including policies on what kinds
 of targeted donations are possible (fundraising), processes for
 recognising and tracking restricted funds (accounting), and tools for
 safely creating and managing virtual credit cards.  This has taken a
 bit of figuring out, but feedback from volunteers has been
 overwhelmingly positive.  This is a success to be proud of.  For those
 interested, you can follow our credit card expenditures in the
 #ramp-notifications slack channel; credit card expenditures are
 *fully* transparent.

20 Oct 2021 [Myrle]

 We have received the resignation of Assistant Treasurer, Trevor Grant.
 We appreciate Trevor’s multiple years of service in this role, and
 wish him well in all other roles he chooses to pursue.  Thank you
 Trevor for helping to protect and manage the funds of The ASF for
 nearly two years!

 Our remaining Assistant Treasurer Craig Russell has not yet been
 onboarded into all of our accounts; we still have some work to do
 here, but we have made some progress.  We have nominated a new
 Assistant Treasurer to serve together with Craig Russell.

 Craig Russell has been collecting requirements for a CRM system to
 improve collaboration between the Treasurer team and the Fundraising

 We have taken the next step in closing the Citizen’s Bank account by
 moving the balance from that account to our TDBank account.  The
 amount moved was over $806k.  We may still receive deposits in the
 Citizens account going forward, but we need Fundraising and the
 Treasurer team to work together to inform sponsors and prevent such
 misdirected deposits.  As was originally requested at the end of last
 year, our Citizen’s account has been removed from our former
 accountant Virtual’s umbrella organization. has not responded to our requests for correction with respect
 to the funds loss that resulted from a currency misconfiguration in
 their system.  We are choosing to accept the loss at this time,
 because it is not worth the volunteer effort to continue to pursue it.

15 Sep 2021 [Myrle]

 Onboarding our new Assistant Treasurer, Craig Russell continues. Craig
 has begun deepening his understanding of our collections process and
 examining the interface between treasurer and fundraising.

 We had a snag in vendor payments resulting from a misconfiguration in  The consequence of that misconfiguration was underpayment
 of our vendor.  The problem has been addressed, and the vendor will be
 paid correctly going forward.  We are still awaiting’s
 response on how the misconfiguration came about.

 We encourage those curious about the financial’s of The ASF or our
 accomplishments from the previous year to take a look at the
 Treasurer’s part of the annual report that was just published:

18 Aug 2021 [Myrle]

 July was a quiet month, so not much to report.

 We welcome our new Assistant Treasurer, Craig Russell.  Thanks CraigR
 for volunteering.  We've been getting CraigR onboarded into the
 various Treasurer systems.

 The transition from Citizen’s to TDBank hit a snag when we realized
 that sponsors with vendor systems that we access still have the old
 banking information in their systems.  IgniteSpot is working to update
 those sponsors who draw their banking data from systems other than our

 Reporting to the board via our new pdf reports generated in Fathom has
 been well-received.  As a result we’ve gotten good feedback from
 another volunteer who has also joined us on the Treasury calls.

21 Jul 2021 [Myrle]


 Collaboration with IgniteSpot on accounting continues to work

 Because of holidays, June was another quiet month.  Treasurer and
 Assistant Treasurer have been intermittently unavailable over the last
 month, leading to pauses on several of the things we’re working on.
 We had said we weren’t going to report this month, due to vacation.
 But a few things have happened, so here we are...

 Additional Assistant Treasurer

 In order to improve our “lottery factor” in the Treasurer’s office,
 we’ve asked that the board name an additional Assistant Treasurer.
 The discussion item can be found later in the board agenda.

 Reporting improvements

 We delivered the first Fathom-generated report to the board on the
 private board list last month.  No comments were received, so we are
 currently assuming that it was acceptable.

 Additional reports by budget area for officers is the next step.

 Transition to TDBank

 We were able to transition one more fundraising account from
 depositing to Citizens to depositing to TDBank.  That leaves only one
 last account that we know of.  Once that is complete we will do one
 last check with fundraising, and then close the Citizens bank

 Introduction of virtual credit cards

 Virtual credit cards are working as they should.  We are earning a
 small bonus each month, where previously we were paying fees and
 interest.  Officers have been either silent or complimentary about the
 new functionality.

 We are currently, together with fundraising, exploring the use of
 virtual credit cards as a way for PMCs with project funds to spend
 those funds in a manner that is transparent to their communities.  Bob
 Paulin is driving this proposal, and I’m very pleased with his ideas
 and suggestions.

 Preparation of tax returns

 We have paused this work due to vacation and other factors, and will
 pick it back up again in the coming month.

16 Jun 2021 [Myrle]

 Collaboration with IgniteSpot on accounting continues to work

 Because of holidays, May was a quiet month.

 We’ve made no progress on Charity Navigator.  It is my intention to
 drop this task.

 For those curious to learn more about past improvements to our tooling
 made by the Treasurer, this blog post may be of interest:

 Reporting improvements

 IgniteSpot is introducing a new reporting system called Fathom which
 integrates with QuickBooks and produces beautiful spreadsheets and PDF
 reports.  To prepare for this, they’ve gone through our chart of
 accounts and made various improvements, and had the Treasurer review
 them.  In the future, in the Treasurer’s office, we will be adjusting
 our reporting across various channels to leverage the new reporting

 It has long been requested that we provide automated reports for
 individual budget areas to the officers.  The introduction of Fathom
 should reduce the workload of generating reports to put this feature
 within reach.

 Transition to TDBank

 The TDBank ACH blocking exceptions for have been added.  We
 are now paying vendors via TDBank instead of Citizen’s.  This was the
 last blocker for closing the Citizen’s account.

 We continue to monitor the Citizen’s account in preparation for
 closing it completely.  There are still a few minor systems which
 deposit sub-100 donations to that account.  And there may still be a
 few sponsors’ PO systems that need updating.  We’ll synchronize with
 fundraising before taking the last step.

 Introduction of virtual credit cards

 Roll out to the officers of virtual and physical credit cards issued
 from is complete.  We have canceled our Citizen’s credit
 cards and officers have been instructed to destroy their existing
 Citizen’s credit cards.

 Preparation of tax returns

 IgniteSpot, WernerCPA and the Treasurer’s office have begun
 collaboration to prepare the 990s for the fiscal year 2020 through
 2021.  We have identified a handful of questions requiring information
        outside of the Treasurer’s office, and have asked the relevant
        officers.  Officers have been helpful in providing the
        information we need.

 Getting an overview of the Treasurer’s systems

 In order to evaluate our organizational truck factor, with the
 intention of improving it, we’ve begun collecting information about
 the accounts and digital platforms currently relevant to the work of
 the Treasurer’s office.  The analysis also includes who has access to
 and ownership of the various systems, how the systems interact with
 each other, and what kinds of access controls are applied within each
 system.  The analysis is placed in a private confluence document
 available to members of The Foundation.

19 May 2021 [Myrle]


 Collaboration with IgniteSpot on accounting continues to work
 smoothly.  IgniteSpot is now supporting Conferences Fundraising in
 addition to their normal Fundraising support.  We’ve hit a hitch on
 the transition from the Citizens’ bank account to TDBank, but we are
 resolving it.

 We have shifted from cash-based to accrual-based accounting with the
 beginning of the new fiscal year on May 1st.

 We discovered that Charity Navigator rates us lower than warranted
 because they have inaccurate information about us.  Craig Russell is
 helping us rectify the situation by pointing them to our most recent
 audit and our CoI policy.  In the process we have also updated records

 We have ended acceptance of BitCoin donations to The Foundation.

 We have also finished the recovery of our PayPal account.  We believe
 that now all treasury-related accounts are in the hands of the
 treasurer, or accounting.

 We have also updated to contain current external
 information and moved internal information about invoice approval
 processes and similar to the ASF internal confluence page.  Thank you
 Dave Fisher for moving the Treasurer website to Pelican/Github to make
 this process much easier.  Going forward we plan to move
 finance-related externally-visible corporate documents such as 990s
 and audit reports to the treasurer website.

 Transition to TDBank

 We discovered that TDBank did not have exceptions in ACH blocking for  Because of that, we continue to pay vendors via Citizen’s
 while we wait for TDBank to workaround the bug in their ACH blocking.

 We have moved PEO (ADP Total Source) to TDBank, and that has gone

 As of April 16th, all outgoing sponsorship invoices have contained the
 new bank account number.  A number of sponsors have requested that we
 provide extra proof of the new bank account, and IgniteSpot has taken
 on the extra work.

 We’ll continue to monitor the Citizen’s account in preparation for
 closing it completely.  There may still be a few sponsors’ PO systems
 that need updating.  We’ll synchronize with fundraising before taking
 the last step.

 Introduction of virtual credit cards

 Greg Stein’s tests of virtual and physical credit cards issued from have been successful.  As a result we are proceeding with the
 full roll out to the officers.  All officers have been invited to the
 platform.  We may need to fine-tune expense policies and approval
 rights over the next couple of months, but the platform is fully ready
 for go-live.  The resonance among those who have tried it has been
 overwhelmingly positive.  As a result, we plan to cancel our Citizen’s
 credit cards as soon as the last bill has been paid.

21 Apr 2021 [Myrle]


 Collaboration with IgniteSpot on accounting continues to work
 smoothly.  We’ve mostly completed the transition from the Citizens’
 bank account to TDBank.  We are currently introducing a new credit
 card provider which will change the way volunteers interact
 financially with the foundation.

 The shift to accrual accounting will begin at the new fiscal year on
 May 1st. Under accrual accounting, budgeting hiccups like the one
 mentioned in the Brand report won’t happen if invoices are paid after
 services were rendered.  Charges will be placed on our books in the
 month goods and services were received.

 We’ve changed the treasurer slack channel to be private and we have
 updated the subscriber list.

 At fundraising's request, we have added “soft collections” to our
 contract with IgniteSpot. This and the addition of data entry
 increases our accounting expenses, but they will still be lower than
 last year.  IgniteSpot is also taking on event sponsor invoicing.

 We have received and signed an engagement letter with the CPA to begin
 work on our taxes for the fiscal year that completes at the end of
 April 2021.

 Transition to TDBank

 TDBank has now completed the implementation of Treasury services,
 including ACH blocking.  We have begun moving our money from Citizens
 to TDBank.

 Starting on April 16th, all outgoing sponsorship invoices contain the
 new bank account number.  PayPal and Stripe now deposit to TDBank.
 Greg has begun moving PEO to TDBank, and will complete that move by
 the end of April.

 We’ll continue to monitor the Citizen’s account for a few months after
 that before closing it completely.  There may still be a few sponsors’
 PO systems that need updating.  We’ll synchronize with fundraising
 before taking the last step.

 Introduction of virtual credit cards

 As of April 14th, we have an account with for the purposes of
 issuing virtual and physical credit cards.  Last year we had an
 incident in which a vendor was repeatedly charging an officer’s card
 for a service that had been canceled.  We were forced to cancel that
 officer’s credit card to stop the incorrect charges.  With virtual
 credit cards, each vendor receives a separate credit card number,
 making it possible for us to cancel a credit card and stop incorrect
 charges from one vendor without affecting other vendors.

 Virtual credit cards also make it possible for officers to name the
 budget line item in QuickBooks Online that a charge should be applied
 to automatically.  This approach reduces the accounting effort caused
 by the credit cards, especially for recurring charges.

 This solution also improves our ability to support volunteers who
 rarely make charges.  In the past we asked our volunteers to pay for
 things out-of-pocket and then reimbursed them.  Examples include board
 members traveling to the once-yearly face-to-face, or ordering
 stickers and swag for ApacheCon and FOSDEM.  We want to be able to
 issue a virtual card to those volunteers for a specific purpose, and
 then void the card when they’re done.

 Greg is testing both physical and virtual cards on
 Infrastructure vendors, IgniteSpot is testing accounting systems
 integration, and I am testing user management.  Early results are
 excellent.  We expect to begin rolling this out with further officers
 towards the end of May.  Once that rollout is complete, we will cancel
 all Citizens’ credit cards.

17 Mar 2021 [Myrle]

 Shift to accrual accounting

 We are preparing for a change to accrual accounting at the beginning
 of the new fiscal year on May 1st.  IgniteSpot has combed our books
 for any problematic entries, and over the course of several meetings
 we have discussed how to handle various cases.  In general we expect
 this to produce budgets and reports that are more intuitive for
 officers and board members to read.  The price of this is that the
 accounting effort to generate those reports will increase in some
 cases.  The good news is that because of our shift to, most
 of the information necessary to make that transition is already
 available and extracted for accounting purposes.

 Advising VP Data Privacy

 VP Data Privacy is putting together a list of external services
 consumed, and Treasury is assisting.

 Reporting and Budget preparation

 We continue to work with the president and the officers to prepare the
 budget for the coming year.  In particular, in preparation for a
 switch to accrual accounting, we are meeting with officers
 individually to give them an opportunity to ask questions and discuss
 how this impacts their budgeting areas.

 We also prepared the quarterly and the yearly member’s meeting report
 this last month.

 Tax filings

 Our 990 is now complete and submitted.

 Transition to TDBank

 TDBank now has all of the paperwork necessary to implement Treasury
 services.  By their predictions, that should be completed within the
 next week.  Once Treasury services are implemented, we can start
 shifting accounts receivable to TDBank.

17 Feb 2021 [Myrle]

 Treasurer’s work this month primarily consisted of providing the
 information and reviews necessary to complete our audit, and prepare
 our tax return.  I have been going slower on the goal of transitioning
 to TDBank, but the urgency for that task has not diminished.  I’ll be
 renewing our efforts in the coming month.

 Budget preparation

 IgniteSpot is currently preparing a pro forma budget as a starting
 point for officers based on the previous year’s expenses.  YTD
 officer’s expense control has been very good.  In general, I  expect
 spending in the coming year to necessarily increase to cover expenses
 that have been delayed in the past year.  But because there is still a
 greater than normal amount of economic uncertainty, I would ask that
 officers approach this carefully.


 We completed our audit for the fiscal year ending on April 30, 2020
 with an unqualified result.  The full report has been provided to the

 The auditor did identify an area in which we can improve, with respect
 to apportioning our funds in a manner which keeps them under FDIC
 insurance.  Some improvements had already been made by the time of the
 audit, and we will continue to seek to improve in this area.

 Tax filings

 The work to complete our 990s is almost, but not quite complete.  All
 change requests have been discovered and we await only the final
 version.  This fiscal year there were several changes from previous
 years, including the introduction of ALC, and the introduction of a
 Conflict of Interest policy.  We are grateful to the TAC community for
 helping us respond to questions about grant making activities.

 Boston Private

 The assistant treasurer is now also listed as a signatory on the
 Boston Private account.  Thank you to the board for helping us get
 this done.

 Transition to TDBank

 The transition to TDBank is currently blocked on the introduction of
 treasury services.  Taxes and audit had higher priority in the last
 month, and so this work was put on pause, but it will proceed in the
 coming month.

 Accounting transition

 The transition to the new accountant is mostly complete.  We did
 identify one final item that we missed in the transition up till this
 point.  The ownership of our credit card account remained with Virtual
 until last Friday, the 12th.  I am still awaiting confirmation that
 transfer was successful.  Presumably the holidays and the inclement
 weather have produced additional obstacles.  This will result in
 interest and fees.  My hope is to bring our credit card service
 provider to the point where we can also easily transfer information
 between volunteers and accounting, and transfer responsibility from
 one volunteer to another.

 Financial reporting:

 Foundation financial reporting can be found in our quarterly report:

20 Jan 2021 [Myrle]

 While reading this and future reports, please keep in mind that
 reducing manual labor and increasing automatically accessible insights
 for volunteers and paid staff alike has been the major theme behind
 the changes we have made and will continue to make in the Treasurer’s

 Transition to TDBank:

 We have opened a new bank account with TDBank.  Currently we are
 depositing all donor checks to TDBank and directing payments from
 Stripe and PayPal to TDBank.  We are not currently requesting that
 sponsors remit to the TDBank account, and we also are not currently
 paying expenses out of it.

 Our evaluation of virtualizing our credit card expenditures is still
 lower priority, but opening the TD Bank account helps us towards this
 goal, because it allows us to provide the virtual credit card provider
 with read-only access to our bank account.

 TDBank also syncs automatically with QuickBooks Online, which reduces
 our manual work in accounting reconciliation.

 In the process of transitioning Boston Private, I requested that
 Trevor Grant be added to the signatories.  We’ve been asked to sign an
 agreement very similar to the Citizen’s agreement that recently
 required board action.  We should discuss how we wish to handle this.

 Support of Fundraising:

 Our new treasurer/accounting team spent a lot of extra cycles
 supporting fundraising/sponsor relations in December to help bring in
 last minute, end-of-year sponsorships, including a rather exciting
 double Platinum sponsorship invoice created and submitted to the
 Microsoft purchase order system by the Treasurer herself on the
 morning of the January 1st (European time) with extensive support from
 Greg Stein and Sally Khudairi.  IgniteSpot was very responsive,
 sometimes even during their vacation.

 Accounting transition:

 The transition to the new accountant is mostly complete.

 Still outstanding are:
 * Complete the tax and audit of our books from the last fiscal year,
   which are still held by our previous accounting firm.  Progress has
   been made, but this is not yet complete.
 * Recovering access to two last donation channel accounts.

 Of the outstanding items from the accounting transition mentioned in
 our previous report, we’ve been able to complete:
 * Transition our bank account out from under the previous accounting
   firm’s relationship with our bank, and provide the new accounting
   firm with read access to our banking data.
 * Complete the integration between and QuickBooks online, in
   order to automatically sync payment data.
 * Migrate the PayPal account, and the Boston Private account.

 Other items we have accomplished:
 * Our current accountant, with support from our previous accountant,
   was also able to complete the 1099’s for the year and is sending
   them out.
 * We have agreed on a notification schedule and format for incoming
   payments for fundraising.

 And finally, a reminder: for *all* email communications with our
 accounting team, please include

16 Dec 2020 [Myrle]

 For the most recent quarterly financial report, please see:

 Our switch to a new account firm known as IgniteSpot Accounting also
 known as “Dashboard Accountants” in Utah is almost complete.  We have:
 * Completed the transfer of our accounting data to them
 ** successfully imported data into QuickBooks online
 ** created accounts for all relevant people to access this data, which
    includes President, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer.

 * Transitioned our invoicing process to IgniteSpot.
 ** created new invoice templates
 ** onboarded the IgniteSpot team onto fundraising tools and processes

 * Begun transitioning our accounts payable process to IgniteSpot.
 ** Set up IgniteSpot’s access to our accounts

 * Freshened up our mailing list structure and subscribers to
   facilitate communication and role clarity, while protecting data
 ** For all communications with our accounting team please use the mailing list.
 ** For details, please see

 I have been very pleased with the energy and accuracy with which
 IgniteSpot has approached this transition.

 We still need to:
 * Complete the transition of our bank account out from under the
   previous accounting firm’s relationship with our bank, and provide
   the new accounting firm with read access to our banking data.
 * Complete the tax and audit of our books from the last fiscal year,
   which are still held by our previous accounting firm.
 * Complete the integration between and QuickBooks online, in
   order to automatically sync payment data.
 * Complete the migration of various other accounts such as PayPal,
   Boston Private, etc.

 Related tasks that we have also completed:
 * Moved PEO for our employees to ADP Total Source.  Kudos to Greg
   Stein for working through the details of this process.
 * Set up a new lock box in the State of Delaware, resulting in a new
   mailing address for our corporation.

 Our evaluation of virtualizing our credit card expenditures (mentioned
 in last month's report) is lower priority, but to facilitate progress
 on this in the future, we’re implementing solutions to support credit
 worthiness checks common to virtual card offerings:
 * moving money from CDARS into our bank account to support a minimum
 * seeking a method to create read only access into our bank account.

18 Nov 2020 [Myrle]

 We continue to evaluate virtualizing some of our credit card
 expenditures.  This has proved surprisingly complex, because virtual
 credit card offerings generally have underwriting requirements on our
 funding levels.  In order to keep their costs low, virtual credit card
 offerers generally try to verify those requirements via bank API

 The ASF Operating reserve is well above the ASAE standard average of 6
 months of reserve for Non-Profits.  A full financial report will be
 included in the Foundation’s next quarterly report.

 I remain pleased with the officers’ execution in holding down costs
 and using foundation funds effectively to fulfill our mission.
 Because of these efforts, our organization is well able to withstand a
 long economic downturn.

 @Myrle: include link to financial report in future

21 Oct 2020 [Myrle]

 As previously announced, we will no longer provide full financial
 reporting within every board report.  Full financial reporting will
 still be available to the public as part of our quarterly and annual
 reports, the most recent of which can be found here:

 Monthly reports will still be provided to the board.  With this
 adjustment, we hope to make the treasurer’s office easier to fill for
 current and future volunteers.

 We are evaluating virtualizing some of our credit card expenditures.
 Some of our officers need a physical card some of the time.  But
 officers who use a card for online purchases, may benefit from more
 flexibility, better protection against mistaken and fraudulent credit
 card charges, and better tracking of expenses against budget items
 through some of the current offers.

 We have adjusted the accounting of the Pineapple fund donation of
 $893K made in January 2018.  Previously this was a board restricted
 fund; we are now recognizing it as unrestricted funds.  This change
 makes a massive difference in our calculated operating reserves, and
 other key indicators.  These will now have to be footnoted so as to
 prevent misleading.  However the original donation was provided
 without restrictions; these funds were available to the board since
 the time of their donation to apply to appropriate uses within our
 organization.  So, while this represents an accounting adjustment, it
 does not have an impact on our underlying financial situation.

 I remain pleased with the officers’ execution in holding down costs
 and using foundation funds effectively to fulfill our mission.
 Because of these efforts, our organization is well able to withstand a
 long economic downturn.

16 Sep 2020 [Myrle]

 This month was mostly uneventful for the Treasurer's office.  We have
 been working with Trademarks to resolve an issue that has made the
 credit card unusable that was issued to the VP Trademarks.

 After discussions on the board mailing list, we have decided to draw
 down our monthly financial reporting.  The board will continue to
 receive this information on the private board mailing list, and we will
 continue to post it in our quarterly and annual reports.  But this will
 be the last month in which we will include it in the Treasurer's
 board report.

 The Treasurer will, of course, continue to report on the activities of
 the Treasurer's office in the board report.

 Operating Cash on August 31st, 2020 was $1,915.4K, which is down
 $44.2K from last month’s ending balance (July 20) of $1,959.6K.  Total
 Cash as of August 31st, 2020 is $3,341.3K (includes the Pineapple,
 Restricted Donation, and project funds) as compared to $3,844.3K on
 August 31st, 2019, (a decrease of $503K year over year). The August
 31st, 2020 ending Operating Cash balance of $1,915.4K represents an
 Operating Cash Reserve of 13.7 months based on the “Estimated” FY21
 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $139.8K/month.  The ASF
 actual Operating Cash Reserve of 13.7 months at the end of July 2020 is
 ahead of the August 2020 budgeted 12.8 months of reserve. The
 forecasted ASF Operating reserve for the end of FY21 is 14.6 months.
 The ASF Operating reserve is well above the ASAE standard average of 6
 months of reserve for Non-Profits.

 Revenue through August 31st 2020 was ahead of budget by $24.2K,
 primarily due to the timing of Sponsor payments year to date vs the
 Budget. As compared to FY20, FY21 YTD revenue is behind by $357.4K.
 This is due to Sponsorship and registration revenue for ACNA and ACEU
 in 2019 ( $358.6K of Conference income in 2019 vs $24.5K in 2020),
 which are not happening as a face to face events in FY21. Also,
 Foundation Sponsorship payments are down $27.9K from 2019 to 2020
 though Donations are up $4.2K during the first 4 months of the Fiscal
 year as compared to the same time period in FY20.

 Expenses through August 31st, 2020 are under budget by $25K. This is
 due to timing of Conference expenses for the online event platform,
 planned for later in the year as well as the timing of the payments of
 the anniversary video and timing of some Brand management invoices.
 This is offset by under-spending in all other departments.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY21 the ASF finished with a Negative
 <$221K>NI vs a budgeted negative <$270.3K> NI or $49.3K better than
 the Budgeted NI as of August 31st 2020.  FY21 compared to FY20 as of
 August 31st 2020, while we are behind in revenue, by $357.4K as noted
 above,  we are also behind on expenses by $106.2K.  So year over year
 as of August 31st 2020 we are behind in NI by $251.2K. We are however
 holding to our FY21 Budgeted NI which is a favorable sign for the
 first 4 months of FY21.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      3,031,000.29
   Citizens Money Market               223,401.39
   Citizens Checking                    85,473.07
   Paypal - ASF                          1,417.29
 Total Checking/Savings              3,341,292.04

                                     Aug-20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               10,376.51     3,367.00     7,009.51
   Sponsorship Program            12,000.00    49,500.00   -37,500.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        24,542.25         0.00    24,542.25
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                 1,668.26         0.00     1,668.26
 Total Income                     48,587.02    52,867.00    -4,279.98

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                 65,653.75    78,999.50   -13,345.75
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                          97.13    21,458.00   -21,360.87
   Brand Management                7,040.58     7,500.00      -459.42
   Conferences                        10.20         0.00        10.20
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00     2,917.00    -2,917.00
   Fundraising                    11,053.13    16,334.00    -5,280.87
   Privacy                             0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,656.39     4,267.00      -610.61
   General & Administrative        5,192.46     5,782.00      -589.54
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     1,250.00    -1,250.00
 Total Expense                    92,703.64   138,507.50   -45,803.86
 Net Income                      -44,116.62   -85,640.50    41,523.88

                                   YTD FY21       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               19,781.45    16,706.00     3,075.45
   Sponsorship Program           274,048.15   279,500.00    -5,451.85
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        24,542.25         0.00    24,542.25
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                 2,019.24         0.00     2,019.24
 Total Income                    320,391.09   296,206.00    24,185.09

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                247,047.27   315,986.00   -68,938.73
   Programs Expense                   89.99         0.00        89.99
   Publicity                     147,302.48    98,332.00    48,970.48
   Brand Management               36,508.71    30,000.00     6,508.71
   Conferences                    29,766.73         0.00    29,766.73
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    11,668.00   -11,668.00
   Fundraising                    60,148.15    71,336.00   -11,187.85
   Privacy                             0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services              13,977.72    17,068.00    -3,090.28
   General & Administrative        6,605.66    17,128.00   -10,522.34
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,000.00    -5,000.00
 Total Expense                   541,446.71   566,518.00   -25,071.29
 Net Income                     -221,055.62  -270,312.00    49,256.38

19 Aug 2020 [Myrle]

 The Treasurer's office has signed and submitted an engagement letter
 for our regular audit which should be starting soon.

 In addition the Treasurer's office has renewed our D&O insurance
 through to August 2021.

 The Treasurer's office was also consulted with on the topic of
 lending our Hopin access to a non-Apache event (the other event was
 also paying for Hopin access, but had a timing problem).  With
 Virtual's assistance, we determined that there was no financial risk
 to the Foundation in doing so, and provided our blessing for this use.

 The Treasurer's office was notified by Infra that our website is based
 on deprecated technology, and that it is time to convert.  The
 Treasurer's website is in need of a refresh from the ground up to
 reflect new AP processes as well.

 Operating Cash on July 31st, 2020 was $1,959.6K, which is down $28.1K
 from last month’s ending balance (June 20) of $1,987.7K.  Total Cash
 as of July 31st, 2020 is $3,385.4K (includes the Pineapple, Restricted
 Donation and project funds) as compared to $3,866.9K on July 31st,
 2019, (a decrease of $481.5K year over year). The July 31st 2020
 ending Operating Cash balance of $1,959.6K represents an Operating
 Cash reserve of 13.5 months based on the “Estimated” FY21 Cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $142.2K/month.  The ASF actual
 Operating Reserve of 13.5 months at the end of July 2020 is slightly
 ahead of the July 2020 budgeted 13.4 months of reserve. The ASF
 Operating Reserve is well above the ASAE standard average of 6 months
 of reserve for Non-Profits.

 Revenue through July 31st  2020 was ahead of budget by $28.5K,
 primarily due to the timing of sponsor payments year to date vs the
 Budget. As compared to FY20, FY21 YTD revenue is behind by $269.7K.
 This is due to sponsorship and registration revenue for ACNA and ACEU
 in 2019 ( $296.9K of Conference income in 2019 vs $0 in 2020), which
 is not happening in 2020, that is offset with more Foundation
 sponsorship payments( $32K more in FY21 vs FY21 at this point in the
 fiscal year) received through July 31st 2020 as compared to Foundation
 sponsorship payments received as of July 31st 2019.

 Expenses through July 31st, 2020 are over budget by $20.7K. This is
 due to timing of Conference expenses for the online event platform,
 planned for later in the year as well as the timing of the payments of
 the Anniversary video and timing of some Brand management invoices.
 This is offset by underspending in all other depts.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY21 the ASF finished with a Negative
 <$176.9K>NI vs a budgeted negative <$184.7K> NI or $7.8K better than
 the Budgeted NI as of July 31st 2020.  FY21 compared to FY20 as of
 July 31st 2020, while we are behind in revenue, by $269.7K as noted
 above,  we are also behind on expenses by $40K.  So year over year as
 of July 31st 2020 we are behind in NI by $229.7K, though we are
 holding to our FY21 Budget.  For three months into the new Fiscal we
 are doing well as compared to budget.  However I will be connecting
 with dept heads and Fundraising so we can update our cash forecast for
 the final three quarters of FY21, as we complete the August 2020
 Financial close.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      3,029,335.81
   Citizens Money Market               222,385.56
   Citizens Checking                     6,935.24
   Paypal - ASF                        126,752.05
 Total Checking/Savings              3,385,408.66

                                     Jul-20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                5,521.05     1,763.00     3,758.05
   Sponsorship Program           131,048.15   137,000.00    -5,951.85
   Programs Income                       0.00
   Conference/Event Income               0.00
   Other Income                          0.00
   Interest Income                   149.39        149.39
 Total Income                    136,718.59   138,763.00    -2,044.41

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                 82,108.11    78,995.50     3,112.61
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      43,367.62    43,958.00      -590.38
   Brand Management                  881.10     7,500.00    -6,618.90
   Conferences                    23,402.61         0.00    23,402.61
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00     2,917.00    -2,917.00
   Fundraising                    11,053.13    16,334.00    -5,280.87
   Privacy                             0.00       833.00      -833.00
   Treasury Services               3,676.59     4,267.00      -590.41
   General & Administrative          406.52     2,949.00    -2,542.48
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     1,250.00    -1,250.00
 Total Expense                   164,895.68   159,003.50     5,892.18
 Net Income                      -28,177.09   -20,240.50    -7,936.59

                                   YTD FY21       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                9,404.94    13,339.00    -3,934.06
   Sponsorship Program           262,048.15   230,000.00    32,048.15
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income             0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   350.98         0.00       350.98
 Total Income                    271,804.07   243,339.00    28,465.07

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                195,413.98   236,986.50   -41,572.52
   Programs Expense                   89.99         0.00        89.99
   Publicity                     133,184.89    76,874.00    56,310.89
   Brand Management               29,468.13    22,500.00     6,968.13
   Conferences                    29,756.53         0.00    29,756.53
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00     8,751.00    -8,751.00
   Fundraising                    49,095.02    55,002.00    -5,906.98
   Privacy                             0.00     2,499.00    -2,499.00
   Treasury Services              10,321.33    12,801.00    -2,479.67
   General & Administrative        1,413.20     8,847.00    -7,433.80
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     3,750.00    -3,750.00
 Total Expense                   448,743.07   428,010.50    20,732.57
 Net Income                     -176,939.00  -184,671.50     7,732.50

15 Jul 2020 [Myrle]

 Operating cash on June 30th, 2020 was $1,987.7K, which is down $189.2K
 from last month’s ending balance (May 20) of $2,176.9K.  Total cash as
 of June 30th, 2020 is $3,413.6K (includes the Pineapple, Restricted
 Donation and project funds) as compared to $3,696.7K on June 30th,
 2019, (a decrease of $283.1K year over year). The June 30th 2020
 ending operating cash balance of $1,987.7K represents an operating
 cash reserve of 13.7 months based on the “Estimated” FY21 cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $144.9K/month.  The ASF actual
 operating reserve of 13.7 months at the end of June 2020 is slightly
 ahead of the June 2020 budgeted 13.5 months of reserve. The ASF
 operating reserve is well above the ASAE standard average of 6 months
 of reserve for non-profits.

 Revenue through June 30th 2020 was ahead of budget by $11.5K,
 primarily due to the timing of sponsor payments during the month. As
 compared to FY20, FY21 YTD revenue is behind by $72.1K.  This is due
 to sponsorship and registration revenue for ACNA in 2019, which is not
 happening in 2020, that is offset with more Foundation sponsorship
 payments received through June 30th 2020 as compared to Foundation
 sponsorship payments received as of June 30th 2019.

 Expenses through June 30th, 2020 are over budget by $15.9K. Some of
 this is due to some payments being missed in May 2020 and being
 released in June 2020, as well as the timing of a few payments, as
 compared to the FY21 Budget.  These have been accounted for in the
 updated cash forecast so they can be tracked.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY21 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$148.8K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$163.3K> NI or $14.6K better than
 the Budgeted NI as of June 30th 2020.  FY21 compared to FY20 as of
 June 30th 2020, while we are behind in revenue, by $72.1K as noted
 above, we are also behind on expenses by $40.8K.  So year over year as
 of June 30th 2020 we are behind in NI by $31.3K and holding to
 our FY21 Budget.  We are now two months into the new fiscal year, and
 we are doing well as compared to budget and last year.

 This month we completed the transition of our payment approvals
 tracking from a subversion-based system to  We are
 now able to track all approvals, and pay all of our vendors using this
 new method.  This has already made our bill pay more reliable, and more
 transparent, with less effort from our hard-working volunteers.  We
 will be going over the approved budget by about $4000 this year for
 this  item because we have chosen to pay for API access.  We need API
 access to regularly download our invoices and approvals data.  This
 ensures that we continue to own Foundation data.

 Many thanks to Greg Stein who is writing the relevant script, and who
 has been extremely helpful in general in getting our processes shifted
 from subversion to  And many thanks to our officers who made
 the shift in approvals process very easy.

 Income and Expenses for June 2020
 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account  $3,029,190
   Citizens Money Market           $221,850
   Citizens Checking               $161,264
   Paypal - ASF                      $1,282
 Total Checking/Savings          $3,413,586

                               Jun-20       Budget      Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations            $2,084         $3,645    $(1,561)
   Sponsorship Program        $50,000        $37,000     $13,000
   Programs Income                                            $-
   Conference/Event Income                                    $-
   Other Income                                               $-
   Interest Income                $77               $77
 Total Income                 $52,161        $40,645     $11,516

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure             $78,909        $77,893       $1,016
   Programs Expense               $90             $-          $90
   Publicity                  $86,781        $16,458      $70,323
   Brand Management           $23,947         $7,500      $16,447
   Conferences                 $6,354             $-       $6,354
   TAC                             $-         $2,917     $(2,917)
   Fundraising                $37,723        $16,334      $21,389
   Privacy                         $-           $833       $(833)
   Treasury Services           $6,645         $4,267       $2,378
   General & Administrative      $942         $2,949     $(2,007)
   Diversity and Inclusion         $-         $1,250     $(1,250)
 Total Expense               $241,391       $130,401     $110,990

 Net Income                $(189,230)      $(89,756)     $(99,474)

                               YTD FY21   YTD Budget      Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations             $3,884       $11,576       $(7,692)
   Sponsorship Program        $131,000       $93,000        $38,000
   Programs Income                  $-            $-             $-
   Conference/Event Income          $-            $-             $-
   Other Income                     $-            $-             $-
   Interest Income                $202            $-           $202
 Total Income                 $135,085      $104,576        $30,509

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure             $113,306      $156,889    $(43,583)
   Programs Expense                $90            $-          $90
   Publicity                   $89,817       $32,916      $56,901
   Brand Management            $28,587       $15,000      $13,587
   Conferences                  $6,354            $-       $6,354
   TAC                              $-       $5,834       $(5,834)
   Fundraising                 $38,042       $38,668        $(626)
   Privacy                          $-       $1,666       $(1,666)
   Treasury Services            $6,645       $8,534       $(1,889)
   General & Administrative     $1,007       $5,898       $(4,891)
   Diversity and Inclusion          $-       $2,500       $(2,500)
 Total Expense                $283,847     $267,905       $15,943

 Net Income                 $(148,762)    $(163,329)      $14,567

17 Jun 2020 [Myrle]

 Operating cash on May 31st, 2020 was $2,176.9K, up $40.4K from last
 month’s ending balance (Apr 20) of $2,136.5K.  Total cash as of May
 31st, 2020 is $3,602.8K (includes the Pineapple, Restricted Donation
 and project funds) as compared to $3,754.1K on May 31st, 2019 (a
 decrease of $151.3K year over year). The May 31st 2020 ending
 operating cash balance of $2,176.9K represents an operating cash
 reserve of 15 months based on the “Estimated” FY21 cash forecast
 average monthly spending of $145.3K/month.  The ASF actual operating
 reserve of 15 months at the end of May 2020 is slightly ahead of the
 May 2020 budgeted 14.2 months of reserve.  The ASF operating reserve
 is well above the ASAE standard average of 6 months of reserve for

 Revenue through May 31st 2020 was ahead of budget by $18.9K, primarily
 due to timing of Sponsor payments during the month. As compared to
 FY20, FY21 YTD revenue is behind by $44.8K.  This is due to
 sponsorship and registration revenue for ACNA in 2019, which is not
 happening in 2020, which is offset by slightly higher sponsorship
 payments in May 2020 vs May 2019.

 Expenses through May 31st, 2020 are under budget by $97.6K, spread
 across all departments, primarily due to some vendor payments that
 missed the 5.31.20 cutoff.  These expenses missed the cutoff due to
 necessary delays in expense approval outside the control of the
 Treasurer's office.  They are accounted for in the cash forecast for
 June 2020.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY21 the ASF finished with a positive
 $40.5K NI vs a budgeted negative <$76K> NI or $116.5K better than the
 budgeted NI as of May 31st 2020.  In comparison with FY20, as of May
 31st 2020, as noted above, we are behind on revenue by $44.5K, but we
 are also behind on expenses by $145.3K. Had all expenses been paid on
 time in May, we still would have been more than $45K lower in expenses
 in May of 2020 vs May of 2019. So one month into the new fiscal year
 we are doing well.

 In addition, the Treasurer's office is reviewing our financial risks.
 In that context we have made minor adjustments to credit card issuance
 and credit limits (mostly lowering) to reflect current responsibility
 and current budget needs.  We can review and increase those limits
 again when, for example, it becomes possible to do in-person
 conferences again.  Also in the context of improving our risk profile,
 we will be moving $750k out of Citizens into Boston Private CDARS
 where that portion of our money will be interest-bearing and

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,279,121
   Citizens Money Market               721,410
   Citizens Checking                   601,103
   Paypal - ASF                          1,182
 Total Checking/Savings              3,602,816

                                     May-20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                   1,800         7931       -6,131
   Sponsorship Program               81,000       56,000       25,000
   Programs Income                        0            0            0
   Conference/Event Income                0            0            0
   Other Income                           0            0            0
   Interest Income                      124            0          124
 Total Income                        82,925       63,931       18,994

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                    34,792       78,996      -44,204
   Programs Expense                       0            0            0
   Publicity                          3,000       16,458      -13,458
   Brand Management                   4,640        7,500       -2,860
   Conferences                            0        2,500       -2,500
   Travel Assistance Committee            0        2,917       -2,917
   Fundraising                            0       22,333      -22,333
   Treasury Services                      0        4,267       -4,267
   General & Administrative              24        2,950       -2,926
   Diversity and Inclusion                0        1,250       -1,250
 Total Expense                       42,456      140,005      -97,548
 Net Income                          40,469      -76,073      116,542

                                   YTD FY21       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                   1,800         7931       -6,131
   Sponsorship Program               81,000       56,000       25,000
   Programs Income                        0            0            0
   Conference/Event Income                0            0            0
   Other Income                           0            0            0
   Interest Income                      124            0          124
 Total Income                        82,925       63,931       18,994

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                    34,792       78,996      -44,204
   Programs Expense                       0            0            0
   Publicity                          3,000       16,458      -13,458
   Brand Management                   4,640        7,500       -2,860
   Conferences                            0        2,500       -2,500
   Travel Assistance Committee            0        2,917       -2,917
   Fundraising                            0       22,333      -22,333
   Treasury Services                      0        4,267       -4,267
   General & Administrative              24        2,950       -2,926
   Diversity and Inclusion                0        1,250       -1,250
 Total Expense                       42,456      140,005      -97,548
 Net Income                          40,469      -76,073      116,542

20 May 2020 [Myrle]

 Operating Cash on April 30th, 2020 was $2,118.9K, which is up $29.4K
 from last month’s ending balance (Mar 20) of $2,089.5K.  Total Cash as
 of April 30th, 2020 is $3,562.4K (includes the Pineapple, Restricted
 Donation and project funds) as compared to $3,814.2K on April 30th,
 2019, (a decrease of $251.8K year over year). The April 30th 2020
 ending Operating cash balance of $2,118.9K represents an Operating
 cash reserve of 10.1 months based on the “Estimated” FY20 Cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $209.3K/month.  The ASF actual
 Operating reserve of 10.1 months at the end of April 2020 is
 significantly ahead of the April 2020 budgeted 7.6 months of reserve.
 The ASF Operating reserve is above the ASAE standard average of 6
 months of reserve for Non-Profits.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Revenue ended the Fiscal year behind
 budget by $245.2K (this is due to timing of sponsor and donation
 payments.  In addition Conference income was lower than budget).  As
 compared to FY19, FY20 YTD revenue is ahead by $157.3K primarily due
 to FY20 Events exceeding Revenue as compared to FY19 ($352.7K higher
 Conference revenue in FY20 compared to FY19 with two conferences in
 2020 compared to one in 2019).

 YTD expenses through April 30th, 2020 are under budget by $478.4K,
 spread across all depts except for Infra, which was slightly over
 budget due to prepaying for TravisCI FY21 in March 2020.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$277.4K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$520K> NI, or $242.6K better than
 the Budgeted NI for FY20.  With regard to the Cash Forecast we thank
 all executive officers because in the March close we noted an
 estimated YE NI of <-$272K> and we finished with a <-277K>.  Being
 this close to our estimate shows that with the pertinent information
 about future activity as the year goes along, the cash forecast can be
 a very important management tool.   With regard to FY19, while we are
 ahead in revenue by $157.3K, as noted above, we are also ahead on
 expenses by $764.2K (due to ACNA19, ACEU19, and the Leaseweb payment
 which should have taken place in FY19, but did not); thus, year over
 year NI FY20 is behind FY19 by <-$606.9K>.  All in all the ASF,
 compared to its approved FY20 budget had a very good year.

 In April and May we have continued to make the transition to approving
 and tracking payable invoices with  We have on-boarded
 officers, and tested invoice approvals and vendor on-boarding with
 each of them.  The transition hit some unexpected bumps.  In those
 cases we fell back to our previous processes to insure the invoices
 were paid.  Because of those problems, we may not be able to complete
 the transition by the end of May.  We also still need to onboard one
 officer.  We thank those who have worked hard to get us this far, and
 we will continue to move the transition forward.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,279,050.84
   Citizens Money Market               719,591.46
   Citizens Checking                   561,240.45
   Paypal - ASF                          2,464.91
 Total Checking/Savings              3,562,347.66

                                     Apr-20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                2,223.68     4,775.82    -2,552.14
   Sponsorship Program           175,000.00    33,000.00   142,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income             0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   427.99       300.00       127.99
 Total Income                    177,651.67    38,075.82   139,575.85

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                 75,677.79    85,436.09    -9,758.30
   Programs Expense                4,166.00     3,333.34       832.66
   Publicity                      16,710.96    21,233.32    -4,522.36
   Brand Management               13,427.35     8,166.66     5,260.69
   Conferences                    27,038.50     7,250.00    19,788.50
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                     6,186.51    16,120.00    -9,933.49
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        1,465.40     6,760.00    -5,294.60
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.34    -5,833.34
 Total Expense                   148,022.51   157,482.75    -9,460.24
 Net Income                       29,629.16  -119,406.93   149,036.09

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               77,062.50   134,999.75   -57,937.25
   Sponsorship Program         1,510,100.00 1,625,000.00  -114,900.00
   Programs Income                15,578.49    14,000.00     1,578.49
   Conference/Event Income       610,161.06   700,000.00   -89,838.94
   Other Income                        0.00          0.00
   Interest Income                20,854.20     5,000.00    15,854.20
 Total Income                  2,233,756.25 2,478,999.75  -245,243.50

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure              1,091,178.97 1,083,000.00     8,178.97
   Programs Expense               25,596.80    40,000.00   -14,403.20
   Publicity                     317,854.75   402,955.00   -85,100.25
   Brand Management               49,385.44    98,000.00   -48,614.56
   Conferences                   708,925.28   860,000.00  -151,074.72
   Travel Assistance Committee    50,361.68   165,000.00  -114,638.32
   Fundraising                   141,560.55   193,000.00   -51,439.45
   Treasury Services              42,509.00    42,700.00      -191.00
   General & Administrative       23,789.68    44,345.00   -20,555.32
   Diversity and Inclusion        60,000.00    70,000.00   -10,000.00
 Total Expense                 2,511,162.15 2,999,000.00  -487,837.85
 Net Income                     -277,405.90  -520,000.25   242,594.35

15 Apr 2020 [Myrle]

 The Treasurer has been working with Infrastructure to migrate our bill
 approvals and payments to a SaaS system.  We spent our Easter holiday
 marveling at new features and increased usability as compared to our
 current processes which use only SVN and Gsuite.  We have started a test
 run with a first invoice, and hope to complete that test run by the end
 of April, with enough time to ensure that, if it fails, that invoice
 can still be paid using traditional methods.

 As already discussed at the previous board meeting, but worth
 reiterating, the financial uncertainty currently resulting from the
 COVID19 pandemic will not directly touch our bank balances.  All our
 funds are in low-interest FDIC-insured investments called CDARS, or in
 our bank account.  However the we are concerned about the
 possible effects of the current uncertain economic situation on our
 sponsors.  In an abundance of caution, we request that all officers look
 for ways to reduce or freeze costs.  We ask that the board hold us to
 that.  We also ask that everyone be on the look out for financial risks
 to the foundation, avoidable or unavoidable.  Please share those with us
 in a timely manner.

 Operating Cash on March 31st, 2020 was $2,089.5K, which is down $17.9K
 from last month’s ending balance (Feb 20) of $2,107.4 K.  Total Cash
 as of March 31st, 2020 is $3,510.4K (includes the Pineapple,
 Restricted Donation and project funds) as compared to $3,895.4K on
 March 31st, 2019, (a decrease of $385K year over year). The March 31st
 2020 ending Operating cash balance of $2,089.5K represents an
 Operating cash reserve of 10 months based on the “Estimated” FY20 Cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $209.1K/month.  The ASF actual
 Operating reserve of 10 months at the end of March 2020 is a bit ahead
 the budgeted 8 months of reserve for YTD March 31st, 2020.  The
 estimated YE Operating reserve of 10.2 months is ahead of the Budgeted
 YE reserve of 7.6 months.  The ASF Operating reserve is above the ASAE
 standard average of 6 months of reserve for Non-Profits.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Revenue is behind budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $384.6K (this is mostly due to timing of
 sponsor payments and Conference and Donations lagging a bit behind
 budget at this point in the Fiscal)  The open Accounts Receivable is
 at $467.1K, which as of the end of March 2020 Financial Close is
 enough, if it all arrives in the bank, before 4.30.20, to achieve the
 FY20 Foundation Sponsorship Budget. As compared to FY19, FY20 YTD
 revenue is ahead by $28.6K primarily due to FY20 Events exceeding
 Revenue as compared to FY19, YTD.

 YTD expenses through March 31st, 2020 are under budget by $478.4K,
 spread across all depts except Infra due to prepaying for Travis CL
 FY21 in March 2020.  The updated Cash forecast expects this underage
 in expenses to continue as we conclude the current Fiscal year.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$306.8K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$400.6K> NI or $93.8K better
 than the Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  The
 cash forecast has been updated, with the information we have at hand,
 and at this point with one month left in the Fiscal year, we are still
 on pace to, if everything goes according to the Forecast, exceed our
 FY20 budgeted NI.

 We want to thank the Dept heads for their review of the FY20 actual
 activity which has allowed us to move some expenses to the correct
 accounts and departments, which has made the cash forecast a much more
 valuable management tool as we move forward and close out FY21.   With
 regard to FY19, we are ahead in revenue, by $28.6K as noted above, but
 we are also ahead on expenses by $746.5K (due to ACNA19, ACEU19, the
 Lease web payment which should have taken place in FY19, but did not,
 as well as other expenses that occurred in FY20 and not in FY19);
 thus, year over year NI FY20 is behind FY19 by $717.9K.  It is
 estimated that this will even out, to a degree, as we conclude FY20 at
 the end of April 2020.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,278,681.78
   Citizens Money Market               715,879.67
   Citizens Checking                   510,238.82
   Paypal - ASF                          5,588.80
 Total Checking/Savings              3,510,389.07

                                     Feb-20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations              -20,189.01     2,912.58   -23,101.59
   Sponsorship Program           128,500.00   202,000.00   -73,500.00
   Programs Income                   678.49         0.00       678.49
   Conference/Event Income             0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   385.71       450.00       -64.29
 Total Income                    109,375.19   205,362.58   -95,987.39

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                 96,954.08    85,733.09    11,220.99
   Programs Expense                4,844.49     3,333.34     1,511.15
   Publicity                       8,507.39    21,233.32   -12,725.93
   Brand Management                    0.00     8,166.66    -8,166.66
   Conferences                         0.00   207,250.00  -207,250.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,478.44    16,080.00    -4,601.56
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        2,139.67     6,915.00    -4,775.33
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.34    -5,833.34
 Total Expense                   127,274.07   367,894.75  -240,620.68
 Net Income                      -17,898.88  -162,532.17   144,633.29

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               75,039.63   130,223.93   -55,184.30
   Sponsorship Program         1,335,100.00 1,592,000.00  -256,900.00
   Programs Income                15,578.49    14,000.00     1,578.49
   Conference/Event Income       610,161.06   700,000.00   -89,838.94
   Other Income                        0.00          0.00
   Interest Income                20,426.21     4,700.00    15,726.21
 Total Income                  2,056,305.39 2,440,923.93  -384,618.54

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure              1,015,501.18   997,563.92    17,937.26
   Programs Expense               21,430.80    36,666.67   -15,235.87
   Publicity                     301,143.79   381,721.67   -80,577.88
   Brand Management               35,958.09    89,833.33   -53,875.24
   Conferences                   681,886.78   852,750.00  -170,863.22
   Travel Assistance Committee    50,361.68   165,000.00  -114,638.32
   Fundraising                   135,374.04   176,880.00   -41,505.96
   Treasury Services              39,159.00    39,350.00      -191.00
   General & Administrative       22,324.28    37,585.00   -15,260.72
   Diversity and Inclusion        60,000.00    64,166.67    -4,166.67
 Total Expense                 2,363,139.64 2,841,517.25  -478,377.61
 Net Income                     -306,834.25  -400,593.32    93,759.07

18 Mar 2020 [Myrle]

 Operating Cash on February 29th, 2020 was $2,107.4K, which is down
 $30.4K from last month’s ending balance (Jan 20) of $2,137.8 K.  Total
 Cash as of February 29th, 2020 is $3,501.3K (includes the Pineapple,
 Restricted Donation) as compared to $4,052.8K on January 31st, 2019,
 (a decrease of $551.5K year over year). The February 29th 2020 ending
 Operating cash balance of $2,107.4K represents an Operating cash
 reserve of 9.7 months based on the “Estimated” FY20 Cash forecast
 average monthly spending of $249.9K/month.  The ASF actual Operating
 reserve of 9.7 months at the end of February 2020 is a bit ahead the
 budgeted 8.7 months of reserve for YTD February 29th, 2020.  The
 estimated YE Operating reserve of 10.5 months is ahead of the Budgeted
 YE reserve of 7.6 months.  The ASF Operating reserve is above the ASAE
 standard average of 6 months of reserve for Non-Profits.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Revenue is behind budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $288.6K (this is partly due to timing of
 sponsor payments and Conference and Donations lagging a bit behind
 budget at this point in the Fiscal)  The open Accounts Receivable is
 very healthy at $448K, which as of the February 20 Financial Close is
 enough, if it all arrives in the bank, before 4.30.20, to achieve the
 FY20 Foundation Sponsorship Budget. As compared to FY19, FY20 YTD
 revenue is ahead by $131.6K primarily due to FY20 Events exceeding
 Revenue as compared to FY19, YTD.

 YTD expenses through February 29th, 2020 are under budget by $237.8K,
 spread across all depts except Conferences, Infra and D&I, which are
 minor amounts, comparatively speaking.  The updated Cash forecast
 expects this underage in expenses to continue through the end of the
 Fiscal year.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$288.9K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$238K> NI or $50.9K behind the
 Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  The cash
 forecast has been updated, with the information we have at hand,  and
 at this point with about 2 months left in the Fiscal year, we are
 still on pace to,  if everything goes according to the Forecast,
 exceed our FY20 budgeted NI.  I want to thank the Dept heads for their
 review of the FY20 actual activity which has allowed us to move some
 expenses to the correct accounts and departments, which has made the
 cash forecast a much more valuable management tool as we move forward
 and close out FY21.   With regard to FY19, we are ahead in revenue, by
 $131.6K as noted above, but we are also ahead on expenses by $989.1K
 (due to ACNA19, ACEU19, the Lease web payment which should have taken
 place in FY19, but did not,  as well as other expenses that occurred
 in FY20 and not in FY19); thus, year over year NI FY20 is behind FY19
 by $857.5K.  It is estimated that this will even out, to a degree, as
 the FY20 progresses.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,278,368.45
   Citizens Money Market               715,009.35
   Citizens Checking                   505,788.54
   Paypal - ASF                          2,143.00
 Total Checking/Savings              3,501,309.34

                                     Feb-20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                3,363.27     2,455.29       907.98
   Sponsorship Program           150,000.00   162,000.00   -12,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income             0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                          0.00
   Interest Income                11,752.52       400.00    11,352.52
 Total Income                    165,115.79   164,855.29       260.50

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                 88,951.27    85,733.09     3,218.18
   Programs Expense                4,166.00     3,333.33       832.67
   Publicity                      46,863.34    29,308.32    17,555.02
   Brand Management                    0.00     8,166.66    -8,166.66
   Conferences                     2,750.00    12,250.00    -9,500.00
   Travel Assistance Committee     4,302.87    10,000.00    -5,697.13
   Fundraising                    12,020.01    16,080.00    -4,059.99
   Treasury Services               5,659.00     5,850.00      -191.00
   General & Administrative          780.84     1,915.00    -1,134.16
   Diversity and Inclusion        30,000.00     5,833.33    24,166.67
 Total Expense                   195,493.33   178,469.73    17,023.60
 Net Income                      -30,377.54   -13,614.44   -16,763.10

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               95,228.64   127,311.35   -32,082.71
   Sponsorship Program         1,206,600.00 1,390,000.00  -183,400.00
   Programs Income                14,900.00    14,000.00       900.00
   Conference/Event Income       610,161.06   700,000.00   -89,838.94
   Other Income                        0.00          0.00
   Interest Income                20,040.50     4,250.00    15,790.50
 Total Income                  1,946,930.20 2,235,561.35  -288,631.15

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                918,547.10   911,830.82     6,716.28
   Programs Expense               16,586.31    33,333.32   -16,747.01
   Publicity                     295,977.82   360,488.36   -64,510.54
   Brand Management               35,958.09    81,666.68   -45,708.59
   Conferences                   681,886.78   645,500.00    36,386.78
   Travel Assistance Committee    50,361.68   155,000.00  -104,638.32
   Fundraising                   123,895.60   160,800.00   -36,904.40
   Treasury Services              35,809.00    36,000.00      -191.00
   General & Administrative       16,843.19    30,670.00   -13,826.81
   Diversity and Inclusion        60,000.00    58,333.32     1,666.68
 Total Expense                 2,235,865.57 2,473,622.50  -237,756.93
 Net Income                     -288,935.37  -238,061.15   -50,874.22

19 Feb 2020 [Myrle]

 Operating Cash on January 31st, 2020 was $2,137.8K, which is down $1K
 from last month’s ending balance (Dec 19) of $1,738.8K.  Total Cash as
 of Jan 31st, 2020 is $3,531.7K (includes the Pineapple, Restricted
 Donation as well as the Tides Restricted Donations) as compared to
 $3,3,993.1K on January 31st, 2019, (a decrease of $461.4K year over
 year). The January 31st 2020 ending Operating cash balance of
 $2,137.8K represents an Operating cash reserve of 10.1 months based on
 the “Estimated” FY20 Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $249.9K/month.  The ASF actual Operating reserve of 10.1 months at the
 end of January 2020 is a bit ahead the budgeted 8.7 months of reserve
 for YTD through January 31st 2020.  The estimated YE Operating reserve
 of 10.6 months is ahead of the Budgeted YE reserve of 7.6 months.  The
 ASF Operating reserve is above the ASAE standard average of 6 months
 of reserve for Non Profits.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Revenue is behind budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $288.9K (this is partly due to timing of
 sponsor payments)  The open Accounts Receivable is very healthy at
 $593K, which as of the Jan 20 Fin Close is enough, if it comes in
 before 4.30.20, to achieve the FY20 Foundation Sponsorship Budget. As
 compared to FY19, FY20  YTD revenue is ahead by $133.6K primarily due
 to FY20 Events exceeding Revenue as compared to FY19, YTD.

 YTD expenses through January 31st, 2020 are under budget by $254.8K,
 spread across all depts except Conferences.  Which we expect to
 continue as the FY20 comes to an end.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$258.6K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$224.5K> NI or $34.1K behind the
 Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  After being
 behind Budgeted NI by $117K, last month, with the timing of Sponsor
 payments, and expenses under budget,  we are getting closer to being
 back on track for FY20 as compared to budget.  The cash forecast has
 been updated, with the information we have at hand,  and at this point
 with about 3 months left in the Fiscal year, we are still on pace to,
 if everything goes according to the Forecast,  possibly exceed our
 FY20 budgeted NI.  We have one slight change to the Monthly Financial
 Pkg.  We have added a tab for each department, that has their Cash
 basis GL activity for the month, compared to the combined Cash Basis
 GL detail that had previously been included.  We hope that this
 provides a more efficient view for department budget holders to
 review the details of their monthly spending.  That said,  as I have
 done in previous months, I urge all dept heads to review their depts
 in the Cash forecast, for the last 3 months of the Fiscal year,  and
 let us know if there is anything that they are aware of that could
 change the estimates for the remaining 3 months of FY20.  This effort
 will make the Cashforecast a much more accurate management tool for
 the Foundation.  With regard to FY19, we are ahead in revenue, by
 $133.6K as noted above, but we are also ahead on expenses by $901.1K
 (due to ACNA19, ACEU19, the Lease web payment which should have taken
 place in FY19, but did not etc); thus, year over year NI FY20 is
 behind FY19 by $767.5K.  It is estimated that this will even out, to
 a degree,  as the FY20 progresses.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,266,757.51
   Citizens Money Market               714,205.22
   Citizens Checking                   550,057.58
   Paypal - ASF                            666.57
 Total Checking/Savings              3,531,686.88

                                     Jan-20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               11,153.89     7,452.19     3,701.70
   Sponsorship Program            87,000.00   337,000.00  -250,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        70,018.15         0.00    70,018.15
   Other Income                          0.00
   Interest Income                 1,667.08       400.00     1,267.08
 Total Income                    169,839.12   344,852.19  -175,013.07

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                127,667.10    85,733.08    41,934.02
   Programs Expense                5,012.78     3,333.33     1,679.45
   Publicity                      20,689.32    21,233.34      -544.02
   Brand Management                    0.00     8,166.67    -8,166.67
   Conferences                         0.00    17,250.00   -17,250.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,420.01    16,080.00    -4,659.99
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        2,639.97     1,915.00       724.97
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.33    -5,833.33
 Total Expense                   170,779.18   172,894.75    -2,115.57
 Net Income                         -940.06   171,957.44  -172,897.50

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               91,865.37   124,856.06   -32,990.69
   Sponsorship Program         1,056,600.00 1,228,000.00  -171,400.00
   Programs Income                14,900.00    14,000.00       900.00
   Conference/Event Income       610,161.06   700,000.00   -89,838.94
   Other Income                        0.00          0.00
   Interest Income                 8,287.98     3,850.00     4,437.98
 Total Income                  1,781,814.41 2,070,706.06  -288,891.65

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                812,412.73   826,097.75   -13,685.02
   Programs Expense               12,420.31    30,000.00   -17,579.69
   Publicity                     276,066.08   331,180.00   -55,113.92
   Brand Management               35,958.09    73,500.00   -37,541.91
   Conferences                   651,816.47   633,250.00    18,566.47
   Travel Assistance Committee    46,058.81   145,000.00   -98,941.19
   Fundraising                   111,875.59   144,720.00   -32,844.41
   Treasury Services              30,150.00    30,150.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       33,614.16    28,755.00     4,859.16
   Diversity and Inclusion        30,000.00    52,500.00   -22,500.00
 Total Expense                 2,040,372.24 2,295,152.75  -254,780.51
 Net Income                     -258,557.83  -224,446.69   -34,111.14

15 Jan 2020 [Myrle]

 Operating Cash on December 31st, 2019 was $2,135.4K, which is up
 $400.4K from last month’s ending balance (Nov 19) of $1,735K.  Total
 Cash as of Dec 31st, 2019 is $3,529.3K (includes the Pineapple,
 Restricted Donation as well as the Tides Restricted Donations) as
 compared to $3,720.7K on December 31st, 2018, (a decrease of $191.4K
 year over year). The December 2019 ending Operating cash balance of
 $2,135.4K represents an Operating cash reserve of 9.3 months based on
 the “Estimated” FY20 Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $230.2K/month.  The ASF actual Operating reserve of 9.3 months at the
 end of December 2019 is a bit ahead the budgeted 8.1 months of reserve
 for YTD through December 2019.  The estimated YE Operating reserve of
 8.9 months is ahead of the Budgeted YE reserve of 7.6 months.  The ASF
 Operating reserve is above the ASAE standard average of 6 months of
 reserve for Non Profits.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is behind budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $117.3K ( with the timing of Sponsor
 payments the gap as of Nov 30th was closed by $351.8K), partly due to
 ACNA19 Registration income was behind but,  offset that to a degree,
 by ANCA 19 Sponsorship exceeding the budget.  Public Donations are a
 bit behind due to a bit of timing however as of the December YTD
 close, Foundation sponsorship is ahead by $78.8K as the timing of
 payments has caught up( The open Accounts Receivable is very healthy
 at $701.5K, which as of the Dec 19 Fin Close is enough, if it comes in
 before 4.30.20, to achieve the FY20 Foundation Sponsorship Budget). As
 compared to FY19, FY20  YTD revenue is ahead by $249.3K primarily due
 to FY20 Events exceeding Revenue as compared to FY19, YTD.

 YTD expenses through December 31st, 2019 are under budget by $232.8K,
 spread across all depts except Conferences.  As noted in last month’s
 narrative the budgeted loss for ACNA19 was $55K and we were estimating
 it to be in the $110K-$120K loss range, once all expenses are in.  As
 noted in the November Narrative, the estimated loss for ACEU19 could
 be 107K Euros.  The goal is to have both ACNA19 and ACEU19 closed, as
 we close the ASF books for Jan 2020.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$260.9K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$376.4K> NI or $115.5K ahead of
 Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  After being
 behind last month, with the timing of Sponsor payments we are back on
 track for FY20 as compared to budget.  The cash forecast has been
 updated, with the information we have at hand,  and at this point with
 about 4 months left in the Fiscal year, we are still on pace to meet
 our FY20 budgeted NI.  Again as I have done in previous months, I urge
 all dept heads to review their depts in the Cash forecast, for the
 last 4 months of the Fiscal year,  and let us know if there is
 anything that they are aware of that could change the estimates for
 the remaining four months of FY20.  This effort will make the Cash
 forecast a much more accurate management tool for the Foundation
 With regard to FY19, we are ahead in revenue, by $249.3K as noted
 above, but we are also ahead on expenses by $770.2K (due to ACNA19 and
 the Lease web payment which should have taken place in FY19, but did
 not etc); thus, year over year NI for FY20 is behind FY19 by $520.9K.
 It is estimated that this will even out, to a degree,  as the FY20

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,265,241.60
   Citizens Money Market               710,333.57
   Citizens Checking                   553,331.27
   Paypal - ASF                            414.57
 Total Checking/Savings              3,529,321.01

                                     Dec-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               41,220.41     6,822.05    34,398.36
   Sponsorship Program           490,600.00   204,000.00   286,600.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        18,120.30         0.00    18,120.30
   Other Income                          0.00
   Interest Income                   150.79       400.00      -249.21
 Total Income                    550,091.50   211,222.05   338,869.45

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                 77,383.20    98,233.08   -20,849.88
   Programs Expense                6,249.00     3,333.33     2,915.67
   Publicity                      11,680.59    21,233.34    -9,552.75
   Brand Management                4,367.07     8,166.67    -3,799.60
   Conferences                     4,618.75    17,250.00   -12,631.25
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,395.41    16,080.00    -4,684.59
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative          619.36     1,925.00    -1,305.64
   Diversity and Inclusion        30,000.00     5,833.33    24,166.67
 Total Expense                   149,663.38   185,404.75   -35,741.37
 Net Income                      400,428.12    25,817.30   374,610.82

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               77,273.66   117,403.87   -40,130.21
   Sponsorship Program           969,600.00   891,000.00    78,600.00
   Programs Income                14,900.00    14,000.00       900.00
   Conference/Event Income       540,142.91   700,000.00  -159,857.09
   Other Income                        0.00          0.00
   Interest Income                 6,620.90     3,450.00     3,170.90
 Total Income                  1,608,537.47 1,725,853.87  -117,316.40

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                688,088.31   740,364.64   -52,276.33
   Programs Expense                7,407.53    26,666.64   -19,259.11
   Publicity                     255,376.76   309,946.72   -54,569.96
   Brand Management               35,958.09    65,333.36   -29,375.27
   Conferences                   651,771.73   616,000.00    35,771.73
   Travel Assistance Committee    43,092.21   115,000.00   -71,907.79
   Fundraising                   100,306.82   128,640.00   -28,333.18
   Treasury Services              26,800.00    26,800.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       30,659.72    26,840.00     3,819.72
   Diversity and Inclusion        30,000.00    46,666.64   -16,666.64
 Total Expense                 1,869,461.17 2,102,258.00  -232,796.83
 Net Income                     -260,923.70  -376,404.13   115,480.43

18 Dec 2019 [Myrle]

 Operating Cash on November 30th, 2019 was $1,735K, which is up $34K
 from last month’s ending balance (Oct 19) of $1,701K.  Total Cash as
 of Nov 30th, 2019 is $3,158.9K (includes the Pineapple, Restricted
 Donation as well as the Tides Restricted Donations) as compared to
 $3,599.9K on October 31st, 2018, (a decrease of $441K year over year).
 The November 2019 ending Operating cash balance of $1,735K represents
 an Operating cash reserve of 7.5 months based on the FY20 Cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $229.8K/month.  The ASF actual
 Operating reserve of 7.5 months at the end of November 2019 is a bit
 behind the budgeted 8 months of reserve for YTD through November 2019.
 The estimated YE Operating reserve of 8.2 months is ahead of the
 Budgeted YE reserve of 7.6 month.  The ASF Operating reserve is above
 the ASAE standard average of 6 months of reserve for Non Profits.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is behind budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $469.1K, partly due to ACNA19 Registration
 income was behind but the budget but was,  offset to a degree,  by
 ANCA 19 Sponsorship exceeding the budget.  Public Donations are a bit
 behind as is Foundation sponsorship due to some timing of payments (
 The open Accounts Receivable is very healthy at $1,123.2K). As
 compared to FY19, YTD revenue is behind by $95.9K primarily due to
 timing of some Sponsor payments.

 YTD expenses through November 30th, 2019 are under budget by $203.3K.
 All departments are under budget, except for Conferences.  As noted in
 last month’s narrative the budgeted loss for ACNA19 was $55K and we
 were estimating it to be in the $110K-$120K loss range, once all
 expenses are in.  As noted in the October Narrative, the estimated
 loss for ACEU19 could be 107K Euros, however as ACEU19 took place in
 October 2019, the final reconciliation is still being compiled.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$668K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$402.2K> NI or $265.8K behind
 Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of Conference payments, Timing of TAC, Timing
 of the Lease web payment as well as timing of Sponsor payments vs the
 FY20 Budget.  The cash forecast has been updated, with the information
 we have at hand,  and at this point more than halfway through the
 Fiscal year, we are still on pace to meet our budget.  I would urge
 all dept heads to review, their depts in the Cash forecast, for the
 last 5 months of the Fiscal year,  and let us know if there is
 anything that they are aware of that could change the estimates for
 the remaining five months of FY2020.  This effort will make the Cash
 forecast a much more accurate management tool for the Foundation
 With regard to FY19, we are behind in revenue, by $95.9K as noted
 above, but we are also ahead on expenses by $693.7K (due to ACNA19 and
 the Lease web payment which should have taken place in FY19, but did
 not); thus, year over year NI for FY20 is behind FY19 by $789.6K.  It
 is estimated that this will even out, to a degree,  as the FY20

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,265,241.60
   Citizens Money Market               710,182.78
   Citizens Checking                   183,053.94
   Paypal - ASF                            414.57
 Total Checking/Savings              3,158,892.89

                                     Nov-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               14,157.66     6,502.09     7,655.57
   Sponsorship Program           134,000.00   105,000.00    29,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income         3,287.10   180,000.00  -176,712.90
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   481.92       400.00        81.92
 Total Income                    151,926.68   291,902.09  -139,975.41

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                 64,701.09    95,733.08   -31,031.99
   Programs Expense                    0.00     3,333.33    -3,333.33
   Publicity                      11,340.31    52,738.34   -41,398.03
   Brand Management                1,143.87     8,166.67    -7,022.80
   Conferences                     7,360.42    27,250.00   -19,889.58
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,420.01    16,080.00    -4,659.99
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        1,088.05     1,925.00      -836.95
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.33    -5,833.33
 Total Expense                   100,403.75   224,409.75  -124,006.00
 Net Income                       51,522.93    67,492.34   -15,969.41

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               29,502.03   110,581.82   -81,079.79
   Sponsorship Program           479,000.00   687,000.00  -208,000.00
   Programs Income                14,900.00    14,000.00       900.00
   Conference/Event Income       516,012.91   700,000.00  -183,987.09
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                 6,132.99     3,050.00     3,082.99
 Total Income                  1,045,547.93 1,514,631.82  -469,083.89

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                610,705.11   642,131.56   -31,426.45
   Programs Expense                1,158.53    23,333.31   -22,174.78
   Publicity                     243,696.17   288,713.38   -45,017.21
   Brand Management               31,591.02    57,166.69   -25,575.67
   Conferences                   641,029.28   598,750.00    42,279.28
   Travel Assistance Committee    43,092.21   105,000.00   -61,907.79
   Fundraising                    88,911.41   112,560.00   -23,648.59
   Treasury Services              23,450.00    23,450.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       29,974.10    24,915.00     5,059.10
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00    40,833.31   -40,833.31
 Total Expense                 1,713,607.83 1,916,853.25  -203,245.42
 Net Income                     -668,059.90  -402,221.43  -265,838.47

20 Nov 2019 [Myrle]

 Operating Cash on October 31st, 2019 was $1,701K, which is down
 $659.9K from last month’s ending balance (Sept 19) of $2,360.9K.
 Total Cash as of October 31st, 2019 is $3,124.9K (includes the
 Pineapple, Restricted Donation as well as the Tides Restricted
 Donations) as compared to $3,564.4K on Sept. 30th, 2018, (a decrease
 of $439.5K year over year). The October 2019 ending Operating cash
 balance of $1,701K represents an Operating cash reserve of 7.3 months
 based on the FY20 Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $233.7K/month.  The ASF actual Operating reserve of 7.3 months at the
 end of October 2019 is bit behind the budgeted 7.7 month’s reserve for
 YTD through October 2019.  The estimated YE Operating reserve of 8.1
 months is ahead of the Budgeted YE reserve of 7.6 month.  The ASF
 Operating reserve is above the ASAE standard average of 6 months of
 reserve for Non Profits.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is behind budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $322.2K. ACNA19 Sponsorship exceeded the
 budget, however ACNA 19 Registration is below budget.  Public
 Donations are a bit behind as is Foundation sponsorship due to some
 timing of payments ( The open Accounts Receivable is very healthy at
 $945K). As compared to FY19, YTD revenue is behind by $107.8K
 primarily due to timing of some Sponsor payments.

 YTD expenses through October 31st, 2019 are under budget by $79.1K.
 Most departments are under budget, however due to the finalization of
 the amount owed to Leaseweb Infra is slightly over budget, again a
 timing issue as compared to the budget .  Conferences expenses at this
 point are over budget, as the ANCA19 Hotel bill was paid in October.
 As noted in last month’s narrative the budgeted loss for ACNA19 is
 $55K and we were estimating it to be in the $110K-$120K loss range.
 At this point the Loss for ACNA19 stands at $110.5K.  For ACEU19 as
 noted in last month’s narrative, estimated loss could be 107K Euros,
 however as ACEU19 took place in October 2019, it will be a month or
 two before we have a preliminary P&L.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$712.9K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$469.7K> NI or $243.2K behind
 Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of Conference payments, Timing of TAC, Timing
 of the Leaseweb payment as well as timing of Sponsor payments vs the
 FY20 Budget.  The cash forecast has been updated and at this point
 halfway through the Fiscal year, we are on pace to meet our budget.  I
 would ask that all dept heads review the Cash forecast and let us know
 if there is anything that could change in the estimates for the
 remaining six months of FY2020.   With regard to FY19, we are behind
 in revenue, by $107.8K as noted above, but we are also ahead on
 expenses by $691.2K (due to ACNA19 and the Leaseweb payment which
 should have taken place in FY19, but did not); thus, year over year NI
 for FY20 is behind FY19 by $799K.  It is estimated that this will even
 out as the second six months of FY 20 progresses.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,265,241.60
   Citizens Money Market               701,618.65
   Citizens Checking                   156,027.87
   Paypal - ASF                          2,011.82
 Total Checking/Savings              3,124,899.94

                                     Oct-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                1,682.91     2,276.96      -594.05
   Sponsorship Program            31,000.00   170,000.00  -139,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        47,400.95   189,000.00  -141,599.05
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                 4,084.23       450.00     3,634.23
 Total Income                     84,168.09   361,726.96  -277,558.87

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                162,378.47    85,733.08    76,645.39
   Programs Expense                1,158.53     3,333.33    -2,174.80
   Publicity                      64,877.89    44,233.34    20,644.55
   Brand Management                3,187.97     8,166.67    -4,978.70
   Conferences                   457,860.82    48,250.00   409,610.82
   Travel Assistance Committee    16,837.65    10,000.00     6,837.65
   Fundraising                    14,330.37    16,080.00    -1,749.63
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       13,654.35     1,915.00    11,739.35
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.33    -5,833.33
 Total Expense                   737,636.05   226,894.75   510,741.30
 Net Income                     -653,467.96   134,832.21  -788,300.17

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               21,895.59   104,079.73   -82,184.14
   Sponsorship Program           345,000.00   582,000.00  -237,000.00
   Programs Income                14,900.00    14,000.00       900.00
   Conference/Event Income       512,725.81   520,000.00    -7,274.19
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                 5,988.19     2,650.00     3,338.19
 Total Income                    900,509.59 1,222,729.73  -322,220.14

 Expense Summary
   Infrastructure                558,291.02   546,398.48    11,892.54
   Programs Expense                1,158.53    19,999.98   -18,841.45
   Publicity                     232,355.86   235,975.04    -3,619.18
   Brand Management               30,447.15    49,000.02   -18,552.87
   Conferences                   633,668.86   571,500.00    62,168.86
   Travel Assistance Committee    30,805.21    95,000.00   -64,194.79
   Fundraising                    77,491.40    96,480.00   -18,988.60
   Treasury Services              20,100.00    20,100.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       29,066.57    22,990.00     6,076.57
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00    34,999.98   -34,999.98
 Total Expense                 1,613,384.60 1,692,443.50   -79,058.90
 Net Income                     -712,875.01  -469,713.77  -243,161.24

16 Oct 2019 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on September 30th, 2019 was $2,360.9K, which is down
 $89.5K from last month’s ending balance (Aug 19) of $2,450.4K.  Total
 Cash as of September 30, 2019 is $3,784.8K (includes the Pineapple,
 Restricted Donation and the Tides Restricted and Unrestricted
 Donations) as compared to $3,489.2K on Sept. 30th, 2018, (an increase
 of $295.6K year over year). The September 2019 ending Operating cash
 balance of $2,360.9K represents an Operating cash reserve of 9.8
 months based on the FY20 Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $241.8K/month.  The ASF actual Operating reserve of 9.8 months at the
 end of September 2019 is ahead of the budgeted 7.3 month’s reserve for
 YTD through September 2019.  The ASF Operating reserve continues to be
 very healthy for an organization of the ASF’s size and Operating

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is behind budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $44.7K due to Public Donations and
 Sponsorship Program income being under plan, while Conference income
 is ahead of plan. Breaking down the specifics of Conference income,
 ACNA 19 Sponsorship is ahead of plan which is offset by ACNA 19
 Registration being under plan (there are still some outstanding items
 that will adjust this hopefully next month).  Further offsetting this
 is that for ACEU 19 both its Sponsorship and Registration are also
 behind plan, as of the end of Sept 19, (the event is in Oct 19).  FY20
 YTD Income as compared to FY19 YTD Income, at this point in the fiscal
 year, we are ahead in Income by $93.3K, due primarily to Conference
 income, year over year.

 YTD expenses through September 30, 2019 are under budget by $589.8K.
 All departments are under budget, which is primarily due to timing of
 payments for the depts.  Conferences expenses at this point are under
 budget due to timing and are expected to normalize as ACNA 19 has
 already taken place and ACEU is set to take place in October. As of
 this date the budgeted loss for ACNA19 was $55K and we are estimating
 it to be in the $110K-$120K range.  For ACEU19 which has yet to
 happen, as of the date of this report the estimated loss could be

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$59.4K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$604.5K> NI or $545.1K ahead of
 Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of Conference payments, Timing of TAC as well
 as underspending in most depts YTD vs the FY20 Budget, again due to
 timing.  At this point in the FY we are doing well, behind the budget
 in Revenue but well under budget in Expenses, per the estimates, even
 taking timing variances into account.  With regard to FY19, we are
 outpacing revenue, by $93.3K as noted above, but we are also ahead on
 expenses by $163.7K; thus, year over year NI for FY20 is behind FY19
 by $70.3K.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,261,344.76
   Citizens Money Market             1,101,431.36
   Citizens Checking                   419,989.76
   Paypal - ASF                          2,011.82
 Total Checking/Savings              3,784,777.70

                                     Sep-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,879.10     1,475.34     1,403.76
   Sponsorship Program            12,000.00   125,000.00  -113,000.00
   Programs Income                14,900.00    14,000.00       900.00
   Conference/Event Income       106,728.90   180,000.00   -73,271.10
   Other Income                    1,727.39       328.55     1,398.84
   Interest Income                   305.34       400.00       -94.66
 Total Income                    138,540.73   321,203.89  -182,663.16

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 77,786.98    95,733.08   -17,946.10
   Programs Expense                    0.00     3,333.33    -3,333.33
   Publicity                      19,039.55    44,233.34   -25,193.79
   Brand Management               18,534.89     8,166.67    10,368.22
   Conferences                    95,268.42    86,250.00     9,018.42
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    15,000.00   -15,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,398.76    16,080.00    -4,681.24
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        2,690.49     8,915.00    -6,224.51
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.33    -5,833.33
 Total Expense                   228,069.09   286,894.75   -58,825.66
 Net Income                      -89,528.36    34,309.14  -123,837.50

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               10,766.70    80,685.82   -69,919.12
   Sponsorship Program           314,000.00   412,000.00   -98,000.00
   Programs Income                14,900.00    14,000.00       900.00
   Conference/Event Income       465,324.86   331,000.00   134,324.86
   Other Income                    9,445.98    21,116.95   -11,670.97
   Interest Income                 1,904.06     2,200.00      -295.94
 Total Income                    816,341.60   861,002.77   -44,661.17

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                395,912.55   460,665.40   -64,752.85
   Programs Expense                    0.00    16,666.65   -16,666.65
   Publicity                     167,477.97   191,741.70   -24,263.73
   Brand Management               27,259.18    40,833.35   -13,574.17
   Conferences                   175,808.04   523,250.00  -347,441.96
   Travel Assistance Committee    13,967.56    85,000.00   -71,032.44
   Fundraising                    63,161.03    80,400.00   -17,238.97
   Treasury Services              16,750.00    16,750.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       15,412.22    21,075.00    -5,662.78
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00    29,166.65   -29,166.65
 Total Expense                   875,748.55 1,465,548.75  -589,800.20
 Net Income                      -59,406.95  -604,545.98   545,139.03

18 Sep 2019 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on August 31st, 2019 was $2,450.4K, which is down
 $22.6K from last month’s ending balance (Jul 19) of $2,473.1K.  Total
 Cash as of August 31st, 2019 is $3,844.3K (includes the Pineapple and
 restricted Donation) as compared to $3,448.1K on August 31st 2018 (an
 increase of $396.2K year over year). The August 2019 ending Operating
 cash balance of $2,450.4K represents an Operating cash reserve of 9.9
 months based on the FY20 Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $246.8K/month.  The ASF actual Operating reserve of 9.9 months at the
 end of August 2019 is ahead of the budgeted 7.1 month’s reserve for
 YTD through August 2019.  The ASF Operating reserve continues to be
 very healthy for an organization of the ASF’s size and Operating

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is ahead of budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $138.0K.  As compared to FY19, YTD revenue
 is ahead by $133.2K primarily due to Conference income year over year
 at this point in time.

 YTD expenses through August 31, 2019 are under budget by $530.9K.  All
 departments are either under budget or showing minor variances, which
 is primarily due to timing of payments for depts.  Conferences
 expenses at this point are under budget due to timing and it is
 expected to normalize over the next two months as ACNA and ACEU are
 happening in September and October, respectively.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a positive
 $30.1K NI vs a budgeted negative <$638.8K> NI or $668.9K ahead of
 Budgeted NI for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of Conference payments, Timing of TAC as well
 as underspending in most depts YTD vs the FY20 Budget.  At this point
 in the FY we are doing very well, ahead in Revenue and well under
 budget in Expenses, even taking timing variances into account.  With
 regard to FY19, we are outpacing revenue, by $133.2K as noted above,
 but we are also out pacing ahead on expenses by $104.4K; thus, year
 over year NI for FY20 is ahead of FY19 by $28.8K.

 I would like to inform the board that I am stepping down from the
 office of the Treasurer effective Oct 31st 2019. I ask the board to
 appoint a successor as soon as possible to ensure a smooth and
 orderly handover of duties.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,261,344.76
   Citizens Money Market             1,089,390.13
   Citizens Checking                   491,895.04
   Paypal - ASF                          1,676.13
 Total Checking/Savings              3,844,306.06

                                     Aug-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                1,675.67    72,454.00   -70,778.33
   Sponsorship Program            72,000.00    25,000.00    47,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        61,729.96    91,000.00   -29,270.04
   Other Income                      591.92    18,506.00   -17,914.08
   Interest Income                   291.63       450.00      -158.37
 Total Income                    136,289.18   207,410.00   -71,120.82

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 83,774.73   107,733.08   -23,958.35
   Programs Expense                    0.00     3,333.33    -3,333.33
   Publicity                      31,182.37    52,733.34   -21,550.97
   Brand Management                3,298.85     8,166.67    -4,867.82
   Conferences                     7,726.45   211,250.00  -203,523.55
   Travel Assistance Committee    13,967.56    20,000.00    -6,032.44
   Fundraising                    11,494.76    16,080.00    -4,585.24
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        4,149.16     1,915.00     2,234.16
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.33    -5,833.33
 Total Expense                   158,943.88   430,394.75  -271,450.87
 Net Income                      -22,654.70  -222,984.75   200,330.05

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                7,887.60    79,210.48   -71,322.88
   Sponsorship Program           302,000.00   287,000.00    15,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income       358,595.96   151,000.00   207,595.96
   Other Income                    7,718.59    20,788.40   -13,069.81
   Interest Income                 1,598.72     1,800.00      -201.28
 Total Income                    677,800.87   539,798.88   138,001.99

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                318,125.57   364,932.32   -46,806.75
   Programs Expense                    0.00    13,333.32   -13,333.32
   Publicity                     148,438.42   147,508.36       930.06
   Brand Management                8,724.29    32,666.68   -23,942.39
   Conferences                    80,539.62   437,000.00  -356,460.38
   Travel Assistance Committee    13,967.56    70,000.00   -56,032.44
   Fundraising                    51,762.27    64,320.00   -12,557.73
   Treasury Services              13,400.00    13,400.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       12,721.73    12,160.00       561.73
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00    23,333.32   -23,333.32
 Total Expense                   647,679.46 1,178,654.00  -530,974.54
 Net Income                       30,121.41  -638,855.12   668,976.53

 @Myrle: look for a new assistant treasurer

21 Aug 2019 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on July 31st, 2019 was $2,473K, which is up $170.2K
 from last month’s ending balance (Jun 19) of $2,302.8K.  Total Cash as
 of July 31st, 2019 is $3,866.9K (includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $3,435.3K on July 31st 2018 (an increase of
 $431.6K year over year). The July 2019 ending Operating cash balance
 of $2,473K represents an Operating cash reserve of 10 months based on
 the FY20 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $247.9K/month.  The
 ASF actual Operating reserve of 10 months at the end of July 2019 is
 ahead of the budgeted 8.1 month reserve for YTD through July 2019.
 The ASF Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of the ASF’s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is ahead of budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $209.1K.  As compared to FY18, YTD revenue
 is ahead by $205.1K primarily due to Conference income year over year
 at this point in time

 YTD expenses through July 31, 2019 are under budget by $259.5K.  All
 departments, except for Publicity, are under budget at the end of July
 2019, which is primarily due to timing and expenses for ACNA19.
 Conference are at this point under budget due to timing and it is
 expected to normalize over the next two months as ACNA and ACEU are
 happening in the next few months.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a positive
 $52.8K NI vs a budgeted negative <$415.9K> NI or $468.7K  ahead of
 Budget, NI, for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of Conference payments, Timing of TAC as well
 as underspending in most depts YTD vs the FY20 Budget.  At this point
 in the FY we are doing very well, ahead in Revenue and well under
 budget in Expenses, even taking timing variances into account.  With
 regard to FY19, we are outpacing revenue, by $205.1K as noted above,
 but we are also out pacing expenses by $125.9K; thus, year over year
 NI for FY20 is ahead of  FY19 by $79.2K.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,261,344.76
   Citizens Money Market             1,084,270.11
   Citizens Checking                   520,360.73
   Paypal - ASF                            985.16
 Total Checking/Savings              3,866,960.76

                                     Jul-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                1,262.66       988.07       274.59
   Sponsorship Program           137,000.00   126,000.00    11,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income       195,232.00    60,000.00   135,232.00
   Other Income                      499.59     1,247.35      -747.76
   Interest Income                   324.03       450.00      -125.97
 Total Income                    334,318.28   188,685.42   145,632.86

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 89,195.44    85,733.08     3,462.36
   Programs Expense                    0.00     3,333.33    -3,333.33
   Publicity                      24,244.17    44,233.34   -19,989.17
   Brand Management                5,425.44     8,166.67    -2,741.23
   Conferences                    28,334.00   211,250.00  -182,916.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    30,000.00   -30,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,398.76    16,080.00    -4,681.24
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        2,136.29     1,915.00       221.29
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.33    -5,833.33
 Total Expense                   164,084.10   409,894.75  -245,810.65
 Net Income                      170,234.18  -221,209.33   391,443.51

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                6,211.93     6,756.48      -544.55
   Sponsorship Program           230,000.00   262,000.00   -32,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income       296,866.00    60,000.00   236,866.00
   Other Income                    7,126.67     2,282.40     4,844.27
   Interest Income                 1,307.09     1,350.00       -42.91
 Total Income                    541,511.69   332,388.88   209,122.81

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                234,350.84   257,199.24   -22,848.40
   Programs Expense                    0.00     9,999.99    -9,999.99
   Publicity                     117,256.05    94,775.02    22,481.03
   Brand Management                5,425.44    24,500.01   -19,074.57
   Conferences                    72,813.17   225,750.00  -152,936.83
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    50,000.00   -50,000.00
   Fundraising                    40,267.51    48,240.00    -7,972.49
   Treasury Services              10,050.00    10,050.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        8,572.57    10,245.00    -1,672.43
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00    17,499.99   -17,499.99
 Total Expense                   488,735.58   748,259.25  -259,523.67
 Net Income                       52,776.11  -415,870.37   468,646.48

17 Jul 2019 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on June 30, 2019 was $2,302.8K, which is down $57.4K
 from last month’s ending balance (May 19) of $2,360.2K.  Total Cash as
 of June 30, 2019 is $3,696.7K (includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $2,847.9K on June 30th 2018 (an increase of
 $320.0K year over year). The June 2019 ending Operating cash balance
 of $2,302.8K represents an Operating cash reserve of 9.2 months based
 on the FY20 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $250.1K/month.
 The ASF actual Operating reserve of 9.2 months at the end of June 2019
 is ahead of the budgeted 8.9 month reserve for YTD through June 2019.
 The ASF Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of the ASF’s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is ahead of budget at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $63.5K.  As compared to FY19, YTD revenue
 is ahead by $45.0K because of prepaid revenue for ApacheCon NA 2019;
 however, Sponsorship Program revenue is under budget.

 YTD expenses through June 30, 2019 are under budget by $13.7K.  All
 departments, except for Publicity and Conferences, are under budget at
 the end of June 2019. Publicity and Conferences are over budget
 primarily due to the timing of some payments, at this early point in
 the Fiscal year.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY20 the ASF finished with a negative
 <$117.5K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$194.7K> NI or $77.2K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY20 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of Conference payments as well as underspending
 in most depts YTD vs the FY20 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are
 doing very well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses,
 even taking timing variances into account.  With regard to FY19, we
 are outpacing revenue, by $45.0K as noted above,  but we are also out
 pacing expenses by $77.5K; thus, year over year NI for FY20 is behind
 FY19 by $32.5K.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,261,344.76
   Citizens Money Market             1,078,966.19
   Citizens Checking                   351,276.45
   Paypal - ASF                          5,139.18
 Total Checking/Savings              3,696,726.58

                                     Jun-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                  836.05     2,860.61    -2,024.56
   Sponsorship Program            37,000.00    57,000.00   -20,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        38,342.00         0.00    38,342.00
   Other Income                    2,809.15       324.93     2,484.22
   Interest Income                   494.52       500.00        -5.48
 Total Income                     79,481.72    60,685.54    18,796.18

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 69,614.02    85,733.08   -16,119.06
   Programs Expense                    0.00     3,333.33    -3,333.33
   Publicity                      14,683.48    21,233.34    -6,549.86
   Brand Management                    0.00     8,166.67    -8,166.67
   Conferences                    36,306.59     7,250.00    29,056.59
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    20,000.00   -20,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,250.00    16,080.00    -4,830.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        1,652.75     6,915.00    -5,262.25
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00     5,833.33    -5,833.33
 Total Expense                   136,856.84   177,894.75   -41,037.91
 Net Income                      -57,375.12  -117,209.21    59,834.09

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                4,949.27     5,768.41      -819.14
   Sponsorship Program            93,000.00   136,000.00   -43,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income       101,634.00         0.00   101,634.00
   Other Income                    6,627.08     1,035.05     5,592.03
   Interest Income                   983.06       900.00        83.06
 Total Income                    207,193.41   143,703.46    63,489.95

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                145,155.40   171,466.16   -26,310.76
   Programs Expense                    0.00     6,666.66    -6,666.66
   Publicity                      93,011.88    50,541.68    42,470.20
   Brand Management                    0.00    16,333.34   -16,333.34
   Conferences                    44,479.17    14,500.00    29,979.17
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    20,000.00   -20,000.00
   Fundraising                    28,868.75    32,160.00    -3,291.25
   Treasury Services               6,700.00     6,700.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        6,436.28     8,330.00    -1,893.72
   Diversity and Inclusion             0.00    11,666.66   -11,666.66
 Total Expense                   324,651.48   338,364.50   -13,713.02
 Net Income                     -117,458.07  -194,661.04    77,202.97

 @Daniel: Check in on treasurer availability

19 Jun 2019 [Ulrich]

 As the FY 20 budget is still being worked on we will be comparing May
 2019 to the actuals of May 2018

 Please note that we have updated the “Board Summary”

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial performance in May

 Operating Cash on May 31, 2019 was $2,360.2K, which is down $60.1K
 from last month’s ending balance (April 19) of $2,420.3K.  Total Cash
 as of May 31, 2019 is $3,754.1K (includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $3,391.8K on May 31st 2018 (an increase of
 $362.2K year over year). The May 2019 ending Operating cash balance of
 $2,360.2K represents an Operating cash reserve of 16.3 months based on
 the FY19 actual average monthly spending of $144.5K/month (this is
 expected to increase in FY20, but the FY20 budget has not yet been
 approved yet).  The ASF Operating reserve continues to be very healthy
 for an organization of the ASF’s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the Cash P&L, May 2019 revenue exceeded that of May 2018 by
 $44.8K. However total expenses are higher in May of 2019 by $32.3K.
 As had been noted in the April 2019 narrative, that based on the
 preliminary FY20 budget information that has been accumulated, FY20
 spending will be more than FY19, and the first month of the fiscal
 year is bearing that out.  Some of which is purely a timing issue,
 such as there was a Board F2F in May of 19 and not in May of 18,
 similarly Infra has filled their team positions, which were open in
 May of 2018.  This all equates to a <$60.1K> deficit in May of 2019 vs
 a <$72.6K> for May of 2018.  So year over year, we are Thus the net
 deficit for May 2019 is ($60.1K) compared to a deficit of ($72.6K) May

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,261,344.76
   Citizens Money Market             1,078,522.96
   Citizens Checking                   409,510.65
   Paypal - ASF                          4,723.33
 Total Checking/Savings              3,754,101.70

                                     May-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                4,113.22     2,907.80     1,205.42
   Sponsorship Program            56,000.00    79,000.00   -23,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        63,292.00         0.00    63,292.00
   Other Income                    3,817.93       710.12     3,107.81
   Interest Income                   488.54       293.63       194.91
 Total Income                    127,711.69    82,911.55    44,800.14

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 75,541.38    59,757.16    15,784.22
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      78,328.40    62,389.47    15,938.93
   Brand Management                    0.00     5,129.39    -5,129.39
   Conferences                     8,172.58       500.00     7,672.58
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                    17,618.75    20,836.39    -3,217.64
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     5,895.00    -2,545.00
   General & Administrative        4,783.53       970.08     3,813.45
 Total Expense                   187,794.64   155,477.49    32,317.15
 Net Income                      -60,082.95   -72,565.94    12,482.99

                                   YTD FY20       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                4,113.22     2,907.80     1,205.42
   Sponsorship Program            56,000.00    79,000.00   -23,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        63,292.00         0.00    63,292.00
   Other Income                    3,817.93       710.12     3,107.81
   Interest Income                   488.54       293.63       194.91
 Total Income                    127,711.69    82,911.55    44,800.14

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 75,541.38    59,757.16    15,784.22
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      78,328.40    62,389.47    15,938.93
   Brand Management                    0.00     5,129.39    -5,129.39
   Conferences                     8,172.58       500.00     7,672.58
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                    17,618.75    20,836.39    -3,217.64
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     5,895.00    -2,545.00
   General & Administrative        4,783.53       970.08     3,813.45
 Total Expense                   187,794.64   155,477.49    32,317.15
 Net Income                      -60,082.95   -72,565.94    12,482.99

15 May 2019 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on April 30, 2019 was $2,409.0K, which is down $92.5K
 from last month's ending balance (Mar 19) of $2,501.5K. Total Cash as
 of April 30, 2019 is $3,802.8K (includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $2,964.4K on April 30th 2018 (an increase of
 $838.4K year over year). The April 2019 ending Operating cash balance
 of $2,409.0K represents an Operating cash reserve of 16.7 months based
 on the FY19 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $144.5K/month
 (this will most change for FY20, as there was a fair amount of
 budgeted spend in FY19 that has not occurred but may in FY20 as we
 continue to work on the budget). The ASF actual Operating reserve of
 16.7 months at the end of April 2019 is ahead of the budgeted 11.6
 month reserve for YTD through April 2019. The ASF Operating reserve
 continues to be very healthy for an organization of the ASF's size and
 Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Revenue is ahead of FY18 by $256.2K.
 As compared to the FY19 Budgeted revenue, we are ahead by $413.4K.

 YTD expenses, through April 30, 2019 are under budget by $162.2K. All
 departments, except for Total Conferences, are under budget, at the
 end of April 2019. Total Conferences is over budget because we put a
 75% down payment on ACEU19 of $229.6K plus VAT of $43.3K. With regards
 to the areas that are under budget, one being Infra, as noted in the
 Board summary is $263.2K under budget due to the timing of hiring of
 staff (though this did change in April 19 as they have hired two new
 staff members, Congrats) and not having to pay any Lease web invoices
 YTD, thank you Fundraising. The other being TAC at $50K under budget
 for FY19.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY19 the ASF finished with a positive
 $331.0K NI vs a budgeted negative <$244.5K> NI or $575.5K ahead of
 Budget, NI, for FY19. This is attributable to timing of some Sponsor
 payments as well as more Donations than were budgeted as well as
 underspending in most depts YTD vs the FY19 Budget. In comparison to
 last year, FY19 revenue exceeds FY18's by $256.2K as noted above;
 similarly, expenses exceed last year's by $483.1K. Thus, year over
 year NI for FY19 is behind FY18 by $226.9K.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market             1,078,065.15
   Citizens Checking                   473,525.77
   Paypal - ASF                          1,248.97
 Total Checking/Savings              3,802,839.89

                                     Apr-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                4,084.24     1,817.30     2,266.94
   Sponsorship Program            32,000.00   210,000.00  -178,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income           140.00         0.00       140.00
   Other Income                      701.85       512.27       189.58
   Interest Income                   546.63       875.61      -328.98
 Total Income                     37,472.72   213,205.18  -175,732.46

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 70,889.49    78,128.36    -7,238.87
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      23,903.23    16,479.54     7,423.69
   Brand Management                1,582.09     8,166.66    -6,584.57
   Conferences                    13,704.73    20,500.00    -6,795.27
   Travel Assistance Committee        54.50    10,000.00    -9,945.50
   Fundraising                    11,250.00    17,333.32    -6,083.32
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,475.00      -125.00
   General & Administrative        5,657.93     2,179.56     3,478.37
 Total Expense                   130,391.97   156,262.44   -25,870.47
 Net Income                      -92,919.25    56,942.74  -149,861.99

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              135,583.80   120,699.59    14,884.21
   Sponsorship Program         1,617,371.47 1,299,000.00   318,371.47
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Conference/Event Income       257,466.49   184,000.00    73,466.49
   Other Income                   31,001.54    19,300.41    11,701.13
   Interest Income                 6,557.70    14,400.00    -7,842.30
 Total Income                  2,065,181.00 1,651,800.00   413,381.00

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                702,347.35   965,540.00  -263,192.65
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     232,702.58   238,300.00    -5,597.42
   Brand Management               59,749.66    98,000.00   -38,250.34
   Conferences                   513,273.00   244,500.00   268,773.00
   Travel Assistance Committee    15,054.50    65,000.00   -49,945.50
   Fundraising                   145,268.64   208,000.00   -62,731.36
   Treasury Services              45,170.00    46,200.00    -1,030.00
   General & Administrative       20,610.04    26,399.98    -5,789.94
 Total Expense                 1,734,175.77 1,896,339.98  -162,164.21
 Net Income                      331,005.23  -244,539.98   575,545.21

17 Apr 2019 [Ulrich]

 Below is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial performance for the
 first eleven months of FY19;

 However, before we get into the Financials I want to point out that we
 are now in April which is the LAST month of Fiscal year 2019.  So if
 anyone has any expenses that pertain to May 1 2018 thru April 30 2019.
 Please have them submitted and approved for payment with the April
 2019 AP run by the 26th of April 2019.  If you have any questions
 please let me know as soon as possible so we can close out FY19.

 Operating Cash on March 31, 2019 was $2,501.5K, which is down $157.4K
 from last month’s ending balance (Feb 19) of $2,658.9K.  Total Cash as
 of March 31, 2019 is $3,895.3K (includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $2,847.9K on March 31th 2018 (an increase of
 $1,047.5K year over year). The March 2019 ending Operating cash
 balance of $2,501.5K represents an Operating cash reserve of 16.3
 months based on the FY19 Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $153.7K/month ( this will most likely change for FY 20, as there was a
 fair amount of budgeted spend in FY19 that has not occurred but may in
 FY20 as we continue to work on the budget).  The ASF actual Operating
 reserve of 16.3 months at the end of March 2019 is ahead of the
 budgeted 11.2 month reserve for YTD through March 2019.  The ASF
 Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of
 the ASF’s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is ahead of FY18 at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $448.6K .  As compared to the FY19
 Budgeted Income,  YTD,  we are ahead by $589.1K.

 YTD expenses, through March 31, 2019 are under budget by $136.3K.  All
 departments, except for Conferences, are under budget, at the end of
 March 2019.  Conferences are over budget due to the 75% down payment
 for ACEU19 that was paid in Mar 2019 as
 noted in the narrative last month. A couple of other areas that
 continue to be under budget, YTD, are Infra,  at $256K under budget is
 due to the timing of hiring of staff ( though this will change in
 April 19 as they have hired two new staff members, Congrats) and not
 paying any Lease web invoices YTD, and TAC which  is also under budget
 by $40K YTD for FY19 as well as .

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY19,  the ASF finished with a positive
 $423.9K NI vs a budgeted negative <$301.5K> NI or $725.4K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of some Sponsor payments as well as more
 Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending in most depts
 YTD vs the FY19 Budget. With  regard to FY18, we are outpacing
 revenue, by $448.6K as noted above,  but we are also out pacing
 expenses by $474.2K; thus, year over year NI for FY19 is behind FY18
 by $25.6K, again due to the 75% down payment that was made for ACEU19.
 As FY19 comes to a close we should all be very proud of the
 exceptional financial performance of the Foundation, both vs our
 budget and compared to the prior year, which has allowed the
 foundation to do a great many things during FY19.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market             1,068,519.95
   Citizens Checking                   568,340.14
   Paypal - ASF                          8,499.05
 Total Checking/Savings              3,895,359.14

                                     Mar-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,481.41     2,218.37       263.04
   Sponsorship Program           202,000.00   250,000.00   -48,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income         6,898.08         0.00     6,898.08
   Other Income                      431.17       596.96      -165.79
   Interest Income                   594.85       933.52      -338.67
 Total Income                    212,405.51   253,748.85   -41,343.34

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 49,194.83    78,128.36   -28,933.53
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      14,476.07    16,729.54    -2,253.47
   Brand Management                4,877.26     8,166.66    -3,289.40
   Conferences                   284,055.85    14,000.00   270,055.85
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,505.00    17,333.32    -5,828.32
   Treasury Services               3,375.00     3,475.00      -100.00
   General & Administrative        2,360.58     2,040.57       320.01
 Total Expense                   369,844.59   149,873.45   219,971.14
 Net Income                     -157,439.08   103,875.40  -261,314.48

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              131,499.56   118,882.29    12,617.27
   Sponsorship Program         1,585,371.47 1,089,000.00   496,371.47
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Conference/Event Income       257,326.49   184,000.00    73,326.49
   Other Income                   30,299.69    18,788.14    11,511.55
   Interest Income                 6,011.07    13,524.39    -7,513.32
 Total Income                  2,027,708.28 1,438,594.82   589,113.46

 Expense Summary
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                631,458.29   887,411.64  -255,953.35
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     208,799.01   221,820.46   -13,021.45
   Brand Management               58,166.72    89,833.34   -31,666.62
   Conferences                   499,568.27   224,000.00   275,568.27
   Travel Assistance Committee    15,000.00    55,000.00   -40,000.00
   Fundraising                   134,019.00   190,666.68   -56,647.68
   Treasury Services              41,820.00    42,725.00      -905.00
   General & Administrative       14,952.11    24,220.42    -9,268.31
 Total Expense                 1,603,783.40 1,740,077.54  -136,294.14
 Net Income                      423,924.88  -301,482.72   725,407.60

20 Mar 2019 [Ulrich]

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial performance for the
 first ten months of FY19;

 Operating Cash on February 28, 2019 was $2,658.9K, which is up  $59.7K
 from last month’s ending balance (Jan 19) of $2,599.2K.  Total Cash as
 of Feb 28, 2019 is $4,052.8K ( includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $2,500.2K on Feb 28th 2018 (an increase of
 $1,552.6K year over year). The Feb 2019 ending Operating cash balance
 of $2,658.9K represents an Operating cash reserve of 20 months based
 on the FY19 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $132.8K/month ( this will most change for FY 20, as there was a fair
 amount of budgeted spend in FY19 that has not occurred but may in FY20
 as we continue to work on the budget).  The ASF actual Operating
 reserve of 20 months at the end of Feb 2019 is ahead of the budgeted
 10.6 month reserve for YTD through Feb 2019.  The ASF Operating
 reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of the ASF’s
 size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income is ahead of FY18 at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $501.7K .  As compared to the FY19
 Budgeted Income,  YTD,  we are ahead by $630.5K.

 YTD expenses, through Feb 28, 2019 are under budget by $382.1K.  All
 depts. are under budget, at the end of Feb 2019.  There are still a
 couple items worth mentioning, one being Infra,  as noted in the Board
 summary is $227K under budget due to the timing of hiring of staff (
 though this will change in Mar19 as they have hired two new staff
 members, Congrats)  and not having to pay any Lease web invoices YTD.
 The other being TAC at $45K under budget YTD for FY19.  The Expenses
 vs Budget will also change in Mar 19 as we just put a 75% down payment
 on ACEU19 of $229.6K as well. So with both of these for the Mar 19
 close we will be closer to our FY19 Expense Budget.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY19 the ASF finished with a positive
 $607.2K NI vs a budgeted negative <$405.4K> NI or $1,012.6K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of some Sponsor payments as well as more
 Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending in all depts
 YTD, vs the FY19 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are doing very
 well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses, even taking
 timing variances into account.  We will continue to monitor this as we
 finish out FY19.  With regard to FY18, we are outpacing revenue, by
 $501.7K as noted above,  but we are also out pacing expenses by
 $180.8K. However, year over year NI for FY19 exceeds FY18 by $320.9K,
 another good yard stick of the Foundation’s financial health at this
 point in time.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market             1,068,066.39
   Citizens Checking                   727,720.86
   Paypal - ASF                          7,011.37
 Total Checking/Savings              4,052,798.62

                                     Feb-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,344.90    77,774.15   -75,429.25
   Sponsorship Program           162,000.00    18,000.00   144,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income         2,000.00         0.00     2,000.00
   Other Income                      310.85     1,655.23    -1,344.38
   Interest Income                   466.38       974.45      -508.07
 Total Income                    167,122.13    98,403.83    68,718.30

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 47,454.80    78,128.36   -30,673.56
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      16,701.34    13,729.53     2,971.81
   Brand Management               13,108.32     8,166.66     4,941.66
   Conferences                     7,623.35    10,000.00    -2,376.65
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                     8,560.50    17,333.32    -8,772.82
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     5,825.00    -2,475.00
   General & Administrative        2,938.01     2,117.69       820.32
 Total Expense                    99,736.32   135,300.56   -35,564.24
 Net Income                       67,385.81   -36,896.73   104,282.54

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              129,218.61   116,663.92    12,554.69
   Sponsorship Program         1,383,371.47   839,000.00   544,371.47
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Conference/Event Income       250,227.95   184,000.00    66,227.95
   Other Income                   29,868.52    18,191.18    11,677.34
   Interest Income                 5,416.22    12,590.87    -7,174.65
 Total Income                  1,815,302.77 1,184,845.97   630,456.80

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                582,263.03   809,283.28  -227,020.25
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     194,322.95   205,090.92   -10,767.97
   Brand Management               53,290.31    81,666.68   -28,376.37
   Conferences                   204,635.42   210,000.00    -5,364.58
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    45,000.00   -45,000.00
   Fundraising                   122,513.77   173,333.36   -50,819.59
   Treasury Services              36,135.00    39,250.00    -3,115.00
   General & Administrative       14,901.53    22,179.85    -7,278.32
 Total Expense                 1,208,062.01 1,590,204.09  -382,142.08
 Net Income                      607,240.76  -405,358.12 1,012,598.88

20 Feb 2019 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on January 31st, 2019 was $2,599.2K, which is up
 $272.4K from last month’s ending balance (Dec 18) of $2,326.8K.  Total
 Cash as of Jan 31st, 2019 is $3,993.1 ( includes the Pineapple and
 restricted Donation) as compared to $1,793.4K on Jan 31st 2018 ( an
 increase of $2,199.7K year over year. If we exclude the Pineapple and
 Restricted donation that is a year over year increase of $805.8K in
 net cash). The Jan 2019 ending Operating cash balance of $2,599.2K
 represents an Operating cash reserve of 19.1 months based on the FY19
 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending of $136.2K/month (
 this will most likely change for FY 20 as we continue to work on the
 budget).  The ASF actual Operating reserve of 19.1 months at the end
 of Jan 2019 is ahead of the budgeted 11.1 month reserve for YTD
 through Jan 2019.  The ASF Operating reserve continues to be very
 healthy for an organization of the ASF’s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income,  is ahead of FY 18, at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $436.6K. As compared to the FY 19 Budgeted
 Income,  YTD, we are ahead by $561.7K.

 ApacheCon NA 2018 has now been reconciled and considered closed. We
 have added two tabs to this month’s finance package – “Conference P&L”
 and “Conference P&L Detail.” Total revenue for the Conference came to
 $226.0K and expenses came to $193.4K. Thus, the net income for the
 event came to $32.6K versus a budgeted loss of $60.5K, Congrats to the
 entire team who helped make this event not only a success for the
 attendees but also a financial success as well.

 YTD expenses, through Jan 31st, 2019 are under budget by $346.6K.  All
 depts. are under budget, at the end of Jan 2019.  There are still a
 couple items worth mentioning, one being Infra,  as noted in the Board
 summary is $196.3K under budget due to the timing of hiring of staff
 and not having to pay any Lease web invoices YTD.  The other being TAC
 at $45K under budget YTD for FY19.  We have moved most of the dept
 underspending forward in the Cash forecast and will be reviewing the
 underspending with the departments as we move forward in FY19 Q4.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a positive
 $539.8K NI vs a budgeted negative <$368.5K> NI or $908.3K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of some Sponsor payments offset by more
 Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending in all depts
 YTD, vs the FY19 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are doing very
 well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses, even taking
 timing variances into account.  We will continue to monitor this as we
 finish out FY19.  With regard to FY18, we are outpacing revenue, by
 $436.6K as noted above,  but we are also out pacing expenses by
 $166.8K. However, year over year NI for FY19 exceeds FY18 by $269.8K,
 another good yard stick of the Foundation’s financial health at this
 point in time.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market             1,067,656.88
   Citizens Checking                   669,173.49
   Paypal - ASF                          6,291.24
 Total Checking/Savings              3,993,121.61

                                     Jan-19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                4,777.55     5,309.61      -532.06
   Sponsorship Program           337,000.00   186,000.00   151,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income             0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    2,674.64     2,916.94      -242.30
   Interest Income                   453.20     1,652.41    -1,199.21
 Total Income                    344,905.39   195,878.96   149,026.43

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 49,747.75    78,128.36   -28,380.61
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      10,689.59    14,146.20    -3,456.61
   Brand Management                    0.00     8,166.66    -8,166.66
   Conferences                         0.24         0.00         0.24
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                     8,141.09    17,333.32    -9,192.23
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,475.00      -125.00
   General & Administrative          762.87     2,013.59    -1,250.72
 Total Expense                    72,691.54   123,263.13   -50,571.59
 Net Income                      272,213.85    72,615.83   199,598.02

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              126,873.71    38,889.77    87,983.94
   Sponsorship Program         1,221,371.47   821,000.00   400,371.47
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Conference/Event Income       248,227.95   184,000.00    64,227.95
   Other Income                   29,557.67    16,535.95    13,021.72
   Interest Income                 4,949.84    11,616.42    -6,666.58
 Total Income                  1,648,180.64 1,086,442.14   561,738.50

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                534,808.23   731,154.92  -196,346.69
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     177,621.61   191,361.39   -13,739.78
   Brand Management               40,181.99    73,500.02   -33,318.03
   Conferences                   197,012.10   200,000.00    -2,987.90
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    45,000.00   -45,000.00
   Fundraising                   113,953.27   156,000.04   -42,046.77
   Treasury Services              32,785.00    33,425.00      -640.00
   General & Administrative       11,962.68    20,062.16    -8,099.48
 Total Expense                 1,108,324.88 1,454,903.53  -346,578.65
 Net Income                      539,855.76  -368,461.39   908,317.15

16 Jan 2019 [Ulrich]

 Here is a summary of the Foundation's Financial performance for the
 first eight months of FY19:

 Operating Cash on Dec 31st, 2018 was $2,326.8K, which is up  $120.9K
 from last month's ending balance (Nov 18) of $2,205.9K.    Total Cash
 as of Dec 31st, 2018 is $3,720.7K ( includes the Pineapple and
 restricted Donation) as compared to $1,663.1K on Dec 31st 2017. The
 Dec 2018 ending Operating cash balance of $2,326.8K represents an
 Operating cash reserve of 15.5 months based on the FY19 conservative
 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $150.3K/month.  The ASF
 actual Operating reserve of 15.5 months at the end of Dec 2018 is
 ahead of the budgeted 10.6 month reserve for YTD through Dec 2018.
 The ASF Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of the ASF's size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income,  was ahead of FY 18, at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $326.1K .  As compared to the FY 19
 Budgeted Income,  YTD,  we are ahead by $412.7K.

 YTD expenses, through Dec 31st, 2018 are under budget by $296.0K.  All
 depts. are under budget, at the end of Dec 2018.  There are still a
 couple items worth mentioning, one being Infra,  as noted in the Board
 summary is $167.9K under budget due to the timing of hiring of staff
 and not having to pay any Lease web invoices YTD.  The other being TAC
 at $45K under budget YTD for FY19.  We have moved most of the dept
 underspending forward in the Cash forecast and will be reviewing the
 underspending with the departments as we move forward in FY19 Q3.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a positive
 $267.6K NI vs a budgeted negative <$441.1K> NI or $708.7K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of some Sponsor payments offset by more
 Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending in all depts
 YTD, vs the FY19 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are doing very
 well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses, even taking
 timing variances into account.  We will continue to monitor this as we
 move further into FY19.  With regard to FY18, we are outpacing revenue
 but are also out pacing expenses $206.3K. Thus, year over year NI
 exceeds FY18 by $119.8K, and is significantly ahead of FY19 budget in
 all categories.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market             1,067,203.68
   Citizens Checking                   399,660.51
   Paypal - ASF                          3,867.87
 Total Checking/Savings              3,720,732.06

                                     Dec-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                4,020.00     5,225.76    -1,205.76
   Sponsorship Program           204,000.00   135,000.00    69,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income             0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    2,927.05     2,514.10       412.95
   Interest Income                   814.05     1,576.31      -762.26
 Total Income                    211,761.10   144,316.17    67,444.93

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 51,555.92    78,128.32   -26,572.40
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       9,838.92    12,896.21    -3,057.29
   Brand Management                3,189.40     8,166.67    -4,977.27
   Conferences                         6.10         0.00         6.10
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                    11,233.95    17,333.34    -6,099.39
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,475.00      -125.00
   General & Administrative          838.00     1,905.49    -1,067.49
 Total Expense                    80,012.29   121,905.03   -41,892.74
 Net Income                      131,748.81    22,411.14   109,337.67

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              122,096.16    33,580.16    88,516.00
   Sponsorship Program           884,371.47   635,000.00   249,371.47
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Conference/Event Income       248,227.95   184,000.00    64,227.95
   Other Income                   26,883.03    13,619.01    13,264.02
   Interest Income                 4,496.64     9,964.01    -5,467.37
 Total Income                  1,303,275.25   890,563.18   412,712.07

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                485,054.38   653,026.56  -167,972.18
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     166,932.02   177,215.19   -10,283.17
   Brand Management               40,181.99    65,333.36   -25,151.37
   Conferences                   197,018.20   200,000.00    -2,981.80
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    45,000.00   -45,000.00
   Fundraising                   105,812.18   138,666.72   -32,854.54
   Treasury Services              29,435.00    29,950.00      -515.00
   General & Administrative       11,200.62    18,048.57    -6,847.95
 Total Expense                 1,035,634.39 1,331,640.40  -296,006.01
 Net Income                      267,640.86  -441,077.22   708,718.08

19 Dec 2018 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on Nov 30th, 2018 was $2,205.9K, which is up  $36.4K
 from last month's ending balance (Oct 18) of $2,169.5K.    Total Cash
 as of Nov 30th, 2018 is $3,599.8K ( includes the Pineapple and
 restricted Donation) as compared to $1,611.7K on Nov 30th 2017. The
 Nov 2018 ending Operating cash balance of $2,205.9K represents an
 Operating cash reserve of 14 months based on the FY19 conservative
 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $157.4K/month.  The ASF
 actual Operating reserve  of 14 months at the end of Nov 2018 is ahead
 of the budgeted 10.5 month reserve for YTD through Nov 2018.  The ASF
 Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of
 the ASF' s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income,  was ahead of FY 18, at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $12.2K .  As compared to the FY 19
 Budgeted Income,  YTD,  we are ahead by $345.3K.

 YTD expenses, through Nov 30th, 2018 are under budget by $254.1K.  All
 depts. are under budget, at the end of Nov 2018.  There are still a
 couple items worth mentioning, one being Infra,  as noted in the Board
 summary is $141.4K under budget due to the timing of hiring of staff
 and not having to pay any Lease web invoices YTD.  The other being TAC
 at $45K under budget YTD for FY19.  We have moved most of the dept
 underspending forward in the Cash forecast and will be reviewing the
 underspending with the departments as we move forward in FY19 Q3.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a positive
 $135.9K NI vs a budgeted negative <$463.5K> NI or $599.4K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This is
 attributable to timing of some Sponsor payments offset by more
 Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending in all depts
 YTD, vs the FY19 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are doing very
 well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses, even taking
 timing variances into account.  We will continue to monitor this as we
 move further into FY19.  With regard to FY18, we are outpacing revenue
 but are also out pacing expenses ($230.2K), and therefore trailing NI
 year over year, by $-218K, but again significantly ahead of FY19
 budget in all categories.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Aprket             1,066,750.68
   Citizens Checking                   281,663.74
   Paypal - ASF                          1,402.83
 Total Checking/Savings              3,599,817.25

                                     Nov-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                7,504.09     7,828.94      -324.85
   Sponsorship Program           105,000.00    20,000.00    85,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income        20,000.00         0.00    20,000.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   679.97     1,444.93      -764.96
 Total Income                    133,184.06    29,273.87   103,910.19

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 50,335.96    78,128.32   -27,792.36
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      21,330.77    12,896.21     8,434.56
   Brand Management                5,117.09     8,166.67    -3,049.58
   Conferences                     4,590.06         0.00     4,590.06
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                    11,257.67    17,333.34    -6,075.67
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,475.00      -125.00
   General & Administrative        1,773.28     2,137.15      -363.87
 Total Expense                    97,754.83   122,136.69   -24,381.86
 Net Income                       35,429.23   -92,862.82   128,292.05

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              142,032.14    39,459.31   102,572.83
   Sponsorship Program           680,371.47   500,000.00   180,371.47
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Conference/Event Income       248,227.95   184,000.00    64,227.95
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                 3,682.59     8,387.70    -4,705.11
 Total Income                  1,091,514.15   746,247.01   345,267.14

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                433,498.46   574,898.24  -141,399.78
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     157,093.10   164,318.98    -7,225.88
   Brand Management               36,992.59    57,166.69   -20,174.10
   Conferences                   197,012.10   200,000.00    -2,987.90
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    45,000.00   -45,000.00
   Fundraising                    94,578.23   121,333.38   -26,755.15
   Treasury Services              26,085.00    26,475.00      -390.00
   General & Administrative       10,362.62    16,143.08    -5,780.46
 Total Expense                   955,622.10 1,209,735.37  -254,113.27
 Net Income                      135,892.05  -463,488.36   599,380.41

21 Nov 2018 [Ulrich]

 Operating Cash on Oct 31st, 2018 was $2,169.5K, which is up  $73.2K
 from last month's ending balance (Sep 18) of $2,096.3K. Total Cash as
 of Oct 31st, 2018 is $3,563.4K (includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $1,690.5K on Oct 31st 2017. The Oct 2018
 ending Operating cash balance of $2,169.5K represents an Operating
 cash reserve of 13.8 months based on the FY19 conservative Cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $157.1K/month.  The ASF actual
 Operating reserve of 13.8 months at the end of Oct 2018 is ahead of
 the budgeted 11.1 month reserve for YTD through Oct 2018. The ASF
 Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of
 the ASF's size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, total Income was ahead of FY 18 at this
 point in the Fiscal year by $151.9K.  As compared to the FY 19
 Budgeted Income, YTD we are ahead by $241.4K as compared to being
 ahead of budget at the end of Sept 2018 by $34.3K, a significant

 YTD expenses through Oct 31st, 2018 are under budget by $228.7K, as
 compared to being under budget in expense by $329.1K at the end of Sep
 2018.  All depts. are under budget at the end of Oct 2018.  The timing
 variance has narrowed a bit as can be seen by the reduction in
 the amount under budget from Sept 2018 to Oct 2018.   There are
 still a couple worth mentioning, one being Infra, as noted in
 the Board summary is $112.1K under budget due to Timing of
 hiring of staff and timing of Lease web invoices.  The other
 being TAC at $45K under budget YTD for FY19.  We have moved
 most of the dept underspending forward in the Cash forecast and
 will be reviewing the underspending with the departments as we
 move forward in FY19 Q3.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a positive
 $99.5K NI vs a budgeted negative <$370.6K> NI or $470.1K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This was
 attributable to timing of some Sponsor payments offset by more
 Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending in all depts
 YTD, vs the FY19 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are doing very
 well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses, even taking
 timing variances into account.  We will continue to monitor this as
 we move further into FY19.  With regard to FY18, we are outpacing
 revenue but are also out pacing expenses, and therefore training in
 NI year over year, but again significantly ahead of FY19 budget in
 all categories.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Aprket             1,066,312.47
   Citizens Checking                   246,891.28
   Paypal - ASF                            184.27
 Total Checking/Savings              3,563,388.02

                                     Oct-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,276.96     7,033.96    -4,757.00
   Sponsorship Program           170,000.00    70,000.00   100,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference/Event Income       112,427.95         0.00   112,427.95
   Other Income                        0.00         1.00        -1.00
   Interest Income                   609.19     1,172.93      -563.74
 Total Income                    285,314.10    78,207.89   207,106.21

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 60,186.32    81,128.32   -20,942.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      14,760.97    13,312.88     1,448.09
   Brand Management               15,117.30     8,166.67     6,950.63
   Conferences                   103,313.09         0.00   103,313.09
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Fundraising                    12,082.60    17,333.34    -5,250.74
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,475.00      -125.00
   General & Administrative        2,293.27     2,366.94       -73.67
 Total Expense                   211,103.55   125,783.15    85,320.40
 Net Income                       74,210.55   -47,575.26   121,785.81

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              134,528.05    31,630.37   102,897.68
   Sponsorship Program           575,371.47   480,000.00    95,371.47
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Conference/Event Income       228,227.95   184,000.00    44,227.95
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                 3,002.62     6,942.77    -3,940.15
 Total Income                    958,330.09   716,973.14   241,356.95

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                384,662.50   496,769.92  -112,107.42
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     135,762.33   151,422.77   -15,660.44
   Brand Management               31,875.50    49,000.02   -17,124.52
   Conferences                   194,805.48   200,000.00    -5,194.52
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    45,000.00   -45,000.00
   Fundraising                    81,820.56   104,000.04   -22,179.48
   Treasury Services              22,735.00    23,000.00      -265.00
   General & Administrative        7,206.21    14,005.93    -6,799.72
 Total Expense                   858,867.58 1,087,598.68  -228,731.10
 Net Income                       99,462.51  -370,625.54   470,088.05

17 Oct 2018 [Ulrich]

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial performance for the
 first five months of FY19.

 Operating Cash on Sep 30th, 2018 was $2,096.3K, which is up  $41K from
 last month’s ending balance (Aug 18) of $2,055.3K.    Total Cash as of
 Sep 30th, 2018 is $3,489.2K ( includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation) as compared to $1,727.5K on Sept 30th 2017. The Sep 2018
 ending Operating cash balance of $2,096.3K represents an Operating
 cash reserve of 13.5 months based on the FY19 conservative Cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $154.8K/month.  The ASF actual
 reserve  of 13.5 months at the end of Sep 2018 is ahead of the
 budgeted 11.4 month reserve for YTD through Sep 2018.  The ASF
 Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of
 the ASF’ s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, the ASF, with regard to Income,  was ahead
 vs the FY19 budget and has now caught up and exceeded where we were at
 this time in FY18 .  With regard to the FY 19 Income vs Budget, YTD,
 we are up $34.3K in total. We are now ahead of where we were this time
 last year in all Revenue categories.

 YTD expenses, through Sep 30th, 2018 are under budget by $329.1K, with
 just about all depts being under budget.  Infra as noted in the Board
 summary is $89.7K under budget due to Timing of hiring of staff and
 timing of Lease web invoices.  The other major timing issue is
 Conferences is under by $115.1K, which will draw closer to the budget
 as the final bills come in.  In addition to this we will be performing
 a review in Oct to make sure all Conference related expenses are in
 the appropriate expense lines .  We have moved most of the dept
 underspending forward in the Cash forecast and will be reviewing the
 underspending with the departments as we move forward in FY19 Q2.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a positive
 $40.3K NI vs a budgeted negative <$323.1K> NI or $363.3K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This was
 attributable to some timing of Sponsor payments offset by more
 Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending in just about
 all depts YTD, vs the FY19 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are
 doing well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses.  We
 will continue to monitor this as we move further into FY19.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market               967,564.03
   Citizens Checking                   267,227.04
   Paypal - ASF                          4,386.40
 Total Checking/Savings              3,489,177.47

                                     Sep-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                1,803.89     2,141.30      -337.41
   Sponsorship Program           125,000.00   100,000.00    25,000.00
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Event Income                   34,000.00   184,000.00  -150,000.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   445.48     1,143.82      -698.34
 Total Income                    178,449.37   301,685.12  -123,235.75

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 79,573.59    82,128.32    -2,554.73
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                      25,509.66    17,896.22     7,613.44
   Brand Management                  140.26     8,166.67    -8,026.41
   Conferences                    14,998.36    30,000.00   -15,001.64
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00     5,000.00    -5,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,166.67    17,333.34    -6,166.67
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,475.00      -125.00
   General & Administrative        2,612.46     2,432.49       179.97
 Total Expense                   137,351.00   170,832.04   -33,481.04
 Net Income                       41,098.37   130,853.08   -89,754.71

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              111,134.58    18,225.95    92,908.63
   Sponsorship Program           405,371.47   410,000.00    -4,628.53
   Programs Income                17,200.00    14,400.00     2,800.00
   Event Income                  115,800.00   184,000.00   -68,200.00
   Other Income                   21,116.51     6,370.46    14,746.05
   Interest Income                 2,393.43     5,769.84    -3,376.41
 Total Income                    673,015.99   638,766.25    34,249.74

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                325,945.94   415,641.60   -89,695.66
   Programs Expense                    0.00     4,400.00    -4,400.00
   Publicity                     115,375.07   138,109.89   -22,734.82
   Brand Management               16,859.23    40,833.35   -23,974.12
   Conferences                    84,934.57   200,000.00  -115,065.43
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    45,000.00   -45,000.00
   Fundraising                    65,320.75    86,666.70   -21,345.95
   Treasury Services              19,385.00    19,525.00      -140.00
   General & Administrative        4,943.25    11,638.99    -6,695.74
 Total Expense                   632,763.81   961,815.53  -329,051.72
 Net Income                       40,252.18  -323,049.28   363,301.46

19 Sep 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial performance for the
 first four months of FY19;

 Operating Cash on Aug 31st, 2018 was $2,055.3K, which is up  $12.8K
 from last month’s ending balance (Jul 18) of $2,042.5K. Total Cash
 as of Aug 31st, 2018 is $3,448.1K ( includes the Pineapple and
 restricted Donation). The Aug 2018 ending Operating cash balance of
 $2,055.3K represents an Operating cash reserve of 13 months based on
 the FY19 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $158K/month.  The ASF actual reserve of 13 months at the end of Aug
 2018 is ahead of the budgeted 10.2 month reserve for YTD through Aug
 2018.  The ASF Operating reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of the ASF’ s size and Operating activity.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, the ASF, with regard to Income,  was
 ahead vs the FY19 budget but behind where we were at this time in
 FY18.  With regard to the Income vs Budget, YTD,  we are up $157.6K
 in total. Compared to FY18 the variance continues to be the timing of
 when Platinum Sponsor payments arrived in FY18 vs FY19.   We are
 however now ahead in donation income, due to the Handshake
 contribution, which has offset the timing variance of some
 sponsorship payments, as compared to the FY19 budget YTD.

 YTD expenses, through Aug 31st, 2018 are under budget by $295.6K,
 with all depts being under budget.  Infra as noted in the Board
 summary is $87K under budget due to Timing of hiring of staff and
 timing of Lease web invoices.  The other major timing issue is
 Conferences is under by $118.8K, which as we draw near the ACNA 2018
 it will resolve itself .  We have moved most of the dept
 underspending forward in the Cash forecast and will be reviewing the
 underspending with the departments as we move forward in FY19 Q2.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a -
 <$.783> NI (or Breakeven YTD FY19) vs a budgeted negative <$453.9K>
 NI or $453.1K  ahead of Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the
 Fiscal year.  This was attributable to timing of Sponsor payments
 offset by more Donations than were budgeted as well as underspending
 in all depts YTD, vs the FY19 Budget.  At this point in the FY we are
 doing well, ahead in Revenue and well under budget in Expenses.  We
 will continue to monitor this as we move further into FY19.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private CDARS Account      2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market               967,166.57
   Citizens Checking                   227,279.59
   Paypal - ASF                          3,695.77
 Total Checking/Savings              3,448,141.93

                                     Aug-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              121,408.32     2,979.02   118,429.30
   Sponsorship Program            25,000.00         0.00    25,000.00
   Event Revenue                  11,250.00         0.00    11,250.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference Income                   0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                        0.00       505.94      -505.94
   Interest Income                   526.98     1,162.09      -635.11
 Total Income                    158,185.30     4,647.05   153,538.25

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 70,083.83    82,128.32   -12,044.49
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       8,548.52    18,646.22   -10,097.70
   Brand Management                2,392.55     8,166.67    -5,774.12
   Conferences                    49,785.62    90,000.00   -40,214.38
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,214.40    17,333.34    -6,118.94
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,475.00      -125.00
   General & Administrative          543.52     3,540.03    -2,996.51
 Total Expense                   145,918.44   233,289.58   -87,371.14
 Net Income                       12,266.86  -228,642.53   240,909.39

                                   YTD FY19       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              109,761.13    16,651.79    93,109.34
   Sponsorship Program           280,371.47   310,000.00   -29,628.53
   Event Revenue                  81,800.00         0.00    81,800.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference Income                   0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                   20,748.57     5,803.32    14,945.25
   Interest Income                 1,947.95     4,626.02    -2,678.07
 Total Income                    494,629.12   337,081.13   157,547.99

 Expense Summpry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                246,372.30   333,513.28   -87,140.98
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                     108,586.20   120,213.67   -11,627.47
   Brand Management               16,718.97    32,666.68   -15,947.71
   Conferences                    51,214.83   170,000.00  -118,785.17
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    40,000.00   -40,000.00
   Fundraising                    54,201.15    69,333.36   -15,132.21
   Treasury Services              16,035.00    16,050.00       -15.00
   General & Administrative        2,283.50     9,206.50    -6,923.00
 Total Expense                   495,411.95   790,983.49  -295,571.54
 Net Income                         -782.83  -453,902.36   453,119.53

15 Aug 2018 [Ulrich]

 The Treasurer has worked with the President to create a credit card
 policy governing the use of ASF-issued credit cards. This addresses as
 finding that came up during our audit. Existing card holders will be
 asked shortly to submit a signed copy.

 During the discussions about our new credit card policy it became
 apparent that we need clarity on our receipt handling policies. I am
 therefore preparing a request to our CPAs to give us an authoritative
 answer on how we should handle receipts. This is afterwards to be
 merged into our existing policy around invoice handling.

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial performance for the
 first three months of FY19;

 Operating Cash on July 31st, 2018 was $2,042.5K, which is up  $58.7K
 from last month’s ending balance (June 18) of $1,983.8K.    Total
 Cash as of July 31st, 2018 is $3,435.4K ( includes the Pineapple and
 restricted Donation). The July 2018 ending Operating cash balance of
 $2,042.5K represents an Operating cash reserve of 12.9 months based
 on the FY19 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $158.1K/month.  The ASF reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of the ASF’ s size.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, the ASF, with regard to Income, it was up
 vs budget but down vs FY18.  With regard to the Income vs Budget,
 YTD,  we are up $4Kin total. Compared to FY18 the variance is due to
 the timing of when Sponsor payments arrived FY18 vs FY19.   We are
 however ahead in Conference income, again based on timing which
 offsets some of the sponsorship variance FY19 YTD. YTD expenses,
 through July 31st, 2018 are under budget by $208.2K, with all depts
 being under budget.  Infra as noted in the Board summary is $75K
 under budget due to Timing of hiring of staff, timing of Travis CL
 bill and timing of Lease web invoices.  Brand Management is under by
 $78.6K.  We have moved these expenses forward in the Cash Forecast,
 as we have done with all the depts, since we are only one quarter
 into the new Fiscal year.  We will continue to review on a monthly
 basis for variances to Budget.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a -
 <$13.1K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$225.3K> NI or $212.2K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the Fiscal year.  This was
 attributable to timing of Sponsor payments offset by more
 underspending, vs the FY19 Budget.  As we are through Q1 of the
 Fiscal year, this type of result is not A-typical and we will
 continue to monitor it as we move into of Q2 FY19.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private Checking Account   2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Aprket               966,756.03
   Citizens Checking                   215,684.98
   Paypal - ASF                          2,934.06
 Total Checking/Savings              3,435,375.07

                                   Jul 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                  988.07     3,121.88    -2,133.81
   Sponsorship Program           126,000.00    45,000.00    81,000.00
   Event Revenue                  45,550.00         0.00    45,550.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference Income                   0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    1,247.35       703.38       543.97
   Interest Income                   418.76     1,161.83      -743.07
 Total Income                    174,204.18    49,987.09   124,217.09

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 58,603.83    82,128.32   -23,524.49
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      37,270.58    14,146.22    23,124.36
   Brand Management                4,264.71     8,166.67    -3,901.96
   Conferences                         0.00    40,000.00   -40,000.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    20,000.00   -20,000.00
   Fundraising                    11,167.00    17,333.34    -6,166.34
   Treasury Services               3,395.00     3,475.00       -80.00
   General & Administrative          404.28     1,918.32    -1,514.04
 Total Expense                   115,105.40   187,167.87   -72,062.47
 Net Income                       59,098.78  -137,180.78   196,279.56

                                   YTD 2019       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                6,818.98    13,672.77    -6,853.79
   Sponsorship Program           255,371.47   310,000.00   -54,628.53
   Event Revenue                  70,550.00         0.00    70,550.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference Income                   0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    2,282.40     5,297.38    -3,014.98
   Interest Income                 1,420.97     3,463.93    -2,042.96
 Total Income                    336,443.82   332,434.08     4,009.74

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                176,288.47   251,384.96   -75,096.49
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                     100,037.68   101,567.45    -1,529.77
   Brand Management               14,326.42    24,500.01   -10,173.59
   Conferences                     1,429.21    80,000.00   -78,570.79
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    30,000.00   -30,000.00
   Fundraising                    42,986.75    52,000.02    -9,013.27
   Treasury Services              12,685.00    12,575.00       110.00
   General & Administrative        1,739.98     5,666.47    -3,926.49
 Total Expense                   349,493.51   557,693.91  -208,200.40
 Net Income                      -13,049.69  -225,259.83   212,210.14

18 Jul 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial
 performance for the first two months of FY19;

 Operating Cash on June 30th, 2018 was $1,983.8K, which is down $15.2K
 from last month’s ending balance (May 18) of $1,999K.    Total Cash
 as of June 30th, 2018 is $3,376.7K (includes the Pineapple and
 restricted Donation). The June 2018 ending Operating cash balance of
 $1,983.8K represents an Operating cash reserve of 12.6 months based
 on the FY19 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $158K/month (which is roughly $55K/month higher than the FY18 avg
 monthly expense amount).  The ASF reserve continues to be very
 healthy for an organization of the ASF’ s size.

 Reviewing the YTD Cash P&L, the ASF, with regard to Income, was down
 both vs budget and vs FY18.  With regard to the Income vs Budget,
 YTD,  we are off $102.2K ($135.6K due mostly to timing of sponsor
 payments). This is the same issue when compared to FY18 where a
 couple of Platinum sponsor payments arrived in May vs April.   We are
 however ahead in Conference income, again based on timing which
 offsets some of the sponsorship variance. YTD expenses, through June
 30th, 2018 are under budget by $136.1K, with all depts being under
 budget.  Infra as noted in the Board summary is $53.8K under budget
 due to Timing of hiring of staff, timing of Travis CL bill and timing
 of Lease web invoices.  We have moved these expenses, as we have done
 with all the depts, as we are only two months into the new Fiscal
 year, forward in the Cash forecast and will review them next month at
 the end of the first fiscal quarter.  Expenses, as compared to YTD
 FY18 were $5.5K higher which is a very good measure at this point of
 the Fiscal year.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD FY 19 the ASF finished with a -
 <$54.2K> NI vs a budgeted negative <$88.1K> NI or $33.9K  ahead of
 Budget, NI,  for FY19 at this point in the year.  This was
 attributable to timing of Sponsor payments offset by more
 underspending, vs the FY19 Budget,  as this is the only the second
 month of the Fiscal year, this type of result is not A-typical and we
 will continue to monitor it as we move into the last month of Q1


 Current Balances:
   Boston Private Checking Account   2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Aprket               966,345.66
   Citizens Checking                   157,898.70
   Paypal - ASF                          2,531.93
 Total Checking/Savings              3,376,776.29

                                     Jun-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,860.61     2,338.66       521.95
   Sponsorship Program            50,371.47   100,000.00   -49,628.53
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference Income              25,000.00         0.00    25,000.00
   Other Income                      324.93     1,712.83    -1,387.90
   Interest Income                   708.58     1,141.45      -432.87
 Total Income                     79,265.59   105,192.94   -25,927.35

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 55,676.02    79,128.32   -23,452.30
   Sponsorship Program            13,234.82    17,333.34    -4,098.52
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                         377.63    14,562.89   -14,185.26
   Brand Management                4,932.32     8,166.67    -3,234.35
   Conferences                       929.21    40,000.00   -39,070.79
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,395.00     3,475.00       -80.00
   General & Administrative          365.62     1,906.87    -1,541.25
 Total Expense                    78,910.62   174,573.09   -95,662.47
 Net Income                          354.97   -69,380.15    69,735.12

                                   YTD 2019       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                5,870.30    10,550.89    -4,680.59
   Sponsorship Program           129,371.47   265,000.00  -135,628.53
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Conference Income              43,000.00         0.00    43,000.00
   Other Income                      995.66     4,594.00    -3,598.34
   Interest Income                 1,002.21     2,302.10    -1,299.89
 Total Income                    180,239.64   282,446.99  -102,207.35

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                115,433.18   169,256.64   -53,823.46
   Sponsorship Program            34,071.21    34,666.68      -595.47
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      62,767.10    87,421.23   -24,654.13
   Brand Management               10,061.71    16,333.34    -6,271.63
   Conferences                     1,429.21    40,000.00   -38,570.79
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Tax and Audit                   2,500.00     2,150.00       350.00
   Treasury Services               6,790.00     6,950.00      -160.00
   General & Administrative        1,335.70     3,748.15    -2,412.45
 Total Expense                   234,388.11   370,526.04  -136,137.93
 Net Income                      -54,148.47   -88,079.05    33,930.58

20 Jun 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s Financial performance for the
 first month of FY19;

 Operating Cash on May 31st, 2018 was $1,999K, which is down $73K from
 last month’s ending balance (Apr 18) of $2,072K.    Total Cash as of
 May 31st, 2018 is $3,392K ( includes the Pineapple and restricted
 Donation). The May 2018 ending Operating cash balance of $1,999K
 represents an Operating cash reserve of 12.6 months based on the FY19
 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending of $158.1K/month(
 which is roughly $55K/month higher than the FY18 avg monthly expense
 amount).  The ASF reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of the ASF’s size.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, the ASF, with regard to Income, was down
 both vs budget and vs FY18.  With regard to the Income vs Budget we
 were off $94K due mostly to timing of sponsor payments. This is the
 same issue when compared to FY18 where a couple of Platinum sponsor
 payments arrived in May vs April.   YTD expenses, through May 31st,
 2018 are under budget by $40.4K, with all but Fundraising being under
 budget ( this is timing related as both the May and Jun Sponsorship
 paid service, were made in May and Infra is under due to timing of
 Lease web and staffing expenses as is Publicity due to timing of some
 vendor invoices ).  Expenses, as compared to May 2017 were $38.2K
 higher due to increases in Fundraising and the timing of some
 Publicity vendor payments, that were offset by lower Infra costs due
 to the timing of the Travis CL and Lease web payments.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), for May 2018 the ASF finished with a -
 $72.5K NI vs a budgeted negative <$18.6K> NI or $53.9K  behind the
 May 2018 budget for Net Income.  This was mostly attributable to
 timing of Sponsor payments though there were some vendor invoice
 timing issues as well so we will monitor this going forward, however
 as this is the first month of the Fiscal year, this type of result is
 not A-typical.


 Current Balances:
   Boston Private Checking Account   2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Aprket               965,948.70
   Citizens Checking                   173,934.78
   Paypal - ASF                          2,037.84
 Total Checking/Savings              3,391,921.32

                                     May-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,970.30     8,212.23    -5,241.93
   Sponsorship Program            70,000.00   165,000.00   -95,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    9,710.12     2,881.17     6,828.95
   Interest Income                   293.63     1,160.65      -867.02
 Total Income                     82,974.05   177,254.05   -94,280.00

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 59,757.16    90,128.32   -30,371.16
   Sponsorship Program            20,836.39    17,333.34     3,503.05
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      62,389.47    72,858.34   -10,468.87
   Brand Management                5,129.39     8,166.67    -3,037.28
   Conferences                       500.00         0.00       500.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                   2,500.00     2,150.00       350.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        1,015.08     1,841.28      -826.20
 Total Expense                   155,477.49   195,827.95   -40,350.46
 Net Income                      -72,503.44   -18,573.90   -53,929.54

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,970.30     8,212.23    -5,241.93
   Sponsorship Program            70,000.00   165,000.00   -95,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    9,710.12     2,881.17     6,828.95
   Interest Income                   293.63     1,160.65      -867.02
 Total Income                     82,974.05   177,254.05   -94,280.00

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 59,757.16    90,128.32   -30,371.16
   Sponsorship Program            20,836.39    17,333.34     3,503.05
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      62,389.47    72,858.34   -10,468.87
   Brand Management                5,129.39     8,166.67    -3,037.28
   Conferences                       500.00         0.00       500.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                   2,500.00     2,150.00       350.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        1,015.08     1,841.28      -826.20
 Total Expense                   155,477.49   195,827.95   -40,350.46
 Net Income                      -72,503.44   -18,573.90   -53,929.54

16 May 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for
 the 12 months of FY18.

 Operating Cash on April 30, 2018 was $2,072K, which is up $117K from
 last month’s ending balance (Mar 18) of $1,955K.    Total Cash as of
 Apr 30th, 2018 is $2,964.4K. The Apr 2018 ending Operating cash
 balance of $2,072K represents an Operating cash reserve of 20.1 months
 based on the FY18 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending
 of $103.1K/month( using the FY19 budgeted expense budget of $1,896.3K,
 the FY19 monthly expense amount is $158K which using the ending Oper
 Cash balance of $2,072K, gives us 13.1 months of Oper based on FY19
 expenses as of 4.30.18).  The ASF reserve continues to be very healthy
 for an organization of ASF’ s size.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we had a very strong and favorable showing
 against our FY18 budget, however we need to keep an eye on any
 invoices that come in that may have pertained to FY18 as we move
 through May and June 2018, for comparative purposes.  For April 2018
 we were over the FY 18 budget for Revenue by $18.8K due to timing of
 Sponsor payments compared to the Apr 18 Budget.  The Foundation was
 also under the FY18 budget in Expenses as well for Apr 18 (all depts
 were under for April 2018 except Publicity due the timing of some
 invoice payments).   The Fundraising team did an excellent job in both
 areas, servicing both new and existing Sponsors for FY18.  With total
 actual FY18 Revenue, as of Apr 30th, 2018, of $1,785.9K (up $211.8K
 from Mar 18 and up $796.6K from Apr 17), we finished at 145.6% ahead
 of our FY18 budgeted Total Revenue of $1,226.5K.  Regarding Sponsor
 revenue, we finished FY18 at $1,616.9K, (up $210K from Mar 18 and up
 $838K from Apr 17) which has us at an increase of 149.2%  over our
 budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of $1,084K for FY18.  This is a great
 accomplishment as we exceeded our FY18 Sponsorship budget by more than
 a half million dollars if FY18 and are poised to keep that momentum up
 into FY19.  As for the remaining revenue categories, we have received
 $169K against a total budget of $142.5K or 118.6% ahead of our FY 18
 budget.  With regard to FY18 vs FY17 for the other revenue categories,
 we had $167K in FY18 and $139.9K in FY17 or 121% increase, due in
 large part to what we have received via the Hopsie platform, which
 again is fantastic as it is no real cost to the foundation but another
 option for Fundraising.

 KAM Comment: Including the Pineapple fund conversion to cash increases
 the fundraising for FY18 by just about another $900k as well.

 YTD expenses, through Apr 30th, 2018 are under budget by $157.1K, with
 Infra as the only dept over budget ($2.6K or basically breakeven to
 their FY18 budget). This is due primarily to a number of FY18 budgeted
 expenses not being utilized (TAC legal fees in Brand, EA, etc).

 Regarding Net Income (NI), for FY18 the ASF finished with a positive
 $548.6K NI vs a budgeted negative <$167.9K> NI or $716.5K ahead of the
 FY 18 Budget for Net Income, which is more than 3 times better than
 the FY18 budget.  Again, I want to congratulate the entire Foundation
 on these very positive Operating results as FY 18.  It does truly
 take a team effort to achieve these types of results.  Now that we see
 what can be achieved by our efforts, we do need to continue to keep
 these efforts up as we move into FY19.  We need to continue to provide
 Fundraising all the support and resources to continue with the
 traction that has been created with in the last year, while keeping an
 eye on our expenses at the same time.   We should also recognize that
 the Foundation as compared to not only its FY18 budget but also to FY
 17 actuals, is in “an extremely good place” by all measures and we
 should all be very proud of that fact, as FY 18 has ended and we enter
 FY19, which in turn is very good for all of our ongoing projects and


 Current Balances:
   Boston Private Checking Account   2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Aprket               465,655.07
   Citizens Checking                   247,531.09
   Paypal - ASF                          1,238.60
 Total Checking/Savings              2,964,424.76

                                     Apr-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                1,154.09     2,951.42    -1,797.33
   Sponsorship Program           210,000.00   189,750.00    20,250.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                      291.20         0.00       291.20
   Interest Income                   334.86       292.92        41.94
 Total Income                    211,780.15   192,994.34    18,785.81

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 61,987.77    70,706.17    -8,718.40
   Sponsorship Program             2,466.12    14,000.00   -11,533.88
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      39,750.00    22,625.00    17,125.00
   Brand Management                4,971.49     7,416.67    -2,445.18
   Conferences                         0.00     4,000.00    -4,000.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    27,500.00   -27,500.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00     4,500.00    -4,500.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     8,000.00    -4,650.00
   General & Administrative          728.54     8,518.00    -7,789.46
 Total Expense                   113,253.92   167,265.84   -54,011.92
 Net Income                       98,526.23    25,728.50    72,797.73

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              129,388.43   110,999.85    18,388.58
   Sponsorship Program         1,616,850.17 1,084,000.00   532,850.17
   Programs Income                15,100.00    28,025.00   -12,925.00
   Other Income                   16,647.57         0.00    16,647.57
   Interest Income                 7,941.25     3,515.04     4,426.21
 Total Income                  1,785,927.42 1,226,539.89   559,387.53

 Expense SumApry:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                820,828.11   818,219.04     2,609.07
   Sponsorship Program            30,947.07    46,250.00   -15,302.93
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                     161,391.61   194,000.00   -32,608.39
   Brand Management               62,465.95    89,000.04   -26,534.09
   Conferences                     5,200.15    12,418.00    -7,217.85
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81    50,000.00   -47,808.19
   Tax and Audit                  10,687.00    14,700.00    -4,013.00
   Treasury Services              39,950.00    41,450.00    -1,500.00
   General & Administrative      103,635.52   128,350.16   -24,714.64
 Total Expense                 1,237,297.22 1,394,387.24  -157,090.02
 Net Income                      548,630.20  -167,847.35   716,477.55

 Asst. Treasurer Report:

 - Treasurer is going well.

 - Purchased and implemented 10 more Google Vault Licenses for
   $100/year.  All users have Vault on Google. Might want to look at
   bouncing all our mail archives to an infra user to use for
   e-discovery noting last months evidenciary hold notice.

 - We are working on the annual report due May 18 to SK.

 - The public 990 is still not available for the update of the Apache
   page.  I am checking
   and clicking the show 990 button for downloads which shows it is not
   yet available.

 - KAM is stepping down from his Asst Treasurer role now that the
   Fundraising contract is signed:

 As my role has shifted to a paid role with Fundraising please accept
 this notice of resignation as Assistant Treasurer as an action item at
 the next board meeting.

  It has been my pleasure to help and Uli has agreed that I will
  continue to help monitor treasurer@/accounting@/etc. and retain the
  RSA token for Citizens in case he needs a backstop.

18 Apr 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first eleven
 months of FY18.

 Operating Cash on Mar 31st, 2018 was $1,955K, which is up $150.4K from
 last month’s ending balance (Feb 18) of $1,804.6K.    Total Cash as of
 Mar 31st, 2018 is $2,847.9K. The Mar 2018 ending Operating cash
 balance of $1,955K represents an Operating cash reserve of 17.7 months
 based on the FY18 conservative Cash forecast average monthly spending
 of $110.3K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of ASF’ s size, with a conservative FY18 YE estimate of
 17.5 months of Operating cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong and
 favorable showing against our FY18 budget through eleven months of
 FY18, however as I will continue to mention, because we are on a cash
 basis, the timing of Sponsor payments received (including multi-year
 sponsors) and Payables released plays a big part in how well we
 perform financially month to month and year over year.  This month we
 were under the FY 18 budget for Revenue (Timing of estimated sponsor
 payments were over but offset by a large donation that was budgeted to
 be received in Mar 2018 but was received in Feb 18).  The Foundation
 was also over the FY18 budget in Expenses as well for Mar 18 (Infra
 was over in staff and Spare parts as well as timing of paying two
 months of Lease web.  Sponsorship was also budget due to the timing of
 travel vs the budget. YTD all deps are under budget except Infra).
 The Fundraising team continues to do an excellent job in both areas,
 servicing both new and existing Sponsors.  With total actual Revenue,
 as of Mar 31st, 2018, of $1,574.1K (up $265.5K from the Feb 18 and up
 $560.2K from Mar 2017), we are 154.6% of the way to our Total Revenue
 budget of $1,226.5K for FY18, with a month of FY18 remaining.
 Regarding Sponsor revenue, we have received in the first 11 months of
 FY18, $1574.1K, (up $263,3K from Feb 18 and up $599.3 from Mar 17)
 which has us at 157.3% for YTD and exceeding the budgeted Sponsor
 revenue goal of $1,084K for FY18.  This is a great accomplishment as
 we still have a month left of FY 18 and we have exceeded our
 Sponsorship goal by $263.3K (and we are estimating another $161K to
 arrive in Apr 18).  As for the remaining revenue categories, we have
 received $167.3K against a total budget of $139.3K or 1.20% of our FY
 18 budget with a month of FY18 left.  I would also like to point out
 that in FY17 to this point we had $135.9K vs the $167.3K we have as of
 Mar 31st which is an increase of $31.4K or basically what we have
 received via the Hopsie platform, which again is fantastic as it is no
 real cost to the foundation but another option for Fundraising.

 YTD expenses, through Mar31st, 2018 are under budget by $103.1K, with
 Infra as the only dept over budget. We will continue to monitor the
 actual vs budget as we move through the remaining month of FY18.  As
 we finish up Apr 2018, I will be in contact with the dept. heads, to
 make sure, as we are on a cash basis, that any FY18 expenses are
 accounted for in FY18 and do not carry over to FY19.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $450.1K NI vs a budgeted negative <$193.6K> NI or $643.7K
 ahead of the FY 18 Budget for Net Income eleven months into the FY,
 which is also 233% ahead of the FY18 budget.  With the current
 conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses for the remainder of FY
 18, we are now estimating, at the Fiscal year end, a positive $413.7K
 NI vs a budgeted NI loss of -$167.8K or about a $581.6K better NI than
 the FY18 budget.  This is attributable to a combination of additional
 revenue and lower than budgeted expenses for FY18 ($511.4K more in
 revenue and $70.4K in lower expenses based on our conservative
 forecast).  I would also like to point out that YTD 18 NI vs YTD 17 NI
 we are $560.2K ahead in Revenue while Expenses were $7.3K higher year
 over year, for a $552.9K increase in NI year over year ($450.1K
 positive NI in FY18 vs <-$102.8K> NI in FY 17, as of Mar 31st, 2018).
 Again, I want to congratulate the entire Foundation on these very
 positive Operating results now that FY 18 is ending.  It does truly
 take a team effort to achieve these types of results.  Now that we see
 what can be achieved by our efforts, we do need to continue to keep
 these efforts up as we move through the remainder of FY 18, and into
 FY19.  We need to continue to provide Fundraising all the support and
 resources to continue with the traction that has been created with in
 the last year, while keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time.
 We should also recognize that the Foundation as compared to not only
 its FY18 budget but also to FY 17 actuals, is in “an extremely good
 place” by all measures and we should all be very proud of that fact,
 as we finish out FY 18 and enter FY19.

 Board Summary Financials:

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private Checking Account   2,250,000.00
   Citizens Money Market               465,463.78
   Citizens Checking                   131,875.51
   Paypal - ASF                            559.24
 Total Checking/Savings              2,847,898.53

                                     Mar-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                1,555.16    78,211.81   -76,656.65
   Sponsorship Program           263,238.09   217,000.00    46,238.09
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                      375.89         0.00       375.89
   Interest Income                   395.52       292.92       102.60
 Total Income                    265,564.66   295,504.73   -29,940.07

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 77,497.56    62,956.17    14,541.39
   Sponsorship Program             5,038.19     2,000.00     3,038.19
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       6,700.00    10,000.00    -3,300.00
   Brand Management                2,714.72     7,416.67    -4,701.95
   Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                   6,000.00         0.00     6,000.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative        1,025.51     8,948.00    -7,922.49
 Total Expense                   102,325.98    94,820.84     7,505.14
 Net Income                      163,238.68   200,683.89   -37,445.21

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              128,234.34   108,048.43    20,185.91
   Sponsorship Program         1,406,850.17   894,250.00   512,600.17
   Programs Income                15,100.00    28,025.00   -12,925.00
   Other Income                   16,356.37         0.00    16,356.37
   Interest Income                 7,606.39     3,222.12     4,384.27
 Total Income                  1,574,147.27 1,033,545.55   540,601.72

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                758,840.34   747,512.87    11,327.47
   Sponsorship Program            28,480.95    32,250.00    -3,769.05
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                     121,641.61   171,375.00   -49,733.39
   Brand Management               57,494.46    81,583.37   -24,088.91
   Conferences                     5,200.15     8,418.00    -3,217.85
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81    22,500.00   -20,308.19
   Tax and Audit                  10,687.00    10,200.00       487.00
   Treasury Services              36,600.00    37,950.00    -1,350.00
   General & Administrative      102,906.98   115,332.16   -12,425.18
 Total Expense                 1,124,043.30 1,227,121.40  -103,078.10
 Net Income                      450,103.97  -193,575.85   643,679.82

 Asst Treasurer's Report:

 - Things going smoothly with A/R & A/P going well.

 - Guidestar now at the Gold Level

 - Purchased 30 Google Vault licenses for $300 /year.  Likely to be
   needed for ediscovery due to an subpoena for evidence received re:

 - Have moved 750K additional funds to our CDARS account (Boston Private
   Checking Account)

21 Mar 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first Ten
 months of FY18.

 Operating Cash as of Feb 28th, 2018 was $1,804.6K, which is up $11.2K
 from last month’s ending balance (Jan 18) of $1,793.4K.  As a
 majority of the Pineapple Donation was collected in Feb 18 ($695.6K)
 this has been segregated as non-operating funds at this point until
 the Board makes decision as to how to permanently record it.  Total
 Cash as of Feb 28th, 2018 is $2,500.2K. The Feb 2018 Operating cash
 balance is up $382.2K from the Feb 17 month end balance of $1,476.4K
 (and $1,023.8K in total cash compared to Feb 17, due to the $695.6K
 Pineapple Donation amount collected).  The Feb 2018 ending Operating
 cash balance of $1,804.6K represents an Operating cash reserve of 16
 months based on the FY18 conservative Cash forecast average monthly
 spending of $112.6K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be very
 healthy for an organization of ASF’ s size, with a conservative FY18
 YE estimate of 15.9 months of Operating cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong and
 favorable showing as compared to our FY18 budget through ten months
 of FY18, however as I will continue to mention, because we are on a
 cash basis, the timing of Sponsor payments received (including
 multi-year sponsors) and Payables released plays a big part in how
 well we perform financially month to month and year over year.  This
 month we were over the FY 18 budget for Revenue (Timing of estimated
 sponsor payments were under but offset by a large annual donation
 that was budgeted to be received in Mar 2018 offset the sponsorship
 timing issue).  The Foundation was also under the FY18 budget in
 Expenses as well for February.  As I have mentioned in previous
 months we want to continue to focus on our new Sponsors, but we also
 cannot take away any focus from our existing sponsors as that was how
 the FY18 budget was constructed.  If anything, the Fundraising effort
 will become one of the most critical functions within the Foundation
 especially with the upward trend in expenses noted in the 5-year plan
 as the Foundation continues to grow each year.  Any significant
 disruption in the momentum that the Fundraising efforts have gained
 in the last year, puts achieving the results noted in the 5-year plan
 (that was voted in last month) in serious jeopardy, which will result
 in the Foundation not continuing to grow as planned. The Fundraising
 team continues to do an excellent job in both areas, servicing both
 new and existing Sponsors.  With total actual Revenue, as of Feb
 28th, 2018, of $1,308.6K (up $97K from Jan 18 and up $615.9K from Feb
 2017), we are 106.7% of the way to our Total Revenue budget of
 $1,226.5K for FY18, with two months of FY18 remaining.  Regarding
 Sponsor revenue, we have received in the first ten months of FY18,
 $1,143.6K, (up $18K from Jan 18 and up $579.1K from Feb 17) which has
 us at 105.5% for YTD, exceeding the budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of
 $1,084K for FY18.  This is a great accomplishment as we still have 2
 months left of FY 18 and we have exceeded our Sponsorship goal by
 $59.6K (and we are estimating another $310K+ to come in between Mar
 and Apr 18).  As for the remaining revenue categories, we have
 received $164.9K against a total budget of $142.5K or 1.16% of our FY
 budget with 2 months left of FY18 (due to the timing of a large,
 annual, one-time donation, which was budgeted to be received in Mar

 YTD expenses, through Feb 28th, 2018 are under budget by $110.6K.
 All depts., for the first time in FY18, are under budget. We will
 continue to monitor the actual vs budget as we move through the
 remaining 2 months of FY18.  As we finish up Mar 2018, I will be in
 contact with the dept. heads, to make sure, as we are on a cash
 basis, that any FY18 expenses are accounted for in FY18 and do not
 carry over to FY19.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $286.9K NI vs a budgeted negative <$394.2K> NI or $681.1K
 ahead of the FY 18 Budget for Net Income ten months into the FY.
 With the current conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses for
 the remainder of FY 18, we are now estimating, at the Fiscal year
 end, a positive $276.6K NI vs a budgeted NI loss of -$167.8K or about
 a $444.4K better NI than the FY18 budget.  This is attributable to a
 combination of additional revenue and lower than budgeted expenses
 for FY18 ($400.8K more in revenue and $43.6K in lower expenses based
 on our conservative forecast).  I would also like to point out that
 YTD 18 NI vs YTD 17 NI we are $615.9K ahead in Revenue while Expenses
 were $35.9K higher year over year, for a $580K increase in NI year
 over year ($281.3K positive NI in FY18 vs <-$298.7K> NI in FY 17).
 Again, I want to congratulate the entire Foundation on these very
 positive Operating results now that we are ten months into FY 18 and
 coming down the home stretch for the remainder of FY18.  It does
 truly take a team effort to achieve these types of results.  Now that
 we see what can be achieved by all our efforts, we do need to
 continue to keep these efforts up as we move through the remainder of
 FY 18, and into FY19.  We need to continue to provide Fundraising all
 the support and resources we can, to continue with the traction that
 has been created with in the last year, while keeping an eye on our
 expenses at the same time.   We should also recognize that the
 Foundation as compared to not only its FY18 budget but also to FY 17
 actuals, is in “an extremely good place” by all measures and we
 should all be very proud of that fact, as we finish out FY 18 and
 enter FY19.

 The Cash Basis Audit has been completed, and the ASF came through it
 with flying colors, as we knew it would, receiving the highest rating
 possible, that being an Unqualified opinion from the Auditors.
 Everyone should be very proud of this result for the Foundation’s
 first ever Independent Audit.  Also, the 990 for FY17 was signed by
 the Treasurer, submitted and accepted by the IRS well in advance of
 the 3.15.18 due date.  So, the Foundation is not only on very solid
 financial footing but has been audited, for the first time,  and has
 filed all of its required compliance returns, both State and Federal
 for FY17.  One last item is the transfer of $1,500K of the
 Foundations funds has been successfully transferred to CDARS, as the
 assistant Treasurer had noted during the last Board meeting.  This is
 a CD “laddering” option that is administered by banks accredited by
 the Treasury and is now fully insured by the FDIC which was not the
 case when the deposits were in Citizens as the FDIC only insures up
 to $205K per tax id number.  Moving the Pineapple donation into the
 CDAR system will begin in the next month or so.

 Current Balances:
   Boston Private Checking Account   1,500,000.00
   Citizens Money Market               111,471.96
   Citizens Checking                   886,948.67
   Paypal - ASF                          1,813.47
 Total Checking/Savings              2,500,234.10

                                     Feb-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               77,110.94     2,141.85    74,969.09
   Sponsorship Program            18,000.00    61,000.00   -43,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    1,434.16         0.00     1,434.16
   Interest Income                   436.45       292.92       143.53
 Total Income                     96,981.55    63,434.77    33,546.78

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 59,389.40    62,956.17    -3,566.77
   Sponsorship Program             3,944.35     2,000.00     1,944.35
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       7,799.29    10,000.00    -2,200.71
   Brand Management               10,618.72     7,416.67     3,202.05
   Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative          646.29     8,628.62    -7,982.33
 Total Expense                    85,748.05    94,501.46    -8,753.41
 Net Income                       11,233.50   -31,066.69    42,300.19

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              126,679.18    29,836.62    96,842.56
   Sponsorship Program         1,143,612.08   677,250.00   466,362.08
   Programs Income                15,100.00    28,025.00   -12,925.00
   Other Income                   15,980.48         0.00    15,980.48
   Interest Income                 7,210.87     2,929.20     4,281.67
 Total Income                  1,308,582.61   738,040.82   570,541.79

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                681,342.78   684,556.70    -3,213.92
   Sponsorship Program            23,442.76    30,250.00    -6,807.24
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                     114,941.61   161,375.00   -46,433.39
   Brand Management               54,779.74    74,166.70   -19,386.96
   Conferences                     5,200.59     8,418.00    -3,217.41
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81    22,500.00   -20,308.19
   Tax and Audit                   4,687.00    10,200.00    -5,513.00
   Treasury Services              33,250.00    34,450.00    -1,200.00
   General & Administrative      101,881.47   106,384.16    -4,502.69
 Total Expense                 1,021,717.76 1,132,300.56  -110,582.80
 Net Income                      286,864.85  -394,259.74   681,124.59

 Asst Treasurer's Report:

 - [IMPORTANT] Identified an operational concern caused by unclear
    budgets for items crossing over fiscal years coupled with a lack
    of signatory limits that presents a risk for the foundation.  To
    be clear, the issue at hand is that the status quo allows officers
    to sign contracts in excess of their budgets because of a
    precedent to use estimated net amounts for budget authority.

 The solution I recommend is that the board is three fold:

 1) be more specific on budget limits that look at the maximum,
 worst-case scenario risk not the net.  As a specific example, this
 means that the VP of Conferences has a spending budget of 100K Net
 with a Maximum Risk Authority of 250K covering the events in CALENDAR
 year 2018 (not Fiscal Year).

 2) expressly discuss during budget discussions that some expenditures
 will be across FY and that VP is authorized to act in this manner.
 Specific Example, we are looking to execute agreements for ApacheCon

 3) require the treasurer’s agreement before committing the foundation
 for any amounts over $5,000 (or that person’s credit card authority
 whichever is greater).  This adds a similar oversight to what exists
 right now when sending actual money but applies to contracts,
 purchase orders, etc..

 Additionally, more clarity is needed for future years especially for
 roles involving large sums of money and future events which is
 primarily going to be our Events.

 See this email for my initial report on the matter:

 - Proposed Budget for Treasurer FY19

 NOTE: Spreadsheet version available at:

 TREASURER  FY19 Rationale Income Interest Income      $14,400 CDARS &
 Money Market - Interest income has been estimated conservatively.
 This is an estimate based on market conditions that we cannot
 influence. See below for the exact method used for the estimation.
 Total Income      $14,400 USD

 Expenses Finance, Accounting and HQ services $40,200 The ASF is using
 Virtual for our services at a cost of $3350/mth. Paid Expense
 Solution $1,500 The ASF is using some paid solutions to streamline
 processes and protect data confidentiality.  This includes services
 such as, dropbox (currently in use), Expensify, etc. CPA
 Financial review / Audit $0 The Audit Is anticipated to be done every
 3 years.  Last done for FY17.  Skipping FY18 and FY19 for an audit in
 FY20. CPA 990 Preparation $4,500 The ASF files a United States IRS
 tax return for non-profits called a 990.  This is the anticipated
 budget to prepare and file this form.  We will work to reduce this to
 $2500 with another vendor. Total Expense $46,200 USD

 Total (Expenses - Income) $31,800 USD

 - I've converted the BTC to $892,881.67 USD after bank fees and value
   loss due to the volatility of the BTC.  As of today, March 17,BTC
   is at 8271.  Upon donation, it was ~11,300.

 - Filed 3rd quarter report for Treasurer and working on the annual
   members meeting report

 - 990 filing for the FY ending Apr 2017 is completed and e-filed.

 - First audit completed with unqualified status for records through
   FY ending Apr 2017 (that’s good).  Next audit scheduled for FY2020.

 - I have handled the PackT royalties and expect it to be annoying
   ongoing.  They now have my personal account having refused to send
   the money any longer to a “business account”.

 - Previously Reported Items Still Tracking w/Nothing to Report

 Have not tested, pending a contractor’s help

 Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update.  Not a high

 Need still to get contracts for Virtual, Hopsie & HALO confirmed and
 in ASF SVN or drive.

 Quickbooks Backups - Need to ping Virtual and check on progress for

 Documenting payment privacy changes is still in KAM’s court.

 There is consensus that the budget should include both the
 expected expense as well as offsetting expected revenue. This
 will be reflected in the budget that will be discussed next

21 Feb 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first Nine
 months of FY18.

 Cash on Jan 31st, 2018 was $1,793.4K, which is up $130.4K from last
 month’s ending balance (Dec 17) of $1,663K.   The Jan 2018 cash
 balance is up $288.2K from the Jan 2017 month end balance of
 $1,505.2K.  The Jan 2018 ending cash balance of $1,793.4K represents
 a cash reserve of 16.2 months based on the FY18 conservative Cash
 forecast average monthly spending of $110.8K/month. The ASF reserve
 continues to be very healthy for an organization of ASF’ s size, with
 a conservative FY18 YE estimate of 15.9 months of Operating cash

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong and
 favorable showing against our FY18 budget at this of point of the FY,
 however as I will continue to mention, because we are on a cash
 basis, the timing of Sponsor payments received and Payables released
 plays a big part in how well we perform financially month to month
 and year over year.  This month we were over the FY 18 budget for
 Revenue (Payments were received this month from Google, IBM, ARM,
 Horton Works and Cloud soft)  and the Foundation was under the FY18
 budget in Expenses.  As I have mentioned in previous months we want
 to continue to focus on our new sponsors but we also cannot take away
 any focus from our existing sponsors as that was how the FY18 budget
 was constructed.  The Fundraising team continues to do an excellent
 job in both areas, servicing both new and existing Sponsors.  With
 total actual Revenue, as of Jan 31st, 2018, of $1,211.6K ( up $234.5K
 from Dec 2017), we are 98.8% of the way to our Total Revenue budget
 of $1,226.5K for FY18, while only 75% of the way through FY18.
 Regarding Sponsor revenue, we have received in the first nine months
 of FY18, $1,125.6K, ( up $226K from Dec 2017) which has us at 103.8%
 exceeding the budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of $1,084K for FY18.
 This is a great accomplishment as we still have 3 months left of FY
 18 and we have exceeded our Sponsorship goal by $41.6K.  As for the
 remaining revenue categories, we have received $86.1K against a total
 budget of $139K or 61.9% of our FY budget with 3 months left of FY18.

 YTD expenses, through Jan 31st, 2018 are under budget by $96.3K.
 Most depts. are either under budget or at budget. We will continue to
 monitor the actual vs budget as we move through the remaining 3
 months of FY18.  As we finish up Feb 2018, I will be in contact with
 the dept. heads, to better forecast the final months of FY18.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $270.1K NI vs a budgeted negative <$363.2K> NI or $633.3K
 ahead of the FY 18 Budget for Net Income nine months into the FY.
 With the current conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses for
 the remainder of FY 18, we are now estimating, at the Fiscal year
 end, a positive $243.9K NI vs a budgeted NI loss of -$167.8K or about
 a $411.7K better NI than the FY18 budget.  This is attributable to a
 combination of additional revenue and lower than budgeted expenses
 for FY18 ($347.4K more in revenue and $64.3K in lower expenses based
 on our conservative forecast).  I would also like to point out that
 YTD 18 NI vs YTD 17 NI we are $576.8K ahead in Revenue while Expenses
 were only $28K ahead year over year, for a $548.8K increase in NI
 year over year ($270.1K positive NI in FY18 vs <-$278.7K> NI in FY
 17).  Again, I want to congratulate the entire Foundation on these
 very positive Operating results now that we are nine months through
 FY 18, and coming down the home stretch for FY18.  It does truly take
 a team effort to achieve these types of results.  Now that we see
 what can be achieved by our efforts, we do need to continue to keep
 these efforts up as we move through the remainder of FY 18, and into
 FY19.  We need to continue to give Fundraising all the support we
 can, while keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time.   We
 should also recognize that the Foundation as compared to not only its
 FY18 budget but also to FY 17 actuals, is in “a very good place” and
 we should all be very proud of that fact, as we finish out FY 18 and
 enter FY19.

 The Cash Basis Audit is almost complete.

 Board Summary Financials

 Cash Balances:
   Citizens Checking             281,093.30
   Citizens Money Market       1,511,199.17
   Paypal - ASF                    1,077.29
 Total Checking/Savings        1,793,369.76

                                     Jan-18       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations                4,646.40     4,291.00       355.40
   Sponsorship Program           226,000.00    25,000.00   201,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    2,695.87         0.00     2,695.87
   Interest Income                 1,114.41       292.92       821.49
 Total Income                    234,456.68    29,583.92   204,872.76

 Expense Summary:
   Infrastructure                 64,918.47    71,672.39    -6,753.92
   Sponsorship Program             2,666.45     5,000.00    -2,333.55
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       7,104.76    24,375.00   -17,270.24
   Brand Management                    0.00     7,416.67    -7,416.67
   Conferences                     5,520.44         0.00     5,520.44
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                   2,525.00     4,200.00    -1,675.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative       26,087.10    12,664.87    13,422.23
 Total Expense                   112,172.22   128,828.93   -16,656.71
 Net Income                      122,284.46   -99,245.01   221,529.47

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Public Donations               49,568.24    27,694.77    21,873.47
   Sponsorship Program         1,125,612.08   616,250.00   509,362.08
   Programs Income                15,100.00    28,025.00   -12,925.00
   Other Income                   14,546.32         0.00    14,546.32
   Interest Income                 6,774.42     2,636.28     4,138.14
 Total Income                  1,211,601.06   674,606.05   536,995.01

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                621,953.38   621,600.53       352.85
   Sponsorship Program            19,498.41    28,250.00    -8,751.59
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                     107,142.32   151,375.00   -44,232.68
   Brand Management               44,161.02    66,750.03   -22,589.01
   Conferences                    10,720.59     8,418.00     2,302.59
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81    22,500.00   -20,308.19
   Tax and Audit                   4,687.00    10,200.00    -5,513.00
   Treasury Services              29,900.00    30,950.00    -1,050.00
   General & Administrative      101,235.18    97,755.54     3,479.64
 Total Expense                   941,489.71 1,037,799.10   -96,309.39
 Net Income                      270,111.35  -363,193.05   633,304.40

 Assistant Treasurer's Report:

 Pineapple Fund conversion to cash continues.  We have converted 500k
 to date with $375K of the agreed cash received.  Bank transfers have
 been a problem.

 Virtual has merged with DMG and PCS.  There are no changes except
 good ones expected from the merger.  Tom will remain our account
 manager.  Lynsey will also remain with us.  Michelle is getting a
 promotion so she'll be available but her work will be transitioning
 to someone else.

 Taxes ending FY 4/3/2017 coming along well.  Expect to get them to
 the board for a short (3 days) review.

 Audit is closing soon.  Expect to receive a statement without
 condition that the audit through 4/30/2017 reflects the foundation as
 expected with scheduling audits ever 3 years thereafter.  Please make
 sure to respond to the Audit Questions sent 2/16 to the board ASAP.

 AUDIT QUESTION: In September 2016, a Credit Card Policy and Procedure
 was put forth.  Was that ever implemented?

 1.5mm CDAR Transfers from Citizens to Boston Private done: 800K in 52
 week, auto renewing CDAR Starting day 1 400K in 26 week, auto
 renewing CDAR Starting day 1 150K in 4 week, auto renewing CDAR
 Starting one month after the above 150K in 2nd 4 week, auto renewing
 CDAR starting 2 weeks after the above

 Documenting payment privacy changes is now in KAM’s court.

 Previously Reported Items Still Tracking w/Nothing to Report
 - Have not tested, pending a contractor’s help
 - Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update.  Not a high
 - Need still to get contracts for Virtual, Hopsie & HALO confirmed
   and in ASF SVN or drive.
 - Quickbooks Backups - Need to ping Virtual and check on progress for
 - Have not handled the PackT royalties
 - Minimum donation still pending Hopsie

17 Jan 2018 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first Eight
 months of FY18.

 Cash on Dec 31st, 2017 was $1,663K, which is up $31K from last month’s
 ending balance (Nov 17) of $1,632K. The Dec 2017 cash balance is up
 $65.1K from the Dec 2016 month end balance of $1,597.9K. The Dec 2017
 ending cash balance of $1,663K represents a cash reserve of 14.7
 months based on the FY18 conservative Cash forecast average monthly
 spending of $112.8K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be very
 healthy for an organization of ASF's size, with a conservative FY18
 YE estimate of 13.5 months of Operating cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong and
 favorable showing against our FY18 budget at this of point of the FY,
 however as I will continue to mention, because we are on a cash basis,
 the timing of Sponsor payments received and Payables released plays a
 big part in how well we perform financially month to month and year
 over year.  This month we were over the FY 18 budget for Revenue
 (Payments were received this month from Facebook Platinum Sponsor,
 Aetna Silver Sponsor and STS Web Hosting Bronze Sponsor) and the
 Foundation was under the FY18 budget in Expenses.  As I have mentioned
 in previous months we want to continue to focus on our new sponsors
 but we also cannot take away any focus from our existing sponsors as
 that was how the FY18 budget was constructed.  The Fundraising team
 continues to do an excellent job in both areas, servicing both new and
 existing Sponsors.  With total actual Revenue, as of Dec 31st, 2017,
 of $977.1K, we are 79.7% of the way to our Total Revenue budget of
 $1,226.5K for FY18, while only 67% of the way through FY18.  Regarding
 Sponsor revenue, we have received in the first eight months of FY18,
 $899.6K, which has us 82.9% of the way to our budgeted Sponsor revenue
 goal of $1,084K for FY18.  This is fantastic, only 67% of the way
 through the current Fiscal Year.  As for the remaining revenue
 categories, we have received $77.5K against a total budget of $139K or
 55.8% of our FY budget eight months into the FY.

 YTD expenses, through Dec 31st, 2017 are under budget by $79.7K.  Most
 depts. are either under budget or at budget, (Infra, due to being
 right on budget for Dec 2017 remains YTD where it was at the end of
 Nov 2017). We will continue to monitor the actual vs budget as we move
 through the remaining four months of FY18. As we finish up Jan 2018, I
 will be in contact with the dept. heads, to better forecast the final
 quarter of FY18.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $147.8K NI vs a budgeted negative <$263.9K> NI or $411.7K
 ahead of the FY 18 Budget for Net Income eight months into the FY.
 With the current conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses for the
 remainder of FY 18, we are now estimating, at the Fiscal year end, a
 positive $12.8K NI vs a budgeted NI loss of -$167.8K or about a
 $180.6K better NI than the FY18 budget.  This is attributable to a
 combination of additional revenue and lower than budgeted expenses for
 FY18 ($139.7K more in revenue and $40.9K in lower expenses based on
 our conservative forecast).  I would also like to point out that YTD
 18 NI vs YTD 17 NI we are $372.8K ahead in Revenue while Expenses were
 only $40.1K ahead year over year, for a $332.7K increase in NI year
 over year ($147.8K positive NI in FY18 vs <-$184.9K> NI in FY 17).
 Again, I want to congratulate the entire Foundation on these very
 positive Operating results now that we are eight months through FY 18,
 as it truly takes a team effort to achieve these types of results.
 Now that we see what can be achieved by our efforts, we do need to
 continue to keep these efforts up as we move through the remainder of
 FY 18, and continue to give Fundraising all the support we can, while
 keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time. We should also
 recognize that the Foundation as compared to not only its FY18 budget
 but also to FY 17 actuals, is in "a very good place" and we should all
 be very proud of that fact.

 The Cash Basis Audit continues to move along.

 Board Summary Financials

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,496,525.97
   Citizens Checking             152,548.57
   Paypal - ASF                   14,010.77
 Total Checking/Savings        1,663,085.31

                                     Dec-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                4,562.55     5,670.32    -1,107.77
   Sponsorship Program           135,000.00    20,000.00   115,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    2,293.03         0.00     2,293.03
   Interest Income                 1,038.31       292.92       745.39
 Total Income                    142,893.89    25,963.24   116,930.65

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 66,197.97    66,196.42         1.55
   Sponsorship Program             2,000.00     2,000.00         0.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       6,954.83    17,000.00   -10,045.17
   Brand Management                4,403.14     7,416.67    -3,013.53
   Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative        8,630.01    14,052.73    -5,422.72
 Total Expense                    91,535.95   110,165.82   -18,629.87
 Net Income                       51,357.94   -84,202.58   135,560.52

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               44,921.84    23,403.77    21,518.07
   Sponsorship Program           899,612.08   591,250.00   308,362.08
   Programs Income                15,100.00    28,025.00   -12,925.00
   Other Income                   11,850.45         0.00    11,850.45
   Interest Income                 5,660.01     2,343.36     3,316.65
 Total Income                    977,144.38   645,022.13   332,122.25

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                557,034.91   549,928.14     7,106.77
   Sponsorship Program            16,831.96    23,250.00    -6,418.04
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                     100,037.56   127,000.00   -26,962.44
   Brand Management               44,161.02    59,333.36   -15,172.34
   Conferences                     5,200.15     8,418.00    -3,217.85
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81    22,500.00   -20,308.19
   Tax and Audit                   2,162.00     6,000.00    -3,838.00
   Treasury Services              26,550.00    27,450.00      -900.00
   General & Administrative       75,148.08    85,090.67    -9,942.59
 Total Expense                   829,317.49   908,970.17   -79,652.68
 Net Income                      147,826.89  -263,948.04   411,774.93

 Asst Treasurer Report:

 - Things are running very smoothly.

 - Canceled CSC renewal - $441 just for registered agent, canceled -
   Requested refund and we MIGHT get $155 returned for the annual
   report filing.

 - Hired incorp for $104 annually for registered agent fee.  Virtual is
   filing annual report at no extra charge. Will file the first,
   correct Annual report in about a decade soon (as of 1/12)

 Question: Where to store the invoice/contract information for incorp,
 our new registered agent?

 - PackT royalties will not be sent to the ASF directly.  I will have
   to give them a personal bank account as the contract is “personal
   not business” and has my name on it.  Even though it’s royalties
   donated by Doug Cutting to the ASF.  I haven’t decided if I like
   giving them my personal account as a passthrough.

 - Network for Good database is updated and they sent a replacement
   check which was confirmed cashed.

 - A Donation Minimum will be implemented soon with Hopsie.  Likely in
   the ~$5 range as fees otherwise make it pointless and we get $1
   donations and $0.01 donations.

 - Any comments or questions to add and answer on the D&O Governance

 Previously Reported Items Still Tracking w/Nothing to Report
 - Have not tested, pending a contractor’s help
 - Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update.  Not a high
 - Documenting payment privacy changes - No update but pinged so we can
   consider moving to Google instead of Dropbox since G Suite is
 - CDARS - Paperwork is done and this should be implemented soon.
 - Will to get contracts for Virtual, Hopsie & HALO confirmed and in
   ASF SVN or drive.  Working to make sure as much as possible is
 - Quickbooks Backups - Need to ping Virtual and check on progress for

20 Dec 2017 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first Seven
 months of FY18.

 Cash on Nov 30th, 2017 was $1,632K, which is down $78K from last
 month’s ending balance (Oct 17) of $1,710K, due to the timing of some
 Sponsor payments and Payables released.   The Nov 2017 cash balance is
 down $67K from the Nov 2016 month end balance of $1,699K.  The Nov
 2017 ending cash balance of $1,632K represents a cash reserve of 14.3
 months based on the FY18 conservative Cash forecast average monthly
 spending of $114.2K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be very
 healthy for an organization of ASF’s size, with a conservative FY18 YE
 estimate of 13.1 months of Operating cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong and
 favorable showing against our FY18 budget at this of point of the FY,
 however as I will continue to note, because we are on a cash basis,
 the timing of Sponsor payments received and Payables released plays a
 big part in how well we perform financially month to month and year
 over year.  This month we are under the FY 18 plan for Revenue, and
 over plan in Expenses again due basically to timing.  So again, I just
 want to keep this on the radar that we need to continue to focus on
 our new sponsors but we also cannot afford to take any focus away from
 our existing sponsors as that was how the FY18 budget was constructed.
 The Fundraising team continues to do an excellent job in both areas,
 servicing both new and existing Sponsors.  With total actual Revenue,
 as of Nov 30th, 2017, of $854.2K, we are 69.6% of the way to our total
 Revenue budget for FY18 of $1,226.5K, being only 58% of the way
 through FY18.  Regarding Sponsor revenue, we have received so far in
 the first seven months of FY18, $764.6K, which has us 70.5% of the way
 to our budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of $1,084K for FY18.  This is
 fantastic, only 58% of the way through the current Fiscal Year.  As
 for the third revenue category, “donations” we have received $60.3K
 against a total budget of $111K or 54% of our budget seven months into the
 FY. This is due in part to the success we have had utilizing the “Hopsie”
 donation platform for the first time.  We remain conservative in our
 forecasting, showing modest annual increases in annual Sponsorship and
 Donations, due to actual collected amounts such as those coming from
 Hopsie (which was not budgeted for FY 18).

 YTD expenses, through Nov 30th, 2017 are under budget by $60.8K.  Most
 depts. are either under budget or at budget, (Infra, YTD, is over in
 total by $7.1K due to a few budget items such as spare parts and the
 currency conversion to GBP vs what was estimated in the FY18 budget
 for the Lease web payments). We will continue to monitor the actual vs
 budget as we move through the remaining five months of FY18 and we
 will stay in contact with the dept. heads as we close each month going
 forward so that we have a clearer picture for the remainder of the
 Fiscal year.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $116.2K NI vs a budgeted negative <$179.8K> NI or $296K ahead
 of the FY 18 Budget for Net Income seven months into the FY.  With the
 current conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses for the
 remainder of FY 18, we are estimating a $-91.8K negative NI for FY18
 vs a budgeted NI loss of -$167.8K or about a $76K better NI than the
 FY18 budget.  I would also like to point out that YTD 18 vs YTD 17 we
 are $282.7K ahead in Revenue while Expenses were only $82.6K ahead
 year over year, for a $200K increase in Net Income year over year
 ($116.2K positive NI in FY18 vs <-$83.8K> NI in FY 17).  Again, I want
 to congratulate the entire Organization on these very positive
 financial results as we are now seven months through FY 18.  Though we
 do need to continue to keep these efforts up as we move through the
 back half of FY 18, and continue to give Fundraising all the support
 we can, while keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time, we
 should also recognize that the Foundation as compared to not only its
 FY18 budget but also FY 17 is in “a very good place” and we should all
 be very proud of that fact.

 The Cash Basis Audit has begun in December 2017 and we will keep
 everyone updated as to its progress as continues into 2018.

 Financial Board Summary:
 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,495,890.73
   Citizens Checking             134,046.28
   Paypal - ASF                    1,570.06
 Total Checking/Savings        1,631,507.07

                                     Nov-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                6,068.28     2,323.84     3,744.44
   Sponsorship Program            20,000.00    45,000.00   -25,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00    28,025.00   -28,025.00
   Other Income                    1,154.88         0.00     1,154.88
   Interest Income                   906.93       292.92       614.01
 Total Income                     28,130.09    75,641.76   -47,511.67

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 74,347.65    67,481.16     6,866.49
   Sponsorship Program             2,000.00     2,000.00         0.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      14,659.67    10,000.00     4,659.67
   Brand Management                3,570.31     7,416.67    -3,846.36
   Conferences                       212.53         0.00       212.53
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                      12.00         0.00        12.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative        8,431.72     8,664.87      -233.15
 Total Expense                   106,583.88    99,062.70     7,521.18
 Net Income                      -78,453.79   -23,420.94   -55,032.85

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               60,333.07    17,733.45    42,599.62
   Sponsorship Program           764,612.08   571,250.00   193,362.08
   Programs Income                15,100.00    28,025.00   -12,925.00
   Other Income                    9,557.42         0.00     9,557.42
   Interest Income                 4,616.69     2,050.44     2,566.25
 Total Income                    854,219.26   619,058.89   235,160.37

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                490,836.94   483,731.72     7,105.22
   Sponsorship Program            14,831.96    21,250.00    -6,418.04
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      93,082.73   110,000.00   -16,917.27
   Brand Management               39,757.88    51,916.69   -12,158.81
   Conferences                     5,200.15     8,418.00    -3,217.85
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81    22,500.00   -20,308.19
   Tax and Audit                   2,162.00     6,000.00    -3,838.00
   Treasury Services              23,200.00    23,950.00      -750.00
   General & Administrative       66,707.13    71,037.94    -4,330.81
 Total Expense                   737,970.60   798,804.35   -60,833.75
 Net Income                      116,248.66  -179,745.46   295,994.12

 Asst. Treasurer Report:

 Reviewed and submitted significant input regarding 5 year outlook and
 FY23 budget projections.

 Have approved a switch to incnow for our registered agent service - ($99) with a minor
 refund being discussed from CSC Global

 Will file a 2018 CY annual report with Delaware after Jan 6th per
 discussions with Delaware.

 Have added a disclaimer about no goods or services in return for
 donations to both invoices and Hopsie

 Have reviewed and submitted input regarding the 5 year ASF plan.

 CDAR Paperwork in progress and working through identity requirements
 for Uli

 Donation minimums for Hopsie pending some code changes at Hopsie

15 Nov 2017 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first Six
 months of FY18.

 Cash on Oct 31st, 2017 was $1,710K, which is down $24.3K from last
 month’s ending balance (Sept 17) of $1,734.3K, due to the timing of
 some Sponsor payments and Payables released.   The Oct 2017 cash
 balance is down $86.8K from the Oct 2016 month end balance of
 $1,796.8K.  The Oct 2017 ending cash balance of $1,710K represents a
 cash reserve of 14.9 months based on the FY18 Cash forecast average
 monthly spending of $114.6K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be
 very healthy for an organization of ASF’s size, with an FY18 YE
 estimate of 12.4 month’s cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong showing
 against our FY18budget at the halfway point of the year, however as I
 noted last month the timing of Sponsor payments and Payables releases
 plays a big part in how well we perform financially each month.  This
 month while we are under the FY 18 plan for Revenue, we are also under
 plan for Expenses, by more, and that gets us to a better actual Net
 Income as compared to our FY18 Budget.    Therefore, we need to
 continue to focus on our new sponsors but we also cannot afford to
 take any focus away from our existing sponsors as that was how the
 FY18 budget was constructed.  The Fundraising team continues to do an
 excellent job in both areas, servicing both new and existing Sponsors.
 With total actual Revenue, as of Oct 31st, 2017, of $826.1K, we are
 67.4% of the way to our total Revenue budget for FY18 of $1,226.5K.
 Regarding Sponsor revenue, specifically, we have received so far in
 the first six months of FY18, $744.6K, which has us 68.7% to our
 budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of $1,084K for FY18, which is fantastic,
 at the halfway point of the current Fiscal Year.   We remain
 conservative in our forecasting, showing modest annual increases in
 annual Sponsorship and Donations, due to actual collected amounts such
 as those coming from Hopsie (which was not budgeted for FY 18).

 YTD expenses, through Oct 31st, 2017 are under budget by $68.4K.  All
 depts. are either under budget or at budget, (Infra, YTD, is slightly
 over budget by $0.2K or flat to FY18 budget YTD which is another $10K
 improvement vs Budget, from last month). I also completed a review of
 the Forecast for expenses, in Oct and have either spoken to or had
 email correspondence with the Dept. heads after last month’s close and
 have incorporated those discussions in the current forecast for the
 last six months of FY18. We will continue to monitor the actual vs
 budget as we move through the remaining six months of FY18 and we will
 stay in contact with the dept. heads as we close each month going
 forward so that we have a clearer picture for the remainder of the
 Fiscal year.

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $194.7K NI vs a budgeted negative <$156.3K> NI or $351K ahead
 of FY 18 Budget at the half year for Net Income.  With the current
 conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses for the remainder of FY
 18, we are estimating a $-97K negative NI for FY18 vs a budgeted NI
 loss of -$167.8K or about $70.8K better NI than the FY18 budget.  I
 would also like to point out that YTD 18 vs YTD 17 we are $336.4K
 ahead in Revenue while Expenses were only $140.8K ahead year over
 year, for a $195.6K increase in Net Income year over year ($194.7K
 positive NI in FY18 vs <-$.84K> NI in FY 17.) Again, I want to
 congratulate the entire Organization on these very positive numbers as
 we have arrived at the halfway point of FY 18, though we do need to
 continue to keep these efforts up as we move through the back half of
 FY 18 and continue to give Fundraising all the support we can as we
 move forward, while keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time.

 We have been in contact with the CPA and we will be getting the Cash
 Basis Audit underway shortly, and we will keep everyone updated as to
 its progress once it starts.

 Board Summary Financials:

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,495,276.23
   Citizens Checking             214,684.63
   Paypal - ASF                        0.00
 Total Checking/Savings        1,709,960.86

                                     Oct-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               12,707.53     3,415.15     9,292.38
   Sponsorship Program            70,000.00   105,000.00   -35,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    3,137.43         0.00     3,137.43
   Interest Income                   629.92       292.92       337.00
 Total Income                     86,474.88   108,708.07   -22,233.19

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 62,255.13    72,187.44    -9,932.31
   Sponsorship Program             2,000.00     5,000.00    -3,000.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      13,628.17    25,375.00   -11,746.83
   Brand Management               22,156.06     7,416.67    14,739.39
   Conferences                         0.00     4,418.00    -4,418.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00    17,500.00   -17,500.00
   Tax and Audit                   2,150.00     6,000.00    -3,850.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative        8,281.57    12,637.21    -4,355.64
 Total Expense                   113,820.93   154,034.32   -40,213.39
 Net Income                      -27,346.05   -45,326.25    17,980.20

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               54,264.79    15,409.61    38,855.18
   Sponsorship Program           744,612.08   526,250.00   218,362.08
   Programs Income                15,100.00         0.00    15,100.00
   Other Income                    8,402.54         0.00     8,402.54
   Interest Income                 3,709.76     1,757.52     1,952.24
 Total Income                    826,089.17   543,417.13   282,672.04

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                416,488.29   416,250.56       237.73
   Sponsorship Program            12,788.66    19,250.00    -6,461.34
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      78,466.36   100,000.00   -21,533.64
   Brand Management               36,187.57    44,500.02    -8,312.45
   Conferences                     4,987.62     8,418.00    -3,430.38
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81    22,500.00   -20,308.19
   Tax and Audit                   2,150.00     6,000.00    -3,850.00
   Treasury Services              19,850.00    20,450.00      -600.00
   General & Administrative       58,275.41    62,373.07    -4,097.66
 Total Expense                   631,385.72   699,741.65   -68,355.93
 Net Income                      194,703.45  -156,324.52   351,027.97

 Assistant Treasurer Report:
 * account setup for the ASF.  Thanks to all directors
 for their info.

 * We are now storing some ASF data for Treasurer and Fundraising such
 as these reports up on the G Suite instance.  Custom URLs are now setup thanks to
 Infra’s help with DNS., for example.

 * Working with Infra and President to greenlight G Suite for the
 foundation. Expect to move dropbox services to G Suite in the near future and hand off
 administration to Infra currently just pending multi factor auth setup for Greg.
 Soon, it will be considered just another system under operations control and Superadmin
 (like root/wheel) will be controlled by existing policies in place now for infra.

 * Met with Boston Private Bank and Virtual with Uli about CDARS and
 designed a multi-tiered approach for different sums on different schedules since vetted
 by Treasurer with Virtual and the Bank, Boston Private.  See
 CDARS paperwork is with Uli for review/signature.

 * D&O Policy was issued.  Added to svn:

 * Working on getting backups of the ASF Quickbooks file at Virtual
 submitted periodically to SVN for an extra backup.  Have reviewed Virtual’s internal
 backup regimen and it is excellent.

 * Certificate of Residence for the ASF pending IRS.

 * I validated a volunteer hour request by Microsoft

 * Previously Reported Items Still Tracking w/Nothing to Report
 - Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update

 - Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc. Virtual will
 be documenting what they do now which is working - No update since last meeting.

 - Network for Good - Missing a $125 check - Will ask for a reissue. No

18 Oct 2017 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first five
 months of FY18.

 Cash on Sept. 30th, 2017 was $1,737.3K, which is up $52.8K from last
 month’s ending balance (Aug 17) of $1,684.5K, due to the timing of
 some Sponsor payments and Payables released.   The Sept 2017 cash
 balance is down $49.6K from the Sept 2016 month end balance of
 $1,786.9K.  The Sept 2017 ending cash balance of $1,737.3K represents
 a cash reserve of 15 months based on the FY18 Cash forecast average
 monthly spending of $116.2K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be
 very healthy for an organization of ASF’s size, with an FY18 YE
 estimate of 11.8 month’s cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong showing
 against our FY18 Budget five months in to the year, however as I noted
 last month the timing of Sponsor payments and Payables releases plays
 a big part in how we do each month.  So, while last month we had our
 first down month of FY18, we have rebounded nicely with an above
 budget month in Revenue while expenses were down leaving us with
 another above budget month for Net Income.  Again, this is why we need
 to continue to focus on the new sponsors but we cannot afford to take
 any focus away from our existing sponsors as that was how the FY18
 budget was constructed.  The Fundraising team continues to do an
 excellent job in both areas, both new and existing.  This has us for
 revenue, $304.9K ahead of budget through Sept 2017.  So, with the
 $674.6K of Sponsor revenue received so far in the first five months of
 FY18 we are more than 62% to our budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of
 $1,084K for FY18, which is fantastic for less than six months into the
 FY.   We remain conservative in our forecasting, however for
 Sponsorship we are showing a very modest $3.6K increase over the FY 18
 Budget of $1,084K.  Where we are showing increases in the forecast is
 the $7.5K of Donations coming from Hopsie (which was not budgeted for
 FY 18) as well as Interest from our Deposits which is about $1.6K
 ahead of Budget. These three are offsetting the GSOC which was
 budgeted at $28K but only $15K had been received so far.  It is the
 one-time donations, where we are showing a $29K increase over budget
 based on actuals through Sept 17 being much higher than budget.   For
 total revenue, we are 60% ahead of budget five months into FY 18

 YTD expenses are under budget by $28.1K.  Infra, YTD, is over by
 $10.2K (about a $6K improvement over YTD through Aug 17) and the other
 depts. combined are under by $27.9K. I have completed a review of the
 Forecast for expenses and I am reaching out to the Dept. heads
 individually now that we are five months into the FY with some
 questions regarding the remaining seven months of FY18.  Based on the
 information I receive I will incorporate it into the forecast in the
 Oct 17 close if needed.  I would still add a bit of caution that we
 are only five months into the current fiscal year so it is still early

 Regarding Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $222.1K NI vs a budgeted negative $110.9K NI or $333K ahead
 of Budget for the first five months of FY18, for Net Income.  With the
 current conservative forecasted revenue, and expenses at budget for FY
 18, we are estimating a $-138.6K negative NI for FY18 vs a budgeted NI
 loss of -$167.8K or about $29K better NI than the FY18 budget.  I
 would also like to point out that YTD 18 vs YTD 17 we are $365K ahead
 in Revenue while Expenses were only $132K ahead year over year, for a
 $233K increase in Net Income year over year ( $223K NI in FY18 vs
 <-$10K NI in FY 17.)  I want to congratulate the entire Organization
 on these very positive numbers as we start to approach the halfway
 point of FY 18 ( and better than FY 17 as well), though we do need to
 continue to keep these efforts up as we move farther into FY 18 and
 continue to give Fundraising all the support we can as we move
 forward, while keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time.

 I have been in contact with the CPA and we will be getting the Cash
 Basis Audit underway around the middle of Nov 2017.  I will keep
 everyone updated as to its progress once it starts.  Also, there is a
 meeting scheduled next week for the Treasurer’s to talk to the Bank
 that has been identified as an option for CDARS (a regulated form of
 CD laddering) which will help mitigate risk of our deposits.  We will
 keep the Board updated as to the progress in this area as well.

 Board Summary Financials:

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,480,646.31
   Citizens Checking             253,073.53
   Paypal - ASF                    3,587.07
 Total Checking/Savings        1,737,306.91

                                     Sep-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               10,910.95     1,375.89     9,535.06
   Sponsorship Program           105,000.00    70,000.00    35,000.00
   Programs Income                15,100.00         0.00    15,100.00
   Other Income                      346.07         0.00       346.07
   Interest Income                   605.82       292.92       312.90
 Total Income                    131,962.84    71,668.81    60,294.03

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 56,688.72    62,956.17    -6,267.45
   Sponsorship Program             2,000.00     2,000.00         0.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       8,259.28    10,000.00    -1,740.72
   Brand Management                    0.00     7,416.67    -7,416.67
   Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative        8,817.01     8,664.87       152.14
 Total Expense                    79,115.01    94,537.71   -15,422.70
 Net Income                       52,847.83   -22,868.90    75,716.73

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               41,557.26    11,994.46    29,562.80
   Sponsorship Program           674,612.08   421,250.00   253,362.08
   Programs Income                15,100.00         0.00    15,100.00
   Other Income                    5,265.11         0.00     5,265.11
   Interest Income                 3,079.84     1,464.60     1,615.24
 Total Income                    739,614.29   434,709.06   304,905.23

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                354,233.16   344,063.12    10,170.04
   Sponsorship Program            10,831.96    14,250.00    -3,418.04
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      64,794.89    74,625.00    -9,830.11
   Brand Management               14,031.51    37,083.35   -23,051.84
   Conferences                     4,987.62     4,000.00       987.62
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81     5,000.00    -2,808.19
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services              16,500.00    16,950.00      -450.00
   General & Administrative       49,993.84    49,735.86       257.98
 Total Expense                   517,564.79   545,707.33   -28,142.54
 Net Income                      222,049.50  -110,998.27   333,047.77

 Asst Treasurer's Report

 - Working to setup account for the ASF.  Need Country
 of Residence and Date of Birth for all Directors for OFAC. Reminder
 Sent to board@

 - Audit engagement letter signed which also includes a discounted 990
 filing cost as well.

 - Meeting with Bank about CDARS is scheduled for 10/17.

 - Working on getting backups of the ASF Quickbooks file at Virtual
 submitted periodically to SVN for an extra backup. Working with
 Virtual on a Certificate of Residence for the ASF to enable Emirio to
 pay without withholding 20% for taxes.

 - Previously Reported Items Still Tracking w/Nothing to Report
   - Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update
   - Annual fees for handling service and annual report filing - Virtual
 is working to get us a lower cost option.
   - Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc. Virtual will
 be documenting what they do now which is working - No update since
 last meeting.
   - Network for Good - Missing a $125 check - Will ask for a reissue. No

 We had a discussion about what a conservative estimate means
 in this context. We expect to do better than the forecasted
 deficit even with a conservative estimate, but we still expect
 to be running a deficit for this year.

20 Sep 2017 [Ulrich]

 - Virtual Report

 Here is a summary of the Foundation’s performance for
 the first four months of FY18.

 Cash on Aug 31th 2017 was $1,684.5K, which is down $104.5K from last
 month’s ending balance (Jul 17) of $1,789K, due to the timing of some
 Sponsor payments.   The Aug 2017 cash balance is down $69.8K from the
 Aug 2016 month end balance of $1,754.3K.  The Aug 2017 ending cash
 balance of $1,684.5K represents a cash reserve of 14.4 months based on
 the FY18 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $117.1K/month. The
 ASF reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of ASF’s
 size, with an FY18 YE estimate of 11.7 month’s cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong showing
 against our FY18 Budget four months in however as you can see the
 effect of the timing of Sponsor payments, which for Aug we had
 budgeted a few but had none, leaves us with our first down month of
 FY18.  Now we need to continue to focus not only on the new but the
 existing sponsors as that was how the FY18 budget was constructed.
 This has us for revenue, $244.6K ahead of bud through Aug 2017.  So,
 with the $607.7K of Sponsor revenue received so far in the first four
 months of FY18 we are more than 56% to our budgeted Sponsor revenue
 goal of $1,084K for FY18.  We are remaining conservative in our
 forecasting and showing a slight increase in Net income for FY18,
 which is predicated on achieving our budgeted revenue figure of $1.084
 million in Sponsor revenue and expenses staying relatively flat
 (currently YTD they are under budget) then the reserve would be 11.7
 months which is one month below our budget of 12.7 months, which is
 still an extremely healthy reserve.

 YTD expenses are under by $12.7K.  Infra, YTD, is over by $16.3K and
 the other depts. combined are under by $29K. I will be doing a more
 thorough review and will connect with Greg as there could be some
 items that are possibly miscoded.  I would caution that we are only
 four months into the current fiscal year so it is very early yet.
 That said now that we are four months into the fiscal year I will be
 reaching out to the VP’s and Dept. heads to see if there have any
 information that could change our FY 18 forecast, for our Oct close.

 With regard to Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $169.2K NI vs a budgeted negative $88.1K NI or $257.3K ahead
 of Budget for the first four months of FY18.  With the forecasted
 revenue, ahead of budget due to the Pivotal and Microsoft FY 17
 payments as well as the Coinbase funds coming in FY18 and expenses
 close to Budget at this point we are estimating a $-148.9K negative NI
 for FY18 vs a budgeted NI loss of $167.8K.   I want to congratulate
 the entire Organization on this very positive start to FY 18, it is
 still a bit early in the FY at this point, so we do need to continue
 to keep these efforts up as we move farther into FY 18 and continue to
 give Fundraising all the support we can as we move forward, while
 keeping an eye on our expenses at the same time.

 One last note is we will be getting the Cash Basis Audit underway in
 Q4 of 2017 for FY 17.  I will keep everyone updated as to its progress
 once it starts.

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,470,260.79
   Citizens Checking             210,983.97
   Paypal - ASF                    3,214.32
 Total Checking/Savings        1,684,459.08

                                     Aug-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,315.81     2,593.33      -277.52
   Sponsorship Program                 0.00   120,000.00  -120,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                      284.87         0.00       284.87
   Interest Income                   624.09       292.92       331.17
 Total Income                      3,224.77   122,886.25  -119,661.48

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 66,860.33    62,956.17     3,904.16
   Sponsorship Program             2,084.73     2,000.00        84.73
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                       6,700.00    10,000.00    -3,300.00
   Brand Management                6,552.46     7,416.67      -864.21
   Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative       13,418.73    10,414.87     3,003.86
 Total Expense                    98,966.25    96,287.71     2,678.54
 Net Income                      -95,741.48    26,598.54  -122,340.02

   Cash Proof                  1,780,200.56

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               30,646.31    10,618.57    20,027.74
   Sponsorship Program           569,612.08   351,250.00   218,362.08
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    4,919.04         0.00     4,919.04
   Interest Income                 2,474.02     1,171.68     1,302.34
 Total Income                    607,651.45   363,040.25   244,611.20

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                297,544.44   281,106.95    16,437.49
   Sponsorship Program             8,831.96    12,250.00    -3,418.04
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      56,535.61    64,625.00    -8,089.39
   Brand Management               14,031.51    29,666.68   -15,635.17
   Conferences                     4,987.62     4,000.00       987.62
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81     5,000.00    -2,808.19
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services              13,150.00    13,450.00      -300.00
   General & Administrative       41,176.83    41,070.99       105.84
 Total Expense                   438,449.78   451,169.62   -12,719.84
 Net Income                      169,201.67   -88,129.37   257,331.04

 - Assistant Treasurer's Report

 CDARS discussion ongoing to confirm an appropriate amount to leave in
 the operational checking and the amounts to tie up in CDARS.

 Emirio tax issue for payment being actively worked and almost

 GSOC Payment received

 Engagement letter received 9/15 for “FY 17 Engagement letter noting
 the capped fees of $9,500 for the Cash Basis audit and $1,500 for the
 FY 17 990 prep as outlined in their proposal”.  Under review but
 expected to sign if it matches the proposed numbers.

16 Aug 2017 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a brief summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first
 three months of FY18.

 Cash on July 31th 2017 was $1,789K, which is down $53K from last
 month’s ending balance (Jun 17) of $1,842K, due to the timing of
 Sponsor pmts vs payables.   The July 2017 cash balance is up $35K from
 the July 2016 month end balance of $1,754K.  The June 2017 ending cash
 balance of $1,789K represents a cash reserve of 15.4 months based on
 the FY18 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $116.5K/month. The
 ASF reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of ASF’s
 size, with an FY18 YE estimate of 13.3 month’s cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong showing
 against our FY18 Budget.  Revenue YTD is $604.4K vs a budget of
 $240.2K.  This was due to the Platinum Sponsor payments for Google,
 Comcast (upgraded to Platinum from Gold) and Microsoft which had been
 forecasted to arrive later in the year.  This has us for revenue,
 $364.3K ahead of bud through July 2017.  So with the $604.4K of
 Sponsor revenue received so far in the first three months of FY18 we
 are more than 55% to our budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of $1,084K for
 FY18.  We are also now forecasting with the remaining sponsorships,
 and the Coinbase base revenue to be about $176.8K ahead of the $1,084K
 FY18 budget, if the sponsors that were budgeted for the last 9 months
 of FY18 all renew and pay.

 YTD expenses are under by $23.9K.  Infra is over by $4K and the other
 depts. combined are under by $27.9K. I would caution that we are only
 three months into the current fiscal year so it is still early yet.
 In our forecast we have pushed some expenses that have not been spent
 yet, “ahead” in the year and we will follow up with dept heads

 With regard to Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $273.4K NI vs a budgeted negative $114.7K NI or $388.1K ahead
 of Budget for the first three months of FY18.  With the forecasted
 revenue ahead of budget due to the Pivotal and Microsoft FY 17
 payments as well as the Coinbase funds coming in FY18 and expenses at
 $23.9K under Budget at this point we are estimating a $31.7K positive
 NI for FY18 vs a budgeted NI loss of $167.8K.  While it is a fantastic
 start and we should very pleased with all the hard work that everyone
 has put into the FY so far, it is still a bit early in the FY at this
 point and this forecast could change if we take our eye off the ball.

 KAM NOTE: Discussed with Tom and this report and the financials
 reflects accrual for payments authorized in July but paid Aug 2
 because of the approval process.

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,469,636.70
   Citizens Checking             316,730.00
   Paypal - ASF                    2,308.82
 Total Checking/Savings        1,788,675.52

                                     Jul-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                2,458.67     2,657.88      -199.21
   Sponsorship Program            45,000.00    70,000.00   -25,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                      482.31         0.00       482.31
   Interest Income                   623.83       292.92       330.91
 Total Income                     48,564.81    72,950.80   -24,385.99

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 74,937.67    74,451.17       486.50
   Sponsorship Program             2,000.00     5,000.00    -3,000.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      10,318.00    28,625.00   -18,307.00
   Brand Management                    0.00     7,416.67    -7,416.67
   Conferences                       240.55         0.00       240.55
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,500.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative       11,290.22    12,672.74    -1,382.52
 Total Expense                   102,136.44   131,665.58   -29,529.14
 Net Income                      -53,571.63   -58,714.78     5,143.15

   Cash Proof                  1,842,247.15

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               28,330.76     8,025.24    20,305.52
   Sponsorship Program           569,612.08   231,250.00   338,362.08
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    4,634.17         0.00     4,634.17
   Interest Income                 1,849.93       878.76       971.17
 Total Income                    604,426.94   240,154.00   364,272.94

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                222,210.15   218,150.78     4,059.37
   Sponsorship Program             6,747.23    10,250.00    -3,502.77
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      49,835.61    54,625.00    -4,789.39
   Brand Management                7,479.05    22,250.01   -14,770.96
   Conferences                     4,987.62     4,000.00       987.62
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81     5,000.00    -2,808.19
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               9,800.00     9,950.00      -150.00
   General & Administrative       27,758.10    30,656.12    -2,898.02
 Total Expense                   331,009.57   354,881.91   -23,872.34
 Net Income                      273,417.37  -114,727.91   388,145.28

 Asst Treasurer Report:

 - A few more bitcoin monies donated.  Was able to easily convert to
 cash. $1005 confirmed received yesterday.

 - DMCA Filing for ASF Agent is Done.

 - Requested an Engagement Letter to Move forward with the Audit.  This
 will be for FY17 because I forgot we are already in FY18 as discussed
 at the last board meeting.  Thanks to Tom for reminding me.

 - Payoneer Signup was completed by Uli for GSOC

 - Benevity continues to pay dividends and we got an $800 donation

 - CDARS - Virtual has gotten the information and it is perfect.  See for more info about CDARS.
 Uli, Tom & I will confirm an appropriate amount to leave in
 operational checking and the amounts to tie up in CDARS but they can
 be done at very short, revolving intervals so liquidity can be

 - Greg Stein identified some oddities with Spare Hardware cost center.
 Virtual is working with him to fix how it’s recorded.

 - We are renewing the NPO Management Liability policy currently in
 force.  This covers Directors and Officers Insurance and Employment

 - Credit Card with a lower foreign transaction fee - Lynsey got
 Citizens to lower the Foreign fees on the current card, and is working
 on changing the current cards to Small Business cards in the next
 month or so.  UPDATE: Citizens is now waiving all the foreign fees
 and that they will be crediting April-July on the Sept statement.
 Kudos to Lynsey.

 Previously Reported Items Still Tracking:

 - Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update

 - Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc. Virtual will
 be documenting what they do now which is working - No update since
 last meeting.

 - Network for Good - Missing a $125 check - Will ask for a reissue. No

19 Jul 2017 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Report:

 Here is a brief summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first
 two months of FY18.

 Cash on June 30th 2017 was $1,842K, which is up $202.1K from last
 month’s ending balance (May 17) of $1,639.9K, due to the timing of
 some Sponsor payments (Google, Comcast and Microsoft Platinum sponsor
 payments arrived in June 2017).   The June 2017 cash balance is up
 $82K from the June 2016 month end balance of $1,760K.  The June 2017
 ending cash balance of $1,842K represents a cash reserve of 15.7
 months based on the FY18 Cash forecast average monthly spending of
 $117.1K/month. The ASF reserve continues to be very healthy for an
 organization of ASF’s size, with an FY18 YE estimate of 13 month’s
 cash reserve.

 Regarding the YTD Cash P&L, we continue to have a very strong showing
 against our FY18 Budget.  Revenue YTD is $555.8K vs a budget of
 $167.2K.  This was due to the Platinum Sponsor payments for Google,
 Comcast (upgraded to Platinum from Gold) and Microsoft which had been
 forecasted to arrive later in the year.  This has us for revenue,
 $388.6K ahead of budget through June 2017.  So with the $555.8K of
 Sponsor revenue received so far in the first two months of FY18 we are
 more than 50% to our budgeted Sponsor revenue goal of $1,084K for
 FY18.  We are also now forecasting with the remaining sponsorships,
 and the Coinbase base revenue to be about $181K ahead of the $1,084K
 FY18 budget,  if the sponsors that were budgeted for the last 10
 months of FY18 all renew.

 YTD expenses are over by $11K.  Infra is over by $13K and the other
 depts. combined are under by $2K. I would caution that we are only two
 months into the current fiscal year so it is very early yet.  That
 said I have included all of the VP’s and dept heads on this email and
 will follow up with them to make sure that the forecast looks

 With regard to Net Income (NI), YTD for FY18 the ASF finished with a
 positive $383K NI vs a budgeted negative $55K NI or $383K ahead of
 Budget for the first two months of FY18.  With the forecasted revenue
 ahead of budget due to the Pivotal and Microsoft FY 17 payments as
 well as the Coinbase funds coming in FY18 and expenses close to Budget
 at this point we are estimating a $2K positive NI for FY18 vs a
 budgeted NI loss of $168K.  While it is a fantastic start and we
 should very pleased with all the hard work that everyone has put into
 the FY so far, it is still a bit early in the FY at this point.

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,469,012.87
   Citizens Checking             371,883.32
   Paypal - ASF                    1,350.96
 Total Checking/Savings        1,842,247.15

                                     Jun-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                1,675.45     4,064.38    -2,388.93
   Sponsorship Program           300,000.00    46,250.00   253,750.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    1,491.76         0.00     1,491.76
   Interest Income                   603.45       292.92       310.53
 Total Income                    303,770.66    50,607.30   253,163.36

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 70,593.70    68,743.44     1,850.26
   Sponsorship Program             2,405.33     2,000.00       405.33
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      14,829.85    10,000.00     4,829.85
   Brand Management                5,782.03     7,416.67    -1,634.64
   Conferences                     4,287.04         0.00     4,287.04
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81         0.00     2,191.81
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,350.00     3,350.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        8,122.70     8,905.52      -782.82
 Total Expense                   111,562.46   100,415.63    11,146.83
 Net Income                      192,208.20   -49,808.33   242,016.53

   Cash Proof                  1,650,038.85

                                   YTD 2018       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               25,871.83     5,367.36    20,504.47
   Sponsorship Program           524,612.08   161,250.00   363,362.08
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    4,151.86         0.00     4,151.86
   Interest Income                 1,226.10       585.84       640.26
 Total Income                    555,861.87   167,203.20   388,658.67

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                147,271.48   143,699.61     3,571.87
   Sponsorship Program             4,747.23     5,250.00      -502.77
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      39,517.61    26,000.00    13,517.61
   Brand Management                7,479.05    14,833.34    -7,354.29
   Conferences                     4,747.07     4,000.00       747.07
   Travel Assistance Committee     2,191.81     5,000.00    -2,808.19
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               6,450.00     6,450.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       16,467.88    17,983.38    -1,515.50
 Total Expense                   228,872.13   223,216.33     5,655.80
 Net Income                      326,989.74   -56,013.13   383,002.87

 Assistant Treasurer:

 Audit and Tax Quote: See for the
 full information but here’s the most relevant information:

 “Based on our experience and the information furnished to us, we
 anticipate our fees for this engagement to be as follows: Fees Hours
 The Apache Software Foundation modified cash basis financial statement
 audit as of April 30, 2017. $9,500
 Preparation of Form 990 for the Apache Software Foundation as of April
 30, 2017. $1,500
 Note: The above fees include all out-of-pocket expenses and a 15%
 discount for non-profit organizations.”

 KAM: Based on Tom's recommendations* and our past work with this firm,
 I believe it's a good choice.  And from reviewing the budget, we have
 this already in the approved FY18 budget.

 Board’s thoughts on waiting 4.5 more months and do the audit for 2017
 rather than 2016?  Seems like it might be a good use of the
 association funds to do that.

 * Tom: “attached please find the updated proposal from Overton
   that includes a full FY 17 Audit, as well as FY16 balance
   review and the FY 17 990 prep ( which at $1,500 is discounted
   from the FY16 version).  So at $11,000 combined with what
   they need to do in an audit vs a Review, i.e doing walk
   through etc , is reasonable as Accrual audits alone we
   typically see $16K plus 990 prep. “

 - Bitcoins complete.  All “dust” converted to USD - $120.14 USD
 deposit confirmed

 - PayPal is now set to accept Euros.

 - Overall things are becoming more routine so my reports as Asst
 Treasurer should be much shorter while I continue to backstop Uli as

 Previously Reported Items Still Tracking:
 - Contribution Language for Car Donations - No update and I’m guessing
 we might not get feedback.
 - Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc. - UPDATE:
 Virtual will be documenting what they do now which is working so we
 can discuss if change is needed.
 - CDARS - Virtual is working towards a method to FDIC insure our
 entire balance and is researching CDARS - Virtual is meeting with the
 bank to discuss.
 - Network for Good - Missing a $125 check - Will ask for a reissue.
 - Credit Card with a lower foreign transaction fee still being
 researched - no update

21 Jun 2017 [Ulrich]

 Summary from Virtual:

 Here is a brief summary of the Foundation’s performance for the first
 month of FY18.

 Cash at May 31st 2017 was $1,639.9K, which is up $124.6K from last
 month’s ending balance (Apr 17) of $1,515.3K, due to the timing of
 some Sponsor payments.   The May 2017 cash balance is down $134.8K
 from the May 2016 month end balance of $1,774.7K, however AR is up
 $100K from May of 2016.  The May 2017 ending cash balance of $1,639.9K
 represents a cash reserve of 14.2 months at the end of May 2017 based
 on the FY18 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $115.2K/month.
 The ASF reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of
 ASF’s size, with an FY18 YE estimate of 12 months cash reserve.

 Regarding the Cash P&L, for May 2017, we are starting out very well
 right out of the gate due to some timing issues.  Revenue was $241.8K
 vs a budget of $116.6K.  This was due to the Platinum Sponsor payment
 for Pivotal Labs which had been forecasted to arrive in April but
 actually hit the bank in May as well as $21.5K of Coinbase ( Kevin did
 a fantastic job cashing out the bitcoin donation) and $2.7K from
 Hopsie.  This left us $125.2K ahead of bud through May 2017.  The
 open AR at this point is over $406K, again $100K more than last year
 at this time and with the increased Sponsorship effort and follow
 through we are well on our way to making our numbers for FY18.  In
 addition to this I would also like to point out that year over year
 for May we were $163K ahead in revenue, while only $16K ahead in
 expense for a NI for May 2017 that $147K better than May of 2016 again
 a very good way to start off FY 18.

 In May 2017 expenses were in total under Budget by $5.6K.  There were
 a few variances, which I will circle back with the respective budget
 stake holders to make sure it was just timing and will factor that
 into an updated forecast, which will include an updated revenue
 forecast based on the updated fundraising efforts over the past couple
 of weeks.

 With regard to Net Income (NI), for May 2017 the ASF finished with a
 positive $124.7K NI vs a budgeted negative $6.2K NI or $130.9K ahead
 of Budget for the first month of FY18, as compared to the Negative
 $131K NI for April 2017 again starting off FY18 on a great note.

 Report from Assistant Treasurer:

 Bitcoins - We received and have effectively cashed in on all the
 bitcoins Donated to-date excepting 0.02965575 BTC which I transfered
 to Coinbase on 6/16 to zero out our multibit wallet.

 Corporate Service Company - Service and Annual Report - Virtual will
 be looking to switch/handle the annual report.  We are currently
 paying just under $700 annually to CSC which is exorbitant in
 comparison to the work required.

 Thanks to Roy Fielding, the Safety Deposit box was closed and old
 checks shredded.

 Executed contract addendum for a $250/mo increase in fees with
 Virtual.  This was already known and encompassed in the budget.

 We are discussing an Audit and vendors to perform the work with
 Virtual.  The ASF has never undergone an audit which is helpful for
 Guidestar and similar fundraising requirements.  We have had a
 successful financial review.

 Items Still Tracking:
 - Contribution Language for Car Donations
 - Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc.
 - CDARS - Virtual is working towards a method to FDIC insure our
 entire balance and is researching CDARS
 - Network for Good - Missing a $125 check
 - Credit Card with a lower foreign transaction fee still being

 Things should be slower for Treasurer role as I believe many of the
 tasks I’ve been working on for the past many months have been coming
 to completion.

 Other than that, Uli is quite busy with a new child (Congrats!) so if
 there are time-sensitive issues for the treasurer, please ping me.

 Board Summary Financials:

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Money Market       1,465,786.77
   Citizens Checking             171,131.62
   Paypal - ASF                    2,983.86
 Total Checking/Savings        1,639,902.25

                                     May-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               24,177.42     1,302.98    22,874.44
   Sponsorship Program           215,000.00   115,000.00   100,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    2,660.10         0.00     2,660.10
   Interest Income                     0.00       292.92      -292.92
 Total Income                    241,837.52   116,595.90   125,241.62

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 76,677.78    74,956.17     1,721.61
   Sponsorship Program             2,341.90     3,250.00      -908.10
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      24,687.76    16,000.00     8,687.76
   Brand Management                1,697.02     7,416.67    -5,719.65
   Conferences                       460.03     4,000.00    -3,539.97
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00     5,000.00    -5,000.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,100.00     3,100.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        8,228.19     9,077.86      -849.67
 Total Expense                   117,192.68   122,800.70    -5,608.02
 Net Income                      124,644.84    -6,204.80   130,849.64

                                   YTD 2017       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               24,177.42     1,302.98    22,874.44
   Sponsorship Program           215,000.00   115,000.00   100,000.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                    2,660.10         0.00
   Interest Income                     0.00       292.92      -292.92
 Total Income                    241,837.52   116,595.90   122,581.52

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 76,677.78    74,956.17     1,721.61
   Sponsorship Program             2,341.90     3,250.00      -908.10
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      24,687.76    16,000.00     8,687.76
   Brand Management                1,697.02     7,416.67    -5,719.65
   Conferences                       460.03     4,000.00    -3,539.97
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00     5,000.00    -5,000.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,100.00     3,100.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        8,228.19     9,077.86      -849.67
 Total Expense                   117,192.68   122,800.70    -5,608.02
 Net Income                      124,644.84    -6,204.80   130,849.64

17 May 2017 [Ulrich]

 Virtual Monthly Report:

 Here is a brief summary of the Foundation’s performance for FY 2017.

 Cash at April 30th 2017 was $1,515.3K, which is down $131K from last
 month’s ending balance (Mar 17) of $1,646.3K, due to the timing of some
 Sponsor payments.   The April 2017 cash balance is down $282.4K from the
 April 2016 month end balance of $1,797.7K.  The March 2017 ending cash
 balance of $1,515.3K represents a cash reserve of 15.3 months based on
 the FY17 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $98.8K/month. The ASF
 reserve continues to be very healthy for an organization of ASF’s size.

 Regarding the Cash P&L, for April 2017, Revenue was $9.1K vs a budget of
 $82.3K.  The Foundation’s total revenue YTD through April 17 was $917.6K
 which was behind the “UPDATED” budget by $171.1K.  This deficit was due
 more to timing of Sponsor payments than missing the budget.  We had
 estimated $189.8K in Sponsor payments based on the open AR as of 3.31.17
 and in May so far we have collected $105K, which will count toward FY18.
 The open AR at this point is over $626K ($105K already collected), which
 when compared to how the FY18 monthly Sponsor payments is constructed,
 if these are all collected it will cover the FY 18 Budgeted Sponsor
 revenue through Dec 2017.  So what this means is that we are well on our
 way to making our FY 18 revenue targets, as the New Fiscal Year begins

 In April 2017 expenses were over Budget by $12.2K.  This was a timing
 issue due to some publicity invoices that were paid in April vs May, as
 compared to the Budget.  With regard to YTD, we are $33.7K under Budget
 in expenses as of the end of the FY.  This is being driven by
 underspending in Prog, Fundraising, Brand, TAC, and G/A, offset by Infra
 and Publicity which were over budget, some of which again was timing.

 With regard to Net Income (NI), for April 2017 ASF finished with a
 negative $131K NI vs a budgeted negative $45.6K NI or $85.4K behind
 Budget for the month.  ASF for Fiscal 17 finished with a negative
 $267.5K NI vs a Budgeted negative NI of $130K, for a negative $137.5K
 variance to budget for FY17.  The deficit is due to a combination of
 being $171.2K under in Revenue offset by $33.7K underspending in
 expenses, to the FY 17 Budget.  So in conclusion we were very close to
 making the FY17 budgeted NI except for a few timing issues, which is a
 good way to move into FY18.

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Checking              48,486.78
   Citizens Money Market       1,465,786.77
   Paypal - ASF                      983.86
 Total Checking/Savings        1,515,257.41

                                     Apr-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                3,543.01         0.00     3,543.01
   Sponsorship Program             5,000.00    82,334.00   -77,334.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   602.03         0.00       602.03
 Total Income                      9,145.04    82,334.00   -73,188.96

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 62,093.69    74,539.00   -12,445.31
   Sponsorship Program             1,250.00     2,000.00      -750.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00         0.00         0.00
   Publicity                      52,988.13     3,310.00    49,678.13
   Brand Management                2,836.92     8,500.00    -5,663.08
   Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Travel Assistance Committee     8,815.16    27,456.00   -18,640.84
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,100.00     3,100.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        9,060.44     8,996.00        64.44
 Total Expense                   140,144.34   127,901.00    12,243.34
 Net Income                     -130,999.30   -45,567.00   -85,432.30

                                   YTD 2017       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              105,525.82    88,873.67    16,652.15
   Sponsorship Program           777,795.00   968,297.00  -190,502.00
   Programs Income                27,200.00    27,200.00         0.00
   Other Income                      825.00       825.00
   Interest Income                 6,209.35     3,515.00     2,694.35
 Total Income                    917,555.17 1,088,710.67  -171,155.50

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                725,848.62   723,067.00     2,781.62
   Sponsorship Program             4,750.00     7,750.00    -3,000.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00    27,200.00   -27,200.00
   Publicity                     174,347.27   140,900.18    33,447.09
   Brand Management               70,182.43    84,291.00   -14,108.57
   Conferences                     4,862.32    12,418.00    -7,555.68
   Travel Assistance Committee    47,549.67    61,519.00   -13,969.33
   Tax and Audit                   7,850.00    10,500.00    -2,650.00
   Treasury Services              37,200.00    37,200.00         0.00
   General & Administrative      112,463.95   113,904.00    -1,440.05
 Total Expense                 1,185,054.26 1,218,749.18   -33,694.92
 Net Income                     -267,499.09  -130,038.51  -137,460.58	

 Report from Assistant Treasurer:

 It's been a busy month with continued foundational work to change
 addresses, document accounts, improve our fundraising/accounting
 processes.  Here are some highlights.

 PayPal - We are now a registered & confirmed Charity after a long,
 arduous path.

 eBay - We are also now a member of the PayPal Giving Fund -

 Bitcoins - Transferred from our Wallet to Coinbase.  First deposit of
 $14850 received on Tuesday, May the 16th and confirmed.  6,499.68
 expected on Thursday.  This effectively cashes in on all the bitcoins

 Corporate Service Company - Charges us $487~ fee for service and $180~
 annual report.  This is relatively high.  Does anyone know any
 alternatives for a Delaware corporation?  Not a big spend but it tells
 me I need to start a corporate service company

 Revised Budgets for Fundraising breakdowns.  This is the amounts
 already approved just clarifying:

 Revised Budget for Treasurer breakdowns. This is the amounts already
 approved just clarifying:

 Items Still Tracking:
 - Contribution Language for Car Donations
 - Payment Privacy changes to move away from Dropbox, etc.
 - We have a Safety Deposit Box still at Wells Fargo.  Working to get
 it closed out.
 - CDARS - Virtual is working towards a method to FDIC insure our
 entire balance and is researching CDARS
 - Network for Good - Missing a $125 check
 - Credit Card with a lower foreign transaction fee

19 Apr 2017 [Ulrich]

 Report from Virtual re: Foundation’s performance through March 2017:

 Cash at March 31st 2017 was $1,646.3K, which is UP $169.9K from last
 month’s ending balance (Feb 17) of $1,476.4K, due to collection of a
 number of open Sponsorship invoices and the $75K one time donation
 from a donor who wishes to remain private.

 The March 2017 cash balance is down $198.4K from
 the March 2016 month end balance of $1,844.6K.  The March 2017 ending
 cash balance of $1,646.3K represents a cash reserve of 16 months based
 on the FY17 Cash forecast average monthly spending of $102.9K/month.
 The “Estimated” yearend cash reserve for the ASF, based on the Cash
 Forecast tab  is  also 16 months, as we are estimating a breakeven
 month for April 2017, if the estimated sponsorship payments come in
 and spending follows the estimate.  The ASF reserve continues to be
 very healthy for an organization of ASF’s size.

 Regarding the Cash P&L, for March 2017, Revenue was $295.3K vs a
 budget of $58K or $237.3K ahead of Budget.  The Foundation’s total
 revenue YTD through March 17 was $908.4K ( up $295.2K from February
 2017) and is behind the “UPDATED” budget by $98K ( a decrease in the
 deficit by $237.1K from Feb 2017 to Mar 2017).  The VP of Fundraising
 and Virtual are working on the $189.8K that remains in the forecast,
 for the rest of FY17,  with open AR of $266.8K to support this effort.
 If we collect the $189.8K it will leave us just under $6K below plan,
 for Sponsorship income,  for FY17, but $9.5K ahead of Bud for total
 Income for FY17.  Sponsor payments and Donations collected in March
 2017 were from the following sponsors: Facebook $100K, $75K private,
 $40K Bloomberg, $40K ODPI, $20K Auto General, $12K Blue host,
 $5K Digital Brands. It was a very good month for collections and
 really caught the organization backup to “updated” Budget.

 In March 2017 expenses were Over Budget by $13.7K.  This was a timing
 issue in that Lease Web Feb and Mar invoices were paid in Mar and TAC,
 budgeted for Apr had a portion paid out early in Mar as compared to
 the Budget.  With regard to YTD, we are $45.9K under Budget in
 expenses as of the end of Mar.  This is being driven by Infra which
 was over bud by $15.3K ( in Service, Travel and Staffing).  Prog is
 under by $27.2K as is Publicity by $16.2K which may be timing of
 spending.  Tac & Conference is under by $2.9K.  Brand is under budget
 by $8.5K and Treasury is under budget by $2.7K with G&A slightly under
 budget by $1.5K and Fundraising is under by $2.3K.

 With regard to Net Income, for March 2017 ASF finished at $169.9K vs a
 budget of Minus $53.5K or $223.4K ahead of Budget for the month.  ASF
 YTD through March 17 is under budget by just $52K,  gaining more than
 $223K in Net income from the February deficit of $275K.  The deficit
 is due to a combination of being $98K under in Revenue offset by $45K
 underspending in expenses.  At this point we are estimating being
 $9.5K ahead of Budget at Year End in Net income, and Over Budget in
 Expenses by $16K or $6.5K Under Budget in Net Income for FY 17, which
 is just about on Budget if the estimated Sponsor payments come in and
 Expenses stay at the estimate for April 2017.

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Checking             180,859.00
   Citizens Money Market       1,463,685.00
   Paypal - ASF                    1,713.00
 Total Checking/Savings        1,646,257.00

                                     Mar-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               77,660.39         0.00    77,660.39
   Sponsorship Program           217,000.00    58,167.00   158,833.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   596.56         0.00       596.56
 Total Income                    295,256.95    58,167.00   237,089.95

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 85,571.91    67,360.00    18,211.91
   Sponsorship Program             1,250.00     2,000.00      -750.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00     7,200.00    -7,200.00
   Publicity                       8,545.97     7,954.54       591.43
   Brand Management                6,369.19     8,500.00    -2,130.81
   Conferences                        40.00     2,009.00    -1,969.00
   Travel Assistance Committee    10,000.00       199.00     9,801.00
   Tax and Audit                   1,850.00     4,500.00    -2,650.00
   Treasury Services               3,100.00     3,100.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        8,656.74     8,881.00      -224.26
 Total Expense                   125,383.81   111,703.54    13,680.27
 Net Income                      169,873.14   -53,536.54   223,409.68

                                   YTD 2017       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations              101,982.81    88,873.67    13,109.14
   Sponsorship Program           772,795.00   885,963.00  -113,168.00
   Programs Income                27,200.00    27,200.00         0.00
   Other Income                      825.00       825.00
   Interest Income                 5,607.32     3,515.00     2,092.32
 Total Income                    908,410.13 1,006,376.67   -97,966.54

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                663,754.93   648,528.00    15,226.93
   Sponsorship Program             3,500.00     5,750.00    -2,250.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00    27,200.00   -27,200.00
   Publicity                     121,359.03   137,590.18   -16,231.15
   Brand Management               67,345.51    75,791.00    -8,445.49
   Conferences                     4,862.32    12,418.00    -7,555.68
   Travel Assistance Committee    38,734.51    34,063.00     4,671.51
   Tax and Audit                   7,850.00    10,500.00    -2,650.00
   Treasury Services              34,100.00    34,100.00         0.00
   General & Administrative      103,403.44   104,908.00    -1,504.56
 Total Expense                 1,044,909.74 1,090,848.18   -45,938.44
 Net Income                     -136,499.61   -84,471.51   -52,028.10


 Looked into and Expensify as more permanent solutions to our expense
 process. None of them support automated reimbursements to international
 Bank/PayPal accounts though, so we would be stuck with a slightly better
 process but not painless end-to-end.

 Assistant Treasurer:

 - Still for the love of Pete trying to confirm charity status with
 PayPal - This started in 2015 and continues with repeated pinging of
 PayPal. - as of 4/10, PayPal asked for more information during a phone
 call and promised to escalate it personally. As of 4/18, still

 - Money is not being kept in PayPal and is being periodically moved to
 FDIC backed bank as previously reported.

 - We still cannot process credit cards directly as of 4/8 "Note: Live
 credentials are disabled for direct credit card processing in your
 app. We are processing your information and will email you when live
 API credentials are enabled."  4/10 update: Auto Decline - No
 information available.  Even the paypal rep was surprised how rude the
 backend group was.  Short answer, apply for PayPal Payments Pro for
 $30 a month.  Not sure Hopsie accepts that or that we need it.  From
 testing and discussions with PayPal, we likely have enough of the
 PayPal developer section completed for Hopsie to accept paypal

 - The account is now set to Kevin A. McGrail instead of Chris
 Mattmann.  It had to be changed for Patriot Act and verification
 purposes and could not be Uli (more information about this below).

 PayPal Giving Fund
 - We were notified someone donated us $6 to PayPal giving fund.
 Aggravating part... You must confirm your charity status... Clicking
 that is the EXACT SAME VERIFICATION ABOVE which has been stuck at the
 1-3 days mark for eons.

 Foundation Mailing Address
 - Changing any addresses I see to 401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600,
 Wakefield, MA 01880 c/o Virtual for the Association.


 - I have re-upped our benevity causes account and confirmed it worked
 with a Googler who brought it to my attention.

 - I have jumped through the hoops for EFT - The account is now 100%
 back working

 Contributing Tweaks

 - More tweaks to post ASF
 birthday.  This includes specifying benevity under corporate sponsors.
 And now that PayPal is handled by Hopsie, that link points to

 - And of course, the Hopsie page launched.  Thanks to Sally for
 driving this.  Small hiccups but so far working well.

 US Patriot Act Note

 - As an American corporation, we fall under various banking laws.
 Many accounts require home address verification including names,
 identification, etc.  This requirement will make role accounts less
 and less feasible and affects accounts like coinbase, stripe, and
 paypal.  This will be a growing concern for the foundation especially
 if a non-US resident is ever considered for treasurer. No way to sugar
 coat it.  A lot of the grief I have been dealing with for the Hopsie
 launch has all resulted from the extra security checks involved.

 FY18 budget

 - Budget for the office of the treasurer was submitted - no numbers
 have changed from the FY22 submission but the rationale for the
 numbers was added.  A Google Sheets version is available at

 More FDIC Fun
 - In order to protect our funds, I have suggested we look at
 mechanisms like CDARS which the Treasurer and Virtual will be

 Car Donations

 - The company that does car donations for the foundation is identified
 and for future knowledge:

 Automotive Recovery Services, Inc. Two Westbrook Corporate Center,
 Suite 500 Westchester, IL 60154 708-492-7000

 or dba Insurance Auto Auctions Centralized Support Services 69
 Hinckley Road PO Box 280 Clinton, ME 04927 800-610-0071

 On 4/3/17, we changed the reports to go electronically to  We have asked them to review our
 information at  They
 confirmed the email address change on 4/3.  I have repeated the review
 question on 4/8 and asked that they change the physical address to the
 401. No update from them as of 4/18.


 - Working through the identify verification hurdles - At the physical
 id verification point - I uploaded my id, they said it was too blurry,
 tried to use webcam version, failed 3 times which then triggers a 24
 hour wait.  Submitted again on 4/8 - 1-3 day review theoretically...
 4/18, still waiting...

 Wells Fargo Safety Deposit Box
 - We still have one in Orange County. Need to likely close it.  Anyone
 live near there?  Roy?

15 Mar 2017 [Ulrich]

 * Not much changed due to short time between board meetings
 * Worked with Virtual on preparing and filing our annual 990 for FY15 and
   updated our public records
 * A first look at a long-term solution to invoice filing meeting privacy
   requirements showed that the preferred cannot meet our requirements
   due to missing international wiring capabilities. Further discussions are

 Virtual Update:

 Here is a brief summary of the Foundation’s performance through
 February 2017.

 Cash at February 28th 2017 was $1,476.4K, which is down $28.8K from
 last month’s ending balance (Jan 17) of $1,505.2K, due to monthly AP
 and lower than expected sponsorship pmts received for Feb 2017. The
 Feb 17 cash balance is down $194.1K from the Feb 2016 month end
 balance of $1,67.5K. The Feb 17 ending cash of $1,476.4K represents a
 cash reserve of 15 months based on the FY17 Cash forecast average
 monthly spending of $99.7K/month. The "Estimated" year-end cash reserve
 for the ASF, based on the Cash Forecast is 16.5 months which continues
 to be very healthy for an organization of ASF's size.

 Regarding the Cash P&L, the Foundation's total revenue YTD through Feb
 17 was $613.2K and is behind the “UPDATED” budget by $335.1K. VP of
 Fundraising is working on the $441.8K that remains in the forecast, for
 the rest of FY17, which will leave us about $34K under for the year.
 The good news is that we have enough open AR and the donation of $75K
 arrived in Mar 2017. Currently we have $332K in open AR. Sponsorship
 payment was received from ARM in Feb 17 for $40K. With regard to
 sponsorship we have the 7 sponsors we anticipate remitting payment in
 Mar and the 4 sponsors estimated to remit in April and we will be
 following up with them.

 In Feb expenses were under budget by $49.4K This was driven by under
 spending in Infra ($10K in under-spending in Staffing alone), as well
 as under-spending in Programs was under by $10K, Publicity was under
 budget by $8.4K due primarily to underspending in Press Releases
 (which we have moved forward assuming timing as the issue). Brand was
 under by $6K which we have moved forward as well and Conferences was
 under by $5K due to Hackathons which we have moved forward. With
 regard to YTD, Infra was under bud by $3K. Prog is under by $20K as
 is Publicity by $16.8K which may be timing of spending. Tac &
 Conference is under by $10.7K. Brand and Treasury are right on budget
 with G&A slightly under budget by $1.3K. Sponsorship is under by
 $1.5K and Brand is under bud by 6.3K. This leaves us YTD $59.6K under
 budget in expenses.

 With regard to Net Income, for Feb 17 we were under by $204.2K, due
 to $253.6K under in Revenue offset by $49.4K underspent in expenses.
 From a YTD perspective we are $335K under in revenue and $59.6K under
 in Expenses so net we are under budget, for Net income by $275.4K,
 YTD. At this point we are estimating being $16K under bud in Net
 income, due to revenue being under bud by $34 and Expenses being under
 bud by $18K.

 The FY 16 990 was signed and filed on 2017-03-09.

 Board Summary Financials:

 Current Balances:
   Citizens Checking             163,053.00
   Citizens Money Market       1,312,588.00
   Paypal - ASF                      742.00
 Total Checking/Savings        1,476,383.00

                                     Feb-17       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations                1,590.43    75,000.00   -73,409.57
   Sponsorship Program            40,000.00   220,667.00  -180,667.00
   Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
   Interest Income                   473.62         0.00       473.62
 Total Income                     42,064.05   295,667.00  -253,602.95

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                 48,709.75    67,307.00   -18,597.25
   Sponsorship Program             1,250.00     2,000.00      -750.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
   Publicity                       6,759.04    15,137.54    -8,378.50
   Brand Management                2,195.25     8,500.00    -6,304.75
   Conferences                         0.00     5,000.00    -5,000.00
   Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
   Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
   Treasury Services               3,100.00     3,100.00         0.00
   General & Administrative        8,832.14     9,189.00      -356.86
 Total Expense                    70,846.18   120,233.54   -49,387.36
 Net Income                      -28,782.13   175,433.46  -204,215.59

                                   YTD 2017       Budget     Variance
 Income Summary:
   Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
   Public Donations               24,322.42    88,873.67   -64,551.25
   Sponsorship Program           555,795.00   827,796.00  -272,001.00
   Programs Income                27,200.00    27,200.00         0.00
   Other Income                      825.00       825.00
   Interest Income                 5,010.76     3,515.00     1,495.76
 Total Income                    613,153.18   948,209.67  -335,056.49

 Expense Summary:
   In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
   Infrastructure                578,183.02   581,168.00    -2,984.98
   Sponsorship Program             2,250.00     3,750.00    -1,500.00
   Programs Expense                    0.00    20,000.00   -20,000.00
   Publicity                     112,813.06   129,635.64   -16,822.58
   Brand Management               60,976.32    67,291.00    -6,314.68
   Conferences                     4,822.32    10,409.00    -5,586.68
   Travel Assistance Committee    28,734.51    33,864.00    -5,129.49
   Tax and Audit                   6,000.00     6,000.00         0.00
   Treasury Services              31,000.00    31,000.00         0.00
   General & Administrative       94,746.77    96,027.00    -1,280.23
 Total Expense                   919,526.00   979,144.64   -59,618.64
 Net Income                     -306,372.82   -30,934.97  -275,437.85

 (Continued) Asst Treasurer [KAM]

 * Short time window since last report so not too much

 * Treasurer / Individual Giving Contribution Work (Hadrian, Sally & KAM) on
   Hopsie Continues - Thanks to Sally for her work on the beta.
   We've set Hopsie up for SPF and DKIM thanks to Infra.

 * Still no word from PayPal re: charity status

 * More work on Hopsie and cleaning up the individual contribution page

 * PayPal re: FDIC, you can see on the summary that monies have been removed
   from PayPal.  This will continue monthly so as to protect these funds.

 * Will be Attending F2F for Fundraising

 * At F2F will be attempting to convert our existing Bitcoins to cash using
   Bitstamp so another person can be physically present in case there are
   hiccups or complete disasters.

 * Will then sign up for Coinbase and replace any donation pages for Bitcoin
   with that.

 Mark: how confident are we in the receivables actually coming

 Kevin: don't know but will report later

 Tom: one sponsor dropped out as reported; but others look good

 Sam: will discuss this in detail in fundraising meeting

27 Feb 2017 [Ulrich]

  Virtual Update:

  Cash at January 31st 2017 was $1,505.2K, which is down $92.8K from
  last month's ending balance (Dec 2016) of $1,598K, due to monthly AP
  and lower than expected sponsorship pmts received for Jan 2017.   The
  January 2017 cash balance is down $53.2K from the January 2016 month
  end balance of $1,558.3K.  The January 2017 ending cash of $1,505.2K
  represents a cash reserve of 14.8 months based on the FY17 Cash
  forecast average monthly spending of $101.9/month. The "Estimated"
  yearend cash reserve for the ASF, based on the Cash Forecast tab  is
  16.1 months and the reserve continues to be very healthy for an
  organization of ASF's size.

  Regarding the Cash P&L, the Foundation's total revenue YTD through
  January 2017 was $571.2K and is behind the "UPDATED" budget by $81.3K.
  VP of Fundraising is working on the $433K that remains in the
  forecast, for the rest of FY17,  to make it to the updated budget
  number.  Currently we have $375K in open AR, which is $58K short to
  the updated budget, remaining revenue in the forecast to make it to
  the FY 17 Budget.  However there are some sponsors who have not been
  billed yet as their renewal is not up until April.  Sponsorship
  payments were received from the following Sponsor in January 2017:
  WANdisco for $20K.

  In January expenses were over budget by $1.7K This was driven by over
  spending in Infra ( $16K due to overspending in Staffing, Hardware,
  and particularly the timing of the Carbonite payment of $10K vs a Bud
  of $6K for a 2 yr service agreement).  Programs was under by $10K
  which helped to offset this.  Publicity was over budget in Dec by $4K
  due to an additional Meltwater invoice paid in Jan. Brand and G& A
  were under budget as was Fundraising, with Treasury being right on
  budget for the month.  With regard to YTD, Infra was over bud by $15K
  ( $5K in staffing, $5K in Service contracts, due to timing of
  carbonite and Travel is also over by $5K).  Prog is under by $10K as
  is Publicity by $8.5K which may be timing of spending.  Tac &
  Conference is under by $5.7K.  Brand and Treasury are right on budget
  with G&A slightly under budget by $.8K.  This leaves us YTD $10K under
  budget in expenses.

  With regard to Net Income, for Jan 2017 we were under by $45K,  due to
  $43K under in Revenue and $2K over in expenses.  From a YTD
  perspective we are $81K under in revenue and $10K under in Expenses so
  net we are under budget, for Net income by $72K, YTD.

  We have a first draft of the FY 16 990 that is out for review with the
  Treasurer and we anticipate it being signed and submitted to the IRS
  before the final due date of 3.15.17.

  Income and Expenses for January 2017:

  Current Balances:
    Citizens Checking             192,880.07
    Citizens Money Market       1,205,478.65
    Paypal - ASF                  106,806.98
  Total Checking/Savings        1,505,165.70

                                January 2017       Budget     Variance
  Income Summary:
    Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
    Public Donations                3,739.58         0.00     3,739.58
    Sponsorship Program            20,000.00    68,167.00   -48,167.00
    Programs Income                     0.00         0.00         0.00
    Other Income                        0.00         0.00         0.00
    Interest Income                   511.70         0.00       511.70
  Total Income                     24,251.28    68,167.00   -43,915.72

  Expense Summary:
    In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
    Infrastructure                 83,432.51    66,913.00    16,519.51
    Sponsorship Program             1,000.00     1,750.00      -750.00
    Programs Expense                    0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
    Publicity                      15,372.71    11,507.54     3,865.17
    Brand Management                6,137.39     7,877.00    -1,739.61
    Conferences                         0.00         0.00         0.00
    Travel Assistance Committee         0.00         0.00         0.00
    Tax and Audit                       0.00         0.00         0.00
    Treasury Services               3,100.00     3,100.00         0.00
    General & Administrative        7,945.19    14,142.00    -6,196.81
  Total Expense                   116,987.80   115,289.54     1,698.26
  Net Income                      -92,736.52   -47,122.54   -45,613.98

                                         YTD   YTD Budget     Variance
  Income Summary:
    Inkind Revenue                      0.00         0.00         0.00
    Public Donations               22,892.29    13,873.67     9,018.62
    Sponsorship Program           515,795.00   607,129.00   -91,334.00
    Programs Income                27,200.00    27,200.00         0.00
    Other Income                      825.00       825.00
    Interest Income                 4,537.14     3,515.00     1,022.14
  Total Income                    571,249.43   652,542.67   -81,293.24

  Expense Summary:
    In Kind Expense                     0.00         0.00         0.00
    Infrastructure                529,473.27   513,861.00    15,612.27
    Sponsorship Program             1,000.00     1,750.00      -750.00
    Programs Expense                    0.00    10,000.00   -10,000.00
    Publicity                     106,054.02   114,498.10    -8,444.08
    Brand Management               58,781.07    58,791.00        -9.93
    Conferences                     4,822.32     5,409.00      -586.68
    Travel Assistance Committee    28,734.51    33,864.00    -5,129.49
    Tax and Audit                   6,000.00     6,000.00         0.00
    Treasury Services              27,900.00    27,900.00         0.00
    General & Administrative       86,074.93    86,838.00      -763.07
  Total Expense                   848,840.12   858,911.10   -10,070.98
  Net Income                     -277,590.69  -206,368.43   -71,222.26

  (Continued) Asst Treasurer [KAM]

  * Produced draft FY18 budget and FY22 budget at
    NOTE that I added extra for, Expensify or Dropbox.

  * I am talking to about a discounted account for ASF.  It is
    pending a manager as of 2/11.

  * Treasurer / Individual Giving Contribution Work (Hadrian, Sally & KAM)

      * Work on Hopsie Continues -
        Please request access.

      * Working to confirm our charity status with PayPal.  Paperwork
        sent Jan 11.  Pinged Feb 4 for status.

      * Amazon Smiles / Amazon Seller Central changed from psteitz@
        to contributions@a.o

      * I’ll be working on to make
        sure it’s complete and implement Hopsie soon.

      * Question: Does anyone know where proceeds from the donation
        of old cars go?

      * Next month I plan to work a lot more on Hopsie and cleaning
        up the individual contribution items.

      * As I get control of various accounts, encrypted passwords are
        stored at in
        case I am hit by a bus.  Getting these documented and
        appropriately encrypted and appropriately shared is a goal.

  * Re: PayPal.  I recently learned that PayPal is NOT FDIC Insured - Any
    PayPal balance you hold represents an unsecured claim against PayPal
    and is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    As such, I Requested Transfer of $106900 to another appropriate ASF
    FDIC insured account.  Virtual created a Money Market Account at
    Citizens for this on Monday the 6th of February.

    I’ve also added a task to move all funds out of paypal monthly into
    an appropriate ASF FDIC-backed account

  * Please note my continued thanks to Virtual.  It is a joy to work with

  * Request board discussion and consensus re: Bitcoins as there is a
    risk to association funds.  Specifically, here is my recommended plan:

    - use Bitstamp to convert existing current bitcoins to cash.  There
      is a risk I could mess this up and lose our bitcoins.  I am not an
      expert in cryptocurrency and the technology is far from user

    - Stop accepting what are effectively investment vehicles as
      donations and switch to Coinbase so we aren’t receiving effectively
      “investments” but rather cash via bitcoins.  This will reduce risk
      of loss of money from Bitcoins, simply accounting (because Bitcoins
      simply aren’t tracked right now) and simplify donations.

 Kevin asked that the board authorize him to convert current
 Bitcoin assets to cash and immediately convert future Bitcoin
 contributions to cash going forward.

 The board agrees.

18 Jan 2017 [Ulrich]

 We have started preparing the production and filing of the FY2016 990 for the
 ASF which is due on March 15 2017.

 We are also currently trying to figure out how to convert our significant
 bitcoin balance into traditional currency and are waiting for Virtual to come
 back with guidance on that.

 Especially VP Infrastructure has seen problems with our current SVN based
 invoice submission and approval process which in principal is open for all
 members to see. This transparency has caused unneccessary and painful
 discussions. In order to protect employee and contractor privacy and to simplify
 the reimbursement process, we will be looking into third-party expense
 management solutions to replace the current system. We hope to have a concrete
 proposal for next month's board meeting.

 Virtual Update:

 Here is a brief summary of the Foundation's performance through December

 Cash at December 31st 2016 was $1,598K, which is down $100.9K from last
 month's ending balance (Nov 2016) of $1,698.9K, due to monthly AP.   The
 December 2016 cash balance is up $14.4K from the December 2015 month end
 balance of $1,583.5K.  The December 2016 ending cash of $1,598K represents a
 cash reserve of 15.7 months based on the FY17 Cash forecast average monthly
 spending of $100.8K/month. The "Estimated" yearend cash reserve for
 the ASF, based on the Cash Forecast tab  is  16.3 months and the reserve
 continues to be very healthy for an organization of ASF’s size.

 Regarding the Cash P&L, the Foundation's total revenue YTD through
 December 2016 was $546.8K and is behind the "UPDATED" budget by
 $37.5K.  We will connect with the VP of Fundraising to review the outstanding
 Sponsorship billing.  Sponsorship payments were received from the following
 Sponsor in December 2016:  iSIGMA for $20K.

 In December expenses were under budget by $12K due primarily to Publicity
 underspending.  We have in the forecast moved that spending forward.  Because
 we have an adjusted budget with actuals through Nov 2016 and we have moved
 underspending from Dec forward for Publicity the YTD variance is the same as
 the Monthly variance, for Dec 2016.  The rest of the depts. had small
 variances that washed each other out in total for the month of Dec 2016.
 Regarding the bottom line the Foundation on a YTD Cash Basis has generated a
 Net deficit of -$184.9K,vs a budgeted net deficit of -$159.2K for FY17. The
 deficit shows that the Foundation is investing in area’s such as Branding
 and Infra and we have moved underspending and sponsor billing forward
 accordingly to address this for the YTD numbers.

 So in summary with the close of the first month of the "UPDATED
 BUDGET" for 2017 we are still on track both from an expense and a revenue

 We continue to work on the FY 16 990 with the CPA, and have a target date of
 Wed Jan 18th to send it to the CPA, with the final due date to the IRS of

 Income and Expenses for December 2016

 Current Balances:
                              December 2016  Orig FY17 Budget      Variance
     Citizens Checking          $287,999
     Citizens Money Market    $1,204,967
     Paypal - ASF               $104,936
 Total Checking/Savings       $1,597,902

 Income Summary:
     Public Donations             $5,119                   $-       $5,119
     Sponsorship Program         $20,000              $63,167     $(43,167)
     Programs Income                  $-                   $-           $-
     Other Income                     $-                   $-           $-
     Interest Income                $510                   $-         $510
 Total Income                    $25,629              $63,167     $(37,538)

 Expense Summary:
     Infrastructure              $80,889              $81,798        $(909)
     Sponsorship Program              $-                   $-           $-
     Programs Expense                 $-                   $-           $-
     Publicity                    $5,500              $17,809     $(12,309)
     Brand Management            $11,729              $10,000       $1,729
     Conferences                  $2,629               $3,215        $(586)
     Travel Assistance Committee  $8,871              $14,000      $(5,129)
     Tax and Audit                    $-                   $-           $-
     Treasury Services            $3,100               $3,100           $-
     General & Administrative    $13,928               $8,655       $5,273
 Total Expense                  $126,645             $138,577     $(11,932)
 Net Income                    $(101,016)            $(75,410)    $(25,606)

                              YTD 2016       YTD FY17 Orig Budget  Variance
 Income Summary:
     Public Donations            $18,992              $13,874       $5,119
     Sponsorship Program        $495,795             $538,962     $(43,167)
     Programs Income             $27,200              $27,200           $-
     Other Income                   $825                 $825           $-
     Interest Income              $4,025               $3,515         $510
 Total Income                   $546,838             $584,376     $(37,538)

 Expense Summary:
     In Kind Expense                  $-                   $-           $-
     Infrastructure             $446,041             $446,948        $(907)
     Sponsorship Program              $-                   $-           $-
     Programs Expense                 $-                   $-           $-
     Publicity                   $90,681             $102,991     $(12,309)
     Brand Management            $52,644              $50,914       $1,730
     Conferences                  $4,822               $5,409        $(587)
     Travel Assistance Committee $28,735              $33,864      $(5,129)
     Tax and Audit                $6,000               $6,000           $-
     Treasury Services           $24,800              $24,800           $-
     General & Administrative    $77,969              $72,696       $5,273
 Total Expense                  $731,692             $743,622     $(11,930)
 Net Income                    $(184,854)           $(159,246)    $(25,608)

21 Dec 2016 [Ulrich]

 @Tom: post the treasurer's report to board minutes @Sam: work
 with Tom to explore having Tom add raw data to treasurer's
 report before the board meeting

   Income and Expenses for November 2016   CASH BASIS   "Preliminary"

   Current Balances:

                                                     Orig FY17                     YTD FY17 Orig
                                November 2016               Budget          Variance       YTD 2016        Budget          Variance

     Citizens Checking              $       393,623
     Citizens Money Market          $     1,204,457
     Amazon- ASF Payments           $             -
     Paypal - ASF                   $       100,838
    Total Checking/Savings          $     1,698,918

    Income Summary:
     Public Donations               $         1,772                  -         1,772          13,874             -           13,874
     Sponsorship Program            $        45,000             88,667       (43,667)        475,795       207,667          268,128
     Programs Income                $        27,200                  -        27,200          27,200             -           27,200
     Other Income                   $             -                  -             -             825             -                -
     Interest Income                $           493                  -           493           3,515             -            3,515
    Total Income                    $        74,466             88,667       (14,201)        521,209       207,667          312,717

    Expense Summary:
     Infrastructure                 $        54,975             57,929        (2,954)        365,152       348,197           16,955
     Sponsorship Program            $             -                  -             -               -             -                -
     Programs Expense               $             -                  -             -               -             -                -
     Publicity                      $         7,078              5,455         1,623          85,181        82,593            2,589
     Brand Management               $        11,623              1,959         9,664          40,914         4,823           36,091
     Conferences                    $             -                  -             -           2,194        10,778           (8,585)
     Travel Assistance Committee    $             -              1,294        (1,294)         19,864        33,975          (14,111)
     Tax and Audit                  $             -                  -             -           6,000         6,000                -
     Treasury Services              $         3,100              3,100             -          21,700        21,700                -
     General & Administrative       $        10,412              8,371         2,041          64,042        65,084           (1,042)
    Total Expense                   $        87,188             78,108         9,080         605,047       573,150           31,898

   Net Income                       $       (12,722)            10,559       (23,281)        (83,839)     (365,483)         281,644

16 Nov 2016 [Ulrich]

 As requested going forward I will include not only data for the current month
 but also an overview actuals vs budget both for the current month as well as
 year-to-date. Since we still don't have a budget for FY2017 the FY17 "budget"
 is based on the 2016 actuals.

 In October we have been operating with a small net income vs a projected loss.
 YTD we have been operating with a significant smaller loss then projected so we
 still are in a very comfortable financial situation.

 There is an ongoing effort to get a spending policy for credit card holders in
 place which has been delayed due to my dayjob duties.

 Income and Expenses for October 2016

 Current Balances:
                                  October 2016  FY17 Budget  Variance
     Citizens Checking              $498,205
     Citizens Money Market        $1,203,963
     Amazon- ASF Payments                 $-
     Paypal - ASF                    $94,649
     Wells Fargo Checking - ASF           $-
     Wells Fargo Savings                  $-
 Total Checking/Savings           $1,796,818

 Income Summary:
     Public Donations               $2,864            $-      $2,864
     Sponsorship Program          $105,000       $39,167     $65,833
     Programs Income                    $-            $-           $-
     Other Income                       $-            $-           $-
     Interest Income                  $510            $-        $510
 Total Income                     $108,373       $39,167     $69,207

 Expense Summary:
     Infrastructure                $53,326       $47,384      $5,942
     Sponsorship Program                $-            $-           $-
     Programs Expense                   $-            $-           $-
     Publicity                     $17,518       $(4,556)    $22,073
     Brand Management               $6,960        $1,760      $5,200
     Conferences                      $829        $3,215     $(2,386)
     Travel Assistance Committee    $5,224       $13,646     $(8,422)
     Tax and Audit                      $-            $-           $-
     Treasury Services              $3,100        $3,100           $-
     General & Administrative       $8,421        $8,546       $(126)
 Total Expense                     $95,377        $73,096    $22,281
 Net Income                        $12,997       $(33,929)   $46,926

                                  YTD 2016    YTD FY17 Budget  Variance
 Income Summary:
     Public Donations              $12,101          $-          $12,101
     Sponsorship Program          $430,795    $119,000         $311,795
     Programs Income                    $-          $-               $-
     Other Income                     $825          $-             $825
     Interest Income                $3,022          $-           $3,022
 Total Income                     $446,743    $119,000         $327,743

 Expense Summary:
     Infrastructure               $310,177    $290,268          $19,909
     Sponsorship Program                $-          $-               $-
     Programs Expense                   $-          $-               $-
     Publicity                     $78,103     $77,138             $965
     Brand Management              $29,292      $2,864          $26,427
     Conferences                    $2,194     $10,778          $(8,585)
     Travel Assistance Committee   $19,864     $32,680         $(12,816)
     Tax and Audit                  $6,000      $6,000               $-
     Treasury Services             $18,600     $18,600               $-
     General & Administrative      $53,630     $56,713          $(3,083)
 Total Expense                    $517,859    $495,042          $22,818
 Net Income                       $(71,116)  $(376,042)        $304,926

19 Oct 2016 [Ulrich]

 Apologies for failing to submit a report on time for the last board
 meeting. The past two months have been relatively uneventful except
 for some out-of-cycle payments. We are currently working on a spending
 policy for credit card holders, a first draft has been circulated and
 is waiting for comments. A request from the membership has been made
 to find out whether a company claiming to donate to the ASF for every
 survey response they receive actually even donated.

 Income and Expenses for August 2016   CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             August 2016
         Citizens Checking             $459,120
         Citizens Money Market         $1,202,961
         Amazon- ASF Payments          $-
         Paypal - ASF                  $92,254
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF    $-
         Wells Fargo Savings           $-
     Total Checking/Savings            $1,754,334

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue                $6,163
         Public Donations              $7,042
         Sponsorship Program           $66,003
         Programs Income               $-
         Other Income                  $-
         Interest Income               $509
     Total Income                      $79,718

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense               $7,167
         Infrastructure                $47,110
         Sponsorship Program           $-
         Programs Expense              $-
         Publicity                     $6,091
         Brand Management              $4,990
         Conferences                   $528
         Travel Assistance Committee   $-
         Tax and Audit                 $-
         Treasury Services             $3,100
         General & Administrative      $10,090
     Total Expense                     $79,076
 Net Income                            $642

 Income and Expenses for September 2016  CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             September 2016
         Citizens Checking             $490,751
         Citizens Money Market         $1,203,454
         Amazon- ASF Payments          $-
         Paypal - ASF                  $92,733
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF    $-
         Wells Fargo Savings           $-
     Total Checking/Savings            $1,786,937

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue                $6,163
         Public Donations              $824
         Sponsorship Program           $71,003
         Programs Income               $-
         Other Income                  $-
         Interest Income               $493
     Total Income                      $78,484

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense               $7,167
         Infrastructure                $76,508
         Sponsorship Program           $-
         Programs Expense              $-
         Publicity                     $8,337
         Brand Management              $4,976
         Conferences                   $-
         Travel Assistance Committee   $11,000
         Tax and Audit                 $-
         Treasury Services             $3,100
         General & Administrative      $8,186
     Total Expense                     $119,274
 Net Income                            $(40,790)

21 Sep 2016 [Ulrich]

 No report was submitted.

17 Aug 2016 [Ulrich]

 Operations continue as normal. We are operating with a slight deficit
 but our cash reserves are still healthy. Treasurer still needs to find
 out a suitable way to make use of our bitcoin wallet, no progress has
 been made there.

 Income and Expenses for July 2016     CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
                                       July 2016
         Citizens Checking             $464,797
         Citizens Money Market         $1,202,452
         Amazon- ASF Payments          $-
         Paypal - ASF                  $86,444
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF    $-
         Wells Fargo Savings           $-
     Total Checking/Savings            $1,753,692

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue                $6,163
         Public Donations              $2,106
         Sponsorship Program           $71,003
         Programs Income               $-
         Other Income                  $-
         Interest Income               $509
     Total Income                      $79,782

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense               $7,167
         Infrastructure                $49,198
         Sponsorship Program           $-
         Programs Expense              $-
         Publicity                     $5,455
         Brand Management              $12,365
         Conferences                   $-
         Travel Assistance Committee   $-
         Tax and Audit                 $-
         Treasury Services             $3,100
         General & Administrative      $9,011
     Total Expense                     $86,295
 Net Income                            $(6,513)

20 Jul 2016 [Ulrich]

 Nothing special to report.

 Income and Expenses for June 2016     CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
                                       June 2016
         Citizens Checking             $472,501
         Citizens Money Market         $1,201,943
         Amazon- ASF Payments          $-
         Paypal - ASF                  $85,762
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF    $-
         Wells Fargo Savings           $-
     Total Checking/Savings            $1,760,205

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue                $6,163
         Public Donations              $3,513
         Sponsorship Program           $47,253
         Programs Income               $-
         Other Income                  $-
         Interest Income               $492
     Total Income                      $57,422

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense               $7,167
         Infrastructure                $45,166
         Sponsorship Program           $-
         Programs Expense              $-
         Publicity                     $5,504
         Brand Management              $-
         Conferences                   $(234)
         Travel Assistance Committee   $2,017
         Tax and Audit                 $-
         Treasury Services             $3,100
         General & Administrative      $9,184
     Total Expense                     $71,903
 Net Income                            $(14,481)

 Any action on bitcoin?

 Not yet.

15 Jun 2016 [Ulrich]

 Uli has been on-boarded is currently learning the ropes. Virtual and
 Tom have been very helpful on this front.

 Access to the BitCoin wallet that Rich set up some time ago has been
 transferred to the Treasurer office

 	Income and Expenses for May 2016			CASH BASIS

 	Current Balances:
 				May 2016
 			Citizens Checking	 $490.110
 			Citizens Money Market	 $1.201.450
 			Amazon- ASF Payments	 $-
 			Paypal - ASF	 $83.126
 			Wells Fargo Checking - ASF	 $-
 			Wells Fargo Savings	 $-
 		Total Checking/Savings		 $1.774.686

 		Income Summary:
 			Inkind Revenue	 $7.167
 			Public Donations	 $752
 			Sponsorship Program	 $69.545
 			Programs Income	 $-
 			Other Income	 $825
 			Interest Income	 $509
 		Total Income		 $78.797

 		Expense Summary:
 			In Kind Expense	 $7.167
 			Infrastructure	 $38.868
 			Sponsorship Program	 $-
 			Programs Expense	 $-
 			Publicity	 $35.200
 			Brand Management	 $-
 			Conferences	 $1.071
 			Travel Assistance Committee	 $1.623
 			Tax and Audit	 $6.000
 			Treasury Services	 $3.100
 			General & Administrative	 $8.737
 		Total Expense		 $101.767 Net Income				 $(22.970)

18 May 2016 [Chris]

 The board has identified a replacement Treasurer that we hope to
 appoint during Executive Session. I believe this is the last report
 wearing my Treasurer’s hat. Thanks again.

 The last remnants of the WFS account are closed now that a former
 Treasurer helped close out remaining points on a credit card, and
 transfer them into a check form sent to our corporate mailing

 The Treasurer supported delivery of input to the ASF quarterly
 report in coordination with Virtual and with VP, Press &
 Marketing and the President.

 Income and Expenses for April 2016          CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             Apr 2016
         Citizens Checking    $513,957
         Citizens Money Market    $1,200,942
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
         Paypal - ASF     $82,757
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $-
         Wells Fargo Savings  $-
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,797,656

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue   $7,167
         Public Donations     $1,197
         Sponsorship Program  $50,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $492
     Total Income         $58,856

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense  $7,167
         Infrastructure   $60,400
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $811
         Brand Management     $4,360
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $27,456
         Tax and Audit    $-
         Treasury Services    $3,100
         General & Administrative     $8,538
     Total Expense        $111,831
     Net Income               $(52,976)

20 Apr 2016 [Chris]

 Wells Fargo is officially closed and the money has been moved to
 our new account at Citizens. In doing so, we have went through the
 following checklist of items to shut down:

 1. Corporate Credit Cards
 2. Direct Pay
 3. Wire Transfer
 4. Lockbox
 5. Safebox

 This has been a lengthy process and to our knowledge the only remaining
 service is a corporate credit card of a former Treasurer that is
 only still open as we are transferring the hefty amount of rewards
 points off of it into some tangible form before shutting it down.
 Virtual is assisting with the process.

 The Treasurer is working with ASF infra to make sure treasurer@ and
 accounting@ are archived, web-accessible (via mail-search) archives.

 Chris Mattmann remains the Treasurer until a new Treasurer can be
 appointed by the Board during Executive Session.

 Income and Expenses for March 2016          CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             Mar 2016
         Citizens Checking    $562,270
         Citizens Money Market    $1,200,450
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
         Paypal - ASF     $81,913
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $-
         Wells Fargo Savings  $-
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,844,632

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue   $7,167
         Public Donations     $3,370
         Sponsorship Program  $308,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $313
     Total Income         $318,850

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense  $7,167
         Infrastructure   $48,714
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $5,455
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $2,009
         Travel Assistance Committee  $199
         Tax and Audit    $4,500
         Treasury Services    $3,100
         General & Administrative     $8,530
     Total Expense        $79,674
     Net Income               $239,176

16 Mar 2016 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s Office worked with Virtual to finalize and submit
 our 990 with the CPA. We should be able to post our FY2015 taxes
 online shortly.

 The Office is currently working with Virtual to prepare our report
 for the Annual Members meeting coming up.

 I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone as I do not
 plan to stand for Treasurer beyond this Board cycle, whether I am
 elected to serve on the Board or not. I have already worked to
 identify a replacement and I plan on recommending that replacement
 to the next Board. It’s been an honor being the Treasurer for the
 past (almost) 4 years and I appreciate everything I have learned and
 thank everyone for their positive contributions towards managing the
 ASF’s finances. Thanks again.

 Income and Expenses for February 2016           CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             Feb 2016
         Citizens Checking    $469,139
         Citizens Money Market    $500,127
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
         Paypal - ASF     $79,108
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $333,767
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,350
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,670,490

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue   $7,167
         Public Donations     $78,849
         Sponsorship Program  $57,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $150
     Total Income         $143,166

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense  $7,167
         Infrastructure   $62,914
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $14,386
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $-
         Tax and Audit    $-
         Treasury Services    $3,108
         General & Administrative     $8,893
     Total Expense        $96,468
     Net Income               $46,698

17 Feb 2016 [Chris]

 An updated engagement letter with the CPA has been prepared
 for the IRS 990. The Treasurer’s office and Virtual will
 submit the signed form to the CPA shortly.

 The Treasurer’s Office worked with Virtual and the CPA to
 complete the IRS 990 questionnaire form as part of the taxes
 submission. We are on schedule to deliver and submit the
 990 taxes by March.

 The independent audit is also progressing. Virtual has been
 working with the CPA agency to produce an initial draft
 review which was sent to Jim, Ross, and Chris on Feb 2nd.

 Income and Expenses for January 2016            CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             Jan 2016
         Citizens Checking    $857,580
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
         Paypal - ASF     $78,458
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $333,958
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,336
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,558,332

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue   $7,167
         Public Donations     $13,658
         Sponsorship Program  $25,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $15
     Total Income         $45,839

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense  $7,167
         Infrastructure   $45,404
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $7,008
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $-
         Tax and Audit    $-
         Treasury Services    $3,100
         General & Administrative     $8,339
     Total Expense        $71,017
     Net Income               $(25,177)

20 Jan 2016 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s Office processed out of cycle payments for
 infrastructure related services to bring them current.

 Jim and Virtual worked to update the website instructions for mailing

 We continue to receive harassing emails from the Brazilian agency
 who claims to have handled the SVN Brazilian trademark. No action
 is requested beyond Jim’s prior action - this is merely informational.

 Virtual and the Treasurer will meet to discuss Bitcoin donations.

 Income and Expenses for December 2015           CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             Dec 2015
         Citizens Checking    $883,759
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
         Paypal - ASF     $77,309
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $334,121
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,321
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,583,509

     Income Summary:
         Inkind Revenue   $8,333
         Public Donations     $7,607
         Sponsorship Program  $60,000
         Programs Income  $28,000
         Interest Income  $15
     Total Income         $103,955

     Expense Summary:
         In Kind Expense  $8,333
         Infrastructure   $55,588
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $5,455
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $-
         Tax and Audit    $-
         Treasury Services    $3,100
         General & Administrative     $8,403
     Total Expense        $80,879
     Net Income               $23,076

16 Dec 2015 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s Office is reviewing paperwork from a book publisher
 regarding donation paperwork and working with VP Fundraising to
 determine how/who/if it should be signed.

 Virtual has turned over the Quickbooks file, questionnaire and
 supporting documents to the contracted CPA.  A 2nd extension was
 filed before December 15th. Review is anticipated in January 2016
 with the 990 to follow shortly thereafter ahead of Mar 15, 2016
 final deadline.

 The Treasurer’s Office is working with Virtual to set up a telecon
 before EOY to review the variances that we are seeing in the expenses
 as compared to budget.

 Income and Expenses for November 2015           CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:
             Nov 2015
         Citizens Checking    $867,226
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
         Paypal - ASF     $70,667
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $334,234
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,307
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,560,433

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $2,837
         Sponsorship Program  $100,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $14
     Total Income         $102,851

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $50,762
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $5,455
         Brand Management     $1,959
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $1,294
         Tax and Audit    $-
         Treasury Services    $3,100
         General & Administrative     $8,371
     Total Expense        $70,941
     Net Income               $31,910

18 Nov 2015 [Chris]

  The Treasurer’s Office is reviewing paperwork from a book
  publisher regarding donation paperwork and working with VP
  Sponsorships to determine how/who/if it should be signed.

  Our contracted CPA is working to review the ASF's finances
  and the results are expected by end of year in order to
  complete the 990 by February 2016.

  The Treasurer’s Office is working with Virtual to set up a
  telecon before EOY to review the variances that we are
  seeing in the expenses as compared to budget.

  The following financial update is provided by Virtual:

  Cash at October 31st 2015 was $1,531K, which is up $75.1K
  from last month’s ending balance (September 2015) of
  $1,455.9K.   The October 2015 cash balance is up $109.3K
  from the October 2014 month end balance of $1,421.8K.  The
  October 2015 ending cash of $1,531K represents a cash reserve
  of 17.4 months based on the current year’s budgeted average
  monthly spending for FY15-16 of $87.8K/month (which is up
  about a 1/2 month from last month’s number).  The cash
  reserve for the ASF continues to be very healthy at over
  17 months, based on this fiscal year’s monthly spend rate,
  as compared to the ASAE industry benchmark of 6 months. The
  current forecasted Year End Cash reserve is 16.5 months;
  again is a very healthy number (if all remains equal to the
  Cash Forecast).

  Regarding the Cash P&L, the Foundation’s total revenue YTD
  through October 2015 was $232.3K which is -$190.2K behind
  budget ( $23.2K is Public donation and $167K is sponsorship).

  Expenses, on an YTD cash basis are a bit behind budget at
  $102.9K less than plan.  This is due to underspending vs
  Budget in G/A, Sponsored Attendees and Infrastructure,
  though this could just be timing though we are six months
  into the Fiscal year. The Treasurer's Office will set up a
  call with Virtual to review the variances in the expenses
  as compared to budget, as it will be beneficial to forecasting
  for the last six months of FY 2016.

  On an accrual basis the 2016 YTD revenue is behind YTD 2015
  by $-104.5K.  YTD expenses on an Accrual basis, for 2016
  were about $-4.2K less than 2015, due to spending less in
  G/A YTD, year over year.  This leaves Accrued Net income
  for YTD 2016 behind YTD 2015 by $-100.3K as compared to YTD
  through September which was $-138.8K year over year, which
  is an increase in accrued net income of $38.5K year over

  Regarding the bottom line the Foundation on an YTD Cash
  Basis has generated a Net loss of $-205.2K, vs a budgeted
  net loss of $-117.9K for FY 2016 YTD. Comparing this to FY
  2015 YTD, which had a Cash Basis Net loss of $-74K, it
  leaves ASF, behind YTD 2015 by $131.2K.  This however is
  significantly better than the September variance year over
  year which was $249.1K worse than September of last FY, or
  an increase in Net income of $117.9K for the same time

  Income and Expenses for October 2015            CASH BASIS      "Preliminary"               Contents

  Current Balances:
              Oct 2015         2016 Budget        Variance        YTD 2016        YTD 2016 Bud        Variance
          Citizens Checking    $840,074
          Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
          Paypal - ASF     $68,336
          Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $334,347
          Wells Fargo Savings  $288,292
      Total Checking/Savings       $1,531,049

      Income Summary:
          Public Donations     $1,118          $7,070          $(5,952)        $15,198         $38,409         $(23,211)
          Sponsorship Program  $140,000        $22,500         $117,500        $217,000        $384,000        $(167,000)
          Programs Income  $-          $-          $-          $-          $-          $-
          Interest Income  $15         $21         $(6)        $87         $125        $(38)
      Total Income         $141,132        $29,590         $111,542        $232,285        $422,534        $(190,249)
      Expense Summary:                                                 $-
          Infrastructure   $40,217         $43,750         $(3,533)        $247,268        $324,612        $(77,345)
          Sponsorship Program  $-          $-          $-          $-          $-          $-
          Programs Expense     $-          $-          $-          $-          $2,200          $(2,200)
          Publicity    $(4,556)        $7,726          $(12,281)       $77,138         $69,480         $7,658
          Brand Management     $1,760          $2,074          $(314)      $2,864          $14,604         $(11,740)
          Conferences  $3,215          $2,292          $923        $10,778         $5,750          $5,028
          Travel Assistance Committee  $13,646         $-          $13,646         $32,680         $25,730         $6,950
          Tax and Audit    $-          $-          $-          $-          $12,000         $(12,000)
          Treasury Services    $3,100          $3,100          $-          $18,350         $18,600         $(250)
          General & Administrative     $8,546          $11,240         $(2,693)        $48,450         $67,439         $(18,988)
      Total Expense        $65,929         $70,181         $(4,252)        $437,529        $540,414        $(102,886)
      Net Income               $75,203         $(40,591)       $115,794        $(205,244)      $(117,881)      $(87,363)

 Jim observes (again) that there seems to be a substantial
 amount of money still sitting in Wells Fargo demand deposit

 Chris expects that the account will be closed and the funds
 moved to Citizens shortly. The issue is that a personal
 appearance at Wells Fargo is necessary in order to close the

21 Oct 2015 [Chris]

 Work is progressing to finish off the Wells Fargo account closing.
 The Treasurer has sent an email to Wells Fargo (after yet another
 customer care representative change) to close out credit cards. The
 final step is for the Treasurer to make his way into a branch and
 transfer the remaining funds.

 The Treasurer’s Office and Virtual are finishing processing and set
 up of some paperwork with Citizens for the Foundation’s Business
 Signature credit cards.

 AR reports are being sent to VP, Fundraising for visibility into
 sponsor payment lifecycle and status. Virtual is assisting with the

 This month's report includes budget/variance information.

 Income and Expenses for September 2015          CASH BASIS      "Preliminary"               Contents

 Current Balances:
             Sept 2015        2016 Budget        Variance        YTD 2016        YTD 2016 Bud        Variance
         Citizens Checking    $765,633
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
         Paypal - ASF     $67,475
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $334,460
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,278
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,455,846

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $1,116          $4,592          $(3,476)        $14,080         $31,339         $(17,259)
         Sponsorship Program  $-          $26,500         $(26,500)       $77,000         $361,500        $(284,500)
         Programs Income  $-          $-          $-          $-          $-          $-
         Interest Income  $14         $21         $(7)        $73         $104        $(32)
     Total Income         $1,131          $31,113         $(29,982)       $91,152         $392,943        $(301,791)
     Expense Summary:                                                 $-
         Infrastructure   $47,381         $68,750         $(21,369)       $207,050        $280,862        $(73,812)
         Sponsorship Program  $-          $-          $-          $-          $-          $-
         Programs Expense     $-          $-          $-          $-          $2,200          $(2,200)
         Publicity    $21,269         $6,413          $14,856         $81,694         $61,754         $19,940
         Brand Management     $-          $6,114          $(6,114)        $1,104          $12,530         $(11,426)
         Conferences  $-          $2,292          $(2,292)        $7,564          $3,458          $4,105
         Travel Assistance Committee  $10,234         $-          $10,234         $19,034         $25,730         $(6,696)
         Tax and Audit    $-          $-          $-          $-          $12,000         $(12,000)
         Treasury Services    $3,100          $3,100          $-          $15,250         $15,500         $(250)
         General & Administrative     $9,769          $11,240         $(1,470)        $39,904         $56,199         $(16,295)
     Total Expense        $91,753         $97,908         $(6,155)        $371,600        $470,233        $(98,634)
     Net Income               $(90,622)       $(66,795)       $(23,827)       $(280,447)      $(77,290)       $(203,157)

16 Sep 2015 [Chris]

  After changing the paypal buttons to reflect a donation, chargebacks
  are believed to have been completely nullified. The Treasurer’s
  Office does not anticipate any further changes at this time.

  An extension for the 990 was filed before the Sept 15th deadline.

  Coordination with Jim and audit@a.o has begun concerning if an audit
  for 2015 will be done. The Treasurer’s Office is ready to support
  the audit in full capacity. D&O Insurance was renewed.

  Apache received a $150+ donation from AmazonSmiles.  The Treasurer’s
  Office suggests considering augmenting our promotion of the link
  for this type of donation.

  Income and Expenses for August 2015         CASH BASIS

  Current Balances:

          Citizens Checking    $857,095
          Amazon- ASF Payments     $-
          Paypal - ASF     $66,537
          Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $334,573
          Wells Fargo Savings  $288,264
      Total Checking/Savings       $1,546,468

      Income Summary:
          Public Donations     $5,537
          Sponsorship Program  $20,000
          Programs Income  $-
          Interest Income  $15
      Total Income         $25,552

      Expense Summary:
          Infrastructure   $43,523
          Sponsorship Program  $-
          Programs Expense     $-
          Publicity    $5,455
          Brand Management     $-
          Conferences  $1,622
          Travel Assistance Committee  $8,800
          Treasury Services    $3,100
          General & Administrative     $10,987
      Total Expense        $73,486
      Net Income               $(47,933)

 Closing the Wells Fargo account is in process and should be
 complete next month.

19 Aug 2015 [Chris]

 The Treasurer's Office is working to reduce PayPal chargebacks which
 since 2013 have cost $1855.00 plus $720 in fees.  Thanks to Virtual
 for their help in analyzing this and reaching out to PayPal. Based
 on our investigation, the chargebacks happen because people do not
 recognize the name on their statement.  Current Statement name:
 APACHESOFTW. There is an 11-character limit on this name as well
 as a 19 character longer optional that is not currently used.  We
 are investigating using the domain name “APACHE ORG” with the
 assumption that a period is not an acceptable character with no
 longer choice.

 We also identified that the paypal donation buttons on a.o and AOO
 website were incorrectly setup as item/services to be shipped/provided
 instead of as donations.  The a.o button has been updated however
 AOO has made the change but a CMS bug must be resolved before it
 can be published.

 Virtual is working on the Fiscal Q1 May-June-July 2015 report.

 Virtual has reached out to the CPA re: 4.30.15 YE for the
 ASF and requested the 990 questionnaire.  The need for an extension
 will be handled before the Sept 15th deadline.  Virtual also added
 that they keep track of all 990’s for all our clients.  And that
 the questionnaire for this year should be very similar to the one
 for last year which we helped facilitate for ASF.  Books and records
 are present for the entire year last year, so there should be very
 few questions we will need the Treasurer’s assistance with.

 The Treasurer’s Office processed a donation of $4K.
 The Office suggests that a thank you is sent due to the size of the
 donation and we will work VP, Fundraising to discuss.

 Virtual has transferred the remaining funds in Amazon Payments into
 the ASF's operational account at Citizens.  In a few more months,
 they will change the account email to accounting@ instead of the
 individual ASF member email that it was under before.

 The Treasurer would like to thank for Kevin McGrail, Assistant
 Treasurer, who led the preparation of this report.

 Income and Expenses for July 2015           CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:

         Citizens Checking    $909,719
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $338
         Paypal - ASF     $61,210
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $334,887
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,249
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,594,402

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $3,322
         Sponsorship Program  $25,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $15
     Total Income         $28,337

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $44,026
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $13,516
         Brand Management     $1,104
         Conferences  $1,273
         Travel Assistance Committee  $-
         Treasury Services    $3,100
         General & Administrative     $8,915
     Total Expense        $71,934
     Net Income               $(43,598)

15 Jul 2015 [Chris]

 A request made to the Treasurer's Office to add the records for the
 2013-2014 Taxes has been fulfilled.

 The Treasurer's Office is considering how to pay more attention to
 PayPal Chargebacks.

 There are remaining funds in Amazon Payments that Virtual will
 proceed to transfer into the ASF's operational account at Citizens.

 Cash at Jun 30th 2015 was down $142.9K from last month’s ending
 balance (May 2015) of $1,780.9K primarily due to the May and June
 payables were released in June and there were no Sponsor payments
 made in June 2015.  The June 2015 ending cash of $1,638K represents
 a cash reserve of 18.8 months based on the current year’s budgeted
 average monthly spending for FY15-16 YTD of $88.9K/month.

 The Treasurer's Office, Virtual, and Phil Steitz has moved ongoing
 donations for Amazon to its new Amazon Simple Payments platform and those
 payments are being recorded in the ASF Citizen's primary account.
 The balance in Amazon prior to the platform change to Simple Payments remains
 in Amazon.  Virtual is working with Amazon to take care of this.

 Income and Expenses for June 2015           CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:

         Citizens Checking    $942,639
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $18,828
         Paypal - ASF     $58,081
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $330,218
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,234
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,638,000

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $1,689
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $14
     Total Income         $1,704

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $63,303
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $41,455
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $4,669
         Travel Assistance Committee  $-
         Treasury Services    $5,950
         General & Administrative     $9,709
     Total Expense        $125,085
     Net Income               $(123,381)

17 Jun 2015 [Chris]

 The Treasurer's Office welcomes Jan Iversen and Kevin A. McGrail as
 our new Assistant Treasurer's. A meeting was held between the
 Treasurer, the two new Assistant Treasurer's and the former Assistant
 Treasurer Sam Ruby. There is some expected ramp up, and the new
 Assistants will begin helping write reports, interacting with Virtual
 and spelling Chris.

 The transition away from Wells Fargo is proceeding.  Currently the
 Treasurer's Office is working to transfer and close out the Savings
 & Checking accounts, and to wrap up any remaining connections to
 WFS. In addition, Credit Card statements have been downloaded from
 WFS for record keeping purposes. Citizens Bank is our operational
 account at the moment and bills/operational aspects are being paid
 out of that account.

 Monthly P&L reports are now being regularly sent out.  Thanks to
 Virtual for taking care of this.

 The Treasurer's Office contributed to the ASF Annual Report.  Thanks
 to Sally and team for pushing that forward.

 Amazon payments transition into the new donation system has been
 completed. There are remaining funds in Amazon Payments that Virtual
 will proceed to transfer into our operational account at Citizens.

 Income and Expenses for May 2015            CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:

         Citizens Checking    $1,086,536
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $18,789
         Paypal - ASF     $56,813
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $330,523
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,220
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,780,881

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $2,415     Amazon and Paypal
         Sponsorship Program  $32,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $15
     Total Income         $34,429

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $8,818
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $-
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $-
         Treasury Services    $-
         General & Administrative     $524
     Total Expense        $9,342
     Net Income               $25,087

20 May 2015 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s Office is working to close out the WFS financial
 accounts. Virtual held a meeting with our customer contact at WFS
 and things are moving forward. We hope to have more to report soon.

 The Assistant Treasurer granted access to the board agenda tool to
 Tom Pappas from Virtual for situational awareness.

 The Treasurer’s Office received a request to include the ASF in All
 State’s Employee Giving programs. The request was forwarded to
 Virtual for processing. As requested, the Apache Software Foundation
 mission statement was sent to All State.

 A request to renew the HALO contract was received by the President
 and Treasurer.

 Phil Steitz provided detail on a need to move away from individual
 donations via Amazon Simple Payments which is sunsetting as a service
 on June 1, 2015.  We need to migrate to the "Login and Pay with
 Amazon” service. Phil estimates that the code change will be minimal
 and he is happy to help in terms of setting up the donate button -
 but has requested help with account setup. Request has been forwarded
 on to Virtual.

 Income and Expenses for April 2015          CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:

         Citizens Checking    $1,083,388
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $18,266
         Paypal - ASF     $55,027
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $310,908
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,205
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,755,793

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $3,904
         Sponsorship Program  $98,220
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $14
     Total Income         $102,138

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $53,641
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $14,279
         Brand Management     $13,594
         Conferences  $25
         Travel Assistance Committee  $3,822
         Treasury Services    $2,850
         General & Administrative     $7,243
     Total Expense        $95,454
     Net Income               $6,684

22 Apr 2015 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s Office worked with Virtual to prepare a report for
 the ASF annual members meeting.

 Virtual and the Treasurer’s Office worked together to provide input
 to the ASF president and his FY16 budget activities for the foundation.

 Virtual and the Treasurer’s Office have worked with ASF officers
 over the last month to review their budgets, e.g., Brand.

 Income and Expenses for March 2015          CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:

         Citizens Checking    $1,087,042
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $18,168
         Paypal - ASF     $52,702
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $243,006
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,191
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,689,109

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $2,403     Amazon and Paypal
         Sponsorship Program  $115,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $17
     Total Income         $117,419

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $44,363
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $5,455
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $7,058
         Treasury Services    $2,850
         General & Administrative     $6,889
     Total Expense        $66,615
     Net Income               $50,805

18 Mar 2015 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s Office worked with Virtual to handle
 remittance for TAC flights in coordination with the EA.

 The Treasurer worked with VP, Brand and Virtual to
 provide a detailed Brand financial/spending report.

 The Treasurer’s Office worked with the President to provide
 a monthly accounting for officers to check spending against
 the budget. In addition the office worked with the President
 to provide input for the President’s budget for the new FY.

 The 990 for Apache’s taxes has now been finalized working
 with Virtual and the CPA.

     Current Balances:

     Citizens Checking    $1,148,017
     Amazon- ASF Payments     $18,091
     Paypal - ASF     $50,715
     Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $93,307
     Wells Fargo Savings  $288,175
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,598,304

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $1,590     Amazon and Paypal
         Sponsorship Program  $210,000
         Programs Income  $-
         Interest Income  $22
     Total Income         $211,612

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $42,977
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $5,563
         Brand Management     $1,473
         Conferences  $1,070
         Travel Assistance Committee  $8,000
         Treasury Services    $2,850
         General & Administrative     $7,369
     Total Expense        $69,302
     Net Income               $142,311

18 Feb 2015 [Chris]

  The 2013 990 Net Assets and other items have been clarified on our
  tax preparation for FY2013. Everything seems in order and Chris and
  Tom had a call to discuss on 1/23/15.

  The Treasurer’s Office initiated a series of wires to fully transfer
  all of the remaining funds in WFS to Citizen’s Bank leaving a small
  amount in WFS (less than 10K) to cover any incoming expenses. We
  expect to finalize the remaining funds transfer and decommission
  WFS in the next month.

  1099s for contractors have been issued by Virtual.

  Virtual has been working with VP, Press and Marketing for the year
  in review reports and quarterly reports, providing financial data
  and other information to assist in the report preparation.

  Income and Expenses for January 2015            CASH BASIS

  Current Balances:

          Citizens Checking    $701,087
          Amazon- ASF Payments     $17,926
          Paypal - ASF     $49,569
          Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $399,259
          Wells Fargo Savings  $288,152
      Total Checking/Savings       $1,455,994

      Income Summary:
          Public Donations     $1,998     Amazon and Paypal
          Sponsorship Program  $90,000
          Programs Income  $24,040
          Interest Income  $24
      Total Income         $116,062

      Expense Summary:
          Infrastructure   $40,219
          Sponsorship Program  $-
          Programs Expense     $-
          Publicity    $8,750
          Brand Management     $-
          Conferences  $-
          Travel Assistance Committee  $-
          Treasury Services    $3,850
          General & Administrative     $16,670
      Total Expense        $69,489
  Net Income               $46,574

 Jim: Will the audit be able to start soon? Tom: Can't start
 the audit until books are closed; looks like mid summer for
 the audit.

21 Jan 2015 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s Office worked with Virtual to get the Apache 990
 and Client Organizer submitted and Taxes filed.

 New Credit Cards from Citizen’s Bank have been received by the
 Treasurer, VP Infrastructure, the President, the EVP, the EA and
 the ASF Secretary.

 There are a few outstanding actions, including closing down the WF
 accounts. Chris and Tom from Virtual will meet in the coming month
 and report back.

 VP, Press and Marketing has asked for Quarterly Financial Reports
 - Virtual is picking up this action and coordinating with Sally on
 this front.

 Income and Expenses for December 2014           CASH BASIS

 Current Balances:

         Citizens Checking    $148,022
         Amazon- ASF Payments     $17,146
         Paypal - ASF     $49,569
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $906,658
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,128
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,409,523

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $10,786    Amazon and Paypal
         Sponsorship Program  $20,000
         Interest Income  $24
     Total Income         $30,811

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $50,736
         Sponsorship Program  $-
         Programs Expense     $-
         Publicity    $5,994
         Brand Management     $-
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $2,347
         Treasury Services    $2,850
         General & Administrative     $7,753
     Total Expense        $69,680
     Net Income           $(38,869)

17 Dec 2014 [Chris]

 The Treasurer’s office continues to work with Virtual to get the
 corporate credit cards up and running. A few more forms needed to
 be filled out and signed and we are awaiting the cards from Citizen’s
 Bank at this point.

 Chris and Tom Pappas from Virtual had a call to go over some
 outstanding loose ends and information to get the 990 process shored
 up. We are on track to get it filed on time with Virtual and the
 CPA. The President also assisted in this process by signing the
 engagement forms for the 990 to be completed by the CPA and Virtual.

  Income and Expenses for November 2014           CASH BASIS

  Current Balances:

          Citizens Checking    $195,676
          Amazon- ASF Payments     $16,359
          Paypal - ASF     $40,976
          Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $907,279
          Wells Fargo Savings  $288,103
      Total Checking/Savings       $1,448,392

      Income Summary:
          Public Donations     $2,160     Amazon and Paypal
          Sponsorship Program  $80,000
          Interest Income  $24
      Total Income         $82,183

      Expense Summary:
          Infrastructure   $29,200
          Sponsorship Program  $-
          Programs Expense     $-
          Publicity    $13,137
          Brand Management     $279
          Conferences  $-
          Travel Assistance Committee  $-
          Treasury Services    $2,850
          General & Administrative     $10,221
      Total Expense        $55,688
      Net Income               $26,495

19 Nov 2014 [Chris]

     A press release for Virtual’s 15th year anniversary was coordinated
     with VP, Press and Marketing, and with the President. Treasurer’s
     Office was kept in the loop.

     Treasurer’s Office coordinated with Lynsey Chaplik from Virtual to
     process the forms for Apache Corporate Credit Cards. Form was
     submitted and cards should be available soon.

     Virtual is trying to coordinate a call to deal with the following
     open action items:

       1. Closing all of the Wells Fargo accounts
       2. Obtaining credit
          card statements from some of the
          officers to correctly account for the expenses
       3. Engaging both the CPA firm and Virtual for the 2014 990
       4. Valuing the Bitcoin donation
       5. 6 month P&L review to forecast
          the remaining 6 months of 2015

     Treasurer anticipates a call in the next month or so to address the

     At the request of the EVP, Virtual and the Treasurer’s Office
     provided a one slide summary of Treasurer categories of expenses
     for ApacheCon EU 2014.

     Income and Expenses for October 2014            CASH BASIS

     Current Balances:

             Citizens Checking    $216,900
             Amazon Payments     $15,811
             Paypal - ASF     $39,623
             Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $861,482
             Wells Fargo Savings  $288,080
         Total Checking/Savings       $1,421,897

         Income Summary:
             Public Donations     $11,249
             Sponsorship Program  $10,000
             Interest Income  $24
         Total Income         $21,273

         Expense Summary:
             Infrastructure   $37,986
             Sponsorship Program  $-
             Publicity    $8,381
             Brand Management     $4,731
             Conferences  $-
             Travel Assistance Committee  $-
             Treasury Services    $3,100
             General & Administrative     $9,644
         Total Expense        $63,841
 Net Income               $(42,568)

15 Oct 2014 [Chris]

 Discussion of BitCoin donations continues.  A very useful resource
 was passed along regarding the SFLC and their interpretation of
 BitCoin and things to look out for:

 Regarding the Audit, after a very productive call with the President,
 Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Tom from Virtual and Brian the CPA
 on retainer for the audit and helping us work 990 tax submission,
 we decided that we will not audit 2014 accounts and will instead
 focus on a correct 990 for 2014. We will push the full audit off
 until April 30, 2015. Williams Overman Pierce, LLP will prepare our
 990 return for the year ending April 30, 2014 and they have already
 filed a form 8688 for us providing a 3 month extension to submit
 our taxes.

 There is an open inquiry to the Treasurer’s Office to handle TAC
 reimbursements on the ground for students/etc.  attending ApacheCon
 EU 2014 in Budapest. The Treasurer just replied to the inquiry and
 is working with Virtual to figure out the best practice for remittance.

 Various requests for sponsorship status have been promptly dealt
 with by the EA and by Virtual.

 Getting a new set of ASF credit cards is near complete, in coordination
 with the ASF President, the EA and Virtual.

 Income and Expenses for September 2014

 Current Balances:

         Citizens Checking    $271,865
         Amazon Prime     $15,220
         Paypal - ASF     $34,240
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $855,085
         Wells Fargo Savings  $288,055
     Total Checking/Savings       $1,464,465

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations     $3,847     Amazon and Paypal
         Sponsorship Program  $11,971
         Interest Income  $24
     Total Income         $15,841

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure   $46,856
         Sponsorship Program  $1,976
         Publicity    $5,455
         Conferences  $-
         Travel Assistance Committee  $-
         Treasury Services    $2,500
         General & Administrative     $8,181
     Total Expense        $64,967
  Net Income               $(49,126)

17 Sep 2014 [Chris]

 A relatively quiet month for the Treasurer's Office.

 The Treasurer's Office worked with the EA and infra team to address
 credit card issues for hardware purchases.

 Virtual and the Treasurer's Office and the Audit team are trying
 to put together a call to discuss the next steps on the Audit.

 The EVP and VP, Sponsorship set up a mechanism to take Bitcoin as
 a donation currency. Great work!

     Income and Expenses for August 2014

     Current Balances:

             Citizens Checking            $322,595
             Amazon Prime                 $14,300
             Paypal - ASF                 $31,595
             Wells Fargo Checking - ASF   $857,069
             Wells Fargo Savings          $288,032
         Total Checking/Savings           $1,513,591

         Income Summary:
             Public Donations             $8,415     Amazon and Paypal
             Sponsorship Program          $-
             Interest Income              $24
         Total Income                     $8,439

         Expense Summary:
             Infrastructure               $33,826
             Sponsorship Program          $1,079
             Publicity                    $5,743     HALO monthly fee
             Conferences                  $2,610
             Travel Assistance Committee  $15,153
             Treasury Services            $2,750
             General & Administrative     $7,786     EA monthly exp and Signing bonus for EA
         Total Expense                    $68,947
 Net Income                               $(60,508)

20 Aug 2014 [Chris]

 The Treasurer's office has worked with Virtual over the past month
 to transition more of the operational functionalities of the Treasurer
 role. In particular, Virtual is now responsible for handling
 operational monthly payments to contractors and for invoice and
 Bill remittance.

 Virtual has worked with VP, Fundraising, the EA and the President's Office
 to provide Current balances and sponsor funds analysis and projected
 income, which was used both by VP, Fundraising at OSCON for situational
 awareness to sponsors, and to feed into the President's 2014-2015
 budget request.

 The Treasurer's Office worked the ASF Audit Lead and President to
 provide a retainer for our CPA conducting the ASF financial audit.

 Virtual now has guest access to WFS Financials both Checkings and
 Savings, allowing for statement download and for balance sheet
 generation. Access to Amazon Payments and PayPal have also been

 Sam Ruby has started to populate Treasurer content at

 D&O Liability Insurance was remitted and the Treasurer's Office is
 working with the EA and the President to process the D&O renewal.

 An issue regarding the ASF meeting the public funding test is being
 discussed amongst ASF audit participants and the President's Office
 and the Treasurer's Office in reference to a suggestion made during

 The EA and President's Office and Treasurer's Office are discussing
 a review of disbursement of ASF credit cards, and expect a disposition
 soon that may include issuing new credits and moving to a new credit
 card provider.

 Virtual is now providing the income and expenses roll up for the
 Treasurer's Report.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:
         Citizens Checking           $382,921
         Amazon Prime                 $11,489
         Paypal - ASF                 $27,766
         Wells Fargo Checking - ASF  $863,916
         Wells Fargo Savings         $288,007
     Total Checking/Savings        $1,574,099

     Income Summary:
         Public Donations              $5,548
         Sponsorship Program         $100,000
         Interest Income                  $24
     Total Income                    $105,573

     Expense Summary:
         Infrastructure               $34,711
         Publicity                    $10,455
         Travel Assistance Committee   $1,670
         Treasury Services             $7,500
         General & Administrative      $7,301
     Total Expense                    $61,636
     Net Income                       $43,936

16 Jul 2014 [Chris]

 Transition of bill paying and other functions to Virtual continues
 as planned. We have a Citizens Bank account up and running that is
 being used to make payments and the remainder of the funds in WFS
 are in process for being transitioned over to Citizen's and/or
 potentially to other assets with higher yield, e.g., CDs. The
 Treasurer's Office is awaiting further input from Virtual on a
 recommendation for where the remaining assets should be housed.

 Chris has received his token for Citizen's Bank. Michelle Ball from
 Virtual notes that unlike WFS, Citizen's only requires 1 person to
 release funds instead of 2.

 Virtual has begun to generate expenses versus actuals reports
 starting with data from May. The Treasurer's Office encourages those
 that are interested in the gory details to inquire - otherwise they
 will be summarized monthly as part of future Treasurer's reports.

 Weekly calls with Virtual have continued in both an ad-hoc manner,
 and moving to bi-weekly. A digest of the items discussed in the
 call include:

     1. Continued work on the budget with Ross.
     2. Concern from Virtual regarding meeting IRS rules for
     3. Virtual will not be the ones to prepare our tax returns - this is
        contrary to the Treasurer's Office understanding that Virtual
        would.  Chris to have an action item to follow up with
        Virtual/Tom on this.
     4. Continued work on documentation for Treasurer processes.
     5. Tracking down various bank statements and contracts information,
        e.g., for the EA.
     6. Interest in collecting information on donations, including
        targeted donations - Virtual states little concern in "single digit"
        number of these donations, but states that under the current
        contract, they would not be able to manage e.g., one targeted
        donation per ASF project.
     7. Virtual has made progress mapping expenditures to budget
     8. Virtual will provide ftp access credentials for
        read-only access to
        their Sharepoint server and separately to their QuickBooks
        server; Sam will place this information into the ASF svn
     9. Virtual will provide a phone number for our vendors to call
        when they have Billing issues
    10. Virtual would like to know if they can help with organizing
        smaller conferences/meetups? This is a service that they provide (for
        a fee).  Sam and Shane will gather more information.

 The invoice from the CPA for the Audit has been received and
 remittance is currently awaiting approval from the President or the

 Sam set up an archived list that forwards to
 Tom Pappas, Michelle Ball, Chris Mattmann, Sam, and Upayavira. Those
 wishing to contact both the Treasurer's officers *and* Virtual
 should use this list.

 Sam Ruby created a web interface to upload Bills to the received
 and approved workflow queue - Sally and others
 have begun to successfully use this interface.

 Chris provided all the payment information from his Treasurer's
 notes to Michelle Ball and Virtual.

 The Treasurer's Office is waiting on input from the President's
 Office on who should have credit cards. Melissa has volunteered to
 also provide help and move the conversation forward.

 Treasurer's Office is working with VP, Infrastructure to financially
 onboard a new contractor, Dan Norris.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:     774,048.79
   Wells Fargo Savings:               287,982.71
   Citizen's Bank                     434,588.01
   PayPal:                             23,097.96
   Amazon:                             13,532.82
   ------------------------------   ---------
        Total                    $  1,519,717.47

 Income Summary:

   Amazon                               1,625.79
   Fundraising                         85,000.00
   Incoming Citizens                  500,000.00
   Lockbox                              1,000.00
   Returned Wire - Citizens           500,000.00
   PayPal                               3,681.85
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $  1,091,307.64

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                               5,539.20
       Sysadmin                        31,800.00
       misc expense                    41,432.16
       Press                              909.09
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby       4,318.17
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski  1,070.65
       Transfer to Citizen's        1,000,000.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $  1,085,069.27

18 Jun 2014 [Chris]

 The Treasurer's Office processed the renewal payment for the HALO
 contract shortly after the last board meeting.

 The Virtual transition has been going smoothly with Assistant
 Treasurer attending the phone calls and leading the management of
 the ASF-Virtual interface.  Some highlights:

   1. Existing ASF credit cards are being examined and
      will be issued with our new bank, Citizen's Bank.  The President's
      Office is currently looking at who has credit cards with info
      from the Treasurer's Office.
   2. Virtual is taking over all invoicing and is in
      coordination with Melissa et al. to understand the schedule for
      when invoices are sent out.
   3. Virtual and Jim have selected an accountant and are
      moving forward with the retainer fee for the audit.  This will
      likely be the same accountant that will take over 990 duties.
   4. We have a new bank account at Citizen's Bank. We still
      have WFS and are in the transition period, sending over $100K
      increments totaling ~$500K to Citizen's so that Virtual can use
      the funds to begin payment. The remainder of our funds in WFS
      will be transitioned as the account is closed down over the next
      month or so.
   5. The current payables process was discussed and Virtual
      has concluded that they will adopt/follow our
      Bills/{received|approved|paid} workflow. Virtual also will take
      the lead in streamlining invoice payments, to be paid at the end
      of the month. Ad-hoc payments are possible, with a specific
      request to treasurer@.
   6. Engagement letters to begin the audit have been passed around
      and signed by Jim who is leading the audit. The letters were
      reviewed by the President/operations@, by the EA, and by the
      Treasurer's Office.
   7. Virtual is sending a Citizen's Bank token to Chris as of mid-June
      and it is on its way.
   8. Virtual plans to deliver the first expense vs budget report next
      week, and it will be shared as soon as it is ready.
   9. Virtual would like to meet with the President's Office and go
      through the budget - the meeting is being set up.
  10. Virtual is meeting with the ASF auditor on a brief phone call
      to see what help Virtual can provide.

 A request by the EA for sponsor payment status was promptly responded
 to in early June.

 Payment of the travel costs for an infrastructure meeting was dealt
 with by the assistant treasurer.

 Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance renewal is due and
 is being handled by the President and the EA, keeping the Treasurer's
 Office in the loop.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:   1,207,706.07
   Wells Fargo Savings:               287,959.04
   PayPal:                             19,416.11
   Amazon:                             13,793.75
   ------------------------------   ---------
        Total                    $  1,509,458.86

 Income Summary:

   Amazon                             1,699.62
   Fundraising                      124,975.00
   Lockbox                              560.00
   PayPal                             5,622.36
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $  132,856.98

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                             5,539.20
       Sysadmin                      48,800.00
       misc expense                     553.01
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby     1,875.13
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski   11.95
       Press                         30,000.00
       ApacheCon NA 2014             14,380.63
       hardware                       1,055.25
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $  102,215.17

21 May 2014 [Chris]

 The big news is that we have officially signed and executed an
 agreement with Virtual, Inc. to provide end-to-end financial
 management for the ASF, as a contractor approved by the Board
 assisting the Treasurer.  Virtual will have a representative Guest
 on the board call, Tom Pappas, who will attend and observe the
 Treasurer report and the initial portion of the meeting before the
 committee reports. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer are working
 with Virtual to make sure there is a smooth on boarding and that
 Virtual is provided with access to all material needed, and that
 we carefully consider and document their suggestions. At this point
 in time due to schedule flexibility and a general East coast favorable
 calling time, calls with Virtual and Apache are being attended by
 Sam Ruby, Assistant Treasurer, and Sam is taking point on managing
 the connection with Virtual, in coordination with Chris. Jim is
 meeting with the CPA to discuss the audit now that Virtual is on
 board and the Treasurer's Office expects that Jim can report out
 on any progress there during the board call and also via

 The Treasurer's Office is correcting an error made in the original
 1099 filed for our EA Melissa. The Treasurer expects to have that
 form in the mail NLT Thursday May 22, 2014. Apologies to the EA for
 the delay.

 Questions about our accounting mechanism were posed by VP Infrastructure
 and answered promptly by the Treasurer's Office.

 The HALO contract renewal is coming up and VP Press and Marketing
 has reached out to the President and Treasurer's Office to proceed
 on this. Treasurer's Office has requested an invoice from VP Press
 and Marketing so it can go into our Bills/received folder for
 approval by the President and/or EVP.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:   1,184,386.24
   Wells Fargo Savings:               287,934.59
   PayPal:                             13,793.75
   Amazon:                             11,488.70
   ------------------------------   ---------
        Total                    $  1,486,114.58

 Income Summary:

   Amazon                            1,284.33
   Fundraising                     140,000.00
   Lockbox                             434.62
   PayPal                            1,479.33
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $ 143,198.28

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                              5,539.20
       Sysadmin                       31,800.00
       misc expense		       455.87
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby         41.90
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski 4,559.82
       Press                           4,545.45
       FOSDEM 2013                       204.49
       Network Services -      518.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    47,664.73

 We will be transitioning our banking services from Wells Fargo
 to Citizens Bank. We expect the transition to take place over
 the next few weeks. There is a safety deposit box that Roy
 will clear out shortly.

16 Apr 2014 [Chris]

 The Treasurer's Office has reviewed a proposal from Virtual, Inc
 to provide financial contracting services at the ASF. After a
 favorable initial review, the Office asked for broader feedback
 from the ASF board.  7 of the 9 directors and the ASF President
 replied back and all were favorable of the proposal and the potential
 for Virtual to help  provide their services to help the financial
 mission of the ASF.

 Based on the above feedback, the Treasurer's Office is recommending
 that we hire Virtual. I propose that Sam and I have a telecon with
 Sheila, their Business manager and request a draft services
 contract for review.

 The EA requested some financial reports on her income and the request
 was fulfilled by the Treasurer's Office.

 An ASF member covered the on-site expenses for ApacheCon NA 2014,
 and will be reimbursed when his request arrives and is approved by
 the President or EVP as soon as possible.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:   1,091,616.35
   Wells Fargo Savings:               287,910.92
   PayPal:                             12,314.42
   Amazon Prime:                        9,789.08
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $  1,391,841.69

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                            100,810.30
   Fundraising                        105,000.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    205,810.30

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                               5,539.20
       Sysadmin                        31,800.00
       misc expense		        399.48
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby          50.87
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski  1,996.63
       Press                            6,545.45
       PayPal                          41,163.79
       Network Services -     4,951.73
       ApacheCon NA 2014               19,282.63
       Trademarks                       2,508.75
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    114,238.53

19 Mar 2014 [Chris]

 The Treasurer's Office worked with Phil Steitz to get Amazon Payment
 account data in the purview of the monthly data collection process.
 This is the first month that will include a tag for Amazon payments.

 Remittance to a TAC committee member for fronting the payments for
 ACNA 2014 flights was completed.

 Chris has been in touch with the contractor company for treasurer
 services referred by Jim. Treasurer's Office has requested feedback
 from the board and will arrive at a decision soon. Jim is awaiting
 the decision from an audit perspective as this will affect the way
 he proceeds with the audit.

 The President's Office inquired to see the difficulty in providing
 account access for WFS and other financials necessary for sponsorship
 in-transit payment inquiries.  The Treasurer's Office is considering
 how best to respond to the request.

 Finally, the last request for transfer out of PayPal is in transit,
 completing an activity desired years ago, to completely move the
 bulk of ASF money out of PayPal and into WFS. Thanks to Upayavira
 and Sam and others for their help in making this happen.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:     958,880.79
   Wells Fargo Savings:               287,886.47
   PayPal:                             53,478.21
   Amazon Prime:                        8,504.75
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $  1,300,245.47

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                             50,271.00
   Fundraising                         40,000.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $     90,271.00

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                                8,670.22
       Sysadmin                         31,800.00
       misc expense                        493.74
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby           72.42
       Press                             4,545.45
       PayPal                           46,925.88
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      92,507.71

19 Feb 2014 [Chris]

 The Treasurer's Office processed repayment for some items related
 to the Dublin Meetup and also processed payment to NASDAQ Global
 Newswire in coordination with VP Press, Marketing and the President.

 The Treasurer and the President identified how a statement of actuals could
 be provided to the President quarterly.

 Over the past month, the office has periodically provided information
 to the EA on sponsors and their incoming payments.

 We have processed a payment to the EA and set up her new payment
 amount to reflect her updated contract and raise.

 The Office dealt with an inquiry from the Apache OOo PMC regarding
 reimbursements for FOSDEM 2014.

 We are actively coordinating with Virtual, Inc. to obtain a quote
 for their financial services.

 We are working with EA and Nick Burch to handle wire transfer for
 initial payments for TAC flights for ACNA 2014.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:     914,191.62
   Wells Fargo Savings:               287,864.39
   PayPal:                            100,404.09
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $  1,302,460.10

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                             50,737.49
   Fundraising                         10,965.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $     61,702.49

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                               3,462.00
       Trademarks                       2,613.75
       Sysadmin                        31,100.00
       misc expense                       578.29
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby          37.44
       ASF credit card - Justin Erenkrantz 50.00
       Press                           11,545.45
       Dublin Meetup                       25.44
       PayPal                          45,312.20
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $     94,724.57

15 Jan 2014 [Chris]

 Chris met with the Virtual, Inc. team as introduced by Jim and discussed
 what Virtual can provide to the ASF in terms of Treasurer services.
 Andy Freed, Virtual President, Terry Lowney, Virtual's COO and Greg
 Kohn, Vice President Client Services were in attendance. Virtual
 provides services including helping to prepare financials including
 board reports on a monthly basis for 40+ clients. The company has
 been around for 15+ years (staff of 40 people, based out of Boston
 with people all over the country) and has worked with small projects
 ($100K org) to bigger orgs ($10s of M every year). According to the
 team, they can scale their services in a way that makes sense for
 a particular organization (e.g., taylor their services). In terms
 of the types of contracts Virtual supports, they can do a Master
 Services Agreement that covers a full range of what they do (allows
 scaling services up or down), and Evergreen agreements with a 90
 day termination clause at any time (simple management agreement).

 In terms of costing, Virtual stated that they can do per service
 billing, e.g., at the core, they would look at the volume of
 transactions, and scope of work to be done (core service). They
 would also provide costed options to take on all accounts receivable
 and accounts payable; invoices and following up on sponsors, managing
 the bank accounts. Virtual stated that they could help evaluate
 what banking institutions make most sense for the organization and
 looking at value added services for finding the right bank and
 processes.  In terms of taxes, Virtual does not directly file 990N
 or prepare it, but they use a CPA firm to do so and to facilitate
 financial statement audits for many of their clients. The Treasurer's
 Office will follow up once specific costing for services can be
 quoted and is happy for feedback from the Board.

 PayPal monies continue to stream in. An initial $50,000 transfer was
 completed, and another transfer of the same amount has been initiated
 in a process to incrementally move money out PayPal and into our WFS

 The Treasurer's Office reached out to Phil Steitz to figure out how to
 check the Amazon Payments donations and include it in the financial

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       901,901.50
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,839.94
   PayPal:                              146,264.42
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,357,089.90

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                               40,900.48
   Paypal                               -38,677.06
   Fundraising                            5,000.00
   misc deposits                         50,000.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       57,223.42

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                                 3,462.00
       Trademarks                         2,613.75
       Sysadmin                          55,300.00
       misc expense                         380.36
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby           803.00
       Press                             15,590.90
       Taxes                                181.89
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       78,331.90

18 Dec 2013 [Chris]

 FY2012 Taxes were prepared and filed by the Treasurer's Office.
 Next Taxes are due for FY2013 nominally by September 15, 2014. The
 Assistant Treasurer approved remittance for the Treasurer for costs
 incurred for Tax Prep software and for FedEx priority shipping.

 An audit list was setup by Jim and Tony and interested folks including
 the Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer, the EA, the President and
 volunteers have subscribed to the list.

 A payment was made for the Media Contact DB in coordination with
 VP, Press/Marketing.

 PayPal payments are back and working again and that funding stream
 continues again. As a test, the Treasurer initiated a transfer of
 50,000.00 USD to WFS to make sure that transferring money out of
 PayPal works successfully. Will report on the status of this at
 the next board meeting.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       884,332.92
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,815.50
   PayPal:                              184,941.48
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,357,089.90

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                                  447.34
   Paypal                                 1,141.24
   misc deposits                          2,508.75
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $        4,097.33

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                                 3,462.00
       Trademarks                         9,153.48
       Sysadmin                           8,300.00
       misc expense                         577.13
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       21,492.61

20 Nov 2013 [Chris]

 VP, Fundraising the EA and Treasurer's Office worked together to
 fix an issue with PayPal that was preventing our donations from
 going through. The issue is addressed now and the Treasurer has an
 action item in progress to move the majority of our PayPal funds
 into our WFS account.

 Treasurer's Office confirmed payment made to PR Newswire account
 at request of VP, Press/Marketing. In addition, responded to several
 requests from EA to confirm sponsor delivery of funds on several
 fundraising items.

 Phil Steitz worked with VP, Fundraising and Treasurer's Office and
 led the way to set up Amazon Simple Pay as another mechanism outside
 of PayPal for receiving donations.

 An audit list is being set up and will be used for communications
 related to the impending audit. Jim Jagielski will lead the audit
 and push it forward.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       902,869.44
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,791.84
   PayPal:                              183,800.24
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,374,461.52

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                                  696.05
   Fundraising                          169,950.00
   Paypal                                    40.00
   misc deposits                          2,205.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      172,891.05

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       EA                                 7,107.90
       Press                             13,590.90
       Trademarks                         2,205.00
       hardware                          28,450.00
       Sysadmin                          65,433.33
       misc expense                         285.57
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      117,072.70

 Amazon payments are not reflected anywhere since this is a new
 account and the report reflects activity through the end of
 October. Seems like a lot of money in checking not earning any
 interest. AI: Chris look into getting a better rate of return
 on the assets of the corporation.

16 Oct 2013 [Chris]

 The big issue this month is the status of the ASF Audit.  Provided
 information as requested by the President's Office as to the
 Treasurer's side of the audit. Interacted with ASF Audit Lead,
 Hadrian Zbarcea and suggested what the next steps as seen by the
 Treasurer's Office:

  1. Develop contract/procurement order/invoice between ASF and CPA
  agency depending on cost/etc. Treasurer's Office is happy for a
  recommendation or to simply receive a list and make a selection.

  2. Someone besides the Treasurer's Office (Chris/Sam) take point
  in starting the audit and levying a set of requests/steps on the
  Treasurer's Office. Maybe the EA or the President/EVP?

  3. Treasurer's Office replies and provides as much information as
  we have in response to requests from #1.

  4. Hired CPA agency goes through their audit process based on
  responses from #2 and delivers report/results in a timely fashion
  (some agreed upon X months after contracting date) to the Treasurer's
  Office/Prezo/EVP and EA.

  5. Treasurer reports on results to the board in following board
  report and identifies responses/actions to the results.

 Also referenced former report from May 2013 in which the plan for
 the audit was documented.

 Working with Sally/Press to handle payment to PR Newswire.

 The VP Fundraising and Treasurer's Office are working together to
 deal with an issue that has prevented our PayPal contribution system
 from accepting payments. Should be closed/fixed this month.

 DirectPay set up for the EA and Joe Schaefer as tests to validate
 Chris's access to WFS DirectPay. Successfully used to remit payment
 to both parties last month.

 Was put in touch with our new WFS relationship manager and committed
 contact info to financials SVN repo. Investigating issue with wire
 payment regarding CloudStack trademark.

 Provided information to Ross as requested to deal with lingering
 SVN trademark payment questions.

 Working with the EA to identify a potential CPA firm to deal with our
 corporate tax filing.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       847,091.09
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,767.40
   PayPal:                              183,212.11
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,318,070.60

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                                  516.04
   GSOC 2013                             26,622.13
   Paypal                                    78.62
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       27,216.79

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski    4,640.84
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby         1,847.73
       misc expense                         367.38
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $        6,855.95

18 Sep 2013 [Chris]

 The biggest ticket items are the filing of form 8688 for an IRS tax
 extension for FY2012 taxes which gives us until December 15, 2013
 to file.  We are currently looking for a CPA to take over filing
 the taxes.

 Our PayPal account contributions are on hold while Sam investigates
 an account update issue. Sam is working on this, with support from

 Director's & Officer's Liability insurance has been renewed, in
 coordination with the Prezo and EVP. Payments for the renewal have
 been processed by the Treasurer's Office.

 Processed a payment in coordination with infra for new Dell hardware.

 Set Melissa and Joe up with Direct Pay and will test it for this

 The Brazilian law firm that filed the SVN trademark continues to
 contact the ASF regarding a payment that was confirmed to be sent
 by the Treasurer's Office per WFS records -- but that can't seem
 to be tracked down on the law firm's end. The President has agreed
 to take the lead in replying on this, with support from the Treasurer's
 Office as needed.

 The EA passed along another request by someone in the EU asking to
 make EU donations and contributions easier.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       826,808.87
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,743.75
   PayPal:                              183,133.49
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,297,686.11

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                                 290.10
   Paypal                                2,357.58
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       2,647.68

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski   1,325.80
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby           36.94
       EA                                3,462.00
       Trademarks                        4,052.75
       D&O insurance                     1,521.00
       misc expense                        473.25
       Sysadmin                         27,300.00
       Press                             4,545.45
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      42,717.19

21 Aug 2013 [Chris]

 Treasurer's Office generated a balance sheet and income statement
 required to renew Director's and Officer's Liability Insurance,
 working with the President and the EA.

 The Brazilian company that registered the SVN trademark is asking
 again if the ASF would look to see if the payment that was wired
 to them was returned to ASF accounts. The Treasurer's Office can
 look into this -- but we refer the matter to the President again
 to make an official reply since no one has replied since 7/18.

 The Treasurer's website has been set up and CMS'ed by infra. Chris
 will work to start using the website to document current Treasurer
 process and flow documents.

 DirectPay capabilities with WFS are now available to Chris and Chris
 has full access to the WFS account services.

 The Treasurer's Office is working with VP, Brand to pay a legal fee
 related to trademark registration.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       869,235.96
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,719.31
   PayPal:                              180,775.91
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,337,731.18

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                                  184.10
   Paypal                                 2,166.93
   Misc Deposits                         55,000.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       57,351.03

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski      897.00
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby           648.11
       EA                                 3,462.00
       misc expense                         924.34
       Sysadmin                          69,800.00
       Press                              9,090.90
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       84,822.35

 AI: Ross to ping Hadrian on audit status.

17 Jul 2013 [Chris]

 The first and most important item to report this month is that Chris
 has been added as a signer to the account and the list of former
 signers has been culled.
 The Treasurer's Office is happy
 to report that Chris now has full access to the account including
 Bill Pay and Direct Pay (or Direct Deposit).  This means better
 service for the EA, our sysadmin contractors, and others b/c now
 both Chris and Sam have the needed access to get things paid and
 on time.

 The Treasurer's Office paid an open invoice with Corporation Service

 Jim reported IRS Notices that we neglected to submit a Form 941 for
 our FY2011 Tax Year. Form 941 corresponds to quarterly tax returns.
 After some research Jim and Chris found out that we can simply
 respond and state that we have no employees and hence there is no
 need to file.  Chris is preparing that response and will send it
 post haste.

 Interactions between Sponsorship and the Treasurer's Office remain
 active, with Sam often responding to inquiries from Upayavira
 regarding sponsorship visibility quickly.

 Sam Ruby was impromptu contacted by Paypal and he worked with them
 to add himself and Chris to the PayPal account and to remove Chuck
 Murcko. In addition, Sam worked with Paypal to lift the bank transfer
 limit (currently $500/month).

 Travel expenses to the GSOC 2013 mentors summit were approved by

 Sam and Chris worked with Daniel Gruno to set up his payment
 information now that he has been brought on as a part time
 infrastructure contractor.

 Chris is still working with the infrastructure team on the setup
 of the treasurer website. Again this will be new home for docs and
 information on Treasurer Office related policies and procedures,
 and information.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       898,874.21
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,694.87
   PayPal:                              178,608.98
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,365,178.06

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                              262,683.78
   Paypal                                10,777.70
   Misc Deposits                        143,379.45
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      416,840.93

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby          598.46
       EA                                3,462.00
       misc expense                      1,961.69
       Network services -        518.00
       Press                            22,954.55
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      29,494.70

19 Jun 2013 [Chris]

 Treasurer's Office tracked down an inquiry from Sally RE: the
 Contacts DB item and whether or HALO was paid for the item within
 2012-2013 FY. There was no specific records of paying HALO RE: the
 Contacts DB.

 We reimbursed Ross Gardler for his F2F expenses for last year's
 Board meeting.

 We received a request from infra@ to bill pay a hardware purchase
 from Silicon Mechanics and took care of that.

 We've made some real headway with Paschal Greene and WFS. Chris
 just needs to enter a WFS local branch and get a WFS account -- at
 that point we already have the form and signatures to add Chris as
 a signatory on the account and allow him to perform Bill Pay --
 while cleaning up our old signators (Justin, Aaron and Geir). Sam
 already signed off on the addition as well.

 Paid the first retainer on the HALO > ASF FY 2013-14 contract and
 invoices as well as the FY 2013-14 Contacts DB fee.

 Was provided access to a simple new tool by Upayavira to track our
 fundraising activities. This provides a great visible window into
 what sponsorship dollars are headed our way to watch for in our
 Lockbox and WFS deposits.

 Worked with the Executive Assistant and paid some remaining fees
 regarding Berlin Buzzwords to Newthinking.

 Nick Burch contacted the Treasurer's Office to report that Newthinking
 needs to send some money to the ASF regarding ApacheCon EU 2012.
 The Treasurer's Office working with Nick to provide the requested

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       522,305.68
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,665.71
   PayPal:                              167,831.28
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      977,802.67

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                                  203.05
   Paypal                                 7,847.24
   Misc Deposits                          7,308.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       15,358.29

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby            19.95
       EA                                 6,983.22
       misc expense                       6,470.49
       Network services -         518.00
       hardware                          24,270.66
       Press                              9,090.90
       Sysadmin                          54,500.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      101,853.22

15 May 2013 [Chris]

 For the first time in my tenure as Treasurer (and I think in ASF
 history), we are now managing over $1M in finances for the foundation.

 A check was cut to deal with final lagging ACNA 2013 charges for
 one of our TAC travelers.

 Discussion around the audit was picked up again, with Jim calling
 for an audit to occur and consensus being reached with Chris, and
 Sam.  Chris sent a summary email detailing the 4 outcomes of the
 discussion, namely:

 1. An audit will be pushed forward - Hadrian to lead
 2. Chris is concerned about the additional time that this will
    add to his plate. Just a concern, but wants it noted.
    Sam suggested that rather than hiring a CPA to do this, we
    should be leveraging the EA.
 3. The audit is assumed be a multi-month process.
 4. Chris will proceed with helping with the audit, and continuing
    treasurer role. One concrete outcome from this is a desire by Chris
    to document the treasurer process.  INFRA-6262 created for this.

 Ulrich Stärk raised the issue of an EU subsidiary to the Treasurer's
 Office and to Upayavira from a sponsorship perspective. The idea
 is that EU sponsors would find it easier to deal with us if we had
 such a subsidiary. Additionally, ASF members dealing with the
 Treasurer's Office for reimbursements, and payments, etc., would
 also benefit from this.  Though the idea seems like a good one,
 from the Treasurer's perspective I suggested that it won't matter
 much to me -- most EU folks I reimburse or send $$$ accept wires,
 and the only pain point is the charges their banks sometimes charge.
 But otherwise it's just as easy on my end to wire money or send
 checks (bill pay) regardless. However, I did suggest to Uli to raise
 the issue to the board if desired, and that the Treasurer's Office
 would work to support whatever is decided. Largely though it's not
 the Treasurer's role to do anything other than to implement the
 policy not to define it (IMO).

 Chris and Sam have both stepped up efforts to get WFS statements
 in SVN faster than normal since Upayavira would like to track
 sponsorship donations in a more streamlined fashion.

 The EA's FY 2012 1099 copy was delivered and received at her
 residence.  Sorry for the delay. Speaking of Taxes, our FY 2012
 taxes can be started since our books for FY 2012 are now closed
 (end of April). I believe we have until 9/15 to deliver them without
 late fee. So, plenty of time!

 Sam and Chris have reached out to WFS and our financial consultant
 Paschal to deal with Bill Pay issues.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       616,647.85
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,629.07
   PayPal:                              159,984.04
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $    1,064,260.96

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                                   578.77
   Paypal                                  1,712.91
   Misc Deposits                         145,011.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       147,302.68

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski   1,193.06
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby          494.02
       EA                                4,752.75
       misc expense                        390.88
       Network services -        518.00
       ApacheCon NA 2010 - 2011         15,087.50
       ApacheCon NA 2013                 2,005.00
       Sysadmin                         15,900.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      40,341.21

 Doug noted that Treasurers generally are not immediately reappointed
 upon a board election.  Ross asks if we have concrete examples of Uli's
 concern of potential sponsors. Chris said no, and felt that it was a
 lot of work. Ross agreed that without concrete examples we shouldn't
 pursue it.

17 Apr 2013 [Chris]

 Fairly low activity this month.

 Contracted Natasha Livingston with CSC to bring Delaware Annual
 Report in good standing for the Foundation, and to pay for their
 annual service. Annual report checked into the SVN financials repo.

 Obtained account information and forwarded to Jim for yet another
 inquiry into the SVN trademark -- Jim told them that according to
 our records the funds were sent.  On the first inquiry, the law
 firm registrant claims that a wire transfer was sent to their account
 at HSBC Bank which is closed since 2011. On the second inquiry, the
 registrant claims that the wire transfer was sent to the intermediary
 account at Citibank NY, not to the beneficiary account at Citibank
 SA Brasil.

 Obtained 1099 forms from IRS - 5 copies in case anyone else needed
 one - for Melissa. Forms will be en route to IRS.

 Sam processed an ACNA 2013 registration reimbursement.

 Redhat notified us of an address change to their corporate office.

 Sam processed Bill pay for InterVision Systems.

 Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

   Wells Fargo Business Checking:       511,399.29
   Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,593.61
   PayPal:                              158,271.13
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      957,264.03

 Income Summary:

   Lockbox                               25,204.58
   Paypal                                 3,277.19
   Misc Deposits                        109,596.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $      138,077.77

 Expense Summary:

           Category                  Amount
   ----------------------------    ----------
       ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski    1,567.27
       ASF credit card - Sam Ruby         1,537.42
       EA                                 2,308.00
       misc expense                         379.48
       Network services -         518.00
       Press                              4,545.45
       Sysadmin                          30,000.00
   ----------------------------    ----------
        Total                    $       41,355.62

20 Mar 2013 [Chris]

   Medium load this month for the Treasurer's Office.

   Confirmed to Sally in late February that Global Newswire invoice
   has been paid.

   Working on payment for Melissa for ACNA 2013 receipts, and to Nick
   Burch for TAC related expenses RE: ACNA 2013. Should be completed
   in time for the board meeting on 3/20. Some other ACNA 2013 expenses
   were charged directly to Jim's credit card (FedEx shipments by
   Melissa to ACNA 2013 hotel in Portland).

   Melissa noted that after all of the ACNA 2013 flights were booked,
   we still have a credit of 440.50 GBP with The Flight Centre for
   future bookings.

   There was a short discussion between Upayavira, Chris and Daniel
   Shahaf regarding providing more visibility into lockbox/sponsor
   mapping for traceability. Discussion centered around tooling, but
   in the end, Upayavira mentioned if he could simply get access to
   the statements monthly he was probably OK.

   Melissa Warnkin our EA requested a 1099. Since I've never made one
   of those before, I've requested assistance from Sam during my first
   time generating it. I should be fine after that.

   Upayavira added a bunch of invoices that generated into the financials
   SVN repository over the past few months.

   Sam and I sent a check to Matt Benson to reimburse his registration
   for ACNA 2013.  He hasn't received the check, and is looking into
   it. Sam and I have provided him with the WFS reference #, which
   Matt will use to try and track down the check.

   Sam received a routine call from Paschal Greene of Wells Fargo. We
   made a number of suggestions and Chris is trying to schedule a con
   call with Paschal to enact the following:

    1. Remove Geir, Aaron, Phillip, and Justin from account access
       (suggested by Sam, +1 from Chris).
    2. Provide Chris with full access to Bill Pay (currently missing
    3. Reconcile Credit Cards -- Sam and Jim currently have one, as
       does Justin. Should we decommission Justin's? (question to
       Sam and Jim)
    4. Provide Full Signatory Access for Chris.

  Jim and Melissa sent along a note from Natasha Livingston of CSC
  who mentioned that our we need to get our standing in shape with
  the Delaware Secretary of State.  Apparently we need to reconcile
  a 2012 annual report, and pay off Franchise Taxes.  I've sent an
  inquiry to Natasha requesting a meeting or email conversation with
  her, and I have Jim's approval to contract with CSC to handle this
  for us. I've requested a quote from Natasha to take care of this.

   Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

     Wells Fargo Business Checking:       417,954.33
     Wells Fargo Savings:                 287,556.97
     PayPal:                              154,993.44
     ----------------------------    ----------
          Total                    $      860,504.74

 Income Summary:

     Lockbox                              100,068.98
     Paypal                                 2,348.12
     Misc Deposits                          4,308.00
     ----------------------------    ----------
          Total                    $      106,725.10

 Expense Summary:

             Category                  Amount
     ----------------------------    ----------
         ApacheConNA 2010-2011             29,275.98
         ApacheConNA 2013                     395.00
         ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski       84.98
         ASF credit card - Sam Ruby            19.95
         EA                                 4,818.01
         misc expense                         410.30
         Network services -         518.00
         Press                              4,545.45
         Sysadmin                          31,700.00
     ----------------------------    ----------
          Total                    $       71,767.67

20 Feb 2013 [Chris]

   On Jan 17th, Jim in his President's role informed Gav as TAC
   chair that for normal expenses related to TAC he is authorized
   to svn move bills from Bills/received to Bills/approved in the
   Treasurer workflow. However, TAC must provide a full accounting
   of such charges in their monthly report. It was also clarified
   that expenses for TAC team members cannot be approved by the
   TAC chair and must be approved by Jim and Ross

   All bills continue to be paid as requested. We are currently in
   process for payment to the former ApacheCon producer for charges
   for ApacheConNA 2011 and 2010 and processing TAC on the ground
   helper charges for ApacheCon NA 2013.  Sally's flight expenses to
   ApacheCon NA 2013 have been taken care of on Sam's credit card,
   with details being provided to Sally by Gav.

   Sponsorship requested that the Treasurer's office look into
   notifications for incoming sponsorship payments from WFS.

   Nick Burch made a small update to to allow it to deal
   with non-whole numbers in invoices.

   Sam and Chris have agreed to send Melissa's check earlier in the
   month since her current Bill Pay is still not functioning correctly
   and is sent to the incorrect address.

   We received another contact from the Brazilian firm handling the
   SVN mark regarding its payments it claimed it never received.
   Treasurer's office reported that this matter has been handed off
   to the ASF President and CC'ed him directly on the reply.

   Nick Burch approached the Treasurer's Office mentioning that due
   to a TAC dropout the travel agent that handles TAC booking has a
   surplus of around 440.50 GBP and requested advice from the Treasurer
   on what to do with it. Treasurer's Office is OK with leaving the
   surplus with the agent.

   Income and Expenses

 Current Balances:

     Wells Fargo Business Checking:      385,345.02
     Wells Fargo Savings:                287,523.89
     PayPal:                             152,645.82
     ----------------------------    ----------
          Total                    $     825,514.73

 Income Summary:

     Lockbox                                 412.69
     Paypal                                2,673.19
     Misc Deposits                        25,000.00
     ----------------------------    ----------
          Total                    $      28,085.88

 Expense Summary:

             Category                  Amount
     ----------------------------    ----------
     ApacheCon EU 2012                    13,300.00
     Executive Assistant                   2,346.50
     Infrastructure Contractors           30,500.00
     Network Services -            518.00
     Public Relations                      6,545.45
     Misc Expenses                           550.85
     ASF credit card - Justin Erenkrantz      50.00
     ASF credit card - Sam Ruby               36.94
     Travel Assistance Committee          10,644.40
     ----------------------------    ----------
          Total                    $      64,492.14

16 Jan 2013 [Chris]

 December 2012 was a fairly quiet month for the Treasurer's Office.

 The Office processed bonuses for infrastructure contractors per
 the direction of the VP of Infrastructure. In addition, we
 processed a train ticket reimbursement for Melissa from
 ApacheCon EU 2012 and the reimbursements for Apache Open Office
 travel support for ApacheCon EU 2012 went through.

 The Office is working with Sally to process payment for NASDAQ
 GlobeNewswire 2013 costs. Waiting for an invoice. We are also
 working with Sally and Jim to process payment for Sally's
 travel to ApacheCon NA 2013.

 We received a strange notice from one sponsor that their bank informed
 them while processing an invoice payment that Apache's ACH routing
 # has changed -- Chris is investigating.

 The Treasurer is giving a heads up to the Prezo and EVP that there
 will be a few quick turnaround approvals needed for ApacheCon NA
 2013 and TAC (including one that will have hopefully been approved
 and Processed by the time of this meeting for the #1st TAC flight

 Note the double bill for the EA below will come back since she is
 ripping up one of the checks per month while we try and get Bill pay
 fixed for her.

 Income and Expenses

        Current Balances:

            Wells Fargo Business Checking:      424,424.47
            Wells Fargo Savings:                287,487.26
            PayPal:                             149,972.63
            ----------------------------    ----------
                 Total                    $     861,884.36

        Income Summary:

            Lockbox                             1,265.00
            Paypal                              9,098.72
            ----------------------------    ----------
                 Total                    $     10,363.72

        Expense Summary:

                    Category                  Amount
            ----------------------------    ----------
            ApacheCon EU 2012                   1,606.38
            Executive Assistant                 4,616.00
            Infrastructure Contractors         40,700.00
            Network Services -          518.00
            Public Relations                    4,545.45
            Misc Expenses                         418.44
            ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski     1,333.57
            ASF credit card - Sam Ruby          1,651.61
            Taxes                                 243.18
            ----------------------------    ----------
                 Total                    $    55,632.63

19 Dec 2012 [Chris]

 All is well with the Treasurer's office.

 The biggest news to report is that our 2011 taxes are due, Saturday,
 December 15, 2012, and they have been completed, and submitted!

 The ASF's SWIFT bank code was updated on our automated invoice
 generation system (thanks to Daniel Shahaf for reporting it).

 There was a question that I brought up on the last board call
 raised by Nick Burch regarding what exactly needed operations@
 and Prezo/EVP approval in terms of reimbursements. It was
 expressed on that call by Jim that he is happy that the
 Treasurer's office is keeping operations@ and the Prezo/EVP in
 the loop on travel and ApacheCon/conference related expenses,
 and that approvals being sought on those charges is a good
 thing. So, I will continue to seek them.

 The Brazilian firm that registered the SVN trademark still claims
 to not have been paid due to a snafu in the intermediary bank part
 of the transfer. Chris confirmed that WFS lists both wires as having
 gone out on 9/24. The Treasurer's office is requesting board advice
 on what to do here. One option would be to simply re-issue the wires
 with a warning that this is the last time that they will be issued.

 The Treasurer processed an update to banking details for Tony

 The EA's check still incorrectly is Bill Paid to her old
 address.  This is a WFS issue. Chris and Sam still have not had
 time to jointly call WFS to get Bill Pay transferred into our
 control.  This is on the list to take care of hopefully in the
 next month. In the meanwhile, the Treasurer's Office will
 continue to issue ad-hoc checks (thanks, Sam) to the EA and the
 EA shreds the old checks when they eventually get rerouted to
 her correct address.

 ApacheCon EU 2012

  * Both OOO-related reimbursements have been made to imacat, and
    to Dwayne Bailey.


  * Google Summer of Code Invoices both for Uli Stark's travel to the
    mentor summit, and for our participating students have been paid.

  * Upayavira and Sally are taking the lead in processing
    sponsorship dues.

 Income and Expenses

        Current Balances:

            Wells Fargo Business Checking:  478,792.10
            Wells Fargo Savings:            287,450.64
            PayPal:                         140,873.91
            ----------------------------    ----------
                 Total                    $ 907,116.65

        Income Summary:

            GSOC 2012                        21,377.00
            Misc Deposits                     4,985.00
            Lockbox                          56,897.52
            ----------------------------    ----------
                 Total                    $  83,259.52

        Expense Summary:

                    Category                  Amount
            ----------------------------    ----------
            ApacheCon EU 2012                15,223.01
            Executive Assistant               6,924.00
            Infrastructure Contractors       28,700.00
            Network Services -        518.00
            Public Relations                  4,545.45
            Misc Expenses                       422.00
            ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski   1,074.20
            ASF credit card - Sam Ruby           19.95
            ----------------------------    ----------
                 Total                    $  57,427.21

 Chris to forward the SVN trademark payments info to Jim who
 will follow up (and make use of Melissa if appropriate)

21 Nov 2012 [Chris]

 Treasurer's office has been operating smoothly. The looming item
 is dealing with our taxes, which are now due December 15th, 2012.
 Chris found form 990 online [1] that does e-filing of 990s, so he
 will spend some time over the next few weeks to learn how to perform
 the filing, and spend some time working with Sam to gather the
 needed financial data.

 We processed requests for reimbursement for ApacheCon EU and Open
 Office travel reimbursement requests, helping to explain the Treasurer
 process, and to make sure operations@ is kept in the loop and that
 the President and EVP are responsible for providing the approvals
 on all travel related expenses per the Board F2F.


 * Google's sponsorship for ApacheCon EU 2012 came through Oct 18,
 2012. We also worked with Uli to ensure that the Google Summer of
 Code payment is also on its way and to ensure that Uli's travel to
 the mentor summit was reimbursed as requested.

 Other Requests:

 * There was an email by someone from HP on October 25th to provide
 some type of Request for Quotation. It's unclear to the Treasurer's
 office whether this was SPAM or real, but Upayavira responded
 promptly and respectfully and suggested that the person inquiring
 came to the wrong place for an RFQ as Apache doesn't provide them.

 * Aaron Williamson queried whether or not SFLC had been paid regarding
 the Brazilian trademark application for SVN and Greg Stein confirmed
 that Sam had made the appropriate international wires (2 of them)
 on September 24, 2012.

 * Chris, Ulrich Stärk and Upayavira had a brief discussion related to
 whether or not the ASF should have an EU based bank account. This
 was originally due to Uli's mentioning of the fees that he is charged
 on wires, etc., but grew into Upayavira mentioning that sponsorship
 may benefit from this especially with EU-based sponsors. Chris thought
 that having an EU bank account may have some issues with our US based
 corporation and charity status. So, I mentioned that I would raise the
 issue to the board. Thoughts?

  Budget Rollup/Summary

  Income and Expenses

       Current Balances:

           Wells Fargo Business Checking:  452,959.79
           Wells Fargo Savings:            287,415.20
           PayPal:                         136,903.28
           ----------------------------    ----------
                Total                    $ 877,278.27

       Income Summary:

           Lockbox                             611.25
           ApacheCon EU 2012                 7,500.00
           ----------------------------    ----------
                Total                    $   8,111.25

       Expense Summary:

                   Category                  Amount
           ----------------------------    ----------
           ApacheCon EU 2012                   12,400.57
           Google Summer of Code 2012             897.43
           Executive Assistant                  2,308.00
           Infrastructure Contractors          28,700.00
           Network Services -           518.00
           Public Relations                     4,545.45
           Misc Expenses                        2,778.49
           ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski        622.48
           ASF credit card - Sam Ruby              19.95

           ----------------------------    ----------
                Total                     $    52,790.37

17 Oct 2012 [Chris]

  It's been a busy month for the Treasurer, hence the late report.
  Most of the business has had to do with various odds and ends for
  ApacheCon EU 2012 but the good news is that it's all been really
  positive and it looks like there is a ton of progress. Treasurer
  is servicing bill pay/EFT and so far so good for payments on-time,
  and other such things.

  Chris is set up with WFS and has received his token to get online
  (thanks Sam). PayPal is set up for Chris as well so full required
  access is available for Chris to lead some of the things like EFTs
  and Wires which he was previously unable to complete (thanks again
  to Sam there).  Chris probably does need some training from Sam in
  the EFT/Wire area, and Sam has agreed to spend an hour or two
  providing it to him at some point in the next month.

  We need to transfer the Bill pay access control from Geir to Chris
  at some point soon. Chris has reached out to Geir but hasn't heard
  back on that front yet. Sam and Chris also discussed our current
  system of 1 other person acknowledging an EFT/Wire as something
  that is a current SPOF and that should be addressed at some point
  in the future.

  There was discussion on 10/4 about PayPal pass through insurance
  and on PayPal not being insured by the FDIC [2]. No specific actions
  came from the discussion.

  Chris talked to Hadrian on a telecon announced on treasurer@ to
  discuss audit and to bring Hadrian up to speed on the goings on
  since Chris took over as Treasurer on 10/5. No specific actions or
  outcomes came from the discussion.

  ApacheCon EU 2012

    * Sponsorship/Fundraising:
     - Responded to a request from Sally to invoice Citrix
       on 9/20 [1].
     - Received confirmation for registration in RedHat Supplier
       Management portal necessary for sponsorship (working
       with Leslie Hawthorn/Jim Jag on RedHat side) and requested a PO
       from Leslie for RedHat sponsorship.
     - Confirmed that the ASF is set up as a vendor in the VMWare

   * Travel/Flights
     - Wire Transfer for ApacheCon EU 2012 initial flights completed
       by Sam on 9/24.

   * Received a request from Oliver-Rainer Wittmann for Apache Open
     Office - fund allocation for ACEU 2012
      - Worked out a plan for the Apache OO folks to spend monies the ASF
        received on travel reimbursements and other stipends associated
        with ApacheCon EU 2012. Treasurer is fine with this policy and
        process, and it was agreed to be coordinated with President
        (Jim/Ross) and operations@ as requests for travel reimbursement
        related to the OO side process occur.

 General Sponsorship/Fundraising:
    * Inquiries
      - Responded to a request from Bill Rowe RE: information on prior
        VMWare/SpringSource/Covalent sponsorships for Apache.


    * Donated Car
     -  Roy and Chris closed the loop with The Car Program charities
        on a check for a vehicle sale donation proceeds check. Amount
        unknown at this time. Should be on its way into our lockbox.

 Budget Rollup/Summary

 Income and Expenses - September 2012

      Current Balances:

          Wells Fargo Business Checking:  497,638.91
          Wells Fargo Savings:            287,371.11
          PayPal:                         133,126.60
          ----------------------------    ----------
               Total                    $ 918,136.62

      Income Summary:

          Lockbox                           2,500.00
          Other                             6,222.12
          ----------------------------    ----------
               Total                    $   8,722.12

      Expense Summary:

                  Category                  Amount
          ----------------------------    ----------
          ApacheCon EU 2012                  7,250.00
          Executive Assistant                2,308.00
          Infrastructure Contractors        25,150.00
          Network Services -         518.00
          Public Relations                   4,545.45
          Misc Expenses                      6,177.82
          ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski      864.76
          ASF credit card - Sam Ruby         3,801.51

          ----------------------------    ----------
               Total                     $  50,615.54



19 Sep 2012 [Chris]

 Chris's transition as ASF Treasurer is going along smoothly,
 thanks to Sam and others.

 The biggest issue is filing 2011 Taxes. Chris filed an
 extension using IRS form 8868 [1] and file taxes using form
 990. Since our 2011 Taxes were originally due on Sep 15, 2012,
 they are now due on Dec 15, 2012.

 Chris has been curating a Quicken database [2] based off of Sam's
 Treasurer scripts and it is up to date through
 August 2012 (CYTD). Chris is working on a 2011 Quicken DB for
 the tax situation since we believe Quicken has some bells and
 whistles to make this process less difficult.

 Sam is working to get Chris account access and an RSA hard/soft
 token to the Wells Fargo account. Also Sam has given
 Chris access to our Paypal account and Chris confirmed he can log

 Chris brought up the need to ensure HALO was paid on time
 (request from Sally), and Sam ensured that he would cover bill
 paying for August 2012 until Chris has the ability to pay bills
 from Wells Fargo.

 Sally and Melissa and Upayavira and Greg have been working with
 Google and secured $7500 in subsidies for student registration
 and select speaker expenses for ApacheCon EU 2012. Chris and
 Sam worked with Sally to create an invoice for Google so that we
 can get the money headed our way.

 Hadrian Zbarcea is leading an effort working with the ASF Board
 to get an audit process going for the ASF's finances. Talks
 appear to be ongoing and no specific action is required from the
 Treasurer at this time.

 Income and Expenses - August 2012

      Current Balances:

          Wells Fargo Business Checking:  539,532.33
          Wells Fargo Savings:            287,323.87
          PayPal:                         128,255.99
          ----------------------------    ----------
               Total                    $ 955,112.19

      Income Summary:

          Sponsors                        201,193.73
          ----------------------------    ----------
               Total                    $ 201,193.73

      Expense Summary:

                  Category                  Amount
          ----------------------------    ----------
          Executive Assistant               2,508.09
          Infrastructure Contractors       36,400.00
          Network Services -        518.00
          Public Relations                  5,271.08
          Misc Expenses                     3,802.77
          ASF credit card - Jim Jagielski   2,981.81
          ASF credit card - Sam Ruby        2,783.79

          ----------------------------    ----------
               Total                     $ 54,265.54


  AI Chris transfer money from PayPal account; review whether
  transfer affects FDIC insurance.

15 Aug 2012 [Sam]

 Income and Expenses - July 2012

     Current Balances:

         Wells Fargo Business Checking:  384,904.14
         Wells Fargo Savings:            287,275.07
         PayPal:                         122,846.52
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                    $ 795,025.73

     Income Summary:

         Sponsors                         20,000.00
         Other                             2,452.05
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                     $ 22,452.05

     Expense Summary:

                 Category                  Amount
         ----------------------------    ----------
         Executive Assistant               2,308.00
         Infrastructure                      518.00
         Infrastructure Contractors       25,150.00
         Public Relations                 10,850.90
         Secretary                            19.95
         Treasurer                           411.74
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                     $ 39,258.59


    * I was unaware that auto-pay for HALO was set up to expire when
      the previous contract ended.  This caused July's payment to
      be sent out late.  I chose to pre-pay August early while this
      is being straightened out -- the above summary reflects both

    * Chris Mattmann has begun work on providing status of the financials
      as input to the D&O Liability Renewal.  (This item should be
      complete by the time of the board meeting)

    * It is time to begin work on our annual tax returns.  I'll
      coordinate this with my likely replacement(s) to decide how we
      will divvy up this task.

    * I have yet to transfer the funds from PayPal to Wells Fargo.

25 Jul 2012 [Sam]

 Income and Expenses - June 2012

     Current Balances:

         Wells Fargo Business Checking:  403,932.73
         Wells Fargo Savings:            287,226.28
         PayPal:                         120,673.26
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                     $811,832.27

     Income Summary:

         Sponsors                         64,992.50
         SPI (for AOO PPMC)               21,857.84
         Other                             6,954.18
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                     $ 93,804.53

     Expense Summary:

                 Category                  Amount
         ----------------------------    ----------
         Concom                            3,337.34
         Executive Assistant               2,308.00
         Infrastructure                      518.00
         Infrastructure Contractors       28,700.00
         Treasurer                           438.55
         Uncategorized/Multiple              103.68
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                     $ 35,405.57


    * As previously discussed, the nearly $22K from Software in the
      Public Interest, Inc. consists of donations collected for the
      Open Office project, and we will need to spend those funds
      in a manner consistent with the expectations under which
      they were collected.

    * I have yet to transfer the funds from PayPal to Wells Fargo.

20 Jun 2012 [Sam]

 Income and Expenses - May 2012

     Wells Fargo Business Checking: $376,195.56
     Wells Fargo Savings:           $287,083.09
     PayPal:                        $115,164.04

     Total Income:

         $7,142.08 (4K from ConCom)

     Expense Summary:

                 Category                  Amount
         ----------------------------    ----------
         Executive Assistant               2,308.00
         Infrastructure                   20,058.92
         Infrastructure Contractors       38,600.00
         Public Relations Contractors     29,545.45
         Secretary                            19.95
         Treasurer                           368.13
         ----------------------------    ----------
              Total                      $90,900.45

 Discussion items:

     1) I proposed a plan to move $100K from PayPal to Wells Fargo.
        I received some mild push back and no support.  This is not
        urgent, so I'm holding on this for the moment.

     2) I would like to have a discussion, either at the board meeting,
        on the board mailing list, or at the F2F as to what level of
        detail we should be publishing this data for external consumption.

 The board approved making Sam the named contact at PayPal. Sam
 will discuss on the board list the level of reporting for
 Treasurer in board reports.

16 May 2012 [Sam]

 No report was received. Sam made a verbal report: Last month,
 contractors all were paid, and two bills were paid. Would like
 to make Noirin assistant treasurer with the idea to become
 treasurer. Details to follow.

18 Apr 2012 [Sam]

 All approved bills are paid with the exception of one wire to Nick
 Burch.  Conveniently, this serves as an illustration of the exact
 type of support I would like to request.

 But first, I will back up.  When I started this role, my first focus
 was on documenting the processes as best I understood them.  I got
 little or no feedback to that effort.  Then I focused on execution -
 paying outstanding bills and sending out 1099's.  My plan was then to
 turn to record keeping.

 The problem with this approach is that I don't want to be a cargo cult
 Treasurer - doing things merely because that appears to be the way that
 things were done in the past.  Nor do I want to be both the architect
 of checks and balances as well as the person who executes on

 While I do have people in mind for the following roles, and have reason
 to believe that they are willing to do the tasks I'm about to describe,
 this time I will merely state the requirements for what I have in mind,
 and we can discuss how to proceed from there.

 For the short term, I want two people to help me.  In the mid term I
 will want a third.

 Short term person number one would be an assistant treasurer.  That
 person needs to have the availability and context to be able to check
 with SVN and be able to independently make the determination that Sam
 initiating a wire to Nick Burch based on a request approved by Ross
 Gardler is a reasonable thing to approve.  That's the scope of what
 that task will entail for the moment.  Jim will be the fallback should
 that person not be available, but we need somebody dedicated to this

 Short term I also want somebody to define the process which --
 depending on your perspective -- will reduce the need for an audit or
 improve the chances than an audit will not identify any problems.  That
 person needs to have access to our current books and have the authority
 to pay for professional accounting assistance to complete this task.
 Yes, I could be the interface to that accountant, but for now I would
 prefer to have one level of indirection.  Together they come up with
 the definition of how we track what we are doing, and myself and the
 Assistant Treasurer will follow those procedures.

 Mid term I anticipate that I could do with some clerical help in terms
 of entering transactions into the books.  But that necessarily will
 have to wait until after the procedures are defined.

 Discussion: Sam would like to have a short list of candidates
 for assistant treasurer, solicited privately. An audit
 committee would be useful, only active a short time per
 quarter. Continue the discussion on the board mailing list.

21 Mar 2012 [Sam]

 All bills are paid.  All contractors are paid.  A 1099 was sent to
 Melissa.  No taxes are due at this time.

 I'm documenting the process as I go.  Once the situation is under
 control I plan to identify an Assistant Treasurer and make use of the
 existing EA.

 My next priority is producing reports.  I have a copy of QuickBooks.

15 Feb 2012 [Geir]

 AI: Sam to pursue a report for Treasurer

24 Jan 2012 [Geir]

 No report was submitted.

21 Dec 2011 [Geir]

    Books are up to date as of 12/1/2011. Current (12/21/2011) balances are
    total cash of $747,108.73 at Wells Fargo and $62,126.18 at PayPal.

    Bills : All paid.  2 pending payment details from payees.

    To Do :
    - tax returns on website
    - Nov lockbox processing (amounts are in books...)

   Statement of Financial Income and Expense - Nov 2011

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                          54.22
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                 50,460.00
            Total Contributions Income                           50,460.00

         Total Income                                            50,514.22

            Bank Service Charges                                    291.26
            Contract Labor                                        2,308.00
            Postage and Delivery                                    538.78
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                 Infrastructure Staff               27,215.00
                 Infrastructure - Other               -769.05
              Total Infrastructure                         26,963.95

              Public Relations
                 Public Relations Staff              4,545.45
              Total Public Relations                        4,545.45

              Conference Expenses                           3,801.20
            Total Program Expenses                               35,310.60

         Total Expense                                           38,448.64

      Net Ordinary Income                                        12,065.58

   Net Income                                                    12,065.58

 Statement of Financial Position - As of November 30, 2011

                                                  Nov 30, 11     Nov 30, 10     $ Change      % Change

      Current Assets
           Other Expenses                              333.90         333.90          0.00          0.0%
           Other Income                               -411.57        -411.57          0.00          0.0%
           Paypal                                   30,159.58      30,159.58          0.00          0.0%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            488,461.09     185,719.13    302,741.96        163.0%
           Wells Fargo Savings                     286,891.24     286,030.69        860.55          0.3%
         Total Checking/Savings                    805,434.24     501,831.73    303,602.51         60.5%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                      20,600.00      80,600.00    -60,000.00        -74.4%
         Total Accounts Receivable                  20,600.00      80,600.00    -60,000.00        -74.4%

      Total Current Assets                         826,034.24     582,431.73    243,602.51         41.8%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                    826,034.24     582,431.73    243,602.51         41.8%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci          -322.25         606.37       -928.62       -153.1%
              ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00          16.45        -16.45       -100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 1,789.08       1,221.14        567.94         46.5%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00           0.00        -50.00       -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                        1,416.83       1,843.96       -427.13        -23.2%

         Total Current Liabilities                   1,416.83       1,843.96       -427.13        -23.2%

      Total Liabilities                              1,416.83       1,843.96       -427.13        -23.2%

         Retained Earnings                         780,865.26     626,337.08    154,528.18         24.7%
         Net Income                                 43,752.15     -45,749.31     89,501.46        195.6%
      Total Equity                                 824,617.41     580,587.77    244,029.64         42.0%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      826,034.24     582,431.73    243,602.51         41.8%

16 Nov 2011 [Geir]


     Books are up to date as of 10/7/2011. Current (10/26/2011) balances are
     total cash of $765,449.55 at Wells Fargo and $44,782.76 at PayPal.

     All bills are paid.

     Received $40k from Hortonworks, $100k from Yahoo!, $20k from PSW Group, and what
     I think was intended to be $5k from LIIP AG (came in at $4987). The $100k and $40k
     will be in statement of income/expense next month as they deposited post 10/1.

     To Do :
     - GSOC PO
     - tax returns on website

    Statement of Financial Income and Expense - Sept 2011

       Ordinary Income/Expense
             Interest Income                                            58.92
             Contributions Income
               Unrestricted                                   24,987.00
             Total Contributions Income                             24,987.00

          Total Income                                              25,045.92

             President Discretionary                                    82.95
             Bank Service Charges                                      327.41
             Contract Labor                                          2,308.00
             Licenses and Permits                                      275.00
             Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
             Program Expenses
                  Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                  Hardware Purchases                    7,622.50
                  Infrastructure Staff                 26,600.00
               Total Infrastructure                           34,740.50

               Public Relations
                  PRC Travel                            2,197.26
                  Public Relations Staff                4,545.45
                  Public Relations - Other                300.00
               Total Public Relations                          7,042.71

               Conference Expenses                               694.02
             Total Program Expenses                                 42,477.23

          Total Expense                                             45,490.54

       Net Ordinary Income                                         -20,444.62

    Net Income                                                     -20,444.62

   Statement of Financial Position - As of September 30, 2011

                                                   Sep 30, 11     Sep 30, 10     $ Change      % Change

       Current Assets
            Other Expenses                              333.90         333.90          0.00          0.0%
            Other Income                               -411.57        -411.57          0.00          0.0%
            Paypal                                   30,159.58      27,685.86      2,473.72          8.9%
            Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            354,172.53     210,812.75    143,359.78         68.0%
            Wells Fargo Savings                     286,776.12     285,839.54        936.58          0.3%
          Total Checking/Savings                    671,030.56     524,260.48    146,770.08         28.0%

          Accounts Receivable
            Accounts Receivable                      20,600.00      65,000.00    -44,400.00        -68.3%
          Total Accounts Receivable                  20,600.00      65,000.00    -44,400.00        -68.3%

       Total Current Assets                         691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

    TOTAL ASSETS                                    691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

          Current Liabilities
            Credit Cards
               ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci             0.00       3,816.83     -3,816.83       -100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00           7.79         -7.79       -100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 4,045.13          39.90      4,005.23     10,038.2%
               ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00           0.00        -50.00       -100.0%
            Total Credit Cards                        3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

          Total Current Liabilities                   3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

       Total Liabilities                              3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

          Retained Earnings                         780,865.26     626,337.08    154,528.18         24.7%
          Net Income                                -93,229.83     -40,941.12    -52,288.71       -127.7%
       Total Equity                                 687,635.43     585,395.96    102,239.47         17.5%

    TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%


     Books are up to date as of 11/1/2011. Current (11/15/2011) balances are
     total cash of $735,890.83 at Wells Fargo and $50,159.71 at PayPal.

     Bills : 2 pending payment details from payees.

     To Do :
     - GSOC PO
     - tax returns on website

    Statement of Financial Income and Expense - October 2011

       Ordinary Income/Expense
             Interest Income                                           60.90
             Contributions Income
               Unrestricted                                 139,950.00
             Total Contributions Income                           139,950.00

          Total Income                                            140,010.90

             Bank Service Charges                                     404.68
             Contract Labor                                         2,308.00
             Program Expenses
                  Colocation Expenses                    518.00
                  Infrastructure Staff                 7,100.0
               Total Infrastructure                           7,618.0

               Public Relations
                  PRC Travel                             218.37
                  Public Relations Staff               4,545.45
               Total Public Relations                         4,763.82

             Total Program Expenses                                12,381.82

          Total Expense                                            15,094.50

       Net Ordinary Income                                        124,916.40

    Net Income                                                    124,916.40

    Statement of Financial Position - As of October 31, 2011

                                                   Oct 31, 11     Oct 31, 10     $ Change      % Change

       Current Assets
            Other Expenses                              333.90         333.90          0.00          0.0%
            Other Income                               -411.57        -411.57          0.00          0.0%
            Paypal                                   30,159.58      30,159.58          0.00          0.0%
            Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            478,314.06     172,623.24    305,690.82        177.1%
            Wells Fargo Savings                     286,837.02     285,936.67        900.35          0.3%
          Total Checking/Savings                    795,232.99     488,641.82    306,591.17         62.7%

          Accounts Receivable
            Accounts Receivable                      20,600.00      55,600.00    -35,000.00        -63.0%
          Total Accounts Receivable                  20,600.00      55,600.00    -35,000.00        -63.0%

       Total Current Assets                         815,832.99     544,241.82    271,591.17         49.9%

    TOTAL ASSETS                                    815,832.99     544,241.82    271,591.17         49.9%

          Current Liabilities
            Credit Cards
               ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci             0.00       3,809.83     -3,809.83       -100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00           7.79         -7.79       -100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 3,331.16       2,681.99        649.17         24.2%
               ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00           0.00        -50.00       -100.0%
            Total Credit Cards                        3,281.16       6,499.61     -3,218.45        -49.5%

          Total Current Liabilities                   3,281.16       6,499.61     -3,218.45        -49.5%

       Total Liabilities                              3,281.16       6,499.61     -3,218.45        -49.5%

          Retained Earnings                         780,865.26     626,337.08    154,528.18         24.7%
          Net Income                                 31,686.57     -88,594.87    120,281.44        135.8%
       Total Equity                                 812,551.83     537,742.21    274,809.62         51.1%

    TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      815,832.99     544,241.82    271,591.17         49.9%

      Sam Ruby was appointed Assistant Treasurer by unanimous roll-call
      vote of the Directors present.

26 Oct 2011 [Geir]

   Books are up to date as of 10/7/2011. Current (10/26/2011) balances are
   total cash of $765,449.55 at Wells Fargo and $44,782.76 at PayPal.

   All bills are paid.

   Received $40k from Hortonworks, $100k from Yahoo!, $20k from PSW Group, and what
   I think was intended to be $5k from LIIP AG (came in at $4987). The $100k and $40k
   will be in statement of income/expense next month as they deposited post 10/1.

   To Do :
   - GSOC PO
   - tax returns on website

  Statement of Financial Income and Expense - Sept 2011

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                            58.92
           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                   24,987.00
           Total Contributions Income                             24,987.00

        Total Income                                              25,045.92

           President Discretionary                                    82.95
           Bank Service Charges                                      327.41
           Contract Labor                                          2,308.00
           Licenses and Permits                                      275.00
           Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                Hardware Purchases                    7,622.50
                Infrastructure Staff                 26,600.00
             Total Infrastructure                           34,740.50

             Public Relations
                PRC Travel                            2,197.26
                Public Relations Staff                4,545.45
                Public Relations - Other                300.00
             Total Public Relations                          7,042.71

             Conference Expenses                               694.02
           Total Program Expenses                                 42,477.23

        Total Expense                                             45,490.54

     Net Ordinary Income                                         -20,444.62

  Net Income                                                     -20,444.62

 Statement of Financial Position - As of September 30, 2011

                                                 Sep 30, 11     Sep 30, 10     $ Change      % Change

     Current Assets
          Other Expenses                              333.90         333.90          0.00          0.0%
          Other Income                               -411.57        -411.57          0.00          0.0%
          Paypal                                   30,159.58      27,685.86      2,473.72          8.9%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            354,172.53     210,812.75    143,359.78         68.0%
          Wells Fargo Savings                     286,776.12     285,839.54        936.58          0.3%
        Total Checking/Savings                    671,030.56     524,260.48    146,770.08         28.0%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                      20,600.00      65,000.00    -44,400.00        -68.3%
        Total Accounts Receivable                  20,600.00      65,000.00    -44,400.00        -68.3%

     Total Current Assets                         691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                    691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci             0.00       3,816.83     -3,816.83       -100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00           7.79         -7.79       -100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 4,045.13          39.90      4,005.23     10,038.2%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00           0.00        -50.00       -100.0%
          Total Credit Cards                        3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

        Total Current Liabilities                   3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

     Total Liabilities                              3,995.13       3,864.52        130.61          3.4%

        Retained Earnings                         780,865.26     626,337.08    154,528.18         24.7%
        Net Income                                -93,229.83     -40,941.12    -52,288.71       -127.7%
     Total Equity                                 687,635.43     585,395.96    102,239.47         17.5%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      691,630.56     589,260.48    102,370.08         17.4%

21 Sep 2011 [Geir]

  Books are up to date as of 9/20/2011. Current balances are total cash
  of $650,680.73 at Wells Fargo and $41,656.52 at PayPal

  All bills are paid.

  FY2010 US Tax return filed.

  In Progress:
    - need to sync w/ Serge to get invoices he independently generates
    - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense - August 2011

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                                            60.87
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                                       61.86
          Total Contributions Income                                 61.86

       Total Income                                                 122.73

          Bank Service Charges                                      453.56
          Contract Labor                                          2,308.00
            Liability Insurance                             1,468.00
          Total Insurance                                         1,468.00

          Postage and Delivery                                      186.59
          Program Expenses
               Colocation Expenses                     518.00
               Hardware Purchases                   15,269.13
               Infrastructure Staff                  7,100.00
               Infrastructure Travel                 1,573.73
            Total Infrastructure                           24,460.86

            Travel Assistance                              16,745.31
            Public Relations
               PRC Travel                               26.00
               Public Relations Staff                4,545.45
               Public Relations - Other              9,000.00
            Total Public Relations                         13,571.45

          Total Program Expenses                                 54,777.62

       Total Expense                                             59,193.77

    Net Ordinary Income                                         -59,071.04

 Net Income                                                     -59,071.04

 Statement of Financial Position - As of August 31, 2011

                                                Aug 31, 11    Aug 31, 10      $ Change      % Change

    Current Assets
         Other Expenses                              333.90        333.90           0.00          0.0%
         Other Income                               -411.57       -411.57           0.00          0.0%
         PayPal                                   30,159.58     27,629.86       2,529.72          9.2%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            373,056.85    190,622.04     182,434.81         95.7%
         Wells Fargo Savings                     286,717.20    285,745.59         971.61          0.3%
       Total Checking/Savings                    689,855.96    503,919.82     185,936.14         36.9%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                      20,600.00    100,000.00     -79,400.00        -79.4%
       Total Accounts Receivable                  20,600.00    100,000.00     -79,400.00        -79.4%

    Total Current Assets                         710,455.96    603,919.82     106,536.14         17.6%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                    710,455.96    603,919.82     106,536.14         17.6%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci             0.00        573.00        -573.00       -100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 1,385.91        940.51         445.40         47.4%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00          0.00         -50.00       -100.0%
         Total Credit Cards                        1,335.91      1,513.51        -177.60        -11.7%

       Total Current Liabilities                   1,335.91      1,513.51        -177.60        -11.7%

    Total Liabilities                              1,335.91      1,513.51        -177.60        -11.7%

       Retained Earnings                         780,865.26    626,337.08     154,528.18         24.7%
       Net Income                                -71,745.21    -23,930.77     -47,814.44       -199.8%
    Total Equity                                 709,120.05    602,406.31     106,713.74         17.7%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      710,455.96    603,919.82     106,536.14         17.6%

17 Aug 2011 [Geir]

 Am away with family on vacation.  Things are smooth, and there is nothing
 that needs the attention of the board at this time. Will file standard
 report next week when I get back.

20 Jul 2011 [Geir]

    Books are up to date as of 7/1/2011.   As of 7/20/2011, current balances
    are total cash of $632,947.33 at Wells Fargo and $38,339.03 at PayPal.

    Next batch of bills will be paid this week.

    In Progress:
      - sort out credit cards
      - followups from member's meeting
      - Tax return
      - need to sync w/ Serge to get invoices he independently generates
      - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

  Statement of Financial Income and Expense - June 2011

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                          68.31
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                 12,714.20
            Total Contributions Income                           12,714.20

         Total Income                                            12,782.51

            Bank Service Charges                                    440.59
            Contract Labor                                        2,308.00
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                    518.00
                 Infrastructure Staff                 7,100.00
              Total Infrastructure                          7,618.00

              Public Relations                             25,000.00
              Conference Expenses                             135.75
            Total Program Expenses                               32,753.75

         Total Expense                                           35,502.34

      Net Ordinary Income                                       -22,719.83

   Net Income                                                   -22,719.83

 Statement of Financial Position - As of June 30, 2011

                                                 Jun 30, 11    Jun 30, 10     $ Change       % Change

      Current Assets
           Other Expenses                             587.38        379.49        207.89          54.8%
           Other Income                            -4,464.12       -649.03     -3,815.09        -587.8%
           Paypal                                  30,159.58     24,137.97      6,021.61          25.0%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account           324,236.03    250,627.14     73,608.89          29.4%
           Wells Fargo Savings                    286,595.47    285,551.50      1,043.97           0.4%
         Total Checking/Savings                   637,114.34    560,047.07     77,067.27          13.8%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                     70,600.00    100,000.00    -29,400.00         -29.4%
         Total Accounts Receivable                 70,600.00    100,000.00    -29,400.00         -29.4%

      Total Current Assets                        707,714.34    660,047.07     47,667.27           7.2%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                   707,714.34    660,047.07     47,667.27           7.2%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   19.95         23.30         -3.35         -14.4%
              ASF Credit Card - Striker                 0.00      3,215.90     -3,215.90        -100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            -50.00          0.00        -50.00        -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                         -30.05      3,239.20     -3,269.25        -100.9%

         Total Current Liabilities                    -30.05      3,239.20     -3,269.25        -100.9%

      Total Liabilities                               -30.05      3,239.20     -3,269.25        -100.9%

         Retained Earnings                        777,066.19    626,337.08    150,729.11          24.1%
         Net Income                               -69,321.80     30,470.79    -99,792.59        -327.5%
      Total Equity                                707,744.39    656,807.87     50,936.52           7.8%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     707,714.34    660,047.07     47,667.27           7.2%

     Larry: do we have too much money? The IRS is not a problem. We
     should think about what we should do with the money as it
     might discourage contributions.

     Sam: has it discouraged contributions? Greg: it hasn't been an
     issue with our big platnimum sponsors... at most it might
     affect paypal contributions.

     Doug: please discuss it on the list, and possibly bring it
     back as a discussion item next month.

     Larry: What does "receivables" mean? Serge: those are (likely)
     sponsorship invoices that have been sent but have not yet been

15 Jun 2011 [Geir]

    Books are up to date.   Current balances are total cash of
    $630,724.74 at Wells Fargo and $37,950.88 at PayPal.

    In terms of lockbox, we received :

     contribution checks  :
        - Cafepress
        - Carprogram

     payment check :
        - Eventbrite for Knockree

     mystery check :
        - FaceBook for $7500 : currently credited as contribution income,
          but if anyone has better information, let me know

    Bills paid as of 5/31.  Next batch this week.

    In Progress:
      - Tax return
      - need to sync w/ Serge to get invoices he independently generates
      - sort out CCs
        from QB entered for accrual
      - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

  Statement of Financial Income and Expense - May 2011

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                            80.84
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                      204.61
            Total Contributions Income                                204.61

         Total Income                                                 285.45

            Bank Service Charges                                      284.15
            Contract Labor                                          2,308.00
            Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                 Hardware Purchases                    5,285.00
                 Infrastructure Staff                 23,350.00
              Total Infrastructure                           29,153.00

              Public Relations
                 PRC Travel                              449.40
                 Public Relations - Other              5,088.96
              Total Public Relations                          5,538.36

              Conference Expenses                             6,600.92
            Total Program Expenses                                 41,292.28

            Travel & Ent                                            2,983.04
         Total Expense                                             46,887.42

      Net Ordinary Income                                         -46,601.97

   Net Income                                                     -46,601.97

 Statement of Financial Position - As of May 31, 2011

                                                   May 31, 11    May 31, 10      $ Change       % Change

      Current Assets
           Other Expenses                               587.38         373.83        213.55          57.1%
           Other Income                              -4,464.12        -559.96     -3,904.16        -697.2%
           PayPal                                    30,159.58      24,054.56      6,105.02          25.4%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             347,060.57     265,383.36     81,677.21          30.8%
           Wells Fargo Savings                      286,527.16     285,457.64      1,069.52           0.4%
         Total Checking/Savings                     659,870.57     574,709.43     85,161.14          14.8%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                       70,600.00     120,000.00    -49,400.00         -41.2%
         Total Accounts Receivable                   70,600.00     120,000.00    -49,400.00         -41.2%

      Total Current Assets                          730,470.57     694,709.43     35,761.14           5.2%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                     730,470.57     694,709.43     35,761.14           5.2%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Phil Gollucci            16.45           0.00         16.45         100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     39.90          83.30        -43.40         -52.1%
              ASF Credit Card - Striker                   0.00       1,839.90     -1,839.90        -100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz              -50.00           0.00        -50.00        -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                             6.35       1,923.20     -1,916.85         -99.7%

         Total Current Liabilities                        6.35       1,923.20     -1,916.85         -99.7%

      Total Liabilities                                   6.35       1,923.20     -1,916.85         -99.7%

         Retained Earnings                          777,066.19     626,337.08    150,729.11          24.1%
         Net Income                                 -46,601.97      66,449.15   -113,051.12        -170.1%
      Total Equity                                  730,464.22     692,786.23     37,677.99           5.4%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       730,470.57     694,709.43     35,761.14           5.2%

19 May 2011 [Geir]

A report was expected, but not received

20 Apr 2011 [Geir]

 There are no outstanding issues re treasury.  Received form from WF
 to do credit card reassignments and will need second board signature.
 Expect to complete that early next week.

16 Mar 2011 [Geir]

     Books are up to date.   Current balances are total cash of
     $724,133.57 at Wells Fargo and $36,892.21 at PayPal.

     In terms of lockbox, we received :

      contribution checks  :
         - AOL
         - Environmental Defense
         - MSFT Matching Gifts Program

      sponsorship program checks :
         - FaceBook

     In Progress:
       - ASF monthly expense data
       - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

  Statement of Financial Income and Expense - February 2011

       Ordinary Income/Expense
             Interest Income                                          76.85
             Contributions Income
               Unrestricted                                 27,205.14
             Total Contributions Income                           27,205.14

          Total Income                                            27,281.99

             Bank Service Charges                                    430.47
             Contract Labor                                        4,616.00
             Licenses and Permits                                    363.00
             Postage and Delivery                                     19.95
             Program Expenses
                  Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                  Hardware Purchases                 15,679.00
                  Infrastructure Staff                    0.00
               Total Infrastructure                         16,197.00

               Travel Assistance                             1,523.15
               Public Relations
                  PRC Travel                          4,990.77
               Total Public Relations                        4,990.77

             Total Program Expenses                               22,710.92

             Taxes                                                 1,252.43
             Travel & Ent
               Lodging                                         524.18
             Total Travel & Ent                                      524.18

          Total Expense                                           29,916.95

       Net Ordinary Income                                        -2,634.96

    Net Income                                                    -2,634.96

 Statement of Financial Position - As of Feb 28, 2011

                                                   Feb 28, 11     Feb 28, 10     $ Change      % Change

       Current Assets
            Other Expenses                              587.38         222.48        364.90        164.0%
            Other Income                             -4,464.12        -410.66     -4,053.46       -987.1%
            PayPal                                   30,159.58      19,108.33     11,051.25         57.8%
            Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            321,159.85     200,779.19    120,380.66         60.0%
            Wells Fargo Savings                     286,278.82     285,169.98      1,108.84          0.4%
          Total Checking/Savings                    633,721.51     504,869.32    128,852.19         25.5%

          Accounts Receivable
            Accounts Receivable                     175,600.00      90,000.00     85,600.00         95.1%
          Total Accounts Receivable                 175,600.00      90,000.00     85,600.00         95.1%

       Total Current Assets                         809,321.51     594,869.32    214,452.19         36.1%

    TOTAL ASSETS                                    809,321.51     594,869.32    214,452.19         36.1%

          Current Liabilities
            Credit Cards
               ASF Credit Card - Philip Golucci           0.00       1,191.96     -1,191.96       -100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna             16.45           0.00         16.45        100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    39.90          39.90          0.00          0.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00         198.45       -248.45       -125.2%
            Total Credit Cards                            6.35       1,430.31     -1,423.96        -99.6%

          Total Current Liabilities                       6.35       1,430.31     -1,423.96        -99.6%

       Total Liabilities                                  6.35       1,430.31     -1,423.96        -99.6%

          Retained Earnings                         626,337.08     363,648.74    262,688.34         72.2%
          Net Income                                182,978.08     229,790.27    -46,812.19        -20.4%
       Total Equity                                 809,315.16     593,439.01    215,876.15         36.4%

    TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      809,321.51     594,869.32    214,452.19         36.1%

16 Feb 2011 [Geir]

    Books are up to date.   Current balances are total cash of
    $634,042.35 at Wells Fargo and $36,398.30 at Paypal.

    In terms of lockbox, we received :

     contribution checks  :

       - LexisNexis
       - BiblioLabs LLC
       - CafePress
       - NetworkForGood
       - OpenLogic

    Tasks Done:
      - fundraising support (invoices)
      - all bills paid
      - backpay for EA
      - recurring payments to EA

    In Progress:
      - ASF monthly expense data
      - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense - January 2011

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                            85.07
            Program Income
              Conference                                     12,349.21
            Total Program Income                                   12,349.21

            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                  101,381.85
            Total Contributions Income                            101,381.85

         Total Income                                             113,816.13

            Bank Service Charges                                      342.82
            Licenses and Permits                                       55.00
            Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                 Hardware Purchases                   37,656.42
                 Infrastructure Staff                  6,500.00
              Total Infrastructure                           44,674.42

              Public Relations
                 PRC Travel                            1,586.48
              Total Public Relations                          1,586.48

            Total Program Expenses                                 46,260.90

            Travel & Ent                                             -524.18
         Total Expense                                             46,154.49

      Net Ordinary Income                                          67,661.64

   Net Income                                                      67,661.64

 Statement of Financial Position - As of January 31, 2011

                                                  Jan 31, 11    Jan 31, 10     $ Change      % Change

      Current Assets
           Other Expenses                              587.38        140.34        447.04        318.5%
           Other Income                             -4,464.12       -409.90     -4,054.22       -989.1%
           Paypal                                   30,159.58     16,710.16     13,449.42         80.5%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            348,926.66    224,608.53    124,318.13         55.4%
           Wells Fargo Savings                     286,201.97    285,062.19      1,139.78          0.4%
         Total Checking/Savings                    661,411.47    526,111.32    135,300.15         25.7%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                     150,600.00     90,000.00     60,600.00         67.3%
         Total Accounts Receivable                 150,600.00     90,000.00     60,600.00         67.3%

      Total Current Assets                         812,011.47    616,111.32    195,900.15         31.8%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                    812,011.47    616,111.32    195,900.15         31.8%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci             0.00      1,971.79     -1,971.79       -100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    94.90         39.90         55.00        137.8%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             -50.00          0.00        -50.00       -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                           44.90      2,011.69     -1,966.79        -97.8%

         Total Current Liabilities                      44.90      2,011.69     -1,966.79        -97.8%

      Total Liabilities                                 44.90      2,011.69     -1,966.79        -97.8%

         Retained Earnings                         626,337.08    363,648.74    262,688.34         72.2%
         Net Income                                185,629.49    250,450.89    -64,821.40        -25.9%
      Total Equity                                 811,966.57    614,099.63    197,866.94         32.2%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      812,011.47    616,111.32    195,900.15         31.8%

19 Jan 2011 [Geir]

    Books are up to date.   Current balances are total cash of $640,059.38 at
    Wells Fargo and $34,572.29 at Paypal.

    In terms of lockbox, we received :

     contribution checks  :

      - $600 Alpes CME
      - $100 Judith Flippen-Anderson
      - $5000 FuseSource

     other checks :

      - $12,349.21 Stone Circle

    We also received wires from :

      - $100k Microsoft
      - $75k Google
      - $755.85 / GBP500 - unknown source
      - $281.85 / GPB200? - unknown source

    Tasks Done:
      - fundraising support (invoices)
      - bills
      - wire $37k to Dell for servers

    In Progress:
      - find the $20 discrepancy in checking
      - bills (I'm behind, will pay this week)

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense - December 2010

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                            86.21
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                  200,605.85
            Total Contributions Income                            200,605.85

         Total Income                                             200,692.06

            Bank Service Charges                                      399.06
            Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
            Professional Fees
              Accounting                                        350.00
            Total Professional Fees                                   350.00

            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                 Infrastructure Staff                 20,700.00
                 Infrastructure Travel                 1,188.82
              Total Infrastructure                           22,406.82

              Public Relations                               10,000.00
            Total Program Expenses                                 32,406.82

         Total Expense                                             33,175.83

      Net Ordinary Income                                         167,516.23

   Net Income                                                     167,516.23

 Statement of Financial Position - As of December 31, 2010

                                                  Dec 31, 10     Dec 31, 09     $ Change      % Change

      Current Assets
           Other Expenses                              587.38         121.61        465.77        383.0%
           Other Income                             -4,464.12        -408.10     -4,056.02       -993.9%
           Paypal                                   30,159.58      16,140.15     14,019.43         86.9%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            301,545.51     223,304.27     78,241.24         35.0%
           Wells Fargo Savings                     286,116.90     284,941.16      1,175.74          0.4%
         Total Checking/Savings                    613,945.25     524,099.09     89,846.16         17.1%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                     130,600.00      50,000.00     80,600.00        161.2%
         Total Accounts Receivable                 130,600.00      50,000.00     80,600.00        161.2%

      Total Current Assets                         744,545.25     574,099.09    170,446.16         29.7%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                    744,545.25     574,099.09    170,446.16         29.7%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci             0.00       1,537.55     -1,537.55       -100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna             16.45           0.00         16.45        100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   223.87          39.90        183.97        461.1%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz               0.00         287.14       -287.14       -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                          240.32       1,864.59     -1,624.27        -87.1%

         Total Current Liabilities                     240.32       1,864.59     -1,624.27        -87.1%

      Total Liabilities                                240.32       1,864.59     -1,624.27        -87.1%

         Retained Earnings                         626,337.08     363,648.74    262,688.34         72.2%
         Net Income                                117,967.85     208,585.76    -90,617.91        -43.4%
      Total Equity                                 744,304.93     572,234.50    172,070.43         30.1%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      744,545.25     574,099.09    170,446.16         29.7%

     Question: could a summary of income and expenses on a quarterly basis
     be made available to the public?
     AI: Jim/Melissa will take the raw data as reported and prepare graphs
     for the Annual Report.

15 Dec 2010 [Geir]

  Books are up to date - $20 discrepancy remains (haven't spent time).
  Current balances are total cash of $500,210.35 at Wells Fargo and
  $32,633.34 at Paypal.

  In terms of lockbox, we've had  :
    - $40,000 - IBM sponsorship
    - $20,000 - Cloudera sponsorship
    - $24,000 - Google - I assume SOC 2010
    -  $5,000 - Lucid Imagination sponsorship
    -    $250 - Bruce Jaffe

  Tasks Done:
    - bills paid, some still are outstanding - will pay this week
    - fundraising support (invoices)

  In Progress:
   - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense - November 2010

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                                          94.02
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                                 65,101.44
          Total Contributions Income                           65,101.44

       Total Income                                            65,195.46

          Bank Service Charges                                    426.99
          Postage and Delivery                                    283.90
          Program Expenses
               Colocation Expenses                   534.45
               Infrastructure Staff               13,600.00
            Total Infrastructure                         14,134.45

            Travel Assistance                               600.00
            Conference Expenses                           6,298.19
          Total Program Expenses                               21,032.64

          Travel & Ent                                            606.37
       Total Expense                                           22,349.90

    Net Ordinary Income                                        42,845.56

 Net Income                                                    42,845.56

 Statement of Financial Position -As of November 30, 2010

                                                 Nov 30, 10     Nov 30, 09      $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Other Expenses                               587.38          80.25         507.13         631.9%
         Other Income                              -4,464.12        -406.81      -4,057.31        -997.4%
         Paypal                                    30,159.58      14,781.22      15,378.36         104.0%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             185,719.13     249,288.75     -63,569.62         -25.5%
         Wells Fargo Savings                      286,030.69     284,820.18       1,210.51           0.4%
       Total Checking/Savings                     498,032.66     548,563.59     -50,530.93          -9.2%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                       80,600.00           0.00      80,600.00         100.0%
       Total Accounts Receivable                   80,600.00           0.00      80,600.00         100.0%

    Total Current Assets                          578,632.66     548,563.59      30,069.07           5.5%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                     578,632.66     548,563.59      30,069.07           5.5%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci            606.37           0.00         606.37         100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              16.45       4,443.78      -4,427.33         -99.6%
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                  1,221.14          39.90       1,181.24       2,960.5%
            ASF Credit Card - Striker                   0.00       2,329.75      -2,329.75        -100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz                0.00       2,215.44      -2,215.44        -100.0%
         Total Credit Cards                         1,843.96       9,028.87      -7,184.91         -79.6%

       Total Current Liabilities                    1,843.96       9,028.87      -7,184.91         -79.6%

    Total Liabilities                               1,843.96       9,028.87      -7,184.91         -79.6%

       Retained Earnings                          626,337.08     363,648.74     262,688.34          72.2%
       Net Income                                 -49,548.38     175,885.98    -225,434.36        -128.2%
    Total Equity                                  576,788.70     539,534.72      37,253.98           6.9%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       578,632.66     548,563.59      30,069.07           5.5%

17 Nov 2010 [Geir]

  Books are up to date - $20 discrepancy remains (haven't spent time).
  Current balances are total cash of $445,093  at Wells Fargo and
  $32,264.30 at Paypal.

  In terms of lockbox, we've had  :
    - $101 check from Amazon

  Tasks Done:
    - all bills paid
    - paypal data loaded up to 11/1/2010
    - FY2009 990 corporate tax return filed
    - fundraising support (invoices)

  In Progress:
   - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

        Statement of Financial Income and Expense - October 2010

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                                            97.13
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                                    3,014.41
          Total Contributions Income                              3,014.41

       Total Income                                               3,111.54

          Bank Service Charges                                      356.76
          Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
          Program Expenses
               Colocation Expenses                     518.00
               Hardware Purchases                    4,930.00
               Infrastructure Staff                 13,600.00
               Infrastructure Travel                 1,613.48
            Total Infrastructure                           20,661.48

            Travel Assistance                               1,442.17
            Public Relations
               PRC Travel                            1,424.80
               Public Relations - Other             21,217.29
            Total Public Relations                         22,642.09

            Conference Expenses                             4,379.99
          Total Program Expenses                                 49,125.73

          Travel & Ent                                            1,322.16
       Total Expense                                             50,824.60

    Net Ordinary Income                                         -47,713.06

 Net Income                                                     -47,713.06

             Statement of Financial Position  As of October 31, 2010

                                                 Oct 31, 10     Oct 31, 09      $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Other Expenses                               587.38          69.40         517.98         746.4%
         Other Income                              -4,464.12        -396.79      -4,067.33      -1,025.1%
         Paypal                                    30,159.58      14,469.06      15,690.52         108.4%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             172,623.24     281,575.29    -108,952.05         -38.7%
         Wells Fargo Savings                      285,936.67     284,703.16       1,233.51           0.4%
       Total Checking/Savings                     484,842.75     580,420.12     -95,577.37         -16.5%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                       55,600.00           0.00      55,600.00         100.0%
       Total Accounts Receivable                   55,600.00           0.00      55,600.00         100.0%

    Total Current Assets                          540,442.75     580,420.12     -39,977.37          -6.9%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                     540,442.75     580,420.12     -39,977.37          -6.9%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci          3,809.83           0.00       3,809.83         100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna               7.79       4,974.72      -4,966.93         -99.8%
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                  2,681.99       2,990.90        -308.91         -10.3%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz                0.00       3,577.03      -3,577.03        -100.0%
         Total Credit Cards                         6,499.61      11,542.65      -5,043.04         -43.7%

       Total Current Liabilities                    6,499.61      11,542.65      -5,043.04         -43.7%

    Total Liabilities                               6,499.61      11,542.65      -5,043.04         -43.7%

       Retained Earnings                          626,337.08     363,648.74     262,688.34          72.2%
       Net Income                                 -92,393.94     205,228.73    -297,622.67        -145.0%
    Total Equity                                  533,943.14     568,877.47     -34,934.33          -6.1%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       540,442.75     580,420.12     -39,977.37          -6.9%

20 Oct 2010 [Geir]

   Books are up to date - $20 discrepancy remains (haven't spent time).
   Current balances are total cash of $475,841 at Wells Fargo and
   $30,095.66 at PayPal.

   In terms of lockbox, we've had  :
     - $40k check from AMD (deposited 9/27)
     - $10k check from Basis (deposited 10/4)

   Tasks Done:
     - all bills paid

   In Progress:
    - preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing.  Still working on QB but
      CPA and I are active on this
    - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense - September 2010

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                           93.95
           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                  6,662.00 (1)
           Total Contributions Income                             6,662.00

        Total Income                                              6,755.95

           Bank Service Charges                                     393.73
           Postage and Delivery                                      19.95
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                    525.79
                Hardware Purchases                   6,066.00
                Infrastructure Staff                13,007.00
             Total Infrastructure                         19,598.79

             Travel Assistance                             3,809.83
           Total Program Expenses                                23,408.62

        Total Expense                                            23,822.30

     Net Ordinary Income                                        -17,066.35

  Net Income                                                    -17,066.35

     (1) Includes $1600 from Eventbrite for Hursley admission.  Is this contribution or funds back to Conference?

 Statement of Financial Position - as of Sept 30, 2010

                                                  Sep 30, 10     Sep 30, 09      $ Change       % Change

     Current Assets
          PayPal                                    12,513.63      12,513.63           0.00           0.0%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             210,812.75     145,171.07      65,641.68          45.2%
          Wells Fargo Savings                      285,839.54     284,547.20       1,292.34           0.5%
        Total Checking/Savings                     509,165.92     442,231.90      66,934.02          15.1%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                       65,000.00     150,000.00     -85,000.00         -56.7%
        Total Accounts Receivable                   65,000.00     150,000.00     -85,000.00         -56.7%

     Total Current Assets                          574,165.92     592,231.90     -18,065.98          -3.1%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                     574,165.92     592,231.90     -18,065.98          -3.1%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci          3,816.83           0.00       3,816.83         100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna               7.79         796.20        -788.41         -99.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     39.90       2,990.90      -2,951.00         -98.7%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz                0.00         889.53        -889.53        -100.0%
          Total Credit Cards                         3,864.52       4,676.63        -812.11         -17.4%

        Total Current Liabilities                    3,864.52       4,676.63        -812.11         -17.4%

     Total Liabilities                               3,864.52       4,676.63        -812.11         -17.4%

        Retained Earnings                          616,490.28     363,648.74     252,841.54          69.5%
        Net Income                                 -46,188.88     223,906.53    -270,095.41        -120.6%
     Total Equity                                  570,301.40     587,555.27     -17,253.87          -2.9%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       574,165.92     592,231.90     -18,065.98          -3.1%

22 Sep 2010 [Geir]

   Books are up to date - $20 discrepancy remains (haven't spent time).
   Current balances are total cash of $461,436.34 at Wells Fargo and
   $27,649.12 at Paypal.

   There have been no lockbox deposits since last report.

   Tasks Done:
    - paid D&O insurance

   In Progress:
    - bills to be paid
    - preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing.  Still working on QB but
      CPA and I are active on this
    - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense - August 2010

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                         97.06
        Total Income                                               97.06

           Bank Service Charges                                   374.55
           Insurance                                            1,422.00
           Postage and Delivery                                   136.65
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                Hardware Purchases                    573.00
                Infrastructure Staff               16,500.00
             Total Infrastructure                        17,591.00

             Public Relations
                PRC Travel                          2,599.48
             Total Public Relations                       2,599.48

             Conference Expenses                          5,779.00
           Total Program Expenses                              25,969.48

        Total Expense                                          27,902.68

     Net Ordinary Income                                      -27,805.62

  Net Income                                                  -27,805.62

 Statement of Financial Position - as of August 31, 2010

                                                  Aug 31, 10     Aug 31, 09      $ Change       % Change

     Current Assets
          Paypal                                    12,513.63      12,513.63           0.00           0.0%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             190,622.04     167,521.60      23,100.44          13.8%
          Wells Fargo Savings                      285,745.59     284,410.81       1,334.78           0.5%
        Total Checking/Savings                     488,881.26     464,446.04      24,435.22           5.3%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                      100,000.00           0.00     100,000.00         100.0%
        Total Accounts Receivable                  100,000.00           0.00     100,000.00         100.0%

     Total Current Assets                          588,881.26     464,446.04     124,435.22          26.8%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                     588,881.26     464,446.04     124,435.22          26.8%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci            573.00           0.00         573.00         100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna               0.00         893.23        -893.23        -100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    940.51          39.90         900.61       2,257.2%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz                0.00       1,002.96      -1,002.96        -100.0%
          Total Credit Cards                         1,513.51       1,936.09        -422.58         -21.8%

        Total Current Liabilities                    1,513.51       1,936.09        -422.58         -21.8%

     Total Liabilities                               1,513.51       1,936.09        -422.58         -21.8%

        Retained Earnings                          616,490.28     363,648.74     252,841.54          69.5%
        Net Income                                 -29,122.53      98,861.21    -127,983.74        -129.5%
     Total Equity                                  587,367.75     462,509.95     124,857.80          27.0%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       588,881.26     464,446.04     124,435.22          26.8%

18 Aug 2010 [Geir]

   Apologies for lateness - just coming off of personal vacation time.

   All transactions are booked, but we have a $20 discrepancy.  Current
   balances are total cash of $496,111.05 at Wells Fargo and $27,519.24 at Paypal.

    Lockbox checks since the last report was a single deposit of checks totaling
    around $3000 from Network for Good, Car Program, Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
    and Cafe Press.

   Tasks Done:
    - all approved bills paid.
    - wired USD 5250 to UK travel agency as balance for TAC
    - submitted request for automatic extension for US tax return

   In Progress:
    - preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing.  Still working on QB but
      CPA and I are active on this
    - find the $20 discrepancy in checking

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense - July 2010

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                            97.03
           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                   22,799.29
           Total Contributions Income                             22,799.29

        Total Income                                              22,896.32

           Bank Service Charges                                      341.08
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                Hardware Purchases                   13,257.66
                Infrastructure Staff                 12,500.00
                Infrastructure - Other                   49.35
             Total Infrastructure                           26,325.01

             Travel Assistance                              16,142.03
             Public Relations
                PRC Travel                            1,377.40
                Public Relations - Other              4,500.00
             Total Public Relations                          5,877.40

           Total Program Expenses                                 48,344.44

        Total Expense                                             48,685.52

     Net Ordinary Income                                         -25,789.20

  Net Income                                                     -25,789.20

       Statement of Financial Position

                                                  Jul 31, 10     Jul 31, 09      $ Change       % Change

     Current Assets
          Paypal                                    12,513.63      12,513.63           0.00           0.0%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             221,571.01     180,919.35      40,651.66          22.5%
          Wells Fargo Savings                      285,648.53     284,292.39       1,356.14           0.5%
        Total Checking/Savings                     519,733.17     477,725.37      42,007.80           8.8%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                      100,000.00           0.00     100,000.00         100.0%
        Total Accounts Receivable                  100,000.00           0.00     100,000.00         100.0%

     Total Current Assets                          619,733.17     477,725.37     142,007.80          29.7%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                     619,733.17     477,725.37     142,007.80          29.7%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              49.35       1,329.63      -1,280.28         -96.3%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     19.95          39.90         -19.95         -50.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Striker                   0.00       1,520.10      -1,520.10        -100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz                0.00       1,555.60      -1,555.60        -100.0%
          Total Credit Cards                            69.30       4,445.23      -4,375.93         -98.4%

        Total Current Liabilities                       69.30       4,445.23      -4,375.93         -98.4%

     Total Liabilities                                  69.30       4,445.23      -4,375.93         -98.4%

        Retained Earnings                          616,490.28     363,648.74     252,841.54          69.5%
        Net Income                                   3,173.59     109,631.40    -106,457.81         -97.1%
     Total Equity                                  619,663.87     473,280.14     146,383.73          30.9%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       619,733.17     477,725.37     142,007.80          29.7%

    Approved by general consent.

21 Jul 2010 [Geir]

  Books are currently up to date as of 2010-07-13.  Current balances are
  total cash of $545,600.31 at Wells Fargo and $26,895.61 at PayPal.
  Transactions since 7/13 include ~$10k down payment for TAC travel, a
  $4,500 payment for PR Newswire, $13k to Dell, and a $1.3k travel payment
  for Sally to OSCON.

   Lockbox checks totaled $40,250 ($20K to be accrued in July)

  Tasks Done:
   - all approved bills paid.
   - wired GBP 7,000 to UK travel agency for TAC

  In Progress:
   - preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing.  Still working on QB but
     CPA and I are active on this

  To Do:
   - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

  Please note that the following statements are going to be different than
  the data reported in last week's member's meeting.  The statements for
  the monthly board report are for the previous calendar month, so they
  end on June 30, 2010.  The data reported in the members meeting was
  up to the day of the member's meeting for the previous year.

  Also, I'm happy to continue as Treasurer of the ASF.

      Statement of Financial Income and Expense - June 2010

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                                           93.86
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                                    250.00
          Total Contributions Income                               250.00

       Total Income                                                343.86

          President Discretionary                                1,376.00
          Bank Service Charges                                     307.08
          Licenses and Permits                                     -30.00
          Postage and Delivery                                      19.95
          Professional Fees
            Accounting                                      226.50
          Total Professional Fees                                  226.50

          Program Expenses
               Colocation Expenses                    518.00
               Infrastructure Staff                12,500.00
            Total Infrastructure                         13,018.00

            Public Relations
               PRC Travel                           1,404.69
               Public Relations Staff              20,000.00
            Total Public Relations                       21,404.69

          Total Program Expenses                                34,422.69

       Total Expense                                            36,322.22

    Net Ordinary Income                                        -35,978.36

 Net Income                                                    -35,978.36

    Statement of Financial Position - As of June 30, 2010

                                              Jun 30, 10    Jun 30, 09     $ Change      % Change
    Current Assets
          PayPal                                12,513.63     12,394.81        118.82          1.0%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account         250,627.14    120,018.91    130,608.23        108.8%
          Wells Fargo Savings                  285,551.50    284,171.69      1,379.81          0.5%
       Total Checking/Savings                  548,692.27    416,585.41    132,106.86         31.7%

       Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                  100,000.00     70,000.00     30,000.00         42.9%
       Total Accounts Receivable               100,000.00     70,000.00     30,000.00         42.9%

    Total Current Assets                       648,692.27    486,585.41    162,106.86         33.3%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                  648,692.27    486,585.41    162,106.86         33.3%

       Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                  23.30         39.90        -16.60        -41.6%
            ASF Credit Card - Striker            3,215.90          0.00      3,215.90        100.0%
          Total Credit Cards                     3,239.20         39.90      3,199.30      8,018.3%

       Total Current Liabilities                 3,239.20         39.90      3,199.30      8,018.3%

    Total Liabilities                            3,239.20         39.90      3,199.30      8,018.3%

       Retained Earnings                       616,490.28    363,648.74    252,841.54         69.5%
       Net Income                               28,962.79    122,896.77    -93,933.98        -76.4%
    Total Equity                               645,453.07    486,545.51    158,907.56         32.7%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                    648,692.27    486,585.41    162,106.86         33.3%

16 Jun 2010 [Geir]

      Books are currently up to date as of 2010-06-16 for checking,
      savings and credit card accounts.  I've been very loaded at work
      but believe that all is up to date and  in order.

       - Current PayPal balance as of  6/16 is $24,073  basically same as last
         month. This is not included in financial statements below.
       - Received $10,000 check from Basis
       - Generated invoice for Gold for AMD at Serge's request

      Tasks Done:
       - all approved bills paid. We pre-paid the remaining contract amount to
         Halo.  I'm still working to get a payoff amount from Dell.  There
         remains what appears to be 2 paid invoices in the approved
         section that we need to sort out.

      In Progress:
       - preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing.  Still working on QB but
         CPA and I are active on this.  Missed my self-imposed deadline of
         today but believe 6/30 is a reasonable new deadline for myself.

      To Do:
       - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09
       - ensure we're tracking JE's new card so it gets paid

 1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - May 2010 - Accrual Basis

        Ordinary Income/Expense
              Interest Income                                          96.96
              Contributions Income
                Unrestricted                                 80,000.00
              Total Contributions Income                           80,000.00

           Total Income                                            80,096.96

              President Discretionary                               1,839.90 (1)
              Bank Service Charges                                    345.09
              Postage and Delivery                                     33.35
              Program Expenses
                   Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                   Infrastructure Staff               12,500.00
                Total Infrastructure                         13,018.00

                Conference Expenses                             -80.53
              Total Program Expenses                               12,937.47

           Total Expense                                           15,155.81

        Net Ordinary Income                                        64,941.15

     Net Income                                                    64,941.15

   note 1 : This is pres discretionary fund - need to figure out how to both track for
            budget purpose as well as proper tax accounting.  Q to CPA

2) Statement of Financial Position - As of May 31, 2010 - Accrual Basis

                                                     May 31, 10    May 31, 09     $ Change       % Change

        Current Assets
             PayPal                                    12,513.63     11,259.93      1,253.70          11.1%
             Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             265,383.36     26,930.92    238,452.44         885.4%
             Wells Fargo Savings                      285,457.64    299,048.98    -13,591.34          -4.5%
           Total Checking/Savings                     563,354.63    337,239.83    226,114.80          67.1%

           Accounts Receivable
             Accounts Receivable                      120,000.00    120,000.00          0.00           0.0%
           Total Accounts Receivable                  120,000.00    120,000.00          0.00           0.0%

        Total Current Assets                          683,354.63    457,239.83    226,114.80          49.5%

     TOTAL ASSETS                                     683,354.63    457,239.83    226,114.80          49.5%

           Current Liabilities
             Credit Cards
                ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna               0.00        528.39       -528.39        -100.0%
                ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     83.30         46.37         36.93          79.6%
                ASF Credit Card - Striker               1,839.90          0.00      1,839.90         100.0%
             Total Credit Cards                         1,923.20        574.76      1,348.44         234.6%

           Total Current Liabilities                    1,923.20        574.76      1,348.44         234.6%

        Total Liabilities                               1,923.20        574.76      1,348.44         234.6%

           Retained Earnings                          616,490.28    363,648.74    252,841.54          69.5%
           Net Income                                  64,941.15     93,016.33    -28,075.18         -30.2%
        Total Equity                                  681,431.43    456,665.07    224,766.36          49.2%

     TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       683,354.63    457,239.83    226,114.80          49.5%

       Geir clarified that the only credit cards that appear on the
       list are ones with balances. Justin noted that he did not
       receive his credit card (Sam never sent it), but will no
       longer be needing it.

19 May 2010 [Geir]

    Books are currently up to date as of 2010-05-17 for checking,
    savings and credit card accounts.

    Our fiscal year closed April 30.  Happy new year.


     - Current PayPal balance as of 4/19 is $24,038.89 vs
       $21,726.54 from last report.  This is not included in
       financial statements below.
     - Received $100,000 check from Google
     - Generated invoice for HP at request of Serge and Greg
     - Generated invoice for Basis at request of Serge

    Tasks Done:
     - all approved bills paid.  There remains what appears to be
       2 paid invoices in the approved section that we need to sort out.

    In Progress:
     - preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing.  FY has ended, and finishing
       prep to get materials to CPA.  I prob won't make my original target
       of May 31 for filing, but don't see it going too long after that.
       Main outstanding is payola load into QB as well as ensuring officer
       list is up to date.
     - Problem with a Dell bill - was alerted by Sam on Monday night
       that he received an overdue bill from Dell financials.  I called
       the next morning, paid approx $670 w/ personal check to bring
       account current, and tried to get them to waive finance charges
       (~$300) but only succeeded with $50.  Once Dell figures out
       balance today, I'll pay the rest with ASF check.  Need to figure
       out where original invoice went so we can keep this from
       happening again.

    To Do:
     - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

   1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - April 2010 - Accrual Basis

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                           93.80
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                      0.00
            Total Contributions Income                                 0.00

         Total Income                                                 93.80

            Bank Service Charges                                     368.40
            Licenses and Permits                                      30.00
            Postage and Delivery                                      19.95
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                    518.00
                 Hardware Purchases                   2,116.43
                 Infrastructure Staff                12,500.00
                 Infrastructure - Other                  21.57
              Total Infrastructure                         15,156.00

              Public Relations                              5,000.00
            Total Program Expenses                                20,156.00

         Total Expense                                            20,574.35

      Net Ordinary Income                                        -20,480.55

   Net Income                                                    -20,480.55

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of April 30, 2010 - Accrual Basis

                                                  Apr 30, 10     Apr 30, 09     $ Change      % Change

      Current Assets
           Paypal                                   12,513.63      11,025.57      1,488.06         13.5%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            270,835.09      36,187.52    234,647.57        648.4%
           Wells Fargo Savings                     285,360.68     298,922.01    -13,561.33         -4.5%
         Total Checking/Savings                    568,709.40     346,135.10    222,574.30         64.3%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                      50,000.00      20,000.00     30,000.00        150.0%
         Total Accounts Receivable                  50,000.00      20,000.00     30,000.00        150.0%

      Total Current Assets                         618,709.40     366,135.10    252,574.30         69.0%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                    618,709.40     366,135.10    252,574.30         69.0%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci         2,116.43           0.00      2,116.43        100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna             21.57         666.38       -644.81        -96.8%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    81.12          58.30         22.82         39.1%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz               0.00       1,761.68     -1,761.68       -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                        2,219.12       2,486.36       -267.24        -10.8%

         Total Current Liabilities                   2,219.12       2,486.36       -267.24        -10.8%

      Total Liabilities                              2,219.12       2,486.36       -267.24        -10.8%

         Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
         Net Income                                252,841.54     101,700.06    151,141.48        148.6%
      Total Equity                                 616,490.28     363,648.74    252,841.54         69.5%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      618,709.40     366,135.10    252,574.30         69.0%

21 Apr 2010 [Geir]

    Books are currently up to date as of 2010-04-21 for checking,
    savings and credit card accounts.

    I've been a bit out of it for the past month due to personal and
    work issues - however, I believe all foundation business was taken
    care of in a timely manner.


     - Current PayPal balance as of 03/17 is $21,726.54, an approx
       $2500 increase since last report.  This is not
       reflected in statement of position below.

    Tasks Done:
     - all approved bills paid.  There are what appear to be 2 paid
       invoices in the approved section.  Email sent to Phil with
     - Missing Schedule A for FY2008 tax return complete and filed on time.
     - Delaware state return filed
     - Paid Silicon Mechanics for recent order.  Will work to open a
       line of credit.

    In Progress:
      - preparation for FY2010 US Tax filing.  Our FY end is April 30
        and my goal is a filed US tax return by May 31, 2010.

    To Do:
     - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - March 2010 - Accrual Basis

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                            96.90
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                  100,000.00
            Total Contributions Income                            100,000.00

         Total Income                                             100,096.90

            Bank Service Charges                                      363.33
            Postage and Delivery                                       31.17
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                     518.00
                 Hardware Purchases                    9,973.98
                 Infrastructure Staff                 12,500.00
              Total Infrastructure                           22,991.98

              Travel Assistance                               1,069.86
              Public Relations
                 PRC Travel                              250.40
                 Public Relations Staff               20,000.00
              Total Public Relations                         20,250.40

              Conference Expenses                             5,451.82
            Total Program Expenses                                 49,764.06

         Total Expense                                             50,158.56

      Net Ordinary Income                                          49,938.34

   Net Income                                                      49,938.34

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of March 31, 2010 - Accrual Basis

                                                  Mar 31, 10    Mar 31, 09     $ Change      % Change

      Current Assets
           Paypal                                   12,513.63     10,543.63      1,970.00         18.7%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            190,433.40     50,134.09    140,299.31        279.9%
           Wells Fargo Savings                     285,266.88    298,799.19    -13,532.31         -4.5%
         Total Checking/Savings                    488,213.91    359,476.91    128,737.00         35.8%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                     150,000.00      5,000.00    145,000.00      2,900.0%
         Total Accounts Receivable                 150,000.00      5,000.00    145,000.00      2,900.0%

      Total Current Assets                         638,213.91    364,476.91    273,737.00         75.1%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                    638,213.91    364,476.91    273,737.00         75.1%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci         1,191.96          0.00      1,191.96        100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    51.12         82.20        -31.08        -37.8%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz               0.00      1,761.68     -1,761.68       -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                        1,243.08      1,843.88       -600.80        -32.6%

         Total Current Liabilities                   1,243.08      1,843.88       -600.80        -32.6%

      Total Liabilities                              1,243.08      1,843.88       -600.80        -32.6%

         Retained Earnings                         363,648.74    261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
         Net Income                                273,322.09    100,684.35    172,637.74        171.5%
      Total Equity                                 636,970.83    362,633.03    274,337.80         75.7%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      638,213.91    364,476.91    273,737.00         75.1%

17 Mar 2010 [Geir]

    Books are currently up to date as of 2010-03-14 for checking,
    savings and credit card accounts.


     - Current PayPal balance as of 03/17 is $19,205.51.
       Contributions for Feb 2010 was about $100 This is not
       reflected in statement of position below.  We're seeing a
       small increase in small amount reversals which is clearly a
       new fraud vector of some sort (all are payments from comcast
       addresses).  I've tried to bring this up with PayPal, but
       they don't seem interested.  For now I keep refunding any
       contribution that is claimed to be in error.  The net is zero
       for us.
     - Funds for Facebook Gold sponsorship received.
     - Invoice sent to Google for 2010 Platinum
     - Note that we have the outstanding 50k from MSFT for the
       platinum.  I don't remember the payment arrangement, but just
       a note for Serge and Greg.  Let me know if there's some step
       that I missed.  I believe I've returned all necessary
       paperwork to MSFT.

    Tasks Done:
     - all approved bills paid

    In Progress:
     - Sorting out what really needs to be done for DE filing and
       report.  There apparently was some confusion around
       who was going to handle (I volunteered back in Dec, but thought
       the direction was that Scy or MarCom would handle), and
       right now, I believe that it's up to Sam and I to resolve.
     - We apparently didn't file a Schedule A for FY2009 US Federal
       Tax.  Working with CPA to resolve.
     - Need to get physical forms for 1099 for Sunstar.  Will solve
       this week (which is what I said last time...)
     - invoice to GOOG for GSoC - priority

    To Do:
     - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - February 2010 - Accrual Basis

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                          107.79
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                    293.72
            Total Contributions Income                               293.72

         Total Income                                                401.51

            Bank Service Charges                                     446.37
            Postage and Delivery                                      19.95
            Professional Fees
              Accounting                                      200.00
            Total Professional Fees                                  200.00

            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                    518.00
                 Hardware Purchases                   3,578.38
                 Infrastructure Staff                18,500.00  (1)
              Total Infrastructure                         22,596.38

              Public Relations
                 PRC Travel                             198.45
              Total Public Relations                          198.45

              Conference Expenses                              80.53
            Total Program Expenses                                22,875.36

         Total Expense                                            23,541.68

      Net Ordinary Income                                        -23,140.17

   Net Income                                                    -23,140.17

     Note 1 : Infra staff amount reflects a shift to paying
      16Degrees (aka Gavin) before the first of the month to allow
      wire issues to be sorted if they arise - therefore in this
      month accrue two payments

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of February 28, 2010 - Accrual Basis

                                                  Feb 28, 10     Feb 28, 09     $ Change      % Change

      Current Assets
           Paypal                                   12,513.63      10,335.23      2,178.40         21.1%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            200,779.19     156,914.69     43,864.50         28.0%
           Wells Fargo Savings                     285,169.98      98,688.88    186,481.10        189.0%
         Total Checking/Savings                    498,462.80     265,938.80    232,524.00         87.4%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                      90,000.00     110,000.00    -20,000.00        -18.2%
         Total Accounts Receivable                  90,000.00     110,000.00    -20,000.00        -18.2%

      Total Current Assets                         588,462.80     375,938.80    212,524.00         56.5%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                    588,462.80     375,938.80    212,524.00         56.5%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Phil Golucci         1,191.96           0.00      1,191.96        100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00       4,523.30     -4,523.30       -100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    39.90          39.90          0.00          0.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             198.45       2,790.10     -2,591.65        -92.9%
           Total Credit Cards                        1,430.31       7,353.30     -5,922.99        -80.6%

         Total Current Liabilities                   1,430.31       7,353.30     -5,922.99        -80.6%

      Total Liabilities                              1,430.31       7,353.30     -5,922.99        -80.6%

         Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
         Net Income                                223,383.75     106,636.82    116,746.93        109.5%
      Total Equity                                 587,032.49     368,585.50    218,446.99         59.3%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      588,462.80     375,938.80    212,524.00         56.5%

     Geir to pursue IRS schedule A fix

     Geir indicated that he was prioritizing the US government over
     Delaware. Justin indicated that he would like to see both done
     this week.

17 Feb 2010 [Geir]

   Books are currently up to date as of 2010-02-15 for checking,
   savings and credit card accounts.


    - Current PayPal balance as of 01/17 is $19,103.  Contributions
      for Dec 2009 were $2495  This is not reflected in statement of
      position below.
    - W9 sent to Facebook.
    - Access to PayPal completed and verified with Serge for thank-you's
    - Received $2k donation via lockbox from Workers Compensation Fund
    - Note that we have the outstanding 50k from MSFT for the platinum.
      I don't remember the payment arrangement, but just a note for Serge
      and Greg.  Let me know if there's some step that I missed.  I believe
      I've returned all necessary paperwork to MSFT.

   Tasks Done:
    - all approved bills paid
    - had a snafu with Phil's card - it wasn't added to "auto pay" so had to
      do a manual payment.  Card has been added (paperwork sent), but still
      need to do manual payments until that's processed

   In Progress:
    - CPA confirms need to send 1099 to Sunstar.  Will be sent this week
    - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
      recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
      alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries
    - discussing way to get CC receipts from CC holders in most efficient and
      non-burdensome fashion possible.  We do need more info for expense

   To Do:
    - pull spending tracking (budgets) for FY2009 for upcoming budget
    - invoice to GOOG for GSoC - priority
    - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

  1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - January 2010 - Accrual Basis

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                        121.03
           Program Income
             Conference                                  26,913.77
           Total Program Income                                26,913.77

           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                42,421.50
           Total Contributions Income                          42,421.50

        Total Income                                           69,456.30

           Bank Service Charges                                   398.14
           Interest Expense
             Finance Charge                                  14.26
           Total Interest Expense                                  14.26

           Postage and Delivery                                    19.95
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                Hardware Purchases                    369.93
                Infrastructure Staff                6,500.00
             Total Infrastructure                         7,387.93

             Public Relations                            17,215.49
             Conference Expenses                          3,142.34
           Total Program Expenses                              27,745.76

        Total Expense                                          28,178.11

     Net Ordinary Income                                       41,278.19

  Net Income                                                   41,278.19

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of January 31, 2010 - Accrual Basis

                                                 Jan 31, 10     Jan 31, 09     $ Change      % Change

     Current Assets
          PayPal                                   12,513.63      10,253.55      2,260.08         22.0%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            224,608.53     155,649.16     68,959.37         44.3%
          Wells Fargo Savings                     285,062.19      98,651.03    186,411.16        189.0%
        Total Checking/Savings                    522,184.35     264,553.74    257,630.61         97.4%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                      90,000.00     100,000.00    -10,000.00        -10.0%
        Total Accounts Receivable                  90,000.00     100,000.00    -10,000.00        -10.0%

     Total Current Assets                         612,184.35     364,553.74    247,630.61         67.9%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                    612,184.35     364,553.74    247,630.61         67.9%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Phil Gollucci        1,971.79           0.00      1,971.79        100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00       4,491.40     -4,491.40       -100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    39.90          79.32        -39.42        -49.7%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz               0.00       2,790.10     -2,790.10       -100.0%
          Total Credit Cards                        2,011.69       7,360.82     -5,349.13        -72.7%

        Total Current Liabilities                   2,011.69       7,360.82     -5,349.13        -72.7%

     Total Liabilities                              2,011.69       7,360.82     -5,349.13        -72.7%

        Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
        Net Income                                246,523.92      95,244.24    151,279.68        158.8%
     Total Equity                                 610,172.66     357,192.92    252,979.74         70.8%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      612,184.35     364,553.74    247,630.61         67.9%

    Philip recommends upping his credit limit, Geir and Justin
    recommends not purchasing hardware on credit, but rather with
    lines of credits with suppliers.

    Jim to forward a pointer to secretary@ on annual report, Sam
    (and possibly Craig) to complete.

20 Jan 2010 [Geir]

  Books are currently up to date as of 2010-1-17 for checking,
   savings and credit card accounts.


    - Current PayPal balance as of 01/17 is $16,608  Contributions
      for Dec 2009 were $1729  This is not reflected in
      statement of position below.
    - Invoice sent to Facebook.
    - Contribution flow information (checks, PayPal) sent to Serge for past
      month.  First step in fixing the 'thank you' problem.

   Tasks Done:
    - all approved bills paid.  Had a wire bounce for Wechner/Wyona Pictures
      but in contact with Michael and working to fix

   In Progress:
    - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
      recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
      alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries

   To Do:
    - 1099 to Sunstar
    - W-9 to Facebook
    - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
    - invoice to GOOG for GSoC - priority
    - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

  1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - December 2009 - Accrual Basis


     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                         120.98
           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                 53,032.90
           Total Contributions Income                           53,032.90

        Total Income                                            53,153.88

           Bank Service Charges                                    338.02
           Licenses and Permits                                    710.00
           Postage and Delivery                                     19.95
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                Infrastructure Staff               15,837.56
             Total Infrastructure                         16,355.56

             Public Relations                                950.00
             Conference Expenses                           1,942.02
           Total Program Expenses                               19,247.58

        Total Expense                                           20,315.55

     Net Ordinary Income                                        32,838.33

  Net Income                                                    32,838.33

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of December 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                 Dec 31, 09     Dec 31, 08     $ Change      % Change
     Current Assets
          PayPal                                   12,513.63       4,774.63      7,739.00        162.1%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            223,304.27     155,009.88     68,294.39         44.1%
          Wells Fargo Savings                     284,941.16      98,588.89    186,352.27        189.0%
        Total Checking/Savings                    520,759.06     258,373.40    262,385.66        101.6%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                      50,000.00     115,500.00    -65,500.00        -56.7%
        Total Accounts Receivable                  50,000.00     115,500.00    -65,500.00        -56.7%

     Total Current Assets                         570,759.06     373,873.40    196,885.66         52.7%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                    570,759.06     373,873.40    196,885.66         52.7%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna              0.00       2,077.90     -2,077.90       -100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    39.90         107.60        -67.70        -62.9%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             287.14           0.00        287.14        100.0%
          Total Credit Cards                          327.04       2,185.50     -1,858.46        -85.0%

        Total Current Liabilities                     327.04       2,185.50     -1,858.46        -85.0%

     Total Liabilities                                327.04       2,185.50     -1,858.46        -85.0%

        Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
        Net Income                                206,783.28     109,739.22     97,044.06         88.4%
     Total Equity                                 570,432.02     371,687.90    198,744.12         53.5%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      570,759.06     373,873.40    196,885.66         52.7%

    Justin noted that Sunstar does not need a 1099 as he is a
    company instead of an individual. Geir will check into this,
    and indicated that he filed a 1099 for this last year.

    Roy asked if we should start planning for an audit. Geir
    believes that the books are ready on an ongoing basis.

    Jim asked to verify that we are planning to have a formal
    audit, and plans to figure out what it takes to reconstruct an
    Audit committee. (The previous audit committee was dissolved
    in February of 2009)

16 Dec 2009 [Geir]

  Books are currently up to date as of 2009-12-15 for checking,
   savings and credit card accounts.

    - Current PayPal balance as of 11/17 is $14,879.04  Contributions
      for Nov 2009 were $237  This is not reflected in
      statement of position below.
    - Second half invoice for MSFT platinum sent, along with companion
    - Sally requested invoices for HP and VMWare/SpringSource.  Forthcoming.

   Tasks Done:
    - all approved bills paid
    - FY2008 tax return complete and sent to IRS

   In Progress:
    - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
      recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
      alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries

   To Do:
    - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
    - invoice to GOOG for GSoC
    - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

  1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - November 2009 - Accrual Basis

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                            117.02
           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                   18,535.32
           Total Contributions Income                              18,535.32

        Total Income                                               18,652.34

           Bank Service Charges                                       385.77
           Postage and Delivery                                        19.95
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                      518.00
                Hardware Purchases                       752.69
                Infrastructure Staff                  10,220.95
             Total Infrastructure                           11,491.64

             Travel Assistance                               6,343.28
             Public Relations
                PRC Travel                               237.14
                Public Relations Staff                21,039.20
                Public Relations - Other               4,000.00
             Total Public Relations                         25,276.34

             Conference Expenses                             3,887.35
             Program Expenses - Other                          903.75
           Total Program Expenses                                  47,902.36

        Total Expense                                              48,308.08

     Net Ordinary Income                                          -29,655.74

  Net Income                                                      -29,655.74

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of November 30, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                   Nov 30, 09     Nov 30, 08      $ Change       % Change

     Current Assets
          PayPal                                     12,513.63       2,919.03       9,594.60         328.7%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account              249,288.75     168,384.22      80,904.53          48.1%
          Wells Fargo Savings                       284,820.18      98,511.45     186,308.73         189.1%
        Total Checking/Savings                      546,622.56     269,814.70     276,807.86         102.6%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                             0.00     115,500.00    -115,500.00        -100.0%
        Total Accounts Receivable                         0.00     115,500.00    -115,500.00        -100.0%

     Total Current Assets                           546,622.56     385,314.70     161,307.86          41.9%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                      546,622.56     385,314.70     161,307.86          41.9%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna            4,443.78           0.00       4,443.78         100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - J. Aaron Farr              0.00       1,909.36      -1,909.36        -100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                      39.90          39.90           0.00           0.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Striker                2,329.75           0.00       2,329.75         100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             2,215.44         433.07       1,782.37         411.6%
          Total Credit Cards                          9,028.87       2,382.33       6,646.54         279.0%

        Total Current Liabilities                     9,028.87       2,382.33       6,646.54         279.0%

     Total Liabilities                                9,028.87       2,382.33       6,646.54         279.0%

        Retained Earnings                           363,648.74     261,948.68     101,700.06          38.8%
        Net Income                                  173,944.95     120,983.69      52,961.26          43.8%
     Total Equity                                   537,593.69     382,932.37     154,661.32          40.4%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                        546,622.56     385,314.70     161,307.86          41.9%

    Justin requests a Y2D expenditures vs budget. Geir says it
    shouldn't be that hard, other than potential categorization

    Roy suggests that Geir take a few weeks off.

    Aaron needs to update quickbooks, Jim and Geir will get with
    Aaron offline.

    Gavin: Stone Circle still hasn't billed us for the last 3
    ApacheCons? Geir has the checks. Everything is balanced
    against WellsFargo, and Geir doesn't think that anything is
    mis-categorized. Geir and Gavin will resolve offline.

18 Nov 2009 [Geir]

  Books are currently up to date as of 2009-11-17 for checking,
   savings and credit card accounts.

    - Current PayPal balance as of 11/17 is $14,642.93.  Contributions
      for Oct 2009 were $1,159.11  This is not reflected in
      statement of position below.
    - OSCOM contribution ~$18k.

   Tasks Done:
    - all approved bills paid except for Geir's expense claim for CSC payment
    - to best of my knowledge, all TAC and similar expenses complete and paid
    - new credit card for Philip
    - documentation for full account access to PayPal (thanks Aaron)
    - resent Sander's wire (during board meeting, so it counts!)

   In Progress:
    - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
      recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
      alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries
    - Taxes

   To Do:
    - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
    - invoice to GOOG for GSoC
    - need to start gathering CC receipts from CC holders. E.g ACON09

  1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - October 2009 - Accrual Basis

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                           155.96
        Total Income                                                 155.96

           Bank Service Charges                                      337.54
           Postage and Delivery                                       19.95
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                      518.00
                Hardware Purchases                     4,892.25
                Infrastructure Staff                   9,319.20
             Total Infrastructure                           14,729.45

             Public Relations
                Public Relations Staff                   185.20
             Total Public Relations                            185.20

             Conference Expenses                             2,502.16
             Program Expenses - Other                        2,687.50
           Total Program Expenses                                 20,104.31

        Total Expense                                             20,461.80

     Net Ordinary Income                                         -20,305.84

  Net Income                                                     -20,305.84

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of October 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                  Oct 31, 09     Oct 31, 08      $ Change       % Change

     Current Assets
          PayPal                                    12,513.63       2,814.18       9,699.45         344.7%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             281,575.29      24,225.79     257,349.50       1,062.3%
          Wells Fargo Savings                      284,703.16     158,411.00     126,292.16          79.7%
        Total Checking/Savings                     578,792.08     185,450.97     393,341.11         212.1%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                            0.00     200,000.00    -200,000.00        -100.0%
        Total Accounts Receivable                        0.00     200,000.00    -200,000.00        -100.0%

     Total Current Assets                          578,792.08     385,450.97     193,341.11          50.2%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                     578,792.08     385,450.97     193,341.11          50.2%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna           4,974.72           0.00       4,974.72         100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                  2,990.90         857.39       2,133.51         248.8%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            3,577.03       2,317.20       1,259.83          54.4%
          Total Credit Cards                        11,542.65       3,174.59       8,368.06         263.6%

        Total Current Liabilities                   11,542.65       3,174.59       8,368.06         263.6%

     Total Liabilities                              11,542.65       3,174.59       8,368.06         263.6%

        Retained Earnings                          363,648.74     261,948.68     101,700.06          38.8%
        Net Income                                 203,600.69     120,327.70      83,272.99          69.2%
     Total Equity                                  567,249.43     382,276.38     184,973.05          48.4%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       578,792.08     385,450.97     193,341.11          50.2%

    Sander will check again on the wire.

    Discussion on the coordination of the payment schedule and
    renewal of PR Staff.

21 Oct 2009 [Geir]

   Books are currently up to date as of 2009-10-19 for checking,
   savings and credit card accounts.

    - Current PayPal balance as of 10/21 is $13,483.82. Contributions via
      PayPal for Sept 2009 were $XXXX.  This is not reflected in
      statement of position below.
    - YHOO full platinum payment, and 1st installment of MSFT platinum
      payment received

   Tasks Done:
    - all approved bills are paid except for CSC - I need to call them
      and ask if it's ok if we send payment w/o invoice stub
    - wired amounts to Noirin for IE retreat deposit, Gavin for SA invoice,
      Sander for drive reimbursement
    - tax info to local CPA

   In Progress:
    - Thank-you's - punting until ACON where I can sit down with
      conscripts^H^H^H^H^H^H^H volunteers to put together a program
      for this
    - We're over the top with respect to standard FDIC and 'great
      recession' FDIC programs for insurance so starting to explore
      alternatives.  First thought is short term US Treasuries

   To Do:
    - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
    - get organized around various refunds and expenses for ACON
    - invoice to GOOG for GSoC

  1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - September 2009 - Accrual Basis

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                            136.39
           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                   150,000.00
           Total Contributions Income                             150,000.00

        Total Income                                              150,136.39

           Bank Service Charges                                       311.30
             Liability Insurance                              1,352.00
           Total Insurance                                          1,352.00

           Postage and Delivery                                        19.95
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                      518.00
                Hardware Purchases                     4,561.36
                Infrastructure Staff                   6,000.00
                Infrastructure - Other                    82.47
             Total Infrastructure                            11,161.83

             Travel Assistance                                2,951.00
             Public Relations
                Public Relations Staff                 3,636.36
                Public Relations - Other               4,769.10
             Total Public Relations                           8,405.46

             Program Expenses - Other                           889.53
           Total Program Expenses                                  23,407.82

        Total Expense                                              25,091.07

     Net Ordinary Income                                          125,045.32

  Net Income                                                      125,045.32

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of September 30, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                 Sep 30, 09     Sep 30, 08     $ Change      % Change

     Current Assets
          PayPal                                   12,513.63       1,601.08     10,912.55        681.6%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            145,171.07      72,117.84     73,053.23        101.3%
          Wells Fargo Savings                     284,547.20     158,175.95    126,371.25         79.9%
        Total Checking/Savings                    442,231.90     231,894.87    210,337.03         90.7%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                     150,000.00     200,000.00    -50,000.00        -25.0%
        Total Accounts Receivable                 150,000.00     200,000.00    -50,000.00        -25.0%

     Total Current Assets                         592,231.90     431,894.87    160,337.03         37.1%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                    592,231.90     431,894.87    160,337.03         37.1%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna            796.20           0.00        796.20        100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                 2,990.90          66.40      2,924.50      4,404.4%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz             889.53          19.95        869.58      4,358.8%
          Total Credit Cards                        4,676.63          86.35      4,590.28      5,315.9%

        Total Current Liabilities                   4,676.63          86.35      4,590.28      5,315.9%

     Total Liabilities                              4,676.63          86.35      4,590.28      5,315.9%

        Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
        Net Income                                223,906.53     169,859.84     54,046.69         31.8%
     Total Equity                                 587,555.27     431,808.52    155,746.75         36.1%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      592,231.90     431,894.87    160,337.03         37.1%

23 Sep 2009 [Geir]

  Books are currently up to date as of 2009-09-22 for checking,
  savings and credit card accounts.

   - Current PayPal balance as of 9/22 is $12,903.71. Contributions via
     PayPal for August 2009 were $179.18.  This is not reflected in
     statement of position below.
   - Working with both YHOO and MSFT for platinum sponsorship invoicing/PO-ing
     form-filling, etc

  Tasks Done:
   - all approved bills are paid.  There is a bill in received from Land's
     End for goods purchased by a Anne Anacker.  No idea what this is.
   - wired $4700 to Wyona for video services at ACEU09
   - wired $1300 to Weiner for insurance
   - Extension filed for 2009 taxes on 9/14
   - got clarity on bank failure risk (believed to be zero) for our cash reserves

  In Progress:
   - Getting thank-you info together for Phil.  Failure on my part due to
     personal reasons, renewed focus now that work-surge is over.
   - 2009 Taxes

  To Do:
   - explore options for parking cash if we want to get some out of WF
   - review switching from accrual to cash accounting

 1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - August 2009 - Accrual Basis

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                                       118.42
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                                   319.56
          Total Contributions Income                            319.56

       Total Income                                             437.98

          Bank Service Charges                                  320.13
          Postage and Delivery                                   19.95
          Program Expenses
               Colocation Expenses                   518.00
               Hardware Purchases                    713.73
               Infrastructure Staff                6,000.00
            Total Infrastructure                         7,231.73

            Public Relations
               Public Relations Staff              3,636.36
            Total Public Relations                       3,636.36

          Total Program Expenses                             10,868.09

       Total Expense                                         11,208.17

    Net Ordinary Income                                     -10,770.19

 Net Income                                                 -10,770.19

 2) Statement of Financial Position - As of Aug 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                 Aug 31, 09     Aug 31, 08      $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                                    12,513.63         502.08      12,011.55       2,392.4%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             167,521.60      84,918.46      82,603.14          97.3%
         Wells Fargo Savings                      284,410.81     157,938.87     126,471.94          80.1%
       Total Checking/Savings                     464,446.04     243,359.41     221,086.63          90.9%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                            0.00     200,000.00    -200,000.00        -100.0%
       Total Accounts Receivable                        0.00     200,000.00    -200,000.00        -100.0%

    Total Current Assets                          464,446.04     443,359.41      21,086.63           4.8%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                     464,446.04     443,359.41      21,086.63           4.8%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna             893.23           0.00         893.23         100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     39.90       2,642.67      -2,602.77         -98.5%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            1,002.96         534.89         468.07          87.5%
         Total Credit Cards                         1,936.09       3,177.56      -1,241.47         -39.1%

       Total Current Liabilities                    1,936.09       3,177.56      -1,241.47         -39.1%

    Total Liabilities                               1,936.09       3,177.56      -1,241.47         -39.1%

       Retained Earnings                          363,648.74     261,948.68     101,700.06          38.8%
       Net Income                                  98,861.21     178,233.17     -79,371.96         -44.5%
    Total Equity                                  462,509.95     440,181.85      22,328.10           5.1%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       464,446.04     443,359.41      21,086.63           4.8%

   Geir will research how to pay Gavin, preferably automate.

   Discussed various options for obtaining modest amounts of cash
   for TAC.

19 Aug 2009 [Geir]

    Books are currently up to date as of 2009-08-14 for checking,
    savings and credit card accounts.

     - Current PayPal balance as of 8/17 is $12,621.70. Contributions via
       PayPal for July 2009 were $223.91.  This is not reflected in
       statement of position below.
       (I want the reports to always accurately represent Quickbooks data).
     - QB has PayPal data up to end of July (in prep for taxes)
     - Google 2008 partial/makeup invoice paid on 7/24
     - IONA paid on 7/13.  Revenue will be recognized starting 3/1/2009
       through 2/28/2010
     - Note that YHOO and MSFT Plat sponsorship expire this month.

    Tasks Done:
     - bills : The $4700 bill awaiting PRC approval was approved by Jim,
       and I missed the approval :)  Working now to send the wire.
     - J Aaron got us caught up re PayPal data in prep for taxes.  Thanks!

    In Progress:
     - Getting thank-you info together for Phil.  Failure on my part due to
       personal reasons, renewed focus now that work-surge is over.

    To Do:
     - FY2008 taxes - due date is Sept 15.  These are in progress.
     - Find place for cash above FDIC limit (e.g. CDs)
     - review switching from accrual to cash accounting

   1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - July 2009 - Accrual Basis

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                       120.70
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                 1,563.60
            Total Contributions Income                          1,563.60

         Total Income                                           1,684.30

            Bank Service Charges                                  364.94
            PayPal Charges                                          5.09
            Postage and Delivery                                   19.95
            Printing and Reproduction                             552.64
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                 Hardware Purchases                  1,329.63
                 Infrastructure Staff                6,000.00
              Total Infrastructure                         7,847.63

              Public Relations
                 PRC Travel                          2,523.06
                 Public Relations Staff              3,636.36
              Total Public Relations                       6,159.42

            Total Program Expenses                             14,007.05

         Total Expense                                         14,949.67

      Net Ordinary Income                                     -13,265.37

   Net Income                                                 -13,265.37

   2) Statement of Financial Position - As of July 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                  Jul 31, 09     Jul 31, 08     $ Change      % Change

      Current Assets
           PayPal                                   12,513.63         374.99     12,138.64      3,237.1%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            180,919.35     107,617.48     73,301.87         68.1%
           Wells Fargo Savings                     284,292.39     157,694.26    126,598.13         80.3%
         Total Checking/Savings                    477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

      Total Current Assets                         477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                    477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna          1,329.63           0.00      1,329.63        100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    39.90         917.01       -877.11        -95.7%
              ASF Credit Card - Striker              1,520.10           0.00      1,520.10        100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz           1,555.60         534.89      1,020.71        190.8%
           Total Credit Cards                        4,445.23       1,451.90      2,993.33        206.2%

         Total Current Liabilities                   4,445.23       1,451.90      2,993.33        206.2%

      Total Liabilities                              4,445.23       1,451.90      2,993.33        206.2%

         Retained Earnings                         363,648.74     261,948.68    101,700.06         38.8%
         Net Income                                109,631.40       2,286.15    107,345.25      4,695.5%
      Total Equity                                 473,280.14     264,234.83    209,045.31         79.1%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      477,725.37     265,686.73    212,038.64         79.8%

 3) Ad-hoc Budget Tracking

  Summary : We're way behind in income on a flat monthly plan, but we're
            also far ahead in expenses. (Expenses are less their budget by
            more than income is less than target, on a percentage basis.)

  Income :

     Current monthly income target is $541,200 / 12 = $45,100

     Interest income      : $120
     PayPal Contributions : $223

     Sponsorship contributions for July 2009 :

          Platinum :  ($100,000 / 12 = $8333)
               Microsoft   $8333
               Yahoo       $8333
               Google      $8333

          Silver :  ($20,000 / 12 = $1667)
               HP           $1667
               IONA         $1667

          Bronze : ($5,000 / 12 = $417)
               BlueNog       $417
               Intuit        $417
               Joost         $417
               Mullenweg     $417

      Sponsorship Subtotal :  $30,000

     Monthly Total : $30,343
   % of monthly target  :  67%

    YTD Total : $88,627
    % of annual plan : 16%

  Expense :

     Current monthly expense budget is $404,541 / 12 = $33,711

     Expense for June 2009 (cash basis) : $14,950

     % of  monthly target  :  44% (this is good!)

      YTD Total : $48,701
      % of plan : 12%

     Brian will continue discussing hiring an accountant on the

15 Jul 2009 [Geir]

    Books are currently up to date as of 2009-07-13 for checking,
    savings and credit card accounts.

     - Current PayPal balance is $12,397.90 USD. Contributions via PayPal for
       June 2009 were $1135.33.   This is not reflected in statement of position below.
       (I want the reports to always accurately represent Quickbooks data).
       PayPal history reporting seems to be often broken.
     - IONA 2009 invoice  paid on 7/13 ($20,000)
     - Google 2009 invoice paid on 6/30 ($100,000)
     - Google 2008 partial invoice outstanding (not a worry)
     - Note that YHOO and MSFT Plat sponsorship anniversary is Aug 2009.  AFAIK, I have not
       been requested to issue any invoices.

    Tasks Done:
     - bills : Avnet.  Note there is a $4700 bill awaiting PRC approval
     - resent Sunstar check again.  We are in sync.
     - PayPal and I don't get along because PayPal is often broken and their
       reports never give totals.  How hard could this be?

    In Progress:
     - Getting thank-you info together for Phil

    Todo :
     - Move Sunstar, Sally, (?) to direct pay if they are willing
     - FY2008 taxes - due date is August 15th
     - Find place for cash above FDIC limit (e.g. CDs)
     - review switching from accrual to cash accounting

   1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - June 2009 - Accrual Basis

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                                         122.71
            Contributions Income
              Unrestricted                                 50,010.00
            Total Contributions Income                           50,010.00

         Total Income                                            50,132.71

            Bank Service Charges                                    340.31
            Contract Labor                                          800.00
            Postage and Delivery                                     19.95
            Program Expenses
                 Colocation Expenses                   518.00
                 Infrastructure Staff               12,000.00  (1)
                 Infrastructure - Other              4,072.53
              Total Infrastructure                         16,590.53

              Public Relations
                 Public Relations Staff              3,636.36
              Total Public Relations                        3,636.36

            Total Program Expenses                               20,226.89

         Total Expense                                           21,387.15

      Net Ordinary Income                                        28,745.56

   Net Income                                                    28,745.56

   Note 1 : The extra 6k was for the returned check last month.

   2) Statement of Financial Position - As of June 30 - Accrual Basis

                                                 Jun 30, 09    Jun 30, 08     $ Change       % Change
      Current Assets
           Paypal                                  10,885.17        154.30     10,730.87       6,954.6%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account           120,018.91    103,434.33     16,584.58          16.0%
           Wells Fargo Savings                    284,171.69    157,450.03    126,721.66          80.5%
         Total Checking/Savings                   415,075.77    261,038.66    154,037.11          59.0%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                     70,000.00          0.00     70,000.00         100.0%
         Total Accounts Receivable                 70,000.00          0.00     70,000.00         100.0%

      Total Current Assets                        485,075.77    261,038.66    224,037.11          85.8%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                   485,075.77    261,038.66    224,037.11          85.8%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   39.90          0.00         39.90         100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz              0.00      1,273.31     -1,273.31        -100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                          39.90      1,273.31     -1,233.41         -96.9%

         Total Current Liabilities                     39.90      1,273.31     -1,233.41         -96.9%

      Total Liabilities                                39.90      1,273.31     -1,233.41         -96.9%

         Retained Earnings                        363,508.34    261,948.68    101,559.66          38.8%
         Net Income                               121,527.53     -2,183.33    123,710.86       5,666.2%
      Total Equity                                485,035.87    259,765.35    225,270.52          86.7%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     485,075.77    261,038.66    224,037.11          85.8%

 3) Ad-hoc Budget Tracking

  Summary : We're way behind in income on a flat monthly plan, but we're also far ahead in expenses.
           (Expenses are less their budget by more than income is less than target, on a percentage basis.)

  Income :

     Current monthly income target is $541,200 / 12 = $45,100

     Interest income      : $122
     Paypal Contributions : $1135

     Sponsorship contributions for June 2009 :

          Platinum :  ($100,000 / 12 = $8333)
               Microsoft   $8333
               Yahoo       $8333
               Google      $8333

          Silver :  ($20,000 / 12 = $1667)
               HP           $1667

          Bronze : ($5,000 / 12 = $417)
               BlueNog       $417
               Intuit        $417
               Joost         $417
               Mullenweg     $417

      Sponsorship Subtotal :  $28,333

     Monthly Total : $29,590
   % of monthly target  :  66%

    YTD Total : $58,284
    % of annual plan : 11%

  Expense :

     Current monthly expense budget is $404,541 / 12 = $33,711

     Expense for June 2009 (cash basis) : $20,226

     % of  monthly target  :  60% (this is good!)

      YTD Total : $33,751
      % of plan : 8%

       justin: avnet bill for $4700 isn't PRC, but infra
       geir: that's two separate entries; avnet is paid, $4700 is for

       aaron: are all PayPal transactions up to date?
       geir: no, but I will be getting a pro to help me...

17 Jun 2009 [Geir]

     Books are currently up to date as of 2009-06-14 for checking,
     savings and credit card accounts.

     Contributions :
      - Current PayPal balance is $11,327.74 USD. Contributions via PayPal for
        May 2009 were $234.   This is not reflected in statement of position below.
        (I want the reports to always accurately represent Quickbooks data).
        PayPal history reporting seems to be often broken.
      - IONA 2009 invoice outstanding from 4/1
      - Google 2009 invoice outstanding from 5/16

     Tasks Done :
      - bills : PRNewsWire
      - resent Sunstar check
      - Direct Pay is setup, I have Yet Another Dongle

     Todo :
      - Move Sunstar, Sally, (?) to direct pay if they are willing
      - FY2008 taxes - due date is August 15th
      - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
      - list of donors for "thank you's"
      - figure out why PayPal and I don't get along

  Question : Contract for Catherine Ruby is ended or will be ended.  What is
             her last month of work?

      Financial Reports :

   1) Statement of Financial Income and Expense - May 2008 - Accrual Basis

       Ordinary Income/Expense
             Interest Income                                           126.97
             Contributions Income
               Unrestricted                                  100,000.00
             Total Contributions Income                            100,000.00   (1)

          Total Income                                             100,126.97

             Bank Service Charges                                      349.22
             Contract Labor                                            800.00
             Postage and Delivery                                       26.42
             Professional Fees
               Legal Fees                                        400.00
             Total Professional Fees                                   400.00

             Program Expenses
                  Colocation Expenses                      518.00
                  Infrastructure Staff                       0.00                (2)
               Total Infrastructure                              518.00

               Public Relations
                  Public Relations Staff                 3,636.36
                  Public Relations - Other               1,615.00
               Total Public Relations                          5,251.36

             Total Program Expenses                                  5,769.36

          Total Expense                                              7,345.00

       Net Ordinary Income                                          92,781.97

    Net Income                                                      92,781.97

Notes :
 (1) - this is the 2009 Google Platinum Sponsorship Invoice.  Haven't been paid yet.
 (2) - Should be 6k, but as it's accrual, the 6k check we sent was offset by a 6k check returned.

  2)  Statement of Financial Position - as of May 31, 2009 - Accrual Basis

                                                    May 31, 09    May 31, 08     $ Change       % Change

       Current Assets
            PayPal                                    10,885.17     14,027.77     -3,142.60         -22.4%
            Wells Fargo Analyzed Account              26,930.92    100,996.05    -74,065.13         -73.3%
            Wells Fargo Savings                      299,048.98    157,214.03    141,834.95          90.2%
          Total Checking/Savings                     336,865.07    272,237.85     64,627.22          23.7%

          Accounts Receivable
            Accounts Receivable                      120,000.00          0.00    120,000.00         100.0%
          Total Accounts Receivable                  120,000.00          0.00    120,000.00         100.0%

       Total Current Assets                          456,865.07    272,237.85    184,627.22          67.8%

    TOTAL ASSETS                                     456,865.07    272,237.85    184,627.22          67.8%

          Current Liabilities
            Credit Cards
               ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna             528.39          0.00        528.39         100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     46.37          0.00         46.37         100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz                0.00        348.31       -348.31        -100.0%
            Total Credit Cards                           574.76        348.31        226.45          65.0%

          Total Current Liabilities                      574.76        348.31        226.45          65.0%

       Total Liabilities                                 574.76        348.31        226.45          65.0%

          Retained Earnings                          363,508.34    261,948.68    101,559.66          38.8%
          Net Income                                  92,781.97      9,940.86     82,841.11         833.3%
       Total Equity                                  456,290.31    271,889.54    184,400.77          67.8%

    TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       456,865.07    272,237.85    184,627.22          67.8%

  3) Ad-hoc Budget Tracking

   Summary : We're way behind in income on a flat monthly plan, but we're also far ahead in expenses.
            (Expenses are less their budget by more than income is less than target, on a percentage basis.)

   Income :

      Current monthly income target is $541,200 / 12 = $45,100

      Interest income      : $127
      PayPal Contributions : $234

      Sponsorship contributions for May 2009 :

           Platinum :  ($100,000 / 12 = $8333)
                Microsoft   $8333
                Yahoo       $8333
                Google      $8333  (invoiced with high degree of confidence - we haven't actually received any money yet)

           Silver :  ($20,000 / 12 = $1667)
                HP           $1667

           Bronze : ($5,000 / 12 = $417
                BlueNog       $417
                Intuit        $417
                Joost         $417
                Mullenweg     $417

       Sponsorship Subtotal :  $28,333

      Monthly Total : $28,694
    % of monthly target  :  64%

     YTD Total : $28,694
     % of annual plan : 5%

   Expense :

      Current monthly expense budget is $404,541 / 12 = $33,711

      Expense for May 2009 (cash basis) : $13,345

      % of  monthly target  :  40% (this is good!)

       YTD Total : $13,345
       % of plan : 3%

      May was Catherine's last month.

      Like the idea of an Apache person signing thank you's, Justin
      and Geir suggests coordinating this through the PRC, Jim
      suggests having the Secretary coordinate this.

      Yahoo and Microsoft are coming up due in August. Sally will
      contact both.  If it not clear when Microsoft's term started:
      OSCON or when we actually invoiced them?

20 May 2009 [Geir]

   Books are currently up to date as of 2009-05-18 for checking,
   savings and credit card accounts.

   Contributions :
      - funds for Joost Bronze Sponsorship received
      - no major PayPal contributions of note

   Tasks Done :
    - FY2007 taxes complete, sent w/ coverletter on 2009-05-12
    - notified PRC of outstanding/expired 'metal' sponsors, and working
      to establish better process for fundraising support
    - paypal reconciled (thanks Aaron!)
    - got "direct pay" instigated.  Waiting for another dongle from WF
    - bills : Rosenlaw and PRNewsWire
    - line of credit application for Sun support vendor
    - invoice for Google Platinum 2009 sent to Google as per Sally/PRCs
    - resent Sunstar checks due to expiration and USPO fail
    - Invoice issued for IONA

   Todo :
    - FY2008 taxes
    - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
    - list of donors for "thank yous"

   In general, I think that treasury is working smoothly.  I hope to have
   a first-cut of a budgeting spreadsheet by this meeting.  The point of
   such a thing isn't to do "push-down" budgeting as it was mistakenly
   interpreted, but really get a better picture of what we're spending
   on a monthly basis per plan than QB can provide.  For example, I'd
   like to recognize sponsor revenue on a monthly basis (i.e. 1/12th of
   a given sponsors contribution) so we can get a real sense of what
   the income is for a given month, what the budgeted spend is for a
   given month, and what actual spending is. We should then get a much
   better sense of where we are per plan, what extra cash we have per
   the budget to move to other uses, etc.

   Standard reports follow.  Note they are now on a calendar month boundary
   so these are for April 2009, and up to April 30, 2009 respectively.
   Both remain on accrual basis.

  Statement of Financial Income and Expense - April 2009
  Accrual Basis

     Ordinary Income/Expense
           Interest Income                                          122.82
           Contributions Income
             Unrestricted                                  20,739.39
           Total Contributions Income                            20,739.39 [1]

        Total Income                                             20,862.21

           Bank Service Charges                                     305.56
           Cash Discounts                                            51.47
           Contract Labor                                         1,600.00
           PayPal Charges                                            17.66
           Postage and Delivery                                      19.95
           Printing and Reproduction                                -78.48
           Program Expenses
                Colocation Expenses                    518.00
                Hardware Purchases                     666.38
                Infrastructure Staff                12,000.00             [2]
             Total Infrastructure                          13,184.38

             Public Relations
                Public Relations Staff               3,636.36
                Public Relations - Other             1,250.00
             Total Public Relations                         4,886.36

           Total Program Expenses                                18,070.74

        Total Expense                                            19,986.90

     Net Ordinary Income                                            875.31

  Net Income                                                        875.31 [3]

 Notes :

 [1] This is on an accrual basis - it's the 20k invoice for IONA.  On a cash basis, it's
     $5800, reflecting the received wire from Joost for their Bronze sponsorship.
 [2] This reflects two checks written to Sunstar.  One is because our WF direct pay didn't
     send the check on 4/2, and the second is becuase the 3/3 check was returned as
     undeliverable by the USPO.  Now, I had to issue two more this month, one because
     the 2/2 check expired, and the second was because I had to stop the replacement for
     the 3/3/ check as that didn't make it, so I issued another.  Upshot is that this
     looks very confusing, and I'm happy to go over the details w/ anyone interested.
     I've also intitiated getting a DirectPay system, so we can electronically pay Sunstar
     and any other vendor.
 [3] On a cash basis, we'd be $14k in the red for April 2009

  Statement of Financial Position
  Accrual Basis As of April 30, 2009

                                                 Apr 30, 09     Apr 30, 08     $ Change      % Change

     Current Assets
          Paypal                                   10,885.17      13,714.47     -2,829.30        -20.6%
          Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             36,187.52      91,364.58    -55,177.06        -60.4%
          Wells Fargo Savings                     298,922.01     156,970.55    141,951.46         90.4%
        Total Checking/Savings                    345,994.70     262,049.60     83,945.10         32.0%

        Accounts Receivable
          Accounts Receivable                      20,000.00           0.00     20,000.00        100.0%
        Total Accounts Receivable                  20,000.00           0.00     20,000.00        100.0%

     Total Current Assets                         365,994.70     262,049.60    103,945.10         39.7%

  TOTAL ASSETS                                    365,994.70     262,049.60    103,945.10         39.7%

        Current Liabilities
          Credit Cards
             ASF Credit Card - Paul Querna            666.38           0.00        666.38        100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    58.30           0.00         58.30        100.0%
             ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz           1,761.68         100.92      1,660.76      1,645.6%
          Total Credit Cards                        2,486.36         100.92      2,385.44      2,363.7%

        Total Current Liabilities                   2,486.36         100.92      2,385.44      2,363.7%

     Total Liabilities                              2,486.36         100.92      2,385.44      2,363.7%

        Retained Earnings                         261,948.68     241,248.43     20,700.25          8.6%
        Net Income                                101,559.66      20,700.25     80,859.41        390.6%
     Total Equity                                 363,508.34     261,948.68    101,559.66         38.8%

  TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                      365,994.70     262,049.60    103,945.10         39.7%

    Geir notes that the comparison for FY 2008 and FY 2009 was surprisingly
    controversial.  Jim indicated that it is easy to take out of context.
    Bill suggest that the comparisons be broken out exactly as the
    budget is in SVN.

    Justin mentioned an obligation for public outreach expense
    that we have approved that is not reflected in the budget
    numbers. TAC expenses may not be fully accounted for just yet.

    We agreed to remove the comparisons from the minutes. Geir plans to work
    to having something that we can post next month.

15 Apr 2009 [Geir]

    Non-PayPal Contributions received :

    No PayPal contributions listed in this report.  Will have update next

    Taxes :  The remaining discrepancies in books are in Justin's CC
    account (about $20K) and in breaking out individual PayPal
    donations (previously PayPal was input in monthly lumps).  Aaron
    now has access to this historical data and is currently entering it.

    Done :
     - 1099's for last year's contractors
     - get setup with PIN for online banking in QB
     - get setup w/ "retail" account for check writing
       and > 90 day CC reports (so I can bring QB up to date for taxes)
     - figure out why SA didn't get paid for jan or feb
     - automate CC transaction download to QB
     - repay system admin for returned check in march
     - shift bookkeeping to monthly calendar rather than board calendar
     - produce month/month report for better near-term tracking

    Todo :
     - taxes
     - review contributor invoicing and billing process w/ fundraising
     - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
     - PayPal reconciliation
     - list of donors for "thank you's"
     - more that I'm forgetting

    Statement for March 2009.  Note that this is for 3/1 - 3/31.
    Following will be the final traditional "board meeting to board
    meeting statement".

             The Apache Software Foundation
       Statement of Financial Income and Expense
              March 2009     Accrual Basis

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                      110.31
         Total Income                            110.31

            Bank Service Charges                 292.89  (1)
            Postage and Delivery                  62.25
            Program Expenses
              Public Relations Staff           5,398.04
              Infrastructure Staff                 0.00  (2)
              Colocation Expenses                518.00
            Total Program Expenses             5,916.04

         Total Expense                         6,271.18

      Net Ordinary Income                     -6,160.87

   Net Income                                 -6,160.87

     (1) I will work to reduce this - right now I believe we're
         paying for multiple electronic download fees
     (2) SunStar's check was returned to us due to USPO SNAFU.  A
         replacement check has been issued.  Expect $12k in April

 The final "board meeting to board meeting statement" :

       The Apache Software Foundation
    Statement of Financial Income and Expense
  Accrual Basis    March 18 through April 15, 2009

      Ordinary Income/Expense
            Interest Income                        110.31
         Total Income                              110.31

            Bank Service Charges                   292.89
            Contract Labor                       1,600.00  (1)
            Postage and Delivery                    38.35
            Program Expenses
              Public Relations                   1,250.00  (2)
              Public Relations Staff             5,398.04
              Infrastructure Staff               6,000.00  (3)
              Hardware Purchases                   137.99
              Colocation Expenses                  518.00
            Total Program Expenses              13,304.03

         Total Expense                          15,235.27

      Net Ordinary Income                      -15,124.96

     (1) Reflects an additional check to makeup payment due March 1, 2009
     (2) PR Newswire
     (3) We wrote 2 6k checks, posted 4/13 and 4/14 (WF can't handle
         2 on the same day...  really...) but there was a 6k credit
         from original check posting back in late March, so net is 6k.

       The Apache Software Foundation
       Statement of Financial Position
     Accrual Basis   As of March 31, 2009

                                                 Mar 31, 09    Mar 31, 08     $ Change       % Change

      Current Assets
           PayPal                                  10,217.60      3,917.93      6,299.67         160.8%
           Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            50,134.09    110,083.87    -59,949.78         -54.5%
           Wells Fargo Savings                    298,799.19    156,741.44    142,057.75          90.6%
         Total Checking/Savings                   359,150.88    270,743.24     88,407.64          32.7%

         Accounts Receivable
           Accounts Receivable                      5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%   (1)
         Total Accounts Receivable                  5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%

      Total Current Assets                        364,150.88    270,743.24     93,407.64          34.5%

   TOTAL ASSETS                                   364,150.88    270,743.24     93,407.64          34.5%

         Current Liabilities
           Credit Cards
              ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   82.20          0.00         82.20         100.0%
              ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz          1,733.73    -14,770.81     16,504.54         111.7%
              ASF Credit Card - Jagielski               0.00       -199.08        199.08         100.0%
           Total Credit Cards                       1,815.93    -14,969.89     16,785.82         112.1%

         Total Current Liabilities                  1,815.93    -14,969.89     16,785.82         112.1%

      Total Liabilities                             1,815.93    -14,969.89     16,785.82         112.1%

         Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    241,114.20     20,860.90           8.7%
         Net Income                               100,359.85     44,598.93     55,760.92         125.0%
      Total Equity                                362,334.95    285,713.13     76,621.82          26.8%

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     364,150.88    270,743.24     93,407.64          34.5%

   (1) Currently receivable is Joost sponsorship.

     Geir mentions that the report is on a month to month basis, rather
     board meeting to board meeting.  This allows for closing of the books
     within the timeframe for the board report.  Should catch expenses for
     that month, rather than slipping under the radar because they refer
     to the month before.

     Aaron took the action item to post to board@ on the topic of cash
     accounting which we haven't been doing so far.

     The Budget was added as a discussion item at end of meeting.

18 Mar 2009 [Geir]

     The transition between Aaron and myself is going smoothly.  I have
     access to Wells Fargo CEO system, and solved the much-dreaded
     "create a PIN for the RSA token" riddle.

     Contributions received :
      - Intuit
      - Microsoft (from August 2008 invoice)

     No PayPal contributions listed in this report.  Will have update next

     Taxes : we are unable to file another extension.  Plan is to just
     grind them out and send a letter explaining situation, apologizing,
     promising to never do it again, and ask for leniency from the IRS.

     Todo :
      - taxes
      - 1099's for last year's contractors
      - get setup with PIN for online banking in QB
      - get setup w/ "retail" account for checkwriting
        and > 90 day CC reports (so I can bring QB up to date for taxes)
      - review contributor invoicing and billing process w/ fundraising
      - review switching from accrual to cash accounting
      - automate CC transaction download to QB
      - shift bookkeeping to monthly calendar rather than board calendar
      - produce month/month report for better near-term tracking
      - figure out why SA didn't get paid for jan or feb
      - more that I'm forgetting

    Statement of Financial Income and Expense
       February 19 through March 17, 2009
              (Accrual Basis)

       Ordinary Income/Expense
             Interest Income                     37.85
          Total Income                           37.85

             Bank Service Charges                301.19
             Licenses and Permits                341.00
             Postage and Delivery                 43.85
             Program Expenses
               Travel Assistance            7,193.52
               Public Relations Staff       3,636.36
               Infrastructure Staff         6,000.00
               Colocation Expenses          1,068.03
             Total Program Expenses            17,897.91

          Total Expense                        18,583.95

       Net Ordinary Income                    -18,546.10

    Net Income                                -18,546.10

 Note that this is on an accrual basis, and thus there was infrastructure expense
 from January that got posted to QB today, so they "fell out" of this report, even
 though it was paid for 3/10/09.  (IOW, we have no formal record of those expenses
 in board reports.  I'll be happy to post an "updated" for the previous period if
 it's necessary)

      The Apache Software Foundation
     Statement of Financial Position
     Accrual Basis - As of March 17, 2009

                                                  Mar 17, 09    Mar 17, 08     $ Change       % Change

       Current Assets
            Paypal                                  10,217.60      3,917.93      6,299.67         160.8%
            Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            44,397.08    112,157.04    -67,759.96         -60.4%
            Wells Fargo Savings                    298,688.88    156,584.82    142,104.06          90.8%
          Total Checking/Savings                   353,303.56    272,659.79     80,643.77          29.6%

          Accounts Receivable
            Accounts Receivable                      5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%
          Total Accounts Receivable                  5,000.00          0.00      5,000.00         100.0%

       Total Current Assets                        358,303.56    272,659.79     85,643.77          31.4%

    TOTAL ASSETS                                   358,303.56    272,659.79     85,643.77          31.4%

          Current Liabilities
            Credit Cards
               ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   43.85          0.00         43.85         100.0%
               ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            -27.95    -14,770.81     14,742.86          99.8%
               ASF Credit Card - Jagielski               0.00       -199.08        199.08         100.0%
            Total Credit Cards                          15.90    -14,969.89     14,985.79         100.1%
          Total Current Liabilities                     15.90    -14,969.89     14,985.79         100.1%

       Total Liabilities                                15.90    -14,969.89     14,985.79         100.1%

          Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    241,114.20     20,860.90           8.7%
          Net Income                                96,312.56     46,515.48     49,797.08         107.1%
       Total Equity                                358,287.66    287,629.68     70,657.98          24.6%

    TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     358,303.56    272,659.79     85,643.77          31.4%

  Current outstanding AR is Joost.

      We need to issue "thank you" to all donors over $75;
      treasurers will collect the information, the SA will execute

18 Feb 2009 [J Aaron]

 There's been some discussion about either replacing the current
 treasurer or adding an assistant.  I support either proposal.

 With respect to improvements for the treasurer office, my
 suggestions are:

   - We should have an accountant do the taxes

   - If we continue to do the books and invoicing ourselves and
     we're going to have more than one person modifyinñg them,
     then we should switch to something like Quickbooks Online.

   - We may want to consider outsourcing our bookkeeping as
     well, though I think we should try having an assistant
     treasurer first.

   - The current Bills folder in svn isn't a very good solution.
     It was better than before (which was nothing), but it has
     low visibility and not much of a chance to comment and
     record issues.  A private JIRA project (or similar tool)
     would be better.

   - We need a lot more coordination between PRC and treasury
     with respect to invoicing our sponsors.  We really need a
     CRM or similar system so that we know who talked to who
     when and what needs done.

   - And of course, the budget, which others have stepped up to

 There's been discussion about filing another extension.  I
 don't know the status on whether it's been filed or not (should
 be a discussion item).

 All bills are up to date. The reason for our late fees with is due to the payments arriving one day late.  By
 this billing cycle that should be fixed.  We issued an extra
 payment and we're back on track.  We should still monitor the
 invoices; however, since we only have a flat payment scheduled.

 Donations of note this month:
   - HP: $20,000
   - OpenLogic, Inc: $750

 No expenses of note.

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 January 21 through February 18, 2009


    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                        62.14
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                31,062.96
          Total Contributions Income         31,062.96

       Total Income                          31,125.10

          Bank Service Charges                  114.90
          Contract Labor                        800.00
          Postage and Delivery                   19.95
          Program Expenses
            Public Relations Staff       3,636.36
            Infrastructure Travel        2,790.10
            Infrastructure Staff         6,000.00
            Colocation Expenses            518.00
          Total Program Expenses             12,944.46

       Total Expense                         13,879.31

    Net Ordinary Income                      17,245.79

 Net Income                                     17,245.79

 Statement of Financial Position
 As of February 18, 2009

                                               Feb 18, 09    Jan 18, 09     $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                                  10,217.60      9,904.64        312.96           3.2%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account           165,270.53    157,610.07      7,660.46           4.9%
         Wells Fargo Savings                     98,651.03     98,588.89         62.14           0.1%
       Total Checking/Savings                   274,139.16    266,103.60      8,035.56           3.0%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                    110,000.00    100,000.00     10,000.00          10.0%
       Total Accounts Receivable                110,000.00    100,000.00     10,000.00          10.0%

    Total Current Assets                        384,139.16    366,103.60     18,035.56           4.9%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                   384,139.16    366,103.60     18,035.56           4.9%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   19.95         59.37        -39.42         -66.4%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz          2,762.15        -27.95      2,790.10       9,982.5%
         Total Credit Cards                       2,782.10         31.42      2,750.68       8,754.6%

       Total Current Liabilities                  2,782.10         31.42      2,750.68       8,754.6%

    Total Liabilities                             2,782.10         31.42      2,750.68       8,754.6%

       Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    261,975.10          0.00           0.0%
       Net Income                               119,381.96    104,097.08     15,284.88          14.7%
    Total Equity                                381,357.06    366,072.18     15,284.88           4.2%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     384,139.16    366,103.60     18,035.56           4.9%

 Geir to sign and send out the extension for taxes.

 Discussion on CRM was deferred to the list (some feeling was
 expressed that a CRM system was needed, others felt it was

 Was Microsoft invoiced? J Aaron is waiting on a PO number.
 Geir encountered a similar issue. Peter from MS feels like he
 is waiting on J Aaron. J Aaron will call Peter after the call.

21 Jan 2009 [J Aaron]

 Taxes have been submitted to subversion.  Need review and then
 we can send to IRS.

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 December 17, 2008 through January 22, 2009


    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                              77.44
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                       7,087.38
          Total Contributions Income                7,087.38

       Total Income                                 7,164.82

          Bank Service Charges                        431.88
          Contract Labor                              800.00
          Licenses and Permits                        356.00
          Postage and Delivery                         59.37
          Printing and Reproduction                    78.48
          Program Expenses
            Public Relations Staff             3,636.36
            Infrastructure Travel              1,393.35
            Infrastructure Staff               6,000.00
            Hardware Purchases                 2,077.90
            Colocation Expenses                  518.00
          Total Program Expenses                   13,625.61

       Total Expense                               15,351.34

    Net Ordinary Income                            -8,186.52

 Net Income                                        -8,186.52

 The Apache Software Foundation
 Statement of Financial Position
 Accrual Basis As of January 22, 2009

                                               Jan 22, 09    Dec 17, 08     $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                                   9,904.64      3,197.11      6,707.53         209.8%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account           155,649.16    155,148.93        500.23           0.3%
         Wells Fargo Savings                     98,588.89     98,511.45         77.44           0.1%
       Total Checking/Savings                   264,142.69    256,857.49      7,285.20           2.8%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                    100,000.00    115,500.00    -15,500.00         -13.4%
       Total Accounts Receivable                100,000.00    115,500.00    -15,500.00         -13.4%

    Total Current Assets                        364,142.69    372,357.49     -8,214.80          -2.2%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                   364,142.69    372,357.49     -8,214.80          -2.2%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                   59.37         87.65        -28.28         -32.3%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            -27.95        -27.95          0.00           0.0%
         Total Credit Cards                          31.42         59.70        -28.28         -47.4%

       Total Current Liabilities                     31.42         59.70        -28.28         -47.4%

    Total Liabilities                                31.42         59.70        -28.28         -47.4%

       Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    261,975.10          0.00           0.0%
       Net Income                               102,136.17    110,322.69     -8,186.52          -7.4%
    Total Equity                                364,111.27    372,297.79     -8,186.52          -2.2%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     364,142.69    372,357.49     -8,214.80          -2.2%

 Verbal report: not much changed last month, we did get some
 donations in the lockbox, but nothing unusual to report.

 J Aaron's computer is in the process of merging the 990 and
 statements "as we speak", and J Aaron will commit as soon as it is

 J Aaron called, the issue was "in transit" when the
 last bill was issued; this will be resolved in the next
 billing cycle.

 J Aaron will attend to the Bills svn directory shortly.

 Next year may need to write off some account receivable for
 donations promised but never received. We may need better
 control over the sponsorship program to align when payments
 are received.

17 Dec 2008 [J Aaron]

 (Comments identical to this month's member's meeting.)
 (Reports are for this month, not annual.)

 This year saw continued steady revenue via the sponsorship
 programs.  Expenses have increased as we've continued to
 contract executive assistants, PR and infrastructure staff.  In
 order to switch over to accural accounting, we applied for an
 extention for our US tax returns for the last fiscal year.

 The mounting fiscal issue facing the foundation is the lack of
 a proper budget.  This has been discussed in the last several
 board meetings, though no deadline has yet been established.

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 November 19 through December 18, 2008


    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                                      100.45
          Program Income
            Code Awards                                 15,500.00
          Total Program Income                              15,500.00

          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                                 1,554.69
          Total Contributions Income                         1,554.69

          Unrelated Business Income                            111.35
       Total Income                                         17,266.49

          Bank Service Charges                                 280.80
          Contract Labor                                       800.00
          Postage and Delivery                                  87.65
          Program Expenses
            Public Relations Staff                       3,636.36
            Infrastructure Staff                         6,000.00
            Colocation Expenses                            518.00
          Total Program Expenses                            10,154.36

       Total Expense                                        11,322.81

    Net Ordinary Income                                      5,943.68

 Net Income                                                  5,943.68

 Statement of Financial Position
 As of December 18, 2008

                                                 Dec 18, 08    Nov 19, 08     $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                                     3,197.11      2,737.13        459.98          16.8%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account             155,148.93    168,635.12    -13,486.19          -8.0%
         Wells Fargo Savings                       98,511.45     98,411.00        100.45           0.1%
       Total Checking/Savings                     256,857.49    269,783.25    -12,925.76          -4.8%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                      115,500.00    115,500.00          0.00           0.0%
       Total Accounts Receivable                  115,500.00    115,500.00          0.00           0.0%

    Total Current Assets                          372,357.49    385,283.25    -12,925.76          -3.4%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                     372,357.49    385,283.25    -12,925.76          -3.4%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - J. Aaron Farr             0.00      1,909.36     -1,909.36        -100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                     87.65         19.95         67.70         339.4%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz              -27.95        405.12       -433.07        -106.9%
         Total Credit Cards                            59.70      2,334.43     -2,274.73         -97.4%

       Total Current Liabilities                       59.70      2,334.43     -2,274.73         -97.4%

    Total Liabilities                                  59.70      2,334.43     -2,274.73         -97.4%

       Retained Earnings                          261,975.10    261,975.10          0.00           0.0%
       Net Income                                 110,322.69    120,973.72    -10,651.03          -8.8%
    Total Equity                                  372,297.79    382,948.82    -10,651.03          -2.8%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                       372,357.49    385,283.25    -12,925.76          -3.4%

 We discussed various questions about specific reimbursements.
 Nothing of note.

 New schedule for tax return? Definitely be postmarked by year
 end. What is the exposure on this being late? It is felt that
 the most it could be is a fine/penalty.

 Questions on changing of accounting basis (to accrual).

 Note offer for a pro bono accounting review. Bill to follow

 Code awards represents Google of Code, at this point in time,
 this is a "account receivable".

19 Nov 2008 [J Aaron]

 The sponsorship payments from Yahoo! and Bluenog have
 arrived. Still waiting for Microsoft's payment to arrive.

 Notable expenses this month include the new contract with Halo
 (and closing out the old contract) and the expenses for the
 volunteer project with Beacon of Hope in New Orleans.

 The payments for have now been scheduled to occur

 Several reimbursements are also scheduled, but not yet mailed

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 October 15 through November 19, 2008

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                             235.05
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                       1,094.71
          Total Contributions Income                1,094.71

          Unrelated Business Income                    29.00
       Total Income                                 1,358.76

          Bank Service Charges                        272.10
          Contract Labor                            1,800.00
          Contributions                             1,951.07
          Insurance                                   -45.00
          Postage and Delivery                         19.95
          Program Expenses
            Travel Assistance                  2,268.20
            Public Relations                   4,000.00
            Public Relations Staff            43,636.36
            Infrastructure Staff               6,000.00
            Hardware Purchases                   383.36
            Colocation Expenses                1,043.77
          Total Program Expenses                   57,331.69

       Total Expense                               61,329.81

    Net Ordinary Income                           -59,971.05

 Net Income                                       -59,971.05

 Statement of Financial Position
 As of November 19, 2008

                                                  Nov 19, 08     Oct 15, 08      $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                                      2,737.13       1,642.42       1,094.71          66.7%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account              168,635.12      64,267.99     104,367.13         162.4%
         Wells Fargo Savings                        98,411.00     158,175.95     -59,764.95         -37.8%
       Total Checking/Savings                      269,783.25     224,086.36      45,696.89          20.4%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                       100,000.00     205,000.00    -105,000.00         -51.2%
       Total Accounts Receivable                   100,000.00     205,000.00    -105,000.00         -51.2%

    Total Current Assets                           369,783.25     429,086.36     -59,303.11         -13.8%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                      369,783.25     429,086.36     -59,303.11         -13.8%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - J. Aaron Farr          1,909.36           0.00       1,909.36         100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                      19.95         830.44        -810.49         -97.6%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz               405.12       2,297.25      -1,892.13         -82.4%
         Total Credit Cards                          2,334.43       3,127.69        -793.26         -25.4%

       Total Current Liabilities                     2,334.43       3,127.69        -793.26         -25.4%

    Total Liabilities                                2,334.43       3,127.69        -793.26         -25.4%

       Retained Earnings                           261,975.10     261,975.10           0.00           0.0%
       Net Income                                  105,473.72     163,983.57     -58,509.85         -35.7%
    Total Equity                                   367,448.82     425,958.67     -58,509.85         -13.7%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                        369,783.25     429,086.36     -59,303.11         -13.8%

 Discussion: Aaron to rebalance checking and savings and to check into
 the continued payment of the Executive Assistant.

15 Oct 2008 [J Aaron]

 Still waiting on payment from Microsoft, Yahoo! and a new
 bronze sponsor.  Otherwise, finances are normal and luckily,
 our bank didn't fail in the last month.

 Several pending treasury activities:

   - Recently got feedback from an accountant about our taxes.
     Things moving along there.

   - Need to send in the form to Wells Fargo for new credit

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 September 17 through October 15, 2008


    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                          237.08
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                     6,354.15
          Total Contributions Income             6,354.15

       Total Income                              6,591.23

          Bank Service Charges                     273.19
          Contract Labor                         1,800.00
          Postage and Delivery                      76.40
          Program Expenses
            Infrastructure Staff             6,000.00
            Hardware Purchases              -1,974.00
            Program Expenses - Other         2,307.20
          Total Program Expenses                 6,333.20

       Total Expense                             8,482.79

    Net Ordinary Income                         -1,891.56

    Other Income/Expense
       Other Income
          Royalty Payment                          636.56
       Total Other Income                          636.56

    Net Other Income                               636.56

 Net Income                                     -1,255.00

 Statement of Financial Position
 As of October 15, 2008

                                               Oct 15, 08    Sep 17, 08     $ Change       % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                                   1,642.42        748.94        893.48         119.3%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            64,267.99     71,708.73     -7,440.74         -10.4%
         Wells Fargo Savings                    158,175.95    157,938.87        237.08           0.2%
       Total Checking/Savings                   224,086.36    230,396.54     -6,310.18          -2.7%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                    205,000.00    200,000.00      5,000.00           2.5%
       Total Accounts Receivable                205,000.00    200,000.00      5,000.00           2.5%

    Total Current Assets                        429,086.36    430,396.54     -1,310.18          -0.3%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                   429,086.36    430,396.54     -1,310.18          -0.3%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby               -1,907.60          0.00     -1,907.60        -100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz          2,297.25          0.00      2,297.25         100.0%
         Total Credit Cards                         389.65          0.00        389.65         100.0%

       Total Current Liabilities                    389.65          0.00        389.65         100.0%

    Total Liabilities                               389.65          0.00        389.65         100.0%

       Retained Earnings                        261,975.10    261,975.10          0.00           0.0%
       Net Income                               166,721.61    168,421.44     -1,699.83          -1.0%
    Total Equity                                428,696.71    430,396.54     -1,699.83          -0.4%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     429,086.36    430,396.54     -1,310.18          -0.3%

 We discussed the expected billing for the outstanding Halo
 expenses, on the order of $20K to $40K.

17 Sep 2008 [J Aaron]

 This last month has been a busy one for me and I'm still
 catching up on a number of tasks.  As Jim mentioned, we've
 filled an extension on our taxes as I found some discrepancies
 between how I had been accounting for our pledges / donations
 versus previous years.  This has required me to go back and
 rework the tax forms.

 The good news is that this month we have proper reports
 including accounts receivable and liabilities (credit cards).
 Notes about finances this month:

 - There have been *no* deposits via the lockbox
 - The accounts receivable represents the platinum sponsorship
   by Yahoo! and Microsoft.  I've been in touch with both and
   we're just waiting for payments.

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 August 20 through September 17, 2008

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                          244.61
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                      444.83
          Total Contributions Income               444.83

       Total Income                                689.44

          Bank Service Charges                     259.13
          Contract Labor                         1,800.00
          Insurance                              1,450.00
          Program Expenses
            Public Relations Staff          2,222.22
            Infrastructure Staff            6,000.00
            Hardware Purchases             10,073.86
          Total Program Expenses                18,296.08

       Total Expense                            21,805.21

    Net Ordinary Income                        -21,115.77

 Net Income                                    -21,115.77

 Statement of Financial Position
 As of September 17, 2008

                                               Sep 17, 08     Aug 20, 08     $ Change      % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                                     748.94         304.11        444.83        146.3%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account            71,708.73      96,442.32    -24,733.59        -25.7%
         Wells Fargo Savings                    157,938.87     157,694.26        244.61          0.2%
       Total Checking/Savings                   230,396.54     254,440.69    -24,044.15         -9.5%

       Accounts Receivable
         Accounts Receivable                    200,000.00     200,000.00          0.00          0.0%
       Total Accounts Receivable                200,000.00     200,000.00          0.00          0.0%

    Total Current Assets                        430,396.54     454,440.69    -24,044.15         -5.3%

 TOTAL ASSETS                                   430,396.54     454,440.69    -24,044.15         -5.3%

       Current Liabilities
         Credit Cards
            ASF Credit Card - Ruby                    0.00       2,642.67     -2,642.67       -100.0%
            ASF Credit Card - Erenkrantz            -19.95         494.99       -514.94       -104.0%
         Total Credit Cards                         -19.95       3,137.66     -3,157.61       -100.6%

       Total Current Liabilities                    -19.95       3,137.66     -3,157.61       -100.6%

    Total Liabilities                               -19.95       3,137.66     -3,157.61       -100.6%

       Retained Earnings                        261,975.10     261,975.10          0.00          0.0%
       Net Income                               168,441.39     189,327.93    -20,886.54        -11.0%
    Total Equity                                430,416.49     451,303.03    -20,886.54         -4.6%

 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                     430,396.54     454,440.69    -24,044.15         -5.3%

 Discussion items:

   Are sponsors tied to our fiscal year or calendar? Sponsorship
   starts at the point of sponsorship, and will often span fiscal
   years and calendar years. For this reason (among others), it
   makes sense to switch to accrual accounting.

   Jim to work with Aaron to close the loop on sponsor invoices

   Would it make sense to offload the data entry of the bill pay?
   Answer: no.

   Aaron to follow up on the Google SoC invoice

   (Re-)appointment of treasurer tabled, will revisit month to
    month.  Aaron will continue in the interim.

20 Aug 2008 [J Aaron]

 I'm still in the middle of working on the taxes and updating
 the books.  I had hoped to have it done for the meeting today,
 but I expect I need one more day.  The taxes are my top
 priority right now.

 Current treasurer tasks include:

 - Invoices to Microsoft and Yahoo! for sponsorship money
 - Follow-up with Wells Fargo on increase in credit line
 - Follow-up with Wells Fargo on why new cards are not listed in
   our online banking (CEO) account.
 - Get Sander reimbursed for the flowers

 The $360.04 different between the two reports is due to an
 equivalent payment on Justin's and Sam's credit cards.  Our
 large income was from Stone Circle productions for ApacheCon US
 2007 profit.

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 July 16 through August 20, 2008


    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Program Income
            Conference                18,394.00
          Total Program Income             18,394.00

          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                 617.13
          Total Contributions Income          617.13

       Total Income                        19,011.13

          Bank Service Charges                280.27
          Contract Labor                    1,800.00
          Program Expenses
            Public Relations Staff     4,444.44
            Infrastructure Staff       6,000.00
            Colocation Expenses        1,043.77
          Total Program Expenses           11,488.21

       Total Expense                       13,568.48

    Net Ordinary Income                     5,442.65

 Net Income                                 5,442.65

 The Apache Software Foundation
 Statement of Financial Position
 As of August 20, 2008

                                         Aug 20, 08     Jul 15, 08     $ Change      % Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                               304.11         196.98        107.13         54.4%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account      96,671.55      91,696.07      4,975.48          5.4%
         Wells Fargo Savings              157,214.03     157,214.03          0.00          0.0%
       Total Checking/Savings             254,189.69     249,107.08      5,082.61          2.0%

    Total Current Assets                  254,189.69     249,107.08      5,082.61          2.0%

 TOTAL ASSETS                             254,189.69     249,107.08      5,082.61          2.0%

 Aaron will take care of the Dell invoice, and will work on defining a
 better workflow for invoices.

 Bill suggested that "Public Relations" should be "Public
 Relations Services".

16 Jul 2008 [J Aaron]

   There's been some talk about work on the treasurer's part.
   Here's the outstanding to-do list:

   - Get the credit card transactions up to date in the QuickBooks
     account.  This could be handed off to our Exec. Assistant.

   - First draft of the tax return (due by August 1st)

   - Prepare a policy and workflow for approving expenses.

   The credit card issue hasn't changed since our last meeting.  I
   need to talk to our assistant to determine how we'll transfer
   the data and Quickbooks information.

   I've started looking over the taxes from last year in order to
   figure out what I need to do to prepare the taxes for this
   year.  Looking at my current schedule, I should be able to
   manage a "draft" of the taxes before August 1st which could
   then be reviewed during August and submitted before September.

   On the matter of helping the treasurer, there really isn't that
   much work that needs to be done usually.  Given that our
   current assistants are, as far as I know, under-utilized, it is
   my recommendation that until we show further need, we assign
   excess treasurer work to one of our assistants when necessary.

   Monthly financial reports below.

   The $1,253.36 difference between the two reports is due to an
   equivalent payment made on Justin's credit card.  Since we are
   not yet reporting liabilities (the credit cards), this only
   shows up as a cash payment without any balancing decrease in

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 June 25 through July 16, 2008

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                    241.99
          Total Contributions Income            241.99

       Total Income                             241.99

          Bank Service Charges                   29.90
          Contract Labor                      1,000.00
          Program Expenses
            Public Relations              3,455.00
            Infrastructure Staff          6,000.00
          Total Program Expenses              9,455.00

       Total Expense                         10,484.90

    Net Ordinary Income                     -10,242.91

 Net Income                                 -10,242.91

 Statement of Financial Position
 As of July 16, 2008

                                           Jul 16, 08    Jun 25, 08     $ Change    % Change
    Current Assets
         Paypal                                 196.98     14,073.17    -13,876.19      -98.6%
         Wells Fargo Analyzed Account        91,696.07     89,316.15      2,379.92        2.7%
         Wells Fargo Savings                157,214.03    157,214.03          0.00        0.0%
       Total Checking/Savings               249,107.08    260,603.35    -11,496.27       -4.4%

    Total Current Assets                    249,107.08    260,603.35    -11,496.27       -4.4%

 TOTAL ASSETS                               249,107.08    260,603.35    -11,496.27       -4.4%

   Sam to arrange payment for the Florida colo with

   Jim to fax FedEx request for updated CC information to Sam for

25 Jun 2008 [J Aaron]

      No significant financial contributions in the last month.

      The automatic payments to our contractors had not been updated
      to reflect pay increases from the last round of contracts.  All
      back-pay has been settled this month.  This is the cause of the
      extra contractor costs this month.

      The tax process has not yet started.  It's my next major task.
      Before that I'd like to get the accounts for the credit cards
      up to date in our books.  Given my current schedule this is
      probably something we could have one of our assistants handle
      and I'd like to discuss that.

      Need to follow-up with audit committee on closing the books and
      getting the necessary records to them.  I expect this process
      will result in several changes, such as the recording of
      electronic bank/credit-card statements each month and proper
      collection of receipts.  We're lacking in all of these areas.
      Many thanks to Bill Rowe for pushing this process forward.

      Statement of Financial Income and Expense
      May 22 through June 25, 2008

         Ordinary Income/Expense		
               Interest Income                        243.48
               Contributions Income	
                 Unrestricted                     208.17
               Total Contributions Income             208.17
            Total Income                              451.65
               Bank Service Charges                   289.96
               Contract Labor                       2,200.00
               Postage and Delivery                    19.95
               Program Expenses		
                 Public Relations Staff         2,222.22
                 Infrastructure Staff           7,000.00
               Total Program Expenses               9,222.22
            Total Expense                          11,732.13
         Net Ordinary Income                      -11,280.48
      Net Income                                  -11,280.48

      Statement of Financial Position
      As of June 25, 2008

                                                 Jun 25, 08     May 21, 08     $ Change      % Change

         Current Assets
              Paypal                               14,073.17      13,917.23        155.94          1.1%
              Wells Fargo Analyzed Account         89,316.15     100,996.05    -11,679.90        -11.6%
              Wells Fargo Savings                 157,214.03     156,970.55        243.48          0.2%
            Total Checking/Savings                260,603.35     271,883.83    -11,280.48         -4.2%

         Total Current Assets                     260,603.35     271,883.83    -11,280.48         -4.2%

      TOTAL ASSETS                                260,603.35     271,883.83    -11,280.48         -4.2%

      *NOTE: when we have the credit card records up to date in
       QuickBooks, I'll be including total liabilities in the report
       as well.

      Aaron to task the EA to do some data entry tasks, coordinating
      this effort with Justin and Jim as required.

21 May 2008 [J Aaron]

   The Quickbooks are _almost_ completely back up to date.  All
   Wells Fargo Checking and Savings accounts are up to date.
   Paypal has been lumped in because their history/download
   functionality has been broken.  Also, the individual credit
   card transactions still need entered.  Perhaps we could have
   one of our contractors perform this last part.

   Work now needs to begin on the audit process and the 2007 tax
   returns.  That's my next step.

   Also, still waiting for Wells Fargo to issue new credit cards.

   With the books now up to date, I can now provide some better
   financial reports:

 Statement of Financial Income and Expense
 April 16 through May 21, 2008
    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                            221.40
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                     42,003.66
          Total Contributions Income              42,003.66

       Total Income                               42,225.06

          Bank Service Charges                       503.20
          Contract Labor                           2,400.00
          Program Expenses
            Public Relations Staff            4,444.44
            Infrastructure Staff              5,000.00
            Hardware Purchases               12,407.73
            Program Expenses - Other          5,125.00
          Total Program Expenses                  26,977.17

       Total Expense                              29,880.37

    Net Ordinary Income                           12,344.69

 Net Income                                       12,344.69

 Statement of Financial Position
 As of May 21, 2008

                                   May 21, 08     Apr 30, 08     $ Change

    Current Assets
         Paypal                      13,917.23      13,620.02        297.21
         Wells Fargo Checking       100,996.05      91,364.58      9,631.47
         Wells Fargo Savings        156,970.55     156,970.55          0.00
       Total Checking/Savings       271,883.83     261,955.15      9,928.68

    Total Current Assets            271,883.83     261,955.15      9,928.68

 TOTAL ASSETS                       271,883.83     261,955.15      9,928.68

   I'd appreciate any feedback on the new financial reports.

     * A number of kudos for the new report format
     * Aaron, Sam, Justin to pursue transferring Jim, Sander's credit cards
       to Aaron, Sam

16 Apr 2008 [J Aaron]

 Sam Ruby finally has his corporate card; however, there is
 still some mix-up with Wells Fargo.  They still have Sander's
 card listed as active and Sam and my card are also Checking
 Cards (not just credit cards).  Will follow-up with Wells Fargo
 before next board meeting.

 I also finally have my Quickbooks PIN again, so I'm in the
 process of updating the quickbook records.  This needs done
 ASAP so we can begin our audit work and begin preparing for

 In terms of the current finances, the most significant change
 is a new contractor this month.  While speaking with Wells
 Fargo, I discussed changing the type of savings account we have
 to one that would provide better interest rates.  I also talked
 about ways to lower or eliminate some of our banking fees (such
 as the lockbox fee).  Our checking account should give us
 certain 'credits' against such fees.

    Paypal                        $ 13,620.02  ($+ 3,303.66)
    Checking                      $101,206.80  ($- 8,728.02)
    Savings                       $156,749.15  ($+   164.33)
    Total                         $271,575.97  ($- 5,260.03)

       Contractor Payments        $ 8,822.22
       Office Expenses            $    39.90
       Banking Fees               $   246.15
       TOTAL                      $ 9,108.27 [1]

       Donations via Lockbox      $   380.25 [2]
       Paypal Donations           $ 3,303.66
       Interest Income            $   164.33
       TOTAL                      $ 3,848.24

 [1] There are currently $4,475.99 in charges on Justin's card for
     infrastructure expenses (AVNET) that will be paid next cycle.

 [2] 3 deposits.  Two from the car payment.  One from Just Give.

 From the discussion:
   * Aaron to follow up on whether or not we need to rebalance the
     accounds in order to minimize banking fees.
   * Jim to look into a virtual address for the ASF, so we don't
     need to update things every time the secretary changes.
   * Aaron fixed a few typos.  The minutes reflect the corrected

19 Mar 2008 [J Aaron]

 I'm still behind on getting the quickbook file up to date.  I'm
 going to need to take some time to consider how I'm going to
 handle that.  The work isn't difficult, just takes some time
 that I haven't had lately.

 Other points of note: We'll have a new contractor on the
 payroll next week.  I should also start moving money out of our
 paypal account.  And of course, tax time is coming up.

    Paypal                        $ 10,316.36  ($+   588.35)
    Checking                      $109,934.82  ($+ 8,692.09)
    Savings                       $156,584.82  ($+   167.01)
    Total                         $276,836.00  ($+ 9,447.45)

       Contractor Payments        $ 8,022.22
       Infrastructure             $ 2.886.79
       Banking Fees               $   448.90
       TOTAL                      $11,357.91

       Donations via Lockbox      $20,050.00 [1]
       Paypal Donations           $   588.35
       TOTAL                      $20,638.35

     [1] Includes IONA Silver Sponsorship Payment

 In discussion it was asked when the books will be brought up to date.
 Aaron's travel for the remainder of the month might mean that this
 not occur until next month.  Justin suggested that Aaron make use
 of either the executive assistant or the secretary assistant.
 If not completed by apachecon EU, other arrangements will be
 discussed there.

20 Feb 2008 [J Aaron]

 For the report, I've broken out the credit card expenses.  I've
 also included expenses on our business card that have not yet
 been paid (just under $3,000 USD) which would be why the
 numbers don't completely add up correctly in this report.  I'll
 consider how to better report this for next month.

    Paypal                        $  9,728.01  ($+ 5,236.63) [1]
    Checking                      $101,242.73  ($-31,342.55)
    Savings                       $156,417.81  ($+   238.00)
    Total                         $267,388.55  ($-25,871.09)

       Contractor Payments        $10,244.44
       Infrastructure             $23,711.28
       Banking Fees               $   233.62
       Fed Ex                     $   449.12
       TOTAL                      $34,638.46

       Donations via Lockbox      $   560.40
       Paypal Donations           $ 5,236.63
       TOTAL                      $ 5,797.03

 [1] Including new Bronze Sponsor

 We discussed the status of the outstanding invoice for Sally.

16 Jan 2008 [J Aaron]

 Nothing exceptional to report for the beginning of the year.  As
 requested, I'm providing a more detailed report of the finances

    Paypal                         $  4,491.38  ($+   573.45)
    Checking                       $132,585.28  ($- 3,836.65)
    Savings                        $156,182.98  ($+   248.54)
    Total                          $293,259.64  ($- 3,014.66)

       Contract Payments           $  5,800.00
       CC Expenses                 $  3,431.61
       Stone Circle                $  4,075.35 [1]
       Banking Fees                $    109.54
       TOTAL                       $ 13,416.50

       Donations via Lockbox       $  5,638.35 [2]
       Paypal Donations            $    573.45
       Stone Circle                $  3,941.50 [3]
       TOTAL                       $ 10,152.30

    [1] Payment for Amsterdam Media Training class
    [2] Largest single donation: $2000 from Mediapolis, Inc.
    [3] ApacheCon US 2006 Proceeds

 On a personal note, I had a hard-drive failure which wiped out my
 Quickbooks install (more specifically corrupted the Parallels
 Windows image).  I have not yet gotten Quickbooks back up and
 running.  Intend to get this worked out before next reporting
 cycle.  Note that we have recent backups of our QuickBook data in
 svn, so our data is still fine.  It's just my setup which is

 During the discussion, a question was asked as to whether
 the balance split between the checking and savings was right.
 The answer was yes.

19 Dec 2007 [J Aaron]

 Google and HP have provided the remainder of their sponsorship
 donations.  Otherwise, very little activity.

 We had a series of $0.01 paypal donations from a single
 individual.  I'm following-up to determine what the donor's
 intentions are.

 Paypal                         $  3,917.93  ($+ 1,137.52)
 Checking                       $136,421.93  ($- 3,061.80)
 Savings                        $155,934.44  ($+   530.88)
 Total			      $296,274.30  ($- 1,393.40)

  * There was a request for more details.  In particular, "significant"
    contributions and expenditures should be itemized.  As well as
    a budget.  And a published tax return.  (Justin took last item as a

14 Nov 2007 [J Aaron]

 We received 5,000 euros from Lufthansa Airplus for their
 Bronze sponsorship on October 23rd.

 Other contributions over the last month include money from the
 car program, cirque systems from seattle,, and one
 personal donor.

 We have one check that I believe was sent to us in error.

 Paypal                         $  3,000.23  ($+   219.82)
 Checking                       $141,839.07  ($+ 2,355.34)
 Savings                        $155,686.01  ($+   282.45)
 Total			      $300,525.31  ($+ 2,857.61)

 A question came up regarding sponsor invoices.  Aaron took todo.

 Aaron also took an action item to find out the status of the
 secretary's signature/credit-card.

17 Oct 2007 [J Aaron]

 The biggest news is that we got the Yahoo! Sponsorship check
 in.  Other sources of funds over the last month included $95
 from Amazon (associate fee).

 I sent Tiffany Griffith a W9 form for Apache's 2007
 participation in the Google Summer of Code program.

 Justin already noted updates to our Well's Fargo account in his

 Current Accounts:

 Paypal                         $  2,780.41  ($+ 1,059.82)
 Checking                       $139,483.73  ($+93,463.09)
 Savings                        $155,403.56  ($+   292.89)
 Total			      $297,667.70  ($+94,815.80)

19 Sep 2007 [J Aaron]

 An updated invoice for the Yahoo! sponsorship went out on
 September 8th.  The original invoice was missing a PO number
 which is the cause of the hold-up.

 There are actually a number of outstanding items that need to
 be handled by the treasurer including reimbursements to members
 (Geir).  There also a recent email requesting a 10k payment
 to a "OB10 system" from HP.

 Paypal                         $  1,720.59  ($+   822.59)
 Checking                       $ 46,020.64  ($- 5,776.22)
 Savings                        $155,110.67  ($+   311.90)
 Total			      $202,851.90  ($- 4,641.73)

 As for the transition to for new officers, I'm not sure the
 status on getting Sam Ruby on the account.  Wells Fargo still
 lists the credit card accounts as belonging to Justin, Jim, and

 Jim and Justin were directed to provide "HP" login information
 to Aaron.

29 Aug 2007 [J Aaron]

 On Aug 10, Justin and I visited the Wells Fargo branch in Irvin
 in order to add my name to the accounts.  With the exception of
 foreign currency wire transfers, I think I now have access to
 all the financial accounts (don't have any checks on hand

 On August 2nd we received a bronze level sponsorship check from
 Two Sigma Investments, LLC.  On Aug 21st, Geir wired funds from
 his personal account our D&O Insurance.

 Justin has been working with myself and the Audit committee on
 the 990 filing.  Drafts have been placed in the financials

 Current balances (as of 29 AUG 2007)

  Paypal                $    898.00  (+$   691.28)
  Checking              $ 51,796.86  (-$11,518.31)
  Savings               $154,798.77  (+$   663.42)
  Total                 $207,493.63  (-$10,163.61)

 (differences are since 19 JUN 2007 which was the last reported
  balance in the board meeting minutes)

 We also discussed the status of the upcoming Yahoo! sponsorship,
 and directed the treasurer to reimburse Geir for wiring expenses.
 (Thanks, Geir!)

01 Aug 2007 [J Aaron]

 Tabled until next regular meeting

18 Jul 2007 [J Aaron]

 Justin has been getting me up to speed on Treasurer duties.  I
 now have access to Well Fargo Online and email updates are
 being sent to me.

 While I'm in LA for OS Summit Asia planning Aug 10-12, Justin
 and I will attempt to finish much of the handover and work on
 the upcoming IRS returns.  The goal is to have a first draft
 for Aug 10th, followed by a two week review, and then
 submission around August 29th.

09 Jul 2007 [J Aaron]

 Tabled until next regular meeting

20 Jun 2007 [Justin]

 The balances below reflects the already paid 3Q invoice from
 Google (yay). HP's next installment still needs to be submitted
 into their arcane processing system.

 A preliminary P&L report for last fiscal year was submitted at
 the members meeting. The next step will be to create a draft
 990 filing for review by the Audit Committee.  The final filing
 will be due to the IRS on September 15.

 It is expected that with the appointment of a new Treasurer at
 this meeting that the coming month will be spent transitioning
 preliminary access to all of the accounts and transitioning the
 books and such.

 Current balances (as of 6/19/2007):

  Paypal             $    206.72 (-$ 1,065.08)
  Checking           $ 63,315.17 (+$25,277.65)
  Savings            $154,135.35 (+$   363.82)
  Total              $217,657.24 (+$24,576.39)

16 May 2007 [Justin]

 The balances below reflect our purchase of the Sun equipment
 for the NL co-lo as well as the just-received 1Q/2Q sponsorship
 payments from HP.  The HP payment apparently got mauled by the
 USPS on its way to Jim's.

 3Q invoices will be issued to HP soon, as well as (really!)
 the next invoice to Google for their sponsorship.

 As the '06-'07 fiscal year is now over, work will start shortly
 on drafting the annual report - with a goal of preliminary
 numbers to report for the members meeting on June 5th.

 I am still on the lookout for good candidates to serve as
 Treasurer for the upcoming year.

 Current balances (as of 5/15/2007):

  Paypal             $  1,271.80 (+$    158.40)
  Checking           $ 38,037.52 (+$ 21,712.45)
  Savings            $153,771.53 (-$ 49,546.09)
  Total              $193,080.85 (-$ 27,675.24)

25 Apr 2007 [Justin]

 For the sponsorship program, we have yet to receive our first
 installment from HP.  Further conversations to track down what broke
 down where in the billing process will continue with HP.  Discussions
 have begun with Covalent regarding their potential for an in-kind
 (non-cash) donation.

 On the PayPal front, the phishing scam continued and resulted in
 posting a page linked off our front page:
 trying to explain the situation.  A trickle of complaints continue
 from various avenues and responses point at this page.

 The fiscal year closes at the end of the month, so my focus
 will soon shift to preparing the annual report.  I've had brief
 conversation with Karen from SFLC who will again be available to
 do a review of our report before submission for any assistance.

 I would also like to inform the Board that I do not intend to
 accept a nomination for Treasurer next year.  This is not a
 statement of time, but rather of interest - I feel the position
 has changed for the better since I have taken the position two years
 ago, but I would really like to see someone else fulfill these
 duties in the coming year.  I will certainly make myself
 available to ensure a transition occurs smoothly and promptly.
 As a matter of course, I will prepare and oversee the submission
 of the annual report for the about-to-close year.

 Current balances (as of 4/24/2007):

  Paypal             $  1,113.40 (+$    538.46)
  Checking           $ 16,325.07 (-$ 14,922.04)
  Savings            $203,317.62 (+$    484.64)
  Total              $220,756.09 (-$ 13,898.94)

28 Mar 2007 [Justin]

 For our sponsorship program, we have received partial payments from
 Covalent and are awaiting the first payment from HP.  A new invoice
 for the second installment for Google has not yet been issued, but
 will try to get it out next month.

 Unimaginably, PayPal has gotten even worse - as we have now been the
 target of a phishing scam where innocents have received fake receipts
 from PayPal that are duplicates of a real receipt from the ASF.
 Joshua Slive has assisted in responding to the hundreds of complaints
 received so far, but more rounds of the phishing scam continue.

 Per the last meeting, contracts were extended for the System Admin
 position and the Secreterial Assistant.  Jim should now be in receipt
 of the signed contracts.

 Our fiscal year will close on April 30.

 Current balances (as of 3/27/2007):

  Paypal             $    574.94 (-$  1,635.57)
  Checking           $ 31,247.11 (-$  2,441.22)
  Savings            $202,832.98 (+$    436.74)
  Total              $234,655.03 (-$  3,640.05)

  Justin noted that ~$70k US, for the sponsorship program,
  in currently not invoiced, but will be within the next

21 Feb 2007 [Justin]

 We now have confirmed sponsors at each level.  Partial invoices
 have been issued to Covalent and HP.  A new invoice for the
 second installment for Google will be issued now that we have
 enough sponsors lined up.

 Continued difficulties with PayPal have persisted.  In one case,
 after consultation with other Directors, we have issued a
 check due to a disputed chargeback not being resolved in
 anyone's favor.

 Our contract with our secretarial assistant expires at the end of
 this month.  Our contract with our sysadmin will expire at the
 end of March.  Our fiscal year will close on April 30.

 Current balances (as of 2/19/2007):

  Paypal             $  2,210.51 (+$      0.00)
  Checking           $ 33,688.33 (-$  4,268.20)
  Savings            $202,396.24 (+$    487.70)
  Total              $238,295.08 (-$  3,780.50)

17 Jan 2007 [Justin]

 We have received one more bronze sponsor since the last meeting
 and received a good faith partial payment towards that
 sponsorship. I believe the PRC is starting to sketch out logos to
 provide to the sponsors. Hopefully, we'll see more of a pickup
 now that folks are coming off vacation.

 The list of donors who donated over $100 last year was sent to
 Jim and Jon late last month and the thank yous have now all been
 physically mailed or emailed (where no physical address was
 given).  The IRS minimum is to acknowledge donations only over $250,
 but we're more on the ball this year than last, so Jim and I
 agreed we could do a larger number of thank yous - hence donors
 who gave more than $100 should receive a thank you from us.

 Current balances (as of 1/16/2007):

  Paypal             $  2,210.51 (+$    955.23)
  Checking           $ 37,956.53 (-$    922.34)
  Savings            $201,908.54 (+$    479.13)
  Total              $242,075.58 (+$    512.02)

20 Dec 2006 [Justin]

 As seen in the balances below, Google's partial sponsorship check
 has arrived.  We have not received any other payments for the
 program; so, I am not comfortable asking for the remainder of the
 agreed-upon sum from Google without jeopardizing our public
 charity status until more sponsorships are received.  I know Jim
 has had some conversations with potential sponsors lately, so
 the outlook isn't bleak - I would expect some progress to occur
 after folks return from winter vacations next month.

 As mentioned last month, I have migrated my 'treasurer setup' to
 a new machine and upgraded to QuickBooks 2007.

 A steady stream of lockbox payments have arrived.  However, I
 have not yet had time to figure out how to produce the donor
 listing reports yet with the new version of QB - I will try to do
 so soon. Last year, I did it manually; but I think there's a way
 to get the report done automatically from QB.

 Current balances (as of 12/19/2006):

  Paypal             $  1,255.28 (+$    691.55)
  Checking           $ 38,878.87 (+$ 21,829.88)
  Savings            $201,429.41 (+$ 10,457.29)
  Total              $241,563.56 (+$ 32,978.72)

 During Justin's talk, Jim was asked to provide updated information
 regarding the Sponsorship program. Jim reported that the Sponsorship
 page is now online and linked to the main ASF page. He has
 also been in contact with other protential sponsors. Work still
 needs to be done on the Thanks page and the logos.

15 Nov 2006 [Justin]

 The SoC payment Jim received last month has now been received in
 our account and is reflected below.

 Per the email sent earlier this week, the cost of the co-lo move
 from UL to OSL is currently $3,188.70.  We have discontinued
 payments to UL.  Due to some mixups with the vendors, my personal
 credit card was charged for some of these items ($714.11 in
 total).  Given Jim and Sander's recent approval via email, I will
 be reimbursed for those charges.

 In the last few weeks, we've had a number of 'chargeback'
 incidents with PayPal.  These seem to be cases where credit card
 fraud may have been used and the scammers donated money to us.
 The fact that there's been so many in the last few weeks is sort
 of disturbing.  We should keep an eye on this, but there's not
 much that we can do here.

 We have not yet received the Google payment for the sponsorship
 program, but should receive it in the next month.  We're also
 still awaiting a firm committment from Covalent as to what level
 they will donate at.  A few other companies have expressed
 interest in the program, but we have not yet received any other

 I would also like to upgrade us to QuickBooks 2007.  We're
 currently using QB 2005.  Due to some upcoming personal changes,
 I need to migrate my main QB setup to another computer.  So, I'd
 like to take this opportunity to upgrade QB as well.  The new
 "non-profit" version claims to better support 990 forms.  If
 true, that's really nice and would be a huge time saver.  It's
 $399.95 online (downloadable from Intuit).

 Current balances (as of 11/14/2006):

  Paypal             $    563.73 (-$    348.82)
  Checking           $ 17,048.99 (+$ 15,720.45)
  Savings            $190,972.12 (-$  9,507.91)
  Total              $208,584.84 (+$  5,863.72)

 Jim volunteered to contact Covalent regarding their
 Sponsorship level.

25 Oct 2006 [Justin]

 As Jim mentions, we have received some checks, but they have not yet
 arrived at our lockbox so are not reflected in our balances below.
 We should expect next month's balances to be more robust.

 I have submitted a partial invoice to Google for their donation
 under the newly announced sponsorship program.

 Current balances (as of 10/24/2006):

  Paypal             $    912.55 (-$    508.47)
  Checking           $  1,328.54 (-$  4,112.04)
  Savings            $200,480.03 (-$     22.61)
  Total              $202,721.12 (-$  4,643.12)

20 Sep 2006 [Justin]

 Tax returns for the 2005-2006FY have now been filed with the IRS.
 Per public disclosure regulations, the return can be downloaded at:

 There was much relief and rejoicing.

 Per the resolution from the last meeting, a six-month contract
 offer (Sept 1, 2006 through Feb 28, 2007) was extended to Jonathan
 Jagielski, which was accepted and signed.  The first payment will
 be issued on October 1.

 Current balances (as of 09/18/2006):

  Paypal             $  1,421.02 (+$    449.05)
  Checking           $  5,440.58 (-$  7,927.04)
  Savings            $200,502.64 (+$    502.64)
  Total              $207,364.24 (-$  6,975.35)

16 Aug 2006 [Justin]

 Work progresses on preparing our tax returns.  Counsel has
 contacted the IRS and the ruling was "More is better" - so we
 will be collecting information for all officers and Directors for
 inclusion. The filing deadline is September 15th.

 We have had some confusion over where Car Program should send our
 checks.  Jim received some checks from them and passed them along
 to our lockbox where they were deposited.

 ALL Directors and Officers MUST fill in
 This needs to be completed ASAP.

 See Attachment O for Q1 FY2006-2007 P&L report.

 Current balances (as of 08/15/2006):

  Paypal             $    971.97 (+$    187.83)
  Checking           $ 13,367.62 (-$  1,169.37)
  Savings            $200,000.00 (-$  6,941.05)
  Total              $214,339.59 (-$  5,583.85)

16 Aug 2006

Quarterly Profit-and-Loss Report (Q1 FY2006-2007)

The Apache Software Foundation
Profit & Loss
May through July 2006

                                               May - Jul 06

    Ordinary Income/Expense
          Interest Income                              1,402.16
          Contributions Income
            Unrestricted                          2,104.76
          Total Contributions Income                   2,104.76

       Total Income                                    3,506.92

          Bank Service Charges                           824.97
          PayPal Charges                                  76.42
          Program Expenses
            Infrastructure Staff                 15,100.00
            Hardware Purchases                    5,941.51
            Colocation Expenses                   5,550.00
          Total Program Expenses                      26,591.51

          Travel & Ent
            Lodging                                  91.98
            Travel                                  435.20
          Total Travel & Ent                             527.18

       Total Expense                                  28,020.08

    Net Ordinary Income                              -24,513.16

 Net Income                                          -24,513.16

19 Jul 2006 [Justin]

 Work progresses on preparing our tax returns.  Counsel has taken
 a pass at reviewing the current state of our returns and made
 some minor suggestions.  We are seeking a clarification from the
 IRS on how many officers we need to disclose information for as
 Counsel has received conflicting reports on this issue.

 I met with Henri and Gianugo in Dublin to go over the returns and
 review the process that I am undertaking.

 I'm aiming to have a complete draft of the returns around the end of
 this month (modulo how many officers we need to disclose for) in
 order to have ample time for the Audit Committee to review before
 the September 15 filing date.  I would suggest that the Audit
 Committee be directed to submit an independent report next month
 as well.

 ALL Directors MUST fill in {private}/officers/irs-disclosures.txt.
 This needs to be completed ASAP.

 Our balances below reflect the May and June payments for the
 sysadmin position.

 I will also be attending a pre-OSCON summit next week with folks
 from other OSS foundations (Mozilla, Eclipse, etc.) and will be
 informally briefing them on how we are handling our finances and
 non-profit tax status. We may get some insight into how other
 foundations are operating too.  If there's anything of particular
 interest, I'll report back to the Board.

 Current balances (as of 07/18/2006):

  Paypal             $    784.14 (-$    709.91)
  Checking           $ 12,198.25 (+$  9,084.13)
  Savings            $206,941.05 (-$ 19,541.04)
  Total              $219,923.44 (-$ 11,166.82)

  Jim noted that many people are simply saying "info in
  members.txt" in the irs-disclosures.txt file mentioned
  above and asked Justin if that was OK. Justin indicated
  that it did not place too much burden on him to have that
  information split between 2 files.

27 Jun 2006 [Justin]

 Work progresses on preparing our tax returns.  Conversations have
 occurred with Counsel about some questions I have on the returns.
 I am awaiting some clarifying responses. The Audit Committee will
 be meeting later this evening here at ApacheCon to discuss how
 the returns will be reviewed.

 Automatic payment has been set up for the infrastructure paid

 Current balances (as of 06/12/2006):

  Paypal             $  1,494.05 (+$    563.43)
  Checking           $  3,114.12 (-$ 10,683.34)
  Savings            $226,482.09 (+$    428.53)
  Total              $231,090.26 (-$  9,691.38)

24 May 2006 [Justin]

 Our fiscal year is now closed and we're now in 2006-2007FY.

 I have checked in initial drafts of the 2005-2006FY tax returns
 of the 990 and 990 Schedule A into:
    (Director access only)

 Most of the financial information has been placed into these
 files, but a complete list of officers/addresses/time spent is
 still required. There are also a few supporting documents that I
 will have to prepare according to the IRS submission guidelines.
 I also have to review the numbers and instructions again before
 submission, but what is there represents my first-cut pass.

 I will be focusing on having a next draft of the returns in time
 for the Annual Members meeting in mid-June for members to review.

 To recap, the returns are due to the IRS by September 15th - 15th
 day of the 5th month after the organization's accounting period
 ends. [990 Instructions Sec. H; pg. 6]

 Current Balances as of 5/17/2006:

 Paypal              $    930.62 (+$   493.23)
 Checking            $ 13,797.46 (-$ 3,478.29)
 Savings             $226,053.56 (+$   382.61)
 Total               $240,781.64 (-$ 2,602.45)

26 Apr 2006 [Justin]

 Our fiscal year closes on April 30th.  Based on preliminary
 calculations, we are over 33.3% of public support for 2005-2006FY.
 Preliminary P&L statements for 2005-2006FY are submitted as
 Attachment O.

 Based on these numbers for 2005-2006FY and prior discussions, I
 have drafted Attachment P which is submitted as initial spending
 allocations for 2006-2007FY.  Additional allocations may be
 approved as required throughout the new fiscal year.

 Due to the fact that most accountants that I have talked to have
 been either non-responsive or indicated that we are either too
 small or too large to be handled by them, I'm going to do a
 first-cut pass at our 990 return in the next month.  My goal is
 to have the preliminary 990 return available for review by the
 Annual Members' Meeting.  If trouble is encountered during this
 prelimary drafting, I will pursue another round of accountant
 quotes.  However, an accountant will not be able to collect
 information whereas I am expected to provide all information to
 the accountant.  Therefore, I feel that it's best to take a
 preliminary pass on our own to try to ensure that we have all
 requisite information.  Ultimately, accuracy and fidelity of the
 return does rest with the Board and Treasurer not an accountant.

 Current Balances as of 4/24/2006:

 Paypal              $    437.39 (-$   945.78)
 Checking            $ 17,275.75 (-$14,321.82)
 Savings             $225,670.95 (+$25,325.66)
 Total               $243,384.09 (+$10,058.06)

 Justin additionally reported that we are expecting an
 addition $25k from ApacheCon US 2005.

26 Apr 2006

Preliminary 2005-2006FY P&L Report

                         May '05 - Apr 06

 Interest Income                $2,303.56
 Program Income
   Code Awards                 $19,000.00
   Conference                  $28,699.54
   Total Program Income        $47,699.54
 Contributions Income
   Unrestricted                $94,374.48
 Unrelated Business Income         $43.74

 Total Income                 $144,421.32


 Bank Service Charges           $1,413.57
 Finance Charge                     $4.94
 Licenses and Permits             $608.00
 Office Supplies                  $757.37
 PayPal Charges                   $326.36
 Postage and Delivery             $222.81
 Printing and Reproduction      $2,236.20
 Program Expenses
   Hardware Purchases           $1,401.69
   Colocation expense          $20,750.00
   Program Expenses - Other    -$1,082.42
   Total Program Expenses      $21,069.27
 Telephone                      $1,265.99

 Total Expense                 $27,904.51

 Net Income                   $116,516.81

15 Mar 2006 [Justin]

 Reimbursements for ApacheCon 2005 US hardship cases from IBM has
 been received.  We have received our $19,000 payment from Google
 for our Summer of Code involvement.   We have also received over
 $19,000 from FCP for our ApacheCon US 2005 proceeds.  Many thanks
 to all involved who made these programs a success on our end!

 I have filed paperwork (again) with Wells Fargo to enable Auto-Pay
 of our credit cards.  There have been mixups regarding payments,
 but this should now be resolved going forward.

 I have provided Jim with the list of donors that need thank you
 letters for donations over $250 made during the last calendar year.

 Our fiscal year closes on April 30th.  I'll have a budget drafted
 for review at the April meeting.  I'll also start exploring options
 to handle preparing our taxes or whether I should do it myself.

 Current Balances as of 3/13/2006:

 Paypal               $ 1,383.17 (+$     0.00) (*as of 2/13/2006)
 Checking             $31,597.57 (+$10,258.63)
 Savings             $200,345.29 (+$30,265.05)
 Total               $233,326.03 (+$40,523.68)

15 Feb 2006 [Justin]

 Reimbursements from ApacheCon 2005 US hardship cases are still in
 process with IBM.  I have been informed that the Summer of Code
 payment from Google is forthcoming as well as the payment from FCP
 for ApacheCon US 2005.

 I have provided a list of past donors to the PRC to help them
 bootstrap a sponsorship program.

 I am overdue on coordinating with Jim to process our roughly 40 thank
 you letters for donations over $250 made during the last calendar year.

 Current Balances as of 2/14/2006:

 Paypal               $ 1,383.17 (+$   434.16)
 Checking             $21,338.94 (-$ 2,030.23)
 Savings             $170,080.24 (+$   292.98)
 Total               $192,802.35 (-$ 1,303.09)

18 Jan 2006 [Justin]

 We continue to receive a small but steady stream of donations,
 but we are now seeing donations appear directly at our lockbox.

 We have processed all outstanding reimbursements for ApacheCon US
 2005 hardship cases and have submitted an invoice to IBM for
 payment to cover our incurred costs.

 We have conducted some other wire transfers to pay outstanding
 debts incurred by individuals on the ASF's behalf.  Jim and Sander
 now have access to the wire transfer facilities and other online
 banking services.

 Over the next month, I will be coordinating with Jim to process
 our thank you letters for donations over $250 made during the
 last calendar year.

 My initial review of the QuickBooks files is now completed.  As
 time permits, I will try to work with the Audit Committee to
 provide them whatever materials they require.

 Current Balances as of 1/17/2006:

 Paypal               $   949.01 (+$   340.43)
 Checking             $23,369.17 (-$   965.28)
 Savings             $169,787.26 (+$   292.47)
 Total               $194,105.44 (-$   332.38)

 Justin mentioned that it appears that the Foundation will
 need to do taxes this year.

21 Dec 2005 [Justin]

 I have received the QuickBooks files and am continuing the internal
 review of the books to ensure all of the data is accurate and
 supportable.  I have received past deposit item images directly from
 Wells Fargo and am in the process of sorting through that information.

 A steady stream of donations continues to be received.  Notably,
 I have deposited the sizable donation from Google and is reflected
 in the balance info below.

 We now have a lockbox set up.  The address to send donations to is:

 The Apache Software Foundation
 Dept. 9660
 Los Angeles, CA 90084-9660

 Contrary to what we heard initially, this address will not accept
 FedEx or other packages.  Any items sent here that are not processable
 by Wells Fargo will be sent to me via USPS.

 Karen from SFLC and I had a phone conversation with Scott Becker
 from HBE - the accounting firm which filed our taxes until 2003.
 We confirmed that there was no pending return that they were
 working on.

 Karen and I, based on all currently available information, believe
 that the ASF received less than $75,000 over the three prior years
 for both 2003-2004FY and 2004-2005FY.  Therefore, the ASF had no need
 to file returns for those tax years.  2005-2006FY will require a tax
 return (due in August).

 I will need to coordinate with IBM for reimbursement for ApacheCon
 hardship cases.

 Current Balances as of 12/21/2005:

 Paypal               $   608.58 (+$   273.08)
 Checking             $24,334.45 (+$ 7,222.69)
 Savings             $169,494.79 (+$50,201.98)
 Total               $194,437.82 (+$57,697.75)

16 Nov 2005 [Justin]

 The arduous process of acquiring a lock box continues.  I've
 been on the phone with several Wells Fargo representatives who
 repeatedly confirm that all of our paperwork is completed on
 our side.  However, we are awaiting some paperwork to be
 completed on their side.  Once this is completed, they indicate
 that the lockbox should be operational in ten business days.

 I have opened up a safe deposit box at a local Wells Fargo
 bank and purchased a safe for my office.  I am also in process
 of opening a local PO box at a nearby post office and need to
 coordinate with counsel and Secretary to acquire the proper
 legal papers to present to the Post Office.

 I am working in coordination with Karen at SFLC to ensure
 that all of our financial and corporate paperwork is in order.

 I am coordinating with IBM and ConCom to arrange travel for
 hardship cases to ApacheCon US next month.

 I have also been informed by Jim that we have received a
 sizable donation check from Google, but I have not yet
 received it.

 I will be drafting a 2006 budget for discussion at ApacheCon.

 Current Balances as of 11/15/2005:

 Paypal               $   335.50  (+$   316.82)
 Checking             $17,111.76  (+$ 2,115.53)
 Savings             $119,292.81  (+$   184.26)
 Total               $136,740.07  (+$ 2,611.61)

26 Oct 2005 [Justin]

 As seen below in our balances, the PayPal limits have now been
 removed and I have rebalanced our accounts to try to generate as
 much interest as possible while minimizing bank fees.

 At the special meeting on the 29th, we passed a set of
 authorizations which should allow operation of the foundation
 until the end of the year.

 Sander has now received his credit card, key fob, and signature

 Messages have been left to our WF contact regarding the set up of
 our lockbox, QuickBooks access, and various other minor topics.
 Hopefully, these will be resolved shortly.

 One notable short-term high-priority item is to start drafting
 the 2006 budget so that the Board can set the relative budget
 priorities for the next year.

 One final item is to close out the Treasurer transition and to
 consequently work in coordination with the Audit Committee to
 certify our past books.

 Current Balances as of 10/25/2005:

 Paypal               $    18.68  (-$ 7,118.75)
 Checking             $15,001.23  (-$12,911.69)
 Savings             $119,108.55  (+$18,167.19)
 Total               $134,128.46  (-$ 1,863.25)

21 Sep 2005 [Justin]

 In the last month, we continued the transition of the Treasurer
 position.  Most notably, we have switched to a new set of accounts
 which will allow us to earn 'credits' that will offset our monthly fees
 and enable the lockbox service.  Paperwork is pending for the lockbox
 with Wells Fargo.  Credit cards have been received and activated.  Bill
 Pay and QuickBooks access to the Wells Fargo accounts have been
 activated.  Finally, due to our officer transitions, Chuck and Dirk no
 longer have access to ASF accounts.

 A directory in the private Subversion repository was created (with
 Director-only access) containing detailed financial information,
 including past electronic bank statements.

 Jim now has online access to the Wells Fargo accounts and has also
 received access to the Wells CEO system to perform wire transfers.
 There are a similiar set of items pending that either need to be
 shipped to Sander or require his attention when he returns.

 I hope to work with the Audit Committee in the next month to start the
 preparation for an external audit.

 As mentioned in Section 7 of the agenda, a budget for 2005 has been
 drafted and is submitted for approval to the Board.  Work will continue
 to refine the budget items for 2006 FY in preparation for a December

 Current Balances as of 9/20/2005:

 Paypal               $ 7,137.43  (+$1,243.08)
 Checking             $27,912.92  (+$2,777.51)
 Savings             $100,941.36  (+$  101.10)
 Total               $135,991.71

17 Aug 2005 [Justin]

 Thanks to Robyn, we received a copy of QuickBooks Pro and it is now

 I now have access to the Paypal accounts.

 Paperwork for obtaining credit cards from Wells Fargo are pending.

 In the last few days, I have had several conversations with Wells Fargo
 about our banking situation and how we can optimize both our fees
 and our services.  An email detailing these discussions and our
 options will be posted to the board mailing list before the meeting.

 A further review of current action items for the treasurer is
 available in STATUS.

 Current balances as of 8/16/2005:

 Paypal               $ 5,894.35  (+$  422.57 since 6/2005)
 Checking             $25,135.41  (-$3,009.46)
 Premium Mkt.        $100,701.53  (+$  111.21)
 Total               $131,731.29

 Jim asked Justin if he was still looking into moving the
 ASF bank accounts to a different bank, to allow for better
 physical access for more directors (ie: a bank with a
 wider range of branch locations). Justin indicated that
 at present it made sense to stay with Wells Fargo, but we
 may re-investigate moving at some point.

28 Jul 2005 [Justin]

 The treasurer transition continues.  I have been added as a
 signatory to the Wells Fargo accounts and I have a set of checks.
 As of July 24th, the books have not been sent to me, nor do I have
 access to our PayPal account.  I do have a call scheduled with Chuck
 when I return to the US on July 27.

 In this next month, we will wrap up the transition.  The highest
 priority items (in rough order) are acquiring the books, obtaining
 access to the PayPal account, and ensuring that our 2004 taxes are
 filed properly.  (AFAIK, our IRS extension is until Aug. 15.)

 Per the resolution below, I recommend the creation of the Audit

 Pursuant to the July 1 board IRC discussion, we will raise the
 individual signatory limit for checks to US$5,000.

 I also strongly recommend that the ASF obtain a credit card for
 official business.  This will significantly streamline the
 reimbursement procedures, allow us to obtain a FedEx account, and
 permit us to lift the $500/month withdrawal limit from PayPal.

 A further review of current action items for the treasurer is
 available in STATUS.

 Current balances as of 7/25/2005:

 Paypal               N/A
 Checking             $25,135.41  (-$1,906.14)
 Premium Mkt.        $100,701.53  (+$  106.72)
 Total               $125,836.94

22 Jun 2005 [Chuck]

 Lockbox papers have been filed with Wells Fargo. I am awaiting
 a response from them. When Lockbox goes active, the mailing
 address for contributions will change.

 Office expenses have been mailed to Jim.

 We received a check for $6695 from IBM last month which has been
 deposited and shows in our current balances. We have also received
 a check for $2000 from Red Mountain Technologies that has not yet

 Current balances (as of 12/15/2004):

 Paypal           $5471.78
 Checking        $27041.55
 Premium Mkt.   $100594.81

 Total          $133108.14

18 May 2005 [Chuck]

 No report.

 Dirk has the Action Item to contact Chuck regarding
 the status of the ASF financial records as well as
 Chuck's involvement as Treasurer.

27 Apr 2005 [Chuck]

 No report.

30 Mar 2005 [Chuck]

 Lockbox services are once again getting attention from WF.

 Expenses above and beyond normal last month included
 $5000 for infrastructure meeting support, $1302 for new
 equipment, and $299 to CSC for annual corporate filing.

 Contributions for approximately $4900 were received, including
 $2350 from UC and approximately $2000 from car sales. Contact
 information has been filed with Car Program LLC.

 Current balances (as of 02/22/2005):

 Paypal           $2947.12
 Checking        $15287.84
 Premium Mkt.   $100286.26

 Total          $118521.22

23 Feb 2005 [Chuck]

 Lockbox services are still being pursued with WF. I wonder if
 it would be worth changing banks, given the lack of response
 here. I'll see if that possibility jars WF into action.

 We are still awaiting a $10,000 wire transfer from Security

 Brian Fitzpatrick and I spoke with Sean Gailey and resolved
 some serious communications problems between ASF and Jinx.
 Brian has a new contract for Jinx under consideration on'
 fundraising@, and I have received for deposit a check for
 $1000 from Jinx for our (previously unknown) proceeds from
 ASF-branded Jinx wares.

 2004 financials still remain to have reports generated and
 committed to svn.

 Current balances (as of 02/22/2005):

 Paypal           $2913.44
 Checking        $17739.96
 Premium Mkt.   $100202.82

 Total          $120856.22

19 Jan 2005 [Chuck]

 Lockbox services are still being pursued with WF. I received
 electronic copies of the signup documents and contracts, and
 submitted several questions, for which I have not received a
 response. I am pursuing this through the local WF branch to
 get some movement.

 We are awaiting a $10,000 wire transfer from Security Travel,
 which has not yet posted. I have been in contact with Tina
 Greene about this and will continue to pursue it.

 Termination notice has been sent to Jinx Hackware via USPS
 certified mail. Receipt has not yet been received from USPS
 for arrival of that letter.

 2004 books have been sent to our accountant HBE and will be
 committed to /foundation in the next week.

 Current balances (as of 01/18/2005):

 Paypal           $3107.64
 Checking        $18748.17
 Premium Mkt.   $100117.76

 Total          $121973.57

15 Dec 2004 [Chuck]

 Lockbox services are still being pursued with WF. I received
 electronic copies of the signup documents and contracts, and
 submitted several questions, for which I have not received a
 response yet.

 The ASF received a $10,000 contribution from Omidyar Network
 Foundation. This is the second largest contribution received
 thus far, surpassng the $5,000 contribution received last December
 from Craig's List, and second only to the contribution by Siemens
 several years ago. We also received $2,000 from Somix Technologies
 and $1,000 from Mirra.

 I received the $25,000 check from Security Travel (from Ken),
 deposited it, and it was returned by WF NSF. After several
 contacts with Tina Greene and officers of both WF and Gilmore
 Banks, ASF received a wire transfer for $15,000 on 12/14, with
 an additional transfer for $10,000 scheduled for 12/17. I plan
 to monitor this closely to be sure it succeeds.

 After consultation with the PRC/Fundraising Committee, we have
 decided to terminate our contract with Jinx Hackware for
 ASF swag. No money has yet been received on this contract. A
 60 notice of termination has been sent via Certified Mail, and
 a copy of the letter will be committed to /foundation.

 Current balances (as of 12/15/2004):

 Paypal           $2393.26
 Checking        $19756.73
 Premium Mkt.   $100036.26

 Total          $122186.25

 Chuck noted that our PayPal account may actually have about
 $500 more than the above, since he has noticed a recent
 "upsurge" in donations.

14 Nov 2004 [Chuck]

 Assets of the Foundation have remained relatively flat in 2004,
 the first full year in which the Foundation has paid for
 colocation charges. Additional expenses were incurred for
 corporate filing charges, accounting services, office supplies,
 and equipment replacement and procurement, totalling (with colo
 charges) $22166.89 over the 12 month period 11/15/03-11/14/04.

 Contributions breakdown (by percentage):

 Corporate (by check)     35%
 Private (by check)       20%
 Private (by PayPal)      45%

 Note: The PayPal contribution includes a very small percentage of
   contributions received as micropayments from VA Linux

 Assets Summary 11/15/03-11/14/04:

 11/15/03 total assets                     $100954.46
 Contribution income 11/15/03-11/14/04      $20134.86
 Expenses                                  ($22166.89)
    Colo charges        $18000.00
    Corporate filing      $588.00
    Accountant            $575.00
    Office supplies       $330.00
    Capital equipment    $2673.89
 11/14/04 total assets                      $98922.43

 Current balances (as of 11/13/2004):

 Paypal           $1494.06
 Checking         $4644.00
 Premium Mkt.    $92784.37

 Total           $98922.43

 Chuck also reported that, as of that date, the
 ASF had not received any funds from the Car Donation
 company which we have signed on with, even though
 at least one car has been donated.

20 Oct 2004 [Chuck]

 Chuck reported that following account balances:

    Business Account:   $93,750.94
    Checking Account:   $ 5,500.00
    PayPal Account:     $ 1,255.51

 Chuck also reported that the ASF taxes were in the process
 of being completed and submitted, after requesting and
 receiving a submission extension.

22 Sep 2004 [Chuck]

 no report submitted.

18 Aug 2004 [Chuck]

 No Report.

21 Jul 2004 [Chuck]

 Chuck noted that contributions were down this summer, current invoices are
 done and the car donation scheme is in progress.  He also has
 faxes of 501(c)3 papers going to Roy and Jim.

 Current balances (as of 07/20/2004):

 Paypal           $1822.97
 Checking          $500.00
 Premium Mkt.    $98474.91

 Greg noted that balances have sunk below $100k, which lowers interest
 rate on the account.  Dirk noted the $38k limit as the floor
 for the account.

23 Jun 2004 [Chuck]


26 May 2004 [Chuck]

 We should now (or extremely shortly) be accepting contributions
 of salvaged cars from Car Program LLC. Our United Layer account
 is now on automatic payment.

 Current balances (as of 05/26/2004):

 Paypal           $2235.16
 Checking          $632.89
 Premium Mkt.   $100249.31

21 Apr 2004 [Chuck]

 Current balances (as of 04/21/2004):

 Paypal           $2399.79
 Checking          $150.84
 Premium Mkt.   $101679.24

 Chuck discussed the use of a lock-box service so that in the
 future checks could be sent directly to the bank.

 Chuck left the meeting at 10:18pm.

17 Mar 2004 [Chuck]

 Address mixup with Dirk has been corrected. No new info on EFT
 payment for United Layer. Corporation fee bill received from
 Jim and paid. Accountant balance paid. Lock box services with
 Wells Fargo for contributions is now being pursued, since we
 have a bank VP here, finally. Sign up process for car donations
 with two companies is in progress.

 Current balances (as of 01/21/2004):

 Paypal           $2356.51
 Checking          $234.82
 Premium Mkt.   $103104.96

18 Feb 2004 [Chuck]

 Contributions have tailed off since the end of last year.
 Contributions total for last month is approximately $500.00.
 Almost all of this has been via PayPal.

 We are still awaiting a response from UL concerning EFT for
 colo fees.

 Current balances (as of 01/21/2004):

 Paypal           $2974.88
 Checking          $241.81
 Premium Mkt.   $103334.49

21 Jan 2004 [Chuck]

 December and 2003 FY financial reports are now in
 foundation/Funds. We've seen a healthy upswing in contributions,
 partly because of the appeal by fundraising committee to members,
 and partly as a result of year-end contributions by check. ASF
 total assets have increased by approximately $6k since 12/15,
 reversing the gradual downward trend seen since mid-2003 (when we
 started using the UL colo). A large part of this is due to a $5k
 contribution by

 I have contacted Arman at UL about getting our monthly colo
 payment into electronic form. This won't happen until at least

 Support for Quickbooks Pro 2002 - ASF's accounting software -
 will be ending this coming April. We may wish to consider
 replacing this with an updated Intuit product.

 Current balances (as of 01/21/2004):

 Paypal           $2527.98
 Checking          $250.75
 Premium Mkt.   $103258.72

17 Dec 2003 [Chuck]

 Financial reports for 4Q 2002 and 2003 YTD have been
 submitted. PayPal account has reverted to a $500/mo. withdrawal
 limit, since the credit card used to verify the account has
 expired.  Chuck is awaiting a new bank VP at Wells Fargo to
 open a lockbox account, as the old VP has resigned.  Final 2003
 financials should show an additional $700-$3500 in expenses due
 to late posting of December colo charges and pending payout of
 additional colo equipment money.  Chuck reported that no PR
 budget proposal has been received.

16 Nov 2003 [Chuck]

 A repeat of the report from the Member's Meeting:

 Chuck reports that the foundation has just over $100,000 in its
 accounts at present, down from $115,000 one year ago. This decline
 is due primarily to the fact that the Foundation began to assume
 its own hardware and colocation costs this year. We now have
 contributions by PayPal as well as by check, which together have
 offset approximately 25% of the Foundation's year-to-date
 operating costs. It is unknown whether this percentage will
 increase next year.

 ASF continues to maintain a royalty relationship with Jinx Hackwear,
 but this has not produced any appreciable income to date.

 ASF fundraising has been limited so far to installing the PayPal
 link on the Foundation's Contributions web page. Proposals for
 increased visibility for fundraising activities on the
 Foundation web site have not made progress, due in part
 to objections voiced by the membership during discussions on
 this issue.

 In the coming year, it will be important for the Foundation to
 be able to generate income from sources other than those
 already mentioned, in order to offset the costs of operating
 our own infrastructure, and reduce the burden of support on those
 members who contribute goods and services. Additional income
 will be needed if we choose to undertake activities such as
 increased public relations activity, or participation in
 standards groups.

22 Oct 2003 [Chuck]

 No report due to Chuck's absense.

17 Sep 2003 [Chuck]

 Current account balances are $2521.32 (checking), $101,762.81
 (business premium), and $586.41 (PayPal). $953.81 was moved from
 PayPal to checking on 9/8/2003. Checking account balance does not
 reflect 9/2003 colo charges of $1500.00 yet. I am awaiting receipts
 from Greg Stein for recent colo equipment purchase.

 PayPal income stream is $720.00 so far in September, $600.00 for
 August, and $355.00 for July. Encouraging news. Conversely, paper
 (check) donations received appear to be falling off.

 Chuck's credit card used for the PayPal account is expiring, so we
 will once again be limited to $500/month withdrawals from the
 account soon.

 NIH request for contribution has been received and filled out by
 the Wells Fargo branch VP and is returned for NIH processing.

20 Aug 2003 [Chuck]

 No report.

16 Jul 2003 [Chuck]

 No report

25 Jun 2003 [Chuck]

 Chuck reported that the fund balances are as follows:

 PayPal:       $2,717.94
 WF checking:    $215.81
 WF premium: $102,694.95

21 May 2003 [Chuck]

 Chuck reported that the ASF general business account had
 a balance of $102,595.57, with $233.72 in checking and
 $1746.15 under PayPal.

16 Apr 2003 [Chuck]

 No report.

19 Mar 2003 [Chuck]

 No report.

19 Feb 2003 [Chuck]

 Current balance is Almost-CD $114,308.75 + checking $747.70...
 accounting for contributions received and bills payable, the new
 balance of the Almost CD will be $110.708.25.  QuickBooks will need
 to be registered.

22 Jan 2003 [Chuck]

 Chuck had nothing to report.

18 Dec 2002 [Chuck]

 Chuck reported on invoice from Duane Morris for legal services
 rendered. Chuck had requested and received a detailed invoice
 listing of charges, and they all appeared valid. Chuck reported
 that he had sent payment to Duane Morris and CSC for services

 Chuck also reported that he had scheduled a meeting with Wells Fargo
 regarding the ASF obtaining a merchant account (for accepting
 credit card donations) but also noted that this would involve some
 infrastructure on our part to implement and use.  PayPal was
 discussed as another more viable alternative.  The Jinx contract
 was also mentioned as a source of revenue available to the ASF.

18 Nov 2002 [Chuck]

 Chuck reported that the transition to the new banking account has
 been completed, with the old account now dead.  He has signed
 account signature cards from Dirk and Jim.  The account itself
 has a balance of ~ $114,000 (US) with a compounded interest of 1.93%.
 Chuck is meeting with Wells Fargo to discuss such topics as long-term
 fund management.

18 Nov 2002

Appoint Chuck Murcko as the Treasurer of the ASF

 The board formally accepted Randy's resignation and absolved him of
 all reponsibilities of further duties.

 By unanimous consent, Chuck was appointed ASF Treasurer.

 The board also expressed their deep gratitude to Randy Terbush and
 Ryan Lindsay (of Covalent) for their work the last 3 years as
 Treasurer and (un-official) ass't treasurer.

30 Oct 2002 [Chuck]

 Chuck reported that the ASF's checking account is located at a
 bank in Lincoln, NE, making interaction with the bank somewhat
 difficult. The bank had also undergone a merger and was missing
 some of the paperwork. Randy Terbush is the only person with
 signatory authority that has complete data on file. Further,
 the checking account has an interest rate of only 0.05%.

 Rather than attempting to reconstruct the missing paperwork,
 Chuck queried the Board about setting up a new account in
 Sedona, AZ, with the proper signatory authority, then having
 Randy transfer the ASF funds. The Board stated approval and
 suggested that the President [Dirk], Executive Vice President
 [Jim], and Assistant Treasurer [Chuck] have signing
 authority. Chuck stated that he would work to make that happen.

 Chuck also noted that he had received ASF paperwork from Randy,
 and from Ryan Lindsay at Covalent.

16 Oct 2002 [Chuck & Randy]

 Chuck reported that the switchover from Randy to himself was
 proceeding, with the ASF accounts being transferred to the
 new Ass't Treasurer.  The QuickBooks packages was being shipped
 to Chuck as well.  Chuck also accepted the position as Chair of the
 Fund Raising committee.

18 Sep 2002 [Randy]

 Randy reported that via Ben Hyde he had received a copy of Quickbooks
 for the ASF use. Randy reported that all know compensations regarding
 the ApacheCon 2001 that was budgeted for and approved had been
 completed.  There was discussion regarding the need for an overview
 of the ASF budget requirements of the last few years in order to create
 a valid working budget.  It was generally agreed that a need for such a
 budget exercise exists.

21 Aug 2002 [Randy]

 Randy reported that he was in the process of ordering 'Quickbooks'
 to provide better access to ASF fiscal records.  Randy also noted
 that the ASF received a $1000(US) Usenix award check.  Randy
 also reported that there were 2 outgoing payments: $775(US) for
 ASF taxes and $250 to CSC for our annual corporate fee.

17 Jul 2002 [Randy]

 Randy provided the end-of-year TAX information for the foundation.
 Randy noted that the ASF's 501(c)3 status was nominal, but that
 the ASF was not receiving enough donations for the status to be
 clearly appropriate.  IRS guidelines are that 30% of donations
 should be of the "small" variety.  How to address this concern
 was discussed including making it easier to individuals to
 donate to the ASF (eg: PayPal).  Scanned JPGs of the letter
 from the accountants to Randy regarding the ASF "Exempt
 Organization" IRS Return is located in:


20 Mar 2002 [Randy]

 Randy provided PDF account reports, available under foundation/Funds/

 It was noted that the ApacheCon events are significant to the ASF's
 revenue stream.

27 Feb 2002 [Randy]

 No report due to absence of Treasurer

16 Jan 2002 [Randy]

 Absent, hence no report.

28 Nov 2001 [Randy]

 Randy report on the foundation's financial standing. PDF's of the
 actual accounting reports are held in the CVS tree. Randy also
 reported that he is continuing investigation into a merchant
 account for the ASF, having been declined by Wells Fargo.

17 Oct 2001 [Randy]

 No report due to Randy's absence.

18 Jul 2001 [Randy]

 Randy had nothing new to report.

18 Apr 2001 [Randy]

 Randy reported no changes since the last meeting.

21 Mar 2001 [Randy]

 Randy reported a current balance of $118,706.51 in the ASF account.
 A detailed balance sheet, in PDF format, is available in CVS. The
 ASF is current at the end of the fiscal year, and thus we will
 incur accounting costs due to that close-out.

 Randy also (re-)reported that the ASF had obtained official 501c(3)
 status "in consideration." There was some discussion on whether this
 could be applied ("grandfathered") to contributions made in the past.
 Since our status will only take effect our next fiscal year, it
 appears that this is not the case. There was additional discussion
 on updating the ASF site to reflect the news of our 501c(3) status.

 There was also discussion on possibly implementing something similar
 to what the Python Software Foundation (correct name??) has with
 "Corporate Supporter Fees." In this setup, the donation fee structure
 is clearly defined.

 Randy also noted that because of the problems the ASF has been
 having in trying to obtain a merchant account with Well Fargo,
 he is recommending we search for a new merchant account vendor.

15 Nov 2000

 Randy reported that he is working on reimbursing the ASF expenses
 that were incurred at ApacheCon during the ASF Hackathon event.  He
 will commit a copy of the current financial accounts to the foundation
 CVS repository (Roy may need to convert it to PDF).

22 Oct 2000 [Randy]

 Randy reported the current status of the ASF banking account.
 Detailed account information can be found in the Funds
 directory of the foundation CVS tree/site.

 Randy reported that the ASF has received notice from the IRS of
 our filing for 501(c)(3) status.

24 Jul 2000 [Randy]

 Randy reported that the donations address on our website should be
 updated to read

      The Apache Software Foundation
      c/o Covalent Technologies, Inc.
      706 Mission Street, Second Floor
      San Francisco, CA  94103-3163

 Our current finance situation is positive and exceeds our planned
 expenditures for this year.  A complete accounting will be provided
 to the members in private, due to the privacy concerns of donees.
 Major donations included $9000 from the Certicom challenge won by
 the ECDL project (Rob Harley and colleagues), $10,000 from the
 1999 ACM Software System Award, and $1000 each from Digital Campaigns,
 Inc., and

 Almost half of the Foundation's current funds are from the proceeds
 of the successful ApacheCon 2000 conference in Orlando.  Brian thanked
 Ken Coar and the conferences committee for producing an outstanding
 conference and significantly improving the financial condition of
 the Foundation as a result.

 Randy reported that our accountants have filed for 501(c)(3) status
 on behalf of the Foundation, but there has not been any response yet
 from the IRS.

28 Feb 2000 [Randy]

 Randy reported on the current fiscal health of the foundation. The ASF
 had a positive cash account of over $30,000.  Randy also reported
 that despite previous information, the ASF is not able to accept
 Diner's Club for credit card donations.

 It was at this time that it was deemed appropriate to discuss item
 6B, The pros and cons of being a 501(c)(3), since Steve Blood joined
 the telecon at that time.  Steve Blood is from Copyleft and they had
 recently investigated the particulars of the 501(c) family. Steve
 reported that in general, 501(c)(3) status that characterizes the
 foundation as a charitable organization is not as attractive to
 the businesses.  Under this format, contributions are tax deductible
 for individuals, but not the method of choice for business. Instead,
 business prefers a setup that allows them to deduct donations as
 business expenses.  Pure foundations are more attractive if
 funds from government, education, or other charitable organizations
 are a major source of donations.  There is no issue with having
 "targeted donations" for any of the setups, as far as the IRS
 is concerned.