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This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


17 Feb 2010

The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.

The WSRP4J Project has been adopted by the Portals PMC, while still in the
Apache Incubator, since August 2003, with the intent to graduate as a
sub-project of Apache Portals.


 * There is no project activity to report since the last report of
November 2009.

18 Nov 2009

The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.

The WSRP4J Project has been adopted by the Portals PMC, while still in the
Apache Incubator, since August 2003, with the intent to graduate as a
sub-project of Apache Portals.

* There is no project activity to report since the last report of August
* The IPR issue has been reviewed by the Legal Affairs Committee and
formally stated to be OK with WSRP4J releasing and graduating.
 Many thanks to Niclas Hedhman for helping out enormously with this!
* The project now hopefully will get back into action and start cleaning up
the codebase, removing/replacing incompatible licensed dependencies
(Hibernate) and working towards a first release.
* Still standing issue from last report: The current mentors haven't been
interactive in a very long time, maybe other/new mentors might be interested
to step up?

[October report follows]

The Incubator is running smoothly, with nothing requiring the Board's
attention at this time.

There is a vote underway to graduate the Click project as a TLP.  Lucene.NET
has been voted on by the Incubator PMC and the Lucene PMC to transfer to a
Lucene sub-project.

As was discussed in last month's report, the Aries project (OSGi-related)
has now been accepted for Incubation, and reported (below).  The Geronimo
project is already working with and contributing to the Aries project.


19 Aug 2009

The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.

The WSRP4J Project has been adopted by the Portals PMC, while still in the
Apache Incubator, since August 2003 , with the intent to eventually graduate
as a sub-project of Apache Portals.

* There is no activity to report since the last Portals report of June
* Primary task, and foremost reason for the incubation stagnation, is
resolving the legal IPR issue with regards to the WSRP spec patent claim
from WebCollage, see for further detail the report from June 2009.
* Interest to resolve this issue remains high by the Portals project
however, but we lack the legal knowledge and experience how to proceed.
* The Portals PMC would very much appreciate further help and legal advise
in this.
* The current mentors haven't been interactive in a very long time, maybe
other/new mentors might be interested to step up?

17 Jun 2009

The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.

The WSRP4J Project has been adopted by the Portals PMC, while still in the
Apache Incubator, with the intent to eventually graduate as a sub-project of
Apache Portals.

However, there has been no changes nor real activity in the WSRP4J project
for quite some time.

While the the interest for WSRP4J might seem to have dwindled, several
active Apache Portals committers still belief there is a real potential to
reactivate this project, especially in the light of the new WSRP 2.0 OASIS
specification. As the only existing "open" standard in this area, interest
for a formal release also has been expressed (privately) by several large
organizations, including governmental.

Furthermore, even while there hasn't been a formal WSRP4J (incubator)
release so far, in reality its codebase has been adapted and is in use by
non ASF products and projects quite a lot.

But the primary reason why further development has been stalled is a legal
one with regards to IPR.  Two parties of the WSRP technical committee, IBM
and WebCollage, have stated patent claims on the WSRP specification.  See
also:  Concerning the
claims from IBM we think those are not limiting us to produce an ASF
compliant release of WSRP4J.  But we are still not sure about the claims
from WebCollage.

Last year, with the help from legal-internal, we have pursuit to resolve
these uncertainties, and there has been preliminary contact with WebCollage,
but this has stalled again.

We still hope we can resolve this satisfactory, but we do seek further help
and legal advise how to proceed.

20 May 2009

Did not report.  Still tied on on IP issues, we believe.

18 Feb 2009


19 Nov 2008

The project did not report, but recent discussion with
( indicates that the "fuzzy
state of potential patent claims on WSRP 1.0" prevents the project from
making releases at this time, which impacts community development.

20 Aug 2008


21 May 2008

Failed to report.  One item of interest is that the community has engaged
the Legal Committee regarding blocking concerns with respect to IP.

14 Nov 2007

No report.  Part of the "Projects in Trouble" e-mail to discuss future

29 Aug 2007

The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.

Incubating since: 2003

Not much news for WSRP4J - Apart from one committer working on refactoring
the code base to match latest Pluto versions and one or two questions on the
user mailing list, nothing really happened.


16 May 2007

The WSRP4J Project is an implementation of WSRP 1.0 Producer. WSRP is an
OASIS specification that describes a protocol which allows portlets to be
accessed remotely using Web Services.

Incubating since: 2003

The project is very silent, there are nearly no user questions and nearly
zero developer activity. Although there seems to be a medium to high
interest in wsrp over the past years, no community could be built around
wsrp4j. There is still an open patent issue. The portals PMC is aware of
these problems and will address them asap.

''iPMC Comments:''
 * jukka: Good that someone is looking into this.

21 Feb 2007

iPMC Reviewers:

No report


16 Aug 2006

WSRP4J was transfered from WS to Portals --- why the lists aren't
under the Incubator is a good question.  The project currently appears
to be languishing, if not outright neglected.  Almost none of the
listed committers (
appear to be maintaining any presence.  I don't know what, if any,
work is being done on WSRP 2.0, and if that is being done elsewhere in
vendor space, rather than on WSRP4J in the open.

18 Jan 2006

Nothing much happened in the project; the activity is very low - we voted in
a new committer (Vishal Goenka) to get more active. WSRP4J is still in the
move from the WS to the portals project (move of mailing lists is missing).
We hope to get a more active community in the near future by incorporating
the GSoC code.

26 Oct 2005


However, Santiago Gala provided a report to the Board last month as part of
the Portals quarterly report
04512.30199.26.camel@localhost%3e).  From what I can see on the mail
archives, essentially nothing has happened since.

28 Jul 2005

WSRP4J has completed all graduation requirements except community
participation.  Things have been improving in this area recently.  We
added a new committer, Diego Louzan, in February.  I have also met
with various users from the higher education domain, and we have
agreed that it would be beneficial for them to become more involved.

We also have a Google Summer of Code student, Diego, who is working on
two major areas: mavenizing and refactoring.  The refactoring work
will remove dependencies on Pluto as well as provide better separation
of code among Producer, Consumer, and Common components.

18 Aug 2004

* is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)

 The cwiki file on the incubator site is  up to date as well as the
STATUS file in the project directory.

* any legal, cross-project or personal issues
that still need to be addressed?


* what has been done for incubation since the last report?

 1.  Annointed a new committer: sgoldstein
 2.  Various bug fixes.
 3.  Restructured the website and added the Portals logo.
 4.  Migrated to the new moinmoin wiki.

* plans and expectations for the next period?

 1. Continue development work on outstanding WSRP 1.0 items
    (see TODO wiki:
 2. Continue to build the community by encouraging developers
    to contribute code.  We are building a user population, but few
    outside developers have made code contributions.
 3. Will probably ask for a vote to graduate from the Incubator into

* any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you?


* etc (your own thoughts on what is important would be helpful!)

21 Jul 2004

* is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)

 The cwiki file on the incubator site is  up to date as well as the
STATUS file in the project directory.

* any legal, cross-project or personal issues
that still need to be addressed?


* what has been done for incubation since the last report?

 1.  Annointed a new committer: sgoldstein
 2.  Various bug fixes.
 3.  Restructured the website and added the Portals logo.
 4.  Migrated to the new moinmoin wiki.

* plans and expectations for the next period?

 1. Continue development work on outstanding WSRP 1.0 items
    (see TODO wiki:
 2. Continue to build the community by encouraging developers
    to contribute code.  We are building a user population, but few
    outside developers have made code contributions.
 3. Will probably ask for a vote to graduate from the Incubator into

* any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you?


* etc (your own thoughts on what is important would be helpful!)