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which have been approved by the Board.
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## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing,with moderate activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (17 years ago) There are currently 34 committers and 33 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: -No new PMC members. Last addition was Richard Eckart de Castilho on 2024-07-01. -No new committers. Last addition was Richard Eckart de Castilho on 2024-07-01. ## Project Activity: In the last quarter we had 2 maintenance releases for Wicket 10.x. We are about to start rolling the version 10.3.0 and 9.19.0 that will fix CVE-2024-53299 (thanks to Pedro Santos pedro@apache.org) ## Community Health: community stays healthy and participant. We received contribution for both bug fixes and improvements. Some of the later have been targeted for the next main release as they require APIs breaks or are meant for more recent Java releases.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with a moderate activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (17 years ago) There are currently 34 committers and 33 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Richard Eckart de Castilho was added to the PMC on 2024-07-01 - Richard Eckart de Castilho was added as committer on 2024-07-01 ## Project Activity: It was a quite quarter after the new main release of Wicket 10. Maintenance versions have been release for the three supported branches: - 8.16.0 was released on 2024-06-17. - 9.18.0 was released on 2024-06-01. - 10.1.0 was released on 2024-06-01. ## Community Health: Community is stable and healthily and still provide PR for code and also to improve documentation. Most notably in the past quarter we added a new PMC meber, Richard Eckart de Castilho, to our team. Richard has been an active member of the community for years and he also works on other important projects like Apache UIMA and INCEpTION (https://inception-project.github.io/). We are happy he accepted to join the team!
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (17 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: On the last quarter we released versions 9.18.0 and 10.1.0, this last is the maintenance release for the 10.x branch. Both versions contains a patch for ‘CVE-2024-36522 - Remote code execution via XSLT injection’ which was brought to our attention by the security team. We expect to release a version also for branch 8.x as we still support security fixes for this branch. ## Community Health: Our community is stable and healthy. We are about to vote to invite a long time contributor of Wicket and satellite project WicketStuff, who is already member of Apache Uima. We think he should be a good addition for the team.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Project Status: Current project status: ongoing Issues for the board: no issue to report. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (17 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: March has seen the release of Wicket 10. Therefore, the activities during this last quarter have been focused on finalizing Wicket 10 and producing the press stuff for the release. We also worked to align other satellite projects (like WicketStuff or Spring Boot integration) to the last main release. In addition to Wicket 10 we also released version 9.17.0. Both these releases fix CVE-2024-27439 - 'Possible bypass of CSRF protection' reported by our contributor Jo Theunis. ## Community Health: Community participated in updating satellite projects to the new main release, as a consequence contributions were less focused on Wicket itself. Looking at the download statistics from Maven repository the overall trend remains very positive, with growing numbers over the last year.
No report was submitted.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing, with a good level of activity. Issues for the board: none. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (16 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: During the last quarter we released two new versions for 9.x branch (versions 9.15.0 and 9.16.0) and a new milestone release for 10.x branch (version 10.0.0-M2). We had collected a good number of positive feedback about version 10.0.0-M2 so we decide to go ahead toward the official release for the new main version 10.0.0. We just got in contact with press staff to start working to the official statement for the new release. ## Community Health: Contributions from our community has increased in the last quarter, with both more PRs and more feedback. Just like our internal activity community contributions were mainly focused on improving and fixing milestone version 10.0.0-M2 in order to make Wicket 10 GA.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with moderate activity Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (16 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: On the last quarter we released versions 9.14.0 and 8.15.0. As I'm writing we are about to start the release for 9.15.0 and the next 10 milestone M2. After M2 we decide to proceed with final release of Wicket 10 as there are no more active developments on its branch, so we gonna get in touch with ASF press stuff shortly :-)! ## Community Health: community remains healthy and still submit PRs and its interest in Wicket 10 remains at high level. At the same time cumulative downloads have increased on the last quarter reaching a new all-time record of > 600k downloads.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (16 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: During the last quarter we released versions: - 9.12.0 on 2022-10-15 - 9.13.0 on 2023-04-18 - 9.14.0 on 2023-05-28 We released also version 8.15.0 on 2023-05-02 for 8.x branch. Talking about our next main release (wicket 10), as of the writing of this report we have the first 10 milestone under vote and we should release it in the very next days. Needles to say that we are eager to receive feedback from our community about this first release of the 10.x branch :-) . ## Community Health: Our community remains healthy and collaborative, with an increasing number of PRs on GitHub. As we said in the last report, there are a number of external contributors interested in testing Wicket 10 M1 with other OOS projects. One of them, Richard Eckart de Castilho, is taking part to the M1 vote. This is particular important as some of these projects (like Spring Boot 3, Hibernate 6) have already moved to Jakarta EE like we did with Wicket 10.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (16 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: On the last quarter we didn't have any new release but we expect to start rolling out version 9.13 as soon as we complete a couple of JIRA issues targeted for this 9.x version. Speaking about the next main release (the 10th) we have been slow down by the dependency on Apache Commons FileUpload 2.0-SNAPSHOT which has no release date yet for a milestone or a GA version. In the end we decided to go ahead coping what we need in our code base and switch to the official release whenever it will be available. In this way we hope to release a Wicket 10 M1 in the next months. ## Community Health: Our community remains healthy,and we are seeing an increasing interest for a first milestone release of Wicket 10. We have received contributes for Wicket 10 from three active members of other notable Open Source projects: - Francesco Chicchiriccò, founder of Apache Syncope and PMC member of different other Apache projects. - Richard Eckart de Castilho, contributor of project INCEpTION (https://github.com/inception-project/inception) which depends on Wicket - Tim te Beek, contributor for project OpenRewrite and also for Spring Boot and Apache Kafka Their collaborations will be really precious to help shaping Wicket 10 and we could also consider to invite one (or more) of them to become Wicket PMC
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (15 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: Last version released was 9.12.0 published on the 15th of October. No new version for branch 8.x has been released. Version 9.12.0 contains some nice improvements made by external contributors on GitHub. Speaking about the next main release (version 10), during the last quarter Spring 6 has been release and we have integrated it into Wicket 10 branch. The release of Spring 6 was a blocking step toward Wicket 10 so now we can focus on a possible timeline for its release. ## Community Health: Community is stable and healthy, we still receive a good number of contributions coming outside the ASF via GitHub. There is an increasing interest in a next major release supporting Jakarta EE APIs and the new "wave" of frameworks releases (like Spring 6) based on Jakarta EE and having the last LTS (Java 17) as minimum required version.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (15 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: Last version released was 9.11.0 published on the 7th of July. No new version for branch 8.x has been released. We are preparing to roll out version 9.12.0 in the very next days. As for the previous quarter much of the work done on the last quarter was amid to optimize existing code and improve overall performances and memory usage. For the next main release, Wicket 10, we must necessarily wait for Spring 6 to become GA as we depend on it for module wicket-spring. ## Community Health: Nothing in particular to report this quarter. Community is stable and collaborative but we haven't found possible candidates for PCM.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (15 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: Last version released was 9.10.0, while there was no new version for branch 8.x. Much of the work done on the last quarter was amid to optimize existing code and improve overall performances and memory usage. ## Community Health: We still receive a remarkable number of pull request on GitHub opened by external contributors. Hopefully some of them in the near future might become candidates for future PCM memberships.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (15 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: We have release a recent version both for branch 9.x (ver 9.8.0) and branch 8.x (ver 8.14.0). At the same time we continue to work to Wicket 10 which is targeted to use Java 17 and Jakarta EE APIs. ## Community Health: Community is healthy and stable, much like download statistics which are steadily over 400k downloads in the previous 6 months. Outside the Apache ecosystem, recently we have been contacted by our long time contributor and project founder Jonathan Locke which is working on a new and very interesting Enterprise Framework called KivaKit (https://www.kivakit.org/) which uses Wicket for the web part. Jonathan is also continuing to promote both KivaKit and Wicket writing articles on infoq.com and Medium.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (14 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: We had three new releases for our stable branch 9.x: 9.5.0, 9.6.0 and 9.7.0. No release for branch 8.x (based on Java 1.8) has been released this quarter, but this comes as no surprise as more and more users and projects have moved to newer Java LTS version (mainly Java 11). In the meantime we started to test our main branch with the early access release of Java 18 as part of our effort for the OpenJDK Quality Outreach program: https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/quality/Quality+Outreach ## Community Health: Community is healthy and stable, much like download statistics. Nothing in particular to report this quarter.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: No issue to report to the board. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (14 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: Work on Wicket 10 is going on following the evolution of the entire Java community. That's why for Wicket 10 we are planning to support Jakarta Servlet 5.x and it will probably require Java 17 as minimum version. We also worked to support a more modern manipulation library like Byte Buddy with both Wicket 9.x and 10. ## Community Health: The community is stable and healthy and still providing valuable feedback for Wicket 10.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: No issue to report to the board. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (14 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: We officially started to work on Wicket 10. Most of the effort for this new release will be focused on supporting Jackarta API ( i.e adopt the new package jakarta.servlet.*) and it will probably be based on Java 17. Another important task we have planned is dropping some old features that are still part of the framework but are not very relevant for users anymore. Our community has been directly involved to identify such features and evaluate the impact it would have if they were removed in a future release. At the moment we are not able to give a timeline for the release of the first milestone of Wicket 10, but it's likely it won't see the light of the day before one year from now. Recent releases: 8.12.0 was released on 2021-03-31. 9.3.0 was released on 2021-03-30. ## Community Health: Community activity has definitely increased in the last quarter. We had more PR and messages in our mail channels. Also the overall downloads reported remarkable numbers in the 2 last months ( > 400k downloads). We always keep our eyes open for possible new candidates for PMC membership.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: No issues require board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (14 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: We are working to the next release cycle which (among the other things) will contain a fix for CVE-2021-23937. The new releases involved will be: - Wicket 7.18.0, based on Java 7 - Wicket 8.12.0, based on Java 8 - Wicket 9.3.0, based on Java 11 The vote for the new releases should be held in the very next days. ## Community Health: The community is stable and healthy. Adoption of release 9 is still growing and beside new greenfield projects, we had different feedback from old projects migrating to the last main release.
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: No major issues require board attention but we still wait for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-21065 to be solved in order to have a full CI back to work. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (13 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: We released Wicket 8.11.0, 9.1.0 and 9.2.0. This releases were mainly focused on internal reworking for performance improvements. Work on Wicket 10 should start in the next months as Jakarta EE 9 will be adopted by major web/application servers. ## Community Health: Overall community healthy and stable. Recently we have been mentioned (along with Apache Struts) on Google security blog for supporting the most recent security features like CSP and COOP/COEP: https://security.googleblog.com/2020/12/improving-open-source-security-during.html
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: No issues require board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (13 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - Thomas Heigl was added to the PMC on 2020-08-14 - No new committers. Last addition was Thomas Heigl on 2020-05-18. ## Project Activity: The most relevant activity of the last quarter has been the release of Wicket 9, which has been covered by two online magazines: the German based heise.de and the sdtimes. At the same time we released the new 8.x version and the last 7.x which reached its end of life. We also managed CVE-2020-11976 inviting users to upgrade Wicket to the latest versions. As final note, in the next quarter we should rotate the Chair role to another PMC member, as we decided to do after Wicket 9 has been released. ## Community Health: Overall community health is good. The new Wicket 9 has been received very well and we already integrated some external PR(*) to foster security standards support. In general, the overall amount of feedback collected so far is enough for the first minor release of 9.x branch, i.e. 9.1.0 (*) https://github.com/apache/wicket/pull/442/
## Description: The mission of Wicket is the creation and maintenance of software related to Component-based Java Web Application Framework. ## Issues: No issues require board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (13 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 31 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - Thomas Heigl was added as PMC member on 2020-05-18 ## Project Activity: The last quarter has been relatively calm. Most of the activity has been spent to prepare the release of the next main release, the number 9. We are close to complete the required tasks to go live with it but we still have some work to do with non-technical stuff like the official announce, site update, etc... I'm quite confident we can finalize the release this month (June). ## Community Health: Community is active and healthily. We saw an increasing participation with both user mailing list and with GitHub PRs. Thomas Heigl, a long time user of Wicket, has been elected PMC after proposing some remarkable changes to improve the overall page rendering performance.
## Description: Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Issues: No issues require board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (13 years ago) There are currently 32 committers and 31 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro on 2019-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro on 2019-08-13. ## Project Activity: On January we had a new release cycle involving version 7.x, 8.x and 9.x (this last is in development). As result on the same month we reached a new downloads record touching 480k downloads via Maven repositories. As of the writing we are preparing to release a new Milestone (the fifth) before the finally releasing Wicket 9. In this Milestone we have introduced the last major feature which is CSP (Content Security Policy) support. The development of this feature has been lead by Emond Papegaaij. The release of Wicket 9 should shortly (a couple of months) follow this last Milestone. ## Community Health: The community is stable and healthy. Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. In the last quarter we have also seen some very interesting Wicket-related activities and projects outside the Apache community: -On Udemy Ansgar Schulte created a German-based course on Apache Wicket: https://www.udemy.com/course/apache-wicket-kompakt/ -Robin Shen presented OneDev, an open source, Wicket-based, all-in-one devops platform that is rapidly gaining a notable interest on GitHub: https://github.com/theonedev/onedev -Roman Sery has started his new blog almost entirely dedicated to Apache Wicket: https://www.coderdreams.com/ -Martin Grigorov has successfully tested Wicket with Apache tomcat 10 M1: https://twitter.com/mtgrigorov/status/1225359299570028546 -Bruno Borges has run some interesting experiments with Wicket and Quarkus https://github.com/brunoborges/wicket-with-quarkus
## Description: Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (12 years ago) There are currently 32 committers and 31 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro on 2019-08-14. - No new committers. Last addition was Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro on 2019-08-13. ## Project Activity: In this last quarter we have been pretty busy working on a couple of issues: - WICKET-6703 which was about removing JavaScript window.eval from our Ajax code in order to comply with CSP standard - WICKET-6666 which is about rewriting our ModalWindow component. The current one is pretty old and the code has become messy and difficult to maintain. So we decided to rewrite this component using modern web standards and keeping code clean. This feature is not finished yet and will be available only on the next major release 9. More generally, in view of the next major release, we worked on some other tasks aimed to clean our code base. ## Community Health: The community is stable and healthy. Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. We are seeing an increasing numbers of contributions on our GitHub mirror with more PRs than the previous quarter. In the last three months we also seen a positive trend with downloads number on Apache Maven repository and on December we hit a new record for the last year (about 360000 downloads).
## Description: Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Membership Data: Apache Wicket was founded 2007-06-20 (12 years ago) There are currently 32 committers and 31 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro was added to the PMC on 2019-08-14 - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro was added as committer on 2019-08-13 ## Project Activity: - We have released the third milestones for Wicket 9 and we continue to work to publish a new main release as soon as possible. We got in contact with Sally Khudairi to prepare a public announce for Wicket 9. Works have been slowed down a bit since our last contact as many people had their vacation time in August. Things should proceed a little faster in the next months. ## Community Health: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. ## Releases: - 7.15.0 was released on 2019-09-07. - 8.6.0 was released on 2019-09-07
## Description: Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Activity: - We have released the first two milestones for Wicket 9. We are mainly working to refactor and simplify the current code base of the project. - Since January Wicket has joined the OpenJDK Quality Outreach program (see link 1), which aims to test popular open source projects with JDK Early Access builds. As consequence Wicket currently has CI buildings for OpenJDK 12 (which is now GA) and for OpenJDK 13 Early Access build 23. Both use the current master branch of our framework and so far we didn't need any change to the code to compile and run tests with these two OpenJDK versions. The collaboration is led by Martin Grigorov, who has been initially contacted by mr. Dalibor Topic from Oracle. Thanks to this effort, Martin recently managed to spot 3 regression with the last OpenJDK 13 build (see link 2). 1 - https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/quality/Quality+Outreach 2 - https://markmail.org/message/sljkujkdbq5clnmi ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. - We keep on the look out for new committers and PMC members. There are a couple of contributors [names redacted danny@] that have shown an increasing involvement with the project in the last weeks. It's too early to decide if they should be invited to become PMC members, but we will keep an eye on them. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 7.13.0 was released on Sat Apr 06 2019 - 7.14.0 was released on Wed May 29 2019 - 8.4.0 was released on Fri Apr 05 2019 - 8.5.0 was released on Wed May 29 2019 - 9.0.0-M1 was released on Tue Apr 16 2019 - 9.0.0-M2 was released on Mon Jun 03 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - users@wicket.apache.org: - 807 subscribers (down -22 in the last 3 months): - 256 emails sent to list (239 in previous quarter) - dev@wicket.apache.org: - 336 subscribers (down -4 in the last 3 months): - 390 emails sent to list (188 in previous quarter) - announce@wicket.apache.org: - 332 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months): - 12 emails sent to list (6 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 31 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 34 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Activity: - After serving for 11 years as VP for Apache Wicket, Martijn Dashorst has stepped down from his role. Andrea Del Bene has been elected as new VP. He will be in charge for the current year (2019) as we have also decided to rotate our chair each year, just like many Apache project already do. We'd like to thank Martijn for his long and valuable service and we are happy knowing that he will continue to contribute to the project both as committer and PMC member. ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. - We keep on the look out for new committers and PMC members. The PMC is aware that to keep the project healthy new blood is necessary, but are realistic that server side Java web frameworks are not the newest and hottest technologies at this time. -We still working on Wicket 9. We started to collect some features and improvments we'd like to implement in the next main version (see http://apache-wicke t.1842946.n4.nabble.com/Future-releases-and-random-thoughts-td4681465.html). A first RC should see the light in two or three months. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 6.30.0 was released on Mon Dec 10 2018 - 7.12.0 was released on Wed Feb 06 2019 - 8.3.0 was released on Fri Feb 01 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - Despite a slight decrease of subscribers, we can see an increase in activity not only in downloads, but also on mailinglist activity as well. So usage of Wicket seems steady and healthy. - users@wicket.apache.org: - 827 subscribers (down -20 in the last 3 months): - 258 emails sent to list (157 in previous quarter) - dev@wicket.apache.org: - 341 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months): - 207 emails sent to list (237 in previous quarter) - announce@wicket.apache.org: - 339 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months): - 8 emails sent to list (5 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 23 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 23 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Martijn Dashorst (dashorst) to the office of Vice President, Apache Wicket, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Martijn Dashorst from the office of Vice President, Apache Wicket, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Wicket project has chosen by vote to recommend Andrea Del Bene (adelbene) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Martijn Dashorst is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Wicket, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andrea Del Bene be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Wicket, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7E, Change the Apache Wicket Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - Wicket 8.2.0, 7.11.0 and 6.30.0 were released - Wicket 8 is received very well, download statistics for Maven central keep increasing and are reportedly more than doubled since last year ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. - We keep on the look out for new committers and PMC members. The PMC is aware that to keep the project healthy new blood is necessary, but are realistic that server side Java web frameworks are not the newest and hottest technologies at this time. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 8.2.0 was released on Mon Nov 12 2018 - 7.11.0 was released on Fri Nov 30 2018 - 6.30.0 was released on Mon Dec 10 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - Looking at these statistics, we can see an increase in activity not only in downloads, but also on mailinglist activity as well. So usage of Wicket seems steady and healthy. - users@wicket.apache.org: - 845 subscribers (down -8 in the last 3 months): - 197 emails sent to list (150 in previous quarter) - dev@wicket.apache.org: - 348 subscribers (up 2 in the last 3 months): - 285 emails sent to list (118 in previous quarter) - announce@wicket.apache.org: - 343 subscribers (down -12 in the last 3 months): - 8 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter)
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - Wicket 8.1 was released - Wicket 8 was received very well, download statistics for Maven central are more than doubled in August ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Activity: - Work on Wicket 9 continues and is in its early stages - First update for Wicket 8 was released ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 8.1.0 was released on Mon Sep 10 2018
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - Worked with Sally to issue a press release for Wicket 8 which was done really quick and satisfactory (Thanks SK!) - Wicket 8 was released - A couple of tech interviews were done regarding the Wicket 8 release [1][2] ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Activity: - Initial work on wicket 9 has started - First issues for Wicket 8 have been fixed ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - Last release was 8.0.0 on May 16 2018 [1] https://www.infoworld.com/article/3 276606/java/apache-wicket-java-8-upgrade-only-partially-supports-lambdas.html [2] https://thenewstack .io/wicket-8-whats-new-and-whats-next-for-the-server-side-java-web-framework/
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - skipped prior report in the normal schedule, this report follows up on that - 2 releases were performed - Wicket 8 is technically done, waiting for site adjustments, announcements, press release to be written - Infoworld published a listicle of 15 Java frameworks to give developers a boost [1], and Wicket was one of the reviewed items ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Activity: - We are on the cusp of releasing Wicket 8, so we still plan on working with Sally for the corresponding press coverage. - There's some frustration that we haven't pushed Wicket 8 due to not having the PR ready. - We're also discussing the future plans of Java releases and the impact on Wicket releases: how to work with breaking Java changes in our project - We (just as the other Java web frameworks at Apache) were interviewed by Paul Krill from Infoworld about the future of Java web frameworks in general and Wicket specifically. ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. - We have joined several other projects on the-asf slack, and created a #wicket channel. Not much happening over there, but it is nice to have a chat venue available ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 7.10.0 was released on Thu Feb 15 2018 - 8.0.0-M9 was released on Sat Feb 17 2018 [1] https://www.infoworld.com/article/3263767/java/15-java-frameworks-that-give-developers-a-boost.html
No report was submitted.
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - 3 releases were performed - Wicket 8 is still around the corner ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Activity: - The Wicket examples now run on Apache hosted VMs. - The Wicket 8.x examples have a new design looking like our website - We are on the cusp of releasing Wicket 8, so we'll be working with Sally for the corresponding press coverage. ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 6.28.0 was released on Mon Oct 02 2017 - 7.9.0 was released on Tue Sep 19 2017 - 8.0.0-M8 was released on Wed Oct 25 2017
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - 3 releases, 1 attempt at emergency fix (7.8.1, cancelled) were performed - Wicket 8 is around the corner ## Issues: - No issues require board attention. ## Activity: - The free ride we got from OpenShift for hosting our examples projects (we have 3 actively maintained branches with each an examples project) is over, so we are pursuing an ASF hosted VM for our examples. Infra and the PMC are working together to get this completed. - A major issue was discovered in 7.8.0, where upon a user logging out, the corresponding storage for its session was not cleaned up in Wildfly. The fix we implemented for a 7.8.1 release created problems for Tomcat, so 7.8.1 was not released. A more proper fix has now been applied and is under test. A 7.9.0 release will be forth coming. This was a nice example of the community working together to fix the issue again and again. - We are on the cusp of releasing Wicket 8, so we'll be working with Sally for the corresponding press coverage. ## Health report: - The community is stable as is to be expected from a mature server side Java web framework. We don't anticipate a sudden large growth or large decline. - Questions to the user list and dev list are answered, resolved and discussed. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 6.27.0 was released on Thu Jul 06 2017 - 7.8.0 was released on Wed Jul 12 2017 - 8.0.0-M7 was released on Sat Aug 12 2017
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - We are very pleased to welcome Maxim Solodovnik to our team - 3 releases have been issued - It is 10 years since the Wicket project joined the ASF ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at the moment ## Activity: - Work is progressing, Wicket 8 should be final soon - Maintenance releases for our supported branches keep coming out - Andrea del Bene has been performing the releases for a while now ## Health report: - As with most web frameworks from 2004 that are still active, the community remains stable - Mailinglist traffic is stable, new team members are found to keep the project fresh and ongoing, JIRA issues are reported and solved. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - Maxim Solodovnik was added to the PMC on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 31 committers. - Maxim Solodovnik was added as a committer on Thu Apr 13 2017 ## Releases: - 7.7.0 was released on Thu May 18 2017 - 8.0.0-M5 was released on Wed Mar 29 2017 - 8.0.0-M6 was released on Fri May 19 2017
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - Andrea del Bene is now a release manager - 8.0 inches closer to a final release - CVE-2016-6793 Apache Wicket deserialization vulnerability solved ## Releases this quarter We have issued the following releases: 1.5.17, 7.6.0, 6.26.0, 8.0.0-M3 and 8.0.0-M4. ## State of the project The project has gained a new release manager: Andrea del Bene who has performed the last couple of releases since ApacheCon EU. Discussions regarding our 8.0 release are ongoing, respectfully and based on technical exchanges on the dev list. While no date has been set for a final 8.0 release, it seems we are getting closer to do so. We keep an eye on our community for new committers, but as the project is quite stable not many new developers are joining the ranks. ## PMC changes: - Currently 29 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was François Meillet on Mon Jun 29 2015 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 30 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Francois Meillet at Fri Jun 26 2015
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented server-side web application framework. A bit busy quarter, our dev@ traffic roughly doubled compared to our previous quarter (to 426 messages sent). The increased traffic is mostly caused by our actions pre and post ApacheCon and the JSON.org re-categorization. Due to the re-categorization of the JSON.org library to category-X we had to rework our code, while maintaining API compatibility for our releases that follow semantic versioning. The next releases for 6.x, 7.x and 8.x will feature the re-implementation courtesy of Ted Dunning. ApacheCon EU 2016 in Sevilla featured 2 presentations by two committers (Andrea del Bene and Martijn Dashorst). The turn up was a bit disappointing, but having Andrea and Martijn meet in real life was good. Also the conference enabled some cross project collaboration between Martijn and Directory Fortress. During ApacheCon Martijn and Andrea worked on the documentation of Wicket, converting from the obsolete gdocs format to Asciidoctor. The 191 documents and 10,000 line reference is converted using scripts crafted by high school student Thijs Beltman in the summer of 2015. Documentation for 7.x and 8.x has been converted, 6.x will follow soon. ## Noteworthy items: - Currently 30/29 Committers/PMC members. - Last committer/PMC addition was François Meillet on Mon Jun 29 2015 - Work on Wicket 8 is in progress, we released a milestone release (8.0-M2) - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Releases this quarter We have issued the following releases: 8.0.0-M2, 7.5.0, 6.25.0 and 1.5.17. ## New committers/PMC members We haven't seen many new contributors to the project, we will keep an eye out for new folks to join, but we don't expect a huge influx given the state of server-side Java web frameworks in general.
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented server-side web application framework. A relative quiet quarter: a security issue in commons-fileupload permeated through Wicket 1.5-7.x (older releases are no longer supported). Releases were created. Our first developer preview of Wicket 8 was released (M1), containing Java 8 goodness for Wicket application developers. ## Noteworthy items: - Currently 30/29 Committers/PMC members. - Last committer/PMC addition was François Meillet on Mon Jun 29 2015 - Work on Wicket 8 is in progress, we released a milestone release (8.0-M1) - Security issues were found, resolved and new releases made: CVE-2016-3092 & CVE-2013-2186 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## Releases this quarter We have issued the following releases: 8.0.0-M1, 7.4.0, 6.24.0 and 1.5.16. ## New committers/PMC members We haven't seen many new contributors to the project, we will keep an eye out for new folks to join, but we don't expect a huge influx given the state of server-side Java web frameworks in general. On a side note, we have welcomed back a contributor who became active again.
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented server-side web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - Currently 30/29 Committers/PMC members. - Last committer/PMC addition was François Meillet on Mon Jun 29 2015 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time - Mailinglist traffic is stable without significant changes - An academic paper about architectural debt reviewed 7 Apache projects, including Wicket. - Work on Wicket 8 is in progress, a milestone release is imminent ## Releases this quarter We have issued the following releases: 7.3.0 and 6.23.0. ## Academic paper about architectural debt This article [1] references an academic paper about architectural debt that has researched 7 large-scale open source projects from Apache: Camel, Cassandra, CXF, Hadoop, HBase, PDFBox, and Wicket. Though we don't have access to the ACM's library, the linked summary provides some nice points about technical/architectural debt. ## State of the project The outlook for the project's long term future hasn't changed since the previous report. That said, there's interest in writing a new Wicket book. Several PMC members have been queried by publishers and authors about this effort. If such a book could appear is still not clear. Development for Wicket 8 is slow, albeit ongoing. A first milestone release is imminent, will be available for consumption later this month. Releases have not followed a fixed schedule lately, but we intend to start on a monthly or bi-monthly release schedule for the supported branches. [1] https://blog.acolyer.org/2016/06/13/identifying-and-quantifying-architectural-debt/
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Noteworthy items: - Currently 30/29 Committers/PMC members. - Last committer/PMC addition was François Meillet on Mon Jun 29 2015 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time - Mailinglist traffic is up over the previous quarter - Martijn Dashorst was interviewed by InfoQ about the Wicket 7.2 release - A couple CVE's were handled and fixes were released - Work on Wicket 8 is in progress ## CVE's CVE-2015-5347 XSS vulnerability was resolved in Wicket 1.5.15, 6.22.0 and 7.2.0. CVE-2015-7520 XSS vulnerability was resolved in Wicket 1.5.15, 6.22.0 and 7.2.0 ## Releases this quarter We have issued the following releases: 7.2.0, 6.22.0 and 1.5.15. ## State of the project As server-side web frameworks mature, we don't expect a big uptake in adoption of Wicket (or any other server-side framework for that matter). The current base of users for Wicket seem stable, if slightly declining. The PMC has been able to mitigate attrition by adding new members to the project and will continue to do so whenever new potentials arrive. We keep on the lookout for new candidates. Apart from bringing in new fresh development resources, the biggest difficulty currently is to properly weigh new functionality provided by new community members with the original vision of the project and keeping it maintainable with a small crew. Development for Wicket 8 is slow, albeit ongoing.
Report from the Apache Wicket project [Martijn Dashorst] Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. Activity: - 6.21.0 was released on Mon Nov 09 2015 - 7.1.0 was released on Tue Oct 27 2015 - The 1.4.x branch has been deprecated and will no longer recieve any updates - The 1.5.x branch has been mothballed and will only receive security fixes - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was François Meillet on Mon Jun 29 2015 - Activity is steady, bugs are being fixed and questions being answered - Soon 6.22 and 7.2 will be released There are no issues that require the Board's attention.
Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. Activity: - Wicket 7.0.0 was released - A brand new web site has been published at https://wicket.apache.org celebrating the new 7.0 release - Francois Meillet was added as a committer and PMC member on 26-06-2015 - The reporter tool gives us a 10 for healthiness - Given the vacation quarter the project was in calm waters, not much happening. - Work for releasing 7.1.0 (or 7.0.1) and 6.21 will start soon - A steady stream of projects using Wicket and job openings are passing through our @apache_wicket twitter stream (thanks to Francois Meillet's efforts) and our builtwithwicket tumblr blog Releases since last report: - 7.0.0-M6 was released on Tue Jun 16 2015 - 7.0.0 was released on Fri Jul 10 2015
## Description: Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Activity: - Lot of work is going on for finalizing Wicket 7 - An intern is working on converting our User Guide from gdoc to asciidoctor - CSRF prevention measure was added to Wicket - Wicket 6.20 and 7.0-M6 are currently being voted on, will be final around the board meeting ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## PMC/Committership changes: - Currently 29 committers and 28 PMC members in the project. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Tobias Soloschenko at Thu Mar 12 2015 - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Tobias Soloschenko at Tue Mar 10 2015 ## Releases: - Last release was 1.5.13 on Fri Feb 13 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - users@wicket.apache.org: - 1022 subscribers (down -18 in the last 3 months): - 803 emails sent to list (798 in previous quarter) - dev@wicket.apache.org: - 414 subscribers (down -9 in the last 3 months): - 379 emails sent to list (440 in previous quarter) - announce@wicket.apache.org: - 421 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 67 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 69 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework. ## Activity: - Wicket 7 is in its final stages. - Discussions on the migration from 6.x to 7.x for existing users are fruitful - Some discussion on Wicket 8 and the future of Wicket is happening, but nothing concrete yet. - The new website is not up yet, is waiting for time to find and fix issues with it ## Issues: - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time ## PMC/Committership changes: - Currently 29 committers and 28 PMC members in the project. - New PMC members: - Sebastien Briquet was added to the PMC on Sat Feb 14 2015 - Tobias Soloschenko was added to the PMC on Thu Mar 12 2015 - New commmitters: - Sebastien Briquet was added as a committer on Tue Feb 10 2015 - Tobias Soloschenko was added as a committer on Tue Mar 10 2015 ## Releases: - The template states: No release data could be found [FIX!], but there have been a couple of releases: 7.0.0-M5, 6.19.0, 1.5.13 ## Mailing list activity: - users@wicket.apache.org: - 1045 subscribers (down -22 in the last 3 months): - 801 emails sent to list (869 in previous quarter) - dev@wicket.apache.org: - 423 subscribers (down -11 in the last 3 months): - 444 emails sent to list (328 in previous quarter) - announce@wicket.apache.org: - 416 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months): - 7 emails sent to list (7 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 67 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 59 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
@Doug: please fix release history data
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - 7.0.0-M4, 6.18.0 - Nutch Google Summer of Code delivered admin interface using Wicket - ApacheCon EU 2014 had 2 Wicket presentations and 1 isis presentation - Jesse Long was added as a committer and PMC member - New site discussions Date last committer/PMC member added: 28 September 2014 ApacheCon EU Martijn Dashorst presented 2 sessions at ApacheCon EU in Budapest: - Wicket and Java EE Sitting in a Tree - Apache Wicket: 10 Years and Beyond In the aftermath good discussions with committers of other projects arose, including Deltaspike and Isis. New website In the quest for a more 2014+ design for our current aging web site a lot of activity arose to craft a new site. The new site will be compliant with the branding guidelines. A preview can be found at http://dashorst.github.io/wicket-site One of the discussions focused on the addition of the "Fork me on Github" banner in the top right corner of every page. Community members want a prominent link to github because they claim it attracts contributions and because the tooling available at github is more aligned with current open source contributors. As Chair I voiced my concerns about linking to a non-sponsor, commercial entity in such a prominent place (even the foundation doesn't have such prominence). I find it rather difficult to convince my community members of why this is wrong. Somehow it does not compute that "Fork me on Github" is not a good message to send out and is in fact a big banner ad for github. In a discussion on board@ it seemed that some folks share my concerns whereas others rather give projects leeway in how they approach such links. The fact that both Project Thanks Pages and Product Support Pages specifically mention that such links should not (including added emphasis on the not) be (prominent) on the homepage, doesn't seem to hold much if any weight. Ultimately I removed the banner from the site. Having such a link on every page is (according to me) against ASF policy if not in writing at least in spirit (i.e. mark/linking policies).
@Ross: Discuss the "fork me" banner issue with the project after discussion with members
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 6.16.0, 7.0.0-M2, 1.5.12, 7.0.0-M3, 6.17.0 - Nutch Google Summer of Code delivered admin interface using Wicket - ApacheCon EU 2014 has 3 Wicket presentations - No new committers or members were added in this period - Fixed CVE-2014-3526 - Apache's Nexus repository availability spotty Date last committer/PMC member added: 12 July 2013 Nutch GSoC Fjodor Vershinin participated in the Google Summer of Code this year and created an administrative interface for Apache Nutch using Wicket. ApacheCon EU Martijn Dashorst will present 3 sessions at ApacheCon EU in Budapest: - Wicket Puzzlers - Wicket and Java EE Sitting in a Tree - Apache Wicket: 10 Years and Beyond Apache's Nexus Repository As a release manager I (Martijn Dashorst) have had a very tough time attempting to prepare and release our project due to the spotty availability of the Nexus repository. So much that it took a couple of days investment on my part to circumvent connectivity issues (e.g. INFRA-7984) during this release, but previous releases were plagued as well by Nexus. The Nexus instability has become a liability for us even though we release about once a month or two months: it usurps an inordinate amount of time preparing and completing a release.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. With all the holidays going on combined with a previous late report, this was a quiet two months. Things worthy of note: - Wicket 7 is moving along - Released Wicket 6.15.0, 7.0.0-M1, and 6.16.0, 7.0.0-M2 are about to be released - No new committers or members were added in this period ApacheCon EU 2014 While I have no insight into the submissions for ApacheCon EU, I have submitted four Wicket related proposals, and am prodding other developers to do the same. Date last committer added: 12 July 2013
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Wicket is 10 years old - Wicket 7 is moving along - Promoted experimental modules to non-experimental - Released Wicket 6.13.0, 6.14.0, 1.5.11, 1.4.23 - Fixed CVE-2013-2055, CVE-2014-0043 - No new committers or members were added in this period Date last committer added: 12 July 2013 10 year anniversary From what we could gather from our archives, long time committers' memories and creator Jonathan Locke, Wicket was conceived somewhere in april 2004. It was not called that but when it was open sourced in august 2004 the project was named Wicket. The project tried a start at codehaus, but moved to sourceforge quickly when it took very long to get resources allocated. The next couple of years Wicket grew into a nice community and after a rather short courtship moved to Apache and is still a healthy, if mature community. Most first timers are still listed on the PMC and still have their commit bits, even if their involvement has grown silent over the years. While Wicket was grown by an exceptional community of developers, I'd like to thank especially Jonathan Locke, for his creation of Wicket and his foresight to invite a community to take over the project and take Wicket further than we all could have imagined. Wicket 7 Our development branch is still being worked on but reaches the point where we can release betas. One thing worthy of note is the addition of a new feature that loosens some of our strict rules of matching markup hierarchy with a Java component hierarchy. This solves one of the most hated 'features' since 1.0. Experimental modules We added some experimental modules in the beginning of the Wicket 6 timeframe, promising to graduate them when reaching maturity. The time came for several modules to graduate from experimental to core module: - Bean validation support - CDI 1.1 support - Native websocket support Other experimental modules will remain either experimental or will be 'sunsetted'. Releases and CVEs Several maintenance and security releases have been performed, solving two CVE's across our full range of releasable code: 1.4, 1.5 and 6.x. CVE-2013-2055 allowed access to web templates stored with a Wicket application. This is fixed in 1.4.23, 1.5.11 and 6.8. CVE-2014-0043 allowed querying for the existence of particular classes in the classpath by issuing requests to special urls handled by Wicket. This only affects applications using 1.5 or 6.x and users are advised to upgrade to 1.5.11 or 6.14.0
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 6.11.0 and 6.12.0 - Wicket now has a user guide available on our website - Wicket is almost 10 years old, somewhere early in 2014 is our anniversary - Wicket 7 release discussion should be started Date last committer added: 12 July 2013 Discussions on dev@ list for several subjects are lively. Interest in the project is still strong, even after all these years. Users@ is also still very active, with most questions answered quickly. New user guide The user guide discussed in previous reports is now live and available from our website (http://wicket.apache.org/start/userguide.html). We should announce it more prominently. Pull requests Most pull requests that arrive at our mailing list are rather trivial changes to documentation, configurations and setups, and the requests make our offering better so they are welcomed. Release building At the time of writing the release for Wicket 6.13.0 is delayed due to migrating to a new laptop and a test that fails under a specific JDK version. We expect this release to be final before the next report and that we have 6.14 and possibly 6.15 also on the list of releases. Wicket 7 release The Wicket 7 release has been hanging in limbo for a while. A major version in semver release schedule can contain API breaks and Wicket 7 currently has few of them. We should start a discussion about when we think that Wicket 7 is considered done.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 6.9.0, 6.9.1 and 6.10.0 - Andrea del Bene was added as a new committer and PMC member - Michael Mosmann was added as a new committer and PMC member - Wicket is almost 10 years old, somewhere early in 2014 is our anniversary Date last committer added: 12-07-2013 Discussions on dev@ list for several subjects are lively. Interest in the project is still strong, even after all these years. Users@ is also still very active, with most questions answered quickly. Discussion regarding adding the book written by Andrea del Bene to our project have stalled for now, will look into picking that up again.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 6.7.0, 6.8.0 - No new committers or members were added in this period - Discussion concerning the bar of entry to committership Date last committer added: 23-04-2012
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Missed the March 2013 report due to flu - Released Wicket 6.4.0, 6.5.0, 6.6.0 - Did not release Wicket 6.7.0 - Andrea del Bene created a Wicket guide - Solved security issue CVE-2012-5636 - Apache Wicket XSS vulnerability - No new committers or members were added in this period Releases Our monthly schedule of releasing is really working like a charm. It is really something other projects should consider adopting. We have seen an increase in downloads of our projects (when looking at the Maven Central statistics-we assume most downloads are coming through Maven users) since we adopted our monthly schedule since releasing Wicket 6.0.0 on 5 september 2012. Estimate downloads from Maven Central for all jar files in the group org.apache.wicket: 2012-04/2012-08: slight increase from 60k to 70k 2012-09: 80k 2012-10: 90k 2012-11: 110k 2012-12: 90k 2013-01: 100k The vote to release 6.7.0 was cancelled due to a bug in our code that would prevent Wicket projects from working properly on Windows(r) systems. Almost immediately when the vote was stalled, the release manager got hit by a "mild" flu virus, taking him out for 2 weeks. Work also got the better part of him, only to find the next release date being quite close. So it was decided to skip one month and build the release on our schedule. The vote for 6.7.0 is currently proceeding. Andrea del Bene has created a free Wicket book "Wicket Guide" that is available through google code [1]. This book is a really great asset to our community and we are very grateful for Andrea's work. [1] https://code.google.com/p/wicket-guide/
No report was submitted.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 6.1.0, 6.1.1, 6.2.0, 1.5.9, 6.3.0 - Integrated Wicket CDI into project - Bean Validation as an experimental module - Kerfuffle about source releases follow up - Rise of github pull requests - No new committers were added Releases With our adoption of Semantic Versioning we also took it upon ourselves to release early and often. This proves to be rather successful: in the last 3 months we were able to ship 3 minor releases and two patch releases. Another minor release is scheduled to be released just prior to the board meeting. One contentious thing was to start trusting our ability to do the releases on that schedule, and not keep a release in infinite bug fix limbo. Particularly we discovered two bugs in 6.1.0 and wanted to fix them in the release, but after some back and forths ultimately shipped 6.1.0 and issued a patch release two weeks later with the fixes. It is of course our intention to always ship bug free software, but we rather ship sooner and often than have a release wait until someone is able to fix the issues, re-spin and discover the next problem. Wicket CDI in 6.2.0 As of 6.2.0 we integrated CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) into our project. This project has been in the works on github.com for several reasons: * development for this module was started way before we introduced our experimental modules * it relies on some dependencies that were previously not available from Maven Central (from JBoss). Maven Central policy dictates that one can't push projects with dependencies that are not present in Maven Central. We were not willing to take on the support of those libraries ourselves and rather decided to wait until they became available or replaceable by other libraries. Kerfuffle about source releases follow up In the previous board report I noted that we had a kerfuffle regarding source releases. The heated discussion has subsided, and we are now building and releasing the proper source distributions. Additionally we provide binary distributions for convenience, including (binary and source) jars that are pushed to Maven Central. I also noted in our previous report that most of the consumers of our software receive their Wicket through Maven. It appears that only one person noticed and complained that we only provided a pure source release tarball. Since that release we also provide a convenience package with just the binaries (and signatures) for direct consumption. Rise of Github pull requests The last couple of weeks we got several pull requests coming from various users from github. With some work we were able to craft a workable workflow for integrating those pull requests into our code base. It would be great for git support to become official (no more work in progress). Our project has found little to no problems with the service so far. New committers No new committer was voted on since June 2012. We are constantly monitoring developer activity for new candidates.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 6.0.0 - Experimental development model seems successful - Kerfuffle about source releases - No new committers were added Released Wicket 6.0.0 Being in the works for a while now, we finally released Wicket 6.0.0. It contains a complete rewrite of our client side API, bolsters default integration of JQuery and lots of other exciting stuff. We worked with press@ to craft a press release, and due to Sally's excellent training we didn't need too much time and drafts to have a press release ready. The biggest hurdle was for us to agree to delay announcing the release until the PR could be sent across the wire, adding ~6 days to the schedule. A big thanks goes to Sally, for helping us, and staying with us while we were discussing the merits of a press release. We were covered a bit in the press, though not as massive as a HTTPD release, or a single patch in HTTPD. Probably the best coverage was done by h-online (http://s.apache.org/apachewicketbouncestoa6). Semantic Versioning in effect Starting with 6.0.0 we use semantic versioning for our releases. A discussion was started on how to proceed with future releases where two models were proposed. One was how we developed previously, and a new one where we release 6.y releases more often, and only 6.y.z releases for (critical) bug fixes. It seems that the community favors the latter. Experimental development model seems successful In order to have more development happening at Apache we created an experimental submodule for our project where new functionality is developed. These modules are released together with our main product releases, but are numbered separately. We started with adding websocket/push/atmosphere as an experimental module and we have added Twitter bootstrap and a new examples project. Our goal of having more development happening at Apache seems to work: some modules have been released several times with our betas and most recently with 6.0 final, and they are gaining some interested users. Kerfuffle about source releases At our private list a somewhat heated discussion was started when it was pointed out that our releases are non-compliant with Apache policy, as discussed at several threads in the incubator by Roy. The main point I have heard being made (on-list and off-list) is that providing a plain source release is seen as bureaucratic, not helped by the rather scathing tone of Roy's messages and threats delivered on general@ (warranted or not). It probably would help if the release policy (found at www.a.o/dev/release.html) would provide a rationale for the requirement of a plain source distribution, as Roy stated in his provocative teachings. For future discussions it would be better to have a document that to separates the form from the content, as the blunt text provokes more discussion than necessary. Another item of discussion was whether it is sufficient to vote on a (signed) tag in our git repository. The reasoning is that with a (signed) tag, our repository can provide automatically generated tarballs, similarly to those provided by github.com. I have stated that this is not so, and that we must vote on the actual crafted and signed source distribution. The non-compliant distributions we previously made contain both source and the compiled artifacts (in a lib/ folder in the archive) as a convenience to our users. As most folks download Wicket through Maven Central, the only folks downloading our distributions are the ones not using Maven and that number is rather low, and they actually want the binaries. It will be interesting to get some insight into the difference between convenience binary downloads and the pure source downloads. We will be providing plain source releases for the most recent releases in our actively maintained branches. The older versions of those distributions have been archived, and should not be used in any case due to security issues in those releases.
AI Brett, Martijn: make a start at updating the release.html documentation
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Voted in a new committer and PMC member: Carl-Eric Menzel - Several releases have been completed: 1.5.5-1.5.7 and 6.0.0-beta1 and 6.0.0-beta2 - Work on Wicket 6 is pretty much done. - Several pull requests have been submitted through github - An experimental development model has been adopted Experimental development model In order to have more development happening at Apache we created an experimental submodule for our project where new functionality is developed. These modules are released together with our main product releases, but are numbered separately. When an experimental module has matured enough (e.g. has received enough feedback and is considered stable API wise) it will move to the proper sections of our release and receive the same number as the major/minor releases of Wicket. We started with adding websocket/push/atmosphere as an experimental module and as of Wicket 6.0.0-beta2 the experimental wicket-atmosphere module was released as 0.1. Once wicket-atmosphere is considered stable it will be moved to Wicket proper and be numbered 6.1 or what the release version of Wicket is at that time. Future expected experimental modules are: Wicket CDI (awaits Seam framework uploads to the Maven central repository) and Wicket Bootstrap (integration of the Bootstrap CSS/JS library with Wicket). With this model we hope to sidestep the "must be stable to be included" barrier for new developments and to garner additional incentive for prospected committers to work on our project. Compliance with branding/trademark guidelines Only our logo on the webpage does not comply in missing a TM. We're still working on a new web design and will incorporate the TM in that design. All other items on the checklist are fulfilled. The redesign of the Wicket website is taking a lot time, but I hope to get it done before Wicket 6 is final.
Status report for the Apache Wicket Project March 2012 Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Working with Git is great, the team thanks infra@ for their support - Voted in a new committer and PMC member: Emond Papegaaij - One release has been completed: 1.5.4 - Work on Wicket 6 is in its final stages and we'll be releasing a first beta soon, and hope to have 6.0.0 complete with our next report. On using Git I asked our PMC for their view whether Git has changed any community dynamics and here are their reactions (I've summarized a bit). - Applying a patch over several branches (e.g. using 'git cherry-pick') is a lot easier - With the exception of much easier patch and branch management, which is a huge win), I don't think anything has really changed community-wise. We still communicate with the community via jira and patches. - Git is just a source control tool, it's not a community tool. One committer notes that his old SVN workflow-merging between branches-is still engrained in his brain, but he's slowly adopting Git. Compliance with branding/trademark guidelines Only our logo on the webpage does not comply in missing a TM. We're still working on a new web design and will incorporate the TM in that design. All other items on the checklist are fulfilled.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 1.4.19, 1.5.1, 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 - Work on Wicket 6 has started - Semantic versioning starts from Wicket 6 - No new committers were added since 20 june 2011 - Proposed Wicket as a git user to infra@ We expect to add a couple new committers during Wicket 6 development. We have proposed to add Wicket to the list of git projects and Jeremy Thomerson has volunteered to be our point man in helping out working out the kinks. Infra has elected us to join the Git experience, and Jeremy is working with infrastructure. We are very excited to be part of this effort. We have chosen to adopt semantic versioning (http://semver.org) as the future basis to number our releases. Therefore we started with Wicket 6 as our next release. Coincidentally we require Java 6 as the basis for Wicket 6 (previously Java 1.5) Infrastructure moved the Wicket code base to git last night. Our committers have already pushed several commits to the git repository and Infrastructure is helping us migrate our buildbot setup to make use of git. The documentation of migrating towards git is excellent, and migrating our local copies didn't pose any problems other than lacking the clarity of mind to actually read and grok the available documentation (jay coffee). Many thanks and gratitude go out to the infrastructure team who have made this possible.
Status report for the Apache Wicket Project September 2011 Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Wicket 1.4.18 to fix a XSS attack vector - Released Wicket 1.5.0 after 2 years of development - Added Sven Meier as a committer and PMC member - Discussions on the next Wicket release have started XSS issue We received a report of a XSS vulnerability in Wicket when using multi-tab support. This issue was discovered by Sven Krewitt of TÜV Rheinland i-sec GmbH. The issue has been resolved in Wicket 1.4.18 (other versions of Wicket are unaffected by this vulnerability) and we worked with the security@ team on how to handle this situation. More information can be found here: http://s.apache.org/cve-2011-2712 Apache Wicket 1.5.0 has been released! One of the biggest events in the last year or two is the release of Wicket 1.5. It has been in development for about 2 years and features rewritten internals, HTML5 support and a inter-component event system. The full release notes can be found here: http://s.apache.org/wicket-1.5. The release took 2 years because of shifting priorities for several core team members that previously took on a lot of work for Wicket, including the rewrite of the internals. With our recent additions of the last year we have found new, very active blood and are confident that the next release will not take that long. There was some turmoil on our dev list during the last couple of release candidates relating to supporting OSGi fully and with ease (we have conflicting package names in multiple jars, making it difficult for OSGi to import and export classes from these jars). Another point of contention was the addition of CDI support to Wicket. After some discussion and reflection on how we do releases and versioning it was decided to postpone the OSGi and CDI inclusion to the next release and purely focussing on finalizing 1.5. All parties were satisfied with this approach. New team member Just after our last board report we elected Sven Meier to become a team member. As always we are on the lookout for active, smart and willing candidates to strengthen our team. Next Wicket release We have been discussing the way we are going to version our releases going forward. Historically we have been breaking API in 1.x releases and adding new features as long they didn't break 1.x.y releases. This has worked quite well, but does make some folks resisting to use Wicket. As a result we propose to start using semantic versioning as discussed at http://semver.org, and babtize our next release Wicket 6 (version 2 has already been used in a failed experimental branch). Other proposals include moving to Java 6, Servlet 3, full OSGi support, CDI support and lessening the requirement to have a matching markup and component hierarchies. We are also going to look to releasing earlier and more often. Compliance with branding/trademark guidelines Only our logo on the webpage does not comply in missing a TM. We're still working on a new web design and will incorporate the TM in that design. All other items on the checklist are fulfilled.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Apache Wicket 1.4.16, 1.4.17, and 1.5-rc3 and 1.5-rc4.2 - Apache Wicket Cookbook published (written by Igor Vaynberg) - Wicket 1.5 is under way to get a final release soon Release 1.5 is nearing completion: release candidates are pushed out at a semi regular interval (about one every 3 weeks). We are contemplating moving our build towards gradle instead of Maven, while still publishing our artifacts to the central repository. No decision has been made yet. For publishing our source release we are contemplating to move to svnpubsub, obviating the need to upload to p.a.o and using accounts for that. No new committers were added in this period. We recently added 3 new team members and are still assimilating them into our collective. They have joined the top committers since they've been elected. We are still on the lookout for new committer blood to assimilate. Compliance with branding/trademark guidelines Only our logo on the webpage does not comply in missing a TM. We're still working on a new web design and will incorporate the TM in that design. All other items on the checklist are fulfilled.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Apache Wicket 1.4.15, and 1.5-rc1 and 1.5-rc2 - Trademark issue with Seam Wicket was resolved amicably (project has been renamed Seam for Apache Wicket) Release 1.5 is nearing completion: release candidates are pushed out at a semi regular interval (about one every 3 weeks). The JBoss Seam project asked about their use of the Wicket logo. In cooperation with trademarks we asked them to rebrand their project Seam for Apache Wicket. Trademarks approved of their use of our logo. No new committers were added in this period. We recently added 3 new team members and are still assimilating them into our collective. They have joined the top committers since they've been elected. We are still on the lookout for new committer blood to assimilate. Compliance with branding/trademark guidelines Only our logo on the webpage does not comply in missing a TM. We're still working on a new web design and will incorporate the TM in that design. All other items on the checklist are fulfilled.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Voted in one new committer and made him a PMC member: Pedro Santos. - Released Apache Wicket 1.4.12, 1.4.13, 1.4.14, and 1.5-m2 and 1.5-m3 - Discussions started about finalizing 1.5 - Internal discussion on apache-extras for our wicket-stuff side project - Almost in compliance with the trademark/branding requirements Finalizing 1.5 Our newest release is feature complete, and we're going to finalize Wicket 1.5 soon. One point of delay may be support for HTML 5 markup. Internal discussion on apache-extras for our wicket-stuff side project A discussion within the PMC concerning the future of Wicket Stuff (http://wicketstuff.org, currently hosted at sf.net) when given the choice between github and apache-extras showed PMC members preferring github. Assorted PMC member reasons to go with github instead of googlecode: simplified user management, better patch support, huge project repository and git. The reason why this discussion was held privately was because the impending announcement of apache-extras. The delays announcing apache-extras have been a hindrance for our project. We are looking for a new host since August and can't publicly discuss options until the official announcement has been made. Once public, we'll take our future of wicket-stuff to our dev list and let the grander community decide where to take wicket-stuff. Compliance with branding/trademark guidelines Only our logo on the webpage does not comply in missing a TM. We're still working on a new web design and will incorporate the TM in that design. All other items on the checklist are fulfilled.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Voted in two new committers and made them PMC members: Martin Grigorov and Peter Ertl. - Released Apache Wicket 1.4.10, 1.4.11 and 1.5-m1 - Started release vote for 1.5-m2 but it was canceled due to a critical bug in submitting forms using Ajax and firefox 3.6. This sparked a new release for 1.5-m2 and 1.4.12, which are both being voted on right now. - Confluence autoexport based CMS was replaced with Jekyll based templating system using svnpubsub to sync with wicket.apache.org - New committers are hard at work fixing bugs, enthusiastically implementing new features, and seem to enjoy getting their hands dirty. - We still have our eye on possible new committers but want to ensure our newest members are in good shape. No issues require the attention of the board.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications. Things worthy of note: - Released Apache Wicket 1.4.8 and 1.4.9 - Release of 1.4.9 sparked a heated discussion regarding the use of InheritableThreadLocal. The discussion was conducted civil and ultimately came to the conclusion (using a vote) that the use of InheritableThreadLocal would be reverted. - Two issues were reported to the security@ alias, and both issues were solved in 1.4.8 and 1.4.9. - Getting enough binding votes for a release was a problem for 1.4.8. With Martijn's company finally adopting Wicket 1.4 for a couple of major projects instead of 1.3, things look promising with increased development involvement. - We plucked the fluff from our collective navel in response to Jim's email message to the community in the aftermath of iBatis departure. - Work is ongoing moving from Confluence autoexport based CMS to svnpubsub and jekyll. We are also looking for a new website design. This is in the early stages of figuring out where to go (both the CMS and design). - We're looking into moving our Wicket Stuff contributions project (http://wicketstuff.org) away from sf.net and self hosted JIRA/Confluence. Alignment with ASF Values and Policies During the bi-annual e-mail barrage happening on member@, I asked our PMC (Wicket follows the policy where committer == PMC member) whether we were still happy being at Apache. Our navelgazing turned up no specific issues regarding our alignment with ASF values. Consensus was that we already were pretty much in alignment with ASF policies and are fine with how things are going currently. The biggest issues we identified was with the available infrastructure. * being able to use git as our SCM * decent cms for managing the site * timely updates for confluence and jira Work is ongoing to switch from Confluence to svnpubsub using Jekyll as a static HTML generating CMS. The remaining issues are the stale version of Jira and the GIT support at Apache. Even though most prefer using git over svn, it is not enough reason to start looking at other pastures. We are looking forward to a wider adoption of Git at Apache. As for alignment with Process and Policy, we are running and evaluating RAT reports for each release. We make our group decisions on dev@, though often we first poll the PMC to see if there's any support for the suggestions. Additions/Removals No changes in the PMC or committer lineup. Our prospected newest addition is still trying to finish thesis right now and will let us know when he is ready.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Things worthy of note: - Released Apache Wicket 1.4.5, 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 - Development for 1.5 is ongoing and finally all unit tests are working again due to the relentless efforts of Matej Knopp (breaking it), Igor Vaynberg (fixing it) and Juergen Donnerstag (keeping the builds running). Additions/Removals No changes in the PMC or committer lineup. Our prospected newest addition is trying to finish thesis right now and will let us know when he is ready. No issues require attention from the board.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Things worthy of note: - Released Apache Wicket 1.4.2, 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 - Development for 1.5 is ongoing No issues require attention from the board.
Roy indicated that reports should mention if any changes in PMC, committers. Shane to follow up.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Things worthy of note: - Released Apache Wicket 1.3.7, 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 - trunk is now reserved for Wicket 1.5, and a maintenance branch for 1.4 has been created - User list activity has been up from a small dip in early 2009 - Jeremy Thomerson will be giving a Wicket presentation and course at ApacheCon US 2009 No issues require attention from the board.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Things worthy of note: - Released 1.3.6 and several release candidates for 1.4 - Our newest member Jeremy Thomerson has been building and releasing the release candidates for 1.4 No issues require attention from the board.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Things worthy of note: - Added Jeremy Thomerson as a Committer and PMC member - Work on 1.3.6 and 1.4 final is progressing slowly - Waiting for final discussions to settle regarding generics for 1.4 - ApacheCon presentation, training and Meetup - Martijn visits London Wicket Meetup April 1st - Rename Wicket to WicketFX so we can get a spot in JavaOne (none of our submitted talks were accepted) No issues require attention from the board (rename action is not an actual issue).
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Summary We have released 1.3.5 and the first release candidate for 1.4. Work on 1.4 and 1.3.6 continues, mailing list traffic has slowed down a bit. Wicket was featured at ApacheCon US New Orleans and Oredev conference in Malmo, Sweden. Community No new committers were added, but we have a couple of folks we are watching on the watch list. Several folks are stepping up their visibility on the Wicket user and dev lists. Our companion project repository (Wicket Stuff) is also undergoing revitalization and restructuring. Software We have released Wicket 1.3.5 and 1.4-rc1. The remaining issues for our 1.3 branch and trunk (1.4) are getting fewer and fewer. So final releases for 1.3 and 1.4 are expected in the next quarter, possibly before the end of the year.
Status report for the Apache Wicket Project September 2008 Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. In memory of Maurice Marrink Our community was shocked by the tragic death of Maurice Marrink on August 1st, 2008. As the result of a tragic car accident, Maurice and his brother Michel passed away, and left a gaping hole in their family. Maurice joined the Wicket community in 2005, and was invited to join the Wicket PMC in March of 2008. His involvement in our community is sorely missed. I have spoken with his family and they are proud of his achievements for the Wicket community, and are comforted with the numerous tokens of support they received. The Wicket PMC is grateful to have worked with Maurice, he will be missed. Summary Work on 1.4 and 1.3.5 continues, mailing list traffic during the summer months was (fortunately) low, Wicket in Action was published. A grassroots effort for a Wicket merchandise shop is stalled in PRC. Community No new committers were added, but we have a couple of folks we are watching on the watch list. Nino Martinez Wael had opened a merchandise shop with Apache Wicket shirts, nappies, and mugs. The Wicket PMC was aware of this undertaking and welcomes this effort. Communication with the PRC however is difficult and slow, which has drained any energy Nino put forward into his effort. The Wicket community rejoices in the availability of Wicket in Action, written by Eelco Hillenius and Martijn Dashorst over the course of almost 3 years. This book has been anticipated for a very long time. Software No releases have been made in this period.
Status report for the Apache Wicket Project June 2008 Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Summary Wicket 1.3 continues to receive maintenance releases (currently 1.3.4). New release (Java 5 based) is in the works (two milestone releases have been released). Timo Rantalaiho was added to the Wicket PMC. The Wicket meetup before ApacheCon was well attended. Community A second Wicket community event was organized on tuesday April 8th just prior to ApacheCon. This Wicket meetup attracted 30-40 people from around the Netherlands and neighbouring countries. This meetup wasn't as well attended as the previous meetup, mostly because it was held on a tuesday (a business day), whereas the previous meetup was on a friday, allowing more folks from abroad to join. Wicket meetups around the world continue to grow, especially the London Wicket event attracts lots of people. Wicket was presented at ApacheCon EU by Gerolf Seitz. Timo Rantalaiho has been voted in as a new committer and PMC member. Trademarks wickettraining.com was brought to the attention of the Wicket PMC, and together with the PRC and the owner of wickettraining.com we have a satisfactory and compliant use of the Apache Wicket mark. Software We have released two maintenance releases for our 1.3 release since our last report (1.3.3 and 1.3.4). We are working on our next release (Wicket 1.4). Quite some controversy involved the application of generics to our API and the burden it brings to our users. We are in the process of evaluating the choices and are confident to bring this controversy to a good close and create a solid 1.4 release. We received a software grant for a Kitten Captcha component created in the past by Thoof.com. The grant and code have gone through the IP clearance and will be integrated into our extensions module.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Summary Wicket 1.3 has been released at the start of the new year, and has received 2 maintenance releases. Planning has started for a new Wicket version and a new Wicket community event around ApacheCon EU 2008. Maurice Marrink has been added to the Wicket team. A crypto notification has been added. Community A second Wicket community event will be organized on tuesday April 8th just prior to ApacheCon. The previous Wicket meetup attracted 80-90 people from around the Netherlands and neighbouring countries. Wicket meetups around the world continue to be around, especially the London Wicket event attracts lots of people. Wicket will be presented at ApacheCon EU by Gerolf Seitz. Maurice Marrink has been voted in as a new committer and PMC member (we are waiting for him to send in his CLA). Martijn Dashorst was elected to become an Apache Member, increasing Membership participation for the Wicket PMC. Google's GHOP contest ended on February 4, 2008. The grand prize winner nominated by the ASF mentors did not work on any tasks related to the Wicket project. Off the 14 tasks provided by the Wicket team, 7 tasks have been completed. Both the students and the Wicket community showed only little effort towards interacting with each other. There is no delegate of the Wicket project attending the GHOP Award Ceremonies on July 10-13, 2008. Software We have released two maintenance releases for our 1.3 release (1.3.1 and 1.3.2). We are starting to plan our next release (Wicket 1.4 or 2.0: version number hasn't been decided yet). Part of the user community is eager for a quick 1.4/2.0 release with only Java 5 support in it, while the core team is reluctant to do so as it will force us into maintaining 3 branches: current 1.3, the generics version and new development. A decision will be made in the coming weeks. Cryptography We added Wicket to the export controls page and duly notified the government in order to come into compliance with crypto policy.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. This is the first report conforming to the three month reporting schedule. Summary A surprisingly big community event in Amsterdam. Two release candidates released since the last report. 13 tasks have been submitted to the GHOP, and one task has been completed. No changes in the project membership. There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Community The community is blossoming. We had a Dutch Wicket Community meeting on november 30th in Amsterdam. The meeting was visited by 80+ people coming from Belgium, Germany and mostly the Netherlands. The meeting was a great success and we want to organize this event again next year. More community events are being organized around the world: Rio, San Francisco, Stockholm, Copenhagen and London have had or are organizing events. There were no new project members elected. Software We have released two release candidates for our 1.3 release. The number of open issues is decreasing. We hope to release 1.3 final before the end of the year. Our team has switched release manager: previously Martijn Dashorst was the release manager (since Wicket's inception as an open source project). The last couple of releases have been created by Frank Bille without any problems. Google Highly Open Participation Wicket is participating in Google's GHOP (Google Highly Open Participation) initiative and initially submitted 13 tasks for students to complete. So far, three tasks have been completed and 2 more tasks are either claimed or in review phase.
Justin to work with Wicket to get them to coordinate their events (which seem quite effective) with the PRC.
Approved by General Consent.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. After this report Wicket will start reporting using the quarterly reporting schedule. Summary The PMC has been undergoing some changes where mentors decided to step down from the PMC. We voted Gerolf Seitz in as a committer and PMC member. There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Community The migration of the user mailing list from SourceForge is going well and users are migrating without problems. User involvement is good, both when it comes to answering questions and in willingness to submit detailed bug reports and patches. Gerolf Seitz was added as a committer and PMC member. We are waiting on confirmation of receipt of Gerolf's CLA before proceeding to add him to the PMC. Bertrand Delacretaz and Sylvain Wallez have stepped down as PMC members, Upayavira stays on the PMC to ensure sufficient member representation. Software We have released the third beta for our 1.3 release. The number of open issues is slowly decreasing. A fourth and hopefully final beta is scheduled to be released at the time of the board's meeting.
Approved by General Consent.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. Summary: Our 1.3 release is coming along, albeit at a slower pace than expected, and our user community keeps growing. There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Community: The migration of the user mailing list from SourceForge is going well and users are migrating without problems. User involvement is good, both when it comes to answering questions and in willingness to submit detailed bug reports and patches. No new committers this month Migration to TLP: Wicket has been established as a top level project. Many thanks to Apache's Infrastructure team for their help in migrating us across from incubation. The new user mailing list has been created and we have started telling our users on the SourceForge mailing list to migrate to the new list. There will be a short transition period where both lists are active, and we have set up headers, etc. to actively encourage our users to migrate. There are 223 subscribers to the Apache users list, where there are 673 to the SourceForge list which shows that about 1/3rd of users have migrated. Software: We are working on fixing issues for the third beta of 1.3. This is taking longer than expected because issues keep arising, though at a slower pace than earlier. This will position us well for a full release candidate.
Approved by General Consent.
Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. This is our first status report to the board. Community The Wicket community celebrates the graduation announcement and is very happy with Wicket's graduation, as evidenced by the user submitted story on TSS (http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=45880). We have received confirmation that the Apache brand works wonders for adoption of an open source product by big businesses. The mailing lists of Apache Wicket still remain the second most active project(ServiceMix in the incubator is even more active) according to nabble. Migration to TLP We are waiting on Infrastructure to start migration of the infrastructure (on hold awaiting TLP creation tickets from Quetzalcoatl and Commons). In the mean time we already established a distribution location for the Wicket project in the official Apache download area, to release our second beta release of Wicket 1.3 (our first release outside the Incubator). We are confident that the migration will be complete when the board meets. One issue is migrating the last lists from sourceforge.net to Apache. This will require a re-subscription of all our users. It was pointed out that migrating all subscribers from sourceforge to Apache would be illegal in some states or countries. This is going to be a nice party for our 660+ subscribers. Software Since our last report to the Incubator PMC we have added integration with Google's Guice (ASL2 licensed), which has been received quite well. We also released the second beta for our 1.3 release to the general public. It was the first release outside the incubator and it was not hard to find the right places to put the distribution in (with a couple of pointers by Infra). The code base continues to stabilize for a final 1.3 release, but is about a month behind the original schedule. Summary The Wicket project is still settling in its position as a TLP. Our 1.3 release is coming along, albeit at a slower pace than expected, and our user community keeps growing.
Approved by General Consent.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project, to be known as "Apache Wicket Project", related to the creation and maintenance of open source software, grounded in object oriented programming principles, for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC) is hereby established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Wicket PMC be and hereby is charged with the creation and maintenance of "Apache Wicket"; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Wicket" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Wicket PMC, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Wicket PMC; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Wicket PMC: * Upayavira <upayavira@apache.org> * Alex Karasulu <akarasulu@apache.org> * Sylvain Wallez <sylvain@apache.org> * Martijn Dashorst <dashorst@apache.org> * Ate Douma <ate@apache.org> * Eelco Hillenius <ehillenius@apache.org> * Gwyn Evans <gwynevans@apache.org> * Jonathan Locke <jonl@apache.org> * Johan Compagner <jcompagner@apache.org> * Juergen Donnerstag <jdonnerstag@apache.org> * Igor Vaynberg <ivaynberg@apache.org> * Matej Knopp <knopp@apache.org> * Janne Hietamäki <janne@apache.org> * Frank Bille Jensen <frankbille@apache.org> * Al Maw <almaw@apache.org> * Jean-Baptiste Quenot <jbq@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Martijn Dashorst be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Wicket, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Wicket Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Wicket podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Incubator Wicket podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter discharged. Special Order 6C, Establish the Apache Wicket project, was approved by Unanimous Vote.
Web development framework focusing on pure OO coding, making the creation of new components very easy. Wicket entered the incubator in October 2006. Top two items to resolve * Graduate * Release Apache Wicket 1.3.0 final Community aspects: * Community is very active and participating on wicket-dev@ * Community building effort on wicket-user * Voted Martijn Dashorst to become Chair after graduation * Voted Jean-Baptiste Quenot to become PPMC member * Community had a positive graduation vote * Had a blast at ApacheCon, integrated, mingled and socialized with the Apache community Code aspects: * Released Wicket 1.3.0-beta1-incubating * Started process for finalizing 1.3.0: feature freeze, plans for release candidates * Development on Wicket 2.0 has been discontinued after a community vote. The benefits of this version did not outweigh the burden of maintaining 2 code bases, and the API breakage would create a rift in the community. * Adopted wicket-velocity integration sub project into Wicket. * Ate Douma has started major new work to support Wicket-based Portlets, and is soliciting collaborators. Licensing: * Licensing issues have been resolved * Acquired ICLA for component/code contributions for James McLaughlin. * Wicket Velocity has been checked out and found to be issue free (license wise) Infrastructure: * Caught a couple of spammers on the confluence Wiki * gmail keeps being a pest for moderation of Wicket's lists
iPMC Reviewers: jukka, yoavs, jim, noel Web development framework focusing on pure OO coding, making the creation of new components very easy. Wicket entered the incubator in October 2006. Top three items to resolve * Release Apache Wicket 1.3-beta1-incubating * Make the 2.0 code base license policy compliant (i.e. remove LGPL datepicker) * Graduate Community aspects: * Community is very active and participating on @dev * Voted Alistair Maw in as committer * Voted Jean Baptiste Quenot (Cocoon developer) in as committer * A Wicket tutorial will be given at apachecon europe. Code aspects: Preparations to release Wicket 1.3-beta1-incubating have been started, releases are being checked with RAT. Work continues steadily on 2.0 Licensing: * Removed LGPL date picker component from extensions (1.3 branch, 2.0 still todo) * Acquired CLA's for component/code contributions for 3 persons. * Replacement of License headers in source files complete, created a unit test that checks this for all projects. Infrastructure: The website is generated using Confluence autoexport, and available on http://incubator.apache.org/wicket Atlassian bamboo is running builds for Wicket at a private server, has raised interest with other projects. iPMC questions / comments: ----
Web development framework focusing on pure OO coding, making the creation of new components very easy. Wicket entered the incubator in October 2006. Top three items to resolve * Get a Wicket site on http://incubator.apache.org/wicket * Make the code base license policy compliant * Settle into ASF context more Community aspects: * Development list gets more activity * Job listings are rising * Sister project http://wicket-stuff.sf.net becomes community driven Code aspects: * Work on 1.3 has started * Work continues steadily on 2.0 Licensing: * Removed LGPL date picker component from extensions (1.3 branch, 2.0 still todo) * Started to replace License headers in source files * Discussion on css/javascript/html file license headers. Wicket contains and distributes many (small) css, javascript and html files that are also downloaded to the browser. Point of dispute is the fact that the license is larger than several of the files, and that it increases the download sizes of resources for all users of Wicket applications. Infrastructure: * Work has started to generate the website using confluence
Web development framework focusing on pure OO coding, making the creation of new components very easy. Wicket entered the incubator in October 2006. ==== October report ==== Top three items to resolve - * Remove a LGPL date picker component from Wicket-extensions * Work out how community is going to manage releases (e.g should we release current maintenance branches at SourceForge? 1.2.3->SF, 1.3->ASF, 2.0->ASF) * Settle into ASF context more Community aspects: * All bar one of Wicket's SourceForge committers have come over to Apache * About to vote in our first new committer since starting incubation * PPMC is starting to explore setting up project guidelines, for example should committer votes be done in private/public; should all committers be on PPMC or not) Code aspects: * Working on completing 1.2.3 release - last release to be done at SourceForge - before 1.3 development starts. 1.3 likely an ASF release * Work continues steadily on 2.0, also expected to be an ASF release Licensing: * Need to remove/resolve a LGPL dependency in Wicket-extensions on a date picker component Infrastructure: * All ICLAs are signed, all accounts created, and all karma granted (still need to get ICLA from one chap who didn't come to ASF, and for other contributors that may need one) * Subversion repository successfully imported into ASF repo by Garrett Rooney (many thanks). All development work is now taking place in ASF repo. * dev, private and commits email lists moved to incubator. All development work is happening on these lists * user list remains on SourceForge for the time being (while development settles in. May move over to ASF once we've done a real ASF release). * Wicket Wiki ( http://www.wicket-wiki.org.uk/wiki/index.php) has been ported across to Confluence ( http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/) * JIRA has been set up and bugtracking is now happening there. A SourceForge->JIRA importer has been written, but not yet executed on Wicket issues. ==== November report ==== Top three items to resolve * Remove a LGPL date picker component from Wicket-extensions * Make the code base license policy compliant * Settle into ASF context more Community aspects: * Voted in our first new committer since starting incubation: Alistair Maw * Development list gets more activity Code aspects: * Performed Wicket 1.2.3 release at sourceforge.net * Work on 1.3 has started * Work continues steadily on 2.0 * 1.3 and 2.0 are marked Apache releases Licensing: * Started work on removing/replacing LGPL date picker component from extensions * Started to replace License headers in source files * Discussion on css/javascript/html file license headers. Wicket contains and distributes many (small) css, javascript and html files that are also downloaded to the browser. Point of dispute is the fact that the license is larger than several of the files, and that it increases the download sizes of resources for all users of Wicket applications. Infrastructure: * Work has started to generate the website using confluence