Incubator Podlings By Age

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This shows a sorted list of all active Incubator podlings by age since joining.

Incubator Podlings By Age

  • Count: 33 PPMCs (history) (source data)
  • Mean age: 494 days
  • Median age: 1051 days
  • Oldest podling: 3382 days
Project Aliases Description Sponsor (Champion) Mentors Start Date 
Toree Toree provides applications with a mechanism to interactively and remotely access Apache Spark. Incubator (Sam Ruby) Luciano Resende, Ryan Blue, Weiwei Yang 2015-12-02
Pony Mail Pony Mail is a mail-archiving, archive viewing, and interaction service, that can be integrated with many email platforms. Incubator (Suneel Marthi) John D. Ament 2016-05-27
Annotator Annotator provides annotation enabling code for browsers, servers, and humans. Incubator (Daniel Gruno) Nick Kew, Tommaso Teofili, Benjamin Young 2016-08-30
Livy Livy is web service that exposes a REST interface for managing long running Apache Spark contexts in your cluster. With Livy, new applications can be built on top of Apache Spark that require fine grained interaction with many Spark contexts. Incubator (Sean Busbey) Bikas Saha, Luciano Resende, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Madhawa Kasun Gunasekara 2017-06-05
Nemo Nemo is a data processing system to flexibly control the runtime behaviors of a job to adapt to varying deployment characteristics. Incubator (Byung-Gon Chun) Hyunsik Choi, Byung-Gon Chun, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Markus Weimer 2018-02-04
Training The Training project aims to develop resources which can be used for training purposes in various media formats, languages and for various Apache and non-Apache target projects. Incubator (Lars Francke) Craig Russell, Christofer Dutz, Justin Mclean, Lars Francke 2019-02-21
Teaclave mesatee Teaclave is a universal secure computing platform. Incubator (Zhijie Shen) Felix Cheung, Furkan Kamaci, Jianyong Dai, Matt Sicker, Zhijie Shen, Gordon King 2019-08-20
NLPCraft A Java API for NLU applications Incubator (Konstantin Boudnik) Furkan Kamaci, Evans Ye, Paul King, Konstantin I Boudnik 2020-02-13
Pegasus Pegasus is a distributed key-value storage system which is designed to be simple, horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance. Incubator (Von Gosling) Duo zhang, Liang Chen, Von Gosling, Liu Xun 2020-06-28
Wayang Wayang is a cross-platform data processing system that aims at decoupling the business logic of data analytics applications from concrete data processing platforms, such as Apache Flink or Apache Spark. Hence, it tames the complexity that arises from the "Cambrian explosion" of novel data processing platforms that we currently witness. Incubator (Christofer Dutz) Christofer Dutz, Lars George, Bernd Fondermann, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 2020-12-16
HugeGraph A large-scale and easy-to-use graph database Incubator (Willem Ning Jiang) Lidong Dai, Trista Pan, Xiangdong Huang, Yu Li, Willem Ning Jiang 2022-01-23
DevLake DevLake is a development data platform, providing the data infrastructure for developer teams to analyze and improve their engineering productivity. Incubator (Willem Ning Jiang) Felix Cheung, Liang Zhang, Lidong Dai, Sijie Guo, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Willem Ning Jiang 2022-04-29
Uniffle Uniffle is an unified Remote Shuffle Service Incubator (Jerry Shao) Felix Cheung, Junping Du, Liu Xun, Weiwei Yang, Zhankun Tang 2022-06-06
Baremaps Apache Baremaps is a toolkit and a set of infrastructure components for creating, publishing, and operating online maps. Incubator (Bertrand Delacretaz) Bertrand Delacretaz, Martin Desruisseaux, Julian Hyde, Calvin Kirs, George Percivall, Martin Desruisseaux 2022-10-10
KIE KIE (Knowledge is Everything) is a community of solutions and supporting tooling for knowledge engineering and process automation, focusing on events, rules, and workflows. Incubator (Brian Proffitt) Brian Proffitt, Claus Ibsen, Andrea Cosentino 2023-01-13
ResilientDB ResilientDB is a distributed blockchain framework that is open-source, lightweight, modular, and highly performant. Incubator (Atri Sharma) Junping Du, Calvin Kirs, Kevin Ratnasekera 2023-10-21
Seata Seata(Simple Extensible Autonomous Transaction Architecture)is an easy-to-use and high-performance distributed transaction solution, used to solve the data consistency problem. (Sheng Wu) Sheng Wu, Justin Mclean, Huxing Zhang, Heng Du, Xin Wang 2023-10-29
HoraeDB HoraeDB is a high-performance, distributed, cloud native time-series database. Incubator (tison) tison, Shaofeng Shi, Gang Li, Von Gosling 2023-12-11
Fury A blazing fast multi-language serialization framework powered by jit and zero-copy Incubator (tison) tison, PJ Fanning, Yu Li, Xin Wang, Enrico Olivelli, Hao Ding 2023-12-15
Gluten Gluten is a middle layer responsible for offloading JVM-based SQL engines' execution to native engines. Incubator (Shaofeng Shi) Yu Li, Wenli Zhang, Kent Yao, Shaofeng Shi, Felix Cheung 2024-01-11
XTable XTable is an omni-directional converter for table formats that facilitates interoperability across data processing systems and query engines. Incubator (Jesús Camacho Rodríguez) Jesús Camacho Rodríguez, Stamatis Zampetakis, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 2024-02-11
Amoro Amoro is a Lakehouse management system built on open data lake formats like Apache Iceberg and Apache Paimon. Incubator Justn Mclean, Zhongyi Tan, Yu Li, Xinyu Zhou, Kent Yao 2024-03-11
StormCrawler StormCrawler is a collection of resources for building low-latency, customisable and scalable web crawlers on Apache Storm. Incubator (PJ Fanning) Dave Fisher, Lewis John McGibbney, Ayush Saxena, PJ Fanning 2024-03-19
GraphAr GraphAr is an open-source and language-independent data file format designed for efficient graph data storage and retrieval. Incubator (Yu Li) Calvin Kirs, tison, Xiaoqiao He, Yu Li 2024-03-25
HertzBeat HertzBeat is an easy-to-use, open source, real-time monitoring system. It features an agentless architecture, high-performance clustering, Prometheus compatibility, and powerful custom monitoring and status page building capabilities. Incubator (Yonglun Zhang) Yonglun Zhang, Yu Xiao, Justn Mclean, Francis Chuang 2024-04-05
Gravitino Gravitino is a high-performance, geo-distributed, and federated metadata like designed to manage metadata seamlessly across diverse data sources, vendors, and regions. Its primary goal is to provide users with unified metadata access for both data and AI assets. Incubator (JB Onofré) Daniel Dai, Junping Du, Justin McLean, Shaofeng Shi, Larry McCay, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 2024-06-04
OpenServerless OpenServerless is an open source, cloud-agnostic, serverless platform. It offers a complete environment for serverless applications development, based on Kubernetes. With Apache OpenWhisk as its FaaS engine, it provides an unified developer experience with a plethora of services (SQL or noSQL databases, key-value stores, object storage, LLMs services, function schedulers) managed by the platform's core: the operator, along with tooling (the CLI) to simplify (and interact with) deployments, integrated ide and starter application and optimized runtimes integrated with the staters. Incubator (JB Onofré) Bertrand Delacretaz, Enrico Olivelli, François Papon, JB Onofré, PJ Fanning 2024-06-17
OzHera OzHera is an application observation platform (APM) in the era of cloud native, with the application as its core, integrating capabilities such as metric monitoring, trace tracking, logging, and alerting Incubator (Duo Zhang) Yu Xiao, Yu Li, Kevin Ratnasekera, Duo Zhang 2024-07-11
Polaris Polaris is a catalog for data lakes. It provides new levels of choice, flexibility and control over data, with full enterprise security and Apache Iceberg interoperability across a multitude of engines and infrastructure. Incubator (JB Onofre) Bertrand Delacretaz, Holden Karau, Kent Yao, Ryan Blue, JB Onofre 2024-08-09
Cloudberry Cloudberry Database, built on the latest PostgreSQL kernel, is one of the most advanced and mature open-source MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) databases available. Incubator (Roman Shaposhnik) Roman Shaposhnik, Willem Ning Jiang, Kent Yao 2024-10-11
Otava hunter Otava, a command-line tool, written in Python, that detects statistically significant changes in time-series data stored either in databases or CSV files. Otava entered Incubation as Hunter Incubator (Mick Semb Wever) Dave Fisher, Enrico Olivelli, Lari Hotari, Mick Semb Wever 2024-11-27
Grails A powerful Groovy-based web application framework for the JVM built on top of Spring Boot Groovy (Paul King) Paul King, Soeren Glasius 2025-01-25
Iggy Iggy is a high-performance, ultra-low latency and large-scale persistent message streaming platform written in Rust. Incubator (Yonik Seeley) Hao Ding, Yonik Seeley, Zili Chen, Hulk Lin 2025-02-04